10 TIIE BEE: OMAnA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1910. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Liverpool Cable, Light Receipt! aad Kansas Kicks Boost Wheat CORN DEMAND IS QUITE WEAK rrln by Few Shorts Only Artlvlty Cash Xllailloa Imprf 1'nder Ktadr Haylna Follow For- elsrn t'ptorn. OMAHA. Dec. 1, 1910. Hotter (on to the IJverpool cables, many complaint from Kansas on lark of mois ture for the winter wheat and continued light receipt gave wheat markets furtner Mrength and prices ruled higher with only iii'Ki. rulo trado. , . Corn receipts are very IlKht, but demand Is poor, dullness characterises the market Villi the exception of shorts covering there a very little action today. , l'riinary whest receipt were 80H.OOO bu. and shipments were 4,.6.il0 bu., aKalnat re-ci-ipiM lust year of 8O6.OU0 bu. and shipments Of !",tfi bU. . Primary corn receipts were 649.000 bu. ana shipments were K7,0U0 bu., against receipts last year ot 4M.OU0 btt, and shipments of 14.000 bll. . Clearances were 8,008 bu of corn, 4.0OI1 i bu. of (ml a and wheat and flour equal to l'JS.ooo bu. . . Liverpool closed to Id higher on wheat an'1 to trl higher on corn. 4'ah wheat advanced aeain today, offer Inns being absorbed readily at Walc over ypeterdsy. Support u generally by strong bonnes following the foreign upturn and netvi from tha aouth continue to be bullish. Corn ruled strong and higher with wheat and llsht rwelpta. Cash offerings were llKht and aborts bid the market up. Out side trade la dull and, larking any feature, the market was without much action, framplea were Vu0 higher. Omaha Caah rrlcea. WHEAT No. 2 bard. SHHilfcc; No. 3 hard. ftV4ai No. 4 hard. kalc; rejected hard, I.hiHc; No. 2 spring, KlftMc; No. aprlng, IViiUlu. -,,.- CORN No. I white, 4A&43c; new, SS' 4Vc; No. J white, 4i4Z'c: new, 39'(toc; No 4 white, 414Hc; new. 3!&.19Vtc; No. 2 yellow, 4ZV43o; new. 4O'041V-'; No. I yel low, tl'Vfr&fcc; new. 40,11i4l'c; No. 4 yellow, 4l'i442',c; new, 3!4ti S-c ; No. 8, 424i4Se; new. a:i'u'';: No. 3, V-GAZc; new. SkVj'cjl 4"'ic; No 4. 41M:'q42c; nw, avivc; no grade, 3Vtf40c; new, Wq.fl'ic. OATS No. 2 white, SO'VflHlc; standard, S"Vu;iic: iso. 3 white. 'Ho:Hr: No. 4 white, 2:iVu-J-c; No. 3 yellow, 13V4'tf llMAc.; NO 4 yellow, aWVlc. HARLKV-No 8. 70i(71e; No. 4. 6:ig7c; No. 1 feed, tjoyttc; rejected, Waffc. It YK No. 2. J4'tr74',c; No. 8, 7&tt3MiC. f arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 12 249 Ul Minneapolis lt8 t'msha It 1" 1"? 3uluth 100 If-.tUO UHAI1V AS11 PROVISIONS Features ot lb Tradlne; and Closing Prices on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dee 1. Sensationally bullish figures on the condition of winter wheat In Oklahoma decided the course of today's market. The close was strong at a net Advance of Valine. Other leading staples, too, finished higher than last night corn up 'H'ii'iic to l'ulVtiO. oats a shade to c and provisions l'u Yiyc. The Oklahoma official state report gave the condition of the new sown grain as 33.6 per cent against D3 a year ago and 91 at harvest this year. Before this Information was received fluctuations had been un certain. May showing a heavy tone, but 'ecemher and July being -elatively firm. The weakness early resulted In the main from an Increased esttnate of the Argen tina export surplus. Then It was reported that water was being hauled by Kansas farmers because of excessively dry weather. The influence of this, however, had about worn off when the news cume regarding the extraordinary effect of the drouth in Oklahoma. A sharp advance ensued and latest sales were vir tually at thv highest point of the session. During the day the fluctuations for May inn from ic to 7'4o, with the close o up t 07'(i3!r7fcC. FxtciiHlve cribbing operations by farm ers and total absence of deliveries here caused recent large sellers of corn to turn buyers. May ranged from 47c to 470, cloning steady at the last named figures, a net rise of ifc&'MtC. December gained l'o. Cash corn was firm. No. 2 yellow finished at KKiWiHa. There were deliveries of 31W.000 bushels of outs. Shorts were forced to buy on a rising market. May varied between and 34Ivo and closed 'Vu.'.c up at 34V334Hc Dimber made a net gain of ic. Provisions advanced largely on purchases by visiting stockmen and one of the larger western imckers. At the end of the day pork waa l.VblTttc higher, lard up 7MiO and ribs more expensive by 10U'12ttc i.Mt.i..tr ruiureM ranged bji follows: Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I n o... May.. July.. Corn Dec... .May.. July.. UlltS I IPC. . . May.. Julv.. I'urk .lull... .May., l.nrd .Ian... .May.. Ribs .Ian... May.. IKVu 91',) , y:i',' y.- 4T1 90 1 91 HI SWi 9rt 97M1il,196Vrt"4 WSl i4' 93T 4444SHt?-!Si! 44tJ 47S 4747HW4 TiUsiim 47', 47,.7l 41 48 4SV 4 m4 S3 Si '4 S4'4 34 IT 32H 1$ 5o 9 80 9 fi24 9 20 9 00 84 W 84S4WHI M' 3iS 34i''4i WWU . IT 40-f0 17 CO 1U Rl-Kol 16 75 17 30 IS 65 17 47H 16 70 9 &" I tiil 9 90 70 9 R2H1 9 87V4 70 9 S2H 0 10 t 30 S 10 9 S5 9 10 9 9 02 i. ; FLUllt Steady; winter patents. $4.10g 4 strniphts. $3.S.Vn4.40; spring straights, $i :'i4.tiO; bakers. $.l.a0'.80. HVK-Xo. 2. MiU.,fi sic. 11ARLEY Feed or mixing, 6568c; fair to eh. ill e malting. 7Bii Kiu. SEElt llax. No. 1 southwestern, $2,434; No. 1 northwestern, $2.iii. Timothy, $9.Si. Clover. 114. ;w. , PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.23 (iiU.M. l.ard, per Km lbs., $i.S7M,. Short ribs, sides (loose). !i.(Hku9.S7; short clear sides tlmxed), JH.SxKiiyJo. Total clearances of wheat and flour were enUHl to 193.000 bu. l'riinary receipts were iktf.uoO bu., compared with W6.i0 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. l'timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 cars; corn, 2ij cars; oats, )Hi cars; hogs, 24.IM) head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. I red, W-(iu'2 c; No. 3 red, ul'u!'-c; No. I hard, litj'.MV; No. 3 hard, UI'kS.Ic; No. 1 north ern spring, $1.06fcl.o7; No. 2 northern spring, $1 (4"i l.l; No. 3 spring. $1.02ul.tu. Corn, No. 2. 4V'. No. 3, 47M4.ie; No. 1 wliite, 41c; No. 3 wliite. 4T'y4sc; No. 2 yellow, iC'fi iVJ'vc: No. 3 yellow, 61f.2c. Oats, No. 2. ol'TU'M'-tc; No. 3 white, UtAc; No. 4 vnitu. ;I2Vi'i(33c; standard, S.i',4 (i .He. in T'i'EK Easy; creamery, iiu2uc; dairy, Li 'I 27c. EiiGiJ Steady; receipts, I OoS cases; at inaik, cases included, lVtU 'u; firaut, 30c; p'ime flrMls, $2c. CHEESE bieady; daisies. 15Q1hr; 1a:ns, l4.inc; young Atunrlcas, lfc'y l.'.'tc; long hurna. liWwIRWc- iH)TATtiF.S steady: choice to fancy, 46 Sile: fair lo good, 3iyt3c. rorI.'1'R Y Firm; turkeys, alive, 16c; di 'ed. Juc; -fowls, alive, luc. springs, ulive, loc. VEAL Stoady; 60 to 60 lb. wts., ftrlOc; t) to w-lb. . wts.. Halite; 84 to 110-lb. tM.. 12c. Chicago Receipts Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 249 cars; oats. Lil cars. Estimated tomor row: Wheat, 13 cars; corn. 21u c4U-s; oats, 4'i vara. , Kuoaaa i'llr tirala aal Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Leo. 1. W II KAT lie cember, !WS'llo. bid; May, DoVaviSe, sell ers; July, Hl's!. bid; c.'