f TTTF, r.EE: OMAHA. SATl:HDAY. XoVKMNKI? Cfi. 1010. f f f s-s - - o " s r " s r r (s f Council Bluffs ((' Berg Suit hie () 99 FINE DAY FOR THE THANKFUL Nature Assists in Helping All Observe the Day. SOME TAKE LUKCH IN WOODS hoi-llv pri that Viimiialrri at I lirlallHH Home and rrrkr llnif 'I'nrkey (;nlnrr wr Moral (;lfts. s m a ash () OUR MOVING INDICATES NO CHOICE OF ACTION ON OUR PART. HAD WE OUR OWN WAY WE ) WOULD REMAIN WHERE WE ARE; IF NOT DEFINITELY, WE WOULD TAKE AT LEAST A YEAR'S TIME ( IN WHICH TO SEEK ANOTHER LOCATION. UNEXPECTEDLY and AGAINST ALL OUR CALCULATIONS, WE HAVE LOST THE LEASE ON THIS BUILDING AND MUST VACATE BY JANUARY 1, 1911. To move the stock V. J from our hiiiMing; to another I alniiily lmisilt without ureal t and lo. It in far va.sir to sell It nt rst. If nn-Knry, than to liuiil It ( V J O o Hvwlicrr. The conditions rail for quirk nix I ilrrUHr action. havo mliiral prlrre, fight and left, evrrjrw !iTr, and it I the public's opport unity, ' thry have never had before. We hate no choice In the matter, It U a raw of "hare to." Kiery rrrature that had any hUmd I In Its v-lns and a in the vicinity of ! Council Bluffs Thursday and r' ial real- j son to otwerve Thanksgiving day. There I was a doiutleHH '; all dity, ntid the hub warmeit air mi the leal wine of lifo. Tleiie.l wine, vi i 1 1 1 Juxt enough of the I tan of autumn in It to make It a physi cal and eplntual Inspiration. Window mid door were opened nil day lona. and the diiilnn room in thousand of home mhera liappy families and friend aath eifd around tha table, where the bountirui feaatx were apread, was filled with at mosphere, untainted by coal gas and the odera of freshly pollened stoves. In aorne Instances tha table were aprend on acreened porchea used a summer dining rooma, and numbers 01 rnmllllea carried their dinner In bankois to the wood for the jdeamire and novelty of It. and that It might be aald In after day that Thanksgiving- tn Council Bluffs In 1910 waa a rent summer day. So holiday has been more fully observed for many years. For the first time all of life dma; stores were cloned durlns; the afternoon. The cigar atorca, a few res tauranta and the moving- picture shows were open. Every other place of bualneaa wag hermetically ahut. Even the streets were deserted, and the ear lines had an under day'a business. nay of Servlca and Feaatlnar. The union aervlcee at the churches were fairly well attended, and at rone of the churche was service extended unwisely to encroach upon the dinner hour. It was a day of feasting; everywhere. At the Christian home dinner waa served In a dining; room, where 300 were aeated at the tables. It required twenty-five turkeys with all of the other things that are called for and twenty chickens to satisfy the demand of the S0 hungry llttlle young sters, and the fifty or more adulta con stituting the workers and those who are given shelter there. The turkeys were the gifts of home workers all over the country, and have been arriving; for several days. A large number of the Invalids and the members of the "shut-in" band were given dinner tn tha honpltaJ dining room. Seventy people at the Creche ate turkey and concomitant good things, all donated by generoua people co-operating with the Associated Charities worker. Mothers of many little onea cared for there gathered at the bountiful tables and doubly enjoyed the feast. Thanksgiving dinners were served to the prisoners at the city and county Jails. Tha spirit of generosity appeared to be more pionounccd than on any previous Thunks Kivlng Uv. Individual and organised effort to make somebody happy seemed to be the universal purpose. In all of the hospitals nnd charitable Institutions the work of i he Flower mission girls waa In evidence. The band Is composed of girls all under Hi year old. and It Is their