TITE BEE: OMAITA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910. 17 f OFFERED FOrt RENT l (rl.kfl lleeeekeepl. II noma FOR RfNT-ThrM rooms for hrai"l!p. V. Ing, n rcly furnished. OIK s. 2,th Hi. FROM and back pnrlor completely fur nished fur housekeeping; tlm houckeetin? room for mn end wife who will attend furnace. CM a, jjMh Av. FOR RENT-Three or foir room. fur nished foe housekeeping, modern except heat. Vi'i Maple rH. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished kitchen fur housekeeping..- 2il Cap.tol Ave. lon. 67;. FOH KENT I'urn'shpd room for house keeping;, good locution. 2121 Cur St. FOR Rfi.NT Two rooms for honselte ep Ing, everything f urnlKlied. 2v:j Pratt HI. FOR RKNT Modern hotmcke eplng roorna. 2 Websttr. louglas 2l. FOR RENT-Light housekeeping roorna. furnished or unfurnished, g-as and bain. 801J Leavenworth Bt FOR RENT Three or four modern rnomi for housekeeping-, private family. IMS N. lMh Kt. FOR RENT Two nlcelv furnished house keepmg rooms. 2M4 Mason u Harney 4146. . FOR RENT-Nicely furnished, well heated room, south front: desltable for iiouK.-keeplnK. 2o6 St. Mnry's Ave. FOR RENT Large, modern, well heated kitchen for housekeeping. 2113 Douglas. FOR RENT-Two suites of rooms;' rea sonable. U-i N. ISth Ht. FOR HENT-Modern rooms, furnished or unfurnished, main floor. S23 8. )th Bt. I alvruiBbett llaam. 1 , FOR RR NT Four roorna and bath. 2d floor. 1.W N. 21st St. FOR RENT-Three or four unfurnished rooms. 22)2 N. lth St. Web. 3707. FOR RENT Three lart;e rooms, single or ensulte. 2601 Spalding St. Web. S5tH. FOR. RENT Four rooms, modern except heat, il'n California St. Douglas 4224. FOR RENT Large, modern front room, Rround floor, unfurnished or partly fur nished, good locat.on. 647 S. 24th Ave. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 2211 Burt St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished house keeping rooms. V3a Park Ave FOR RENT Three IS. itii Juckson ISL unfurnished rooms, Furnished lloasea. Il-room rouse, modern except heat, fur nished complete; references required. Inq. ltill Maple bt. Phone. Web. 1713. ' Houses aart Cottaarea. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient, modern, compact, b-room brick; f.nlahed one year ago; choicest neighborhood. .id and Pop pletnn. Hi. lOviludea water, care of lawn, now. ic. Vetera Trust Co., N Y. Llf bidg. OOOD place for winter, 3-r. house, city Wkler, Ji'J. o-r, lioiiKM. city water, fU.M. J. H. PAUUOiTE, Bd. Trade. NIC cosy seven-room house, all mod ern, excellent furnace. Right on the 24th St. car line. No. 223 N. 21tti St. Will rent for S2S or will sell on easy terms. !'!. Harney FOR RENT To good tenants, on most favoiable tenna; lnnntdlaie possesHion; no car fares; b. st of ntlg boi h-ou; will show property any time; nothing better down town. .Notice the locality and look at the houses. Doug. Hti7. 17 Howard, fl rooms. V21 Howard, 9 rooms. . .. PUTNAM CO., 82a Branuais '1 heater Bldr. CLOSB INI -Ail modern S-rouui house, well located; paved utrret; bslf block from car; waik.ng distance from town: close to high achoot iuSi Capitol Ave. f40.t per month. be owner, '. II. 'i'urney, Zu6 Capitol Ave. 7- ROOM, all modern cottage, nice loca tion; paved street; one block from car. 444 Spalding. Phone WeD. 8- ROOM house, strictly modern, in fjrst rlass repair, splendid neighborhood. SUA) Marcy bt. Call phjne Harney S.u6. ., BIX-ROO.M modern house except heat. tliU. Blnuey Bt. Tel Web. 1741 -ROOM hous. modum, easy walking distance; always rented for t'i; will reduce rent for winter. Call (74 Urandala llidg. Tyler U.78. i-KOOM cottage) modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and tree. Nu S."M Boutli Ave. I-1-nt only Jt er tuu. ' 'leleyuon Douslaa 4Cn0, BIX-RCXM bouse, 823 So. Sat. 20. Ptiona Hartley 2iUb. NEW MODERN HOME. Seven rooina, all moUern, parlor,- living room, kitchen, dining room, three sleeping rooms, quarter-sawed oak floors, in perfect condition: full cement basement; paved atieut; permanent walk: one block to car line; northwest corner OC BblQ aua weuater tits., IM per month. V . W . U li O .11 U 1 A -T l-vj. liw-.i . 1 Tel. D. 76. li14 City NaUoual Bank bide PIX-ROOM, modern, Sherman Ave., (20.00. e-room cottage, tm Franklin, $18.00. W. H. GATES, (44 N. Y. Ufa. Phone D. 1234. ig DOUOLAS lUeet. ( rooms, (27.60. DUNDEE Strictly modern 7-room house, near car Una, Phone Harney SS17. -r., mod., beautifully lo-ated; easily heated; (; water pd. 7 IS 8. ffith. Web. jjO. llouse In all part of Crelgu Sou at Co. th elty Bee Bid 1-room house, Dear park. (24. UU fc (Btb. HOl'FKHOIJ) GOODS packed, fcraarded. !! freight rates; moving aod storing. .1 i-i iirmciri lieitvarv Co. Tel. Duuf, tvi Om. Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store Siousenuld good, rlreproor torase, k04 M. (tlx. Braucti, JJi H. ilia. Tel. D. iluJ. A-liii. MODERN 10-room hou. Ml B. Kid bt. toqulr nejtt door aouth. llovux fiata Oarvla Ilroa.. (d floor N T I I ROOM modern oottaee except heat 711 Hickory Bt Inquire Jl U. l.th. J, P. burgMulst K. MOD, enttaa. very pice, beauufuliy located. 120. li a a. In tit vveo. 20 Al. I4U( N. tttb tsu, ( rooina I'hne Haroe HOUSE" FOR HKNT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. ftulte vt New Yik lit Uldg. Red IWa. ( ROOM, modern brick, nearly new. Burt H. ftymea. 22JS I rHHlN Exp. & Storage. 1H1 Cap. D. tl ROOMS modern, good repair. 2S-1 S. t-d Ave.. (.U Tel. Harney !!. t-ROOM. MODERN. 