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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
TTTE DEE: OMAHA. SATTT1DAT, DECEMBER 3. 1010. STATE LAWJTERS IN CLASH Three of Them Determnied to Talk In Bank Guaranty Case. MULLEN m THE CIXARJILD CIRCLE ! BKnatlnn RrrnlU an InrMrnt In (hr Mlllnmn Umtr (' Hamnr of W. D. Mrllaah for the n prrmr tlrnrh. fFrom a Ktaff CrrrpnnilenO WASHINGTON, ln. 2 Sprlal Tele- Taf t's Message iu the Hands of the Printer; -Said to Be Long One Cabinet Members Sucrrestions as to; Changes Headed by the President In Conference. WASHINGTON. Peo. 8. President Tart today completed his message and sent It to lha government printing office In Its rinI form. The document was laid before flam.) There I merry war between tlie I the cnbinet at a special session which be- attorneya representing the elate of Ne braska In the bnnk guaranty esses, all growing out of the appearance of Arthur Mullen as attorney general. Mr. Mullen, who lies yet to be admitted to practice before the supreme court, has concluded that he Is the proper person to present the cane of Nebraska In the guar anty cases, which, while on call for this week, may go over till aftr the Christmas holidays. Attorney General Mullen Is In Washington, as are his associates In the ease, I. L. Albert of Columbus and C. O. Whodon of I,lncoln. anticipating that the case wilt be called on schedule time. Mullen and Albert drifted Into Washing ton today with the determination to fhow tha supreme court that they would take charge of the argument on behalf of the state, leaving Mr. Wbebn to hold the sack. But as Is usual with counsel hav tng causes before the court, they failed to ascertain whether the bank guaranty cams Involving laws on the subject affect ing Nebraska. Oklahoma nnd Kansas would be reached on call as scheduled, and as a result Mullen and Albert nre In Washing ton for an InfWInlte period. Whedon I.lea In Walt. Mr. Whedon In the meantime has taken lodgings In the suite of his old law part ner. Governor Charles E. Magoon, In the Marlborough, a fashionable apartment In tho northwest quarter, and Is prepared to stay all winter, or until the case are reached. The clerk of the court said today: "Really you cannot tell when these cases will be called. Certainly not this week, and probably not until after the holidays." Should Mr, Whedon be shut out of pre senting the case of Nebraska by reason of n attorney general who has but two months to serve, ha can reflect on the parallel of the maxlmum'rate case. When C. J. Smyth waa attorney general. John L. Webster waa retained to represtnt the atate. C, J. Smyth Invited W. J. Bryan Into the case as associate counsel The esse coming on for argument, Mr, Webster opened. Mr. Bryan followed, and when Mr. Smyth arose to address the court, gan until t 10 o'clock this morning and lasted riea 3 In the afternoon. The mes sage Is aid to be unusually long, the esti mates running from SO.OOO to 40,000 words. The president went over every feature of the document with the cabinet advisors and It Is si.ld that some changes were made at their Huggestlori. President Taft will send a special mes sage to congress nct week embodying the report of the board of engineers appointed to examine Irrigation and reclamation projects In the west. At the last session of congress IZO.OOO.OOO waa appropriated to complete the worthy projects. Osborne is Guilty in Second Degree Jury at Fremont, After Deliberating: Day, Returns Verdict to this Effect FREMONT. Neb., Dec. 3. (Special Tele gramsAt 9:30 o'clock tonight the Jury in tho Osborne murder case returned a ver dict, holding the defendant guilty of mur der in the second degree. He was charged with killing T. Hoctor in the Fremont rail road yards several months ago. Wytnore Water Plent. BEATRICE, Neb., Deo. 2. (Special Tele gramsThe proposition to vote bonds in the sum of sr.7.000 for a water plant at Wymore was carried today by a majority of 315. Bonds for a new lighting plant also carried by a major tv of 2SS. BALFOUR'S BOOMERANG? Leaders Assert Opponents Changed Policy to Catch Votes. LIBERALS NOT DISHEARTENED Ther e In Attempt Chases Issae Effort to Rea-ala Power at the Ssrrtflre of Prla rlptea. OOCCOCCCCOOCOC L cooooooccccccccoocoo most graciously informed by the chief Jus tic that tho rule of the court was that but two attorneys could appear on a side unless otherwise agreed to by counsel and court. What would follow If Mr. Whedon occu pied a similar position T Nebraska pauses for an answer. In tho meantime