Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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If' ' I-
A on-day gale of small
at reductions from M to
former value.
Regular 19.75 to $29.75
And N6 Charge for
Mp.ssllne, taffetas, crepe
de chine, chiffon nnd crepe
1 metre silk dresses and
French serge, butlste, chif
fon, i'lnama wool dresses.
The silk dresses are In par
ty and evening shades. The
wool dresnps are mostly
medium and dark shades.
All are the choicest gar
ments of our I arse dress
Flies range from 3i! to S8 In
clusive. Januaary Reductions In Early
l'wrab Up to $29.75 val
ues, at $16.00
avant mi ac
s - 2BJ SrTsf ry i
v i mi
II mi 1 r i -
U f
111 v I
f-JTrfin f J IK
American Naval
Officers Are Guests
of City of London
Hundred from Three Dirisiont of
Fleet Attend Elaborate Function
in Gnildhall. .
causa 1 was afraid of him. I though ha
might be around somewhere."
In the cross-examination counsel made
strong efforts to impeach the testimony of
Henry Helndiichs and Albert Eichten
camp. Court adjourned at ( o'clock with Etch
tencamp on the stand, but possibly through
with him.
Three Fires 1r Central Iowa.
MAHSHAL.LTOWN. Ia., Deo. I. (Spe
clal.) The present cold wave, that brought
with It a temperature close to tero and
stiff northwest wind, was the Indirect
cause of three disastrous fires In central
Iowa last night and this morning, which
entailed a total loss of ;8,000 and seri
ously Injured one man, Capper Johnson of
Dike, la.
Four business buildings, and the con
tents of three of them of Monroe, Jasper
county, were totally destroyed and the en
tire business section of the town was
threatened last night. Being without fire
protection, the volunteers could not check
the blaze until It had burned the build
ings for half a block on one side of the
main street.
Fire of an unknown origin cmnfiletely
destroyed the $8,000 country home of W.
E. Moore, near Bayard, last night.
Casper Johnson, an employe, was badly
burned and the building and the stock
destroyed when fire, caused by the ex
plosion of a gasoline lighting plant, broke
- put in the Aasland Bros,' meat market
at Dike, Id., this morning. The loss Is
J2,5u0. All of the losses are partly covered
by insurance. '
l.ehlsa Manufacturers Appeal.
FORT DODGE, la., Deo. 2. (Speolal.)
Contrary to expectation, the three manu
facturing companies who lost the case
against the town of Dehlgh, In regard to
extension of the city limits, will appeal
the case, and If not successful will begin
action to secure withdrawal from ,th
town. They claim to have witnesses re
Bluing two miles out of Lehigh who swear
they voted during the election contested
and they maintain the plant of one com
pany Is nearer the Minneapolis & St.
Louis station at Burnside 'than It Is to the
Great Western at Lehigh. Judge Albrook
'fays an Interesting point of law Is Involved
In Die question whether It Is Impossible
for the court to rule In such a case and
thus be unable to restrict the addition of
unlimited surrounding territory to town
limits. Because the plaintiff companies
uped a writ of certiorari In bringing action
he ruled he had no right to Judge the
merits of the case.
Corrupt Juror Convicted.
NEW YOIIK, Dec. 8. George W. Yenndlo
was convicted today of the charge of of
fer nq; to sell for IJ.jOO his vote as a Juroi
to the defense while serving on I lie jury
sworn to try Edward 1. Koxrnhelmer for
the killing of Miss Grace Hough. The
maximum penalty for the crime is twenty
Habeas Corpus Writ for Diets.
MADISON. Wis.. Dec. 2. --Chief Justice
Wlnslow In the supreme court todav ixsuod
a mandate requiring Sheriff Madden of
Sawjer coumy to bring John F. K.en to
Madison at 10 o clock on 1eoember 9 to
show by what r ght he is holding Diets a
prisoner. It Is a habeas corpus proceeding
piiuiJ by a Milwaukee attorney.
