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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1910)
THE IMA): OMAHA, THUKSDAY, DECEMBKK 1, 1010. YOUR FIRST SIGnT OF SAIIPECK OVERCOATS OR SUITS FOR BOYS "Will convince you that they aro THE LIEUT' OF VALUE In clothes for the boy At bo ,' tlothet $ eciah ti i pronounrt Vum th bttl poti l' vjluet to tecure at any price. Especial attention Is directed to ths large assort ment now ready In OVERCOATS or SUITS at $3.95-$1.5)-$5.$5-16.9-$7.5) to $1) BALFOUR INJECTS NEW ISSUE fit Boy' Rhlrts, Gloves, Collars, Neckwear, Nlfctat Robes and Pajamas, too. A large list of senslba Christmas gifts for llt'.le chaps. ii erwnsnsvn!: wrn frv mms 1518-1520 FARNAA1 STREET cori Church In . the . United Stales ol America." The reading of the t.tany was next In order of service anil the examination by the bishop followed thla. When the required questions had been allied and been answered In the required phraaea the bishop-elect put on the rest of the epla plcopal habit, the thlmere and the stole. He wore no hood, but hla gold cross hung on hla i breeat and on a finger was the episcopal , ring. Moit ' th other bishops wore acarlet hoods, which added a note of bright color to the otherwise black and white vestments of theirs, of the other clergy and of the oholf. Imposition bt Hands. When he had returned fully vested, the bishop-elect knelt down and ovor him was aoftly sung the. hymn, "Venl Creator Pplrltus." "After a prayer there came the Impressive snd'jhe eseentlal part of the service, the Imposition of hands and the solemn declaration of the reception of the Holy Spirit " . The service went on through the celebra tion of the Eucharist and the cud came with the recessional hymn, . "The Son of God Goes Forth to "War." The congregation whloh heard this er vlce, which saw the actual consecration and which heard the sermon by Bishop Garrett of Dallas was of a slie to fill every avail able seat In nave and transepts of Trinity cathedral. In the aholr besides choristers sat scores of priests of the church, and there Was an overflow ef thooe sua ted tn the nave. Also there sat many men and women from the missionary district of Kearney, from the see city, from North I'latte, Hasting, Grand Island, Mullen and other towns. There, too, sat hundreds of tho communicants of Trinity parish whose dean . the new bishop has been. Prominent Episcopalian from other par- Ishes of Omaha were also In the throng. BUkos Garrett Speaks. Bishop Oariett uiosed a philosophical sermon with a direct exhortation to the man in .a few minutes to ba consecrated. Bald the preacher, who himself was sim ilarly consecrated In the same chancel thirty-six yeara ago: "My Revered Brotherwe are Bow about to give you the bibt. "iUKO mission In cur .power U "bestow, that of a bishop 'n the Church of God. Your are to be an Am bassador -of the Kingdom of Ood to publish glad tidings of peace, to ' proclaim terms of reconciliation to all people. You are to be the bearer to your people of the life which Christ , had with, the Father before the world wil and which he came down from Heaven tri give to the world. "You are to be the torch- bearer to 'five light to them, that alt tn darkness and In - the shadow of death.' You are to be ilrt in labor and first 1n love' that none may autfer through any neglect of yours, or fall to foul the glow of the 'love of God shed abroad ' ill yqur heart by th Holy Ghost. You will be called upon to endure hardness a a good soldier of Jesus Christ, to deny yourself of many, things for -tho . aake of others, to rule your own spirit first, and then to guide others In the same arduous duty, to surrender yourself wholly Leader of British Opposition Bringi Tariff to Front. VOIEfQ WELL BEGIN THIS WEEK unto Christ, that your walk and converse tlon may win men to His obedience. "Teach positive truth and leave nega tlons to others. Hold fast the 'form of J sound words,' In which you have been In structed. Continue steadfastly In the 'Apostles- doctrine and fellowship.' Lei no man take thy orown. Should Be an Eissiple, "Remember that you are hereby consti tuted an organ in the spirit-bearing body of Christ for sending others. Forget not the high dignity to which you are called, to be a leader and an example to the Flook of Christ over which you are hereby ap pointed an overseer and guide. "Be diligent and study that you may al ways be ready to bring forth from your well-furnished Intellect 'things old, new and old', for the spiritual nourishment of your people. Be constant In prayer that God's grace may always accompany your words. 