Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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The omaha Daily l in:
Entered at Omaha poetofflet as 'XnJ
nin matter.
Sunday livt. one year 12. W
t-atuiaay Hee, one year IIW
l-nllv lee (without Sunday), on year..Mu
inily bee and Munday, one year 14 (W
Kvrnlug Met (without Funday), per week So
r.venlhg Bee (with Monday), per wrk....ln
'aily iee (Including eunday, per week. .loo
Daily Met (without ttunday), per weefc..luc
Audren all complaints of irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha tht Met building.
K'luth Omaha North Twenty-fourth
council Mluffa-U Centt ftreet
Lincoln W Little building.
I idcago 146 jnarqurtie nuildlng.
New tork-Room 1101-1104 No. Si Wtlt
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Communication relating' to nw and
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eUate of Nebraska, Deugiaa County, .
Ocorge U. 'la.cuucn. uruurer ot The
Bee i ubtmtilng company, being dul
worn oays that the actual number ot
full an complete copies of The Dally,
Morning, livening and feund y i'e printed
during the iiioutu vf Muvember, IKiU,
was aa follows-
1 43,oS0 1 3,800
2 4a,.00 17 44,810
t 43,00 IS 44,M0
4 43,70 It 43, 00
6 43,U0 2 4U,00
S 44,800 21 43,910
7 S.S20 12 43.6U0,
43,810 , SI 48,830
S4.8S0 14 4a,M0j
10 43.470 IS 42,740
11 44.S40 tt 43,160
12..... 43.SS0 27 43,800 1
IS.... 44.300 II 43,aaol
14 43,350 XI 43,340
li 43310 SO 43,000 I
Total X,390,gtt0
Returned copies 14,434
Net Total 1,308,454
Dally Average 43,4 1
Bubsci-tbed in my presence and aworn
to oetore me tula itOtu Oiiy of November,
I Meal.) Notary public
- Snbarribere leg tfe elta- t.m-yoraj-lly
akealat kave The Bee
uiallea to theaa. Address will be
ckaagta aa often aa requested.
Santa Claus Is one bill collector you
cannot beat.
Battling Nelson Is no longer bat
tling In the .300 class.
Even Carrie Nation has never dared
tackle those London suffragettes.
Thus far we hare heard no con
certed plan In congress to abolish the
franking privilege.
Now let It be finally determined
who saw It coming first. Senator Hale
or Senator Aldrlch.
You may just aa well come to It
first as last, for that Christmas shop
ping has to be done.
President Dlas has not yet given any
official indication that hs knew
Brother Madero was revolting.
They do not "credit census men In
Augusta," tt Is reported. They ouglit
to make them pay cash In Omaha, too.
Pork was so high this last season
that Houston folks could not afford
bacon rind to rub on their chlgre bites.
November was a very mild month
but it will never compare in history
with December, which has five pay
President Diaz has started out on
his second third of a century as Mex
ico's chief executive In the best of
It is getting near that time when
you must sit down and figure out the
list of those you think will gend you
Three women in the Colorado legis
lature. Now Oregon will have to take
a back seat as the "best governed state
in the union."
'Governors Have Oood Time."
That made a good standing headline
for the conference of the state execu
tives at Louisville.
A few years ago It would not have
kw:-i elleved that Mr. Bryan could
have so little to say upon the subject
of a democratic victory.
Kansas CUr has abolished smoking
on street cart, and If gome other cities
could abolish the rear-end orator it
ould be a FJod thing.
If they would make lir. Depew am
bdMsdor to Mexico he would put an
ei d to those revolta by holding the
lnsurrecticnistg spellbound with hlg
storieg. v
That "death bed confession" of the
British lorda sounds like Pat Mulca
hey't forgiveness of Mike Malone it
goes In cage bo dies, but "the Lord
help him if I lire."
The deputy attorney general has
furnished the State Railway comnila
cioa an opinion to the effect that mu
tual telephone com pan leg are not sub
ject to the Nebraska corporation law.
Now watch a. lot of companies arrange
to reorganise on a mutual Lli.
