Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1910, Image 1

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Look at Ihe Bee's birthday book
on the editorial tape of each
issue. It is snre to inttrest you.
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report kpp paao 2.
VOL. XL-NO. 143.
Offer of Company to Make Reductions
Opposed Both by Ra'1- ds and
Attorney G
Decrease in Case of Son
the Lower.
' for
S. i D
Assertions that Cuts Are To
and Too Small.
Hallways Object to' Proposed Artlfla
' on Alienation thai Thr Mnst
flenr Portion of Dnrilra
of Pfprtiwi,
CHICAGO. Dee. 1. An offer of the Pull
man company to reduce the ratea charged
foT upper berth In sleeping cam 20 per
cent where lower berths were priced more
than 1150. to make the price of uppera
$1.20 as a minimum and reduce some lower
berth rated, was oppored before the Inter
state Commerce commission here today by
attorneys general of four statea and by
two rallroada. The Pullman company'a
offer left unchanged Pullman neat rates
and was to become effective on approval
and acceptance by the commission.
Opposition to the plan waa offered on the
part of the railroad on the allegation that
they would have to stand a part of the
brunt of the lessened prlcea and by the
attorney general on the claim that the
reduction waa not aufflclent.
"I don't think the If) per cent reduction
represents the difference In service value
of an upper and lower berth," said Attor
ney General Jamea Bingham of Indiana.
"It Isn't enough, I aland on our pe
tition," raid Attorney General John S.
Dawson of Kansaa.
"Here, too,, agreed Attorney Luther
Waltere, representing 'Attorney General
Norwood of Arkansas.
"It Isn't At all satisfactory," concluded
Attorney General Charles West of Okla
homa. Deadlock Hesnlts.
. Commissioners Franklin K. Lane and E.
K. Clarke, therefore, 'were confronted by
an offer of voluntary reduction of ratea for
uppera and alio a number of material re
ductions on lower berth rates, which the
railroads said were too large, and the state
officials called too small. The whole mat
ter came up on the combining of all com
plaints against sleeper rates In one hear
ing by the commission, following an order
from the federal circuit court that pre
vious cuta ordered by the commission were
not Justified.
Tha Pullman company'a reduction sched
ule Included the following cuta on lower
berth rates, upon which, aa on remaining
existing rates, tha fO per cent charge for
uppera,' .waa proponed. 4o" be applied: the
effort being, according to the company'a
representatives, to charge aa average of t
mills per mile:
Chicago to New York
New York to Tampa .60
Poughkeepale , to ikhart . and Houth '
Heiul. Ind v... 1.00
New York to St. Augustine, Fla., or
Savannah, Ga l.OJ
New York to feast fit. Louis, III 76
New rates proposed by the company in
clude these:
Ft. Paul or Minneapolis to Seattle and
Pacific coast points til
New York to New Orleans S
Chicago to San Francisco IS
The former Mlnnesota-Paclflo coast rate
was 112 and from Chicago to San Fran
cisco $14.
The commission will hear further argu
ments, and if held advisable, will receive
evidence In the apeclflo cases 'Combined In
one bearing.
' Great Northern Protests.
The Great Northern railroad, which owna
Ua own sleeping cars, protested against
the proposed reduction In rates on the
ground that it. too, would have to meet the
reduction and would have to stand the
ei.tlre loss. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul roud, which also owns its own sleep
ers, was represented, but no comment was
made on the proposal.
J. 8. Fernald,, assistant general solicitor
of the Pullman company, said;
"We decided that although the upper
bertha cost more to build, furnish and
maintain than the lowers, public discrim
ination against the uppers required a re
duction in their price. Where the lower
berth la rated at 11.60 the upper will be
tl.35 and In all Instances other than this
thi upper will cost SO per cent of the lower.
"Not a rate has been raised by this new
schedule, but we are endeavoring to adjust
all charges to correspond with the east
ern standard of mills a mile. However,
tha lower berth rate from Chicago to New
York is unchanged."
Newport Rom (lewpaar Offers te
Betid Vessel Within Six Million
Dollar I.I salt.