.eh. unciiantied; No. 2 hard. W-iiasc; No. S, vg&c; No. 2 red. iti. u't'."-'. No. 3. KnisJc. i'iiKN-Iwceinbur, 4or, bid: May. 4ic, bid; July, 4;LIc, bid; cash, unchanged la i lower; No. 3 mixed. 4.'ii47c; No. 3. (, 4.:c: No. 3 white, 43'?'u4ii-; No. s. 4JSc OATS I'm-hantred: No. 1 white, 3UuJ4c; No 3 nil xea. oi HY K "No. 2, 70'iT4c. HAY rudianked; choice timothy, $l4.0OJ 11 ;: choice prairie, 1 11' 00. hl'TTKK Creamery, ate; flrats, Soo; seo oihIh, iW; packiuii atok, loc. KoG.S- txtia, iJc; firata. 90o; secondb, Sit-. Receipts. 8hlpinent . Wheat, bu 7J iJ 7'") 4'orn. bu 34.tJU 14("J Oats, bu 10. 000 if) I'orta arket, 1'KOHIA. Irc. 1. CO UN Higher: nw No. 3 yellow. 4"Sc; new No. 3, 44c; urw No. 4. t-1..'1: samiHe, new. SAic. HATS unlet; N. 3 wliite, SL"C No. 3 White. 31c. Vavdstaffa la Llverneul. IiXIkiN, Dec. 1 Tha following are the BltMjet tti BxreaiiatuXXa uil ttrttviuoua In l.overpool: Flour. ZlOnO sacks; wheat. 2. H0) centals; corn. 4T.'C centals; baron, h Ito boxes; hams, 1.7' boxes; shoulders, & brxee; butter. B.ocni cwts; cheese, kh.ioi boxe, lard. tierces, prime western atenm and W0 tons of other kinds. NEW YORK .!-: KH A L MARKET ttoolatlone of the liar on Vnrtooe t'mmodltlrs. NEW YORK, lec. 1 FUJI-'R Steady ; spring patents. 85.lfxfi6.10; winter straight, UiKri4.2.i; winter patents. 14 404.75; spring clears. 84 11U4 40; w inter extras No. 1, $3.M 3 711, winter extras No. 2. 8ifa3 40; Kansas straights. 4fu4.75; choice to fancy, 4. 4.4.",. liurkwheat flour, dull; per Io0 lbs. COTINMEAI Steady; fine white and yel low, f I. l.'Miy l.i'l; coarse, ll.li 1.1S; kiln dried, WHKAT Ppot market firm; No. I red. Vc, elevator, and 9ic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duliith. Il.lS1, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was firmer on cables, taking of delivery by mills and buy ing by comminlon houses on the Oklahoma slate report, closing c to mo net higher, liecember closed at y7c, May at ILIK and July at tl.OITfc. CORN fr-pot market firm; No. t new, f. o. b. to arrive. Futures market waa firmer on covering and higher caah markets, closing unchanged to lo net hluher. rerernber closed at 6&i,c bid and May at 5fic. bid. OATS Spot market firm; standard white, Sho; No. 2, 3:'c; No. 3. 3,c; No. 4. 87,o. Futures market waa without transactions, closing at 13 to a net higher. Uecember closed at 'Lc. May at 4i"o and July at ,c, all bid. HAY-Steady; prime, I1.12V4 No. 1. 11.10; No 2. Jl Wji l.Oi; No. 3, MVuMC. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, lftio, l.Ky2.-; iJi, lolac; I'aciric coast, 1910, lVaISc; lmw. lot14o. HIDES Steady; Central America, 21?ic; Bogota, ynXIc. LKATHEH Firm ; hemlock flrata. 23V( 25c; seconds, WiVu23c; thirds, luajc; re jects. Ih'ylic. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 119.00 ffilW.rst; family. 122.0024.00; short clears. 2).0iV('22.00. Beef, steady; meas, u.0J liM.tm; family, SlS.oOlH.oo; beef hams, J24.50 i27.00. Cut meats dull; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs., $14 Zwii 16.25; pickled hams. $13.00. Lard, firm; middle west, price, 10.lu(j'lo.2i; refined, unsettled; continent, $10 00- South America, $12.00; compound, $8.6OW00, TALJ-OV Quiet; prime city, hhds., 7Hs; country, 71(S'7'V40. iU'TTEK tiaay; creamery, third to first, 240 '2c. CHKF.SE Barely steady; sklma, 2g1o. KUUd Firm; fresh gatliered, extra first, ST'U.i'.ic; fresh gathered, first. Ulftttic; fresh giiiiiered, seconds, 2ru32c; refrigerator, sie clal marks, fancy, in local storage, 2j'z't jHc; refrigerator, special marks, first, 21 fci.'.w. refrigerator, special marks, seconds, ZiAl 24c. PO ULTRY Alive, quiet: western chick ens, HVuluVxc; fowls, 12i l.Tc; turkeys, 12T4 Hh'. UicBsed, easy; western chickens, ly lt;i,c; western fowls, 12'sjlic; weHtern tur keys, lti'a'22c. WEATHER IN TUB GRAIX DELT Contlnned Fair, with Rising; Tempera ture for Friday. OMAHA. Dae. 1, 1310. Unseasonably low temperatures prevail everywhere east of the Rocky mountains. They are well below zero In the upper Mis sissippi and upper Missouri valleys and freezing weather extends south to Texas and nearly to the gulf in the southern slates. A temperature of only 2 degrees above freezing was recorded at Jackson ville, Fla. 'ihe lowest temperature at Omaha this morning was 10 degrees aDova sero. The disturbance on the upper At lantic coast Is stil causing unsettled con ditions in the lake region, the upper Onlo valley and eastern states, and ligut snows are reported this morning in those sec tions. An area of hign pressure continues over the central portion and the weatner Is generally fair west of the Mississippi river and it will continue fair in this vicinity tonight and Friday, with rising temperature Friday. Temperature ai.c precipitation at Omaha for the last twenty-lour hours, compared with the name period of the three preced ing years: 1310. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature... 11 43 10 7 Precipitation 00 .2 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 32 degrees. Deticiency in precipitation since March 1, H 4i inches. Excess corresponding period In 1909, $.41 Inches. Deticiency corresponding period In 1908, 3.93 inches. D. A. WELSH. Local forecaster. ft. Loala General Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 1, WHEAT Futures, higher; December, 92Vu92o; May, 9hV4e; casn, higher; track, No. 2 red, incase; no. 3 iiard. wsncfl.oi. (JOHN Higher; December, 44V4c; May, 4ic; cash, higher; track, No. 2, 4iio; No. 2 White, 4oii4ac OATS Firm; December, 81c; May, 83sc; cash, higher; track. No. 2, 32ti33cj No. 2 white, 34tc ' it YE Firm at 80V4c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. $4.4VQ 4.to, extia lancy and aira.ghls, $3.504.30; hard winter clears, $3.;j J.wo. MEKD8 Timotny, $6.5ya.25. CORN MEAL 2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1,003 $i.w. HAY Strong; timothy, $15.0019.60: prai rie, $12.0iKu 15.00. PROVISION-Pork higher; Jobbing, $17.60. Laid higher; prime steam, t.t.fv 9.76. Dry salt meats higher; boxed extra shorts, 10'4c; clear ribs. 10Hc; short clears, 10'jc. Bacon higher; boxed extra shorts, lllic; cleur ribs, llvac; short clears, llc. 1'OL'L'iRY Steudy; chickens, 9V4c; springs, loc; turkeys, 17c; ducks, lc; geese, 9c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2M0c. EUGS Higher at 2Sc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bb!s 4.700 ,,900 Wheat, bu 35.000 49.0U0 Corn, bu 29,(HM 31.000 Oats, bu 31,tHJ0 W.OUO Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 1. WHEAT De cember, 1.02V 1.024; May, $1.0ti',. Cash, No. 1 hard, Il.oti; No. 1 northern, fl-UnVC 1.0S: No. 2 northern, $1.01iAtil.O4i4; No. 3, ILtWa-l.ttttf. FLA X Closed at $2.E3'4. CORN No. 3 yellow, 46"4fi46c. OATS No. 3 white. 30V31Hc. RYE No. 2. 74V(i47o'4c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $20 .Oofi 20.60. FLOUR First patents, $4.K6(it&.8u; second patents, $4.7;,(ii..2fi; first clears, $3.30443.