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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
"Want - Ads Waal ) rfffWf l Bar time, f Iniart proprr elaeslf IcatloB be areaeated before 19 o'clock ns., Ike evening; edition aad fcefore Ti 'clock of the prevlooe ! (or Morilni and ganriay editions. Waal ada rwrlrtd after aack kaaro will have their (lrt Insertion aadav th kcadlas "Too Lata to Classify." 11 tea apply to ellker Tka Dallr ftaailay Alwara aoaat als word to a llae. C1I RATED FOR WAWT AD. RL'Ol'LAR CLASSIFICATION Ob Inacrtloa, 1 1 -9 teats per word Bad 1 cent per word lor oacfc aabaeaeal Inacrtloa. Each laaertlaa nsad oa odd dor., 1 1-2 cent per word. 1.00 per llae per anoatk. Kill ada for Tbo Bee mar (t Bar of tbo following; dra atorea oae la roar "coraer draarlat" tfcar ro all braacb offices for Tko Bea ma roar ad will bo laaerted Jaat aa promptly aad en tka aaiaa ratea aa at tko main office fa Tko Bee bolldIa, eveateeatb aad Faraaaa atreetai Albach. W. C nth end Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., 1402 8. Wth Bt Peyton Pharmacy. 7W 8. Wth i St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Reims Park l'lmrnMCV, 33d and Cuming. Blake-Bradish, 28l6 Sherman Av. Caughlln, C. R.. 6th and Plerc ta. Clifton 11111 Pharmacy, CIS Military at. Hlnterlong Drug Co.. Slat Av. knd r Hm at. . . . Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Da. Cooney Pharmacy, 222$ H. Wtn bt Ccrmak, Emtl, WA-t 8. 13th St. Ehler, P. II., 2x03 Leavenworth. Foster Arnold!, 21$ N. 26th Bt Freytag, J. J., 1914. N. Nth St . Fregger Drug Co.. 1301 N. Wth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Ise,V?..,fia Green's Pharmacy, Trk Ava. and Fei UreeiiourX O. A., !6 B. 10th St. Greenougb, O. A.. 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William. a Farnam bt. Hanscom Park pharmacy. Idol S, tn av Hoist. John. M N. J6th St. Huff. A. L., tun Leavenworth Bt. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. Patrick Drug Co., li.2 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Charlaa E., 1324 N. 24 th St. Golden rhannacy. 24tu Mid Leaven Worth Sta. King, II. S.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountzo Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24tn. Mares, Fred L.. 2nl9 Central Blvd. Sni-atoa Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Srhaefer a Cut PHca Drug Stor. lath ana CIiIcbko Sts. Schee'er. Aug.. fCU N. Wth. Schmidt. J. !., 24th and Cuming Sta. . Walnut Hill Pharmacy, Wth and Cumlnf. DEATH APS I) FUNER AL NOTICKS. W'fK)RRY Ak 74 years. Funeral from tJia family residence, 1408 Pherman avenue, Saturday morning at 8:30 to the Holy Family church at It o'clock. Interment In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. BIRTHS AID DEATHS. Births Vernon Ouerln, DOS South Twen-tv-fourth, boy; Joe Kogelman. 1H North Twentieth, girl; H. R. Lloyd, 3MS Marcy, girl; M chael Wohosky, 4ri5 Jackson, girl. l)eath Sterling P. Ulasow. 47. ir,24 Kouih Twenty-sixth; Jnmes J. Muldoon. 24, 47;1 Parker; Juatln 8. Palmer, 32. Four teenth and Fort. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,vXkkr; mbalmera Kit Chicago. D. lJ. B-16&. PARLOR THEATER HIGH CLASS VAUDEV1LL13 FOR 10c; matinees, be. You will not need a uecond In vitation alter you have seen our show once. At rut prices. ALL NUs, We tava 6uo to U.S0 a tun. i.nlty aad uuallty krarHiitee,'',. ROSENBLATT S CUT PRICE COAL CO., lU MCt.uLAj '!'. JlOilt '1'HONEi Vlt YOU PARADISE! Bounds good, doesn't It? Happiness su preme wnen you bum our PAKAOISE t OAL. To cut uown your coal bill take our advice and burn ParudlsH. Will auv ou 11 60 to l-'"0 tn. Bot'i nop.. 4. W. LEDFORD. iitti Cuming St. MONEY TO LOAN LOW ttAlK, III sums to suit, ite t'liit. Phone Duuk. aul UNION WAN CO. El) ROTI1ERY fthiiu ft o. 2. Full quors and cUuis. Cufe In conneccon. Ill tj. 11th bt AR&E.MC and IRON -complexion wnTers make clear, white i.kins. By mail 60o and 61. Biiermaii M.Cjnnell Drug Cc Uiiian. LYNCH BROS, plumbing and ' jJiiWO. HEATING. REPAIR WORKS. 1708 St. D 1477. MAtidAUU Van & Storage, pack, move. ara and hlp H. H. goods. D. iw B-2IJ. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKlNij. sh, , lota. UPSlAlHi. HARRY W. MOOL. Engineer. Designer. Diafuman. 5C2 Brandeis 1 heater. D. 2i. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pi engcr. J. R. Ktnueuy, Iim S. ijiu. U. COAL 1ut)1io Mrket Special, nut, $6.00, 7, lump, 6060, Premium with cam order, l anriuge-1 nouison Co., ICId Haruey Doug, as 4(kU, ia,i. A-3042. Btreet. JOHN K. HIM OK, shirts. 630 Paxton BU. AMERICAN' w'liiht . . "el our liv l Coal Co. ind Dav;nporU TtL Imuc. iu; u'-jiii HA R It V W. VICKERS, civil englnrar. uc. to I hos. Shaw, 6.0 Paxtuu dlk. uou. Ind. 4115. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO HAVE your repairing dona by Watt, the coiili actui ; bruit work, carpenter and tiaiiiiing, reniod.-iing i.a Kln.ia. utiles Locust tit. Piione, W eu. U)a. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Flnrst In the west. Wth and Howard bis. Turkish Baths J V ENTY pe: cent less than Omaha HOME FIJRNITlJltK l ia prices Twnty-lou: tn hi.., eouc. Omalu TONGE First-class tailoring, ladies' and l.ui icpau lug. Douglaa t',4. f GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH c -ii UlVlluS ImI lioUKlai Stieet. OVC111S II. F. Hum. Opt.cian, 4( Jlrandels Bldg. Ladles' aid gents' shine parlors. 