TIFR OMAHA SUNDAY P,EE: NOVEMBER 20. 1010. A SHIPPED BAND OF INDIANS lair-Raising; Story of Early Railroad Days in Kansas. NAGEL TALKS ON COMMERCE Nation and State is Needed iXPZEIENCES OF I HE BUILDERS if aa ri-to-lland Fnrnnnter Bftwrti arvevnr and Reflaklas Raa- nlnc I'lthl for l ife aad the Kirapr. Th flrt operator of the KiifM Pacific allroa1, Mr. John I. Cruise (if Kanja It)', Kan.. hn.s JnKt contributed to the ana Iltortral society a paper on "The :rly Pays on the I'nlon Pacific, " orlif nally named the KanM Pari tie. He tells jo: only of the hardships the various pro--notem encounU rsl In financing the project, !ut the thrllllnir adventures of the work nen ho built It. It required hi veti years to build the line 'rom Kanxan City to Penver and the. writer old of the Innumerable financial obstacles hat were encountered and overcome). But the thrilling part of the i-tory deal vlth the troubles the workmen had with he Indian. The redskins were opposed to hlt aTeMlon and they never over ooked an opportunity to retard the work )f take a scalp. In one year I along h Union Pacific construction line In llana killed eighty-two men and four chtl lren and outragod fourteen women. The following year thirty-four were killed. The real hair-raising story, howsver. te stes to a hand-to-hand encounter whleV. i young civil 4rhuylcr, a f Indian w OLD DOCTRINES ARE OUTGROWN ' thev all Pocked un to rrake a final dl ! poelflon of their troublesome enemy. P I Hchuyler. undaunted. lay quietly down be- I hind the hndv of his hore and. when thev (came within shot rane. took deliberate , Secretary Asserts Lo-operation altn and fired, killing another man. This unlocked for disaster completely demoral ised tl,em and they fled In all directions. WltMn three minutes not an Indinn was In sight. He turned his attention to Ms horse, I loosened the girth to take off his saddle, and was surprised when the animal took a deep breath and struggled to his feet'. He then led him slowly to camp, where more medlcul attention was given him than the ordinary frontiersman would receive In those days. Three bullets were ex tracted. The horse ultimately recovered and Schuyler brought him back to Bur Ungamr. where he was carefully cared for and pampered until his death some yiars later. Hchuyler, after completing the I'nlon Pa cific, helped Uneral Palmer build the road north of San Francisco and a part of the Mexican Central. His health then Lroke and he died In Switzerland In 181 t the age of 39 years. Kansas City Journal. rnia Former Restrictions I'pon Aathorlty aad Federal A pproprla tln Have Been Swept Away In All Directions. ROSTER OF NIAGARA LUNATICS Fascination of the Rork-I)onnit Haplda for Notoriety Hrrken. The rapids below Niagara Falls, where the whole enormous river rushes at ap palling speed through a steep, narrow, cliff-bound gorge, seem to possess an ex traordinary fascination for a certain class of fools. The latest Niagara lunatlo Is a person who has rone through the raulds In a engineer, Pb"lp Howard I motor boat. His engine was smashed, so Kansas bov. had with a band was his rudder, and we are told that In irrlnrs. It was Schuyler's duty one place the whole boat was actually blase the way of the graders. He would I flung bodily out of the water, jumping r ahead of the grading gang several miles j a length of twenty feet. It was the merest nd mark ths route with Dlles of dirt. On I of chance, or current, that casf tho une II, 1S(5, while out alone In the vicinity f what Is now Sharon Pprlngs. he was Hacked by Indians In ambush. They op ned fire, striking his horse In the hln. .ooklng around he saw a long line of the nd-palnbsd devils on three sides of him. vhlle on the fourth. In the dlreotlon of his arty, was half a mile of broken ground .ut up by deep, narrow ravines. It took ut a moment to decide his line of action. uttlng spurs to his horse he turned to he only loophole of escape, and; to the urprlss of the Indians, want leaping over he ravines, one aflor the other, at the Isk of his life, but with tho assurance that hey could not follow him, as none of their onles were equal to the work. And to .eep up the pursuit they were obliged to nake a long detour. Front and ftvar Attack. Having once got clear of the broken -round, Hchuyler, looking back, found .lmself well ahead, and