Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    TUF, WVA): OMAHA. MOTAY, NYiVF.MnFJ. 2. 1010.
lARt Ann ramm i.?n rtm ki.w
calk Xki Cotnnt$.
ht rr nni'i nitNTt
Se frnr, im in tsouia lknta: sto
ratieg his reals. xoor eea farm.
ind 1 1 money for Improvfmrnii
j'-at ou r- paylaa low In high rent
V eww twenty ijoaner of iand hr that
ran u ' ' r !- to ft per aor e
I.Tir.i ran I beat. II la (I See dawn
talanc o plurnt at per cent. . t,m
t a . t-efoi-e the snap ar all gona tor
gull Infoi metlon writ Dtxoa i roa. or Bee!
nc e. hauls eo.jaly, 4 L.
I'AI. firm have, bicsu-e of bank
ruptcies, be-n ('bligcl to tnke ee ei At ipiar
lote in the Im'sI ciomtlcs of -loiihcast South
Jkol. To get thtm off the hook by
January I the trustee offer them at "fir
eale ' prices Address S... Paldwln Block,
Council Bluffs, I.
T a a .
wriL iMrnovri' ranch rf H Bee
tier, for e by own'?.-, n center of fir
ounty, Tex; w.ll watered, priced ngbt
Alio lo l H l.utrlk ,''ih.. 'let
ACTtF". I.KVFL LAND. cultivated
Vaianc pastuie, i room house, laige barn,
chicken nouee, spring and trout b; ook on
farm, 1 miles from nation, school on '.r,l.
Ii.m. Hr lerma Tutu O. Mon. Island
1 ivjr Stat bank. Cumberland. Wla
Successful Fruitdalc
IS Tllh i'l-ACE FOli VUU
laud In till iatllhed gulf coaat colony
la brm InvrMmeni nw blnn offvrrd
In tlia rnlira aoHh, rood land, not whlta
anit; no nKrors; fine market: big MoIlt
rounti; no l a nw tlin.g. but rlatillliid
for II 5 can and oi-ra rovt-n; ln-ait.'if ul
liniata and Irautiful lnirra, airr I'uir.
rainiall amp, a. no Imitation irqiiirvd. W
gvr niontlt liuyt a (aim in tin district.
hrrt t'i acra can t niada lu pi.Mlma
u.AV a rar; prlcva low now and niakai
rlndd tnvantinrrit. aa land l rapidly In
rraaaina In valua, nottilnc riactly Ilka It
nynliar, rnd for our III book of ian
oraina vlfai. Atrnta wanted. Krultdaia
1 rlopment roinan , M". CI Olu atnut
H., bL lrfiola. Mo.
Thera ara thonsanda of people In Iowa
tlott waut to buy luirord and 1111
linprovett In arttled and unaettled diairl.K.
1'ha wav to beat reach them la through
the clarified pea of Till: l'KS MolNM
CAl'lTAl Avetaa clrrulatlon last inontli
44lii roplea. 1'uhilKhed for twinly yeara
t c Molnea, la., l y lfe ounn.
to liftio on Omaha homea. O Keefa
fteal batata Co., ICIti N. Y. U(: Doug, or
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
alwaya on hand and for aala at amount!
from M0 to Vi,().
411 N. T. Ufa Hldg.
LOANS to home ownera and home build
ra. with prlvileaa of making partial pay.
rnanl eiui-annunlly.
H Ft rat National bank Bid;.
WANTED City loan, r at era Truat Co,
MONET TO LOAN Pay n lnvaatmnt Co
WANTED City loans and warrant. W.
Farnam Bmlth lb Co.. UJO Farnaul Bt
(U-1 Brandala Theater Bld.
GARVIN BROS.. d floor N. T. Ufa. I
to I1W.000 on Improved property. No dt'ay.
tide to tlO.OOO mad promptly. T. XX
Tl'ea d. W ea ,dgl(1f .lth and Farnam
WS hava CASH BUT ERA for GOOD bua
nes and realdanoo properties. VK CAN
ShLIi lour property If worth th money.
TL Tyler MM. lnd. A-S011
If Karnum street. Omaha.
11 North 14th street, Bouth. Omaha.
AT ONCIC A 4Vroom modern house, eaat
at S4tb street and tetween Cumin and
Amea Ave. MX oavah and 130 ft month.
Addrei C-y, care llee.
ir TOU have uyttilnc ta trad er sail
A. B, UATHROP. 411 Be.
WE ex-r,an;e properties of merit II. 1L
Culver, N. Y. Life, L'oula 7S06.
TRADES Trade. If you hav anythlnc
to trade, sea liar wood. 441 lies lild.
EUROPEAN hotel, centrally located, 30
room, ma klna; bis money, furniture and
1U H.I'AI.
dfH New York Ufa HldK.
Phonaa. Red I!.
WHO ha an auto, vacant lota horsea
and waajona or laud to swan for a t ood
uld quart claim, near Bumpier, Ore. t 1
have the claim. J. ). Watt. 2U Locust tit.,
WEST Farnam Bt., rooms, strictly
modern; fin lot; shrubbery and fruit. I)y
putting In a little money you can make
a mitility sood trade.