220 S. li. DOUGLAS Pr.nllng Co. TeL Douglaa 614. K. 11. Cole Sign Co.. D. JTfci lilt Faroaiu. V. II. RODS & CO.. keys and lockwork. ij Leavenu ortn. Pulh phoii-. W. C. CATT1N, plumbing and heutiug; new and l-n.l wui'.i. fclu No. i.l'.li. li. iuii. MISS LUTlE BRYANT wishes to aa noutu'M to ladit s tbul she ha added to I'tr halrdi eiu: inaulcurinj. batn. salt glow, boily muH.-Mge, baeduh mocment. by 1-ulllo Ci ek KruUuale. Mim, lir.,ant UianK4 her patrons fur their generous auppoi i In the and solicits th-.-ii' Jutluiiutf to, the future. Roon.a JI6 a:.J ivJ Ilea lllog CONSTANT (J.'.IMJ. I. '04 Inches gain tor Oni.itia Bee. 1 ! In-ties loss lor ureat coinpotitoi . '1 his it tMe ii-oi.t t'r vant aiU fur Oitooei' uni p. i red wui. vile curiebpoujiug uu.utu 4 lir agJ. m A I u t',n or basket delivered any 1j6. A-Uai. lilufL. 'Kui,v On- r- YOl'R order will earii tt.tOO for rliitiy: utrv l)lt-u onlcr 01 ien-wal rams 60'. Write lor .iituu:ais and caj-i--osne. or use any. I dtiohele any vnnied jrt.'i ; $6ou already larntd: ket-p it gonijt. A.!Urn Gordon. Tl,s Mi, Man. 'Jin aha. Duuga 7163. MOTORS New and secondhand Ds- li:i:iu)S and Miiu, al... i 'l kinds of e!vt; i al repairing. I.rliruu I r.ieciruai Murki I.J s. K'th. Both 'Phon- ANCHOR PENCE Co Iron and Slie r euce' Cheaper Than Wood. l.aM a Lifetime. V7 N. 17tU bU 'ioue Red $14. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) HOW 19 TOUR COAL HINT Tel. D. 4121, Web il. Coal-all klndi. It. II. MOREHOUSE CO., FRACTICAL nursing, 60S N. 21t. D. 6768 Filters, filter repair. 1310 Howard. D. 313 HORNPT Blue Print Co.. 611 Pee Bldg. AUTOMGBILES "Rmih tip"- your auto. "SKID" into a poau TEAR" your top. And bring- It to tha best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner lth and Harney St. Auto Repairing bkk Th"o5 CALLS HAY OR NIGHT. The Paiton Mltchell Co., 2010-lt Harney. D. ,4; A-2011. Anfn T'aintinrr "MUHPHY Iir IT." yvuio i aiming OPt our rrk.e, now. ANDREW MURPHY & SON', 1412 Jackson. FOR SALE-Model 10 Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-llte tank and exhauat whistle. Call Harney S2. ' WRITE for list of automobile bargains. II, E. Fredrickson Auto Co., Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call oa GANOHTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. TeL D. S387. YOUNG man aa district manager by a Detroit Mfg. Co. Just opening a branch In Omaha; good steady position to tha right man. Call Friday, 1'axton hotel, ror Mar man. O. D. C. CODDINQTON, 220 Board of Trad Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. $600.00 or 11,000 00 for an Investment, dividends IS per cent. Address U-404 Bee. DENTIST. DOCTOR. A good dei. list, also a good physician Is wanted to locate In new "Pullman build ing," next to Burlington station; very de sirable location for out-of-town and south of viaduct business. Imperial Investment Co.. 648 Bea Building. Tel Doug. 1616. $1,000 to $5,000 We have two old and WELL-ESTAB-LI1IEH WHOLESALE, HOUSES here In OMAHA who want young men to Invest 11,000 to $6,000, with services. This Is a chance of a lifetime to the light man. See us at once. Geo. D. C. CJoddington, 220 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE $3,000 stock of general mdse. Oood farming community and good town. Wrlta Box 2, Ayr, Neb. MANUFACTURING business for sale br trade for piece of good land; special oppor tunity for right party who wants to go Into business. W. H. GATES, 644 N. Y. Ufe Hldg. Phone D. 12S4. T nTVFl personal attention to collsc j. ui i-i ti0nh; no collection no com mission; 12 year' experience. Jensen, mi NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHONE DOUG. 4bt4. f 1 A K A nV Co., real estate loans and Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. (Julck returns. 8. W. coiner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1320. FOR SALE Ice plant In ona of the best towns In Nebraska. Three acres artificial lake. Htoruge for 2,500 tons. Undershot ele vator. Everything new and complete. No competition, uooa reason tor selling. Ad dres .Stacy & Clements, Ord, Neb. FOR SALE Confectionery, fresh fruits and Ice cream parlor, soda fountain, new f xtures, ice cream outfit and candy tools. Doing a $12,000 business annually. Finest opportunity in the state of Iowa fo a first-class bakeiy to be run In connection Reason for selling, poor health. For full particulars address M 42b, Bee. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COM l'ANY lust entering Nebraska.- We have a limited amount of stock for aale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted, uass&uy uo fiscal Agents. 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa. Omaha. Tel. D. 1620. FOR SALE New, clean stock groceries anu meats, uoing good business. Address P. Omaha Bee, Council Blufla. FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern up-to uaie caie; lurmsneu in mission; all new luriilture; doing good business; must leave on account oi health. Address Y Omaha Bee. care FOR SALE A well established paying business. Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods. The leading one of ;ts kind in a good town of 2.000 in Central Neb. Ad dress Box 74, St. Paul, Neb. SALES1' ya nave business house J and lot or farm for sale, see A. B. LATHROP, 421 BEE BLDG. FOR SALE. Account of death, sniull tailoring estab lishment. 