The government reports Increased
marketing of cattle and sheep during
October and points to this as the
reason for lower priceg on packing
house products. Mr. Ultimate Con
sumer Is not so deeply concerned la
'.lie cause as he is in the effect
Those Jolly Governors.
It Is a good thing thnt no tangible
results depended on the outcome of
that governors' conference in Ken
tucky. As far as can be determined
the nearest they came to transacting
business was when they listened to
Governor Hadley's speech on the em
ployers' liability act. Governor-elect
Woodrow WiUon also delivered an ad
dreeg the first day, but before he had
taken his seat some warm-hearted
Kentucky colonel moved that the base
of actions be transferred from Frank
fort to Louisville and the motion was
carried unanimously.
In Louisville the colonels (Who had
prepared the program did not know
anything about the plan of transacting
business, so when the ball finally broke
up the governors found that speeches
on which they had labored for weeks
were still tucked away in their grips
or pockets undelivered and not One
thing that could, by any distorting of
the Imagination be called business,
had been done.
Hereafter governors planning to dis
cuss weighty matters of state will
know better than to go to old "Kaln
tuck." It Is the place to go when
they want to be entertained in good
old southern aristocracy fashion, as, of
course, all these governors now know,
even to the sedate Dr. Wilson. No
wonder that In casting about for the
place to hold their next meeting they
chose a remoto little nook In New
Jersey, where pretty women and gal
lant men could not get at them so
easily. After all, the country prob
ably will not suffer and the gov
ernors, gome of whom were still sore
from defeat, bad a practical demon
stration of Kentucky hospitality and a
good, full measure of that beats all
the dry discussions of government In
the world.
New Mexico's Saue Constitution,
The organic law which the consti
tutional convention of New Mexico has
framed is based In the main on the
broad lines of common sense and prac
tical utility, excluding radical and
fanatical provisions. This comes of
having a constitution drawn by a body
of men representative of all legitimate
Interests in the state and bent on-the
common purpose of avoiding fads and
freaks and sticking to trled-out ideas.
In this New Mexico has gone ahead of
Oklahoma, whose constitution stands
out as the prize package In Impractical
New Mexico's conBtltution-makers
are mostly republicans, and the in
strument was drawn under a warning
of a republican congress against the
blunders of Oklahoma. The conven
tion was In session from October 3 to
November 21, transacting its business
with all possible dispatch. The pro
posed constitution will be submitted
to the people for their approval Jan
uary S, and, If ratified, turned over to
congress for its inspection. If en
dorsed by congress It will be placed In
effect and enable the forty-seventh
state to send Us representatives to the
first session of the Sixty-second con
gress in December, 1911. The people
out there hope to encounter no hitch
In this program; they have gone about
this thing in a business-like manner
that merits the best results.
The sisterhood of states will have
cause to welcome New Mexico, for it
comes with rich treasures to add to
the national storehouse. It has vast
resources discovered and in use, others
more vast undeveloped and untold in
extent. In the last decade New Mex
ico has made a population growth of
67 pe cent, which lg very near a rec
ord growth. Yet it ehould even sur
pass that, and doubtless will, in the
next ten years. And particularly
should statehood be inviting to labor
and capital when Initiated under the
favorable nuvl."- f a found organic
The first Friday in December Is Ar
bor day in Georgia and this year all
over the state people planted a tree
wherever they could find a place to
put It. That doubtless meant a vast
fiumber of trees for Georgia, if so,
It meant new wealth as well as ad
ditional beauty. Georgia Is taking the
lead among southern states in build
ing up her resources and she is lod in
this Arbor day tree planting by gome
of her progressive newspapers, which
have wisely pointed out the splendid
possibilities of providing for the fu
ture in just this way.
We make much of Arbor day some
times, but it is a strange thing that
as a people we do not make more of
it. This ii particularly true now that
we have been so passionately stirred
on the matter of conservation with
especial reference to our timber sup
ply. It does seem that a lot of foolish
talk hag been wasted In this direction.
To be sure, it is necessary to guard
against deforestation, but a vast
amount of raw timber must be cut
every year and we know It. What,
then, is to prevent u.' planting an
other vaat amount?
