the bfe: omatta. Monday, novkmnkti cs. 10m. r fi h n n im ih a il is ..B, 0 ITn forget "1 11 o.Lt M I JL . J 1 f A Jvjuy . i x i i l - J JLi Want - Ads ( aria receled at any Hme. knl la Imirt proper rtaaaltlratlnn eel We preeewlrd lefore t o'clock m.. f Ik, rienlaa edlilnn anl before T H0 aanrnlna and Sanilay ertltlone. Wl aria rr-rrlted after iirk knara will ikrlr flr4 laeertlnn under Ike keadlna "Tea late to 4 1eeH." Heir apply la rltket Ik, llnily litdur flee. Alwaie ratal aim ward ta Una. Cf? H.4.TK row WJT AD. Rlbl I.AH CLASSIFICATION Oae lawrllaa, 1 1-1 rent arr Tord and nt per war for ark nkejn laeertlo. Eark Insertion naad aa 44 dart, 1 1- raata se war. !. r llaa per aiaalk. Waal ada far Tka Ha nany I" aa. la y.r "vomer drnaalet" Ikey ara all krtark affleea far Tka Ilea and yar aa will ba taaartatl aal aa aruaaili ana as fka aama ralea aa al Ike wain afflca la Ike He knlldlna. Bevvnlrenlk and I'araaan alreelal Allaoh, W. 0 Oth and Farnam Peianek. M. A.. h. I'Uh St i'eyton Pharmacy. 710 8. Ith s euauD Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Benue J am Pharmacy. 3.-d anil Cuming. biake-P.radiah, tkxi Sherman Ave. (anKlilIn, C. R, ih and rirrca Sis, Cufion Hill Pharmacy, fill MIHia.ry t lunieilotig Drug lo., JUt Ava and Far Ba m m. Vrlvrf rharmaojr, fh and I""' 1'hainutcy. t:t H. lfith v. lermak. Ki ill. KS4- h. ISth fct thler. f. li . l-oi lnvenoith. Fo.ier ArnoKli. tii N. t-th SU Krela. J. J.. 114 N, S4th HI. rreuiiw Vruf lo., I'WJ N. l'.8 r'lori-r.oe liru i'o., rioren-a. ND- Crern I hainiacy, Krfc Ava and Taomo (irveuoUKU, l. A.. !iJ 6. 10th 1 Oreenouali. (1. A., U'th and HlcHor". Havdeo. William, Karnam Pt. llanacom I'ark f'hatniacy. Ibui llolxt. John. )4 N. lull t. J4uff, A. I... Leavrnworth Bt. Johanaon Iru Co., !Mth and Spaltllng. tatrllr rtriikf I ' tK 4 S4t H Ht. I Ihmn rharlea K . If 4 N. 24th St Uoian narniaoy, ziin and Uavan orth Cta. KltiK. H. S., CM Famam Konnlia l lara rharmacy. N. S4ln. Mare, rred U, Sul rwtrl Hlvd. l-aiatow lruu To. I4ih and AmM An. Prhaefer a Cut Prlia Uru Btora, lath and CT.Iraao Bta. rhr'r. Aui :, Ktt N. 10th. Hrhmldt, J M . J4th and cumin Uta. Walnut Hill riiarmacj. oh and Cumin. DKATH AM) FUSEHAL KOTICKS. KINNRT M. T.. Novamber M, 1510, aited 74 yaara. Funeral from tha raaldanoa. 22t South Or pltanaa avfiiue. Heusun, Monday, Novom f,r.r M. to St. Ilernarda church. Iiena.m, at a. m. Intermant at Holy 8epulehrr camatery. EVAN Maxy . loyd,,, Novambar , 1JW; Kunaral private, Tueaday, Novamher 1SM at ISO p. m.. from faintly reaklwn.e, HJ Uraoa atret; Interment l'roapect Hill cetnaleryi frlenita please omit flowara ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,TV: embalmere. 1614 Chicago. t. Jk B-lttt PARLOR THEATER HIGH CLASS VAUUKV1LLK FOR lOo; matinees. 6c Vou v. ill uoi need a aecond In. vtiation after you have aecn our show ouca. COAL At cut Drioaa ACT. KINDS. na save ou toe to tl 60 a ton. Uuantlty and ouaili auareuteed. lt.ii.S hi. . : i cl T r-KICki COAL, CO., 122J NICHOLAS ST. BOTH TUONK1 OH. YOU PARADISE! Sounds ood. doesn't It? Happiness su preme wnen you burn our i-AKADlSh; COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advice and burn I'aradiae. Will save you 41 W to fc: ok ton. Botn piionea. J. W. Btl)liRU -Mi Cuuiln St. lVf O TSTT V HAThl. in sums U X'iVlN 1 i suit, ill) toea bid Pnona Dou. avS. LN1UM LOAN CO. niters, filler re parr a. Ill Hoe ard. D. WX DAVID COLE CIIKAMKRY CO. EAT KOSHER HOME! COOKINU. AKK.LM4, lie H. U1H. Vt-dlAlKli. ARSKNIO and IRON eomplexlon wafers make ciwar4 wbite aaina. by mall too and II. baertuau & ia.CounaU Dru Co.. omaoa. LYNCH BUOS. Xl0 KEfAlat WORKS. 170 Jacksuu fcl. U. 1471. alAUUAHO Van btoraa. Pack, nova store and ship H. H. gooua. D. 14m. B-142S. MISS LL'TlrJ BRYANT wishes to an nounce to ladies that she lias added to Iter bairdrasin manicuring, baths, salt low, body uiaaMuie, bweuisn movement, by battle Creek (rauuate. ktiea brant thanks her patruiia for their aeuerous suuuorl la tha pasi and aoliots their pairouase fur the tutura. rtooina Us and 11 Bee Bid. TKANK BAKKLH. GEO. BARKER, JR. H, HAKivtlt JOS. BARKER. )ii?k' m?n! iAivr rr Phtr ui-Nv 111; jina paints and varnishes. while It'!. Keystona, giaas mirrors, brass poushes, bniahea iubriLaun oils, window uail vaper, aiaatu and tiauilo. aw FA RN Ail CT. liOlH PHONK3. YOUR uacaxina order will earn fc.uuu for chant; every bleaaed order or reaeeal earns eOe. Write (or particulars and caia luaa, or use any. 1 duplicate any printed afrer; fjuu alieady earned; keep It aolug Adurasa Gordon. 1 he atagaaine Man, Uuiarua. louvlas 14. M()'l"))?Sl N n1 secondhand Dy nainos and Motors; also all kinds of elect rli-ai reDainna. I.ehran Llacul, al Works. 