Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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! Have Root Print It.
T. 3. Creedoa Bone Coal.
Oee rtxtnree Berfess-Orenaea Co.
Take Tour Frtntinr to the Time".
Klnohart rhotographer. 18th Far'nv
Best Dry Cleaning of garments- Twin
City Iy Works. 407 South Fifteenth.
riftjr-seven Tarlatlaa Not quits that
"many kinds, but nearly. Crelsh. Ualdrige
4 Co., write every branch of Insurance.
I'horie Lou(t. 200.
Youth and Kaalth should be taxed to
yiovlrte for old as; a savins" acccunt
T.ith the Neb. Pavinss V I,oan Ass'n will
tart you right 1605 Farnain, IS. of T, Bid.
Oold Vovember Winds are dangerous;
void lagrippe and wear one of our classy
raincoats; all atyleo. Itubber good of all
! kinds. Let us equip your auto. Omaha
Itubber Co.. 1601 Harney BL "Juat around
the corner."
Tee Way la Opea through the Neb. Pav
ings A Loon Assn to alart a fund to bur
? a home; pays C per annum; U05 Far
ham. Hoard of Trade Building.
Bmployers liable Tor Aocidents
Juries alvaa pay ao, whether negligent
or rot. Let Crc-lgh, Uuldt iRe A Co., write
jour liability Insurance. I'hone Uoug. S00.
Kelp Tind Htm Attention! lied Men.
llolp ine find J. Mc.Mullen by Monday
night. Member Y uh-man-da-sis tribe No.
2 W. J. 11. Weddlngluii. 11V. Iodue and
fcoventeciith street.
Two Seeking Divorce Actions fur dl-
w von e a" follows were commenced In the
district court Suturday: Myrtle O. Field
against (.Seorge Wallu o l'itld; lllancba
' ".indier egulnst Henry .indier.
Pioneers to Attend runeral 1 lie mem
bers of the I'loneer Association of Lioutclas
ounty are Invited to attend the funeral
aervliea of Mrs. James Allan Hundny af
ternoon, ' order of riexldcnt Thomas
Philosophical oolety Meets Mis.
tieorge Johnston will address the Omaha
rhllosophliftl aoolety flunduy at o'clock,
p. 01., In llaright hall. Nineteenth and Far
nain streets, on "What the Musician Owes
to the Poet."
Louis Drlskell is Discharged Louis
lirlakell, a farmer of I'apllllon, arrested
on a statutory charge, whose case has
been pending three days, was discharged
1n police court Saturday. Drlskell estab
lished an alibi.
Xpworth League CoBTenftien The
Omaha district convention of the Ep
worth league cabinet closed Saturday
morning with a business session. The
delegates to the convention, ninety-nine
in number, gathered at a banquet at the
Young Women's Christian association
v yrlday night. Bishop John L Neulaen of
' oraaha was among those who responded
' to toasts. The district comprises thlrty
' two leagues, Included In a triangle
" bounded by lines connecting the throe
' titles of Omaha, Fremont and Oakland.
Soldiers for the Philippines Three
hundred and eighty-six officers and men
'of the Klghth cavalry United Ftates army,
leave Kortltoblnson at Crawford, (Neb.)
' for Manilla Kunday morning, November 2.
Colonel Henry 11. Klnjrsbury Is at the head
"t the detachment. The soldiers accom
panied by the families have orders assign-
" lug thorn to tho Philippines for two years.
' A special train over the Burlington and
connections is taking the entire troop with
its baggage by way of Billings and Port
land to Ban Francisco, where it will be
' embarked on a transport.
Missing Olrl la round. Mrs. Ann Dan
iels, 1715 Arbor street, reported to the
1 police Saturday morning that her daugh-
ter, Louisa, 14 years old, had left home
at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, saying she
-oa going to the public library, and had
' not returned home. Saturday morning,
'' "while detectives were searching the city
for the missing girl, Margaret Daniels,
an older daughter, called up her mother
' by telephone and said site had found
Louisa coming out of a clothing store.
Louisa, who is a pupil at the Castellar
Softool, told her sister that her teacher
liad scolded her for displaying a postal
-ard during recitation time and, fearing
that she would again be punished when
the news reached her mother, had gone
downtown and spent the night at a hotel.
Tako Labor Importers
on Omaha Indictment
' Two Greeks Arretted for Victimising;
,, . Countrymen Brought Over for
y ' Traok Work,
r NEW YORK, Nov. 26. St&vrea Karam
ias, a restaurant proprietor, and Bopooles
Vices, an associate, were arrested, tonight
charged with conspiring to violate the Im
migration laws by prepaying the trans
portation of a number of Oreekv contract
Jaborers fur construction work on the
, l.'Blon Paclflo railroad.
The arrest followed the receipt of a copy
t tit an Indictment found against the men by
the federal grand Jury at Omaha ea Ku-
ember 2.
The agents of the government allege that
the men arrested have for some years been
tiatrioklng In labor. It la oharged that
acoomplioes are at work In Europe gather
ing up the "contract" men, who are sent
on here to be put to work. The operations
uf this alleged syndicate are said to have
netted handsome profits exacted from the
victims as a percentage on their wagea.
Three defendants arrested In Nebraska
are at liberty under bonds. The two men
arrested In New Tork may be brought to
trial here, although r. S. Howell. Utilted
states district attorney, said last night that
It was possible the trial would he held In
the east.