' N. Y. Ufa LUlg. Phone. Red 190!). A-17H.
t ,
FOR SALE or trade, equity In reveral
rood lota In north part or city. C-4U), llee.
WANTED To trad my -room realdenc
for a rooming house. Address 742 N.
Hellevue Ave., HasUngs, Neb.
What hava you to trade for high grade
Florence property? P. gvS. ca re of Hee.
BEST price pJd for Id-hand furniture,
carpels, clothing and ahoea TL D.
TBS beat price paid for broken watch
ad old soli. feaUiaa. lu & Uta.
SECOND-HAND clothing; party aftr
ton diaaea. John Feidmau, D. iu. A-Uwt
' WANTED A second-hand guitar; nothing
very exiienelve. l tJO, Be.
A set of caipenter tool with or without
rhoaL For furtiiur particular addrea N
care lire.
electric n, ajutage vibrating machine; must
le cheap for cash; write desciipllon, price
and Hate where the vibrator may be seen.
WANTED Furnished room; apartment
ct I rooms and bat 'a. Must hava two beda
Not too close in. Heal vt relervnca. biat
price L 41
ITire. L 41U. Bee.
6ITUAT10N wanted by eilrlenc.d tele
phone operator on private board; will give
Aiuiit- A-4.-4, lek
beat of referenct.'. Address B I7L Bee.
TOl'NO man desire plc to work for
toard and room lu private family while
attrudg oolles'a Boylws College. tiota
TO KEEP house for widower or tche
lor. in cuy. 'Plione L'oug. two.
EXPERIENCED operator wants work on
pmate board. Additas H liee.
Oiuklia. Ntrti., November 1. lwo. Sealed
Iiooal. in triplicate, will bo received
here and by Quarlermaste.-e at the ts
liimnl herein until W a. m., central tand
'd tune. lec-niber 1. 1110. for furnlnhing
IhcSlvd Corn) dunng the f seal year emiink'
June , lstU. at Forts Crook, Omaha and
Itibltia n. Nebraska; Fori Leavenworth
stid l iK-y, Kanaaa. and Fort Mackenzie.
V yotuinx. lruiHaais for delivery at other will not be entertained. United
t iw re-erve ri:ht 10 reject or accept
eiiv or ail propoaala or any part thereof,
li. lorn, anon furniniied on application here,
or to liartermuaiera at tile atation
turned. 1 nveiopea contalrlng proposals
ahoold he n.arked ,'Irofioaala for Forage."
eii-1 a'1r-Med to Lleuituaut Colonel I . K.
, Xi.-CAUiUi. C. Q. M. Hi t-t-2-2t
Cattle Ten to Quartrr Higher for the
Week. I
k'f and I nmh Fl4y tent 1
Dollar I'rr llendreit lllnher
l imn at last WV'i
ov. . 11"
4 M., J". 49
t lo '
jo;t'.' 41 Tfi-
KIM T-' ,h
17 n o Vio.o.'j
?i 1 1. i
tirrirlnl Monday ...
Official I m-Miay ..
I'liclHl ,.,iin dv
official I'rl.lio
KMItnnt haiuiMny.
7.4 .i
! r :!.!
Sit t till- rrk ! 1'H
Pania a last u,, k :.' W4
iliua J works a J". .1.11,4
Snma ihiy. J ,., k bko..:;S I41
' ili ) 4 w i-ck hro . X .4
r'anie dm laal .a r . . . .c
The followlnw ttidn ahowa Hie rccelpta of
ratll hon and alu-.p al Smith Onmlm ror
tli" ear to tin to aa rumrun rl with l"t
ni in l n Inr. '"u'
'tti i.uv. r.-.i i.oi ;.m
ii.ih i.r.a. ;.i i .. :iii.v'
Sheep 2.1i I 1 S.iHS. 4.-4 ItO.W
Tho follow n liible ahowi th averane
priria of hoc at rkiuth Oinaha tor Ilia l
H'viial da, with rompariaona:
Iatra Iviu. j:w.;:i.;v.W7 iVKHW-P-k-
.. . - T . . ... . T. " - i i m, i
I cuv- J I 7 11 5 Ml 4 Kl " I - '
1 Nov, I ....( 7 .Mi, 7 M, J 7,1 4 i.4, f, I 4 Id
Nov. .H... ; fc.l 6 ' 4 611 I I'J H
Nov. ,. 7 fnvl S 7i5l 4 4HI l 4 ' 4 r,l
Nov. ;;... v.-,, 7 M I 4 Jul ( l I C4I 4 ,.1
No. ..I..., !..-.,. J k.i g S7 i 4 to. I- 4 i 1' 4 4
Nov. ;4... 7 D.; t 43 tki' 4
Nov. a, ,. 771J . (, ,w x , 4 !J 4 44
Nov. ;...! km, I m 1 4 7 i I 0" 1 -
Uridine and diNpofitin of live alock at
the I 11I011 Slock hi'1, Hoiilh Omaha, for
Inenly fuur houia endliiK m 1 p. m. )eler
da ;
faltle lloRs II r's.
f . M A Kt. P 1 U
ahah 1
.MlHkinirl I'arlflo 1 ..
