THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1010. Tim dm ah a Daily Hik 1 ill Ni"i:i UY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR RO.SEWATKR, EDITOR. r.nlerM at Omaha poslofflce aa second claas matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pumlsy Hw. on year Hstuirtsy frr. ons year $1 50 Dally Hr-e (without Punday), one yenr. .4 ) ially l'oe and Munrirty . on year f w DI.D1VERM i'V CARRIER. Evf OlMK Hr without Sunday), per week fic Evenlnn Hee (with Hun1ay, per week... .l'c Dally l (inrludlnff Sunday, per week..lo Imily Ilea (without tiunday), per we-k..Ic Addrr-ss all complaint of Irregularities In rieuverr to Cltv tirculatlon Department, Fflt'ES llnuilii-thn liee Hulldlnij. Hmiib. Oinaha&! North Twenty-fourth Btreet. l ounrtl l:liufa-15 frrott f-treet. Uneotii i.,21. Little liutklinif. t hluao 1MN Maruetie millrilng. New. Wirk Rooms 1101-110! Ho, 34 Wt Tlilrty-lhlrd Street. Washington 72f Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. t'nmmunfratlons relating- to newa and editorial . piatter should be addressed: Omaha Uee, I jilt. .rial Department. , . REMITTANCES. Rrrnit by draft, express or Voftal order payable, to The Hee IHihllshlng Company, (lily 1-rent Blampa rereived In payment ot mail ncrntintn. Peraonal che-k except on Omaha anil eastern exchange not accepted. STATEMENT Oi- CIRCi:L.ATION. Hlale of Nebraska. Douglas County, as. tJeorne 11. Txtchuuk, treasurer ol Tiia Hi-e I'libllnhlnK company, belnK duly HWorn says that the actual number of full an complete copia of The Dally, Morning, Evening; and Sunday Hee printed ilurlnc th month of November, 1910, whs ae fuuowa' 1 .v.43,SflO 2 ,.,..43,600 t 43,00 4 .43,870 6....... ....43,930 J. ...44,800 7 48,320 8 43,210 . . . , M.6t)0 1 45,470 11. ....... ,1.44,640 12 43,920 13. . 44,800 14........ .,..4350, li f..., 42,960 It 43,850 17". 44,320 18 44,080 19. .43,760 20 43,900 21 43,910 It .....43,630 2J 42,930 24 43,630 25 42,740 24. 43,150 27 43,980 28 43,30 29 43,340 30. 43,800 . ,Tutal, , 1,320,880 Returned copies . ,,.... f ...... . 18,426 t ; :Net Total;.... . 1,305,454 .'. . 43,615 TZSCMtCK, -i .Treasurer. Dally1 Average...... UKO. Subscribed In tny presence and sworn to before 'me tills 30iu day of November, llo. M. 1'. WALKKIt, (Seal.) i Notary Public. aabacribera Uirlni (ho city -porarllr aMoald kaT Th Be mailed to them. "Address will ! v Dr. Coolt at last' has Confessed, but Teary stands pat. As the Nebraskafarmer remarks, "The weather r.iay be dry, but automo billng is great.',' , IlackansrJiiuidt finds lemons as nu merous in America as Gotch found them in England. ! V , Chairman Knapp.-6( the Interstate Commerce commission continues to make a fine witness for the railroads. V 1 !'S.' I ll II. , ' Tolstoi may have-been the father ot insurgents, but Porflrio Diaz certainly is the granddad of stand-patters. Just suppose Reuf and Schmidt of Ban Francisco had committed their crimes, asCrippen did, in England. The diversion afforded by tho lato revolt may save- President Diaz the trouble of taking a Christmas vacation tlovernor-elect Fobs of Massachu setts ought not complain if they begin spelling his name with a "u" Instead of an "0." " r,-..,-h ? .' ' ; Hone grafting la regarded as on of the new discoveries. Pshaw, that Is only a colloquialism. Sometimes It Is called money. 1 The man with a full-grown grouch or grievance these days can market it at a fancy figure if be takes It to the right literary depot. It looks like the omen of a better day when a Texas mob will wait twenty-four hours for a particular negro before lynching anybody. Omaha doesn't get the opportunity of witnessing the consecration of a bishop very.often, boi.when it does it gives the matter proper attention. A man has been found . who auya he thinks Philadelphia Is "a rapid town, but, aa might b supposed, , he Is a Briton. Itttsburg Dispatch.' Or a Chicago Cub. The Philadelphia Bulletin 'has dis covered "one virtue of the motor cycle." , Pobably that It kills a man outright, preventing long suffering. If the east had -not consumed most of Its natural resources, perhaps It would .lnver nave. "learned how impor tant it la for the west to conserve what it has. ; That "death bed confession" of the Brltiah lords sounds like Pat Mulca hey's forgiveness of Mike Malone It goes in case be dies, but "the Lord help lira if I live." . Governor-elect Aldrlch was given fcuch a reception on his return home from Cblo as to forever quiet the cam paign allegation that he Is Mot popu lar with his ntighbors. Atlanta has gone batty on 'grand opera, apparently. The Journal of that city exclaims, "By all means . let us have grand opera again, whether It comes from New York, Chicago or Milwaukee." Why not add. "or