The state of Nebraska preented a
wonderful opportunity to the nation
when it gave it Arbor day. But after
all what was It that J. Sterling Mor
ton and Dr. George L. Miller did more
than simply to auggest what already
everybody must have known? It was
a mere matter of calling to th peo
ple's attention that it would be a good
thing to plant trees. This state was
then a sweep of prairie and it needed
trcea for shade, principally, but today
It and other states need them for even
more utilitarian purposes than shade.
But it takes a great deal of remind
ing every year to get the people to nee-
the need snd see how simple It may
be supplied. Georgia newspapers do
well to take up thin crusade.
Not aa uioaa nation Yet.
The census figures show that the
total population of all cities in this
country of 25,000 or more Is about
28,235.000, and that the largest per
centage of population Increase has
been made In cities of less than 100,
000. Counting that the nation's popu
lation will reach 90,000,000, this show
ing does not quite bear out the con
tention, so persistently urged in con
nection with our back-to-the-farm Bgl
tatlon, that as a nation we are be
coming distinctly urban. We are not
Quite one-third urban, if we may con
sider the starting point as the city of
Forty-seven cities have 100,000 or
more population and of this number
only eleven have risen to this class
since 1900. The census bureau de
clines to make any advance statement
of the entire population, but It is being
generally estimated in the neighbor
hood of 90.000,000. Ten years ago
is was 76,303,387. The percentage
of urban population has not Increased
disproportionately. At least, the In
crease has not been such as should
alarm us with relation to our farm
ing communities. The fact is, as the
census figures will show, that we are
even more of an agricultural people
today than we were a decade ago,
Judged on the basis of relative popu
lations, for the last ten years has
witnessed this nation's most spirited
settlement of new territory. It has
been a period of empire building and
this has all contributed to the subur
ban side of our life.
It is well enough that we continue
In our efforts to lure people to the
country, however, for the more we get
there the more we shall have engaged
in the primal occupations that produce
new wealth and new sources ot wealth
and make room for greater national
Net Vei,ht.
A case has been commenced In the
district court of Lancaster county for
the purpose of testing one phase of
the Nebraska pure food law. It is to
determine the validity of the "net
weight" clause. This has to do
specifically with branding on the pack
age the net weight of Its contents
within certain limitations, which
should be clearly defined by the courts.
This law is a good one. It is important
to the consumer that he know how
much he is getting for his money. If
he finds a package branded "one
pound" or "one plnt,v or whatever the
amount of its contents, he should have
some reasonable assurance that he is
getting what be is paying for.
It was discovered at the time the
law was enacted that a full weight
package was such a rarity that it al
most deserved to be placed on exhibi
tion. Manufacturers had vied with
one another in eager rivalry to reduce
the net weight and sell more packages
for a given sum. Retailers were
shown how it was possible to defraud
their customers by selling them less
than they were paying for. The ram
ifications of this method of dissipation
were as extensive as the food and drug
trade. No division was free from it.
A cry has always gone up against
short weight or short measure. Cities:
have long maintained departmentg
having supervision over weights and
measures and have provided serious
penalties for violation or the law. No
need exists for argument as to the
Justice of requiring the seller to fur
nish exactly the amount his customer
bargains for. In the case of mechanically-packed
wares it may be difficult
to always furnish the exact contents,
but it should ' be possible to do this
with such accuracy as will reasonably
comply with the law.
The proposed reductions in Pullman
sleeper rates were not sufficiently
startling to cause a panic among the
people who patronize that company.
The privilege of breathing polluted air
while lying on a shelf in a tossing car
is too dear lightly estimated, aud !
the company doesn't propose to affront!
its patrons by offering them decent
accommodations at a reasonable rate.
Judge McHugb may not land ou the
supreme bench of the United States,
but he ig getting a nice little bit of
publicity out of the rumor that he lg
to be appointed to that position. The
Judge has had some experience and
knows how often the slip may come
" 'twlxt the cup and the Hp."
Too many luwyets are uaely to spoil
the state's chances in the guarauty
bank law case before the supreme
court. The aspiring legal lights
should get together and arbitrate their
differences, and, failing In this, should
shake dice for the privilege of address
ing the court.
