TITE OfAILV SUNDAY BEE: N0VEM7JETI 27, 1910. CIRCUS IDEAJN AERO CLUB Heads of Club Will Have Trouble Keeping It Dignity. G30TESUE SHOWS ABE rLAXJTED Experts rmprct f Claw la Air and AH or of Qaeer ATlatlma . Trlrka Deal"1 Get th Maar. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. The new hads of tha Aro Club of America ar folni to have ticklish Job prervn; tha dlrnlty of the organization a tha Trpre sentatlva body for the sportlna; Bide Of aviation In tha United Ftatrs. There are unmistakable pinna that flying In dogrnfratlng Into a commercial proposition, or at any rate that the ma jority of the most famous avlatori at the present time are out simply for the cash. A member of the Aero club saya nothing can stop tha clreua peopls touring the country with small troupea of aviators: These aviators will have special trains ith Pullman accommodations and frrteht cars for their aeroplanes and will give three to seven day shows on resrular cir cuits throughout the country. Thera will te advance agents with bill posters, and when the Jumps are short between towns the aviators will fly from one stand to another In order to stimulate the curiosity of the people. Men In tha little Demoiselle Tnonoplane will be the clown of the troupe, others will Imitate Augustus Post's aerial bronco-busting stunts. Farman bi planes will be the elephanta and tha Blerlot monoplanes the thoroughbreds. It will not surprise many persons who are in the show If the big attraction at Coney Island next eunimer were an aviation exhibition along the line of "Fighting the Flames." A can vas town could be built at one end of the aerodrome and a small army of men In aeroplanes made to demolish It with bombs. At night the aviators could do their damage vlth Roman candles and other kinds of fireworks, and as a grand finale an Imita tion aeroplane or airship be made to perish n the red tire of the doomed city. America Falls Befclad. Though It was Wilbur Wright who, by lils wlng-warplng device, first taught the world how to fly, America, largely owing 'to the Indifference of the government, has hot contributed much to tha science of aviation during the last twelve months. There are already signs, however, that this country la going to regain. Its old position. The recent International tournament is Already' bearing fruits -America can now boast that she waa the first power to t-Bt the feasibility of launching an. aero plane from the deck of a warship, or Indeed from any vessel. Engene Ely's light from the scout cruiser Birmingham anchored In Hamptdn Roads to the shore five miles away waa an unqualified success. The Curtlss avlator'a exploit will no doubt make thtnga easier for Secretary of War Dickinson, Major-General Leonard Wood, chief of staff, and Brigadier-General Allen, chief signal officer of the army, who are going to try to pur suade congress to make a half decent ap propriation for the purchase of areoplanes for the army. According to Captain Wash ington Irving Chambers, who had charge :f Ely's test flight for the Navy de partment, a movement will at once ba started to have all the fast cruisers of the xtavy equipped with aeroplanes. No uuplnasantness will now be caused through the desire of the Pasadena Aero club and the Aero Club of California to hold aviation meets at the same time. Some "weeks, ago the Pasadena organization, of Which Clifford B. Harmon Is president, got a, sanction from the national council to hold a tournament from December I to 28. Then the Aero Club of California came Along with tha request for permission to bold a meet' at Los Angelea from December 10 to 20. Lea Angeles had to he turned flown. Word has Just been received that I'asadena has courteously surrendered Its dates to Los Angelea Pasadena now Vants dates In January and has asked the tmtlonul council to let it ba known that expenses will be paid to visiting aviators and 76 per cent of the gate receipts di vided among the competitors, and that "no Jirotnoters need apply." i- nrexel Ilu New Plaa. J. Armstrong Drexel proposes to build a X'lerlot monoplane capable of carrying four persons In addition to the aviator. His pew