Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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MONET TO LOAN Fay n Investment Co.
(10-111 Bieniieia TtiMlfr Bldg.
(VI)V CO. HnI estate loans and Imurinrf List your prop
erty for rale or rent. Quick returns. B. W.
corner 14tli and Louglas. Tel. bauf. 1620.
GARVIN BROS., 2d floor N. T. Ufa. $508
lo li'jO.Oo on Improved property. No de'ay.
I! 'JO to flO.npO mada promptly. P. IX
Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Ktrntm.
WANTED City loan and warrants. W.
Far nam Smith Co.. 13A) Farnam St.
WANT ta buy. only from owner, rood
farm land In went part Iowa, eaat part
Nebraska or southeast corner South Da
kota. If aulta ma w,ll pay ll.uoo quick and
mora March 1. It Dot cheap and price,
cumber and good description not 8 1 van,
do not answer abou; It- Wll not llilra to
agent. Swan Kaamusseu. Honey Croak,
)., K. F. U.
WE havo CASH HUTERS for GOOD bus
iness and residence properties WE CAN
fcr 1.1. your property If worth the money.
TeL Tyler 1024. lnd. A-3318.
1505 Farnam street, Omaha.
113 North 24th street. South Omaha.
IF TOU bv anytiUng to trad or il
A. B. UTI1ROP. 421 Bee.
WE exchange properties of merit. H. H.
Culver, 812-813 N. Y. Lite. Douglas 7806.
A Nebraska farm of 160 aorea. clear, price
2u per acre. Will exchange for house and
lot In Omaha.
58 N. Y. Ufa Bids. Phones lied lk9. A-1721.
TRADES Trades, If you have anything
to trade, see Harwood. 448 Bee Bid".
... i i ,
Ixchange for Omaha Income
Property, Eastern Nebraska
Farm Land or Coun
try Lumber Yard.
320 acres of hi ah valley land, located one
mile from Weston, a Rood railroad and
banking town on the Burlington and Hock
Island in Platte Co., Mo., 31 miles each
from Kansas City and St. Joseph; 30 acres
In cultivation; this 300 acres Is above all
overflow, la Ideal alfalfa land, raises from
6ft to luu bu. of corn to the acre and from
80 to 40 bu. of wheat; is one of the best
farms in the county and never known to
liave a crop failure; the soil Is 10 fl. deep,
Mark, rich and very productive. There la
a good two-story, six-room frame house,
large burn, several outbuildings, two good
wells, windmill, family orchard, a fair set
of tenant improvements, school house on
the lai.d adjoining, K. F. 1). and, telephone,
on public road, natural gas pipe line
crosses the farm. This farm will produce
crops that will pay 10 per cent net on the
price asked. Price, $126 per acre.
Cashier. Blair, Neb.
FINE vacant corner: clear; price,
13,600. Also, 7-room. all modern house;
lot 76x140. Will trade either one or both
for land. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 658
New York Life Bid. Bed, 1989 and
TO EXCHANGE-li-) acres In Brown
County, South Dakota; two largo barns,
large house and other buildings; nearly all
tinder cultivation; for larger etock of
goods; might consider other properties.
Box C. C, Frederick, S. D.
TO EXCHANGE For hotel or merchan
dise, 640 acres In Marshall Co., Minn., prai
rie, all good agricultural land; price, $30
ier acre; lnoumhranoe, $3,000. Box C. C.
rederlok, 8. D. .
WE8T Farnam St., rooms, strictly
modem; fine lot; ahruhbery and fruit. By
putting In a little money you can make
tt mighty rood trade.
K N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone, Red 1999, A-172L
BE8T price paid for 2d-hand furniture,
rarpeta. clothing and shoes. Tel. D. J971.
A LITTLM mortgage note of 1100. bear
ing ( per oent, whlchowner authorises to
pell for 390. 1501 City National Bank Bldg.
THE beat price paid for broken watches
and old gold. Nathan, lot 8. 18th.
SECOND-HAND clothing; party after
Jioon dresses. John Feldman, D. $128, A-2e5&,
MARRIED couple of refinement wish to
rent nice all modern home, West Farnam or
Field club district. Will pay $50 or more
No regular rental property considered. Will
lease for long ptoiod. No children, 813 N Y.
Life Bldg.
WANTED Furnished house in West Far
nam district. Not less than nine rooms,
liyron Reed Co., 212 8. 17th St. Phone
Doug la idirt, lnd. AS34.
8 OR 8-room house In West Farnam dis
trict or Dundee. Must have four bedrooms
upstairs; oak floors downstairs and be
strictly modern in every way, 'Phone
Douglas 248X
WANTED Furnished rooms; apartment
of S rooms and batV Must have two beds.
Not too clone In. Beat of reference. State
price. L 410, Bee.
WANTED Apartment Gentlemen, wife
and child want furnished apartment for
winter. Might take exceptionable boarding
place. Either must qualify as to full con
veniences, perfect respectability, etc. An
swer immediately. Address, A 388. care
GOOD Japaneae wants to work In prtvaU
family. Addreaa A 361, Bee. .
YOUNG man desires place ta work for
board and room lu private family while
attending; college. Boyle Colioga Bota
SITUATION wanted as housekeeper In
widowers coin, Respectable parties only.
V 16, Bee.
EXPERT stenographer and typewriter,
four years' experience, desires position.
Can give best of referenced. State salary
Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs.
MAN AND WIFE without children want
place on farm. Call 817 N. 17th.
MAN, 24 years old, wants Job on farm
John Slndru. Tel. lnd. F-laiS. 3001 N be.
bouin Oinaba.
w .. aaa.u.. stats .n Jl , F
Bcrwe.i t"si JiWs TU,
giftWr M4 iBWTlne aurtey r lite
rms.t. -ru ent- v::.
BVANUCatveN 4V tON, tt-$4 Ms atresia. Y.
. Ia Bali St. Obioago.
v . L. iJCK. 14 r aruam si.
jnM run., Misis, tan
ai CtM te the Otrttt,
AeierH-s. u4 Amh4 ts Wf A
MAMUI H.-4M RlCil I ll
. I -4a Sra4ii, 3U V.
Or Looal Ageata
rta Cruiaea de Luxe "
4uI,-r25 8r--sSaB We
iWM.aua AV0N Mr
a if
Wheat Eepondi to Bullish Ncwi with
a Rise.
Despite Bearish Effects Torn Follows
tVhea Trend Meporte of Bullish
Natare from Anesllns IlaT
Iaflaenre Market.
OMAHA. Nov. 23, lflO.
After a rather weak opening wheat turned
and responded readily to buihsh Argentina
news, pilvate reports showing a large area
in providence of Buenos Ayrea to be a
total loss. Shorts run to cover not wishing
to be short over the holiday.
Corn sdvanred with wheat regardless of
the bearish situation. The continued heavy
tone that has prevailed was lacking and a
much more active market was in evidence.
'1 here as no mistaking the strong tone In
the wheat and bull ieaJers aeem to have
gained control. xThe advance was sharp
and it took little effort to cause the rally.
Cash wheat sold readily at an advance of lc
over yesterday. There was a great chanire
In the corn market from the decided dull
market of late to an active advancing one.
CaMi offerlnKs were erratic. Belling from
c lower on the early trades to higher
Primary wheat receipts were GTS.OOO bush
els and shipments were (kA0 bushels,
against receipts InBt year of bushels
and shipments of KVi.ono bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 7fi,0n0 bnsh
tn and shipments were 302.000 bushels,
acalnst rece.pts last year of 44,000 bushels
and shipments of HJS.onn bushels.
Clearances were 2U00 bushels of corn, bushels of oats and wheat and flour
eiual to .123.0110 bushels.
Liverpool closed d to higher on
wheat and 4d to l'd higher on corn.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, KHiWc; No. 3 hard,
SMlttlc; No. 4 hard. Ki'SViv; rejected hard,
7.'IVnUc; No. 2 spring, SM uMc; No. 3 spring,
Kfo-.Uc; No. 3 durum, fSlo.
CORN No. 3 white, 43Vf44fcc: No. 8
white, 43V44(ac: No. 4 white, 434?i43tc;
No. 2 yellow, 44'i(46iiie; No. $ yellow, 44
4l4fic: No. 4 yellow, 44Vq44c; No. 2. 43
feUWc; No. 3. 43Q-Hc; No. 4, 43Vfl3c;
no grade, Vi41c
OATS No. 2 white. aOH'Sfiric; standard.