Now conies prospective Senator
Hitchcock and modestly disclaims any
intention of laying violent hands on I
the leadership of the democratic party J
in Nebraska. But Mr. Hitchcock doeg
not suggest that be intends to follow
:the leadership of any other democrat i
(iu the state. j
The series of fatal accidents to I
t workmen on a new building suggests !
that there is something wrong about
the process of construction. The '
curcner might well inquire into the'
conditions to determine, if possible, j
what remedy is nect-gsary. !
Kvrrybody will be glad to know
that the controversy between the rail
roads over th New York-Clilrago pas-bc-tiger
late was st-UUd ttul.out a
"rate war." It was settled, If you
notice, by raising those rates that were
lower than the maximum.
Several Omaha corporations have
failed to gel in under the wire with
their corporation tax and will now be
put to the expense of renewing their
charters. It certainly pays to be
prompt In settling with the tax col
lector. A threatened passenger rate war
has been averted by the simple expedi
ent of permitting the llnea that gave
the lower rate to Increase their tariff
to the higher. Of course, the public
will enjoy all the benefit of this.
Another argument against the mon-ument-memorial-statue
business has
been offered In the proposal by friends
of Stanford White, victim of Harry
Thaw and friend of Evelyn, to erect
a memorial to him.
Anyone with a weather eye out for
the fine point might have noticed be
fore this that Mr. Ylm Hill's panic
cries never hurt the stock of the Great
Northern, Northern Pacific and Bur
lington railroads.
If the governors get through receiv
ing that Kentucky hospitality In tlma
they may attend to some of the busi
ness matters that called them together
at Frankfort and Louisville.
If those St. Louis women continue
their fad of buttermilk churning they
may increase their city's population
by one, a certain ex-vice president now
residing in Indiana.
A Nob anil m Knock.
Houston (Tex.) I'ont (dem.).
Tht Commoner now apeaka kindly of
Jim Pahlman. It la an Impressive example
of partisan benevolence to step up behind
a democratic nominee and brain him, and
afterward vend a floral wreath for tht
funeral. Still, we must confess to a very
light understanding of the ethics of
, The Eierntloner on Deck.
Boston Transcript.
"There is a move on foot, larger In pro
portion than the movement of 1904, to turn
the democratic party over to the predatory
Interests. Mr. Bryan recognises the real
purpose of thia movement and may be de
pended on to fight It." This is official, and
Ind.cates that Mr. Bryan will oppose any
conservative candidate but Mr. Bryan him
self. A Point Overlooked.
Philadelphia Record.
The Interstate Commerce commission in
ita report of tht result of railroad carnage
for twelve months makes the following
summary: Killed, 3.804; Injured, 82,374."
The Army and Navy Journal, noting the
bloody aggregate, exclaims: "Suoh are tht
horrors of peace." In tht wordy debate
on "ratea" between the carriers and ship
pers now Kolng forward before the country
there is no mention of the necessity of re
ducing this appalling death rate.
Moving; Toward Parcels Poet.
Philadelphia Record.
Postmaster General Hitchcock ventures
to recommend so much parcels post as will
not Interfere with the business of the ex
press companies. He suggests that the
rural free delivery service shall be so ex
tended aa to permit the delivery of parccla
weighing eleven pounds. This Innovation
wotud be of great suburban and rural ad
vantage and would be likely to create aa
Instant popular demand for the wider de
livery of parcels on all mall routes.
. Tragic Fral ut Greed.
Springfield Republican.
When hundridu ut workwomen are com
pelled to labor In such terrible ramshack.e
and oil-soaked fire traps as the Newark
factory, where over a score lost their lives
amid horrible scenes, on .Saturday last, the
limit to capitalistic negligence or greed
would seem to have been reached. it
ordinary wage earners In ordinary Indus
tries have any tights at all which employ
ers should respect. It Is their right to have
fairly safe places to work In. When eucn
drtadful catastrophes as that in Newark
occur, one la almoxt ready to say that
wholesale murder has beim committed.
