TTm BFK: ("WATTA. RATITnPAY, PF.OEMP.ET? .. 1010. BRIEF CITY NEWS sTer Boot rrmt Ik fceadlns; Umvi Hnrri.anii4i Co. ak Ton matter to th Tlmea 1. VI I i inhart rhotogrsj.her. llth rsi-m. . 4 Creedoa ft Boa Coal. California Land Im ( pin.- to in vest pert of your ftivlngs. We HI the beet vall.y land on easy lrms. I!aUng Heyden. 1614 llarny street. Ideal money earns no dividend. Invest ments in the .h. Savin 4 l,,n Aiin Py per annum. l0i Farnmn Htree:, Brd of Trade Building-, Omaha. tolas Automobile The owner doesn't worry, for our automobile fire 1nuram-a policy alio cover thoU of the machine. Crelgh, BalilrlKA Co., phone louKla 200. MobI llheral policies, lowest rnten. Ladles, Bee Ont Line of rubber coats and gloves. We carry a full line of auJo mobile accessories and rubber goods. Omaha Rubber Company, li 11. Sprague. president. 1101 Harney Bt. "Just around th corner." Admits Stealing Watch Pleading guilty to dealing a watch from 11. P. rleron. 1718 North Fifteenth atreeta. a patient at the Norwegian and Danish Young Peo ple's home, Paul Jensen wan sent to Jail by Polio Judge Crawford Friday morn ing. Jensen wm also charged with at tempting to pans bogus checks on a lodging house. - Ooo art erf titers to Zavenwortb Paul Brady and Frank U Markham, who pleaded guilty before Judge Munger to passing counterfeit money, started to the federal prton at Leavenworth Friday morning; In the custody of United States Marshal Warner. Brady waa sentenced to one year and one day In prison, while Markham received a sentence of three years. Tw Scheme In Advertising' The new stein of educational advertising which Is being put In force by tha Union TaiHflc railroad Is announced to be a great success. Tha plan instead of advertising Just the railroad and Its service gives figures and Interesting facts on the states through which tha road runs and advertises the resources and chances for young men In these states. Figures ootnplled that are being placed before tha people of the east about Nebraska are bringing many inquiries for further Information. V. B. Pur Too Oommisloner O'rarral "The day of cheap farm lands Is vanish ing." says Mr. P. A. O'Farrel of tha United Htate Pure Food commission. He adds: "And this leads ma to say that western Canada, and British Columbia are the last great and valuable divisions of tha world left for tha whlta man to transform from wilderness to smiling, fruitful countries." The Orank Trunk Pacific Land company, with offices at 112 New Tork Life building, will send full descriptive circulars upon re quest, describing tha last now country. Olrl Does Hot lose Money Tha two men who held up and robbed Miss Jennie Gordon, a stenographer In tha offloe of Robert Smith, clerk of the district court. Wednesday evening, did not get 125 from tha glrL Mlsa Gordon had experienced a premonition that she might be robbed on her way home, she says, and locked the money, her salary for half a month, in a desk In tha clerk's office. After she had been held up at the corner of Nineteenth street and 8C Mary's avenue, she told of ithe occurrence and said her purs was taken .but did not explain that tha money waa safe in tha county building until Thursday afternoon. Bait Case Batoned A ault case con taining 30 In money, a gold watch and a quantity of valuable clothing, atolen No vember t from in front of the Madison total, Twenty-first and Chicago streets, waa returned by detectives Friday morning to Its owner, Henry F. Kaysen, of South Omaha. The suit case waa found at the Omaha Lodging house. Twelfth and Dodge streets. The watch was found In the pos session of Tom House, tha proprietor of the plaoe, who was arrested with Thomas Finch, Lee Bloomfield and Nellie Mo Mahon, roomers. There have been a num ber of petty thefta reported by guests of the lodging house during the last few weeks. Oniiu Women Benefit hy N. Y. Oar meat Makers' Strike. A pronilnunt New Tork mfgr. of high grade ladles' wearing apparel waa unable to withstand the long siege of the recent garment makers' strike and was forced to liquidate. The entire stock was purchased by the Novelty Skirt Company of this city at one-third of the cost of the production of tha garments and will be placed on sale by. them Saturday, Deo. 3. Their ad ap pears in another section of this evening's ELLSWORTH WANTS TRANSFER Consul Would Realarn ava Answer to 1st- ilniatlnne Acalnst Him. EAGLE PASS, Tex., Dec 1 American Consul Luther T. Ellsworth, at Ciudad Forlflrlo Dlas, Mexico, has telegraphed a request to the State department, through American Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, at Mexico City, that he be transferred to another post