Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1910, Page 11, Image 13

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f J
Wheat is Stradv
m' . J shAtAluVaa TV t ,a
r V Light Trade. i
Offrrlaara Keadlly ,.eepterl Vtrnlki
"' Melt Favorable to tlm-
t olatlon of ort ArtlTt
OMAHA. Nov. SO. 1910.
Wheat ruled Heady and higher with only
moderate trade. Chs.i market were firm,
rrnail rc-cc-lits stimulated an active demand
lor all .) offerings. Continued dry
weather ever the southwest winter wheat
be it caused shorts to worry.
v Father over the torn belt la generally
favorable to stimulate a. Letter movement,
ira.lera rt.nlltme to lie hcaj h anil a-lllng
',' lHipUnr Mil- of the market on all
Wheat ruled etrnnr. nnd higher after
slight reaction at the start. Short were
narrow and northwest cafo market ifhoweri
marked lmprov e'ri. tit. Local cah wheat
ws strong anil n-tiv at lc over yesterday.
Corn w4i ft'-uv anl firm in svmpaioy
with wheat, f.. mti. offering wrr ea
liberal hut penovM sentiment rules bearish
and rherka any marked advance. fault
torn firm, fit miner dull. riih
tlenrand some slower.
Primary wheal receipts wer, :M.O0O
bushel and iliipmoht.e were LOT. hush
. against reeeipip taut vear of l.,a.J
nttnhela Dnrl ut. i ......... t - .. . ... - w--u . V.
iTlmnry corn receipts were iil,ntj htish-
.... nninirinif i.'sn iiuopi.i"
nun nuipmentn were. uJi,'""i nustieis,
against rieits art v ar nf ii !,i0 bnshels
and shipments of l';;!.'.i bushels.
Clearances were 13.W0 bushels of corn,
lino bushels r,t oa'n. and wheat and flour
equal to 42o.nMi. bushel..
Liverpool clowd 1 .(.d hlwher on wheat
and Wd hiiiher on corn.
Ihiinhn t'nah Prlcea.
WHKAT No. 1 hard. mt.iU:; No. 3 hard.
JifoMc; No. 4 hanl, b-'n'ilc; rejected, hard.
No. 2 aiirlng. njWsc; No. i rprinK,
COltN No. white. 41'-.'Tt2f. new SKWtf
KVjc; No. .1 h't, 4mfi4'2c. new ss'sfr :8i'ic;
No. 4 white, .iruilo. new itsi) UKc ; No. 2
yellow, 4:iWr.r.. new a!Ti40c: No. J yel
low. 42!ZM2'.c, new 3!w.TMu''.c; No. 4 vellow,
4l4Hc, new SSV'i C'So; No. 3 4Kfl2o. new
Jfrmio; No. 3, 4(r(i41o. new STTVoSSVio; no
grade, S7'M.!ir;, new .liidio;
OATH-No. 2 white, Kfll'vO; atandard,
'i:an4c: No. S white, 3'j.e; No. 4
white, 29d2!i?: No. 3 vellow, Wu'iWkc; No.
4 yellow SMVdi 29lc.
DA RLEV-No, J, 675?Hc; No. 4. 62'rji!7c;
No. 1 feed, 6iire; rejected. fi,ri Vie.
RYE No. t, "if74Hc; No. 8, TJ'ttl2'c.
Carlot Keoelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Ctifcngo ..' i'. '.. ia 3"i4 i:
Minneapolis 177
ents were 9,,n"0 husiieis,
Omaha Hi 22
JUuJutb. ua
Peat area of the Traillnar and Closing;
PrleM on Hnnrd of Trade.
CIIICAOO, Nov. 30 Buying credited to
leading millers put ' up thu price of wheat
today. Export Bales to France nave help,
and so did the amallnoas of primary re
ceipt. The close wan firm, ' to (fe
net higher. Uatest flKuro for corn were
the same a lost nlKht to a shade below;
oat Vko tip to '.c down, and provlaions un
changed to S2'io advance.
A the day1 pronrenaed 'trade In wheat
broadened and speculation became much
more Keneral than - of Inte. Purchaaars
were encouraKud by the tit per: nK down of
primary receipt nnd of further talk of
dry weather southwest. Aid to the bulls
came also In the form of new that ten
bout load had been sold at New York
tor export to France.
The. moat substantial support, however,
arose from the fact that miller were buy
In future on a lar(fe scale, both here
and at Minneapolis. lUailKh comment on
enlarged estimate of the Itusalan crop led
to a reaction, but the effect was only
temporary, and the close was at nearly the
top figures of the session. Price changes
for the May option ran from 93 "4 to Whvij!
Ho with final sales at SttlVoWc, a net gain
of V.
Corn was sharply higher early. In the
ead quotations were almost precisely where
they stood twenty-four hours previously.
May ranged between 4tiT and 47Vtc. closing
at 47H(M7So, a net loss of a sixteenth. Cash
oorn was firm. No. t yellow finished at
M'n2Ho. .
There was a large trade. In oats. May
Varied from 34'4 to 34Vfco and closed un
altered from last night at 844o.
Important buying on weak spot resulted
In a quite general advance for provision.
Laat sales left pork 20 to 324o higher,
lard unchanged to bT-tti up, and ribs at
an advance of 6 to 12ruUiVfao.
.Leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open.) Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
J ieo. .
' Jan.
Jan. ,
89V4 90 89H
2l W.WTkW
44W 44V
47 1
. 4"i,41Wu'M
... t
841 34'
84Vk 84
17 J2Vi 17 00
16 66 1 86
S4,4'U JM'n
84 84
U 96
w as
IT 87VI 18 &
1 62 SI 1G gO
I I ... 774
671 82Vf 67ty IN II 724
66 . I 621 U4I 8 t2l bi'.i
8 vo
8 8
No. I.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUK (steady; winter patents, 14.10
4.66; straight. U.SMi44i; spring straights,
4 &'.(: 4.60; baker. t3.SUtfr4.90.
HYK No. 2, IWuSoVo.
UAHLKY Feed or mixing. K(U8c; fair to
choice malting, 7CKUu4c.
HKKDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2,411;
No. 1 northwestern, 82.5U. Timothy, iH.tsC
Clover, 814.90.
PROVISION'S Pork, mes, per bbl., IW.OO
17.86. Lard, per lirt lbs., $.774. Bhort
libs sides (loose), In oo'y a.874; short clear
side (boxed), t.dOD.7&.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 420.UU0 bu. Primary receipt were
to4.tiu0 bu., compared with l.aa.wu bu. the
corresponding day a year ago.
EHti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
U (art, corn, 0 oars; oats, 126 car; hogs,
84,00 head.
Chicago Caah Piioes M'heat: No. t red,
IMiUJc; No. 8 rel. Wc.i2Ve: No. 8 hard.
v24l4aL'; No. 8 hard. StHJ2c; No. 1 northern
prinrf, fl.0nUl-07; No. 2 northern spring,
11.044'l.OS; No. 3 8J.W4t.0i. Corn: No. 2
oaah. 4Vit4No; No. 2 cash. 47'.Jtixc; No. 2
white, 4Mj4s'i.c; No. 3 erhite. 4V7V'if 4So : No.
2 yellow, 62ijc24c; No 3 yellow, &2(&24o.
Oats. No. 2 caah, Kl-rfti2c: No 2 white.
83'i33c; No. .8 white. Mti tSc; No. 4
white. SiiiJUSc; standard, 8.',i:e.
li L HUl Steady, creameries, 2430c;
daltiea, 2J'!7c.
KUOrt Steady: recflpta. 2.M5 rases; at
mark, case included, iJJ:x)2-"ic; flrata, 3Uu;
prime first, 8-'c.
CHEKSW Kay; daisies, lnVifflKtc;
twins, li.ilHo; johiik Americas, li!ul&c;
Knie horns, lb' . i hiV.c.
POTAlHKi titeadv; choice to fancy, 46
t'p; tair to Koou. AtlQ.
l'Ol'LTRY fcieady; turkeys, live. IRo;
dressed. 2uu; fotvls, live, luc; springs, live.
VF.At-fteady; W to 60 lbs., DiglAc; M to
t lt.. liiill -.c; m to 110 it. , i2o.
Chicago Receipt Wheat. U car; corn.
8M car; oat. l cars. 4;at!nmt:-d tomor
row Whel, U cars; corn, 2U) cars; oats,
126 cars. . . .