110 S. 17th; cheap. WANTED-To buy pool hall, country town; give full particulars. G-440, Bee. OPPORTUNITY to buy 15 shares best palng stock In Omaha. Will sacrifice If taken quickly. Owner leaving city and needs the money. Address J 442, Bee. Itoiiuilsa lIoBses for gale. IF YOU want to buy or sell a roomlna house, any price, any location, see HAN SEN, 82ti Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 2697 $50 cash, balance easy monthly payments price, $SjO, and this includes a fine piano. We can show ony kind rooming houte you want. Terms tu suit. Nowata land & lot co.. 668 New York Life Bldg. Phones: Red WW, A-17;l. BOARDING house for sale, furniture of 8-room flat, good as new, complete for housekeeping, table linen, bedding, dishes, tare curtains; have held price at $H)0 anxious to leave city; will sacrifice for $100; good Insured for $1,200, paid up for three yeare; roomers more than pay rent 222 N. 26th St. ' A DKSIHARLE (room apartment, new I?" 17 J7th St. Harnev Jvv) CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, halr dteMing, hair goods, nil D. 2333. DR. ROY. liOi Farnam St. Douglas Mil. DENTISTS n imi DETECTIVES Omaha e-ecret Service Detective age, Inc , IcnUed. 21-a Paxton blk. D. Ul: Inj. A-IJU CA PT ''"RMd'K. m; kahrach blk. DRESSMAKERS CHILDREN'S dressmaking. 4I5 Lafav ti Ave. FlUST-c'LASS diessmaking and tailor. Miss ililuut, i;u Douglaa. Tel. Dons. 4,'Jj. MILLINERY and dressmaking- lnd.A27.U. D R L'SSM A KING, plain sewlnc. Web. 3,18. STURDY, S 2 1 s7 2 1 thS t T e L "l 7ru, EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST YINTER TERM -OK Boyles College opens Monday. December 6. Day und night. The cat.Uo.rue Is rtady. Aprly foi; It. Boyles Colleye. I'.oylcs P.ldi.. Oma'.ia. M 0 s h e r La m pru a n V.8.1 -fi 9 Unexcelled courses In uiu. n-rt- Ikml l-vllMIMl-)lu aud ktis l-ir N,,n. i.ji . iiMrlKMul tclici Lav nn,l nlirin u-,- ions. Mi .t Intel vtt nt isis.' puhllsusl lu Oiualia K?nd fur ur.e id. MO.-HER & I.AMI'ilAX. Sith aul kaiuaiu sis.. OJiiaua, Nsi, FLORISTS Cennett'a Flower Dept., East enfance. A. DONAHUE. 1S07 Farnam. D. 1001; A-10O1. J. F. WHiCOX. Counrl! Tllnffa. la., largest greenhotiso In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. HLSS A 8WOBODA. 14li Farnam SL BRANDEIS' cut flower dept.. now store. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douclaa 1211 J. H. BATH. ItiSS Harney. Douslaa .1000 FOR CHRISTMAS $100 TYPEWRITERS "'SSnb-y8 8end us b for a starter and we will send you an Oliver at t-t, a Reinlnuton at W, a Hmith Premier. Pox or Dent-more at llh or an Underwood at 137.60. every one rui anted for a year. If satisfied, pay Hie bnlanoe. If not. wp refund money. CENTRAL TYPKWRITKR liXCHANQE, ltjt7 Furnain. HURRY, HURRY, HURRY. My back Is broken. 1 earned $1,000 for Infants' Home last fall. Your order and renewals this fall will earn $5,000 for char ity. 1 must have loo subscriptions for the Saturday Evening Post and Ladles Home Journal to earn the first $). Price, $1.60 each; every order or renewal earns no cents Any publication at the other fellows' pnee.- FOK MERCY HAKE, GET 1 HEM ll GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. Write or Phone Douglas 7163. FIRST-CLAPR DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 621 8. 26th Ava. MRS. I. A. SMITH "a1! china for Christmas. Phons Doug. 4249; Res., Doug. 1737. Room 807, 1614 Howard. WALTON BEAUTY PARLORS, 113 Board of Trade Hide Mailnello Preparations, Hair Goods. D. 405&, T.OVMF,V'S5 'or Xmas. Saratoga FRAMING B'gt work- at lowest (. i.vuj.iivj prlce9 Omaha Art and Frama Co., 707 So. Wth. D. 10M; A-266X VIRGINIA DARE wine, 76c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. KU N. ltUli 8L 75 DIAMOND RINGS $90 per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglaa St. KIPLINGER'S Xm" cSrs. pipes. AVAX AJ-LA1' V,-LL 13th and Farnam. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 6c to $5. Sherman-McConnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., IGUi and Harney. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work; prices reaaonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor, 2012 N. Wth. Webster 1410. PllTNA Hand painted. Orders taken. Viiiix reaaonaio. 270S Cuming. H-S&14. THE MICKEY MUSIC CO., will locate at 30$ So. ISth St. with a full Una of aheet music, bund Instruments and small Instruments and phonographs. Full Una of Xmas presents. BARKER BROS. PAINT 00. Doug. 4750. Ind. A 3821. lfiOSMi Farnam St. STENCIL outfits; 6 styles; suitable for presents', picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper and a full line of Sherwin-Williams Paints. brass polish, liquid veneer and all brands of floor wax. TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy waists.-'206 North 23d St. U-2481. CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, 15o to $10. Sherman-McConnell Drua- Co.. Wth & Dodge; Owl Drug Co., Wth & Harney. r If fl A membership makes a present j..iu.v. xx. tor every day n tne yeari TIOBSDN'S Be"1 Shp. ' Doug- llUJJOVn las. See our Un- of hall- goods for Xmas. We make doll wigs. PENNELL'S Snvo you 40. Let us make Your Fur Hat. AGENTS Xmas goods coming In every day. Come and get busy. 623 S. Wth. 4 AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. Give Her a Membership In the Young Women's Christian Ass'n. LADIES' coat9 "-lined! Miss Chase. LUJiJ-.u aw Paxton Ulk. Tyler Wu3. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 1715 Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf sald!r BUY some delicious HOME MADE Can ned Fruits, Jellies, Jams, Marmalade, Home-Made Bread, Mincemeat and Home made Candy, at The Chilftmaa Fair of The Churches in Court of Bee Bldg. next week. BUY A CAMERA "HE thu "dv: with you and get 5 er cent discount Megeath Stat'y Co. