he Omaha Daily OUR MAGAZINE FEATURES Wit, humor, fiction and comic pictures tbf brst of rntrrtai-i-nient, instruction, amusement. EDITOKIAL SECTION TAGE3 nXVEH TO 'iWOTY. VOL. XI-NO. 144. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKNIXCJ, DKCEMIiKli SINULE COPY TWO CKXTK. Our Toy and Doll Display is the Largest TjW TTTTO West of Chicago. Brine the Children Saturday wJ A V3 IVl W U ui Chicago. Bring the Children Saturday We have one of the most magnificent Toy and Doll displays ever seen in this part of the country every new electrical and mechanical device, including A:rships, Biplanes, Electric Railway Systems bin&tion Sots not a single new model made for this season omitted. A day spent at thi3 great exposi posi- k y rtainlV k i I mi-A L11' Homi Journal rattern wltn 9 jJ THE STORK OP TITK CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. tion will be remembered by the little folks as one of the happiest days of their lives. You certainly could not deprive them of such a memory. copy cf tl ew Winter Style Book i'mo. !!!!!mmm r , m , , . . if i 1 Inducements for Early Shopping Trains, to wind up with track, on in box, 11.08 t1", Saturday BOO Wind-up Trolley Cars, good mechanical toy. Saturday, 7 So Bucky Ami mechanical toy, regular too value, Saturday. at 890 Grocery P tore, completely furnished with real eatable. Saturday Boo Sewing Machines, guaranteed to work BOO Mechanical Walking Santa Claus Boo Hill Climbers, all kinds and stylos BOO Large Box of Doll House Furniture Soo m .f I I No f$1425 the Dest $22.50 Hen's Suit Saturday We bought in the early season what we knew to be the best $22.50 suit sold by anybody. The success of this sea son Men's Clothing Department more than proves that we consid ered quality first of all on every garment we bought. mm $1425 Now, In order to give us room for our large lines of men's bath robes, smoking jack ets, etc.. we sell for one day your un restricted choice of any of our regular $22.50 suits Saturday for oniy .....i These suits come In fine worsteds, serges, rough fancy mixtures In gray, brown, blue, black and tan; tailored by artists of fash Ion In conservative business suits for solid minded business men, as well as the more elaborate styles for the young fellows. You will certainly find bargains here Saturday that will give lasting satisfaction, so much so that you'll be glad to come again. Convertible Presto Coats, for men of any ages; Saturday from $10 to $25 t Big, Warm Fur Coats Special all day Sat urday. v r Ei.ra Specials lien's Furnishings For Saturday Here la an opportunity to buy a very fine Boys' Sweaters for a Xmas gift. $1.50 All Wool Sweaters. In red, cardinal, blue and gray; extra well made, has double wrists Saturday special at $1.00 Men's Wool Underwear Our reg ular $1.50 garments, extra good for tender skin; Saturday spe cial at $1.00 Silk Mufflers for Men, a very use ful Xmas gift, $1.00 kind; special Saturday at 75 Men's Pajamas, regular $2 suits, extra well made of best outing flannel; special for Saturday at 81.50 Neckties Four-in-hand ties, all shades, in special Xmas boxes regular 60o ties for. . . ; . . . JJ5 3 for $1.00 Men's Joined Caps For cold weather lined with wool or fur largest assortment of styles In town at 39 to $1.50 Give the Little Tots a Table and Chair for Xmas arraexxx. ius bituioat r 'Ci Jf id wr We have these like cut In solid golden oak or Early English; extra well made; special price for Saturday S2 Come In and see them Sd floor N J A Kodak Hakes One of the Best Xmas Gifts for Either He or She Our Camera section handles all the very best standard makes of Cameras; also they give Instructions as to how to handle them In order to get the bent results. You know you couldn't think of a better place than Bennett's to buy frt.ru itr I m f t r rift fnr rn . . , ,nvnn. 5x7 Album. It leaves 7x10 Albums, 1 leaves Sx7 Albums, leather back..... 4x7 interchangeable Albums 7x10 