I uioii l'Hcilio 6 7..
t'. A; N. ., eaal it
I'. A N, W . (ml 1,
V., Ht. IV, M A . 2
I'., It. U . aat b 1
I'., II. V, et SI
I'., II J. . I'., eaat 1
t, U. 1. at J'., weat 1
Tola! receipts e I
1 I 1 "VLSlTlO N -1 1 1CA 1 1.
I alt In. II oK"
lauaha IVckliiH Co h)
bwiit and Company I.lHb
Cuilnhy 1'iicklng Co 1.
Armour it Co l.
Aniioiir, fioiii Denver IM
Totals 1M 4.103
CATTLE-Th supply of tattle, as uaiutl
on a Satuixla), w as ei y small, 1 1 1 -1 being
nothing to make a market. Arrival lot
th week have also been very model ale.
bowing an extremely heavy Uecreusw aa
em paled with last week, but, as a matter
of course, the Intervening holiday tills
week had something to do with CUUb'g
down tit arrivals. Th total was also
decidedly smaller than a year ago.
I lidvr the Influence of very moderate
receipt till week Ilia deslrat1 kind of
beef staers have gradually up, ami;
at th close of the week ars Quoted around
2c higher than lat week. VJulte a good
many very short-fed and Inferior cattle
hava put In an appearance tin week, but
It I no easy matter to figur Just what
their value really Is. It Is safe to sav,
however, that common hort-fd cauls
hava not shown much Improvement.
Cows and heifer hsv firmed ud In
sbout th same degree aa beet steers, they,
loo, being figured as ho higher thsn on
week ago. T here ha been a good, broad
outlet for butcher atook all this week, and
the market lias been In a good, healthy
condition every day.
Hupply of Blockers and feeders has been
small on most days, so that th market
ha been In lair condition In spit of the
fact that the demand haa not bean any
too actlvq. The mora desirable kinds,
especially light feeder and yearling, ar
sruund KVjUo higher than Isst week, with
other grades steady.
yuoiaiton on native cattia: Oood to
choice beef steers. W.(U.76; fair to good
beef steers, oOOv.76; common to fair beef
sleers. M-WUft W. good to choice cows and
heifer a 14 .1144 90; fair to good cows and
heifer, 13 toiul so, common to fair cows
and heifers, l-.fKV4jO.SJt, good to choice Block
er and feeders, Mtou(;i fair to good
Blockers end feeder. 1 .vmi4.40; common
to fair Blocker and feeders. f3.UlXii'.t 75;
stock heifer. U.KXill.Jf,; veal calvaa, 13.169
t.ii; bull, slag. to , li.0Oii4.Mi.
vuuiauuns on laorc came: Choice to
prim beeves. tooOttfOOO; good to choice
beeves, o.ooju..'iO. lair to good beevea, 14 40
il&.UO; comuiou to fair beeves, W.7oo4.40;
iiood to choice heifer, 14 ijj4.70; good to
choice cows, I4.00m4.60- fair lo good cows,
IS.iavii4.00; caniiers. 1.7fu 3.W; cholc to
prune feeder, 4.!nho.SU; good lo cholc
feeder, )4 Ii,t)4.75; fulr to good feeders,
J ;:u4 -i; common to fair feeders, U uo
l.7!; stock he(Iers. U.OUU4 0U.
HOUS opening bid Hi) morning on the
part of packer were not very much, if
any, higher than yesterday. but they
speedily raised their hands, and when trad
ing actually commenced, it was generally
on the basis of k 60 advance over yester
day. Aa It became apparent that receipts
wers not very laig. whu ih uoniand was
liuod and price Irom other selling pouila
eiicuuragniti, the market rapidly tuew
atrOflU!- onlll n aa P Oia ..l..UA I, K
, r t ....... - ' ...w v iwow urtatiiv
1 I ally loo higher and very active at the
aovance. in tact every thing lu sltjlit
rhanxed hands very quickly, the market
coining to a standstill for ths want of
something more lo sell. A considerable
proportion of the hogs aold at fc.wiuti.M
with a liberal snriiikilnu of the
weight at $7.00, w hile yesterday the bulk of
au me nogs sold around o. .tn.e0, with uult
a sprinkling at of light weight and
one load as high aa lis s. a gianc at th
saiea 100 ay win enow a somuwliat wider
spread, owing to the general market being
au un-itn, ina is, nogs 01 the same
weigni selling wider apart than waa tna
case yesterday. The whole trad might b
uiumvu u v a a guou. active mark1, wilh
price geueially lOo hlKher.
For th week receipt hsv been very
fair, but showing a decrease of a.iiuO head,
a compared with last weeks receipts,
-mien, it win ue remembered, were the
largest for a number of weeks back. As
compared wlih a year ago, there has been
a gain this week of over 3.000 head. Price
hav fluctuated back and forth, buj the
general tendency has been sharply down
ward, and at the close of the week heavies
are around .J.,iajc lower and lights 344,0
, v " t , 1 1 , a a rr, ago.