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Worka, 130ti-1208 Douglas bt. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents ub it KnleaiTOuiea. SALESLADIES to sell "Beck's Best" Cough Drups to druggists, grocers, coniec tlohei s, ete. Write for sample and terms to Beck Chemical Co.. Ottumwa, la. WANTED Thoroughly competent sales woman with experience In the sale of hlgn class embroideries. Must be first claaa. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. Clerical anil Olflcr. STENOGRAPHER, bank, $'.. Stenographer and filing clerk, $05. Stenographer who understands Span ish, Xt,6. Typist who can cake dictation from phon ograph. . Stenographer and bookkeeper, $ri0. CO-OPERATIVE, REFERENCE CO., 1016 City National Bank Bldg. GIRLS to learn halidressing. Oppenhelm Parlors, 23ti-i40 City Natl Bank RUg., Duug. 2M. A CONCERN ABOUT TO OPEN a branch office in this city desires tho hervices of a stenogi apher. Alto one who- ) convei tant with di.'tall work. State age, txper lence, and eal-iiy expected. Addixss, Y-iM, Care bet. WANTED Experienced cashiers. Superintendent Brandeis Stores. Apply Housekeepers hud Douiestlt-a. WANTED Good cook and laundress; most be neat and clean; no ether neej apply. 421 N. 40ih St.; phone Harney UHi. WANTED Competent cook and second gill; no laundry; ftiimil family. 625 3kl at., CC'jioll Bhrf(s. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; g.e experitnee and leitrcnccs. O. Nines, nhileclay. Neb. WANTED 4'oinpctent girl fur general liousework. 401 N. Slat. Pliuiie Harney 46-. WANTED Young girl, about W or 17 rea s. to help wlin cinld and housework. N. 1,'th il. GIRL for .general housework; two in Luiii.y. So. 3btli Ave. Tel. Harney 4Wi. ' WANTED Competent girl for general houw-W'Jik, goo1 wages, sniull family, no luunilry work. Mrs. li ll. Finn, 2-11 Wool Wi i Ui A. WANTED A Harney ii'i'i. cook. 2512 Hurney St. Tel. WANTED (Sill for general housework; good home ami wae. Cli H 2l'lh St. WANT Ell tent girl for general loueW".k, no launuiy; gud wages. 115 S. 2i'. ! fct. WANTED Competent plii for Iiouse-x-.oik. plain cocking; nice mom. Reference .... .... . ll..- -.. I v A NT El --Woman enro week for I cleaning. lewey Ave. WANTED Good washwoman. fcu Sao 8. r.iti HELP WANTED FEMALE Hons d Domes t lea sst'd. WANTED-Experienced girl for house woik; good waces. Mrs. Ed. Peterson. 41.W Daenport St. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house, work, small family; no children. 814 8. 3d St. WANTED Competent middle-aged wo man for housework; no laundry work. 321 N. 22d St. ' WANTED Competent girl to help with housework; good wages. $14 N. 23d St. WANTED Assistant to dressmaker. Pt. Mary a Ave. WANTED Oood cook, $7 per week; small family. Mrs. Btubbs, 1811 Farnam St. WANTED Woman to care for children part of day, good home. 2W)1 N. S4th Bt. Web. tm. WANTED Competent girl housework. 601 8. 22d St. for general WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper, widow preferred. Lock box 60, Jackson, Neb. WANTED Good reliable white girl for general housework. Call Douglas 707. Ask for Captain Swltser. RELIABLE arirl for aeneral housework; no washing; small family; good wages. 101 8. S3d St. WANTED A onmretent rirl for reneral housework: two In family: good wages. 1007 S. 30th Ave. Thone Web. 2679. WANTED Girl for ceneral housework; small family; good wages. 40$ S. SKth Ava. MIseellaaooBS. TOTJNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. r . wanted Girls to work in snos raotory. F. P. Klrkendall Shoe Co.. 1101 Harney St. HELP WANTED MALE Afeiti, Salesmea aad Solicitors. WANTED City salesman for fruit lands In tha best fruit section in the United States; position good for $200 to $600 per month. Call at once. Co-Operative Or chard Co., 811-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Hustling, alert agents to sell our "Money-maker" Christmas postals; lOo to 60c; send $1 for fifteen samples and price list to Hodnett-Ross Co., 807 Pino St., trt. Louis. Mo. EXPERIENCED Paint Balesman for 1911 for Nebraska: state experience, age and residence, with references. Bewail Paint and Glaag Co., Kansas City, Mo. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN ABOUT TO OPEN UP A BRANCH IN THE CITY, REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF SALES MEN AND CANVASSERS TO SELL AN ARTICLE DIRECT TO THE CONSUM ERS. WE WANT MEN WHO ARE PRO DUCERS AND TO THOSE WHO CAN GET THE BUSINESS THERE WILL Bli A FUTURE IN CONNECTING THEM SELVES WITH THIS CONCERN. STATE AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS, ALSO GIVE TELEPHONE NUMBER. AD DRESS. Y-779, CARE BEE. WANTED A few high-grade health and accident insurance men; salary and com mission. 800 Brandels Bldg. W. J. Manager. 4 SALESMAN and collector: salary and commlhsion; oily men able to earn over $100 a month need apply. T. W. H. Brown, Dlv. Bupt. International Correspondence Schools, 628 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED High grade salesmen with first class references to take the exclusive Bale in local and state territory of the only acetylene generator on earth that Is absolutely safe; Is Installed In the ground like a cistern, where It Is fool proof as well as frost proof; sells for one-half the price of other dangerous generators that are In stalled In tho basement; a square deal, liberal terms and a permanent contract given live salesmen; write or call Saturday, December 8. Paxton Hotol, Omaha, Neb., 3. Hooker. Bora, WANTED Several reliable boy. West rn Union Telegraph Co.. 211 8. 