Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE' BEE: OMATTA. SATTimAY, DECEMBER X 1010. o FT) t FUR SETS FUR SCARFS at 2)JI (DJ.ii-U.vU FUR COATS FUR MUFFS Coming just at this time, this sale is very fortunately placed. These furs will make the most sensible and accept able of all gifts for Christmas. Furs Sets at $10 Fur Sets at $15 Natural Squirrel, Brook Mink, Northwestern Mink, Canadian Mar ten, Belgian and French Lynx, scarfs and muffs, worth up to $19. Natural Opossum, Blue Opos sum, Brown Canadian Marten, Brook Mink, Northwestern Mink, In fancy and plain scarfs and muffs, worth up to $22.50. E)t(D!PeS rv 7 s Mm An Immense Purchase from a New York Manufacturer Brings to Omaha About $20,000 Worth of High Grade Furs in Practical Styles at About One-Third Less Than Regular Prices The firm that sold us these furs was one of the most reliable concerns in New York. Every piece of fur is a dependable fur of excellent quality,' made in the newest style and at the prices we offer them, there was never such a sale of furs of high character in the West. It is filled with amazing opportunities. You have our own assurance of the reliable quality and value of these furs. We will include our own reserved stock of furs in this sale nt bargains equally great. Hatched Sets $1.98 . -Matched Sets $2.90- Scarf aod Muff worth op to 53 50 Black Conle, with large pillow muffs and fancy zaza scarfs. Scarf and Muff Worth op to $5. Black and Sable Conle Seta, with fancy nock scarf and full pil low muff, head trimmed. Matched Fur Sets VfStl?. $3.98 Brown Canadian Marten Sets with pillow muff and satin lined throw. Brown French Conie Sets with large muff and scarf head trimmed. Matched Sets $5 Scarf and Half Worth op to $8. Pillow and Rub Muffs, Shawls. Throws and Fancy Scarfs of Canadian Marten, French Conle, lynx In brown and black. -Matched Sets 56.90- Scarf aod Moff Worth op to $10. . Black and Sable French Lynx Sets, with large open . rug muff and Skinner satin lined, large fancy shawl, with head and tall trimmed. Sets of Matched. Furs '"8.98 Extra fine and large French Lynx Set with pillow or rug muffs, very large shoulder scarf. Natural Opposum Sets, large pillow muffs, fancy zaza shaped scarf. , I I' ll HU wh , ,1 . 'I . . I I Beautiful Fur Sets at 325 to 398 In every Fur that one can wish Black Fox, Black "Wolf, Blue Wolf, Red Fox, Sable Fox, Ilaecoon, Opposum, Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Jap Mink, Lynx, etc. Women's Fine Fur Coats Hundreds of the finest long fur coats were in this great purchase. The styles are all the latest effects for 1010-1911. You can absolutely rely upon the high quality and the depend able character of every fur coat that is offered in this sale. We will vouch for the reliability of each one. $65.00 OO-inch Russian Pony Coats at... $39.00 $85.00 52-inch Fine Russian Pony Coats. .$59.00 $135.00 52-inch Krimmer Coat at $87.50 $40.00 52-inch Sable Conie Coat at $22.50 $85.00 52-inch White Conie Evening Coat $42.50 $135.00 52-inch Near Seal Coat at $98.00 $125.00 52-inch Near Seal Coat at $69.00 $198.00 52-in. Striped Brook Mink Coat, $150.00 $275.00 52-inch Hudson Seal Coat at. . .$198.00 $750.00 52-in. 3X quality Seal Skin Coat $498.00 The woman who attends this sale can buy an elegant fur set or a fine coat for a great deal less money than she could possi bly secure it later in the season. This is a sale of strictly reliable furs at prices so greatly re duced that each purchase means a remarkable saving of money. Separate Fur Scarfs Baum Marten, Jap Mink, Black Fox, Cross Fox, Australian Op posum, Brown Bear, Black Wolf, Blue Wolf, Canadian Marten, French Lynx. Prices $5 up to $198 Separate Muffs to Match $5 to $125 Children's Fur Sets The assortment of chil dren's Bets la complete, and we have any of the pretty childish fura in many different styles. Per Set 98c to $125B Great Sale of a Stock of Imported Jewelry Men's 10 Size Open Face Wafc-h Thin model, 20 year standard case, 15 jewel Elgin or Waltham movement, worth $1G.60 t -$10.50 Fancy Set Rings for Women and Men Genlune stone In 10-karat solid gold settings, worth up to $8.00 at $2.08 BOO Large Size, Ilrilllant Hat Tins worth $3.00 each, at $1.49 Beautiful Genuine Shell Cameos and J .a Vallleres Worth up to $40.00. at $8.50 to $20.00 2,000 Pieces ImKrted Jewelry Worth up to $1.00 each at 25 and 50 (ieuuine Coral Strands Worth up to $4.00, at $1.40 Genuine Goat Seal nogs Tan leather lined, six fit tings, extra leather corners, regular price $5, at $2.08 1847 International Comb, Mirror 110, at Brash worth and up to Women's and Misses' Bracelets Warranted to wear 10 years, worth up to $8.00 at $1.08 Sterling Silver Rings 20 . styles, each, at . 