Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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Governor ShaJIeiibfrpcr Names Men to
Torm State Federation.
Xnnniarrmrnl to He Mart lir Victor
Hnmarr. Chairman of Ci)mml(IM
jirrinr t'onrt Dcrlrira
Itoaalaa t'aara.
fFrnTi a Fmtt (orrpp"n'lpnt )
Mr'f'or.N. NM.. Nov. 2S. (PMal.)
Oovf-rnur r In.. ni'pointwl a
Biiml'er nf i '.'-jut. s to attend a npiUri(r
for V,ic i;ir(i i.' nr;anlzlnK a Matt" civic
fndrratlon. The rpnvtntlon will be culled
by Vl tor I'vueewatiT. editor of The Omaha
Hoe, who lui Ippeii appointed chairman of
the ciiiiiniHtec Fi.lloMlng are the dele
gatrs api'lnt(l :
Victor Tti.'c w.-itcr. ltalh W. Procken
rtfltfc, miiIi I'i'f,. A. .1 Ih hhIiuk, Omaha:
Vlil M. ,11pm. Lincoln; M. I'. Peters. Kmll
Tlranild. Jowcph 1 1 a fieri. .John I.atenscr,
Omaha; Jis.;ph If. Mlh-s. Falls Olty; A. L.
button, Omaha; Itrv. John William,
iirnnha; K. M. Marvin, rtcmrice; John K.
Millar, Lincoln; J. ( Harpham, John B.
VrlKht, Samuel Avery. Lincoln; OaorK
CoiiplBnl,. Klxln; Lti'iln Kav Lincoln
Mm. lraper Sroltli. Omaha; C. W. Hryan,
Prof, fjcore Howard. O. M. TurOy,
Inoln; P. A. I). Smith. Havelnck; Jamis
Koiera. Ponth Omaha; Julius Thile, Omaha,
P. M. W'oihach, (Irani Inhind; John l'lck
ens. Havings; (iorun Urophv, Omaha: I 'an
Cook. Heatri.e: W. If. Kllpalrlck. lleafrlce;
C. E. Artanu, Superior; John I.. Webstar.
C. J. Smyth. T. J. Mahnney. Iean ;eore
A. Heecher; Tier. K. A. Ma(re eny. Omaha;
Rev. Jrmnph Helming, West I'olut; liev. V.
M Plf'n. Xrhraska Otv; Father Mdmn
ald. Hasting": fillbcrt M. Hitchcock.
(imnha; Norris Itrown, Kearney; E. J.
Hurkctt. Incoln: A. Smith. A. U Mnh
lor, T. C. Mvrne. ieor(ro W. Holdreee. O.
P. Mandcroon. Omaha: W. F. Thompson,
Orard Island; V. V. Allen. Madison; Carl
". Wright, Omaha; A. J. Pmyor. Lincoln;
Jlev A. L. Wratherlv, "W. H. Ferunon. S.
H. Burnham. Ir. p. T.. Hall, Lincoln; F. A.
Watklnr, Ha,tlnR; W . Iv Oldham. Kear
ney; Gun Swsnson, prof M. M. Kuggr, Nel
lie M. Richardson, Lincoln.
Omaha l.nanriry rune.
The supreme court has held that Insuf
ficient evidence aj offrreu to Justify a
Judgment against the Model Steam Laun
dry company of Omaha, asulnst which a
Jury found a claim tor damages in the suit
of Martha M. Johnson, an employe. The
court says that the plaintiff did not prove
that the negligence of the master was a
proximate cause of Injury and adds that
the evidence Is Insufficient to sustain a
verdict for the plaintiff.
Abraham Rosenberry of Douglas county
keeps his fences and trees on a roud in the
northern part of Douglas county unim
paired and may tell the county commis
sions who want to pull them up to desist.
In 1MJ Roaunberry bought sixty acres of
land, forty acres on one side of a half sec
tion road and twenty acres on the other
side. He built fences and set out trees so
that a roadway of only thirty feet re
mained. After he had done this bis neigh
bors followed his practice. Then Martin
Tlbke, at that time a county commlss oner,
told Mr. Rosenberry that he proposed to
grade a sixty-six-foot road where the half
section Una ran.