18th St WANTED Errand boy Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. at once. Lew Clerical and Office. TRAVELING salesman, $100. Stenographer, railroad exp., $75. Collector, $66. Suipin; Clerk, $76. Real estate talesman; good proposition. Our facilities for placing you In a good I position are unequaled. Call or Write. WESl'ER.N KEF. & iON D AHUM,, INC. OMAHA. Est. 8 Yrs. KANSAS CITY. 752-3-4-6 Now Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. , EXPERI ENPED DRAFTSMAN wanted. FISHER & LAWRIE, 210 Paxton Blk. RELIABLE, enegetlo man- collecting for publishing house In Omaha. Must be thor oughly acquainted with the city; age, 26 to 36 years; surety bond; best of references required; experience not necessary. Wo teach you the buslnesa. Replying give full particulars, age. where formerly employed Salary $13.60 pur week. Unless willing to work do not answer. P 448, Bee. WANTED Energetlo young man for of flco manager and secretary of well -eat a b llshed Omaha corporation. Require refer ences and Investment of $1,000. Salary, $100 or better. Address t 441. wee." ' BOOKKEEPER, South Omaha, $76. Office clerk, wholesale, $. Shipping clerk, experienced In drugs; sal ary depends.- Office clerk, railroad, $70. Stenographer, $60. ledKur clerk, $60. Salesman, specialties, leather, soapo, pro visions, cutlery, tea and coffee; salaries $76 to $16o. Daily we are receiving more good post tlona than we can fill, if qualified, see us about the above at once. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015 'City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drue Etoret (snaps), Jobs. Knlsst, Bos Bldg. GORDON press feeders wanted at Raber's Bee I'-idg.. beys or girls. WANTED Good watchmaker and Jeweler for December and January, tsaiary no oo- lect. but must be good all around man. R. G. Pierce, Odebolt, Ia. WANTED A good Turkish bath man at Paxton hotel. MlacrllaaeoBs. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN about to. oneii a branch office In tills city, li urea (o get in touch with a young man be tween 25 and 30 years of age tu. act In the capacity of manager. The man securing this position should be able tu show us that he can produce business in our line. and the opportunity will be given him to do so. State uge and experience and aUo tele phone number. Address Y-77S, care Bee. WANTED Two experienced men to grade trees and make grafts at r reinont nureer- Us. lmiulre of B. E. Fields & Son, Fre mont, Neb. WANTED HO month, customs. Internal revenue, railway mail clerks. List of spring examinations In Omana now ready. Piepbiation free. Franklin Institute. Oept I99A. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Registered drug clerk. Refer ences required, llarley Drug co., Lincoln, Neb. MAN with family for farm. Center. 43d and HELP WANTED MAIK 4)11 KKMALK WANTED Man or woman to do cane work. Aipiy M Her, Stenart & Leaton Co. WANTED Man and wife lo werk on calry lain). Harney J! 06. Call between t tnd 9 in the evening. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iterara aad Waaoas. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap hoikM for le or tiarle; ham back, vt aUUaad hotel. 12 lb. and Douglaa. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Waoxons Contlnoed. Y'OU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robe, etc., and surely get your monev's worth. If you buy from JOHNSON'-DAN FO R T 1 CO., Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sts. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear Mi "Surd Hotel. D. 4090. WANTED To buy cheap for rash horse and wagon for delivery work. N-446, Bee. Cows. FOR SALE Jersey cow. 132 Bo. 12th. LOST AND FOUND LOST Silver mesh purse, name engraved Inside, between 24th and Leavenworth and Wise Memorial hospital; liberal reward for return to Mrs. I Wolfe, 111! So. 31 st St. Phone Har. 3146. LOST Dark bay horse, 960 lbs., at t or StVciock this morning. Telephone Douglas The Teddv Bpr Expert cleaners and xuo j.cuu;r iJtur uyerl iglg Harney. r- TAKEN by mistake from Dodge or Wth street car a suit case containing lady's apparel. Phone B-19H3. WILL PARTY that picked up lynx muff on Capitol Ave., between Wth and 17th, please return same' to Stewart's Seed Store and receive reward. MEDICAL FRKH medical and surgical treatment al Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phons Douglaa 11(7. Calls answered day and night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AMD CHATTEL". mm?$$$mn$w$$w$;m7:$;$s$8 ' $$ $ CHEAP MONET FOR CHRISTMAS $$ $10 TO $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD M FURNITURE, PIANOS, 8ALAJUES. $S $ THIS IS A NEW FIRM. $$ $$ Organised by the REPUTABLE $1 M BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- $$ $$ tect honest working people In need $$ $$ of temporary help from the exorbl- $$ $$ tant charges of the so-called loan $$ $$ companies. Wo will loan you all the $$ $ money you want and charge you only $$ $$ per cent a year. $$ THIS MEANS YOU PAT $$ $$ For $ 10 mo. payments $1.70-1 10 $0 $$ $$ For $ 26 mo. Davments $4.23 t 2fi.&) It $$ For $ 60 6 mo. payments $8.46-4 60.76 $$ $$ For $10012 mo. payments $8.68 $110.04 $$ $$ And all other auma in nroDortlon. 