Attorney General Mullen la enjoying himself at the wellest hotel in Washington. Appropriations Early Tho opening of the short session of con gress next Monday will find appropriation bills In shape for earlier action than In any recent year. Tha appropriation bills must 11 originate in tho house of representatives nd tho committees of that body are now at work upon them, with prospects of hav ing several of the big bills ready for tha first week of tho cession. Tho river and harbor committee of the house began work yesterday on its $30,000, W appropriation bill and Representative Alexander of New Tork, chairman of the committee, expects to have the measure ready for the house within a week. Many of tho separate appropriation bills originate with the chairman. Subcommit tee of that body are now at work upon tho bill which carries funds for the legislative, executive and Judicial branches of the government, tho measure providing funds for the District of Columbia. Both of theso will bo ready for the house before Christmas recess. The unusual activity upon the appropriation bills is duo to a destra to have them before the bouse aa early as possible so that there will bo ample time for their consideration. Tho rules of tho house have been so changed during this congress that appro priations cannot be given as speedy con sideration as In the past. It Is expected the Indian bill will have pasted tha house before Christmas ad journment, and that one or two other ap propriation measures will bo under consid eration by that time. Attachment oa Book Stock. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) The sheriff this evening levied on the stock of the Beatrice Book store, good by T. P. Matthews, who r;Cently came here from Grand Island, to satisfy a claim of $560 held by the Peoplis Department store of Sioux City, la. The store was closed tonight Pending a settlement of the he was l Clnm n the case. BEDFORD WOMAN SEEKS HER FATHER'S FORTUNE Mrs. Mary Walker Making Contest of Will of Father la Dearer Coarta. BEDFORD, la.. Deo. i (Special.) Mrs. Mary Walker of Bedford is fighting the will of ber father, the late Rufus ("Potato") Clark, in the Denver courts. Mr. Clark died in that city In September and his fortune of nearly $500,000 was largely bequeathed to the Clark Missionary and Training school In West Africa. The daughter is seeking to have tho will set aside on the grounds that her father was suffering from insane delusions and prejudices against herself and mother, brought about by tho missionaries who surrounded him. By the terms of tho will Mrs. Walker was left $20,000 and her mother a like sum together with the Clark homestead in Den ver, and the rest of tho property went to the missionaries, who, it Is said, will bit terly conteet the action of the daughter. Rufus Clark was a most unique char acter. Born in Connecticut eighty-seven years ago, he ran away at the age of 13 years and went to sea,, shipping aa a cabin boy from Bar Harbor, Me., and tor fifteen years obeyed the "call of the sea," In 1S60 the lure of the .gold mines In Colorado drew hlrn to that place and he tried his hand at mining. ' In this he waa a failure. kuc turning his attention to farming he filed on large tracts of land in and near Denver, and In the first year sold $30,000 worth of potatoes to the miners. It was this that won for him tha sobriquet of "Potato" Clark. As tho city of Denver grew his land became very valuable and today his holdings ther are estimated at near the $1,000,000 mark. LONDON, Dec. 2 There Is a possibility of an unexpected result In the attempt by A. J. Ralfour, the oppos'tlon leader, to remove tariff reform from the Immedi ate f!eld of politics. The question looms larger than ever in the campaign tonight, so that Mr. Balfour himself, in a speech at Reading, was fain to explain that his party had not altered Its views on this subject and that tariff reform was still a chief plank In the party's constructive policy; but he explained the unionists needed to obtain the formal and explicit consent of the people thereto. The policy of the referendum, he said, was con sistent with the true Idea of popular gov ernment. , Mr. Balfour'a pronouncement on Novem ber 29 that he was w iling to submit tariff reform to a referendum, has rather sur rendered than knit his party and supplied the liberals with another effective argu ment against tariff reform, namely that Mr. Balfour has been compelled to side track It. Asqalth. Makes Reply. The interest In the speeches