Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 19, Image 19
THE IU:E: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1010. in cwnbtr, 6 1' ".; March, GRAIN AND PRODIIfiR MlRmiMr't.r,?:j,ir ( ft ilt.N-Spot, firm; American mll, " J54II. Futures. (Wily; January, 4s5'yl; iicn vpens irm, but Trading Daili .argenune rromisei. CORN BULLS ARE KEEPING BUSY """"' out I use Light and (atrr. r Shorts Hold tilon I p (ash Situation Continues (Iron Thrmik Wrrk. .... . OMAHA. Dee. 2, 1910. opened firm, but larked snap, ira.llng was dull, a little easier feeling rSUlllli from t. I j k. on the exportable surplus froml Suiii.iw.-et domestic news wan not strong h to Kiv a further advance to.lay. I he corn market was well supported and il "n rne1 higher for the .lays trading, i. J"., ro,"re confident and are press it) that advantage as long as the move ment continue light. Hearth st.itlsti, al ' news en tha heavy 'irpltia storks nave wheat a set bark; dry weather news being put aside, for the time pcing. l rices ruled narrow, but at slightly low er level throughout the day. Good support imd Bhorta covering held corn firm t a iiKi.t advance. LlKht re ceipra Rave oajih nirn an,,thrr b,.0,,ti Baln. pie offering selling atrong at a Vi.o over yesterday. Primary wheat receipts were 607.000 bu. and shipments were 1,67,J0 bu., sgalnst receipts last year of 267,000 bu. and ship ments of 1.J07.OK) bu. Primary corn receipt, were 47. 000 bu. and shipments were bu.. against receipts .TL ,ypar to'1) bu. and shipments of 80.1,0' bu. Clearances were l.Ooti j,,,, cf corni 300 bit. or oats and wheat and f'jur equal to 476,'AiO 'j'VJ'001 cl'""'d N'uMid higher on wheat and Vka hither on corn. Omaha I ash Prices. U If MAT No. 2 hard, Mru9bc; No. 3 hard, sr,,4i-.,,.; fju 4 hard, !.(u HI '..c; rejected, laid, 7'ifM'c; No. 2 spring, l.to44C: Mo. 3 sprtnir. t-i-'yHJVsc. J t'Ult.N-.No.'a w hite, 4.T5 i.IVvc; new, 4(Ij. 41c; No. 3 white, 4;;r,, 43'4c; new, 40-((4lo; No. 4 w hite, IL'tMi.'c; new, iou c; No. 2 yellow. 4::ii4:i4c; new, 4-i41-c; No. 11 yel low. 4-'H'; new, 4ii.41c; No. 4 yellow, 41V((42V; new Iwt.r.fHio; to. 2, 41 '.trWc: new, 4(r-,40Sf; No. 3. 42' 'rM.V; new. 4orn0'-.c; No. 4, 4outi41c; new, 3:ii 10c; no grad 37 40c; new, IM'allSc. OATK-No. 1 white, Sl'vZVic; standard, lWfi.ll.e: No. 3 white, SiV'ailc; No. 4 white, aOtfWfcc; No. 3 yellow, SO'iiiJOtto: No. 4 yeliow, y.4ij0c. BARLEY No. 3. 7urcI7rc; No. 4. 67fi'70c; No I feed, WCyKKc; rejected. 6 v. ". RYE No. I, 76.f76c; No. 3, 74'"j7Dc. I'arlot Herelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats iiu-itKO i;j 21a So "imncapoua 2l4 '"nana ID ay 37 imiutn x uh (IIK'AUO tillIK AMD PHOVISIONS Fratarea of the Trading and Cloalas Hrloea on the Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, lee. 2. Wall street weakness oauned depression here today In the wheat market. The close wan heavy, at the lowest point of the session, VWic under last night's figures. In corn the finish was mli'ic to V' he up: oats, 'Mi V4C lower to hxc higher, and provisions varying from bo gain to Hri 12!tc decline. Conditions in the stock market led to utH'xpecttd setbacks In wheat when other news was ctrong and large shorts were covering. The argument was that the downward course of securities affected business In other directions, and that It was no time to bull anything, simultane ously, reports were current that the water situation for Minneapolis Hour mills was serious. Selling, due to New York an$ Minneapolis reports, was accelerated by denials that the outlook for Oklahoma wheat was as bullish as had been repre sented. Earlier In the day an authorita tive estimate had been received ralsinar the Argentine export surplus to 112.000,000 bushels. The day's range for May was from to tlc, with the close off at the lower level. Corn fell back somewhat from an ad vance due to scarcity of sales from the country. May fluctuated between 47V(f 47,0 and . 4K1i,'u4S4c, closing easy at 47tc, a net gain of c. Cash corn was firm. No. 2 yellow finished at BiMVic, and the new crop at fiOHc. Notwithstanding active buying of oats the market finally yielded under sales by some of the largest houses. May ranged from 34'Ac tq. 347o and closed Ho ud at IMS'ii 34N.C. Selling, attributed to packers, forced pro visions to share in the general late reae ' tion. Pork closed Wfil2MiC off to Be up, lard was down 3Hc to 7V4'9l0c, and ribs unchanged to fie decline. Leading futures ranged as follows: SKW llIRK t;KHl'R4 1 MARK ET quotations ef the Pay on Varlone t mntodltles. NKW YOHK. Her. 2 KIOUR Steady ; spring patents, iS.uO; wtnt-r straights, tl.KKM4.2f.; winter patents, S4.40u4,7i; spring clears, $4 l.Vu4 40; winter extras No. 1, V 4oit 3.70; winter extras No. 2, tl.Jo'aS-!; Kansas straights. f4.ti'a4.Tb; cholc to fancy, $4.&' 4 4:. Huckwheat flur, steady; i:S per W lbs. CORNMKAI,-Steady: fine white and yel low, fl.lsrul.2o; coarse, fl.10rgl.lo; kiln dried, tJ.s.r.'n2.W. li i ;.T Sot market Irregular; No. 2 red !7e, elevator, and !"He, f. o. b. afloat; No 1 northern luluth. fl 1 1 Sfc. f. o. b. afloat, futures market was firm early on the cables and bullish nena on the condition of the winter wheat crop, but eased off under heavy liquidation, closing nrx lower. lecemher closed at Vtc, May at ! ".(, and July at 11.01. - Olt.N .pot market firm; No. 2, nominal, elevator, domestic basis, to arrive c. I. f. 1 new No. 2. u3o, f. o. b. to arrive. Futures market was without transactions, l"loslng Mi'M V net hither. December closed at 6c ami May at mtc. OATtt-SHit market firm; standard white, 3!c; No. 2. X&'ic; No. 3, 3sWc; No. 4, 3)ic. Futures market was wltlut transactions, closing at unchanged to o advance. 1" cetnber closed at ;jHCP May at 40-VJ and July at 4-X-. all bid. HAY Vfulet; prime, fl.lL'H: No. t $1.10; No J. fl irj 1.0.",; No. 3, fcVu'JOC. HOI'S Kteady; state, common to choice, 1910, lsn.'.ic; lien, li'uiic; faclfic coast, 110, 14r(lSe; litt. 10'i14c. Ill IiKS-steady ; Central America, UH: Wogota. az'ailc. I.MATHMK Firm; hemlock firsts, 23VrJ 2.',Sc; seconds, 21Vtf3c; thirds, lHuMc; re jects, 1i17c. 1'IIOVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $19.00 frlSt.fiO: family. $21. MMj 24.00: short clears $2.).tW'.r.22.W. Heef, steady; mess. $13.0 4rl4 00; family, $1H l!' 00; beef hams, $1:4.60 4(27.00. Cut meats dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $14.iti'lti.2o; pick led hams. $13.00. Lard, firm; middle west, prime, $10 OC a 10.15; refined, unsettled; continent. $10 00: youth America. $12.00; compound, $s.50tK.OO. TAlL.OV gulet; prime city, hhds., 7Vic; country, 7Wa7c. HI I'I'TKH-Kasy ; creamery specials, 31c; extras, iiti'-so; third to first. 2:iV;-Si:; held creamery second special. 24,yi:to1 jc; state dilry, common to finest, a'M-itc. factory June make first, 23',i''C'-4c. CHKKHK Steady; skims, 2ft3e. F.UU.S Steady; fresh gathered extra first. 