Representative sales:
N . h. Pr. No. a. Mi. rt
sm ... 74 i an H W
U i'l W 7S u tn4 4U 4 ;u
44 Ikl I li 14 ii to ( M"
40 t; M IN
11 Sit M U i w M ,
J J M) W 70 4 M I H
t S-l IK IW lij ... 1 m
II Si lJU to 4: s.4 10 I wi
4 Hi fi I 0 6 2w) l.j 4 yo
44 Sol ... 4 ) M s.4 4 w
44 3 m i to 1 40 4 W
H S-l I) S4 14 ... I M
10 t w l 74 1.1 ... 4 KJ
vl is J in 4 ku t m to I t
H 3-1 l.-U 4 kJH tl 40 I H
w m in I SJ-a 7 1 . . M
4 311 ... I ti 74 IL'l 13U I ti
1 J3U IIS 47 1.4 w ( as
!M 40 4 S T Ill ... I 5
4 IT 140 I Sj 7J ;-0 40 I M
t ' I fcj. M xi IJO I &
U 4 5 H !lt ... loo
4 K4 ... H 74 M 1 00
K'l ... Hi 19 I..4 ... 7 00
! J 1 S . ... 100
1 10 SO I i ! tl 40 7 tn
; fcM 1M I (ij (4 ... 7 00
47 is 10 I Hi HO r.! ... 1 HO
M ISI 40 I 11 ) 1:4 ... 7 w
11 Ha I l Ik 1 JjT 4 T 00
11 M I as 74 1 ... 1 00
W S" 4iS 71 Kit ... T l
1J7 U Ik
SHEEP Receipts of sheep hsv been el
tremely light this week, only a few over
one-third as many bring received a arrived
her last week. To make another co.npari
sou. receipt thia week have been the
smallest of any since the first week in
July, when 114.4 head arrived at the yards
As a matter of oour.-e. the holiday this week
had something to do with Hie culling down
of the receipts, but the mailt reason I to
found In the fact that the rang season
Is very near It cloi and that lb market
1 to a large extent deendent pon ship
ment from ths feed lots. V itus as noted,
receipt have been ao small this week, they
were still larger than fur th same week
last year by over head.
The demand throughout the week has
been very good. There wa a large attend
ance of country buyer looking for feeding
eheep and lambs, and In addition to that,
coiumt.ssiun men had liberal buying orders
In hand, so that thin stuff met with very
ready sale every day of the week. At the
Same lime packers all s-emed to have
orders for quite a numlxr of killers and fat
stuff also aold ve.-y freely every day. Thl
combination of good demand and light re
ceipts put price up rapidly, the market
showing more or lea advanc everv day
unul the close. Now, at the ent. of the
week, lambs ars 7jouU(vU big her, wliu
vrarllnsa and r ,V iT.',c hlnhrr and with
old wrihrr fcoc blither thnn price that pre-
xallisi nl lh ,f lnt week
A word of caution In Ihia connection might
no be nut of luce. I he riy rucl that the
niaikel baa nlioun a tapld advance due to
hulit receipt would h nil one to the con
dition that w.ia the condition reveraed.
C'at la were the receipt very Inrse, price
would decline tint a rapidly. Tliim, If the
ntrv ahould tit I too ainloua to a, II and
flood the market next week, no one would
be auipriaed in ace price run down hill
hiNt a laphllv they hae climbed up
Ihia week. ommlaalon men are generally
ndvl In Iheir cuitomeia lo be conaervallve
In the matter of Blilpment .
Uuoiallona on atm-p and lamb: Hood to
choice iHtiiba. $ii ir,ti tV; fair to good laniba.
l .'ti I", J., , Kood ferdlnir lumba, 4 'i'il.', VA;
fair fi ethii Inmba. $4 on'rit Ho; lliht common
Imnba, HH'ii4ni. banitv weluhl jeurllna.
14 .',0,, ., m, heavy VenlllllKa. .l tK,l; feeder
vcnillliK, 1.1 7,'il4 St; Kood to choice wrlhera,
J.l T...1 4 :c. fair to mood wethers, I'l Bu;l 7;,,
f.e.liiin utilieia. a! I.V'3.i0; fat ewra, V1 X,
V 1 '"; frilling ewe. :; canner. ll.TO
tl- 14.
4 IIM tt.O I It K Hint K MtllKKT
Demand for Cattle and ftherp Meady
Una Higher.
CIUCAMO. Nov 2 -CATTI.rc-Reretpta,
c-llmnted at I it) head; market steady;
hreea l .0,i'7 !K.; Temi steers, 14 Sfijri 10;
western kIi iis, 4 2.'oi: i, Blocker and feed
ers, 1.,V."ifi 70, cow snd holfer. ..2t,5il.:io;
cale. $;,,,V 3",.
Iloos It,-, elpts. e-tlmated at IJ ofio
head; market strorg lo So higher; light,
"It? .'; mixed, t-7 70?i7 17H; heavy, I'l.So'J
7 15; roiiwli, M ftVnfl.eji: good to choice heavy,
: ''Vif7 ir., pig, tc .'iVini .kj; hulk of sles,
il V.,'n7 o,.
SIIKI V AND LA MnH-Receipt, esti
mated nt H,(in hand; market slesdv, native,
t ! :.r.o4 10; w eatern. I2 40. yearling. 14 10
n. Hi; l imbs, native. W2P,u 4ii; western,
Kansas City I. lie Mork Market.
1 110O hriul, Including -1) -nutherna;
maiket atnidv; nstlva steeia, 4.7Mi7.2A;
smithorn Fleers, 1 7i,ii.W; southern cow.