Interchangeable Albums.. '. So . . . .ISO . . . .600 ....760 . ...86o f ., ; We Have Just Received 500 New Hats direct from a famous importer of Par-' isian models. These are absolutely the swellest shajH's and the most beauti fully trimmed hats ever shown in Omaha. We Ask You to See Them. Shown for the First Time. Early Child Visiting the Exposition Saturday Will Be Given a Useful Present We have arrnngetl to give to every child who visits our Toy and Dbll Display Saturday a prfsent, such as a China Bank, a Horn, a Trumpet, a Top or a Fnn, together with many other trinkets. Kring tho lit t lo tots or lot them come with other children Saturday. They will find It very amusing as well as instructive Come early nnij stay as lonn as you wish. Toys in this display sell for from 5 to $15.00 wider assortment to be found anywhere. KEE 1 I- . J It Pays To Buy Xmas Gifts Now Decorated Tin Ulshe. In colors, wlt'.i trsys B5o Meohanlrnl Teddy Pears they turn summersaults.., 530 Talking Machines they play l-Mlson phonograph roconU at Typewriters that write Hurea.i'., Chiffoniers and China Closets rnt Card Projectors or Mlrrorscopcs, gas or light. Saturday Ptsmplpg and Prlntlnp (lutfits, 2Sc valuer Holy Poly Toys. Saturday .Numenl Counting Uames ..i.oo 'i ... s5o fh ?i electric "ft-!". . $3.03 . .. 100 U( . . . t.Oo . . . S5c Saturday's Rousing Bargains in the China Section Brass Candle Lamps, consisting of a candle 6ticlc, shade and shade holder and a candle many different colors; worth 75c- come one iu a box; special sale Saturday only. .25c 7-iIete fancy decorated China Berry Set. in fruit derations, worth 2; Saturaay extra special, for only DSC 3-pleoe breakfast Seta, conslstiun of tea pot. sugar and cremer;; Holland blue, scenery designs, 3.00 value; rare special for Satur day only, at $1.25 Bennett's Candies Ilave No Equal Special for Saturday Bennett's Fluffots, Chorolates, extra soft creamy center; regular 60c a pound kind; special Saturday ... .890 Assorted flavored "Anple-food" Tafty, regular 30c a pound; Saturday onlv, pound 170 Fresh Yankee Peanut Hrlttle, resrular 26c, per pound; Haturday 15c or two pounds for 350 Our famous Maraschino Cherry Choc olates, 60c a pound; Saturday for Boys' Suits Fcraarkably Low Priced Saturday While hero Saturday it will pay you to see the big values given in Boys' Wor sted, Serge . and Cassimere. Suits, in plain and fancy mixtures, worth up to $5.00 and $6.00, at $2.98 and $3.98 Extra Special for Saturday Night (From 8 to 10 P. M.) We will place on sale our entire sample line of mouldings for made-to-order picture frames at 25 per cent discount. These mouldings include satin wood, oak, gum and walnut, as well as the new antique gold patterns all slies and ovals. This is a great opportunity to buy picture mould ing at a great saving. ...... 25olI Saturday Evening Special (From 8 to 10 P. SI. Only.') 1,000 pieces of fancy China Vases and Bric-a-Brac, actually worth up to $5.00; unrestricted choice between 8 and 10 P. M: Saturday evening. . 75c Saturday Flower Specials 3.000 beautiful fresh cut Roses will last wel.l regular $1.25 qual ity; Saturday, for only... 39 8,000 Carnations Fine, Mr ones nll colors; regular 73c and $1.00 kind; special here Saturday at 35o Frsh American Bsanty Hosts... 10c Saturday Will Be Another Big Value day on Corsets $1.50 Corset, Special at 89c . These pre models that are made to fit the average figure, in coutll and batiste. with turable pair of hose supporters, the boning is of extra quality, corsets are trim med with beautiful lac making a remarkable value Sat urday at only 89c $25 and $30 Ladies' Coats, Repriced for Saturday $19.50 Saturday morning we place on sale about 100 Ladies' Coats, taken from our regular stocks where lines have been sold down to one, two or three styles. These coats were taken from our regular $25.00 and $30.00 grades they are a very fine line of black broadcloths and fancy tan and gray mixtures; Saturday