1 60. West Farnam Bt, lata lot. i-hraceat rant la Omaha. - NO W ATA LAND IT CO., TA New Tork Life H.g. phonea. ReU Vm: A-1T.L fn N. ai'H AVE. Modern i-rooin house. Cm Webster J.U TOR RENT 8 rooms ami bath. $30 per rue, et 3220 Rurt .St. Motlern except heat, 2 block from two car line, j Harney and Cuming. Asphalt St. Se owner at 321C Burt St., or Rhoae Harney 24. FOK HENT o-room house, l'j blo.Xa fiom car ime. In Florrm-a. Call Florence 110. l'-2 Maple .-!., (-room, modern. (1 17 fOlt KKNl Iwo groom brtck aouae. all newly reu.udeli-d. ail modtrn. nortn pait I of 1 1 v , (.... , A i.K-e k-ifHini -ittKe. til mnd-'m except, finals, u t I laiirn ill eti.. 9 J. 4 room aM rlu.i ul t-at, 1 No. ISih kit-, $) ' At. ( rooms, 1;1 Ctark S( (10 C. M HAI IIM ANN. I i l'axkuu Lik Office, K. iy lir.. D. tvoi OFFEncL) run HENT (Continued ) .tores ani Uffleea. FOR RE NT office room. , located ton floor. liniiK court, .u square feet, la iiu'iii a u I, riii lor - pa niorta. THE UKU bt-'ILDlNU CUMI'AN 1" FOR RENT Of flees In new -Pullman liuiiil nx " next to tiurlluaton s'oiion. bo. H'th "Irtfl; very deelrabie f.r railroad or out-of-town and Souin of viaduct business; levator, steam heat and up-to-ilaie In very n. I M FI-.KT ATj I.NVESTMFKT CO . U Bee Building. Tel. Doug. 11(, FOR RKNT fc'tore In new Pullman .mining." next to Rurlington station: a rr deslraMe location for millinery an J dresa making or hardware, notion, novel ties or other business to ratch out-of-town and south of viaduct trade IMl'fcRIAI, IaVLMiUENT CO., tU bee building. Tel. Luu(. l'jia. Ml . a n a in cli. grocery mi . OFFERED Flirt SALE Vara Mar. 6TEEL RANGE, (-hole, wood, heating, love, lion bed with tpiing. Cheap for cash. O ifSJ. bee. TWO roll top desks, one flat top desk, two revolting office chairs, cne bookkeep ers desk and high revolving siooi, one oak settee with leather seat, one sectional filing case. Oliver typewriter No. J with stand, one roll heavy llneoleum, office rug. 00J First Nailonal Bank bldg. Doug, lmj. Maaleal lastraaneala. FOR LESS THAN HALF price, pianola and sixty rolls of music. XZi Harney bt. Tel. Harney 1761. Iirnrllll. BUT an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. I r . &anaoa In, oiaii ibuier. uu irar am St. TVJKWRITF.R3. nil make, large stocx Standard Vlaiba Writing .'.lachlnaa and others 1-6 infra' prices, for sal ee rent; rent applied. Ask for list and offer. H. F. Kwanaon Co.. ltl Farnam. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter witu oak stand. 13 monthly, from manufacturers, mum. miereaieu m aaiiiaciiun given. Oliver Tvtifi writer . 'Phone Doug, 19. SECOND-hand typewrltera sold, repaired. Cential Typewriter Exchange, luu7 Varoaav TYPEWRITER Easily 12.60 cash, ll'ib Burt BL worth 136, for Mlaaellaaeoas. WE FAVB on 8nd a nnmbee af ta tar ret a which wa wll. sell for M rents aaea Ttey ara fine for rain water or aches. Call a pt 100m Bee Publlahlag Ce. POATi R' Cooking; housewlfe g de Kjjj.u ,1(nt c A Westerfleld. D. IMS. 200 OVERCOATS, slightly used, at a fcar. w rain. A. H. BINUER, 411 N. 16th. FOR AI.K New and second-hand bfl llHrd and pool tables. Wa lead the world I rheap bar fixtures; eaav payments liruae-wlck-I;alke-Collender. 407 S. lota 8t PAFES-Overstocked with ennd-han res. sll sixes and makes: bargain American Supply Co., 1110 Farnara Bt About 40 feet of TS-lncb diameter No fuage. galvanised pipe, with fear 4Ma e'boea and T. Thla was uaed for entllat 1 a purposes, snd pipe ts In good rondltlea The Bee Publishing Co. 17th and Farnara, CALENDAR pads. Burkloy Printing Co. COAL fru"'f; i.um?- "v ... $0.00 FOR BALE Ten sharea United Wirei Telegraph, preferred, transferable stock. for (126. Box 15. Little Rock. Ark. FOR SALE) 338 tons of hay In stack, is iiuien weal, ul uiciion, iveo., at 94 a ton if taken at once. Can drive cattle to h and feed out or bale and ship. Address w. A. Olive, indlanola, Ia. OSTEOPATHY Alloa Johnaoa (OS-g.Braadsta Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nlknlaa M-t Brandel Theater PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, registered oractltlenae in u. ci. fu otuce. Paxton Blk. R. tm. D. O RA KNELL. Pagton Wla. T Red Till PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY Drugless treatment of stomach trouble, Dr. Margaret Halloran, 2. Neville Ulk. D.7761. PRIVATE maternity borne. Mra Dr Kins. 1(14 N. (4th 6t Web. (. lad, D-l3(. Prof. ninilRn yn,n ' massga 4i( - uranaeia xna. Pn. D. Hi YOUNO WOMEN coming 10 Omaha a traniter are Invited to vlalt the Youag Women's Christian Association building at reventrenth street and Bt. Mary'a aveaua where -they will be directed to eultakl board'ng placea or otherwlae aselated. Iee lor eur traveler's aid at th Union atatiea. cp AI D massag a apeolalty, aura eure for baldness: facial anaseage, manicuring and shampoo work; satlafaa tory work guaranteed. AK Paxtoa Jaloefe. magnetic arnsai, & t PRIVATE HOME during oonflnemeat; aablea fur sdootion. Uood siamarltaa Urlum. 740 1st Ave.. Council (Muff. la. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "Ths Under world Bewer." at all book aterea. Prlea, U M XrAKSAnF: treatment Mra. Btaele, 1U ,ua"v, tj. iith Bt, Zd floor. , room (, OMAHA ttammerara In. Rarog atlOg. WANTED To know whereabouts of Charles West formerly of Cuba, Rrpubllo t o.. Kaita Ha stiff arm. Address Harlla Weet Cuba, Kan. THE SALVA1ION AHMT acllelta eaat-off rloliung in fact, anything yo do net need. We collect, repair and ael) at 1M N. Iith 1 . tor rost of collection, to lb worthy poor. Call pbone Douglaa, ilea and waaoa ill 'ai. rip A JsJT) View Maternity home, private t-1 ItXi-l1! J home for wiinen during cunflne metit. Addrvae Bog 117, Florenoa. 