was congratulating; lmself on so easy an esoape, when he aw directly before him, springing out of he grass, a formidable array of Indians ntarceptlng his flight. Those pursuing in :he rear closed up and almost before he ould realise the situation, he found him lelf again entrapped, this time by a line jf Indians that entirely encircled hint, lumbering about 100 as nearly as he could udge. They rapidly narrowed the limits f the circle and began taunting him with ill manner of Insults and telling him of the orturea that awaited him, and of the low roasting that they proposed to give ilm. For several minutes he sat on his torse trying to reconcile himself to the certainty that death was before him, but .vhen the first struggle was over all irembllng oeased. and with as true aim as v'ver huntsman leveled at a reindeer, he threw up his rifle and fired at the nearest nan, killing him instantly. Earlier In the lght he had realised that he was more Ightly armed than usual, having that moratntf left his belt with ay brace of pin ole and a box of cartridges In oamp to oleaned, taking his Winchester carbine, arrylng only twelve shots. He now de termined to sell his life as dearly as pos sible, and counting every shot, to be sure .hat he saved one for himself as a dernier .esort In case of capture, since death by ills own hands was preferable to slow tor lure. Twice more he shot In quick suo esslon, without fatal effect, when he sud denly put spurs to his horse and dashed through their lines. In Close Qiartsri, At this moment there was a general tcramblo and rush for htm, some trying .or him with their spears, others soiling ils legs and trying to unhorse him. He siiooeeded In the twinkling of an eye In throwing them off, and even killed a sec nd man riding at his side putting his arm against his (the Indian's) body and biasing am ay. The blood sported over Howard's !uckskln laggings, saddle and horse. The .nstant he freed himself from them and ;ot clear alone, on open ground ahead of them, where they were not In danger of UlUIng eaoh other In shooting at him they 'lred a volley of bullets and arrows at him. Nina of them hit him and up to this mo ment he was entirely unharmed. Had his harue been equally fortunate this would have ended the fight, as the horse was a fine high-spirited Animal, superior to any of the Indian ponies. But the first shot teoelved at the beginning of the hostilities had cut a small arlery, and from this the blood was pumping out a steady stream, that, together wtih his violent exertions, ' was fast supping his strength. The Indians, wing this, were encouraged to continue ' the pursuit, and their leader, mounted on in American stage horse (stolen the day before at a stage station a few miles back, which they had burned, murdering all the inmates), succeeded so well tn keeping pace with him that he could almost feel the breath from the nostrils of his pursuer's horse. Brave Rat Foolish Bark. Thus they rode, nose to tall, for a mile or two, the Indian occupying the time In ' shooting. Three pistols, six-shooters, he emptied, and bullets flew all around Schuy- . ler on every side. Four more entered the poor horse, already so badly wounaea; battered boat and Its badly injured occu pant Into a calm pool, from whlon It was possible to rescue him. For the last forty years we have had a succession of similarly foolhardy fiats, only one of which had the slightest Justi fication. About the year ltW a small steamboat was launched on the compar atively quiet pool at the foot of the falls to take visitors out to see the falls from below. The business did not pay, and, in 1861, the owner of the Maid of the Mist as it was . called, decided to sell It. He had an offer from a man down the river at Lewlston, but, in order to deliver It he had to take it down through the whirlpool rapids. A huge crowd gathored to watch the trip. The little vessel flashed Into the whirlpool, and was absolutely lost to view anna the huge waves. Krveryone thought that It was gone. But It emerged again shooting out so that half Its keel was exposed to view, and fled down the tor rent at incredible speed. To make a long Journey short, it did get through, battered but sound. Joel Rob inson, who commanded It, never recov ered from his awful experlenoe. Within a few weeks his hair