If a transfer be Impossible, he asks that his telegram be accepted as his roalsnatlon.' Mr. Ellsworth, It Is said, takes this means of resenting Intimation that he waa the author of reports on the Mexican revolution that Injured trade with Mexico. Persistent Advertising la tha Road to Dig Return. Kdrrard Path Utid. CRE8TON, la., Dec i (Special.) Bid ward Pugh. an Englishman, who tor twenty-one years baa boen an assistant at the Wilson at Stream livery barn here, was found dead near a pile of lumber, with his throat cut, and a bloody knife lying beside him. Bulcid la thought to be the cause- 6 fCfHL. "tested bf teste." Nothing tickles the palate like t cup of good OKI Golden CoiTea. You can't imagine ks delichtul flavor till you've trieJ it. Al CrottriKc pouni TCSE ESSt. Cri USiHft. Iowa. mniut af tlx baas Teat . Sakss. jj AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Contract Let for Winff of New Bath House at Twenty-Fifth and 0. TRANSFER QUESTION CAUSES STIR Drreiallea ar t lllaene to Wit Kail. v r Officials ta Srrsre Conces sions Aaeerted t Have w Heeo Promised. The contract was let yestrday to Nets Peterson for a section of the new bath nous which is to be ereoted at Twenty fifth and o MreMs by J. B. Watkinn ft Co. t a cost of 10,0ry. nils will be but a lng of a larger building which it Is In tended to put up on the site, which stands Immediately east of the office of the Wat xlns Coal and Lumber company and which It la estimated will entail an expenditure of tTS.fTiO. When the entire structure has been raised it will constitute one of the f nem architectural additions to the city In reent years. Ground has been broken for ttie building contemplated at present and it Is expe. ted to have the grading completed within sixty nays If the present favorable weather con tinues. This section will be 22M feet and will be a two-story structure with base ment. It win be so constructed as readily to fit Inio the general plan and will con tain two sets of bath rooms and cooling rooms and will be supplied with perfect ser.itary equipment. Provision will be made for the treatment of rheumatism and such ailments. The bath house, when the plans which have been prepared by J. Jeffrey Dave architect, Omaha, have been carried Into execution, will be a building 60x101 feet. It will be of flre pioof construction. The necessity for proceeding with the work at the present time arises from the desire to move the present bath house from Its location at Twenty-first and 8 streets to a more central position and one that will be In Immediate touch with the street car system. The Twenty-fourth snd "cross town" cars pass by the site selected for the new bath house. The old bath bouse has stood for twenty years at Twenty-first and 8 streets. The baths are supplied from a mineral rrlng. and In expectation of rapid progress on the new building the pipes have already been laid from the spring to the new pres sure tank. The connection will be made this week. y Cross-Town Travelers. The question of transfers in the city of South Omaha in connection with tha cross town line was the principal topic of dis cussion at the meeting of the Commercial club yesterday and it waa decided to send a deputation to the president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs street railway company to take up the matter with him. The fol lowing form the deputation: John Flynn. 0. II. Brewer. John M. Tanner. Joseph H. Koplets and the secretary of tha club, Erie B. brown. It was stated at the meeting that when the president met a deputation of the club a year ago at 'tha Stockyards exchange ha agreed that transfers should be Issued In South Omaha. Since the cross town sen-ice has been established trans fers. It was affirmed, were refused In tha city and thoaa applying for them were in foimed by the conductors that the transfer point was Twenty-fourth and Vinton. Tha question has been agitated pretty vigorously recently by tha merchants and traders of tha city whose case Is that people c'olng business In tha stockyards are prevented atopping off In South Omaha and spending soma of their money there. Tha matter Is under tha consideration of tha legal department of tha city and may soon ba brought before tha city council. "It was thoroughly understood," re marked one of the members of the meet ing, "after tha conference at tha exchange with President Wattles, that transfers should be Issued at Twenty-fourth and N." The Lata Michael Cafakf, The Commercial club at Its meeting yes terday passed the following resolution anent tha death of the lata Michael Cudahy: , Whereas it has pleased the All-Wise Father to call to nis eternal