Lame Dark Alley" Created.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. One t,f the corri
dors at the White House executive offlnes
usually given over to the public was today
n-retntd off by order of Secretary Norton
and hereafter will be used es an additional
waiting room fur callers A well kmwn
senator chrstenrd the new waiting space
' l-tune Duck alley." It Is expected to be
in constant use this winter,
Dr. Eleanor Dalley of lenver. Colo., It,
isltlntr in the cltv wish her brother K
W. Utallard, lulu Georgia avenue. "lr.
Iaile formerly livid In Omaha, leaving
here on account oi her son Hers he Is
Hunt for Alleged
Steamship Lobby
Congressional Committee Inquiring
Into Rumor Involvinff Foreijn
NEW YORK. Deo. ".--Continuing the In
quiry to find out whether foreign steam
ship Interests maintained a paid lobby at
Washington to thwart legislation favoring
American shipping, the special congres
sional committee met here today. The sub
committee, composed of Congressmen Gar
rett and Hawley, reported that an examina
tion of the books of the transatlantic
steamship conference disclosed nothing
tending to show that the conference had
maintained the alleged lobby at Washing
ton. Lawson Sanford, secretary of the trans
atlantic steamship conference, testified to
day that the passenger rates are fixd on
the olher side, but as a rule the frelglit
rates were not. The freight managers cf
the various steamship lines filed the rates,
he said, according to the law of supply and
Mr Sanford dented that he had ever
aotively participated for or against steam,
ship subsidy legislation.
Herman Winter of the North German
Lloyd company said the management of
the line In this country had, nothing to do
with the fixing of passenger rates.'
The committee then adjourned and the
members left for Washington, where the
Inquiry will be resumed some time next
Physician Recognises It as that of A I.
bert Callter, Who Boomed with
Owner of (he Trank.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2. -Commissioner
Flynn of the Central offices announced to
day that the body of the man found In
the trunk in the cellar of a West Side
house recently has been positively identi
fied as that of Albert C. Calller, the miss
ing artist
A physician fully identified the body as
that of Calller, asserting that he recog
nised the filling In the teeth, particularly
one that waa plugged with platinum. The
doctor had attended Calller for throat
trouble. The trunk was left In the apart
ment house by William Lewis, a waiter,
who is missing.
Twenty-five thousand circulars giving
the picture and description of the missing
1.4 wis were mailed today to every city,
town or village where there Is a peace
office. An additional 25,000 circulars Will
be mailed to foreign countries.
Commissioner Flynn was able to throw
much light on the trunk mystery from In
formation learned from Calller's physician,
who said the artist wrote him in June,
1902, saying he was living with Lewis in
West Plxly-thlrd street. Commissioner
Flynn said:
"I am of the opinion that It was In this
house that Calller was killed and his body
placed In the trunk. Soon after he got
Calller's letter the doctor told me Lewis
called on him and said Calller had gone
to his parents In Damplerre de Jura,
France. He said Calller had left him as a
parting gift a pair of pictures, and told
him he could get them from the doctor.
The doctor tells me that he willingly gave
up the pictures to Lewis."
LONDON, Dec. 2 Rear Admiral Joseph
B. Murdock, commanding the third, divi
sion of the t'nlted States Atlantic fleet, and
100 officers ofXhe first and third divisions
were the guests at a luncheon given at
Guildhall today by Sir Thomas V. Strong,
the lord mayor, and the corporation of the
city of London.
Nearly 1,000 persons sat down to the
feast. The mayor had Admiral Murdock at
his right and Ambassador Raid at his left.
In proposing a toast to the United States
navy Sir Thomas said the present was the
first occasion when Guildhall, which had
witnessed the reception of naval heroes like
Nelson, Howe, Rodney, Colllnwood and
Drake, had been permitted to welcome
friends and allies In the peaceful amenities
of cltlsenshlp, the naval representatives as
friends and cousins from the other. side of
the Atlantic.
Replying, Admiral Murdock spoke of the
American navy as one of the native Amer
ican born citlsens Instead of one of the for
eigners as Is sometimes erroneously sup
posed. He described it as an instrument
of peace.
Mr. Reld offered a toast to the mayor
and the corporation, whom he thanked
warmly for their hospitality.
A guard of honor from the Grenadier
guards drawn up outside Guildhall received
the Americans with military honors.
Mrs. Glover Grilled
by Counsel for Girl
on Trial for Murder
Attorney Seeks to Stow Wife Had Mo
tive, Capacity and Opportunity
for Killing Husband.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 2.-A colloquy
between Mrs. Lillian M. Glover, widow of
Clarence F. Glover, and Melvln M. John
son, leading counsel for Hattle Le Blanc,
who ia on trial for the murder of Glover,
held the Interest of the court room during
the whole of today's session and was not
conoluded when court adjourned.
