Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18

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Boss of tho Establishment
Il Indulges. In Ills)
Favorite PHtlm In-
BY A-MKltll MAN.
Ktrinllinr Hi Wife.
Ax 1
im 4iu
. .1. .!
Attractions at Omaha.
"The Oenius'' at the Pramjels.
"I.ady Krcderlt k" at the llbyd.
"Three Weeks'' at the Krug.
Vaudeville at the nipheum.
Burlesque at the Gayety.
Three Weeks," at the Kng,
"Three Weeks" la to be Been at the
Krug this week-end. It Is a dramatization
by Kllnor Glyn of her book of the same
name, and Is arranged in a prologue and
three acts. The prologue occurs In the
boudoir of the queen In the palace nt
Sardalla, and attempts, by showing the
brutal nature of the king, to justify the
doubtful course about to be pursued by
tbe queen. In the three acts which fol
low, comes the play proper, the story of
the driven woman's search for an heir.
To say that the play Is strongly emo
tional la putting It mildly. Thn nntlca of
a French waiter constitute the only thing
comlo to relieve the tensity of action.
By far the larger part of the acting falls
upon the capable and beautiful shoulders
of Miss Jeanne Towler, who Is cant In the
rola of "The Lady." The play affords op
portunity for some beautiful stage pet
tings, in particular of the loggia of the
palace at Venice.
Notes from the Stater World.
After an absence of ten years from the
field of musical comedy, Miss Maria Davis,
best known to American playgoers for her
character work In comedy drama, will re
turn to her earliest love, taking a promi
nent part In "Marriage a la Carte." the
Joint product of C. M. S. McLellnn and
Ivan Caryll. Miss Davis holds an unusual
stage distinction in that she has had no
more than four managers In the twenty
eight years which make up her profes
sional career. Four years with Tom Rob
ertson, seven years with George Edwardes,
seven years with Sir Charles Wyndham
and ten years with David Belasco represent
her activities. "In Town," the pioneer of
all musical comedies, was one of the pieces
in which MIhs Davis made herself popular
with London audiences. She was also In
"The Shop Girl," "My Girl," "The Circus
Girl" and a lot of other musical comedies
of the girl sort. Miss Davis came to the
TTnlted States to play a single season. Bhe
Joined 'tho company of Mrs. Leslie Carter
and then helped David Warfleld In "The
Auctioneer." Instead of staying a single
season, she has stayed ten years, support
ing Warfleld in successes following "The
Auctioneer," and appearing with the other
Belasco stars from time to time.
"The last time I saw George Edwardes,"
aid Miss Davis yesterday, "I asked him,
rather Jokingly, why he didn't offer me a
part He answered: 'Because I haven't
any part that would suit you they don't
write parts of that sort any more.' "
This, Mlsa Davia took as a compliment
She waited until someone did write a part
uoh aa aha had made famous in the daya
of her London triumphs. Thla part, Mrs.
Ponsonby de Coutts Wragge, Is that of a
woman who might well have been named
Nagge. She drove two husbands to the
woods, aa the librettist expresses it was
when they got out of the woods it was
only to be confronted by the cause of their
Liebler Co. have announced the com
plete eaat for Puccini's "La Boheme" at
the opening performance of the Bessie
Abott Opera company at Charleston, S. C,
on Monday, December S. Miss Abott is
to alng MImli Giuseppe Giorgi will sing
Rodolfo; Francesco Nicoletti. Marceilo;
Virginia Novelll, Musetta; Adamo Orego
rettl, Schaunard, and Giovanni Qravlna,
Colli ne, while Antonio Oteri, Ettore Truo-chi-Dorlnl,
Umberto Mlcheii and Pletro
Alberto have the othar parts. Cesara Clan
destine will wield the conductor's baton.
The company spends one night at Charles
ton, proceeding thence on a tour of the
south, presenting both "L Boheme" and
"Madame Butterfly." In the latter opera,
Vlrgllio BellaU will sing the role of Sharp
less, when he created at La Scala In Mi
lan, when the opera was first produced
under Toscaninl's direction.