's "Be patient of labor and 'tarry the Lord's leisure' that much fruit may . follow toll. Finally, 'putting on the Lord Jesus Christ,' walk before your people in all humility and Godliness. Amen." v The four cruclfera of the day were Cleo Claibourne of Trinity pariah; Joseph Allen of thevChurch of the Good bhepherd. George Morris of St. Andrew and Joseph Millard of St. Barnabas. The organ was In charge of Organist Ben Stanley of Trinity, who was assisted by the brilliant Mr. Whitney ot Boston Order of Proeston. The older of the procession was aa fol lows, the bishop-elect being tn the center of the third division: FIRST DIVISION. Cross Bearer. The Choir. BKCOND DIVISION. Crosa Bearer. Assistant Master of Ceremonies. Vestry of Trinity Cathedral. Lay Officers of the Diocese of Nebraska. Lay Officers of the Missionary District of Kearney. Chancellors of the Diocese of Nebraska and the Missionary District of Kearney, The Clergy ot the Diocese of Nebraska (in the order of their ordination). The Clergy 01 thi Missionary District ot Kearney in trie ora.r 01 tneir . Ordination. Visiting Clergy. Clerical Members of the Standing Commlt- lo auu ui fliers of ttie Diocese of Nebraska. r Clerical Council of Advloe and Officers of the Missionary District of Kearney, The Deputy Registrar. . . THIRD DIVISION. .. A Fire Back Guaranteed For Five Years IF YOIT burn coal, the Fire thf. Charter Oak Stove of Rahge you buy is guaranteed for five years. If you burn wood it is guaranteed for twenty years. It will more than likely last for double that time, but we insure its life to prove the integrity of the stove you put your money in. Charter Oalt J Cross Bearer. - 1 Master of Ceremonies. The Attending Presbyters. The Presenting Btohops. The Blshou-iilect. The Bishops (in the reversed order of their consecration.) The Preacher. The Co-Conseci atoi-s. FOURTH DIVISION. Cross Bearer. Chaplain of the Presiding Bishop. The Presiding Bishop. Kearney Is Pleased, . "Nq man could nava been chosen our bishop whose election would have caused so muoh rejoicing In the missionary die trlct of Kearney," said Chancellor R, R. Horth of Grand Island. Judge Horth, who Is. a prominent member of the Nebraska bar. Is well fitted aa chancellor to speak In behalf of Bishop Beeoher's diocese. "He Is better known la person than any other clergyman who oould have been named," added Mr. Horth, who, with Mrs. Horth, Is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Oeorae H. Thuratnel. Results ky Katarday ,Slht Probably Will Indicate tomplestlon at the Neat ' House of Commons, LONDON, Nov. 80. The acceptance by A, J. Balfour, leader of the opposition In the House of Commons, of the policy of the referendum In the case of tariff reform, has given the campaign a new complex Ion. In a political addreps last night, Mr. Ba.four announced that In the event of victory in the approaching elections he would be willing to submit the question oi tanlf reform to a referendum. The declaration of the unionist is re ceived with emliUJiasm by the party which thinks it will help win votes in the north, where the prelection has not made the tame headway as elsewhere. It also placos the extreme radicals In a quandary, as heretofore the principle of the relerendum has been a plank in their platform. A few ardent tariff reformers are op posed to the proposition, but they prob ably will accept tne situation as Joscpn Chamberlain, who la encouraging his fol lowers through lettera from the sick room lias been urging them to concentrate their efforts on the matter ot home ru.e and the constitutional questions involving th ilouxe of Lords, to which tiia contest is now narrowed down and over wnioli the parties are carrying on the hardest kind of a fight. 