we place them all on sale at one price, your choice ........, 19.50 Women's House Dresses Odd sizes and broken lines of our $2.50 and ' $3.00 lines; Saturday. $1.05 Women's Outing Flannel .Gowns- In pink and blue stripes, also plain white; with o without collar; Sat urday , $1.00 Children's Honnets In white, red, brown and cadet, of bearskin and felt, regular $2.50 value; quick selling Saturday special, at 50 Black Jersey Top Petticoat, with flounce of black mercerized cloth and sateen, regular $1.50 and $1.75 values; Saturday $1.25 $23.50 and $25.00 Ladles' Suits Re duced for Saturday, at 915.00 Just 50 suits. Including black and Scotch mixtures; all 'from our reg ular $22.50 and $25.00 lines; great ly reduced for Saturday, at $15.00 Children's $8.00 and $9.00 Coats Saturday Choice at $5.00 One rack of beautiful $8.00 and $9.00 girls' heavy winter coats, sizes from ages 6 to 14 years; all colors, extra well made; special for Saturday only at $5.00 Girls' Plush and Caracul Coats Sizes from 6 to 14 years; some all wool garments; odd sizes of our regular $10.00 and $12.00 lines; choice Sat urday .. $7.50 s -"A. 1 1 -1 Y -m w . i m m & iiaiurrn n ixtnntris aiaae Ot ieu and silk, large shapes; red, white or cadet; slightly mussed val , ues from $3.00 to $6.00; quick . Saturday special $1.00 Silk "and Mossaline Waists Two" dif ferent models, one open front, tho .othsr open back all colors as well as black; excellent value at, $3.05 Eyery Thing in Readiness for the Xmas Book Buyers Our department is larger titan ever, 11 the Holiday Goods are here, the most wonderful display of the year's Xew Writing and Novelty In Stationery lines. TTow is the time to buy your Xmas books, calendars, stat ionery, seal, tags,- etc., while our storks are at their best, ami the assortment Is .at its height, added help, and extra wrappers and cashiers make purchasing easy. Noted De Luxe Sets Of standard authors, at very moderate prices 16 volumes, leather, Dlcken's $13.50 8 volumes, 94 leather, Hugo Irving, Elliott, special Saturday $6.75 2-volume set of leather, Plutarch Livss 1 Conquest of Peru $1.80 Hundreds of Regular $1.50 ROOKS Special Saturday at 49c 1 Juvenile Books We have the largest display of good books for children in the city 6 Little Peppers 25 Helen's Babies 25? "Hans Brlnker" . .25 And hundreds of others, make It a point to see them. Post Card Albums That will hold 400 cards, best values we ever offered, Saturday, at Big Xmas Jewelry Sale Saturday Entire surplus stock of Hecht, Stern & Co., Importers, at a trifle of its actual value. Come and see these beautiful goods. .ABIES' JXWEX. Y Opera mirror. In sun metal, gold or silver, 60c value, sale price ISO Opera Chains, regular iiuc and 75o vaJuea. at 190 Coin Holders, for two' coins, 60c value 13c 60c. Coin Holders, for nlckles 100 Head Neck Chain ICO 50c I'.awIoi- Puff Boxes, with mir ror in I id 100 Waist i'in fet, 6 on card, regular 25c value 60 25c Collar I'lns, beautiful stono settings. 25c value lOo Waist i'in Sets, one large pin and two small ones, regular 60c for ISO Helt PIiih, 25c value 150 $1.00 Enamel Brooches, In all kinds of designs, chantlcler, pheasants, enanisl flower, choice, at 15a Jewelry for the Men lOo st of 4 Collar Buttons,.. 3o 60c Cuff I, Inks, choice ...... ISO 25c Stick I'ins, choice 160 60n Cuff Links .and Tie Hn choice for sso Saturday's Great Fruit Bargains We just received a new car of Fancy Colorado and Idaho Ap ples; Saturday, per box $1.49 Saturday we will givta a truaranteed stiver plated Orange Spoon free with our regular 60c oranges or our 35c dozvu lemons. Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, each 5a Fancy Mixed Nuts, per pound 15o 2 larite bunches plain hot house Iettace, at Be Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, t quarts for 8o Young Onions f bundles for 50 Old Carrots, Beets, Turnips, at per peck 15o Extra fancy White Potatoes, bushel 85o Heats at Specially Low Prices Saturday 10 lbs. rmb Isaf Lard; extra quality, Maturday for SI 00 I'ln Pork Loin, per lb., 10 4 o Full Lamb l.i'Hi. Ib...l0a0 Choice Pot Roust, lb.,' So, 7o Slrluin Steak, per lb.,.13e Loin Lamb Chops, lb. ..lae Veal Chops, per lb lSViO Veal Shoulder Roast.. 