State laws und slate Inspection of factories,
large and small, can hardly be too drastic,
if the lives of the workers are to be glvtn
a decent measure of protection.
(letting, Souirthiug lor Nothing-.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Raids by postal officials have been fol
lowed by the r,ve ailon that scores of
millions of. dollars have been paid for
worthless ."tccks, known by the purveyors
to be worthless. Yet, after all, tha da
closure merely accentuates a matter of
common knowledge. People who are lured
by florid advertisements Jo Invest In trash
are obesbed by the moat Infrequent daiire
to obtain something for nothing. This Is
accompll.-hod only by the schemer at the
other end of the transaction. So far as
known, the ways of getting rich, rudely
classified. Include earning the money. In
heriting It or stealing tt. The first Is dif
ficult, and ofxen Impossible. The second Is
a mutter hardly within control of the
beneficiary. The last Is precarious, and in
the end of doubtful utility. There Is no
avoidance of the conclusion that some
worthy people are destined to remain poor.
Our Birthday Book.
December 3, 1S10.
Oeneral fireen B. Raum, former commis
sioner of pensions, was born December S,
IKS, In Golconda. Ill , and died last year.
Ho made a remarkable record in the civil
war and was also the author of a number
of books. ,
John Basxett Moore, professor ot Inter
national law In Columbia university, was
born In Smyrna, Iela., and was at one
time assistant secretary of state. He is
recognized now as the hlKhnst American
authority on International diplomacy.
Joseph C'ulltn Root, founder and sov
ereign coir.rnandrr of the Woodmen of the
World, with ht udquartxra here In Omaha,
wos born iecinber 3, 1S14, In Chester.
Jlaxs He was educated as a lawyer, but
hci devoted himself chiefly to fraternal
insurance. He Is also ore of the board of
Ak-h'ar-ln governors.
Robert K. Leo Kerdman, attorney-al-law
ai.d democratic politician, is 4tL He was
born In Jrrseyvllle, 111., und graduated
from the law department of the t'nlverslty
of ICantas, locating in Omaha in 1M He
was clerk of the siirri-me court fur four
years and also polite cf minUiiIorier f u
umaha for a Utile while.
W. M. McKay, secretary of Cole-McKay)
company, funeral cllrsttors, Mas born L-1
tmibtr I, 1 ";-i, in Tipton county, lnd.ana. j
lie worked ln viuy t.i in arious occupa-1
lions, hariihig by nlK'it study the prifta- j
Mill Willi he litti !, II p.ilnU.lig for 'if-
l.m liars. j
In Other Lands
Blie xagtata e Wnet lg Treae
plrlng" Among tag Wear aat
Tar iratieaa ef tba Berth.
Tht eampalgw In Great Drttala It mtrlng
with unexampled speed. Three weeks age
tht failure ef tht oonstltutitnal eonferenca
was announced. A week later Parliament
assembled. Dissolution follewed en Moa
day, In accordanca with tht plana pre
viously announced by Prime Minister Aa
quith. Wr.ts tf election Issued forthwith,
and elections will take plact la a acort er
more divisions ttday. Within the present
month all members ef the new Parliament
called to meet January U will have boen
chosen. In sixty-four days from dissolu
tion the eltetoral machinery of tht Un ted
Kingdom will have perfermed ltt task of
ascertaining the popular will and be new
Parliament assembled to give effect to tht
decision of tht eieetera. Nothlag In the
election machinery ef tha United States
can approach It for celerity. Tht pain
fully short time between the call and tht
election to some extent explains tht fierce
ness of tht conttst from tht start At tht
tap of tht bell last Monday avtry politician
was off for tht hustings. Acttunts tf tht
battle show Increasing raactr as tht strug
gle proceeds. Faotiea scrimmages as lively
as a ctliega eant rush art a daily occur
rence. Members tf the ministry have to
contend with tht fighting- suffragettes,
eggs and vegetables gTeet stumpers In the
back counties, sbillalahs art flourishing
from Cork to Dublin, and ths Orangemen
of Belfast art on a vocal war footing. To
Americans familiar with two to four
months of political bombardment with only
verbal sorapa to relltvt the monotony, the
British contest affords a moving picture of
vim, vigor and variety of political gym
nastics surpassing any similar event pulled
off in this country since tht stirring days
and nights ef 'M.
