THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMHEU .10. 1910. U I v GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET, , Wheat is Steady and Higher, with ivECEIPTS C05TWUE TO BE LIG1TT Offrrlna. Readily Accepted Weather Over ( lira Brll PiTorablr la lna t alatlou f More ArtUt Mmrnriil, OMAHA. Nov. SO. 1910. "heat ruled steady an.l higher with only moderate trad. cs.i markets were firm, e-mail r--.-l,ts stimulated an active demand ir all good offerings. Continued diy weather over tli southwest winter wheat be.t rand Bliortu ti wnrrv. V rather over the torn Le t Is generally ravornhli- to alitnutat a ! etb r movement. Jraders rtn.,ue tn be hea l h and a.-IIInK l' the puplar Md t the market on all swells. Wheat ruled etror.f: and liliilier after slight reaction at ti. mart, norli were Mitiiw D4 northwest cafii market ifrinweil marked imprm etSt -nt. Local cah wheat wan strong n,i n-r,vt, at 1.- over yesterday. Coin is hi uv an 1 ftr:n in s input. it' iTi wheat, c. .nti, iillrmmi wr-i ! liberal but penetsi sentiment ni bea-ish and checks any irnirkel advance. Cash torn firm, but rai,ir dull '.run Oerr and softie slower. Primary wheal receipts wr 714 (HO bushels and shipment 'Were 1.0"7. ' busti la. aralnst rec, ij, la t vear of l.n ' bushels and shipments of 'L"Vri bushels. ITImary rorn ron-lptx were s'.no bnsh el and shipments we're :,;7.'i hnsheis. gainst rrt-eijts lust vt ar of ::t,i 0 boliois and shipments of l-,;t.-i bushels. 'learance were 12.CX' bushels of corn, l.'Mi bushel of oa'n. ai.d wheat and fiour .iial to 4iu,fy..b,l ..... Liverpool closed i:id blither on wheat t and 'i'y'til higher on coi n. Omaha I nsh Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. oU'd.iic; No. J hard. JiliWc: No. 4 hard, 8-"u!'lc; rejected, hard, Vlc; No. 2 spring. !'u-''iC; No. 3 r.piint. eM-'iiWp. COHN-So. white. 4T-'i?4Jc, new 3xfcu 8WVc; No. 3 wh ir ij,2c. new 3s't?i ;i''tc; No 4 while. 4'Vuilc. new XiiH'.c; No. 2 yellow. 4:";i42;.c. new '.-TitOe: No. I yel low, 42f-42 .f, new rsi'(.T( i.:ie; No. 4 vellow. 411i411c, new :,', i.o.,r; . 4Utl2o, new ait4"c; No. 3. 4r(Ml new 37Vu'c; no grade, 17" !c, new :-ltiri". OATS No. 2 white, teVolui-.c: standard, VtWfi No. 3 while. 2MW''i:V; No. 4 white. 29.iKUc: No. 3 yellow, 29tr2'4c; No. 4 yellow MVVSe. BARLEY No. 3. 6"7tfc!c; No 4. ".)17c; No. 1 feed, KtriSc; rejected hvfiWc. RYE No. I, 7474'4c; No. S, 7a'7a'c. tarlot Kerrlpta. Wheat. Corn. Oat a Chl":o r. U 34 iat Minneapolla 177 Omaha , li; 22 2d lulut!i Ktf CHICAGO nAIN AMI PROVISIONS feat area at the Tradlna- and Cloalagt ' Prlera on Hanrd f Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. SO Buyina credited to leading mill era put up tho price of wheat today. Export Bales to France nave help, and ao did the smallnens of primary re eelpts. 1 he closo wn firm, to fi7o net hlRhar. Latest flKurea for corn were tha aame as laat nlKht to a shade below; oata 4c up to 'l.c down, and provisions un changed to SI'io advance. As the dny proressed ' trade In wheat broadened and speculation became much mora Keneral than of late. Purchasers were encouraKed by the taper nit down of primary receipts and of further talk of dry weather southwest. Aid to the bulla came also In the form of news that ten boat loads had been sold at New York , for export to France. Tha. most substantial support, however, rose from the fact that mlilera were buy Injt futures on a large scale, both here and at Minneapolis, llcaiish comment on enlarged estimates of tha IniBsian crop led to a reaction, but the effect was only temporary, and the close was at nearly the top figures of tha session. Tries changes for tha May oirtion ran from 9., to IMVtjp So wttb final aala at ViiWiy, a net gain of o. Corn was sharply higher early. In the ead quotations were almost precisely where they stood twenty-four hours previously. May ranged between 4tj"i and 47Wc, closing at 47H347W a net loss ot a sixteenth. Cash corn was firm. No. I yellow finished at Kt(2HO. Thera was a large trade. In oats. May Varied from 34 Hi to J4Vc and closed un altered from last night at 44c Important buying on weak soots resulted In a quits general advance for provisions. Last sales left pork 20 to li-'o hliiher, lard unchanged to Bj7Hc up, and ribs at an advance of t to U'a UHc. Xj41ug futures ranged as follows: Articles. Opan.) High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Io. May July Corn )eo. Mar July Oata-r lieo. . May July rork Jan. May X.rd Nov. Jan. , May Hlbs Jan. May I t . V K"4 WV, ''l-'i61s''':is".Vrj-. 2i Koli SliVuM 1 44 ttj V 44. 441, 441 47 S 4d'.47V''! Vi "! 47, 47T 47T'ii-.4814ttS siwm'A'ij' 81V, S41, 84S , m siiAwi, 84 1,1 34', I4 S4H 17 S2V4I 17 00 16 66 ! 18 So WW 4 U 96 IS & I IT J7V i 6 SO It tU 67 R2W7 r. ....... T?H 67) 80 9 72V, 10 ' 25 i 10 f w 20 M 10 8 M No. . Caeh iiuotatlons war as follows: FLOCK steady ; winter patents, 14 13 4.b6; straights, JJ.S,Vi 4 40; spring straights, t4 Sii4.0; bakers. 8a.6t2-4.sU. KYK No. 2, swut-oVto. 11AHLKY Feed or mixing. 551 68c; fair to choica malting, 7ftuVc. HUEUS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 82.41; No. t northwestern, 82.6a. Timothy, to.SS. Clover. 814.30. PROVISION'S Pork, mess, per bbl., 8W-00 Ijn.lfci. Lard, per 1"0 lbs.. 89.77V. Short ribs sides (loose. Is.OinjM.itfVi; short clear sides (boxed), U Wii.75. Total clearances of wheat and Tour were equal to 4J0.UU) bu. Primary receipts were 804. UX) bu., compared with l.(X,uou bu. tha corresponding day a year ago. I Entlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, II cars; corn. 2oO oars; oata, li cars; hogs, 84 "V head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. t red lVi!e; No. 8 red. JKWr.Cc: No. 1 hard. tCu-sc; No. 8 hard. a';Cc: No. 1 northern I'ruiif, $10iAll.7; No. 2 northern spring. $1.04jlOi"; No. 3 81(C5(jlOu. 4'orn: No. 2 oasli. 4ivci4Wo: No. 2 cash, 47jfr48c; No. 2 white, 4'4svic; No. 2 whita. 4.4t4io; No. 8 yellow, ijjVso; No 8 yellow, 62ojS2i.4c. Oata No. 2 cash, HlMil:o; No 2 white, 8;!Wi33c: No. ,8 white. S2',i c: No. 4 white. 8i:ii32ic; standard, tJn U",c. lit TT1 Jt Steatiy, cieameiica, 24530e; dairies, 2i ;C7c. EtKJ.S tiUrady : recrlpts, 2 M6 cases; at mark, rases included, la'ry :c; firsts, 3Uc; prlnie firsts, 2.V. CHEKSH- Ksy; daisies, lo''iTlSc; twins, li.i Ur; younx ArnerloaJ. lt., y 16'ic; hnf hitrns. l.-i4 a l;V-.c. 1-oTAToiOS titeadv ; choice to fancy, 45 t4'; tair tn Kuwi. jNti4c. Itil'LTHT-traU'; turkeys, live, 15o; dreasetl. Av; (uvi, live, iuc; springs, live, 10c. VF.AL fleady; 60 to W) lbs., ft&lflc; 00 to 85 lbs. 11), 11 - c; Si to 110 lbs, i2o. Chicago Receipts Whest. 1J cars; corn. JM cars; oats, M cars, jiliniati-d tomor row S haai, U cars; corn. cars; oats. US cara. , Kaasas (Itr Grala aad ProTlalaai, . KANesAS CITY', Nov. S. WHKAT 4Tiiib-r. t1,,i.V bid; Mav, U c, bid; Julv. i !