went white, and ho died about three years later. wxteen years later In ls77 a man named Charles Percy went throusi the rapids in a specially-constructed lifeboat. The boat was solidly decked. a"d below were two air chambers. In one of which, carefully padded, Percy lay. He accomplished the trip aafslv, and aoon afterwards made a wager with an- iuuu inieg r laca lor a race through the whirlpool rapids, the stakes to be loot) a side. Flack apparently was a bigger fool than Percy, for he braved the terrors of the passage In a boat partly built of cork, but with no pads or air-chambers. In this he set out for a trial trip on July 4, 1878. Before he even reached the famous whirl pool a wave upuet hla boat, and It went Into the caldron bottom up. An hour later it was picked up some miles below, and Flack's body was found still strapped to ma seat. This put an end to the boat craze, but '" uiuiviuuais nave since "run" the rapiaa m barrels" specially built of stout oaaen tiniDers and elaborately padded wunin. A .boston policeman named Kendall was the earliest barrel man. He went down for the first time In July, im, and in the lonowing August gave a second exhibi Ucn, together with two other men. In each case the voyage took about twenty uiinuies. a woman afterwards dared similar experience. Her barrel leaked and sna was hall drowned. And then there was Captain Webb, the oniy man who ever swam the English channel, who scorned boats and barrels. aim wnnoui even a lifeboat made an at tempt to swim the rapids on Julv 24 iim. A grewsome photograph exlsta showing ""i gurapse which the hunt emu, obtained of this greatest of swimmers, as the first wave of the whirlpool tossed him nign Deiore dashing him down on h raior-edged rocks which tore the life from mm. uncinnatl Enquirer. MARRIAGE TANGLES OF SMITH Descendant of May flower Pilgrim Trlea to Sqaare Himself with Three Wives. John Cotton Smith, a descendant of John Cotton, one of the Mayflower pilgrims, Is a principal In one of the oddest matrimonial entanglements that baa come to light In the New York supreme court In a long time. Although he was dlreoted to pay alimony to one wife last July he Is con fronted with a suit by another wife, who also seeks alimony. There are two suits pending against Smith, one by wife No. 1 for a separation, the other by wife No. S for divorce. Wife No. a. according to George Roblnbon. coun sel for Smith, was dlvoroed by Smith. Hmlth, who Is connected with a large rubber company, married IJIllan Mario ror. .i.u, .u ...an., -".H.m.. .v....n,. ,. a bullet pierced fchuyler's clothes at his - """'J. iw. Alter sids: snother cut the strao of his field . "vln wlth her 'r "v he went to glass, which was lost; another pierced the wooden breech of his rifle as he carried It In his hand, almost striking It from his grasp; others struck the saddle, and, in glass, which was lost; another pierced the BQe ' tned a decree purporting f m . i. v... ... i .i to be a divorce, then married Anni. tj. a Brooklyn girl. Subsequently It developed that the Philadelphia decree was void and short, they seemed to strike everywhere j Binlh- according to his lawyer, sued his but where they were aimed. All this time he wss endeavoring to reach over his shoulder to get a shot at the Indian, but at every such movement the savage slipped under the belly of the horse and was out of sight except a hand on the mane and a heel In the back. Finally, all ammuni tion exhauated. the Indian resorted to his spear, and with Ha wooden handle gave second wife and got a dlvoroe. KUle 11. Griffiths soon afterward became the object of Smiths attentions and he married her. She complained of h:s friend ship for ao actress and left him. A reconciliation followed with the first Mra Emlth. which came to an unhappy end last September, when, she arserted. Smith failed to piovlde for her. When aha Schuyler one or two severe raps on the brought suit for separation it was disclosed head, trying to knock htm out of the aad- he had married again since the first sepa die, without avail; but at last the horse i ration, years ago, from Smith but had that had been trotting shakily from loss divorced her first husband, of blood fell on his knees, and the Indian Of the three marriages, there Is one child up to end the contest. At thlj i a boy by wife No. 