1.2 ti. 12th. Both 'Phones. HOW 13 YOUR COAL BINT Tel. D. 4121, Weo. 0U6. Coal all kinds. It II. MOKEIiOUSE CO., DR. WM. F. RACE, formerly of the New Yoia iJle bidg, and ,atr of the Douglas Pik., has suevvd his office to the Vtlapaiiua b.iuitorium. tl b. l.1lh. TeL D. Uwu. CONSTANT OA1NS. 1. Mo Inches gain lor Omaha Be. L10 Inches loaa ror iieareat competitor. This Is U,e revol t for want ads for October com pared with 11. cortaapoudlng tuontn a ynr ko. OOOD W ERCHANTS LUNCH K Honta IrJlr.H Jjlj luuglaa Stieet. " VCUU VIPOMA IiAItE wtne. 7tc a large but tle. Kitsio Liquor Houa. 21 N. lata 81 ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and W in Fence heaper 1 baa Woo, lats a Lifetime. VII N. I7ia t- , Tlu.oi Red 111 ILEU GRAND HOTEL Pltieet In the west. Inn aiid Howard sta Turkish Baths HARRY W. MOL. Enirlneer. Ie.iUner, Ji al uuueL.0. W iiauaois AUataUar, Ix. etva. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) I TWKNTY iht inn le- than Oinnha prlrta IIK.Mi: H KMTI KS t U. Ta nl Hi a 'hi I. M , r-oiun Omaha Tt NvtlC l'lrat-clnaa lailoiing. (iliu rei'an Iiik. lmuglaa Si4 lad.a and I KACHCAL. nuralnn, io N. 21t. I. . II F. Wurn. Optician. 44.1 I'.ranil.-ii llld. KI) liO'l'IIKlfV ct-hlita No I. Full claars. Cafa In conneciiou. ill H. illli Si. Indira' and sonta' ahlnc purlora. 2?0 ti. li. l'OVUUAS 1'nntlns Co. Tel. louiaa 444. B. 11. Cola Klgn Co.. L). 37 M. Ill Farnam. V. II. KcMa CO . keva and lockwork. ITtkJ Leaven ortn. Iloth phonaa. I1URNUI Blua Frlnt Co., (II Baa Did. ELEVATORS RICI'AIKKD, fre1ht. pa. ner. J. U. Kennedy. 104 a Dth. I). I 'OAT. I'uhllo Market Special, nut, I" 00. l"-"a.XJ I,,,..,, t,, ut I'reiiilum with rand order. rarlridge-Thomiion Co., 1RI0 Harney flreet. louKlaa i42. Ind. A-$itt2. 4 JullN l: IIIMliK. ahlrta. 3I) 1'ukliin IIU. Welnlit Coal our low prlcia. Co. and Uavenport. Tel. lou. 2KW, U-( lOKS liouxa need remodelln. ra- palrliiK, tii'W ntorni m -li or the old one put u? Tel. lMer 11' 4 f(r a aqunie deal. AUTOMOBILES "Kmah op your auto. "Ski ji" mto , p.iau "TKAR" your top. And brln It to the" lieM place In Omaha for all klnrla of repalrln DRUMM0ND v'orner lMh and Harney Hla. AUTO D1UVEKS WE All Burleigh Gloves MAIHC IN OMAHA. Auto Impairing RK TZhdux CALLS DAY OR NIUH1'. The I'axton Mllchell Co., M1V-16 Harney. D. 7DJ4; A-ulL FOK PALE Model 10 Huli'k roadster, equipped with l'ien-to-llto tank and eiliauat alileile. Call Harney ftl. Auto Taintine "murpht did it.- ANDREW MUKH1T A HON. 141 Jackaon. OMA1IA HARNESS CO. Aut robea and euppllei, tnanufacturtn of harneee; deaiera in aaddlea and boraa (urniahlntia; repairing a apeoialty. lis b. )ih bi. Tel Red MS. Omaha. Neb. BAKGA1NS in Used Cars "'J.V0' Council Bluffe Auto Co.. 619 1 carl. WKITK for Hat of automobile bralna. II. K. Frederlrkeon Auto Co.. Omaha. SALIC OR THADK Maxwell touiln car all equipped. 431H Charles. FOR 8 A LIS So-h. p. roadater baby ton hoau top, class front, speed meter. aa lank In ood oondltion. Independent Auto itepair co. BUSINESS CHANCES Q. D. C. CODDINQTON, 220 Board of Trade Bid., business chances, loans. In surance and real aetata. TO UKT In or out of business call aa flANQSTAD. 404 bee Bid. Tel. D. KuiT. LEARN VITOSOPHY-Tha new profes sion, aa dignified as law, aa useful as med icine, aa philanthropic aa tha ministry, mors lucrative than any of the three. At tractive work for Indies; splendid Incentives for vigorous men; opportunity for travel or permanent location; coats less for eon p ment a.nd training than any other equally respectable business. Omaha class now forming. Do not write, call In person on DR. WILLIAM WINDSOR, President Bos ton College of Vllosophy, now at Room 7A. Hotel Henshaw. Free lectures at Lyrlo ! Theater Deo. L 1 and i. p. in. 8 PER CENT IN ADVANCE FOR SAl.ttA LIMITED AMOUNT OK STOCK. $10 PER SHARE, S PER CENT DIVIDEND IN ADVANCE. IS GILT EDGE. BACKED BY A WELL ESTAB LISHED BUSINESS. ADDRESS F-421 CARE BEE. WANTED A partner, man or woman with H.uoo to take half Interest In old es tablished office business with or without services. Best paytn proposition In Omaha. Arrange for interview. Address M 411. H r FOR BALE lea plant In one of tha hast towns In Nebraska. Three acrea artificial lake. Storage for 2,600 tons. Undershot ale- tor, everything new and completa. n competition, tiood reason for selling. Ad- arose oiacy at nemenia, ura, iseo. IF you have a bualuesa. house and lots or farm for sale, ace A. U. Lathrop, 424 Be. I GIVE P"eonal attention to oolleo- tlonK; no oollecuon no oom- mlsalon: If yean experience. Jensan Jel Nh.v 1LLE BLOCK. PHONE llUlti. 'tiat, UASADY Co- "l na and llMUrilll'A I.I.I ,...1 1 r ....... erty for sale or rent. Wulck returns. 