Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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aily Bee
For NbmslH Fs'r.
For Iowa Ka'r.
For wpsthrr rrport sr-t p.ige
VOL. XI, NO. H4.
1 :u i lt WKN T V PA ( J KS.
Stock Exchange Place Coalition Ma
jority at About Sixty and Struggle
May Continue.
Opposition Leader in Line to Again
Be Prime Minister.
Old Campaigner! Think Unionism
Would Gain the Benefit.
Premier Will Rr.l(a If lie Does o
Hit Good Warkinc Majority
aad Unionists Will Appeal
tbe Coaatry.
LONpnx. rvr. l.-There has been a
steady decline In the Stock exchange price
of coalition stock nine the opening of th
electoral campaign. Starting at 130 an th
probahle majority for ihe coalition of par
ties, the figure gradually has dropped!
It now ranges In the neighborhood of sixty
If the brokers are well Inspire! the
rhanres that the present strugsl will set
tle the great constitutional questions now
before the country iwm remcte.
rriottld Premier Asq'ilth and hl nstlonel
1st and laborl te allies be returned to power
wirh anything like so reduced a majority,
a here Indicated, It Is predicted that the
premier will resign.
In that cams A. J. Palfotir. the opposition
leader and prime minister In and 1W.5.
presumably would be Invited by King
Gorg to form a new cabinet and everything-
would be again thrown Into the
melting pot, an the only course open to Bal
four would be another appeal to the coun
try. Old campaigners think that a sudden push
urn aa would be made by a turn ever in
seats at tomorrow's elections, might easily
start a landslide, and If this occurs the In
dications are that It Is more likely to be In
favor of unionism than radicalism.
Elevea .Members Re-Elected.
The nucelus of tbe new House of Com
mons waa formed today by the unopposed
nomination and consequent return of eleven
unionists and four radicals. All wers mem
bers of ths last house, so there has been no
transfer of seats from ons party to ths
The unionists sleeted Include Joseph
Chamberlain. Birmingham; A. J. Balfour,
city of London; George Wyndham, Dover,
and J. 9. Hat mood-llanner, Liverpool,
while Thomas Burt Long, the representa
tive of the miners In Morpheth, comes
back on the liberal side.
A. A. Haworth had an unexpected walk
over in (South Manchester, ths unionist
candidate, P. K. Glaxebrook, appearing tlx
minutes after the time for filing nomina
tions had expired. Glaxbrouk explained
that he thought the hours for filing norai
Datlons were from. IS to 3 o'clock, but his
protest waa disallowed and Haworth was
declared sleeted.
leveaty Polls Today.
Tomorrow will see seventy polls. Ths
' constituencies aro so scattered throughout
the United Kingdom that the results should,
furnish a fair index of the feeling of ths
Thirty-six of theas seats formerly were
held by liberals, twenty-six by unionists
and eight by laborltea. In many cases the
majorities wers so small the verdict of
January lut may easily be reversed.
Political prophets are at sea, aa the
elections are being held on the old register
and there have been so many removals
sines spring that the canvassers have been
unable to trace many thousands of the
voters on recotd. Consequently the vote
probably will be smaller than heretofore.
Ons unionist forecast Is a net gain of
thirty seats and unionist optimists sea ths
possibility of an anti-government land
slide. However, the confidence of the lib
erals In a return to power with aa un
diminished coalition majority la unshaken.
Canadian Naval Bill Wis.
OTTAWA. Ont, Dec. t The opposition
attack on the naval program of the Can
adian government ended tn defeat at S
o'clock this morning, after a debate of nine
days. The opposition moved au amendment
to the address declaring that Canada was
loyal to Britain, but that there should be
an appeal to the people on ths question of
establishing a Canadian navy.
There also was a resolution
declaring there should be an appeal to the
people before any sort ot naval aid was
given by Canada. The rekoiutiona were
defeated by a government majority of fifty
six. Moire "Amrrlrti Dollars.