2. in ner complaint lor divorce wife No. I KANSAS CITY. Nov. 19 Charles Nnael, secretary of commerce and labor, wss the j principal speaker at the sixteenth annual John Jay dinner given by the Commercial club here last night. "Fore jm Commerce" wns hli subject. About 70 gruests were present. Other speakers were John M. Moss of Milwaukee, who spoke on "Business Kthlcs," and Governor John F. Shafroth of Colorado whose suhjeet was "The West." Governor J. Y. Sanger of Louisiana, sent his regrets. Active and rational co-nneratlon between the national and state authorities Is abso lutely essential to a successful solution of the common problems with which they both are confronted. This was the opinion expressed tonight by Charles Nagel. secre tary of commerce and labor. In an address delivered at the sixteenth annual banquet of the Kansas City Commercial olub. He declared himself a believer In both state and national authority, saying that he "read the constitution to mean that the Integrity of both was guaranteed." In the practical affairs of life, however, be asserted "substantially no one adheres to the old doctrine" of restricted power of the national government. Old Restrictions Swept Away. "The old restrictions upon federal author ity and federal appropriations have been swept away," he snld. "Generally In all directions the old barrier has been broken down and it is admitted in practice, If not In platform, that national authority Is abso lutely essential to meet national problems as they now present themselves. If this Is true at home, with respect to domestlo affairs, it is infinitely more true with re spect to foreign affairs." Mr. Nagel dealt In his speech with the question of relation between national and state, authority, particularly as It pertained to commerce. As to foreign commerce he declared that It was "absolutely safe to say that only one authority can be con sulted and that Is the national power." As to domestic commerce he said: "So far we have practically no commer cial corporations that base their authority upon anything but state authority. The In convenience of that system, even In our Interstate commerce, has been sufficiently demonstrated. 1 am persuaded, for one, that the conflicts, the Inconsistencies and the embarrassments with respect to Inter state commerce alone are enough to call for the organization of corporations under federal charters. "I am not oblivious to the fact," he added, that If the national government does au thorize the organization of commercial'1 companies to be employed In foreign busi ness, these same organizations may, and perhaps must by degrees, engage In domes tic commerce as well. On the contrary, 1 believe this to be an Inevitable result of the first step. But there la no cause for alarm." He said It would only be a repetition of , the story of the national bank, "heralded at one time a the enemy of the state," but which has become a "business men's bank, enjoying the confidence of every village and town," although tn theory the fiscal agent of the national government. Commerce Too Bis for States. "Commerce In the United States," he said, "Is not measured by state boundaries and cannot be successfully controlled by state authority. Interstate commerce and trafflu have outgrown the state In every respect, and the ills from which we have suffered In the past, insofar as they have been met, were relieved by the Interposi tion of national authority." The secretary declared there is pressing necessity for the development of foreign commerce and that "we are proceeding, as It were, oblivious to it "We speak of the tariff," he continued, "as though It concerned only the cost to the consumer at home; and yet we have entered the International arena; we hase entered It politically and we must main tain It commercially. Notwithstanding all the campaign controversy the free list has now been Increased. If that be the policy, we must of necessity make corresponding Inroads Into foreign territory with our product." This country, he said, was not putting forth anywhere near the energy being ex pended by foreign countries In their ef forts to gain foreign trade. The one bureau In this country's government, which Is charged with the promotion of domestic and foreign commerce, he added "employs a foreign country In one