machine will be so arranged that it Will be next to Impossible for a frightened )as8enger to Interfere with tha pilot At the present time Drexel absolutely refuses to take anybody up in his monoplane. The reason for this Is that a short time before leaving England for the international tournament he had an experience with Woman during a flight that might have ended fatally for both. At a height of 400 to 600 feet the woman became hysterical and, throwing her arms around his neck nearly succeeded in making him lose con trol of his machine. The young Philadel phia aviator considers that hla most thrill ing aerial ride. Toung Drexel predict that by this time next year aeroplanes will be built with a radius of 1,000 miles. Now the aeroplane motor plant Is nho most ex travagant type of Internal combustion en Bine made. Its capacity for fuel and lu bricating oil Is appalling. Le Blanc, the French champion. lost the International speed trophy at Belmont Park because he Jlii not have enough gasoline to last sixty edd miles. Drexel. however, la confident that bt-fore very Ion? engineers will have Cured the abnormal appetite of the aviation motor. ; Nothing but volplanes, the relative value f big cross-country flights, altitude com petition and apetd contests on closed cir cuits as drawing cards at aviation meet ings, the futture of flying and other kind red topics ia to be heard nowadays a prominent local hotel. The vestibule is filled from early mora till late at night with the birdmcn who took part in the Belmont Park tournament smoking big clears, near-flyers. Frenchmen trying to ell motors, makers of propellers, press agents, cranks with tha solution of auto matic stability and promoters with da Jnouds and coats with astrachan collars anxious to abandon theatre and circus en terpilnea for flying meets. Great schemes are being hatched by which it ia believed many thousands of dollars will bo ex. t raited from the pockets of tha American people during the next six months. CANADIAN HOCKEY IS CHANGED Hales of Ire Oaauc Fellow Salt ef Foot Ball Hates. BUFFALO, N. T., Not. J6.-A most radical change baa boen made in tha Canadian hockey rule. It appear as though tha legislators of the ice game had taken a leaaon from tha shirts In tha American foot ball rule. Tha number of periods haa been lengthened from two to three. This la on leas than the division mad of foot ball playing time. Canadian tfmi will play three twenty minute periods, instead of two thtrty-min-lite ees.slons, aa was the case last year. There will be ten-minute Interml&tslons ln tead of five, as waa the cut Uat season. The name of the new organisation Is Th National Hockey Association of Can ada." The number of cluba aas fixed at Fnen and the salary limit fixed at $5,000. The Canadian Athletic club of Quebec takes over the fraatliinta of Harlcliuiy aud CuLalt. Princeton Likely to Enter Crews in Collego Regatta Since Lake Was Made Available Tiger Oarsmen Are Showing High Interest. PRINCETON, N. J.. Nov. K. It is ex pected that Princeton university will enter crews in Intercollegiate contests next spring. Since Carnegie lake has been available there has been plenty of Interest In rowing at Princeton. Clas regattas have been a success, and during a college genoratlon of rowing practice some good oarsmen have been trained In Tigertown. The sport has been branching out as much as possible. A freshman crew raced a Philadelphia High school eight on Lake Carnegie last spring. The only things which prevented rowing becoming a var sity sport were a lack of men interested and the possibility of stunting other teams by enrolling crew candidates. The success of this fall's Interclass regatta and the quality of the Junior crew has aroused' considerable hope that a Prince ton varsity eight will race this coming spring. Dr. J. Duncan Epaettl, who has been teaching rowing at Princetown, has commented on the possibility of intercol legiate races. He Ia quoted aa follows: "It Is hoped that race can be arranged for the freshmen and the varsity next spring with outside crews. It is understood that Tale, Cornell and Pennsylvania have each ex