mission to carry fiiwera to bitHhten sick chambers. Their sunny presence was visible at all of the institution, where flower were left ui eurti loom. It vies the special mission of the Buhy Krnest Hart Flower mission, an or ganisation of tha First Congregation!!) liurcli, to bestow floral gifts at the Cieche, and yesterday the little girls were more than iiMinlly successful In their efforts. Tn er.ty-flve of the happy children, accom panist l .Mrs. J. H. StriKk. their chap rror. went to the Creche bearing armloads ft' flower. A 1 o o o o o () C) o C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) () CD () o In the History of the Cloak Business, we have never known of the prices being bo low for reliable merchandise as they are now here IVe Trust The People J LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Your unrestricted ciioioe ol nuntircti.s ot new up-to-tlate QOfl suits, actual $:?.) to $.')0 quality, for yl-U LADIES' BROADCLOTH AND KERSEY COATS Latest styles, strictly tailored models, actual $25.00 to $40.00 values, for 817.50 LADIES' ONE-PIECE DRESSES -Silks, voiles, serges and broadcloths, regular CIO C-fl $30.00 values, special, for OlfciOU CHOICE OF ANY SILK PETTICOAT In the house Saturday, values up to $12.50, special for .$3i95 Any Ladies1 Hat In the house Satur day, your unre stricted choice, val ues up to $12.50, for only ft .95 Men's Suits and o Overcoats R On Credit o o o n 45c o Latest 9ic MEN'S HATS blocks, actual $1.50 and $2 qualities for. MEN'S WINTER UNDER-WEAR-All colors, all sizes, regular 75c quality, for MEN'S SUITS AND OVER- Q COATS-Well tailored, r beautifully trimmed, actual $20.00 values, Oil OC O special, at OllifcU s. x yi "fc. : r y. v'' -'V- V-V40H'Ja' () () o C) o o oo Sale of Furniture 91.15 DIVIITO BOOM CTAniJ W ood seat, icclden finish, embossed top back 'T'ln panel, sale price $10.00 SIVINO lOOM TA.BI.1EB 1.ht-k, siunrn tupo, strongly constructed, (jolden oak finish, nix foot exte inlon CPC alldes. aale price i?iJ.UiJ 916.00 PEDESTAL EXTENSIOaT TABLES pillule of American yuarlef o;ik stock, lartie siiuare top, heavy CQ T's aiuare pedeaial base, sale price. ?' " 93.00 IKOIT BEDS Well made, can he hnd In all sizes, durably enameled, TQ aale price pA.J 9S.00 IBOIT BEDS Fancy deslgna four coata of durable enamej, Qi sale price VO.O.J 918.50 BBASS BEDS Strongly construeted of larsje tubli.K, heavily lHciiuered, polished finish, CI i ffK aale price p J. A . 4 990.00 CHINA CLOSBTS Frame of gen uine! quarter aavved oak, bent Kla ends of double atrennth, grooved 'Te ahelvea for platea, sale price. .' Aad. t 915.00 DBESSEBB Made of selected stock. tnree larare coinmouioua urawern, rrenen bevel inirrora, aale price ..$8.75 The incident connected with the loss of our lease in this building is pretty well known, but we want to impress upon the public the fact that our stock is of gigantic size and must be unloaded between now and January First. We believe the only way to do so is to sell the goods at such low prices, that the public will supply its wants long in advance, on account of the values now obtain able at this store. C) () O C) () C) O O C) () () o C) () () yt 1612 & TARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. (Tbe Bsoplee Tnraltura and Oarpat qh Eat. 1BT. Furniture and Stoves 91.50 11WHO BOCKBBSWell made, wood seat, golden oak flnieh, tlQ(i nale price uot 93.00 ABBS BOOKERS Rtrnngly con structed of American quarter aawed oak, wood seat, highly finished, SI. US 915.00 CXASB LEATHER COUCHES Tufted topa, airong and comfortable spring", hevy frames, KS aale price pO. - 937.50 BHD SATEBFOBTS-rpholsterlng In Clia.