Mrs. Edward Updike and daughter, Miss
Louise, of J6L3 Far nam street, will give a
dinner in honor of Mlsa Edna Nell, one of
tbe star dancers with the Rus
sian company, Thursday evening, Decem
ber 1 1S10.
Tonight at the Brandels theater Mr.
Henry Woodruff and his excellent company
will be seen in the song comedy, "Tho
Genius. " William and Cecil De Mills wrote
the book, Paul Rubens arranged the music
and Vincent Bryant fumshed the lyrlca
Woman's Work.
Activities of Various Organised
Bodies Along the Mass of Un
dertaking of Coaoern to Women.
A trip to the top of Omaha's tallest sky
scraper, where they will be guests of honor
at a studio tea and enjoy a program of
Omaha's latest enthusiasm, fancy dancing,
Is promised to the people of the Old Peo
ple's home Saturday afternoon. The en
tertainment Is to be given at the studio of
Miss Louden. The guests will be brought
to the entertainment uad a visit to the
top of the skyscraper Is no small part of
it in the motor cars belonging to Mrs.
George A. Jotlyn. Mrs. C. N. Dletz, Mrs.
O. W. Wattles and Miss Jessie Millard.
Miss Frances Nash will contribute to the
musical part of the program. Miss Ithobe
West will give several solo dances and a
class of children will give several fancy
Miss Margaret Walker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 1L D. Walker, 278T Capitol ave
nue. was the candidate of the Omaha Wo
man's club for the scholarship which Mr.
Jenkins and the trustees of the Omaha
university offered to the Nebraska Fed
eration of Women's Clubs for award to
the daughter of a club woman, and her
election to the scholarship is therefore of
Vartloulax lnttrett to Omaha club women.
Since her graduation from the Omaha
High school in 1309 Miss Walker has con
tinued her studies and is now enrolled at
the university. The scholarship is for the
four years' course.
Letters are being sent out by a commit
tee of the directors of the Old People's
home asking for subscriptions for the sup
port of the home. These letters explain
that the current expenses exceed the an
nual income by about 12.0m), wh en ex
penses must be met by voluntary subscrip
The Cincinnati Symphony orchestra gave
Its first public concert on the evening of
November 25, with Mine. Schumann-Hoink
as the soloist. The greeting of the people
to the new organization, under tho direc
tion of Mr. Leopold Stokovskl, was such
as assures Its success. The performance
was warmly praised by the Cincinnati re
It is ft three-act play with the scenes laid
In New York city. There are numerous
comedy complications in the play as well
as several pretty little love scenes. Mr.
Woodruff Is surrounded by a big cast.
which Includes a charming chorus. The
production Is carried complete In every de
tail. A popular priced matinee will be
given on Saturday.
One of the cleverest touches In "Lady
Frederick" is the scene where she makes
up for the purpose of disillusionizing her
youthful lover. It calls for both tact and
taste on the part of the actress, for It can
easily be turned Into travesty, but Miss
Lang grasps its meaning and soberly goes
through the performance of "putting on
her war paint" each night, to the great
satisfaction of the ladles at least, many
of whom like to learn tho tricks. "Lady
Frederick" will give way on Sunday to
'The Squaw Man," which will run all of
next week. '
Adelaide Thurston, supported by a com
pany of capable players, will present her
new comedy, "Miss Ananias," at the
Urandeis theater for five performances.
starting Sunday evening. "Miss Ananias"
os written for Miss Thurston by Cath.
erlne Chisholm Cushing of Wabhingt n.