8 W corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. liAX HOTEU 16-room, for aale; furnished, new. Price. Ij.oou, Mrs. B. F. biiuin, Broad water, Neb. WANTED Partner with 11.000 and ser vices to take half Intereat In aaie and man ufacture of nev patent pancake baker In Nebraska, trui to ll.vwl monthly business. No schemers or traders, only parties loos ing lor clean, honest business. U Jio. Bee. FOR SALE Job printing and bookhlml. lng plant In live town of 8,000. Uood equipment and best business In town; alfo good outside business. To be sold to close an Ian, C1I nn r n r ..,- leck. I'erry, Iowa. FOR SALE New, clean stock groceries and meats, doing good bualuesa. Address P, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Confectionery, fresh fruits and Ire cream parlor, soda fountain, new fixtuies. Ice cream outfit, and candy tools. Doing a 82,0iO business annually. Finest opportunity In the stdte of Iowa for a mat ciass paxery to be run In connection. Reason for selling, poor health. For full pal titulars address. u 4. 428. Be $500 00 or $1.000 00 for an Investment, dlvldeud 11 per cent. Addrtsa 2-404 Be DENTIST. DOCTOR. A good dentist, also a good physician Is wanted to locate In new "Pullman build ing." next to Burlington station, very de al ruble location for out-of-town and south of viaduct business. Imperial Investment Co., U8 Bee Building. Tal Doug. 1616. r.iAT.OE FTRE insurance com- LuYIVUEj rillfj PAN Y Just entering Nebraska.. W have a limited amount of stuck for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Cassady Co.. Fiscal Agents, 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. D. L-K. WANTED Good location to start a taurant. Addrena P 414. Be. FOR SALE A stock of har ware, har ness and tinplemtnta. located at Madrid, Neb., th only stock In town at an annual business of about 10, i A), about , with or without buildings, at a bargain. For particulars address the pioneer Land Co., Haxtun, Colu. FOR SALE Small hotel In thriving Utile town of 2. l!. Good business; for particu lars write or call on W. K. Heme. P. O. boa 64J, fcheitou. Nab, BUSINESS CHANCES tContliiurd.) Itoomlna llonaea for ale. IF YOU a ant to buy or nrll a looming house anv price, any locution. -e HAN KKN, ifu Brenilels Theater Hldg Doug 2j;. A I ESI R A IU.F i-room epnrtment, new. y.i 17th Ht. Harney lv0 ?; Iti M . modern, finely furnished rooimim liouxe. he.-t loci.iloii In cay; rent, sti Ki, hiroMii', I.'IO I'ni c, 11,!. A H I.ATIHtol 41 Ilea. CHIROPODISTS MONIIFIT, chiropodist, ninnlriirln. halr dreasing, hair goods. Mil Farnam. I. 2XIX ' 1R. ROT. IMG Famam St. Douglas 847. DENTISTS rtt PV MACH. J'1 fl .nr Ptnn PJII'J, DETECTIVES Omsha Pecret Pervlce Detective ago.. Inc.. tended 4.'v Paxton blk. D. Um; lnd. CAI'T T rilllMtl'K HIT KAHIUni HI.K DRESSMAKERS CHILDREN'S dresfinaklng. 4646 Lafay 1 1 a Ave. MIKS STl'RDT, KI 8 :4th St. Tel. D. 71H MILLINERY and dresamakln. lnd.AJ732. DR KRSMAK 1 Nil and alteration. first rluss work; prices Te-isnnslile Miss F.llza l.eln O loniioi. ;HI2 N. lstli. Webster 111). FIRST-CLASS dressnisklnr and tailor Miss Mulone, n3 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 4716. DRHSSMAKlNtl, plain sewlPK. Web 2711 EDUCATIONAL 1910 FALL TERM HCTl.KH COLLEOTC now open In the Day and Night sessions. students admitted any day. Complete business Course, Including Bankin. complete Shorthand and Typewriting Courss. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book la ready. Apply for It U. B. BOYLKS. ITes. L!o les Bid.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampman Vlleuk9 ITnexcelled courses In Business, Short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night sea alone. Most Interest ng catalogue published In Omaha Send for one today. MOSliER LA Mr" MAN. 17th and Fainam Sts.. Omaha. Nab. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept.. East entrance. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L HESS at SWOBODA. 14U Farnam St J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs. la., larg eat greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. BRANDEiS' out flower aept., new store. L. Henderson. 1611 Farnam. Douglas 121s. J. H. BATH. lOS Harney. Douglas 3000. FOR CHRISTMAS FIRST-CLAP DRESSMAKING: Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. til 8. 2uth Ave. MBS. I. A. SMITH ff'JlSfd&'SS ehlna for Christmas. I'hone Doug. 424D; Res., Doug. 1737. Room 307. Ibl4 Howard. WALTON BEAUTY PARLORS, 113 Hoard of Trade illdg. Mailnello Preparations, Hair Goods. D. 4oM. I OWNEY'S for Xmas. Saratoga BUY soma delicious HOME MADE can ned Fruits, Jellies, Jama, Marmalade. Home-Made Bread. Mincemeat and Home- made tandy. at The ChrlstmaH Fair of The Churches In Court of Bee Bldg, next week. rTlJAMTNfr Be,t work, at lowest I VJ prlc omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 So. loth. D. lots; A-2B5L 75 DIAMOND KINGS KVV,0 $,t0 per karat. Metro. Loan 4k Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas 8t. KIPLINGER'S SS-rSrtfir CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 60 to $6. Sherman-McConnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. Pith and Harney. PHTTCA Hnd painted. Orders taken. VUiiHA reasonable. 