J- T.'.'ji 4 native row and heifers. $2.WVul
' ', etoi kora and feeders. $3 Mufi rfi; bulla.
W 4 r; calves. J4.l,iH 26; western Sleets,
$71 7ii.'..:1. western cows, $2 75u4.75.
MuilH Kecelpl. 3.ii() head; market Ro
Inchcr; hulk of snles. $H fl 7 .10; heavv, 7.00
c; .In; pucker and butchers, $,'.0id7.10;
Unlit. $ii :i.,,i7 0",.
SIIFKP AND LAMrirt-Recelpts SOO head;
mntliet steady; millions, I.TOCn 4.00; lamb
14 Mfcf1.0i) fail wethers and yearlings, $3.2u
111 ..'41; fed western ewes, $2.7,ifl3.76.
t. I.nnl Live (Mock Market.
PT. LOUIS. Nov. 18 CATTLTC Receipts,
POO head. Including Ml Texatis, market
slead ; native beef steers, $." .OOH)7.2S; cows
ami heifer. .3.2 ' fl 2.1; stock em and feed
er. $3 MViC 2i.; Trua and Indian sleets,
$:i.7.VuH i, cows and heifers. $3.0Oa4.fO.
calve In carload lots. $l.r"V,i9.00
lloils-Kecelpis, 2(.1 head: market 1HU
lfc higher; pips and IlKhts, $ii fVn7.10; pack
er. til.ii'ii'i.Vi; bulcher and best heavy,
M IK" i(T . 10.
No sheep on sale.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
PT. JOHF3PH. Nov. 2. -CA TTI . Re
ceipts, 4X) head; market steadv; steers. $4.f0
fid. f0; cows and heifers, $3.00iR.7&; calves,
$: ( 2,1.
HOUH-Recelpts, S.rrt) head; market RljlOe
higher; top, $7 10; bulk of sales, $rt.!f3'7.10.
NHEKP AN1 LAM HS-Receipts. 1.000
head; market steady; lnmhs, $j.3bt74.2S.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live tock st the flv prlnclpsl
Western market yesterday:
Cattls. Hog. 6hD.
.-outn omana
St. Joseph
Kansas city
St. Louis
. 2on s.pno
. 4K a. MM l.ono
. 1 000 .1 000 soo
300 2 M0
. 1.000 isiooo 8.000
. 2.000 26.900 4,a00
BUTTER Creamery. No. L delivered to
the retail trade In l ib. carton. 83o: No. 1
In aO-lh. tub, $2c; No. a. In l ib cartons.
Mo; packing stock, solid pack, 204c; dairy,
in 00-10. 1 una, .u.c. Market changes
everv Tuesday.
CHEESE-Twln. 17lTHo: Young Amer
icas. lhHc; daisies, llic; triplets, lac; lim
burger, lSo; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported
Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, J4o; block Swiss,
POULTRT Dressed broilers, under t lha..
$5.00 doi. ; over $ lbs., 14c; hens, lSHfrl5o;
cocka. lOvtc; ducks. 17o; geese, l&o; turkeya
mo; pigeons, per dog., $1.20; homer squabs,
per dos., $4.00; fancy squaha. per doi., $3 50;
No. 1, per dos., $3 00. Alive: Broiler. 14Hc;
over $ lbs., Sic; hens. 10c; old roosters, 7c:
old ducks, full feathered, 10c: geese, full
feathered. 9c; turkeys 15((flSc; guinea
fowls. 25o esch; pigeon, per dog., 0o;
homers, per dos., $3.00; squabs. No. 1. Per
dog.. 11.50; No. $. per dog., ROc.
FISH (all froien-Plckerel, ltc; white.
IKo; pike, ltc; trout. 14c; large cran
plrs 20o; Spanish mackerel, lfio; cel. 1c:
haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish,
foe; roe shad. $1 00 each: shsd roe. per pair,
; frog legs, per dos., 60c; salmon, 12o;
hammi. 110.
FF.KF CUTS Rib, loins end chuck
fust sains No . round, e: No. a round
Ir: No a round. lUa No 1 nlatav Te:
Ho I Pi'. ci No. a plat. (He.
FRUITS orange California Navela
16-126 slie. per box. $) 2R; email else, per
bog. S60ijl$ 75: California Valencia, good
file, per box. $l R0' 91 slie, per bo
$5 00. Umnm Whlttlir brand, extra
fnncv. J0O sir, per box. $6 60; 110 else
fer box, $6 60; clinic. $00 el, per box.
6 00; 240 else. 60c per box tea. Banana
Fancy select, per hunch. $1 16 43 2 50
Jumbo, par bunch, $2 7RQ3T6 Pnr
New York Kelfer. per bhl . $4 50; Califor
nia. Winter Nelll. per box. $1 15. Apple
Home-grown conking. pr bhl , .1 501?
4 on; Missouri Jonathan, pee bbl., $4 76
Missouri Pen Davie ear bnl 1 50: Ml
sourl Wlneps. rer bbl., $4 09: Missouri
(luno, per bhl.. $3 76; other vsrletles. pr
bbl.. $4.00: New York Greening and Bald
win, per bbl . l so: Colorado Jonathan
a k. CI,...,. . .
per uo, fi.iw, vnm.imsi u ra Blllin,
per box. $2.10; California Relleflower. per
box, $1.60; Washington Orlme Qoldeg
snd jonatnan. xra incy. 11 to 12
.lie, per box. $2 23. T lis pes Csllfom1
Emperor, per crals. $1.10; New York
Catawba, per -lb. basket, 10c; Mslasa.