Tht contest is a genulat battit between
progressive and standpatters. On tht
progressive side are ranged tht liberal
party and Its allies, representing 60 per
oent of the voters. On tht other side Is
the unionist, or tory parly embracing tht
so-called conservatlvt element ot the coun
try entrenohed In the House of Lords. Tht
Issut Is whether the peers shall exercise
unchecked the right of vtto over measures
approved by tha House of Commons. Under
ordinary conditions, tht two-chamber plan
of government Is esteemed tht best system
cf representative government yet devised,
but under the highly developed system of
party government In vogue In the United
Kingdom, the House of Commons only
represents the will ef the people expressed
at the ballot box. When the iberaJs con
trol that chamber srery measure of reform
Is cither aramdad to death or rejected by
the lords. With tht unionists In control,
the lords become positive supporters of all
ministerial measures. The fight against
the lords Is therefore a fight against one
party permanently entrenohed In tha
upper chamber. All liberal party legisla
tion Is deadlocked there. Tt was so with
tht Lloyd-George budget which forced an
appeal to the country a year ago. Every
measure of genuine progress originating
with a liberal ministry for generatltns past
encountered tht overwhelming opposition
of tht lords, and tht ftw enacted Into law
were tht shadow of tht originals.
Three ways of; reforming the Houst of
Lords art proposed, two by tht lords them
selves, tht other by the ministry. What the
lords promise to do with themselves la out
lined In the Rosebery resolutions and the
Landsdowns scheme, tht latter regarded aa
a bit ef campaign strategy. The Rosebery
plan proposes tht abolition of tht heredi
tary privilege. No one could sit in the pro
posed Houst of Lords simply because he
happened to be born to the peerage. The
remodelled house would consist of first, a
representation from among tht hereditary
peers, elected by the whole body of the
peerage; second, peers who would sit by
virtue of their tenure ot office (including
bishops and law lords), and, third, peers
chosen from outside in a manner to bt de
termined. Lansdowne's proposal would
abolish the veto of the lords as to finance
bills, provided suoh bills did not oontaln
legislative "rldea., In event of a deadlock
between ths two houses on any measure, a
Joint sitting Is proposed, with speaker of
the House of pommons as chairman, the
Joint vote of both houses to settl tht fate
of the measure. Furthermore, the Lans
downe proposal reserves to the lords the
right to refer any deadlocked measure to a
vott of the people. Neither plan would af
ford an open thoroughfare for liberal
party measures. Both preserve tht present
tory control of tho upper house. This Is
the power tht progressives must restrict
If not overthrow. Their plan embraces
three reforms; first, the lords to have no
control over finance bills; second, a meas
ure passed by the House of Commons In
three successive sessions cf Parliament to
become a law, regardless of the action of
ths lords, on royal approval being an
nounced; and finally, session of Parlia
ment to bt limited to five years.
Tlit standing of tht parties In tht Houst
of Commons Just dissolved will be of In
terest for compart son as the results of the
! election come In. At the elecUon held last
January there were chosen 273 unionists.
1 276 liberals of all shades, forty laborttes,
I seventy-one Irish nationalists, followers of
I Mr. Redmond, and eleven Independent na
tionalists, followers of O'Brien snd Healy.
i There have been twenty-ene by-elections
since then, which have resulted, however,
In no change of party representation. Ot
tha total of 170 members, then, 338 were
needed for a bare majority, excluding the
speaker, who is neutral. Tha unionists
fell sixty-three short of a msjortty, and
the liberals sixty-one short of It But with
the labotites and the Irish nationalists,
natural allies of the liberal party, the full
ministerial majority was 124. With these i
three foroea practically united, nothing t
short of a tory landslide will prevent a J
majority for tht liberals and their allies
In the new Parliament. There Is at pres
ent no visible allies for the unionists, and
their hope of success rests wholly on an
overturn of the country, of which no
signs are visible. Beth aides art bun
duntly supplied with tht sinews of Po
lltkal war. Among the unionists money
is no object with the political lift or tht
peerage at stake. Hut the liberal coffors
are equally well filled. The London cor
respondent of the New York Tribunt says
that aspirants for tht peerage are so con
fident of liberal success that they readily
honor the campaign drafts of the party,
"assured of being remembered when the
sheaves are gathered In. Money is easy
to get when peerages are pawns In tht
political game."