2703 Cumin. H 3ail TILE MICKEY MUSIC CO., will locate at 308 So. 18th St. with a full line of aheet muslo. band Instruments and small instruments and phonographs. Full line of Xmas presents. -I TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy waists. 206 North 23d St. B-24SI. CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, lto to $10. Sherman-McConnell Dru Co., lath & Dodge; Owl Drug Co., liith & Harney, Give Her a Membership In the Young Women's Christian Ass'n. V f A membership makes a present 1 ,fv for every day In the year. TTnnSfiM'S Peauty Shop, IMS poug- las. See our line of hair goods for Xmas. Wa make doll wigs. PENNELL'S pv" yu Let us lUtAliLllJO n)mk your Kur Ha, I T . 1 ,1 ro , coats relined Miss Chase i-lAUlrO i.xlon illk 0 i-vie, , raxion tiia. lyter i0. CHINA painting leaaons. filing, order work, stenciling, firing, call tod deliver lira W. V. Irwin. 1611 Blondo Tel. W. 8l! Zimmerman Crow Furniture Co. 171i Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said! HURRY. HURRY, HURRY. My back Is broken. I earned $1,000 for Infants' Horn last fall. Your order and renewals this fall will earn i 0u0 for chanty. I must hsve 100 subscriptions for the Saturday Evening Tost and Ladies' Home Journal to earn the first $vO0. Price, $l.i each: eery order or renewal earns 06 cents. Any publication at the other fellows' price. FOR MERCY SAKE. GET THEM INI GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. Write or Phone Douglas TIGS- AGENTS Xinaa goods coming in tv.rv day. Come and get busy. 623 S. loth. WANTED Experienced second girl; ref rencea required. 117 S. ISth St, WANTED An experler.crd cook. Refer ence required. 117 8. 39ih St. GIRL for general housework. UI1 N. 26th. Webster 27S2. A FIRST clasa cook, also a competent housemaid, family of two; central loca tion; inquire No. 648 Bee Bluldlng. MAID for family, good 3b 14 Dodge. general housework, small wage. 'Phone Harney 47M. WANTED -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY OF THREE WHERE SECOND GIRL 13 KEPT. C.(X)D WAGES. APPLY F. HALL. PEOPLES SIOUE iTU A-ND fAKNAJJ, FOR CHRISTMAS (Continued.) C.i HH maid at 210 So. 37th. ney ;!14. 'hone liar- W A NT El --Competent hoimou nrk. 401 N. :tlt. girl for general 'hone Harney ii.Ji. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, fi.inme and stoe re pairs. NfH furn.iees ami comlilnatioti hot water lienlcrH. ThemioMnt und tank heater.-. Omaha Stove I;, pair Works, UiM-UiaJ lHitigias si. liulli phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaenta anil Kaieswouiea. TEN experienced sales ladles. Finger De partment Store, 1406 Douglas St. Factor and Trades. Learn halrdreedng at Oppenhelm Parlors. Hoaaekeepera and Domestics. WANTED Good cooH and lauVidrees, must be neat and (.Iran; no other need apply. 421 N. 40 ih St.; phone Hurney 241 ANTED Cumpelent cook and eecond girl; no laundry; small family. i 3d St., L'uuhHI liUlllS WANTED A rsllahla Rlrl for general hotiscwiirk; no washing; highest wages. 101 S V.d St. i . WANTED A good girl for general house work, or to assist with the work. W17 l'op pletnii Ave. WANTED flood cook. Mrs. A. L. Heed. Trl. Hciimmi 1,8. WANTED A first class cook In family of three. 134 8. J'.ith St. SECOND girl, alsn girl for general house work. CW S. 2bth tit. Doug. UN WANTED Fleet class woman slst In kitchen. 2CI4 Douglas St. to as- W ANTED A good girl or woman for general housework; good home for right Irty. 1708 Ike St. WANT ED G I rl to do cooking and house work. 241 Seward St. Tel. Webster SM. -I WANTlflD Good woman cook; references required. Convent of Mercy, 16th and Custellar Sis. GOOD cook and housemaid. S217 Dodge St. Tel. Hainey .48. GOOD girl for cooktng and general housework. 138 N. 28th Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; best wages. 3313 Cum ing St. -4 WANTED A good girl or woman for general housework. 834 8. 24th St. 4 WANTED Nice young girl to assist with housework, two In family. No washing. Tel. Tyler 17. WANTED Good young girl to assist with housework. SOW Chicago. WANTED A middle aged woman to as sist In housework and care for children; a permanent home for the right party. Ad dress Mrs. E. H. Eisner. Arlington, Neb. WANTED A good young girl to assist with general housework. Tel Har. 2608. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework; family of three. 8J Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 4406. WANTED Competent girl who under stands housework, for company nights. 2420 8. 8th St. WANTED Good girl for general house work In small family; plain cookln. Tel. Harney 2078. 