While the authorities deulliie to discuss
--details of the case at this tluie, it Is under
stood that they expect to. apprehend a
tiumber of other defendants.
Eleven Miners Aro
Entombed in New Mine
Eiplosion Buriei Alive Workmen
Near Providence, Ky, All Be.
. t . lieved, to Have Perished.
PROVIDENCn, Jvy Not H-Eleveo
coal miners, two white men and nine
negroes were entombed In mine No. 4 of
tfie Pro.vidn o Mining company today by
a gaa explosion and It la believed that all
. axe dead. The mine la new, the shaft
ltag only 100 feet deep, with only a few
entries., The explosion was so violent
that utue hope Is entertained of the
ndners having escaped death,' A reaoue
train from the mine reaoue station at
lintou, Iiil, Is on the way to the scene
tonight. Comrades of the men entombed
re digging frantically to reach them.
.The explosion blew great uituii of
alete and atone far from the shaft.
mule blown out of the abaft alighted 1M
ti away, still ail vs.
Officiate of the mining company and
etate mine Inspectors late tonight ex
pressed hope that the man In the ehaft
wight still be alive unleea thy were
lulled by the first explosion.
serlees Laeeratteee
find wouuds are healed without danger of
blood poisoning by Bucklen'a Arnica Halve
the healing wonder, tic For sa'.e bf
ticeten i'lug Co.
Consecration of Dean Beecher Wednes
day First Event of the Week.
Impressive and Imposing teremony
M ill iaanae t err Itevrrend Into
tight Reverend at Trinity
t alheilrel.
The principal event In ths loal reunions
world during the net seven days Will be
the consecration of Peon Beecher net
Wednesday morning Ht Trinity cathedral.
It has been a long time s nee any priest
has been elevated to the bishopric In
Omaha, and aside from personal Interest
In l)an Beecher, people ure tsklng an
Interest In the service of conseointlon
Besides the seven bishops rilvj will be In
the chancel scores of visiting rlergvmen
of lesser rank will be in the choir during
the service.
1'or the aftermath two principal events
take place, the reception Riven by Mrs.
(Ifoige I.lninger and Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
llaller, and the dinner which Henry W.
Yates will give lit lb evening. At the
reception the host and hostesses will be
assisted by, members of Trinity's vestry
and their wives.
A special series of evangelistic ineeiliiRS
will begin Monday evening at S o'clock at
the First informed church. Twenty-third
street and Central boulevard. llev. A.
Casselninn of Wichita. Kan., wil have
charge of the meetings.
At ths .Walnut Hill Methodist clmitii the
itev. FJwatd Hlslop. district superintend
ent, will preach and administer holy cum
inunlon at the morning service.
In the evening service the pastor will
speak concerning that particular form of
sin which, in his Judgment, worka greatest
havoc In the Christian's life and Is the
strongest barrier5 against the progress of
the church.
Rer. J. J. Cabbell of Tupeka will hold
the monthly conference at ldlewlld hall.
Twenty-fourth and Grant, Sunday.
Musical at St. Mary 'a Avenue Congrega
tional church.
Muslo for the day 10:30 a. m.:
Organ prelude, prelude In F Nlcode
Anthem Te douin Ihidlev Buck
Offertory In A Moskowsky
Bole "Behold the Master Passes by"
Ml:-s Coll uls.
Postlude In B flat
Kvening, at 7:80:
Organ prelude Serenade
Uftertory Evening Best ..,
Anthem Lead Ale, lyud
Anthem Hall, maddening Light
Organ postlude March
Muslo at the Dundee Presbyterian church
for bunda.v:
Organ Voluntary,
J (espouse.
Offertory Blepsed Ale the Puie In
Heart enleii. o-Kmlds
Anthem Jerusalem Parker-itees
Tenor solo. Mr. 1,. S. Ijodds, with choir,
yuartet The King of Love My Shep
herd Is Khellev
Mlsi Olsen, Miss Bartlett. Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Dodds.
Calvary Branch. Thlrtv-foniih ami
ard Sunday school at 3:110. Preaching
service Friday at a by Rev. J. M. Titter
lngton. Oraoe, Tenth and Arbor, B. T. Fellman.
Pastor Morning service at 10:4o, sermon
y ivev. v, x. J'.lmore. for ten years a
lltlSSlonary In Inilia. Mmlm unii-lr jii
, eermon Dy the pastor.
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, Rev.
R. H. Curry. Pastor Services at in so nil
?:. Morning auhject, "A Liisturber of the
Peace." Kvening subject, "Second-hand
Religion," Sunday school at noon. Youna
people's meeting al 6:M. Midweek devo
tional service Wednesday evcsilng at ii.
Olivet, Grand Avenue and Thirty-eighth,
weorge jnecuoiigau, r-astor Services at
u a. m. aau 7:ju p. m., Sunday school at
i a. in., mission runuay BTiiuol at 3 p. m.
Young People's meeting at 8:30 p. in
Morning topic, "The Cost and. Joy of
Service," and evening: theme. "The ir.i.
emus rrasmi.
immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney,
Rev. J. Mcott Kbereole, raster Sunday
school at :tfi. Pleaching at 11 an, I 7:m
Haptlst Young People's union at ti:30.
