Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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i irnrr?i)Ni'iTt"prrr;Vi i
Bala I
at 3.98
n i
Co, H.T.
on Bale.
New Lots from Our Great Purchase of
Dress Trimmings and Laces
Frth: Asiel-Putzel New York Stock
On Special Sale Wednesday
18-inch rich silk and metallic embroidered allovors in white,
gold air: silver and Persian combinations; colored, silk
embroidered allovers; elegant, medium and wide silk and
metallic embroidered bands and galloons, in Egyptian, Per
sian and Bulgarian effects, fancy embroidered l ice flOunc
ings and galloons to match f ff fTt
two big bargain squares; f :MJm VMjfliT
' worth up to $4, at, yard tUtU
Rich Silk and Metallic Embroidered Bands and
In black, gold, silver, Persian, Egyptian, multi-colored com
binations, net top Oriental laces, crochet and "tZn QQ
Venise bands and appliques, medallions, etc.. .AtlL"0vL
A Big Advance Holiday Sale
English Bone China at Just
j One-Half Price
.; Wednesday and Thursday in Our West Arcade
ipaRKnw KJttrwznKSKMMUi.'iBui J a m ma n a a hi a a m m a n n n hi a a n m
Every, piece of lino English China In our entire stock on sale at
Just, half , regular prices. On display1 now in our main aisle of China
. Coalport, Milton, Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doulton, Etc., dinner
sets, breakfast sets, service sets, vases, service plates, etc. A rare
chance to buy fine English china at less than the price of French china.
Can you think of a more appropriate Christmas gift than an exquisite
English service set?
Everything desirable in dress findings, notions and small wares
Main Floor
New Stord
of every description.
Celebr ated Hall
'Borchert Forms
' full size forms.
"Jersey covered
busts, wire skirt
; sold everywhere' at
from 6 to S
on sale
. at
tt: '
$4.98 .Si,
Barrettes largo assortment of styles;
worth up to 25c, at f)
19o Featherstitch Braids, bolt 5
Jet Oil Bhoe Polish 5
, Thread of all kinds, worth 10c spool,
at, aozen xi?
Bust Forms Black
Jersey covered ,
82 to 40 size
at $1.50
Skirt Markers
nlckle plated
worth 19c. .10c
Extra large fine
Skirt Markers
worth 11.00, 49
J0c Nets with e asuc
for Oo
Large Bilk Nets, two
for 6o
Celebrated Carmen
Nets 6c
Lrge Human Hair
Neta 100
Correct Footwear
for Men
I'ny attention to your feet.
No man can be well i1refed If he
wenrs tiUl style or Ill-fitting shoes.
You rnn't hide your feet.
Hut you can dress tliein well and
In correct style, and at a very mod
erate cost If you come to the right
53.50, $4 to 5
Will do more for your feet at this
store than anywhere else. At either
price you can Ket the most for your
money-Mho maximum of style, qual
ity and comfort.
And the tthona you gret here are fit
ted right by expert shoe, fitters.
16th and Dong-las Streets.
' m J I 11 Grand Eposltion In Toy and Doll a How Going" I 9 If a
n ' ' a
Wednesday is1 I
Ijir Red Letter Day j
T& Bring Your Books ) I
S ; f v. 10 S. & H. Stamps Free to
pa b
Ladies' High Grade Suits and Coats Priced"
Within the Reach of Everyone ' b
m Never before have we offered such a collection of good
S values for Wednesday. Note the reductions:
It's the purest,
it's the best.
Nothing finer
For your guest
i i ii ii in
f fjL .lit?, a tr.LwPvy1
Consumers' Distributer
John Nittler
3224 S. 24th Street
Doug. 1889,
Red 8932
Large Block' of Bonds Sold to Omaha
Wltli thq Additional Capital Compaar
Mar tea. Abl t Kadnco the
PrU-a of Cemeat In
Tha i-enaral pfflcea and sales offloaa of
tha Nebraska Superior Cement company,
hava baen located In Omaha, quarters hav.