BOSTON. Deo. I On tne eve of import
ant pollings tomorrow In the British elec
tions ths United Irish League of America,
through Its treasurer, Thomas E. Flta
patrtck of this city. forwarded today to tne
Irish national party another remittance of
SiO.oOO. This makes a total sent in the last
six weeks of tou.uuu of the "American dol
lars" which have cauxd adverse comment
by a section of ths British press.
"The denunciation of America and Amer
icans by the tory press." said National Sec
retary Fltxpatrlck today, "has acted as au
Incentive to Ireland s friendi here to help
the cause along, such as nothing else could
haive provided. As Instancing how wide
spread Is the fueling which has been
aroused by the attacks, the national treas
urer yesterday recited from the frU-nds
of Ireland In Chicago 14. 0. from Toronto,
Canada. SZ.216; from New Orleans. ll.KUO;
from San Francistx,. JouO In. addition to a
contribution of ten day ago; from
(Seattle, U,ttu2; from Toledo, G., 17 A), from
Mobile. I'jOii, and from Birmingham, Ala.,
thlraao Jlillloaairo Who Kefaseal to
Karalnh More Kaads hwraeo
vtllh Asualt. i
CHICAGO. !. 1 Count Jacques Alex
ander von Moutik de FWaufort. husband of
the heiress, lrma Kilallrn. who encoun
tered an unbroken 11. le of misfortunes since
hi4 return from L&mdou to t'hicago with
lis bride and wax forhulden the Kllga'.len
honx and the nitht to se his wife, today
suore out a warrant cliargl.ig t:s nUilion
aire father-in-law with a.-ttat and bat -tiry.
Tt a!!gfd ua-ajlt cor'.yUt:nd of. re
rufort say, took place In Kllgilen's
of'lia. Toe ior.;ii.iii. t says the mill.ouaire
eoinmoned 1 Beaufort there and when
toe latter rrf i.i a sum of money to leave
u.j coan'.ry the romlaiuji&t says Kll
giira struma the cuuiit La the taca.
Taft Says Supreme
Court Candidates
Have Even Chance
President Assert All Reports of De
cisions by Him Are Pure Guess
work In Receptive Mood.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON". Dec. t Special Tele
gram.) Judge W. D. McHugh. with Judge
and Mr Walter rianljorn, were luncheon
guests with Pre-ddent Taft today. It is
no se-ret that Judge McHugh is being
urged by a number of strong friends of
ITesl.ient Taft to appoint him to a pi are
on the supreme bench. There has been,
however, no concerted effort to bring his
apiwlntrr.ent about, as In the case of Judge
rolli ck of Karuav who has the enthusias
tic harking of not only the Kansas de.ega
tlon. but a very large majority of the Mis
souri delegation.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1 President Taft.
having his message out of the way, today
began final consideration of the forthcom
ing appointments to the suprrrne court and
to the court of commerce. Mr. Taft de
clares that all reports as to slates, etc.,
were pure guesswork and that he was sllll
of an open mind and would listen to the
claims of several scores of candidates.
Today hs talked with several senators
and representatives. His most extended
Judiciary conference, however, was with
Judge Sanborn of St. Paul, of the Eighth
Judge Sanborn has been considered su
preme court timber, but has been elimin
ated from preweiit consideration because of
his participation In the Standard Oil de
cision. Mr. Taft also talked with former Attor
ney General Griggs of New Jersey. Asso
ciate Justice Swayzee and Chief Justice
Gummerce of the New Jersey state supreme
court and Chancellor Plttney were dls
cuised. fThe general impression Is that If
a selection Is made from New Jersey it
will be Judge Swayiee.
Former Senator Long headed a delega
tion of Kensant at the White House, who
urged the appointment of John C. Pullock
to the supreme court.
Population of the
United States About
Ninety-One Millions
Census Bureau Expects to Make Offi
cial Announcement Not Later
Than December Tenth.