-,(-, iali. unclisnKed to ic liluher; N. 2 bard, klc: No. 3, Swutic; No 2 red, WgUuc; No. 3. i"T:ic. tXillN-rsx'tmljer. CS.ii ac. sellers; May, 4i'4l! 4u"nc, severs; Julv. 4v.:tV, sell ers; casta, itnchaniied c bin her; No. 2 mixed. 4-i.i4.M-; Nj. S, 4J', tivic; No. 2 whit, fcuvo; N.i, 3, 42'i,4;c. 4IATS I'lulmioi; No. 2 white, 82V,a 84.-; No. 2 mixed Ml;33c. RY K No. t. 74i-. I'.AY l'm-hann-l; fholc timothy. ' 814.00 tj!4it rhuii- pialrie, l2 00. hi TTha Cteamrry, Sit ; firsts, 28c; ss CIl'U J4 .; psckiliK stiH'a., 2u. KUU-' Kxtra. Sic; firsts, 30c; seconds, tlo , ., Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu..'. .i wO Porn, bu 2.1. (0 in Oata, bu........' t.OuO s.uu0 ' allaavaaalls MT- N NIAAJ'Ol 1 Tet'einbvr. t ll ul1; fash: No. 1 h.-rj, $1 Uk.Vkfi'1 V41; No. No. I a-..-il civ FLAX t'losed at CoKN No. 3 ,1K 8lj tic. Grata Market. Nov. W.-WH EAT May. II 0i'.,u 1 U6H 11 0-4 No. 1 northern. I luu tbern, SH uojl o; 82 68. 4.y46c; No. S white. RYK-Na 2. 74STI tLol'K-Flrst i.i.ius. 14 8-54 85; Mcond pstent. 84 7F.f,S nr.; first clears, $3 SHJ S3; se...nd clears. I.' 2V'o 2l. KUAN in PO-pound sacks, $a(fi 60. r.W Y OH K GMKRU MAKKKT laatatlnaa of the Day aa Varleae Pamsnadltles. NF.W YOIIK, Nov. " FLOCR Pteady; apnpg patents. T l.'j o :; winter strsiahts, 14 l"o4 .; winter patents. M4ci4.7n; spring clear. !4.1V(M4t; winter extras No. 1. 83 4sr 8 i'K winter extras No. 2. 8:i.aSi 1 40; Kansai straights. 84 i'i4 7n; choice to fancy, 84.2."t 4 4,. Huckwheat flour steady; UH per li lbs. CORNMKAL Steady.' fine white and yel low, tl i.gi2ti, coarse, 81 lwyl.16; kiln dried, l.'K'.l.'Kll v V. II MAT Ppot market firm; No. 1 red. HTc, elevator, and t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northem. Duluth. 31 li. f. o. b., afloat. Futures market adavneed sharply early on (ovennn. due to a better export business In red wht-at and on the strenslh In the northwest, but loht part of the advance under ri nl .; im los i vtlc n"t higher. I'inmVr cloaed at 97c; May, $1-031; July, $!."",. t n..'-lol laaikci steady; No. 2. new, 6.':c, f. o b , to arrive, r utures market was without transactions, closing un changed; I'ecembtr doted at oSic; May closed at l;cilpts. l.LS bushels; ship ments. l.SP, bushels. OATS spot market firm; standard white, .tfco; No. e; ,o. J. c; No. 4. 37c. Futures market was firmer on coverin. and some im,o oven.ent in tne cash market, closing uncbatigtd to 'sc hignt r. November closed r.t 3,s4c bid; Iecember, 3kc; closed at 374c bid: Alay. dc; closed at 4"c bid, July closed at J'c bid. Receipts, 48,276 buhels; shipments, l.ilO bushels. HAY .steady ; prime, ll.liV No. 1, $1.10; No 1'. ii.i'ro i.-; No. 3, h.iiws. HtJI'S Steady; state, common to choice, l:i' l.v.. , i.,1,1 i.-h.-; l acitic coast, l&tiu. H.i IV; 1W!'. li'i14c. HIIKS-F1rm; Central America, 21c; Rogota. 2mc. LtiATH Kit Firm; hemlock firsts'. 23V(J 254.c; seconds, :ivt(iic; thirds, l!tf20c; re jects, lft'til7c. I'ROVlsitiNi l'ork, steady; mees, $19.00 V'iO: isiully. $.2 0024 (10; short Clears, rJO.OOtt 22.(0. Beef. easy; mess, 3l3.o; nl((i. Ismily, (.i.trr l.iai; beet nams, VIA ffil.OU. Cut meats dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 ins.. 1 1 i,i.;.,; picHied hams, lU.Oi. Lard, steady; middle west prime, $iov iu.b'i, remit.-. I, un.-ettied; continent, 110.60; Houth America, 81.00; compound, 8s.6oia 9 00. TALLOW yulet; prime olty, bhds., 7q; country, 7Vyc. RCTTKK r.asy ; creamery, specials, Xl'-sc; extras, joc; third to firsts, 2q2i; held creamery, common to special, 2iif 31c; state dairy, common to finest, 24tt3oc; process, second to special, 2uMc; fac tory, June make, first, 24c; current make, 23c. l'OCLTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 1Hj12Vxc; fowls, 12413c; turkeys, 12isc. Pressed, quiet; western chickens, loiglTc; fowls. 12317c; turkeys, 151f22c. KOOS Firm; fresn gathered, extra first, 3I.'y37c, first. 32J4o; seconds, 2yt30c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1. candled, 2426c; No 2, axaiac; refrigerator, special marks, fancy. In local storage, SSjfiVtc; first, 24 (j24Vkc; seconds, Zl',i'Q2Jc. WEATHER IJI THH OH4I.X BELT Ostlaok la for Coatlaned Fair, with gome Cooler. OMAHA. Nov. 80. 1910. The eastern disturbance continues over the lower lakes, extreme upper Ohio val ley and eastern states, with Its center off the New Lngland coast. Tho weather has remained unsettled during tha laat twenty four hours In the sections named and light snows are general from the Upper lakes east to the coast this mowing. An area of unseasonably high pressure overlies the entire country west of the Mississippi river and colder weather prevails everywhere ex cept on the Pacific slope. Temperaturea below sero prevail in the extreme upper Missouri valley and western Canadian provinces and freeslng weather extends south to tha gulf states. The weather Is generally clear In the central valleya and partly throughout the west. With tha very high pressure that will continue over the central valleys during the next thirty-six hours the outlook is for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Thursday, with colder tonight and continued cold Thurs day. Alinlmuin temperature and precipitation aa compared with the laat three years: . 1910. 1908. 1SKJ8. 1907. Lowest last night 20 48 12 29 Precipitation .00 .02 T .00 Noimai temperature for today, 28 degrees Lefiiency In precipitation since March i 14.46 Inches. Exoeaa corresponding period In 1908, 148 llHllltlS.- . . - deficiency corresponding; period In 1903, 191 inches. U A. WELSH, Local Foracaatar. St. Loals General Market. 8T. LOUIS, Nov. 30. WHEAT Futurea, higher; December, 916917,c; May. 97S4 97Hc. Cash, firm; track. No. I red, 96c; No. 2 hard. 91JTILO0. CORN Hijher; December, 434; May, 4fiVc. Cash, weak; track. No. 2, 46V4a4Jc; No. 8 white, 46fc -47 Vo. OATS Firm; December. SlHc; May, S3Hc, Cash, higher; track. No. 2. 82c; No. i whita, 83Vc It YE Higher, 79HVrO. FLOCK yulet; red winter patents, $440 64.80; extra fancy and straight,. $3.6O!ij-4.30; hard winter clears, 83.303 90. F,ED Timothv, 8.2iJ.2&. CORN MEAL 82.40. HAY Firm; timothy, $14.O0ai9.0O; pralria, 3120uol6 00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $17.25. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 83.M jitt.70. Lry salt meats, firm; boxed extra shorts, 810.12; clear ribs,. $10.12Vs; abort cleara, $10. 37V. Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $Hjr7Vi; clear ribs, $17.76; short clears. 111 C: Vs. POULTKY-Weak; ehlokena, SVto; springs. 10c; turkey, l"7e; ducks, lio; geese, 9o. PUTTER Lower; creamery, $542 30c EOOS-Flrm, 27Vc Receipts. Shipments. Flcur. bbl 71.000 12.700 W heat, bu r.OuO 69,000 Corn, bu 81,0u0 . iVi.OJO Oata, bu SS.OuO C7.0U0 Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 80. BUTTER Steady; extra western oraamary, 83c; extra nearby prints, 34c. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and nearby firsts, free cases, Siio at mark; Pennsyl vania current receipts, In returnable cases, 3-Jo at mark; western firsts, free caaes, 45c at mark; western current receipts, free cases, 23c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New Torlt full creams, fancy September, 16c. PesrM Mirket. TEORIA. Nov. SO. CORN Firm; No. 8 white, old, 47Vic; new, 4iVc; No. 8 yellow, old, 4ic; new, 4&1c; No. I. old. 4ZVfcc; new, 43-c; No. 4. old, 4tic; new, 42c; sampJs, new, 37H.JMic. oATS Higher; standard, 82 Vic; No. $ white, Slc Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOU Nov. 80. WHEAT 8po, strong; No. 1 red western winter, 7s 3d; fututes. steady: December, 6a W; Marcb. im V.Kd; May 7a Sd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, Ss 4Wd; futures, steady; Lieoembar 4a d; February, 4a Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. SO. FLOCR Dull. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 81 01.O6; No. 2 northern, t! U j 1.06. May, Hba. OATS 3JVy 34c RAKLiiY Samplaa. 7VUS0c. Dalafh Grala Market. IH'U'TH, Nov. SO WHEAT December, $1 Oi'a. Ma', 81.07 . No. 1 northern. 81.0JS; No. 2 northern. $1.00, to $1 01H- OATS 32 c. Pottaa Market, NEW YORK, Nov. 3U COTTON Bpot, cloaed qu'.et. 8 points decline: middling uplands. luOOc; gulf. l6SJc; sales, 4tO balea l'uture: Closed barely steady. Closing bids. December, 14 7sc; January, 14.73c; February, 14 fcoc; March. 14 vc; April, l.u6c; May, lo.ltic; June, 1612c; J uly, . l.lic , AuirusL 14 .o. Hi'. LOLLS. Nov. 80 COTTON Quiet; middling. LS'-ac; aaiea, 20 balea; receipts. 9 21 bales; alupmenls, 8,164 bales; Block, lh v.o bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan ax Bryaa. member. New York ( ottoo aiciiuia, lis South tUsteentk street, Omaha: Month High. Open. Lew. Cloae. lYes'y. Dec! ... 14 S3 14 85 14 TT 14 78 14 M Jan. ...1 14 M 14 6 14 73 14 73 14 M Mar. ... U 11 16 13 14 7 14 99 14 13 May ... 16 !" 16 29 16 11 16 It 16 89 July ... 14 28 16 28 U 11 18 12 U 84 Taraeallae aad Roala. SAVANNAH, (It. Nov. TINE Firm, itiT7t,Vo. 30.-TURPEM- RihlN-Flrm. t)pe F. $6.88; O, S5.S69 i-kUVs- Wool Market. BT IX3U18. Not. SO WOOL Unchanged ; territory and western medjuma. lUatiw:: j t lua suediuuia, SVac; nne. lAuix NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Violent Break in Prices Uesultingi;;; from Lack of Confidence. RTTTTa rrTTrtrrri ta it i tt nnrn;"' water iw. mj mini i.i i A J t lj x nil.i.n Retaraa frasa Harrlsaaa Hatdi Msw Larae Losses la e ICarataaa Osltsl af gerarlllea larrease OTer Last Year. NEW YORK. Nov. . Prirea broke with some violence In today s stock market, the active list registering losses that ranged Iroin 1 to 2 points. No explanation at tended the decline other than the rather vague but- general belief that the recent bull movement had failed from lack of out side encouragement. Ly way of supplementary rumor It was thought in many quarters that some oen readjustment In steel and Iron pr cea would soon be announced. Apropros of general financial cond Hons, It Is interesting to note that the month's output of new, securities aggregated $111. Wim,. or more than S37,OU0,"j in excess of November, lu. Local banking inst.tutlons have lost from five to six m.lllon dollars thus far this week to Canada and San Francisco and banks In Boston and Phila delphia were today drawing on their re serve here. Returna of the Harriman roads for Oc tober were uncommonly interesting In that they showed large losses In net earn.nijs. Thooe of the Union Pacific decreased $717, Oai. while Southern Pacific loat STJl.tuO. The returna of the St. Leuia San Francisco system for the same month ran from fav orable to adverse, with a fairly substantial Increase for the first four months of tht Lsoal year. Ronds were ateadv with extremelv nar row transactions. Total sales, par value, $L727.(0i). Cnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Sales Rich. Low- Clnsa. Allls-Oialmars pfd Amalgamated Obpjwr H.eO 47 45V v.t Atn.nran Aarlrultural ... "0 S 4Si, 41b, Am. Beat Sugar 3,700 tai K.t, 94 Aniarlnan Oan 4"4 r t American C. T 2.700 U SOi, il Anterh-an Ootton Oil (1 Amarlrmn" H AL. pfd ft 14 Am. Ic geeurttlea Lino 177,, 17 A martcajl ltnaeed ....... sue 12 it 11 Amarican LcK-omotlvs 1.4(0 17 9714, Amarteaa g. A R l.4ta) 7k t W4 7 Am. 8. H. pfd 404 104 V, 14 1B3 Am. Ptel Fmindrtae. an 4At4 4414 44 Am. Susar Keflnlns aoo luvs 11.14, in American Tobanco p(d 100 MV 94 4V Amarlean Woolen too S4 34V, rsv, Anaconda Id In Ins Co 1.100 4014 gv ik Atnhiscm 10,400 ion, inov, loov, Atcbiana pfd 1 100 101 V4 oi )oi Atlanta Cnast Una 4. 114 HUH IU Baltlmors a Okie too Ultv, l..4 106 Betblatwm Steol loo II V4 II 1, Brock I, n Kapld Tr t0 7V4 7i 1t Canadian Pacirio. ax-dlr ) imv t 11 ('Mitral LaaUhar 3,oni MUM Central LaaUiar pM 100 104 Vi 1U6V. lot Ontrel ot N.w Jarasy ..... xit ,esspeske A Ohio MOO W14 SO 41V, Clilcafo A Alton 14V( Chlcaeo O. W., boar tS 83 X2H C. O. W. pfd 44iJ Chlease at N. W 400 144V4, 144V, 144V, C. M. at. p ajo U3S4 U3 m C. C. C. A it L si Colorado r. A I 3,400 32 30H 1V4 Colorado A Boulharn M Consolidated Oas 9.404 131 111 II' 4 Orn Produeta 1,100 ut, b Delaware a Hudson too luv, 14414, it tenTar A RIs Orande 4.") i4 r. v, D. A R. O. pfd 3,n0 7IV, VS, tatllla Bonuitlea ) sl n jj rte ,. 4.oi) jjv, 37 rii Rrle tat pfd too 44V4 44 4v, Brla sd pfd u Oaneral Blaetrlo , l.ono K4 lot 1A4V, Oraat Nortiiarn pfd t.lOO liav, 121S 114 Graavt N oct ham Or, etna... fc t 1714 rT llllrmla Oantral 109 1S1 lll la Intarborough Mat. t.700 !-, lt, 1 Im. Mat. pfd l.WO M14 tiv, (IV Intarnatlonai Harrastar .. 1.400 111 lorn, loov, Int. Mar ma pfd 1.0 II 16 International Paper lit, it it Intarnetioaal Pvrmp 2.IU0 4S 4JV4 z Iowa OantraJ ) 1,14 1,14 i, Kansas Qtr to 7is1 3114 SOVi 3t4k K, C. So. pfd (4 Lavclada Oas 1,100 l.v, I0ST4 114 LoulsTlll NaariTllle M 142, 141, 141 V, Minn. A at. Lou I a 37 M., t P. A S. a. M tov ins lsov, io4 M., K. A T SOO tl4 tl 3 M., K. A T. pfd 10 41 41 41 Mlaaourl Paclfle T.4O0 44i ttH 44 National HlacH 100 111 111 111 National Load 300 34 56 V4 0&V4 N. R. R. of M. 3d Sid f Naw Terk- Oantral. 3,Boi 118 110 HftM N. T.. O. A W t. 10 4144 41 41 Norfolk A W.; rt Noeth Amartoaa rW nv, aot, 4044 Northarn Pacifl ' 3.414 114 114 114 Paoirta Mall J I2V J"4 PwinarWanla 1 4,uv lsv, 1H lthti Paopla's Qa tuo nt I06V4 lu6w P., a. C. A St, L K Pittsburg Coal TOO 11 11 18V, Proioad gtaal Or 4u4 314, 31 31 Pullman Palace Car 143 Rallwar Staol Spring 100 ISV, 33 11 'Roadtng 1UJ0 147 147 Hapublla Staal 1,0 !) 11V4 IIV4 Kapublle Staal pfd TOO 0V4 16 K Rook Island Co. ........ ... I aru lit, 10 Rook lalaod Oo. pfd to 46 44 44 an. L A S. F 14 pfd too 40 t ls St. Loots S. W M N 34 34 St. L 8. W. pfd 3-0 61 64 6a loao-ghartald S. A t 300 30 60 4 Southarn Pacjflo 33.0IO 114 114 114 South am Rallwar 3.100 35 34 3fr o. hallway pfd 41 6 SO Tannaaaos Cbppar l.ff, 34 ti 14 Texas A Paalfle , 34 r 3R T., St. L A W too 33 K K T , U L AW. pfd luv 37 37 64 Cnioa Paoltla Ut.luo 174 171 174 t'nloo Paclflo pfd L409 xty jn4 tt United Btatas Roalty 47 Vnttad stataa Rbbar.... l.on 33 13 11 United States Staol S1. 77 76 7 U. . ti prd 117 117 117 Utaa Ooppar 4 4 4S 44 Vs. -Carolina Cbomloal . l.a 31 4o 41 Wabaak 100 14 14 14 Wabash pfd 8,t(e 36 11 34 Western Maryland LKr 44 44 46 WaMmrkouae BUetrie .... 400 41 7 44 Wasters Union 71 71 10 Whaallna A U B I 4 3 Latilsh Valley KM 111 110 10 Total salsa tor tba sax, 744,700 scares. Now York Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Nov. SO. MONEY On call, easy, 24 2, per cent; ruling rata, 2H per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. TIME LOANS Firm; sixty days. 464 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE! PAPKR 6;&V per cent. 6TERLINQ EXCHANGE Steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 rm't 4.8-36 for oo-day blila and at HSbtsj for demand. COMMERCIAL BILLS-HSlSlfd 82. SILVER Bar, too. Mexican dollars, 460. BONDS ts-overniiieat, aieady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds war as follows: V. A rot. Ss, !.... Int. Met. 4a 7 de sea pea loo Int. M. M. 4a 44 V. A 3a. rag 11 Jaoaa 4a 11 de eeapea 11 do 4o 44 V. S. 4a, rag 114 4 8L C So. lat U ... TJ do raupoa lu L. A dak. 4e 1ML, M AllloOaal. 1st 3a... 77 L. A N. anl. 4s M Am. A3- s 1S M K. A T. 1st 4s.. 47 Am, T. A T. ev. 4s. 104 de sn- 4s St Am. Tsosose 4a..-- 7v Ho. PaeUla aa. 14 4a led N. It. R. of M. 4S 4 earmovr A Ce. 4s 91 "N. v. c. g. loa ... 91 Atoblsoa sea. 4s.... a do deh. 4s 93 do ev. 4s lot N. T , N. B. A H do ev. 3s 14 , as 111 A, C. L. M 4a... 94 N. 4V W. 1st a 4s.. St Aal. A Ohio 4a..... M do ev. aa v do 3s No Pacific 4a 7 do g. W. 3s... (). 34 701, arook. Tr. ev. 4a... ti o s. L rft. 4a ... 93 i-aa. ol bo. U I'-, pona. tj. lxt 1VL3. 44 (on, Laothar 3s do eon. 4a ha c. of N. 1. g. ta..lr2 Roadlng gen 4s..... aa 4-haa. A OhK, 4Vas-lul a U A S. F. ft 4s 81 do raf 4e 4 4a gan. 6a kit, Ctuoaao A A 3a. 1 gt. L S. W. c 4a... 76 C. A A Q J. ,4a. .. M de 1st gold 4a 1 do can. a ... r; g. a. u 74 C M. A S P. s s 1 So. Pwe. col. 4s.... 91 O. R. I. A P. e. 4a. II4 do 1st raf. 4s M do rff aa ago. Halloa 4a 107V, lo. Ind. to 74 da SOB. 4a 74 Voloi Mid. 4a 4S VdIou Parlfte 4a....ll C A S. r. A e. 4a 47 4 CT. 4a a-4 D. A K. e. 4s.... 94 de lat A raf. 4a.. D A R. O. 4s..,.. 94 9. Rubber 4a... 1-2 da raf. 3e V. S. Staal 3d la....l"l Matlllara- 4s 74 Vt-iar. tm 4a.. Erta p. 1. 4s U ftabaah bN as !( do so. 4a 14 do Lat A ex. as... awl do ca. 4s. sor. A.. 14 Wasiarn Md. 4a ... 44 do aorta B M Waaa, I lac. ew. to... 41 n. aiac. e. 3a.. .144 w la Ontral aa ,24 III. Can 1st r. 4s 97 Mo. Pat. ev. 3a 12 o Bid. aoonaros. New Yeik St-olaa Slocka. NEW YORK. Nor. 30. Closing- quotations tlons on mining stocks ware: Alice Uttle Ohio! IS . Com Tannol stook.. IS) Mastoaa ao de booda 13 On lane g, Ooa. Cal. A Vs..... T3 M Horn su iter Siandard .- 44 lorn Sllaar 1 Tallow Jacket 3 loadrllie Oon. 10 OtWfOd. Local Sooorttloo. Quotations furnUhod by Burns. Blinker A Co., 449 New Omaha National Rank build ng: Id. Aaaad. Alma. Nab., snuoioapal 4a Iu4 ad Uioaat Is. 1H lal Cli ad Ontat ra . ij ad Omaoa 4a IMS m itu ny KatiMtai bank bids 4a, 1st ,, j.lakr for, ins CO. a ltsa 344 Naliisa A-. 84. t la. 134 31 Ua tit Co Conuukue, rsrr a. a r. ft. in ro-mot ("Tssmerr Iwt g. 4 ser e HrtT, Nh itnwnt'-lr-ah l.rrnMf p-remHt Hrl-S pfd Portland Csment iat (ts. 7 Mv, r j. I at M lie 1'I i. v M M 14 4 a I"l . . t r loo, 47 l ' 44 43 . .. ISO t n Sf. S4 94 94 lKroult Itspol Tr , l. t St Ht. t'o. . 1JL2.. lirh.,n St. I, Tl U. 114 , M ntiepoln li L. is , 'l.rk Teleptatne t "o , (m.h st Rr. . 114 Omaha c B H Rr. 8s. 19.... Omaha ( B. SI Ut. ptd 4 pw n.h C. . St. rty . rem r"'i Kail. Dank nitk, sr oma imui ,a r a. sen. aa. ll ... St. Leu n RrvsMna; An n tm, 1I4... Union StoX Tarila link, u-dlt... laado. Ito.k tl.rkel. IXlNIxiN. Nov. 80 American Securities wore quet and featureless during the early trading today. First prices showed .i;ht gains, but the market essed off later and at noon values ranged from unchanged to H higher than yesterday's New York clon ing. Ixmdon rising stock quotations: Oonaola. money 7 UvularlMe a Nash. .147 do acrount Mo.. Kan A Teaaa.. 14V, 4S N Tor, fantral . ll'.v, Nr. a Wast, tix-dl.liv, l"4 do pfd eu 104 Ontario A Waatarn.. 41 A ma I. Copper Anaconda Atchison do pid ... naitimora a Ohio, .l'isva Pennriama ta Can. Par., ai-dlr ...i Rind Mlnee .' iu Cbaaapealia A (Ihio.. S3 Readme 77 till. Orsat Waatem. llv, gnulhern Railway "" M (111.. Mil. A Sl. P. 1M do ptd , 4, Z Ta Raera. aa-dlv . 1" Southern Paolftc ,...n . 11 I nlon Paa., ox-dl..l" . 74 do pfd .', . r V. 3. :ael. ax-dl... 7114 ..4kV, do pfd Hi . 17 1, Wshajrti irt, . W"4 do pfd 37 .137 Spanlah 4a m Denrar A Rio O do pfd Erta do lat pfd do 3d pfd Grand Trim, I llllnnla Centra! SILVER rtsr, steady at 25Sd per ounce. ... v.i r. 1 ui' irr cenu The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4i4j per cent; for three months' bills, 4 l-ltTj4 per cent Rostnn llnltiv storks. BOSTON. Nov. 30-Closlng quotations on stocks were as follows: Allouas 41 Mohawk 4 Amal. Coppor ar t, Nerada Con ll . Lj a S 17 Nlplaatnc Mlnas ... 104. Arliona Com 1 North Uutla 11 Atlantic Ncrth Lka 7 B. a C C. s. M 14 s-oid Dominion 40 Butta Coalition .... 1 Owaola I2i Cal. A Arliona 61 spanott g. A C... 13 Cel. A Hecla M wulncr 73 Oentsnnlal 14 Shannon nv Copper Kana-a C. C 4 guportor 41 Eaat Butta O. af 14 Suhartor ABM 7 Krajvalln l Suparlor A P O '.. 11 Olroui Con 7 Taniiroc, 37 Oranbr ton H V. g. g. B. A M.... 33 Oreana Cananaa 7 do pfd 441, lala Moyala Copper.. II I'tah tm. lit, Kerr Loha T ptab Copper Co 4 Lake Cppar 14 Winona t La Sails CYjopar 7 aWolTerina lib Miami Copper lv, Bid. Aakod. New York Cara Market. The following quotstlons are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange. 816 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: u" Bay State Oai. Sl Laroaa 4(4 Boat on Cona tv, Ne. Consolidated '.' '.' 30 Butta Coalition II Newbouaa 1 Cactua 33 Ohio Copper j Colno 3.1 Rawhlda Coalition ..4 Chlaf Cons ..- 1 Rr Central u Fraotlon 31 Swift Pkf Co 103C Daria-Dalr 1 soars-Roebuck Ce. ..l)Sa Kir Central 13 Rlltar Pick ... Ely Conaolldatod ... 33 Suparlor a Pittsburg 14 Ely W'ltoh jl Tonnpah Mlnlns .... 314 Franklin t Trlnltf Copper , Ooldfleld Floranoa .. It, North Lake ... 7U Goldfleld Dalar 7 Bohamla "' 4 Grotna Canansa .... 