AILY B EE ODR MAGAZINE FEATURES Wit, huiucr, fiction and comlo picture the best of entertain ment, instruction, amusement. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fatr and cold. For Iowa Fair, continued cold. For weather report see pane 2. VOL. XL-NO 142. OMAHA, THURSDAY M()KNIN(f, DrX'rJMUKK 1, 1U10-TWKLVE I'AtiKS. SIN (ILK COPY TWO CKXTS. The Omaha DB. COOK SAYS L V J MADE A MI STAR Discredited Explorer Asserts He Will Return, and Try to Brighten Tarnished Reputation. WANTS CONFIDENCE OF PEOPLE Eympata yof Fellow lien ii Most Valued Now. DISCLAIMS ATTEMPT AT FRAUD Doctor Thinks Now He Was Half Mad at Time. WRITES STORY FOR MAGAZINE la It He niarnan! HI Psychological Condition dad Seeks to Show that It Mistaken He Mi mm Kunrat. NEW YORK. Nov. JO. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, th Brooklyn explorer. In an article which will be. published In Hampton's Mag azine,, say that he does not know whether he reached the North pole or not. Dr. Cook, who hea ben In hiding for more than a year, hat Informed the editor of the magazine publishing his story that he will return to the United States with his wife and children December 22 in order to spend Christmas here. Pr. Cook, In his story, deals with the psychology of his adventure and says: "Pld I get to the North pole Perhaps I made a mistake In thinking that I did. Perhaps, I did not make a mistake. After mature thought I confasa that I do not know absolutely whether -I reached ths pole or not. Thla may come as an amazing statement, but I am willing to startle the world. If, by so doing, I can get an oppor tunity to present my case. "By my case, I mean not my baae as a geographical discoverer, but my cane aa a man. Muoh aa the attainment of the North pole once meant to me, the sym pathy and confidence of my fellow men mean mora. . Attempts to Justify Himself. "Fully, freely end frankly I shall tell you everything. Tell you everything and leave the decision with you. If, after read ing my atory you say, "Cook la alneere and honest; bait erased by months of Isolation and hunger, ha believed he reached the pole; he le not fakir,' then I shall be sat isfied." Pr. Cook tells the story of his life and pictures what ha calls the overpowering .mbttlon for exploration that beset him until It finally culminated In hta effort to reaoh the pole. Dr. Cook declares that at the time he convinced himself h had dis covered the pole ha was half mad. He spent two years in his quest and during that time endured hunger and privation that. be aaya, would unbalano any mind. The explorer states that It weuld be lm yoalblerjtoT'.ny ilnaflr to demonstrate be i yond question that be had been to .the. North pole. He oharactarlaea the region aa a region of Insanity, where one cannot believe the evldenoea gathered by one's own yea. Orereoms with Bewilderment. He aaya he had alwaya looked on the discovery of th pole aa an achievement for his own personal satisfaction, for the satisfaction of a craving and desire that waa greater than any other factor In his Ufa. Whan he found how tremendous a sensation his statement that he had at tained the pole created, he was overcome with bewilderment. Pr. Cook then tells the atory of the daya In Copenhagen and later in New York, and of the crisis In his life that caused his flight from New York and his voluntary exile from the United Btatea. The explorer says that not withstanding the fact that he was fol lowed by the. shrewdest newspaper men In the world day after day, and that sums ranging upwarda of several thousands of dollars ware offered! for a clue to his whereabouts, he has never worn a disguise and has never taken any unusual precau tion to conceal hla identity. Tart of the time, he aaya, his wife has been with him and part of the time hla children. Dr. Cook and hla wife are now In Europe and the children are in a convent in France. Haa Been la Lesios, Most of the time during his exile Dr. Cook has been In London. He aaya he haa gone about among Americana there with the utmost freedom and at times haa registered under his own name, and that only a few have guessed his identity. Those who did guess It, Dr. Cook saya, were turned away with ease by the remark: "Why, yea, I have been told that before." With the opportunities for thought that his exile has given him Dr. Cook aaya he sever even bad time to aleep more than three or four houra between his arrival at Copenhagen and his disappearance in New York he haa found growing stronger and stronger the desire to return to his own country to be understood by bis own people. ' He realizes better than anyone else the esteem in whiuh he was held. "X have been called the greatest lisr in the world, the most monumental Impostor in