Kansas 4,'iif Grata and Provlaloas.
cember. KiVii'VtC. bid; May. 4'c, bid;
Jul v. !, i -,c, eash. untiianged to 1c
hlKher; Ne. 2 hard, lil:i-: -No. 3. Ssy'jtic;
iso 2 red, t-Vyiwc; .No. S. :V":ic.
COKN Peceiuber. 4i'ii42c. tellers;
May, 4iUi' sellers; Julv, 4'W:41c. sell
ers; cash, unchanged to u higher; No. 2
mined, 4V4c; No. 3. U ii44c; No. 2 hlt,
4tdVc; Ns 3. 42.i,47c.
OATS riichangid: No. 2 white, 82St
84c; No. 8 mixed. i;i.i33c.
R Y K No. 8. ;i7K-.
I'-A Y I'nt'haniied; choice timothy, ' 214.00
4514J'): choice pialrie, $12 00.
HI TTKK Ci rn;rrv, 2c ; firsts, 26c; sec
onos. S. ; pat kinK to k, 2Uu.
i:UU-Eiii 32c; fiiets, 30c; seconds,
, Receipt Shipments.
Wheat, bu. 40D
Corn, bu 2l.on) Su
Oats, bu .0uu 8,tM
Mluaeapoll Grain Market.
rVrrinWr. , $lul',; M.iy, $L0o4ulu04.
Cash; No 1 l.nrj, H.U.4. No. 1 northern,
1 ov.sVl V4 4: No. 3 Uuithern,;
la. I s .' ijl
FLAX 4'lohed at 12. M.
CoKN No. t yellow,. 4u46c; No. I white.
RYK-Na t 71S'ti75c.
LOUR-Flrat, $1 8555 35; second
patents. 4.TRiysS: first clears, t3jni3 6S;
......1 dear. 12 2Mi2.
lUtAN In WO-pound sacks, 120.00fi 20 60.
lantatlons of the Ta en Varloae
NKW YOHK, Nov. 80 -FLOUR Pteady ;
spring patent. ti.l.Vu .; winter strsmhts,
84lKi4 2i,; winter patents. 84 43.76; spring
cleats, 4 l:.'u4 4i; winter extras No. 1. 83 40iH
3T0; winter extras No. 2. ;t.234. Kansan
straights. 8 1. Wo 4 76; cholc to fancy, 34 2.r
J 4.".. Kuckisheat flour steady; 82.26 per 100
COKNMKAL Steady, fine white and yel
low. 81. l.(i 1.20, coarse, $l.lou 1.16; kiln dried,
12 1 '.
WIIHAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red,
JTc, elevator, and 6V,c, f. o. b., sflost; No.
I northern, Duluth. 81.1H, f. o. b., afloat.
Future market adavneed sharply early on
covering, due to a better export business
In red wheat and on the streiiKth In the
northwest, but lo.t prt of the advance
under i.ill-.:hii. cIoshim ,'nlc P't higher.
n t i mber closed at 97c; May, 21034; July,
II ".
( oii. Npol mairtct steady; No. 2. new,
52;c, f. o b, to arrive, ruturee msrket
was without transactions, closing un
chsnged; Pecember cloied at 62hc; May
closed at r.."c. lucilpts, 1.125 bushels; ship
ments, l.M'i bushels.
OATS Spot market firm; standard white,
3e; No. 2. 3 .:; .No. 3, 3c; .No. 4, 87c.
Futures market was firmer on coverin.
snd some improvement In tne cash market,
closing uiichatiiitd to c hutner. .November
closeil r.t 3.c bid; December. 3Hc; closed
at 27V4o bid; May. 'Vo-h.'ho; closed at 40c
bid, July closed at 394c bid. ReceipU, 42,276
bushels; shipment. l.zlO bushel.
HAY Steady; prime, 31.114 No. 1, $1.10;
No 1, ti.i'ru i.'tt; No. 3. nkuc.
HOI'S Pteady; state, common to choice,
l:ii i.vf(t.,c, 11.1. i(iiic; I'acitic coast, llo,
14.i isc: it. h'uUc.
HIDKS-Flrm; Centra! America, 21c;
RoKota. 2-w2ic.
LKATH Kit Firm; hemlock firsts'. 2JVtf
2T'-,e; seconds, 214i&iic; thirds, 1SKu20c; re
jects. Iv'yl7c.
PROVISION! l'ork, steady; mess, $19.00
: istiilly. $?2 Wi24.00; short clears,
$20. 00 'a 22. 06. Beef. easy; mess, $13.tK);
'll.tiu; tanuly, .vLOtil.iiu; beet nam, 824. (
521.00. Cut meats dull; pickled bellies, 10!
to U Ins., 1 1 .;.j..; pk aled hams, iUM.
Lard, steady; middle west prime, S I
lo l ; reiiiii.i, un.-ettled; continent, $10.60;.
South America. 812.00: compound. 8b.6oia '
9 00. I
1 ALLOW uuiet; prime city, hhd., lc;
country. iVyc
RUTTKR Kay; creamery, apeclal,
31Sc; extra, Wc; third to firsts, ,112840;
held creamery, common to special, ii'tf
31c; state dairy, common to finest, 24&3oc; I
process, second to special, 242640; fac
tory, June make, first, 24c; current make,
POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick
ens. Il'ril24c; fowls. 12'o'13c; turkeys, lS&lttc. 1
Dressed, quiet; western chicken, 10(jl7o; ,
fowls, 12317c; turkeys, li1c22c. ,
KGGS Firm; fresn gathered, extra flrtt,
3f.3;c; first, 32.&34C; aeconds, 2sj30c; fresh1
gathered dirties, No. 1, candled, 24y25c;
No 2, 2f(2.(c; refrigerator, special marks,
fancy. In local storage, 262&4c first, 24
(U24 4c; seconds, 224ft 2J 4c.
Oatlook Is for Continue Fair, with
. . Some Cooler.
OMAHA. Nov. 80. 1910.
The eastern disturbance continues over
the lower lakes, extreme upper Ohio val
ley and eastern states, with Its center off
the New Kngland coast. The weather has
remained unsettled during the lat twenty
four hour In the sections named and light
snow are general from the upper lake
east to the coast thl mowing. An area of
unseasonably high pressure overlies the
entire country .west of the Mississippi river
and colder weather prevails everywhere ex
cept on the Paclflo slope. Temperatures
below sero prevail In the extreme upper
Missouri valley and western Canadian '
provinces and freesing weather extends
south to the gulf states. The weather Is
generally clear In the central valleys and
partly throughout the west. With the very
high pressure that will continue over the
central valleys during the next thlrty-slx
hour the outlook Is for continued fair In
this vicinity tonight and Thursday, with
colder tonight and continued cold Thurs
day. .Minimum temperature and precipitation
as compared with the last three years:
1910. 1909. 1908. 1907.
Lowest last night . 20 43 12 29
Precipitation .00 .02 T .00
Noimal temuerature for todav. 31 desrees
Deficiency In uieclDltaUon alnoa March l!
14.46 Inches.
Kxoeaa corresponding- period In 1909, 8.43
Indies.- - v. .
Detlclencv corresnondlnar narlnd In Inns
8.91 Inches.
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
St. Louis General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. SO. WHEAT Future,
higher; December. 9liiUo: May. 97ia
974c Cash, firm; track, No. 1 red.
Voc; No. 3 hard, D1B11.00.
CORN Higher; December, 43T4; May,
4t4c. Caah, weakr track, No. 2, 464AJ4JCJ
No. I white, 4fc474o.
OATS Firm; December, 31 4c; May, S345.
Caah, higher; track, No. 2, 32c; No. 2 white,
RYE Higher, 7946 4o.
FLOUR yulet; red winter patent, 84.40
64.80; extra fancy and straight,. 83.W4i4.K0;
hard winter clears, $3.303.90.
SEED TiBiothv, $.2iyt).25.
HAY Firm; timothy. $14.00S19.00; prairie,
$12 00.16.00.
FKOVISIONSPork, unchanged; Jobbing,
$17.25. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $3.t
U4).70. Dry salt meats, firm; boxed extra
shorts, $10,124; clear ribs,. $10,124; abort
clears, $10,374. Bacon, firm; boxed extra
shorts, 31074; clear ribs, $17.76; short
Clear, $1I.j4.
POULTRY Weak; - ohloksna, 4o;
spring, 10c; turkeys, 17e; duoks, 13o;
geese, 9o.