-e Leather, very heavy frames, automatic attachment, Kfk aale price PAJ,l,u 983.50 TBBEE-PIECB PA BLOB SUITES Heavy mahoganlited fraine. linported velour upholaterlng, et ft t( aale price ipiU.OV 910.00 SOFT COAL HEATEBS Stronifly made heavy basa and top, Cjl "l nickel trimmings, aale price., pAcI 930.00 BASE BUBJTBBS A first-class medium priced baae burner, and a good heater, patented automatic feed, shaker and revolving gratoe, t! Kf sal price ." VUU 935.00 STEEL BAWdES Complete with upper warming closet, large C'I ifa square oven, sale price ipaW.wv AUDITOR M'ANENY READY WITH REPORT ON MONEY rtt Official Will Make Kkonlnt of (laannea of oancll Hluffa ta the I'lty t'uanrll. When the lity council rnnln on Monday evening the monthly financial statement lll be made by t'lty Auditor McAneny and will show that the municipal pooketbook is tn a vary good condition. Auditor Mc Anenjr Is the chief disbursing officer who must finally pass upon every bill paid by the city, payments that aggregate more than lUUkOOu each year. Kvery bill must check up properly or tbe warrant for Its payment Is not forthcoming, and about every member of the council and city ad ministration la under obligations to him for discovering some little error that has crept In by oversight and haute. He has also been inexorable In his refusal to draw warrants upon any funds that have bean exhausted. The bills may be presented and audited but the warrants cannot be laaued until tbe caah ia In the hands of Treasurer True. The following a the statement that will be presented on Mcnday night: GENC1UL FUND WAHHANTS. Amount - Turpoee. Month. Year. Vnused Salaries, executive department 1 tfi& 2a f S.178.4J I t.841.55 Minor Mention. The Council Bluffs office of Tbe Omaha Bee 1 at 15 Scott Street. Both 'pbonea 43. lv.l,-e and marnhal'e department 1.8.J treeta and alley a.. Fire deiartment..., :leo. department... 'lty hall dept Knwl nee ring dept... l'rtnl'g and auppllea Oity pound Kiiiergenclee t'lty health M m St ,071 57 lw)10 l.(i6ti.73 JW.T1 414 it 171 io 7 1 UUJH l.7i w (VS 41 4 .aid 1..113.M LW7.33 (.MA 1!) ICS. 43 .-'! 13 IMS 27 84S.S5 t.iil 10 MH.;i 174.10 l.KU.Ug Total gen'l find..ti.SX.l 1M.474.85 t,r.il SPtxriAL. pnuoAii rusu wakiianth. Amount Purpose, Month. Improvements i.H,il t!as and street bshta l.77 Sewer department StlS.eS Hrldge department 7M.ci Judgments :1 Water department to M Interaectlaii paving and grading.... t.loMw Hond loan.. sfc Ort Il"" 40 InleraecUon sewer lutareat 75 Oe Total $li.814 SEALED VERDICTYET SEALED t uart llaa -Mat Vet t'eaTae4.ts I'ladla ef Jary la Klees Tbe sealed verdict returned by the Jury late Wednesday night In the damage suit of Nellie fluas against tha New Nonpareil company will not be opened until Judge ", reen rot urns from bis borne and opens court Monday morning. It was thought last night that Judge Wheeler would bold a aesslon of the district Court today, but be aald ha had bo Idea of doing au. The law d tracts that a aealed verdict can only be opened !w otn court on tbe day aet for reconvening. Wins Judge Ureen left Wed nesday night b adjourned court until Mon day morning. There la no law by which Juror are pro hibited from trinng the contents of a sealed erd kc, but the mom lira may agree not to lo e. aa they hare tn this tnatance. It waa, however, generally admitted )etjrdy that the verdict wa for the plaintiff and fitl the antouut of judgment at e L T.ie Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads Davis, druga. Corrlgana, ut.dcrtakera. 'Pbonea 148. FAUST BEEtt AT ROOEBSl' BUjVFET. Majeatio rangea, P. C. Le Vol Hdw. Co Picture framing, Jensen, Masonic temple. Woodrl&g Unduriaklng company. TeU S3. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 117. bee Borwlck firat tur painting, 2U 8. Mala r'OR EXCllA.SUhi Us HlwVU HMTATH TRY SWAPS. ochHBii a and Stori' Malt BUtract fox sale by J. J. Kline Co . itl Broadway, Have your glasaea fitted or repaired by J. W. Tony, optician, 411 riroauway, etfica with Cieurga Oenior. h'or Unit t-rooin house, modern except fuiuaco. Uo iiainson. eee Uo. AliUvi, tuu vv, .Broadway, Lilly camp and society will meet at the non e of Mrs. C. C. lavla. 