tonight cen- 1 tered In Premier Asqulth's reply to the opposition leader at a meeting In Wolver hampton. The premier said: "We are living In times of rapid move ment, when It Is a relief to wake any morn ing and not find some fresh part of the constitution reconstructed." He described Mr. Balfour's "turn about face" on the questions of reform of tho House of Lords and tariff reform as unique, almost Indecent. He said that he could not Imagine a greater caricature of tho referendum than putting a few ab stract questions to the people without concrete embodiment of their proposals. If anyone but a responsible statesman had contemplated such a scheme he would be called a madman. After a study of the working of tho refer endum In foreign countries, the premier continued, he had arrived at the conclu sion that It had proved a moat unsatis factory and disappointing method oT as certaining publlo opinion. Winston Spencer Churchill, home secre tary, addressed several meetings at Dun dee ton ght The home secretary will have a special guard of detectives against suf fragist attentions. o C) o o o () Our inability to secure a renewal of our lease compels us to resort to deep price cutting in order to reduce this im- ( mense stock. We are actually compelled to force ninety days of ordinary selling into the next thirty days. It is far w more rractical and a frreat deal easier for us to sell P-norls at nrlnn.1 coat. If nrenssarv. than to have to stand the enormous V. J 90 (Days ofi Selling Forced Onto SO f y cost and probably great damages which would result in our altempt to move this gigaatio stock. Heavy inducements ( ) throughout tho entire house for Saturday's selling. All Goods Sold for Cash or on Very Easy Paymonts C) O O O O ;:...) i e 4 u BANK BANDITS BIND BOY Cracksmea Discovered at Work at Raasel, la.. Tie Toatk ssi Make K scape. OTTUMWA, la., Dec. 2. Discovered while seeking to force tha safe of the State Bank of Russell, near here, robbers bound John Stearns, a youth who saw them, to pre vent his giving tho alarm and left without faking any money. Steams was found In tha bank today and told of seeing the men when he passed the building an hour before midnight He, said he was seised and bound. V 8 m f O. 0!!-!5 Bn Our Ladies' Cloak Depart ment Saturday and tach One a Corkinc Good Value Cosh or Very Easy Payments LADIES' SUITS Saturday only we offer you your unrestricted choice of any Ladies' Tailored Suit in the house regardless of former selling price many values up to $55.00 in this sale; rnn rn special now for vZZi 01) LAOIEi' iOATS Saturday only we will give you your choice of any Ladies' Coat that we sell regularly up to $45; black and colors; all at one price, very special &18.75 SILK PETTICOATS Saturday only your unrestrict ed choice of any Ladies' Silk Petticoat in tho house black, plaids, stripes, Persians and light shades; values up to $12.50, for LADIES' HATS Saturday only your unrestrict ed choice of any Ladies' Hat in the house regardless of former selling price. We must QC reduce our stock for. . .OOiwJ ,$3i95 en's Iknd Tailored Suits and Swagger 0 coals at Vc.y Low Price Men's Stylish Suits and Overcoats Well tailored, actual $20 values; special for Saturday, -j Jg Men's and Women's Shoes The latest style lasts prices rango from $5.00 on down to. . Men's Nobby Fall Hats Newest shapes, cither soft or stiff models; actual $2.00 r.'.Ui.c: 98c Men's Winter Underwear All colors, all sizes; actual 75c qualities IKp special for 43b $1.75 The Key to the Situation Beo Want Ada. o C) o o o o o o o () o o o SAL. OF FURrtl RE 18.00 Extension Tables, strongly con structed, top fitted with 6 foot enton slon slides; sale price $3.95 $5.00 Iron Beds, fancy designs, large tubing, finished in durable enamel sale prico... ,....$2.98 $10.00 Couches, heavy frames, rich up holnterlng, strong and comfortable prings; sale price $3.00 $20.00 Sideboards, made of American quarter-sawed oak French plate mir rors; sale price $12.60 $20.00 Brass Beds, strongly constructed, highly finished In durable lacquer alo price $1X7$ $S6.00 Three-piece Parlor Suites ma hogany finish frames, rich upholster ing; sale price $12.95 $J6 00 Chase leather three-pleoe Parlor Suite heavy frames, varved,; sale price $19.75 $18 00 Pedestal Extension Tables, made nt American ntmrtAr-uawurl nulr. blvhlv polished; sale prloe $9.75 $15.00 Buffet made of American quarter-sawed oak. top sot off with French plate mirror; sale price., $13.90 (WL MUST VCAr JUNUa.vY .STI Thesa words tell you briefly the story