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.-The Newport
News Shipbuilding and Drydock company
submitted the only bids for the construc
tive of the new z7,000-tun battleship au
thorised to be constructed at a private
shipbuilding plant. The bids were opened
at the Navy department today.
The other battleship authorised at the
last session of cngrese will be built at
the New York navy yard.
The Newport Newa company will con
struct the battleship in thirty-six months
and guarantees twenty-one knots speed.
It 1 generally believed at the Navy de
partment that lack of competition for the
battleship contracts waa due to the pub
lication In the naval ' appropriation bill
stipulating that the work must be done In
accordance with the eight-hour law.
Aa all the proposals of the Newport News
company are under the f.000.Ktt limit pre
scribed by law, it Is generally believed the
cutupany will receive the contract.
The two battleships will be the largest
and most powerful vessels In the United
btates navy.
launa Wldovr at Bareveport Given
Judgment Attlait Man Old
l'.aoauh te Kavw Belter.
FHRKYEPOltT. 1.. I. L In the dis
trict court yesterday Judge A. J. Murff
held that the kiss of a young widow was
worth t-'xX'. The decision was rendered In
the casw of Mrs. Grace Hunter against J.
K. Norman, former postmaster at OH City,
this parish. It as at ths office that the
alleged offense was committed. She sued
for Ji .. Judge Murff admonished Norman
that be lovki-d old enough to know better.
Oil and Live Stock
Interests Have Their
Inning at Hearing
Evidence in Eastern Case is Completed j
and Agreement Beached for Ar
guments to Begin January 9.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. As the final
chapter of the testimony In the eastern
trunk line freight advance case, witnesses
testified before the Interstate Commerce
commission today that the Increases would
seriously handicap the Independent oil and
live stock Industries. G. W. Bolts, traffic
manager of the National Petroleum com
pany, contended that Instead of an increase
a reduction In the freight rates was Im
perative If the Independents were to be per
mitted to exist.
William w: Rorer of Philadelphia, a cer
tified public accountant, who haa been
examining the accounta of the Union Pe
troleum company, testified that the com
pany'a total volume of sales waa 13,000,000
annually, that Ita plant and equipment was
valued at 130,000, and that the net annual
profit waa J44.000, from which must be de
ducted 120,000 for depreciation of property.
8. II. Cowan of Fort Worth, Texas, coun
sel for the Cattle Kaisers' association and
the American Live Stock association, said
the advance spelled Injustice to his Inter
ests, the increased schedule ranging from
10 to 19 per cent.
James I. Whits' of Kansas City, traffic
manager of the Burnham-Hanna-Munger
company, stated that the Increasea carried
an additional cost to them of 16,000 a year.
This closed the testimony.
Counsel for both aides In conference
reached an agreement that Frank Lyon
for the shippers should open oral argu
ments on January , when the eastern
trunk lines territory case would be taken
up. The arguments In the western case,
it waa agreed, would begin on January 16.
Express Employes
Accept Settlement
Driven and Helpers Are Given an In
crease of Five to Eight Cents
an Hoar.
NEW YORK. Deo. L-Flnal settlement of
the strike among express company em
ployes which tied up the express business
of the big transcontinental companies In
this city for several weeks recently waa
effected early today, when a meeting of
the drlvera and helpers voted to accept
the terms offered by their employers. The
men returned to work some time ago on
the understanding that an adjustment aa
to wagea and houra would be reached by
December L The agreement now reached
goes into effect today.
An advance of ' from 6 to 8 per cent In
wagea waa agreed to by the majority of
the companies. It . was understood that
there will .be further aegntlaUons with the
Adama Express company officials, the men
ot .that company not being entirely satis
fied with the terms' offered.' but accepting
the new schedule tentatively. The eleven
hour day wilt rule for all the men and
work on Sundays and holidays will not be
required. The hew agreement establishes
the open shop.
The dragging of the negotiations through
the last several days had caused fears of
a possible Christmas tieup of express mat
ter, but these were dissipated by the
agreement reached today.