Int been leased on the eleventh floor of the
City National Bank building. The company
baa Just acid S300.0U0 worth of bonds -hlth
have largely been subscribed for In Omaha.
Men Interested In the First Natloual bank
of Omaha bave prganixed the First Trust
company to underwrite the bonds the a le
of which has been easy.
The plant of the company Is located at
Superior, Ncdj, ' and" will ' be one of the
largest In the. country. According to Prof.
Barbour, state geologist, an Immense
amount of llmfcatoue, of cement bearing
quality, lav located there;
. Omaha and Nebraska annually Imports
18,000,000 worth of cement from neighboring
atatea and. gays Prof. Harbour, the .de
posits at Superior will supply each year
ene-hai of t3.000.uOO worth for 99 years.
. The saving In freight rates will be such
- -V
that cement may cost IS cent's less a barrel
In this city. The general offloes of the
company will employ forty or fifty people
when running In full, and a large ware
house In Omaha will become Imperative.
II. Q. Calkins, secretary and general man
ager of the company will be In charge of
the oftlces here. Mr. Calkins and his fam
ily have already come to Omaha to reside.
The other officers are:
President C. McLaughlin. .
Treasurer C. E. Adams.
First Vice President E. E. Bruce.
The directors Include C. H. Walrath,
Colonel J. C. Bills, C. K. Olttlngs.
Mr. Olttlngs la a Superior capitalist, Col
onel Bills la well known as a wealthy busi
ness man In Lincoln, Mr. Walrath Is of the
lumber company which bears his name,
Mr. Bruce Is president of the E. E. Bruce
Drug company, Mr. Adams, the treasurer,
la president of the First National bank of
Many Ianlrlee from the Old Conn.
try for Homes la the Halted
Your cooking will have
the final touch of art if you
use quality condiments.
caoa aaaaa
pepper, ginger, clorca, etc.
are full of strength and frcth. ,
la ealc4 cartons. Grocers, joe.
roac bro., o. m....u.
-"Will you please send ma some of the
literature telling of your trains and the
lands and territory they run through?'1
(Signed.) Paul Weber, Senftenberg, Ger
many. This letter was received at the I'nion
Pacific Tuesday morning, and went on to
state that the said Weber was a German
Immigrant wishing to come to this country
and get a farm.
Further Investigation and a consulting of
the records disclosed the fact that an aver
age of twelve to fifteen' letters and postal
cards a week were received from Euro
peans asking for Information on farms In
the western part of the Un'.ted Stales. The
Union Pacific advertlsea these farms and
chances for land In Europe and foreigners
who never owned more than twenty or
thirty acres before are amloua to find out
all about getting 160 acres of fine farm
. Ceoa Beealts Aia;i Follow
j The use of FoL Kidney fill. Tb
I are upbuilding, strengthening and aootn
Ilng. Tenia In action, quick la reeuita.
Sold by aU druggisu.
you going to keep on wearing
soiled clothes or are
going to let us show you how
they may be made
Telephone Tyler 1300 or Auto.
A-2225, and a wagon calls. Ex
press paid one way on Hhlpmenta
cf S3. 00 or over.
Dresher Bros.