(i6; second clears, $2.2.'(i3 2.ho. I.I er pool lirata llarliet. UVERPOOU Dec. l.-WH EAT-Spot, strong;; No. i red western winter, 7a 3d. Futures, firm. December, SsllHl; March 78(1: May. 7sllMiU. CORN gpot. firm; American mixed, Es February, 4s 3',id. 4d. Futures, steady; January, 4s 6d, Oklahoma Wheat In Poor t'endltloa, Ql'THRIK, Okl., Dec. 1. The condition of winter wheat Is only 38.6 as against D3.T a year ago, according to a crop bulletin of the. State Hoard of Agriculture lasued to day, the aty rail is given as the cause. Mtlvraake Grain Market. MII.WAUKKB, Dec. 1. FLOUR-Dull. WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 1.0tV(j l.Oti; No, I northern, fl.04iril.ur,; May, 87'4c OATS standard. 34c. KARL.RY 8amilea, 73S0tc. Cotton Market. NBW YORK, Deo. l.-COTTON Cloaed Quiet, 10 polnta advance; middling uplands, 13.15c; nadailng gulf, 15.4tX;; sales, luy.mx) bales. Futures closed steady. Closing bids: I'ecember, 14 h0c; January, 14.8uc; February, 14 Klc; March. 16 04c; April. 15.10c; May, lf)21e; June. lE.17c; July, 1517c; August. 14 Sic; October, 13 310. H'?- lA)ns. Dec. l.-COTTON'-Qiilet: rnlddllng. 15'c. 8ules, none; receipts, B 325 la es; shipments, ti.325 bales; stock, 16 Mi bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by lxgan A Bryan, members New York I otton etchings tli South tlx teen 1 6 street, Omaha: Month I Ulgh. Open. tw. Close. Yea'y. 1 14 TO I 14 77 14S( 14 7S Jan. ... 14 70 14 S5 4- 14 70 14 W 14 73 May .... 15 13 15 27 15 13 15 21 15 Its Mar. ... 14 H7 15 It) 14 7 15 10 14 W July ... luU 15 23 u, OS 15 17 15 13 Dry (iooda Market. NKW YORK. Iev. 1.-DRV tX)ODS Fair calea of gr cotton goocU ar reported on a l.a!s of Jto per iwuii.l f..r lightweight eheeiinna ami 27c pr pound for nariow li:lit I'oiistriicllon print cl.it hs. Jobbers ap pear to have more omfl.l. nce In the main tenance of iH-ics Can th.-y had two weeka ao. Silka are beinir sold well and the larce mills have considerable bUMlnees ahead, l.inlligs are quiet. Onaaaa line Vsrkft, OMAHA. Dec 1-HAY-No. 1 upland. fl2. No. 1 upland, fll; So. 1 coarse f o No 3 coarse. j; pa-k ng. 7. Alfalfa fit buawi Wheal, io-uo; rya, tioU. oats, fj.j5 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Subjected to Another Over Hauling and Prices Fall. URGENT LIQUIDATION SUGGESTED Keel Ins; of Peaalmlam Orerrldea De rision to MalataJa Stoel Prleea an 4 Redaetloa of Basic of Faalaad Dtaeooat. NEW TORK, Deo. 1 The stock market waa subjected to anothe. overhauling to day in, the process ot wnich prices again fell with some precipitation. The move ment at times was, strongly suggestive of urgent liquidation, to which the extensive selling of the short Interest gave added Impetus. On the surface much ot the day's news was tavorable. The decision of the steel Interests to maintain prices despite the increasing dull ness in the trade and the reduction of tne Bank of England's discount rate, which came as a surprise, should under ordinary conditions have proved helpful to the bull account, but the feeling of pessimism, which manifested Itself on Monday follow ing J. J. Hid s Interview, seems to have taken strung hold in speculative quarters. Ihe weakness of the Gould Issues was one of the most notable features of the stock market. iJenver & Rio Urande pre ferred waa at one time 6H points below the previous day's closing price. Other stocks controlled by the same Interests were cor respondingly heavy. In the final trading-, however, Denver & Rio Urande preferred recovered all Its early loss on announcement of the regular divi dend, and the balance of the list, which made Its loweVt prices In the last hour, closed with fractional reooverles. The Bank of England's total reserves de creased during the week by about 200 000 pounds sterling, and Its proportion to lia bilities fell over 1 per cent. London was reprrled to h've Purchased here from 1,(K,0 to 16.000 shares on balance. The bond market was easy. Total sale par value. $1,837,000. United States fovernment bonds wera un changed. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: airs Rich. Lav. Clem, Alll-11ialnra pM , Amalgamated Cowr Ameriran Aurtmlmral ... Am. Bt Bugar American Can Anrlcan C. A F. Amoiiran Cotton Oil American H. A U pfd... Am. Ice 8rurltli , Amaiiran Llnawd American Locomotive ... An:erlcan 8. ft R. . Am. g. S R. pfd Am. RtMl Foundries Am. Ruar Kerin.. ei-OW Anierieeii T. A T American, Tobacco pfd.!!!' AmeHcan Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atohlaon Atchison pfd !."!."!! Ailanilc Coaat Line....."! Baltimore A Ohio n us 4314 SSV, 61 1 It v 4314 85', M (1 4H 4SH 1014 S 21 17H US 64 1S i tone l.iuo I, i0 300 l"0 IK) 7D0 17t US 7 764 1T US it A 14 17,01 il) 0 10H 104 300 4K 44 St 44 l.WK) 1144 US' H.lUj ,f0 14014 140 m?4 SS "1 S3 :u SOD 40 34 l,0OO 100S t loos S"0 1H4 10H4 lot iOO llfi 1131,4 11314 1.600 Jos I Bethlehem Steel .Brooklyn Rapid Tr u"v ai4 roil gnu. 4.200 7614 anaaian Pacific Central Leathrr Central Leather pfd Central of New Jenuy.. ChenapeaJie A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago Q. w., new C. O. W. pfd nhicego A N. W C. M. A 8t. P ... C C. C. A St. L Colorado F. A 1 i.'olcirado A Bouthera.'..!'. Conaolldated Gas Corn Products !! Delaware A Hudson'.' Dener A Rio Urande..., D. A R. G. pfd Dletillera' Securities i,ai i3 ICS 106 20 0(4 40 21 41 14K 110 4 67 V4 W.OOO tin TH o 100 12 44 '4 4H Q0 144U 144 U.S00 122 110 iio "n 'soii 1,800 m4 lsos 131 14 600 16 l.nt 16U S00 Ml lm 1KIH T.M0 2f4 MS US lkS 44 S 27 69 3IS 17 444 16 10.8)0 K) 1,400 too 69 S1V4 714 4& rjrie Brla 1st pfd !!!"" Erie M pfd " General Bieotrie Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfe. .. Illinois Central lnterborough Met Int. Met. pfd !. International Harvester .. Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanraa City Bo K. l Bo. pfd '.. Irlede Oa, x-dlT IxulTl!la A N Minn. A Bt. Loula M.. Be P. A 8. 8. M M., K. A T... M.. K. A T pti Mlaaourl Paolflo National Blacult National Lead N It. R. of M. 3d pfd New York Central N. v.. O. A W Norfolk A Wertarn North American Northern Paclfio Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C C. A Bt. L Pittsburg Coal Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car l.'XO 166 IMS IM Mw 121 iiu urn 0 57 MV4 b 400 130 lm 121 1.600 M 61 6i 1,600 10 IDS 10R 144 900 l.buO ms 43-Si 'iovi 12 12S 41S 42S .... S )S 200 loo l.kOO IMS 104 U 10414 1.60U 141S 140 140 i.iio iios iis is 6t us us us us 41 44 S 4S 110 64 800 66S 14 1.100 l:,7i J5U1 S5S 14.200 IIIX4 loti lloi l.sno 41 40S 40S 00 97 S 7 8S 800 04 en so- 1.800 1I4H 113 H2 l.v S3 72 8114 4,800 12 1,0 1U5S lot KM V4 100 86 804 400 US S0 17 80S 12 Kallwar steel Spring.... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Inland Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. Id pfd... St. Louti 8. W St. L. S. W pfd Slnm-Hhefflt-ld 8. A I.... Pouthem Pacific Southern Rallwnr Po. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific T., 8t. L. A W... T.. Bt. L. AW., pfd... 1'nion Pacific, ex-dlv.... t'nlon Pacific pfd t'nlted States Realty United States Rubber.... t a. Steel, sx-dlT V. S. Steel pfd t'tah Copper Va.