pressed their willingness to send crews. If the necessary permission to arrange such rare can be secured the freshmen and var sity crews will continue regular exercise on the rowing machines In the gymnasium during the winter and tha chances are that next spring will find Princeton doing very creditable work on the water." Auto Race Meet to Be Held at New Orleans Event Will Be Part of the Third An nual Mardi Oraa Speed Carnival. NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 26. A race meet for automobiles will held at New Or leans when the third annual Mardi O-ras speed carnival is given. This meet will be run In conjunction with a dealers' show at the Fair Grounds course on February 25, 26 and 27. The show will open one day in advance. The datea for the Mardi Oraa meet were selected some time ago, but the list of events for tha racing part of the program haa not been made public Within the next week this list will be announced, however, and the work of securing entries will begin. Virtually all the space for exhibits has been taken by the New Orleans dealers. Twenty-four of these, representing soma seventy odd cars, have secured space aver aging S26 square feet each. The Mardi Gras race meets in New Orleans have al ways been marked . by the presence of great stars, suohlas Lewis Strang, Ralph De Palm a, George, Robertson, Barney Old field, Robert Buf man, Louis Chevrolet, Caleb Bragg, Ben Kerscher and others. It is expected this meet will prove no ex ception. Lewis Strang ia to make his debut with tha Case cars at this meet Ha will have two Other drivers with him. Bill Endlcott and his Colt cara will be on hand, as will Bob Burman, and the Buick outfit The Jackson and Clno companies wilt enter. Homer C. Georga la managing the ahow and meet, for the dealers and the New Orleans Automobile club. Base Ball Fans Are Not Chilled by, the Season Enthusiasm Buns High and Ball Bugs Cause Doping Out of Next Season. NEW YORK, Nov. 26.4-Nelther the biting breesea of fall nor tha snows of winter can chill the enthusiasm of the true base ball fan. For days after the seaeon haa closed habit leads him In tha direction of the deserted ball park, where he baa spent so many happy hours and he gazes aa mournfully upon the closed gatea aa tha banished perl must have looked upon the portals of paradise. , Long before the spring training quarters have been decided upon tha base ball bug la busy figuring out the many reasons why hla favorite should clinch tha next season's pennant The Giant dope artists have long been busy. The fact that Chicago must regen erate its team and that New York finished ahead of Pittsburg in this year's race Is ample excuse for the Manhattan enthusi ast to figure that the men of McGraw are pointed for the champtontmip of 11)11. The early signing of McGraw, Mathew son, Meyers, Devore and Ehafer haa given the fans new material for rejoicing. Prob ably John McGraw doesn't know himself what the Giant lineup will look like next season, but many of the Polo ground pat rons have the matter settled to their en tire satisfaction. Meanwhile for them time crawls on leaden feet and they are Impatiently existing through each passing day while waiting for the stars that rise in the base ball aky at the Opening of tha training camp. EEP0ET OF DOPING PEESISTS Com t Goaalp ia that Jeffries la Oat After Dopeater. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 26. Reports from the west make statements to the effect that Jim Jeffries ia making frantto efforts to discover who doped him on that fatal Fourth of July., In fact, thebe reports even go far enough to insinuate that a small fortune is being squandeieu in research work and that tht Jeffrica family is turn ing line If into a detective bureau, having purchased a bloodhound. As yet the trail has led only into h confines of mystery. The Coroner's Jury cannot even produce the corpus. All the followers of the alleged dopeater have returned to camp weak and despairing. Their hunts have but led them Into a morass of mlsln formation. There Is one clue which it Is said tba native sons have not followed. That clue la to the effect that