TTIK BEE: OMATIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1010. i i I) If ( T OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) ' TH t. W. BLACKBURN, lasryer, 408 Pexto furnished bouse to rent (or t-flOOM house all modern; walking dis tance. Faey (rms to re -.ponslble couple. F. 1. Weed, inui Farnam bt Bhwi "ottaea. g-rTOOM MODFRft HOUSB-ComMnetlnn fl Hires; Mat front $Ad and Wehier, IIOiM. (-room all modern bt Louis flat 71( N. gM tit.. $-0(, l-roora all owlera bouse (20$ Locust St. $. (-room brick atl modern house. 100 Wll liaa Av.. $.00. 4 rooms la apartment Tat. VU N. ltth 44 $11. aa. . C. M. HACHMANN. 4M Pax ton Blonk. oround riooR ni a cm. Tbe re U a largo apaca just off tha court M arann floor that will b remodeled ta tuit atxtaraeiarr Una at. Ibis location la near Samara it, cenvsnisnt to mala ' antra nre of building. Lek before renting. L"l"t rant before Tee-king. TH a.c huildinu company. It W. Baker. gupt ITth and Farnam. MODERN la-room houaa, Insulre nest door aouth. Ml & ,fcd St . EXCimONAIXT oonrRilfnt. modern, eonpoet - room brlok; finished ana year ego; sboleeet neighborhood. 33d and Pop Plata,. Mk, Ineludos watar, oara of lawn, enow, ata. Patara Truat Co., N. T. Ufa Blsg- Hit, modem reetdeace, 41 at and torsi, . M W.Tet 1L 416, evenings. Call- (9S N. ITth St -r. mod. apartment $30. 1430 Cuming Ht, 4-r., apartment. ' g'4 Bristol St., 6-r , all mod., barn, $2R. J. W.. RASP CO. III BRANDEUd BLDQ. v- tug. MAPLE SL. (-room, modern, $17 00. SNAP An all modern, l-room house; only costs $ a year to heat; will rent for $20 per - month; laoated at 1020 N. 32d. Harry 11. ' Putnam,. 6140 Burt- Tel. Harney 40. NINS rooms, all modern; Wast Fern am street; $21 $0, If taken at once. Nowata Land and - Lot C-. c&$ New Irk Life bldg. Phone: Ked, ll; A-1721. BIX-KOOM modern fiousa except heat, $11.6. 1416 Blnney St Tel. Web. 1763. " (-ROOM ' heuee, atrietly modern; hot water heat, newly papered. Tel. Red $177. J t-ROOlf house, modern. tept heat 719 N. list South Omaha. Tel. B. 20S1. ' (-ROOM cottage: modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. 22M tiouth (2d Ave. Rent only t& par mo. Telephone Dougli uglaa 4ML " OMAHA Van sV Storage Co., pack, move, store household goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N, Una; afflca (nw . 17th Su TeL Douglas 166. - Ilouseii la all parts of tha city. Cralgb Bona Co.. Bee Bldg. r,s ' T'ro"n boma. near park. $26. l&ll B. Kth. V MODERN 7-room. good neighborhood. , $20,40., . Water paid. Inquire 1411 Vin ton. ,.,.' " EIGHT-ROOM hotma. all modern, hot water .heat. 6-1 S. 21th Ave. Tel. It 2177. MODERN eottage. seven rooms with fur- nace; walking distance west Inquire Z12 B. win DL 7-ROOM house. 2734 Parker St., $23. Wa - pay water rent. We will pay moving ex - penees If taken at . onre. Call residence phone Webster 6631, office Red 663. ( ' $1600 Flv large rootps I at l(04'$l. lsth St.; mndarh V In nice condition. In brick- building except furnace $20 09 Nice 2-si or v. (-room, modern homa. 4 Tla) N, JOth St. - r ' $D4.00I andy (-room, modern corner home. '7U N.- $0th tit. $32.60 !Seven-ronm, modern, close hi home - at mm Webster ft. $.i0.05wNiee large (-room corner home. wit a heat. zw Davenport at. KOU1NKON It. WOLF, ' ' 4j6 I'axton Blk. 6 S. 24TH ST., rail., all lnd., $30. 1" tu K. i.iu .SL. rtna.. all md., M. . " Li K. i.ih St., X rma., ail md., $ju. M b. MU Ave., ( rma., all md., $J6. ikwi lietatur at., ( rma., md. ex. heat, $J0. Ai.: Charles St., T rma., aJl md., (20. Emmet 6-t., 7 rma,, md. ex. heat, '911MI. ' '. N. 19th St., ( rmi, md. ex. heat. $19. US Spalding St 6 rma. and bath, md. ex. Ilul, Jib 60. i: Miami St., 4 rma., city water, $14. 3U W abater Ht, & rma., city water, $13. llv Suward St., ( rma., city water, fl;. ...U6' H. 2uth Ave., ( rms.; city water, $12.00. $l:i s). 2otli Ave., 4 rma., city water. $10. 2411 S. ;nli Ave., 4 rms. city water, gaa, $18.W. , ' McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., iM Dutlga St Pbona Doug. $15. 1V4 a, ltb, (Vroom cottage $10.00 lua Howard, (-room, oloae In 16.00 .tilt 8. iitu ave., 4-room, close Id 14.00 .. tins Seward.-6-rooiu, city water 14. UD JU1.N. liu, (-room, all modern 10. uo lit S. 36t Ave., i-r.. all mod. new.... 40 uo IMS Maiiderson, 6-roooi ..-nilv Parksr,. a-iooin, mod. ex. heat.... 1(.iW ..117 S. iilh Ave., (-room, all modern.... 60 00 -rV'Ju dpiuce, 6-room, modtrn li fco kU 6. Uth. (-room, cieae In 12.60 THE BY HON REED CO., , Pkona Doug. U7, A-3S34. 211 H. 17th Bt - ,. HUU. fi4U Jarvln Uroa.. Id floor N Y u . . A NEW (-room house, with bath, recep- iuun nan ana launary, uii modern, fine lo . n-atlon, near four car lines. Inquire 71$ j Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 1241. . - - BEST LOCATION. Block to Fumain N. 4"th line, g-r., ttearly new, south front 60 ft., lot paved street' licamifut yard with hedge. Lease tor a year. , O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., -10uVi-lT N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2153. LARGE alx-room houaa $33 B. tlst SU Phone Harney 1706. i r .. . . FIRKIN Ess. a Storage. 1611 Cap. D. tl 71$ N. 22 4 bt, reoiua, modern, and lane bars. ti." i A FINE (-room, modern house; den! ruble neighborhood; walktug distance; always raaitad tor 6.U.60 per month; Just vacant and will rent tor less If taken at ouca. call Tyler SIX-ROM houaa, beat Harney $75. all modern except CONSTANT GAINS. 1 60 Inches gain for Omnlia Bee.- 1.109 - laches toss for nearest competitor. This is ' (be record for want ads for October com pared with tba eerrea ponding month g year ago. STRICTLT modern 4 and (-room flats, $22 60 and $o per month; fine residenoa dis trict Telephone Harney Hu73. FOR RENT 4-room bouse, 116. (tb St 1315 So. HOUSgHOl4 GOODS packed, forwardeil: Cbaap freight rates; moving and storing, a kapreesuisu a Deilverv Co. Tel. Doug. 14 IN WFST FARNAM DISTRICT. 