Story of Case.
Roaen berry disliked to see his fences
torn up and his trees chopped down. He'
ran to a court for an Injunction. He got
ft and now the supreme court has affirmed
this act, leaving Rosenberry In possession
of one good Injunction which he can pull
affectively on the county' whenever it tries
to widen the road. The court give this
reason for upholding the injunction, the re
quirements here laid down for not having
been complied with; "In an application to
the Board of County Commissioners to es
tablish a new public road, under the statue
In foroe In 1874, the posting of four notices
la the manner required by the statue, and
the presentation of a petition to the board
for such road, signed by at least ten land
holders, residents of the county, accom
penied by sworn proof of the posting of
the notices, stating whan and where such
fcotices are posted, are essential pre-re-
qui sites which must be complied with be
fore the board can aoquire any Jurisdlc
tlon over the subject matter of the loca
tion and opening of such new road."
Mar I'M Lands.
The supreme court has perfected the
tight of the First Catholic, church of Lin
aoln to use the lands now occupied by a
Church and parochial school, holding that
when the governor. In 1. acting under
authority of the legislature, conveyed cer
tain lands to the trustees, gave these lands
to the church rather than the trustees and
that It was not necessary that the church
be Incorporated In order to get the benefit
of this deed. The opinion was written by
Chief Justice Reese.
nll Cm Reopened.
The supreme court has reopened the case
of N. Z. 8nell against Lancaster county
la whlah Bnell's attempt to block: the order
of the county board of equalisation lower
ing assessment Of the Bankers' Life In
surance company was dismissed by the
district court The only question involved
In Bnell's appeal to the supreme court was
whether he had a right to appeal to the
district court, when the board of equali
sation reduced the assessment of the In
urance company, without having first ap
pearetl before the county board. The court
'A taxpayer In Nebraska may appeal
from an order of a county board of equal!,
katlon sustaining another taxpayer's com
plaint that his property has been assessed
too hls-h, although the appellant did not
file objections with or appear before the
On June 8, 1, the county assessor re
turned an assessment of the Bankers' Ufe
much hli'Uer than In previous years. On
Jupne 30 the county board of equalization
made a substantial reduction In this as
sessment. Siu-U appealed from this order
of induction. Ills appeal was dlsclssed by
the district court. Then he Immediately
appealed to the supreme court with the
rtsull that the cae is now reversed and
remanded for further proceedings.
tirts Additional Thousand.
The supreme court has allowed Florence
VVyrlck of Clay county, an additional Il.uuo
to be paid by her former husband from
whom she recently obtained a divorce. She
waa given verdict for H.0.0 alimony and
tii) attorney fees. Tvgeiher with personal
property and other Items she received In
all K,0ul from her husband, ho was
worth about $140jo when the action was
bosun. It was afterwards shown that no
provision had beon made for her support
during the pendency of the action, how
aver, and for that reason the court allowed
her another II.OuO, the rest of the Judgment
The following opinions were filed in the
supreme court:
Kuhlman aKalnst Imp Brewing com
pany, uu iiiotloii for rehearing former
tipiulon curiected. motion for rehearing
overruled, l'ei-curlam.
WvintD khuium Searle. Reversed and re
tnstuled. foots taxed to pl.niitirf. Root. J.
J il.t,. n asaiiisl Creighion. Affirmed.
Root. J.
l.voiis against Allen. Affirmed. Root, J.
Pi, ell atLuibi County of Lancaster Re-Veri-e.l
uixl remanded. Root, J. Fawcett,
J not Kitting.
liaitinstou National bank aralnst Brts
lln Kewixed and remanded. Rose, 3.
lNdiiwii axuniM Pedert.en Judgment of
district court c i How in alimony reversed
and in all otlo r ttunvx affirmed, and causa
rvuiauded aim C:ncUuui to snler a ue-
cie fT alimony and attornevn' f-es In the
sum of All costs taxed to the
pirintirr. Scu'ak:k. J.
Uyruk axamst Wyrick. Judgment of
ri. strict court as tfl permanent alimony;
affirmed; decree rt'ered In this court al
lowing plnintirr the sdditlonul nuin of
$l,i0 f'.r her support during toe pendency
of thl action and for counsel fecH. Lo.ta
taxed SKSinxt defendant. Lames, J.