Prayer and covenant meeting Wednesday
at 8. Morning subject. "1'he Obedience
Which haves." Kvening, , slereoptlcou
sermon by Itev. W. O. Klmore of India,
"Across India with a Camera." All. are
First Miss Bstelle Paddock, national
secretary for the Young Women's Chris
tian association in China, will speak at
the mornlus: hour service. 10 ao Vi i.,i.
dock will Klve her experience and obser
vation of Woman's work in China, where
she has spent seven years. Tne Rev.
Thomas . Davis of Tecumseh. Neb., will
reacn at im p. m., the subject being,
'Uvlng Oood."
First Christian. Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, J. M. Kersev. Pastor Freaclilne at
10;So and 7:30. Bible school at noon. Vouna
people's meeting at 6:W. Bible class Tues
day evening at .
Northslde Clirlstlan, Meets- in the Ply
mouth Congregational, Twentieth and
Hpencori H. J. Klrschstein Mlnl.ier Th
sermon theme, for Sunday evening will be,
uvuia up to tlie aine." The chorus choir
Will sins. MThfl'.na I inla Tl,v
Christian Science.
First Church rif riirtat Rnln,l,l m- ...
fifth and Farnam, Chambers. Itldg. Hun
day school at H:4f. Bundav servl n
and 8. riubject lesson-sermon, "Ancient and
Modern Neoromanuy, Alias Mesmerism and
Hypnotism, Iienounced."
Second Church of Christ flclentlet, Nlne
entn and Farnam. Lviio Theatee kim.iaU
school at :6. Service at II. Sub
sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy,
Alias Mesmerism .and llvnnoilmn.
rarkvale, Thirty-first and Gold-Sunday
school at nouu. Christian Kndeavor at 6.40.
tov. jonn I . ciyae win preach at 7.30.
Plymouth. Twentieth and Spencer, John
P. Clyde, Minister Theme at 10:30, "Tho
Ruling Passion." Sunday
Christian smdeavor at Worship at
7 ao In change at the North Side Christian
St. Mary's Avenue. Jimu ii.,.r,..
Jenkins, L). Minister Morning worship,
with sermon, at 0:30( subject, "Life's
'sr ojruineais, muslo ty the quartet.
Kvenlcg people's service at 7:W; subject,
"'ibe Uocpei lu the Blums f is sir York-'1
' Eplseopal.
All Ealnta, Twenty-sixth ' and Dewey
Avenue, T. J. Uackay, Rector Ifoly com
munion at 7:10 a. m.i tnorulng prayer and
sermon at 11 a. m.
Saint Mathlas, Tenth and Worthlngton,
Rev. James Noble. Rector mm-vIus Sunday
at 7:30, 11 and 7.30; Wednesday and Thurs
day at t; Friday at :&d.
Church of the Oood Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio, Kev. T. J. Collar. Rector Holy
communion at 7. SO. Morning prtyer and
sermon at 11. Evening prayer at 7.30. Sun
day school at :.
St. Andrews, Forty-first and Charles
Rev. F. D. Tyner, Hector Holy commun
ion at I a. m. ; Sunday schoei at t il a, m.i
holy ooinm union and sermon at U a. ia.1
evening prayer and sermon at 7:M.
Trinity Cathedral, Eighteenth and Capitol
Avenue. Very Rev. tk A. Beecher. Lan
Holy eommunloa at t a. m. ; Sunday school
al a. m. ; morning prayer and aermoa
at li; evening prayer and sermon at I.
Chureh of Bt. PhlUp tne Deacoa. North
Twenty-first near Paul, Rev. John Albert
Williams. Priest-Mass. T:30 a, m.; matlna,
10. kt a. m.; choral mats and sermon, 11 .
in- i Sunday achool and cateutilsm, U so'
cheral evensong and aermoa, t.M p. m'
t. Paul's Oerman, Twenty-eighth and
Parker, iC T. Utio. Pastor ter-ics at io,
oor.fesalon service at :; evening service
In i-iiMhh at 7:&; Sunday school at li JO.
w0,' v,!r SuuTwenty-sixth. M. u
Mel:ck, Pastor Servioee al H a. ni. and
7 .30 p. m. fcunday school at 45. l.uther
league at so. topic. "Christ la Propheev
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Clave
of catechism Friday at 4 p. in.
BC Mark's English Lutn.ran. Twentieth
and Burdeite, 1 iroh, Pa!or Holy com
uiuuioii, first Muuda lu Aartui eu,Vuaair.ed
to. an. "p I by examine al Sun
day Si Ik" I St immi. Yoiihk l'e"iie's Sn-ieiy
of ChrtHan Knueavor al li 4 . '!' Tw.a-
liori si tinldv at 4 and Wednesday st 7..I".
Imunize McnioriHl, llev. .l.ilui K lloni
nion. I'atir S-rvtces et 11. 1" s. m hi id
e.'S) P. in Morning siib.iert, "The Slijiiili
isnce of the Advent Sea-on. " Kvenlng euli
ject. "The t on1est of Self " Snn.lHV
school st p ( a. m. Christian Fndeavnr
devtiniial meeting at ." p. ni.. Cate
chetical cla"es meet Friday at 4:00 p. m.
and X p. ni. hpeclal mime In all t ii
r'trulnr public services, under the direc
tion of Jo. Barton, choir leader.
Trinity. Twentv-flrst and Binney. (i V.
Ahliott, 1'sstor Preaching both
mikI evening; inoinlng subject.
I Porter:" eeninf subiect. ' I- t. hriv.