In regard to the tory outburst against
"American dollars'' and ''American pay
masters" the Tribune correspondent says:
"The menace ul American do.Urs collected
by Mr. Redmond Is a ho. low campaign de
vice, klveiy one knows tha; tiie nationalist
loader is flgoting for hit political life in
iiriarid. where Mr. O'Urleri. sirohsly sup
purled by utiioiilKt peers and Ulster protcs-
tams, challenges his ascendency arul is
making ilrnijjjn efforts to divide tht
home rule party into two equally powerful
factions Tne Hcdinondltes hope to regain
the elevtu sca.s captured by the O tsnon
lics at tliu last election ai.d return to et
iiiioter villi a pa. ty. The money
contributed by generous Irlsh-Amerleana
and Irish-Canadians will be serviceable In
offsetting the contributions of Lord Dun
raven and other wealthy unionists to the
O'Brien exchequer, but It would be like a
bucket of water poured upon the ground
In England, where election expenses run
Into tht millions."
Tht question of railing a constitutional
convention In Iowa was snowed under by
3S.H0 TO tee.
Qovernor-eleet Johnson of California de
cl nes to attach Inaugural ball frills to his
administration. Too much head work In
Official returns of ths vote oast In Ohio
shows a falling off ot 264.263 compared with
the vote ecst two years ago. No ona sup
posed the grouch was so extensive.
In M ssourl amendments granting pen
sions to schol teachers and policemen, and
Increasing the pay of members of the leg
islature, were ruthlessly smothered by the
voters of the state. The law makers pay
roll got tha worst beating of all, which Is
considered a fine exhibit ot tht sense of
Tht lata Oeorge Frederick Seward was
a strong man, but not as suave as his fa
mous unole. Having been approached by
an Intermediary of a New Tork leglslitto.
who was "wllUng for $10,000 to kill a strike
lnsuranct bill, he dictated this telegram In
reply to the proposition: 'Mr. Peward
says you can go to .' "
Beginning at tht east end of the senate
press gallery the images of former vlct
presidents will bt ranged In the niche
provided for them In the senate chambe.
In the order of their seniority, beglnnln.
with that of John Adams. After filling ail
available space In the senate chamber In
this way It was found to bt necessary to
provide for the figures of tht vice presi
dents from Levi P. Morton down to the
present time in tht south senate corridor.
In this galaxy will be Morton, Stevenson,
Hobart, Roosevelt Fairbanks and Vice
President Sherman. Space has been re
served for Vice President Sherman at the
east and of tht corridor.
Probability ( Legislative Action on
tho Amendment.
Minneapolis Journal.
With ths legislative open season ap
proaching In many states there is sure to
be a recrudescence of Interest In the In
come tax amendment to tha federal con
stltutlon. This amendment has been
adopted In eight states thus far, and must
be approved by the legislatures of twenty
seven more to become effective.
The effect of the election of democratic
legislatures in several states heretofore re
put llcan Is problematical. Tho traditional
democratic attitude Is In favor of the In
come tax, as one means of escape from a
protective tariff. But tradition does not
count so heavily with the democracy as It
once did. The party has been a party of
opposition and opportunism so long that
Its traditions are largely forgotten. In
deed, opposition to tho amendment has de
veloped In several southern states, and In
two, Georgia and Virginia, the legislatures
declined to approve.
In Now Tork, howtver, thert la likely to
bt a reversal. Tht last legislature being
republican, tried to approve tht amend
ment but tht vott fa led In tht senate by
a narrow margin. The Now York demo
crats, fcewerer, put a plank In tholr plat
form calling for the adoption of tho amend
ment and the presumption IS that tho new
legislature, being democratic, will approve.