BUTTER Lower; creamery, 254J30C
EGG 3 Firm, 274c
Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbl 71.000 12,700
Wheat, bu 27,000 9,000
Corn, bu 81, OoO . 28.000
Oats, bu 63.000 67,000
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
Steady.; extra western creamery, 83o; extra
nearby prints, 84c.
EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and nearby
firsts, free cases, 8&0 at mark; Pennsyl
vania current reoelpta, In returnable cases,
83c at mark; western first, free cases, tSc
at mark; western current receipts, free
cases, 33c at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
fancy September, 16c.
Pforht Market.
PEORIA, Nov. 80 CO KN Firm; No. 8
while, old, 474c; new, 47 4o; No. 8 yellow,
old, 44c; new, 464c; No. 8. old. 414S; new,
434c: No. 4, old, 46c; new, 42o; sample, new,
OA'IS Higher; standard, 824c; No. t
white, Sl'e.
Liverpool Grain Market.
strong; No. 3 red western winter, 7s 3d;
futures, steady; December, 6a 8d; March,
6s ll,d- May 7s Sd.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 6s
44d; futures, steady; December 4s 2d;
February, 4a 1A.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 11.061.06; No.
2 northern, $1.04yl.06; May, 96 4c
OATS SJ4u34o.
BARLEY Samples, 74USOc.
nulwfC Grain Market.
PULUTH, Nov. 30 WHEAT December,
$10(4; Mas', $1.07. No. 1 northern, $L0j4;
No. 2 northern, $1,004 to $1 014.
OATS 424c
Cotton Market,
NEW YORK, Nov. 30. COTTON Spot,
closed quiet. 5 points decline; middling
uplands, loUCc; gulf. 16 30c; sale. 40O bale.
Futures: Closed barely steady. Closing
bids. December, 14 1S0; January, 14.73c;
February, 14 io; March, 14-Wc; April.
16o6c; May lo.loc; June, 15.12c; J uly, . Ii.l2c;
AuK-ust. 147o.
ST LOUIS. Nov. 30-COTTON-Qulet;
middling. lo4c; eales, 20 bales; receipts,
.2i bales: ahipmenis, 8.164 bales; stock.
16 m.5 bales.
New York cotton market, as furnished
by Logan dk Bryan, meinbera New York
C'ottou exchange, Sit South Sixteenth street.
Month I High. I Open. Lew. Close. Y'y.
14 S3
14 K2
16 11
16 12
14 86
14 Hi
16 13
15 29
15 28
14 77
14 72
14 97
16 11
U 11
14 71 I 14 M
14 73
14 99
It 1C
It 11
14 04
H 12
15 M
It 84
Turpentine aaa Rosla.
T1NE Firm, t:'j?764c
RdSlN Firm; tp V, 85.86; O. 15.8MI
Weol Market.
8T. IOUI8, Nov. 80 WOOL Unehanged;
territory and western medium, Jt.j'c;
flu mediuui. h.u-ic; fine, lilte
Violent Break in Prices Eesulting
from Lack of Confidence.
Retarne froa Harrlmaa Road Slisw
Larae Louei la et larnlaas
Oatpat of Secarltlr Increase
Over Laat Year.
NEW YORK. Nov. 30, rrica broke with
ome violence In today tock market, the
active list registering losses that ranged
trom 1 to 2 point. No explanation at
tended the decline other than the rather
vague hut. general belief that the recent
bull movement had failed from lack of out
ide encouragement.
I'iy way of supplementary rumor It wa
thought In many quarter that some open
readjustment in steel and Iron pr.ces would
soon be announced.
Apropros of general financial cond.tlnn.
It Is Interesting to note that the month's
output of new. securities sggregated $111.
WiOO. or more1 than $J7.000,oou in excess of
November, II. Iocal banking institutions
have lost from five to six m.lllon dollar
thus far thl week to Canada and San
Francisco and banks In Roston and Phila
delphia were today drawing on their re
rve here.
Return of the Harrlman road for Oc
tober were uncommonly interesting In that
they thowed large losses In net earnings.
Thooe of the Union Pacific decreased $717.
000, while Southern Paclflo lost $721,000. The
returns of the St. Louis & San Francisco
system for the same month ran from fav
orable to adverse, with a fairly substantial
Increase for the first four months of th
fiscal year.
Bono4 were steady with extremely nar
row transactions. Total sales, par value,
United States bonds were unchanged on
Number of sales and leading quotation
on slock were as follow:
alt. Hlrh. Lew. CIom.
Allla-Ctialmars DM
to 4
Amalgamated Onppar l,y)
American Arrlrultural ... Bo
Am. Beat Suiir 3,700
American Clan o
American O. A F 1700
American OMtem Oil 400
Amr1i-an" H. a I pfd .
Am. Ica fiecurltlee 1.100
American Llnaed ....,. too
Ameiic&n LcK-amotlr 1.4(0
American 8. a R 14. eo
62 4
5 "4
7k H
Am. . a R. pM 404 pm
am. nieei p-minonea e0 4AV4
44 "4
Jtm. BUar nennm..
K) 1144 lt
Amarlnan Tobacco pfd 100 h H
American Woolen mo K 1414
Anaconda Mlalng Co I.100 4014 1014
Atchlaotl pfd
Atlantic Oast Line
Baltimore Ohio. ..,
lo.uw 10m loovt 1004
iw i(u4 iui4 ltn
4"0 lit llt 11 1.44
(00 1M4 li4, 106
Hethlenem Steel 100 )lSg
z.rvMaiyii napia IT avMJ 74 7!
Caoadlan Paeirio, ex-dlT io 1M4 1J
(.'antral Leexher S.oon 14 u
.rnirmi Leainer pra....
Central of Nee Jaraey.
Otieeepeake Ohio....
Chicago a Alton
Chlcas-o O. W., new...
C. O. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
C, M. a at. P
C , (',., O. St. L....
Colorade F. I
Colorado a Southern..
10O 1044 1(164 11
400 1444 1444 144U
.an 1x34 ui
8,400 n
804 4
... M
ronaolldated oas 3.400 131 131
Orn Product, 1,1(10 1 154
imawara m nuaeon..
Denver a Klo Urande
TO lQftVfc 1H
4. ) tl 34
D. a R. O. pfd S.itlO 74
Plat tilers' gecurttlea i0 II II
rte 4,400 3SV4 174
Rrle 1st pfd WO 414 44
Brl, Id pfd
General Bleetrlo 1,000 164 154
ureat nortnom ofd
1,1(10 1J24 1214 1214,
MO (H 474 67
100 lll 121
aree,t Northern Or etna.
Illinol, oentral
Interborough Met
S,7"0 114 14 1
Int. Met. pfd ! too liu tiu Kiv
International Harreater .. 1,400 111 1044 104
111, jaaxme pro
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Oantrei
Kansas City le
K. C. o. pfd
Laclede Oa
Loulrrllle a NMiTlll
Minn, a St. Louis
1,300 14 106 104
tUO 14X4 1414 1414
M., t p. a a. a. M
00 111, lh4 14
m., k. a t
M., K. a T. pfd
Missouri Paclflo
National Biscuit
National Lead
00 114
100 41
T,4U0 44
. 100 111
800 61
N. R. R. of M. 34 ptd ...
New York- Cenriwl....
N. T., O. a
Norfolk A W, nx-ilr.,.
North American
6,000 118
400 414
M0 414 404 404
Northern Pacino ...
. 3.4.1 11444 114 114
. U 134 124
., 4.4UU 14 14 14
to 1064 1064 lt4
Pad f 10 Mall
Pennsylvania t
People's One
p., a, a a at, l.
Pittsburg Coal TOO US 114
Preeeed Steel Car 4ut 114 II
ruuman raises tar...
Railway Steel Serins.
100 314 834
...113,100 160 1474
Kepubll, steel
Republic Steel pfd.,...
Rook Island Co 4...
Rook Island Oo. pfd..
St. U A 8. P Id pfd
St. Loals S. W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
Sloes-gniffleld S. 1.
Southern Paclflo H.0.K) lit 1144 1144
Southern Hallway I, WW 3544 3f4 2&Ve
eo. Hallway prd
Tennessee Copper ....
Texas a Paoirto
T., St. L a W
t . su l. a w. pra.
Union Paolfl
TJnton Pacific pfd
United Btataa Realty..
134. 100 174 1714 1744
L400 t. )4 "4
United Males Rubber.
1.000 134
..01) T74
.... 1.1O0 1174
United States Steel....