1 Ollbwax T4i Inspiration 34, , Bisk Clearlaaa. OMAHA, Nov. 30 Bank clearings for to day were $2.6o9.64.18, and for the corre sponding date last year. $1,983,218.72. OMAHA A liULRSALE PRICKS. BUTTER-Creamery. No. 2, delivered to the retail trade In l ib. oartons, 82c; No 2 In 80-lb. tubs, 31c; No. $ In 1-lb. cartons' 80o; packing stock, solid pack, 2UVIC; dairy' In 60-lb. tuba. 23-4(340. Market changes every Tuesdsy. " CHEESE Twins, lSVtttnVwO; rouDg AmtT. Icas, 18c; dalslos, 13o; triplets, lgc; lim- 1 S . J unca, ia4o; imported Swiss, 82o; domesUo 8wiss, 24c; Block Swiss ' AsOC. ' aPJ?LTRT-D?", broilers, under 2 lbs . 15 i do,5 : over 2 ,b"- Uc- bn. lawsioc cocks 10V,c; ducks, 17c; geese. 16c; turkeys 26c; tiigeons per dos., $1.20; homer squabs Per dos., $4.00; fancy squabs, per dos.. 32 60: No. 1 per dos., $3.00. Alive, broilers, 14Vt,0: er2 "S" I?,'' i"m, 10c: old roosters, 7o old ducks, full feathered, loc; geese, ful feathered. c; turkey 1, I6&IS0; guinea fowls. 2oo each; plgeoaXper doa, 60c; 5Slfeti,i!nPeKdo;- vW No. , per dox.. $1.60; No. 2, per doa, 60c. FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, 11c; white 22: k I' e"1' sJgvrw crapple,; 80c; Spanish mackerel. 18r. eel. 18o; had dock. 18c; flounders. ISo; green catfish. 20c; roe shad $1.00 each; shad roe. per pair hlburt0llc,, rr iot- Mc; imo-. No. 8, 8V40, Loin: No. 1, 17o; No S. lSa- No. 8, 8Vn. Chuck: No. i, 7-c- No No. J .70. Round: No. i. No 2 7Vo: FRUITS Oranges: California navela 4V 12 sues, per box, 82.7o'tri.OO; small sixes Kx bW'-76: nrl1' ' IW box, $a.6a Lemons: Laurel brand extra fancy, 4) size, per box. $S.60- itS slxs 5 r box $4.00; choice. 800 ixe, per box ViS; JuO sise per box. $6.00; 24t) site. 60c per box lesa Grape fruit: Florida, 46-64-tK- sIms! per box, $4.2534.60. Bananas: Fane. ,e r bunch, $2.2.60; jumbo. py 773.76. Pears:, California VViSTIr Nelfis per box $2.30. Apples: Home-grown c'ok i'l?' ffl b as'Ts'' Wisorl Jonainati. Im th Mi6,: '"ourl Ren Davis, per at is. S; U"url VVlneaaps. per boL, $4 26; Missouri Uaoio, per boi., $4 00- ottier varieties per bbl.. 84-oC; Nw"YoVk Green ing and bald win, per Dbl.. $.0; Colorado Jorathan per box. 82.10; wash ngon Gravensiein, per box, 31 80; California Beileflower. per box. ilsu Wun Z! il ?i,0id,n n.d Joitban, extra fancy. 83 to lit, sixes, SiiV Grapes: CallToinia Emperor, per crate. $L76; New York Ca lawoa. per 8-lb. bsk.. 2001 Malaga, tsjiti P.V ""-.f-r " J'v0. CraioerVles: Per box, $.,5; per bbi.. 17.60; bell and h.Ii".',.,.'''., per Jbb.1' i Wisconsin BUt.f.nd.iJuiV,lnd Lt Howe branda Sf, bhbi-: tW W' . D!:le,: "r bran" n,, o l-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per-box. 32.26; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 7tL Figs! New i3u lornia. 12 U-os. pkgs.. 36o: ii T 12-oa ckaa per lb" 13cl' t"urowu' r w-crowu. VEuklABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio in sacks, per bu.. 90c; Iowa and vVliTonain white stock per bu.. 76. Sweet pott toes; Virginia, per bbl.. VtO; Kanaaa T bar bbi., 82.00. onion.: Iowa, red andelljw per 0.. -So. Indiana, whita? per lb ' te. bpanlsn, per crate. $1.40. Gal.c: tixtV. lar cy, while, per lb lac; red, per lb., lia i-gg plant: Fancy Florida, per Ooa Sawi Caiery: Michigan, per dos. bunches. 3&c California Juinoo. p,r doa ' buncnea 76c! Rutabagas: Per lo.. lo. CuouoiberaT Hot bouse. 1 and 2 doa. per box., fi-tai. "roSa California, per e-bsk, Trate, 81 Wl Cabbage: New, per lb.. la Suina and wax beans: Per nkt bsk.. $1.30. lettuce Extra I.ncy leaf. .r doa.'- Fa.r, tancy home-grown, per. dos, fe-inchea. sio! Turnips; per mkt. bsa.. S6c Carrot.: p7 irikL bsk.. 40. Beets: Po, nikl tMk iZ. lb.. So. ILicAorynuis: Lai.s, per jo tL. small, per lb.. . Cocoanuis; Per saok, P?5 'J- "on-r1 frames. Coffee Starke a. NEW YORK. Nov. SO.-OCXFFEB-Fu-'turee opened eteady at an advance of lt lo Points this morning in. response to higher European cables. At the beginning business was not very active, but a "'iiiu ueveiopeu Wlln big local roaatera' buera of the near months and' tf spots, while European houses took large amounta of March and May. Ther. ; was also bullish news from Braxll as to : the prospective crop and auppi.e, remajn-l Ing In the Interior, and prlcas advanced very sharply during the afternoon, almost! f v.0' iv poauUons making new j high reeorda for the aeason. Th " cl.Ise was firm at a net gain ot 2i3v point. I eaiea. 12,2.t0 bags. Iecember,l0 4c: Jan uary lo.toc; February, lu4o; March. W 47c; lo"?- a May lti4.c; June, l.46c; Jiy'J -- ... p .w.ww, oci'li-moar. 10 41- October 10 31c; Novemeber, 10 Sue "" closed 1 to lv, francs net, higher Hamburg was V6. ptg Bt r liner Rio. 10U reis 1 lower at 73 275. Santo. uni changed. 4e 1$ SoO; 7a t$ 'nk Recoipta at the fV.i'rt1?1""1? I"' U U" bs' agalns" 87,000 bates; Jundiahy receipts, 22.2W) baas against 23, 600 last year. SSpot col lee. firm; Rio No. 7, 13iil3c antoa No. 4. 139:sVc; mild coffee firm' ordova, 12't4316o. ' Raaar Market. NEW YORK, Nov. JO SUGAR Raw. firm; muscovado. s lest $.43c; tentrif ugai. 9 test, $ic; mo!as.'e.. f. test, llbc Re fined sugar, quiet "tSi Wt. Joeepa Ihe , Market. BT. JOSEPH Mo, Nov. S0.-CATTLE Receipts, l.uoO brad : rrarket, etrong to 10c higher; stoers, $4bi.t6 60, rows and heif er a KOajdl"; calves. 3-t 0ti 16. - H(j(BV ltelpis. t,6ot' lead- market steadv: top, $7 16; bulk 87 (xH7 it SHEEP AND LAMBS dtecaxpts. 1 3UI head; market, strong to lua higher; lambe, $6.tMul4t. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Active at Good, Strong Prices. HOGS nVE TO TEH CENTS LOWES Fat Sheep aad Ewes Tea to Flfteea Ceata Hlher aad Fat I.amfcs gtreaa, with Feeders la Good Pernaad, SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 3", lflO. Receipts were: Tattle, lloea ghceo Official Monday 4.94S 1.8 7 II 9S1 Of fii-lal Tuesdav 3 lotlmste W ednesday .. 4.212 7.6'W 10 44 ,2M(' Three days this week.. 13.1?3 1R 4 I2.12S Same davs last week. .. .IS, 707 Pi. 36 611 same daya 2 weeks ago. .2T..773 1S.0V4 l"U2;o Same days 3 weeks sgo. .14.115 7.6 M) ITS Same days 4 weeks ago.. 30 41 8.1-' 9'..W2 Same days last year 19.447 13.8..2 21.02 The following t-nle shows the receipts of esttl hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last ear: join ums ine Lee Cattle 1.134...W2 1,031. (0 106,671 Hogs 1.7W.2M 1. 997 074 241.K20 hep 2.M1.1S2 2,0 1.38 828,797 The following table shows the average prices of hoes at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I L10. 1309.19(.1907.1. 11305. V0. Nor. 22. Nov. 23 Nov. 24. Nov. 26 Nov. 2 8S-I T 88! I 4 821 S 1; S4I Sl 8 9.'-l 7 9- 5 3TI 4 01 1. 4 Ml 4 49 I I T 871 8 7" 1 I Ml 4 I - I S 77 I 3 (21 3 9i' I 4 72t 1 48 RSV ' 8 041 I 4 071 3 001 4 52 Nov. 27 I 3 041 R FKi 4 2rt: 3 021 4 37! Nov. 2s ISM, vl 1 s 1.-1 aa I t OT1 4 721 4 44 Hlshop Thomas wos too overcome for I Nov. 30 . 1 I 991: g u, 5 6s 4 601 6 M; 4 42 Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock st the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb., " for twenty-four hours ending at $ p. m RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. A 8t. P 8 4$.. W'abash R R. 1 1 Mo. P. Ry 9 8 8.. V. P. R. R 42 83 C. A N. w. (east).... 