I'oner; evening subject.
llanliy a Failure
ScHid Street, William Mover . Pastor
Morning service si 10.311. subject. "A
Plenteous Harvest;'' evening si ice at
V:'l". subject. "Ral Tltanksgi Ing:" sund.iy
school at 11.4;,; Kpwoith leuguo at : 'o.
Oak Street. .TtM South Twentieth Bible
seiwiol lit U, adult and other classes for all;
Pleaching bv K,.. i. C. Webster Immedi
ately aft-r iiil.le school; Thunksgiving will
he iIih suhteci: mld-wcek mee'ilnK Inuis
day evening at T:3t'.
tlcini.ui, Eleventh and Center, l'.ev. O
J, Jaiser, I'astor Sundav school ut 10 a.m.,
Frank .Meer, superintendent: preHchlng at
11 mi. I 7:i by the pastor; Kpwortli b-egue
meeting at 7. Milton J. .talker, president;
prayer meeting Wednesday rtt
Norwegian and Hanish, North Twiily
flfth and 1 "ecatur Services at 11 and ;
Rev. i). Nelson of Chicago. HI., will pi each
at both aei vices, also aveiilnus at dur
ing the week; Thursdav evening will be
the last of the special evangelistic service:-,.
Walnut' Hill. Forty-first and Charles,
Kev. K. K. llosmuu, I'astor Morning serv
ice, al 10:, holv conimunloii; Sunday
school al VI, (4. T Undlev, t upci lntcndf nt :
J-ip worth league at :!. It. M. l-.vans pres
ident; evenina .-ei vice at 1 ..). themt, "Pop
ular Sin." Nq. 4
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fiiurth and l.ari-
more. Carl i. Under. Pastor tia-s meeting
at 10:1V Morning woiihlii ut 10 :!.., with
uuarfcfly lheelifig and sacrament of tlie
Lords supper. Suiidsv school ut noon,
Kp worth league at ti .io. Subject at 1:'M,
''Representatives of Christ."
JUnscom park, Tvvenlv-nint li and Wool
"ortli, llev. K. B. Crawford, Pastor
MornlliH service at 10 :!o, theme, "bond lor
tlm Woiid'a Hunger;'' evening service at
::, theme. "Are We Immortal'."' tho sec
ond of a series of four Sundav rvenimi
sermons on "After Death W hat V" iiit)
vested choir will sing.
T'list. Twentieth and Pavenport. Rev.
Frank I.vnch, Pastor Public worship and
sermon at 11, theme, "The Most Popular,
Rook of Today;" at 7:1)0 tho pastor will
pleach the second sermon In the present
series on "Crises in the Ult of Christ,"
theme. "Jesus at Jordan, or I,eaVing the
Carpenter Shop for the Pulpit of the
Ages;" music bv the vested choir; Sunday
school at :4u; iepworth league at I::).
First United, Twenty-first and Knunet
Itev. A. W. Caldwell of Cochran ton.
Crawford county, Pennsylvania, will
preach, morning and evening.
Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell. U l-. Pastor
Services at li and 7:30. Sabbath school at
:46. Young People's society at 7.
Dundee, Fiftieth slid Underwood Morn
ing service 11, subject, "How May Men
Find God?"; evening service 7:80; Sunday
school 8:4f.i Christian Endeavor 6:30; Grant
K. Fisher, pastor.
tifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant,
Thomas li. Ureenlee, pastor Public wor
ahlp 10:30; Sunday school at nonn; Junior
Endeavor 3; Senior Kndeavor li:W; public
worship 7:30; inld-week service Wednesday
at 8.
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, F. P.
ruinsuy, Ph. U., Pastor Sunday school and
adult Bible class at 9:.'i0. At 10:1V "The
Central Meaning of the Supper." with
Lord's supper. At 7:30, "The Book of
North, Nineteenth and Ohio; M. V. HlB
bee. D. !., pastor Morning worship at
10:30; theme. "A Oreat Revival"; Sabbath
school at VI; C. E. at :30; evening preach
ing at 7:30, theme, "Small Virtues and
Oreat Sins."
First. Seventeenth and Dodge: Kdwln
Hart Jenks, I. D., pastor Morning ser
vice 10:3o; subject, "The Ideal Man and
His Ideals"; evening service 7:30; euriject,
"Tolstoi "; Sunday school at noonj Y. P.
S. C. ii I: IS.
Ixiwe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas;
Rev. Nathaulal MoGiffin, D. D., Pastor
Morning worship at 10:30; Sunday achool
and pastor's bible class at 12; C. K. at 6:30;
evening worship at 7:80; prayer service at
8 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castellar;
Ralph 11. Houseman, minister At 1:30
publlo worship and sermon, "Is It Selfish
to be Religious'.'"; 12. bible school; t:30,
young people's meeting; 7:30, service led
by a chorus choir; sermon on the third of
the great mysteries, "Sin."
First Presbyterian of Florence, Rev.
George S. Sloan, Pastor Sabbath eohool,
10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m., subject,
"Service as Seen In Men's Lives;" Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:15 p. m. ; evening service
at 8, subject, "A Vision of the Future;"
prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Central United, Twenty-fourth and
Dodge; sermons at 10:30 and 7:30 by Rev.
W. I.. C Samson of Santa Ana, California;
morning topto, "Lovest Thou Me?"; even
ing topic, "The Ever Diving King'1; Sab
bath school at close of morning service;
Mr. E. li McMillan, superintendent.
lianiB cataoixo.