V. . Steel srd
Utah Oopper
. L4
.... too
.... 3.60
.... xsoo
Va.-i.'arollna Cfaamloal
Wabash pfd
western Maryland ....
Weattngbeuae SUextrla
Western Union
Wheel in U B
Leiilsh Valley 1S.SJ0 11144 140
Total sales tor the er. 744,700 shares.
New York Money Market.
ca.ll, easy, i.x4 per cent; ruling rate, 24
per cent; closing hid, 34 per cent; offered
at 24 per cent.
TIME LOANS Firm; sixty day. 4&-44
per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six
months, 4 per cant.
per cent.
actual busines In banker' bill at 34 8226-ii
4.8266 for 60-day bill and at H86u6 tor
COMMERCIAL BILLS-t4.814f?4 82.
SILVER Bar, 16c Mexican dollar, tfto.
UONDbV-AJroveroment, steady; railroad,
Clolng nuotatlona on bonds were a
V. g..ri. 8. rag.... K4 Int. Met. 44a T4
4 eeapaa 1U044 Int. at. M. 44 444
U. s. a. rag 1014 'Japan 4s ,. 14:4
4 eoapea 1014 4o 44a 44
V. S 4a, fe 1144 ft. a Se. let U. ... 7114
do coupon 1U4 U a dek. ca 1ML. t4
Allle-Cbel. 1st le... 774 U a 14. anl. 4e M
Am. Af. fa 104 M K. a T. let 4a.. 474
Am. T. a T. . 4. 104 do sen. 44a 6
Am. Tobaaee 4a..... 74 Mo. Paoltlo 4a. 74
do 4a 1044 N. R. R. of M, 44 M4
armour Co. 44 4 N. Y. C. g. I See.... 174
Atokieoa ext. 4 4 do deb. 4a S3
do rv. 4a IO64 N. T . H. H. A H
Mo ev. la ! ov 4 1114
A. C. U 1st 4s... 44 N. A W. let a 4s.. 44
3UI. Ohio 4a do ev. 4a M4
do 34 4 No. Pacific 4a 104
do 8. W. I4S .. '. ed, la 70
grrooa. Tr. ev 4a... I4 O. 8. U rffl. 4e ... rl
Con. of Ua. la Ills' Perm. ev. Is, 1H16. M
Con. Leather te.... do eon. 4a ha 4
C. ot N. 1. 8. ce. .1214 Reedln n 4a..... 44
Chee. a Ohio 44S.UI1 t U 4 i f. I 4a 114
do ref. as h do gen. fa 646
Ohlcaso a A. 14- 4 St. L S. W. e 4s... 76
C. B. A 4. 1. ,4a... do 1st gold 4 s4
do sen. 4s....... ". 6. A L. 4e 144
C. U. a IT, g ssaa 4i go. Pac. col. 4a.... l
U R. 1. a P. e. 4a. 71 do 1st ref. 4a S4
do rff 4s ego hallwar fa 107 i,
lo. Ind. 4e 71 do sea. 4s 74
Colo, hi 4. 4e 4 fnlc Pacine 4a... .101
C. a S. r. a a. 44a 174 do ev. 4s 14
D. a H. ev. 4a.... M do lJt a ref. 4a..
D. a R. O. 4 4 V. S. Rubber 4s... 1"2 ,
do ret. fa s.14 V. S. Steel Id fa....l4
risilllenr. fa 744, V4 -lr. Ckem fa.. t4
Erie p. 1. 4a Hi, Wabash let 4a In
do eo. 4a 14 do let a ea. 4a... 4
do cv. 4a. ear. A.. 74 W'eatern Md. 4a ... K
do aerlea B 44 Weet. shoo. ev. 6a... 14
Oea. klec. cv. to,. .14 Uv Oentral 4a vll-a
ill. Con 1st r. 4a H4 Ua Pac. cv. to Uv,
Bid. eeonere.
New York M-alaar Stock a.
NEW YORK. Nov. SO. Closing quotation
tion on mining atock, were:
Alloa 30 'Utile Chief 1 .
Coin. Tunnel atock.. Meaioan so
ado bonda II On lane f
Con. CaL Va,.....7t Opalr w
Horn silver Standard ,- 4
Iroa Sliver 16 Yellow Jacket to
eLeadvllle Con. 10
1. octal teeurltlee.
Quotation furnished by Burn, Brtnker
A Co.. 44 New Omaha National Bank
build, ng:
. . BU- Asked.
Alma. Neb., attunletpal fa lu
4'll et Oiaaaa as. HU Dig ij
Cliy at Oinaba 4e its lttJV, .tu
(5IT National Bank bid 4s. 1.
CMdakr Parsing Ce. 4s, 144 faa.
Cwamkaa, . S. L. 6a, 134 ., Si U4
rnrr o. a ft I. IM
Fitrmoet t'lesmery pt f. pr ent
ItarftT. Nfc munl'Mr-al)
iir'IrltiMr Pra4 Hrlrfc pfd
lw, Portland .rom 1 Am
Inttrhnrmtih TtRpt4 Tr., l;.J
Mtrop..ian gt. Ir. 'o K 11J
Mlrhitn t,t Tl. (a. IM4
Mnnapnlla U L 4a. line
NOtraa Talphrtn, t'o
Omaha Watr a. l!4t.
Omaha St. Hy. om. 11 41
Omaha C. B St Rj. fa. 19311
Omaha A C. B St Hr. pfd 4 per ct
Omaha a r. B. si. ttr . com
Pa.kra Natl. Panli Mot, So oniaha,
t. Paul ;aa i. n. 6a. 1W4
t Lnula Hrln Am n Ha. 11
Union 8tKk Tarda atx k. eva-dlT
n nvi
t jn
M l'
lot 10
at ne
M 1
M '4
n Jim
m n
London Stoek Market.
IX1NIH1N. Nov. SO. American securities
were quet and featureless during the early
trading today. First prices showed ;ii;ht
gains, but the market eased off later and
at noon values rsnged from unchanged to
4 higher than yesterday New York clos
ing. Ixmdon rising tock; quotations:
Consols, money 74 Louisville a Nash.. 1474
do acrount
so Mo., Kan. a Teaaa.. 144
New York Central ..ll'.v,
S Nr. a West, ex-dlv.piOs,
l'H do pfd fo
1041, Ontario a Weetern.. u
Amal. Cupper
do pfr!
Hamm.ire a rrhio..l 44 Pennsylvania .; 4s
Can. Pac., ei-dlv RanH Mines iu
Cheeareake A Ohio.. S3 Reeding 77
Chi. Orsat Western. 4 Southern Railway .. K
mi., mil at t. r..izix do pfd njv,
De Peers, ei-dlv.
Denver a Rio O.
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Grand Tnink
.. 1'4 Scuthxrn Pmolflc ...114
.. 14 Union Pa,., ei-dle. .17414
..74 do pfd i
.. MS U. 8. Steel, ea-dlr.. 71
...4SV, do pfd ....Ill
.. 17 v, Wabash i;u
.. J34 do pfd , 37
. .1ST Spanish 4e art
Illinois Central
SILVER Bar, steady at 2&4d per ounce.
Bio.xi'ji-i'aii, per cent.
The rtite of discount In the open market
for hort bill la 44 per cent; for three
months' hllla, 4 l-lbTj44 per cent
Hoatnn Mlnttiu; Itnrts.
BOSTON, Nov. 30. Closing quotatlo
n on
iocrb were as lonows:
414 Mohawk
f4 Nevada Con
17S Nlplealni; Mine
141 North Ihitte
North Lake
14 oi,i Dominion .
19 (He en la
6J4 rarroll S. a C.
64 yulncy
... 1H
... KV
... 40
... II
... 75
... 11
... 41
... T
... 4
... 67
... S.14
Amal. Copper
A. t UA S.
Arliona Com.
b. a c. c. a
S. M.
Butts Coalition
Cal. A Arliona.
cel. a Hecla..
ls miannon
Copper Itanse C. C. 4v, guperlor
"I Butt u. M. . . . 4114 Superior a B. M
Superior a P.
Olroux Con
Oranby Con
Oreene Cananea ...
lale Hoyale Copper.
Kerr Lake
Lake Oopper
La Salle Copper....
Miami Copper
Bid. Aakoo.
U. 8. S. ft. M
do pfd
... 4'a I
Utah Oon.