Join, xon BKainst Model Stewm Laundry
coiniinv. llever'ed ai d lemanued. ilarnea,
J. hawcett. J., not sitting.
Hall aKiilnxt Lhlcat'o. P.urllnirton
Wuitity luiilroad company. Aflirmed.
lUiirieM, J.
Itosenliery B.Tassst Tthke. Affirmeu.
Kaviceit. J. (, j., not Hittinfr.
Plate uxalnst hirst Catholic church of
Lincoln. Affirmed. IU bp. C J.
The following are rulings on motions for
rf hearing:
Ctam aKalnot Chicago, Mirlinrton &
Wuincy KMilroad coiniihnv. Overruled.
Kvle against Chicago. Burlington A
W'Uitcy luulroad company, i riyeiTuled.
Kuhlman a:;ilriMt Lemp Uiewing com
lany. Overruled.
They will nelde on a ranch near Long
Went Pnlat Man Married.
CHICAGO. Nov. SR. (Special Telegram.)
Joseph Kae of We?t Point, Neb., was
licensed liere today to marry Bett.e Iub
of Chicago.
Eighth Cavalry Goes
to the Philippines
Port Robinson Will Soon Be Almost
Deserted by Troops Leaving
for Fort McGrath.
CRAWFORD, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Fort Robinaon, three miles
west of this place, was a very busy place
today, as the troops are preparing to leave
for the Philippines tomorrow. Two squad
rons of the Eighth cavalry are leaving, the
First, consisting of Troops A B and C, and
the Third, consisting of Troops K, L and M.
There are sixty men to the troop, making
J2')0 mn. The military band, consisting of
memy-eigni pieces, will accompany the
tioop.i. They will leave the post in two
pedal Burlington passenger trains, the
F'irst squadron leaving at a. m. and the
Third squadron at 10 a. m. A special freight
train will carry baggage and provisions.
The men go from here to Hillings. Mont.,
from there to Portland, Ore., then to Pan
Francisco. The troops will be stationed at
Camp McGrath, 100 miles from Manila. The
Twelfth cavalry will leave Camp McOrath
tomorrow and will reach here in February
or March. I and D troops will remain here
until the arrival of the Iwelfth cavalry to
look after stock and prlsioners. Then they
will Joint the First and Third squadrons at
Camp McUrath. The boys are all anxious
to leave, as they will get an Increase In
ui ai per cent ana get double time
on retirement. Colonel Kingsbury will be
In charge of the troops.
Committee Decides to Spend Thousand
Dollars Within Month.
KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.) 1
Th executive committee of the Nebraska
Capital Removal association met in Kear
ney Friday, and after an elghteen-hour
session subscribed $1,000 to carry on the
campaign within the next thirty days. It
also voted unanimously to secure a trust
worthy man who shall devote his entire
time to this campaign for the next month.
The secretary was Instructed to have
60,000 envelopes manufactured which shall
be placed In the hands of Nebraska busi
ness men to be used by them. Individual
reports relative to the progress of the
campaign in various parts of the state
were Interchanged and the concensus of
opinion was that the efforts of the asso
ciation would be successful, as nearly half
the legislators have expressed themselves
favorable to the proposition.
It is stated unofficially that E. O. Cal
kins, formerly commissioner of the Ne
braska supreme court and present olty at
torney of Kearney, was the unanimous
choice of the committee for advisory coun
sel and that he will be employed in that
Those present at the meeting were Willis
Cad well. Broken Bow, president; W. A.
Prince, Grand Island; Joe Hays, Central
City, treasurer; Willard F. Bailey, Kear
ney, secretary.
Prisoners Attempt to Saw liars.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 26. (Special.)