7 4 1.. C. gt N W. (west).. M 22 1 C, St. P.. M. A O.. 11 2 8 C, R. A Q (east) .... 16 11 C, R. A Q. (weot).. IS 7 C, R. I. A p. (east).. 9 9 2 1 Illinois Central Ry... 5 8 Chicago GL Western 8,1 1 Total receipts ...1R7 118 $8 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Cheep. .. 4rtO 1.2(10 673 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. ,. 1.159 946 1 KX 2.939 123 bSl 2.1S9 Armour A. Co 786 ' 2.614 W. B. Vansant Co 142 Renton, Vansant A Lush 2 Stephens Bros 103 Hill A Son ..: 31 F. B. Lewis e. Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla U F. Husx L. Wolf McCreary A Carey.... H. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild Smith A Polsley Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co... Christy A Cllne ,.t MoConahey Other buyers 148 64 , 29 11 64 21 81 82 1 1S1 3 v." 82 11 , 613 1,212 Totals 4.878 7.905 6.298 CA 1 1 LE Cattle receipts continue small, leaving the total for the three cays this week at 13,100 head, as against 16.. 00 head last week and 26,7(JO bead for the same days two weeks ago. On account ot the light receipts the market continues In very strong position and entirely satisfactory to the selling interests. Buyers of beef steers were out early this morning. They went after the offerings In a hurry, so much so' that the markst was fairly active, while prices were good and strong. This meam that fat cattle at this point are selling right close up to Chlcsgo figures. Cows and heifers were also strong sellers and the trade fairly active at the advance. Prices have been gradually working up every day and the market la around IO&I80 higher than last week. Blockers and feeders were In good de mand this morning, but the supply was light and prices strong. - Everything at all desirable sold In good reason and the mar ket could safely be quoted around lO4L0 higher than last week. (quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 6.0Otj.7o; fair to good beef steers, 86.2uu4.00; common to fair beef steers. $3.;6ti620; good to choice cows and heifers, $4 2oii4 90; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.6044.20; common to fUr cows and heifers. $2.75ftS.60; good to choloe stockers and feeders. $4.&tJp6.85: fair to good stockers and feeders, 83lv4.60; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3,264) 8 30: stock heifers, $3.00ie416; veal calves, $3 50ft7.76; bulls, staga, etc., S3.26&4.75. Quotations , on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves. K.60a 76; good to choice beeves, $0.0035.50, fa.r to good beeves, $3 70 (34 40; good to choice helfe-s. 34.04-4.70: good to choice cows, $3.S05-4 4; fair to good cows, S3.30fc3.o; cannera. $2.73.60. Representative salea: BEEF STEERS. No. 4.. St.. II.. u.. 11.. 10.. At. Pr. No. .. 940 4 40 14.... ..DM 8 34 M.. At. Pr. ....llsl 3 TO ....1440 3 7 ,...U10 8 90 ....1364 8 93 ....1163 3 410 ....1411 4 03 1073 3 40 10... 14 3 60 3U3 3 40 1120 8 40 19 10 U. ., .. u 1143 8 33 COWS, 6-. 794 8 93 3 ,. M IH 3 304 8 16 3 414 3 A 3 1104 8 40 10!".'". 13! 13 iii.'.'.'! 17 SI.'.'.'.'. 43 ...1013 3 38 ...LOZl 4 00 ...1011 4 03 4 13 ... 474 4 30 4 a 7 M I4t 13 1001 8 43 3 1004 3 43 3 ft III 34 TS4 3 43 4 Oil 3 79 3. l'0 3 73 14 luce 3 30 ...U3M4 33 ... IM4 ...11V1 473 4 43 944 4 40 llii 4 44 ' ..-.taut 4 33 T43 4 73 1017 4 40 ..... 943 3 S3 4.... HEIFERS. 3 T13 4 00 3 , 11 in itt 3 14.. .......... X9 4 33 8 T 77 4 33 BUIXS. 1 .'...1440 I 90 1 , S 1IW6 4 03 1 l... 140 4 10 CALVES. ..1430 4 33 ..14U0 4 33 10 343 3 T3 1.. 1A9 L 310 4 30 1 140 t 34 8 . ... 34 6 30 L 14 f 73 L SaS 8 40 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. A 340 8 39 19 331 4 30 3 tit I 00 9 113 4 40 1 44 4 13 33 ...lan 4 to 11 714 4 44) 30 ri 4 TO 4 TA 4 3d T.... T13 4 73 4 470 4 30 4 IU 4 40 IDAHO. 10$ feeders. 948 4 86 $ bulls 1160 S 84) 2 steers.. ..10u0 4 88 t feeders., 73 4 40 A. C. Lundaren Idaho. 18 cows 1118 $ SO 4 oows 1000 $ SO $ bulls 1436 4 00 S feed ere.. 1012 8 00 1? feeders.. r4 $ 00 1 feeders.. 76 4 60 I heifers.. 808 4 84 Howard A Andrews Idaho. 42 bulls 1262 8 68 1 bull Iu60 S 88 HOL'TH DAKOTA. $ cows 936 8 76 82 cows S87 4 $0 NEBRASKA. 13 steers. ...1125 4 90 2 steers.... 9 6 90 10 stockers. aoO 8 60 $ calves... 36 6 24 HOGS Receipts of bogs this morning were again quite moderate, bringing the total for the week up to 16,400 head, as againat 19,9uO head for the same days last week and 13. SOU head for the corresponding period a year ago. After adanolng stead ily for three days the market this morning experienced a deoided reverse. Buyers started out talking extremely bearish and first bids were safely llkgliie lower than yesterday. Sellers began cutting loose on bids that were lira lower than yesterday and quite a number of boga aold that way. Later on as it became apparent met re ceipts were not very large and the demand waa really good prices finned up until the market waa not over ao lower. This means that the market aa a whole was otitic lower than yeaterday. It will also be noted that the trade waa Just the reverse of yea terday, that la It opened lower, gradually becoming higher, while yesterday It opened higher and closed lower. Practioally every thing In sight was sold by 10 o'clock U the morning. Repreaentative sales: Na. At. as. Pr. Ma At. 3k. Pr. 44 tad Ml 4 M 44 U3 ... f 03 34 T ... 3 HI aa Iii 40 1 ao U 470 ... 3 40 40 Sat M I 44 44 m ... 4 44 4 la ... f as 3 4 40 4 S3 11 3a4 ... f 30 4 lal IM 4 44 41 34 ... 10 41 t4 li 3 46 44 lis 30 t as 34 114 US 6 la SO 3.9 lad 1 de 14 IO ,...4M M Ill ... TO 64 ! ... 3 90 41 31 1)0 T 0 W U la 3 44 T4 13 3a0 I 40 37 1.4 ... Ill J! I ... T Vi 4 11 led 4 f) ' II Ml . . T 44 44 4 a 4 44 71 3d IN t 44 341 10 4 a 41 174 40 1 44 14 4JU U IH It Ja4 191 14 St' 3a ... 34 41 U l 7 ( U 14 130 3 M 41 3-1 M l t 0 41 ia la 3 34 44 Ski 30 T 4 t'4 im 1 k an p-i iso h 17 M 4 H 1 I I ... 1 M 11 '. ... 4 s 47 XI T on 41 r ... a. n r4 a ! no 43 ?: ... 4 n 71 M ... 1 , 44 t' 11 4 t ... 7 0.1 tit lc 3 aa i4 . j , is an 4 at ;t fii to m .7 f4 4 M e XI 10 T S?v4 if ... .. m 1 : . J't 1 ss 7 ait, r tan 3 ; 54 I"4 . 7 ' M I ft 4 S M ISO 7 ' 47 IK M K 17 1'3 ... 1 08 7 fh tin t t an 114 m t "4 I art 1 H 47 t let 1 0 34 la 4 VT- 73 fl .. 1 14 Its 3 St 71 rl a 1 (4 57 107 ll 4 W 44 p.- a f r 44 f.7 . 4 t: 71 J4 ... t 4 11 7 en It IT1 k PA 14 7 on ft i;. ... t a1, H r im 1 0.1 7t fu ... 7 n W f-4 1 tm 44 110 ... J M M r"0 f 7 00 7 ?1 ... T 10 3s 7 Oil 74 7.4 ... 1 10 41 T l 7 00 Tl lot ... 7 10 3S4 ... 7 00 74 tl ... 1 .l 4 144 so 7oo nt 143 ... 7)0 47 .173 l 70 7 1"4 ... t 10 TR 90 T 00 40 fo ... 7 lo 47 ?'J . . t 00 7 VI ... 7 10 37. Jl 110 ton ft ... 7 10 47 3M el 7 00 71 its ... t 10 f i: ... loo 3? tl ... tin 741 ... 