4204 Harney St. WANTED Good young girl to assist with eecond work. 2408 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED Good for general house work for family of Two; wagea $6. Ill S. S.ith Ave. EXPERIENCED 1rl for general house work; no laundry; plain rooking; $6 per week. Phone Harney U. 601 S. 88th Ave, ( . , WANTED Oood maid for housework. Mrs. F. K. White. 1010 Park Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. Harney 4760, or call at 3tU6 Harney Street. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; give experience and references. O. Nines, Whlteclay, Neb. TWO GOOD girls, one for chamber work and on for dlnln room work for Hotel Monroe, Gr.nnell, la. Mrs. M. O. Cappron, propr.etresa. GIRL for housework and cooking; no washing. Mrs. F. F. Eastman, 8071 Pop pleton Ave. WANTED Competent girl for eneral housework. 2U2S No. mh St. WANTED A-l cook and second girl. Tel. Harney M4. 120 N. 32d Ave. WANTED Competent nursemaid for child of 8 years. Mrs. A. F. Smith, 3D10 oewey Ave. 1 WANTED Refined elderly for company. 1618 Elm 8L- W ANTED Competent lrl for general housework; email family; best wages. Call at 2101 Wirt SL WANTED Elderly woman to assist in general housework; positions permanent; good wages. Tel. Harney 4229. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; two in family. Tel. Douglas 62. or call at 224 N. 18th SU Mrs. Fred Thomas. WANTED Middle aged woman as house keeper: family of three; good home for the right party. 617 N. 21at Su, South Omaha. WANTED Good woman to do family washing, call at once, jiarney a.- WANTED A first class housekeeper by widower. Address J. E. Spencer, Harrison, Neb.- W ANTED A good girl for general housework; no washing; small family; good waces. Hsrnev S4U2. Mr D. B. Sher wood, 1110 S. 32d St. WANTED A competent girl to help with general housework; homelike place. 2010 N. iSih 8t. -4 A competent girl for reneral housework. good ' home and good wages; no cooking. 2J04 Fowler Ave. Tel. Webster 1314. -I WANTED Good girl for housework In family of two. Apply 415 N. 2oth SL Tel. Douglas 929 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Tel. W ebster 41?7. LADIES Reliable horn work leisure hours; stamping. $15 Brandels theater. Mlecellaaeaaa. YOCNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Cbr alien Association building at Pt. Mary's Av. and 17th St.. where they will be d r act ad to suitable boarding places er otheiwise ass sted Look for our traveler s aid at the Union station. WANTED Experienced salesladies for Jewelry, silverware and leather foods at ciu-e. Pen isrtt Co HELP WANTED MALE Aaenta. galeaanen a d Sol teller. FIVE experienced clothing lesmen. Ap- ply Finger Department Store, let Douglas kl HELP WANTED MALE Aaenta and iilrumfa .ontlaaed. WA NTHI City talesnan for fruit hunts In tlic Pest fruit teuton In the I'll lie J Mutes, position ;n' for J-oO to $:As) per nionih. Call at once. Co-operative Oi (l.aid Co., HI-12 CM ty Nut. Bank Bid. Hoys. WA NT ED Several reliable boys West ern lnl'in Teleiaph Co.. Ml S l.Ub St. TEN rash ho) a and Klrla. Finder Depart ment Stoic, II'm 1 out; las St. WANTED A bright boy to learn sheet muiiu business. A. Houpe Co.. hU Doug las. BOY to learn trade; excellent tunity. ixl Brandela Bldg. oppor- Clrrleal aal Offlea. , WANTED Expert law stenographer. Ad dress H. 377, Bee. YOUNG man, accurate and bright, as 1 assistant, oooh Keeper; wnoie.suio noue. (j Slate age, salary desired and experience. ' i: Address B 418, Lice. '.j l LV'll A Vll. . T f., . . XT Ml . I T class. Harry W. Mool. tH Biundels theater. ' " 1 1 ion -ti ll A I .ri'of flc'man as cashier and 1 traveniur auoitor; must mve security Dona und deposit t.VuO on gill-edge papers beat -mi! H per cent. Applicants tinwl t;lve a;e, experience, valary to start and reference. A 417. liee. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat. Bee Bid. GORDON preas feeders wanted at Raber j Hie Bldg.. boys or girls. WANTED Printer capable of ad. Job and press work, to be second man In office. Send references.1 No booze-flghters need apply. H. G. Taylor, Nonpatiel, Central City, Neb. CHICKEN pickers wanted; steady place for 3 good dry pickers; don't write, come at once. Swift and Company, Onawd, la. GOOD room for barber, baker or shoe maker. Write or phone. F. V. ICnleHt, Omaha. Neb. WANTED An experienced ice cream maker. Apply at once to R. C. Phelpc, Candy Dept., Brandtjis Stores. Miscellaneous. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs, repair men earn (26 to bu a week; for thorough, com plete, practical course call National Auto Training Assn., 630 Brandels Theater. WANTED $70 month. Customs, Internal revenue, railway mall clerka List of prlng examinations In Omana now ready. Pteparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 1A. Rochester. N. Y. tOO MEN 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electrlo railway niotormon and conductors; $tX to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application blank, enclos ng stamp. Address Y 737, care of Omaha Bee. POULTRY DRESSERS wanted; steady work; paying 3c each for hens and spring. Come at once. Central Iowa Poultry & Egg Co., Atlantic, la. P. A. Casey, Mgr. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man. Wages up to t) weekly. Small capital starts shop. Few- barbers take apprentices. Demand in creasing. Write , for free particulars. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St- HELP WANTED MA IK OR FF.MALE WANTED Young man or lady printer with few years experience. The Advocate, Spencer, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llorsee and Waioai, MUST SELL HARNESS II. W0 worth of double harness to close out st a discount of one-third from regular price; $1,000 worth of single harness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness tbtppod subject to Inspection. -If not satis fied, money will be refunded. J OHN SON-DA N Fo RTH CO., 8. W. corner 10th and Jones St. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blua barn, rear Millard Hotel. D. 4096. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap horses for aale or trade; barn back of Millard hotel. 13th and Douglas. NINE head of horses and mares, weigh ing from 1,100 to -1.300 pounds; cash or term 917 N. 2Sth, rear of fire hall. Cow a. FOR SALEWersey oow. 2326 So. 12th. LOST AND FOUND LOBT Dark bay horse, 960 lbs., at 2 or 1 o'clock this morning. Telephone Douglas 2406. LOST Thursday night between 17th and 20th. on B. & M. tracks, a gentleman's plain guld watch, with leather fob. Name Jos. J. Jahneke engrave: Inside of watch Return to 112 Center St. and receive re ward. Phone Douglas 4839. FOUND Gold spectacles. lGth and Far nam, Thursday. Call Bee want ad counter, LOST On Omaha car. lady's small purse containing $14 In bills. Finder please notify Ind. 303 or Bell Red 13. A liberal reward offered. WILL the party who found a small purse In the Brandels store Friday afternoon leave the two small gold pieces keepsakes at The Bee otflce? Keep balance of money for reward. SNAKESKIN finger purse, containing about to In money and valuable papers. If finder will return papers and purse the money la theirs. Mrs. Charles D. Birkett, 24U Jones. rOl'JfW. Hanson, Upholstering, Fur niture repairing. 1612 N. 24th St. W eb. S2jt. Thft TpdfiV Bear Expert cleaners and lue AC-UUJf utui Dyers, IMS Harney. FOUND J. Hanson. Upholstering. Fur- nlturo repairing. 1012 N. 24th St. W. 33(. LOST Between Dodge street and Y. M. C. A. Saturday night, gold hunting-cane Waltham watch. Name engraved In back. Return to 102 McCague Bldg. Liberal re ward. Y LOST Bunch of keys with nam on tag; J finder Dleaa leave at 660 Brandels Theater j IVJdg.; suitable reward. Arthur English, j t hone Harney 1121. r LOST A gold watch chain, keys attached ; mad of gold acorns. Liberal reward. Phone. Doug. 3. MEDICAL HAZEL I.FAF PILE CONES Beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c poatpaM: aamplea free toner man A UcConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th aud Daven port Sta. aperlal attention paid to confine ment rases: all treatment suparvlaed by college professor. Phone Douglas 11(7. Calls answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box poatoald. feuer. I r " ax MuCsuAiaU Drug CO- Oman. MONEY TO LOAN MI.IRV AND l.'ll 4TTKLS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 110 111 JI.OOil LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FIIIMTI KK, 1'lANOtS. SALARIES. THIS IS A NEW FIRM, organ. xed by Urn REl'l TA RLE U IU .--I.M'.SS MEN of this ciiy to pro- $ tect honest worKhiK people In need of tenipoi ary In Ip ii oni I he rxorbl- Jl taut eharnrs of the so-called loan M coinpui.i.s. We will loan you all the money you want and charge ydu only 10 per cent a year. JJ THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ For I 10 6 mo. payments $1.75 I 10 50 $ For $ 2o 6 mo. payments $4 .3)4 I 26.28 If For $ iiO 6 mo. payments Vi.17 I tw.tU tl For 110012 mo. payments W.17 1110.04 J And all other sums In proportion, jj Fay Weekly or Monthly Payments. H Reasonable Appraisement Charges, t A glance at the above rates will M convince you how much vou save bv lt deallnK with tie. 1$ no RED tap k NO nET.AY xuu.r.) l.-v YOUR POCKET W ITHIN AN 1 lODt, INDEPENDENT LOAN CO ROOM AM. WI TH N ELL BUILDING. 11 - JJ' v'u'' J"ul "na "arney. ianmmmttt Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage? Don't go to a friend. Coma to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest i ate, and we give it. We will loan you from to.Ou lo tluO.iH) on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; timall and easy laymenla. $1 20 Is the weekly payment on s I'') loan for nO weeks, other amounts In the ame proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applicatlone receive our prompt attention, strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlingion Blk., IMP Dodge St Phones: Douglas 24fi A -2405, ltiiMfiiii.aJiUMtiHJiMi4iJ4SJi CM EAr LOANS. $$ on Furnltiiie. Pianos or Salary. $4 AT 6 PER CENT A YEART $ Can Tou Beat These Ha tea? $4 $ 10 for $ months l5o $4 $ 26 for I months 7to 44 $60 for 6 months $1 50 U $ li for i months $2.26 $100 for 6 months $2. 