-Carollna Chemical . Wahaeh Wsbaso pfd .Western Maryland Wentlnsjhoune Electric . Western Union too 82 .118. 7011 UV 145S 1464 l.wv a; 31V4 81 400 9n s 6.1S 89 S 4S eo 4S H S 89 4S 67 84S M.OOO 1(10 SO 108 800 80 TO 2S tlO 48 100 4S 48 S 11.KI0 114 nts ii2'4 1,700 2t"t 24 700 1.C04 1000 100 to MS 23 6 .1S 14 13 68 36 it ws .11S.600 171 100 I2S 88S 70 US 74 11S 46 S ns 1S us 46 47 S 70S 4S 17 700 CIS 76 S srs 7JS in 4f. "S lf 12s 46S 17 70S ..3M.700 1 l"0 117 0.3O0 4H 1S 1S MS 4SS 7S 70S 1,100 3,0 600 1,0IO too Wheeling A L. E Lehtun Valley Offered. 100 4S 4S .. 15.700 181S 178 Total sales for tha day. 171. 400 ah area London Stock 3Iar7et, LONDON, Deo. 1. American securities opened about unchanged and later Im proved on the reduction In the Rank of Kngland's rate of discount. At noon the market was steady and from Va to 1!4 above yesterday's New York closing. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money.. 76 1S-H Louisville A N......144 do account ov at,, k. a T Ji Amal. Copper WH N. T. Central 114 Anaconda ' Norfolk A W llVt Atchison 102 do pfd 80 do pfd 104 Ontario A W 4; Baltimore A Ohio... Ml PermaylTanla 6' Canadian Partrto ...174 Rand Mlnea IS Chos. A Ohio 83 Reading 75S thlc.ro o. w as 80. Railway ti, C. M. A Bt. P 1X4 do ptd 1 lie Beers 17S BoutJiern Paolflo ...11S Denver A R. Q Vnloo Pacific 176!, do ptd II do pfd V, ?S . 8. Steel 7 do 1st pfd 4 do pfd 111-4 o d P'u 57 Wataah l 4 Grand Tr.mk ssta de pfd 34s Illinois Central 131 Spanish 4a 80 SIL-VF.R Har, steady at 25d per ounce. MoN B Y 4'b4'4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for abort bills Is 4 per ceut; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. New York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Ivoiran A Bryan, members New York Block exchange. 31ft bouth Hixteentlt street, Omaha: Adventure 7 Michigan t Arisona Com H'4 Miami iv Alloues 4oa Motitwk 4S Atlantic 644 Nlplsslng it Cal. A Arlnina 63 North butte S.iss Cal. A Hocla 64 Oeoeola jy; Centennial II Old Dominion 40 Copper Hangs esV. Uulncy J, lialy-We.- j'4 Hay Con ij't fcast Butte lm Slxannon 114i llret National 1 Superior Copper .... 41 llumirk JIH Superior A B 7 Helvetia i'i Tamarack 67 Indiana 1' V. b. 8. A R. Co... uu lsle-Koyala 18 do pfd tt Keewecliaw It Vtak Con 17 u Lake roppsr last Wolverine Its ! Sells S Yutnn Gold 3 alestaut.usette t',i buston A Kly H, Hank of Caglasd Statement. LONIHIN, Iec. 1. The weekly statement of the Hank of England shows the follow ing changes: . Increased. Tolal rererve ffl O11O Circulation 242 Out) Bullion 4. 44.1 other securities 91-1. uiO Other deposits imi Pulillc dvpoalts 1M ihu Notes, reserve 125,000 iovernment sedulities unchanged. I ev reaped. Hank of r'rane aiateaaeat. PARIS. Dec. 1. The weekly statement of the Hank of France shows the following .hana.es: Notes In circulation. Increased 1,17 :,..YtiO francs- treasury deposits, de creased 11,6.4' ftsj franca: general deposits. decreased, 44 3.0 oon francs, gold In hand, jilvcieaaed 8,b2i,uxi fianuaj silver la Land, -d1 J?,:" . creased 1.&M.WM franca. Nee srk Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 1. MONET-On call. ay, 2Vu2vi per cent, ruling rate, :S per cent; closing bid, 2-S per cent; offered at per cenu Time Toane, dull and weak; sixty daya and ninety day a. 4 per cent; six mxuih. 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAFER & to 6V, per cent. SIKKI.INO F1XCHANOK Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at t' M-iitj 4 k2o for sixty-day bins and at Hw fir aettiand; commercial bills, $4.81Su-4ea, SllAKR-Har, boc; Mexican clonals. 4Ac. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. closing quotations on bonds were as follow s: V. s. ref. at. reg....OM Int. M. M. 4Ss 44. snapesi H4 Japan 4s lok V. t. M. ra I'" io 4i r4 do coupon V1 K. (J. So. 1st . V. B. 4a, reg 116 L. B. deb. is, 1W1.... K , do i-oupou 1U U A N. unl. 4e.... SI Allls-Chal. 1st la.... ' s M K. A T. 1st 4a.. tihi Am. Ag. sa lois do gen. 4te 85 Am. T. A T. ct. 4s. 104 Mo. Paotfle 4 I.S Am. Tobacco 4s..... i4( N. R. K. of M. 4Vs MS do s 1H N. T. C. JH IS Armoer A Co. 4Hs.. 1S do deb. 4s i Atchison gen. 4B W4) N. T.. N. H. A H. do ct, 4a 104 ot. s 13' do ct, 6s lug N. A W. 1st a. 4s.. twH A c. U tot 4s... to ct. 4s Ill's Bal. A Ohio 4a S, No. Pacific 4a WK, do a 82 do at 70', do B. W. 8Hs 80 O. B U rfdg. 4s 82 Brook. Tr. ct. 4s..... fc4 Penn. ct. 8w 1816.,. fK C of Ga. ta lwt do eon. 4a 102 Oen. Leather 6a Reading gen. 4s W C of N. J. . 6s... 112 OS. L, A B. F. fg 4a 1 Cliss. A Ohio 4Ss. .101 do gen- 16 , do ref. 6a 84'4j 8. U B. W. a. 4a... 76 Uilcago A A, Itsa.. do 1st gold 4a 8S C. B. A y. J. 4s..... 861a A. U 4a 7 do gen. 4e 87 Bo. Pas, col. 4a. 8 C M. A B P. B lU 81 do ST. 4s. 06 C R. I. A P. e. 4a. 71 do 1st ret. 4s &T do rfg. 4s 891s Bo. Railway ta Ms Ctelo. lnd. (a 771, do gen. 4s 76S Colo. Mid. 4s. 68 t'Dloa Psclflc 4s 101 C. A 8. r. A a. 4Sa. 87 do sr. 4a 103i D. A H. av. 4a 8 do 1st A ref. 4a.... M do ref. 6s 80 V. B. Rubber as 101 Distillers' Ha 774 V. 8. Steel M 6s....luSVi Kris p. 1. at US4 Va,-car. Chem. 6a... 8-t do gen. 4s 74 Wab.sh 1st 6s 10 do or. 4a, ser. A... ts do 1st A sx. 4a 43 do aeries B , Western Mo. 4a 8i:-i Oen. Bloc. ct. Is 14! West. Eleo. or. as... lit 111. On. 1st rat. 4s87twls. Csotral 4a..... I24 Int. Met. 4te 784 Mo. Pec ct. 6a. 82 Bid. nillered. Loral Securities. Quotations furnished by Burns, Erinker Sc. Co., 44 New Omaha National Bank build. ng: Bid. Asked. Alma, Neb., municipal la. 100 City of Omaha 6s. I Ml 101.81 io2 City of Omaha 4a 1824 IMS l'' City National bank Bldg. ts, 1120 100 Cudahy lacking Co. 6s, 1831 WS 8 Columbus, Neb.. K. L 6a, 1824 tl ri Denver G. A B. as, 184 81 83 Si Fairmont Creamery 1st g. I per cent 89 loo Hardy, Neh. (municipal) 88 100 Hydraulic pressed Brick Bid 80 85 Iowa Portland Csment 1st e II loo Interborouah Rapid Tr., 1961 102 ltr: Metropolitan Bt. Ky. Co. as, Utl i 68 Minneapolis O. L. Is. 1110 61 88 , Nebraska Telephone Co 101 Uj vmens TTBi.r ee, Ava. ............ ee ses Omaha Bt. lty. 6s, U14 68 luiS Omshs A C. B. Bu Ry. la, 182S 67 91 Omaha A C. B. Bt. Hy. pfd 6 per ot 81 64 Omaha A C. El. Bt Ry., com 'le Packers Natl. Dank slock. So. Omaha. .. .. IM St. Paul Uas Co. gsn. 6s, 1834 68 88 Bt. Louis Brewing Ass'n. Is. 1114 16 84 Union Stock Herds stock, ex-dlT 86 84 Ronton BOSTON, Deo. stocks were as Alloues Amal. Copper A. Z. L. A B Arizona Com AtlanUo B. A C. C. A 8. M Butte Coalition .... Cal. A Arisona..... Cel. A Hecla. Centennial Copper Range C. O. East Butte C. M... Franklin Oiroux Con , Oranby Con. Greene Caaanea ... Isle Hoyslo Copper. Kerr Lake lake Copper La Salle Copper..., Miami Copper Bid. Aakod. Mlntnac Atocks. 1. Closing quotations on follows: .. 40 Mohawk 46 ,. 64kt Nevada Con W .. 8t Nlplsslng Mines .... 10 . 14S North Butte 10 .. North Lake 644 . IS" j Ola Dominion 40 .. 174 'Osceola 127 .. 61 Parrot t B. A 0 11 .64.1 - lulncy 74 S ,. IS Shsnnoa lis .. 