Al Abel, who is held for stealing a wagon
load of Wheat; Edgar Goff, who has been
convicted of assault with intent to kill;
Ben Goldberry, held on the same charge,
and Charles Aldredge, who Is serving a
Jail sentence for taking with force prop
erty frorra a constable after It had been
levied upon, were found yesterday after
noon trying to make their escape from
the county Jail where they were con
fined. They had secured several steel
saws, which Evidently had been smuggled
to them by .relatives of one of the pris
oners. One of the saws was broken and
the other two were hidden under a large
rock In the cell oocupled by the prisoners
Sheriff Fisher got a tip a few days since
that the prisoners were trying to get
away and watched them with the above
rwuui. aii ox me prisoners nave Deen
locked In the steel cage as they are con
sidered dangerous men to have out In
the Jail. Aldredge tried to escape once
before by attacking the sheriff, but was
soon beaten into submission. ,
Family Narrowly Escapee Death.
NEBRASKA, CITY. Neb., Nov. 26.
(Ppeclal.) The coughing of an Infant
child Thursday morning saved the life of
Police Officer M. W. Wright and family
It was about ( o'clock that Mrs. Wright
was awakened by the violent coughing of
her Infant child and opening her eyes she
rhniiki evrs otes.
DEWITT Henry L. Rathbun and Miss
Adu Melrs were married Thursday by
Rev. .Mr. Alhrtght.
KEARNF.Y-Roy E. Fye of Rioux City
and Mla Mnry Desmond of Omaha were
married In this city by the county judge.
BEATRICE Menne Leners died Tours
day at Ids home near lllley. aged IS
ears. He leaves a widow and four chil
dren. KEARNEY Henry N. Klnir and Mrs.
Cornelia p. Wiester, both well known resi
dents of ihls city, were married before a
few of thetr friends on Thanksgiving day.
KEARNEY Herbert E. Towle and M as
Marie L. H rhst. both of Callaway, were
married In this city Friday by the county
JudKe. They will make their home In Calla
way. FRANKLIN Pargent Edmlston have
sold their livery nam, stock and equipment
to the.r competitors, A. Hoon & Son, who
will consolidate the business into one es
REATRICE Tamme Tranernlcht and
Mies Annie FYertchs were married Thurs
day at the Hanover church, Rev. J. B.
Reents officiating. About 100 guests wit
nessed the ceremony.
NEBRASKA CITY-Charles A. Bone and Louise Nelmann were united In mar
riage yesterday at the home of Rev. H. L.
House of the Baptist church. Both were
born and reared In this city and are very
F RA N K LI N Prof. A. C. Hart, formerly
hrad of the academy here, hut now a resi
dent of the state of Washington, has sold
Ms residence property north of the acad
my campus to Isaac Hains of this place
for 12.7(10.
KAROENT The Loup City High school
foot ball team played the Sargent foot ball
team Friday on the Sargent grounds. The
l.cup City hoys were well trained and a lot of fellows, but Sargent won the
game, 6 to 0.
HASTINGS Richard Ralnforth, aged 65,
dropped dead of heart failure yesterday,
and in falling he struck his wife, who was
assisting him, and Injured her uplne. Mrs.
Ralnforth. however, Is expected to recover
satisfactorily from the Injury.
FRANKLIN Lind Nelson has sold his
residence property in the east part of town
to Jesse Hawkins of Reamsvllle. Kan., who
comes here to buy live stock. Mr. Nelson,
with his family, will remove to California
where they expect to make their home.
PARGENT The firm of Hagerty A Met
calf have dissolved partnership, Mr. Hag
erty retiring and Mr. Rusho of Taylor,
Neb., taking his place. Mr. Hagerty re
tires after many years of active business
life In this city on account of his health.
NEBRASKA CITY-Jacob Cohn was get
ting out of his buggy yesterday afternoon
and was knocked down and severely in
jured bv R. A. Duff, who wlas nassina" In
an auto. Mr. Cohn was unconscious for
some time and It was feared he was fatally
BEATRICE1 The Nemaha Valley Poul
try association closed its annual show at
Adams yesterday, and It was the most
successful of any exhibition yet held.
There were nearly BOO birds on exhibition.
The birds were scored by Judge Rhodes
or lopeka, Kan.
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday from Brlgham, Utah, announ
cing the death of Ole Jansen, a former
engineer on the Union Pacific, who lived
here for many years. He quit railroading
some time ago and engaged In the frli
business in L tan
NEBRASKA CITY Word has been re
ceived in this city of the death of Mrs.
Mary E. Grange at the home of her brother
at Akron, O., at the age of 61. The de
ceased was for many years a resident of
this city and left a short time since to re
side with her brother.