... 14
... 4Vt
744 Utah 'Copper Co..
14 Winona
744 Wolverine
New York Curb Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan Bryan, membera New York
Stock exchange, 816 South Sixteenth
street. Omaha:
Bar But Oa S3 L,ros 4
Boston Cons V4 Nev. Conaullualed .. 30
Butte Coalition It Newbouee 1
Cactua 83V4 Ohio Copper lv
Cblno 3.14 Rawhide Coalition .. 4
Chief Con 14 Ray Central 114
Fraction SIS Swift Pk Co 103V
Davla-Daly IS Sear,-Roebuck C...l)v,
Kly Central 134 silver Pick i
Ely Coneolldated ... I Superior a Pittsburg 14
Eiy Wltoh 11 Tonopah Mining .... I4
tTrsnkltti VIZ T- - . . "
11.7 vvirvr ...... s4
Ooldfield Florenoe .. 14 North Lake .... 7u
Ooldfleld Dalsr 74 Bohemia 4
Greene Cananea .... 74 OJIbwar 711
Inspiration 114 ,
Bank Clearlaga.
OMAHA, Nov. 30 Bank clearings for to
day were $2,669,664.18, and for the corre
sponding date last year, $1.93,218.72.
BUTTER-Creamery, No. 1. delivered to
the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, 82c; No 2
In 30-lh tube Din- Vn In 1 IK
80o; packing stock, solid psck, 204c; dairy'
ln i? tubl' o- Market changes
CHEESE Twins, 184174o; young Amer
icas. ISC' ,1.1.1a. lfin. ..T . ...
: ' ' uificis, jioc; 11m-
burger. 18o; No. 1 brick, I.40; Imported
uuiiioatic owise, X4o; Block Swls
20c. '
i'nt'T.TPTnr....j Kn . ..
-r . . "u"v, uuuor a ID.,
25c; plceona, pr do., $1.20; homer quab
I, . ' .-j a.uaavai, SKTJl UU,. M.OUI
No. 1 per do., 13.00. AUv. broilers, 144c;
"is, 10c; oia roosters, 7o:
old duck, full feathered, 10c; geeae. ful
feethsire O. ,.i,.. triaZ. .
- . - -. - . .uiKv.,, 404400, guinea
fowl. 200 each; plgeoiu,per dog" eo0
nirri ta Anm mi .si. t
do.. $1.50; No. 3, per do., 60c.
FISH (all frozen 1 Plnb.ul 11..
Li S!k"-. i.4c: ""t. , l7ars-e crapples;
, iie.i;Aorei, loaj eel, isc; had
dock, 13o; flounders, lie; green catfish 20c-
rue (iisii, t.w eacn: shad roe, per pair
n5.C,;,,,r10''"f . "toonlie;
vLceu'T,8",Rlbv.No-,1-14; N- oi
No. 3, 84c. Loin: No. 1, l7o; No 1. lssTo;
No. 8 ,4,. Chuck: No. i 74c; No. 1. 74c:
No. i 7o. Round: No. i, 9o; No 2, 7o
FRUITS-Oranges: California navsls. -126
sixes, per box. 12. 76(2.00; small 1 sixes
f1" bo;,3S.76; Florida, all, per
box, ti.60. Lemons: Laurel brand extra
fancy gufj size, per box. $6.60; 860 get p
b. choice, 800 slxe, per box, 86 60;
800 si.e per box. $6.00; 240 ilxe, 60c per box
less. Grape fruit: Florida, 46-64-M-6W slse.
per box. S4.164.M. Bananas- iT..
feeU-K,iUa2;?il,Jumbo- P bunch;
12 76fiS.i6. Pear;, California Winter m.iii.
per box, 12 86. Apple: Home-grown cooa
inc. Dr hh tHu.ami' .TL. . " . r
7. mn vvinesap. per bOl .
14 26; Missouri Gano, per bbl., $4.oo; other
varieties, per bbl., 14.0U; New York Green
Ins and Baldwin, n.r hhi ti 7X..???Z
Jonathan. per-bS, U.ior ..," SIS"
Gravenateln, per box, 11.80; California
ft norr,H P'r f0X- WalulngtoS
( rl Hies CnMn e.nH .... a ..... . .
ii ; i iT . 1 . """"m"' watra laucy,
ri-M? U i-.. ,GrP: Calllurn
. ... , K,, x. io, few York Ca
tawoa. per 6-lb. bk., 2oo Malaga, tujii
, . V t 'e,-i e;"v.T v-rauoerriea
Per box. 12., 6; per bbl., 1.60; Bell and
i. ... 7, ', per om., ..o; Wisconsin
Bsll and Bugle and Late Howe brand.
Dar hhl tu (si n... s,.4... i.
r--- .uuu, uw,
... . jrig: iw Cali
fornia, 12 li-os. pkg.. io: 36 12-oa. pais .
.... ivT : . " ' "" sisisii, 1-uryWll,
fi Jb- ' h-'uwn, per ib l4oi 4-crowu.
VKOKTABLKS Potatoes: Early Olilo ln
sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa and Wisconsin,
white stock, per bu., 76.JM&C. Sweet pota-
hh7: Y!.riln1. Per b,bl - i-W: Per
bbi., 12.00. unions: Iowa, red and yellow
per o., -So; Indiana, white, - per Jb.. lc
bpanlsn, psr crate, 11.40. Oari,c: tliiVa
lar cy. white, per lb.. 16c; red, per lb.. Wo. plant: Fancy Florida, per do WtsA
Celery: Michigan, per dog. bunches. 86c;
California Jtimco ,.. !,. i . ' T:
j , . , , f ' wujieitas, IOC.
Rutabagas: Per lo., 140. Cuoumoera: Hot
uwa.. per dox., 64. uu, Xoma
toea: California, per 4-bsk, TraU 81 to.
Csbbage: New, per lb.. 140. hiring- and
wax beans: Per mkt bsk., $1.10. lettuce:
txua iancy leaf, per dos.. uc. Parsiey:
fancy home-grown, per. dog. bunches, 800.
Turnips; per mkt. bsg.. 86c. Carrots' Per
mkt bsk., 40o. Beets: Pe, mkt bik . too!
MISCELLANEOUse-Waiuuu: Black ier
lb., 2c. Uickorynuts: Laige, pr lb. tci
mall, per lb., 6c. Cocoanute; Pr ack 16 40!
per doa, 76c. Honey: Nw. 34 frames.' ull
p.r"bl..V0ril LU X
toffea Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-COFFEB-Fu-ture
opened steady at an advance of hd)
lo points this uiornlpg in, response to
higher LMropean cabies. At the beginning
business was not very active, but a
good demand developed with big local
roasters' buyers ot the near months and
of spots, while tiuropean took
large amounta of March and May. There
waa also bullish news from Biaall as to
the prospective crop and sucphe remain
ing In tne Interior, and Price advanced
very sharply curing the afternoon, almost
ail of the active positions making new
high reei.rd for the eaaon. The do
as firm at a net gain of 2On30 points
bales, 16,2o0 bags. Decern her, 10 4c: Jan
uary lo.fcoo; February, 10.4bo; March. 10.47o;
April and May, lo.47c; June, 10.45c; July
10 44; August, 10.40c; September. 10 41 :
October li.ilc- Novemeber, 10 3oo.
Havre closed 14 to 14 francs net, higher
Hamburg was 44 pfg Bst. higher"
Rio. 100 rels lower at 71 275. 8antoa u":
changed, is ,1 ; 7s bt 700. Receipts at the
7? H.''1"? porV' 4 0t' b,, alnst
97,000 batte; Jundlahy recelpu, 22.2W baaa
against 33.600 last year.
hpot cotfee, firm; Rio No. 7, 134il34c
Fanto No 4. 1S9is4c; mild coffee firm';
Cordova, 1244716a. '
l,ar Market.
firm; muscovado. MS lest, 8.43c; centrifugal,
9 tet. 3ic; molester. '.i test, 116c. Re
fined ugar, quiet
at. Jeeep in.- Market.
Recelpta, 2.ou0 head : market, etrong to lOo
higher; steer, t4 6ofi66; row and bslf
eis 13 0oti6 6o; calves, lj 0oO 86.-
HOtict lteltits, 6,6oO head' market
steadv; top, 17 16; bulk t7 0fU7 16
bUKEP AM) LAMBhV-iteeetpta, 1 tuv
head: market, earoug to lu higher; lambs,
Cattle of All Kindt Active at Good,
Strong- Prices.