Pennsylvania Gains
Twenty-One Per Cent
Population of Keystone State is More,
Than Seven and a Half Millions
Figures for West Virginia.
WASHINGTON, Dec. L the population
of the state of Pennsylvania Is 7.575,111, ac
cording to statistics of the census made
public today. This is an Increase of
1.31,99, or II per cent over ,902,U5 In
1900. The Increase from 1890 to 1900 waa
1.044.101. or 19. per cent.
The counties ot Pennsylvania having
more than 100,000 population are:
Allegheny .....l.OlltfS Lehigh
Berke 1K.2?1 Luxerne
Blair 1S ,8 Montgomery
118, W.2
Cambria .
Chester ..
Dauphin .
li4,1S Northampton
1U9.21J Northurnber-
l:.IM land
in. 90S Philadelphia. 1.64!.OOl
115. 517 Schuylkill .... Sc7,894
lrr 419 Washlnrton .. 14S.KM1
ljickawanna.. 2 S70 Weetmoorland 231. :H
Lancaster .... ltf2.029York 136,403
The population of the state ot West Vir
ginia Is 1.221,119. according to statistics of
the thirteenth oenaua tnada public today.
Thla la an Increase of SuI.SIS, or 17.4 per
cent over 958,800 In 1900. The Increase from
1890 to 1S00 was 194,006. or 35.7 per cent
Ranchman Barricades
Himself After Fight
John H. Dunbar Shoots H, H. Miller
and Then Fortifies Himself in
His House.
VALKNTINE, Neb., Dec 1. (Special Tel
egrerrl.) John H. Dunbar, a ranchman,
shot and dangerously wounded Womer II.
Miller, also a ranchman, at a plaice twenty
miles southwest of Cody. They were hav
ing trouble over Miller's sheep. - Dunbar is
now barricaded In his house and Sheriff
Roseeler has left with a posse to arrest
him. It is thought he will make a fight
and will resist arrest.
Negro Holds Up Train
Passengers and is Shot
MEMPHIS. Tenet.. Dee. t Jack Thomas,
negro, of Blythevllle, Ark., turned bandit
tonight, terrorised and robbed passengers
on a westbound St. Louis and San Fran
cisco fast train and In the end was ahot
to death by A. B. Walton, railroad watch
man. The train had just started across the
bridge over the MlsslaJppl on the outskirts
of Memphis, when Thomas, revolver In
hand, emerged thru a the doorway which
separated the whits) read negro smoking
In true frontier t)u) the negro com
manded "handa up" and without further
ceremony a score of handa went up. Then
he passed his vlctuue aloug Into the (ee;ro
Leaders Assert Opponents Changed
Policy in Last Effort to Catch .
Votes at Any Cost.
More Ardent Speakers Not So Ready
to Endorse Fledge.
House-to-House Canvass Continues in
Spite of Weather.
They Bee la Attempt to Change Issue
aa Rffort to RrssU Power at
the Sacrifice ot Prin
ciples. LONDON, Dec. l.-The ultimate effect of
the oppoaitlon'a attempt to unload the tar
iff reform Issui for the purposes of the
present campaign Is still in doubt. While
the unionists were greatly encouraged by
Mr. Balfour's sudden and surprising an
nouncement that he would not object to
the submission of the question to a refer
endum, the leader's bold stroke haa far
from disheartened the liberals, who find
therein good ammunition and are accusing
their opponents ot changing their policy
dally In a desperate effort to catch votes
and so secure power at any cost.
Moreover, the more ardent tariff reform
ers, who yesterday congratulated Mr. Bal
four on his skillful maneuvering, were not
so ready today to endorse his pledge.
Speaking at Manchester, Andrew Bonar
Law, unionist member for Dulwlch division
of Carhberwell, refused "to eat my words,"
adding that it the unionists obtained an
adequate majority at the polls they would
be bound to enact a tariff reform measure.