AURORA The Aurora and Stromsburg
foot ball teams met yesterday on the local
grounds for the last game of the season.
with an unusually large crowd In attend
ance. It was a fast game from start to
finish and at the close the score stood
17 to 0 in favor of Aurora,
AUBURN The fine weather of the last
month has put the farmers In good shape
In regard to getting out their corn. Most
of the farmers here have finished shucking
their corn. Corn Is averaging from thlrty- to forty bushels per acre, and the
quality of the corn Is good.
NEBRASKA CITY The body of David
Mathers, one of the old timers of this
city, who died at the home of his daughter
at South Omaha, was brought to this city
for Interment Friday. He was 71 years
of age. His wife died some five years ago.
He leaves four grown children.
KEARNEY Gust Martensen, the man
who was found dead near the railroad
track at Hastings, It has developed has a
brother who lives near Minden and has
been appointed administrator of his de
ceased brother's estate. The dead man had
11.200 deposited in the Central National bank
of this city.
HASTINGS Rev. R. A. Schell of the
Christian church was severely Injured In
an automobile accident yesterday en route
to Kenesaw. The car struck a bridge cul
vert and caused the minister to lose his
seat hold. Ills head struck a cross bar on
the top of the car and a three-Inch scalp
wound resulted.
BEATRICE Enterprise lodge No. ,
Mlna Rebekah, met last evening and
elected these officers: Verla Warthen
noble grand; Goldle Freeman, vice grand
Mary Hagerty, recording secretary; Car
rle Pennv, financial secretary; Ada Nebltt,
treasurer; Stella Austin, Anna Lenx and
Mary Davis, trustees.
HASTINGS The total expense of the re
publican campaign In Adams county, ac
cording to the statement filed by the dOunty
committee was li.'HS.i!. The committee be
gan the campaign with a balance of 122
remaining rrom tne previous year and suf
ficient subscriptions were received to leave
a balance of U) for next year,
BEATRICE J. C. Pedom of Burchard
Neb., aged 60 years, and a cripple, was
brought here last evening by a deputy
United states marshal and arraigned be
fore United States Commissioner Cobbey
on a charge of bootlegging. He pleaded
not ginity ana was held to tne federal
court In bonds of 1300. He was taken to
Lincoln Saturday,
CHADRON Word has been received of
the death of James Newton Hartxell, son
of one and brother of three of the Dawes
county settlers, who came with the first
found the house a mass of flames. She
awakened her husband and they ran from ! colony In the spring of 1RM. Deceased was
the house in their nlKht clothes. Officer a memner or company H or the Second Ne-
Wright after seeing his wife and baby
safe remembered that Miss Abble Lyon,
who was making her home with them,
had not appeared. He called and receiv
ing no response groped his way back Into
the house and into her room and found
her lying on the floor unconscious. He,
too, was overcome by the smoke and
was aroused by his foil and crawled out
dragging Miss Lyon, thus saving his life
and her life. The house and contents
were consumed, but the loss was partially
covered by insurance.
W ood me a Day at MeCook,
M'COOK, Neb.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
The rally and clous adoption of the Mod
ern Woodmen of America was held In this
city Tuesday and Tuesday night and has
exceeded anything of that character ever
attempted In this section of the state be
fore. Hundreds of Woodmen from within
a radius of fifty miles or more were here.
The morning was given over to amuse
ments and sports, in the afternoon ad
dresses were delivered In the Temple
theater by Hon. A. R- Talbot of Lincoln,
bead consul of the order, and by Edward
F. Burns of Newark. N. J., supreme lec
turer. A large class was adopted in the
Tnree AVeddlaaa la Chad run.
CHADRON, Neb.. Nov. 26. (Special.)
Three Thanksgiving eve weddings were
celebrated here. Charles E. Brooks, mana
ger of one of the departments of the De
Rhodes department store was married to
Agnes Poper. a daughter of one of Sherl
dan county's rsrliest settlers. Their future
home will bo Chadron. Crawford Caudel
of Grand Island was married to Miss
Christine Rasmussao, a daughter of
one of pswm county's pioneers. They
will reside In Grand Island. Jule J. Ker
nan of Long P)ne to Grayce L. Vhlte.
one of Chadroo's fvortte society girls.
bruska In the Spanish-American war. That
company, under the leadership of Its cap
tain, Allen G. Fisher, will, upon request
of relatives, have charge of the funeral
services, when the body arrives, probably
Says Mexican Row is
of Little Importance
D. . Thompson, Former Ambassador,
Declares "Insurrection" Not
Worthy of the Name.