JOVuSOTnc: No. 3 white, Wic; No. 4
white, 2ty63c; No. 3 yellow, 29Va30Sc;
No. 4 yellow, 29'fi2Mc.
BARLEY No. 3, 7iui2c; No. 4 barley, 66
70c; No. 1 feed, 64'yi.ltc; rejected, &7j62o.
RYE No. 2, 73W&74M,c; No. 3, 72'Wl3io.
Carlot Hecelpt.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 28 288 166
Minneapolis lnt
Omaha 18 12 11
Duluth 174
Features of the Trading and Closing;
Prleea on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. Dwindling estimates
of the Argentina exportable surplus gave
the wheat market a chanoe to advance to
day. Fully 1, 700.000 acres were said to be
seriously impaired, a large proportion lost
beyond recovery. In consequence, the cloe
nere was tne same as iat night to ViJsO
higher. Corn. too. finished "ii-c ud and
oats likewise, e to VsHc. In provisions
last place left quotations unchanged to
Vict lower.
There was a large trade In wheat. At
the opening sentiment was quite bearish
on reports that rain threatened to break
the drouth in South Argentina. I-ater
cable gave a different showing and lifted
values to the high point reached a week
ago. A well known authority went on
record with the lowest estimate that has
yet been Issued as to the probable lowest
surplus In Argentina. 82,00o,m0 bushels.
Shortu became especially uneasy and cov
ered on a Nirge scale. Further ground
tor tear was tne tact that numerous com-
filalnts were coming In about dry weather
n the winter wheat belt southwest. The
close was easy, with May up 4(go at 97b,
after ranging from UtiVnOSc.
The corn market rose sharply following
rumors that the French Import duty of
14.7o per bushel will be suspended. May
fluctuated between ttVc and 47iC. closing
c higher, but easy at 46Vt47c. In the
cash trade the feeling was firm for new
corn, nut less steady ror old. No. z yel
low finished at f)Hiflc
Elevator interests bought December oats
and sold May. The latter month sold at
Witi.U'MC and closed ViVo net higher at
At the end of tne day pork was down
J'VcfOo; lard was unchanged to 7Ho lower
and ribs were off 6W7V&0. . J
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I j j
Dec. lTifr92 9074 91H 14
My WVy97 M W5 OTs!87yfj,H
July 838 SISSHUf1- 94 I 3'4)
Dec. 4J;f44 444 434 44JW444tt'rT',4
May 46V,9'S 474 4!4 47 iVk'S'H
July 47 Vi48 (j 47 I 47 W
Deo. ,W4' si aoslwitjrsi ao
May W M ?ttU 83T4
July 33 34 & 34
Jan. 17 27Vi 17 27H 17 07'4 17 1R 17 M
May 16 27Vi 18 274 16 17 16 22 16 26N
Nov. 10 12 10 12 10 00 10 00 10 07
Jan. 885 9 S5 8 76 8 80 9 80
May 865 9 55 9 45 9 60 9 46
R lbs
Jan. 9 15 9 15 9 02 9 Of. I 9 12
May 8 90 8 92 8 82 8 82 8 87
No. 2.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 34.101
4.66; winter straights. $3.7iViM .30; spring
straights. R2MM.4R: bakers, $3.504.70..
BARLEY Feed or mixing. 5M?70c: fair t
choice malting, 7FKi "fic.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 32.47UJ
No. L-northwestern. $2.60'. Tltnothv. 39.66.
Clover, $14. :
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.25
I&17.W. Lard, per l' lbs.. $10.00. Short ribs,
sides, loose. $! 00(510.26. Short clear aides,
boxed. 39.75tfflO.00.
Tctal clearances of wheat and flour were
eiial to 33.000 bu. Primary receipts were
67t,0u0 bu., compared with fcCO.OOO the corre
spond ng day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
26 cars; corn, 329 cars; oats, 138 cars; bogs,
16.0U0 head.
Chicago Cash Prices wheat: No. 1 red
3U14c; No. 3 red, lij3c; No. 2 hard,
&8Vq6o; No. 3 hard. 91VWe; No. 1
northern spring. $1.UH1.08; No. 2 northern
spring, tl.ufxgi.uti; No. 3 spring, - ll.0331.0e.
Corn: No. 2 cash, 4(U4014c; No. $ cash
47a4itc; No. 2 white, 48fl49c; No. 3
white, 4744s'ti-; No. 2 yellow, 61fiftlVic;
No. 3 yellow, tilc. Oats: No. 2 rash, Soc;
No. 2 white, i.ic; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 4
white, 31u32'c; standard, S2a'i3c.
Bl.'TTKK Steady ; creameries, 24fr30c;
dairies. 2iy27c.
tAiGS Steady; receipts, 2.74$ cases-; at
murk, cabes included, la4f--o; firsts, 29c
pi'lMie firms, 81c. '
CHEESE Steady ; daisies, 153if;vtei
twins. 144!i4o, voung Amerlcaa, liva
Itic; long horns 16lfltic.
POTATOES Firm; cholca to fancy. 450
4c; fair to good, SN43o.
POULTRY Easy; live, 17c; dreased, 30c;
hei.s. live, 10c; springs, live, 10c.
V EAL Steady ; bo to 0 lbs., 9 10c: 60 to
86 !bs , llsall'-rc; 85 to 110 lbs.. 12c.
Car Iot Receipts Today: Wheat, 26 cars
corn, 2s cars; oats, 166 cars. Estimated
Tomorrow: Wheat, 26 cars; corn, la cars'
oata 138 cars. '
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 23-WHEAT-D-cember,
81c; May, 95sij9io. sellers
July. iv-.c bid. Cash: I'm hanged; No 2
hard. 92c?i$101; No 3, lc$l.0; No. 3 red.
UiiiHc: No. 3. 81n:ic.
CORN I ecmbr. 43c; May. 46o. sellers;
July, 4t'5 43''c. aellere. Cash: Unchanged
to c lower; No. 2 mixed, 47ltc; No 8
45Hc; No. 2 while, 47a4:c; No. 3, 46c
OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 32335o
No. 3. SI'S 33c. '
RYE No. 3 704r740.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy $14,003
14 6o; oho ce prairie. 812 E.0!12 50.
BUTTER Cieamery. 3vc; f rsts, 27c; aec
oniU. 2.c; packing stock, 2oo.
1-iGC.s Extras, 31c; firsts, IVc; seconds
Receipts. Bhlpm'ts.
neat, du M.'Xt 41 (
Corn, bu. ...t Usun 2t'.
Oats, bu 3,000 $,000
St. Loala General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23-WH EAT Futures
hinher; letmber, ilay. jt-tii'
Cah. flri,i; track. No. 2 red. 85!tt?8c; No.
2 bard. :-yll.u2.
CORN Jiighar ; Deceinber, 43c; May
4w)4'o. Cash, lower; track. No. 2. 47w3
Sue; No. 8 white, sue.
OATS Higher; December, 80Hcj May
33Sc Cash, higher; track. No. 2. Slo; No!
3 white. j3WJo.
KYK Uncbansed, 78c.
FIiOUR Steady; red winter patents 34 40
t4 o, extra fanoy and straight, $3 6oii4 t;
bard winter rleara. $3 303 ko
PROV1MONS Pork. lower; Jobbing.
$i.r.. Lard, lower; prim steam. $9.8:.
Dry aalt meata (boxed), steady; extra
shorts, $10 50; clear ribs. $10F0; short clears.
$1075. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shortr,
$12 0u; clear ribs. $12 00, short clears, $12.25.
SEE1 1 imoihy, $8. 50 9 25.
C HNM EA Li $2 60.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, $1.00rJ
1 03.
HAY Steady; Umothy, $14 Oftg 19 00; prai
rie. $12.00y 14.00.
l"Oi Li It Chickens, 9c; springs, lie;
turkcs, l,c; duks, 13c; geese, oc
BL'TIKH Steady; creajnej-y, 2)a31.