7 no it 1-1 ... 7 10 66. 40 t on 71 la 40 7 ! n Itt . . 1 fin to 7.1 ... t Is 44 317 44S t 00 r 134 ... T IS rics. 41 T ... IT SHEEP Receipts of sheep were light sgaln today and the total for the week Is very much smaller 1han for the corre sponding period during recent weeks. A( the same time the demand Is holding up very well, so that the market is in a good, healthy condition. Psckers were all looking for sheep this morning and were all out early with the result that the market opened In very good season with prices on the best selling sheep around 10.ul6c higher than yesterday. Very good fed ewes sold up as high as $3 i. with wethers at $4.00 and yearlings as high as $0 16. it might be mentioned again In this connection that buyers are discriminating acatnst heavyweights. Thus, while weth ers of desirable weights are selling up to $4(i0. others weighing as much as 140 pounda aold yesterday down to $3.50. It Is the same way with ewes and yearlings, buyers all looking for the handywelghts. The supply of fat lambs was small this morning and the demand good, with the natural reauit that offerings commanded Btrong prices and the trade was active at the advance. Right good fed western lambs sold up to $6.66, which was 5c higher than anything brought yesterday. There were not enough feeders in sight to make a market. A few lambs brought $o.00, which looked like a good, firm price. In fact, the feeling on feedera was if any thing strong and orders in the hands of buyers are far in excess of receipts. It would take a good liberal run to supply the demand, but as already noted receipts are small and are not likely to be very large for some time to come. Uuotationa en stuep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. 36.2i'.a0; fair to good lambs, S5.5oUii.26; good feeding lambs, 346046.26; fair feeding lambs. 84.OU4H 6u; light common lambs, $3.004.00., riandy weight yearlings. $46Oyo.00; heavy yearlings. $3.V(i'4.60; feeder yearlings, 83 7604 36: good to choice weihers, $3.164.16; fair to good wethers, $8.6013 76; feeding wethers, HIV4I6O, fat awes. $3.26 tj3 8f; feeding ewes, $2.13.00; cannera $1-60 4j2.00. Representative sales; NO. Av Pr. 6 00 4 75. 8 16 8 16 8 25 6 20 6 30 4 75 6 2 6 25 $ tR) 8 60 6 00 6 75 4 60 4 00 3 60 6 (0 6 00 $ 60 6 16 5 16 4 00 6 60 6 00 2 76 6 00 35 $ 40 4 90 $ 60 2 76 6 76 5 75 6 66 3 50 8 15 4 15 6 60 4 00 17 Wy online- lam ha 88 82$ Wyoming yearlings 519 Wyoming ewes 123 Wyoming ewes 47S Idaho lambs, feedera 72 Idaho lambs, feeders 600 Idsho latnba. feeders 10 Idaho lambs, culls ........ 736 Idaho lamba 171 Idaho lamba, . feeders 70 Idaho ewes and weihers. 2X7 Idaho ewea iV9 Idaho lamba , 3o0 fed lambs ... S3 lamba, culls . lf.7 fed wetbers , 64 fed ewes 131 fed lambs..'. 69 fed lambs 18 fed ewes 12 fed yearlings 377 fed yearlings 2t native ewes and wethers. 2 native lambs 8 native lambs W native ewes 2fe So. Dak. lambs, feeders.. 68 fed lambs 41? fed ewes 114 fed yearlings 24 fed ewes 26 fed ewea culls. .. 118 4) W .. 92 62 .. 75 .. 68 .. 79 .. 64 .. 117 .... Ill .. 67 .. 66 .. 65 .. 104 7? 72 ... 91 ...133 ... 97 ... 9S ...12S ... 90 .. 103 ...111 ... 4 ... 78 ...104 ... 9S ...107 ...104 eee W ...106 ...10s ... 8 ...106 ...log ...161 76 fed 17 fed 109 fed 826 fed lambs lambs lamba ewes lambs .., wethers : ltw fed 262 fed 72 native lamba 23 native ewes , CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET Demaad for Cattle Weak lloigs Slow Sheep fltrosg. CHICAGO. Nor. SO. CATTLE Receipts. K.OUO head, market, weak; beeves, Sd.boij) 7.60; Texas steers, $4.S0ii6.40; western steors, 84 2&V&6.60; stockers and feeders. $3.3Ui5.60; cow-s and heifers, 32.20So.80; calves, $7.00y HOGS Receipts. 89,000 head; market slow at opening figures, although a few light butchers' grade sold st $7 .26; light, $.7(i T.12V9; mixed, S6.sO4r7.30; heavy, $6.75Q7.80; rough, 86.76(tt 9o; rood to choice heavy, pi 90 C7.20; pigs, $6.3a.90; bulk of sales, $6.96 trr. 15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta 80 000 head; market strong; natives, 82.2fg4.30; western, 82.7KU-I 25; yearlings, 84.tV(io.25; na tive lambs, $4,25-56.70; western, M.6oiapS.6S. Kaaaae City S.lve Stook Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. SO.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.0UO head, including 100 southerns. Market for heavy fed steers weak to 10c lower; others steady to strung; cows Btrong to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, So.efl.OO; fair to good. $4 506.50; western steers, S4.2642o.60; stPkers and feeders, $3.76041.20; southern steers, $4 0Ug 650; southern cows, $2.754 50; native cows $2 6S(3.00; native heifers. $3o(ijtl26; bulls' $3.40ti4oO; calves, $6.0068.00. HOGS Receipts, U.OjO head. Market opened 6c higher and closed strong; bulk of sales, r tieavy, $7 06Vg 7. 20; pack ers and butchei;a,$7.0&8'7.20; light, $7.00jf SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta 4,000 head. Market eteady; western yearlings $fi.76; lambs. $6.100 50; yearlings. $4.76tr 6 75; wethers, $3 7buA .26; ewes, $3.5064 00; stockers and feeders, $3-0Oii4 0o. St. Loals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUI3. Nov. 80, CATTLE Receipts, 8.803 head, including 20t) Texana. Market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, ti.tsmn 26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $t;.2f'87.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., $5.0Jj.50; stockers and feeders. $3 trrf $26; cows and heifers, $3.7636 26; carreers, 2.75413.26; bulls, S3 2G&6 00; calves, $5 feu 00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.6036.60; cows and heifers, 33 00-4450 HOOS Receipts, 4.300 head. Market 10c higher; plga and lights. $7.0051" $6; packers. ST26&7.40; butchers and best heavy, $7.2tj SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $700 head. Market steady; native muttons, $3.30 &4.O0; lambs. 84i7.00: oulls and bucks. S2.5033.OO; stockers. $22608.26. Stork la Mlaht. Receipts of live stock st tha flva principal western markets yetserday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4,&1 7,6") 7 2-av 6t. Joseph 2,OuO 6,500 1 5110 Kansas City 6,t) H.OOO 4C) St. Louis 3J 6.2 3 700 Chicago 26.0U0 8S,0u0 SO.OuO Totals .40.500 69.200 4.SuO Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 30 METALS Stand ard copper, quiet and steady; spot and fu ll res. 312 40tf 12.46; Lake copper, locally 212.00 till 28; electrolytic, $12 STVtaTS 00; casting. $12 60 and $12 76. London, an-ady; spot, to7 6a; futures. Ion 8s 9d. Tin, firm; spot and futures, I37.0ir(j37.40. London, firm; spot. (164 Ion; futures. 1170 5s. I-ead, quiet; $4 45 E4.56. New York, and S4.8u04.17, East St. ouls. London, 13 13d. Spelter, quiet; ... 