'let Florence tsZ. MRS. IIUSTER, Millinery. Zl N. Uta. E. L. LOVEJOT rerlr sewtng machine and warrants them. iUog N. 21st. Web. fot T?TTPTTTl?Tr' PH. ate. cured; no knife; XiVJI A CUVXj poo fr German Doctor. 4j0 Broadway, CuungU Blufia. la. Cn.itr.Vioo ''",rn comhliire d M. Mrs. . Math' iwa, (04 Ncrlll blk. Dt-tJ WIGS and toupaa for men Oiiffli. II and 14 FrtKNZIift BLOCd, mj RintKE peclallat In disease sf i. UUitlVfi aomeo. N. E. Corner lth and Douglea. Omaha, Call or wrtta KUPEnFLUOCS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no los of time, no Injury to the sktn; work guaranteed; lady attend ant. (10 M'ague bldg., iiih and Dodge REFRESrlMENTS and service by Alfred Jones, l ead alter at Omaha FieM Clu ;il ttko:.. 11 H. lil litd. A-4J I CONFINEMENT CASES erd for at my home; (20 per week. Mra. Mary L. Binlth, Waverly. Neb. 'I'hone Autoinatio 0L 1 l'ARLOR S'io'd ti gxt anado A HOME for women dunna eennemeat. tv e finil nomee lor Kabiva ahon mother rannot rare for them. Babtea boardal lor terina addrta Mi Matlna I. Lee. H Kaneroft fcl . Ouiab. Nab. Puoae Doug laa liit HINDOO TAHLETS will build furoathrn ' Ux HKI.L IiRUil CO braea i U AUVKTIi' rrt.tiuerl. E. Prot.t , .M.UI.M.l l 5, lvUl Sl Ttl Kt)j 721 4KJ. IiR. FC.GKHS. Privet eoafttiament home, u; Marthn H . Cuia'ia- Tel 'Jiiumni iiM. . - 1 ' V 'PI f cler.ti' c numif. 1017 Dodge fit. 1.V A HO . ....,..,., fi. te a. m I, IHi ilMAMA Hr'l'SK and WINIKIW rl.l'ANl .Vi3 '" . lurit'iie filed lid baa In t t ' l- and put kapt tieAii. aioi in .iuus waauaa t uPl A noue ta PERSONAL (Continued ) MASK SLITS to rent at LIEBEN'8. VINltATOUY MASSAUK Pr. Rlttenhoiise. SO. Old Poeton Ptore, 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 8. 16th. Open Sundays from to 12 p. m. HATIIS! p,,t low r"1 i)Aluo Uoilfe. Sd fin d massage, 1""6 oor, OOP. post- of flea. Mme. Allen, of Chicago, Doug. 7j5. STRICTLY privat home for confine ments; excellent care; hablea for adoption, liavenpnrt. WE RfNT and repair all kinds of sew ing mn-' Ines. Ind. A-1G3; pnucns 1 NKURAKKA CYCLE COMPANY, L".ta and Harney 61s. POULTRY P. C. W. and P. and R. C. Brown Leghorn rockerels for sale cheap. barker Itiro., lmiianola, la. PLRE-RRED S. C. Rhoda Island Reds, (exclunive y. iD cockerels of the well known "Cottage Place" strains for ale at 12 and (3 apiece, or t or I for tT; bans and ptillete at II. W each. George W. Uixon, Cottaga i'lace. Watertown, . D. MAMMOTH Bronsa Turkeys Toms. 60; hens, 2.D0; pairs and trios. Thoroughbred Tolouss geese, either sex. W. Misa K. Hchlndier, Nebraska City. Nab. ttONNIH VIEW White Wyandotte and Bourbon 5ed turkeys. Mrs. N. W. Pur bank. Honnle Vlw Poultry Yards. New Sharon, la. FINE Black Minorca cockerels and pull'ln for aala. Frank A, Agnaw, Bouth Omaha. Neb. BARGAINS now In all varieties Orping tons, Wyandottes, Lrghorni, R. I. Reds, Rocks, Minorca, ducks, geese, turners. W illiam Koell at Co., Bog W, Hampton. la. DUCK! Duck! Tea. Buff Orplngton- great layer. For prices, etc., wrlta Clerlnda Duck Farm. Dartnda. la PRINTING Lew W. Haber, Printer nasTou. (tee Bldg. F.ntranee en Court "FUOHS IND. A-K for good prlntlnr. Lagatad fnouag Co.. letta and Capitol A. MILLER 4k J4MIISON. UU Douglas St (tola phoatea. Riva-HAt.L 'tg. Co. in 14'h. Ind A-1?4 REAL ESTATE 1IITR AC'Ta or TITI.B. Midland Guarantee and Trust company aeaderl abstracters. 1714 Farnam St. PETER J ESS KN, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. (2U1 REAL ESTATE) . DEALERS. RERD ABSTRACT CO.. Ft. 1E: prompt Si'f lea; get oar price, ad araadets theater C RK t A M 1 N R n. CO. 477 Prandels MMi REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth Floor City National Bank Building. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Here's Your Chance ( and 10-100 aorea of the best land In Douglaa county, lying one mile west of Benson, an paved road. In Keystone Park. An Ideal spot for an Ideal home. Planted t alfalfa. Payne Investment Company, . ISth and Farnam eta. . A Gem of a Home A new T-room modern bouaa of latest design, with large living room, dining room with beamed ceiling, hardwood finish and oak floor below, white enamel with ma hogany doora upstairs; located In Sunset addition, faolng Dundee, In fine neighbor hood, an paved street and car line, 30 min ute' rid from lath and Farnam Sta. No elty taxes or paving to pay. Price ((,200; terms, (1,400 cash; baiano monthly. J. H. Dumont & Son, Tel. Dougaa 6(0. IMS Farnam St, Omaha. TEN-ACRE fruit farm for aala en ea teim yield trom (2(0 to (600 an acre whtn Ceveloped. Addrea W. H. Borcoerdiag lll-ll City Kat Bank Bldg. REAL BARGAIN Pplendld 10-room bouaa within two blocka new cathedral, 40 th and Burt Sis., on paved street, paving paid; large recep tion hall, two parlors, dining room and kltohen en first floor; five fine bed-rooms and bath on secopd floor. Very finest oak floors In all rooms upstairs and down, with good plumbing and heating; hand some combination fixture and everything In first-class condition. Fair barn or Jarag. Lot MxlbO feet. Owner leaving awn. Immediate poseeaalon.' PRICE $7,000. D. V. Sholes Co., Sole Agents, (11 City National Bank Building. Tl. Doug. 4. Ind. A-a048. DOUBLE flat building, cloae in; for par