Its scenes are laid in and around the na
tional capital and it Is said to have all tho
elements of a laugh p.ovoking success
Without resorting to vulvar lines or situa
tions to make It amusing. Be Ides the
evening performances a matinee will be
given on Wednesday,
Beginning Saturday of this week all
seats In the balcony of the Orpheum the
ater will be reserved fur the matinee per-
torancea. This arrangement w.U apply to
every afternoon ana will, necessitate the
discontinuance of the grntral admbslon
children's tickets. An increased demand
for reserved balcony tickets at the mat
inees is given as the reason for this
Adelaide Thurston, who comes to Omaha
next week, was the first to play Flotsam
in "The Girl From Out Yonder;" Maude
Leone played the part in the same play
with the Burwood stock two seasons ago,
and tomorrow evening Edith Spencer
brings her stock company to the Gayety
for one performance of the same play.
The scenic equipment is said to be entirely
adequate. Al Reeves Beauty Show will
be seen at the Gayety twice t day, cl sing
the engagement with tomorrow's matinee.
Koble's "Knickerbockers" come Sunday
.t the week.
tion, which subscriptions are bespoken
from the kindly minded.
As the letter states the aim of the in
stitution Is "to restore, so far as possi
ble, the genuine home life for old people
of both sexes who have known what it Is
to have a home. It Is endeavored to make
ilielr life happy while their 'bodily wants
receive careful attention."
The committee sending out the request
for subscriptions includes: Mrs. George A.
Joalyn, Mrs. C. N. Diets and Miss Jess.e
Dr. Mary Eddy, the only woman physi
cian In Turkey, Is devoting her life to the
curing of blindness, very common among
the Moslems because of the sands blown
about by the winds. She served the poor
people so well during the Armenian mas
8ii ere that she has found a sure place In
their hearts. She Is of American parent
age, but was brought up in Syria.
The city governments of Dublin, Glasgow,
Dundee and North Berwick have voted
unanimously to petition parliament in fa
or of the pending woman suffrage bill.
Mrs. Lottie B. McCaffery, rational presi
dent of the Prisoners of War association,
toJd her audience at a recent meeting in
ytttsburg that, while the men vote, they
only carry out the wishes of the women,
who tell them how to vote. George Wash
ington toU Betsey Ross, she said, to make
a six-pointed star for the flag, but Betsey
said a five-pointed one would do, and to
this day it Is five pointed. When there
was a call for S00.0OO men, she said, the
woniea bad them all ready.
Marriage Licenses.
Llcenbes to wed were Issued to
Names and residences.
A. K. Mi-Cirary. Cain. 11, la ,
Berenice C. bwender, Carroll, la...
Iula C. Jackttays. Omaha
Km ma Deuueia, Omaha
Ctvde B. Reynolds, Omaha ,
Harriett M. Purvey, Omaha ,
I-o C. Koenlg, Lincoln, Neb ,
Jewel Nuderler, Lincoln, Neb
.... . H . 'V
I J - y
the fol-
1'r.n, All 1 hlnga.
Text: First Thessalonlans. v:21.
"Prove all things; hold fast that which
is good."
Professor Huxley once said that men of
science no longer lu Justification by faith,
but In ' "Justification by verification."
Here in a man of religion who teaches
"Justification by verification" aa well as
"Justification by faith."
Arter Jesus Christ, the figure which
stands out moat prominently In the New
Testament Is Paul the Apostle. Here 'we
have a man who was the greatest thinker
of his age, if not of any age. His writings
I have been among the mightiest Intellectual
' forces of the world, and are still growing
I P" the.r Influence. In this repect he
Irises sheer above all other evangelists and
j missionaries. Some have approached him
I In certain respects. Livingstons In the
world-conquering respect: Wesley In earn
, estneas and activity. But few of these
men added a single new Idea to the world's
stock of beliefs, whereas Paul, while at
least equalling them In their own special
line, gave to Mankind a new world of
thought, lils writings have quickened the
mind of the church as no other writings
have done. Out of them have been brought
the watchwords of progress In every re
, formation which the church has exper
, lenced. When Luther woke Europe from
the slumber of centuries It was a word of
j Paul which he uttered with his mighty
voice. And when our own country has
I been revived from almost spiritual death,
she lias been called by the voices of men
who had rediscovered the truth for them
selves In the pages of Paul.