104 and 1 S. 36th St.. two very f ne. atiietly snoderm. brick dwellings, in choic est residence district In the city; will decorate to suit tenant Special price to ngni party. PAT!E A EI.ATER CO.. Sal Agents, (tb or N. Y. Lite Bldg. 'Phone Lsuuglas MIS. HOC? E for rent; ( room, modern, except aeat iau tiuroy St., r'hona lnd. U-JJ.. t-ROOM houaa. tsSt recatur St.. $11 (2 oooa 7-room house, modern except neat, aouus only. WIS Caldwell. W eb. I.-S. FOR RENT evan-roora house, electric light, one acre of fruit, one block from car, Pbona Webster J331 Seven room, modern. 220$ N. ISth. $30. benua-Carlberg, Hi Brandeis Theater. KIW, I rooms, all molern except heat. $1$ per ano. (oul S. Swin Ave, 1 block south uf Central boulevard and Vlntou a-'iiool. Telephone Tyler 16.1. 1411 N. stTH ST.i (-room out tax e. oil y ' , ( water, aewer. gas. in a nice ceighbo . i .1. lt In'4Lllr at SI 12 Lincoln liivd ' I l ITjp VtUMI "tit. 6 r. om bouue. $10. rhood, ' I Jtr eJgbt-room brick apartment house. V A snu.1e, aorth rt of cn I , at newly .remodeled and will be teJ In a In daya. ( T t 4 Iwoallon fr roumina house. C. M. RAIlllliN Pastoa Blk. Cffua PbMie Ra4 . 4-4-a Pbvk Wua.aa (uug. OFFERED FOR RENT Roawt aad loluira oxiaaeo. NINB-ROOM modern house In llansoom I'aik district; hnu-e in first-cisss condi tion. An ideal horre for the riant petty. I. an be seen any ttmr. Call at hlJ Pacuio Hi'el or pbona Jlarney ii.!4ii. HANSCOM PAI1K IMSTRJT. l-room modern, brick flat, on car Una, only 4J0 to msirsble tenant wniUHT & LAMIU'RT. 600 8. IStb St 1 hone. Doug. 151 HOU9KS FOR KKNT. NOWATA LAND AND UJT CO.. Kulta 24 New Yurk Lifa Bldg. Red 1WK MODERN 7-room house. $36. 1507 8. Mb. 1-ROOM modern house, S7UI California BU Call Douglas 2717. $-R. MOD. cottage, very nice, besutlfully located. 25. 71 S. 17th Vab. ). l.Mft N. 20th, 6 rooms $?0 00 1.14 N. 2th. S rooms $1 00 Douglas St., 8 rooms $17.60 JOHN N. FKKNZEK. -ROOM, all modern bousa, pared street, one blot k from car. K444 Epauliitng tit l-lione Webster $407. 1408 N. tb bt, I rooms. $CS4. Pbona Harney EBVKN-ROOM house, modern. 8208 Marcy. Tel. 11. 047, or Douglas 40. HOl7HE FOR RENT. Five rooms close in. $14 per month. NOWATA LAND & IXT CO., 6U N. Y. Life Bldg. Fhone: Ked 1A A-1TJ1. room modern, nice order, $303 Bharman Ave., $25. KIOHT-RlM.lM, strictly modern house, $46 per month; will rent furnished to respon sible parties for $"), furniture new and ele gant 404 Ho. 28th St. Harney 614. (-ROOM modern cottage except heat. 718 Hickory St Inquire 3u7 8. 17th. J. P. Bergqulst. $12.002712 and 2H4 Shirley Bt, (Center) rooms, water and gas. $au .00 1537 1'ark Ave., t rooms, all mod.; gocid condition. 63i.50 1U10 Olnnwood Ave.. (Bemls IarkJ (e rooma modern. $k.u0 ol2 Harney St. 8 rooms modern; good condition. 1). V. 8HOLF.S CO., 913 Citv National Bunk Bldg. Phones: Douglas 2, lnd. A-2049. (-ROOM cottage, 1415 N. $8th. torea acid Offices. PTORE FOR RENT Haa bake oven for bakery. 2308 N. 24th. NO equal In city; grocery and meat mar ket With tlxtuiea Apply 220 N. 23d. OFFICE room, 119 N. 16th St.. opposite postoffice, $7 per month. 408 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Conrad Young. Doug. hilL r BTURthOOM POR RENT routneast corner 16th and Douglaa Sta, rsrm Mi 70 feet. Posaaasion glveo about beptamber 1, 19K CITY NATIONAL BANK. SEVERAL nice office rooms in the Pat terson Block, 17th and Farnam Sts. McCAUUK INVESTMENT CO.. 1.VH nudge St. Phone Doug. 415. OFFERED FOR SALE Varnltara. CHINA cabinet, mahogany, beautiful piece, chear. Apartment 6. The Winona, 26th and Dewey. Tel. Harney 637C. COOK stove, gas stove. fcVrd coal burner, eoucb, upholstered chair. 301 Mason Bt DINING table, china, music and kitchen cabinets; sanitary couch and pad, etc; nearly new. SUM N. lirth. FOR BALE) Household goods. B-2UI1. Call lnd. FOR - SALE Base burner, washing ma. chine, household goods. Tel. W. 64M. 3& N. 18th. . ROLLER top desk, base burner, Majestio steel range, china closet, book case, bed room set, wardrobe, sideboard, carpets, rui-'B. lady s desk, mission furniture, wash intr rhUchlne.' Rltthvn ctliibodrd, rockers,, chiffonier, gas range, sanitary couches, ' soft coal heater, round dining table; many other furniture. Vi'J N. 24th. Mwalcad laetrauiea ta. KIMBALL upright piano, $75. 108 McCagua, MANDOLINS, Gultara and Banjos, $$ and up. Gibson Mandolins and Guitars sold on small payiuauia. Francis Potter. Barker block. tovea. FOUR aoft coal heating stoves for sal cheap. Apply The Redden, ill So. 2010. A GOOD base burner for sale. 4ii4. Harney FOR SALF Cheap, medium sixed Round Oak stove; good condition, lei. Har. 3471. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith 3c Bros, typewriter. b. ' Bwauaon to., Disiribuiars, 1416 ar- aam ct SECOND-hand typewriters gold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 10u7 Farnain. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, Urge stock Standard Visible Writing Machines and others t $-5 mfrs." prices, for sale or rent: rent applied, ask lor list and offer. B. F. Swanaon CO.. 131C Farnam. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter wltb eak atand. (I mommy, iroin manufacturer. most Interested in satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., n 2911 Mtaeellaaeoaa. WE HAVE on' band a ' nnmbir of ink Carrels whlcn we wll. sell for 60 rente each Tfcey are fine for rain water or aeries. Call ai press room. Bee publishing Co. WANTED Oood wide-awake u-avallns? salesman to enter nig rates force or a re- Uable nuticnnndlR atore; big opportunity to good, hard-working man. Address at-44$. Bee. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all fiv - croers, catalogue tree. n.iernoaa kJcCooneil Drug Co.. Omaba. Neb. 200 OVERCOATS, slightly used, at a bar gain. A. u., 41 N. loth. FOR SALE New and second-hand bll hard and pool tables. We lead the world ii cheep bar fixtures; easy payments. Brune- ivk-iikv-...iiii:iiuvi, wi o. ivin Bi. FOR SALE (-room house to be removed. 611 N. xtA Make offn- Apply Chris Hoyar. t2d and laming sl iJOUg. ana "-wi SAFES Overstocked with aecond-han. safes, all sixes and makss; bargalna Ainenran supply to., uio f arnam bt About 40 feet of V-lncb diameter Nn gnage. galvanised pipe, with four 4n-tn- bos and T. This was used for ventilat ing purpoeea and pipe la In good condition. me uee x-unnaning jo.. sod farnaia. ONE butcher's lea box, lis. cheap, f-t Mary's Ava. 11) GOOD buffalo overcoat for sale; can be seen at 0110 a. 2hin Bt. FOR SALE Nearly new atake dray bed, 4x14 feet. Coat at fartory $J,6; will aell cheap if taken at once. For particulars ariu aeacnpuon, addreaa Y 764. Bee. 11) M." ,on or " delivered an - place. 'Phone ller lu; A-1I CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. FOR SALE-Lady'a fur coat I1M Pbona W GOO!) cravenette overcoat, cost $18. will sen for $.; suitable for school boy of nuoui is. ( ""f) -V 1 1 r iirnace lump, a ton. i ri v,va" Harmon & w eaih. eb. MS fu-w PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in c. b. Pat oince. 6U i'axiun Blk. R. tul. D. O. BA KNELL. Paxtoa blk. Tel. Had Till PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OR PaIV 1MUN CP BED. I R W. C MuW'tL U4 L'U.Ci Ivi-i-A... bilAUA. OOwt. Ma. PERSONAL (ConUBued-a fASXPil' rT- l'endas massage iuioo.iuIj treatments recommended by trading physicians. tub Paiton Bin. TOUNU WOMBN rcmlng to Omana as rant-ere are Invited to visit the Vouni omen's Christian Aeeoolat on building at t-eenwenth street and s-t. Marys cnua here they will be directed to suitnuls board ng places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our traveler s aid at tba Lnion atallvn. t'HlVAThi maternity borne. Mrs. lr. Inc. 'Sii N. 24th tit. Web. Iu69. lnd. LM. cp AT P maasage a specialty, aura cure for baldness: facial msesaue. manicuring and shampoo work; satisfac tory work guaranteed. 41 faiton Ulock. QWITfUrS'"11" ccmblng. $1 M Mrs. RATIfS Vapor, alcohol and U"AllkJ 16U6 Dodge. M Toor, massage. OPD. DOt- ffloa. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7V I'ROF. DINJIAM Oriental massaica. 441 Brandela Theater. 'Phooa D. tX MAONKTIf tteatment. Mma. 8mltk, PRIVATE HOMR during eonflnement: tables for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 14 1st Ava, council hiuks. la. PRIVATB hone for women during con- nement Address Bog 117, Florence. Nab. eL Florenoe tL JOSIB WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under orld Sewer." at all book stores. Price, $1 .54 CAR FOR OREOON Wish party to take alf car for Raker City, Oregon, or vlc.nlty ear there. Purchaser may snip household goods, farm machinery and live stock, and secure free passage. Inquire Omaha Fire proof Storage Co. OMAHA Stammerers' Ina, Ramga Bldg. TUB SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off clothing In fact, anything you do not need. we collect, rrpair ana eeu at im n. ma 1st., for coat of collection, to tha worthy poor. CaU phone Douglaa ilia and wagon will call. K L. LOVEJOT repairs sewing maohlnes and warranu mem. uoz a. juL eu two. CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling; firing, call and deliver. Mrs W. V. Irwin. 2616 Blonde. TeL W. $4ft STRICTLT private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption, ttl Davenpovt "t WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. I rid. A-U63; PoiiKlas l'"A NbsHASKA tyULK CUM! AW T, 16th and Harney bta. c : i V, from combines. $1 SO. Mrs. S. OWlvuco xj-thews. 604 Neville blk. D6262 WTrjQl gnl toupes for men. Griffltk, AUO u and u FRENZER BLOCaC MRS. A. HUSTER. Millinery, 221 N. Uth. m? RTTl?lTP. Gpsclallst In diseases of Ul. UU IV I VI J wom.n. N. Corner lth and Douglas, Omaha. Call or write. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no Ions of time, no Injury to the skin; work guaranteed; lady attend ant 110 McCague Bldg.. loth and Dodge. f ASAriTt" treatment. Mrs. Steel, 111 S. Ui-'VOCXtt.VJH 17th St., 2d floor. Room 6. THE OMAHA HOUSE and WINDOW CLEANING Co.. furnaces fired aid base ment kept clean, storm windows washed and put up. 'Phone Red (212. MAGNETIC Treatment. E. Brott, 723 a. l&tn bt. Tel. Red 4uOS. MASK SUITS to rent at LIE 11 EN'S. REFRESHMENTS and service by Alfred Jones, head waiter at Omaha Field club last season. Tel. H. IK md. A-437Z. DR. ROGERS. Private confinement home. ltl Martha Bt, Omaha. TeL Douglaa 6230. P APT OT? Millinery, Emll Krebs, 821 i ixO.Vl-.VJii Navllle Blk. Old hats made new. KonUnrv HAIRDRESSINQ PARLORS. J Take Marlnello massakes for good complexion.- 601 axton Blk. D. 467L A HOME for" Women during conTiAment We find homes lor babies whow. mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded For terms address Mra Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft Ht. ouiaha, Nab. 'Pbona Doug. lag UUx. I.ATlTFSt' coats rellned. Mlsa Chase. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rittenhouse. R. (01 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 1(0 B 16to. MES. I. A. SMITH .'; china for Christmas. Phone Dime. 4iu- Res., Doug. 8747. Room 3u7. lol4 Howard. BATHS s'lentlflc massage, 1617 Dodge St .ink. iv a. in. 9 p. m. HINDOO TABLETS will build br.. strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. CONFINEMENT CASES eared foe at m home; $0 per week. Mra. Mary L. Smith waveriy. Neb. 'Phone Automatic 01. WANTED By experienced hair wnrkor all kinds of hair goods made to order; manicuring and sculp treatment; residence wore, aoim-ieo. ai umo. Phone Web. 44L PRINTING Lew W. Itaber, Printer DfTo!.. n dug. entrance on Court PHONE IND. A-KX for good printing, Ljngetad Printing Co- 16tb and Capitol ah MILLER & JAMIESON. 