titulars inquire of owner. Red (2(1. PRAIRIE PARK Sl rooms, all modern; easy term. Owner. L 444, Be., 4-Room Cottage in growing section of Omahn, convenient to school, one block from Sherman Ave. car. Large lot, nice lawn and garden,'- fruit trees, grapes and strawberries. This is a new place and the price is right. $100 Down will handle it Address L 3S0, Bee. h FORTY ACRES NEAR SOUTH OMAJLY W offer FOB, A FEW DAYS ONLY a farm f 40 acre, with running water, (mail house, new barn, small orchard and other Improvement On the beat road leading ut of South Omaha and within walking distance of Ilellevpa college and electno rar line to Omaha. KXTRA f TRi N'(i HICH LAND; PART IN ALFALFA. Price (7.000; one-half eaah. DON'T DtiLA X IF YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN. J. H. DUMONT 6i SON Tel. Dougaa (50. UK Farnam St.. Omaha. (f.00 CASH. ( rooms, mcdern, balance easy monthly paymenta Houa new on bouth lin. (aood location. NOWATA LAND St LOT CO., lib New Tork Ufe PMg. Phone Red ISO. A-Kil. $4,000 . buys 8 rooms and bath at 3220 Burt St. In fine condition. Very desirable for a home. Half block from two car lines, Harney aud Cuming. Asphalt 6treet. See ow ner at 3216 Burt street or Phone Harnev 24 90. 61X-ROOM mod rn tottare. for aie on tu lerum by uei.or. t4 ia.uu Et RFAL FSTATP CITY I'HiHUHTV FOR gAI.l (Continued.) S beautiful lot, hlrh and sightly, nen Miller Park and on car line. 12uxi40. Douc. 115. r(IH fAI.F-Two lots IVsleS. ! sout Mh H near Vinton; all special taxes paA tvni uli as en piece or divide Wiiimt to sell at eacriricw. Apply at Ul auut Mil. RAILROAD MAN HERE YOU ARE v Look at fOl Pierce St.; 6-room, splendid, strictly modern house; hot water heat. Just newly Installed; parlor, dining room! den, two bedrooms and kitchen; electrio light, also kitchen linoleum and large gai ranee; garage; paved street, all paid; lot 44X1M. Price. (4.S.MI. BlttKF.TT A TERBEN3, 423 Bee Bldg Tels., Douglaa 47M; Ind.. A 1TZ. FOR KALE House f rooms wstar, newer tenet, etc : nice tree aod ehrunber ai t ft Ht REAL ESTATE FARM A!IO nA.CH LAND FOR SALE Alabama OTTTWERN roloniastlon barralat (m acres; good land; ( miles "It. Marv'a river rtontage; Ideal climate: fine fhtng ani hunt'ng onlv U per acre: worth Its. Wal. it K Rarnaa. Avondal SlaUoa. Birming kam Ala. Arkaaaaa. BARGAIN 0-acee farm near Walitrna eott county. Arkanaaa: 40 acre tilled and la meadow, balance timber; good housea bam, excellent water Price. (1.000. U ( e Waldron. k ARKANSAS PARMM Big Hat; specie tarsains. seat free Write today. Captaie Risks. Fayetteville. Ark. California. a rmw i-acrk peach orchard i Ontario. Cel.. value (6 D to trade for good (llnnerota property about same value: eea- der Dakota or Sioux Fall, fleveral fin lallfotnla orange grovea. from tlO.40 u a' aed trade. Have one called the f ox ace In aouthern California, prie (1J6 uu Beautiful property will pay big retur-ta 10 If you Have eastern property to trad for eouthera California, aead detoriptloa. 1raiee effected anywhere. Faithful per 1 tiel attention givea to your raattera la. uiance, eale. trad, rntala Iwvaatmant tte. Reference furniahed. Jama M Va Da'iaan. M Bralay Bldg.. Paadna Cat 1 at ACRE) Finest Orange .and Ireano. allfornl. (I.eOO. F . Bee. aeay Canada. ELF-SUPPORTINU HOMES In ta aior tou fruit ditriot ol eouthara Britla Columbia for (It eaah and ti monthly without lotrest. Aooual profit (600 t (1 000 par acre. Orchard, garden, poultry, scenery, hunting timing, boating; delight. Jul. warm climate; church. School, post etfiee. nor, big. aawmlll, daily train Close to market unlimited demand for froducta. Write Quick for reaps, photoa ee n.foi inatioQ. West Kootenay Fruit Landa Co.. Dept D, Drawer ItaW. Nalaoa butusa columiua. Colorado. COLORADO LAND, I have (.000 acies of Impiv.eu and unlm aioved land for aale at from (11 to (S3 aa acre, within from on to te mile of tuwa, an aood linage, write me -ar particulara D. O la HAN. BOVINA 'JLU, H.K KULlAbl.C. BEST located frail tract In Colorado, on easy taima, lowl price, write Her. W. H. Caiilu. 1010 al Utn A . leaver. Cola. CONDITIONAL SALE Will aell 10 aoras (-year a prlea in Grand Junction valley to party who will car for 13 acre on on kid and 20 acre on opposite aid; will pay n year lor at least i year a ueo, B. Powell. 71 Braudeis Bldg. Florida. FLORTDA LAND BARGAIN IT. Ic acres finest Of (aiming land; two crop 1 early; deep water laadlngs; two railroads la M per acre- Waiter E. tiarna. Avoa tale. Ala. FLtiKIDA -W have million of arree if Fioiida timber, cat ever, farm and eolnai. alien landa Eatate Journal. Hlg bargala. t e home; w can ault you. National Realty Agency. Jacksonville Florida FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well ae ected property In Flor.da. Knt are aura of nick and substantial pronta We have many good properties for oolonlsatloo. fruit and vegetable lands and Improved larma Pope & North, sol Atlantis Na tional Bank Bldg, e.ckeonvtlla. ria. taewra-ia. TEN Improved farm or rent or aala on crop payment . MulbaJl. Siou City, la OREAT SOUTH (JEOKUU TR4VIRED BT THE ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Ijtnds adaptable to the widest range o( rrops; ail the money crops of the Heuta pleatlfully produoeo. For literature treat log with thla coming country, it eolt ell mat, church and achool advantages, write W. H. Lunar, Qeo'l Paaaenger At Dept K. Atlanta. Oa lawa. fat-ACRB Improved rami, aorthweet Iowa: three-quarter