state of the United States." There also is need, he said, for the United States to have Its own merchant marine. Furthermore, this "should be amenable to the same authority which Is engaged In the promotion of the general system." Moss Makes Address. "The day Is not far distant when In dustrialism will dedicate not only Its money, Us buslneus genius to society; when It will have its honor roll of men who will gladly concentrate their business talent to the promotion of ethical Ideals, and who, in the hour of moral stress and confusion will utter the Illuminating word and organize ethical endeavor within the very grime and sweat of business Itself." This was the declaration of John 11. Moss, former president of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association of Mil waukee in responding to the toast "Busi ness Ethics." Social and moral Impulses of men are being felt more In the business life of today than ever before In the history of American business Ufa, he asserted. Fairness In commercial life, honesty in dealing with the customer and a con- kUtent attempt toward the elevation of business morals, are being manifested by the organization of commercial clubs and similar organizations not only throughout this country, but throughout the entire world, he said. The average merchant he explained is honest, as is demonstrated by the credit buslnefes of the day. the force of the explosion which sunk tn fJOCTOR ship. Many thought thst the n-ast Just founa had been found by the first commission Of and removed Immediately after the wreck of the Ma.ne occurnd The fighting top is still on ti e rrsst. but the guns which were on th fighting top were evidently dis lodged by the explosion and went In some other, direction. The base of the mast Is 1 damaged, where It was torn from Its sup Federal ,,ort(, n t)m owr pnrt of the vessel, and those who have made any study of the ar fair are of the opinion that the location of the mast, which Is said to have been lost up to Its discovery yesterday, proves that there was an exterior explosion. It has been pretty well settled that a cofferdam will be built around the wreck by the United States government. This will be constructed of steel plate, whlrh will be sixty feet long and twelve Inches wide. Interlocked and packed to keep out the water. The water and mud will be re moved, then the wreck can be viewed as It lies, and all the facts concerning Its destruction can be definitely determined upon. FLOUTS HIS DOPE Powders aad Fluids Not nenaahle to Recovery of Kick. ndls- Old Salt's Strlkl.-.a- Simile. George von L,. Meyer, the secretary of the nav. praised at a naval d.nner In Wash ington, the old sea dog. "One of these typical old sea dogs." he ended, "was persuaded one day In Phila delphia to attend a tea. 1 met him a short time afterwards and said. "'Well. Marllnspike. I hear you've been doing tea parties In Philadelphia?' " "Yes. air." the old salt replied. 'I did go to one tea party, sir.' " 'And how did you feel there amongst all those ladles?" I asked. " 'I felt like a sperm whale doln' crochet work." he replied." Washington Star. Itort ta No Better. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-Henry M. Hoyt, counsellor of the State department, who has been seriously 111 for several days, showed no Improvement today. It was said there had been no dlmlnutatlnn In the gravity of the case In the last twenty four hours. Of the discovery of drugs and narcotics, their use and misuse, and of the constant tendency of the medical profession to dis card them when posslhle. lr. Woods Hutchinson writes In the November num ber of Hampton's Magazine. Under the title of "The Parsing of nils and Pow ders," the doctor describes the, gradual awakening of the physicians to the fact that drugs and potions were not Indis pensable to recovery that fevers ran a fairly definite course and stopped of thrlr own accord that the majority of diseases tended toward ultimate recovery. Loss and less violent methods of treatment were adopted, vomitings and purging and bleedings became less universal, and the habit grew up of depending more upon diet, bathing and rest, putting the patients to bed and using drugs simply to keep them comfortable and assist the bodv in Its fight. "Finally." says rr. Hutchinson, "and it seems incredible