Fat Sheep and Erree Ten to Fifteen
Cente Higher tad Fat I.anaha
Strong, with Feeders In
flood Demand.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 30, 1910.
Receipts were: Cattle. I lore.. Sheen
Official Monday 4.045 2.8 7 13 SSI
Official Tuesday 8.9-11
Estimate Wednesday .. 4.212
Three days this week.. 13.113 1H.43S 1M?S
Same davs last week 15.707 1!i.So4 36.611
Same days 8 weeks ago.. 2S.773 16 0--4 100 270
Same day 3 week go..l4.11S . 7.MU h0 173
Same day 4 week ago. .30.41 8.1-' 9Vf;2
Kame day last year 19.647 13,87.2 21.025
The following tnl shows the receipts of
cattl hogs and sheep st South Omaha for
th year to date a compared w'th last
Near: )o)o iwk Inc Llec.
Cattle 1.13R..W2 1.031,890 106,871
Hogs 1.7R5.2M 1.997 074 ' 141.S20
Sheep 1.861. 133 2.0 1.3X6 828,797
The following table enow the average
price of hog at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Pate. I 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907.'J6.in04.
Nor. 22.,
Nov. 28.
8)1741 T 131 I 4 321 S IS! 4 S4I 4 SI
1 9241 7 S! S 871 4 081 111 4 Ml 4 4
I T 971 S 71 I t 01 4 9
774 I t C2I 3 ii 4 721 4 48
t 6S4I 8 041 I 4 071 OOj I 4 62
( 8 041 5 681 4 25! 6 02 4 87
S96VI 16 671 1 t C71 4 72 4 49
Itlshon Thomas wns too overcome for
Nov. 30.. I 1 9941 8 12 6 6X, 4 60 8 041 I 42
Sunday. "Holldav.
Receipts and disposition of live etock t
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha.
rh for twenty-four hours ending at 3
p. m.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
t, M. r Bt. p s
Wabash R, R. 1
Mo. P. Ry
U. P. R. R 42
c. i N. W. (east).... 7
H. A N. W. (west).. 68
C, Ft. P., M. & O.. 11
C. B. A Q. (east) .... 1
C, B. & Q. (west).. IB
C R. I. & P. (east).. 9
Illinois Central Ry... 6
Chicago Gt. Western 8
Total receipts ...1CT
4 1..
1 ..
4 t
23 1
2 8..
6 8 1
26 7
9 1 1
1 1
111 38 I
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
t'mana packing co ) l.W")
Swift and Company .... 1.159
936 1.8X6
Cudahy Packing Co 661 1.159 2,939
Armour A Co 766 ' 2,614 123
W. B. Vansant Co 142
Benton, Vansant A Lush 2 .....
Stephens Bros 103 ......
Hill A Son ..: SHI
F. B. Lewis e.. 148
Huston A Co 64
J. R. Root A Co. ....... 29
J. H. Bulla 11
L. F. Huu 64
L. Wolf 21
McCreary A Carey.... 81
H. F. Hamilton
Lee Rothschild
Smith A Polaley
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co..,;-s.2l
Christy A Cllne ..t 88
MoConahey 11
Other buyer 813
Totals 4,875 7,908 6.292
CA 1 1 LB Cattle recelpu continue small,
leaving the total for the three cays thl
week at 13,100 head, as against 16, ,00 head
laat week and 25.700 head for the sams
days two weeks ago. On account ot the
light recelpu the market continues ln very
strong position and entirely satlstactory to
the selling Interesu.
Buyers of beef steers were out early this
morning. They went attar the offerings
In a hurry, so much so that the market
was fairly active, while prices were good
and strong. This mean) that fat cattle at
this point are selling light close up to
Chicago figure.
Cows and heifers were also strong sellers
and the trade fairly active at the advance.
Prices have been gradually working up
every day and the market Is around lOlSo
higher than last Week.
stockers and feeders wero In good de
mand this morning, but th supply was
light and prices strong. Everything at all
desirable sold ln good teason and the mar
ket could safely be quoted around 104jlio
higher than last week.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 16.0OitH.75; fair to good
beef steers. 16.206.00; common to fair beef
steer, 3.76?i6.20; 4 0od to choice cows and
heifer, 14.2O7j4.90; fair to good cowg and
heifers, 13.504.20; common to lulr cows
and halters, 12.75I&8.50; good to choice
stockers and feeders, 14.b0r7j6.86: fair to
good stockers and tseder. 13.8OW4.S0; com
mon to fair stockers and feeder, 13.2547
30: atock heifer. 33. 004. 16; veal calves,
13507.76: bulls, stags, etc., !3.26$4.75.
Quotation , on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves, $S.60(a6 76; good to choice
beeve. to.OOi&t.h); fa.r to good beeves, 83.70
tj4 40; good to choice helfe-s. 84.oOu4.70:
good to choice cows, 13.80uv4.4; fair to good
cows, 13.30&3.66; canners, 13.761.60.
Repressntatlve ale:
No. At. Pr.
4 40 4 40
33 1140 1 It
II 107 t 44
trf 1104 I 60
II 0t t 60
30 1130 6 40
11.... 1140 146
No. Av. Pr.
ii nm t to
3..M 140 t 7
10 JZJ0 DO
14 Uh 6 6
10 1106 4 00
S3. 1411 4 04
,. 74 3 81 8...
1011 H
1023 4 00
1011 4 0t
lit- 4 It
174 4 30
UM 4 a
till 4 86
M 111
Ittt i 16
171 4 4
4 4 40
1166 4 44 '
o4 3 34 10
M III ....
6...., 114 I St II.....
6 1104 8 40 14.....
T tat 8 44 ' I
13 1001 8 46 111....
t 1004 3 4t 17.....
t M4 8 46 7
34 744 I 40 S3.....
4 IM 8 74 48
8. l'0 3 74 8
14 lueO IN 4
..44U 4 44
8. . T1S 4 00 8 T4S 4 71
13 6S3 4 40 t 10HT 4 10
14...- ew 4 36 I 944 t OS
1 Ill IU
.'...1440 I 0 1 140 4 36
14V6 4 03 1 14(4) 4 36
140 4 10
14 , S4 8 74 1 - 106 T 08
4 340 4 64 1 140 t 44
3 30 t 60 1. 114 f 76
S. t0 IM 10 St 460
t 426 4 00 S Ill 4 10
1 444 4 36 66 .....lOOO 4 TO
11 711 4 40 30 in) 4 TO
4 13 4 40 T..- tit 4 78
4 470 4 40 4 Ill 4 10
101 feeders. 941 4 96 1 bulls 1160 I 6
2 steers.. ..lOod 4 86 T feeders.. 798 4 40
A. C. Lundaren Idaho.
It cows Ull 1 80 4 oows 1000 1 30
I bulls 1436 4 00 1 feeders.. 1011 100
17 feeders.. 99 100 7 feeders.. 76 4 60
I heifers.. Sol 4 86
Howard A Andrews Idaho.
41 bulls 1263 3 66 1 bull 1060 I IS
1 cows 926 3 75 82 cows S87 4 10
11 steers. ...1128 4 90 2 steers.... 130 4 90
10 stockers. 660 8 60 1 caiv... as6 tit
HOGS Reoelpt of hog thl morning
were again quite moderate, bringing the
total for the week up to 14,400 head, a
against 19.9uO head for the same days last
week and 13,300 head for the corresponding
period a year ago. After advancing stead
ily for three days the market this morning
experienced a decided reverse. Buyer
tarted out talking extremely bearish and
first bids were aafely liKi)16c lower than
yesterday, heller began cutting loo on
bid that were loo lower than yesterday
and quite a number of hog sold that way.
Later on as It became apparent that re
ceipts were not very large and the demand
was really good price firmed ue until ths
market was not over 6c lower. This mean
that th market a a wool wa 6ioc
lower than yesterday. It will also be noted
that the trade was just the reverse of yes
terday, that Is, It opened lower, gradually
becomlug higher, while yesterday It opened
higher and closed lower. Practically every
thing ln eight waa sold by 10 o'clock la
the morning.
Representative salss:
No. At. h. Pr. Ne. Av. Sh. Pr.