37.Wc; fresh gatheied, first, 84ri;itx-; fresh gathered, seconds, i't&c; retrlRerator, st ciul marks, fancy, in local storage, 26''8 jik-; rcrrmerator, special maras, nrst, fniic; rerrlgerator, special marks, seconds, Zvfi L'fr. l-ol'r.TRY AUve, quiet; western chlck np, 11V'12V4c; western fowls, 1213c; Western turkeys, lariflBc;. Dressed, easy; western chickens, lixulS'ic; western fowls, li'yl"c; weetern turkeys, l.r,r(f22o. Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Tea'y. Wheat I . I Deo.... MH'SH 1 P0i 0i H4 May... 97'u 97 m &Wcai Julv... 94St( M HnWl H'l Corn I Deo.... 4M4N VWKW May... 47a48H'aVi!47W- 47'ii 47 July... 48 fro H 4 4AH 44;:4SW Oats I Dec... S7Tj,(frS2 S?' $1T, 3ffr32l 33 May... Stfr-'a'Si MfrfriiVMVii'H July... 34',. F 34 S4S 3434VraH Pork J An.... 17 474- 17 62f- 17 60 17 - IT 4S 17 82fr 17 47V4 May... 1 75-W II $0 1 674- 18 67fr- 16 tW 1 $0 1 TO Lard Jan.... M $0 $75, $77fr 8 174 May... 72HU T7 t77Vi t7H $$7H $70 Ribs Jan.... $ S7H 40 $ SO 824 8 324 May... 8 1241 8 124 $ 05 8 8 10 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: VIAJ VH-Steady; winter patents, $4.1(Kji 4 05; winter straights. f3.Sf,4 40; spring straights. $4.3&i4.t0; bakers, fJ.6oii4.S0. ItY r-No. S, elo. BA11LEY i eed or mixing, 6t&70o; fair to choice malting. 7X''3,S3c. SKKDsi Flax, No. 1 southwestern. $2,114; No. 1 northwestern, $2,644. Timothy, .t5. 4.,'lover, $14.30. PROVIMOXS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.WV(f 17 2f. I-ard, per 100 lbs., f'.t .774. Short rlhs, sides, loose f.4 2fvn.K74. Short Clear sides, boxed. W S24?i 4- Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4tou0 bu. Kxports for the week, s shown by Bradstreet's, were Kpial to f,S98.tn0 bu. Primary receipts were 5O7.0O0 bu., compared with Sfi7.000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 9 cars: corn, ISO cars; outs, ll(t cars;, hogs, 13.0" head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, 83vti4Vc; No. $ red. Sl'uiUfrc; No. S hard, WtsMc; No. S hard, Wii'mo; No. I northern spring. tl.0afil7; No. f northern spring, f 1 OKi l.Oii: No. 3 spring, fl.oag 1.06. Corn: No. 1 cash, W-sfttOc; No. 3 cash 4(c; No. $ white, 6uj1c; No. $ white, 4:iDHc; No yellow, 6-'i24e: No. $ yellow. 61pfiJc. Oats: No. t cash. 32'ii33c; No. 2 white, S4y i;c: No. I white. 3Hl.(i;u4c; No. 4 white, 324.S2c; ssndsi.i. 33V-o.Ur. bUTTKR Steady ; creameries. 23ft2c; dairies, $3 a 27c K5US Steady; receipts. 1K0 cases; at mark, cases Included, lVJt'.'i'ic; firsts, 3ic; prime firstj, H2c. CHKESb-8teady; daisies. llSftliXc; twins. 14ul4'c; young Ajnericas, ljuli4c; loni; horns. l&Vj li'nC I'liTAToKJ-Kmy; choice to fancy, 45j 47c; fair to good, u43c. POIL.THY Steady; turkeys, live. lfic; dressed, 204c; fowls, live, 10c; springs, live 10c. VKAIj Steady; 60 to Mb. wts.,.8ai0c; 6 to to-lb. wts., lljIUjC (SO to 110-lb. wis, 12i Iteeelpts Todav. Wheat. 1.1 cars; corn, .'li cars: oats, 0 cars. Mstinmied tomor row: Wheat, $ cars; corn, l'J cars; oats-, Jl'i cars. IVcMUse offerings became II t: lit the mar ket tightened up. Dry weather southward aided, but weakness In Wail street caused depression. The market cl'ed heavy, with May at SfeSc, a net ioss of n:,c. Mllvranke 4iratn Market. M I I.WAI'KK K. lec l-WHIUT-Xo 1 iiurtht-rii, fl T ii 1.04; No. 8 northern, fl.utfp WGATHBH IN THE! GRAItV BELT Warmer and Continued Fair Is Pre jlleted for gaturday. OMAHA. Dec. 2, 1910. For Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday: wanner tonight. For Iowa Oenerally fair tonight and Saturday; warmer tonight and In east por tion Saturday. f The eastern disturbance is slowly dlsap- pearlng off the upper Atlantlo coast. It is still causing . somewhat unsettled weather in the east, and light snows are falling this morning In the lower lake le glon, extreme upper Ohio valley and In east Tennessee. The pressure continue high over the central portion of the coun try, and generslly fair weather continues west of the Mississippi river. An area of low pressure has developed over the north went and is moving down toward the val leys, and temperatures are higher every where west of the Mississippi river the rise in temperature being most marked In the upper Missouri valley and on the mid dle llocky mountain slope, where the weather is very much warmer. The con tinued eastward movement of the north west low will bring warmer weather to this vioinity tonight, with continued fair tonight and Saturday, Minimum temperature and precipitation as compared with the last three years: 1910. 1109. 1908. 1907. Lowest last night IS 84 11 2 Precipitation 00 T .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 81 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 14 .47 Inches. IJxcess corresponding; period In 1909, 8.67 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 3.96 Inches. L. A. -WELSH. Local Forecaster. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS St. I.nnts General Market. ST. LOTTia, Deo. 2. WHEAT-Futures, lower; December, 934o; May, WitC Cash, firm; track, No. 2 red, 9iic; No. i hard, toesi f 1 .01. CORN Higher; December, 4B4345Vic; May, 47ry 17Vi,o. Cash, higher; track. No. 2, 4MSoMc; No. $ white, 494c. OATS Higher; December, S2"ic; May, 3Kc Cash, firm; track, No. 2, &4c; No. 2 white, S44o. R YF. I'nehanged at 804o. FLOUR-Firm; red winter patents, $4.-403 4. SO; fancy and straight, $3.60&4.S0; hard winter Clears, $3. 30)3.90. BEKD Timothy, fS.50rufl.26. CORNMKAL-$2.4X HUAN Steady; sacked (east track), $1.00 4)1.02. HAT Timothy, $16.00-8:19.50; prairie, $12.00 tl K ". PROVISIONS PorirT unchanged; Jobbing, $17.60. Lard, lower; prime steam, $9.674'ij 9.U74. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts, $10.25; clear libs, $10.25; short Clears, fll.75. I"OlTLTRY Quiet; chickens, 84c; spring, 10c: turkeys, 17c; ducks, 13c; geese, 9c. Rt'TTKR Steadv; creamery, 2i8S0c. IX! US Firm at 28c , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 4.000 7.M0 Wheat, bu 37.0UO 62.0O0 Corn, bu 69.0 83.000 Ooata. bu 43.000 60.000 Kansas t IIT Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Deo. 2. WHEAT Un changed; No. I hard, 82ti'Sc: No. S, 9ofi9iic; No. 2 red. 94h0"c; No. 3, 91(&'M3c: futures closed: December, 904c; May, 964'(l964c, Sellers: July. 904C, sellers. CORN December, 4:t4'S'43siO bid; May, 4fV't o bid; July, 4tiVt4i4o. sellers; cash, unchanged to 40 higher; No. 1 mixed, 434 i47c; No. S, 434c; No. I white, 4Ktf-i7c; No. I, 43i''rt454c. OATs Unchanged; No. 1 white, S3S4c; No. J nixed. SUi'ltC. ' RYE No. 8. 7ord74o. 11 AY' Unchanged to 60c lower; choice timothy, $14.O0i14.60; choice prairie, $11.50 (1 12.00. BUTTER Creamery, 29c; firsts, 2c;. sec onds, 24o; packing slock, 20c F.UOS Kxtras, 32c; firsts, 30c; seconds, tic Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 36.000 So.OnO Corn, bu 21,000 20,000 Oats, bit 8.000 Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec I. WI 1 RAT De cember, fl 02; May, fl OSS. Cash. No. 1 hard, tl.0..-; No. 1 northern, f 1.04441. 05: No. 2 northern. $1. 004411.034; No. 3, 99c lie-' SF.FD Flax, $2 614. limy-No, $ ellow, 4",1i4!c. OATS No. S white. 