2211-13 Farnam Street m
- fllllf - : 5
Hill 3
' :: q
i ' - , J
i a
A S3)
Toolhaclic Gum I "
Stops any toothache. Prevents fur- . I
ti er decay. loe uot melt in the ii
aouth. lt wholetrength isrcUiiaed : J M
soil gue right to tnc spot. j j
Thar ars liutiauuna. Baa that yoa get
i TmimM timm, j m
AtaU arueituM, U eeuia,ortf mad. ,
i Dent's Corn Ccm 'lr:
h r HlTaaT aV ff n.iuit a. .a. , B
I 1 "M H
Choice of ny IiaOes'
Wool Suit In the
House Worth $50.00,
Including all the
Wooltex garment
AU Our Ulack Coats, in
full lengs, lined to
the waist with satin,
wort-h to $22.50;
PersUn 811k Pettlcoata,
In the most beautiful
' patterns tf ' rich Per
sian silk, remarkably
well made: sell the
country over as high
as $8.00; here
Women's Flannel
Gowns $Q dozen new
flannel gowns, full
length, good and wide
b lue'and pink
stripes;- regular 86c
value, Wednesday
Choice of Any Ladies'
Colored Coat, includ
ing the beautiful Im
ported Scotch Mixture
Coats, worth to $45
nclglnn Lynx Sets, 100
new Bets Just arrived
made in large shawl
ecarf and pillow muff
no better set made;
full of style; only
Taffeta Waists A new
model In beautirul
Bilk taffeta waists,
made very neatly
will wear exception
ally well; for only
Women's Outing Flan
nel Gowns Heavy,
soft teaseldown, col
ored stripes, ' also
plain white; Wednes
day only
A new shipment of
beautiful Velvet Suits
la brown, blue,
t black and purple;' re
markable values at
Long Tan Tweed Coats,
our regular $12.00
c b a t s, exceptionally
popular for street
wear; made of good
material and built
perfectly; in semi-fitting
French Illack Lynx .
A remarkable bargain
100 new sets re
duced from $12.00
made in large scarf
and rug muff
Short Knit Skirts
Dlue, grey, navy, red
and white finished
at bottom with col
ored border
IvI U'Ul u l?i!"SI EHH2SP e?1 ! U I
L MlT jig
S? you going to keep on wearing 1 rj I
m polled clothes or are H " I
: a
a B
H i
Red Letter Day
Shoe Bargains
We just received 2U0 pairs of
those fashionable black suede
and velvet shoes, all sizes and
widths, made to sell for $4.50
and $5'.00; "Wednesday, one-day
bargain ... . V: ...... $2.98
Double Stamps on Bargain Table Shoes
jQddajfe4of Dorothy Dodd and other'
shoes, Worth $400; Wednesday only-
at rtTt-rr-. . r. . . : . t '-$1.48
One Day China Sale
Threes Great Speciab
Wednesday -
7-pIece English Flow Blue Berry
Sets, consisting 'of one large
berry-bowl and six fruit-saucers,
actual $1.00 value. A
dandy. . Xmas gift; Bpeclal
Wednesday- 25J
Hand Painted Japanese China
SaHj and. Pepper Shakers
gold'traeed; pair 20
French China Dresser Trays, in
floral ifecoratlons. heavily
gold stippled, $1.00 value
Wednesday only 25
Wednesday is Notion
Fead the Values Offered
Machine 811k, all colors and black,
two spools for So
Children's Pin-on Supporters, In
black and white; special, pair, Oo
Shell Hair Pins, six in box, extra
fine quality, box So
Fancy Bolt Pins, Jewel setting;
special Wednesday lOo
Gold plated and set Cuff Links
pair, special 100
Beauty Pins, two on a card....3o
Veil Pins, Jabot Pins and Lace
Pins, all designs, each So
Stock Pins, all styles, each.... 100
Hat Pins, worth BOo; Wednesday,
each 100
; Enjoy Shopping In Our Rook Section.
Our beautiful large line of Christmas Cards, Seal Tags, Holly
Wrapping Paper, Calendar Pads, Calendars, Books, etc., are all laid
out before you, making it very easy to do your shopping.
We are offering special for Wednesday the greatest bargain we
ever, offered Post Card Albums, will hold 400 cards, made in
red, grfcwh kor black leatherette, padded cover. These n
are all Imported albums, worth several times what we 4Mf
will Bell them for Wednesday
$3.00 inducing Corsets tZ
S Wednesday for . .... .