WASHINGTON, Dec X The total popu
lation of the United States, as revealed by
the thirteenth census, la expected to be
announced by ths census bureau on De
cember 10. Counting Arizona and New
Mexico as states the totals for twenty-eight
out of the forty-eight states already have
been announced.
Tho grand total for twenty-six of these
states la eD.tttg.75s, which la a gain of be
tween 21 and 22 per cent over tho popula
tion in the same states In 1900. At this rats
of Increase th total population of tho
country should bo about 91.000,000.
Tho most striking development of the
census as so far shown la tho relative
growth of cities and Industrial centers as
Compared with tho farming regions. Tho
eastern states have mors than held their
own. while the states of the middle west
have fallen off.
Tho population o" California is 1,377.349, ac
cording to statistics of the thirteenth
census made public today. This is an in
crease of 8y:.n, or 00.1 per cent over l.tus.
0U !n 1900. Ths Increase from 1S90 to 1900
was 2TS.923. or 22.3 per cent.
The population of ths counties contain
ing the principal cities Is:
Alameda 2W5.1J1
I.os Angeles 604. 1.11
Sacramento . (fT.Wii
San Diego (tlSHT)
San Francisco 41H.SI2
Santa Clara W,5Ja
The population of ths state of Virginia
Is I.wn.rii according to statistics of the
thirteenth census made public today. This
la an increase of 207,42. or 111 per cent
over 18M.184 In 1900. Tho Increase from
1890 to 1300 waa 138.304. or U per cent.
Safe to Blowa Opea ay roar Mrs, Who
Escape nrtta Eighteen, Hon
oured Do I lairs.
DES MOINES. Ia,, Doc 1 rour mon
dynamited tho Farmers' Bank at Garden
City at 1 o'clock this morning, securing
tl.. A citizen nsmod Nessna was awak
ened by the explosion and began firing at
the robbers with a shot gun. Two of the
men returned ths fire and ail escaped by
running out of ths town limits Into ths
Omaha Jurist Considered
for the Supreme Bench
If the railroads win their rats contention
before the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, much of the credit and the respon
ribillty will devolve upon tho broad
shoulders of William D. McHugh of Omaha,
who la o.e of the few men In the Cnlted
States who may write after his name,
"Former Judge ot the United States dis
trict court."
Mr. McHugh has boon for soma tlmo In
Washington attending the heatings before
the commission and his time for years to
come seems likely to be taken up by work
of this sort for the raiirrads by whom he
has hern retained by as many as thirty at
ones cn several w.-caalon. Unless, of
course, as Is now rumored, he la to be ap
pointed to tho supreme court of ths United
Mr. McHugh came to be an "ex-Judge"
in this wise. After the death of Elmer S.
Dundy. Judge of the United States d strict
court for the district of Nebraska, Mr.
McHugh waa appointed to that office by
President Cleveland. This was In the fall
of lO. Senator John M. Thurston, who
differed politically with Judtfe McHugh.
manifested so much opposition of a per
sonal nature that Judge McHugh reargued
the office tn 1W7. William H. Munger was
then appointed to the place.
Mr. SIcHiiEh, like so many other suc
cessful western men. Is a native of Galena.
111., and was born September 10. lioJ. He
attended the common schools there and
studied law also in Galena, and was ad
mitted to practice before the supreme court
cf Illinois.
1 lUl ls he practiced law In his native
heath. a member of the firm of D.
and T. J. fheeaa McHugn. In Mrrvh,
Ilea, ho caono to Omaiia and formed a part
Train on Missouri Pacific is Derail''
Two Miles East of the Two- A
Knobnoster v
Smoker is Firs. ,ar to Leave the
1 i
Doctors Taken to Scene of Accident on'
Two Sleeplaa; Cars and a Chair Car
Roll Dow aa Fight-Foot Embankment-
Ml Vie time
Will Recover.
