Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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Queer Series of Serried Owing: to the
King from Nobles.
Lancashire City t Mar s Weweem h
Lord Mayor tae Comtal Year .
Miss Rxlawioil Writes
LONDON. No. X (Special to The Bee.)
Old custom die bard la Eagland. Espe
cially la this true about matters whtclj
have to do with land tenure and terri
torial privileges.
In the oMm days tha lords of the land
were required to make service or payment
for their holding which may have had
valuH In those daya. but which are de
cidedly old In tha twentieth cwitury. Fre
quently the fart that these payments are
mad la noted In the press. For example,
by order of the duke of BuoeleiP-h a no
tice har, been, Issued calling upon residents
f abnut rwemtr parishes lr Warwickshire
to attend at Knlghtlow Hill before sunrise
on Martinmas ev and pay wroth silver.
The custom ta on of tha most quaint In
England and has been regularly observed
for many centuries. Persona will Ignore
the rax and are liable to be called u;n to
produce a white bull vita red ears and
Then Ring George's stock of fuel ha
been augmented by tha receipt of two fag
sota (roan the corporation of Looxloa. this
being tha legal due as quit rem for certain
lands. It Is nice to think that the king
Is sure of one good, comfortable fire dur
ing the coming winter, anyhow.
Other similar "payments In kind" to
which hie majesty Is entitled. If lie care
to assert his rights, are an annual bowl
f porridge from the lord ef the manor ef
Addlngton. a bucketful of taow from the
owner of the Foulis estate In Scotland and
a garland of rosf-s from the owner of
Crendon, In Buckinghamshire. These
things, however, would not amalgamate
well, especially the snow and the rosea
Perhaps that la why his majesty never In.
slsts upon having them. He Is also en
titled, should he visit Aylesbury In the win
ter, to call upon ths owner of certain
lands to furnish straw for his bed and else
for the floor of his room. Even these at
tractions, however, do not entice tha king
to Wait Aylesbury often In the winter.
Wmt Aa Ler4 Mtrori,
It la not generally known that women
can and do fill the office of lady mayor
f British municipalities.
Oldham, the great Lancashire cotton
ptnulng center, will tn all probability have
a lady mayor In the corning year, as It
ha been decided to ask Mrs. Lees of
Merneth Park to accept the office.
She will be the second lady mayor in
English history, the first being Mrs. Gar
rett Anderson, mayor of Aldeburgh In Suf
folk. It was only in 1K8 that women were
allowed, by the qualification of the women
bill, to sit on county and borough coun
cils. Mrs. Lees, who has been a member ef
the council for two years. Is known locally
aa the "Lady Bountiful,' having given
very generous support to the various In
stitution of tha town, and ha purchased
for tha corporation large plots of land,
which have been laid out a recreation
round. ahe was recently given the free
dom, of the borough.
The lady mayor of Aldeburgh, by the
way., after two year of office, has e.
pressed her wish not to be again elected,
and also her desire to retire from tb
town council, owing to advancing years
and. har numerous other engagements.
rtar b Mtaa Redmoaa.
1 hear that the little Irish play by John
Bedreoade daughter, which Is shortly to
be produced at tha Palace theater, la shap
ing promisingly at rehearsal and look
like being a notable success.
Mia Johanna Redmond is only 33, hut
she ha already made her mark a an
authoress, having written a Dumber of
stories which, have won considerable popu
larity ta Ireland. Nor la ah altogether
new to the footlights, for a one-act play
of her own made a hit at the Court
theater a coupla of years ago. The heroine
In that piece was capitally played by her
sister, Esther, who recently married a New
Tork doctor. Next to authorship. Miss
Redmond's favorite dlvrston is horse-rid-tng,
and she I often seen taking a canter
In the Row with her father and mother.
The Irish leader has been married twice,
and is a happy grandfather devoted to
home and children. HI first wife was an
Australian heiress, who died, leaving him
with two daughters and a sou.
Young Redmond is at the Royal uni
versity. Publln, studying for the Irish bar.
He is remarkably like his father, even to
the smallest mannerisms of speech and ges
ture. I hear great account of his Intel
lectual brilliancy, and am told that hi
professors prophesy for him a distinguished
legal career.
Kitchener to Settle Dow,
ft Is now only a matter of day before
Lord Kitchener will settle In Broom
park, the mansion he has acquired In
Kent. His lordship since hi return to
town, baa been ransacking London for old
week I ran up against him at
well known second hand dealer in the
'West End. where he was Inspecting a
number of Old English chairs and tables.