tha doping waa done by a tall daik roan with powerful shoulders early in the bout 1I0T0ECYCLE HELPS CUPID George Ilettlag. Fleela with Bride, Oatatrlpe l'areats' Aato. J na motorcycle hat attained fame aa "first aid to truo lovers." Hla machine won for George Hetting a bride. It hap pened In Cleveland township, Minnesota, where Mr. Hetting, to be aura of hia pri look JO-y tar-old Kllzabeth Methmen with him and outdistanced her parents, who pur ut-a mem in an automobile Tha race went over poor countr) roads and there was great excitement until the automobile blew out a tire and was ditched near Wutervllle. Hetting and Miss Methmen u 10 iwseca, wner Ucy r niar- Official Batting Averages of State League GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nor. . (Spe cial.) President Sievera of tha Nebraska Etate league today announced tha official batting averages of all individual players Player and Club. Pcanlan. Columbus.., Jarrott Red Cloud.. Bonner. Freraunt.... Neff Clint, bewcrd. O. .. 17 -16 .103 AB. R. H. SB. PH. IB. IB. HR, Tct.- 611Z37SS0 .83 8X7 48 IM 11 7 H S 4 357 74 112 64 IS 27 4 .311 219 60 H9 23 (IS 4 .812 1-19 IS 83 8 4 1 3td 64 101 80 16 1 12 .801 88 100 10 18 21 S 1 .! 14 16 44 1 4 14 1 0 .'7 416 62 120 22 11 17 4 .29 U '71 IS U , 7 21 7 t . 146 82 42 1 T 6 1 S 3:9 68 97 19 13 18 S 4 -M .16 9 10 1 1 s e 0 .x 245 82 70 17 17 8 1 0 .!5 8IJt 44 101 12 18 16 7 .22 4.T7 W 122 60 1 10 0 0 .279 272 11 13 11 I I 1 .279 426 64 117 14 17 18 8 t .276 3-8 66 98 88 12 16 1 S S .274 63 7 17 7 1 0 0 . 270 8S-0 67 He 85 46 6 0 .269 4 44 117 13 22 19 4 S .29 194 24 62 IS 1 13 S 1 .28 20 26 66 9 S t 1 1 .28 39 48 99 76 8 T 4 .28 22 63 75 24 21 8 1 S .2x6 416 85 113 74 17 11 S 1 .26 226 88 60 4 11 U 1 S .26 88 4 10 1 S 1 1 0 .23 8)4 61 100 17 8 26 S .2t2 68 14 16 S 8 S 0 0 .279 42 62 110 26 S 21 S 1 .2-9 124 11 22 I S S 5 1 .278 171 11 44 4 8 S 1 .27-7 374 65 96 19 46 15 1 0 .267 101 16 26 2 4 7 1 1 ,277 361 84 89 13 21 8 1 0 .2M 868 61 91 17 18 17 S 2 .2M 127 32 67 8 12 1 1 .271 86 2 9 1 S 1 0 0 .2-0 472 78 112 40 12 11 9 7 . 248 118 14 28 0 6 8 0 1 .248 130 10 82 S 8 8 1 0 .246 380 52 93 83 83 16 1 S .246 116 17 88 4 4 6 3 1 .243 16 69 89 44 1 4 10 S 1 .213 68 97 86 19 14 4 0 . 243 103 13 25 6 4 10 0 0 .243 128 14 81 18 2 4 0 0 . 242 291 44 70 32 10 15 0 I .211 406 67 8 88 18 90 S 10 .21 121 12 29 S 4 t 0 0 .240 113 16 27 U 4 S 0 1 .23 432 69 103 18 25 19 6 S .2:!8 228 84 64 16 10 7 1 0 .&7 431 64 101 30 13 20 8 1 .234 107 13 25 2 6 8 2 0 .213 133 11 81 8 6 0 .233 217 23 60 6 17 0 1 .230 86 61 83 S8 22 9 8 4 . 227 132 23 80 7 S 6 3 1 .227 116 11 27 9 7 1 0 0 .223 197 36 44 11 11 8 0 0 .223 81 18 18 10 0 2 0 0 .?22 81 10 18 1 4 1 0 0 .222 136 15 80 8 8 4 1 0 .222 826 38 72 20 16 10 1 2 .222 217 22 48 7 4 S 1 .221 422 67 98 86 22 1 1 .220 123 16 27 6 7 2 1 0 .219 32 2 708310 .219 08 42 72o97Ol .218 111 6 24 8 8 1 1 0 .216 126 10 27 7 7 4 0 1 .216 97 9 II 4 1 3 0 0 .216 344 41 74 13 13 t 0 ' .215 93 Kally, Columbus. . .... 32 A Knew. Columbua.... 113 Townaend, Kearney... 99 Z0ca.1t , tewrd 42 llennesey. Red Cloudy Allen, Huperior. ...... .lit Cook, Kearney 40 Donnelly, Hastings... 94 C'opple, Hastings 13 Cole, Superior $4 Mason, Fremont 97 McKibben, Ur. lsla'd.ui DeConley, Hastings... t, Gray, Kearney 11 3 Neff Clyde, Reward. .104 Johnson. Fremont.... u Smith, C., Fremont.. m Clark, Superior m !?pellman, Superior.... M Mitchell, Red Cloud., m Turpln. Fremont ig Ltttlejohn, Columbua. Ling, Beward hj Cook, Hastings m Desllva, Red Cloud... ig Harm, Hastings 1113 Bradshaw, Kearney.. 20 Watson, Hastings. ...jog Campbell, Fremont... 44 Hansen, Seward 61 Uarzee, Hastings ( Boasen, Hastings 28 Henry, Feward 93 Pagles, Kearney 101 Dolan, Columbus G6 Wood. Superior.. 11 Chlttlck, Columbus.. 109 Bovee, Columbus., Downey, Kearney. Mills. Red Cloud.. 87 86 107 Smith. H.. Fremont., 43 Cook, Harold, Gd. Isl.joo Brown E, Columbus.. 105 Hargls, Superior 26 DeConley, Kearney... a Grant, Kearney 78 Thompson Fremont. .jog Masters, Red Cloud.. 44 Carter, J., Red Cloud. 83 Bockwltx, Superior... m Morse, Grand Island. 