LA MONTE, Mo., Dec. 2. Fifteen per
sons were seriously Injured when Missouri
Pacific passenger train No. 4 was wrecked
two miles east of Knobnoster. Mo., early
today. Among the Injured were:
W. S. Humphrey, St. Louis, back and
scalp Injured. ,
E. G. Wood. Lenexa. Kan.; scalp lacer
ated, contusion on leg.
Mathew Mauon, Maplewood. Mo.; back
G. It. Eastland, Nevada, Mo.; back and
hand sprained.
Mrs. lielle Hose, Chicago; back severely
wrenched. Internal intones.
Miss Josephine Flood. ' Evansville. Ind.;
neck, shoulder and knee badly bruised,
contusion on back.
Mrs. Belle Long. St. Louis; hip badly
Mrs. W. E. Seattle. Erflngham. Kan.;
face and arm scalded.
Mrs. Leattie s e-year-old son. scalded
W. A. Powers, Pacific, Mo.; eye badly
lacerated, shoulder bruls-ed.
O. C. Gabriel. Climax Sprtngs, Mo.; arms
and legs bruised.
Mrs. O. C. Gabriel, bruises on bodv.
Three children of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel,
hands badly cut and bruised. A tourth
child was unhurt.
It Is not believed that anyone was fatally
The wreck was caused by a broken rail
and all tho passenger coaches wers de
railed. Two Pullmans and a chair car
turned over and rolled down an embank
ment eight feet high. Ths smoker was also
derailed, but it remained upright. The en
gine and three mall cars remained on the
All the seriously Injured wers taken to
the Missouri, Kansas A Texas railroad
hospital at Sedalla.
Tho train, which was In charge of Con
ductor Thomas Butts ot St. Louis, was
running thirty miles an hour, when the
accident occurred. Tho smoker was ths
first car to leave) the track and It was fol
lowed by ths two Pullmans and chair car.
Three, hundred feet of track waa destroyed.
All the doctors In Lamonts went' to the
scene of the wreck on handcars to giv the
Injured emergency treatment. All east
briund trains-on tho Missouri Pacifio wars
delaved several hours on account of ths
r'k. West-hounc trains wers routed -by
way of Boonevtlle. Mo.
Pool Still Beaten 1
by Safe Plurality
as Recount Closes
Douglas County Canvassing Board
Finished Examination of Machines
and Wait Still Leads.
With the examination of the Douglas
county voting machines, requested by
Charles W. Pool, democratic candidate for
secretary of state, completed by the elec
tion canvassing board. Addison Walt, re
publican candidate still leads Mr. Pool by
ainety-two votes. The canvassing board
completed Its re-examination of the ma
chines to verify the count of the office of
secretary o fstate yesterday evening, tho
South Omaha machines being tho last to
bo examined.
Pool of Omaha, brother of Mr. Pool, who
has been watching ths examination In the
interest of ths candidate, said hs Is sat
isfied. "We aro beaten," hs said.
Tesag Mother Eada Life.
PTORT CITT, la.. Dec. t Special Tele
gram.) While her husband sat nearby hold
ing her -weeks-old baby. Mrs, Emll Mathe
son, aged 19, a bride of leas than a year,
fired a 22-oallber rifle bullet through her
brain today, dying In a few minutes. De
spondency, Inducing temporary insanity,
caused by worry over ths poor health of
her father, Frank Sawyer of Ollbert, la..
Is said to be tho cause of her suicide.
nership with John C. Cowtn. which lasted
until he went on the bench. After resign
ing. Judge McHugh resumed the practice
of the law by himself.
. t
i j
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer
Proposition to Compromise Criminal
Case Arouses Ire of Court.