7o, So Veal Stew, per lb Be Lamb Shoulder Roost ,.THo Lamb Stew, pt,r lb 50 Cudahy's Sugar Cured Bacon per lb lSVio Cudahy's Skinned Hsm, skin and fat removed; Saturday, per lb 13V40 Imported Holland Herrlnx. per keg S5o The New Stage Last in black Velvet and C Suede Shoes, Worth to $5.00, Saturday at These are the most popular shoe for this season, hare the plain toe and high Cuban heel. We just received a new shipment of these shoes, made to sell for 91. OO, $1.50 and $5.00, 2.98 extra sieclal for Saturday only, at 100 Fairs of Ladies' 14.00 STaoeS In Patent Colt, button and lace, turn and welted soles Kllra special Saturday at hulf price, per p14 '. Si.00 Misses' sad Children's Bhoss, Special Extra good sIkm'S, broken sized, reduced to cleai cut stocks, Flri to k, Saturday B&c k to 11, Saturday SoO Sizes 114 to t. Saturday S6o Boys' Klxs. Cut Boots lu HuanUn Cnlf and box cai7, si .J.OO to 54.00 52.0S Msa's Sa.50 Shoes Here are The beat 13 00 and $3.60 Shoes in ixnaha. These shoe are made especially for us in dictated styles and leathers that we know ere HkI.i and that will k,v? lasting satisfaction. You'd do Weil by trying a pair now. They are extra good winter shoes. lor Large Girls and Misses We carry a beau tiful lire of high top pony and Jockey i!Oo;s In patent colt and dull leathers, at. fioin S2.60 to 93.50 Big Xmas Sale Saturday of Community Silver We have tho largest and most complete stock of Com munity Silver in Omaha. Every piece of this silver is guar anteed hy the factory as well as by Bennett's. Special Prices for Saturday Styles are Flower, Do Luce, Classic ami Louis XVI. Teaspoons, set of C special 81.75 Dessert Spoons, set of 6 special. . . .$3.15 Tablespoons, set of 6 special 83.50 Soup Spoons, set of 6 special 83.50 Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 special. . . .$3,25 Orange Spoons, set of 6 special. .. .$2.50 Oyster Forks, set of 6 special 82.50 Gravy Ladels. each 81.25 Hollow Handle Knives. $5.25 Flat Handled Forks, per set 83.50 Community Silver. Triple X or 12 dwt.. 6 Knives and 6 Forks special, set. . .81. 00 6 Knives and Forks, 12 dwt. special sot, at 83.00 Large 3-piece Carving Set special. . -87.00 2-plece Carving Set 83.25 Fruit Knives, follow handle, get of 6 special, at 84.75 We also have sets of 20, 32 and 47 pieces, in beautiful genuine mahogany chests. Community silver is the best plated wear made and costs no more than other kinds. Every piece fully guar anteed for 25 years. See it Saturday., ft PI fr .1 Hosiery Specials Misses' and Boys' Ribbed Hose, fast black, seamless: 20c , values Sat urday, at pair..., 15o Women's Silk Lisle Hose, black only, rerular 60c seller, for 35c, or 8 pairs, for 51.00 Women's Silk Hose, mercerised garter top and foot: our regular 75o qual ity, for Saturday only 390 Women's Heavy Thread Silk Hose, blank and colors; 1.25 values, for Saturday, at 69o Women's Heavy' Cotton Split Foot Hose, Moco yarn our 35c grade, Saturday, at 85o Big Sale of Sample ' Gloves at Half end Less 100 dozen Ladles', Misses' and Chil dren's Sample Gloves, In golf and cashmete; values to 69c; Saturday, at 850 Men's Fleece Lined Work Gloves, val ues to 75c; Saturday only.... 390 Ladles' Lamb and Kid Gloves, nil food colors; values to 11.25; spe cial Saturday, at eao We carry the very best makes In Ladles' and Men's Kid, Cape, and Dog Skin Gloves, fitted to the hand and guaranteed, at f 1 to $3 Handkerchiefs 600 Boxes Men's Initial Handker chiefs; regular $1 00 qualltj, sis In box; Saturday, at . . .700 300 boxes Women's Initial Handker chiefs, 6 In box; regularly sold for 75c, Saturday, at 390 Our wonderful stork of Xmas Hand kerchiefs are on