EGGS Weak. 27c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl 8.0tv 13.Ai0
Wh-at, bu 6P.O00 IVi.'X)
Corn, bu 6.) 29,1-00
Oata, bu 66.0U0 4.0o0
Qaotatlona of the Day an Varloas
NEW YORK, Nov. 23 FLOUR Steady;
Miring patents, $0. lMiSiiU; winter straights,
$41(ii4.2i; winter patents, $4.40m4 75; spring
clears, $4.16u4.40; winter extras, No. 1, V1.40
4i3 70; winter extras, No. 2, VsMy 3.40; Kan
sas straights, $4.ts!i4.76. Rye flour, firm;
fair to good. $4 0"a4 25; choice to fancy,
$4.2.1W.45. Buckwheat flour, firm, $2.26 per
loo lbs.
I CKNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel
low,; coarse, $1.10-ul.l6; klin dried,
WHEAT Spot market, firm; No. 3 red.
9t,c, elevator and 8V o, f. o. b., afloat;
Futures market declined early on the ca
bles, but rallied sharply on covering due lo
bullish reports regaidmg conditions in Ar
gentina, closing c net hlguer. lieoember,
8i.u'.ia;iic, closed DSc; May, 1.03Jn l.tH-40,
closed, $1.041; July closed $1.01; receipts,
l3i.tiio bu.; snlpinents, 9,bi4 bu,
CORN Spot market, tirm; new No. 2
corn, 6Jc, f. o. b., afloat to arrlva Fu
tures market was tinner on covering due
to rumors that France would remove the
Import duty closing at lo net advance.
December, 51GX,4c, closed 64c; May, WVtf
64 c, closed iHno; receipts, 1,125 bu. ; ship
ments, 4,670 bu.
OATS Spot market, firm; standard
white, 37c. No. 2. 3nc; No. 2, 87c; No. 4,
c. Futures market was firmer on cov
ering and in sympathy with other grains,
closing 'a:c net higher, November, 3iVfl'
8ic, cloed 87-c; December closed 3ic;
May, 3!c; July, 39c; receipts, 66,576 bu.;
shipments, 10,738 bu.
IlAY Firm; prime, $1.12; No. 1, $L10,"
No. 2, 31.00411. 05; No. 8, 85U'JOO.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
1M10 crop, lh23c; 19U crop, I6H1I80; Pacific
coast. li10 crop, 14'8l8c; 1909 crop, lom 14c.
HIDES Steady; Central America, 21c;
Bogota, 2hij22c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock first. 21
25c; aeconds, 21 23c; thirds, 1920c; rejects,
ltljl 17c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess
$19.60, family, $22.6U42.00; ahori clears, $21.00
422.50. Beef, easy; men), $J4.OO,16.0O; fam
ily, U9.0U4i.u00; beef hams, $24.6027.u0. Cut
meata, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.,
I4.7Q 16.76; pickled hams, $13 00a 13.50. Lard,
weak; middle west, prime, $10.15(tt'10.26; re
fined, weak; continent $11 On; South Amer
ica, $12.10; compound. $.764j9.O0.
TALLOW Easy; prim city, hhda., to;
countiy, 7&p'ac.
EGGS Barely steady: refrigerator, spe
cial mark lirsts. 24 'j B'2."c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 31
ii32c; extra. 30yic; third to firsts. 24tf29c;
held creamery, second to special. 2i'ii3l',jc.
CHEESE Firm; mate, whole milk, spe
cial mark, fancy. In loral storage, 2626o;
fancy white, 1616c; skims, L2(iUc.
POULTRY Alive, easier; western chick
ens, 1513c; springs, 13Tal3'iC Dreased,
firm; western chickens, Ual7c; fowls, 14p
lie; turkey, MtuJ&c.
Indication for Fair Weather for
Thankaajlrln; Day.
Generally clear weather prevail west of
the Mississippi river to the mountains, and
fair weather is general throughout the
west, except on the Pacific slope, where
It la cloudy with light and scattered rains.
A very decided drop In temperature oc
curred last night in the upper Missouri
valley and along the eastern Rocky moun
tain alone, and It Is from 20 to 30 de
grees cooler in central and western Ne
braska than on Tuesday morning. Light
snows are falling in the extreme upper lake
region, and light showers In the Ohio val
ley; elsewhere eaat of the Mississippi river
the weather Is fair. Temperature are
higher in the Mississippi and Ohio valleys
and lake region, but are slightly lower
along the Atlantic coast. With the gen
erally fair weather that prevails over the
plains states and mountain dlstrlota this
morning, the outlook la favorable for con
tinued fair weather In this vicinity tonight
and Thursday, with no important change
In temperature.
Temperature and precipitation as eono
pared with the last three years:
1910. 1908. 1908. 1907.
iowest Inst night 36 24 44 84
Precipitation 00 .06 T .00
Normal temperature for today, 24 degree.
Deficiency In precipitation since March L
14 31 inches.
Excess corresponding period In 1909, 2.94
Deiicienov corresponding period In 1903.
4.16 Inches.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Minneapolis Grata Market.
cember $1.02131.02; May, $1.06; cash No.
1 hard, $1.05; No. 1 northern. $1.04tol.06;
No. 2 northern. $1.00G1.0J; No. 3, $8c
.AX 32.57.
1 1 V KTa X vallnv An
OATS No. 3 white, 30cp31c.
RYE No. , 740.
BRAN In 100 lb. sack, $.(XVf20.60.
FLOUR First patents, 34.85(36.86; second
patents, 34.76i4i5.25; first clears, $$.2btff3.tiO;
second clears, $2.202.75.
Philadelphia Prod pee Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 83c; extra
nearby prints, 840.
EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
.-1 , , . t.mim Flll pu V.U Aaaua Ma a
lrl uj .ii a, . , . ... ,1 u u vnnm, iwv l
mark; current receipts, In returnable cues.
01U a.i lii.i m , nc.ioiii niDia, , i a iava, wu
at mark; current receipt, free cases, S3o
at mark.
CHEE&K Firm; full icreams, fancy, Sep
tember, 17',ac; October. 14ijjlaci full
creams, fair to good, 14jfl4o.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LrVERPOOU Nov. 28. WHEAT Strong;
No. 3 red western winter, 7s2d; futures
firm; Deceinber, 7s Id; March, 7sSd; May,
7s 4d.
CORN Spot firm; American mixed, 6s Id;
futures steady; December, 4 4d; Feb
ruary, 4 id. .
Perla Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 23. CORN Higher; No,
4 white, new, 43c; No. 2 yellow, old, 61c:
No. 8 yellow, old. 61c; new, 46c; No. 8
new, 46c; No. 4 new, 43 o; no grade, new,
OATS Higher; No. I white, 32c; No. 3
white, 81; No. 4 white, 30c; Standard,
Mllwaakea Grata Market.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 23. FLOUR Market
WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.081 08; No. 1
northern, tt.049L06; May, 97o, aaked.
BARLEY Sample, CHOo.
Cottoa Market.
NEW YORK, Novr 23 OOTTON-8pot.
closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling up
lands, 14 9fc; middling gulf. 16 2uc; no sales.
8T. LOUIS, Nov. 23. COTTON Higher;
middling, 15c; sales 60 bales; receipts, 9. 943
bales; shipments, 10,673 bales; stock, 12,818
New York cotton markiet. a furnlshea
by Logan 4k Bryan, members Hew York
Cotton exchange, lit Souta Sixteenth street,
Month I iilgh.l Open.j Low. Ooaa. Yes'y.
Deo, ... 14 66 I 14 71 14 61 14 O
Jan. ... 14 64 14 74 14 62 14 71
Mar. ... 14 80 14 96 14 79 14 94
May ... 14 94 16 10 14 4 16 08
July ...14 89 Uue 14 89 16 IB
14 86
14 M
14 84
14 98
14 3
Metal Market.
NE7W YORK, Nov. 23. METALS Stand
ard copper, steady; spot and future, $12 90
fl2 87. London, steady; spot, C67 12 M;
futures, if lis 3d. Lake copper, looally,
$13.0ii3 ; eleotrolytlc. $12 87'tf 13.00; cast
ing. $i2.6oiu12.75. Tin. firm, but quiet; spot
and futures, $M CoiU36.8o. London, firm;
spot. ao7 U-a; futures. 11T 17s 8d. lad,
steady, $44uu466. New York, and $1 &i
4 46. Eaat St. Loul. lxndon lead, fl3 8 d.
Selter nominal. $58Sg1sX New York, and
$5 aXot 90. Eaat St. Louis. London. 24 Is ad
Iron In London, Cleveland warrants, 4tfe 3d.