81rri314c. RYE No. 2. 74ri75c. I'RAN-In 100-lb. sacks. f-D KVTi 20 .60. FLOUR First patents $4 S5'ri5.35; second patents, f 4 75ri 5 2T : first clears, f3.40'o3.ik; secmd clears, $2 2iC2.85. 1m: May. !.. 1 .TS- Standard, J4o. li.Xltl.KY Sample, V'Qir. t l.Ol'U Steady. Peoria t.raln Market. PKORIA, Dec, l-CQRN Firm; No. i yellow. vr; No. i. -M'jc, No. 4, 4''c; sam ple. ;Cc. 1 iATS-Strvuig; No S white, S3c; rtandard, ?'" ; No. 3 white, S-'o. Inlatk (iraln ilerUrt. I'lI.ITH Dee W II K.T-Dei 'v. Ilfc; Miv, $1 074: N. I twnh rn tlM': N.i S Ilo I 'let II, f I 01- . 0S--T-.t l.l-rol tiraiu BlarLel. l.lVi:itl'(i)l., Iw 3. WltKAT-Sst, strong, Nii. i red we-tem wlniei, liil Philadelphia Prod ace Market. ' PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 2 BUTTER Steadv; extra western creamery. 33c; extra nesrhv prints. S4c. Flails Firm: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts. ffe caes. 37c at mark; Pennsylvania current receipts. In return able cases, 3.V at mark: western firsts, free ess.-. X7c at mark; western current re-j-elttt fre rases, the at mark. I'll FF-SK Firm: New York full creams, faniv Setlemher. 15tc: New York full ci earns, fam y tH'tober. Un lro; New York full Teams, fair to good, 14ql44c. Reactionary Morement in Price$ Con tinuef Thronghout Say. PESSIMISM RULES THE MARKET Conditions Are Not Calculated t la. spire Confidence and Recent F.f fort by Halls Are Proven 1 seless. NEW TORIC. Dec. i-The reactionary movement with which the week In the stock market began was continued today, material losses being registered throughout the list. Sentiment has apparently taken a very pessimistic turn and evidence was forthcoming to account for Uie set-back. In various lines of trade, more particu larly the steel Industry, conditions are not calculated to inspire confidence and the ease with which prices have rrumbleTl offers strong proof that recent efforts to create bullish sentiment have leen abortive. Rumors were current, too, today that the pool which is commonly supposed to have engineered the recent upward movement had dissolved, leaving a large part of its holdings, estimated into the hundreds of thousands of shares, unsold. The comptroller of the currency sub mitted another batch of statements of con dition of national banks of November 10 last. Not a few of these institutions re ported a further expansion of loan ar.J discounts Instead of the hoped-for con traction. Reoovery was made In the stock market during the final hour and soma fractional gains were shown, but this was due In a measure to short covering. I-omlon's operations here were moderately extensive for both accounts, the balance probably representing purchases of about 10,000 shares. European markets were firm. The Im perial Hank of Germany reported a cash, loss of more than $17,5ft),ono, a loan Increase of fx. 500.000 and a loss In gold of almost $U,0u0,0no. The bond market waa heavy. Total sales, par value, $1,709,000. United Stales bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: Csl't Alllihalin0ts frt .., Amllsanuitei f'oppwr American Arrlrulturml Am. Best KufW Ann-Hom Cmn , Amertrsn C. & F American CVtton Oil.. American H. V L. pfd. Am. Ice Securities American Llneeed ... American Looomotirs American B. K Am. S. & R. pM Am. Steal Puundries. . Am. Sugar Refining... American T. St T..., American Tobacco pfd American WcMler Anaconda Mining Co Atciitaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic CXwart bins Baltimore a Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr.. ....... Canadian Parlflo ......... Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey Cheaapeako ft Ohio nhlcexo A Alton Chicago O. W Uhicaso O. W. pfd ( hlca.) A N. W C, M, & St. P C, C C. aV at. L Colorado F. Sl 1 Vloracio & Southern Consolidated Gas ., Corn Produota Delaware at Hudson "Denver AV Rio Orande P. R. O. pfd IMMIIlers' Securities Kris 1 Erie 1st pfd Brie M pfd General Klentrlo, ex -dir.. . Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or ctfs. .. Illinois Central Interborough Mat. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City 80 K. C. go. pfd Laclede Gas Loulavill Nashville Minn. St. Louis M., at. P. A S. 8. M M., K. T M., K. eV T. pfd Miasourl Pacific National Blarult National Lead N. K. R. of M. d pfd.... New York Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk A Western North American Northers PacUlo Paclfto Mall PenniTlvanla People's Gaa P.. C. C. V 8t. L. Plttoburt Coal Preened 8tel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Sleel Spring Reading. Republlo Steel Republic Eteel pfd Rock Island Co. Rock Iatand Co. pfd St. L. At 8. f. Id pfd St. Louis S. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Slaes-Sheftleld 8. eV I Southern Paclfio SoutHern Hallway So. Rallay pfd Tennessee Copper Teiaa as Paaitlc T., 84. L. A W T., St. L AV W, pfd Union Pactflo Vnlon Pacltle pfd United Stales Realty United states Hubber. ... United States Bleel U. 8. Steel ptd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemloal ... Wabsah Wabash ptd Western Maryland Weetlnshouaa Elaculo .... Western Union Wheeling AV L. B Lehigh Valley Total eaJes for the day, 400 SO.fxi 7W bOO 1,100 3,0JO )0 10 3ra loO L!0 6,i0 8"0 3.X) J.O"0 1,300 . ' t io 1.200 l2,iK 400 3it I.IMK) 1 t.0"0 1.600 1.0.K) I'M His. ot4 S..V4 4.1 4j 36 4 a 60 s ri 21 174 114 n 7 loan 44 1144 3 3f 100 10H 116 lOf-at US 764 191 1004 Low. CI J04 n 4t U4 I 494 0 Z1 174 114 3 7J4 lOSH 434 14 134 .&oo to " iw ii " 4.S00 11,800 1. ano' 2"0 M) 700 1,2") S.WH) 1,000 ,000 2. M0 0 34 10 1.S00 1,110 400 K) 1. 100 rrio 300 100 tutt 1,100 ) 400 .00 2U0 SO0 4,000 let 1U4- 14 57V. 13! K14 MJ 29 70 114 r74 4 16 lf24 1214 67 130 M4 loa it 134 414 18 804 140S 131 !24 31 3K 994 1014 114 I'M 4 stw 73 W1'4 814 1004 'nit" $i 1414 114 "jiivi 67 190 16 Id 27 684 14 14 444 4 1604 12014 64 1314 184 H4 104 14 4 414 17 W 194 264 124 24 1,700 444 4S LHOO 1.3' 10 14,700 3.000 S00 800 It, 100 200 100 J"0 800 110 20 :.) l.ryo aro l4,eo (00 1,(00 00 00 . M.K.I0 . 1.000 . ,100 6o too '.isilioo . 1.100 '. "i.ioi .14, eio . f,400 . 6.300 . 1 ) 200 noo 00 3'U I'O te ten 61 364, 1104 404 J 1134 81 "4 12"4 104 4 H 18 31 163 314 1-1 7 4 82 944 31 634 384 44 1134 26 0 364 4 31 lTi'vi 24 "sivi 16 ll4 44 6o4 16 sa4 48 74 704 64 110 4 tVl.tuO all area. 604 96 104 . 