history," says Pr. Cook. "I believe that In every undesirable way I stand unique, the object of such suspicion and vituper ation as have assailed few men." With thla realisation Dr. Cook wrote his story and says thai to him the honor of discovering Uie north pole no longer means anything. The explorer haa been working on hla story since last August and saya, according to the editor of Hamplou magazine, that "hla sole desire Is to make the people of the United Slates naliis Just what he went through during hla two and a half years in the Arctic fastness, autl to make tbeni see what processes of thinking, or lack of thinking It was that led him to do the thing which confirmed to the average mind that worse suspicions against him, Peary la glleat. WASHINGTON. Nov. SO. Robert K. Peary, comiriander of the expedition wbloli the National Uecgraphlo society recognised aa having reached the north pole, declined today to make any comment on the c n fesalon of Dr. Frederick A. Cook, after hearing of It, t have absolutely no statement to make," declared Certain Peary, with era phoata. "1 wtsh the Associated Press Would make It as erophatlo as possible that I have ebs lu;ly n tiling tj say in am nectlon with the matter. I cannot this too strong." Whan aked whether he would have any thing to say after Dr. Cook s article ap pears, he replied that be did not think he would, Portuguese Troops on Island of Macoa Force Concessions i and Sailors from Gunboat Cannon on Palace to Secure Reforms. MACOA. ISLAND OF MACOA. China, Nov. 30 The Portuguese troops of the local garii on and the crew .of th" Por tuguese gunboat Pntrta revolted last nltiht and, taking pnerl"n of the city proceeded to enforce, certain changes In the adminis tration of the affair of this dependency of Portugal. The rebels continued In control today, the governor and military officers bf Ing pon eriess. The revolt began 'with the landing of the sailors of the Patrta, who marched to the public square, where they fired three vol leys as a signal to the troops, who at once forced an entrance to the armory, and, arming themselves, Joined the seamen. Several hundred utronur, the rebels pro ceeded to Santa Clara convent from which they drove out the nuns, ordering them to leave the Island. The nuns fled to Hong Kong. From the convent the rebels marched to Government house, before which they mounted a cannon. An Interview with the j governor was requested and when the of ficers at Government house intervened they were silenced at the point of the bayonet. The governor was compelled to hear the defrauds, which were the cxpt:slo:i of the religious orders. Increased pay for the army and navy, the suppression of the newspaper Vlda Nova and the righting of allegod wrongs suffered by the soldiers and sailors. Under threat, the government granted every demand. No casualties are reported, but the mili tary officers say that they have lost con trol of the troops. The security of life and property Is not guaranteed. When the rebels arrived at the governor's palace, the governor's, aide protested against their entrance, a bayonet waa placed at his throat and he was threatened with Instant death If he gave an alarm. Macao was settled by Portuguese mer chants In the Jatter part of the sixteenth century and long was a flourishing port. After the cession of Hong Kong to the British the trade of Macao declined rapidly. The city was subsequently ceded to Portu gal by China. Gradually the Portuguese extended their rule over the whole Island of Macao. China objected to thla extension of territory and Insisted that the only con cession ever made Portugal was limited to the city of Macoa snd haa frequently clashed with the Lisbon government over their re spective territorial rights. Continued diplo mats negotiations have failed to definitely adjust the matter. The city Is now divided into two wards, one inhabited by Chinese and the other mostly by Portuguese, each having its own administration. When the Portuguese mon archy, waa overthrown the Portuguese of Macao petitioned . the provisional govern ment of Lisbon to permit the religious orders to remain undisturbed on the island. Hope to Settle Strike of Garment Workers Mayor Basse, After Conference with Both Sides, Says an Agree ment is Probable. CHICAGO, Nov. SO. Hope ot settlement of the garment workers' strike was held out by Mayor Buses today as a result of the preliminary meeting of the council strike (settlement committee and represen tatives of the strikers and clothing firms. "After a three hours' talk I believe we can see our way clear to a settlement We will have other conferencea each day until we agree," aaid the mayor after the meeting. . , Two hundred aympathlsers with the gar ment