1212 Doualaa fit Both phones. RIFS-HAI.L Ptg. Co. 109 B. 14th. Ind. A-S524. REAL ESTATE AHSTKAl'TB OF TITLM. PETER J ESSEN. Jr.Co. Tel. Doug. XSl Midland Guarantee and Truat enmnanv bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam St REAL, WTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT C).. 1W8: nrnmr arvtoe.- get our prices, ftnl Brsuviela theater. BENIAM1N K E. CO.. 471 Brandeia Bldg REAL ESTATE TITLE TRT'ST CO.. 1501 and 1601 City National Bank Bldg. CITV PROPBiHTY FOR BALK. ACRE PROPERTY Close to a larare nouulated is ina nest possible investment 1 lieit never was a person who bought well lo cated suburban acre property, but what made good money. You can make Rood money on any of iuv loiiuwmar irecia: 20 acrea, all in fruit, about "no mile northwest of Ralston, and one tulle south of Center street - lias nice 6-rooci cottsare. aood barn, lame chic k eo I I f I I I i iiiv is ne vi mis mceai ana most pro- ductlvs fruit farms in Nebraska un wouia mane an luniti country nonld. 11 csn be bought ririit. 6. 10, 20 or more acrea In Ralaton Heights, not over a uuarler of a mile to the Papllllon Street car extension. This sdditlon is now ripening Into Ideal suburban property, overlooking. as It doea, the cities of Omaha and South Omaha. This ir"lerty can be bought now at from $226.00 to $2il00 per acre, the best buy in acre property now. (, 10. 20 or more acres In Ralston Fort Crook boulevard, on one tract there la a good well, a'lii some fruit. Prices from $175.00 to $325.00 per acre. O NEILS REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Tyler 1024 and A-S313. Ind. F-11K2 x South 192 160a Farnam 8lreet, Omaha. (11 North 24th Street South Omuha FOR BALE Houae T rooms water, sewer, toilet, ete : nice trees aud siirubuary. &jj koulb $iat bt Pollock Blk., $32,000 (6x112, N. side Farnam, 132 f e. t E. of 24th. Harrison & Morton. Scovcrn Blk, $45,000 (7x131 on N. aide Farnam. (A little E. of prupveed ld St. . . Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE CITT rHUPKRTV FOR HAIR. (Continued.) Back to the Farm The little suhurbnn farm In the out skirts of Omaha. No need to buy a place several hun.lrert mile from Omaha, re mote from markets, edurailminl advantages and social privllrgrs. Distance lends en- mntment to some Investments. Why not buy at the gateway of a growing metro polis like Omaha, with a home market for all the eggs, poultry, butter, vegetables and fruit you can prodlice You can keep your eye on Improvements as they are made. You can make a living the first season from RALSTON ACRES You can live in slant of Omaha and only half a dozen blocks from car line, school. church and business district of Ralston. Better still, it Is Within Your Reach Its our buslnesu to submit this proposi tion to you. Its your business to courtlier 1 act All the machinery of our office will he set In motion to take care of your particular Inqu.ry and In selling you a little home. We could not render a greater service than this, vis: Help another on the road to Independence. RALSTON ACRES sold on easy terms; one-fifth cash, bal ance monthly. Illustrated booklet, with plat free. RALSTON TOWNS1TE COMPANY. FREE FACTORY BITES. $09 8. 17th St. Omaha, Neb. 4-Room Cottage in growing section 01 umana, convenient to school, one block from Sherman Ave. car. Large lot, nice lawn and gar den, fruit trees,' grapes and strawberries. This is n, new place and the price is right. $100 Down will handle it. Address L 3S0, Bee. $8,000 Residence This will buy you a home In the West FaTnarn district on 38th Ave. north of Davenport; new and most modern. The cost of . duplication would be $9,000. D. C. Patterson Patterson Block. YOUR OFFER MY PRICE. On southwest corner Park Ave. and Har ney, a modern 8-room . frame, 60x175, apace for another residence on Park. Don't miss a rare chance and act -quick. Owner de termined to close out k . six lota near Fair acres, full sized; a rare speculaton for sure gain. South Omaha Lot 4. block XI; a store, with rooms above; tiOxlba on 26th Bt, be tween N and O Sts., oppmiite Miller's hotel. FRED S. liADRA, 560 New York Life Bldg.- Douglas 4334. $700, balance 1 like , rerij rdys fine home, excellent neighborhood; -(paved street. Tel W eb. 6442. ARE you in need of a house? If so. I have a brand new two-story and basement house, close to West Farnam district. Was built for a home and Is finished with best material and beat workmanship. Can bo Dougnt at a bargain if taken at once. lxca tlon 914 S. 3ottt St Call Harney 6223 or Harney lb!&. BARGAIN ; $2,100, $3u0 CASH. 4629 Capitol Ave.. 6 rooms, sewer, water. gas, furnace. 60-ft. lot, good repair, balance same as rent immediate possession. D. V. 8IIOI.ES COMPANY, 914 City National Bunk Bldg. TeL Doug. 40, Ind. A-2049. NEW cottage and full lot In Benson. JL7O0. This was built fur a home; has cement walks, water and bearing fruit. Easy terms. TUKK1NUTON, BEE BLDG. $2,850 Buys a good, 7-room. strictly modern house, on paved st.; near car; lots of trult; In north part oi city. A. B. LATHROP, 421 Bee. NEW COTTAGE Five large rooms and bath, pedestal onen Ing between parlor and dining room; floored attic, cemented Pavement, furnace and laundry alnk. In fact, completely modern; paved street; four blocks north of Ames avenue car. Bargain prlc on reasonable terms. Phone W-3U6. ZJ19 Fowlor Ave. TEN-ACRE fruit farms for sale on easy teims yield from $200 to (uul an acre when developed.. Address , vt . 