Judge Says Mo Will Release the
Maa Already Convlrted If His
Companions Aro Mot Also
CIITCAOO. Dec. 2,-Judge Keneeaw M
Landls today threatened to discharge a
United States prisoner found guilty by a
Jury in hie court of defrauding the
government of tnternal revenue in a dis
tillery. The Judge said he would do so If
the government compromised the case
against two others similarly accused by
accepting the revenue which had not been
natd. Simon Flndel had been found guilty
of aiding In-the evading tho payment of
1100.000 of revenue tn ths operation of the
Illinois Fruit Distilling company. Two
others under Indictment, Max Bronsteln
and fiaaiuel Weisa. were to appear for
trial. Judge Landls was Informed
Treasury department tinht withdraw the
charges 4f the, men pid- the amount
claimed, whereupon Judge Landls said:
"Well, I'll not sentence this man until
I hear from the last person regarding this
compromise. If ths secretary of the
treasury turns Weiss and Brotutein loose
In consideration of getting soma dirty
money, I'll turn Frlndel loose and they
will not get a dollar from him."
Hs added hs would sentence Frindel next
Tuesday and directed he bo kept In Jail
hereafter, instead of at a hotel In Chicago
with a federal marshal.
Wendling Nearly
Collapses During
Alleged Murderer of Little Girl at
Louisville, Ky., Makes Sorry
Showing; on Stand.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. I Joseph
Wendling, charged with the murder of -year-old
Alma Kellner, went on tho stand
for cross-examination today.
Wendling appeared haggard and pale
and showed plainly the effects of a sleep
less night. His nervousness Increased as
tho cross-examination progressed, and at
one time It appeared that he would be un
able even to reply to the questions which
were fired at him by the stats' attcmeys.
Continually he reached forward and with
a shaking hand poured out a glass of
water from a pitcher Bear the witness
stand and gulped down tho contents.
Wendling was urabla to explain why ha
had left Louisville. Hs admitted that the
position ho held at St. John's church was
better than any he had after ha suddenly
departed from this city, and confirmed
his wife's statement that their relationship
waa a happy one while ho was working
"Aro these yoursT" asked Commonwealth
Attorney Huffaker, holding up a bloody
pair of athlete's velvet trunks.
"They are," stammered Wendling. Hs
said hs had worn them years ago when ha
was a trick bicycle performer In Franca,
but declared ha could not account tor the
blood stains.
The trunks wers found In tho same cel
lar In which the body of the Kellner child
was discovered.
'Wew York Pats Baa oa olae.
NEW TOIIK. Dee. J Police Commis
sioner Cropsey has decreed that New York
n use he a noisWesa town, and toduv Issiifd
an order for the police to put a hush on
"flat wheeld" troliey cars, new fangled
automotile horns and ottier disturbers of
the city's peace.
Get in yur want
ads as fast as you
can today.
Tomorrow's Bee will be full of
them, gad the 11 vest thing in
If you want a servant The Bee
will find one for you.
If you want a job, The Bee will
find It for you.
If you want Xnii ceoney The
Bee will tell you where to get It.
If you want to bay, to gell, to
rent, consult tomorrow's want ads.
They are reliable.
They are gixzUng with life.
No ad taken after T: 30 p. m.
Stitch in Time Saves
Protests Against
New Pullman Rates
Will BeWithdrawn
Railroads and States Will Accept
They if They Are Approved by
Interstate Commission.
CHICAOO. Dec. 1 If the Pullman com
pany's offer of a 20 per cent reduction In
the rates charred for upper berths In
sleeping ears, together with certain other
reductions In both upper and lower berths,
Is acceptable to the Interstate Commerce
commission, the railroads and the states
appearing on complaint also will accept It,
according to Commissioner Lane.
The rehearing of complaints against
previous Pullman rates was adjourned
after this agreement today, and the. Pull
man company agreed to prepare a new
schedule showtng the reductions offered for
all points, pending the decision of the
commission. In the event of the proposed
reductions being accepted. Tho new rates
will go Intoi effect some time ia February.
Half Million Dollars '"
Comes Across Border
Depositors in Chihuahua Banks Re
moving Their Funds to El
Paso Banks.