These Corsets are especially adapted for stout women, sizes
21 to 36. In gray and white coutil only, have spoon steel
reinforced, hose supporters and beautifully trimmed; our
regular $3.00 model. Red Letter Day special $1.50
$3.00 Long Skirt Corset, made for the average woman,
extra pair of hose supporters, good webbing; non-rustablo
boning, extra well made. Come In batiste only. Red
Letter Day special 98
Our Candies Are Famous
Assorted, plain and nut caramols,
regular 4uc a pound; speclul
Wednesday at S9o
Also our 60o Kluffeata Chocolates,
with flowing center; extra spe
cial 'VVeUiiesday only, per pound,
at v 890
Fed Letter Daj Hardware Spc'is
S. 15 Lisk Hoaster 91.98
Savory er Bao
Carver Sets, regularly f 1.60... 980
30 stamps with each of the
above Items.
Triplo stamps on all Heaters,
Stoves and Ranges.
GROCERIES-Extra Specials
Vlour .- Speolal Dennett's Capitol
Flour, sack fl.30
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder
-ltj can
and 101 stamps
Bennett' Capitol Baking Powder
1-lb. can .....340
' ' and 30' stamps
Bennett's ' Cupltol Baking Powder
V-lb. can 13o
and 16 stamps -Rlchellu
Sorghum, Vi-gallon can; spe
cial 35o
Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, i-lb. ran
for . . . : 480
Free bread and butter plate.
Teas. assrt-d. pound 680
Free bread and butter plate
Bennett's tiolden Coffee; special, per
pound 33o
4Kc Teas, 'assorted; bpeclal, lb..,.3do
Tea lftiiiK4. pound pHtt 180
ikiubla stamps or Buttcrlna an I
Bennett's .Capitol Hawaiian Sliced
Pineapple, large can BOO
pcll Off' for Wednesday
and Thursday
jtAj Waxhlngton brand Hullad
fian. with chicken, ran 1840
IJnia Beans with chicken, can iaio
L. Yi'- .V. Table hyrup, flnaat quality,
12Vc can. special offer 100
Oalllard's Pure Olive Oil, qt can, 76o
80c Jar Tea Garden Piss for BOO
B. C. Pure Maple Hyrup, H -gallon
ran for eoo
Diamond Crystal Table Salt, 1 pks.
for a So
and 10 stamps
Ewanndown Shredded Codfish, three
pkgs. for BSo
and 10 stamps
If pounds Oranulated Sugar. .. .91.00
20c pint can Franco-American rioup
for ISO
Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat,
pkg. for
and 10 stamps
Monarch cut Asparagus, large can 350
ana 1'J stamps
Seeded Raisins, pound pkg 18Ho
and 10 stanipa
Bennett's Capitol Oats. It-lb. pkg. Ho
and 10 stamps
Candled Peel, Citron, Orange, Lemon,
The agniiiccnt Business of
jayden's Clothes Values
Snrine from the detcrmina
tioa to pivo more for the
moncv than can bo bought
elsewhere. The selling la-
eilities of a big, steadily ex
pamling organization; the
great savings effeetod
through tremendous buying
and a saerifiee of profits,
possible only in a business
of the magnitude of our's.
llayden's Vondcr
Clothes a! $14.50
Are the last word in quality
and style at the price.
Honest $18 qualities, super
ior in quality of fabric, tail
oring and style to any you
ever saw offered at this
special price.
Suits, hand finished in wor
steds, cassimeres, rough,
stylish cheviots and tweeds,
in the new browns and
grays, blue serges, black
thibets, etc.
Overcoats In fine oxfords, black and fancy mixtures,
University models for the young fellow, standard models
for conservative dressers. You'll recog
nize instantly their superior quality
Winter Underwear at Bargain Prices
High class perfect garments at Just about halt usual retail Belling
prices. See these.