111 North Elshth street, tomorrow afternoon. Neat up-to-date picture framing at reaaonablu pr.ee. We please our custom ers. Walter Nicholaiewu 4s Co., 14 8. Main. e bava tbe excluaive sale for Cole s Hot Blast heaters ami ranga In tnta city. P. C. UcVol Hardware Co.. i04 Bioaday. Independent Court, No. 81, Tribe of Ben llur, wnl have a tnasane lit Uacoabeo hail buiuruay. November Mi. Kverynody Invlteu. Ulnner and supper will be served. Dr. R, B. Tubus, city physician, returned yesterday from ls Angeles, Cal., where lie went two weeks ago to Inuuie kindly care of his mother, wno will spend tne winter there. Brooks Reed left Weoi.es,tay evening for St. Joseph, Mo., to spend Thanksgiving with friends and relatives. He etpecta to extend bis visit to oilier parts ot Al.asourl and to remain away from home tor two Weeks. Miss Vera Saunders la spending the Thanksgiving holidays at the home of her parents. Colonel ana Mis. C ti. baunders on Oakland avenue. Ulie will return to her stuuina at Uiake. uin veraily, Pee Moines, ou Sunday evening. Nothing will atop the sensational success of E.ilnor Ulyn a play, "Three Weeks." The play Is now In its seconu season and crowded houses are the regular thing in every city. It returns to the Lonany theater for Saturday matinee and nignl. 1 O. Claar reported to the police yester day afternoon mat cnicken thieves had in vaded his barnyard at his home on Aladj boii avenuo and carried aay between seventy-five and eighty of hla finest blooded fowls. The work indicated the p.esence of professional henroost robbers, and the police do not share hla sanguine exacta tiuns of catching them, nor his nanguin aiy anitcipatlona of punishment. Mrs. Jennie While 64 years old, widow of I r. II. White, died veKlrriMv at l.-.r home, 1ZJ1 Houth 8ixth street, trom acute I inflammation of the bowels after two days ' illness, although she had been In poor I health for several months. She Is anr I vlved by one eon, Arthur W. Xlack. and I one daughter, Mre. I. E. Butler, both of I whom reside here. Mre. hue waa born I in New York, but lived in Council Bluffs during the greater part of her life. Ar I renscments for the funeral have not been 1 made. Mrs. Hennessey, who keeps a model candy and clar more at 114 Fjist Broad way, la eufftr.ng from a painful Injury, Inflicted yesterday while prepar ng the Thanksgiving dinner for her familv. Khe as ox'iilng a glass fruit jar. wi.icn broke under the strain put upon It. Two fingers of her r ghl baud ware almost severed and a d.eii cut Wat made In the th id. tine of the flntsere waa split nearly the entire letiKih. The Injury required surreal at tention. The new police patrol team nurchnaeil j Ust ek was mven its fust real irvtmt ves.crday and piused to be of the metal riinred. The buises were bought from a I farmer at the rather fancy pr ce of I . , 'I he iilj team aaa wild for Vajo, as they were loo neavy (or the work. The lies, team weighs aeveral hundred pounds less. They are ha'f broihera to Iau and Herb, the racing fire team of No. 3 hose cum pany. and are eiuipi-d wtlh the same speed and endurance qualities. The last vestige of the temtMvrarv build inns used by the National r'ruit and Corn shows waa removed from the streets yea terdav afttrnooii. A force of men worked all day completing the work of t-nnw down the structures and piling the lumber I ready Tor removal and burnin the accuniu : laied pilea of paper ai d packing rubbish, j Nothing; rematue to be done now but hsul l ins" awav the lumber and sweet, ik the siteeta, and tbe most Iminirtant and b-suil tul exioait:on of tbe character evsr given any here beoomea pleaaaut memory. 