11. tturcherding 611-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW 7-room. all modern house, oak floors and finished in gulden-oak; cement basement and laundry; combination fix turea; adjoining West Farnam district; was built lor a home; can be bought at a bar gain; . location 714 S. Sot rt St.; will be open from 2 to 6 Sunday. Tel. : Harney 6223 or Harney m. FOR BALE Two lota. 121x140, on souta lth Bt near Vinton; all special taxee paid. Will sell as one piece or divide. W,llln( to sell at sacrifice. Apply at k& Bouts tlst Bt SIX-ROOM house, 2425 Spencer St., mod em; terms easy; cheap. Phone Webster sud. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE. Three ot the finest resilience lots In Omaha. 1 have no use for them; make me an offer. C. J. Collins, 627 N. 24ih St. Tel South 93. South Omaha: Ind. F-138& (-ROOM cottage. 6 livink rooma on ni floor, modurn except heat, cemui walk, laige lot; shade trees; desirable neighbor hood, 2 blocks from car; walking distance from court house, worth $4,uov make us an offer. Red 6100. CHOICE building site, 72x125, on 3r,th Ave., one block south of Leavenworth; paving, sewer, water and gaa all In and i i'ii sr""tw hcihuui mi'm. i d,d lakes 1 It. If 11 this week. J. S. Unk. 3423 Mason. The Home Invest ment Co, New Location. Special Investment Bargains New six-room collage, now rentlnj? for 25.00 per month. Price, fls.ou. Two-atory frame grocery gtore, rent 135.00 per mouth. Price. 2,000. On 7-room house; one 5-room house. Both rent $41.60. Price, $3,100.00. Will maka terms to suit! Office, 2318 North 24th Street, WeUter 6292. ' Bigger. Better, Busier Tliat is wha eertising In The Ilea will do fur business. ' aV REAL ESTATE FARM A.NU HAM II LAND POIIIALH Alabama. POUTIIF.RN colonisation barraln; (.MM acres, good land; S miles St Mry s river Ircntsce. Ideal climate, fine fishing and, only $6 per acre; woitli $4o. Wal ter E- liarnea, Avondale Station. Ltrnuug bam. Ala. Arkansas. ARKANSAS FARMS Rig list; special bargains; s-nt free. Write today. Captain Kiggs. Fayettevllle. Ark. BARGAIN-no-acre farm, near Waidroa. Ecott county, Arkansas: 40 acres tilled and In meaJow, balance timber; good huusea barn, excellent watar. Piioa, $1000 U i ox. Waltlron. -efc Callroraia. A FTNK 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARD I Ontario. Cel.. value $5 OuO to trade for good Minnesota property about same valus; cob 'rter Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fins California orange groves, from $10,000 up, sa'e and trades. Have one called tbe finaat place In southern California, price $130uu4 Beautiful property will pay big return also. It you have eastern properly to trad for southern California, send description. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful per sonal attention given to your mattera In suiance. sales, trades, rentals. Investments, eto. References furnished. James M. Vaa Deusen. 208 Braley Bldg., Pasadena. Cai. FONTANA oranKe lands Is the best In vestment In Southern California. $3X1 and easy Installments buys five acra and Inde pendence. Either live on land or company will plant and attend orchard. Write for terms. Fontana Development Co., 617 Wil cox Bldg., Los Angeles, Csl. 40 - ACRES Finest Orange land Fresno. California. $1,600. e K Bea. near Canada. $!ELF-fUPPORTlNG HOMES In the glor. lous fruit district ol aouthern Brltlsb Columbia for 110 rash and $10 monthly, arlthout Interest. Annual profits, $600 to $1 000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delight ful, warm climate; church, school, post stftce. store, big sawmill, dally tralna close to market, unlimited demand for products. Write quick for maps, photos, f,ee Information. We'tKootensy Frull Lands Co., Dept. D. Drawer to;. Nelson. British Columbia. Colorado. COLORADO LAND. I bave 2,000 acres of Improved and unim proved land for sale at from $10 to $22 an acre, within from one to te" miles of town; all good tillage; write me .ut particular. L). U. nOtAH, V li. A, V. ULilA TOR RELIABLE. BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, on easy terms, lowest prices, write Rev. W. H. Collins. 1010 al Uth Ave.. Denver. Colo. CONDITIONAL SALE Will sell 10 acres 3-year apples In Grand Junction valley to party who win care lor ja acres uu one side and 30 acres on opposite side; will pay $100 a year for at leHst I years. Geo. B. Powell, fc5 Brandeis Bldg. Florida. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN-17,001 acres, finest of farming land: two crops yearly; deep water lax dings; two railroads $4 60 per acre. Walter E. Barnes, Avon dale. Ala. ri-vRlDA We have mllltona of acres at Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Estate Journal. Big bargains, nice homes, we ran suit you. National Realty Agency. Jacksonville. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida Tou cannot lose on any well ae- lecied nroDertv in Florida. 't aire sure ot aulck and substantial pro ma We have mini sood properties for colonisation, fruit and vegetable lanas ana unproved (rma. Pope or North, wi Atiantio r tional Bank Bldg.. Jacksonville, Fla. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BY THE ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaplabls to the widest range at crops; all the money crops of the South nieniifullv moduced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, cli mate, church and school advantages, writs W. H. LEAHY, Gen'l Passenger Agl. Dept K. Atlanta. Ga low a. Farm Bargain Near City Schools 1(0 acres, 3 miles from Council Bluffs cltv limits: electric line station "4 mile level road to city; school house on farm; two good houKes, large new barn, new enclosed corn cribs, cow and hog stables aranarv. chicken houses, tool house windmill with water piped to house and barn, good orchard and vineyard, and. In fact, everything that goes with a high a rail e farm. Ail now in cultivation ex cept 16-acre pasture. Price, $110 per acre on unuauaiiy easy terms, jkiurcn settle ment If too big. neighbor would buy 40 acres. Surrounding farm.i all valued at $126 per acre, but not one In the neigh borhood for sale at any price. Just the place for a man who doea not want to spend half his time on tbe road, wishes to have hie family to have the benefit of almost city conditions and to educate his children in the city scuoula. Laud near the city and cur 'Ina will go to $200 per acre' quickly. Send for deaorlption. Will F. Siedentopf, 3a Baldwin Block, Council niuirs. la. ben pnune, ism. in Independent, $49 Blk. IOWA PERFECT FARM loti acres. 