11 $$ Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ xveaaonaDio Appraisement Charges. it A glance at the above ratea will $$ convince you how muck you save by $$ dealing with us. $$ NO RED TAPE. NO DELAT. $$ MONEY IN TOUR POCKET M WITHIN AN HOUR. $$ tt INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., $$ $$ ROOM $04. WITHNELL BU1LDINO. $$ Doug. 6046. N. E. Cor. Wth and Harney. $u$$$w$$$w$t$$$$$mtn$$$t$$$$$n$$$$$$$$w Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage T Don't go to a friend. Corns) to as. Whan you borrow money you want tho lowest rats, and ws give It We will loan you from $6.00 to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. $1.20 Is the weekly payment oa a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off beforo due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co, Room 11 Arlington Blk., 16UH Dodgo SL Phones: Douglas 8464 A-143t. LOANS NEGOTIATED QUICKLT. CONFIDENTIAL, COUR TEOUS. SQUARE DEAL $10 LOWEST RATES. NO Advance TTp FEB OR APPRAISAL CHARGES. ,JA HELP US BUST THE TRUST. KUUM 116, (SECOND FLOOR, ' BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Phone Doug. 2296. Writ or call. iimmitmmmxwm (uuuuiixiwummDi $$ CHEAP LOANS. $$ 99 vn vuniiiurt, ritnoi or r-aiary, $$ AT t PER CENT A YEAR? Can You Beat These Rateaf 1X1 xi $ 60 tor i months wo for $ months 76o for months II M $ 76 for $ months $2.$S $100 for months Hi. 00 $$ Email charge for appraising, $ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. $$ Room 310 Browa Bik . M 8. 16th St $$ $$ opposite Brendela. DjUg. $088. A-SoM, $) DO YOU NEED MONEY! Wo will loan you' money on your furnl ture. Piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phono and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1S66. Ind. A-13E4. 220 Bee Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS.- without security: easy payment. Offices In (6 principal cities, lolman. roam $0$ New Omaha national Bank Bldg. f. ar "v -a TTTT y To LOAN. Com li iVl I iM H V nd let us explali To LOAN. Com Id a you. Reliable Credit Co.. log paxton mock. Tot. Douglas itu. A-ltu. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1614 Dodaa Tel. Rf.n Mil MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov- Inc: furniture packing; fireproof storage. Telephones Douglaa S'M. Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN & 6TORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner, sot . 10111; aw a. inn. u. irj. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES MRS. J. ALBERT BECKER, teacher artistic piano playing, 2iu3 bponeer. JAMES 8. COLVIN, piano studio, Boyd Theater Bldg., bUb-B. D. 4W5. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Rooaas. NICE single room with board; also large front room for two; walking distance. LU si. Tel. Douglas 14,6. ST. JAMES steam heat Path. Eur., Amor, rates, i.-a. up. Weekly, tu. up. double. DESIRABLE rooms; board. St. Douslaa .i3. 213 a 26 to LARGE beautiful furnished rooms en suite or single, wltn lavatory, large closets, excellent board. '.00 Georgia Ave. NEWLY furnished -rooms with board, ttrictiy modern, 1 blucka from Farnam street car. 604 S. 26tli et. l UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. ROOMS ond board, strictly private, home Cooking. Tel. lied 6X1. 3us N. t.d St. ltnOMd and board, strictly private home cooklnc. Tel. Red baCT. 308 N. 22d St. ROOM and board, good location. Callforn a St. 2)13 FOR RENT Two nice rooms w(U board. 12-i 8. 21 ll St. Doug, dtii. NICE room with home cooking, good lo cation. I1 Chicago St. A VERY desirable rcom In modern flat board, reasonable. 217 N. 21st St NICE, large rooms, slnglo or ensulte, lavatory, flue board. 7i to. .'.nil St. r- N1CK room and board In modern houa. food location. 84 arnaw OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Booms -( ontlaaed. CHOICE modern room, southern ex posure; better see It; excellent home cook ing. Phone 2263. FOR RENT Room for two or three gen tlemen, good table board. 222 Howard St. ONE ntcelv heated modern room. If desired. 2112 Douglas. board TWO rooms and board; desirable. Harney St. S5M rd Boobs. FOR RENT Nlcetv furnished front room. $17 S. $6th St. Very convenient to buslnesa NICELY furnished rooms. 6X1 sj. d Bt CHOICE front room, suitable for two: warm; strictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone: walking distance; also convenient to gooa ear line; reasonable. H0 N. 54th St DEWEY European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. 210 N. 17th. steam heated rooms, 60 cents and up. LARGE parlor room, suitable for two, also other rooms. 2.117 Harney. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern: close In; home-like surroundings. 1903 Capitol Ave. TO LADY, only, nice front room In new flat, close In. Tel. Red 6242. 2017 Chicago St Kogerson. VERY DESIRABLE steam heated front rcom; walking distance. 2J0 N. 23d. FURNISHED, steam heated room: private family, for gentleman; walking distance. 602 8. 28th St NEWLT furnished room In prlvat home; strictly modern. 410 8. 24th 8t LARGE, warm room near depots and oar lines. 1116 S. 8th St STRICTLY modern room to gentle man; private family. 1408 Harney Bt. NEWLT furnished modern rooms: these are all outside rooms and have the beat of light, heat and gaa and very convenient to business district 2613 Dodge. r two modern rooms; private family: wim breakfast If desired: aentlemen preferred. 