workera' strike who were riotously attempting to prevent non-union employes from entering the shops of the Interna tional Tailoring company at Jackson boule vard and Canal street Were charged upon by the police today. A number of the more stubborn men In the gathering were club bed before the crowd waa dispersed. Three leader of the mob, two of them glrla, were arrested. New Bishop ItT. JHUY. QliORGK ' ' " " -""V.: '"'' ' . r " l ...J'-- " THOME 01T0SES KATE INCREASES Iowa Man Cont:nds Railways' Net Earnings Have Been Increasing Faster Than Expenses. SECURITIES AT HIGH FIGURES Witness Says Values Better Than Any Other Public Utility. GEORGE A. POST ON THE STAND Head of Railroad Business Association j Testifies in Rate Inquiry. i BUYING OF EQUIPMENT FALLS OFF, He la Ifnable to Remember that Any Railroads Hare Suspended De velopment Work Already Ilearnn. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Testimony In the eastern trunk lino freight advance case was virtually concluded by the Interftnte Commerce commission today, after many witnesses for the shippers had agreed that the proposed Increases would localize com petition, hurt t he wetern market for east ern goods and otherwise seriously inter fere with tholr business. The pending suspension of the proposed advances Is until February 1 and In the meantime, on January 9, the arguments of counsel will be made and the commission may be prepared to render Its decision by the expiration of the present extension. Perfunctory testiony tomorrow will close the evidence. There was a steady stream of witnesses today in support of the shippers' protests. They Included heads of the Westlnghouse Air Brake company, the Railway Business association, American Locomotive company. shoe and leather, drug, cotton piece goods and other enterprises. Thome on the Stand. Clifford Thorne of Washington, la., state railroad ccmmlssloner-elect, counsel for the Com Belt Meat Producers' association and the Farmers and Grain Dealers' association, contended that In four states alone, covered tw an exhaustive Investigation he had made, the railroads had been overcapital ized by 1100,000.000. This was based on a statistical summary of the actual physical valuation of 133 properties having a com bined capitalization of more than $1,000,- 000,000. Mr. Thorne contended the railways' net earnings have been Increasing faster than their expenses, and that the credit of the roads was good. He urged that the only proof offered by the railroads to support their argument of credit impairment was that they could not market 4 per cent bonds at par, an ability which he recognized as by no means indicative of bad credit. He said railroad securities are more de sirable today than five, ten, fifteen or twenty years ago, and command higher market prloee than any other public utility or industrial . companies. "Tell your troubles to the commission" waa the only consolation President John 8. Lawrence of the Lawrence company of Boston and New York, testified he received from the railroads when he tried to talk to them about the advances which meant (70,000 increased cost annually to hla cotton piece goods selling agency business. Asserts Candy Is Necessity. Edwin F. Fobes of Boston, candy manu facturer, contended that candy la a ne cessity and not a luxury. Attorney But terfleld, for the New York Central lines, forced him to say that he saw no reason why sugar, unaffected in the proposed ad vance and a big factor In the candy bus iness, should not bear its fair share of the increase. He said ' the tnoreaeea would take off half of his quarter of a cent profit on ( and 8 cents per pound candy and that In the east, hla candy goods. Jobbed at 36 and 40 cents per pound, were sold by re tailers at from 60 cents to 11.50 a pound. Charles L. Echwarta of St. Louis, repre senting the National and Western associa tions of shoe wholesalers, testified that (Continued on Second Page.) of Kearney ALLEN BEECHER. Fn,j,olnn"" ' W. J. B. I LOYERS RIDE PASS INTO JAIL Eloping Pair from Wyoming Caught , by Hepburn Law. THEY . ENTER PLEAS OF GUILTY Tesag Fireman Ooea Jail Wender- isg Hew' to rr r'-to wf 100 '. Girl la Started to Home at Greea Csille, The Hepburn anti-pass law. United States court and a mighty railroad company in terrupted the course of true love yesterday in the prevention of the marriage of Rich ard Webster, railway fireman, and Miss Mable Pugmlre, daughter of a wealthy rancher of Green Castle, Wyo., yesterday. The end of a day with the officers and the law found Webster In the county Jail seek ing to devise a way to pay a fme of H0u for obtaining a pass for hla fiancee by mis representation. Meanwhile Miss Pugmlre was speeding westward on her way home. Late