'ill results, whloh will have been de clared by baturday night, should provide a fair indication of the outcome. At least WW members, of wiioin sixty1 ars unionists, . will i be elected without contest, tsatulday will see polling for forty-tivu stats, so tar as now arranged. Of tnesu, twenty-five are held by liberals. Among them are the Manchester constituency, which the unionists are making every ei lort to capture. - ) In Ireland, where the voting will take place later, the nationalists are renominat ing the present members, bhane Leslie, nationalist, is again contesting London derry City, whloh was lost to the union ists by a few votes in January. The O'Brienites are receiving the financial sup port of the moderates, who consider John Redmond s plans impossible, and also are disgusted with the orangomen's threats of violence and bloodshed If the existing gov ernment for Ireland is changed. They have more candidates than in the last election. Donald Macmaster, unionist, is given a walkover in Chertsey division of Surrey. Sensational Speech by Roaebery. MANCHESTER, England. Nov. 30.-Lord Roaebery jumped the barrier heretofore separating him from the torrles at a meet ing which he had been invited to address along non partisan lines. Although disclaiming all political bias he roundly denounced his former liberal al lies who, he deolared, were harassing the land, constantly encroach. ng upon and pre Juolcing the personal liberties of the coun try in a way to which their ancestors would never have submitted. Nothing but a nation of slaves, declared the former premier, would submit to Irish dlctaUon subs.dlxed by foreign cold. Loud cries of twaddle, rot. bosh, greeted thla outburst, but Rosebery Continued, ask ing what the effect would have been If foreign gold had been taken Into the United States. "Why," he said, "the people who did it would be Irretrievably damned. The liberties of the people Were further endangered the speaker said, by the gov ernment's proposal for the single chamber of government. Behind the government was visible the g.ant speotre of socialism waiting-, until the barrier of the second chamber was out of the way. Under the proposed veto bill noth Ing would prevent ' the government from abolishing the House of Lords, without In terference from any quarter whatever. Continuing, Lord Roeebery said that great stress and care had been exercised by the United States to safeguard the American constitution. "Without any doubt," he said, "the United Ftatee is the greatest democracy ot the world. Do you suppose the United Statea would put a 'Jot or title of their constitution to the hazard of a snap elec tion T" us. the spread of their money to local mer chants and so on." Mr. Post urifed the' rate Increases as vitally necessary. Kqulpmrnt la More Kfflctent. Herman Westtnghoiise. v'ce president of the West:nghouse Air Brake company, de clared that air brakes have a much higher efficiency than five years ago, that a train could carry (0 per cent more load down heavy grade and thnt he believed the In crease In price of from 12 to 15 per rent had been made up to the carriers by the increased efficiency. He roncluded. how ever, that a train can be stopped now In about the same time as ten yeirs agn. W. II. Marshall, president of the Ameri can Locomotive company, testified aa to the absence of railroad officials from that compnny. Railroads were not paying more, he thought, than heretofore for freight engines, although passenger equipment was higher. Charles H. Jones, president ot the Com monwealth Shoe and Leather company, said the proposed advances would seriously disarrange the shoe Industry where frac tions of a cent had to be counted. "! IMPLEMENT MEN ON PRICES!' Japanese Chef Slow; Land Fencers Have Rugs and 'Phones Convicted Nebraskans at Hastings Still Eating Prison Tare, but Cells Not Half Bad. Speakers at Contention Want Local Clubs to Regulate Them. TYPHOID FEVER GROWS SERIOUS Knldemle la lew a Capital Galas Great Headway with Kneerledae of City Tnyslelan, Wild Takes Aetlan. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Nov. 30.-(Speclal Tele- I gram.) The state convention of the Iowa . Implement Dealers' association concerned j Itself today almost entirely with methods : HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 30. (Special Tel egram.) W. Q. Comstock, Aqullla Trlp lett and "Parson" Jameson, brought here laxt night to serve sentence In Adams county Jail for illegally fencing range land, spent their first day In Jail arrang ing things In their cells. Fine rugs have been bought for the cells and tomorrow telephones and extension electric lights will be put In for their exclusive use. For the present they will have only the prison fare, as there has been some hitch In the negotiations with the Japanese chef, who is not expected here for a week or more. Discontent in Brazil Extends to the Army Unrest in Navy Which Culminated in Mutiny Affect Several Regi ments of Army. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. SO. A special to the Picayune from Rio Janeiro, Brasll, says: "The discontent among the officers, those in the army as well as the navy. Is Increasing. Their unrest affected several regiments. A lieutenant who blamed the president while discoursing of the burial of the murdered naval officers, will be ar rested and courtmarltaled. "The pallors of the Sao Paulo and the Minas Geraes called on Dr. Ruy Barbose and thanked him for his Intervention. Dr. Barbora flrmiy, but in a kindly manner, blamed them for their conduct. "In some cases poisoning has occurred on board the destroyers. The officers of two of them found their drinking water con tained poison." THOENE OPPOSES RATEINOREASES (Continued from First Page.) Stoves find Ran 'e 11 tot aixty-thiea yeara have bean doing; mora than their duty in the beat portion of our American homes. Primarily Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges are built to give the necessary volume of heat with the least consumption of fuel. This they do. But more than that they are constructed artistically-" with peaceful designs handsomely orna mented and well and accurately balanced throughout. Why put up with a stove that is not a reliable heat producer, or that does not bats even or cook steadily? Why invest your money in something that eats tip tons of coal and gives you no return? A Charter Oak in your home provides you wuh all tbe heat you require, yet it consumes a minimum amount of fuel. You can regulate the volume of heat to auit youiself. You can keep your die over night and ba aura to have it next room ing. It needa no attention. It la made extra heavy and for over half a century haa proven its lasting aucngih. Each stove is gas proof so that your room or kitchen la not filled with unpleasant odota. One in your house will improve your home conditions and insure well cooked meals. If lacoDvsnieQt to rit to the dealer, writs us tof our ti books. Ynil if o t at1hrl ta buy a Havi or unit umil you bsvc luuad out ell aaout tee l&arvsr Cla. Chapter Oak Stove & Co. c Louis . " " " ' - Mo. r OAK the increased cost would be put upon the dealers, and that It would ultlmaiely reach Hie consumers on oertaln medium, and low Bishop Beecher was stationed several ! grades ot shoes. He referred pi the old years at Mortn jriaue ana uicy know enu love him there. He was rector ot St. Luke's at Kearney for two years and sup plied St. Stephens, Grand island, for a time. He la also known to the people of Hastings, the fourth large jpartsh of the district, and he worked tor year In the be ginning of hla ministry in the northwest mission field." PH ElLATKS HELL ENTERTAINED 1 MINNESOTA'S POPULATION EXCEEDS TWO MILLIONS North Star Mate Jllakes Increase ef Kla-Meea nnd One-Half Par Cent DnrlaaT the Decade. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. The population of the state ot Minnesota is 2,075,708, ac cording to statistics of the thirteenth cen sus made public today This Is an increase of 342,314. or IS. 5 per 'cent over 1,751,384 n 1900. The Increase from ISM to 1S00 was 440.160 or 33 8 per cent. . .The population of - Minnesota counties containing the principal cities is: . 1R10. Hennepin 333,4ft) Ramsey ., 2L'3.75 St. Douls ..I3,kf74 Winona ii.m The population of the state of Tennessee Is t,184,7b according to statistics ot the thir teenth census made publlo today. This Is an lncresse of 164,173, or S.1 per cent over 2,020,610 in 1900. The Increase from 1SU0 to )800 was JC3,08 or 14.1 per vent. 1W0. 128.340 170,554 36, sat NEBRASKA TAKES PRIZES IN SLAUGHTER TESTS International Stock Show Resnlta ta Advantage of, Competitors f mm Cornhnaker State. Reeeptlnn nt Mnlsrer ttaliery In Aft ernoon and Dinner In Evening". Eight bishops ot the Protestant Episcopal church of America were In Omaha yester day. Their presence here officially was Important in eoclealastlc history, but for Omaha It had also Important social BltT-il"-oanc. These distinguished churchmen were the guests of honor at two noteworthy enter tainments. In the afternoon during hours from 3 to I o'clock a reception was given by Mrs. George W. Unlnger and Mr. and Mrs. Krank U Haller In the Unlnger Art gallery. The setting for the reception was most appropriate, as the gallery Itself Is orut of the most Important art collections In the northwest. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Yates will give a dinner for the prelates at their splendid home. "Hillside." At the reception the newly ordained bishop, Rt. Rev. Goorge A. Beecher, and Mrs. Beeiiher were the guests of special: "The official reports ot the roads to the honor. The other bishops horn the church commission," Intervened Commissioner people of Omaha were asked te meet were J routy, "Indicates .that the Increases In rebate "plums" which the railroads gave favored shippers for seventeen of eighteen years until the Hepburn act slopVed these secret practices. "Any ot these rebates still vixistiagT" asked Commissioner Clements. "No. I wish there were' undr certain conditions." "It Is surprising to me," continued Mr. Clements, "to find how extensve these rebate practices used to be whin it was so hard then tor us to find them at all." Msny other witnesses from Boston. Wor cester, Philadelphia and esewher , addel to the complaints ot Injustice ot the In crease. Post an the Stand. George A. Post of New Tork, president of the Railroad Business assoolatlon, tes tified before the Interstate Commerce com mission today that the main purpose of ills organisation was to promote friendly re lations between the railroads and the pub llo. "We have learned In the last two or three yeara," he said, "that corservatlv talk Is better than vitriolic. Wo are or ganised good humor, not organised gloom." The association was organized in 11KM and the witness felt It had accomplished much in this direction. Mr. Pout said the pur chased of the railroads had d'mlninhed very J markedly In the last four or f.v. months CHICAGO, Nov. a0.-(8pedal Telegram.) The University of Nebraska won first prise at the slaughter test st the Interna tlon Stock Show today on steers and heif ers, 1 and 2-year-olds, taking also second prise In the latter class. In the college class awards the wnlverslty took first on animal 12 to li months old and second and third on animal under 13 month. In sheep Robert Taylor, Abbott,Neb.j took second prlxe for a carload of native lambs. The Weather of putting a stop to price cutting and the practice of selling at cost to attract trade. A number of speakers on (he program dis cussed this from various stapdpolnts and recommended the formation Of local clubs and the organisation of counties and dis tricts to regulate prices. About 600 mem bers are present. Health Physician I, ax. It became known today that although the city health physician was made aware ot the epidemic of typhoid fever here more than a week ago he took no steps toward ascertaining the cause. Practically all ot I 150 known cases have developed within ths week. Today ths secretary at the State Bosrd of Health telegraphed to the Marine Hospital bureau for a government expert to come here and Investigate. Want Legislative Pardons. Eleven life convicts In the penitentiary have asked of the legislature that permis sion be given to the governor to grant them pardons. These eleven are: C. Ecker lebe, Clinton county; Harry Hortman, Cherokee; William Ducas Page; Ira N. Noble, Muscatine; John B. Hamlll, Polk; Joseph Buglany, Monroe; John 11. Cater, Kayette; Albert Parnltxke, Van Buren; Hugh Rohberd and Leonard Haly, Du buque; Mrs. Sophie Kreuger, Union county. The legislature has had before It In other sessions the applications of Hobberd, Haly and Parnltxke. Hamlll was sentenced to hang at the same time as George Weems, Tho was recently released, but Hamlil haa long been an Inmate of the insane ward at Anamoaa. Temaerance Men Dlsa anointed. Almost the entire vote cast at the recent election for the holding of a constitu tor al convention to revise the entire state constitution was due to the efforts of the prohibitionists. They had made a hard fight for a convention on the theory that it would open the way for a prohibitory amendment without the consent of the legislature. They wers also assisted by those who want women suffrage and those who advocate certain tax reform. But the defeat of the proposal by over 33,0000 majority shows plainly that the voters ot the stats do not want any tinkering with the constitution for any purpose. The antl-prohlbltlonlsta polAt to the result to Show that even It the prohibitory amend ment is put