rest that great and good man, Mr. Michael Cudahy, who for so many years had been the di recting head at one of the city'a largest Institutions; Be It resolved that we, the Commercial club of South Omaha, deeply regret hfs untimely death. Commercial Clab Diaaer. The apeolai order of business at the next meeting of the Commercial club will be to make arrangements for the second an nual dinner to be held In February. Tha first dinner, which some 400 attended, was such a succeas In advancing the commer cial Interests of the city by generating a spirit Of co-operation find harmony that It has been decided to make tha affair an annual one. Hlgk Sen mI Basket Ball. South Omaha High school boys are be ginning to show Interest In the basket ball game for the coming season and about fifteen candidates for he team have or ganised. These Include three of last year's players. They have been practicing twice a week for the past three weeks. The regular squad will be chosen In four or five weeks. The girls havt also organised and there have been from twenty-five to thirty out each niuht at practice. The pracUce Is at tha r. M. C. A. building. Briak-I.HU, At tha home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lucas, SU Munroe street, took place November 2S the marriage of their daughter, Madama E. Lucas, to Barney B. Urunfc of Pulaski, la. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. A. Jordan of tha First Christian church. After the ceremony Miss Grace Pool sang "O Promina Me." Following the marriage a three-course luncheon was served to the thirty-five guests. The rooms were pret tily decorated. The bride wore a gown of pale yellow chiffon over silk and carried a bouquet of bridal rotes and lilies of tha valley. She was attended by her sis ter. Miss Ruble Lucas, whose costume was of pale bide. Klie carried a shower bouquet of pink roea The best man was Earl McManua. The young couple, who received numerous presents, left In the evening for Chicago to pend the honeymoon. Maalo City Uoeaip. Storm tiaati tte Howland. 'phone South T. The two new hose wagons for companies 4 and a have arrived and are houed at Nos. and I fire halls. For Ken- Six-room, modern except heat, with barn; Si Is U street. Inquire Hot .Nona street. 'Phue bouth lut The alumni tlasa will hold an Important meeting Monday evening at the South Omaha High school. All inemoers are urged to attend. The women of the North Presbyterian church intend to hold a handkerchief apron, fancy article, candy and home cooking sale. This evening will witness the production of the play, "I'nlon Station for a Day," at tha high school. The performance is' for the benefit of tha (.'hrtxlian church. Magio City lodge No. M0, Modern Brother hood of Amerta. will meet this evening at Danish brotherhood hall for the purpose of electing ofiicera or the ensuing year. The women of the First Methodist cburcb will hold a home baauig and mine meat saie and baxaar Saturday at eVhmollar A Muellors store, 4Jl North Twenty-fourth sueet. South Omaha, Clar.oe E. l-a. Paohe. aged M, eon of Mrs. M. M. Martin and brother of Mrs 1. I. Clancy of 8outh Omaha." died Nl ember JO at Denver The funeral will be he.d from 8t. Martin's church Twenty fourth and J streets, tiouth otnaha. Friday at 1 p. m Interment at Laurel lull ceine tory. Friends aie Invited. 'Phone bell Bouth Sos, Independent F Util 1 1 mk i o SPECIAL Men's Gloves 69c We placo oil Kale Satur day a special lot of "Ad lor's" gray Mocha gloves for men. These axe real $1.00 values, but we have -priced them ft On ppeeial at v I Special iMen's Initial Handker chiefs, in boxes of six each; any initial you wish, special Men's pure linen Hand kerchiefs, in leather folders holding 6 each. Special, per M QA folder Ql.yV SPECIAL Men's Neckwear A wonderful ghowlng of the newest shapes and colorings la Men's Neckwear ! nnnr iiuiii In a':- Wthis department. fM You will find JL every late crea- flnn hot's tn i - of them exclusive ' with ?Ma ntnrd Put in Holiday boxes, these will make handsome and very accepjU able Xmas gifts for any man. Special values at OME time ago we resolved to devote the first week of De cember to a' display of Suits and Overcoats at $15. We also resolved that, in the variety of it's assortment and the unusual value it should offer, this show ing should be justly called "The Greatest Display of the Season" of $15.00 garment. We were deter mined to not only surpass the records of others, but to outdo even our own best efforts of this and past seasons. To insure the success of this event we have spared neither time nor care in the selection of these Suits and Overcoat's. They have been tailored