2664 Leavenworth. Tyler 120$. 4 Dl PiaiVP ABM V.M ki two, $3.60 week. (IS 8. 18th St. NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms; clos In. 1922 California Bt NICELT furnished, well heated room. 40 No. Wth 6t Phone, Red 7SS2. LARGE furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. Close in. 118 N. wth. FOR RENT Front parlor with bedroom. 112 8. 28th St Harney 6168. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. Ind. A 1080. Reasonable. . . i NICELT furnished room, with board. convenient to buslnoss district $006 St Mary s Av. FOR RENT Ideal rooms, nicely fur nished. In new brick flat, electrlo lights, SVi blocks west rrom nom notei, gooa loca tion. Reasonable. 63$ So. 19th St Tyler 162. For Rant nicely furnished, modern, front room; breakfast If desired. 8821 Davenport St Harney 3348. FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam heated room, desirable for two gentleman. 70 So. Wth St FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, pri vate family, good location. 410 So. 26th Ave. COUPLE furnished rooms In prlvat fam ily; good location. Ill So. S6th Bt FOR RENT Two rooms taately furnished modern, laundry privilege, board If de sired, this Is a nlo noma lor laaies wno work. 1108 Park Avs. Harney 6642. ROOMS. Strictly modern; meals If de sired. 2715 Jackson or Harney 1826. NEWLT furnished, modern, front room for lady; Bemls Park. Harney $287. ONE! or two roung men to room: with or without board; in prlvat family; walking; dlstanc. Tel. Doug. 647. -4 FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern. front room, breakfast If wished; reason able. S321 Davenport afreet. Harney 8778. NICELT FURNISHED front room, suit able for man ond wife or three or four young men, 618 So. 28th Are. Phono Har ney 4668. LARGE south room, nloely furnished; suitable for two, us of bath. 2308 Douglaa Bt. Tel. Douglas 7246. STRICTLY modern south room, suitable for two: bath room floor) $2.60 per week. 2675 Harney St NEWLT furnished front rooms, strictly modem; close to Crelghton college and High school. 2612 Chicago St Tel. Ked 6186. FOR RENT Three nice southeast rooms, bath, hot water heat, near car, good lo cation. References. 8210 Cass St FOR RENT Desirable fcpnt rooms, mod ern, good location. 117 So. 26th Bt FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, good location. 2117 Douglaa St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, fur nace heat, private family to lady employed. 1468 8. Hth St FOR RENT Nlo front heated. 1601 Farnam St. room, steam FOR RENT Large front room dadrabls for two wentlemen. 1806 Farnam St. WANTED young lady roommat, rfr nces exchanged. 2046 Dodge St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, good location. 261$ Farnam St. FOR RENT NIcoly furnished room, steam heated, desirable for two, good looa- tlon. 1x10 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. 817 N. 17th St FOR RENT A nlcs sunny room, steam heated, desirable Tor couple of gentlemen, modern home. 1701 Davenport St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, furnace heat good location. 2216 California 8t. LADIES Nice room, modern laundry privileges, a nice home-like room. Harney St. FOR RENT Nice rooms furnished or unfurnished. 1643 in. lotn bt NICELT furnished front rooms; modern; close in. zmx du juary s Ave. THE BEST heated rooms In th city. 2221 Dodge St. 2, 8 OR ( room suite of modern furnished or unfumisnea rooms; private rarniiy walking distance; references. Tel. Ind., B 2466. 224 Burt St. MODERN south room; also on on bath room floor. 2677 Harney. FOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms Ia slrable tor two. 6i0 N. 21st St Tyler 16J3. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with steam heat. 2212 Cas St. Doug. 2JS. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nished, single or ensulte. 22id Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for colored gentlemen only. 1219 S. 16th St. FOR RENT Nice south front room, good location. 24 Howard St FOR RENT Two modern, nicely fur nished rooms for gentlemen. 2112 Chicago St FOR RENT Nice large modern rooma. well heated. 618 N. 19ih St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with pallor, for light housekeeping. 2019 Csss St. NEATLY furnished front room, steam heat. 624 S. ltilh St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooma, good location. 714 S. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Three or four front roonu, guod lucatiuii. 2i23 Seward St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1921 Chicago St.-- "WANTED- Room-mate; rafaience ag Chanaeo. 14 Chicago t OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -1 outlawed. CLOSE IN Just three blocks from Pran deis store, nice large steam heated rooms gentlemen preferred. litOl Dodge St. Doug las 44!'S. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Sbll Luke St. FOR RENT Large modern room, good location. 1111 S. 30th Ave. NICELY furnished, large roomsj strictly modern; rent reasonable. 1427 N. 17th St. Webster 314. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, nt ..... 1. a a n . . v. . -. t I 1 KuJ TT-. - , . , - . , . . m M Mwt. r j r nrwiY i ia ire I rorii roiii'. " - ern, private family. Harney ti. FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooml gotd location. 26J1 Harney St. FOR RENT Two well heated modern rooms. 6"0 8. 28th St. FOR RENT Nlcelv fttrnlshed room with steam heat, good location. 