D. E. Thompson, former ambassador to
Mexico, declared In Omaha yesterday that
the "Insurrection" was all over so far as
he could judge and in his opinion It hardly
amounted to enough to dignify by the title
of Insurrection.
Mr. Thompson came here from Lincoln
for the day to discuss legal matters with
his attorney, Halleck F. Rose. The former
owner of the Lincoln Star returned home
on the Burlington train, which leaves here
at 4:10.
Three Days Remain to Complete Foa
Htorlea of Mew I'nloa Pmelfte
Only three days ara left for the work
men on the Union Paclflo headquarters to
complete four stories of steel In- seven
day a A record waa made, when five day
was taken to put up two stories, but
they declared they could build from
the sixth to the tenth floors In seven daya
Several short delays have set the men
back, but It looks as If they can make
Work on the cement floors an4 ,woo4
work Is being pushed rapidly.
And This Store is Ready
hose who put thought into their Christmas shopping, appreciate
the fact that Gifts of real and lastint value are those which contribute to the
comfort as well as the beauty of one's daily surroundings. Such are the useful
Holiday Gifts displayed now in almost endless variety throughout our six spac
ious floors. Nowhere else can there be found such a collection of useful gift
articles. "The worries of the season' ? If this store may play its part during the trying
days that lie between now and Christmas eve if, by perfect unassuming service and
superb assortment for your choosing, it may help to keep the puzzle wrinkles from your
forehead, it will have done all we have hoped and planned to have it do. Gifts from every
part of the world are here delightful, inexpensive ones for those who must closely reckon
the incomings and outgoings superbly rich ones for those who need not count the cost.
We have arranged them conveniently for your inspection our sales force will find no
effort too great, if it helps you in your selection.
For Christmas in all the word means- This Store is Ready.
-for Gifts
Months of planning finds oar furniture
stock overflowing with beautiful and ap
propriate gifts for every member of the
family. Our name and reputation Is your
guarantee of high Quality and reasonable
prices. Selections will be held for speci
fied delivery dates.
Rockers, Easy Chairs, Davenports, Ward
robes, Auto Valets, Dining Tables and
Chairs, Buffets, Globe-Wernicke Elastio
Book Cases, Writing Desks, Sewing Tables,
Tea Wagons, Library Tables and Chairs,
Brass Beds, Dressers and Dressing Tables,
China Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets, why not
a Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet?; Morris Chairs,
Turkish Rockers, Parlor Tables, Hail
Seats; Roll Top Desks and Office Chairs.
Our Third, Fourth and Fifth Floors
Given Over to the Furniture Display.
Numerous suggestions for gifts In our
North Show Window NOW.
Toy land
will open Monday
Better Than Ever firing the Children.
On Monday (tomorrow) morning our
Toyland opens again, with a grand display
of every sort of toy a good little girl or
boy could wish for.
Electric Trains and Toys, Maglo Lan
terns, Post Card Lanterns, Drums and
Guns, Fireman, Soldier and Indian Suits,
Dolls and Doll Clothes.
Sleds, Wagns, Automobiles, Bicycles,
Tricycle. Toy Furniture and Doll Car
riages. Toys for the little children useful and
Instructive toys for the older one We
want every child In Omaha to see Toyland.
Bring them down. Main Floor.
Why not
In this department yon will find as
sembled from all over tb globtk. an as
sortment of useful and appropriate gift
for your choosing.
Pottery from Austria. The world's high
est class China and Rock Crystal glass
from England, Brass goods In Smokers'
Sets, Jardlnlers, Candle Sticks and Can
delabrss, Iiamps and Umbrella Stands.
A special feature of this department is
the fact of our showing the more choice
things in only one of a kind, rendering a
duplicate impossible.