4.1686. New York, and $.",.77V,iP5 .62, East St Louis. Iondon, Cil Iron, Cleveland warrants, 49s 3d In London. Locally, steady; No. 1 foundry northern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $15.26; No. $ foundry, $15 75. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 80 -M FT A L8 Lead, steady; $4 87V,; spelter, firm. $6 90. Grala Bayer Is Roaad Over. YANKTON. 8. D-, Nov. SO.-(SpeclaJ)-Before Justice La M. Yeatmen, Charles H. Kerr, formerly manager and grain buyer for the Farmers' Elevator company at Mission Hill, was bound over to the circuit court on tha charge of embexxlement, the amount belog a little over $1,000. The evi dence showed that Mr. Kerr, who the last few months has been working in Sioux City, snd M brought back on extradition papers, had used the company funds for speculating on the Minneapolis Board of Trade The bonds were fixed at $2 000 ana Kerr la still in ths bands of the sheriff. Indians Pay Big Fees to Attorneys Testimony Taken by Committee in Oklahoma Shows Payments of Fonr Millions. PIERRE. S. IV, Nov. 30 .-(Special l-Notea taken from the atenoa-raphlo reoit of ths hearing in th Investigation of attornevs" charge, which was made by the Burke committee In Oklahoma last summer, and now aummarised for presentation to con gress at the oiw-nlng pf the session, contain flmirea showing that different attorneys have collected from the Indian of the countt y nearly While the recom mendations have tint yet been made publlo in full, the statements of Chairman Burke of the Investigating committee show that such recommendations will be forthcoming, which, it carried out will prevent the practices of the last year along such lines. Three Weddlnas at lleroa. HURON. S IV, Nov. 80 (Special. ) Carrol M. Rldenour of Topeka. Kan., A slngtng evangelist, and Miss Parra Lee Bryant were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents. Joslah Bryant and wife, hy Rev. (. W. Elliott of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Rldenour will make their home In Fort Renton, Mont. A triple wedding occurred In the Russian settlement In Iowa township Sunday. Ths contracting parties were David OlanseV and Susie Wailman, Joseph F. Waldner and Kate Waldner and Samuel Waldner and Rachael Waldner. Although several of the names are the same, the parties belong to entirely different families and are no relation. Little Roy Scalded tn Heath. SIOUX FALI.S. S. D.. N6. . -(Special.) WJille playing with a kitten. James Frank lin Hubbard, not quite 2 years old, who was visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who live on a homestead In Lyman county, In some manner knocked a stove leg from under a stove upon whloh a kettle of hot water was standing. The hot water wss spilled over the unfortunate little hoy, Inflicting burns from whloh he died a few hours later, after suffering ter ribly. MISSING PHILANTHROPIST RETURNS TO HIS HOME M. A. Naylaad of Kaasaa Clip, Who Disappeared After Leavlnsr Large Ran, to Charity, Reappears. KANSAS CITY, Nov. SO. M. A. Nayland of this lty, who last week gave $00,00 to charity, and then, went Into se clusion to avoid the plaudits that he dreaded, reappeared at his home today. Asked why he gave three-fourths of hit fortune awayhe said: "I had a little money. I saw so many peole worse off than I was that I wanted to help them a little. That's all there Is to it." "Where did you hide" he was asked. "Oh. I went to a hotel here in the city, where I have been all the time. When I decided It was all blow n over And the people had forgotten all about It, I returned home and here I am." Nayland, who Is 71 years old, found a great mass of letters asking for financial aid awaiting him when ho returned to his borne. COLD WEATHER WILL CONTINUE Low Temperature V4I11 Prevail Throacboa Mississippi Valley for Several Days. WASHINGTON. Nov. SO.-The maximum of the cold wave, tha first general' on of the season, now felt practically all over the country east of the Rockies, has not been reached. Colder weather is predicted for tonight In New England, east of New York' and the south Atlantic and east gulf states, while the weather bureau's Indica tions are that there will be freezing tem perature In north Florida and frost in the central portions of the state tonight Storm warnings are displayed on the great lakes and on the New England coast. The cold, It is predicted, will continue for several days over the Mississippi valley and the eastern states. Freeslng tmepera tures have been reported as far south ss the interior of the gulf states. CHICAGO, Nov. SO. A drop of from 15 to 20 degrees in temperature, accompanied by a steady snowstorm, swept In upon the olty today from the northwest. TRUST MAGNATES TO JAIL Seateaoes Asralast Officials of Karat Stores Affirmed by Federal ' Circuit Coart. NEW ORLEANS, Lj4.. Nov. SO. Ths fed eral circuit court of appeals sitting here has affirmed the decision of the lower court In the socalled naval stores trust case. Two of the officials of ths Ameri can Naval Stores company were sentenced to serve three months 1n Jail, while firs men were given fines aggregstlng $17,500. The sentences were pronounced May 14, 1909, and ths cass was taken to the ap. pellate court cn a writ of error with fifty three specifications. It was announced last rlav thst an ef fort would be made to certma-l the case to the supreme court of the t'ltte-l States. Spencer P. Shotter of Savant; il, tA airman of the board of directors it , .7, My ers, vice president of th- can, j,v, 11 , were given Jail terms In addition to 1.! fines. George M. Boardman cf New Ti'.-'Y; B. 8. Nash of Savannah, and Kmr) toiler of Jacksonville, Fla, were to ly. LAWSON'S CLXRK. KILLS SELF Maa W4" Copper Maanate for Quarter Million Jaaaps la Front af CWr. BOSTON, Nov. SO John F. Donahos of Lynn, for twelve years a confidential clerk In the employment of Thomas W. .' son, the financier, committed suicide today by Jumping- In front of an elect rto train In the Washington street tunnel. The cause of the act Is unknown. Donahoe became prominent In lsoj by suing Mr. Lawson for $250,000 for services which he claimed included ths arrange ment of dealings between bis former em ployer and former Senator W. A. Clark of Montana. J. Edward Addlcks of Dela ware. F. Augustus Ht-lrxe and the lata Henry If. Rogers of New York. The case. It Is understood, was settled out of court. iKinahoe was about 64 years old. Most Food -4a Paleaa to the dyspeptic. Eleetrto Bitters sure dys pepsia, liver and kidney complaints and debility. Price 50c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Bond Man Wanted A large Investment bowse desires 4e saaks errwng- nts with aa acttvs loaal dealer or a reliable yoeagr aaaa te aU bonds la Omaha aad vicinity. Aa saoellsas opportunity for aa energetic suaa, wlsttlng" to build ap a stable business. Finance, V. O. ties Sag. Stew Terk City, 1 f