up to the voters it will be defeated. Deemer'a Chanees for Promotion. The friends of Justice Horace E. Deemer, whose name haa been presented to the president as one available for member of the supreme court, have been greatly en couraged by the situation as it has de veloped with regard to various candidates In this part of ths country. Judge Deemer has not only the solid Iowa delegation back of him, but also portions of the dele gations from other states nearby, even In states which have active candidates for the place. It la known that prior to his departure for Panama President Taft made Inquiries which would indicate that ha was atrongly Inclined toward the Iowa man. Whether or not the appointment ot a new senator .will affect thla situation Is not known, but the belief In Iowa Is that should Senator Young uss bis personal influence for Deemer with the president it would settle the matter. lens Repablican Majority. The actual republican plurality in Iowa was not far from 54,000 on the state ticket aa a whole. This was disclosed when tho canvassing board today made footings on the count of several of the state offices. The first three offices counted, which in cluded tbe three highest except governor and lieutenant-governor, abowed as fol lows: Secretary of State Hayward, republican, 211,708; Anders, democrat, 157,721; Younts, prohibition, lOOiffi; Lang,, socialist, 1,400; j scattering, 125. Republican majority, 34, 270, republican plurality, 63,387. Auditor of State Bleakly, 210.792; Blake, 168.208; Sopher, t.bit; Jensen, 8,47. Treasurer of State Morrow, 209,418; Cur ran. 150,058; Kersten, 8,634; Kent, ,m. Coat of Iswa Schools. The schools of Iowa ooet laat year 1S.- 711.467, which is about a million dollars more than in the previous year. Teach ers' salaries Increased by 1301,000. These figures are shown in the advance sheets of the report ot the state Superintendent Just Issued. The number of teachers em ployed la the school year was M.tOO, which is less than the 25,0m) of the year before. The average compensation for females was inoreased from 141.60 to I4S.21, and de creased for males from 17' 68 to 172.01. The number of sub-district and tbe number of School rooms decreased. I i Clearing Sale $50 Suits and Overcoats to Order, $25 $35 Suits and Overcoats to Order, $20 On Sale One Day Only, Saturday, Dec. 3d On several occasions In tbe past we have had clearing galea that made us hundreds ot permanent customers. Customera who are still buying from ua and who do not hesitate to bring In their friends. That la really the idea of this sale. Its main fea ture la the good advertising we hope to get; for the way these garments fit, look and wear shall be a splendid advertisement for us. This aale will beat every previous effort. The values we offer now are certainly away ahead ot any we ever gave before. High Grade All Wool Ooods Coating up to four dollars per yard. High Grade Linings and Trimmings In- . eluding the best hair cloth and canvas. f' High Grade Workmanship Every garment will be carefully tailored to order. Perfect Kit Guaranteed Every coat will be carefully tried on in the bastings. We have been In the tailoring business In Omaha for ten years; we have built up a big trade by proving ourselves thor oughly reliable. We are not going to do anything now that might lose to us cur well earned list of patrons. In the regular tailoring season nine suits out of every ten Ve tell are 135 to $50. Therefore this Is genuine sale. We mean just what we say; the aale la for one day only Saturday, December 3d. No one customer may order more than one unit and one overcoat. These goods are now on exhibition in our show windows. A suit or an overcoat makes a useful Christmas present. Out-of-town patrons may write or wire their orders. They may safely leave their selection to us. Come early Saturday. All callers courteously welcomed. IlacCarthy-Vilson Tailoring Co. 804-306 South lflth St Near Farnain St, 1 iLtstfioClal For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. . Shippers' Bulletin Prepare forty-eight-hour shipment, north, east and west, for temperature from tero to 10 above, and forty-eight-hour shipments, south, for temperatures below freeslng. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: OA J Peacock The aright soft coal for domestic use burns freely witk the much desired steady, even heat; holds fire all night in the heater. Three sizes mut, egg or lump. Hard Coal Full of heat, bright and free from slate and dust. Get It Now. L B. ffleCOUW CO.".; '- 1201 South Sixteenth Street - Phones: Douglas 753 and Independent A-3753 "HOME OF THE LONG TON" 1 1 1 jjr- Ml U. MeU Hours. 6 a. m.... a. m.... 7 a. ro. . . . 8 a. in.... a. m.... 10 a. m ... It a. in.... mm 1 p. m.... 2 p. in.... I p. m..., 4 p. Ml..., I p. m.... 4 p. m ... 7 p. in.... Dlssrracefnl Conduct of liver and bowel, In refusing to act Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life nils. 86c For sale by tieaton Drug Co. .... il .... Pi .... .... 20 .... ti .... ii .... 25 .... 2", .... M .... 27 .... 27 .... v .... 2a .... 24 .... J, AKD FURNACES. Ht. Ilev. t. S. Tuttle. bishop of Missouri and presiding ti.'hrp; F.t. Rev. A. C. Gar rett of lalla. Kt, Rev. and Mrs. A. R. 1 Craves of Kearney. Rt. Rev. and Mrs Ar thur U 'W'illlar.ks of Omaha. Rt. Rev. and Mrs. T. N. Morrlron of Iowa, Rt. Rev. N. a. Thomas of Wyoming. Rt. Rev. and Mrs. K. R. Mlltsraugh ot Kansas. Assisting Mrs. L!nlnger and Mr. and Mrs Haller we.-e the vestrymen and wives of Trtnty cathedral and a few frlenda Among those ass sting w?re Mes dames II. W. Yates. George H. Thummell. 1 hihp Potter, K. Waley, 8. U. Darka ow, E. P. Peik. J. C. French. George A. recher, Arthur L. Williams and F. W. Thou'us. Mr. and Mrs. Tatcs had as their guests In the evening beside the prelates and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. H VYaJ-ley, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Uarkalow, Mr. and Mrs. 0ort;e Thummell, Mr. F. II. ravl3, Mr. and Mia F. I.. Haller, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter. Mr. aid Mrs J. C. Frene!i. Mrs. Campbell Far. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. George. Mrs. Robe Mouta and Mr. Gvorc Voa .... ma'nlcnanve of way and equipment are gnaur than '.a. the methods of conducting transportation. Kow do you thou account for your statement that your buMness has bn falllnj off?" - ' Tha falling off dates back- to the first of June." replied Mr. Post. - Ke Development "Work f.usieaded. "10 you know of an instance wher thd ralircads have suspended any nu:k ot de velopment already begun?" pera'sted Mr. Pi outy. "Not at this moment." replied the wit-reus. "You bel eve," ssknd Mr. Prouty, "that If the conmi sslon would allow an ! norms. It would stimulate other lines ot buu'.nrts; so as to justify the railroads In develop ing their own systems?" "What the reads do In their wn bunl nos I don't know." replied th w tnrsn. "Winn the roeds receive inch Inerease", rvenu-s and r't H th. frame of inlml vhe.t oiild naturally fol'ow, th-ie would b an enlargement of rroaperily. a giving of em ployment to the many people deyndent en HIGH SCHOOL CORNERSTONE Itramsssrg Plneee It In Position with Elaborate Ceremonies Ploneee School Men Are Present. 8TROMSBURQ. Neb., Nov. 20. (Sp.clal.) The laying the cornerstone of tbe new high school building took place here yester day with a very Interesting program. "Su perintendent BoosUom had full charge, aud pupils of each school marched to the new building, where each room deposited mat ters ot interest for sate keeping tn a box that had been provided for the occasion. hort talks were made by Mayor A. B. lUd bloom of the city, James Dell ot David City, Mr. Osrnandt of Kalrbury, the State uporintendenl-Eleot e principal address was architects and State II, J. W. Crabtree. The 8 p. m . I. ami Heeortl OMAHA, Nov. 30. Official record of teni-j maje by Congrassman-Klert Charles H. puiature snd preclp.iatiou compared with w f Geneva. Prayer waa offered by correspond.... l-ano- tffo j Ul . icNe f the Methodist church ot this Highest to.lBTt ,...Ti M 42 4" place. Lowest today V 12 21 i An lni,rf t!ng feature was that those Vta3,'a!"..:::::'.: .fa . t i ! ormzed th. .mct thiny-mo. yMr. 'r-mn.iai.ii- ami nr.H-ii.itation drnartures I ago was prent. namely. S. P. Hmlth and rr.'iii tne normal m t.mai.a mice Man n . and compared with tho last to years rtnmi lei'M'et a.ur" & Deficiency for the day s Total eicrti since Maruh 1 8 ; .mi .in. ri 1 1 iit..ta..:jii tri Inch Dili. Iriicy fur I lie ujv Oil inch Tt i l rah'fs'l siiu-" March 1 IS. to Inches Deficiency since March 1 ,..4.47 Inches Excess for tor. period, lie 1 2 41 Inches Leficlncy for cor. period, r;8. . t.Vi inches Report Irnui stnlloun t T P. M Station SfU if vV ul' rr Cheyenne, pt. clouJy . I avt-i.puit. clear Denver, clear liri Muliii'S, cltar Dodxe City, cloudy .. I ar ler. pt. clou.ty ... North I'latte. clar ... I m alia, clear clear Uan'.il Cl.y. pt. tlo idy Temp. Max. Rain p. i... i la. 40 2 30 24 40 M ?A 22 il .' I 4 4 rait I.akn City, s.