EL PASO. Tex.. Dec. 1 More than $500,
000 had been withdrawn from the Chihua
hua banks and placed on deposit tn El
Taso within ths last week, according to ad
missions of tho local bankers. Much of It
has been brought here Ty Mercans.
U". M. Turner, connected with the Pear
sen Interests at Pearson, Chihuahua, came
In last night with his sister and declared
that all women had left the camp, about
200 In all, and that the men were prepared
for trouble.
Last night. W. J. Newsom, manager of
tho Marathon Telephone exchange, received
a report that 200 armed revolutionists were
gathered near tho old smelter at ths mouth
of Terltngua creek. In the Terlingua district-
Fifteen armed men are on guard.
Tho Mormon colonists at Colonia Dublan
are organizing into military companies for
the protection of the town If attached, but
are unable to buy any arms, according to
a dispatch to tho Herald today. This dis
patch says Mexicans at Cases Orandes
have received arms from the federal gov
ernment, but have none to spare to the
Mormons. Tho people at Colonia Dublan
are still greatly oxcited, it la asserted, al
though no revolutionists have soma close
to tho colonists.
Tie Draft of Federal Iseerserstles
Bill Roeet-real Irons Morsxaa
I ate rests.
WASHINGTON, Don. 1. With an unusual
degree of emphasis, denial was mads at
the White House today of a story that
has been circulated during ths last two or
three days that J. P. Morgan and a group
of associates had forwarded to President
Taft tho draft of a new federal Incorpora
tion bill. Tho president did not sea the
story until today and immediately directed
that It bo contradicted.
Railroads and Grain Dealers
Are Charged with Rebating
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec l-After hearing
testimony ince noon on Monday the fed
eral grand Jury of the United Slates dis
trict court handed down Indictments early
this afternoon, charging an Infringement
of the antl-truat laws oa the part of three
large corporations and two Individuals. The
Atlantic Coast Line railway and Seaboard
Air Line railway were each Jointly in
dicted with the Merchants' and Miners'
Transportation company for special viola
tions of tha Sherman anti-trust and Elklns
laws, while Harvte Miller and Morris Mil
ler, grain merchants and members of the
firm of L. E. Miller A Sons of Philadelphia,
were th individuals to feel th wrath of
th government. It was anticipated on
yesterday that Indictments against th cor
porations and Harvle MilUr would b pre
sented, the rumors coming from an au
thoritative source, but ro expectation ex
isted In connection with Morris Miller.
Dates are (,'lvea when tha Individual de
fendants are alleged to have mad ship
ments over th line named at rates leas
than thoi-e on file with th Interstate Com
merce commission. It is alleged that from
lSi i I
Decision in Court at Adel in Des
Moines Controversy.
Seaator Toaac "ays Wlllta to Eater
Jot at Debate of Isoaes Involved
la eaatoraala Coaoeats
to Prlsaary.
DES MOINES, Dec. l-(Spertal Tele
gram.) Judge Applegats at Adel directed
a verdict In favor of the City Railway
company of Des Moines, holding that the
franchise of tho company does not expire
until October 1. 1S10. while tho decision
Is a victory for tho street car company, It
la also a victory for the city, inasmuch
as It knocks out the claim of the company
to a perpetual franchise. It Is expected
that following this decision new effwts
will be mad to secure a settlement of ail
tho street car troubles.
Favor CVlatarr Klectloa.
Senator Toung and . Attorney Oeneral
Byerm, both candidates for the senate, to
ffajr stated tlier would favor a specie!
'primary election" to settle the matter.
"I would be perfectly willing to submit
my case to tho republicans of Iowa at a
primary election,' said Mr. Toung.
"t would agree to abida by the results.
If this is not practical, I would be willing
to have special primaries held In senatorial
and legislative districts wherein the sena
tor or representative is In doubt aa to
his duty or where the senator or represen
tative may hava views conflicting with ths
views of his constituents.
"What ought to be determined in this J
state is wnom the republicans want for
United States senator."