Houston?" The Union Pacific fireman made the mistake of getting the pass befcrs get ting the marriage license. However, his experience will serve as a proof. If any were needed, that the railroad ton. i aulcs are trying to live up to the lUpburu law. Eat, and Watertd Stock. The last Jay of the eastern trunk line rate hearing brfor the Interttte Commerce commission mas marked with some tesMmony of unusual sig nificance. Commlsioner-elo',t Tborne of Iowa struck one of the keynotes in this whole controversy wneii he pointed to the amazing ovompKaliza tlon of railroads as one barrier to de termining the Justness of rates. He had found by a scientific research that In four states alone railroads were Qv prrl, DltaHz PA ky 1400 000 000 overcapitalized oy uu,uuu,uuu. No wonder, figuring on the basis of such fictitious capitalization, the rall- roads find present rates insufficient. They must not expect the rise In rates to keep pace with the arbitrary in flating of their stock. Let them wring the water out of this and get down to a legitimate basis of investment and income and then figure on their rates. One thing Is to be observed, that with all this railroad talk of rising ex penses and falling revenues with, a de mand for higher tariffs, there has been no appreciable decline In stock values. They remain strong and Inviting for investment. In some cases they have even advanced. Nor has railroad ex tension and Improvement ceased as a result of this alleged condition. One of the railroad witnesses before the commission the last day when asked if he could point to any railroad work that had to be abandoned of late for want of capital, said he could not. The railroads have not displayed enough candor In their past relations to tho public. Commissioner Clem ents discovering, through the course of this investigation, how extensive re bating used to be, observed: It Is surprising- to me to find how ex tensive tbese rebate practices used to be when It was so hard then for . us to find them. , , ' Of course, it must not be supposed that the railroads were going to give up the information of such illegal practiced as rebating', tout they are no more insistent ii their claims as to present rates, revenues and expenses than they were then that there was positively no rebating. Not a profligate People. James J. Hill is out with another scolding of the American people for what he terms their spendthrift habits. He predicts hard times with thousands of idle men' and women within a year unless we scotch our selves in this mad race of extravagance.- Mr. Hill has been dinning such warnings in our ears for a long time. Yet the hard times have not come. " ' , -" " , ' V, Five years ago 8,000,000 persons had $3,000,000,000 in the savings de posit banks of the United States. To day the number of depositors is more lhan 9,000,000 and the amount Of their savings exceed9-$4;000,800,-' 000. . There Is a gain of 1,000,000 depositors and $1,000,000,000 of de posits in' five years, which, on its face, makes a fairly good showing for econ omy. But when we consider that this advance has been made in spite of the highest cost of living ever experi enced in this country, it is even more significant. , To be sure; our people have lived well and some of them have lavished money on pleasure, but evidently they have not wasted it to the extent of bringing themselves to 'the brink of bankruptcy and hard times, which Mr. Hill believes. Evidently as a people they are not profligate. Of course, savings In these banks may not be the final test of a nation's prosperity or frugality, x but It is a powerful argu ment against the assertion that it is a nation of reckless spendthrifts. The Mark Twain Memorial. The character of the men conspicu ous in the Mark Twain memorial in New York was a powerful tribute to the stability of Samuel L. Clemens and his legacy to the world. Lenders In the business, political, religious. scientific realms were they; the giant of finance and the man; of letters; the ecclesiastic, the statesman, the editor and the scientist alike came to honor a man who had given the best years of his life to making the world laugh. But his humor came from the depth of life's realities and had philosophy as well as wit in It. Life with him was not all a Joke and, while he made the world laugh, he also made It think and think as It laughed about the best It contained. If this were not true men would not now gather from the pinnacles of activity and fame to pay their respects to his memory. Colonel Watterson, who knew Twain Intimately and was related to him by marriage, said: "How much of melancholy lay hidden behind the mask of the hnmorlst It would be bard to say. His griefs were tem pered by a