I-ooally, aieady; No. 1 northern, No. 1
aouthern and No. 1 southern soft foundry,
$15 75y16.25; No. 2 northern foundry, $16 fcrif
ST. LOl'18. Nov. 21 -METALS Lead,
steady, $4 40. Spelter, firm. $6.90.
Tsrpentlsa Uarket.
Firm, TBc; sales. 713 bbla. ; receipt,
4.2 bbla.; ahipmenla, 124 bbla; atocka, 13,-
846 bols.
RtjIN-Flrm; sales, 3.77J bbla; receipts,
3.077 bbl.. shipments, 1,3-A hbls stocks.
l,it6 hbls.; B. $6.67,; T. $5.72: E. $5 77;
r. 35.82; O, $5 86; H. $6 90: I, $.,o0rK, $.4u;
Vf. N, $7A); VS'O, $7 36; WW. r.46.
Many Brokers Abent from Floor Ac
count of Thanksgiving.
Mexican Disorders Receive Moon At
tention axtd Number of Securities
Are) Depressed la Price a
NTOW YORK, Nov. St. Many brokers
were absent from the floor of the stock
exchange today, having departed to an
ticipant the 1 hanksKiving day holiday. As
there was no Intention on the part of most
of them to return before Monday of next
week, the recent tendency toward dullness
in the dealings In slocks became mure pro
nounced. The Mexican disorders received much at
tention. The mosi pronounced eflect at
the news was seen In the early decline In
the price of American Smelting, among
whose assets are some Mexican properties.
The United States of Mexico 4 per cent
bonds sold down to 92. although previous
to this week thev had not sold lower than
94. The National Railroads of Mexico se
curities were slightly depressed, but the
market for them was almost nominal, as
It was for the government bonds.
Money conditions showed little change.
The market for mercantile paper was re
ported to show more disposition to take
on choice grades. In spite of the easing
tendency of the private discount rate in
London today, It was reported that bank
ers' finance bills are belug placed abroad
In the process of borrowing for New York
account. The foreign exchange market
showed no trace of such bills, rates ad
vancing In the early part of the dnv. Ixjn
don's reported dread of gold exports in
face of this showing proved perplexing.
Bonds were Irregular. Total Bales, par
value, $1,673,000. United States 4s, regis
tered, advanced per cent on call.
Number of sale and lending quotations
on stock were aa follows:
Sale. High. Low. Clrwa.
Allle-rttalmm pfd ...
Anulxamatad Copper ,.
4,000 7
Amarican Aancultura .
American boat Sugar. ..
American Can
American C. A F
American Cotton Oil.....
American II. a L. pfd.
Atn. lea Saourltlee
American LlnaaM
10 !
84 4
Aniancan Loooniotlya ..
11. iKl
40 S
American a at R ,
Am. B AR. pfd ,
Am. Sugar Refining....,
Am. Steal foundries. ...
American T A T
American Tobacco pf4.
l' 106?, 1V.S 105S
oo U7S L1714 in
M) 47S 47 471
1.600 HZS 14iS 142S
amencan woolen
Artiaoonda Mlnliir Co,
Atchlaoo pfd
Atlnntlc Coast Line........
l,no 10.TS lav liis,
loo 101 'a 101 S lol
i 117H
107 '
TO s;s 2 3S
1,7"0 T?S 77 77S
400 IKS 1M lfxt
0O 84 S M 34'4
100 1D6S 106S lOS
3.300 I4S S4S 4
400 23 38 2
00 1S 14 14S
2.300 IMS 12.4S l-MS
Raltlmora A Ohio
Bothlehem Steel
Braoklyn Rapid Tr
Onadlan Pjulflo .........
Central Leather
Central Leather eat
Ontral of New Jersey
CtiaaapeaJte A Oiilo
Chicago A Alton
Chlcage O. W.. new
C. O. W. pM
Chicago A N. W
C. M. A St. F
C. c. O. A St. L.
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A Southern
Crmaolldatod Oaa
Horn Products
Delaware A Hudson
Denver A Rio Oranda
300 WS
s-io m
100 loS
69 4
134V 135
16 S 1S
200 S3 82 8iS
1"0 73 S 73S 73
lm' 33S 3?S 33S
800 10 28S S
8,600 1HS 1MS-167S
1.0 124S 123 124S
200 tiS 6S 59
D. A R. O. pfd
Patlllena' Securities
i- lt pfd
Erie M pfd
General Klecrtno
Oroat Northern ofd
Great Northern Ore ctfs....
llllnoli Ontral
Intarborough Mat.
Int. Met. pfd
International Harveatar.. .
100 118
Int. Marina pfd
International Paper ,t
Internaitlonal Pump
Iowa Central
Kanaaa City So
K. O. So. pfd
Laclede Oaa
700 loT 107 1H7S
800 14.5S 146S 145S
Loularllla A Nashville ....
Mian. A St. Louie
v.. at. P. A 8. ft. M
M.. K. A T
100 184 1M
34 S
1.000 S5S 34S 3t
M. , K. A T. pM
Mlaaourt Paolflo ..........
National Blacult
National Lead ,
N. B, R. ut M. M pfd....
New York Central
4,600 lla llts B3S
N. T., O. A W
100 4ZS 4ZS
lm) arts ts
no M sos
Norfolk A Weetarn., .......
North American ......
Northern Paolflo ...,,..
7,100 112
ll&S 1"
Paelflo Mall
,TH0 130S 1S 130S
People's Gas
P., C, C, A Si. L
Plttabuni Coal
tuO tl
8-1 S
24 S
24 S
Preeaed Stael Car
Pullman Pajaoe Car
Railway fttenl Apiing...
,. 41,100 113 S 168S
400 34 S 84S
Rnpubllo (Keel
Republls gKael pfd. ........
Rock Ialand do
Rock Ielane Co. pfd
c. L A B. F. 84 p4
St. Lcxila B. W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
91oae-8iefnelil B. A I
100 nl
8,400 111
8no 87
200 CI
3.700 874
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway .
Bo. Railway pfd
Tenneseee Copper
Taxaa A Pacific
T, St. L. A W
T.. St. L. A W. Dfl ,
son if.s is
100 67S bl'i
Union Pacific
,400 17K 177S 171
808 S3 t M
Union Paclflo pfd ,
United Blares Realty
11 S
87 S
United States Rubber
United States Stael
U. B. Steal pfd
Utah Copper
88 S
6ml 11 HS 118
1,400 4IS 4S
V. -Carolina Chemloal ...
17 S
Wabaeh pfd
Western Maryland
Weattnghottaa Electrla ....
Western) Union
Wheeling A L B
8, TOO
Total aalas lor tne day.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23 MONEY On call
easy, 2'g2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per
cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at
2 per cent. Tim loans easy; sixty and
ninety days and six month 4 per cent.
1 KIM ri Mr.xvlAiV 1 ILitj I'Al'lEK-bWfi
per cent.
tual business In banker bills at I4S21E.5J
4.8220 for sixty day bllla and at $4 8610 for
dsmand. Commercial tllls, H-Bi'-j M.SIV
SILVER Bar, 65So; Mexican dollars 46o.