10 miles out. Every Inch tillable and now In use. Level, no overflow. Soil very fertile and shown splendid crops this year and every year. Ilia land, haa not a defect from corner to corner and there is simply nothing better out doors. Five- room house, two barns, crib, granary, hog' sheds and an as good as new. Price, $116; terms eaty. This Is Just such land as every rarmer aim city man nan wisneu he might some time own. It certainly Is a snap. Will F. Siedentopf. iln Baldwin Blk.. found Bluffs, la. Tel. Bill IUd 7.8; lnd. Oi Red, Red. TEN Improved farms for rent or sale on crop payments. J. Mulhall, Sloug City, la. Nearby Iowa Farm $80.00 Per Acre 232 acres, 10 miles out. 90 per -cent level to gently rolling and nearly all can bs farmed. 175 acres now In corn, wheat, al falfa and timothy, and shows high grade farming. Oood 6-rooin house, la, ge burn, etc. In good condition. Two-acre orchard. iTlce, $"o per acre. Ternm are easy, Build ings wrongly located and road arrange ments could be better, but the land and fertile soil Is there, and is worth over $100 per acre to any farmer who wants to farm. For description address Will F. Siedentopf 36 Baldwin Blk.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel Hell Red 77S; lnd. 3411 Ked. (7W-ACRU IOWA FAI.M. miles ot Council Bluffs, all fine land but f or 4 acrea which Is seeded to alfalfa Large houae. good barn and all kind ot eutbulldings. Fins o.-hard and vinaysrd. With a little rare the fruit will mure than pay Interest on entire coat of the place r.oud apui.g and one best meadows la the state; was green all Inroush this dry summer. Farms no better bave sold for (lue Ir S't- We offer ims for I Hi. M'GKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl bt.. Council lnuffa. IOWA FAKMrf. Write for my laise Illustrated tint -f Madison county fan. is. fioin at- acres up to 64u acies. all prices: good libaial terms. See Madisus county befora buying P.aat all around county In the atate. Adrea J. O BUUlYKa. Winleieu la- f6-A('KE Improved farm. northwest Iowa: three-quarters mile from town: loj seres tillable; !'. per acre. cler. Owner will tradt- for good Luatncs. lakr balttuc back on :and. JuNta LAND CO. Peterson, la. 4 ACRES. 6 blocks of Omaha car llns. In Council Bluffs, and walking diatance of Omaha. 1 he very finest of garden land and ran be cut into city lots and sold any tiuis, U iut buys It M'OEF RFAL F.STATF CO, 14 1'wrl Hi. Couucll Bluffs. FOR SALE 47S acres well (mpioved. at j $J7 50 per acre for ehort time onlv, ij . acres all valley land Improvements ooi iuoiu $4 uOS A bargain at I, a per acr. j "'w. ii. tilCMiiiUt. CANT ANA, I A. REAL ESTATE r AR M AXD RIXH t.AIU FOR SALE (Continued ) Kaasaa. FRANK OF.K, Lawrence Kan. ISO ACKKK la Andersoi. county, Kan.; "$ gores pasture, balance new land, prloe, lit per aoia Neai-Bowuuta Land Co., Gar lelt. Kan. BARGAINS. I (SO acres choice land; LOW aerea of II In wheal; well located, well Improved; IH per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly 2.ia acres, well located and welt Improved: Louisiana, i per acre; trade. Modern 100-barrel Hour mill and elevator, doing good business; central Kansas; $. uu. and cash for ranch. U0 acres good wheat etc.. Innd. central Kansas. $J0 per acre; for rental. 1 have eeme eholoe farms and ranches In eastern Kansas and western Missouri, any aixe and price you want; some will ex rhange. When you want to buy, sell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else of value, t would like to hear trout loo. ALFALFA land; farm lands In wester Kansas I euote. subject to previous sale, B. W. la-sO-Ss. shallow water alfalfa land, at $tS per acre; i miles from McCue. N. H. 11-17-12. good wheat or broom corn land, $J fer acre; ( miles from Manning, on Ma ao. U. D, Card. Boot! City, Kan. Mexico LANDS. MEXICO I bave for sale several flna tracts of troploal lands and transportatloa especially su tab e for fruit ana siock rais- ! In. Cheap on aulck sale. Live correspond. ems wanted. None but reeponsinia nrmt or partlea need answer. Reference given end required. Address j. rsria tveni, Tlaootalpam, Ver Mexico. Mlnaesotsv, FOR "ale Cheap Oood farm;. w sores; all under cultivation; small buildings; I tnl'es west of Hawley, Clay county, Minn, Address Box 4, Muskoda. Minn. $20 ACRES, clay loll, wall timbered, with hard wood: located near this city; a big bargain. Price. $1$ per aore. r. H. 'iniei man, Bt Cloud. MlnJi CHOICE FARM LANDS In Rock and Pipestone counties. Minnesota. U to M per acre; easy terms. Address ENUEBRETaON LAND CO.. Jasper. Minn. Mlasoarl. MISSOURI LAND tor salt, 80 acres te l.tioo acres; terms and prices to suit pur chaser. Write for particulars. VY. VL btevens, Clinton. Henry Co.. Mo. 160 ACRES ( miles to town; good, level, ell drained land: on mall rout and school house on one corner of the farm l-room bouse, new; barn (Oxta); hog and cow houae. windmill. Dlenty water, about $ acres timber. This Is a good place priced at $06 per acre. l. E. CKUTCHEK. ursxei. ato. BARGAIN go-aere farm-. ( miles from Wsreaw. M- : Vi acres cultrtated. balane, Daatara: mum aakool said all HDI pr il.ouO; terms easy. Address T. U. Owsu, Warsaw, uo. HALF INTEREST, 40-acre farm, under. laid with slno and lead. T. Chapman, Webb City. Mo. ICO ACRES AND 0 ACRES IN OOOD aid Cass county; te miles from Kansas city both well improved; fine black limestone land; bargain; choice 106 per acre; good Ursa. E. V. Burdett Qardea City, Mo. A SNAP If taken in t day Fine valley. 