yesterday afternoon after the regu lar session of court had closed the lovers were brought Into the half-lighted court room to make their confession of guilt In violating the Hepburn act and the confi dence of the Union Paclflo Railway com pany for the take of love. "I am guilty," said the girl simply, as aba stood before Judge W. H. Munger. She was pale and downcast. District Attorney Howell made recom mendation for a light fine. Forty Dollars Fine. "Forty dollars fine." aaid Judge Munger. "Can you pay a good, liberal flneT". the Judge aaked Webster, who rose to enter his plea. The defendant nodded In the affirmative. Then hastened to ask "How much is ItT" "One hundred dollars," said Judge Mun ger. When the time came for the settlement Webster falterlngly declared he supposed that the fine waa flO. He went to Jail and will there remain until the fine is paid. Webster obtained a pass for himself at Green Castls, Wyo., and another for hla sweetheart under the name of "Miss Llasle Webster," whom he set forth In his state ment to the agent waa a dependent upon him, and therefore entitled to transporta tion under the provisions of the antl-paaa law. A traveling auditor on the train who knew Webster discovered the deception and caused the arrest of the pair at Grand Island. Barly yesterday morning they were plaoed In the Douglas county Jail here, where they remained through the day. Mies Pugmlre s faLher, who chanced to be In Omaha yesterday, learned of the affair and called at the JalL "I will give the lad a chance to make good out on the ranch," was hi only com ment when questioned aa to bis attitude to ward the match. The girl la a years old. The fireman says he la 22. A new heading on the first Want-ad page "For Christ mas. This classification will run from now until Christmas. Shoppers will find it most useful, as all sorts of pretty and useful Christmas presents are advertised. Look this column over; it will help you Bolve your Christmas prob lems. Have you read the want ads today! A Presidential Possibility Present wonder if those people do want a English Campaign at White Heat and Speakers Are Busy Lansdowne's Referendum ' Scheme - Proves Important Factor in Discus sions of Political Leaders.' LONDON, Nov. 29. Politician of all parties are straining every nerve to crowd into a few days the work which In ordinary elections is spread over weeks or months. Nearly all the heavy guna were in action tonight. Arthur J. Balfour, leader of the opposi tion In the house, before a meeting in Albert hail, where he warmly supported the referendum, described the government as puppets dancing to the tune of John Redmond and his American paymasters. The prime minister, Mr. Asqulth, spoke at Reading; Chancellor Lloyd-George at Cardiff; John E. Redmond, leader of the nationalists, at Dublin; Winston Spencer Churchill, home secretary, at Colchester; Augustine Birrell, chief secretary for Ire land, at Bristol; John Burns, president of the local government board, at Battersea, and Austen Chamberlain at Ashton. The issues are narrowing dally. The con- aervatlvee make much of the menace of home rule. They proclaim that the plan of the liberals for the reform of the House of Lords means a single chamber govern ment and put to the front their new policy of the referendum. There is great fervor among the liberals, a feature being the sudcten reforming zeal on the part of the lorda, who claim that Lansdowne's referendum scheme is a snaro because the parties would be unequally yoked together under It; that conservative measures would always sail smoothly tnrougn the 'House of Lords, while the referendum would be Invoked only for lib oral Dills which were distasteful . to the peers. Moreover, they estimate the cost of each appeal to the people at 110,000,000. An interesting factional cleavage has occurred In Balfour's party over tariff reform. The Spectator, the spokesman of the unionist free traders, has proposed that the tariff reformers pledge themselves to sub mit the question to a referendum if the party wins, it not being a leading issue of the campaign. The most ardent tariff reformers, led by the Morning Post, contend Is the foremost principle , of ' the party.' "The unionist party breaks Into fragments," says the Post, "if a unionist victory does not mean tariff reform." Heat for a Mlsslngt Hero. WASHINGTON. Nov. 80. -The Navy .'de partment Is making inquiry for William W. Shurrier, who until a ytar ago was a blue Jacket. A medal and ' a cash reward for saving the life of Lieutenant M. R. Smith of the United Slates Snip Pennsylvania awaits him if he can be found. The rescue of the lieutenant by the enlisted man was effected in lKM when their ship waa In the Mediterranean. Fido Mixes it