74 Graham, Gd. Island.. m Noyes, Kearney 48 Landes, Superior 38 Brown, C, Columbua. j Fullen, Fremont 106 Kissel, Columbus 43 Orav, Fremont 36 Murphy, Kearney 87 QulKley, Kearney 22 Clair, Columbua 26 Copple, Columbus 88 Carroll, Grand Island. 93 Wally, Seward 60 Booth, Seward 109 Badora. Columbua.... 82 Clair, Hastlnga 11 Qulgley, Red Cloud.. 81 Stewart Seward S8 Dolan, Red Cloud 86 Snyder, Superior Stl) Fagan, Red Cloud.... 81 Club. Games. Fremont 106 Red Cloud 109 Seward 112 Hastings 107 At F.at 3.434 8,48 8.66 2,373 Runs. 486 435 436 407 Club. Games. Fremont 106 Columbus 107 Kearney 1U Grand Island ...112 T AUTO SHOW LOOMS UP LARGE Indications Point Out it Will of Exceptional Proportions. Be SECEETAEY. EESTEICTS SPACE AH of lioeal Dealers to Take Part la Show, and Aeroplane May Bo Pat On Decoration Arranged Better. Indications for the 1911 Omaha automo bile ahow point out that It 1 going to ba whole lot larger than at first supposed. Each and every on of the dealer In the local association haa a few cara to place on exhibition and it haa been found necessary for tha secretary, Clark Powell, to restrict tha amount of apace of each man. Preparation for the ahow of Omaha auto firms are a fair indication of what the exhibition itself 1 going to ahow Omaha people of the growth of tha business in Omaha. Few of the people of this city and the surrounding country realise that there are thirty-three flrma which are auto flrma and fourteen other companies who sell machine In this city. Also there are a large number of repair shop, supply companies and garage. A a feature of the auto show of 1911 aa attempt la going to te made to maae It attractive for tha many people near Omaha to coma in to, tha ahow. Farmer are finding the auto moat invaiuaDi 01 late years and would be Interested in the event Asaoclatloa to Meet. This week the Omaha Automobile Dealers' association will meet when Clarke Powell will report to the association the status of the show at tha preaent time, and actio'n will ba taken on the management of the affair. The dealera have started their campaign of preparation a month earlier than last year and It 1 certain that on the opening day of the how, February 25, everything will be in readiness. Although no definite arrangements of any kind have been made it is understood that tha Bayadorfer brothera are a little anxious to have either a model or their aeroplane Itself on exhibition at the ahow, and some results may com of this. Plans for the decorations of the ahow are somewhat elaborate, yet. in mem can be seen a careful bead. Last year the decoration took up much floor space, while this year, although they will be just striking, there will be less wast of space. YALE ANNOUNCES ITS SCHEDULE Basket Ball Series of Fifteen Games - Arranged. NEW HAVEN. Conn., Nov. 26. Tha Yale basket ball schedule, consisting of fifteen gam as, baa been announced aa follows: December 10 Poly institute at Brooklyn; 14, College of the City of New York at Pratt institute at Brooklyn; 21, Pennayl New York; 17, New York university at New York. January 10-Trinlty at New Haven; It. Pennsylvania at Philadelphia; 4. .West Point at Weat Point. February Pennsylvania at New Haven; 4, Urown at Providence; 1L Cornell at Ithlca; 14. Princeton at New Havn; 1. Columbia at New Yor; Si Princeton at Princeton; 'M. Columbia at New Haveu. March 4 Cornell at New Haven. NAVY TEAM SCHEDULE ISSUED Basket Ball Gamea for eau Are Arranged. ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Nov. SS. Th United States Naval academy basket ball schedule haa been announced aa follows: December 10, Baltimore Medical college; Ieceu)ber IT, Loyola College of Baltimore; leceniter 14, Princeton; January 7, New York university; January 14, University of Pennsylvania; January 21. City College of New York; February 4, Bwarthmore; eu ruary 11, Georgetown. To Die on Ike Scaffold is painless compared with th weak, lame back kidney trouble caueea. Electrlo Bit ter I the remedy. fete. Fur sal tiy Batua Vtut Cu, I engaging In ten gamea or more, the official standing of tha teams and team batting. The cltlea .Indicated by tha abbreviations arc Red Cloud, Hasting, Superior, Grand OFFICIAL BATTING AVERAGES NEBRASKA 6TATH Player and Club. O. Clark, Grand Island., m I'rlmay, Fremont 76 ally, Hnst ngs 2! Bennett, Fremont M Plue. Superior 63 Carter, N., Red Cloud.. 