of our condition. To attempt In this short space to Illustrate the offerings the low prices that we are compelled to make In order to reduce this stock to practically one-half Its present size by January 1st would simply be Impossible. Suffice It to say that you will ba astonished and most agreeably surprised In the wonderful oppor tunities that you can obtain in thl COMPUbSOHY RKMOVAl, SALE. This month will see tho biggest and moat rousing selling that this store has ever experienced. We sre going to force ninety days of ordinary selling Into the next thirty days. CASH IF YOU PREFER. CREDIT IF YOU WISH. 163 & FAUNAM STDEETS. OMAHA. G Ld OF STOVES $10.00 Soft CorI Heaters, well made, heavy base and top, nickel trimming': sale price $3 95 $16.00 Soft Coal Heaters, heavily con structed, blue steel drum, screw draft regulators, heavily nickel trimmed sals price $7.95 $30.00 Base Burners, guarantee! a first class heater, revolving and slide grates automatic feed, nickel trimmings; sale price $23.60 $40 00 Gold Coin Base Burners, the most powerful and economical sove con structed, patented cold air flues; sale price $26.55 $36.00 Steel Ranges, large square ovens, duplex grates, upper warming oloset, nlokel trimmings; sale price. ,. .$25.50 ALE OF RUG $5.00 Reversible Rugs, made of strong quality of Ingrain carpeting, pretty patterns; sale price $3.95 $17.60 Brussels Rug, stzo 10-0x8-8 feet, made of heavy quality of wear refut ing Brusels carpeting; sale price $9.90 $20.00 Brussels Rugs, size 12x9 feet extra heavy quality, pretty patterns Bale price $11.60 ) o o o C) C) () () o o o o o C) o o () o o o D o o o C) o () o o () () C) 9 fV yr"W tw'emr' ,V'yrMi.,e "Urn 'uivTV W GARMENT STRIKE MAY END A14rmaate Committee Sabmlts Peace Proaosltloa Coafereaeo Will Ba I Held Immediately. Wendling's Words 1 Used Against Him a Chief of Detective! Carne Testifies nf I srm worker, .uim advance a pc ..... . . today when an aidermanlo committee, at a CHICAGO, Deo. 2,-BetUement of the Remark Made by Prisoner when First Arrested. IX)ri9YILJ.H, Ky., Dec a-"If I killed tha little girl, no on saw mo but Qod and Ho can't como down and testify," said Joseph Wendllng when arrested In San Franc.'sco for the murder of Alma Kellner, 8 years old, according to tho testimony of Chief of Detectives Carney at Wendling's trial today. Tho prosecution rested Its case today. , Tho words attributed to Wendllng by the Eoutsvllle officer had previously been testi fied to by Detective Sergeant Thomas F. Burke of Ban Francisco, who assisted In tho chase of Wendllng. Next to the testimony of the two de tectives, moot Interest was excited by that of Mrs. Cora Munea, a milliner of Hume, Mo., to whom Wendllng paid court while she waa visiting relatives at Houston, Tex. Mrs, Munea testified that Wendllng repre sented himself to be a rich Frenchman and ahowed her a wound in his head which he claimed to have sustained during the Boer war. Wendllng displayed no emotion dur ing tho examination of the three strongest witnesses against him. The defense win offer its opening statement tomorrow and testimony In Wendling's behalf Is expected to occupy at least a day and a half. DENY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR MOVEMENT IS DECLINING Kebraska Third la N amber of Jfe Societies Itarlag Last Two Moaths. BOSTON. Deo. 1 Denial of statements Contained In a report of a recent meeting of Sunday school missionaries at St Paul to tho effect that tha Christian Endeavor movement !s declining was made at the headquarters of the soe'e y here today. Rev. Dr. E. Clark, president of the united society, oaid that In October and Novem ber more new societies of Christian En deavor were reported at the headquarters than over befora in tha same length of Unie when no special efforts wore mads to gather statistics. Tha states which hare furnished the largest number of new societies during the last two months are: California. S7; Indiana, 3; Nebraska, U, New Jersey, 13. ard kllchlgau, 'H. Tho officers of the Tutted society report that this growth of the society Is gen eral. Tho number of the new societies recorded In sixty days was 670. f. conference with strikers and clothing firms, submitted a peace proposition. Tha sub committee of tho strikers is said to have looked favorably upon tho proposition, but returned it to the council committee for a few minor modifications. Theso modifica tions will be discussed and submitted at a conference tomorrow. Any proposition that does not include formal recognition of the union Is said to N ke acceptable to the manufacturers. While 3 the details oi today s plan were guarded l ciuBeijr, mi proposition was aaia to nave M been based on a plan for arbitration; an 1 A agreement -oy tna manufacturers not to discriminate against union men or thoie who havo taken part In tho strike, and refusal of clothing firms to treat wltn representatives of tho unions. i BAR ON LIVE STOCK IMPORTS 3 Aalmals from Porta ia Asia aad Africa Will Mot Bo Permitted to Load. WASHINGTON, Deo. J.