9 1124 30 127 10414 9 17 30 188 II04 1444 81 944 294 t2t4 81 4 v 4 111 24 4 684 HI t 22 i4 14 '32" 724 Hi 4o4 to ir.4 22 4 444 74 70 4 in tauj 41 4 4114 69 tr4 174 114 Pt 78 1H8I4 41 11S4 1J4 M4 82 39 94 1014 llSj 1044 4 74 '4 1914 124 10414 1W 80 4 14 214 44 142 120 7 80 67 1314 lf.4 11 2S4 t9 81 4 284 444 m 1604 121 64 129 184 M4 lo4 164 12 414 174 804 4 1044 140 24 124 91 12 4ft 14 10s 614 4 1094 34 ff7 1114 3 la4 104 91 18 80 162 tu4 1464 31 944 29:4 68 4 37 V. 3i4 684 49 1124 684 2i 22 4 f4 lti4 98 70 31 T34 1164 44 ait4 164 324 45 17 704 1 t 17S4 London Btoclx Market. LONDON, Dec. I American securities opsned steady, and during Uie forenoon ad vanced on fair buying. At noon the market was steady and from 4&14 higher than yesterday's closing. Consols, money 74 Louisville 4k IS 114 00 account 78 18-11 M K. St T 33 Amal. Copper el N. V. Central 114 Anaconda 4 .Norfolk aV W t Atchlaon 10-1 '4 do pfd ar do ptd 104 1 Ontario AV W 41 Baltlmora aV"VF'"nyvnla s Canadian Pacific 14 Hand Mines , llieeapeaka at U 83 Reading 7f, Chicago U. W 23 Southern Ky 2&v Chi.. Mil. & St. r. l24S do pfd tl 4 liVieournern Pacific 1H.W 30 I'nlua Paclilc 1,4 72 do pfd 6 24 U. 8. bteel 71', 44 do pfd 1204 47 Wabaali 17 25 4 do prd 26 IK Boaaidh 4a 90 la Beera Denver AV Rio O. do ptd Brie do 1st pfd do td ptd Grand Trunk Illnola Central.... Kx-dlvldetid. B1L.VF.R Bar, steady at 2J4d per ounce. MONEY S4'o4 per cent. - The rale of discount in the open market for short bill la 44 per cent; for three month' bills, tli-lo.u4 per cent. Local Beenritle. Quotation furnished by Burns, Blinker AV Co., 44 New Omaha National iiank Tnrpenllnat and Roaln. SAVANNAH Ga, Pec. 1 OILr-Turpentine, firm at 75c: sales. M!4 bbis.; rece4nts. kJ7 bbls. ; shipments, 3-7 bbls.; stocks. IT.oao bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1 7M Milt..; reHpt, 1.107 htils. ; shipments. 11 0H7 bbls.; stocks, 7f.4'aJ bbls. ouotatlons- H. fs STWafi 70; 1. t, w.io70: K, $.V:'.45.r.,4: F, 14 .V;i.774: O. 1 Vii; H. $5 7tV: I. f-il;.: K fo tk); M. f ;.S5; N. $7 ; W G. ft.H. W W, $7 . Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Dec 1 4'OFFEB Futures closed sternly at a net advance of l:Va3 points; sales, IVi. 7aifc turn; Irecember. lo.Nc; i January and February. lo ws.-; March. lc,'; April. Alav ati'l June. 10.74c: July, l '.v, August. Iw.mbV; Se;.innber. 10 Mc; Oc totwr and Nove-' tier, In "150. fii.ot coffee firm; No. 1 Rio. L1'c; No. 4 Hantoa. l.4 9 1. c. Mild i-oilee liftn; Cordova. 1.'4i41.h;. Aaked. lull lo2 1034 100 98 4 8J4 - 1 100 aa lu io;i ta loo 99 98 Uj loo 4 9 l.VO M W 94 Bid Alma. Nab., municipal fs (hi (miaha ta, 1U 101 91 City of Omaoa 4a 1928 kiav City National Bank Bldg ta, 1920 Cudahjr Packing Co. 6a, 1924 4 Coiumbua, Neb.. . L. 6. 1924 91 Denver li. eV 8. 149 91 Kalrmost Creamery let g. I ar cent 9 hardr. Neb (municipal) 99 Hydraulic rreaaed Brick ptd ao lews Portland Ceitient lat ta 9t lnta. borougli Rapid Tr , 19ot 10 UeiruvoUtau 8t. lly. Co. be. 11,11 Uivblgan Slate Tel. (a, 1934 94 Minneapolla G. U a. :9M 94 Nebraaka VJ'laphona C4 lolVe Oiiiaka witter U, 194 t Oniaha St. It. U. 1914 99 Omeha V C. B St. Ky. ia. 1921 91 Gm&ns a C. B. bi. nr. pfd i per ct u Omaiis AV C. B. 81. Rr . com aa Packers Nail, bank rtock, bo. Ouiaba. . j St. Paul Uaa la. grn. be. 194 91 Unlou klocs Yaida ilctk, ea-ii...... n, Import of Merchandise. NEW YORK, Lute. 2. Imports of n chandixe and dry goods at the port of ? York for the wees ending November j were vaiuea at HI..1MAJH. Imports of spetae for the port of New 01 k lor me wees enuing ti ilav were $v.i44 silver aad (164.411 gold. Exports of rpecio lur tne weea were iob.ij silver and l.i.400 gold. Bank el l.erinaay staleruent. PKRI.IN. Iee. I-The weekly statement of the Imperial Rank of Germany shows the following t-hauges: Cash in lutnd de creased 0. 0w! mar ks, ioans Iticreaitrd so Iijw.uiw marks: nisciunis Increased boo. U4) marks; treasury bills increased 14 4 ia V inurku, notes in citculatlon liuueane,! e. Kl.014; maiks; depoaiui drcrravd ...&71.0UO niarks; marks. goid in hand decreased 43,S.t.000 RKPORT Or TUB t I.K ARCtQ HOUSE Transactions of the Associated Ranks for tke Week. NEW YORK. Pec. 2 Hradstreet's bank rlesrings 'eport for the week ending 1 -cemher 1 snows sn Sk-gregste of f.l,lll.- m.txaj, as against fj.fiio, 0.2.0ml last week and f.t.i.'.:'.t.'..oo in the corresponding week last year. Following is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Deo. New Y'ork Chicago Uoston Philadelphia fct Eouls Kansas City Fittshtirg Kan Francisco Ra I li more Cincinnati Minneapolis ......... New Orleans Cleveland Oetrolt OMAHA Im Angeles Eouisville Milwaukee Heattie rjt Raul uffalo enver ndlanapolis tianta rovldence 'urtiAiiil Ore Memphis Richmond Fort Worth alt T.ake Citv Washington St. Joseph Columbus A 1 han v Tacoma Savannah Spokane Toledo Rochester Nashville Hartford lies Moines l'eorla Norfolk New liaven Sioux City Wichita Grand Rapids Syracuse Augusta Ga Birmingham Springfield, ' Mass... Kansvllle Davton land Oklahoma- City Jacksonville, Fla. ,. Portland, Me Worcester Uttle Rock Knoxvllle , Wheeling Charleston Chattanooga. Lilncoln Wilmington Mof.lle Topeka Davenport Wllkesbarre Kalamazoo Fall River Cedar Rapids Sacramento New Bedford Springfield, 111 Macon Youngptown Fort Wayne Helena Fargo Columbia, 8. C Akron Canton Lexington Erie Sioux Falls Rockford Quincy Bloomlngton Springfield, O Chester South Bend Lowell lilnrhamton ....... Jackson, Miss Decatur Mansfield Fremont Vlcksburg Jacksonville, 111 Duluth Scranton Houston I Galveston York, Pa :., Waterloo $l.37.Ho.0n0... 2Ho.US.0a... 1W.073. )... 1;').5:'..) ... 7K.Wi7.OOOi M.Wf).,0'i . 4f,4f.l.0i 34.447.000. . Kffl.. K..f"V, 2n.6M).0tl0! 2v.KV,0oO 1M.50S.000I 1S,181,OOOI. i.:fli.oi 14.237.0001 13.8.tXi0 11.342,000 14,175.1) 10.s74.tan 10.2Mi.(H 14.864 .(aj 9.70fi.0o0 10.17N.0H0 11.709.000 7.1M.0O0 9 7'W 0i $,?12.0.K l.or.7.000 .. .277.0O0.. ,037.000' . . ,24o.lVj.. 4,202.000! .Ofd.oOO 4.SH6.000 4.4.SC.O0O S.723.000, 4.SIH.01W 4.2ol,OUO S, 727,000 4,191,01 a) 4.113.0O0 2.6tK.0eO 2.yte,ti0 3.51o.OiiO 2,6ii3.000 2.162.000 $.343,000 3.13b,00l 1.178.000 2.215,000 2,353.000 J. 332.0001 t.f)7.Ka( 2.603,000 2,137,0K. 1.9S6.OH0 1,638,000 1.7OG.0OO l,813.O0O J.TW.OO 2.01,000 1.53,00O l.eei.ono 1, 844.01 1.4o3.000 1,990,000 , 1,597 ,000 .'F, 1.213.0OO 1,304,000 1.6K5.000 l.H.0O0 1.006,000 l,5:.ono 9N0,Oil0ir 914. 000 1,308.000 SH9.000 1,102. 01 1,012.000 1,091.000 894,000 8511,0001 1,071.000 687.000! 544,000! 620,000 4!t4.0OO 604.000 492.000, 635,000 827,000 837.0001 415.000 - 437.000 290,000 574.000 239,000 6.790.000 2.820.000 36.015.000 19,6;8.000 1,045.000 1,011,000 12, fi.3 11.21 3.1 12.3 19 4 16 6.o 10.7 26.6' $.7 ....I '.& ii'.i .6 2.3 18. s 7.4 15.2' .4 11.71 46.3 15.7 25.6 2.1 27. 137.0 12 10.0) 28.3: 86.8 12.2 6.4 66.6! 30.7 13.5! 'is.h 6 102.6 78.0 'ii'.i 1.7 38.3 6.6 18.2 22$ o. 13 7.7 6.7 "hb 6 6 11.0 B.S 10.4 "i'A 6.3 6.0 "j.7 IS. 2 . . . 2 0 4.7 2 0 18.7 12 4 33.3 "$.' 23.$ 2.1 7.$ 21.3 18.8 6.7 8.0 58 10.2 8.2 6.8 2 16 23.4 18.2 .7 18.$ 8.1 'is'.i 1.5 6.6 $.3 11.4 26.7 6.4 Not InclllHerl In toft ! kal,a. n 1 sons are Incomplete. "Not Included In total because contain ing other items than clearing New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 2. M ON ET On call, easy, at 2,ft24 per cent; ruling rate, 24 per cent: Closing- bid, 24 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. .Time loans, steady; sixty and ninety day, 4 per cent; six month, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 66H per ccm. STERLING EXCHANGE Steadv. with actual busines In banker' bills at $4.8250 4J4.S270 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8605 for aemann; commercial bills, f4.81r,i4.82Vt. SILVER Bar, 56c; Mexican dollars, 4fic. lioNDci Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Closing- quotations on bonds wer as follows: V. 8. rat la, rag.... 1004 Japan 4a u do eoupan ...100H ado 4Ss n V. 8. 