BONDsV Oovernnient firm; railroad ir
regular. Closing quotation on- bonds were .as
V. i. ret. 8s. rag... 100 Tnt. M. at. 4a. dss
do eoapen 10o.Jaan 4a k5 H
C. 8. U. rag 101S 0o 4s S4
do coupon 1HS K. a 80. let Is.,.. 73
V. . 4a, rag 114 L. 8. deb. 4s 111.... Vi'i
de coupon 116 LAN rU. 4a s
Allla-Chal. 1st 8a ... 1 M. K. A T. lat 4a . 7
Am. A. ta l' o gen. 4a 6
Am. T A T. av. 4a.o so. Pmcifla a 77S
Am. Tabaoee 4a o N. R. K. of M. 4a 4
do 8a 106 N. Y. a X 8a 8
Armour A Co. 4a.. 1S o dab. 4a M
Atchlaoo gen. 4a fa N. Y.. N. H. A H.
ado or. ta W . 4i 134
' do ot. 6a UHS'N. A W. Ut a 4s.. M
At. C L lat 4a... tt 60 or. 4a 10
Bal A Ohio 4a No. Pacltio 4s
do 3 - ao 71
do 8. W. 8Sa 0 O. A Z.. rfng. 4a.... M
Brook. Tr. e. 4s.... Pann. cv. 3Sa 116.. oS
Can, of Oa. 6a 1"I con. 4e 103
Oen. Leather 6a f Reading gen. oa j
ao ot N. 1. g. ta..lS8t. U A 8. W. fg. 4s 31
-haa. A Ohio 4S. 11. 8. 8
do rwf. ta L. . W. a. 4a... n
Chicago A A. 1S... 70 00 lat gold 4a..... 0
C. B A Q. I. 4a.... (oSfX A. U 4a 77
do gen. 4s riS o. Pac. e. 4s rl'
C. M. A 8. P. g 8SS 4. . 4a ?S
C R. I. A P. a 4e. 74 do let rwf. oa 14 S
do rfg. 4a 3S ao. Kallway ea.....H
Colo, lnd. ta T7 do gn 4a 7i
Cblo Mid. 4a. a Union Pacing 4a.... lm
'C A 8. r. A a. 4a7 00 sr. 4a. 110
D. A H. cv. 4a. de let & ref. 4a... W
D A F4 O. 4a 4 U. a llabber (a l'tt
4o ref. la V. 8. BUal Id 6e....l'S
rHetlllare' ie 7 Vs. -Tar. Cham. 8a..l')
hXle p 1 4s 33 Wabaeh fat 6a 109
do coo. 4a 7S ao Jet A ai. 4a ... 6..
ov. 4a ear. A.. "S Woe tern M4. oa tS
a eertas B eat. Bleo. or. 6s... H-
Gee. Idea. av. is. . . .lf la 'Wo-tral 4a 3
am. fSn. Vat rat. 4s. 7S Ma Pac. T. ta rj
Bit. Mat 4a t
BJ4. oOriorwa.
Boetna Mlatag storks.
BOSTON. Nov. 23. Cloain; quotations on
mining stocks were:
Allouea 43 Mohawk 41
Anial. Copper ....... Nevada Coo JO
i. 1L L 4 B Nlpitaliig MlraM .... 1DV
Artiona Com. 14s North Uutta U
f Atlantic 1 North Leke 8
B. a ' O. A A M. 14 Old Dominion 41
f Hutte Oialltlun 1S Oeola lJ
tal. A Armma 44 Parnat B. a J i
Cal. A Hei-la 6 gulnay 71
Hpr lunge C O.. 71 Suannim 1J
Eaat liulle i?. M.... II Puiarlm- 47i
lYaiiklm 11 Uuperlor A . M 7
rtlroux Con 7S Superior A P C 14
Oran.y fcn 44 Tamarack SO
Owene tSnanaa .... 7 I' 8. S R. A at... i
bla koyala Coppar.. lt'a do pfd 44
Kerr l-ake 7 l ta4l Coil 23
LaAa Caipper t lah iT C
La Sulla 'opeer IX WHOM t
AlUcnli UUppor US oiilao LA
l.aMadaa Bloek Market.
LONDON, Kov. 23 American aecurltlet
opened steady and advanced during the
forenoon oa light support. At noon the
market was steady with prices from tf
above yesterday's New Y;rk closing.
Onrsola. money 7 t-nulrrllla A N lfcn
in aernunt 78 l.Vit M., K. T IV,
Amat. nuppar 71 , S Y. Ontral lli
Anai-oria s Norfolk A W
AlrMunn do pfj
50 plit (H-, Ontario A
ft.iltlmnra A Ohio. . . 1 lm, lnn lrsnla t
-n.d!n Ps.-lflr Hnd Mines I1
I'tiesaprak A o ' Ilea. tins 7s',
l hii-ag O. W it Pomhrrn Ry J7
("til . Mil. A St. P no i-rn
I heors US S'-u'hern Parlflo. . . . 1
liftivar A Rio O II fnlim Pli'lflc lV'H
do rfa 7' do pfd !'
8l v. 8 Rieal SIS
io 1st rM (0 do pfd U'lS
1" Sd rM .) Wahairfi 1M
n-ancl Tninli ; do pM W
llllnoli ontral 1.18 Spanlah 4a 90
51 I AT. K Hsr. stea.l at 25 9-16d per ox.
.MONEY 4 6 6 Pr cent.
The rate of ill -count in the open nisrltet
for short bills is 6 per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 7-ltiii4 per cent.
laral 'eearltira.
Quotations furnlshea by Burn
s. Prlnkef
k hiUldlng:
Bill. Aaked.
t Co.. 449 New Omaha Nat 1 ban
American I.. A T. pffl. 8 per cont....
It'iyd tV)., Nob., warrants, par oent..
City of Omaha Ra. 1913
Cltr of Omaha 4s. 19
City Nat. Bank Hlda a. ia?
Culahy Parkins Co., (a, 124
Iner tl. A E. 5a. 11S
lv 2
iii sa
103 s
M '
i o
Fairmont Creamery lat g. 8 per eant..
I Hardy. Neb (Munlc I Ce
I Hydraulic Pressed Brick pf4
lnwa Portland I'ement lnt 4a
Interboroiixn R. T., 1952
Lyon Co., Iowa, wsr., 8 par eant ...
Lincoln Tel. ha. 1J3
Nabratka iNance lo.) war. par eant
Michigan Rlala Tal. (a, liJ4
Mlnneapnlla O. U Co. 6a, 130
Iinnha Water 6a, 1!M4
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd 8 per oent
Omaha A C. B. St. Hy. 6a, 128
Omaha St. Ry. 5s, 1M4
Omaha A 0. B. K. A B. pfd
Packera Nat. Bank atixk. So. Omaha.
Ft. raul Uaa ry., g. 6a. 1134
St. Lou'a Prcwtnx Ass'n Ca, M
State Inauranca t'o
t'tilon stovk YarOa atooka
Trl-Cty R. A L. pM
Dank Clearlnw.
OMAHA. Nov. 23 Bank clearing for to
day were $2,047,600.15 and for the corre
sponding data last year $2.264,310. 46.
BUTTER Creamery. No. S. delivered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 33c; No. 2,
In 30-lb. tubs, 32c; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons,
31c; packing stock, solid pack, 20c; dairy,
In 60-lb. tubs, 23&24C. Market change
tverv Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, 1717c; Young Amer
icas, Uc; daisies, lsc; triplets, 18o; l!m
burger, ISo; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported
SwlBs, 32c; dqmesUc Swiss, 24c; block Swiss,
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs.,
$5.00 dox.; over 2 lbs., 14c; hens, lS'3'16o;
cocks, 10c; ducks. Lc; geese, 15o; turkeys,
26c; pigeons, per doz., $1.20; homer squabs,
per doz., $4.00; fancy squabs, per dox., $:t.50;
No. 1, per dox., $2 00. Alive: Broilers. 14c;
over 2 lbs., sc; hens, 10c; old roosters. 7c:
old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full
feathered, 8c; turkeys 15&lSc; guinea
fowls. 26c each; pigeons, per dox., 60c;
homers, per doz., $3.00; squabs. No. 1, per
doz., $1.60; No. 2, per doz., 50c.
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel. 11c; white,
ISc; pike, 14c; trout. 14c; large crap
pies. 20c; Spanish mackerel, 7.6c; eel. ISc:
haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish,
20c; roe shad, $1.00 each; Iliad roe, per pair,
66c; frog legs, per doz., bOo; salmon. 12o:
halibut, 11c.
BEEK CUTS RIbe. loins and chuck
Just aame. No. . round, 8c; No. 2 round.
8c; No. 3 round, 7c. No. 1 plat, To;
No. 2 plate. 6c No. 3 plate. 6c.
FRUITS Oranges California Navela.
86-126 sizes, per box. 33.26; small sizes, per
box. $3 603.76; Call fornla Valencia, good
Fixes, per box. $6 60; 96 size, per box.