vela of philosophy. He was a medley of contradictions. Un conventional to the point of eccentric ity, his sense of his own dignity was all-sviflcient." This seems to tell It all. It is a great, tribute, because U supplies an intelligent insight Into the life and character of the man. It will help the world to appreciate Its debt to Twain. A man who laughs and makes the world laugh In spite of per sonal grief and sorrow places the world vastly In his debt and leaves It a living philosophy when he passes on. It Is easy for us to laugh when all goes well and we feel like doing nothing but laughing, but the test comes when things are going wrong. The man who can laugh then and cheer others is of more worth to hu manity than he who is of his mirth mirthful and of his sorrow sorrowful. The all-sufficient dignity, to which Colonel Watterson alludes, was au- other saving characteristic. It is a dangerous thing to be a humorist and no man may hope to escape the penal ties who has not something more than mere humor to commend him. Many men have learned that to their sorrow too late in life. Twain knew It, but not because he had ever suffered as a consequence. Warning to Autoists. In Omaha a chauffeur has been con victed of manslaughter because the automobile he was running ran over and killed another man. In New York a prominent business man of great wealth whose auto ran over and killed a girl was tried for murder In the first degree and acquitted, very naturally, and has been brought up on a new charge that will come more nearly fitting the case. In St. Louis public wrath has riBen to a fever heat over the automobile death of Moses P. Wetmore and the chances are effec tive prosecution will follow. Gradually the tide of public senti ment Is rising against this reckless dis regard for human life, or this criminal carelessness that has been displayed by too many persons who drive auto mobiles. It ought to be a warning in time. All people who run autos, of course, are not careless or Indifferent to life, but too many are. These are the only ones to whom this warning can apply. They will make a grave mistake not to see in the steadily in creasing number of prosecutions a growing determination to stop tempor izing with them and go to punishing them. If this is the only way of com pelling a due regard for the safety of others, then the sooner it becomes effective the better. Omaha has been especially patient, too much so no doubt, with reckless autolsts. If one man is compelled to serve a year or several years In the penitentiary for causing a death, while it can in no measure atone for the life destroyed, it may serve the purpose of making many other men so careful as to minimize the possibility of such casualties. It would be a good rule for every person driving an auto to re member that the pedestrian was on the public thoroughfares first and that his right to them is fairly well established. It Ib time to slow up and It Is time for courts and juries to see we have no more travesties on Justice where auto lsts refuse to slow up in time. Exploring as a Business. The world likely will accept Dr. Cook's admission that he never reached the North pole merely as a matter of fact, since It had arrived at the conclusion a long time ago. But if it accepts his explanation of his rea son for believing that ke had reached the pole, then it is likely to look with a little less credence upon the claims of Captain' Peary If, as Coolc asserts, no man may be certain whether he reaches the pole or not, of course, the world, if it coincides with this view, will suspect that there Is room for doubt as to Peary's having reached it. It is not Impossible that Dr. Cook is correct in saying that conditions for bid positive knowledge to any man who goes In quest of this goal. Peary Is said to have sold his "own story" for $50,000, and now comes Cook bartering his to the same lit erary market place, supposedly for a like sum. Financially, then, both men must be Bald to have succeeded, though the world will scarcely be un charitable enough to accuse either of having been Inspired originally by the lure of money. They probably have done no more than the average man in their position would have . done. Yet that cannot chsnge the fact that exploring as a business pays. It remains to bo seen whether Cook's eleventh-hour confession and plea for mercy of the court of public criticism will serve to restore him to good standing with the people, who have felt themselves very much Im posed upon by him. The Garbage Question. The city council in naming an arbi tration committee to settle the garbage question Is merely postponing again the decision that must be reached. The Bee has frequently urged that proper