mil from town; lu( ore tillable, to" per acre, eiear. Owner will trade for good buaineaa, take baiaau oack on land. iuNss LAND CO. Pstaraoa. Ia. FOR BALK 47t aorea, wall Improved, at (47(0 per acre for abort time only; tte acrea all valley land. Iroprovementa ouet about (4-0M- -rgala at (it per aora 1"w. H. KINNIDT. CAHTANA, LA. IOWA FARMS. Wrlta for my large Illustrated fist of Madison county farm, froia (v seres up to Iw acrea. all prioee, good liberal terma. )e Madiaoa county before buying Beet all around county la the state. Adreea J. 6. fc.HfUVH.rt Wlotereet la. Kaaaaa. in ACREH In Anderaou county, Kan. M acres pasture, balance new land; prloe, (14 r act Neai ttuwiuaa laua to Oar- . . ,.i t .and .'aim leuua iu weetera Kansas 1 ouola. subject to previous rut a fe W. lH-eO-M. (hallow water aliaifa land. t (26 Par acre; US u.ies from MoCue. N. K ll-17-Jl good wheat or broom corn land, fli tar aore. ( miles from Msomas mi Ma )o u D. Card, ineit City. Kaa. UAROAlNn. I (4 acree ebo.ee land. I.OOO acrea of It la wheat; wtl located, well Improved; IH per acre; will exchange for smaller, A fine plantation of nearly l.o0 acrea well located aod weii improved; Lealaiana. W per acre; traje. Modarn luo-barrel flour mill and elevator doing good buslneaa; eeotral Kanaaa; 4-a. w ami caafi lor ranoa. DM a area good wbat etc.. land, central (.snaea par acr. for rental. I have aome choice farma and ranrhe la eastern Kant and weetero Missouri. ny sis and pr.i-e you want; aome will ex rhanve. When you want to buy. aell or xthabge land, inerohandlsa or anything else of value. I would to bar trom OU. FRANK OE Iwranc Kaa M extra. LANDS. MUX ICO I have for sale ara, rtna tracts ef tropical landa and transnortatloa sepectallv suitable for fruit and au:g rais ing. Cheap a iu.ek sale Live orrrei on i una wanted. None but responsible firm er parttea need enawar Reference give ani ieiotrd AdHrass J ferrla Kent. Tlaootalpam. Ver Mexloo. Mlaanala. . rOSt Sat Cheap Ooof farm; 1 acre, II tinder eulttiatioa: small bulldlnsa, i aal.ee west ef Hawler. Clar rountr. . addreaa Bos 4. Muaaoda Mloa. I'M ACRES, clay soil, well titaberea. Witt fiatd wotd . located neer thla it . a Ui arueln. Prlea I t Per aota P. R. Ihlai. Kian. r.1 'loud ktliJi CIKik'fc FARM I.aNOI In Itoca ml Pipoetobe eouaUea M.nnexMa Lj t ui .t' acta, fraav trrma AdJrea t.Cii.l.ltLloofi LAND CO.. Reaper, lliu REAL tS i ATE FARM AMI HA XII LAM1 FOR AF.R tfontlnued. t Laalstaaa. POOR LAND A POOR INVESTMENT No matter what the price on pay for poor land It will always be poor. An In vestment In rich land makes a man rich. THE MISSISSIPPI DELTA Is aa rich as any land In the world. It will compare with the famous reclaimed land of Holland, where, farms are worth from (l.0i0 to (J.OUQ per acre. The land we sre selling; In Louisiana la, we believe, th equal In productive power of any other lands offered for eale. The tide of emigration haa set In toward the south. This is because of the unusual opportunities for investment: becaute of a inarvelously fine climate, balmy in winter and never excessively hot In summer. It ia because you can grow any vecetab.e and have them fresh every month In the year. It la because you can grow aeml-troplcal fruits and all other aorta. Gather Oranges With Us on Our Excursion Next Week The Indication are now that we will have threw, and possibly four carloads on our excursion to Adeline Plantation, Louisiana, December (. W offer liberal terms to purchaser of this land end It haa but to be seen to commend Itnelf. and we know you will like the climate and the country and the people. Make your plana now to be with us on our next exourslon. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, LAND MERCHANTS, OMAHA, NER Mlaaaart (VW ACR Kt AND M ACRES IN OOOfl Id Cass county, (e mile from Kansas 'lty both wall improved, fin black llinaato land: bargain: choice (tit per acre; good larana. E. V. Burdett Oardea City. Mo. A SNAP If taken In days-Fine valle7 4 acre. Imptoved. la the heart of Ca county, Missouri; ( mla from county eat, al with owner; eave commlaaion Addre.i Bex It, K. F. D Mo. (. Marrlaoavllla Cass uultt. A4o. MISOOLrU LAND for sal, aorea id I vuo acree; terms and prices to ault pur chaser. Write for particulars. W. U. fctaven Clinton. Hoary Co.. Mo. 10 ACRF.S 4 ml lee to town. good. lvi, wall drained land; oa mail rout and achool house on one corner of the farm. 1 loom houa. new; barn KxnO; hog and eew bouae, windmill, plenty water, about I aorea timber. Thla la a good plaoe price-1 t mi per acre. D. B. CRUTCHER, Drexel. Mo. BARGAIN M acro nrm 4 mil, fro it Vt'ereaw M : a, acre eultlttel tiis- , faatara, aaar aegtool and i eh; pi n4 I oo; terms eaey Addreaa T U rj(,k Waraaw. Mo 11ALF INTEREST. 40 acre farm un.ler lau with aiao and lead. T. Chapmaa, W ebb tlty Mo. THRU high elaea Improved nerthweol Mlseourl farms for eal. corn clot- r ani blue grass land, youe choice. (71 per acre. Writ tor particular. Basel J. Meek, owner, v O. boa M. Chllliouina, Uj Kaagauiaua DO YOU WAN?" i BARGAIN t If so, .Inveatlgata these. They ara all bargalna: S40-aor Improved Nebraska farm and took ranch; 2u0 acrea farm land; cuta tuO tons nay; two miles from new railroad now building. Oiiiv 16.0U0. 