This imparts an exclublveness readly
appreciated by those who choose their gifts
with care and thou r tit.
Fancy China Piece. Desk Softs, Humi
dors, Toast Racks, Fanny Wood Boxes,
Fern Dishes and Electroliers.
Make your selections while the assort
ment lb complete- Goods delivered the
very day you want them.
Three Items o f Special Importance
Golden Oak Dresser
Select quarter-sawed oak, golden finish,
colonial pattern; top Is 41 Inches long and
22 Inches wide, with heavy French bevel
plate mirror, 40x24 inches; two small
shaped drawers and one large drawer, of
fine finish and of best construction one
of the latest arrivals; price $85.00 each.
Morris Chair
Made from selected quarter-sawed White
Oak, golden finish, heavy frame; best of
construction, spring seat; loose, reversible
hair-filled cushions of valour; your choice
of colors, or can be fitted with leather
cushions for difference in price. A Good
Present for Father. Price $1.75 each.
Solid Mahogany Rocker
Genuine Burmont solid Cuban Mahog
any Rocker, loose cushions of real leather,
like cut, only with 4 panels of equal width
in back; high back, large and comfortable
rocker; If bought In the ordinary way
would retail for $24.00. Our contract for
a large quantity of these Rockers enables
us to sell them at the special price of
$17.60 each.
Candidate Debating Over Advisability
of Paying for Verification.
Deputr Osaalr AttorsaT Ma-raay
Ilolds that Coat OpaalmsT Msv
chlaes la Wot to Ba Paid
hr the Coaoty.
Informed that he must pay for the labor
of the members of the election canvas sins
board In his interest If the board opens
and examines the Douglas ocuntr voting
machines to make sure that the returns
on the offloe of secretary of state. Charles
W. Pool of Tecumseh, Neb., who on the
face of the official returns of the entire
state Is defeated by Addison Walt by
ninety-two votes told the board that he
la not sure whether or not he wants the
machines opened. He said he will let the
hoard know Monday evening.
The Board of County Commissioners Fri
day afternoon asked the oounty attorney's
office for an opinion as whether or not
candidates asking additional verification
of returns must pay the costs. Deputy
County Attorney Magney, to whom the in
quiry waa referred, replied to the board
Saturday morning that the candidates must
either pay the costs in advanoe er give
bond for them.
The canvassing board, acting upon this
opinion, asked Mr. Pool U give a bond In
the sum of 1100. Mr. Pool wis has to make
sure that the possibility of errors In the
returns is sufficient to warrant the ex
penditure. He examined the record book,
of official returns Saturday morning and
found that la the country precincts of the
oounty he received but two people's Inde
pendent party votes. He said It seemed te
him there must be more populists In the
country pre. -mots, but possibly thsy voted
the democratic) ticket straight, ataee by so
doing they weusd be veuag for all the
populist oeadidate.
Mr. Pool reached Omaha early Saturday
morning. E. O. Emery of Uaeo'.n. Neb,,
ehlef elerk la the state land commissioner's
eiaoe. came te Omaha to represent Mr.
Walt at the opening of the machines If
they are opened.
A. X Sutton and Frank J. Flxa, candi
dates who previously had the board open
the machines to verify their votes, will be
required to pay a portion of the coat of
the canvassing board's services.
Because the election laws require county
clerks to furnish the secretary of state
with official reports of the election re
turns of their counties by the second Mon
day after election, the canvassing board
will proceed at once to foot the results,
County Clerk Havrrly announced. The
footing waa commenced shortly before noon
Saturday and will be completed by Tues
day morning.
Footings on governor for the county are:
Dahlman, democrat. 17. HI
Aldrich, republican.....
Dahlman'a majority I.E2S
The footing on Hitchcock's vote for sen-
.atcr Is U.MS, that of Burkett is t.Ut. but is
unofficial as yet. One of the poll books
failsd to show Burkett's vote and It will
be necessary to open the machine to find It.
To secure an unofficial footing the Burkett
vote In this precinct was estimated.
Oatalde Wsrk Practically Coaaplete
to Oses Establishment De
cember Ton.
The new peotefflos station, which la be
ing built at the Union station, promises to
be finished by December 10, as far as out
side work Is considered. Tne roof is tne
next work to bo taken up, when the Inside
work of fitting the building out for poet
office surtloe will begin.