-ir' Ko. n ' UnH.y ?-i Fhwidan.' cloudy : 12 Va.oiiL.ue. -Ktir 18 24 .M '"I" Indicates traie of preciplMtlon. . 1 A. We.Ui. Loral k u caslor. 2S 27 1 10 (4 i.l 22 24 M. F. Barber, also the first Polk county superintendent, James Bell ef David City, who spoke In an Interesting mtuner about the early days In the development o the educational interests in the county. The Mronisburg band furnished music, and the school children and a male quartet tang. The attendance numbered fully 1,101) people. Tho city will have one of the best equipped high schools in the state when It is tin ' Isl.ed, and the people are proud of 11 01! 't .0) .00 .0) .00 .tw (Ol Death After Oneritlan o AI RORA. Neb.. Nov. i .-( Special ) "0' . . . to -I Killi1V . Ll I.HP1MI.. ,00 Alter an - -- , hM.,K x... . T I morning ana an operation .or app""'-, uN! COLDS t ALJ.'. ItttllMLIIK. LAXATIVE IIRO.MO Quinine, the world Cold and Grip remedy, rrmoves cause Call tor lull nan... t-oui. lor siina.i.r. iu . C.KoVK. 2ta BJevz Victor Records' for December Just out and ready to entertain you whenever you want tohear them. You certainly will enjoy them. . A. Mospe Coo 1513-1515 DOUGLAS ST. OMAHA. Worms Cascarets ate esrtalaly Sue. t gs a friend ene whea Ike doctor was treadag him fee cancer 1 the stomach. Tbe aest aieratsg be puwea lour ptsues at s tape worm, ha ih.a gvt a boa aad ia three day. be std a taaw-wena 4S he It was Mr. Matt Frees., ol, Lsupbis Ce.. Fa. I am ealte a werker foe Uk r.t I as them Bvself and 9 tar moat say eieese caused by Import blood." K. Caadoa, lwlstoe. Is., tMiinia Lai I Sad them bene&cial AMVIEUKHTI. PUasaat, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. LoUood N.rarSick.o.W.slt.eerUrlpe. loc. lie, !0e. N.ver sold la bulk. sm tablet stan ped C C C. tiaaiaBteed to amre er roar noaey back. 121 city, died at his parents' residence last evening. The oung man was a Junior In the Aurora High school, of fine character and lovable disposition. Trtaay, Saturday, Matinee Baturday KIinT WOODJttTT la 1KB GBMIUtf BOO wests SI. Mat, at yopular frloes. Sunday Until Wednesday ADXLA1DB THtnSTOsT In "MISS AMAMIAk" Tuesday, Deo. Sth, at 4 p. n MMB. XiIXA ZiXHMAMM. STEAMER RUNS DOWN TUGBOAT: Three Men Are Drowned la Collision In St. Mary's PHeaaare Near Sanlt Ste. Marie. SAl'LT BTB. MARIE. Mich., Nov. . Three of the crew of the tug. General, were drowned early today when the tug was sunk in a collision will, the Canadian Pacific railroad Btiam., Athabasca, off Ume Island In SU Mury s passage. The dead are: JOSEPH ROYER. second engineer. ANDRtiW HAIlWOOD. cook. J RANK LOWE, fireman, all of this clt. The saved members of the Genera 's crew were taken on board the Athabasca. ADVANCED VAVDEVILXU Mat. livery Day, gil. livery Bright, g:ls Top O Th' World Iaacers, Bird Mill man and Her Wire Artists. Covington & Wilbur, Bowman Bros., Irene How ley. Krags Trio, I.eni Put, Ktnodrumn, Orpheum Concert Orchestra. . Prices Matin.. Mights . 10. and S5o 10c, B5o and boc Children, to be fat and healthy, should cat Cream of Barley morning and night. ICOYD'S Matin... 1 uesday Thursday, -aXV' TOXOT w a cava Supported by an Exoelleut Company, li. tii. sjouety - touj, I9IS 25c 'NEXT WEIK-"'la SQUAW MAM." !.emra 'iF.m On a Year. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8o.-(ripeclal Tcl.-gtam.)-Th c:us . bureau today an . ...... ...l lhn Iir.Dllla tlon of Lmars. Ia.. as 4.157. as atialnst 1.14 In 1800. an Increase of j Stock Co. In "The ttlrl rom Qat To.t.' eleven during the decode. OMASA'S TV CENTZSV -SS-SO-T6. 1B-SS-&04 AL. REEVZS BcAUTT SHOW BXTBAYAOAKZA AMD VADOtTlLtD, Andy I.. wis aud a Baby Doll Oborus. Laoics' iituis Matin, liv.ry W.k Day. Eat. Mirht D.c. 3, Only, Sdltb MOTXMEKT9 OT OOBAJT BTE1M8BJPI. Prt, Arrtvxl. B.I1.S. NWW VOHK V. Ur Oro. K tW ' .KK Vowl i nbw Yon: ' . cl.ntl. ...Rural Kdw.rd. . .Minr..tuuK. cltis. Earl R.. second son ot 16 ears of Jsmes II. age. and the i kan;i7"s- Mirphy of this ;iJ2iiflX)-" Siberia. AMtin kal. KKUG Hit AltU rw at TODAY. T3o.' PKICXS ISc, 850, BOcj TOBJIOnr S:16 Mat RICHARD J JOSE in THREADS THWf a won SILVER Is f. 11 I IsCJety- 0