50 Men's Solid Gold Cuff Buttons Regular price $2.50, at. . . .$1.39 Beautiful La Vallleres Worh up to $5.00. at $1.G9 Women's and Misses Diamond Kings 10-karat gold settings, worth up to $10.50, at $4.49 Genuine AH Leather Lined Ilas Fitted with card case and purse at $1.00 Women's O Size Watch 20 year standard gold filled Hunting Case, 15 Jewel Elgin or Waltham move ment, worth $18.50 at $12.00 Bats .. S4.98 SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY ANY WOMAN'S HAT mm In Our Entire Stock. ' No matter what the former price; your choice for This includes every hat in our entire Millinery department. All the newest mid-winter styles in cluded all colors all - the fav orite trimmings small or large ' shapes; dress hats, evenir hats, i trimmed hats; your choice, $5.00 Brandeis1 Great Toyland is Nov Open Sample Every Toy a Child Could Wish For Doll Dresses White and colored Doll.Dresses,' made from Swisses, lawns, dimit ies, ginghams, etc all complete, with undergarments. Every one a perfect make. They are worth up to $1.00 each, at. . 29c Polls Mnff and Boa Sets Trimmed with silk ribbons, set, at . . . -29 . Large Size Jointed Bisque Dolls and Tine Kid Body DoUs That are pointed bargain square, each f at 984 JWe sell 'the celebrated KeBtner Dolls, because they are the beat make Europe can produce. Stocks are ' complete, , all sizes, with hair and eyes of different colors, each ' at 25 up to $7.50 Here Are Toys We Would Advise You to Buy Early IB? Automobiles Pianos, Doll Go-Carts. Galloping Horses, Express Wagons, Tool Chests, Trains on Traok, Tost Card Projectors, Chairs. t)oll Houses, Furniture, Khooflys, Steam Knglnea, Black Boards, Doll Beda, Boyn' Hand Cars, Wrltlr.a- Peaks, Humpty Dumpty Game Boards, Play Grocery and Bets Meat Btores. ! $3.00 PHOTOGRAPHS at $1.98 ; Saturday Pcmpexan Room o o BMAMDEIS STORE o o See Ad on Back Page. Brandeis Special Sales. MM STORES V V v O i 9 Omaha's Foremost Beauty Shop Pompeian Room and Urandeis Second Floor Genuine Human Hair ll Latest Coiffures NOTE THESE REDUCED PRICES AND SPECIAL VALUES ARE ALL ON HAIR GOODS OF FINE QUALITY It is of first importance that human hair, and not cheap substitutes, be used in coiffures. It is important in buying hair alwuys to deal with a house that will tolerate no deception and guarantees all hair goods, as well a3 all other merchandise, exactly as represented. In Brandeis Beauty Parlors you may always feel cer tain of being satisfied. Very Special Inducements in NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES Made of Fine German Hair $1.48 $5.00 klu 18 and SO-Inch Switches, all long hair, $3 values at. r. 22-lmh Natural WaTjr Switches, )5 value special, at. s StMnch Natural Wavy Switches, 3-oz., $10 value at. v 11 Perfect Equipment. Expert Operators Clusttr Puffs 3 values at $1.08 $8 valuea at Transformation A reicalar 15 value for $1.98 $2.93 Washablo Hair Goods A 75c value special for Two Extra Iarge Kise Silk Nets, at Visit Our Beauty Shop la Pompeian Room. Manicuring. fw J.. A v. " - 50c fy 5c i mm m Halrdress ni fir I ar BEE WIT MB PRODUCE RESULTS TOWNS CALL FOR MORE SEALS Creighton Har Soldi Its Supply and Wanti More. PASTERS SELLING VERY FAST Oa Omaha Star Rn Oat - on th Plra Dr Mur Calls Arc Belay Recelre from All Bides. The town of Crelghton, Neb., with only about 700 Inhabitant, has already sold out Its supply, of Christmas- anti-tuberculosis seals and has written for 2,000 more. The mayor, D. C. C. Johnson, sent a letter to the office of the executive seoretary In Omaha saying- that 2,000 more would be Quickly disposed of. If Omaha's citizens 'were to work on the ittnt ratio, about K0.000 seals would be sold here In a short time. The first day's sale In this city was en couraging. A seed store opposite the post office sold out Its total supply by 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon, and many others did nesrly as well. The Omaha Woman's club is taking part and reporting good results. The United Mine Workers, meeting In Bt. Louis, have added their official sanction to the work and several other large or ganizations have Joined the general effort to help the causa. , What's a Sealf "Mamma, what's a seal?" asked 8-year-old Mary, looking up from - the paper, whose black she was laboriously deciphering. "A seal Is a little animal that lives In the ocean. Ws use its fur for coats and wraps," was the enlightening answer of the parent Mary puckered her brow (or some min utes, and again Interrogated: "Mamma, will seals stop plagues?" referring perhaps to some of the biblical narratives she bad beard told In Sunday school. "Stop plagues! Why, child, what are you talking about T" cried the mother in amazement. "Why, here it says. 