00 $4 Sinall charge lor appraising.' $4 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. II Room 210 brown Blk., 2V7 8. loth St. 14 opposite Brandei Djug. 2036. A-2U34. $4 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOW ER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Cull or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA. LOAN CO.. D. 1356. Ind. A-1366. 220 Be Bid. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB Women keeping house and OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities, folman. room 603 New Omaha National Bank Bid. MONEY To LOAN. Coma In and let us exDlaln our low rales to you. Reliable Credit Co.. $08 Paxton Block. TeL Douglas 1411. A-141L DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. jTLATAU, 1614 Dodce. Tel. RED Mil. WILL loan money. $10 and ud: Dlaln note. no delay. Tel. Doug. 3200. Ind. A-3377. 329 Board of Trade Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING C. M. COLE. Express and Storage Co.. fine storage for automoollea. 1616 Can. Ava Tal. A 81)37. Doug. 670. I EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov- Ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. Telephones Douglas 394, Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner. w4 s. liitn; im s. 17th. D. 41R3. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES Francis Totter, teacher mandolin, banlo. guitar. Studio Barker Blk. Tel. Doug. 28&S, MRS. J. ALBERT BECKER. teacher artistic piano playing, 2102 Spencer. JAMES S. COLVIN. piano studio. Boyd Theater Bldg., 605-6. D. 4U98. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. NICE single room with board: also large front room for two; walking distance. LU8 Cass St. Tel, Douglas 1476. ST. JAMES steam heat. Bath. Bur., Amer. rates, $1.26. up. Weekly. $6, up, double. FURNISHED room, with board; also large room for two. 101 So. Hat St. Tel. Harney 1712. DESIRABLE rooma; board. St. Douglas 3138. 212 8. 26th LARGE beautiful furnished rooms en suite or single, with lavatory, large closets, excellent board. 709 Georgia Ave. MODERN rooms, single and double; choice; good home cooking. Tel. Doug. 22;J. FIRST CLASS table board. 646 So. 26th Av. TWO pleasant, comfortable rooms. Harney St. 2656 STRICTLY modern room, suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 632 S. 28th St. FURNISHED rooms with board; the best of home cooking. 2039 Harney St. NICE front parlor with board, for two. 2216 Howard St. suitable NICELY furnished room with board. Ap ply 1233 S. lllh St. BOARD and room In fine, new modern home, near high school. Phone Tyler 10S3. FINE board and room for two. 2418 Capi tol Ave. Tel. Douglas 6267. ONE or two gentlemen can obtain board and room with private family; everything modern; It minutes' rid from 16th and Howard Sts.; beautiful location. Call South 3037. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; private. 114 S. TJth 6c I- NEWLY furnished rooms with first class board, tol S. 2Sth St., 1 blocks to Farnam car. FURNISHED ROOMS and board, home :00k lug; modern. 121 No. loth. NEWLY furnished rooms with board, strictly modern, l'r blocks from Farnam street car. ttKt S. 28th St. R(iOM3 and board, strictly private horn cooking. Tel. Red 67. 3u8 N. 2-d 81. rarntaked keeau. NICELY furnished rooms, electric light and bath; near car line. 1618 Capitol Ave. phone Tyler 1425. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed front room tl o. 26111 St. Very convenient to bualneaa SOUTH W EST room, strictly modern; pri vate family. 1620 8. 10th SL GOOD WARM ROOM, modern. In private family: close to two car lines, suitable for paily working In north part of city; rent rraaonulile. 1718 Kuggle tL Prion Web ster 116. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Rooms Con tinned. MODERN houlh loom; also one on baili loom floor. 20,7 ilauuy. NICELY' fiirnldicd fn-nt rooms; modern; close In. "o5 bt. Mary's Ave. i NR'l.LY furnished rooms, urirtly mod ern; walking dl.-tancr. f.t l'avfi.puit tu NICE I. Y furnished loom. fc,i3 st GOOD rooms lor rent, tiuo In. fmnlsho 1,' Willi heat; extra ,miuceiiietu to . ily of throe or more. Iu22 California St. NICELY' furnished front rooms; modem; cloee In. 2.'itiii St. Marys Ave. . ,.. MODERN furnished room; convenient to business district. 1921 Leaven worth. LARGE room suitable for two; private, family; bteam heat. 2G08 Hainey St. STRICTLY modern room to gentle man; private family. 