The flrat members returned to the new
Parliament will be unionists. In many
constituencies nominations will be made
tomorrow and In at- least nine instances
there will be no contests. -These Included
the city of London seats and those held by
Joseph Chamberlain and Jesse Colling of
Birmingham and George Wyndham of
House to House Canvass.
The weather for the campaign scarcely
could be worse. Outdoor meetings planned
at many' places necessarily have been
abandoned. The house-to-house canvass
ing, however, continues and there Is no
letup In the usual Indoor demonstrations.
The leaders are keeping hard at it. Home
Secretary Churchill la leading the
van of the government forces, address
ing two or three meetings every evening,
besides making brief speeches during the
day while traveling from one end of the
country to the other. '
v Frederick E. Smith, a barrister and writer
for the WaJtoa division of Liverpool, Is
tunning a good aeooad 4o the 'secretary,
while Chancellor Lloyd-George, John Burns
and. other effective speakers , from both
sides are keeping busy.
Lord Lansdowna la ahowing great energy
In support of his proposals for tha reform
of the House of Lords. Today he ad
dressed a big meeting at Portsmouth in the
Interests of Lord Berestord, whose seat for
Portsmouth Is seriously threatened by tha
liberals. Sir Edward Grey has arranged to
reply to Lansdowne. ,
The weather has Incapacitated many can
didates and speakers, among tha number
being Lewia Haroourt. - secretary of state
for the colonlea, and Reginald McKenna,
first lord of the admiralty.
The women, as usual In England, are tak
ing a prominent part In the campaign and
residents of the east end, where the work
ing class communities live, are frequently
diverted by the appearance of motor cars
filled with fur-clad women.
Widow Allrarea that Louis Owsley Is
Misapplying Pnnds and Aska for
His Removal.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Alleging on in
formation and belief that Louis Owsley has
"wasted and Improperly applied" the funds
of the estate of Charles T. Yerkea' and
that he turned over to the Chicago Rail
way company $4,494,000 par value bonds at
a price that gave a heavy loss to the
estate, Mrs. Mary Adelaide Yerkes, . widow
of the traction magnate, today applied to
the aurrogate'a court for his -removal as
ancillary executor of tha Yerkes will.
Owsley lives In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Dec. 1 Similar action In
opposition to Louis Owsley's executorship
of the Charles T. Yerkes estate aa that
taken in New York la in the probate court
here. Mr a. Yerkea questions Owsley's offer
to sell 4. 494,000 in bonds for SO per cent of
their par value. She asks the sale be for
W. It. Clarke Says Government of At
berte Wronafnlly Cancelled
Contract with Him.
EDMONTON, Alberta. Dec. 1. W. R
Clarke, president of the Alberta & Great
Waterways Railroad company, haa ap
pealed to the United Statea government
authorities for protection from a loss he
says he will surfer as a result of what he
clalma Is the autocratic action of the gov-
mnmeui oi anoiner country in cancelling a
contract wltn him for a railway to be built
to the north. Clarke Is a resident of Kansas
section of the car, emptying their pockets
as they went along. Four had been divested
of their purses and trinkets when Walton
appeared cn the scene, summoned from the
rear platform by a fare collector, who had
escaped the eye of the negro.
Walton fired as he entered the coach,
the bullet striking the negro Just above
the heart. He staggered and attempted to
aim his weapon, but Walton continued his
fire two other bullets lodging in the negro's
body. Thomas toppled over when the last
bullet struck blin and was already dead
when the aatchntan made his wsy throngh
the now panic-stricken passengers. One of
Waltcn's bullets went alld. striking an uni
dentified negro and lufUctiug a slight
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Daughter of President. Greeted by So
ciety of Washington. ' '
Eietatln asd Mrs. Taft Present Grn
rlona Yeans; Wsntn at Brilliant
Bceeptlon to orflclnl Circles' -"
of Capital.
(From a Staff Corrspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Deo. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Washington society today for the
third time in less than a decade welcomed
a White House debutante In the person of
Miss Helen Taft, who made her debut this
afternoon in one of the most brilliant social
functions of the season.
The. daughter of President and Mrs.