provision be made for the collection and disposal of household refuse by the -city. So long as present methods prevail, no matter what the adjust ment between the health department and the police authorities may be, the service will be Incomplete and unsatis factory. In addition to the annoyance resulting from the necessity of depend ing upon private service, the expense Is continually greater than It would be it the matter were under public control. , While amendments are being pre pared for the city charter, to be adopted by the incoming legislature, one should be added giving the city power to collect and dispose of all do mestic refuse of whatever kind. The details for this are very easily worked out. The experience of other cities can be drawn upon and a comprehen sive and satisfactory plan could be ar ranged with little difficulty. Omaha citizens have too long been subject to the annoyance and Inconvenience of our Inadequate method of handling the garbage question. The remedy can easily be applied, and now is the time to do it. It is Quite in keeping with the course of the democrats that they should seek to dismiss a faithful em ploye, against whose service no ques tion rests, in order that the place may be given as a reward to a "republican" for his treachery to his party and to the people. Fred Brunlug at the head of the Detention home would be a most Illustrious example to the boys and girls who are confined there for re formatory purposes. The suggestion that the High school girls be taught to make their own graduating gowns has back of It some show of reason, but It Is not likely to interfere seriously with the business of the dressmaker. The sweet girl graduate will still be such no matter whst her garb, yet she will hardly willingly forego the gladsome raiment that has come to be so much a part of the ceremony. "The crowd was composed of the sturdy citizens of Dutch Fork section. There was no rowdyism." Thus a South Carolina newspaper tells of the lynching of a negro in that state. Seems superfluous to add that there was rowdyism about such a gentle manly conventionality. Mr. Krutschnitt pays the Union Pa cific bridge at Omaha the compliment of saying tbat it is one of the strongest the company owns and is not likely to t ion be replaced. He might have g me a little further and Bald it is also o le of the best paying investments his company ever made. Let It be remarked that for once, at least, The Bee and the W orld-Herald are editorially In accord. It only re mains now for the State Journal to wheel Into line, and the vote on the obliteration of the North and South Platte tradition will be made unani mous. Kansas City has given us a new brand of reform. No fireworks may be sold in that city hereafter for use there, but wholesalers may dispone of all they can to people who wilj lire them In other places. That reform rings as true as a silver dollar. "Charlie" Pool Is to have the benefit of a 'free examination of the voting machines. This cost will be borne by the people, but If in the end it will satisfy our democratic brethren maybe the money will be well spent. An Indiana Judge told a speeder that he and his kind were a menace to civilization and then fined him $10 and costs. The Judge must have al lowed this menace to prey on his mind until he felt it very deeply. Having laid the cornerstone for Its new gymnasium, the University of Omaha now serves notice on the edu cational world that its college yell will soon have to be officially listed. A county paper compliments the State Journal on being the only "safe and sane" dally published In Nebraska. If this be tt;uef the" balance of us will be happy in qur'jfujiaey. That St.' Louis woman who says she has been kissed by 10,000 men proba bly knows whether there is any truth in this talk of germatic diseases orig inating in a kiss. The only excuse we can see for Mr. Hill's persistency in predicting hard times as a result of waste is the chance of making good if he keeps it up long enough. ' James Patten, the wheat king, has announced his intention to distribute his wealth among the deserving. Now we know where our Christmas money is coming from. For a While, at I.eaad. Chicago Newa. It will perhaps be easier for the demo crats. Ilk birds in their little nests, to agree because the democratic nest is com fortably feathered with publio jobs. Settling: Dowa or Vpf. Wall Street Journal. Railroad officials express the opinion that 1910-11 la to be a period of "settling down.' This removes anxiety caused by a some what general coyness about settling up. Sympathy Oat of Place. . Baltimore American. Victims of get-rloh-quick swindles de serve no sympathy. They put their money In with their eyes wide open, and can blame no on but . themselves when they lose It all. What Absit Tama Jim's f- Cleveland Plain Dealer. With Kern's whiskers in the senate, Hughes' on the supreme court bench, but no whslkers about the executive office where la that boasted equality among the three co-ordinate branches of government? i:err Little lirlpa. New York World. Postmaster-General Hlthcock in his an nual report recommends the establishment of the parcels post in the rural free de livery, with packages limited to eleven pounds. A beginning which even the ex press companies may tolerate, aa they do almost all their business in the cities and practically no business at all In the rural district. Our Birthday Book. Slotmbw 8. 