9 4T- y is 1. Y -m 'U. ' X '' isi The aviators nf teArxt die uic xurcrunners or the men who will dominate the HIT IVQ WP Ar tVf lonrl on, -I ort 'W ""u twin owat ff WTo win in the battles of the coming days, flying til Si ntine man wiH need nerves of steel. For hl '; his nerve and strength he will need the best of foods and beverages. fCrrVri rA) HT3 "Sv aOarav..m. sO will be as popular in the aviation age as it is now, for it is the best of all beverages. It contains more nutriment than any other food, it strengthens without undue stimu lation, it is supremely delicious. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is made from the finest cocoa beans, the boast of the tropics, and is absolutely pure. D. Ghirardelli Co. Since 1852 Bring in the Boy And give him a chance to mxke his own cluice. It's only right his taste should he consulted. Think of the clothes that were made or bought you, s;r, when you were his agc and you were obliged to wear them wittingly or unwillingly. Bring in the jBov, We can please both. Ovtrcoats $2.50 to $15 Underwear, . . . 50c uo Sweater Com. $1 00 uo Waists 45c up Boys' Caps, . . 50c up Shirts 50c up Hosiery 15c up Cloves , 25c up Pii;ama, . . . $1.00 up ngfS' -"-"a Ammm&i fill SBi S SI fmmi i wn "' Attractive Interesting Tempting- If you would gaze uiou a scene of splendor and beauty, rivaling in its delicate tints and rich colors n garden of flowers under nature's most favored condition and the eunKhine's most caress ing touch LOOK INTO OUR EAST WINDOW where there is displayed an extensive purchase of FANCY RIBBONS secured by us from a specialty jobber on an ex tremely low offer. They will be sold on Saturday, BEGINNING AT 10 A. M. in throe lots at half price and less. First Lot Consists of the very finest qualities, newest and handsomest designs, in width up to 12 inches. Sold up to $1.00 per yard 69c Yard Second Lot Persians, Dresdens, flowers appropriate and desirable for fancy work of all sorts. Every where sold up to 75o 59c Yard Third Lot Innumerable designs in wide pure silk taf feta ribbons the kinds classed among the high grades. "We have conservatively appraised these at 45o will sell for 25c Yard SATURDAY MORNING AT TEN. ART DEPARTMENT BBXABOXO QVABTXBS TBXBD K.OO Bsplete With BovelUss for Holiday TSeea v CHINA SALE NOW ON. Thomas Kilpatrick Co. Prof. C. R. Bender New Science Teacher Board of Education Secures Instructor in High School from St. Loaii Suburb. Tlie Hoard of Education has selected Prof. 11. Htnil, r of (tie Kirk wood IMu) High ')iiol to lake place as uti-nce tsvt.er n the Council Hluffa Ilia rt school, made vaaiit by the re-ljiiatleo of fruf. 8. I Tliinias. When the hoard failed a week or more ago to aecure frof. Harry Jones it the Shenandoah school, for the reason that the Shrnandoah board refused to re Irate l.lni. and the Council Bluffs authori ties refused to permit him to break hla con tract, cnnHUeratlon was flven half a dosed other applicants, and frof. liender aaa chosen aa the bet of the lot. He Is a gradu ate of the Anvllle (t'a college, and haa had four years In public school work la the lime poKltWin lie will occupy here, and comes hlfc-lijy recommended. Klrkood Is a suburb of St. Louis and frof liender's experience Is really of metropolitan charac ter. He holds a state certificate and will have no difficulty with the Iowa state school authorities. Prof. Bender will arrive In Council Bluffs tomorrow and will begin his work In the high school on Monday. He will be form ally elected at the next meeting of the board. I'lruswMt Sorirlr follow a tha fl:t done of Dr. King s New Life 1'ills, the paJnU-m regulators that strengthen jou. Guaranteed, i.e. For aale Compare for yourself Measure The Dee against other local papers in respect of quality as well aa quantity of timely news and interest ing articles from day to day and Tha Dee's superiority will he demonstrated