"I would be willing to debata ths matter
before the people of Iowa In Joint dis
cussion." Attorney General H. W. Byers, who has
announced his candidacy for the United
State senate to succeed Senator Toung for
the unexpired Dolllver term, was told today
ef Senator Tnimr1! nmnnritlnfi trw m - -I
wide special primary in January or
February'. Mr. Byers declared his willing
ness to leave tho selection of Dolliver's
successor to such a primary as proposed by
Senator Young.
Vessel la A laaka Trade Probably Will
Be Total Leas Paaaeacera sad
Malls Takes Off.
SEATTLE. Wash., Deo. t The Alaska
Steamship company's steamship North
western is bard and fast on ths rocks at
Fala Bay, San Juan Island, four miles from
Roche harbor. It want on at almost high
tide, has thirteen feet of watsr In Its for
ward hold, and may be a total loss.
Ths Northwestern Is high on a reef and
may break In half when the tide fails. It
was built at Chester. Pa., in 1&K9. and was
formerly known as the Orislba. It was
valued at $200,000. The Northwestern went
ashore at La Toucheson, Alaska, in 1307,
and 1100.000 was spent In repairing her.
The Northwestern left Seattle for Valdtx,
Alaska, last night with twenty-six . pas
sengers and 000 tons of freight. It struck
the rocks at 1:40 a. m. The British steamer
Tea, which was near, responded to a wire
less call from the Northwestern and took
over the passengers and mall, which. It la
expected, will be landed at Victoria.
western points to Philadelphia th Millers
secured export rates where th law de
manded they should b shipped under the
domestic rates. This saved them from I to
S cnts upon every loO pounds of grain
Th Miller brothers put themselves In
th Jurisdiction of th United Slates court
for th southern district of Georgia,
through their shipments Into this district
over th lines of the thre corporations
The beginning of the Investigation
agalnat tho defendants arose from com
plaints registered with ths Interstate Com
merce commission during th summer to
th efftct that th Miller firm had effect
ively destroyed competition in grain ship
menu over an enormous territory embrac
ing points along the Mississippi and Ohio
rivers and In the South Atlanuo states.
Proceedings wr held before Commis
sioner Clements la Philadelphia during July
and th rvUUona were sufficient to start
th powerful machinery of th govern
ment against not only th Millar firm, but
also th Intermediaries.
Albert Eichtencamp Says on Stand
Was Witness to Murder of Louise
Elcffe by Brother.
Yotmo; Man Declares Shooting- Fol
lowed 0 nQuarreL
i aw
Peculiar Actions of Defendant Told
by Miss Hendricks.
Came oiler Home l.onklaa- for Water
for Ills Aalo When It Waa et hi nsr Other
W Itneeeee
PONCA. Neb.. Dec. I. tSpedal I , .
gram.) Albert Klchtencamn, hired tnai..
who says he saw Ioule r e killed, t- Id
his story on the witness stnnd today In
the trial of Will, am Flige for the minder
of hm sister, Loiiine. Testimony was given
by Miss Ida Ilelndrlchs to whom Flege
was paying attention.
Henry 1 lelndriihs was recalled to testify
to having hundli'd and shot the revolver
belonging to the defendant, William Flege.
He said In answer to the question whether
Flege was right handed or lrft handed,
that he wns lfft handed anil used the left
hand 111 shooting with the revolver.
A. W. Myers, Justice of the peace of
Ponca, presented to the court a revolver
and a spent bullet, winch he said he ha 1
received from the cou.ity attorney o
Dixon county at the preliminary hearing
and had held until now. llf ndrtchs was
recalled and testified thnt he could not
say that the revolver waa the Identical one
that he had handled, but that It was the
same make und same caliber.
Herbert Helnrlchs said that when Wil
liam Flege, the defendant, enme out Into
the field on the afternoon of June 30, he
exhibited a handful of money and threw
clods of dirt Into the air, which was a
strange performance for him. He testified
to a conversation with Fledge regarding
his keeping company with his sister, Ida,
In which Flege made threats to do some
thins awful In case anybody els kept
company with her.