(0tid6 lba. gro. pr keg, $5.6006 00.
Cranberries Per box, $2 60; per bbl .
$6 75; Jersey, per bbl.. $126; Wisconsin
Bell snd Bugle brand, per bbl.. $7 11
Dstes Anchor brand, new, $0 1.1b. pkg.
In boxe. per box, $$.00: bulk In TO-'b.
toxe. per lb., a Fig New California.
11 IS -os. pkas. 6c; $6 12-og. pkgs.. $2.46
60 6 -os pkgs. $2.00 Figs Turkish. T
crown, per lb.. 16o; l-crown, per lb, 14c,
4 -crown, per in.. ia
VEOKTAHLEH Pot toe Esrly Ohln.
In sacks, per bu,, 90c; Iowa snd Wiscon
sin, whll stock, pr bu.. tlOlsc. Sweet
Potatoes Virginia. per bb'.., $2 60
Onlona Iowa. red and yellow, per
h . 2c: Indiana Whit, per lb,, ic;
fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red. per lb 16a
h;i Plsnt Fancy Florida, per doa. 11. os
Celery Michigan. per dosen bunchea
17-c. uutsoagai r er 10.. inc. cucum
ber Hot house. 1 4 snd $ doa. per box..
00. Tomatoes California, per 4-bak.
irate. $1 76
bag New. per lb. lVtc. String and
Wax Ueans Pr market baak(. 1.26
lettuce Extra fancy leaf, per doa, 46c.
Paraley Fancy hom-grown, par dos
bimchas. aoc. Turnips Psr msrkat
basket. 36c. Carrota Per market basket,
toe. Beets Per market basket. I &c
Kt. l.oals Ueaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nor. 26 WHEAT Futures,
lower; December, 91 "-.c; May, buwi-sje.
I ash, lower; track, No. t red, tUuWajc;
No. $ hard, 92u$l.ol.
CORN-Lower; December, 43V,e; May,
4T'J 4-,;c. Cash, lower; track, No. 2, 4oJ
4:v; No. 2 white, 4Sc.
OATS Weak. lecember. 8OH0; May, S31
fi.CV Cash, weak; track. No, 2, lie.
No. t while. 32d3JV.
RYE Higher. 7c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4 40
(ilia); extra fancy and straight, $3.604)4. 30;
burn winter clears. U0-i-
SEK I v Timothy, $8.60,4111.26.
CO KN MEAL $2.50.
BRAN Unchanged; sacked east track,
$1 U'l.1 111
HAY Firm; timothy. $14.0tXSl$ 00; prairie,
$12 wu 15 do.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing,
$17.00. Iatrd, lower; prim ateam, $V Mi 9 &.
Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra short,
$10T:v-j; clear ribs. $10J7S;: short clear,
Iimw-j. isacon. lower; boxed shorts. $11.57';
clear rib $11.!7'.; ahorl clears. 14
POULTRY W eak, chickens, 9'4c; springs.
lit , t'liitt j., itt , uurm, lie; geese, 1UC,
BUTTER Steady; creamery, logilo.
KUUS Unchanged. I.'-tc
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 12.MU 14 ;4,)
Wheat, bu 73. OU) 4i4)
Corn, bu livs.txaj 27 Onl
Oats, bu 117.000 7iiKW
M laaeafulls Krala Market.
cember. 9J,.o; May. $10414; cash. No. 1
hard. $103'-; No. 1 northern. $l.uljjl 0''V
No. t uorlhern. Wi'-.'i $1.011 ; No. 3, WVi
FLAX Closed at $2 62'i.
COHN No. I yellow, 4t'.a-4!c.
la O.II3 OH. llll". OO .JOVC
itir, .o. a. i.iji i--3.
FLOUR First patent, $4.7L1S.26; econd
patent. $4b.yol6: first cieaia, $i.auyi.66;
coud clears, $2,1642.70,
European Decline! and Rain Weaken
the Bull Movement.
Prospect fop Slow Decline In f
Wheat Disaster I Averted In
Argentina Field Freer
Delllas: In Wight.
OM AHA. Nov. M. 1!I0.
Mth Ih assui-anl e that recent rams hnd
made Improxrd prospecls In the Arm-nllii.t
ciop outlook and weaker msiketn In llurope
the edge was tsken orf the bull campaign
and values suffered further declines to
day. Th corn market I being supported hy
very strong Interest and prices are hold
ing steady. l'nilerilng conditions are lu ar
Isli the volume of new corn to be mar
keted makes present value look high.
The wheal market was weak throughout
the session. Rains In Argentina have
averted disaster there, snd Indications are
Iho world shipments will keep heavy.
Unsettled weather will probably relieve the
fears of damage In the winter wheat belt
and slow demand for cash wheat should
result in further declines.
The corn market ruled easier, but prices
held fairly firm considering the weak
msrket and bearish crop conditions. Hny
Ing power for Investment Is checking
sharp declines. There are signs of freer
selling by farmer and country dealers.