8a. rag. ...101 K. C. 80. 1st la 7114 do coupon ..loisu 8. deb. 4a 1H1.... 83 V. 8. 4a. rag 11614 U A N. unl. to 98 do coupon llaH M. K. A T. lat 4s.. 97 Allle-CTial. 1st 6a... 76 do gen. 44a gftH Am. Ag 6a 102 411(1. Paclfto 4a 7S Am. T. & T. cv. 4s..l0S'iaMo. Pao. 6a 91 14 Am. Tobacco 4a 90 N. R. H. of at. 4fca 94 "4 do fs ...106HN. Y. C. g. ma H, -Armour as uo. lita ai-a -ao seD. a 98 Atchlain gen. do cv. 4a do cv. Is A. C. L. lat 4s.... b&l. sV Ohio 4s do 8Hs do 8. W. Ha ... Brook. Tr. cv. ea. .. Can. of Oa. is Con. Leather 6a C. of N. J. . as. 14N. Y.. N. H. aY H. .104 ov. 4a 1334 .lonN. A W. lat e. 4a.. 9k4 . 94 do cv. 4s gov, . 98 No. Paclfio 4s HUH .9114 do 8s 704 .90 0. 8. L. rfrig. 4a.... 91 . Hl Penn. cv. 3a Ilia... m .lilt do oon. a 10S14 . 99 Reading gea. 4a 98 .12244 St. L. A 8. F. fg. 4s 81 Che. A Ohio 4' do gen. 5 do ret. 6s 04 4 St. L. 8. W. 0. 4a. Chicago at A. 84i... to do 1st gold 4s..., C. B. eV g. J. 4a e14 Beaboard A. L. 4s.. do sen. 4a 91480. Pac. col. 4a.... C. M. eV 8.P. 8 t4a 92 do av. 4a.., C. R. I. aV P. . 4a. 78 de 1st ref. 4s.... do rfg. 4 894 80. Railway to Colo. ini. 6s 74 v do gen. 4s Colo. Mid. 4a 9 I'liloo Paclfio .... C. A 8. r. oV s. 4Vk lt do cv. 4a D. H. cv. fla. D. A K. O., 4a. do ref. te Dleltllars' 6s .... trie p. I. 4a do gen. 4s.... do cv. 4a, ear. A... Tl do eertae B tl do lat ar ref. I'. 8. Rubber I . l4 .. 74 .. 90 .. 74 . 92 .. ; .. .i ..101 4 .. 76!t .101 '4 .lit! ,. ix v. .I02V4 9a 94 90 V. 8. Bteel 2d 5a....lus 17 av.-cro. Cham, fs 9uy 84 Waoaah lat 6a los 78 do lat A ex. ta Western Md. 4s 8414 West. Klec. cv. ba 91. Oen. Klec. cv. (a 1444 Wla. Central 4a 92 111. Cen. 1M ref. 4s.. 7V Boston BOSTON, Deo. tucks were as Alloues Amal. Copper A. Z. U A 8 Ariiona Com Atlantic Hutle Coalition ..... Cal. A Aruulia Cal. A Hoc la (Ynteunlal VJop. Kange C. C Kuat Butts C. M ... Franklin Glroux Con Oren4y t'on Oreena Cutanea .... late Ko?ala Cofpar.. Kerr Lake Lake topper ....... La Salle Coprer..... Stlann Copper ...... bid. el dlv. Mining; tonka 2. Closing quotation follow: . a'4 Mohawk . 83V NaTada Con . at Nipiaalng Mines . 18 North butts .... . t North Lake .... . 17 Old Dominion .. . 51 (iKsoia .Mo Panott 8. tc C. . 144 aQulnoy ... . fti1 shannon . 11 ftaerior . 'v Su.erlS- A tT4 Hupertor A . 17 lamarack . 7li. 8 8. R .17 do pfd . 64 I'tah Con . 13 I th Coppar C.. IH w Inon . 19 Wolverine B. M. P. C. M. 8 on . 4S . IK . 10 . 2 Yi ' . 7 .120 . li . 79 . 11 . 41 . t . 12 . 60 . 83 . 4t ! . 46 111 New York 47nr Market. The following quotations sre furnished by l.oiian or Bryan, members lew York Block exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Bar aiata Uaa. Boeto3 Cona , . Butte Coalition Ceciua Tuno -tilef Cons r'nfccllon Pavla-Ualr .... Kly Central.... tlf Vina Br Witiih Kranklln tllroux Oi.ll'lalil Uoldfirld SI Greene Canancs 4 liifejnratlon 174 l'oaa 24 Nevada Cone 2-i Ohio copper IS Rawhide Coalition.. Flnrenca. Daiy.. 17 Har Canlra.1 1 Swift Pkg lV 1 Seara-Hoebuvk Co. 17 III War Pick 11 8 axrlor A Pitta lo T.wioriah Mining 7 Trinity 4Anler 1 North La.a t Buhemia Ujlbway . 7 9 4 4 14 . 1M, 1 3 . 1 .H1 .IUV4 , 7 124 4 4 Nevr York M-ntnar (lacks. NEW YORK. Dec. 2. Closing- ouot on iiilnina; stocks were: Alice loo wuttilw Chief 10 Corn. Tunnel stock.. W Miliail 94 do bolide 18 Ontario 900 Con. Cal A Vs 84 Ophir Horo Sliaer SI SmtiiUrd 4 Iroa Sllr 1U Yellow Jacket a eleAavilie Con lo OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts to Date Hundred Thou sand More Than Last Tear. HOGS ARE STEADY TO LOWER Market Opens Fire Tenia Below Thara day, bat Rise llaktlr When It la Keen that the Receipts Are Ma-bt. SOUTH OMAHA. Pec. 2. T7acalnt vara ' Official Monday ... Official Tuesdav .. Official Wednesday official Thursday , Estimate Friday ... Caltle. Hoes. Sheen ... 4.94ft I.8V7 IJfl 6.021 104 7.444 212 S.7V3 10T $.500 4.907 4,7'.'0 41.702 113.141 71.4P5 129.R21 6,74 Klve da,v this week. . .18.173 2F..01S Pam dsvs last week,...18.0'-'0 26.4: Same dav-s $ weeks aif(i..3i.r4 .7m fame days $ weeks ano. .20.r-9 14.B17 Pame dav 4 weeks ago. .M.!"7 14.715 C .1 1 . nr. 194 K 447 ratine, uys lam year i- .v.. " t The following tnle shows the receipt of rattle hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dats as compared w'th last year: lmo. loos inc. Cattle . 1.143,41$ 1.041.M3 101.879 Hons 1.74,43l 1.0tT).7 $41,$ti7 Bheep 2,875,778 2.043.2iiO 8S$.52$ Tit following table shows the average prices of hoirs at South Omaha for the last ecviriai aays, witn coiuiariauu tate. 1910. 19W.13Qg.1907.liW.L'K)S.lti4. Nov. n... t 977,1 7 J (TTl 4 08 8 1JI 4 WI 4 Nov. K4... 7 $71 $ 71 I $ l 4 B9 . Nov. 95... 774l S 421 $ 91 I 4 72 4 41 Nov. 2... $ KVl (041 14 071 6 001 ill Nov. 17.. I $ 041 B RR 4 $M 021 4 7 Nov. 28.. 9S I B (.71 (07l 72 4 4 Nov. SO.. ( Dm 8 II! K (W! 4 Ml $ 041 4 41 Iec, 1.... 7 18t 8 021 6 71 I 4 061 4 92 4 43 Deo. $.... 7 12 8 081 $ 75 4 HI I 87 4 48 5 2 .. 1 2 10 5 S 1 1 14 R 8 5.. ft 2 .. 8 4.. S 'i !! 59 24 1 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 184 7M 1.220 ... m 1,041 1.7r,9 .. 4.12 1.41S 1,0"9 .. 138 1.288 1,7M ... 80 ... 232 tse 22 ,.. 5 19 ... n 4v, . oo i a. 24 i 28 29 "'. .. 58 ... 22 .. 173 Sit Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omahft, for twenty-four hour ending at S p. m. yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.HoaaSh'p.irr'B. C . M. ft St. P 8 Wabash Missouri Paclfio 5 Union Paclfio 11 C. At N. W., east C. ft N. W.. west.... 11 C. St. P., M. & O.... 2 . C, R. A Q., east i 1 C, B. & Q.. west.... 22 C, R. T A P., east., i C. R. I. ft P., west.. 1 Illinois Centrl 1 Total receipt 60 DISPOSITION HEAD. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co Armour, from Denver.. Murphy Hill ft Son F. B. Lewis Huston ft Co J. B. Root ft Co Li. F. Hubs 8. Worthelmer H. F. Hamilton L.e RothBchlld Smith A Polsley Mo. A Kan.-Calf Co Christy A Kline Other buyer , Totals ! 1.837 4,715 $,046 CATTLE There was a decent run of cattle for a Friday, sixty car being re ported In. which make the total for the week about on a par with last week, but leaves It about 7.0U0 bead smaller than for the corresponding week of last year. With so few cattle In slgnt, th supply of beef steers was soon exhausted. Price paid were anywhere from steady to strong, as compared with yesterday, or arousal lixti ic higher on the better grade of beef steers. Cow and heifer commanded good firm price as compared wttb yesterday. Tbsy have been good sellers all week and th market on that class of cattle 1 around lZuo higher. There were not many feeder her today and few wanted It, being so near tne close of the week. The trade was naturally a Uttle low, but, still, there wa not very inucn change in price. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, Jo.lKS.75; fair to good beef steers, $6.20(6.00; common to fair beef steers, $3.766.20; good to choice cow and heifer, $4.20-4.90; fair to good cow and heifers, iJ.l-t.M; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.7o&3.oO; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4 6vo36; fair to good stocker and feeder, $XH0a4.&v)i com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3.2uijy 8.80; rtock heifers, $3,0044.15; veal calves, $350Sj'i.76; bulls, stags, etc., $3.264.75. Quotation on range cattle; Choice to prime beeves, 15.5Ju4 "5; good to choice beeves, H.iAuo.60; fa.r to good beeves, 13.7V fo.4 40; good to choioa heifers. $4.00.10; good to choice cows, 13.804. 4: fair to good cows. $3.3tfl3.t5; cannera, $2.761.60. Representative sale: rJl-;ii,H' BTBKRB. No. t U , 8 8 18 19 1 14 l... 18 18 84!!.'"!.' 84 80 11 Av. a. a 749 ... 7M ...1U61 ... 9 a. a Ml ... 9(4 ...10O7 .lor4 ...118 ...1M ...1064 ...114 .. . 8M ... US ... il ... KI& ... 421 ... 9(H) ...11B ...1J38 ...lini ...1IHM) ...128 ...IK ...loai ...lval ...141ft ... 811 ...1144 ...Mi ...1UU9 ...1128 ...luaj ... 940 ... a ... HQ ... 930 ... 994 ... 174 Na. 4.... 1.... I.... 4.... .... 17.... 4.... 40.... 11.... .... 14.... Pr. 4 IS 4 78 4 75 4 86 4 M t 00 8 I 80 I m I 4 4 Oil 4 00 COWS. 1 It I 1 88 8 60 I 5 I 76 76 1 86 1 o I 90 4 OS 4 18 4 14 4 20 4 16 4 80 4 66 4 4 70 4 n t 16 8 26 8 16 I 25 1 13 1 li 1 84 HEIFERS Av. a. a. 4h .... 940 ....1170 .... 190 .... t'4 ....Ilia) ....1116 ....11M ....lint ....1140 .. . .14784 I 1 4 4 6 4 6 7 4 1 7 4 10 10 4 U 1 11 11 1 1 14 ( 16 818 94 6tt 124 .)'! 1V24 ion ..... 918 1044 9M fc 81 1018 940 H 758 1994 878 114 1044 1V7 1810 1U6 911 1308 11 M 1 478 I M II 83 4 6i4 1 60 . 10 746 1 63.1 1 0 ID 9v7 8 744 8 46 1 410 4 876 I 76 6 90 i 7 804 1 90 1 646 1 676 4 00 7 451 6 4H4 4 19 11 tl II 748 4 10 4 1107 BULLS 1 40 8 66 I nil 1 ion l o l ii I J5 I 66 1 9u0 1 Ullll 1 16 1 1376 1 11S4 73 1 U!0 1 80 1 75 1 1438 8 1496 1 80 1 lew) 1 14U0 1 94 1 1J,, 1 1U0 I Hi I IkiS l iuo i M i ive CALVES. Pr. 4 16 4 74 4 76 I 00 6 60 6 46 I 76 I 10 I 84 6 94 4 60 I 80 I 86 40 I 6 1 64 60 I 40 1 80 I 70 I 75 I 10 I M I 6 I 90 1 90 1 95 4 00 . 4 04 4 10 4 16 4 14 4 86 4 14 4 46 4 64 4 46 4 II 4 14 4 84 4 16 4 40 4 60 4 76 4 76 4 76 8 90 3 90 90 1 00 4 00 4 an 4 16 4 16 4 SO 4 80 II 444 4 K 4 K0 4 64 4 4 16 1 118 7S 4 1 4 60 I lh f s 6 lot 4 60 1 li) t 16 4 427 4 60 1 20U 7 96 I H4 4 60 I Hi) 1 98 I 4 75 1 176 T 28 l Ini 4 76 1 10 t M 1 toO 4 76 1 16 1 60 I 1J 6 00 1 W 7 M 14 1 00 1 HO 7 m 1 1S6 1 00 1. ., 1.J tu 1 510 I 10 1 1m 7 76 I : I 60 4 Hi I 00 I r.i I m m ra t oo 1 13 4 in i iu I 16 STOCKERS ANf FEEDEK.1. I 1 74 1 740 4 60 1 4.0 4 00 1 6a6 4 60 1 700 4 00 10. 441 4 40 14 616 4 16 4 fll 4 60 1 440 4 tr, 10 78 4 48 1 4il 4 86 1 741 4 86 10, 71 4 46 4 471 4 76 ilOGS Receipts of hog wer small Bank Irartna . OMAHA. Dec. t Rank clearings for to day wars $1' jao.7o6.7J, and r the corre sponding date laal year, I2.&7.643 48. to. cay, sun tne total for the week Is lust about the same as for the corresponding day last week and larger than A ytar ago by slightly over 6.UU0 head. The maiket opened this morning So lower and quite a little aprmklins so id on that laais. letter on as it became apparent thai receipts were really hkIu wluis the demand was good the market, became ac tive and fully steady with yesterday. The market as a whole might be described as steady to a shade easier, the most of ttie weakness being shown by th light weights. Ilis bulk of the hogs sold at $7.10 67 15, the same yesterday, but ther were not so many sales at th top price, K 26, as there was yesterday. r ii4 I 124 I 1)4 7 12 1 U T II 1 14 7 16 7 K t IS 14 No. Av. 8k. rr. Vj. Av. ia. Ul 14 ... 7 00 71 t7 I SI 4S la6 1!4 7 00 71 t8 lao 18 3U ... I 00 71 th., 90 14 374 ... 7 ijO 61 1 ion 14 l7 -. . 7 00 6 171 to o ta ! 7 05 44 ,7 ... 41 44 tl IK i0 2.14 93 M 144 toO t 94 48 aM lwj 64 M IKl 1 06 77 277 lB 4 l Witt II ... 49 84 ... t w 11 Jet aa 16 ibm ... i on (tt ri iso 1 is 64 M ... 7rt4 4 84 ... 7 16 19 S7 ... 7 19 6J -4 110 1 IS 0.......1I0 99 t M TO. ...... .?! . . 7 18 8 U ... T 1 79 it 9n 7 15 44 1 4 180 1 H 6 tl 40 T 16 ..... ... 10 64 tin 7 13 71..... 879 1 90 t 11 4 147 ... 7 16 61 , fM 80 7 10 1 w ... t 1 8 I ... 7 10 46 6 940 t 16 64 819 yi 7 li) l 91 40 1 16 66 I4 20 7 18 41 fx ... t IS 90 f H 7 1 61 rS M T It as i3 7 io t )4 an 7 ii 16......4'4 ... 7 19 46 TV. 13 I 16 86 170 ... I 10 44 9 ... 7 16 61 Ill 14 7 19 an M ... 7 1 61 4 190 1 19 70 16 40 7 84 CO 19 7 10 14. ..i. ...Ill ... 7 le SO Sin 100 7 1 74 111! ... I M 41 ! 90 7 18 41 119 ... tin 64 119 IV) 7 10 II tn 80 7 M 64 80 too 7 10 14 ... 7 1 24 811 ... 7 l SI 18 ... I 90 66 T'i 99 7 10 41 fl ... 7 f ao ui so 7 19 TV j.44 40 7 20 6 J 10 7 10 1 ... IM 60 114 49 7 19 M f6 ... 7 2 44 291 100 7 10 - 77 SJ0 ... 7 16 PIOS. 11 96 ... I 60 SHEEP Th market on fat sheep and lamhs was In the worst condition that It has been for a long time. It was in fact about as near no market at all' as could Well be Imagined. Salesmen were describ ing it as a rotten market. The trad has been In a good condition 11 the week until toward the close yes terday, when It became apnprent that something had happened to chango buy ers' vlewa This morning It wns very ap parent that the trnuhle lay In the fact that buyer were filled up on both shoep and lamhs, while, to make the situation still worse, there weje advice from Ruf falo indicating that the top on choice lamb there yesterday waa only $6 25, and that the general situation in the east was decidedly discouraging. The result was that packers at this point did not appear to want the stuff on sale and the faint ef forts they made to buy could hardly be called a market. Their bids were around H60o lower than Wednesday, lambs show ing the moat break, tin a good deal of the stuff they did not even make a bid and, as noted above. It was the next thing to no market at all. At midday a good share of the receipt still remained In th yards unsold. It might be noted In this connection that while the receipt this week have been small compared to most recent weeks, they have been larger for the same week a year ago by almost 20.000 head. More than that, the arrivals have consisted al most entirely of killers, there being very few feeders Included in the runs. Thus It Is safe to say that the actual number of killers on sal has been larger than was the case a few weeks ago, when receipts were more than double what they are now. Under present conditions, the only thing that shipper can do is to hold off ship ping for a time until the market can have a channe to clear Itself. Quotation on shrep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs. IG OOfuil 25; fair to goo lamhs, $n.50ti.00; nood feeding lambs. $4-"WOO; fair feeding lamb. $4.0rva4.; llxht common lamhs. IS.0tX64.00; handy wlght yearlings, $4.6n6.00; heavv yearlings, $3.Ktt4.oO: feeder yearlings, $8 76S,4.S5; pood to choice wethers, $3.5093.80; fair to good wether, $3.253 .50; feed'ng wether, $S.1Mft3 50; fat ewe. $3 25 &1 50; feeding ewe. IW&gU.OO; cannera, $1.50 tiz.uo. Av. ... 