44 1st a 44 44 lot ... fgt
34 '7 ... I 40 44 Ill 40 t M
U 470 ... I 40 to x4 M I 40
46 1st ... 4 44 let ... I a
ta 4114 10 H 17 1st ... t 4
44 1st It 4 at 41 Ji4 ... f 40
41 1l lo 4 (6 44 I 10 t
64 Ill U 44 40 tl let I u
10 1st ....44 64 Ill ... T 04
64 IV ... to 43. IM 110 T 0
40 4ZI Is 4 k 'A 1 I IN
37 I.I ... 4 to 17 ti ... 7 00
sit . a?! isc a so it
tl M4 ... 10
71 U It T 04
41 174 40 1 04
U is i:o 7
44 lit h) 1 0
44 !-l 140 t 40
44 Sal ,1 tH
44 4 4 I 40
44 Ml 14V 4 94
14 4X1 11 I H
tv tat ... 44
44 lit IM 4 44
44 ta lav at
... ri 1) t i"
... II ... 1 no
X t i T 00
... ft no 7 m
... r.'t ... T
a 1 ... 7 on
14 . . 7 oo
....ft if T on
11 io 7 f 'v,
J 'I ! 7 o:tv.
I t . 1 i
M S 10 7 1
17 :1 ... 7 04
4 114 Ml T"4
47 t 4 '.so 7 lS
71 tlj ... t 06
71 l 4 7 I
4 P-7 4 7 0
71 SI ... IK
II !7'1 M T OS
M ..170 ... I Of,
71. rn ... 7 ns
14 no ... 7 re
74 ;i ... 1 10
M 170 1 7 00
4. t 11 tm
74 JJ4 ... T 10
tl t: 10 7 as 73
... T 10
IU ... 7 10
tl ... 7 10
.174 ... T 10
44 33t ... 7 Oft 74 . .
4 144 M 7 00 7...
47 ITS (i 7 00 7. ,.
74 US In 7 no
47 !! . . T 0ft
47 -3S0 110 T 00
47 Ml T So
P. , 174 ... T M
its t4i ... ; 00
6 74 40 T oft
60 !.t ... T Oft
4ft n ... 7 10
47 l ... 7 1ft
14 tf-0 ... 7 10
71 tw ... 7 10
JJ M ... T 10
HI 83 ... 7 10
74 1st 40 t 1
70. 41 ... T U
41 IIT 440 T 00
44 1S4 ... T 13
41 7 ... 4 76
SHEEP Receipts of sheep were light
again today and the total for the week Is
very much smaller than for the corre
sponding period during recent weeks. A,
the same time the demand is holding tip
very well, so that the market I In a good,
healthy condition.
Parker were all looking for sheep thl
morning and were all out early with the
result that the market opened in very good
season with price on th best selling sheep
around 10wl5c higher thitn yesterday. Very
good fed ewes sold up as high aa 33.S5, with
wether at 14.00 and yearling as high a
16.16. It might be mentioned again in this
connection that buyers are discriminating
against heavyweights. Thus, while weth
er of desirable weights are selling up to
14.00, others weighing as much as 140
pounds sold yesterday down to $3.r0. It 1
th same way with ewes and yearlings,
buyers all looking for the handy weights.
The supply of fat lambs was small this
morning and the demand good, with ths
natural result that offerings commanded
strong prices and the trade was active at
the advance. Right good fed western iambs
sold up to $6.66, which was 6c higher than
anything brought yesterday.
There were not enough feeders In sight
to make a market. A few lambs brought
$).00, which looked like a good, firm price.
In fact, the feeling on feeders was if any
thing strong and orders In the hsnds ot
buyer are far ln excess of receipts. It
would take a good liberal run to supply the
demand, but as already noted receipts are
small and are not likely to be very large
for some time to come.
Quotations on shrep and lambs: Good to
choice lambs, 36.V4).60; fair to good lambs,
ta.50.26; good feeding lambs, 34.60146. 26;
fair feeding lambs. !4.0uij4.6o; light common
lambs, !3.o0tJj4.00, nandy weight yearlings.
$4 6Wtf6.00; hesvy yearlings, !3.ou4.60: feeder
yearlings, $3 7604.36-, good to choice wethers,
$3,7644.16; fair to good wethers, 18.6oU.3 76;
feeding wethers, 13.16i8 60; fat ewee, 33.26
CS 86; feeding ewes,; canners, 11.60
Representative sales:
No- Av. Pr.
17 Wyoming Iambs ... 68 6 00
823 Wyoming yearlings 118 4 75'
619 Wyoming ewee 94 1 16
123 Wyoming ewes 93 8 16
17i) Idaho lambs, feeders M 62 6 26
72 Idaho lambs, feeders 68 6 20
000 Idsho lambs,, feeders 75 6 30
iu Idaho lambs, oulls ........... 68 4 76
736 Idaho lambs 79 6 20
171 Idaho lamhs, . feeder 64 6 23
70 Idaho ewe and wether.... 117 2 60
2X7 Idaho ewe Ill 1 50
209 Idaho lamb 67 8 00
300 fd lamb . 65 5 75
32 lamb, culls .. 66 4 60
lf.7 fed wethers , 104 4 00
66 fed ewe HI) 8 50
13J fed lamb..'. , 72 6 00
69 fed lamb l 6 00
18 fed ewe 133 8 60
1H2 fed yearlings 97 6 16
377 fed yearlings 98 6 15
26 native ewes and wether 123 4 00
8 native lamb 90 6 60
8 native Iamb 103 6 00
88 native ewe Ill 8 75
lv) So. Dak. lambs, feeders 46 6 00
68 fed lamb 78 6 36
4C, fed awe 104 140
114 fed yearlings 93 4 90
24 fed ewe 107 8 60
26 fed ewe, culls.,, 104 2 76
75 fed lambs 98 6 75
17 fed lamb 106 6 75
100 fed lamb W 6 65
826 fed ewe 108 8 50
10 fed lamb stg g 15
2ti2 fed wether .-,.1,. 106 4 15
73 native lambs 10S 6 50
13 native ewes 151 4 00
Demand for Cattle Wenk lloigs glow
gheep Strong:.
CHICAGO, Nov. SO. CATTLE Receipts,
26,000 head.; market, weak; beeves, 34 uOa
7 60; Texas steer, 14.104(6.40; western tee,r,
14.6&.50; stocker and feeder, 13.30ftc5.60;
cow and heifers, 12.2OSp8.80; calves, li.OOM
HOGS Receipts. 19,000 head; market slow
at opening figures, although a few light
butchers' grade sold at 17.26; light. !'.7Va)
7.124; mixed, 36.SU07.20; heavy, 76l87.20;
rough, ttl.76(6.90; sood to choice heavr. $8.90
fc'7.20; pigs, 86.306.90; bulk of sales, $6.96
tr7. 16.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, SO.Ot,')
head; market strong; natives, 82.26VW4.3';
western, $2.7fya4 25; yearling, $4.2(Vjtw.25; na
tive lamb, $4.2&3'6.70; western, t4.6oa6t.
Kansas Cly .4ve gtoek Market.
ceipts, 6,000 head. Including 100 southerns.
Market for heavy ' fed steer wak to 10c
lower; others steady to strong; cows strong
to 10c higher; dressed best and export
steers, 16.60V708.; fair to good. !4-604j.50:
western steers, 14.2606.60; stiSkers and
feedara, t3.7bfri&.20; southern steers, 14.00.(1
6.60; southern cows, 82.754j4.60; native cows
12.66(716.00; native heifers. $3754(6 !6; bulla
$3.40(4 60; calves, 15.00ig8.00.
HOGS Recelpu, 11,000 head. Market
opened 6c higher and closed strong' bulk
of sales, XI 06u.7.16; tisavy, $7.054& 7.20;' pack
er and butchers, fl ,X,Gt .20; light. 17.03
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000
head. Market steady; western yearlings,
16.76; lambs, 6,0oti6.60; yearlings. $4.7fi?f
6.75; wethers, 13 76if4.26; ewee, 13.506 4 00;
stockers and feeders, 13.00ty4.00.
St. I.ouls Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 80. CATTLE Receipts,
1.800 head, Including 100 Texan. Market
steady to strong; native shipping and ex
port steers, 10.DOttf7.2ft; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 1.2(V37.00; steers under 1,000
lbs., 15.00(6.50; stockers and feeders, 13.50
S 26; cows and heifers, 13.75i5 26; cairwars,
12.76(316; bull, $3.2tii6 00; calve, 16.269.00;
Texas and Indian steers, 14.60i34.o0; cow
and heifer, 13.004.50.