40 acres. Improved. In the heart ot Cat, rnunlv. Missouri: 1 ml las from county seat: deal witn owner; save commission. Aauress Box T(, R. r. v. No. . Marnaonviiie, v.ass countyj 4i. THREE blah class Improved northwest Missouri farms for sale; corn, clovjr and blue grass land, your cboloe, , per aore. Write for pirtloulare- Basel J. Meek, wner. v. O. box (07. Cblllloutna. ha Uontasttu DAWSON COUNTT, MONTANA. 1.280 acres stock and grain ranoh. ( miles from a live town, 4 miles from a new rail road, TOO aores plow land. 100 acres ready tor crops; ell .fenced and cross fenoed; good 6-room house; large burn and all neoeaaary outbuildings; best ot water; stocked wun blooded stock, and all necessary machinery. Including a gasoline plow outfit. Price of ranch, $-1,000; easy terms; for particulars address R. A. Fults, Sidney, Mont. Kebraskaw NONRESIDENT "aFRAID OF DEMO CRATS." Just received a wire from a nonresident to offer his section of land five miles from tills city at $0 per aore, which bs haa been asking $13 per acre for; It Is one of the best in the community; only three-quarters of a mile from school. It will lake $2.7.4 cash; balance five years' time; no trade. Wire or write me when you will come and 1 will meet you. R. C. SELBT, SOMERSET. Neb, FOR SALE OR TRADE 600 a. ranch In Nance Co., Neb.; large bouse, 1 large cis terns, lame smokehouse, hen houses, barn tor 40 bead of horses, t large corn cribs, blacksmith aiiop, i hog houses, large cattle shed, lbo a. in airaua. hog tight; 260 a. under plow, balance bay and psa- ture. Will accept a good merchandise stock. If a live one. ud to (16.000. Call write or phone. Hector & G'Hare, North Rend. Neb. HAVE Just accepted the agency for lO.OoJ acres of Cheyenne and ivlinoau counties best lands. Nearly every aectlon of this land la level and can be plowed with steam plow; soil deep black loam; yellow i lay sub-son ; crop report nest in xns hiaxka. Price from $-2.50 to $30.00 acre. Write for full particulars. A. B. Lathrop, iz liee riug QUARTER SECTION good level land. four mll!s from Sidney, Neb., only $20 per acre, owner, K. Si9, ties. T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 408 Paxtoa block, offers section le-10-36, Keith oounty at $7.60 per aero for quick deal. DOUXiLAS COUNTY-280 ACRES. Mile to good town and paved road to Omaha, 13 miles to lClh end Farnam Sts.; well improved; second bottom corn land. SARPY COUNTY 100 ACRES. Five miles to Oretna, 6 miles to town on Rock Island Line. Improvements Include new well and barn; UO acres In grain, bal ance pasture. WASHINGTON COUNTY 100 ACRES. Three miles east of Calhoun, only 7 miles north of Florence; good buildings. Prices and terms on above sent you. Will take Omaha Income property tip to one-half value of land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Bell and Independent Phones. IMPROVED furm of about 100 acres In Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings. W acrea In wheat, lays close to town. U. P. R. R. runs through the farm. price. tl per acre, would take soms city property. L N. Hammond. $22 Board of 'Irade. K40 seres 'JO miles northwest Dalton. Mor- rill Co., Neb.; 4x0 acres good valley land. si: fine farm land, rnee lor quick sale, $3 per acre. A. B. Lathrop, 411 Bee. "TWO BIO BARGAINS." XA H mile to town. In Perkins Co., Nsb. land. bou. W-2 miles to town. In Buffalo Co.. Neb ( room house; SO In corn. $i.2o0. Only t-.WQ casn. balance long time. STOCK'S LAND CO., KEARNEY. NEB. SK.CTION , T. H. R. 61. Cheyenne county, Nebraska; all good smooth land; black loam soil: clay sub soil; fenced: price, for a quick sale, $16 per acre. One half cash. A. It. LATHROP, 4-1 Bee Bldg. oath Dakota. SECTION of (Iregory county (South Da kota) land for sale. This section has tim ber running Water fed by springs, lots ot bay: 0 acres broken; IW acreH ran b plowed: all fenced: ane-half mile from School, three miles from one r"lrt-.i! t.wn end six miles from another; good soil snd lb very best all-around farming and stock rs'.slng aeciloa In Giegoiy county. South Dakota. Call ou or write to Charles Milaer ewnar. Fairfax, a. I. WHY PAY HIOH RENT? Mr Fariusr. come to Soutt Dakota: sto raying high rents: own your nwa farm: spend lbs money for your Improvements that you are paying in lowa in high tent Ve own twenty quarters of snd here thai we can aell you for $ to $30 per acre oa teru.a you can't beat; $1 "JO to II. bun donn balance on payn enta at I per cent Con. bere seiWe tne soups are all guiia. ror lull infoi ii alion write Uixvia Inoa. or Bank ei !., sauia w-ai, . V. RFAL ESTATE FARM AND RA.MII 1.ANU FOR (At." Sooth Dakota torn tlaaed. rOlTBLr5 YOttR MONFY D ou wsnt to hoy a ge-4 tewesltsT Wa hre It Juat fresh from the government. with perfect title 1W lots now ssrveyen am shout W of them Sold with abnut 10 build legs now completed In the town on a ran- loa.i that has six ostiy trains, mim eellant aarvlea This tnwnslte Includes lS (-res of tba very best ot second bottom ard with tine timber ior p's n ie a tine stream of water running through It Fir.a openinns for almost all kinds of bust rFS epeclall a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand bargain If sold In thirty days. Ad tress Powell Land Loan CO- Powell, tanly county. 