Taft was presented at a reception given
between S and 7 o'clock, membera of the
diplomatic corps and official circles, aa
well aa other residents of the capital at
tending;. Mlsa Taft may be described as the at
tractive . type of the old fashioned girl aa
contrasted with the modern young woman,
whose ataying at home long enough to
meet the frienda of the family for a debut
reception is really regarded aa a queenly
concession. - Miss Taft haa been a good
student and most of her holiday pleasures
have been with her home circle. She has
traveled and her ideas have been formed
from a personal view as well as from
books. She Is JuFt as fond of the pleas
ures suitable to her age as any girl she
knows, but she can also subordinate their
number when other uses for her time are
Like Mlsa Roosevelt.
In some waya Miss Taft la not unlike
the last White House debutante. Miss
Ethel Roosevelt, as both mothers have
had similar ideas aa to the bringing up of
their daughtera and desired as little pub
licity as possible to attend their move
ments. Assisting her moth.;r, however, and
sometimes. It is expected, taking her place
at White House formal functions, Miss
Taft will have a more striking position
than has ever before been enjoyed by so
young a girl. Her friends say that she has
the poise and confidence and a regard for
whut is due to others that will stand her
well In this regard, if she is called upon
to assume more than the enjoyments of
her own home and of those of her friends'.
Everybody wants to entertain In her honor,
and a number are already able to announce
the dates on which they may Invite their
friends to meet her. A long Ust of dinners,
balls, cotillons, luncheona, etc... will oc-
(Continued on Page Two.)
A new heading on
the first Want-ad
pagC.-For Christ
mas." This classification will run
from now until Christinas.
Shoppers will find it most
useful, as nil sorts of pretty
and useful Christmas presents
are advertised. Look this
column over; it will help you
Bolve your Christmas prob
lems. Have you read the want
ads today!
Dare He Do It?
President Taft's ' ; ;
Cabinet Meeting
Document Considered for Two Hours
and Several Slight Changes Made
Special Message Comes.
WASHINGTON, Dec. L After having
been revtaed three times, President Taft'a
message to congress was submitted to a
special cabinet conferenoe today. Consid
eration of the document occupied more
than two hours and it is said that several
alight changes were made. According to
the latest report1 the message will be
ready ' for distribution Friday night or
early Saturday.
Following his regular message President
Taft will, send a special message to con
gress, embodying the report of the board
of engineers appointed to consider the
reclamation projects in the west under the
S2Q,0U0,000 appropriation made at the last
session of congress.
The engineers have reported on a number
of projects and it is said they have recom
mended some for completion and the aban
donment of others.
Ethel Leneve Not on
Board the Majestic
Dr. Crippen's Former Companion Re
ported to Have Taken Passage,
but Search Fails.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Though the offi
cers of the steamship Majestic declared on
Its arrival lr. quarantine last night that
Miss Ethel Leneve was not on board. Immi
gration officials and others made a care
ful search of the vessel today when It
docked to see If the woman companion of
Dr. Hawley H. Crlppen, who was hanged
for killing his wife. Belle Elmore, waa a
passenger. Not a trace of Mlsa Leneve
could be found.
Uoy Who Left Home to See World Be.
lleved to Ilnve Been Killed
by Train.
PEN3ACOLA. Fla.. Dec. 1. Two eye
balls picked up today along with mangled
fragments of the body of a young man
who was killed by a Louisville & Nashville
railroad train near here, were partially
Identified as the brown eyes of a Pensa
cola youth who left his home recently to
see the world. The mutilated parts were
brought to Pensacola and several persons
declared they recognized the eyes of tha
boy. A corroborative similarity waa found
also in the hair picked up at the acene.
Post Compares Ballooning to
Beer, Aeroplanirig to Whisky
NEW ORLEANS. Deo 1. Ballooning Is
a barrel of beer, aeroplanlng a drink of
whisky," said Augustus Post, who, after
establishing an American balloon record
with Hawley, entered an aeroplane meet
here today.
"If you are thirsty you want the beer;
for stimulation, whisky," he continued.