Primary wheat receipts were 772 000 bu.
and shipments were Rr,.0ft0 bu., against re
ceipts last vesr of 1.403,000 bu. and ship
ment of 1 319 000 hu.
Primary corn receipts were (til.ntin bit.
and shipment were 534 ivm bn., sialnst re
ceipt Inst venr of (Wt.OHI bn and ship
ment of 414.000 bu.
Clearances were 37.000 bu. of corn. 400 hu.
of oats and wheat and flour equal to 203.000
Liverpool closed 1l to IVrl lower on
w-heat and H to ltd lower on corn.
Oinaha Cash Price.
WHEAT No. 3 hard, MWic; No. S
hard, UTihOIHo; No. 4 hard, 82'nMM.c; rejected
hard. 72"-,miilHc; No. 2 pring, SOry. '.rJHc ;
No. S spring, lft!HHo.
CORN No. 2 white, old. tMUfi'tSc; new,
!CiVu4oHo; No. a white, old, Hti44'c: new,
3'''?44c; No. 4 white, old, 4:'ij4:ic; new,
S'-'if iOc; No. 2 yellow, old, 44'4 n 4.V-0; new,
4t"i42o; No. a yellow, old, 44Mr4nl4j; new,
4iv-,jl2c; No. 4 yellow, old. li'Vu 43'o: new,
SVij;li,c; No. 2. old. 44iM:,c; new, 4004 In;
No. 3,- old, 4S'a44V4jo; new. f.vllc: No. 4, old.
4"y(j43o; new. aivft.iaty; o grade, old,
41n42c: new, SSftSHVao.
OATS No. 2 white, SO'.ifi'SM.e: standard,
S0tj30'c; No. a white. 203Oi4c; No. 4
What the Western Land-Products Exhibit
to be held in Omaha, January 18 to 28, 1911
- '"lUs'lVr
To the farmer
It means just this: lie can gee here, gathered
under one roof, the products of the soil of the
states of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Ida
ho, Oregon, Washington and California he can
talk to men who are familiar with the different
climates and soils, gaining reliable information that
It would be impossible to secure unless he is to
spend years of traveling over the different sec
tions. It gives him a chance to see in definite, con
crete form all the farming opportunities that he
vaguely knows are still awaiting him in the newer
regions of the west. The west has all varieties of
climate and soil, so that the visitors may find the
cheap land, government land. Irrigated land, fruit
land, timber land, by simply stepping from booth
to booth.
The city man on
With a little money In the bank if he's tired of
competition and struggle for a little more than a
place to live In In the evening and on Sundays, may
have cherished dreams of a more Independent life
where what he earns is his he may wish to start
In business for himself on a small scale the west
has thousands of growing towns where his modest
savings can be made to bring success.
Two years ago a stenographer went to a small
Idaho town and started a small grocery store he
had but 1500.00, today he can write his check for
$11,000.00, and has a large, thriving business and
a small fruit orchard. Don't miss the land show
you'll find plenty to Interest you.
The Omaha Bee and
The Twentieth Century F armer
wish to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the west, and they are backing up the Western Land
Products Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will show people more of the real truth about this won
derful section than any amount of pure talk; and their real interest in the upbuilding of this empire is due to the fact
that they realize that it is upon the west that Omaha must depend for its future progress and greatness.
hrrz 1
Go West and
IS row With It
hlte, V-,. ft yellow. .tiiVc.
No. 4 yellow, 1" ti ji,r
HARLLY-Nil .1. 1. u.'lc; No. 4 alM'kc:
No 1 feed. K.ii7c; rejected. Iw'-ii-aic.
Ill E No. 2, i4u74'c: No. 1. 73d7'c
t arlnt llrcrlpta.
W heat. Corn 0t
Chicago '.-S 601
' om,,TC ''".'l". .'i!!!; i.! .'i! i ! i'J 'ik 'j.
liutuin 2HI
Kiiiiui City t.raln and Provision.
fe -ember. SRc, hid; May. 9'c; Julv. ks
seller. Cash, lifi?c lower; No. 2
hard. !0i 'oli.oo; N.. 3. 8!.,,'JSc; No. 2 red,
HVi'l'.lw; No. 3. 5tOmtH2c.
CORN' I ircember. l.'M-r! hid; Mny. 4Ckf?4".c.
sellrrs; July, 4.',,',f 47Te. seller.. ta'-h.
v'll'-c lower; No 2 mixed, U,u. ir; No. j
mixed. 42'- 047c; No,
white. 4.'l',4sc.
IATS- Uncharged
No 2 mixed. 32 ..13c.
2 w hlte, I'.nc; No. S
No. 2 white. r?TT,c;
RYE No. !. 72c.
H A Y Unchanged ; choice timothy
0114 5"; rrmice prHlrle, 12 7r.f1 12
HUTTER Creamer v, ;XV: firsts, 27c; sec
onds. :T.c; packing stock, 20c.
EGtiS Extrus. SOc; firsts, 2o; sceconds,
Receipt. Shipments
Wheat, hii C2.fio r2.vio
Corn, hu 2:10110 20 mm
Oats, bu 2.000 ll.ono
Philadelphia Proline Market.