with Pepper . Can; Family is Stampeded The member of an Omaha family were thrown into panic, a staid and faithful old family dog waa aadly misjudged and the police called la to handle the enraged ani mal at the Smith home, 26fil Jonea street, all because Fldo, while browsing around in the kitchen, knocked a can of pepper off the shelf. The can landed squarely upon the end of rldo's nose and the dog received a generous portion in his nostrils and eye. The dog immediately started tilings to moving in the Smith abode by ruilUug Into th drawing room with foam 4J t.J m MfSfcr-a new president! CABINET CUTS ESTIMATES Department Estimates for Next Year Reduced Fourteen Millions. ULTIMATUM BEARS SOME FRUIT President Looks New Schedules Over anaV VasSstMs .' that rrsnlsg -. , Knife "Most Be Applied o , .- Still Farther. sasansnaaaat WASHINGTON, Nov. SO. A cut of 114,000. 000 In the estimates for the running ex penses of the government during the next fiscal year was reported to President Taft today as a result of his ultimatum to the various heads of departments at the cabinet conference yesterday. The president waa greatly gratified with the showing announced, but declared there must be a (till deeper cut. So the cabinet meeting scheduled for today was postponed until Friday to allow the cabinet officers to make another revision ot their figures. The delay in the preparation of the presi dent's message la aaid to be due to the necessity of waltnng for the estimates in their final form. Just as soon as the message la out of the way the president will devote the next three or four daya to seeing senators and representative regarding the executive program. DESERTED WIFE PROTECTS , .HER HUSBAND'S GOOD NAME Woman Far T'p Debts 'and Keeps Share In Inherited Fortune for Delinquent Spouse. TUCSON. Arts., Nov. 29.-After fivo month' search through the west and ten years of separation, Mrs. Robert Archi bald of Elgin, 111., found her husband at Oracle, near hare, and started for home to day to claim a fortune. Arohlbald disappeared from home, it is said, when debts were pressing him and he was without fund.. Hla wife haa since paid hla obligations. The efforts of others to have him declared legally dead caused her to search for him ao that he might obtain his shore of an estate bequeathed by a relative. PROMOTION FOR H. J. HORN Bnrllnston Man Becomes First As- alstaat to President Mellen of n. Y.a N. H. at II. Henry J. Horn, assistant general man ager of the' lines west of th Missouri on the Burlington road, haa been appointed first assistant to President Charles S. Mel len, president of th New York, New Haven & Hartford. Mr. Horn will assume hla duties at once. He haa left for the east. Mr. Horn was with the Great Northern for many year before 1908, when he re signed and went Into business for himself In St. Paul. In May, 1910, he again went Into railroad work with the Burlington, with office In Omaha. ing mouth and bloodshot eyes, apparently In the frensy of hyprophobla. The family Jumped upon table and chair, while the dog, blinded by the pep per, rushed round and round the room In unseeing , flight. Paterfamilias, from a vantage seat on the tabic, angled a tele phone off Its stand and in a voice shaking with excitement called up the police sta tion, begKing for an officer. By tha time the officer had arrived, however, Fldo had quieted down and was once again the staid old family guardian. BISHOP BEECHER IS C0iNSEClATEl) Takes the Solemn Obligation of thl Church with Fitting and Im pressive Ceremony. SEVEN BISHOPS AT THE SERVIC Right Rev. A. C. Garrett of Dallas Preaches Sermon. TRUMPETERS LEAD THE WA'Y Liturgy of an Historio Church is Followed Out. TRINITY CATHEDRAL IS FILETD Many Are Disappointed by 'ot Mr. Inir Able to Knln tdiiiluliin to Witness the CrrrmiinJ ot t nnnerrstlnii. With all the ceremony and hullowM pomp which the lituigy of an lilstor;u church permits, by a ritual honored through centuries ot observance, in tha presence of even bthhop". many score prkMs snd nearly 1000 laymen, George Allen I!'pchrr was Wednesday morning consecrated a bishop of the Protestant Kplneopal church. In the chancel of Trinity cathedral where as denn he for mnny years has officiated as it priest of the church, the blphop-elect knelt , before Right Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, bishop of Mis souri and presiding bishop of th church. On either side of that vonorable prelate stood the Right Revs. Arthur L. William and Anson Rogers Graves, th co-con-secratnrs; the one, bishop of the diocese of Omaha; the other, blfhop of the missionary district of Kearney, resigned. To thla field S es Bishop Peecher. First Iilahcp Tuttio laid his hands upon the head of tho kneeling priest