8. . THF1 IDFAl, HOMIB- OF (40 ACRFS, situated In the Pig luu valley, four miles south nt Castle wood, the oounty seat el Hamlin county. Booth Dakota: 440 sores ol (eep black loam, under yearly cultivation; IM acres in pasture and 100 In the beauti ful spring-fed '.eke Flotence. with Its sylvan scene and sparkling waters, deeg nd pure end filled with ftsM and game la season, and nearby is tne Dome, a i room bouse, large barn, two granarlea chicken bouse, hog houee and woven-wlra pasture; m silo, machine house, small barn aa4 numerous small buildings, all in good con dition, with windmill, three wells and cis tern, an surrounded oy a muoim prloe, (X.a). on good terms, by M. J. Rus sell. CuUaweM. S V irirr.T. txtpnovirn rannh of eevett tlons for sale by owner; in center of Orar eounty, Texas; well watered; priced rlgkt. Apply to H. B lvetw Paoina, Teg. Wleooasla. (0 ACRES LKVF.L LAND. eultlvgted. balance pasture, (-room house, large barn. chicken bouse, spring and trout p-rook on farm. I miles from station, school on land. $1 800, eaey lerme. Tom O. Mason, laiaaa City State bank, Cumberland. Wis. MlaoelUaeeaa. HAV1C YOU A FARM FXDR SALS On TRADE T Or do you want to buy "J Make your wants Known tnroupn ina LES MOINF CAPITAL, the want me dium of Iowa. Rates; I cent a word for each Insertion, cents a line, 70 cents an Inch. Circulation, ai.ow; iia"v " Iowa dally. Ulvs us a trial. Address Tha Capital Landliep' t:iles Moines, la. REAL ESTATE LOANS $A00 to $fi.000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefe Reiil EaUte Co., 1010 N. Y. Life, ttoug. or A-Z1L2. LOANS to home owners snd boms build ers, with privilege ot making partial pay. ments semi-snnually. W. H. THOMAS, (0$ First NaUonal Bank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for gale at amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED City loans. Paters Trust Co. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLUERU CO.. (10-112 ttrandsls Theater bldg. OARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. T. Ufa. (S0( to $100,000 on Improved property. No ds'ay. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. IX Wead. Wead Bldg,, Uth and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. VT. Farnam Smith V Co.. 1S20 Farnam St CITY A FARM. JOHN N. FRRNZER. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to buy. only from owner, good farm land In west part Iowa, east part Nebraska or southeast corner Kouth Da kota. If aulta ins will pay $1,000 quick and more March 1. If not cheap and prloe. numbers and good description not given, do not answer about It will not listen to agents. Swan Rasmussen, Honey Croak. la.. K. F. 1). SWAPS IF TOU have any thing to trade or sell A. a LATHROP. (tt Boo, WE exchange properties of merit !L H. Culver, bl2-S13 N. Y. Life. Douglas 706. Lxchange for Omaha Income Property, Eastern Nebraska Farm Land or Coun try Lumber Yard. 820 acres of high valley land, located on mile from Weston, a good railroad and banking town on the Burlington and Rock Island In Platte Co., Mo, SI miles each from Kansas City and St Joseph; 3o0 acres In cultivation: this 300 acres Is above all overflow. Is Ideal alfalfa land, raises from 86 to 100 bu. of corn to the acre and from Jo to 40 bu. ot wheat; Is one ot the best farms In the county and never known to nave a crop innure; t bliy k, rich and very j a loud two-story, si) Iait4 barn, several ot wells, windmill, famil have a crop failure; tne son is so rt. oeep. bliv k, rich and very productive. There la ui-room rrame nouse. outbuildings, two good mily oruhaid, a fair set of tenant Improvements, school house on the land adjoining, R. F. I), and telephone, on public road, natural gas pipe Una crosses the farm. This farm will produce crops that will pay 10 per cent nst on the price asked. Price, $1 par aors. D. Z. MUMMERT, Cashier, 'Blair, Neb. A Nebraaka farm of 100 acres, clear, pries $20 per acre. Will exchange for house ana lot In Omaha. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., (ol N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phones Red lsv. A-17U, WILL exchange for unincumbered lana my equity of $.tV)0 In a two-story brick, modern tweuty-one-room house, with lol 00x133, In Omaha. Neb. H. O. Wellenslak, Avoca, Neb. FINE vacant corner: clear; pries, ?3.60O. Also, 7-room, all modern houae; ot 76x110. Will trade either one or both for land. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. til New York Life Bldg. Red. and A-1721. CAN use 60 automobiles in Exchango tor lands. A. B. Lathrop, 4:1 Bee. FOR EXCHANGE 8w z-$-S8, 160 acres It miles out; halt tillable; want merchandise $2, OuO value. D. U Ough, lienkleman. Nab TRADES Trades, If you have anything to trade, see Harwood, 448 Bee Bldg. WANTED TQ BUT THE best prices paid for broken watches) and eld gold. Naliian. lur 8. UlA. A LITTLE mortgage note of $100. bear ing ( per cent, whlvhowner authorizes to sell for $0. 1601 City NaUonal Bank Bldg StAJOND-lLA ND clothing; party after noon dreaaea. John Feldman. D. 312a, A-2oo4, BEST price paid for ld-hand furniture, carpeln, clothing and shoea Tel. D. 8tl. WANTED TO RENT IF YOL want to rent your houae, flat, farm or bualnexs block quick, with A. It LATHRiJl'. 4'.'1 lice Bldg. WANTED TO RENT Improved farm of from ten to forty acre 'vlihln five mills of Omaha. Address K-Vi. Bee. MAKRILD couile of refinement wish to rent nice all modern home, West rarnmii or Field club district. Will pay $0 or more No regular rental property considered. Will lease fur long period o children. M$ N Y. Ufo Bldg. WANTED Furnished house in West Far nain district. .ot lehs than nine rooms. 1) ron Ueed Co., 212 8. l,th St. Plieae Iioiii;laa fJ!fl. lnd. A-Wi. WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD Jai.aneae wants to work to private family. Addicss A pil. Bee. yoi'NU lutin desires plies to work for board mid mi iii In (irlvate family while attending cul)ce, Buylaa Cuilvgs. tools phwuejr