from specially selected fabrics of the most popular shades and in the latest correct styles of this season. They are strictly hand-tailored and possess every good point that the term implies. And because they ARE so finely tailored, they'll fit you perfeotly the first time you put them on, and retain their stylish lines permanently. The suit fabrics consist of all wool cheviots, eassimeres and worsteds, in patterns and models that aro as truly made for you as though you had ordered them from a custom tailor. The overcoat fabrics are high grade, all wool kerseys, in black and fancy shades; bcotch cheviots and eassimeres, in checks, plaids and overplaids of all shades; "Military," "Convertible," "Presto" and "Regular" overcoat styles i CPU Great Shoe Value! s This headline la got meant as a boasts though we've really the right to boast of our $2.50 shoes but U a simple state ment of fart. The proof Is In tho style, the fit, and the ser vice of these shoes. Shown In Box Calf, Gun Metal, Patent leather and Tana for men. Velvet, Mat and Cravenctte Top Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Vlcl Kid for women. All slses and widths. For Men and Women $2.50 Ladle Felt Juliets In all colors. Two splendid val ues, at $1.50 and i . . $1 Men's Warm Iilned Sho Of good quality, at $2 45c "The House of High Merit." Very Special Values in FUR CAPS SEALSKIN FT It CAPS Bpwial at S5.00 lllH)K MINK FUR CAIS Special at $4.00 SIIIKKIAN DOG PUR CAPS Special at $2.00 for a ca of Jtter Gold Top. Prompt do ll very to any part of clt. (William Jotter. John Bchmldt, need 62, died yoiterday morning In tho county hospital. Ho had livod for some years in South Omaha. He has relative In Fremont and tha body Ilea In larkln undertaking rooms analtltig their arrival. Tho following firemen are tho first of tho deportment to be laid off on account of the state of tho fire fund: Assistant Chief John Hasburg, Charley Kaufhoid. No. ; John Uurklewlu, No. I; John Hannlgan, No. l. Each will have a compulsory thirty dayV vacation from yesterday. The following Is tho program for the West Rids Methodist church jubilee serv ices, which are betng held In connection with the completion of the new church at Thlrty-seoond and U streets: Friday night. Dr. Hlslop, district superintendent, will de liver an sddresa; special music Saturday night. Omaha IToung Men's Christian as sociation male quartet will give a concert, assisted by Mis l'avls of Bouth Omaha. Sunday, 3 p. m., Rev. Dr. Frank Lynch, First Methodist church, Omaha, will preach; special music. Sunday night, Miss Wilson, superintendent of the religious work of the Young Women's Christian as sociation, Omaha, will deliver an address and there will be special music. CRIMINAL SOCIETY REVEALED Doeameat Sewed la Coat Llalaa; of Burglar Contains Oath of Fealty. NEWARK. N. J., Deo. 1 A secret docu ment, sewed In the coat lining of John Howard, arrested here today, leads the police to believe they have discovered a widespread society of criminals whose members are bound under penalty of death to carry out Its orders. The paper waa a certificate of election numbered 796 on the roll of membership? Attached to it waa an oath, which bound the members of the order r.ot to reveal its secrets and to obey commands of th "high order of masters." "It I should betray this order In any way," the oath reads, "I shall have to sub mit to the penalty which shall be put upon me. which Is death In its worst form." Burglars' tools were found in Howard's room. He was committed to jail for ninety days. A Largo Coneera Holds Imports Meeting. Th heads of the Goodyear Raincoat Company held an Important meeting In New Tors City November 16, and It was decided that immediate actloA must be taken to raise at least tO.0OO. They Instructed each manager In their ninety stores to cut prices to sell their stock at 60 and W per cent on the dollsr. A representative of this paper Interviewed the local manager and this Is what he says: "When I was instructed to do my share In regard to raising the necessary money I quickly advertised a reduction of 0 per cent oft on all ladles' and men's garments In this house. The people of Omaha and vicinity responded nobly and the business of th last eight days fully realised our share." H Is making an effort to cave Satur day's business, which Is th last d'ey, th biggest In the history of this store. Their ad In this paper folly explains th reduc tions that they ar making on their gar ments for the last day of their sale, to morrow, Saturday. ORCHARD & WILHELM Useful Article For One Day Special Helling SA TURD A Y ONL Y MISSION LIBRARY TABLE (Like Cut) Soft brown fumed finish, constructed of selected oak, top is 26 inches wide by 40 inches long. Has one drawer and under shelf with panel end; sells regu larly at $15.50, special Cfl75 for Saturday only. VU CLOCK (Like Cut) This pretty desk or dresser clock is Ger man made and keeps good time, has very pretty mahogany finish frame is 3 inches wide by 5Vz inches high; regular price $3.00 for Saturday only, each , H $1.50 '0t. : tHJJIGH OP TIME. "Tho Nortn western Lino." Th Twin City Limited at 11 p. m. on Saturday Nights Now leave at 1:4b p. m. daily. City Office. 