2t N. Sinh SL FOR RENT Two nicely firnlshed room with heat, good location. 3W N. 20th 8t.- FOR RENT I-arge front room, good lo cation. 2118 LViugloH. THREE large rooms, single or en salto., Spaulding St. Tel. Webster $668. NEATLY furnished room in modern brlok Tat, private entrance, electrln, gas light, steam heat, private family: desirable for couple gentlemen; couple blocks from oUy hall. Doug. 6366. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; good location. 417 N. 18th St. NICE furnished front room In modern flat 814 N. 19th. TWO FRONT rooms, strictly modern. electrlo light and telephone. 2406 Harney or pnone ryier loss. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room foJ two ladles or gentlemen. 415 N. Wth Bt FOR RENT-Uret front room for a couple of gentlemen. 2111 Douglas. FOR RENT Modern steam heated rooms. reasonable. 0i 8. 24th St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms : all modern; good location. 2006 Bt Mary's Ave. FOR RENT NloeJv furnlsb-ed moth roora with alcove, nloely heated. 2662 Harney St FOR RENT Larre. warm, rtrht room. fin location, modern; vary deairabl. 7a IN. ltn Bt DOUglaa 4908. FOR RENT Nlo room In hornet a-ood location. 8318 Cuming St. FOR RENT Neat v fiirnlehed room foe gentlemen; good location. 124 N. 80th fct NICELT furnished rooms, strlatly mod ern; gentlemen preferred. 211 N. 19th. TWO nloely furnished front rooms. strictly modern; steam beat Th Dunr sany, apartment IS. TeL Doug. T38a Hotels avmd Apaurtxaoarta mcELT rtntmsHTO rooks me f tlemen. THE CHATHAM. U0 a 18th St, DO DOE HOTELr-lltth and Dodge, All out aide cool rooms; special rat by th week. STEAM heated rooms. $8 to $7 per week. Ogden hotel. Counoll Bluff. SUITES 868 up: meal book. $6 90. Gentle- man preferred. Tel. Har. 66L 1042 Geo. Ave. Apartmsatl suid inavts. TTTH Irving', rooms and board. 2102 LosiT" Mwortb. FLAT for rent. 254 Bt Mary's A, $4a. Chris Boyr. 28d and Cuming. Douglaa StMi or B $048. FTVB-ROOM St Ixiuls flat modern, $22.5 also 4-room, $2L 1740 a 27th St Harc 8888. P DESIRABLE 4-room apartment In thf CaJliornia. Be janitor, u. oiiu- mw.DOAM V , .4 mrm rrt a n , nent $ ik porahosl s; clos ts. X' 4 . ,-.W ' - H -l Uri U IUIU V-, aiwmi. uu 1 - K K . rnl I 1 . .1 flftnri' car line; to party without children: prlo . . r- T 4 . --. jas T , , - at V. 1. . - . - 818.00 f-room modern flat 184 N, Mthtt upstair. Ingulf iwtl S. IVth St Call Wea, 1877. CHEAP WINTER RENT (Vroom flat, P44 N. 22d St., cloae In. very oholoa, $216. 7-roora cottage. 8007 Jackson St, dg o West Farnam dlatrtot, only $20. Tlphon owner. Red 6264. U.Plf I ia waa A kSB.hs Jr" vj-wsbm bbb near 18th and Vinton, a M. Rylandar, t THREID rooms, heat fcnd Urbt fiirnUhd A- t-ri lswiAfn 4-1 Si f IsgesTlTlii f1WW taV8allat XO.KJ 1J !! I -1 writs aaaa,. j r w bsii lng distanco, 2 blocks from throe car Un 218 N. 22d Bt Inaulr 224 N. 22d St 2rvalae4l atMapIav m all v n-a eiiun sib ninintd rootxat Ucht housekeeping; also sloeping n 1822 Dodg Bt inr WARM, ooay house koeplnoT roomaj m& mousi ui . - - - - - - laundry; also double parlor nicely fur nished, for three or four persona. xa So III EH. lrnTTTt fiiml.hsd hfinsekisrrtnr rirmi t couple without children, JrWaranoag re-' quired. 864 ri, uxn. ELEGANTLY fumlahed root I for Ughi housekeeping. 2218 Douglaa. NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms! also room and board; oce-balf block froial street car line. 101$ Paolfia St Douglai 7038. 4 TWO nicely furnished room for bouse-" keeping, modern. 820 No. 2M. 1 WU or l ii w iruui Bwiiiv, v ' - clshed for light houaekoeplug; rant reason- 4D1. Stat IN. avu dl NICELT furnished rooms for light house keeping; walking distance. 630 8. 26th AW NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 630 8. 2bth Avs. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1916 California St FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping, private fam ily good location modern, heat gee, laun dry free. 219 8. 2th Ave. Harney 611X FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 118 B. 24th St FOR RENT Three rooms for light house keeping. Hll Pacific St. FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeep ing, good location. 419 N. 16th St. FOR RENT Two southeast front rooms, nicely furnished, good location. 604 S. Xsta bt FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms, beat, light. 606 N. 2id St.- -t FOR RENT Nice, housekeeping rooms; references. a23 N. 21st St. FOR RENT Two modern rooms for housekeeping; good location. 118 N. 16th St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for house keeping, good location. 2121 Clark St. F R RENT Two housekeeping rooms, furnished. 2013 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms, modern, private family, reasonable. 2t tt. 26th Ave. Doug, ilti. FOR RENT I-aree front room for house keeping. 2111 Douglas. FOR RENT Two heated unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. i!tl Capitol Ave. Doug. 6J0 FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeep ing, laundry, gas and lUht. .'.73 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Four rooms, furnished f'ir housekeeping 'CM Charlca St. TWO beaut ful rooms, modern, for house keeping, fine loeatiun. Harney 6M2. LIGHT housekeelng rooms; cooking gas and laundry privileges. Price reason able. 2a71 St Mj-ry's Ave. FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. SvU kusrniaA Av Wsbstsr 8-(L