1910, Nelson U, t'pdike, president of the Up dike Oral n company of Omaha and the l' dike Commission company of Chicago, : t-u.n December 2, 187L Ha la a native of New Jersey, but was raised and edu cated at Harvard, Neb. Hla first venture in the grain buslne.-s was at tlduraJo in 18&, and he Is now olie of the king plus in the Omaha grain industry. Dr. Philip Wher, practicing physician, is Just 3t today. He was burn In Russia, coming to this country at the age of Ut. He has been practicing medicine In Omaha since 1'JU3. IJnn P. Campbell, with the llyron Reed company, real estate, was born December 2, ls9. at I'omeroy la. He has been In his piesent business for five years. l.d Merrltt. scrttary of Die Myers Dillon Drug company, is 3t. He was born here In Omaha at d Is a graduate of the Chicago College of Pharmacy. He was in the drug buslnexs fur himself fur many ers before becuiiiliiK a Uiruiber Ot bis preaeut fifui. norLE TALKED ABOUT. A TnrUlenne. lately arrested for turning In a fiike aliirm. presented the best excuse yet. Bne said. "My fiance Is a fireman, and I do so want to see him!" The Twentieth Century club of Boston lias ninde the sunKrxllun that the portrait of Julia Ward Howe, painted by her son-in-law, John Elliott, be hung in Fanue'.l hall, "the cradle of liberty." Py means of automobiles, bread, beer and newspapers, easentlals for high living and right thinking, are delivered evfry morning for breakfast at Lrfing Island homea. Th Ixing Islanders are going some. The latest phase of the "yelloar peril" lies In the newa from an American con sul in China that two hundred thousand Koreans have lopped off their queues and that the price of "rats'' and "puffs" for women's adornment will drop. Again we have evidence that this is an age of substitution. When the bride groom didn't appear at a Wisconsin wed ding another obliging young man volun teered to take his place, and the bride didn't Insist on having the' original. And at that, they may live happily ever after ward. Charles Rann Kennedy, author of "The Servant In the House," has become an American citizen, having taken out hla papers in New York In time to vote at tho recent election. Mr. Kennedy is a believer In Christian socialism of the kind which he advocates In hla book and la an active propagandist for universal brotherhood. Sir Walter Raleigh's pipe is offered for sale In London. This pipe is the grand daddy of every Uritish bulldog pipe which Indicates the Kngllshman wherever It is seen abroad. Knglish lovers of nicotine who would like to own It may satisfy them selves with the thought that If they had saved all smoking haa cost them they might have enough to buy It. Ansel Bradstreet of Freedom, Me., Is being acclaimed the champion potato grower of Waldo county. His wife cooked two of the potatoes he raised this year and served them at dinner to seven men, two women and four children. After each of the diners had helped themselves to all the potatoes he required there was still enough left of the two potatoes for a small hash for supper. Major Church Howe, 1'nlted States con sul at Manchester, England, continues en joying the fat of the land and Incidental honors. LaHt Monday he was gueat of honor of the International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners In London, lunched In the house of commons and attended a banquet In the evening. The gustatory skill of the "Sage of Nemaha" Is a source of envious wonder to foreign consuls. Ill Bill!! FROM NOAH'S ARK. One Court fnt Loose from Tyraaar of Precedent. New York Tribune. Good for the supreme court of Oklahoma! It unjoys the Inestimable advantage of starting afresh with a clean slate. In a recent case we quote from "The Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology" the supreme court very sensibly refused to grant a new trial be cause a useless word had been omitted from an Indictment. Said the court: "Now that our criminal Jurisprudence is In Its formative period, we are determined to do all In our power to place It