and re peated those words of the service, the solemh. declaration, which caused the kneeling man to arise a bishop when the co-consecrators had likewise spoken and likewise laid holy hands upon the head of the man before them: "Receive the Holy GhoFt for the Office and Work of Bishop in th Church of God, now committed unto thee by the Imposi tion of our hand. In the Name of the Father and ot the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And rumembcr that thou stir up the grace of God, which waa given thee by this ImpoHltlon ot our hands; for God hath not given us the spirit ot fear, but of power, and love and soberness." March ot the Prelates. An hour before this Bishop Beecher then ttlll Dean Beecher had marched Into Trinity cathedral the central figure In an ecclesiastical procetslon of Imposing size. Forming " at the Gardner-Jacobs parish house on Dodge street, the procession had marched west to Eighteenth street, then north to the door of the church. Entering the church the procession continued up the center aisle of the nave until pholr and1 chancel naa oeo -xa.ha Q .the organ had been begun when the first cruclfer entered tho strains of "Onward Christian Soldiers." Musla and procession combined to give a faint flavor of mediaeval sugges tion; of the day when procession of the church were no uncommon sight in tha streets of a city. But a note ot distinct modernity ha been sounded at the beginning of the procession. Six trumpeters of the United States army from Fort Omahji had led th procession sounding on bugles uei to reveille and taps a more sacred measure. The dress uniforms of theta soldier of the state were gayer of hue than the black and white vestments of tho soldiers of the church militant, and the contrast between the men ot peace and the mtn ot war Impressed every spectator. At the very second when the procession entered the church and wheeled Into the main aisle, the sun tem porarily behind a cloud, a few mlnutea bo fore, bust out and through stained glass window suffused the whol church. Those Taking; Part. The ministers of the consecration, their full names, title and degrees were officially set forth in the ordeau of the service a follow: Consecrator The Right Reverend Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Missouri and Presiding Bfhou of the Church. Co-Consecrators The Right Reverend Anson Roger Graves, D. D., LL. L., Bishop. The Right Reverend Arthur Llewelyn Williams, D. D., Bishop ot Nebraska. Preacher The Right Reverend Alexander Charlea Garrett, D. D., LL. D., of Dallus. Presenting Bishops The Right Reverend Frank Rosebrook Mlllapaugh, D. D., Bishop of Kuna. The Right Reverend Theodor Nevln Morrison, D. D., Bistiup of Iowa. Attending Presbyters The Reverend Charles F. Chapman. Rector of the Church of Our Savior, North Platte . Neb. The Reverend Robert U. 11. U, Rector of St. Paula Church Dea Moines, la. Deputy Registrar The Reverend John Williams, D. L., Rector ot St. Barnabas Church, Omaha. Master of Ceremonies The Reverend Frederick D. Tyner, M. A., Rector of bt. Andrew's Church, Omaha, Neb. Assistant Master of Ceremonies Ths Reverend Thomas J. Collar, Rector ot the i nurcn or tne uooa ohepherd, Omaha, Neb. The service of consecration began with tho reading ot the appointed Collect by Bishop Tutle, who prayed that: "Almighty God, who, by Thy Bon, Jesus Christ didst give to Thy holy Apostle many excellent gifts, and didst charge them to feed Thy flock; Giv grace, w beseech Thee, to all Bishops, the Pastor of Thy Church, that they may diligently preach Thy word, and duly administer th Godly Discipline thereof, and grant to the people that they may obediently follow the same; that all may receive the crown of everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." Then Bishop Williams read the Epistle, and after that Bishop Graves read th Gospel. Next, came the saying of th Nlcene creed and after that B shop Garrett preached the sermon. Blsbop-Kleet Presented. When the bishop of Dallas had ndd hi exhortation to th bishop-elect. Dean Beecher, vested In his rochet, or whit robe ovr the purple cassock cape, was formally presented tq the presid ing bishop by Bishop Morrison and MUls paugh, these saying: "Reverend Father in God. w present unto you th!s Godly and well learned man to ba ordained and consecrated bishop." Rev. T. J. Collar now read the "Certifi cate of th Election"; Chancellor Wakeley read the "Certificate of th Confirmation"; Chancellor llorth read th "Certificate of Oidlnatlons," and the "Canonical Testi monial" of the House of bishops was read by Bishop Thomas of Wyoming. Then the bishop-elect made bis solemn covenant and vcw of conformity to th "Doctrine, Disci pline and Worship of th Frutsalaul tpi-