320-acra Deuel county farm land; as good aa any In the odunty; not a foot of waate land on tha pi ace. I2L60 an acre. l,2(0-aor well Improved farm and ranoh near aurweii. Neb.; 400 acres farm land, balance hay and pasture. Only (12,800. - 40-acre well Improved farm and hay ranch; ona of tha best In Rock county; near town; cut over (3.000 worth of hay thla eaaon. vary cneap at fov an aero. X acrea Joining town on main Una TT. P. R. It; all smooth, level land. Prlea (ao an sera Can double by selling In smaller tracts. b0 acrea. Improved: fenced and buildings cioae to town: every foot farm land; good aoil; In ona of tha best counties In weatoro part oi Nebraska. (4 per acre. W. W. MITCHELL, Aront, Board of Trade bldg., Omaha, Neb. N. E. H Beo. (, T. 15. R. U. Cheyenne Co , Neb., i mile north Potter. All A No. 1 land, (0 acre. 6eo. (1, T. 13, R. (1, Cheyenne Co.. Neb., all good black loam aoll, clay subaoll: fenced; aacrlflce, (It acre; half cash. A. 13 Lathrop, izl Bee. IMPROVED farm of about too acrea Colfax county Nebraaka, all good eel land, new building. (0 acrea ia wheat lay clos to town. U. P. R R. runs through tha farm. Price (90 pr acr a would taka aoino elty property. L N. Hammond. Ui Hoard of Trada 480 aorea 1i mile from Benkelman, all tillable aandy loam, (40 In cultivation, a room houa. large barn, granary, bearing orchard; telephone: will aell at once at (22 .CO per acre. You fellow who are trying to aig a living out or iuu acre land better get busy. Bee the corn It produce. Terms half down, balance five year. . D. L. Ougn, benkelinan. Nebraska. WANTED to bus', a good farm In east ern or central Nebraska; give full particu lar, price and term In first letter. I. O. Bos 173, Council Bluffs. Ia. Oklahoma i OKLAHOMA. For oil, farm or graslng land address care of Roberts Realty Co., Nowata, Okl., rr Nowata Land dr Lot Co., 661 New Tork Life bldg., phone Red im, X-ITO. aatkt Dakota. "THW IDEAL HO VST- C 4 ACR KB. situated In th Rig Ploug valley, four mile south of Castlewood. the county east et Hamlin couniy. aouth Dakota: 440 acree of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation mi acrea la pasture aod lot la tha beauti ful spring-fed 'ke Floieaca, with It rlvao aoene and aparkllng watera dee aad pure sal filled with ftart and game la eaaon. and nearby la th home, a 14-room keuae. large bara. twa granariee. chlekea bsuee. hog hou and woven-wire paature r-n silo nachla houa. email bara aod Bumeroue email hulldloga ail In good con dition, with windmill, three nolle and cis tern, all aurroiiaded ay a teauuful greva l-rtoe, M.a). oa good terma.. by At J. it uv ea U. Caatlewe4. It C DOCbLE (OUR MONET Da you waut la buy a gnvd townsite W lei It Jui freah from Bee government, with perfect title 110 lota now aurvaya.i n bout to of them uld with about a build i gs cow completed In tt toe a on a rat -load that ha six dally trains, with et. aellent ervlc. This townette Include 11 g'ta of th very best of seooad bottoe and with ftno timber for pa ka ami t a fine atream of water running through It I .lie oproiiiK lot aimoet ell kinoe of bust leas eapeciaily a tank, total and eievator A grand bargain if sold la thirty days. Ad liaae Powell Land 4k Lrfiaa Co. PejL taoly couiuy. a X ) 1 i - KCTION of Oregory eouaty iBouth Da (etal lae-4 for sale. Thle eeutlon haa tin bar. running Water fed by springs, iota at bay; acres broken; ISO acree ran be plowed, ail fenoed. ana-half mile from ftrhool. three miles from one re'lrend lew aad six mile from another; good aoll and Ui very beat all-around farming and stuck raising section la tin gory county, boutn Daketa- Call oa or wrlta u Ctiariae iiiluer Kin fair 'ax. a H MI PAT HIUH KB.NTT Mr Parmer, toui te boutn Dakota, etot paying biga rente, ewa your oi farm aiiend tha mouay for yaur Improvenianui trat you are paying la lew In high rent We ewa twenty qu.rtr of land her thai w caa ecu om lot (as to Vm per acr j ea taru. eu caa t beat. (). ll to li.xiv dua belaac oa iyii:euia at par cant. Coma k.ta uefnre tu snap are all tuaa 'or (all kaluanuatiwB wrue Diaoo bi wa. or baa al aeueca. mim Mwnty. 4- D. Teaae. TEXAS. For ( to 100 0O0 acres call or ad.lrca 7 Hcanlon bldg.. Houmm,- ' ex , or Nowaia Lund and L"l Cc, t .t New Voik Life bid , plion ittd trAl, A-l.il. FARM AD lmCT( I.A-VD Fori HALF. Texaa -Con tin aed. HOMnsEKKEIlS' KXCI'TISION 'lO I'Olll" O'CONNOR AND TIIK FAMot ft O Hi..oK RANCH LAND ON XtiK TK-.A3 UL'LF ?OA8T. Go with ua and make your selection December (. DS.OOO acrea of choice, lotcl prairie land to o..ooe from, being aold at tha re markably l.O PRICE OF (25 00 PER ACRE. Kaay terms. No better country, no bet ter noil, climatic and health conditions to be found: Ml to 4o Inches annual ralnla.l; flowing artuMian welia, but not necea sary to imitate on the O'Connor Itaucn, lainfall suttiuient 1'erirct oiamai-e, no swamps, high above sea level; no aanger, no drouths, no dis eases, no movquiu'ex. no malaria. A llr.ALTHV I'lVL'K. Superior to California and Florida; ex cellent land. Ideal location, a most desir able home place; high-class In every fea ture, both water and rail transportation to ail parte oi tha country. 