upon a broad and sure foundation of reason and justice, so that the Innocent may find It to be a refuge of defence and protection, and that the guilty may be convicted and taught that it is an exceedingly serious and dangerous thing to violate the laws of the state, whether they be rich and Influen tial or poor and friendless. It w place our criminal jurisprudence upon a technical basis it will become the luxury of the rich, who can always hire able and skillful lawyers to invoke technicalities In their behalf. We confess to a want of respect for precedents which were found In the rubbish heap of Noah's Ark. and which have outlived their usefulness, If they ever had any." "Precedents found lit the rubbish heap of Noah's Ark!" A breezy court, but a brecse that will blow the cobwebs out of the law Is what is needed. The Oklahoma decision Is In refreshing contrast to a recent Alabama decision which ordered a new trial because the in dictment under which the prisoner was convicted simply charged him with steal ing hides and did not specify whether they were mule, goat, cow or sheep hides! The reports are full of cases like this, where the courts have ordered new trials upon the slightest of technicalities, the omission of a "the," "and" or "did" In an Indict ment, or the failure to describe a weapon with whleh an assault was committed any more specifically tnan as a "heavy stick." An Instance of technicalities which should be a classic. Is that referred to in the same journal. Two pianolas were stolen In South Carolina. The Indictment In the case described them as "pianos." A retrial was ordered. On the next trial experts convinced the court that pianos and piano las were the same thing, whereupon the court discharged the prisoner on the ground that he could not be tried twice for the same offense! Fortunate Oklahoma, where the courts mean not to permit them selves to be involved In the tangle of their own subtleties and where foolish precedents established elsewhere may be treated with light-hearted contempt! POSTOFFlttJ A PROSECUTOR. Parsing; the Mall Mervlce of Dishonest Schemes. New York Tribune. The arrest of a number of stock mongers for alleged fraudulent practices Is of much interest from each of several points of view, but perhaps most of all for the man ner In which, or the agency through which, it was effected. The boldness of some of the offerings was striking. The magnitude of the operations, in the number and dis tribution of victims and In the pecuniary proceeds, must be regarded aa affording ar. Impressive and depressing exhibition ot human credulity under the Influence of covetousness. But still more Interesting and suggestive Is the fact that the work of detection and seizure was performed by that department of government the funda mental function of which Is merely the collection, conveyance and distribution of the malls. The postofflce played the part of prosecutor. That was, of course, because of the wise provision of the law which forbids the use of the mails for fraudulent or Immoral purposes. It was on that same principle that the notorious Louisiana state lottery was driven into exile. A state might per mit and ' even license the existence and operation of a lottery, but If the federal government forbade It the use of the mulls, thiough which the bulk of Its patronage had to be bestowed, It was hopelessly hampered and driven out of business. So in Uie case of fraudulent stock schemes. State and municipal authorities might be indifferent or powerless. The operators might be shrewd enough tu avoid cul pability of which the police or the or dinary law could take cognizance. Hut the moment they used the malls for a nefarious purpose they made themselves subject to the penalties of a law and an administration which take no account of state boundaries or of municipal ordinances. It is an exceedingly gratifying and re assuring thing to have such functions per formed by such an agency, and It ia an In structive illustration of the coutraaliug dualism of that as of other branches of governmental service. It Is welcome and reassuring to have the mails purged of dis honest schemes. ItOOM AT TIIH TOP. Career of Michael ('iidnhr a Notable Chicago Tribune. It la said by some pessimists that there Is no longer room at the top. They say that there is practically no chance for the poor boy to rise to the head of affnlrs because of the changed conditions of nvud ern business. However, that haa passed away In the death of Michael Cudnhy. From the most modest beginnings the poor Irish boy, who was later to become the influential manufacturer and merchant, triumphed over nil obstacles in Ms wav and set an example of success won without double dealing or unfair