Counsel for the defendant moved to hav
all the testimony relating to this conver
sation, which took place In the German
hall near Emerson, stricken out. and the
Jury was given a recess while the oration
was argued. It waa overruled for the
present and the Jury was recalled and th
case proceeded.
County Attorney Clarence Kingsbury and
Detective W. O. Davenport Identified the
gun and bullet which the former had found
on th Flege premises Jun SO and de
livered to Mr. Myers, tho Justice of peace,
at th preliminary hearing.
This afternoon when court convened at
1:S0 o'clock th hallway and stairs to th
court-. rw,n Were prtcked aud about twlwt
as many people as could get In were wait
ing. Women formed a large part of the
erowd and a few came near being seriously
County Attorney Kingsbury, on the stand,
told of his examination of the house and
yard of William Flege o nthe night of
June 30 for evidence of robbera The house
waa found in good order and fresh bread
waa laid o ntho kitchen table and dinner
dishes were washed and put away. Sixty
dollars In currency belonging to William
Flege was under the bottom of the bureau
drawer In the room where the defendant
slept. A coupla of purses belonging to
Louisa Flege wers missing, but were found
later and the only money musing was a
small hum belonging to Albert Eichten
camp, the hired man. This was evidently to
show there was nc motive for robbery.
W. C. Helndrlcbs, a carpenter who had
done some work for Henry Flege a year
or more ago am also built an automobile
house for the defendant in June, testified
that the relations between th defendant
and his sister were not congenial, and that
he spoke to her seldom and than In a
manner that showed they were not on
good terms. He said Louise stayed most
of th time in th kitchen while he boarded
there and thai, he talked angrily to her
some times.
Grant Mears, sheriff of Wayne county,
aid the defendant had a downcast look
when there wer several officers together
In th eofflce of A. R. Davis, county attor
ney of Wayne county.
MUi Ida HetnUrich testified that ah
had long known the defendant an dthat
she had been keeping company with him
for soma time. On the afternoon of June
10, when he came to see her home about
S o'clock In the afternoon, h said he
stopped because his auto leaked and he
wanted to get water, but that he only
succeeded in getting about a half gallon
In the tank, and that th auto showed an
signs ot leaking. They talked about an
hour, with her two sisters also present.
When th defendant came back tn the
evening he told her that his sister, Louis,
had been shot. She said. "I don't believe
It," and that "h looked downcast and did
not look at me."
Th star witness was Albert Eichten
camp, th hired man, who related hnw
William and Louise had quarreled in the
house and then Louise had backed out of
the house onto th porch, then Into the
yard, with William In front of her. talk
ing all th time tn German. He heard
Louis say, "Leave me alone," several
times, and "What hav I done to your'
Eichtencamp said he saw William Flege
put bis hand upon her and h ran up and
asked William what he waa going to do,
to which William replied. "That la none of
your business; get out of here "
Then Eichtencamp ran to tha barn and
on th way he heard a shot and turned
to see what had happened. He saw Louise
on her knees. After he got inside th barn
ha heard another shot and looked out and
saw Louise lying on the ground.
William went In the house, then came
out and got Into the automobile and cama
to ths barn door and said to Albert: "Keep
till about that or tha same would happen
to him."
Flege then went off to his brother Fred's
home to make a prearranged trip to Di.ton.
When he came home that evening the
testimony of Herbert Helndrlchs and others
showed that a beer drinking had been ar
ranged for at on of the neighbors, to
which Henry Heiudrtchs had been Invited.
At 7 o'clock In the evening Albert Eich
tencamp came by tha field and found the
dog that Flege had kicked Just before he
shot his sister, watching the gate, where
h had kept th hogs out of th yard where
th dead, slater lay. Albert then called up
th neighbors.
Th reason Eichtencamp gave for leav
ing th body all day in th heat was: "lie-