93 Paul, Grand Island... 47 Travers. Gd. Island.. 4S Claire. Kearney 81 Gam-da. llastlnna 29 Seltzer, Od. Island. ..106 Conroy, Kearney 16 Hulburt, Seward. ..... IS Moss, Red Cloud M Ellis, Superior 63 Justus, Superior 42 Connor, Seward....... 11 Slattery, Fremont 18 Warner, Superior 99 Harris, Seward 112 Williams. Kearney.... 47 Kellev, Columbua 15 Bradbrook. Red C'd.. SO Smith, Hastings 106 Cook. Hugh. Gd. Isl.. 90 Atkinson. Seward 57 Halley. Kearney 19 -McMahon. Kearney... 21 Wells. Fremont 78 Brown, Superior 14 Snyder, Red Cloud.... 15 Balllett Kearney 26 1'ierce, Hastings 40 Majorktirth, Kearney. KH Smith, Grand lsland..H2 Malum. Columbus. ...110 Gibson, Superior 41 Bartlev, Superior 68 Grant. Red Cloud.... 20 Nealon, Hastings 12 Green, Grand Island.. 16 Ward, Kearney SO Klegg. Hastings 17 Hendron, Fremont.... 12 Boasen, Kearney 86 Cooper, Columbus 17 Meixell, Columbus.... 16 Green, Kearney 11 Orth, Hastings 18 Tlghe, Columbus 41 Pierce. Seward 26 Zavldtl. Hastings 16 Herrick, Kearney 12 Foster, Seward 86 Herrick, Hastings.... 27 Corbett, Columbus.... 11 Ivowen, Red Cloud.... 11 Pasha, Columbus Pierce, Kearney Olsen. Hastings , Pasha. Kearney Brophy, Superior Walker, Seward Waldron, Hastings.., Murray, Gd. Island.. Harrineton. Seward.., Colbert Superior Maddox, Kearney.... Wright Kearney Hartman, Fremont.... Williams, Hastnga... Slndelar, Columbua... Akers. Kearney Svmodnls, Kearney... Jacobsen. Hastings... CLUB BATTING Hits. Pet. Club. 8T3 .248 Columbua 832 . 237 Superior 94 . 234 Kearney - 781 .232 Grand Island OFFICIAL STANDING OF TEAMS. Won. Lost. Pet. Club. 63 48 .5M Superior 69 48 .661 Seward 60 61 .541 Red Clo 60 v 62 . 536 Hastingi Athletic Club Being Organized in England Jimmy Britt and Hugh Mcintosh, at Work Promoting; the New Organization. NEW YORK, Nor. 26. If the preaent plarfa of Hugh D. Mcintosh and Jimmy Britt do not go astray the English sporting publlo, and particularly those living in London, will have an opportunity to join an athletic organization the like of which doe not exist in the British Isles. It Is to be modeled on tha lines of the New York Athletlo club, Olympic club of San Fran cisco and Chicago Athletlo association, and, aside from the usual features for the fur therance of sport the art of eelf-defense will be more than a aide issue. A a matter of fact the plan are making for a school of phyalcai culture in connec tion wtih thta many-aided organization, with Britt aa the boxing lntruotor, which feature would at once make the scheme a go in this department right from tha start. Professional contests will be held weekly, with one big special night a month. When It 1 known that In all the city of London there I not an organization, not even the London Athletlo club, which caters to gen eral sport along the lines proposed by Mc intosh and Britt they aeem to have located a virgin field for the new club. With the fulfillment of the plan, the better class young men in the English metropolis will have a place where he can do hla work under intelligent upervlaion, get the proper attention afterward, and all together enjoy the. comforts of a well appointed club, which he la not able to do at preaent In connection with the plana for the club Jimmy hope to find through a medium of weekly and monthly contest a white champion who can be pitted against Jack Johnson. At present Britt is looking after the interest of Bombadter Well, of whom be expect great things. JOHNNY EVEES TO COACH NAVY Second Baseman Saya He Ilu Excel lent Offer. CHICAGO, Nov. 26. John Evers, second baseman of tha Chicago National league baa ball team, haa decided to coach the Navy base ball team next spring whether he haa the consent of Frank Chance or not He is quoted with the following re marks on the subject: "I can't afford to turn down the Navy pe9jle. Their offer Is a moat liberal one and I am going to accept it. I will go to Aanapolis in February and remain until I Stars and Stripes Bottled Deer The only beer brewed from pure epring water on th market. Order a case for your home and get the best A beer just snited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for the connoisseur. Dave a Csse Delivered to Your Home RETAIL DEALER, 14102 Douglas Street Telephones Douglas, 1303; Independent, A-1303 Y7ILL0W SPRINGS BREWING CO. Reward, Fremont following are tha and fig- LEAGUE. Island, Kearney, Columbia Tba urea: A B. R. IT. SB. SH. 2R 8B. HR. Tct. 219 23 47 11 1 8 0 0 .215 2!'4 39 63 24 3 11 5 3 .214 MS 21 5 1 3 0 0 .214 123 22 2 10 7 4 0 .211 Xrt 15 39 6 8 6 1 0 . 