Probably the young assistant attending
to him marvelled at the time at the extra
ordinary knowledge his customer displayed
tn regard to the subject. During the whole
time Kitchener scarcely spoke at all; he
imply turned over each article that was
shown him, minutely examined it. and with
a curt "That will do," or "I wont have
that" transacted his business; and hastily
writing some instructions on his card.
which be handed to the assistant, hurriedly
left the shop as though he had never a
moment to spar.
Alexandra Wtili Wew Code.
It Is generally reported in court and
diplomatic circles, both at home and
abroad that Queen Alexandra la anx
ious for King George to sanction a new
code of precedence, which would place her
on an official equality with the Queen Con
sort. Thla is an unheard of arrangement
In western Europe, but It exist In Russia
' where the empress mother is legally the
moet powerful member of the Imperial
family after the csar himself.
The report has been circulated all over
Europe, and it lias caused much gossip at
(oielgn courts.
rhalatongkora's Instructress.
In rio chronicle ef the lite of Chulalong
korn. the late king of Flam, has It been
mentioned from whom the Inspiration came
which made his oriental majesty a man of
enlightenment with ntault&nt untold bene
fits to his Ungdom. It was to an English
' governets of great refinement and Intel
lectual gifts that Chulalongkorn was in
debted for hi early education avid llngulMlc
attainments. This lady la still alive, en
joying a ripe, old ad, snd resides tn
Montreal in the vicinity of MoGlll univer
sity. After much travel she married and
settled don In Canada, and in the last
generation was a warm friend of Long
fellow, Emerson and Oliver Wendell
lloimea This lady' son married alstsr
of the late king of s-lam, and has for
a long time been a notable figure tn the
country of his adoption, while her grand
son occupies a prominent medical post In
New Officer dicmor Qa&- Omaha HiglicliQol
' I - I t I v " p"" i
I- M 1 ' "In ws
V - el v. IVl ' V
In the election of Voyle IMxon Rector ta
the office nt president, the senior class
con elds re Itself very lucky. Rector la the
moet popular senior In the olaaa, having
held many important offloe during his
four school year. He ha played four
year on the foot ball team a left taokl
nd ha played very creditably for the
school. He Is tleutena.-t colonel of the
Omaha High School reKlnient of cadets,
which Is the highest ranking cadet office.
A far a his ability to lead hi class
through a prosperous year, no one doubt
It. Loa Howard as vice president Is con
sidered very capable for the position that
he holds. She ha been the leader of the
girls In the ticket selling contests and has
led them to vlatory. Marthena Moore was
chosen to write the minutes and to keep
the record a She 1 second to none In her
ability to do this. The banker of the class
ia Leonard Marshall. ll will handle all
the money and no one dispute hi capa
bility to do so. A ergeant-at-artns,
Donald How and Bernlce Border were
chosen. Although this office Is not one of
great responsibility, It 1 one that involve
tactfulness. Tbese two are considered en
tirely able to hold it. Every senior has ex
pressed him or herself to be entirely satis
fied with the outcome of thi election and
Is looking forward to a very successful
year under the leadership of the officers.
The results of the vote were a follow:
President: Rector, 108; Ellsworth. 70. Vic
president: Howard. M; Baldwin. S2. Treas
urer: Marshall, 9; Carey, 88. Secretary:
Moore, 88: Bed well, 83. Sergeant-at-arma:
Border. 130; Howe, 78; Mattson. 68; Alder
son. 46: Llndberg. 84. Owing to some mis
takes made In giving out the credentials
for voting, a full vote was not cast, as
there are about IV) members of the ssnlor
Every year the senior class of the Omaha
High ochool give n entertainment of some
kind for which a small admission fee la
chsrged. Th money made In thl way Is
put together and with It is bought some
ornament which la left In the school. In
1906 and 1909 the senior class gave a senior
fair. This consisted of about ten show
in which the senior took part. With th
money made the 1908 class purchased a
ailver loving cup for athletic. Th 1809
class bought many pictures and statues.
Laat year the senior das gave an Ameri
can history pageant and a play, the money
from which will be used to buy some bronze
tablets. This year the sonlor class Intend
to outclass tha former classes In some way
though no plan ha yet been hit upon. At
the next meeting of the class, a sen or coun
cil will be appointed. It will consist of th
elass officers, and three boy and three
girls appointed by the chair. This council
will meet regularly and decide upon th
questions to be submitted to th class.
Hector has already got some plan In hi
head, one of which ia to put the money
raised at the end of the year In the bank
and let the interest en It buy each year
two gold medals for scholarship and all
around athletic. Senior meetings win be
held in th near future to decide these mat-
Picture of Cock Figfcta to Go on tha
Soreen at Poultry Exhibit
Secretary Bxporta Not Leea Than Koer
Thousand Fowls Heavy Repre.
eatatiou from Coancll Bluffs
Model Bsc riast.