HOGS Receipt, 6.200 head. Market 10c
higher; pig and lights, 17.0037 16; packers,
r26(uv7.40; butchers and best heavy, 87.3frtf
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1700
head. Market steady; native muttons, 83.60
4i4 00; lambs, 16.507.00; culls and bucks,
$2,6043 00; stockers, t2.25S3.2E.
fttnnk In Slaht.
Racelpt of live stock at the five principal
western markets yetserday:
Cattle. Hon. Rheen
rouin umana
Ht. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louts
2. OoO
4 !4 IM t .',
7 SM m IH
II " ... as
41 ISO ... 4 44
61 t3 ... IK
M l I XI 4 el
ai ri iso as
s i a so 4 ,t
.t 74 See 4 44
64 I 40 4
4 11 I 4S
44 IM t S
47 114 Ml M
70 Pi 140 v
l p so N
34 It) 4 V4
II 4 Its t 4
S7 n7 l
44 S07 140 4 4:14
44 4 110 TOO
M Ill . . 7 i
f. iro t f
W t- T on
7.600 7.2K)
6,600 1.5O0
11 OS) 4 0.0
8.2oO 8.700
S9,0u0 10.000
69,200 46,600
.. 6.0K)
.. 8 .300
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.-METAL8 Stand
ard copper, quiet and stesdy; spot and fu
ture. $12 tot! 12.46; Lake copper, locally. 111.00
&18 26; electrolytic. 112.874''18 00; casting.
tl2 60 and 112 75. London, steady; spot. 157
; futures, IM la 9d. Tit), firm; pot and
future. 137.0O'(;37.40. London, firm; spot,
163 16s; future. J70 6. Lead, quiet; $4 45
(24.66, New York, arid $4 3((7 4 37, East M.
Louis. 1-ondon. IS 13d. rlpelter, quiet; 17..S6
ii6.96. New York, and 35.7746.L'4, East
St Loul. Ixindon, 'j2. Iron, Cleveland
warrants. 49s 3d In London. Locally,
steady; No. 1 foundry northern and No. i
foundry southern soft. 315.26; No. 1
foundry, 115 76.
8T. LOI'1. Nov. 80 METALS Lead,
stsady; 14874: spelter, firm. 86.90.
Grala Bayer Is Bound Over.
YANKTON. 8. D., Nov. t0.-(8pec!J.)-Before
Justice L. M. Yeatman, Charles H.
Kerr, formerly manager and grain buyer
for the Farmers' Elevator company at
Mission HUl, was bound over to the circuit
court on th charge of emhexxlement. the
amount being a little over 11,000. The evi
dence showed that Mr. Kerr, who the last
few months has been working In Hloux City,
and was brought back on extradition
patters, had used the company funds for
speculating on the Minneapolis Board of
Trade. The bond were fixed at 12,000 and
Kerr le still In the band of the sheriff.
Indians Pay Big
Fees to Attorneys
Teitimony Taken by Committee in
Oklahoma Showi ray merits of
Four Millions.
PIERRE, S. D , Nov. SO. (Special.) Note
taken from the stenographic, report of th
hearing in tho Investigation of attorney"
charge, which a as made by the Burke
committee In Oklahoma last summer, and
now mimmirlicil for presentation to con
gress at the oenlng of the scslon. contain
figure showing that different attorney
have collected from th Indiana of the
country nearly $4,000,000. While the recom
mendation have not yet been made public
In full, the statement of Chairman Burke
of the Investigating committee show that
uch recommendations will be forthcoming,
which, if carried out. will prevent th
practice of the last year along such lines.
Three Weddlnee at Ilarou.
HURON. S D., Nov. 80. (Special.)
Carrol M. Rldenour of Topeka, Kan., a
lnglng evangelist, and Mis Tarra Le
Bryant were united In marriage at th
home of the bride' parents, Joslah Bryant
and wife, by Rev. G. W. Elliott of this
city. Mr. and Mr. Rldenour will make
their home In Fort Benton, Mont.
A triple wedding occurred ln the Russian
settlement In Iowa township Sunday. Th
contracting parties were David OlansgT
and Susie Wallman, Joseph F. Waldner
and Kate Wsldner and Samuel Waldner
and Rachael Waldner. Although several
of the names are the same, the partlee
belong to entirely different families and
are no relation.
little Hoy Scalded to Heath.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., NoV. 10.-SpclaI.)
Vhlle playing with a kitten, James Frank
lin Hubbard, not quite 2 year old, who
was visiting hi grandparent, Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson, who live on a homestead
In Lyman county, In some manner knocked
a stove leg from under a stove upon whloh
a kettle of hot water waa standing. The
hot water was spilled over the unfortunate
little boy, Inflicting burn from whloh he
died a few hour later, after suffering ter
M. A. Nayland of Knnaaa City, Who
Disappeared After Leaving; I.arae
Sum to Charity, Reappear.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 80. M. A. Nayland
of this tlty, who lat week gave 100,00)
to charity, and then, went Into se
clusion to avoid the plaudits that he
dreaded, reappeared at hi home today.
Asked why he gave three-fourths of Ms
fortune awayhe said I
"I had a little money. I saw o many
peole worse off than I was that I wanted
to help them a little. That's all there Is to
"Where did you hide?" he wa asked.
"Oh, I went to a hotel here In the city,
where I have been all the time. When I
decided It wa all blown over and the people
had forgotten all about It, I returned home
and here I am."
Nayland, who Is 71 year old, found a
great mas of letter asking for financial
aid awaiting him when he returned to hi
Low Temperature Will Prevail
Throughout Mississippi Valley
for Several Days.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 80,-The maximum
of the cold wave, thai first general" one of
the season, now felt practically all over
the country east of the Rockies, has not
been reached. Colder weather Is predicted
for tonlght ln New England, eaat of New
York and the aouth Atlantio and east gulf
states, while the weather bureau' Indica
tions are that there will be freeilng tem
perature in north Florida and frost In the
central portion of the state tonight. Storm
warnings are displayed on the great lakea
and on th New England coast.
The cold, It 1 predicted, will oontlnue for
aeveral days over the Mississippi valley
and the eastern states. Freesing tmepera
turea have been reported as far south a
the Interior of the gulf state.
CHICAGO. Nov. 80. A drop of from IS
to 20 degree ln temperature, aocompanled
by a steady anowatorm, swapt In. upon the
olty today from th northwest.
Sentenoes Aaralnat Official of Naval
Store Affirmed by Federal
Circuit Court.
NEW ORLEANS, La , Nov. JO. Th fed
eral circuit court of appeals slttlngr here
has affirmed the decision of ' the lower
oourt In the socalled naval store trust
case. Two of the officials of the Ameri
can Naval Store company were sentenced
to aerve three months In jail, while five
men were given fin aggregating $17,500,
The antence were pronounced May 14,
1909, and the case wa taken to the ap
pellate court on a writ of error with fifty
three specification.
It was announced last night that an ef
fort would be made to certiorari the caae
to the supreme court of the United States.
Spencer P. Shutter of Savannah, chairman
of the board of dlrectur and J. F. C. My
ers, vice president of the company, were
given jail terms In addition to the fines.
George M. Boardman of New Torkj B. a
Nash of Savannah, and Karl Moller of
Jacksonville, Fie., were fined only.
Man Who Sued Copper Magnate for
Quarter Million Jump in
Front of Car.
BOSTON, Nov. SO.-John F. Donaho of
Lynn, for twelve years a confidential clerk
In the employment of Thomas W,.'.
son, the financier, committed suicide today
by jumping In front of an eleotrio train
In the Washington street tunnel. The cause
of the act is unknown.
Donaho became prominent in 190g by
ulng Mr. Law son for 1260,000 for ervlcs
which he claimed included the arrange
ment of dealing between hi forrnar em
ployer and former Senator W. A. Clark
of Montana. J. Edward Addlck of Dela
ware, F. Augustus Helm and th late
Henry It. Rogers of New Tork.
The case, It is understood, was settled
out of court. Donahoe was about CO
years old.
Most Food -Is Potsaa
to the dyspeptic. Eleetrlo Blttere cure dys
pepsia, liver and kid no eomplslnta and
debility. Price 50c. Sold by Iaton DriigT
Bond Man Wanted
A large Investueat house dealrea te
soak arrang-exiieBta with aa aottv loeal
dealer or a reliable young man to sell
bonds In Omaha and vicinity. Aa exeelleat
opportunity fog aa energetic man, wUhlnT
to build up a stable buetneas.
riaaaos, V. O. og gas. slew Terk City.