S'endy; extra western creamery, S3c; nearby
prints, S4c.
E!C,S Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free oases. IVie at murk;
current receipts In returnable rases, XV at
CHEKRF-FIrm; New Tork full cresma.
'nncv September, l:,'4c; October, 145tdl5c;
fair to good, October, 14f?14to.
I Ivrrpinl Ornln Msrket.
strong; in. 1 red winter western, 7 Ud;
futures ensy; December, to 10'4d; Match,
7s ,d: Mny. 7s l'4d.
CORN Spot firm; American mixed, Ss
S'vd; futures dull; December, 4s 4'4d; Feb
ruary. 4s 27d.
Penrla Market.
PEORIA, Nov. 2 CORN-Lower; No. $
whit, new. 44c; old. 41c; No. 4 white, new,
42c; old, 4c; No. 2 yellow, old. 47V4c; No. S
yellow, new, 4rr74nu,C; No. S, new, 44c: old,
47c; No. 4. new. 42c; sample, new, 3S1'fi39e
OATS Lower; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 3
white, Sl'si&aic: standard, 31M.C.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK, Nov. 20. OOFFEK JAitures
opened steady nt unchanged prices to an
advance of 4 points in response to French
cables and a better view of the Hraslllan
situation. Trading was very quiet early, but
developed considerable activity In the lant
go out
is less
- greater
a salary
Land information bureau
Bo many f our readers have written us from time to time, asking us for reliable Information
as to soil, climate and value of land in localities in which they were thinking of locating
or buying for investment, that we have decided to establish a Land Information Bureau.
This bureau will make investigations and gather data, so that it will be able to either
answer Inquiries direct, or give parties wanting information the names of reliable persons to
whom they can write.
When writing, address. Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer,
Omaha. v
few iiilnutes h -n prices advanced sharply
with the clove showing a nel guln of 15
l,ln(s on bull support and covering.
It was estlmnted that December notice
for about fc'X) hags were Issued, but were
evidently promptly stopped, and Decem
ber contract sold at 10 .-do, making a new
hlch record for the movement. Ss!e, 2;i 2'0
bags November and December in a o: Janu
ary. 10. 4sc; February, 10 45c; Mnrch, April.
May, 10 l2c; June, in.iOc; July, in :bc;
August, 103.M-; September, 10.32c; October.
10 lc.
Havre was half fmnc hlalicr. HamhurR
OllifSFI im M
soft, clear, velvety -free
spots, patcnes, eruptions and blem
ishescan only be obtained by
intelligent care and a healthy con
dition of the skin. .
D. SEx
erojcide Cream
is a valuable preparation, of great' I
assistance in producing a beautiful,
attractive skin because it contains a
superior antiseptic agent, which clears
the pores of impurities, and is healing
and invigorating in its action.
Get it at any A. D. S. Drug Store.
Jjf m a.
aas. lOOlc lor thr Rum
rnA o "
Ball Drug Co., 121 Farnam.
H. 8 King, 24th and Farnam. .
llslnes Drug Co.. 1110 Farnam.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
r'aratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amu Avg
J H. Merchant, 16th and Howard.
Jno. J. Freytag. I14 North 24th Street.
The Cressey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding.
asanaav- .
to you
To the investor
Who wants larger returns on his money, the west
ern land show offers an opportunity seldom met
The different sections in the west are attracting
thousands of settlers who need towns that will sup
ply their needs.
These sections produce wonderful crops which
bring the best prices on the markets which means
that the producers will demand not only life's neces
sities, but luxuries as well so that there are un
limited opportunities for the man with money to
build factories and other industrial institutions to
supply their demands.
You can find no better place to get in touch
with actual conditions than at this exhibit.
To the college man
With only his diploma the older sections with
their overcrowding of lawyers, doctors and other
professional men, offers little except keen competi
tion and disheartening experiences. The west Is
growing with rapid strides thousands of people are
going to move on its fertile acres and into its thriv
ing communities these people are the pick of the
land and they're going to make good, because con
ditions are such that crops are produced with scien
tific certainty.
Tour education in such a land means Quicker and
more certain results.
Don't fail to see the Western Land-Products
Exhibit It will be a revelation.
tinchaiii.ed to pig lower. I'.lo tin 1 an,1
nominl Santos M rels higher; 4 7. $30; 7s
$ lr:ixllinn exchance on London un
1 nsnced at li MM. Recelpta at the two
Hraxlllan ports. 41000 bag, apalnst rj(i
last; lundlahy receipts. 32 vo bags,
against ll.rixi last year.
Milwaukee (.rain Market.
W HEAT No. 1 northern, $1 Of.rfl 074; No.
2 northern. $1 Olfil.oti; May. K.KjC.
HA RLE Y Sample. TT.jTKlC.
from rough
B. A Beranek. 1402 South Ifith Street
Clias. K. Lathrop, 1324 N. 24th Street.
H. L. Prlbbenow. 16th and Vinton Sts.
Forest A tenton Drug Co., Ittth and Q
Streets. Pouth'Omsha
Rchsefsr's Cut Pries Drug 8 tors. $24
North 16th Street.
Schssfer's Cut Price Drug Store. $401
N Street. South Omaha,
I Go VVegt
Grow With It
r -m m M ivJ"Xl