The cross-examination by Mr. Johnson,
who announoed yesterday that he Intended
to show that Mrs. Glover had the motive,
the capacity and the opportunity for the
murder of her husband, covered much of
Mrs. Glover's life since she came to Bos
ton from Cape Breton. It dealt minutely
with her actions and feelings on the day
and night of the murder and the few days
that followed.
Mr. Johnson brought out that Mrs. Glover
was twice married to Glover, onoe in Bos
ton In 1830 and a second time in Providence,
ten years later. She said the seoond cere
mony was performed because she under
stood that the first was not legal.
She admitted certain falsifications re
garding her birthplace and her name and
certain discrepancies between her testi
mony and that given at other hearings
were pointed out.
She said that she sent for Hattle Le
Blano, who lived near her own birthplace,
clothed her and fed her. rinaliy shY found
her husband with Hattle and sent the girl
aey for a week. Bhe sent Hattle back
aud on the fateful November 20, IB06. Glover
took both women to a foot ball game.
Big Increase of in .
Receipts of Cattle, '
at Seven Markets
October Arrivals at Principal Stock
Tarda 4QP.000 Head Greater Than
Monthly Average for Tear.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 2-Increased re
creased receipts at the seven leading Inter
ior cattle and sheep markets and a con
tinued shortage In the supply of hogs, are
the Important features of the October live
stock movement, as shown by roports to
the bureau of statistics of the Department
of Commerce and lienor.
The October receipts of rattle at those
markets amounted to 1.1. K4 head, exceed
ing the receipts for that month for the
previous two years and being greater by
more than 400.000 than the monthly average
for the present year. The receipts of sheep
show a Continuous growth since the end
of summer, the October total of 2,263,079
being more than double the monthly aver
age of the year and M per cent greater
than the Ootober average for the last five
On the other hand, the receipts of hogs
at the seven markets, slightly over l.OOO.OOn,
were the lowest monthly receipts for the
year except September. As compared with
the Ootober averege for the last five years,
this year's receipts show a decline of more
thn 26 per cent.
Stocks of meat at the fire principal pack
ing centers are a little more than 90.000.000
pounds, the smallest total reported for the
Final Ara-ament on Petition to Allow
Then to Become Part of Throuh
" R on tea.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.-Flnal argument
of the question of the right of the terminal
railways to compel interstate railways to
accord them the privilege of making
through routes and Joint rates In Inter
state commerce were made today before
the Interstate Commerce commission. The
matter is of great Importance to terminal
railways throughout the country, as It In
volves their legal right to participate in
a division, of millions of dollars In inter
state freight charges.
The subject was orought to the com
mission by a petition of the Manufacturers'
Railway company of St. Louis against the
St. Louis, Iron Mountain tc Southern rail
way and thirty other roads entering St.
It Is malntaned the manufacturers and
other shippers along the terminal line have
no satisfactory through routes and have to
pay the St. Louis freight rates together
with a charge of 12 a car for transfer. This
is alleged to be a hardship and undue discrimination.
Oklahoma Hons Pnaaes Bill.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Deo. 2 The lower
house of the leg-slature today pasad the
capltol location bill, authorising the gov
ernor to accept as a gift to the stste not
mere than etirhtv acres of land for capltol
rrounda at Oklahoma City and not more
tl an five miles beyond the corporate limits
of the city. The bill now goea to the senate.
l !
550 Suits and Oracoats to Order, 25
$35 Suits and Overcoats to Order, $20
High Grade Ah Wool Goods Costing up
to four dollar per yard.
High Grade I.lnlnKs and Trimmings In
cluding the test hair cloth aud canvas.
High Grade Voi kmanship Kvttry sarment
will Le carefully tailored to order.
Perfect Kit Guaranteed Every coat will be
carefully tried on in the bastings.
On Sale One Day Only, Saturday, Dec. 3d
IJacCarthy-Vilson Tailoring Co.
3(M-aoa Kouth. 18th M., Xea Karnam St.
Mrs. J. H. Ma comber. '
Mrs. James H. Maoomber, 2010 Emmet
street, ST years of age, died at 4:20 Friday
morning, after an Illness of seven weeks.
She was the wife of Judge Maoomber and
has been a resident of Omaha for twenty
years. Two of her daughters, Mrs. Fred
erick Stoker and Mrs. Fred Robinson of
Kew York, have been In the city for sev
eral days, and Mrs. Fred Cuscaden of
Erlcson, Neb., a third daughter. Is on her
way here. Services Will be held at the
home at 2 o'olook Sunday afternoon and
the burial will be Monday In Ida Grove,
la., her former home.