advantage over any man. With none of the advantages open to the youths of today who can prepare for a business career aa the sequel to a college education leading directly to that end. Mr. Cudahy applied to the tasks and problems he encountered a native, commercial senxe which his perspicacity developed with years. He found tho packing business of the west practically In Its beginnings, a vast, untried field of commercial endeavor with no precedents to guide thoe engaged In It. He. Armour and a few others were nearly the only ones to perceive what great things Its future held. To him. as much aa to any other, Is due the credit for the marvelous development of that In dustry which Is now one of the world's wonders. The success which he accomplished as an employe he bettered as an employer, and with the acquirement of power and position he never forgot those who worked as he once had for a wage. Nor did he Ignore the worthy claims which are made upon success. He held his wealth In trust and gave of his store to charity. He bore himself towards society with consideration and a real sense of brotherhood. His life furnishes a good example to the rising generation as a business man and a citizen. I TII.ITY OF WAR ALARMS. Mighty Helpful In Fattening; the Appropriation Bill. New York Post. The latest traveler to report war with Japan as Imminent In the son of a Stan dard Oil magnate. He has been in Japan? Oh, dear, no. He has been hobnobbing with French and German army officers, and from them learns directly and cer tainly that Japan will attack ua before the Panama canal Is finished. Two hun dred thousand troops are to be landed In San Francisco for the little jaunt to Washington by warship and balloon doubtless and, of course, ruin and de feat will be the consequence. There is only one thing to do, avows this young militia captain, and that Is to Intro duce at once a three years' compulsory army service as they have It In France and Oermany. Any man who has not patriotism enough to be anxious to take three years out of his life to carry a rifle Is unworthy and should befdubbed a traitor. Only this slight change In our traditions and our whole economic and business life will save us from the Japanese. Of course, this captain, be ing of the Infantry and very youthful, has doubtless not heard that there Is a science of logistics. When he comes to study that phase of military education, he may perhaps ask- himself where Japan could get the ships to move 200, O0D men, their arms, ammunition and equipment, and then perhaps he y. "1 not. be quite so frightened as today. But he is going to begin to get compulsory ser vice at once. How? The way to get it Is to kick your congressman, for, says he: "You can't get anything out of a congressman unless you kick him." There Is still another way. Why not apply Standard Ol' to him. and light a match? LAST OF THE OLD GUARD. Coloael dowry's Retirement from Telearraph Management. Boston Transcript. The election of Theodore N. Vail aa pres ident of the Western Union Telegraph company, coming within a month of the re-election of R. C. dowry to that offloe, has occasioned considerable surprise, but It was probably timed to occur just one year after the announcement of the practi cal amalgamation of the Western Union and the telephone company. With the retirement of Colonel Clowry goes out ot the Western Union management the last of the old guard of civil war telegraphers, men who were Interested In the company before and during the war and have been kept In the management ever sloe. Colonel Clowry entered the telegraph employ as a mesi-enger at the age of 14 and has been with the company ever since. His Immedi ate predecessor as president was Major T. T. Eckert, who died only a few weeks ago. In the changes In the Western Union and Ha recent Improvements too much credit cannot be given to Colonel Clowry, for It was his energetic management and control during the ten years of presidency which Infused new blood into the concern, made the service more efficient In all the cities of 'the United States and saved It from being absorbed by Its rival. That he Is retired nbw Is merely evidence that what was the smaller concern has become the greater, and the telephone company is the master of the two great conoerns. MEDICAL OPINIONS OF WMMSM) Strong Testimony From tho University of Virginia "SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED AS AN ARTICLE OF MATERIA MEDIC A" Jam l Caball, M. D., A. M., LL, D., former Fir.f. J'hyitiJUjffy and Suraeryin tAs iltidical Department of th Vnivtreity of Virginia, and Prts. of ikt National Board of Health: "BUFFALO LITH1A SPRINGS WATER in Uric Acid Diathesis is a well-known therapeutic resource. It 