Holy Family Low masses at 8 to 10 30
a. m.; evening devotions at 7:46; confes
sions on Saturday from 4 to 6 and from 7:1a
to .
Bt. Mary Magdalene's Nlneteeth and
Dodge, Rev. Bernard Slnne. Pastor Dow
mass at 8 and lvUlo; coiiieasious cuiluruay
Iroui 8 to 6 and from 7 to 10.
St. Philomena's, Tenth and William, Rev.
James W. Slenson, Pastor Low at 8;
high mass at lo:80; benediction at 7:o;
confessions Saturday from 4 to 6 and from
7:80 to :30.
St Wenceslaus' Bohemian, 1431 South
Fourteenth, Rev. J. Vranek, Pastor Dow
mass at 8; high mass al 10; benediction at
i:; confessions baluiday from 4 to and
from 7:30 to tt.M.
Bt. John's, Twenty-fifth and California,
Rev. Martin M. Broiiugeeet, S. J., i'astor;
Rev. Maui a, S. J., Assistant Dow mass at
6, 7. t, 10 and 11; benediction at T:4t; con
fessions Saturday from 8 to 8 and from
7:16 to 10.
St Joseph's Oerman, Sixteenth and Cen
ter, Rev. Paciflcus Kohnen, U. F. M., Pas
tor; Rev, Rem but Sandowskl, O, F. M.,
and Rev. GraUanus Oebrig, O. F. M., As
sistantsDew mass at h.k 8 and I0:8o;
benediulion at 8; confessions toatuxday
from 8 to 8 and from 8 80 to 10.
Mlscellaneons Announcements.
Unitarian, Seventeenth and Cass At 10:30
Rev. C. F. Nlles of Menominee, Wis., will
speak on "Julia Ward Howe, or the Pass
ing of a Great American W oman." Suuuuy
school at 11:30.
Scandinavian Branch Salvation Army,
1174 North Sixteenth, M. Melson, Captain
Holiness meeting at 10:4b. "Free aud Easy"
at 8. 30. Salvation meeting at 7:30. goaudi
navlans axe cordially Invited to these meet
ings. First Reformed, South Twenty-third snd
Central Boulevard, Rev. F. S. Zaugg, Paa
tor Sunday school at 8. DO. Preaching serv
ices at 11 and 8. Morning subject, "Ths
Power of a Holy Church." Evening sub
ject, "United to God." Evangelistic meet
ings beglu Monday.
Peoples Church. Charles W. Savidge,
Pastor Morning, "Can You Pray the
Dord s prayer Y" Evening, "The Greatest
Sin Do Vuu Commit It 7" Sunday scnool
at noon. Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor at 7. Prof . Alerte has
charge of the muslo.
Harford United Brethren, Corner Nine
teenth and Dothrop University service,
10.80 a. m., theme, "Thanksgiving;" even
ing service at 7:80, "Twentieth Century
Messengers;" workers' meeting Wednes
day, t 11. nil address by Dr. J. S. Knda!l
of Peyton, O., on "Church Finance."
First United Evangelical, 8430 Franklin,
P H. Hint, Pastor Preaching by the pre
siding elder. Rev. B. B. Dillon, at 10:30.
After the sermon the Lord's Supper will be
celebrated. Sunday school at noon. There
will be no evening service on account of
the dedication services of Grace oiiurch In
the afternoon and evening at Twenty
seventh aud Camden.
Y. W. C. A. Net.
Bundayt Building open from I to 7. Big
mass meeting tor women at 4.M. Speakers;
Miss A. Fstelia Paddock, national Young
Women's Christian- seoretary ot China;
Mlse Rula Par-Oil. secretary of the Omaha
association lu China, and Mrs. Uiau F.
Byers. Subject: "A Day la China." Solo
by Mrs. J. M. Evans.
Monday, T SO to . 14 Reception for Mies
Paddock, alias Pexsoa and Mrs. Byers:
I. IS, first number of Ihe entertainment
course, an Illustrated lecture by t. W.
Wattles, "Russia, Siberia, Germany, Bwlt
serland and Across the Atiantlo." Admis
sion free to members upas lreeateUua of
membership ticket.
Tuesday at I am Oonferenoe for ail asso
ciation members, witn Miss Pa I son and
Mrs. Byers.
V. M. C. A. Xetee.
The noonday meetings on the tidrd floor
cf llis aMucletioa bulkliue" will b souUbued
during this wei-k. no-ptlng at 1.1 101 aoout
thirty minute- s.rlce.
Mr. and .Mis .1 11 Hh.Ii v si tit Thanks
giving with their si.n. I., r. hniNv. i,:ig
loiis work ilneit'i- i.f the St Jn'ph, Mo.,
Young Men s Chrintliin .-six in r.oti.
Mr. Mc.Nutt, tlie Ihiiiur Inn -l in." will
deliver his remarkable address. 'The
Trssedv of Toil," In the oung Men s
t liiisiian tissiK i.i tion auil.totlmii todAv ai
4 p. 111.