WThat of the man, whose writings have
been such a mighty force In the world's
history? The outstanding features of his
intellect, his marvellous memory, the
keenest of his logic, the clearness and
depth of his thought were conspicuous In
everything that he wrote and spoke. He
was so great a thinker that he compares
more than favorably with any thinker
before or after him. In fact, he towers
above the majority of them. Such la the
man; and can you wonder that he should
exhort others to "prove all things?"
He Is not the man to take things for
granted. What does Paul mean when he
says In our text: "Prove?" He means
test, as metal s are tested by fire. He has
Brightside and His Boy
"I see the papers say that fewer buck
wheat cakes are being eaten this season
than ever before," begins Brightside, Son
arriving for the usual evening chatter on
the gossip of the hour.
"With your little Willie the buckwheat
am still de sweetest flower that grows,"
Son declares with considerable enthusiasm.
"This report states that consumption of
this flour has fallen off DO per cent in
New Jersey, long noted as one of the
strongholds of this gastronomlo Joy," ex
plains Father.
"Must be something wrong about any
state that will pass the buck to good old
buckwheat," denounces Sen. "What can
take the place of this, my favorite fruit?"
"Patent mixtures cakes and various pre
dlgested cereals are said to have driven
the old-fashioned buckwheat from the
breakfast table." replies Father.
"The yap that will turn down a stack of
bucks, piping hot off the griddle, for a
bowl of predlgested, sterilized, steam
cooked, antl-lndigestIonT copper-rivited,
copyrighted and patented breakfast food
that resembles a basket of chips more than
something to eat doesn't deserve to get
any fun out of feeding his face," angrily
declaims Son, waving his arms like an
anarchist making a speech.
'The commercial spirit seems to be regu
lating our diet more and mere every day,"
deplores Father. "Almost every kind of
food is nowadays done up in a fancy pack
age and sold at a fancy prloe."
"Merely because a man can buy a paste
board box filled with near-food for a dime,
10 cents, is no excuse for him to cut out
all the good eats,", declares Son.
"In Jersey the commuters are partly
blamed for the introduction of patent
i' ' fTNJV) (MApmue with f- N
J Lr 1 ITi Pf?ir4TlNG-- ;- -..---
Bst. Artinr Ataok, Pastor
Methodist Charon, Benson
special skill In applying tests, with a view
to discovering what Is real and what Is
counterfeit in mttuls, what Is good coin
and what Is bad coin. So we must ask the
question, "How can we prove all things?"
It would be well for us to remembir
that such a thing as absolute proof Is
not possible. Probability Is our guide In all
the afrairs of life. If this Is so In our
every-day temporal affairs, we ought to
be satisfied with like evidence In matters
of religion. Remembering this, let us ex
tmlne briefly one or two lines of evi
dence. X,et us see how Christ and Chris
tianity have both proved themselves to be
Have you ever thought of the wonder
fulness of Christ's life and character? The
character Is not described In words by
any of the evangelists or apostles. It is
revealed in his own words and acts. Words
and acts of beauty, glory and power are
Inseparable from Him. In tho gospels
the writers themselves do not speak. They
lot the life speak for Itself. A remarkable
feature is the unity of the portrait, despite
the fact that there are four different rep
resentations. How wonderful, too, - Is the
blending of the human and the Divine In
this life! Such a portrait as we have given
"Browning the Ducks
for Hubby," Their Lat
est Tabloid Sketch.
breakfast foods," continues Father. "A
man can't sit down to a big meal of sau
sage and cakes and expect to catch his
"An extra link of sausage has many a
time proved to be the missing link between
the suburbanite and his morning express,"
admits Son. "But because a man who lives
at Mountalnville likes to pound the pillow
after the alarm clock rings, then eat a
bowl of pepslniied Bhavings and sprint for
the station, is no reason why the rest of
the world should hit up army rations."
"My opinion," volunteers Father, slyly
glancing toward the dining room, where
Mother is visible, "Is that the women folks
I I 9ta sag; a
" co-
in the gospels were Imposs ble mil ss true, Is a conception that has never been
attempted in the world of fiction. In
Christ we see strength and gentleness,
courage and meekness, holiness and love
at their highest. The life, death and char
acter of Jews are such that they are mag
nificently higher than all others.