NtwissMt Mam Will Oet Kowevs.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Nor, H (Special.)
L R Darling, errant ed here far bigamy,
forgery and a half doaen ether offenses,
has been taken so Obanvberlain, one of
the plaoeo where he la wanted Par trial.
F. K Hagerty, the young newspaperman,
who enabled the offloe re to find the man,
will. It Is said, receive nearly CSS reward
offered by different corporations and
states for Darling's appiobonsloa.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road te
Big Returns.
Han Pleads Guilty to Using Aged
Woman as Decoy for Honey.
Haevvr Repwtr fthooo of Rook Island
at Taller Sanation CI coed Dows
litU Deeesabo rtfta Car
Shoos Open.
(Prora a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES. Ia., Nov. M. (Special
Telegram.) Oeorge Welgand, who
pleaded guilty to a eharge of using the
mails to defraud, was senrenoed to two
years In prison by Judge McPherson
today. Before the aentenoo was pro
nounced Rev. H. H. Bell made a plea for
the defendant, telling the court that his
wife and daughter were sick and In des
titute condition, and asking the court te
be lenient on account of the defendant's
gray hairs.
Testimony before the federal grand
Jury showed that the man had uaed
Nancy McDevltt, aa tft-year-old woman,
as a dec y In oecurlng over $1,000 In cash
during the last year.
Rock Ialaad Shops Cloee.
The heavy repair shops ef the Rock
Island railroad at 'Valley Junction have
been closed down until December a.
Nearly half of the It men employed by
the company at Its shops in the sub
urban town will be thrown out of work
until that time. The ear repair shops are
still In operation.
Want Help foe Kspeaitlen.
It Is anticipated that lobbyists for New
Orleans and for Ban Prandsoo as the
point to be favored for the Panama Canal
ex pool t) en will be busy ia Dos Moines dur
ing the legislator. Beth of these cities
seek the favor of every leetelature and
both have Indicated they will ask the Iowa
legislature te ael
tato FirsUsM Seram.
The state ef Iowa la now furnishing t
the farmers ef lews from a state labora
tory the serum for the prevention of the
swine plague, For some time the state
veterinarian, has been at work making this
serum ad bow has a groat euantlty oa
hand. A number of farmers have mad
use of the same sad uniformly with ea
cellent results.
Indletoa for Illegal AdTOvtMagr.
Dr. O. A. Toung of this olty, one of the
extensive advertising doctors, was today
Indicted by the federal grand jury for .
metal two of the mails in advertising'
The federal court today tried A. Fs
Trueedale. who was lndloted Jointly with
another man for the robbery ef a postofOo
at Valeria. The other man pleaded gwilty,
but Trueedale stood trial.
Cos Rstto Fight is On,
The city of Dos Moines and the local
gas company have locked horns oa a prop,
osition with roferenoo to the priee of gas.
The city la up against the necessity of re
vising the erdlaaaoe after January 1 next
and the city council has determined ojem
naving sv-oent gas Instead of d gas, but
the company declares It will be bankrnpt
at any such rate.
Isesksr Soya Ho Meoeo Doaaoewsvts
will Itedooe Cost of Livtagr and
Raiae Wagroo.
WASHINflTOV. ' Vm at v,n .,-
and smiting, Speaker Joseph O. Caanoa
returned to Washington today. While
mildly deploring the result of the meant
election. In which, he said, "a majority
has made a mistake la givta ear friends,
the deraoorata, control of the Wxty socosd
con gr ana," He added i
"With that responsibility It remains to
be soon what they will do. X ah all bo glad
If they find themeelvea able to todoam
their promtee In the campaign, to refuo
the eost of living and Inoreaos the artoa
ef labor."
Speaker Cannon did not expos the paa
sage of much legislation in the forthoem
Ing oeseion, owing to the eoaat Urn la
whloa cengreas could act. He expected
that the appropriations for the coming
fiscal year would be in Us aolghboibood
of l,0e. 000,000. The speaker was satisfied
with the condition of tbe country, deelar
Ing that navsr before had the United
States been so proeperoua.
cognisant thai tbe two had quarreled.