The diss In salesmanship which is bein '
n-gmiized In Hi,. Kilm agonal dep u tin nt I
u. 1 1 1 iw.1.1 1.. i..-. . . -
.,,.,. 11. 'iiw iii'miiii; ,111 .Milium, run- i
ing. The first nie. tina will bu free to all I
' who are interested in the cls The 1
teacher. Mi. Heron, will give an outline of1
the course of study and the methods to be
Dr. W. o. Henrv will meet his class.
rthiCo'ch.1.llsVll!';.l'i,r 1'rt,l""n,I!'' "u'l '
at a o clock Sunday afterni'on. Dr. lienrv s ,
class will also mwt for the supper at li 1.1
on Tuesday evening. The members of the :
Bible classes are invited to he pres-ril ami I
enjoy a special hour with the
leiu'' class.
I.lle I'll
Mr. Maxwell Is directing ft da s in physl- 1 during the period seven times ns much
weekriThnBvTrt ."7:"e '''' -., lt i work has been exc.-uted as ever in the
week. I he Walnut Hill -fiescenis ho s , ... , . ....
basket ball team defeated the Youim .Men's 1 history of the city and he s.i s that the
Christian nssuclatlon "squabs" on Th-irs- records of the engineer's office w II sl ow
L !rn6IMninR, ''y,K "eo" "f 3"' ' 8 ' !"; i that. The contracts of the National Con
gaine was played In the gymnasium of the , , , .,.,.,-,,
Halnut Hill .Methodist church. jstruciion company amounted to !!.-!.. t'.l 22.
Rev. Mr. Mrl.uuglilln will talk to the j and comprises work upon U, Cl, Twenty
boys at : o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. .PVrnth. Teny-sMh. F. !, 11. Twentv-
.ai-.n,e.,r "'V... .r
toys, left for Fremont Friday to attend tlie;
riaie Boys conference, which will he In
evi-.-iun mere tor ttiree days. Air. Burton
and Mr. Caii Dumry will take part in the
conference. Secretary Hallev and Superin
tendent Davidson will also deliver ad
dresses at these meetings.
Report comes fiom F.vanston. Ill . which
says that a campaign for 81lfi.0tV was car
ried through "with a bwIiik." James A.
i'atten gave $.ono to start the f iad. The
money raised will retire a J.iO.OOn bonded
debt, remodel the building, give IW.ooO for
current. work and i.i0 for endowing the
Young Men's Christian ossociation. This
Information Is of special interest to Omaha
people, as the secretary at Dxanston is the
on of John Dale of Omaha.
The annual bo ? ' circus will be given In
the gymnasium of the association building
on Thursday and Friday. Between seventy
five and one hundred boys take part in
tho circus. It conr-isis of one larfce show
and. five sldu shows. preparations have
been going on lor many weeks and an es
pecially nood circus Is Mollis to be the
result There was an attendance of over
".CO last year and Indications point to as
great an lhtcrest this year as that of last.
New York Man Has
Account of Record
Fight with Bears
William Mizner Shoots Three and
Accidental Discharge of Gun Kills
Fourth and Saves Life,
MOXT1CELDO, X. Y., Nov. !'. William
Mirner of flrahamsvllle yesterday estab
lished a new bear killing record. lie shot
and killed three bv deslin and then slew
a fourth by accident when about to be
killed himself. As be tells the story,
tracks led him to a cave. He built a
smoke fire and waited.
Within twenty-five minutes three black
bears came coughing from the rocks, one
at a time. Kach was killed. Then Mizner
crawled Into the cave In search of cubs.
The cave was narrow, but he squeezed In,
only to be confronted by a largo male
bear. in his cramped position he could
not use bis gun. lie drew a knife and be
Can driving tho blade in tho animal's
ribs. They struggled madly for a minute.
Then, Mirner says, the gun was acci
dentally discharged and the bear fell dead.
1 nideatlf led Man Enters Residence of
Will nrlitnn and la Frightened
An unidentified burglar entered the resi
dence of Will Brltton, 2.'11 Chicago street,
at 2 o'clock this morning end made his
escape wtlh a watch and chain. Mrs.
Brltton was awakened and gave the alarm.
The man jumped through a window and
was not seen.
4 -
I Arm
I Arm
I Li
brary Table
I Recep
tion thilr
All four places strongly built of
olid oak, made for lonf and satisfac
tory service.
All of this seasons designs and
patterns: worsted sur
face and deep pile;
your choice
'HM 8ol,d " "III fK W ti KSfH
1(5,6 u
Jy- 1J (ft J I aT Ts rT W y "Vssdk
Oreetlr Bedaced for Speedy Olearaaoe.
These but iiurners are full nickel trimmed,
have patent tuae-azlne cover, duplex grates
anc? many other Improved fea- aaia
lures: m,AA ruioilirlv for l.lSfi'j: 'M'Jlt
a Largain at that price: special
ly reduced for litis sale to
I?i,Tcr-,t Part nf ravinir Work for
Season Completed
"ifii limes
More I han Kirr Before
Same i line I'ollc e Are Still
I iMiklna for Men Point
Shout Ina. llie'mg to winie, arters of
"!e plant of the National Construction
ennmsnv ilm liiutrost end i.f iti, senson s
pax ins
South (Miiahn has been com-
i pleted. City Fnttlneer Roberts says Halt
re. ond. T en Iv -first , Eighteenth and Nine-
teeirh streets. The nuileiial in most cases
j was usphallle concrete. Ten -per cent of
the money Is held by the cllv for five
years nnd during this jitttod the contrac
tors are responsible for maintenance.'
Mlonlinll nt i hlrt-Mlh treet.
The police are still looking for Tony
Yono. who Is alleged to have done the I
shooting at Thirty-sixth and 11 streets '
Thanksgiving evening, lie Is a Sicilian.