It is a curious fact that when a state once
votes "yes" en an amendment tht fact
becomes fixed and Irrevocable. But when
It votes "no" attempts to reverse the
verdlot may be made, and If one Is success
ful tht "no" Is overturned. This Is the
judicial ruling, well understood.
Minnesota has not yet voted, and the
legislature will doubtless be caMed upon to
register this state's vote. Thus far, how
ever, there has been almost no dlsoiisa'on
of the question, and very few members
appear to have given it any attention.
r 111 zz?zrzr, 'son,-..";.. """v
S4o9 cn
Fo; this mellow toned, full
sized. American built
We were fortunne enough to purchase a lot or
fifty at an underprice jut In time for an extra
ordinary Christmas special It's a sparkling
chance for you.
The mandolins are made with iO rosewood ribs;
art exquisitely ornamented with pearl; have
ebony finger boards and for a limited time will
be sold complete with a leather bound canvas
case and an extra set of strings at no extra
.Ma,I'.0'r" wl" be fm"d If orders arrive before
tht lot, has been sold.
Pmy for it in three eaty pay
ments, before Christmas, if
you wish.
The A.
Hosp Co.
1513-1515 Douglas Street
A Safe
Deposit Box
at the rentals charged is most economical insurance.
The popular bize costs but $3.00 per year.
You cannot afford not to keep insurance policies,
deeda and other valuables in a Fire and Burglar
Proof Vault, such aa is found in this bank.
Entrance to Vaults
907 Hontb 18th Street.
i ifrCT! r
r. j i i i i
IJ item Mi (UJlTrtl mi
Absolutely Puro
77; 9 only bsklrtg powder
mac a from Royal Crcpo
Cream of Tartar
l.oH!um,KoLlni0 Phssphsfa
The plutocrat and the socialist con
fronted each other In determined opposi
tion. "I," said the socialist, "am fighting for
my principle."
"And 1." said tho plutocrat, "am flshtlng
for my Interest." Baltimore American.
"Yes," admttted the author of a suc
cessful book, "I woke up one morning and
found myself famous."
"It was diffeieot with me," remarked
the politician, who had made an Ill-advised
speech. "One morning I found my elf is
mous then I woke up." Chicago News.
Mrs. Shadder Is there any good author
ity for pronouncing v-a-s-e "vaws?"
Mrs. Ieder I never have pronounced It
any other way. Chicago Tribune.
"Tht defeated statesman always said he
was a servant of the people."
"Yes; but he was of the kind that gets
haughty and disobliging when the tips
aren't large enough to suit him." Chicago
Edith Mercy! Here's a teleprram from
Jack. He's been hurt in the foot ball game.
Ethel What does he say?
Edith He says: "Nose broken. How do
you prefer it set Greek or Roman ?" Bos
ton Transoript.
Oh, say.
This vorv day,
Get the hoo
For the shoo
And don't stop
Till you feel like dropping
tead In your tracks. And then
All the clerks, women and men,
Will rise up and call you blessed.
And you, with your shopping dona
Will sit down and wonder
Where in thunder
Do people find Christmas fun.
New York Tribunt.
Denver Republican.
HI called on our prime minister
"I, you suffragettes;
'B was nurslnat a bleok heyt sinister
'I, you suffragettes;
'E, was met by brunettes and blondes and
Who played at cricket with 'Is poor bones
'Is talk is sandwiched between deep
'I, you suffragettes.
Hi called on a member of Parlyment,
1 'I, you suffragettes;
'B beckoned me In w'en my card Is sent
'I, you suffragettes:
Vi' tykes ine down, through a hiron door
'I, you suffragettes;
To a fortified room benenth the floor,
'Cause 'e darsn't live upstairs no mora
'I, you suffragettes.
The 'Ouse of Lords is a 'orspltawl
'I, you suffragettes:
Men walk on crutches, or limp or crawl
'I, you suffragettes;
You can 'ear the crack of the stout oak
On the 'eads of lawmakers, great and
And atytesmanshlp Is for the brave
'I, you suffragettes.
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