240'j Harney St. CHOICE front room, suitable for two; warm; strictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone; walking distance; also' convenient to gooi car line; reasonable.' 310 N. 24th St. CONSTANT QAiNS. 1 son Inches pain for funaiia Hee. 'l U0 Inches loss for nearest conij euior. This Is the record for want adj tor t'ctoDer com pared with the corresponding month a yeur ao. DE A EY European Hotel. 13th ,v; Farnam. FURNISHED. steam heated room,-, private family, for ttnlluman; walklug Uigv iuiilc. 'Mi S. 2Mh St. 210 N. 17th, steam heated find up. rooms. E.J cents TWO largo front rooms, stiiiable for four; reasonable. 1S14 Dodge St. . . , LARGE warm room near depots arid car lit es. 1116 South ih street. , 1 . . 1 , NEWLY furnished room in private home; Etrictlv modern. 40 South 2-lth street STRICTLY modern furnished rooms io getitlemen only. 613 N. St STRICTLY modern rooms froin$1.60 and up. ,710 S. 17th St- , STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, with heat. 606 N. 23d St. STRICTLY modern front room, In prlvat home; suitable for 2 gentlemen, lilj Vi'i-, ton St. NICELY furnished room, home; rates, $2 per week. Hickory St. In ' rrlvato Cll at 710 FURNISHED or unfurnished roornj, oIo.mI. In. 2103 Douglas St. THREE nicely furnished rooms, tingle, ot ensuite. 2601 Spalding St. Tel. Web. STRICTLY modern furnished room, rea sonable. 2208 Harney St. NICELY furnished room In new,, modern home; walking distance;' board if desired. Telephone Harney 3612. TWO nice front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 2812 Leavenworth St ; upstairs. YOUNQ man with fine room wants roommate; fireplace In - adjoining room. Call after 7 o'clock, Webster 229i, or 1916 N. 14th St. " ' ! ; . TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms. aoe n. i9th St. FIVE nicely furnished rooms with board; desirable; close In; well heated; reasonable. 618 S. 19th St. ' FOR furnished or unfurnished rooms telephone Webster 3568. 2M1 Spalding St. FOUR nicely furnished, etrlctly modern' rooma, $6.60 per week. 1421 Dodge St. Tei, Douglas 467D. NICELY furnished room In new.' modern apartment, steam heated; prlvat bath; references.' Tel. Tyler 1087. MRS. A. ROTH HOLD, 2716 Jackson. PLEASANT east front room, suitable for two, $3.60 week. 611 8. 18th St. LARGE parlor rorrm, suitable for two, also other rooms. 2317 Harney. TWO FRONT rooms, strictly modern, electrlo light and telephone. 406 Earnay or Phone Tyler 1089. k. 4 LARGE front room, nwly furnished; modern; suitable for two; terms reason able. 114 N. 17th Av. ' NICELY furnished rooms, strlotly rood ern; close In; home-Ilk surrounding, UOI) Capitol Ave ROOMS strictly modern week up. all North 23d. from $2 par NICE, warm aide-front room, pleasant for ohauffeur or other gentlemen; htat, gas and bath; walking distance. 2707 Dodge. Phone Har. bbne. IV , n U 1 lUlUIBUHl UIUUW u . w - - are all outside rooms and have th beat of light, heat and gas and very convenient to business district. 2612 Dodge. TO LADY, only, nloe front room in nw flat, close In. Tel. Red 6242. 1017 Chicago St Kogeison. VERY DESIRABLE steam heated front rcom: walking distance. 220 N. 13U. Two modern rooms; private lamuy; wim breakfast if desired; gentlemen pttrred. 26M Leavenworth. Tyler i202. ROOMS, large or small. 1813 Chicago. LARGE front room suitable for students; modern; reasonable. 1919 Cliicago. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. Ind. A-10M). Reasonable. t- STEAM-HEATED furnished room; gas and bath; rent reasonable. 1616 Chicago SU Plat H. ONE strictly modern room; gas and elec tric lights; price $3 50 per week; prlvuts, to Include bath. 2202 Farnam St. MODERN steam-heated room, close In. Cad Douglas 39 or Independent A-265L ' LARGE modern front room and alcove. In private home. 2671 Dodge St. Telephone Harney &3S1. STRICTLY modern furnished room, suit able for two. 2.M16 Manderaon bt. Pliuwa Webster b91. MODERN, nicely furnished front room. che In. 2M2 St. Mary's Av. FOR RENT Front parlor with bedroom, 112 S. 2tn St. Harney 616. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. Ind. A li0. . Reasonable. TO RENT Part of my home to respec table people; room for two or three; no ob jection to children. Inqulr any time at 2tbo Burt St. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms for gentlemen. 2112 Chicago. Tel. Doug. .'J02 TWO furnished or unfurnished close In. 1207 Pacific St. NICELY furtdshed large room, modern. 2038 Farnam St. NICELY furnished front parlor; steam heated; plenty of hot water; reasonable; close In. 2u06 Capitol Ave WELL heated, strictly modern room for refined gentlemen. 216 8. 26 ih ML Tele phone Douglaa 6626. NICELY furnlahed. well heated rooms. 408 N. 19th SL LARGE, modern, parlor room, for two genta. Nicely f ui nls'ied. 17TJ Le euwui via bL. Phou DougU.4 arM