710 ."t'l 34 67 14 13 15 8 0 .2 14!? 20 81 9 0 12 0 0 ..2 144 22 80 9 5 3 0 0 ,2'1 116 14 24 7 2 2 2 2 .?"" 127 10 2 3 4 7 0 0 .2" Hi! 63 72 40 17 16 2 2 .IV 49 1 10 6 1 3 0 0 .V 64 3 11 3 3 8 1 0 .204 n 81 65 12 21 14 3 1 .23 HT7 12 84 1 6 3 0 1 .2'3 129 11 26 1 4 1 0 0 .'2 85 0 7 1 2 0 0 0 .200 25 8 5 1 3 0 0 0 .200 8.6 41 67 14 17 8 1 0 .V 439 70 7 49 35 10 8 0 .198 lf.3 14 30 6 10 6 1 0 .1 61 8 10 1 2 0 0 0 .1 S'S 87 67 12 IS 18 0 0 .1!'3 338 83 64 10 18 15 1 1 .1W 340 43 62 28. 9 14 2 0 .18 19S 21 37 8 IS 4 1 -1S7 66 9 12 0 2 4 ' 1 0 .15 64 3 10 0 0 0 0 1 .185 20 31 4 15 5 8 2 0 .14 49 7 9 81100 .1S4 44 4 801100 .12 66 S 13 1 5 2 0 1 ,P3 128 8 23 8 5 4 1 1 .l"t 175 16 31 9 6 3 1 1 .177 40S 46 73 28 82 S 0 0 .176 S72 46 65 16 22 14 1 0 .175 126 15 22 1 2 3 0 0 .175 15 15 32 6 7 2 0 0 .174 69 9 12 7 6 0 0 0 .174 36 1 63 3100 .171 41 4 701000 .171 10 10 13 6 4 5 0 8 .171 85 1 610100 .171 36 3 6110 0 0 .17 122 12 20 18 4 1 1 0 .14 61 11 10 2 0 0 0 0 .14 60 4 814 3 00 .10 31 4 601300 .10 60 8 8 01111 .1" 167 ' 13 25 7 5 1 0 1 .IWt 96 10 15 4 2 2 8 1 .lt7 29 8 601200 .154 83 8 600100 .172 113 7 17 8 3 3 0 0 '.JM 67 4 10 11800 .149 27 1 41000-0 .148 27 S 401000 .14 48 4 74-8000 .146 48 6 7 3 1 3 0 0 .14 41 3 604100 .141 62 12 960100 .145 126 12 18 4 4 4 0 0 .143 77 7 11 16400 - .143 88 12 12 3 1 3 0 1 .136 89 4 12 81030 .135 132 IS 17 6 3 7 1 0 .129 117 8 15 8 3 3 0 0 .128 49-4 611000 .122 76 4 9 0 0 1 0 0 .120 32 1 8 1 2 0 0 0 .W4 99 2 980800 .OKI 86 8 704000 . 0S1 13 1 100000. 077 43 4 3 4 1 1 0 0 .070 41 1 2 0 0 1 0 0. 049 14 14 18 ar 26 37 84 4.1 32 in 27 11 29 83 10 11 13 Gamea. 107 HO HI H2 Pet. 232 .2n .227 .219 Pet. .500 .446 .431 .3!t8 am through work, and that will probably be ome time in May. I think Chanc will ee my end of it, and that there won't be any trouble. But I would rather lay off all season than paa up my Annapoli op portunity." mm ("1ET your Weed Chains to day bofora you forget it Your dealer keep them. Re member the Cross Chains are BRASS PLATED and tba word "Weed" is stamped In tha book. JONES SPEEDOMETER Don't expert. mnt with peed .indica tor buy a JONES, then you're abso lutely safe. NON-FLUID OIL is enough better, than other lubri cants for bearing a and transmisaiona to b universally regarded aa the standard by which all other ar judged. Ar you satisfied then to use something else which i only a compare, lively good lubricant? . ..... , , ... , J ii,7 Wit! ;.'Att it;k At Bat Runs. Hits. 8.62T 475 817 3,629 396 815 3,M2 436 17 3,618 69 771 Games. Won. Lost 110 66 64 112 50 62 ,; 1 47 62 107 42 65 zyo tzio so (r The diacnosis of disease is the first and really most important step in the successful treatment of any trouble. In other words, first find the source or cause, and then use the remedy most naturally and scientifically suited to the condition. We do not believe there is any disease In which Improper, treat ment is more often used than in Catarrh. So many persons treat the symptoms without giving thought to the causes which produce these symptoms, and the result is that Catarrh is considered incurable by a great many, simply because local treatment has failed to accom plish the desired result. Every symptom of Catarrh points to impure blood; we are sure ', short analysis of the disease and its symptoms will convince any one that this statement is true. First we have irritated and inflamed mucous membranes of the head, nose, and throat, from which there is a constant and copious discharge of watery matter. This comes from inflammation of these mucous surfaces and is caused by catarrhal mat ters and impurities