'should be recognixed by the profession as an article of Materia Medica." "NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH IT IN PREVENTING URIC ACID DEPOSITS IN THE BODY" Dr. P. B. Barrlnffar, Chairman of Faculty and Proftsxrr of Phytiolocv, Vniver$ity of Virginia, CkarlotUtviLU, Va.: ''After twenty years' practice I have no hesitancy in stating that for prompt results I have found notion to eompare with CJITALO L4IH1A SPRINGS WATER in preventing Uric Acid Deposits in the body." "I KNOW OF NO REMEDY COMPARABLE TO IT" Wm. B. Tewlee, M. D., laU Iof. of Anatomy and Materia Mtlica, University of Virginia: In Uric Acid Diathesis, Gout, Rheumatism. Rheumatic Geut, Renal Calculi and Stone In the Bladder, I know of n remedy comparable to BUFFALO UTBIA SPRINGS WATER. Spring No. 2." ' Voluminous medical testimony sent on request. For sale by druggist and the general mineral water trade. GuantaUsd nadar the Feed and Drags Act, Juos SO, IKK. Srial Nu. 150CS. CUFEILO UHIIA SF2D3 Y&TER f 2 ltS Richardson Dpiig Co. Distributers for Omaha Territory. TASSINO PLEASANTRIES. That nmii Biggins Is away ahead of hs What's he doing now?'' He's cut. a rods of traffic or dinances for acioplane drivers." Cleveland I mill 1 ieuir-1 , m "1 believe ttint old mnn really made ducks mid dinkes of his supposed fortune." "Then his heirs' hunt for bl money will be a wild goose chaw." Baltimore Amer ican. Tightwad Don't you think that drinking Impairs the memory? liuxzlet Sine thinn How many years aao whs it t tin t von bought inn tluit last drink? Philadelphia Record. Famous Pulnter (aorily I hear, sir. that you're boiiMlng that you studied ail under nie? N. ar-l'alnter (calmly)-And so I did, sir, so I did. Why. 1 occupied a room under your studio for nearly a month! New Oileuns Picayune "Old chap, what does 'rachlnnatlon mean?'" . "Loud and mirthless laughter, dear boy. Why?' "Nothing; only I understand now what the papers meant when they ald that my stories at the club banquet last night caused much cachlnnation. ""-Chicago Tri bune. "Scientists have succeeded In compressing a square meal into a cake the size of a soda cracker." "That's fine, but It Is not exactly what the world is crying for." "Then what Is? ' "The world wan the prloe oj a Aqiire meal compressed into a disc the size of a quarter." Houston Post. Dashaway You have splendid looking clotlies, old man. Who Is your tailor? ("level ton-He's the first man you see as you go out. Ufe. At an aviation meet a (spectator ap. proached a policeman anil Inquired ex citedly, while lie pointed ut un aeroplane far. far up in the air; "Say, this Is tlie altitude prize they're trying for now, Isn't It?" The policeman looked at him scornfully. "Altitude hell!" he replied. "It's th height prize!" New York Time. JUST FOR A CHANGE. How often are we puzzled By Christinas thoughts like these. "What shall 1 (five to Rubertt What to my friend, Louise? What shall I give to father.. And what to mother, sweet. These questions so perplex HIS 1 I cannot Bleep or eat." Well, here's a scheme worth trying, Just plan your gifts this way; In making or In buying. Be as careful as you may, But make the figures tally. If to meet you'd have both ends Make the number of your girts the sama As the number of your friends. Then wrap the gifts In tissue. With ribbon tag and seal. And go away and forgf t 'em. Take a walk or eat a meal. When you return take out your list And at random there address 'em; Don't feel at the shape of the packages Or try to guess 'em. ' When father gets hla kenslngton bag, And ma some good cigars; When brother gets his necklaoft And aunt toy trolley cars; When sister gets a shaving mug, And uncle a pretty barette; You'll have the Jolliest Christmas You ever had, I bet. Omaha. RAYROU, NB TREMV To Peacock's For Holiday Gifts There are a great many people in this part of ther country and, indeed through out the world, wno when they think of purchasing any article of jewelry or 6ilver or gold ware, think of Peacock's at the same moment. And this is the re sult of these seventy three years of giving real values, selling ar ticles of jewelry at moderate prices, suggesting gifts that have been treasured for years for their superior excellence. Whether or not you desire a silver purse, a bon-bon dish, a lorgnette, a diamond olitairc, you'll be surprised at our moderate price. Peacock'sShopping Guide, showing our full line,' is a very attractive book published by us expressly for our out-of-town customerSv We will be pleased to send you a copy free on request. Write us today. Prtoock't Rojnl Silver Pollnk h (or ula la rour city iic. Sue sod 7ci pkckifa C. D. Peacock Importers, Diamond Mirchula, Jewalera, SilYararorlha Stat at Adams t . Chicago "