Ills three countrymen, who were arrested
yesterday morning-. nr held at the city
Jail. The latest account of the affnlr is
Riven by Frank Ulllot, who says the men
Were coming from a marriage celebration
nt his home, and that they were set upon
by n crowd of men nnd They be
came frightened, and, excited bv the 1n
fluenco of the marriage festivities. Vono
end his brother Augustus fired, but not to
injure. They meant, he says, to scare the
crowd, and the boys, Joe Uadluis and John
Hempeck, were bit while passing by some
distance away. liallttis was operated on
by Dr. John Kotitshy yesterday morning
In the South Omaha hospital, but he failed
lo find the bullet. The boy was struck In
the rlsht hip. The injury of neither is
dangerous. Vono Is In the employ of the
Omaha Gas company and lives In Omaha
It is believed he has left the city. The
other three held live In the vicinity of
Thirty-ninth and II streets, South Omaha.
Transfers fnuae Comment.
Pome comment Is being caused by the
method of giving transfers on the new
cross-town line of the Omaha Council
Bluffs Street Railway company. The source
nf the trouhle seems to be that transfers
sre only granted at Twenty-fourth and
Vinton. According to one man's statement,
and be said he was a member of the city
council when the franchise for the North
Twenty-fourth street car line service was
granted, tho company w as to Issue transfers
to people coming from the (dockyards at
either O or N streets. Since the new ser
vice has been Instituted this privilege has
been denied and the business men of the
city, according to this merchant, have been
deprived of trade that he claims, legiti
mately belonged to South Omaha. The mer
chant Indicated that a meeting would be
held in a few days to consider the situation.
'fcurel Servlet-.
At the First Presbyterian church Sunday
morning there will be a celebration of the
holy communion. The rite of baptism will
also be administered by the pastor. Rev,
rr. Wheeler. The sen-Ice will begin at 11
St. Martin's Kplacopal church. Rev. A.
O. White, pastor; 8 a. m., holy communion;
10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. in., morning
prayer, litany and sermon by the rector
on tho subject, "God's Kternal Question,
the Alpha and Omega of Fraternity;" 7:30
p. m, evening prayer and the fourth lec
ture In the series being given by the rec
tor under the general topic, "Thoughts from
No better made, no handsomer library
nnnnnv err fit ntll . IW '.jrJt
the price mentioned. We feel positive you can't equal the iftfiS
.In. aIuau' lla'noiiiliap th, fiuir liliirA rrmm full rt I II'
furniture at the usual price of one piece. Solid oak, Karly U.
.ngUHIi; sol complete ai ins unoeuiauie
m rm rm Tm. t 1
'Trr ! m m m
. ii i, m ii n
1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET.
Sermoti." The special
Is "Internals vs. Kx
l cordially Invited 1)
. ,npv eveni,,,, 1,, t, ,.
i Si. Clement's
F.plcopal f bin eh. W. I,.
I tiillen. lay reader: 10 a. m., Sunday school;
1 11 a. m., morning i-rayer and sermon on
the, suhject. "The To Advents."
I Ft. Fdwar.l's Fplscopal Mission. Twenty-
sixth and Adams streets. Sundav school at
3 p. in.
1 lilted Presbyterian church: Sabbath
I school. 10 30 a. m.; publlo service. 1130 a.
I in., sermon on the subject. "The Double
I Portion:" Young People's Christian union.
6 4f. p. ni ; public senhe. 7:45 p. m. This
will be a thank offering service to which
all are cordially Invited by the pastor. Rev.
W. A. Pollock.
The subject of the morning sermon of the
the Itev. C. T. Ilsley, pastor of the First
Unpllst church, will be. "Toke of Pond
nee," and of the evening sermon, "Confes
sion." Hey. K. A. Jordan, pastor of the First
Christian church, will have as the subject
of his morning sermon. "The Life of Tol
stoi." in the evening he will preach 011 the
subject, 'A Divine Parable Explained."
! Morning service v III be at 11 o'clock and
the evenlnu service at
:. Sunday school
111 he at 10 o'cluck.
First Kvangellcnl l.uiheinn, Rev. S. H.
Yerlan. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m.;
morning service at II; mission clas. 3 p.
111.; I.uthcr league, 7 p. m.; subtect. "Christ
in Prophecy;" leader. Miss Anna AViese.
Installation services will be held In Ihls
church Tuesday evening tinder the direc
tion of Rev. J. K. Itummon. president of
the Nebraska svnod. The charge to the
people will be delivered by Rev. I,. Groh
of St. Mark's church, Omaha, snd the
chnrge to the pastor by Itev. N. I.. Mellck,
also of Omaha.
Siool Dies from Mounds.
.Toe Stout, a clored man, who was
stabbed ill South Omnha, the night of
November 17, died this morning In the
South Omaha hospital, lie could not re
cover from a stub wound In the abdomen,
which he received at Twenty-sixth and M
streets In a fiRht over a colored woman
named Fannie Rloomfleld. Bix negroes are
held fur the dime.
Itonilne Results.
The C.aiiow B Colts took two out of three
games from the Culkln's Cubs last night
on the new Brunswick alleys. Mann and
Roth were tied for high honors with f3
for the Cubs, While Uustavson took all
honors for the colts with fcSO total and Li 3
for single games. Monday night the Mar
tin's Tigers and Omaha Packing Co. will
lilt the pins. Score:
cui.Ki.vs cms.