67S Superior 41 "4 .4 IIS Superior A B. M.... S ,. 10 Superior A P. O lata .. ITs Tamarack 60 ,. 40 U. B. S. R. A II.... 83 S .. 7 do pfd 44 S ,. 18V, f lah Con Ru ,. 6S I'tah Copper Co 45 atf4 winona svg 7S Wolverine vat 1S New York Mralnaj Bloekau NEW YORK, Dec 1. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alloa too Llttle Chief 10 Com. Tunnel at 00k., 80 Mexican 70 do bonds It Ontario ioi Con. Cat. A Va 70 Ophlr 100 Horn Silver .... J,... 80 Stands 46 Iron Bllrer -.Kellow jDokat 21 LesilTilla Con. Ottered. 'lo " Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Doc. 1. Omaha bank clearings for today were $2,461,450.08 and for the cor responding date last year f2,t39,741.S8. OMAHA WHOLES A LB PRICKS. BUTTER Creamery, No. 2, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 32c; No. S. In 30-lb. tubs, Bio; No. 1 In 1-lb. cartons, 80o; packing btock, solid pack, 200; dairy. In 60-lb. tubs, 234,24c Market ohangea every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 1617ViC; young Amer icas, lite; daisies, 18c; triplets, lhc; llin burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, lSVsc; Imported Swiss, 82o ; domestic Swiss, 24c, Block owlss. aoc POULTRY Dressed broilers, under S lbs., $6.00 dos.; over 2 lbs., 14o; hens, 13Vsill6o; cocks, 1014c; ducks, 17c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dox., fl.2o; homer squabs, per doz., $4.00; fancy squabs, per dos., fil.oO; No. 1 per dox., 3.00. Alive, broilers, Uha; over 2 lbs., bc; hens, loc; old roosters, 7o; old ducks, full feathered, loo; geese, full feathered. He; turke.vj, Italic; guinea fowls, 26o each; pigeons, pur dos., tuc; homers, per dos., fxuu; squabs. No. 1. per dos.. fl.bO; No. H, per dox.. 600. FISH tall froxem Pickerel, Ho; white. He; pike. 14a; trout, 14c; large crapples, 2oc; bpanish mackerel. Uc: eel. loo: na,i. dock, loc; flounders, Vic; green catfish, .00; 1 roe shad. ILtal eanh: h I . ... 1 66c; trog legs, per dos., 600; saluouUc; halibut. Uo. i.ciur' CUTS Rib: No. 1, 16c; No. I, 12'c; No. a, sc Ixln; No. 1, 17c; No. , itfsc; No. 8, KSi". Chuck: No. 1. 7o; No. t, -o; No. 8. 7o. Round: No. 1, c; No. I, 70; No. 8, Vo. i-iaie; No. 1. tc; No. i, a'o; NO. H, 4-440. FRUIT 0 Oranges: California navels, -124 sixes, per box, t2.,tu.txj; small sixes, per box, fioOjJ.,6; Floriua, all sixes, per box, fa.d0. L4unons: Luiel brand, extra fancy, ouo slxe, par box, fti.60; e0 Hlxe, per box, f6.O0; choice, Suo aixe, per box, fa.o0i H60 sixe, per oox, fb.vO; 240 aixe, Goo per uux less. Urape fruit: Florida, 4oo4-o4-eO sixes, per box, M 26'(J4 60. Bananas: Fanoy seiecU per buucu, ..4.2.60; Juinoo. per buiioa, $J7&ii:t.ii. Peara: California Winter Nellie, per box, f3.86. Appiea: Home-grown cooa liig, per bbl., f3.bot414.oO; MibbouiI Jonatnaii. per bbl., ft. 76; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., fXiO; Missouri VVlntnaps, per bbl., ft.26; Missouri Uauo, per bbl., f4.0o; otner varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New fork Green ing and Uaidwui, per bbl., H.&0; Colorado Jorathan, per box. fi.10; Waahingiun Giavensiein, per box, 11.60; Canrtuiua beiieflower, per box. 11. 00. Waaiiinsiou Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, Hs to 16 nixes, 1.26. Grapes: CalllornU Emiieror. per crate, fl.76; New Vork Ca taviba, per i-lb. bsk., 2oc; Malaga, 60144-04 lbs., grosM. per keg, f7.0(jO0. Crauberiies: Per box, $2.75; per bbl., $7.60; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl., fi.&O; Wisconsin Bell and. Bugle and Late Howe brands, per bbl., $400. Dates: Anchor brand, new, M) 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, f.26; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 7c. Flga: New Cali fornia. 13 12-os. pkgs., hoc, 3 12-os. pkgs., $2.40; 60 6-os. pkgs., $2.00; Turkish, 7-cruwu. pel lb., 16c; e-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crowu. per lb., 13a VEGETABLES Potatoea: Early Ohio, In sacks, per bu., tkh.; low a and Wisconsin, while stock, per bu., 764jS5c. Sweet pota toes: Virginia, per bbl., $2.60; Kansas, per bbl., $2.00. Onions: Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c, Inoiana. white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, fl.40. Garlic: Extra taLcy, white, per lb., loc; red, per lb., 16c Kgie plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., I2w). Celery: Michigan, per uos. bunches, ioo; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, 7uc Rutabagas: Per lb., lsC Cucumbers: Hot hot ae, l1 and i dos., per box., $2.00. Toma toes : California, per 4-buk. crate, $160. Cabbage: New, per lb., lijc. String and wax I cans. Per mkt. bhk., $1.50. Lettuce: Kxtra fancy leaf, per dox., 40c. l'arsiey: Faucv liome-gronn, per. d.ig. btinehes, 30O. Turnips: per mkt. bsk., c. Carrots: Per rrkt. bk., 40-. Heett,: Per mkt. bsk., fac MISCELLAMCot'S Walnut: illack, per lb., 2c. Hickoryiiuts: l-atte. per lb. 5c; mall, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts: Per sack, $5.60; per dox., 76c. Houty: New, 24 frames, $J. 75. Cider: New Tork Mott's, per 1-bbl., $J.7s; per bbl., $6.76. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. I. COFFEE Futures closed . firm at a net advance of 1 to 15 points. Sales, 64.260 bags. Closing bids: December and January, lOffo; February, lo"o; March, April and May. 10.57c: June, 10.56c; July, 10 51c; August. 10.4.V; Septem ber, 10.42c; October and November, loX'c fipot, firm; No. 7 Rio, UVc; No. 4 Santos, UUlS-fiO. Mild, firm; Cordova, liSijloc. Isgar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 1 Ht'GA R Ra w, quiet; Muscovado, 86 test, t 46c: centrifugal, 86 test. 3 K3c; mulaaaes sugar, ok tuat, 3.1jC, refined, steady. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET No material Change Noted in the Max ket for Cattle. HOGS TEN TO FIFIEEN CXNTS UP Fat Kfceesi anal l.arnha Lesa Aetlee, While Prleea Are) Aroiafl Ten Centa Lsnrr Ferdfrs Are Active and ttreag, SOUTH OMAHA. Pec. 1. 1910. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. Of lc at Monday 4.M6 2.8-7 13 $M Official Tuesdav J.SM 6.021 10.W4 Official Wednesday 4.4;.4 7.444 6.212 Estimated Thursday .... I.DM7 t 6.766 .4"0 Four days this week..1R.S4 2?.0i8 40 637 Bm days last week. .. .15,707 in.! 86.611 Same days 1 weeks ago.. 81.06 21.646 JWM iSsme days 3 weeks axo. .11621 11.170 6.0 Same days 4 weeks ago. .Sr?.3.i9 11.013 123.l Same days last year.... 19.647 13,362 21,026 The following ttnla shows the receipts ot eattli hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year 10 date as compared w,tn ias ."ear: nun iio" Inc. 1!U0. Deo. Cattle 1,141,603 1.037,6 103,965 Hogs 1,760.904 i.OOl.O'iO 341,016 Sreep 2.6611,5! 2.0S,4iH 830,101 The following table shows tha nverase prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates, j 1910. 1909. 1 1908. 1 11)07. 1 106. 1 1906. 11004. Nov. 23... Nov. 24... Nov. 26... Nov. 26... Nov. 27.. V2'l 7 891 f 87; 4 081 'J III 4 61 4 49 7 i 6 7 6 62 06 1 4 I 4 .2 00 I 6 021 4 671 77t4 I 4$ 4 63 e 4 49 4 42 8 04 8 04 4 07 6 M 4 26 ee Nov. 28.. I 6 67 8 12 6 68 07 4 72 6 041 00 4 92 Nov. HO Deo. 1.. 