, Emetine L. Carpenter.
Emeline L. Carpenter, who for many
years resided In Omaha on South Twenty
sixth street, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Goddard in Wood
bine. Ia., Thursday at S o'clock, aged 2
years. She was the widow of David L.
Carpenter, a prominent merchant and busi
ness man In the early days of Sarpy
eounty, their home being at Paptlllon.
Mrs. Carpenter la survived by two sons,
J. E. Carpenter of Crookston, Minn., and
D L. Carpenter of Omaha, and two
daughters. Mrs. George C. Pot win of
Washington, D. C, and Mrs. W. A. Oo4
dard of Woodbine. Ia. Interment will be!
at Fapllllon Sunday morning.
latge James Brooks Dill.
EAST ORANGE, N. J., Dsc. 2. Judge
James Brooks Dill, until recently a mem
ber of the New Jersey court of errors and
appeals and one of the leading American
authorities on corporation law, died early
today at his home here of nneumonia
a short illness. He was M years old.
Jallna E. Presrh,
CLEVELAND, Dec. 2.-Jullus E. French,
aged TS, of New York, head of the Railway
Steel Spring company and member Of the
board of directors of the American Looo
motlve company and largely Interested In
other enterprlsee, died here today.-
Major Oeneral Engtene A. Cars.
WASHINGTON, Dec t -Major General
Eugene A. Carr. a distinguished retired
officer of the army, died here today from
a complication of diseases, aged 20 years.
He was retired in 1S93 as a brigadier gen
eral of the regular army.
Biahon C, M. Williams.
RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 2-KIght Rev.
Channlng Moore Williams died here today,
aged Vt. He was Episcopal bishop of Japan
for a long time.
Hall-Good year.
Miss Csssanna Ooodyear. daughter ef
Claude Goodyear, and Mr. Earl T. Hall
were married by Rev. Charles W. Bavidge
at his residence Thursday noon. The' at
tendants were Miss Delia Robinson and
Mr. O. A. Nownes. The entire party are
from Waterloo, Neb.
Jak wa r s-let mere.
Miss Emma Detmers. daughter of Gas
Detmers, and Mr. Louis C. Jakways were
married Thursday evening at 2:30 by Rev.
Charles W. Savldge at the home of the
bride's parents, 2422 Caldwell street. The
attendants were Miss Josephine Carew
and Orrtn W. Storey. A large company of
Invited guests were preeent and a wed
ding supper served.
Typhoid Epldemle mt t. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Deo. 2. As a result
of the protracted dry weather this fall
there in an epidemic of typhoid fever of
virulent form throughout northwest Mis
souri. The contagion has been particularly
stubborn In St. Joseph and there have been
many deaths. The local Board of Health
ha taken steps to close cisterns and fill
welts, nearly all of which have become
Culled from the Wires.
The Fort Worth (Tex.) High school
building was destroyed by fire Friday.
Two children left alone at home bv
their mother while she went shopping
ware ouroea io oeetn in i;moago.'
Freeslng temperatures were reported
Friday morning as far south as northern
Florida, with killing frosts at Jacksonville
ana modus.
The charred remains of Renlsmln Rvan.
SO years Old, a former prise fighter, were
found In the ruins of a barn in Chicago
wnion ourneu last Monday. '
Three more midshipmen were sent to the
naval general hospital Friday, but the
officials declined to say positively that
tney were Buttering from typhoid fever.
The Railways Seourltlea commission, of
wnicn t'resiaent fiaaiey or rale university
Is chairman, has conoluded Its sessions in
Washington ana has adjourned to meet
in Toew iorK on December 16.
Frank Ruthardt, a farmer of Traverse
Cltv, MJoh., found the bodies of his wife
ana oaoy in a deep wen. it is believed
the mother while temporarily Insane
threw herself and ohlid mto the Water.
A steel-cased house containing dynamite
exploded at the plant of the AJabastine
company, southwest of Grand Kaplan,
Mich. One piece of the building, which
was hurled twenty feet, killed George
Munsee, a laborer.
At the age of 102 years Martha Gam
mons has been declared to be sane In the
Howard oounty circuit court at Kokomo,
Inc., after having been declared a person
of unsound mind a year ago, and put in
possession of her property, valued at $2,000.