Paul's belief In the resurectlon was abso
lute. He says, "He appeared to Cephas,
to the twelve, to above 600 brethren at once,
to James, to all tho apostles," and accord
ing to Paul, Chrlstlan.ty stands or falls
with this truth of the resurrection. "If
Christ hath not been raised, then Is our
preaching vain; your faith also la vain."
The resurrection of Christ Is certainly the
foundation of all that we believe, and ever
must be. All our hope springs from the
empty tomb, and If the apostle glories In
the cross, yet It was In the resurrection
that he found his final ground of confi
dence and triumphant Joy. And If we
would be Christians at all. it must be by
holding fast the truth of the resurrection.
Personal experience Is of a different
character from all the other lines of evi
dence. It consists In the confirmation by
experience of the teaching of Christ. In
its very nature Christianity appeals to the
test of experience. It makes promises and
offers blessings which everyone may prove
for himself. It offers forgiveness, moral
health and strength, the asurance of d.vlne
favor and hope, the grace of a perfect life;
In short, salvation or eternal life to all
In certain conditions. But we must be
lieve before we can receive. It Is not a.
mere Intellectual faith, although this is in-V
eluded, but a belief In Christ as a personal
Saviour; In what He has done for me; an
act of the whole "moral nature of man;
trust in Christ, submission to Him, devo
tion to His service. T!i.s test Is one easily
applied and within the reach of all. If the
experience were a rare one wo might
question Its reality. But It Is not! The
experience of the Christian todayv is simi
lar to that of others In all ages. Paul could
say, "I know In whom I have believed."
We ma be familiar with all other lines
of evidence, but If we do not hold for our
selves an experience of the truth of Chrls
t.anty we may be sure that we., shall have
some difficulty In weathering the storms
of doubt.
are largely responsible for the passing of
the buckwheat cake. It is a good deal of
work to make the genuine article."
"A dame will put in two hours dragging
on her glad rags to go to a Broadway
restaurant to Juggle a bundle of spag
hetti and nibble at a biscuit tortonl,"
complains Son, "but she'd rather read the
riot act to hubby than nurse a batch of
buckwheat batter for a Sunday morning
splash of buckwheats."
"I wonder what a New York woman
would do if she had a family of five or
six boys to feed hot cakes to on a winter
morning?" muses Father. "When I was
a boy, if each of us couldn't eat fifteen or
twenty cakes, mother would think we
were off our appetite."
"If anything happened like that in this
little old town ," Son enlightens, "wlfie
would go up on the roof and turn a flip
flap into the North river. She'd rather
do that than flip flapjacks for a bunch of
guys with appetites like hired men."
"The reason why men don't eat buck
wheats in New York then seems plain,"
observes Father.
"Wedding belis will never Jingle for
your little Vvillle unless a buckwheat cake
.recipe is pasted across the marriage cer
tificate and the bride signs a bond to bake
a batch of cakes whenever X make a noise
like a stack of bucks," asserts Son.
(.Copyright, 1910. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
A Day Off.
Sunday School Teacher Is your pa a
Christian, Bobby?
Little Bobby No'ra. Not today. He's got
the toothache. Browning's Magazine,
The coming of old winter
Makes cowards of us all;
We creep Into our overcoats
And for our mufflers call.
We wish we were opossums,
That we mla-ht hibernate;
But It would help a trifle
If dad would call us late.
T. E.
The Boss of the EMabllshmcnt came In
with a very mysterious smile and a more
mysterious parcel In his hand.
"What do you suppose Is In that box?
No, don't touch it; let me hamfle it,
please!" he added In his most Important
"Violets?" his wife hazarded.
"No." said the Boss disgustedly; "its a
camera a beauty. I've been wanting one
a long time and today I bought It. I'd
like to get some snapshots to send to the
"Who's going to take tnem?" the Boss'
wife Inquired. "I used to snap fairly good
pictures with a little camera I had at the
convent, but I'm afraid I've forgotten all
about It now."