4 60 7 13 ' 8 C2 6 7 4 43 Sunday. Holiday. Receipts ana uisposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Oman-, for twenty-four hours ending it I p. m. yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C M. & 8t P 3 4 Wabash 12 2.. Missouri Paolflo. 6 7 .. Lnion Pacific 16 19 10 C. & N. W cast 11 6 10 C. & N. W., west 27 14 6 1 C St. P., M. & 0 26 4 10 C. H. & Q., east 3 6 1 C, H. A 4 , west 20 19 3 .. C, R. I. & P., east... 3 6 1.. C, R. 1. P.. west... 1 Illinois Central 1 1 .. 1 Chicago Gt. Western. .. .. 1 Total receipts 116 83 60 I DISPOSITION HEAD. Came. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co K7 8.14 96 Swift and Company 6t.8 7n5 I.606 Ctdahy Packing Co fc'-S 8,1 Armour & Co 637 1,266 6vi Cudahy. from St, l'aul 2.6 Slepnens llros 16 Hill &. Son 20G F. B. Lewis 22 .... " .... Huston & Co 70 J. U. Root & Co 78 J. H. Bulla 17 Ei. F. Husx 22 .... .... L. Wolf 40 H. F. Hamilton 23 M. Hagerty 26 Sullivan Bros 27 Rothschild & K 69 Smith & Polsley 26 .... .... Mo. & Kan. Calf Cox.... 28 McConaughy & Cline & C 8 Other buyers 893 21 2.0li Totals 8,482 4,910 8,701 CAi iLt, Receipts ot came were fair toi a 'ihursday, 1U cars being reported. This makes me total for the four days mis wees. 16.jo4 head, a slight gain over last wees., but a talung off of 3.juo head as cuinpareu with a year ago, and, .wlui tne exception of last week, tne smallest of any week lor some tune back, ir.e quality of the cattie was not very desirable, right good stuit being scarce. 'ine market on beef steers was without any very noteworthy changes, prices for the most part being about steady with yesterday. The trade, while not very acuve, was In falriy good snaps, so that most of the offerings cnanged hands in decent season In the morning. Cows and heifers, wnicn closed weak yesterday, commanded about steady prleea today, feeders were in light supply and the market firm. It might be well for shippers to under stand that owing to the moderate receipts at this point-' for some days back prices have been forced up to a point where tney are out of line aa compared with eastern markets. This makes buyers feel ratner bearish in their views and leaves tha mar ket rather top-heavy. quotations 011 native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $6.006.75; fair to good beef steers, V6.2Oru.00; common lo fair beet steers, $3.766.20; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.2ott4.!J0; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.60444.20; common to loir cows and heifers, $2.763.60; good to choice Blockers and feeders, f4.5oy-t.36; fair to good Blockers and feeders, $.6Oa4.&0; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, fi.2o!0 3.60; stock heifers, f3.0ou4-15; veal calves, $3 60t(ii.i6; bulls, slags, etc., $3.264.76. quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, t6.6o(ua''5; good to choice beeves, $0.0045.60; la.r to Hood beeves, $3.70 U 40; good to choice hello" $4.00 iO: good to choice cows, $3.80(4.4r: fair to good cows. fX3U(i3.65; canners, $2.753.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. I 4 7$ U lilt f 40 t U-U 4 16 6 1144 t o $ 141 f 00 t uuo t 60 4 177 ( 01) M 13KS $ 70 IS I't i 15 11 Ull $ 71 4 H3 6 DO to .....1Z4 6 10 10 1V6 I M 18 ...Uos $0 cows. $ 7TB I 00 1 t7 00 776 t It 4 S7t 4 t 7W $ 10 4 lilt 4 00 7 425 $ DO I likt 4 00 1 760 1 as 1WS0 4 II a ii76 a ao a 1020 4 ao $ I'.'l a So a 1L-3 4 ta $ lu.t 8 40 a llfO 4 26 4 '7 f 40 17 m 4 23 1 174 a to a io!t 4 a. 4 Ii7 8 60 4 ltkrt 4 36 a 4 j i5 a 11.4 4 6 6 i46 a 06 1a mi 4 it t 84 a 60 11 1096 4 16 4 10rt 8 66 10 101.1 4 St U SOD a 0 16 1176 4 40 a r,a a 76 a 10x3 4 w 14 1060 a SO f luS 4 &) a mi a ao t mm 4 e i 4 a is a 1210 4 go a iio a is at isu 4 66 a iioa 1 is a 1031 4 sa t mi a 6 1 mod 4 to 1 1011 $ M HEIFERS. 6S3 f 40 10 711 4 X 1 6"! a 76 2 Ml I n f 4) I 76 4 170 4 ao 1 610 8 76 I. IM) 4 16 4 6S7 4 76 8 146 4 86 4 ! 6 71 4 Ill 4 6 I i0 4 01) 3 1130 4 66 4 .lo7 4 19 6 M 4 HO t ! 4 20 8 176 4 8 JI 4 16 1 1041 t 1$ BULLS 1 1170 8 60 1 .'....1S90 4 16 1 T"0 8 60 1 M1 4 10 1 110 8 66 4 1110 4 1 1 1:) a 7 1 mo 4 1 I 1100 a ia 1 Irs 4 J6 1 1014 a 7o 4 1416 4 16 1 '-. 8 76 1 1710 4 SS 10W) 4 00 1 1210 4 40 ..lik0 4 00 1 17 4 60 CALVES. I t l 4 M a 4f0 7 60 6 i' 4 60 8 140 -7 M) 6 4"0 4 76 8 IW TSa t 404 4 75 10 IM 7 60 , 1.. ao $ 00 1 l.M T 60 a wo 1 00 a 144 t 75 a )M 6 60 a I'M T 76 a "J 6 76 1 InD 1 Tl a zs 1 00 1 las a o II i4 a 00 4 16 a o 4 IK 6 26 1 10 a 00 1 2 7 00 1 i) nn J K-0 7 00 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. a a 4 00 1 r?i 4 40 6 4 10 4 6.M 4 40 470 4 10 ! I to 3 7'0 4 14 8. ) 4 40 4 4-1 4 :0 13 J0 4 46 1 7' 4 3i 1 714 4 76 4 66 4 40 16 Ia 4 78 WESTERNS. T. Bradshaw Idaho. t bulls 1270 3 60 I cows 887 I 60 feeders. .1045 4 66 t cows Ds3 4 26 W. Yormer Idaho. 4 cows 965 4 25 7 fet-tlers.. 840 4 55 J. Lencenger Idaho. t feeders.. W0 4 55 3 cows 1033 4 25 K. Stevens Idaho. 4 feeders.. 710 4 40 8 feeders.. fi 4 65 8 heifers... &8 3 65 6 cows SiJO 4 26 J Papworth Idaho. IS feeders.. .40 4 66 1 cows ltiM 4 25 8 heifers... 745 8 65 8 bulls K.1'1 3 50 D. Brlckenridge Idaho. , feeders.. 911 4 75 7 steers. ...1125 4 30 $6 cows 1068 4 00 D. P. I.etham Idaho. 9 bulls 1261 8 66 7S feeders.. 9M 4 80 7 feeders., lull 4 2T '1 cows Ut'l 4 10 A. Mlchelson Idaho. 17 feeders.. I"i2 4 80 10 steers.... S22 4 16 M. C. Habbell-Neb. 43 steers.... 4 26 6 cowa ICS 2 80 Freeman lewis S. D. 03 steers. ...h'Si & uO 4 cows 925 2 60 l:l cows 6; 4 60 14 cows iie3 3 64) 8 heifers... 4o 3 40 W. Koltertnan H. It. calves... 2 3 4 75 heifers.., 44 8 40 14 wws 92 3 60 HoUS Hogs opened a gooa lOo higher this morning and tne market, was active at the advance, rnpldlv slrenKthening up until It could safe'y be quoted iO,il6c higher. Ihe demand was very good and the offerings chanm-d hands rapidly at tne advance n. ted While i-oine salee poa-lbly old not ahow the full advance others mad a still bttter gain than that noted, so mat the general market could safely be quoted around iiil6c higher. Practically eiery thing In sight waa acid by 10 o'clock In the morning or soon after. Later trains did not fare so well. After buyers had tune to think the matter over, they seemed to come to the conclusion tnat they had paid more money than waa necessary on the early market, and a.i some of the orders were filled and buyers dropped out, those who were left were able to pound that closing market good and hard. It thus happened that tha last hogs to arrive In the yards found very little. If any, of the early advance left. It will be noted from the sales that the hogs today sold very largely at 87.lCtJ7.lo. with quite a sprinkling of the lighter weights on up aa high as 87. 26".' it will also be noted that some quite weighty hogs sold at the top price, but it must be under stood that they were very choice and very even loads. Yesterday the big bulk of the hogs sold at 86 9fM7.06, although there was quite a sprinkling at $7.06 and $7.10. with a top at $7.16. Representative sales: Ao. At. h. Pr. No. At. Fk. Pr. 16 Ill ... 