"They have been working with the balloon
fur lilt years. It is only within the last
three or four years that much has been
done to develop the aeroplane. Walt until
they have worked more than a century
with the aeroplane aud wa can tell where
the two aland."
Somber of Speeches Prepared for Con
ference Are Not Delivered.
Neat Session Will Be Held at Spring
Lake, N. J.- Governor Woodmw
Wilson Will Be the
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. l-fioma of
the governors attending the third annual
conference here will leave with carefully
prepared discourses on Intricate subjects
tucked away for future reference. The
eoclal feature of the conference baa been
paramount, and haa taken so much time
that little business has been transacted.
At the session this morning general dis
cussion of Governor Hadley's address of
yesterday waa taken up. He apoke on
'Employera' Liability and Workmen's
Compensation." Various Ideas were given,
but each waa to the effect that our laws
on these . subjects were Inadequate and
that the states should carefully revise
them. The appalling death rate on rail
roads and In mines of thla country were
compared with the lower rate In European
countrlea In discussing the vast differ
ence In laws of foreign nations and ours
regarding the liability of employers.
. Aa Interesting Flsnre.
Though not a member of tha confer
ence, one of the interesting flgurea at
thla meeting la Gamaliel Bradford of
Boston, who was accorded the honor of
addressing the body, even though It was
pressed for time. Naturally, the governors
liked his speech, advocating more power
for the chief executive and curbing of
legislatures. He bears a remarkable re
semblance to Speaker Cannon and came
from Boston on his own lnatlative to
preach a doctrine which he thinks will
materially aid the statea and crystallse the
movement for a yearly conference of
governors that will bring- benefits to the
Jeraey bad great advantage over
other states In laying ita Walms for the
next meeting of the governors. It is the
only state represented by a governor and
a governor-elect and the place they asked
tha conference to convene la remote from
.those aoclal activities that the visitors
have partaken Of here. The theory Is
advanced that more real work will be
done at Spring Lake, N. J., than would
be done at any state capital where the
residents naturally would want to shower
entertainment upon such a distinguished
assemblage. Other statea wanted the next
conference, but two talking for New Jersey
uid the addod inducements of Hiring
Lake over a capital won and Woodrow
Wilson was made tha host
Following a discussion on the subject of
employers' liability and workmen's com-
(Continued On Page Two.)
MEMPHIS, Tnn.. Dec. L-A three daya'
aviation tournament opened here today.
Among those who will take part are Mol
sant. Barrier, Garroa, Simon, Hamilton,
Friable and Seymour.
A feature scheduled for todsy Is a tri
angular sixteen mile flight from the avia
tion grounds over the city and along the
Mississippi river with a return to the start
ing point
The program also includes a five mile
raoe between Seymour and Hamilton.
Owing to the cold, hlsh wind prevailing,
it Is doubtful whether the long distance
flights wUl be attempted,
Taking- of Testimony Apainst Farmer,
Charged with Murder of Sister,
is Commenced.
Members of Hendricks' Family Talk
of Fatal Day.
Accused Man Seen with New Weapon
Before Tragedy.
Says ftuaupect Uetraed I nasaal AnsU
ety In Manner Coroner nnd
Sheriff Tell of Finding;
the Uodr.
PONCA. Neb., Dec. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) Taking of evidence against William
Flege, charged with the murder of h a
sister Louise un June 3t, began this after
noon with the testimony of wltnessea early
on the acene of the murder. Nineteen wlt
nessea have been sworn by tha state. Evi
dence thus far Introduced relates to the
finding-of the girl' a body near the home,
the arrival of neighbors on the acene, the
coroner'a investigation and the purchase
of a revolver by the man on tril.
The Jury waa completed at W;30 o'clock
thla morning after ninety veniremen had
been examined. All challenges were ex
hausted by both the prosecution and the
defense. '
The opening statement occupied the aea
sion after the completion of ths Jury until
noon. The prosecution early raised objec
tion to the argumentative nature of the
presentation of the case by the defendant's
counsel. The contrversy over this point
often grew heated.