$5.00. Lemons Whlttler brand, extra
fancv. 300 size, per box, $6.60; 360 size,
per box, $6.60; choice, 300 aire, per box,
$6 00; 240 size. 60c per box teas. Bananas
Fancy select, per bunch. $2.262.60;
Jumbo, per bu.ich, $2.753.76. Pears
New York Kelfer, per bbl., $4.60; Califor
nia, Winter Nellie, per box, $2.85. Apples
Home-grown cooking, per bbl., S.SO'JJ
4 00; Missouri Jonathan, pee bbl., $4.75;
anissoun t en uavia per uni., 3.oo; Mil
tourl Wlneeap, per bbl., $4.00; Missouri
Uano, per bbl., $3.75; other varieties, per
ddi., 4 cu; new iora ureening ana Bald
win, per bbl.. $4 60; Colorado Jonathan
per box. $1 76: California Oravensteln,
per box, $2.10: California Belleflower, per
box, $1.60; Washington Grimes Golden
and Jonathan, extra fancy, 88 to 126
tires, per box, $2 25. Grape California
Emperor, per crate, $1.60; New York
Catawba, per i-lb. baaket. 20c; Malaga.
60i?45 lba. gross, per keg. $5.604 00.
Cranberries Per box. $2.60; per bbl.
$6.76; Jersey, per bbl., $6.26; Wisconsin
Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl., $7.2$.
Late Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkga.
In boxes, per box. $2.00; balk In J4-Tb.
boxes, per lt., Figs New California
12 12 -ox. pkga., 86c; IS 12 -ox. pkga., $2.40.
(0 6-oa pkga., $2.00. Figs Turkish. 7
crown, per lb.. 16c; 6 -or own. per In, 14c;
4-crown. ter lb.. 18c.
VEGETABLES Potatoes Early Ohio,
In Backs, per bu., 80c; Iowa and Wiscon
sin, white stock, per bu., 75 085a. Sweet
Potatoes Virginia. per bbt . $2.60
Onions Iowa, red and yellow, per
b, 2c; Indiana White, per lb., ic;
fanoy. white, per lb., 16c; red, per lb 16a.
l-.iig Plant Fancy Florida, per do.. $1.08
Celery Michigan. per dozda bunches.
86c. Rutabagas Per lb., ISo, Cucum
bers Hot house, 1 and 3 doz., per bog.,
$2.00. Tomatoes California, par 4-bsk.
crate. $1.76.
bagaj New. per lb., lc String and
Wax Beans Per market baaket, $1.26.
I.eituce Extra fancy leaf, per dox., 46c,
Parsley Fancy home-grown, per do,
bunches, 30c. Turnip Fr market
basket, 86c. Carrots Per market baaket,
40c. Beeta Per market baaket, tec.
per lb.. 2c; California No. 1, per
lb.. 18c; California. No. 2, par lb., loo.
Hlckorynuts Large, per lb, 4c; snail
per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts Par Back, $6.60.
per doz., 65c Honey New. 34 frames.
$3.66. Cider New York Atott. (tar
bbl., $3.76; par bbl.. 86.76. J
Coffee Market.
tures opened steady at an advance of t
points on December, which was Influenced
by the continued strength of the spat sit
uation and the Brazilian port markets, but
only 2 points higher to 2 point lower on
laier position, most of which responded
Slightly to lower European cables. Realiz
ing for over the holiday appeared to be
the chief early source of supply, but later
the market became very nervous and un
settled, with the active months selling off
anywhere from 16 to 25 points from the
early prices under general liquidation,
which appeared to be Inspired by rumors
of a revolution In Brazil, possibly this
caused apprehension that valorization cof
fees carried In the consuming markets
might be liquidated, but later reports In
dicated that the troubles In the producing
country were confined to the navy and the
market rallied from the lowest on cover
ing and a renewal of bull support, suggest
ing that no very serious view was taken
of the Immediate situation. The close was
steady, net unchanged to 10 points lower.
Sales, 201.500 bags, the biggest day's busi
ness so far this season. November and
Lecemher, 10.40c; January and February,
IO.Mjo; March, April and May. 10.31c; June,
10.27c; July, 10 25c; August, 10 22c; Septem
ber, lO.llic; October, 10.10c. Havre was 1
02 francs net lower. Hamburg was 14(1
i.efnnlngs lower. Rio, 75 rels higher at 7
$kj0. Santos, unchanged, 4s 7 $500 ; 7a 7 $500.
Receipts at the two Brazilian porta, 44,000
I afcrs. against 76. out baga last year; Jundi
ahy receipts, 26,2tO bags, against 4U,600 bags
last year. Spot coffee, unsettled; Rio No.
7. 1813c; Santos No. 4. 13o; mild cof
fee, nominal; Cordova. 13Sl6o.
Dry Goods Market.
T'nderwear agents report a moderate trade
for fall, 1811. Cotton goods are generally
steady, but quiet. Reporta In the silk mar.
keta tell of advancing prices and a fairly
well sold-up condition on the part of soma
large mills.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUTS, Mo., Nov. 23 WOOL Un
changed; territory and western mediums,
22i623c; fine mediums, SOmTCIc; fine, 124flJi.
agar Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23 -SUGAR Raw,
firm: Mcaoovado, 89 test, 3 40o; centrifugal,
80 test, 2.Kic: molaasea sugar, 88 tost, I Ik;
refined, steady.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Nov. 23-HAY-No. 1 upland.
$U0); No. 2 upland, $U'; packing. $4 00;
alfalfa. $13.00. straw: Wheat, $4.i0; rya
$.ou; oala, $.0O.
Kansas City Live stock Market.
Receipts, 5,3oO head, Including 2,5o0 south
ens, market steady to strong; yearlings,
$25; dreased beef and export steers. $." f
7 25; fair to good, $4 .7'i 50: western steers,
$4 00fiffj.; snickers and fcft-ders, $3 75)5 10,
Bouifiern ateers, $1 75-6. 0": southern cows,
$27S52f; native cons, t?50"-(4 50; native
heif.-is U!-'.iCui-. bulls, $.12.i4W; calvea,
$4 4i 4 3.
llOti. Receipts, 9, '"In head; market
cix-ned slow- and rlot-ed 6a lower; bulk of
sale. $7owu7.1o; heavy. $7.007 12: packers
and butc.hurs. 7.0:7 10: llht. $6 X,ft W
SHICEP AN I) LAM He.-Recelpts. 10 0H0
heail, market l"r 15c higher; Utah lambs,
$!W; Iambi. H r': : 00: yuarlltiga. I40l'i4 ;
wethers, $J 2.".n 4 t1; i wes. $2.743 75; stock
els and feeders, $2 50j3 50.
- -
Cattle Ars Dull and Slow, with Values
a Trifle Stronger.
Market Opeua vtlth Fair Baying He.
mini, hut Soon Sella Off He
rri pta oif Sheep and l.amba
Are I.lcht.
Receipt, wrier Cst'le. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Estimate Vedne.6ay ..
Three days this week
Same days last week..
Same days 3 weeks ago. 14 115
Same day 8 week ae:o.8o.4a
Same days 4 weeks ago. 29. 554
Same days last year 22.10
the year to date as compared with last
year: lfiin. 1909. Inc. Dec.
Cattle .. .1. 123.092 1, OAS. 671 114.421
Hogs ....1.729,251 1.P73.875 234,624
Sheep ... 2.842,878 2.004,414 318.564
1'he follow ng table shows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Pate, j 1910. 1W9.190.1W.L'106.!L1K 1,4-
Nov. 16...
Nov. 17...
Nov. 18..
Nov. 19...
Nov. 20...
Nov. 21...
Nov. 22...
Nov. 23..
7 36 I 7 96' 6 691 4 99 6 10 4 66 4 M
7 4:t T 93 6 641 $ 05 4 67 4 71
7 $3 7 B9 6 69 4 831
7 20' 7 94; 6 70 4 64 021 I 4 b.1
I 7 861 6 60 4 63 6 02 4 8
7 08l 76 4 49! K 4 66 1 4 61
$ kni 7 88 4 82 8 16, 4 64 4 61
K2 7 89, $ 87 4 OS; 12j 4 6 4 48
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yes
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. H'r's.
I-., M. St. P 3
Wabaah 2
Missouri Pacific 1
Union Pacific 16
7. era 4.4.K
4 K1 8.0X2 lO.loO ,
8i973 7.4-4 6.0"0 j
16.067 19.922 8f..6v9
25.773 16,'M J""..""
7,5Y1 pt).17:t '
8.125 95.663
16.575 21.61-4
1 receipts of
Omaha for I
7 ..
15 1
2 8..
80 4
4 4..
117 21 1
C. & N. W east 1
O. A N. W.. west 30
C, St. P., M. At O.... 3
C, B. ft Q., east 1
C, B. & y. west 78
C, R. 1. & P., east... 1
C. R. I. & P.. west.. ..
lllnols Central
Chicago GU Western ..