4 10 80 flO 116 41 S7 S10 I S74 44 170 1J0 1 16 64 v.7 11 7 00 67 177 let T 16 44 341 40 7 00 41 141 ... 7 16 64 144 ... 7 00 13 t!'l ... 7 16 14 Xc4 120 7 00 77 141 ... 7 16 63 640 SO 7 06 73 tit 10 1 16 46 143 44 T 06 81 274 40 t 16 17 a.0 ... 1 Oft Hi 24 ... 7 It 46 IM ... 1 66 4. ..... .21 160 7 )1 44 124 400 7 VJ 77 rs7 SO 1 16 71 14 40 T 07 i, 71 141 40 7 16 61 2S6 ... 7 10 71 21 W) 7 It, 66 314 $40 1 10 a 3,6 SO 7 II 64 327 46 7 10 II 2WI IM 1 15 4 ... 7 10 41 2(.l ... 7 16 64 it ... 7 10 60 $41 60 7 16 64 2f3 t0 T 14 !4 140 1 16 1 6(0 M 1 10 44 S"3 ... 7 16 00 2K 40 1 10 II 2, 80 7 16 62 277 ... 1 10 63 :8 120 7 1 81 Ml ... 7 10 66 226 200 7 15 4 1"l ISO 7 10 1 116 ... 7 ao 4.1 3i7 10 7 10 77 J21 ... 1 30 44 22 ISO t 14 78 2?4 ... 7 80 11 2 120 T 14 47 Ill ... 7 10 n aoi uj 7 it 44 m ... t ao 18 22 140 7 10 II 241 ... 7 M 47 2b0 ... 1 10 IS til ... 1 ao 61 831 40 7 10 74 8r ... 7 ao 64 24 ) 1 10 41 t: ... 7 t24 76 2S6 840 1 121, 14 311 ... 7 27t 64 B.4I 10 7 lit U 2K6 ... 7 U 61 iV4 40 7 13V6 76 221 ... 7 H VI. .......ml ... 7 16 86 210 ... 7 26 41 2 120 7 II 61 376 60 7 25 24 till KO 7 16 60 181 ... 7 36 18 844 10 1 16 Billet--cheep receipts were light again this morning, making the total tor tne week only 40,637 head. While this was a gain over the very small run of lat week, 11 waa a good deal smaller than previous weeks. Ine day's arrivals constated al most entirely of fat sheep and lambs. The market on killers, both sheep and lambs, lacaed the usual snap this morning, and the trado was inclined to drag right ii om the outset. The dullness aa due apparently to a ieellng on tin part of buy ers that they have been paying too much lor their supplies and that a reaction was due. Sellers, however, had rather hig.i i.oiioiia as to values, and it was hard woia lo get market down to any great extent, bull prices turned out to be around lOo lower than yexterday on the general run of stuff. Good lambs sold up to so. 40, as against $6.50 for the same stuff on Mon day, with fail clipped iambs at 66.90. It look good yearlings to bring $6.15 and good ewes to reach $3.60. A feature of the market on fat sheep and lanibs that has been mentioned sev eral times In these columns, but .hat do, a not appear to be fully understood by snip pers. Is that heavy lambs and sheep are not selling nearly so good as the hgnter weights; In fact, they are being very much discriminated against. Thus choice heavy native iambs had to sell yesterday at to.&o, while lighter westerns brought $6.66. it is hard work for the country to realise that there Is $1 per hundred d.ffir.ncd cbused by weight alone, but that Is tne faut. There Is also a wide dlflerence in sheep, so much that heavy wethers do not bring as much as lighter weight ewes. The offerings of feeding sheep and Iambs were very light, while the demand was good. Had there been anything of conse quence on sale it would undoubtedly nave brought good strong prices. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $6.2o434.60; fair to good lambs. f6.60ty6.26; good feeding lambs, $4.605.25; fair feeding lambs, $4.004.fo; light common lambs, f3.O0tu4.0Oi nandy weight yearlings. $4 6035.00; heavy yearlings, $3.90(4.60: feeder yearlings, $3 7&4J4.S6; good to choice wethers, $3.7&&4.16; fair to good wethern. 83.603.76; feeding wethers, $3.162 3.60; (at ewes. $3.25 fc3.66; feeding awes, $2.26(0.3.00; canners, $1.60 82.v Representative sale:' ' ' No. Av. Pr. 22 i fed wethers 114 8 90 139 fed lambs 70 6 25 267 d ewes , 101 3 85 3o5 shorn lambs 76 6 80 168 shorn lambs 81 6 60 425 fed ewes 120 8 60 61 fed lambs .r. 73 6 26 66 fed ewes 86 8 60 264 fed lambs 77 6 25 61 fed ewes 161 8 60 2 goats 80 8 00 473 fed ewes 130 3 60 162 fed ewes 120 8 60 149 ed lambs , 66 8 25 9 Ted lambs I Ill f 26 70 fed lambs 86 26 74 South Dakota ewes 102 8 36 60 fed lambs 106 6 60 62 fed lambs 98 6 60 457 Wyoming ewes 69 8 75 170 Wyoming ewes 90 2 75 207 fed lambs 80 8 40 44 fed ewes 108 8 66 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Sheep Weak Hosts Strong;. CHICAGO, Deo. 1. CATTLE Receipts, 9.0uo hetvd; market weak; beeves, $4.i,otr 7.60; Texas steers, e4.20tfe6.40; western steers, 4.2of&6.40; stockers and feeders, $.1.3oa6.75; cows and heifers, $2.2&tu'6.30; calves, $7.0lliti9.00. HOGS Receipts, 31.000 head; market strong at an advance; light, $6.s.(i7.oO; mixed, $6.90(07.87',: heavy, $.9ify;7.86; rough, 4).9lf7.0h; good to choice heavy, $7.laV t.36; plga, $6,4017.00; bulk of saises, f7.10ii7.30. ftHEhJP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2u.ciW head; market wtak; natives, $2.2.Vi.,.3r, weatern, f2.?5(i4.2.: yearling:, $4.2.mio.2o; native lambs, t4.26ljj6.70; western, ft.60tu6.b6. Kaaiaa City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY, Deo. 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000 head; market for steers steady 60 strong; oows tuning to 10c higher; oressed beef and export steers, $6.60 ,.o0; fair to good, f4.6vy6.6u; western steer, 4 aj 5.60; stockers and feeders, f3. 76tu5.25; southern steers, f4.00tii6.60; southern cowa, 4. 50; native cows, $754.8; native heifers, $3.906.0o; bulls, $3.&oy4.76; calves, $4.00 11 . 25. 1 loGiv Reoelpts, 16o higher; bulk heavy, I7.m4ti7.30; 8,000 head; market 5it of rales. $7.20(1 7. 27': puck 1 rs and butc.ie.s, .Kriif.d"; ugni, i.l-tl t.it'm. SHEEP AND LAMB; Receipts, 6 00 head; market steady to weak; lambs, f6.o0 6j6.60; yearling. 4 76'ii5.76; wethers $.1.iu' 4.25; ewes, fl.40tS4.00; Blockers and feeders, $6.Uo444.00. St. Loala Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec, 1. CATTLE Receipts, 3.9U0 head, Including l,8t) Texans; market steady to loo hlhi-r; native snipping and exiairt steers. 6. 50'! (7.25; dressed beef uml butcher steeis. 86 26 . 7 t0; steers under 1,0 pounds, $6.0U(u6.5o; stockers anil feeders, f.t.Miin6.26' cows and heifers, fa.7oti41.26; can ners, f2.75'u3.26; bulls, f.l."5.6.tv; calves, 25Si9.00; Texas and Indian steers, fi.50u 6.50: cows and heifers. .'i.oo4.&0. HOGS Receipts, 7.&O0 head; market steady; plgx and lights, $7.0X(7.36; pacaers J7.2V.i7. 35; butchers and best heavy. ir.2'u 7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 WK) head; market 10c lower: native mut.-Hi $3.50104.00; lanibs, $G.6oi6.',6; culls and buckJ, $2.6O(i.a.00; stockers, $2.2.',3.25. St. Joseph I. lee Stork Market. ST. JOShiPH. Dec. 1. -CATTLE Re ceipts, I.600 head; market stead v; Meers. $4 o'mitS.OO; cows and heifers, $3 0L"tfi6.60; calves, f.1 0.,K 16. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market 10-tf 15c higher; top, $7.30; bulk of sales, f7.lt fe7 25. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, f 4,5"'-('J.50. at nek la Slant. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle, nog. Bneep. outh Omaha. St. Joseph Kansas City... Ft IajuIs Chlcaso Tota's 9.4O0 1 oi 6 (KM 2. out) 2O.0O) .?J.4O0 bs.: &V300 Tururstlue anil Itoaln. SAVANNAH. Ga . Dec. l -TITtl'lCS- TIN ! Firm at 74'tu74c, sales. 417 bhls.; .L.ts v ..!.!