Witnesses for the . state were sworn nt
the opening of the afternoon session.
Henry Lesser, executor of the estate of
the defendant's father, first to arrive on
tho scene after the rumor of murder had
spread over the countryside, told of the
finding of the body. Lesser was the first
witness called by the state.
Body Mine; at Gate.
The body of Louise Flege was lying near
the gate Inside the yard on her back, with
hands extended ' and limbs straight, ac
cording to the witness. There was a bullet
hole near the center ot the left cheek and
one over the right breast The clothes
were burned around the wound and the
sunbonnet was nearly burned up. There
waa blood on the dress from below the
knee to the bottom.
Dr. Williams of Wayne, Dr. J. . R.
Graham of Allen, coroner of Dixon county,
County Attorney Kingsbury and . Sheriff
Maskell were called. They arrived at t
o'clock the morning of July L
. Heftry Hendrleksr., testified that June
30 William Flege "Was " at ' his'oroe and.
cams Into the field where he and his boy
were plowing corn. The witness said Flege
went home and later came back, saying his
Bister Louise had been shot. Hendrick and
his son, Henry, went to the Flege home
and saw the body lying in the yard. Dr.
Graham testified that a post mortem was
held after midnight and the wound" In the
cheek was found to extend thaough the
head to behind the right ear. The bullet
could not be found. The wound In the
right breast showed that the bullet entered
Just above the nipple and lodged in the
spinal column Just below the stomach,
passing by the fifth rib, according to the
John C. Graetner, formerly an undertaker
at Wayne, arrived with Mr. Beckenhauer,
his successor in business, at U o'clock and
applied enough embalming fluid to check
Fleae Ordered Weapon.
Henry Hendrick, Jr., testified that some
time last spring Flege had written' a letter
ordering a revolver from a Chicago mall
order house. He said William had shown
him the letter sealed and ready to be sent.
Hendrick bantered him to open It and
let him see the contents and offered him a
dime, which Flege accepted. Hendrick says
he tore the letter open and threw the order
away, telling Flege be was foolish.
This ended that deal, but Flege three
weeks later exhibited a revolver such as
was named In tne order he had torn up.
The afternoon of June 80, he said, Floge
came out where he was plowing corn and
acted In a very strange way, looking down
cast. All the witnesses testified to strange
actions by the defendant, at the home on
the fatal night and at the funeral and on
other occasions. --
Bank of Knajland Annooneea Cnt te
Fanr and One-Half Per
LONDON, Dec. 1. The rate of discount of
the Bank of England waa reduced today
from S to 4Vi per tent. The lower rate,
which the market hardly expected thla
week, was only decided upon after a pro
longed discussion by tiio directors of the
bank. The raBt fortnight, however, wit
nessed a parked casing In the monetary
situation and a ttra'ly ve In ls bank's
reserve. Exchange on the Argentina and
India, from which tho danger of gold with
drawals was mostly tt.M-Mcimd, Is now
decidedly more (auraMe to London, while
discount latea on continental centers are
lower. Egypt, it is expected, will furnish
the bulk of the Indian told requirements.
The proportion of Uie bunk'e ruserve to
liability this week Is ViZ, per cent; last
week it was Gi ft per cent.
Homesteader, Who lies Both Lena
Broken. Finally llrwued by
SIOUX FALLS. S. D Dec. 1 . (Special.)
To lie for a period of tlx long hours under
an overturned load of lumber, with bntli
legs broken, was the distressing experience
of Patrick Waterbury, a Tripp county
homesteader, who renldes south of the
little town of Hhoemaker. He was return
ing to his homestead with a load of lum
ber, with which ha expcct.'d to construct
a new dwelling house, and while going
down a steep hill the wagon tippej over,
buryiiig Waterbury under the lumber. Ills
legs having been broken he wan unable to
do anything for himself. After lying under
the lumber for six houra, he waa dis
covered by another homesteader named
Reed who chanced to pats along tha roe J
and who had him taken to a plsce where
he could receive the medical attention
JUUi be rev.uUaJ,