1 he proof of the statements will be shown you at port O'Connor, ileal time to Co December . Flra.e advise us promptly. Write for further Information if desired. A. B. LATH HOP, 421 Be bldg. , Omaha, Neb. WELL IMPROVED ranch of aeven sec tions tor saie by owner; In center of Gray cnuntv. Texas; well watered: priced rlnut. Apply to 11. U. Lovatu Pauipa, Tax. W(aaanstaw M ACRF9 LEVEL LAND. cultivated balance pasture, (-room house, large bsra chicken house, spring and trout brook og farm, Z miles from station, school on ard, 1. W0, eaay terma Tom O. Maeon. Island City State bank. Cumberland. Wis. MlMalUaaaat, Successful Fruitdale IS THE PLACE FUii YOU Land In thla egtabllshed arulf coast colony I tit beat Investment now being offered In th entire south; good land, not white and; no negroe; fin maraeta; big profit country, not a nw thing, but established for II yeare and success proven; healthful climate and beautiful winters; water puie; rainiau aiupi. no irrigation required; (A per month buys a farm in thla district where ten acre can be mad to product to.ouO a year; price low now and mak splendid investment a land la rapidly In craing In valua; nothing exactly like It anywhere; send for our big book of pan orama views. Agents wanted. Fruitdale Development company, 047, ia Chestnut bt. et Louis. Mo. WANTED TO BUY There ara thousands of people In Iowa that want to buy farms improved and un improved In settled and unsettled districts. Ihe way to best reach them la through the classified pages of THK DE8 MOlNKi CAPITAL. Average circulation last month 44,446 copies. Published for twenty year at Des Moines, la., by Lata Young. REAL ESTATE LOANS (609 to U 000 on Omaha homes. O Keef Reel Kstat Co., 101( N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-Z1U. WANTED City loan and warrants W. Farnam bmith A Co.. UjO Farnam 8t LOW RATTC9. PEMIS-CARLBERO CO (lu-IU brandela Theater Bldg. LOANS to home owners and horn build' ere. with privilege of making partial pay. mentr semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. H First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Cm MONET TO LOAN Payn Investment Ce GARVIN BROS. Zd floor N. T. Ufa (401 to xjoo.ooo on Improved property. No dim 1100 to 110.000 niada nmmntlv. B Wead. Weed B1(!g.. 18th and Farnam. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE hav CASH BUTEP.S for GOOD bue Iness and residence properties. WE CAN SELL your property If worth the money. O'NEIL'B REAL ESTATH EGENCV. Tel Tyler 1)24. Ind. A-i3K 1&0S Farnam street. Omaha. (TJ North 24th atraet. South Omaha. SWAPS WB exchange propertiee of merit H. H. Culver, (12-813 N. Y. Life. Douglaa Tittle. TRADES Trades. If you hav anything to trade, aa Harwood. At be Bldd. TUB best farm In Brown County, H. D., to exchange for soma good buamena open. nif; farm all plowed ready for spring seed lng. Old age acct. for change. P. O. box P. P., Frederick, 8. D. FORTY-NINE acres of land. 5 miles north of Florence; large orchard; land very rich; fair Improvements. Price (7,2uO. Will trade for good merchandise stock. Address M 445. Baa. EUROPKAN hotel, centrally located, M rooms, making big money, furniture and leas (4,oo0. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., 6SS New York Life Bldg. Phone. Red 1W. A-1TUL ntADK If yu hv" anything to trade AAV-rviVA-i or nell see ua A. B. LATHROP, CI BEE BLDG. WILL taka vacant Iota or smaller rental property in trade or sell cheap for my equity In cash. About (1,1160 against it. Am nonresident now. . Look at (il Ho. iOth. Mail your offers. Best offer takes It tins week. DOS Madison Ave., Norfolk. Neb. WANTED TO TRADE Irrigated and nonlrrigated land for income property, stock, merchandise, eta. T. A. Smith, Juiesburg, Colo. , WAN 1 ED TO BUY BKOT price paid for Id-hand furniture carpets, clothing and shoe. TeL D. 2yil KECOND-HAND clothing; partT after noon dieaaea. John Feldinaa. D. UM. A-(Ja WANTED TO RENT TOUNO man desire board and room wltii private Cauiollo laimly. b 4g, boa. WANTED Furnished rooms; apartment of ( rooms and batV Must have two beua Not too close in. best of reference. sit price. L AlO. bea WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man deairea plaoa to work for board and room iu private family whu attending collega fcoylea Coiloga iota piiouee. WANTED By experienced demonstrator poslton to demonstrate creams, toilet arti cles, coffee, cocoa, or cereals. Address O 447, Bee. LAUNDRY work to taka home Webster atuL phon WANTED, WORK English baker and family hearing of Omaha as a busy anu growing city, moved to In city and wants .nin:..u.,,u,.r fur liimiuiir anil IM.vur.mil daughter; willing to work at trade or a illirr ana un wini'i, euuicu vr . .04 ver, ( bu. Uat bt OCEAN STEAMSHIPS A?isaflr aa'&'er W. I !ma4 1Wltl Oaulag V r,tiy aeiilnaa ftaaa Mew ria. k . V. Benaa4g Cuka JtntsVa r?iM tia Alirnxlaei.ujrtar hj n eal li.a 5Uii AtaaiAMS ana luieiv.i.tn aeo,r.tart sy ike B.M-S.F."TUENT"V:i BANDLBaO AV fcON. Tl 14 tat Strict S t. Adt baiie kk Chicago, . L. lloi.a, L-i imi-elll 6L rtil4jA ff JTvvU-aewit OCEAN STEAMSHIPS (Continued.) (VI i.riH C ItUISl S J At.. Kr' SI., MA)H. 111 T3 u WEST INDIES THE 0 S. S. M3LTKE Ala. C'mlaea te tHe Ori'Rt, Sjceib Aceerlra. and ArMl taa Wand M AMHI ail.ME"irin i lia li4 Jtanenlph St , Chli-aao, ill., er Local Agatita RAILWAY TIME CARD IK ION STATION Teath aad Mtrtf Cnlea Paclfl Arrlea 111 pre a ( ( pm a ( At ant a (10 pm a ( M pia a T:l ata all o am a I W pro a ( to pm a 4:4t pra alO to bib Pn Fran. Overland L..a A ll ant fine nnn japin r. m..a s:iv pm .llantic Fanresa . Oregon Kxprcae a 4:00 pm Loa Angelea lAmlted....all tt pre) t l'iitioj Bprciai aniaspm Denver Special a 0:47 am . iiiv.i bui r.j prena ....... .ai n no I'm Oregon-Wash. limited. .all 50 pin North Platte Local a e 15 am Grand Island Ixcal a l: pm lillMllll II I -I n. f - 1 Klfl a II TM b 1 W pta Chicago, Rock Island at Paclflo Rocky Mountain