Chantlcler In hi most pugnacious mood
will be seen at the sixth annual poultry
how, which opens at the Auditorium De
cember 11 Law forbid the matching of
eock. but the enterprising picture man
has Invaded Latin-America, where chicken
fights, revolutions and other minor dis
turbances flourish. Film pictures of the
bitter battles of the pit will be shown a
a part of each day' program at the show.
Plans are also being considered by the.
officers of the Transmlssissippl association
for th staging of a scene from Rostand'
"We ar seeking to give th show a more
general public appeal." said Anton Lund
atrom, secretary of the association. "There
will be a number of new departures tn en
tertainment. The Auditorium will be dec
orated for the show. There will be flower,
palm and fern' to help beautify thl con
vention of fine birda Care will be taken
in arranging the exhibit to give the show
a teally rtlstlo appearance. We want to
make It ef Interest to th publlo, rather
than a specialised display for the chicken
fender alone."
Return coming In to the ecretury' of
floe following th issuance of announce
ments Indicate that there will be not less
than 4.000 birds at the show. Thl mean
keen competition for the 81,000 worth of
cash prise and trophy cup offered. Two
hundred breeder will be represented la
the entrlea
A rere Imported Whit Leghorn cock,
said to be the finest In' America. Is to be
displayed at the ahow. Thi bird will hav
some real competition, however. In the en
tries made by Arthur Brandela, Whit
Leghorn from the Brandel farm, bred
from Imported Canadian stock, ar to be
A. D. Draadela la New York.
Mr. Prsnde's Is now In New Tork, where
he Is attending the Madison Square Garden
show. It a. possible that birds from that
show will be brought to the Omsha show
while several other features of the big dis
play there will be utilised in the fremiti
of the exhibit here. Mr. Brandels is to
show a cage of pheasants. This collection
of pheasants will Include all of the breeds
which the poultry fanciers have been able
to reduce to captlvjty.
Other exhibitors of prominence will be
Kauble, & Fauble of Council Bluffs. John
Keellae of Council Bluffs. Oeorge H. I.e
of Omaha, Hillside farm, Seven Oak farm
and O. U Bock.
tfeven Oak farm will be represented by
a miniature egg producing plant. All of
the machinery and e tuipraent used in con
verting chicken feed Into eggs will be
Vtlllty birds will outnumber the purely
slow brds. Competition promises to be
the sharpest among Leghorn and the
Brabmas. If any turkey escaped the
Thanksgiving xe he will be shown. Ducks
and geese will also have a part tn the
show. Several Council Bluffs breeder will
enter these fowls.
Pigeons, In all the oddities of tumblers,
pouter and fantuila. will be given a de
partment of their own. Amorj th freak
of ths show will oe th Japtincs s Ikie, a
chicken whieh grows fur Instead of feath
ere. Thia bird Is exhibited by Tauble &
Fauble of Council Bluffs
She Has th liberty of a Man With
oat Any of HI Responsibilities.
Th old maid' golden age 1 upon u.
The remark has been mad before. It will,
however, bear repetition. Only In remote
country district are her - ancient disabili
ties still recognised. She I no longer an
unwelcome sojourner in the houe of her
nearest relation. She can work elwhre
nd appropriate the proceed to her own
use. She 1 no longer expected ta be a
shrinking ingenue at the ag of 40. She
call hrself by what exasicna h chooses,
such as "the emancipated" or "the unin
cumbered" or Juat the trite "bachelor girl."
From the day when fate or years of dis
cretion remove her from the direction of
p'-nt and guardian to the day when she
hall totter into th old lady's home the
world la her, to use Just as she likes,
within the limits only of her enterprise and
her Income. Like Bernard Shaw' heroine
he may "go through the heart of Central
Africa with nothing but a little dog under
ner arm."
Thrift la not expected of her. She has
the liberty of a man without his responsi
bilities. Let her Just keep within her in
come and make end meet and th thank
ful next of kin considers that she 1 doing
very well and occasionally makes good an
overdrawn bank account that ha threat
ened to strand her In Europe. The modern
spinster'. If only ahe Uvea up to her oppor
tunities, has an elegant time of it.