-A special order, effective at once, has been Issued by the secretary of agriculture prohibiting the landing at any of tbe ports of the United States, Its territories or dependencies, of horses, asses, mules, sheep, goats and swine from any of the countries of Asia and -Africa. The order Is the most sweeping prohibi tion of the kind over promulgated. It was Issued because of the prevalence in Asia and A.'rlca of surra, affecting horses mules and asses; foot and mouth disease, affecting horses, sheep and goata and swine, and tinder peat, affecting sheep, goats and swine. ANOTHER THAW IS MARRIED Bis $oeiety Weddlagr with Miasm of KaclasiTO Families Preeeat ia Now York. Tho Key to the bltuaUun Bee Want Ads, NEW TORK. Deo. SvVTlllam Thaw, thfrd. and kilns Gladys Virginia Bradley of Bridgeport, Conn., were married today at tha Hotel St. Kegts. Tho bridegroom Is a nephew of Harry K. Thaw, although the two are nearly of an age. The bride was attended only by her father, Charles Henderson bradley. Frank Dorman of Pittsburg was beet man. Rev. Daniel Dorchester of Christ church, Pittsburg came on to read tho service. There wer neither ushers nor bridesmaids. About IS guests attended, most of whom wen Thaws and Bradleys and Drexela and Bid dies of Philadelphia, two families related by marriage to tbo bride. Next to the Presentation of Gifts The The Greatest Pleasure of the Christmas Season Comes from Early Selection of the Gifts Heedless delay makes gift buying burdensome task a series of vex ing, tiresome and quite frequently dia appointing experiences. Many find excuse for such delays in the Idea that they must be in tha crowds to en joy full measure of the spirit of the season. The real Christmas spirit lives in the farsighted shopper who comes to the last week or ten days before Christmas with all gifts ready for pre sentation. They possess that great pleasure of satisfaction that follows the knowledge that in each gift the rljfht selection was made chosen with ample time and intelligently. Much of the real Joy of gift-giving Is lost in the hurried selection and immediate presentation. Much of the atmosphere that surrounds the gift depends upon the care and the little personal touches given the wrappings and the tying all of which is quite often neglected in the late selection. So let u again cmphariz the Importance of ar)y Chriat , mat Hoppinjnow and in tht airly miming hour wh$n assortnuntB are in bitter order thin can poatibly he maintained later in the season, and in the day'e busier hours Shopping Early in the Day Tie Increasing- lines of tho accompanying tablo Indicate tho increasing number of shopper oaoa hour kg tfe day grows. Chris nisi crowds art al rady oo largo It U noceg sary to botfa at one to ImproM tbe psblle wrUi the cos Toaie noes, tbo or derly - arm a g meat of stocks and tee personal serrlo which the early morning hours afford. A. A. 10 A. U A. U 1 9. These early hours of the AT sre the best time for Shopping. I i ! VariFUXiict iivir&rfrri r.2!"w k i i vru 11 i'vhji mwrv ai iairai kitbtvi IKK, P. SCI 9. K.I CpfrWTttt OVER t toNE BURNER ' , , 'MM llie tut . rWmlV-tV irV " "Triple Trick" A BOON for the Houseivifc A FIND For Her Daughter A WOMAN'S INVENTION for women's comfcrt conyenicrice. food and inel cccscaj. A whole kitchen outfit in itself insures a reater measure of leisure for the housewife and hatter and core health ful foods for the family. And now for "the Maiden fair to see," For something novel in "Afternoon tea," For a theater supper "just for two," Here's just a hint of what she can do In the Versatile "TRIPLE TRICK" Welsch Rarebit Cheese Dreams Veal Birds rig Favors Club Sandwiches Nut Teas Broiled Oysters Toasted Muffins ' Corn Boast Marshmallow Roast A tasklet tellin. haw ta prepare these tad other otd thills is iucix FiUE with eich 'TrtlFLE TRICK" The "Triple-Trick" Roaster if The Bees Newest Premium nOW TO GET ONE- Subscribe for The Evening' and Sunday Bee, and pay 15c a week for six months. This pays for both the paper and the roaster.