82 ...1SS ...120 ...120 ... 85 ... 87 ... 55 ...100 ...102 ...113 culls.. 41 No. 14 fed lamb 122 buck 473 fed ewes 152 fed ewes 70 fed lamhs .' 149 fed lambs 112 S. D. lamba, cull 87 Utah ewes 91 I'tah lamb 84 Utah lamb 84 I'tah lambs, feeders. ?!1 Utah lambs, feeders, culls.. 6X1 Utah lamb, feeders, cull 2r fed ewes 23 fed ewes, culls &"8 native wethers 27 native wether 223 naitve ewes 13 native ewes, culls 95 fed wether 54 fed ewes 190 fed ewes J.... 11 fed ewes, cull 53 fed yearlings 52 fed ewe 25 fed lamhs $46 fed lamb a 52 . 53 ..101 .. 83 ..113 a.UO ..K a. 84 ..US ..109 ..101 .. 87 .. 95 ..123 ..109 .. 77 Tr. 00 $ 50 5 50 $ m 6 25 25 ( 00 S 20 $ 20 5 20 8 90 4 75 4 76 8 90 .2 75 $ 76 $ 76 00 $ 86 3 90 8 50 $ 16 3 00 6 00 8 00 6 00 6 15 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Slow-Hoc Are Higher "keep Weak. CHICAGO, Deo. 2 CATTLE Receipts, 8.000, market Blow and steady; beeves, $4.50 67.60: Texas steers, $4.20fjf4 40; western steers, $4.26(8-6.40; stockers and feeders, $3.30 iio.76: cow and helferB, l2.26.ytf.2o; calves, $7.O0tf79.00. , HOGS Receipt, 81.004 head; market 6c higher than early; light, $.904i7.35; mixed, $195447.421; heavy, $6 90-07.40; rough, 6.90f 7.06; good to cholc heavy, $7.0tVS7,40; pigs, $8 .H5T10; bulk of sales, $7.107.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000 head, market weak; native, $2.2604 25; west ern, $2.7Dra4.20; yearlings, $4.2CrnS20; native lambs, $4.25416.60; western, $4.50(36.46. B4. Innls Live gtoek Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. $. CATTLE Receipts, 2,5110 head, including 600 Texan, market steady; native shipping and export steers, $.50rr'r7.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, I6 26ra7.00; steer under 1.000 pounds, $6.00(Ui 4.60; stocker and feeders, $3.505.25; cows and heifers, $3. 7541. 25; cannera, $2.75113 25; bulls, $3.76ig5.00; calves, CS.2.VU9.00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.6016.50; cows and heifers. 13 00(714.50. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; market 5 lOo higher; pigs and lights, $7.0037.40; pack ers, 87.OtK37.4a; butchers and best heavy, I7.3tyS7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpts, 1,400 head, market steady; native mutton, $3.50 17 4.00; lambs, J6.hortjH.7l; cull and Ducks, 2.6Uij3.00; stockers, $2. 263.25. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. ' t. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head, Including 8u0 southerns, market steady; dressed beef and export steers, $5.66&7.00; fair to good, $4.76y6.60; Western steer, $4.265 90; stocker and feeders, $3.75(1.25; southern steers, $4 00 6 50; southern cows, I2.75iy4.50; native cows, $2.75rjf5.00; native heifer $4.00(5.76; bulls, 13 5044.75: calvs. M.OOrriiToO. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head, market steadv; bulk of sale, $7.2ixu7.26; heavy, $7.SOiy7.JO; packer and butchers, $7.20r 7.30; llirht. 17 lOd.7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 3,000 head; sheep 15&2'c lower; lambs, steady at $4'.ti4t.40', yearllnirs. I4.7Mi6 60; wethers, $3.60ra4.26; ewes, $3.00u3.50; stocker and feeders, $3.003.90. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. t-CATTLE Re ceipts, tMO head; market steady; steers, $4.75 446 26: cows and heifers, $3.0oru5.tio; calves, 4 0trl 75. HOOS-Receipts, 1,800 head; market steady to shade lower; top, $7.25; bulk of sales, 17 irr,7.20. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 600 bead; market steady; lambs. $5.7546.50. Stock la Slant. pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha l.ftO 3.6o0 4.6O0 8t. Josepl 5I0 1 800 5J0 Kansas City 2.600 5 ftoo St. Louis 2,fO0 8.500 1,4"0 Chicago $.000 $1 000 15.000 Totals 9,100 49,800 14,600 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 3.-METALS Stand- copper was aulet: spot and futures. $12.48 12.T5: lake, locally. $13.0tal3 25; elec trolytlo, $12.87mgl3 00; casting. 112.50. The Ixindon market for copper was steadv; spot, 57 2s d; futures, 57 ins d Tin, tiuiet: spot and futures, $.'f7.7ffJ :.25. Im dn market dull; spot and futures, 172 7s 6d. Iead qulef, H .45414.65, New York; 14 301(4. 37H, East St. Louis. Ixmdon mur- ket quoted I' ad at 13 1s 8d. Speller, I5S6435.95, New York; 16.77'V'i 6.K 4, ard ritilet. f ill ei, ' "'. t.r uin, ....ii -y. East St. Ixiuls. London market quoted spel ter at 24. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 4!'s lOVfcd In LonTTbn. Locally, quiet. Cotton Market. New York cotton market, as furr.lshed by Logan A Hi yen. members New York Cotton exchange 114 South Sixteenth street. Guiana: Month High. Open. I Low. I Close. lYes'y. Dec 11 75 14 77 14 60 14 00 14 x0 " Jan 14 78 14 M 14 41 14 f,2 14 71 Mar. ,..15 04 15 4 14 M 14 Wi 15 10 May ... 16 20 15 22 15 01 U ill 15 21 Iff H I CW H I 09 11 I LI It I SI H I txq lifar Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 81 T.A R-Rs w, quiet: muscovsdo, 89 test, t4Hc; centrlfu- f il 94 test, 3. Mo; liiolnrs sugar, 89 test, 18c; refined, quiet. - Wool Market. BT. LOUIS, Dee. $.-WOOLUnchanged; territory and western mediums, .Cyyc; fine mediums, 20u'21c; fine, l-B.l3o. per erally firm. lit. r salos of carpet woolg were made dmlng tha week. OMAHA Wllni r.4tl,K rRICR.a. PUTTUll Creamery, No. !. dllverv1 t'.ie retail trade In 1-lh. cartons, 13c; No. I. In Jo-lb tubs, Sic; No. 8 In 1-lh. cartons, Joe; parking dock, solid pm-k, 20lc; dslry. In 60-lh. tuhs, 23 24c. Maiket change every Tuesdav. CHEESE-Twln. lffHc; young Amer icas. lc; dslslos, ISi-, triplets, ISc; llm hurger. ISc; No. 1 brick, lSc; IniportaA Swiss, !2c; domestic Swiss. 24c; block Swiss, loc. I'OULTJtY-Dressed broilers, under S lb., $5 00 dos. ; over I lbs , 14c; hens, 134'fJI6i; cocks. 104; ducks. 17c; gse, I.'; turkevs, 86c; pigeons, er dos.. $l.; homer squabs, per dos., $4 00; fancy sijuahs, per dos., $.160; No. 1 per dog. IS 00. Alive, broilers. 14'o; 0e 2 U.S., H'ao; hens, 10c; old roosters, 7o; eld duck, full feathered, 1K-; geese, full festhered, c; turkev I, 16U1SC; guinea fowls, 2.'c each; pigeons, per doa, ; nomers, per do., .iuu; snusos. No. 1. dos.. II 60, No. 2, per do , ttoc. FISH tall froien) llckerel. lie: whir. ISc; pike. 14c, trout. 14c; large crannies. KOo; ttatiiah mackerel, ISc; eel, ISc; had dock, 13c; flounder. 