"I'll teach you the art of photography,"
said the Boss graciously. "It's reully very
simple when you once understand It."
The Boss' wife did not doubt this asser
tion, which proved itself. For the Boss,
when he left his home In the morning, did
not know a camera from a telescope, and
now at 8 o'clock he had returned a full.
fledged expert in photography.
A Mlver-tongued friend had caught him
on his way out to lunch and Dersuaded
! him that the chief function of a wlte, a
home and a collie dog Is to have "their
pictures taken.
Also the silver-tongued one had shown
him how to work the camera, or at least
so the Boss thought at that time.
"We can get up early tomorrow morning
and take a, lot of pictures before you go
to the office," his wife exclaimed, catch
ing his enthusiasm.
The Boss gazed longingly out upon the
back yard.
"1 think we might try some now." he
said. "The light seems pretty good."
"Fine!" acquiesced the lady immediately,
fluffing hur hair and assuming her most
becoming smile.
"Stand over by the summer house," com
manded the Boss after ten minutes' elab
orate Inspection of the camera. "Put your
hands behind you wait a minute. I don't
get you," he added, struggling vainly to
adjust the sight
"Don't you think you are a little far
away, dear?" his wife asked In her moot
conciliating tones. "Isn't there a little
thing down at the bottom there that meas
ures the distance?"
"Wno's taking these pictures?" asked
the Boss, Indignantly. But that's Just
like a woman. You stand over there giv
ing advice on a subject of which you know
absolutely nothing, i try to teach you to
take photographs and the first thing I
know you want to give me lessons."
The Boss' Wife made no reply. To have
her picture taken was next to opening
Christmas presents, her favorite amuse
ment, and she did not choose to Jeopardize
the undertaking by harsh words.
Meekly and dutifully she did her best to
carry out the Boss' conflicting orders. As
the queen of Sheba to the words of Solo
mon, she listened to his lecture on pho
tography as a fine art. '
Large Patterns in Wall Paper Make Small
Rooms Appear Smaller Than the Actual Size
Wall papers showing small patients, If
any, must be selected for rooms which nie
not large, because . big designs on walls
dwarf the size of the room and make it ap
pear even less larger than it Is. Plain
walla always tend to Increase an effect of
space, and for that reason flat papers are
valuable. So greatly have these latter in
creased in favor in the past few seasons
that "cartridge" Is no longer the only
style, for there are deep, crepery paperg
and others with stripes so fine and broken
that at a distance of five feet the designs
are not visible, and only by close observa
tion does a person distinguish tho back
ground, for the little stripes are usually
In self tones and are less than a sixteenth
of an Inch wide.
It is a paper on this order which a pro
fessional decorator has Just put on the tiny
reception room walls In an apartment
microscopic In size. There Is no border, for
she did not wish to reduce the height of the
celling, so the breadths go unbroken to the
top. The ground is tan, so pale as to be
hardly more than cream, while the stripes
are a tone deeper.
Leading from this room is another a little
smaller, to be used as a chamber. Its walls
are covered with paper showing a tiny
chintz patterns in dull reds on a tan
ground. The designs form octagonals, the
name being not wider than a quarter of
an Inch, In each octagonal is a swan, the
bird done in outline, and is not more than
two Inches In width.
Hangings for the windows are natural
linen, with borders of cretonne five Inehes
wide. These match the wall paper in de
sign. The bed cover la also linen, with
bands of cretonne.
Tbe next room, which ia a small and
Types We Meet Every
Since fair Bromldla learned to bowl
She loves to hear the rumbling roll
That prefaces a happy hit
She takes the ball and swings with it.
Then starts, her right foot first, and takes
Four rapid steps, and, bonding, makes
The ball glide forward through the air,
Hurrah! Hurrah! She scores a sparel
Her rival player takes his turn,
His glance upon her seems to burn
With such admiring warmth, 'tis plain
He'll make a lighthouse. Now, again,
Bromldla takes her turn to roll.