display now they are found from at 35c bos to 910.00 We also have a very fine Handker chief stock ut 6o and lOo Underwear Specials Women's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits at 60o, 79o and $1.00 Women's Merino Union Suits, 11.50 value, for $1.00 Women's Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, at B5o and 50o Women's Merino Vests and Pants, Saturday SI. 00 values for 690 Neckwear Specials Jap Silk Auto Boarfs all the good colors; 75o values at 490 Fancy Persian and Flowered Auto Scarfs, values to 12.00; Saturday, at 98o Pretty Persian Bows and Jabots, 85o and 50c values, at 9 So Dreg and Toilet Specials for Sttor.ay B&CQS I -lb. Borax, Saturday, at ..100 1 lb. Epsom Salts at 10a Scott's Rmulslon 4 So and 890 White Pine Cough Syrup .20o lb. Peroxide, at 8o $1.00 Plnkhain's Vegetable Compound, at 89o S dozen 2-graln Quinine Pills.... loo 25c Laxative Cold Tablets 18o Anti-Chap, per bottle lfio Glycerine Lotion, perb ottle ISO 1 lb Imported White Castllo Soap, 800 8 bars Brown Windsor Soap. tuii.lt eoODS. , 25c Hose' 'ream 25o Sanltol Tooth Powder... 25c (Julnc'BS .Shampoo J 5c J,a Trisle Talcum 50o La Klano Powder 25c Anti-cure Soap 4711 Knap per box 25e Toilet Soap, pi-r box 60o PHlniollve Cream 60c Carmen Powder 60c Plxzonl's Powder ....... .850 .15a . ISO .SOO . .SO .450 .8o .430 .800 .390 .450 .380 Grocery Specials for Saturday Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack... 91.30 Double Stamps on Granulated Sugar. Bennett's Best Coffee. I lbs for... 91 Free, 3 sauce dishes or cup and Saucer. -Teas, assorted, per lb 580 Free. 3 sauce dishes or cup and saucer. BIO BPXCIAI. OrriB Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound package, oar nsnol price 8So per lb., spe cial sale, at per pound BIO CIZlMrBT BFECIAI, SAX.B mday and Saturday we place 3,000 pounds of Bennett's Capitol Creamery, finest mad i7t pound brick, at "" Teas, assorted 58o grades, special at, per lb 4so Tea Siftlngs, lb. package, special, at, per lb lao Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, t pack ages for 854 And 10 Stomps. Bennett's Capitol Pure Black Pepper, -lb. can, Saturday, per cau.. loo And & biajnps. , alllard's Pure Olive OH, quart can, at, 6 B. C. Pure Maple Syrup, qt. can. aoo SOo Jar Tea, Garden Preserved 1ik for 8uo Bennett's Capitol Hawllan sliced 1'lneapple. large can 80o C. C. C. Brand Asparagus, t cans for 2sc, 1 can, at 16o Old Mission California Itlpa Olives, 50c can for , 36o Chief Brand Boneless Herring, 3 10o Jars for 8So New Navy Beans, 5 lbs. for 850 Ijouble hlamps on Uutterlne. Diamond Crystal Table halt. 1 park- age for 850 And 10 Stanips. Sterling Corn Starch, 4 1 -lb. pack ages for 850 Swansdown Shredded Codfish 3 packages for '.850 And 10 Stamps. 20c-plnt can Franco-American Soup toT 160 Monarch Cut Asparagus, large con for. And 10 Stamps. Macaroni. Star and Crescent, agra for And 10 Stamps. . Seeded Uaislns, lb. purkage. .Aim 10 blauipa. 850 3 park- t&o California lOvaporated Peaches,' And 10 titaiups. lb. only 1340 Psr HWo Bennett's Capitol Kxtract. bottle. 180 And 20 Stamps. Bennett'r Capitol Oats, 2-lb package tor no And 10 Stanips. Cheese full cream, lb 850 And 10 Stamps. Cheese, Original Swiss, per lb... 880 And 10 Stamps. 4 lbs. 10c Jap ltice 8 So COOXIB SPECIAL. Cream Honey bookUs, fresh made, at, par pound lao Lima Beans wtth chicken can.... 15c And 10 Stamps. Hulled Beans with thicken. .... .18c And 10 Stamps. Candled LtMnon, Orange and Citron. per lb 85o And 10 Stamps. Currants, cleaned, per lb ..110 And & Stumps. Hartley's Pur Orange Maranalade Jelly, per Jar aoo Best We Have Fancy French String Beans, 25c can tor 160 Snider s Chill Sau f. pit bottle 85o And 10 Stamps. Gillette Pre pa i ft MuM.rd, Jar.. 10c And 5 Stamps. Preserved Glimer, pat'kaxe 180 And 5 Mi-iiipa. Bennett's Capitol pancake, pkg..H And 10 tjluinp. Castile Toilet Soap, 10 Lukes for. 850 J 5!! M1 SM BBSBSBBSBBBBBBflBBBJBBBBBBSBBtS'