13c; green catfish, 20oj roe shsd, $1 00 each; sha.l roe. per pair, 66c; frog legs, per do., 6ic; salmon, llo; halibut. He. ItEUlF t'L'TS Rib: No. 1, 16c; No. $. livioj No. J, 840. Isiln: No. 1, 17o; No. $. l.tSio; No. a 8V.O. Chuck: No. 1. "Wc; No. I, 7o; N. 8, 7c. Round: No. 1, !c; No. 1, 74o; No. 8, 7c. l'tate: No. 1, No. 1. o; No. 3, 40. FRUITS Oranges: California navel, 94 12H furs, per box, $2.,6i3.00; small slses, per box, $3.5tvq s.;5; Florida, all slses, per box. $3 ,".0. Lemons: laurel brand, extra fancy, :KH) else, per box. 16.60; 160 slse, per box, IG.OO; choice, 8tK) slse, per box. $5.64; 3'J slse. per box, $6.00; f40 slse, 60c per bog less, utape fruit: Florida, 46-64-44-nO slsrts, per box, 1 1.25 .44 50. Rauanaa: Fancy select, per bunch, t2.2i.u2.50; Jumbo, per bunch. $2i6fi3.75. I'ears: California Winter Nellls, box, $2.86. Apples: Home-grown rook ng, Per bbl., $;i.Uj 4.00; Missouri Jonathan, per bbl.. $4.75; Missouri Hen Davis, per bbl., $3.i6; Missouri Winesaps, per bbL. $4 25; Missouri Oano, per bbl., $4 00; other varieties, per bbl., 14 00; Nw York Green ing and lialilnln, per bbl., $4 50; Colorado Jorathan, per box, $3 10; Washington Oravensteln, per box. 11 60; California Helleflower, per box, ll.iiO; Wasnlnston Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, 88 to 126 site, $2.25. Grapes: California Emperor, per crate, $175; New York Ca tawba, per 6-lb. bsk., 2oc; Malaga. V44S lbs., gross, per keg, 7.00u'00. Cranberries: I'er box. $2.75, per bbl., $7 50; Rell and Cherry brand, per bbl., $7.50; Wisconsin Bell and Kuglo and Lata How brand, per bbl., $Jt 00. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-1 b. pkgs. In boxes, per box, $2.26; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 7c. Figs: New Cali fornia. 12 12-ox. pkgs., 85c: 86 12-o. pkgs.. $3.40; 60 6-oa pkgs., 2.00; Turkish, 7-croern. per lb., 16c; 6-crown, per lb., 14o; 4-crown. per lb., ISO. VEGETABLES-Potatoes: Early Ohio, ta sacks, per bu., 90o; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 76uK.o. Sweet pota toes; Virginia, per bbl., 2.60; Ksnsas, per bbl., $2.00. Onions: Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c; Indiana, white, per lb., lo; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Garlic: Extra far cy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb., 16c Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., $194. Celery: Michigan, per do, bunches. 85c; California Jumbo, per dos. bunches, 75c Rutabagas: Per lb., lo. Cucumbers: Hot hoi se, 1W and $ do., per box., $2.00. Toma toes: California, per 4-bsk. crate, 1154. Cabbage: New, per lb., 1VC. String and wax beans: Per mkt. bsk., $1.60. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per do., 40c Parsley: Fancv home-grown, per. dog. bunches, 8O0. Turnips: per mkt. bsk., 36c Carrots: Per mkt. bsk., 40o. Beets: "Per mkt. bsk., S60. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2c. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb., 60; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoa nuts: Per sack, $5.60; per do., 75c. Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.76. Cider: New York Mott . per fc-bbl.. $3.76: per bbl., $6.76. Oniaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Deo. 2.-HAY No. 1 upland, $12; No. 2 upland, $11. No. 1 coarse, $10; No. 1 coarse, $9; packing, $7; alfalfa, $14. Straw: Wheat, $5.60; rye, $6.00; oats, $7.60. ANOTHER 0LD.TIMER LOST Inquiring Norwegian Expedition Fall to Find Sargassos Sea at Home. Now and then one of the old standard properties, so a theatrical person might call them,' of the universe crumple up and has to be kicked off to one side. Last, It waa Halley's comet; now it I th Bar gasio sea. An Inquiring expedition of Norwegians, sent out by their government' bureau of fisheries, have been prying Into the nooks and corner of the ocean where the Sargasso sea ought to be. They have . recently returned and reported that thy did not find the Sargasso sea at horn. There are some thlnga that well-brought-up Uttle boy when they get on in Ufa retain their belief In even mora than they do In what they learned in Sunday school. Here and there a point In history, gram mar, or, a In this case, geography. To hear that the Sargasso ea 1 no more will be a great shock to thousand of th well-brought-up little boy of a few year ago. They were firmly convinced, up to tha very last, that It wa a place whera tha rank weeds floated In long accumulated masses, almost as thick as hay up In th old mow; her and there might be 'seen a derelict hulk, for Into this slough of th ocean all thing drifted; and If a what were raah enough to eat lu way far Into tha me, that rash whal would very likely perish, unable to make It way out again through the flotsam. The Norwegian did find floating sea weed, although they missed the congress of derelict and the fettered whale. Th weed was a trifle more plenty, perhap. than In ocean localities where tha current I brisker. But a cruise through a whole gridiron of latitudes and longitudes failed to disclose anything worth going down there for In the way of tha ploturesqu. In the end the Investigator concluded that the weed usually sank a few month after ending Its term of life, and so kept the surface fairly clear of litter. The faithful, who refus to glv up thlr beliefs, will have to transfer their Sar gahso to the floor of the ocean. It 1 doubt ful Jut what become of the seaweed that ink, and perhap It may form fancy gar den at great depth. Deep-sea sounding should olve th point aouner or later. But it 1 time rather that th men of science gave us a new wonder, In return for tho that have, like the Sargossa, recently been taken aay. New York Sun. CIRCUIT COURT AT MITCHELL! Judge Rule In Favor of Railroad In Bridge Case Twelve Divorce Salts oa Docket. Dry Utxxla Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 2. -DRV ( arH8The cotton goods market holds steady, with light bui nee. Yarns ar quiet and geu- MITCHELL, 8. IT., Dee. i.-tSpeclal.)-The session of circuit court, which began Tuesday, lias been devoted to court case and the Jury wa excused for the flrt two days on account of none of th Jury cases being ready for trial. Th flrt Jury case to come up was that of Davison county afc-alnt the Milwaukee road, on a petition that was presented the board from land owners in Mitchell township, request ing the Milwaukee company to build a bridge over a roadway which would give them a shorter cut to this city. The ex pense of building the bridge would be about $3,000 and the company has fought the re quest for about three, years. After th Jury had been drawn th attorney for the company, Preston A Hannett, asksd that the case be dismissed on the ground that the petition was Insufficient In that It contained the names of parties owning land In the township abutting on the road way that were not bona fide resident, and therefor could have no personal In terest in the petition. The court held with the railroad attorneys and dismissed th case. There are twelve divorce esse to be heard at this term of court. Fonr Thirteen at Vankion. YANKTtXN. K. L... Deo. 2 tSpecial.) The vital statistics for November show some curious coincidences with the num ber 13. There were IS girls born to Yank ton parents during th month and 14 boys. The deaths numbered 13 and, to complete the record, th marriage werw alsa If