How gracefully she wields the bowll
Makes all the yells of Joy you like.
This time Bromldla makes a strike.
Helghol She plays it llks a queen)
No champion on the bowling green
In ancient days displayed more zest
Than does Bromldla at her best.
No expert Dutchman long ago
Could bend so swift, so deftly throw
The shining globe. On the king's farm
No player showed so fair an arml
Through centuries they've played the gams
And called It n.any a cunous name.
gullies. Skittles, Loggetu, Nine Pins,
Four Corners, Carreau, Closh and Skaylee,
But call It by what name you will.
One principle pervades It still.
Just watch the fair Bromldla play, and if
you're candid, you wiu say.
M - if
, JJJ toJ
And when she had been Dosed, sniirinu
and serious, with Woof-Woof, the collie
and without and In every other pose tha
hir fertile imagination could sucrrest. she
observed modestly that she would like to
take a picture herself.
Without any of the fuss or flurry that
had characterized the Boss' efforts sho
niMde half a dozen snapshots of the uncom
fortable nnd self-conscious expert, the
Boss. Woof-Woof also posed In his mom
spirited attitudes and with his most rap
turous grin.
"I'll bet not one of those films will show
anything." the Boss exclaimed as they
went Indoors. "But never mind, baby,"
he added good-naturedly, "you had a lot
of fun, didn't you?"
Next morning the Boss departed with
half a dozen rolls of film.
"I ll get one of the boys at the office to
develop and print them right away," he
said, "and bring them home, tonight."
Night brought the Boss, but no word of
tho photographs.
His wife, suspecting the truth, did not
mention them until the end of an unusually
good dinner. Tho she asked suddenly:
"Where are my pictures?"
The Boss hesitated.
"Your pictures!" he exclaimed finally.
"You have no pictures. I guess you
couldn't stand still long enough for me to
focus the camera. Anyhow, there isn't a
trace of you on any of the films."
"And th- I took?" faltered the lady,
"Why, they're all right." blustered the
Boss. "Of course, they couldn't help being
all right after all the lessons I gave you.
And then besides." he added, "l know how
to pose."
(Copyright, 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
dark 'chamber, lias white satin striped
paper paneled with blue ribbon pattern.
At the window, which opens into a Court,
are white muslin curtains.
There Is outside light In the dining room,
although there Is but one window, and so
to create more light the paper chosen has
a green ground, closely covered with tiny
chrysanthemums In dull yellow. The win
dow hangings are pale sage green In heavy
raw silk, and they hang straight to the sill.
There Is a green vallance. Beneath the
green, to shut out an uninteresting brick
wall, natural color net curtains . hang
against the glass.
Women In Russian Universities.
Although the nine universities of Prussia,
especially Berlin, were the last to admit
women to the full rights of academlo
citizenship, the total enrollment this
semester of the women contingent has
reached 2,324, as compared with 1.680 six
months ago, a remarkable Increase of 633.
In the philosophical faculties the enroll
ment of women is 2,004, as the majority
sre preparing for the position of teachers
In girls' high schools; there are Kt women
In the medical department, fifteen In the
law and thirty-nine In the theological. The
most noteworthy feature la these statistics
Is that no fewer than L2&0 are fully
matriculated, I. e. have done the work re
quired by the nine-year courses of the
regular secondary schools, and naturally
have been compelled to do this by private
study. New York Independent.
Hlsa I.oas.
He had no use for knockers
Only optimists could win
And When Opportunity knocked ene day
He wouldn't let her in.
T. K. M.
The Bowling
Each time she makes that little run.
She bowls us over, every one.
Here while we watch her at her play
Tbe modern alley melt away;
We seem to see another scene,
A royal garden's bowling green;
We see her majesty, Queen Anne,
Stroll slowly down the emerald upan,
And then among lier courtiers play
Just as Bromldla does today.
(Copyright, 1S14, by the N. Y. Herald Co j