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Mann ....
Thomas ..
Nolan ...
Sherw ood
Total .
aw 147
fc!2 1,41H
Sd. Total.
. M
. 110
. 147
. m
Johnson ..
Ousts vson
liolaney ..
Total .
SSJ9 8K7
Stsl S.tsill
Meal" City Uoaslp.
The Young .Ladles of St. Hilda's Oulld
of St. Martin's parish will hoid a sale of
fancy and useful articles In the Oulld hall
December 17.
Rev. Dr. Wheeler, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, spent Thanksgiving
day at Lincoln with his brother, William
M. Wheeler, who Is bookkeeper In the
office of State Auditor Barton,
morning at the South Omaha hospital fol
lowing an operation for appendicitis. The
funeral, cf which arrangements will be
made later, will be held from the residence
of her step-father, Joseph Chlnn.
There-will be a meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary In St. Clement's church vestry
rnom Monday at 8 p. m. for election of
officers and other Important business.
The choir of St. Clement's is already prac
tising fur the Christmas choral services.
At the residence of Arthur C. Jewell,
Twenty-third and High streets, his daugh
ter Idle was married Wednesday evening
to Oeorge H. McNeill of ' the firm of Mc
Neill & Jewell, by the Rev. Dr. Wheeler.
The couple well be at home at their apart-
I the World's "lire-it
! theme for Sunday
, tern.iK The puKh
set has ever been offered al double
price imre quuiw, .
The handsome'bedg stand
ri alone aa a price lowering
y. . . . , . 1 1
metal vlth handsomely
decorated panels at the
bead and foot board.
Large posts and substan
tial tubing; all colors;
all sUe. Your unre
stricted choice. Look else
where and you'll -soon be
convinced that Hartman's
ts the store for economy
and low prices.
Cut 33 to
ments nt Twenty-third and J street De
cern he r If.
Mr. nnd Mrs Patrick llnnnlg-an were
pleasantly sui prised Wednesday evenlrur.
the occsbn being the tenth anniversary of
their marriage. The happv couple were
the recipients of a silver teapot and ether
gifts, and the visitors were sumptuously
entertained. Following the supper there
wcrn refreshments, muslo and a danoe,
participated in by forty couples.
Sapk of Registered
Mail Causes Great
"Doings" for Hour
Reported Lost, City's Detective Forc
is Put on Trail All Time it Wa
Where Should Be.
Afier causing Immense excitement among
the city force of detectives, the secret
service and the postnl officials, a sack of
registered mall which was reported stolen
early last .evening from the corner c
Tenth and Pouglas streets turned up later
at Its destination. Council Bluffs, all safe
and sound.
Instead of having been stolen In the
moment's time that he lost sight ot It
while a car came between, as Klmer T.
Matson, the clerk In charge of the mall
sacks reported, Matson picked It tip with
another sack, unknowingly, and threw It
on the car. When he looked around the
sack, of course, was not there.
That it had been stolen was the flrel
thought that came to Matson's mind. Al
most beside himself at the thought ot hav
Ing allowed a sack of registered mail ts
be stolon while in his charge, and bis mind
filled with fears of the consequences. Mat
son never thought of looking in the car,
but reported the theft Immediately to bis
office and the police station.
Several city detectives were at once de
tailed by Captain Dcmpsey, and In com
pany with the secret service men searched
the bottom lands and the railroad yards
high and low In an attempt to discover
some trace of the missing sack.
Matson lives at 3ii!(i South Twentieth
llllaae Will Hecel-e T.BOO from
County Road Improvement Fund
for Mala Street raving.
Vnder Its agreement with the town of
Florence regarding pavement of Ma'n
street there the county commissioners will
pay tho town $7,000 out of the county's
road Improvement fund within a few days.
Before Florence decided to pave the
street the commissioners agreed to ry this
amount as the county's share.
In committee of the whole Friday after
Gladys Sewart, aged 15, died yesterday
noon the commissioners ordered Henry
Ostrom, clerk of the board, to ask the
Florence town council to send the board
official notice that the pavement Is com
pleted and accepted, as It Is. The board
then will Issue Florence a warrmt for
Ole Marsh and Bert It. "bores, Pals of
Friend Mabray," Kpe"t Iteleae
from I.eaTen worth. Soon,
Ole Marsh and Bert R. Shores, sening
sentences of fifteen months In the federal
prison at Fort Leavenworth for using the
malls In a conspiracy to defraud an mem
bers of the Mabray "bis; store" syndicate,
expeot tbelr release soon under the opera
tion of the parole law. Their application
for parole have been filed.
Shores and Marsh practically pleaded
guilty In United States court at Council
Bluffs when the Mabray gang was put on
trial. They entered picas of nolle contendre
when called up for trial. Appeal 011 a
motion for new trial Is now pending.
stering of
Has the
TnU sprinr vest construction In
ail three chairs and table measure
80sl 8 Inches.
BUOl Firm and close weave-
handsome Oriental and
floral design; no ml ter
seams; first quality...,
People any
where, no
matter where
you lire
A All Price
la plain
of our makes Inoluded Llnco..
Fenlnsular and Cole's Hut hlaat. The $35. UO
beaters now S21.0OJ all that sold for f22.0Q
now sus.yb. omul size Lin
coln arid 1'enlnsuiars that sold
for $9 on, fs.uo and M.00; now
reduced to...