1401-1 Farnain St Bigger. Hotter, Busier That 1 what advertising la Thjs Be will di for your business. Knrrell Pln litim. Last night at a banquet of the Farrel base ball team the boys decided to give dunces 1 1) the winter mumhfi, the pro ceeds of which will help defray th ei penses of the summer snd also help pay for their weekly soclni events. Th dances will be held at liaright's hall. Nineteenth and Farnain streets, every Saturday night, vuuimenuug tuuiorrow. COMFORTER 7 fect lang, 6 fect wide, filled with white snow flake cotton, covered with silkline. Price each, $2.75; special Saturday PC7 URE FRAMES In Roman gold oval square--medallion. Very pretty. Your choice Saturday, each.., vJ.C $1.95 Toy Department "Doll Special11 . Fr Saturday Only Full Jointed Bisque Boll 24 inches long, sleeping eyes, sewed wig; sells regularly at $1.35; Saturday only, each CD fy ' ' '-'1'ir H 1 JD TECUMSEH MAN WILL SETTLE DOWN IN UTAH ftoaael! MeMtllen Derides to Leave His Trnoe sss Settle Dtwi em Western Kara. TECUMSEH, Nb.. Deo. . (Special.) Russell McMillan, who has boen In th harness business In this city for several years past, will close out hit stock bo twn this Urn and th rtrst of th year. Mr. McMlllen and his brother, N. W. Mo ll 1 lien of MoCook. have invested In a thirty-acre fruit and alfalfa farm adjoin ing the city of Provo. Utah. Th To ouraieh man will move bis famtry to the farm In the near future and take charge of th plar. Th move Is mad necessary on acoount of Mr. McUitltn's health, the long-continued bench work saving been hara on him. Th out-of-door employment will no doubt be beneficial. Provo Is a thriving city of 1,000 population. AmcrlMia Boat Not Loot. CHERBOURG. France, Da L-Lsl Bight's rumor that an American picket boat from th visiting fleet had been lost with several men was disapproved today. It grow out of th swamping of a f ranch launch, th crw of which wer rescued by bluejackets from th Battleship Louisiana. Dyaanslt Wreck Hnlldlags as completely as coughs, and colds wreck lungs. Cure them quirk with Dr. King's New Discovery, tue and 11.00. For sal by fieatoa Drug Co. EP0SITS made on or before De cember. 10th in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK will draw interest from Decem ber 1st. . THREE PERCENT interest is paid on savings deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with drawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus la $1,340,000. It is the oldest bank in Nebraska. Established in 185. United States National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska M. T. Barlow, 'resident O. W. Wattles, Vioe-rres. o. B. ISavarstiok, Asst. Oaah. . B. Caldwell, Tloe-Pres. . r. Korsmu. Asst. Cash. VT. S. Khoades, Cashier. j. o. MoClure, Asst. Cash, Open on Saturdays Until 0;OO P. M. Gn December 6 and 20 At the lowest xt tvtt Buned daring- tie winter seuoa. FoIWiBg are tie round trip fares via L & K. R. R. frea St. Leais and Chicago to CKlcaso St Leuis St, Augustine... 935.1 5 2.C3 fertriorco 41.15 CelnesYilio 3S.8S Ocala 3 CIO Fort Meyers S.S0 Palatka 38.40 West Pains Beach- 42.90 Kissimmoo ........ 36.50 D eland 36.50 Raters Kasit 1 sWa, 34.05 2S.7S 29A0 2S.40 28J0 29.40 29.40 HUliard Saniorel , TitusTilU . Miami.... Orlansle.. Chfeai St. Lotiia .333.75 326.60 36.50 .... 38.53 . 44.90 36.60 It,. Tampa............ 36.5Q Penitacala 30X)O DeFuniakSpric(s..31.75 Mariaoaa ....... ..31.75 . UWal stessr snvilcsa 2S imr ratmra limit. FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS 29.40 31.45 37.80 29.40 29.40 20.65 23.70 23.70 J. E. DAVENPORT. D. P. A, St Loui, Mo. P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A Chicago, III Whitman's Candy for Xmas We hav the exclusive agency and an immense line of tills popular candy. You had best leave your older early that you may have It specially (IHei snd sei'iire h11 vuii nee) C. MSX.CKK bxUQ CO., . B. Cor. 17tu aud farnam kits. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMhfi Ik beat rsrsi faor. zsmcLro A BEE WANT AD wtU root .sat Teoaot fcoaeo. fJU ho natal toceuo. or ksarders a snovt aoto. at veir l asaail oost to yea. Try It 4