Total receipts 136
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 27 1.2.U 6.5
Swift & Co 4!6 1.9N1 5i2
Cudahy Packing Co 1,323 1,660 1.0:15
Armour & Co 604 1.634 btAi
Murphy, shippers M ....
Armour, from Uenver... 4H9
Cudahy, from St. I'aul 260
W. B. YaJisant Co "l
Benton, Vansant & Lush 56 .... ....
Stephens Bros 25
Hill & Son lie
F. B. Lewis 60
Huston At Co 21
J. B. Root & Co 97
L. Wolf..! 180
McCreary & Carey 69
Rothschilds & K 2
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 15
Sol Degan 23
Kline & Co 6 ....
McConaughey 6
Other buyers 206 .... l,2ii
Total 4,166 6.334 4.538
CATTLE Receipta of cattle wer very
moderate, only 114 cars being reported
In. The quality was far from att aotive
and the light receipts, poor quality rod the
fact that Thursday will be a holiday at
the yards, caused a rather dull and unin
teresting trade. The total receipt for the
two days amount to only 16,000 head, a fall
ing off of almost 10,000 head as compared
with last -week and of 6,000 head as com
pared with a year ago.
There was aome Inquiry for beef ateers
and seller were generally asking a little
more money than yesterday, but It was
hard work In view of oonditlons noted
above to get packera to put on anything
of consequence. The result was a rather
slow market, with prices Steady to per
haps a little atronger on some kinds.
Cow did not show much change, the
trade being very much In the same con
dition aa beef steer. Moat of the sales
could hardly be quoted better than steady.
As speculators were not particularly
anxious to buy cattle with the prospect
of having to carry them over Thursday,
the trade was slow on all kinds of stock
and feeding cattle, with pricea not ma
terially different from yesterday.
The market on all kinds of cattle for
the first half of the week haa shown com
paratively little change. Some of the most
desirable killer are possibly a little
stronger and the same might be said ot
the good light feeders, but the advance has
not been of sufficient Importance to be
worth talking about
Quotation on native cattle: Good to
eholc beef Bteer, $6.4XVSH 75 ; fair to good
beef steers, $5.006.75: common to fair beef
steers, $4.00476.00: good to choice cows and
heifer a $4 00fl4.90; fair to good cow and
heifers. $3. 40p 8 86; common to fair cows
and heifers, 2.503.2f; good to choice stock
ers and feeders, $4.506 26; fair to good
stock ers and feeders, $3 8004.40; common
to fair atockera and feeder. $3.004i3 75:
stock heifers, $3.104.26; veal calve. $3,269
7.26; bulls, stags, eto . $3.00a4 50.
Quotations on rapre cattle: Choloe to
prima beeves, $t.60J 00: good to choice
beeves, $6.00m6.60; fair to good beeves. $4.40
&5.00; common to fair beeves, $3.704.40;
good to choice heifers, 14.00474.70; good to
choice cowa, 34.0OM4.50; fair to good cowa,
$3.6034.00; canners. $2.763.60; choice to
prime feeder. $4.80(76.26; good to choice
feeders, $4.26c34.76; fair to good feeders,
$3. 75$. 25; common to fair feeder, $3,000
$.76: stock heifers. $3.0004-00.
Representative salee-
No, Av. Pr N. Av. Pr.
17 1091 I 16 7 111 6 10
31 1327 3 40 41 1221 6 18
13 Hoi 6 48 84 ...li37 4 20
41. 1473 6 88
it. IK ID 4 111 It)
44 817 8 00 li .10M 8 78
6 806 8 18 8 -ft. ..U4 8 Ti
6.. lloO 8 16 8 84 IH
6 128 8 M 8 iS 8 80
T 00 IM 11 Kl IK
8 ttt I 10 0... 1141 8 M
8,.. 1014 8 60 I 1100 409
8 840 8 80 4... 1078 4 1 6
3 716 8 60 T ...1094 4 80
6.-. ..I.. 441 I to 38 838 I 88
......... 881 4 86 1 100 T 08
18 8H 4 M 4. l"t 1 00
8 CI 18 1 3 7 86
1 4O0 ' 4 46 1. ........... 1 f 60
1 io 6 00 4 m iu
8 140 6 60 1, 140 I 78
8. 318 6 84
8 t0 8 40
4 t!7 8 7
4 M IM
4 IM 181
11 707 4 86
4 808 4 84
8 tul 4 to
8...M 7 4 40
84 IX 110
6 LU 4 60
3 844 4 80
J. M. Dougherty Neb.
IS feeder.. 931 4 50 36 steers... 890 4 00
Justin Pomaroy Wyo.
23 feeder.. 63 4 65 6 steers.. ..1034 4 65
29 cows 788 8 50 20 cows 8o2 4 00
Is cows 647 $ 30
D. r. Harrison Wyo.
77 cow 686 $ 90 8 cow 833 I 40
A. T. Bundgren Wyo.
21 eow.
. 8r 4 16 4 00 w a 805 8 80
R. C. Irwin wyo.
T feeder..
4 70 9 cows 172 4 26
Walters Wyo.
4 steers,
$ cows..
4 60 6 ca A hs.1021
3 80 . 10 cows 8M
4 10
5 20
La Barge
11 steers.. ..1183
11 feeders.. 6x1
15 cows 963
R. S
23 feeders.. 1118
51 heifers.. .1007
Llvs Stock Co. Wyo.
4 96 7 feeders.. 873 4 65
4 25 18 heifers... 6.(2
8 60 8 cow 807
Van Tasaell Wyo.
$ 10 12 feeders. .1066
4 45 24 calves... 913
3 80
$ 30
4 80
3 50
3 36
17 cows k4
$10 9 cows 8,2
Crown Land and Live Stock Co. Wyo.
$6 steers.. ..1097 4 85 $ oows 106$ IkO
12 cows....,!) 4 36
V altera Bros. Wyo.
13 cows Ms 8 40 20 cows 831 4 13
9 feeders.. 717 4 15 11 feeders.. 843 4 36
$ cows 871 $ 76
C. N. Walters Wyo.
23 feeders.. 829 4 60 9 feeders.. 915 4 25
25 heifers... 7.4 3 K6 6 heifers... 778 3 60
14 cows 840 3 44 10 steers.. ..1070 $80
- Seivert A H Wyo.
12 feedera
7o4 4 26 6 feedera.. 955 4 X5
River Uve Stock Co.
23 feeders.. S78 4 ho
13 cows..,
27 cows...
1014 4 15
950 3 40
50 cows 894 8 40
28 cows 8t3 3 20 4 cows 90u $ 46
HCx IH There uu another very fair run
of hoga this morning, bringing the total
for the three days this week close up to
20.000 head. As compared with last week,
there has been a gain of almost 4.000 head,
and as compared with a year ago, of about
1,500 bead.
The market opened with a vary fair buy
ing den and and with prices of all dealta
bie kinds sround lc higher than yratar
dav's general market. Aa the mora urgent
orders were filled the trsde weakened off
and buyers lowered their bids to about
on a par Hi yesterday. Seller fought
I i
a ( i v xt, 1 1 r f ir
Brivani-a, l.rai'lli allv all n ln,.it (
Kor the three nas this week the matket
has suffered quite a severe break At tbe
close of last week the best light lo'"
wvr selling up 10 $7 4.., while today In
extreme top was only $7.10 on tna same
kind. Heavy hogs have not suffered so
much, but they were eelltnu a li'.W.r? W
and as high as $i.2o on Saturday, wlili
ti-HUy they sold largely at Bud around $: S
t6 8t.
Itci'iesentstlv sales:
No. r Slv. Pr. No. A. Bt. Pr.