-VTi. rrTVA
hlmmw i
Women's I'nion Suits, regular val
ues to $2.00, in Jersey ribbed and
fleeced, regular and extra sizes,
at, choice . . 49, 80S 9S
Women's Untlervests or Pnnts
Values to $1.00, In Jersey ribbed
and fleeced, regular and extra
sizes, on sale at 25c, 80c, 49
Women's Harvard .Mills Vntlerweai" Vests, pants or Union Suits
very special values In Wednesday's sale, in three big lots, at, gar
ment S2.00. S1.50- fS
Children's 50c Quality Underwear
Heavy fleece lined, all sizes,
. garment 2!
Children's $1.00 quality Union
Suits, all sizes, great bargains, at,
garment 49
$1.00 Wool Knit Shawls, In all colors, Wednesday
w - a
Women's Outing Flannel hhort
8klrt In - all colors snaps at
40c, 80c and 2Tc
Children's 2 So fleece lined Hose.
Big special lot on sale, at,
W, 0. Nuform
Corsets Beautify the Figure
The figure corseted in a W.
B. Nuform model looks slim,
graceful and fashionable. There
aro many models, suited to the
requirements of varying types of
The W. B. Nuform corset
moulds the figure without inter-
Jtf fering with the wearer's comfort.
It supports the back, the bust,- the abdomen, en
courages an erect position and a graceful and easy car
riage. ,
Ask for a fitting. We have all styles.-
PRICES $1.00 UP.
Extra Special Wednesday in Our Famous Domestic Room
0 Cotton Blankets, worth $1.98, at (119
60 Wool Blankets, worth 16.00, at '. 398
60 Cotton Blankets, worth $2.60, at S1.63
25 Blankets, traveling men's samples, slightly soiled, will be sold at Exiut.y
. . Half Frio.
Heavy Brown Sheeting, 36 Inches wide, 8o value, at ., izt
Fruit of the Loom Mulln, genuine artlcel, on sale, yard 8 Mi"
Attend our Cotton Batt bale fromic to $1,00 roll.
lUc Shaker Flannel , , , , 7lu0
Re Shaker Flannel 60
10 extra specials not advertised.
Family Liquor Department
Fine Old California Wines Port,
Sherry, Angelica, White Tokay
and Muscatel, at, full qts. 50
Per gallon $1.50
John Dewar, Black and White and
Haig & Halg imported Sfotch
Whiskies, per quart
at .. .. S1.50
Busk Mills and John Jamison Irish Whiwky, quart' .',........ $1.50
Home-made Grape Wine, red or white, sold here at, per gallon $1.00
The Largest Horticultural Show, Display and Sale of Apples Ever Held In Omaha
Will commence Wednesday morning. These apples are from Boise,
Idaho, California and Oregon and are all hand picek, extra fancy inJ
selected fruit. You cannot duplicate this fruit for 11.00 to $1.&0 per
box higher.
Akin lied
Babbitt Bed
Winter Bambo
Black Twig
Extra Fancy Jonathans, box $2.23
Kegular retail price $3 to $3.50.
20 lbs. best (iraimlated Hugar OHc
F.xtra fancy Kleffer Bears, in mar
ket baskets, per basket.... 50c
Arkansas Black
York lmierial
Missouri I'ippln
Wine gap
Calif ornlM
Bell flower
Our regular sale prices on a:i
fresh vegetables.
It will pay you to buy apples now
for your Christmas and wIhut
Measure The Bee against other loca)
f papers in respect of quality as well as
K u quantity of timely news and interest
mg articles from day to day and The
per pound
and 10 atarnpa
finlfler's Ch(l Hauoe, boitia. ..
and 10 stamps
Feanut Butler, two Jars
and 10 stamps
Dusky Diamond Hoap. t cakes
and lu stamps
Bee"s superiority wWbc demonstrated
k -
IU.I xnlDDal 4nLJ mttr. In tUM nlddla West.
ffada aanllatry at huuwiik pricaa. iortila
is tb UMalb. - Alt Imuwimu iulty aiMtluwd
ISUk ia4 Farsaai bLrt
l I