W. P. Letchworth, aged 87, widely
known as a phlliuithroplst. Is dead at
Glenn Iris, near Portage. N. Y. With his
death 1,000 acres of park, including th.
falls of the upper Genesee river, become
by his gift the property of New York
Sailors Will Cook
With Electricity
Galleys of All Kew Battleships Will
Be Equipped with Electrio
WASHINGTON. Dee. 2 .-Electricity here
after will be used to do all the cooking
for the sailors aboard the new ships of the
navy, as thorouogh tests have shown the
superiority of the electric range over the
old coal galley, not only In convenience,
but In economy as well. This fact appears
In the annual report of the chief ef the
equipment bureau and It is added that In
some cases It has even been found that
electricity ran be used for heating pur
poses with better results than steam colls
aboard ship.
The turbine generators also have driven
out the reciprocating engines and dyna
mos on the battleships and no more of
the old type will be Installed. The ghastly
and weird green-flamed mercury light has
also been found better adapted than the
arc light for use In the fire and engine
rooms of the ships, while the new metallic
filament lamps have proven their su
perorlty for signalling purposes.
Soath Carolina Senator ays He Will
Not Retire I'ntll Tim to
Bary Him.
WASHINGTON, Dec. I-"ReUre." ex
claimed Tillman, repeating an Inquiry. "I
shall not retire until they bury me; I have
no Idea of quitting the game."
The Bouth Carolina senator, who arrived
here today, appeared to be as vigorous as
he was before he was stricken down by
severe Illness during the last session of
' Mr. Tillman expects to remain here four
or five days only, however. He will return
to his home next week, but counts on com
ing back to Washington early In January,
when he says the real business of the ses
sion will begin. He said today that he felt
in good condition for work, but that he
would not apply himself so assiduously as
formerly. Mrs. Tillman waa by his side
and she emphasised the last remark by de
claring that she would keep him as quiet
as possible.
Senator Tillman attributes his restoration
to health to the fact that since he got out
of bed he has been giving his undivided
attentlnon to the building of a big bam on
his plantation. He said the work benefited
htm by giving him something to think about
besides himself.
that will, on Saturday, CXMPK.Ij
All the richness and olpgancp, all the warmth, comfort and fashion
of costly Furs may be had at MODKHATK prices Saturday,
$30.00 value, 1911 models Ex
quisite Hlack Opossum Seta, with
either pillow or run muff
t $18.75
,40.00 vhIiicb. 1911 models A
very high qunlity Jap Mink Hots,
with either pillow or rug muff
at r
$20.00 value. 1911 models niack
Australian Hare Set, with large
scarf, either pillow or rug muff,
$22.50 value. 1911 models Kx
qulalte Ilrown Marmot Sets, with
pillow muff , .. .$14.75
Every Hat in the House Will Be
Sold Below Cost Saturday
i . tr
Douglas Stroot
Bigger, Better, Busier That ia what
advertising in The Bee will do far your
... .
.... 21
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair; wsrmer.
Shippers' Bulletin Prepare thtrty-slx-hour
shipments north enrt west and fortv.
etaht-hour shipments east for freeslng
Temperature at Omaha yesterday-
6 a. m
S a. rn
7 a. m..
2 a. m .
8 a. m
10 a. m
U a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. ru
2 p. m
4 p
I "
8 P.
iuits and Overcoats
The man who hasn't tried it can have no idea
how perfectly our clothing fits, nor what a large and
splendid stock we carry.
There is no better fitting clothing made than
ours, and there is a style about it that appeals to the
well-dressed men of Omaha.
Suits $15 to $40. Ortrcoats $15 to $55
Do Yccr Christmas Shopping Early.
Gifts for men and boys can be bought anywhere.
To find gifts that are wanted is the problem. To
buy a gift to please a man go to a man's store. At a
man's store you will find no useless "knick-knacks,"
but rather things that a man or boy wants, wel
comes, wears.
Now,' when stocks are full, is the time to pur
chase. Whatever you may buy at leisure will be
delivered in haste, any time before Christmas that
you may direct.
ft ' Ir n mini- siisii -i. . ... ...
& a. WXLOQZ, ll&aajta.
Loeal Record.
OMAHA, Deo. 2. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding period of the lam three
years: li10. 1W3. 1908. im.