Filled with a kindly sympathy for her
husbanded and familled friend who has
been able to Junket Irresponsibly about the
world whenever she has saved a satisfac
tory car fare, and wfco so seldom lock th
door of a comfortable solitude upon her
own moods and reflections, the old maid
argue thus with hrelf: "Oh, what
abominable luck! Here I planned to drop
down to Georgia for a nice unny Christ
mas rest with that Interesting woman bot
anist I met on shipboard the last time I
was crossing. , But I suppose lt' only
Christian of me to Journey out to the sub
urbs and help Ella with that great family
of children. After all. ehe does have a
hard time." And Jane appear to visit
Ella. New Tork Sun.
W hav 90.000 acres tributary to out
I.IOHT ort to till the Idle acre. Will
you com If we show you where you can
mak money easier than you ever mad
It before In your llfet Juat answer that
queatlon. Write me a note and aay that
you want to make a living a little bli
easier than you have ever made It befors
and. at the same time share In the devel
opment of the country, and profit by tho
rapid Increase In th value of th lands
write to me today.
Teu . can satisfy yourself about
thl If yen will writ to m at once. I
cen nd you a booklet showing JU8T
FOR TOU. Write for th book. It osu
nothing aad my mn a fortun to yo
a V. bfeQUOWir, Heeretary TTXx OOM
KXOXAA CX.U1I. nl. Ida
omelhlr-g strange that the value of
Cream of Barley as an all-powerful health
food s not known until this Ul )car.
And 8vw Time and Money Yaate4
on Kx pensive Lotion and
Por-Ologgtug Powders.
A Proper Soap for Shaving
Does All Thia and More.
Tender-faced men who have heretofore
been forced, after shaving, to naste valu
able minutes every morning soothing their
Irritated faces with expensive lotions or
pore-clogging powders will welcome the
comfort and saving of rime which the use
of Cuticura soap for shaving effects. Not
only does Cuticura soap supply a rlcn,
creamy, fragrant lather that In itself
makes shaving a luxury, but the delicate
medication and remarkable soothing prop
erties which have made tt world-famous
as a ekln soap, are usually sufficient to
leave the face free from the tense, dry
fueling, and to act as a preventive of irri
tation and Inflammation of the hair glands
often the cause of obstinate and unsight
ly eruptions.
Another use in whlcn men find Cuticura
soap eminently satisfactory Is In the care
of the balr and scalp. The ease with i
which a shampoo with Cuticura soap Is j
obtained and the comfort and benefit de
rived, make It one of the moet desirable 1
snd refreshing of toilet duties. Assisted by
an occasional light dressing with Cutloura
ointment, it at the same time provides a
most effective treatment for the prevenlon
of dry, thin and fading hair, dandruff and
itching and scaling of the scalp, and for 1
stimulating the hair follicles and roots by j
Increasing the circulation. Besides, Cutl
cura soap wears to a wafer, rendering It !
most economical as well ss agreeable for 1
eteiy u In the toilet, bath and nureery. 1
500 Bushels of Po
tatoes to the Acre
YOU know that putatoe are
alw staple. Potatoes ar
I. a gold. The market fluctuate
very llttla on potatoes. And If
you have GOOD potato you
KET FOR THEM. This 1 th
moit remarkable potato country
Bnake River Valley ha been
known to produce EIGHT HUN
Writ to u about thla W hav
tb moat handsomely Illustrated
booklet written about this, TH8
ern Idaho, tnat has bn priuij
for a long while It Is niignty in.
forming, too. IT Id FklCli AND
to you ir you will jlt
Christmas Items you will
SAVEnn if vmi hnv NOW
gspvMNXSs. before the Xmas RUSH!
naJiOWD Fine white 1H-1-32
single stone ring l.sdles'
or rents', specially 21ftn
priced at iJHOU
DIAMOND' Fine cluster
tings, with eapnhlre, emer
sI'Ir. etc. diamond center:
toS0.down $73
DIAMOJtbs-lismiiller single
.tone rlnss, v'pntlemens or
ladle"' down to Si 10
at low as tv
Don't wait! You cannot beat the prices; you eaxiot ex::V this superb
array of Qifts. Make a LEISURELY selection NOW,
and let OTHERS make up the usual lastmtnute crush
before Christmas.
Send for large new Christmas Catalogue,
1522 Farnam St., Omaha
MAXOVD Is dies' or gents'
fine single stone ring, with
stones weighing Klfift
on ca-at
STOVBLTIXS Keduced prices
this week on Merlins; silver
wares, rut srlass, mcMi baits
and similar lines.
JIWBLBT O ni a h n ' beet
lllng arrny of koWI Jewelry,
at specially reduced price?,
this week only.