Ltd.. aU M am al0'4! pm hChlcago Day Expreai Chlcseo local lass 1'ay e;xnreaa..a am a 4 M rrw t nicsvo itai r asa ,.dhi..i eoi Ilea Moines Local Paaa.a 4:00 Dm .bin ts am bio m peg al2:W pm a I IS pm a dot am Chicago F.xpreaa a 4:40 pm Chicago Limited a : pm WEST Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Unooii. a t iO am a ( 47 pm Colo. Cal Fxp a 13 pm a 4 JO pm Okl. Texaa Express.. a 115 pm l Mpia Rocky Mountain Ltd....al0:M pm a u Ml am Ckleaso, Mllvtaakee St. Faal Overland Limited Omaha-Chtcauo Ex... Omaha-Savaonati Ex. Colo. -Cal. Ex Colorado Kpeclal .all ei pm .b 1:16 am ,.0 T:K em .a (:0ft pm .a T:(T am .b 6;U am a (:( am b ( to am o t 90 am a la pm 111:11 ara bU:0( pm Perry -Omaha Local... (kicaga Ureal Weeterav Chicago Limited a ( 48 pm twin City Limited a 8:30 pm Twin City Kxureaa a :ou am 1:11 am (: pm a l;tt pm a T:U am a ( U pm Chicago h.xpiea. Mlaauurl PaclUe a. U. a L U lex a $M am la.. C. r bt L. a,., ex cept Saturday all:l( pm K. C. 4k bu La Kx baturdays only.... 12:00 pm Aktaoatesa a Narta.etrw . NOHiabOUND. l'wln City (vkpieae a iMI am bioux, City Lovai a (:46 pm nun. e uakuta h-x a i.uwpia a win City Ltd tax bao a :4u pm I wis City Lid tea bail li;ou pu LAaXtlOUND. Omaha Expreae ai.uuam Chicago Local alli:ta pm coiuiauu-cbicako i.lu (iin Chicago b peel a i a ;u pin I acuiu Coaat-Ciiioeao...a .u pm Los Angeles Limitea....a S:40 pui uveriand Limited all:4e pm Lenver t-peuial.... alH.40 aui Carroll Local .....a 4 iw pm (at Mali... a t:(0 pm WESTBOUND. Llneoln-Chsdron a T:W am Norlolk-Daiiaa aiisUam ixng Pine-bo. Platte... b I.1A pm HaaUngs-Buperloi b H:ii pm DeadMoOd-ito: api'inge a : pu. Caaper-Lander a V;s( pm r leiuont-Aituoa 0 .v pui iuiuuii Caatral Chicago avxpi ea ...a 7:00 am Chicago Liumad a (,oo pm lliuu. si. Paul itixptaae.b i:waia ktinu.-bt. Paul Limited. (;0o put uas Omaha-eit Louis Ex. ...a (;(0 pm Mali aad Lxpreaa ....a 3 :m am bianb y Loturuui C.U.I.B u.uO put alO JO pm a l ea pm a (14 am a 1 :) am I.eV ai au am a t -.m pm ( AS Pm a 7 . am a l.u pm aU:eu pm a 7 A am ( U am alO.uu am I U pm al:fl0 am alu.ai pua l (:2u pin b ( Ai pia S.JU pia ail. oo am I fia a ( 4J p a ( u am ag'oo'am A (:2B am au.i pot tlw;i au Bsrllsgtos StatAatat AOik aad tdaaaa Darliagtoa Denver At California.. ..a 4:10 pm Puget So and h.sprea...a 4.10 pm Neuraska point a k:M am back ail's a 4;i0 pui Lincoln Mail ...o l:sv piu North at Kxpraaa ....all:! pui Nebraska points a :ev am Nsoiaaaa kxpisa a :i aw Lincoln Local bchuylar-PlatumouUi ..b l o( pm Lincoln Local ilSspui plaitsmoutn-lOMa a :i am bellevue-Piattamoutli ..alJ W pm Colorado Limited ...... ail ;j pm Chicago bpeciai a 7:14 am Chicago h.xpraa a 4:iJ pin Chlcaao rl skpreaa..a o.ai pm Iowa Local a (.1( am C rea ton la.. Local a S:1M pm bt Louis Kxpieaa ....a 4. JO pm K C. 4k St Joseph.... ,.al0:4o pm K. C. Jt bt Joapn......a ;: am J4. C. e bu Joaeph a 4.0 pm a (: (: a (uu A aU:t a 7:o k :j a (:iw b I . blo:0 a 1:61 a kv a 1:40 a 1:00 all:, a k:vt ai0:0 al0:o aU:A a (:46 a .! pm pm pm pra pm am pm pm aua am pa am pm am pm p.u pm am am am am pm Weketeu Station 10 tk aad Wekater. Mlaeoarl Paelfle Auburn Local b l;U pa bil ls pm tb loa ft, St. Faal, MlaaeapalU Uaaaka Depart Arrive, filoux City Expreaa b ( lo pm bll;46 am Omaha Local..., o :W) pm bioux City Passenger... b 1:20 pm Twin City Psasengsr.,..b (:S0 am rioux City Local o :3i am Emerion Local k (:a( pm b :1 am tb) Daily axocpt Sunday. to) Sunday only- Woman Suffragists Urge Aggressiveness Dakotani Urged to Make Active Fight for EeDresentation Together with the Men. HURON, B. D., Deo. l-(SpecJaJ Teia gram). The address by Mra. J. H. Johnson of Fort Pierre, president of tha Btate Equal Suffrage association holding IU annual convention her, was mora radical than anticipated. An aggressive campaign waa urged, together with th withholding of support and encouragement from all of ficers not tn sympathy with th suffrage movement Mr. Johnson declared In favor of the formation of a political party, and for tha purpoi of testing th constitutionality of existing lawa advocated non-payment of taxes by women on th (round of "non representation, no taxation." Tonight Mra. Lora King Fatrbanka, tree-surer of th state aasoo.atlon, gava a bril liant reoeptloa to all attending tha conven tion. BURLINGTON RAISES THE CASH Cat ua pavl g a fog Haadred Thousand Dnl lar V. M. C. A. BelldlaaT Eada aeeeaaf ally. BURLINGTON, Ia., Dec t-vBpaclal Telegram. Amid lntenaa en t hue asm thla evening th completion of tb subscriptions to the (100,000 Y. M. C. A. building- fund was announced. Tbo last dollar wag subscribed at a meet ing of tha workers at the Commercial ex change tonight, which was attended by many prominent men and women. Tbe an tra gum was raised la a campaign lasting ten days. BRITT WILL SUCCEED LAWSHE Nerlk Carolina Man la Appolated Tklrd Aeelstaat Postmaster General. WASHINGTON, De. (.-Announcement was mads by Postmaster General Hitch cock today of tha appointment of James J. Brltt of North Carolina to b third assist ant postmaster general, vloa A. L. law she, who resigned that office some time ago. Mr. Brltt la law officer of th department and ranking official of the third assistant's bureau. 0 eaearar' Fai vaiih Jsry, MASON CITY, la., Deo. t-tHpeoUU-J. 8. fchtarer oiuat either te cettvlcted of murder In the first degree or acquitted, ac- . cording tJ tha instructions of JgJga Keliy tweilKht. A conviction or dUagreeinrnt la vxpt-cled. I 1