Highest today 36 43 29 81
Lowest today 1 S4 11 24
Mean temperature 26 3H 20 M
Precipitation (JO T .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
snd compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature 31
Deficiency for the dav 6
Total excess since March 1 783
Normal precipitation.. 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 13. 8 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 14. 4 inches
Excess for cor. period, 1MU 2. 4 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1908 IM Inches
Resorts from Stations at T P. BI.
Station and Bute Temp. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp, fall
Cheyenne, cloudy it M .00
Davenport, clear Hi 28 .00
Denver, cloudy C2 HO .00
Dea Moines, cloudy 11 W .00
Dodtre City, cloudy 44 64 .00
kander, cloudy 40 66 .o
North Platte, cloudv 40 54 . 00
On aha, cloudy M 36 .00
Pueblo, cloudy 43 66 .00
Rapid City, pt. cloudy 60 64 .00
Salt Lake City, cloudy 44 48 .00
Hheridan, cloudy 34 m .00
Sioux City, cloudy JO 3i .00
Valentine, cloudy 42 48 .00
x Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
We'll help you.
make your
theater party
a success
SO don't overlook arranging to have a comfortable tarirab
call and pick up your guests. It will add teat and a great
deal of enjoyment to your party and will enable you and your
friends to wear your prettiest gowns with the assurance
that they won't be soiled or ruined.
When arranging for a theater party call us a day or
so In advance, giving us all addresses, etc.
Omaha Taxlcab and
Axito Livery Co.
2024 Frxiuuti Ktreet and Rome Hotel, Omaha, Neb.
Douglas 4678; A-S678
ixath Phones !
9.8 )
One Dollir Per Year
. i -
KOTZMzarra or ocjsaw Taaatsxzra
Tort. irrl . hIM.
NSW YORK B.i.ni4 4' luli.
NAPI.HS Gwiiiama
Pl.yM 'lTH kntwntam
AN KKA.MO!Sa Wlnnatagv Jiov
VHTAHi s,n. mt Celaa
MAM1-AX (aiMSa
MAI.! FAX VlrtorW
b'rrox noy!a
K 'l 1 H A M CToN..
Vil r IN-l"W N iTrrma Aim 11
ixkW' JK. Liiimuia
...Ciean-Up Sale Trimmed ffilinery...
Saturday, December 3
$4 to $10 Trimmed
Hats; Only
About 200 in the lot, regular prices $4.00
to $10.00; on sale at, each $1.08
We also include every hat in our stock up to and including our $20.00 hats, at $5.00
$12.00 to $20.00 Trimmed Huts only ; J$5.00
Uolplmrtaecl Shapes
Every Untrimmed Shape, up to $3.00; on sale Saturday at 98c
Willow Plumes! Willow Plumes!
$8.00 to $12.00 at. ..$5.00 $18.00 to $25.00 at.. $10.00 $30.00 to $40.00 at.. $15.00
These are the lowest prices ever made in Omaha on Willow Plumes.
Sale. Saturday morning at 8:30 A. M.
linos. biMiumiraens: d.
Women are the beat buyers.
The paper that is read by the
women pays advertisers best
Tonight, 6O0 Beats at SI. 00.
Matins Today Fopalar Vrlces
' A.92X.AIDB TKtriSTOH la
Tuesday, Dae. 8th, at 4 p. i
lllfB, Z.IXA Z.XsTlCAVar.
Mat. Xeary Say, SUS. Brsry Wtgbt Sili
Top O' Th' World Dancers, Bird Mill
man and Her Wlrs Artists, Covington
A Wilbur, Bowman Bros., Irene How
Ivy, Krags Trio, I in Put, Klnodroma,
Urphsum Concert orchestra.
MOTE Mjillnee today and evry
Saturday Matinee hereafter; First
ten rows lower floor too; all other
lower floor Bests 20c. Balcony, all
reserved, 28c. Boxes ISOo; gallery 10c
Cou. 1919
1 aeseay
Thursday, 1
w a cava
t an XxoaUaat Company, la
r . .- 4 i.inrritutiil
, last rmaitiiAiox
rrlcss lee, S5e, 60o rew at T6o
Voalgat B ila. Matlnae Saturday
r r r tJ Y 1 -"--
2Zt'Zir Deil-atet, IS-SS-SOs
Aaay Lewis and a Baby Doll Caorua.
Z4S' A. sus ataUBae hvery Waa ly.
Sat. Might Dee. 8, Only, dl.h Bpeuucr
Steek Co, la 'The Sirl front Out Yuudet."
Bun. A Wa. itobles "Kulkaarbwcavra.