'Red Cross Seals Stop Whits Plague,' " triumphantly hold ing up the paper. Then mamma explained to her little girl that the Red Cross Seal is a tiny stamp Use sticker which is placed on the back of letters and packages coming from Sant Claus and others. Every seal costs a penny, and every penny goes to fight and cure consumption, which is the real name of tbs white plague, and which Is an awful F"43K to BBSS SS3SI Brandeis Rod Croos Drug Sale This is the last Red Cross Drug Sale of the year. We bargains for this event that were ever offered in Omaha prices that you can scarcely believe. Buy these specials Sa JL SawitoL TOOTH paw Kit 9c I Be Sanltol Tooth Paste 15c 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powd., 14f 60c Palm Olive Cream 29 TOILET ARTICLES 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder ....15 25c Rubofoam H) 25c Sozodont. . 18? Colgate's, Williams' or Mennen's Tal cum Powder 15 25c Brogler's Talcum 15 25c Satin Skin Cream 60c Pompeian Massage ....34k $1.50 Oriental Cream ...$1.09 50c Hay's Hair Health 45 $1.00 Klnnoy's Hair Tonic, 75 $1.00 Patten Walnut Juice, PERFUMES AND POWDERS 50c Ixicust Blossom, per ox., 5 60o Crab Apple, per oi 1J) 60c Java Rice Powder 25J 50c Pozionl's Powder 60c Violet Toilet Water Plnaud's Lilac Toilet Water. 5fl 3 Orange. Wood Sticks 5 MME. YALE'S ARTICLES 60c Almond Blossom Cream 45 60c Face Powder . . . . . . . 4( $1.60 Skin Cream $1.25 26c Lilac Talcum Powder, spec, G 50c Java Rice Pow der 25 25c Sanltol Face Cream 13 10c Williams' Shav ing Soap . . . .4 15c Chamois. . .9 $1.00 Traveling Case . . . -49 RAZORS $2.60 Westerone Special. . . .fr7 $2.60 Brandt's Blue Steel... 97 $2.50 Wade & Butcher 97 $1.00 Safety Razor . . 79 76c Razor Hone 39C 60c Razor Straps 29 BRUSHES 60c Hair Brushes 35 15c Tooth Brushes IOC $1.00 Hair Brushes 59C Double Bristle Air Cushion Brush, at $1.49 SUNDRIES 10c Shlnola OC 25c Shlnola Outfit 19C 26c Whisk Brooms 15 65c Feather Dusters 39C We guarantee Rexall Hair Tonic to stop your hair from falling out 50C nl $1.00 'have prepared the greatest Drugs and toilet articles at turday at a great saving. Ivory Soap, per cake 3 10c Palm Olive Soap 7 J 20 Mule Team Borax, special, 9 16c Liquozone Soap 5 Now Is your chance to buy a cam era and complete developing outfit, at a very low cash price, our special offer for Saturday Is as follows All For $3,49 This IS. 75 Camera. 2 Japan Trays, 1 Ruby I-unip, 1 Frtntintr Frame, 2 Ieveloplng 1'ow.Iers, 1 Dozen Curd Mounts,' 1 package liyp, 1 4 -a i. Meuniirlng Glass, 1 Bquc-egee Roller, 1 Instruction Hook, SUPPLIES 8 Tubes M. Q. Developer ...25 1-lb. Hypo 5 tt-lb Package Acid Hypo . .J2 $1.00 Tripod, Special ii9 RUBBER GOODS $1.00 Hot Water Bottle .... flO $1.00 Fountain Syringe ....JOe $1.75 Hot Water Bottle ..$1.19 $1.60 Fountain Syringe ...-9HC $3.60 Douche $2.50 sickness. Mamma told her of a little girl in their own neighborhood wha bad con sumption, but who was given a chance to' get well because the people had bought Red Cross Seals. Mary listened attentively, and finally touched by the closeness of the appeal, said: "Msmma. I think I'd rather have some of those seals than a new dolly." ! I Park Wild Home is Adapted to Good Use Public Library Branch and Saturday Evening Concerts Make Neigh borhood Center. A Viper la the Stomach is dyspepsia complicated with liver and kidney trouble. Klectrlc Itinera help all such cases or no pay. 60c For sale by Ueaton Lrug Co. Cold wrather Is having an immediate ef fect upon the work of the Associated Chari ties. Applications for help, foi work, and for traimportaiion are becoming more num erous every day and the need for financial support from the public at large Is becom ing greater. The InduHtrial home on l'ark Wild avenue Is being put to more Important imfa than mvar fofirtt a nA 1. . - - " T .no umcieie in Charge of It ars trying to make It a nwgli- oornooa i-emer ior me winter. The public library branch and the regulur Haturday evening concerts are movements n this direction. All of tits deBtltute people M the city who tan be ac-coinuioUatil will t given a home and a chance to wotk at this home as well as a few who ore willing to pay a small rate for lodging. Terslstent Advertising la the Roa j to Rig Returns.