- -l.lt.oiuntM '! 1.1.1m- Hiocks. 17. l.M Lt)lS. Wool Market. ST. 1XJUIS. Mo.. Dec. 1 -WOOL Quiet; territory and western mediums. iCgliilSo; due mediums, 8utoU; floe, UtjlM. 3. OA) 5 . I.60 fi.tUl . 6 ') 8.'m0 , 3 9(J 7.50 , 9.000 31.0UO ROSIN Firm; sales, inns.; receipts, t:s: bl.ls.; shipment 4 : bb ; st"ck S4 370 bols. (jnote: H. 80 .S'i-5i r. 70: I . I .", t i.-,.T0; K. I5.7l..6 7:"e; K. .'..'.o-'.i.'i M; G. 81.72Hfi5.tCS; H, 81.7&'SH: I, 8i lj'i:.30; K. 8-J.tW; M, 8ti.ii; N, 87 00; WG, 87.11; WW, HILL LINES ATLAND SHOY Burlington, Great Northern and tha Northern Tacifio Secure Space. WILL MAKE LARGE EXHIBITS All Three 'Will Show the Iteeoarrea of the Coaatry Troah Which They Taaa la the Great Northwest. Three railways of the Hill system, serv ing the "Northwest emp,re," are to be represented by extensive exhibits at the Omaha land show ta be held In January. W. O. 1'alsley, general manager of the Western Land Products exhibit, Thursday received notification of the spaoe reserva tion made for the Hill system. The Burlington exhibit is to be taken up largely with the products of the Big Horn basin of Wyoming, principally grains and grasses. Hut one fruit project Is under development thus far In the Big Horn country. It Is under the direction of Prof. Buffem, who will have charge of a large exhibit. The Great Northern will show many of the prise exhibits from the Hpo ane apple show. iSome of the most striking displays will be from Wenatcheo and North Yakima. The Northern 1'uolfic's show will be taken up with tha products lrom the Bitter Root range. The land show management Is now seek ing to make additions to the educational side of the exhibition to be made here. Negotiations are In progress for the dis play of the Guggenheim model smeller and the model salmon cannery shown by the Alaskan rackets' association. A repre sentative of the land show is now In Butte making arrangements for a number of dis plays calculated to show the mineral resources of the west and northwest. MISS HAKUinG lU EXHIBIT FOWLS AT POULTKY SHOW Seven Oaks Farm to Show Soma e the Blrda Which Lay sus pensive Kgga. Miss L. C Harding-, the only woman manager of an office building In Omaha. Is also a successful poultry farmer and will have an exhibit at the great poultry show at the Auditorium. Alias Harding has a clientele which reg ularly pays her 6 cents an egg, or 60 cents a doxen. Satisfaction in rece.ving only ab solutely fresh eggs Is the answer to the question as to how such a price la com manded and a partial explanation of tha Increased cost of living with some people. For some days the Courtney store has been getting the same price for eggs layed at the Brandels Model farm. No higher prices Is known to be paid for eggs anywhere in the United States. Miss Harding Is the secretary of the Board of Trade Building company and the manager of the building. The hen pheasant, as well aa chantlcler, will be represented at the poultry show. In New Tork at the national show Arthur D. Brandels bought two expensive gold pheasants and two sliver, pheasants and will conduct a pheasant farm in connec tion will, his barnyard fowl farm. The purchases will be on exhibit at the Audi torium. BRECKENRIDGE WOULD MANDAMUS JUDGE MUNGER Appeals to the United States Sapresae)' Court to Have Caae Trans frrred. , Ralph W. Brecklnrklge-Is at home from Washington, where he sought to have the supreme court mandamus Judge T. C. Munger of the United States court Mr. Breckinridge Is defending the suit of an alien against the Cudahy Pocking com pany, which is In law a nonresident cor poration of Nebraska. Mr. Breckinridge wished to have tha case removed from district to federal court and Judge Munger held that -fna case should not come over to him. Hence the appeal to Washington. The case has been argued there, but not yet ruled upon, "One meets a lot of western attorneys at the capital," said Mr. Breckinridge. "While I was in Washlhgton I aaw, among others, W. D. McHugh and Carl C. Wright of Omaha, John If. Atwood of Kansas City, Henry Scandrett and Charles Blood Smith of Topeka, and a number of other well known western attorneys. In terstate Commerce commission hearings brought most of them there. Arthur C. Smith of Omaha was in Washington for the same reason." DAIRYMEN OFJSOUTH DAKOTA Annual Convention of Milk and Hot ter Producers' Association Will Re Held at Mitchell. MITCHELL, 8. D., Deo. 1. (Special.) The annual convention - of the South Da kota Dairymen's and Buttermakers' asso ciation will be held In this city for two days, commencing Tuesday, December 8. tho session being called to order In tha morning at 10 o'clock. The officers of the association are: Presi dent. E. H. Baldwin, Belle Kourche; vlca president, C. II. Winn, Castleton; secre tary, A. P. Ryger, Brookings. An exhibi tion of the product of the various cream erics of the state will be given and these will be entered for the prizes tu be awarded by the association and wMl be scored by competent Judges. One feature of the convention will be the presence of Hon. Charles P. Craig of Duluth, Minn., who will speak on "(essen tial Points In the Development of a Dairy Farm" on Wednesday, tlovwnor VesKpy Is also on the program for ail address V'odnnsday. Tuesday tilglit the Mitchell Commercial club will nlve a smoker with Impromptu addresses from the business men and visitors. A Miniile Nnfi-uiuirrt for Mothers. Mrs. D. Gilkesr.li, 8;g Ingles Ave., Toung.stown, Ohio, gained wisdom by ex perience. "My little girl had a severe cold and coughed almost continuously. My sinter recommended Foley's Honey aiid Tar. The flr.t I'oss' I gave her relieved the Inflamatlou in her throat and after using only one bottle her throat and lungs were entirely free from Inflammation, Since then 1 always keep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house." Accept no substitutes. Sold by all drug gists. Metal Market. NEW YOIIK, Dec. 1 METALH-Slandard copper, qulel; spot and futures. U.4;, U.,6; lake coi'lM r. 1 cully, I3 'u U electro lytic, $iSs7S,S13.t); castitit'. 812. &OVjl Loudon, dull; spot, L7 it .VI, futures, i.17 17s kl. Tin, n.ohg: N"t and futures, 8..7 tfn:H.2&; halen, io tons, pert of New York, at tl'.StO. Ijoiidun, hLronr; fpot, LWl 7s 61 ; futures, 173 Ins. Ia1, ijiiW; U.-U'itiJr at New York; 14 .jHHtt.JT'.t at I.'ust St Louis London, sixit, 1.1 8s 61. Spe.ter, utet; 8i."f Hci.iu at New York; 11 .77 . '"!;." at Kast St. Louis. London, fp.t, t,'H. Iron, Cleve land warrants. 4: 1'in'i in Loudon. Lo cally, steady; No. 1 northern foundry , Now I southern foiindrv and No. J southern foundry, soft. Ill .71 'a lti ii; No. I northern . ftn ndry, 111 e"'" !t 09. ST. I.oi:ei. Dec. l.-MRTALS-Lend quiet, 84 J7S; spelter, easy, tl no. Fifteen Fiahernieu Drowned. CHARLESTON. S. l. Iec. 1. Fifteen fishermen are supposed to have been drowned off Charlerlon, their smacks hav ing been mlHsliig for several days. A report aaa a smack, probably one of theirs, v. us sighted floating bottom upward yesterday.