in the circulation. Nature intends that these mem branes shall all be nourished by fluid is pure it satisfactorily performs this necessary work, but war mauers ana impurities aeposnea inflammation, and the discharge is a begins to dry it assumes thicker proportions and becomes 6ticky; then it adheres to the throat and upper back portion of the mouth, causing the lesome to Catarrh sufferers. Other ordinary symptoms of the disease are headaches, pains above the cheek bones, roaring sounds in the ears, etc. These symptoms too point directly to dis eased blood, and are caused by congestion of the circulation. The impurities and catarrhal matters in the blood stream interfere with its easy and natural flow, and it be comes feverish and thus affects the delicate fibres and membranes of the throat and head. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impure catarrhal matter, and at the same time building up the system by its unequalled tonic effects. It goes down into the circulation, and removes every trace of impurity or foreign matter. In other words S. S. S. cures Catarrh by purifying the blood so that the mucous sur faces and linings of the body are supplied with healthy blood instead of being constantly irritated and diseased from the saturation of catarrhal impurities. Then the inflamed membranes heal, the discharge is checked, the head noises all cease, the stomach is toned up, the throat is no longer clogged with phlegm, but every annoying symptom of Catarrh is corrected. There is but one way to cure Catarrh purifV the blood, and there is but one absolutely safe and sure blood purifiefTV S. S. S. We have a special book on Catarrh; we will send thiaJS book, and also any medical advice desired free to all who write. T THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAUTA, OA-' , f TH Omaha, DIR EGTO RY Of Automobiles and Accessories Mid-West Auto Co. Bit Seata matntli Btr. THE PAXTOU-niTCHELL 00.1 Doug. 7281 2010-14-16 Harney St. 1-23(1 O&vxa&ox- MOTOR CO., W 20S2-54 Farnam St, GUY L. EMEU ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE H. E. PALMER, SON & VELIE Ford Motor Co., W.L Huffman Auto S02S FARNAM STREET" MUrUK CAH V i r J j iJRUSII KOHABOUT4? II.E.FredrlcksoD Automobile Go. n 2044-4-4a FARNAM STREET Nebraska Buick Auto tlaoola Sraaoa. 13th aaa T t a., K . CT9X.CS, Otnl M. Omaaa Xiaaca. lSia-l-l yaiaasa St, UB anTTV, at-, Li UR PHY DID IT" Mo V.f.;!:f 14TH AND JACKSON TrlmmJnx The Lexington MruntAutomobiloCo, ilTnlTUT the blood, and so lone as this vital into tnese delicate parts sets uo natural result, v I r II i i When this secretion Y Gentlemen: I wrote you sometime age giving you an account of my suf ferings with an awful case of Catarrh. I bad all the symptoms that accom pany this disease, such as mucus drop pins; back into the throat, a constant desire to hawk and spit, feeling- of dryness in the throat, congh and spit ting upon rising in the morning, scabs forming in the nose, which required much effort to blow out, sometimes causing the nose to bleed and, leaving me with a sick headache. I had thus suffered for five years. As soon as I heard from you I commenced 'to take S. S. S. as you advised, and after I had taken several bottles, I noticed a change for the better. Thus encour aged, I continued to take it, and in a short while was entirely cured. JUDSON A. BELLAM. 11 W. 10th Street, Manchester, Vs. It bee's Cole 30J1.500. Cele Flyer $1,590 Wasted! 40 $2,000 FULLY EQUIPPED raons D-aos. MIDLAND MAS ON Freeland . Dros. & Ashley 1115-1117 Farnam 81 Omaha. PEERLECO SMITH, 2237 TlXli ST. EUctrlo Garago DEMISE BARKALOW, Proprietor 2218 Farnam Street IS?o D!..D2old,ng CO., John W. Bedick, Mgr. Auto. DspL AUTCfnC3iLE CO., 1902 Farnam St. f John Deri Plow Co.M Distributors, 1818 Farnam SI., Omaha. Co., O VaUacs Autcrr.cbila Co. 2203 Farnam Street C8. Chalmers Buick and CUi. mollis Can.... Company for 1B11 lncluda top ana fall lamp qoipoiat. 1111 oar now baluf 4aUvr4. COIT AUTOMOBILE CO. 820 raraam Btr. ICSILE CD.) I HarnaySLl A-t31lf V E. R. WILSCN JIUTQMGSllE Dlatrlbutar 2010 Doucla ttt Overland & Popi Kattiard Coo noli aUnff , Vvah 1 ) 1 i i I (