WATCHES Oents' JS-year
filled chmos: 1,' iewel rinve
ments. 10 kind, this fJ20
WAtCHIS tlonts' $3.-. thin
style, open face, 12 Uc, with
1 V lewd llockf r.l . 11
movement, ut VlU
WATCHES Ladles O sirs. SS
er i!?, IS 1-we Tto.-kf-.rd
movement, worth . 1 Rfl
., this week ...OlO.OU
,.,!-,. 'atij. m"fi jiw "
want to tell you
ebout these wonderful pills.
Their curative power is
proven and attested to by
A Record of 75 Years
of constant and increasing gale
ia evidence of their worth.
They ar natures own remedy.
They do not contain any Salicy
Fates, Iodides or alcohol, and will
not harm tha delicata digestive
organs whatsoever. If you are a
sufferer from Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Lumbago. Gout ConaliDation. Slnnrl.
Kidney, Stomach or Liver Troubles wa
want you to try these pills. They have
cured thousands they will euro you.
A box will prove that you are on tho right
road to health and happiness.
Corner 19th and rarnam (it.
dvjio, afi4 jepua u8 idai9 eegj
por by the Manafaoturer.
Toa oaa find oat all about na by wrlUcg to tb Oakley Stat Bank, Oakls r,
Idaho. W will positively gnarantee to doable any sum ef mousy yon pat
la our hands If joa lea re It with a long aoaga. h opportaaltl (.Bed
through Oakley and tha development of the Oakley Irrigation project, mak
unusual and aatraacdXaaif return en Investment absolutely sure.
Oaltloy Invostmont Co.
Oakley (Cassia Co.) Idaho.
in Idaho
Writ to n for Information. Albion and tb
territory iurrouading thla eonnty ssst town
of tb riohest ooanty Is Bouthsrn Idaho, will
grow faster than nay other place, because it
has farther to grow. Oot is now. W can
g-uaranto that yon will doobl yoar monsy.
Albion Realty Co.,
Albion. Idaho,
San Francisco
Overland Limited
The perfectly equipped, electric lighted train
Leaves Omaha every dty via
Union JPoelfiic-
SoutlTLepn JPacific
Standard Route of the West
Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining Cars
For literature and information relative to farea. route, etc., call on
or address
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska
Phones: Douglas 182S; Ind. A-3231
Best eoulppe-t dental effle. la th middle WML Hlga.M
frade dxatlstry at reaaoaaOie pricea forceiala lilllnss. Jual
ik Ibe leoiB. All UtsirtwueitU tttuUt siarUUed aftw ec
Coracr lOtb aa4 Faraxim (tresu.
THIS la our gpecialty. From
One to One Thousand acres.
This business la made to
serve your Interests. No sum of
money, however small, is too
small to get our best attention.
And no sum, however large, Is
too large to tax our capacity to
W. would like to have you
write us for our booklets, lit
erature and other information.
We ar sure that you want to
know about IDAHO. It Is the
last West and the rapidly grow
ing section of the United States.
Here you can make big profits
on small Investments. Land
can be bought on credit.
Write Right Mow, Write Today
i si
v.- mm
i i id' i iv. ur il
Yes, distinctly, plainly, write and
ask us for the opportunities we can
filled with new ways of living well,
comfortably, happily and profitably.
Send today for THE FREE BOOKLET
which describes Southern Idaho so well
We can show you bow to make
money. We need money to loan on
approved security at such rates as to
net you 7 per cent. You can't get
such rstes In the Middle West. Farm
lands are cheap and can be bought on
credit. You cannot make a mistake
in SOUTHERN IDAHO even if you
buy with your eyea shut But WRITH
TO US FIRST. We politf the way to
easier, happier, pleasanter living. Any
bank in Twin Falls is our reference.
Dill & Taylor
Twin Falls, Idaho
No farmer should think of buying a home
before seeing a copy of our Journal. It
lias lands, iity property and storks of
goods advertised in it from vvery state in
tho union, so tnat sou cau find just, what
you wish in its columns. It resches so.
000 r(u1irs each lsue. Advertising ret
ic per word. Send lOo for 2 montha' trial
ili':sir),-ton. It will be stopped at the
tr.d of ! months unlens you renew. Tartu
and meal Estate JouraaL Trasr. lows.
Do You Read Our
Birthday Book?
It is appearing daily on the
editorial page of The Bee, giving
pertinent inf ormatioa about peo
ple you know.
Whose Birthday?
Why yonr own and your
tteighbors' and prominent peoplt
nil In and mall the Biographical Data
blank east you a few weeks ago, If you
beve not already done ae. If you nave
sntslaJd the blank, aend us mimnrsiMlans
f data and lace ef birth.