14 tia) 6 70 ai rt too I 80
to 86 ... ft 40 3 40
44 A 140 I II 4 T.' !40 4 i
2 2!-3 10 4 7a It . ... 4 i
4 4: ... 30 . 1K1 180 45
Dft ? t.V I IK) 43 l 41) 4 80
44 84 60 f 80 43 r'4 ... Is
4 4t ... 46 t:l 0 4 04
63 34.S ... 42 M I I 10 98
4 3M 10 M 15 114 ... 16
to IO) I U ta i 40 6 44
t ' tul JO I 16 41 3 104) 6 M
1 ' 0 I 16 64 MO NO 8
U I.4 10 I It U 2X1 140 I St
47 1.4 40 I W SO 3V 40 6 St
I 340 I U la 7 6
34 61 ... 4 K 4 878 44) I M
(VI 4 Ut lit (7 241 ... t 04
64 J ... I W, tl 244 40 4
35 8i4 ... 6 tt 83 8-U) 800 6 88
ta. iu 170 : go r.i i;o 4
t I I ... I 17s tl 31ft 100 4 tt
f l) SO 6 10 71 S-4 M IN
73 1 80 t tO t 5 ... I t
t N7 ... 4 SO U l.V 10 6 97
' 82J 140 0 7n iM so t 17
.' wo to on m ... 1 r
64 8-it ... t 00 44 t4 St 7 0
tl I I 80 4 HI 4 8V1 4 7 00
11 3: ... 80 14 21t ... t et
4" 114 130 6 94) 86 .04 80 T 00
33 34 ... 4 SO 74. 0I 40 t 00
'I 1 4 tO 7. 8i.5 10 7 OS
6' 31 1) 4 90 ,i ... j re
0 27 ... M tt 2bt ... 00
81 .1W 40 6 N tt C2I ... 7 00
4 271 t 8 0 IJ a7 ... 7 00
117 144 SO 4 10 J M4 200 7 On
84 l 40 I SO o J4i 40 T 00
tt IN 7 Bl ... 700
6 3,1 140 I 0 4t l ... T Oh
W 3 Ud 1 (0 02 lit ... it;,
M 3.4 In) 4 M u izt ... TOt.
t 813 310 I H 71 XII ... 7 0H
64 38 80 8 80 88 121 ... T 05
44 21 ... to ;i aii t 7 OA
53 .-. 6 80 M , , e
6 "1 840 I M ti u ... OA
63 26 ) I tO tt J47 ... 7 05
45 806 1 8 tO 44 3i4 ... f 10
2 a3 40 IM 10 .10 .,, 110
to M SO 6 to 77 8U 80 T 1
63 JtJ 400 I 80
SHEEP Receipts were very light this
morning, only about fourteen cars reported
In the yards. More than that the rucelpia
all the week have been the smallest that
tne.y nave Deen at this point In a long
time, there being a falling off of a good
deal over half aa compared with tb cor
responding Uaya of laht week. The ehort
a.v in the supply has caused a rapid ad
vance In values and haa put the market In
splendid shape as viewed from a seller s
standpoint. It remains to be Been whether
this advance can be maintained should re
ceipts the coming week show a large In
crease. W itli barely a dozen cars of killers In
sight the market was again higher this
morning, most sales looking as much aa
liVyloo better then yesterday or 8f,4T-50e
higher than last week's close. Iambi hav
really shown mora advance than fat sheep.
Fed wethers sold up to $3.75, with fed year
llngB at $4.76, and range wethers at $3.60.
A bunch of very good fed lambs brourht
$6.26, while at the close of Inst week It took
right good lambs to bring $5.50.
The aupply of feedera was limited this
morning to one atrlng of three cars of
lambs of pretty good quality which sold
at $6.30. Feeders have been In very goad
demand this week and everything received
has met with ready sale at steadily ad
vancing prices, the amount of the advance
being about the same a In the case of
killers, that Is. SMiSOo, a compared with
the close of last week.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to
choice lambs, $6.6006.26; fair to good lambs
$6.0unj6.6u; good feeding lambs, $4.00)6.00;
inn icmiiiis lauiiiH, e.wta.ou: . iign t com
mon lambs, $3.00(i4.00; handy weight year
lings, $4.15itf4.60; heavy yearlings, $3 7i,ffl)
4.26; feeder yearlings, $3.75fl4.3fi;; good
to choice wethers, $3.6ohj4.00; fair
to good wethers, $3.2t.(j3 50; feeding wethers. 4.
$3 16'd3.40; fat ewes, $3.0),3.35; feeding owes. X
$22ifi2.75; canners. $1.6022.00.
Representative sales
No. Av "
1079 Wyoming wethers 102
303 Wyoming yearlings 75
246 Wyoming yearlings 87
233 Wyoming wethers lit)
1R2 Wyoming ewes 03
128 Wyoming lambs, feeders 62
227 Wyoming lambs, feeders 66
157 Wyoming wethers ,, 07 ;
99 Colorado awes 74
191 fed lambs
148 fed swea oj
322 fed ewe j0i
171 Wyoming wether 104
221 Wyoming wethers 104
222 Wyoming wethers 108
V?m',n" w"ier .,,......, lK
281 Idaho lambs 1
124 Idaho wethers 105
250 fed lamb I"!!" 73
iXym,n8T yearlings, wathara $8
192 Wyoming wethers 110
410 Wyoming wethers 108
5 60
4 36
t 25
6 00
6 00
$ 00
6 00
$ 00
5 30
S 80
$ 38
I 34
t 36
3 00
4 26
3 40
I 80
Demand for Cattle Stronar Hoa Are
w" Sheep Steady.
isS101?' NorL "-BATTLE-Receipts,
16,000 head; market, strong to lOo up-
beeves, $4.60(31.30; Texas steers. $4.205 40:
western "sera $4.236.90; BtockerVnd
feeder. $3.85u.7R; cow and heifers mm
88.35; calvea, $7.60(39.75. $3.28
HfXJB-Recelpta, 28.000 head; market
Mwti.60,IOWSri il'-,ht W.K7.00; mixed!
$6.25ZT7.00; bulk of sales. $190,7 05 P '
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28 000
head; market, ateady; native, $2 25ffi'l3v
western, $2.604.10: yearling..' HSIO
lambs, native. $4.26a.0O western. Haia
St. Louis Lira Stock Market.
i-.lV1- Noy
2.600 head. IncludinrTOO tVxb nTrk. t
strong; native shipping and export .1,,,.
$6.6,7 25; dressed Wand butcher Jtler.:
50: stockers and feeder's, $8 604i6 2o
., ''tSTi .755.26; canners, $2.75
t'J or.,: r.. w ... "V'
$3:5oa4.6o av' .-
HCAiS-lteoelpts. 10,000 head; market 6
lOo lower; pigs and light. $7.0037 16 rjunk
tmmMt hutohert 'h'
SHEJiiP AND LAMB8-Rclpu, 1 000
I1d;.P',"Ik,0l 15 higher: naUva mut
tons. $3 25(53 60; lambs. $J.60ai 50? cullsnd
bucks. $2.6mtf8.00; Blockers. $2.263.25. Md
St. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
BT. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 23. CATTLE
Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady to
strong; steers. $4 60 60; cowa and fcalfera.
$2.505 50; calvea. $3.WV?8.2fl. Baiters,
UOaS Receipts. 4,000 bead; market weak
to&o lower; top. $7.10; bulk of sales, f7.0C
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt, 1,000
head; market 103160 higher; lamb. HtW
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at th firs princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs.
South Omaha
St. Joseph ..
Kansas City
(it. Ixmls
10.01 a)
.29.700 60.400 42.000
Dtctnpnatd Cornaje of Man A boat
Sixty Years of A AT round Hear
Manchester, la.
MANCHESTER, la. Nov. 28 (Spertal.)
A new and startling mysterious develop
ment ha bean added to the finding of th
human skull near hers a few days ago,
by th discovery last nlgbt of th beheaded
human body on which th skull undoubtedly
belonged. J. C. Murray, a farmer, of pear
South Fork, this county, found In th tall
trass at th opposite aid of th field from
wher the skull wa found, a body with
the head aevered and missing. Th body
was that of a man probably between fifty
and sixty years of age. He had worn a
black ooat and trousers. A can was found
near the body, also a watch, $14 In money
and a player book. Nona of these things
dlsclos tb dead man's Identity. Coroner
Bowman Is Investigating today.
A son of Murray, th man who found th
body. Is confident th body, waioh I badly
decomposed, la that cf a man who pasted
their horn In May and asked th shortest
way to Dubuqua
Last Friday Jama Murray, th son of
J. C. Murray, found a human akull In th
corn field In which lie was picking corn.
Th skull was not mora than a dosea yards
from th road. Th akull had the appear
and of never having been burled. Th rest
of tb field was searched but nothing a a
found, until tha body was uncovered whar
It lay In th long grass ard weed.