that it was only about sixty years as-o, we reached the point where we dared to let a few moderate cases of typhoid fever or pneumonia or rheumatism run their own course to see Just what Na ture would do. Interfering only in emer gencies, or In esse of serious danger. "Results followed which are well under wav to revolutionise the pmctlce of medi cine First, the discovery that the healthy human organism possessed Inherent pow- ers of defense acalust disease and that j many of what we put ditwn a symptom I of disease and even a parts of the disease process, auch as fever, pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, sjilvering fits and some forms of convulsions, are parts of Nature's ef fort to get rid of the poison. Our proper function Is to intelligently assist Natuie In her efforts. Instiad of thwarting her at every turn and suppressing every symptom as quickly as we can find a drug club to beat it down with. We now co-operate with Nature in disease, as In health, and check her only when she seems to have j become panic-stricken and is going to dan i gerous extremes. Just when to help and I w hen to binder, and how to help without doint; harm these are the problems that call for brains In a doctor. "The old, blind. Implicit confidence In drugs Is gone, the naive belief that If we could only find and give the one right rem. edy It would 'do the rest,' like some maidc button when pressed. "In Its place is a wholesome searching skepticism which demands proof. tests rigidly, rejects mercilessly. Scores of hoary old humbugs have already shrivelled In Its white light. As our modern physlclnn philosopher Osier phrases it: 'He Is the best doctor who knows the worthlessness of most drugs.' " IN h'fleW La Hat i! Ullil YOU The Key to the Situation Bee Wan Ada i I Omaha i Whiskey Specials The Most Reliable and Thoroughly Satisfactory Place in the West to Buy WINES, LIQUORS and I I TABLE DELICACIES I Straight WhtBkjr, per eallon, $2.25 I 13 to 6 gallons, per gallon. .$2.13 I 10 gallons to Vt barrel, gallon, $2 J Full Gal. or i f quarts, full qtn. 700 75c $2.50 75c $3.00 I t" , 75c $2.50 I ' 75c $3.00 $1.00 $3.50 I ' $1.00 $3.50 I $1.00 $3.75 I nmet Whisky ........ laryland Hye Medal Whisky J White Corn Whtky Monogram Whisky Warwick J Whisky Oolden Sheaf Bourbon, "OS . Oednr Prook, . Whiskey. '03 .. IljOtus Brand Whisky Co"JL,r!ntaJ $1.25 $4.50 I Whisky .. Harper's $1.25 $4.50 fAtherton m Whiskey. '01 . $1.00 $4.00 $l.uO j4a2o $1.50 $5.00 $1.50 $5.00 e I Rockwell Bourbon Montlcello Rye All transportation charges paid on orders amounting to $3 and over, and in Quantities of one gal lon or 4 full quarts Send for our complete Grocery and IJquor Catalogue. OMAHA Drug Store Prices at Their Lowest A sale that outshines anything attempted in the Drug store line for a long time. You can choose Drug store articles at a decided reduction. Stationery Special Just received special shipment' of finest quality linen, assorted colors; regular 35c value, 14c Opportunities for Money Savers 16c Chimols, Tor 85e Nail Kllea, for 7fc Manicuring: Scissors, ior. ... 9c .. 16c 50c the Handy Sewing ' o. Shears 7 jc Nail Clips, gg 25c " 19c "25c 25c for, 60c Complexion Brushes, for 25c Beaton's Cold Cream, for , 40c Beaton's Cold Cream, for (One to a customer.) 3-os. bottle Carbolic Acid, for Pnt Witch Hazel, 5c 4-os. bottle of Ammonia, for Pound Kpsom Salts, for 10c Pound Phosphate of Soda, for Peroxide of Hydrogen, for 4-oz. bottle Glycerine and Hose Water, for 25o De Mar's Tooth Powder, for 25c Graves' Tooth Powder, for 85r Water Bottle, for $1.00 Fountain Syringe, for 75c Rubber Gloves, for 10c 10c .20c . 7c 15c 15c 12c 49c 59c "39c 23,000 Cigars at Very Special -Prices 15c La Droguero, for $4.60 box of 60. 16c Postmaster Cigars, for 4.60 box of 60. 15c Eltoro, all Havana Straight, for 6c L,a Preferencla, seven for 10c 10c 5c 25c 10c Palmer House, straight, for 1.28 box Of as. lOo El Contento, straight, for 91.35 box of as. 5c Zu Zu, seven for 6c Henry George, seven for ..5c ..5c 25c '25c n Farnam and lStlr Sts. Clothe the Family with what Ve Save You on Your G4 ro i w n 0) Purchase I Wo not only show you the best and real values, but the most fashionable models shown this season. W offer you the largest assortment from which to make your election, at prices less than the actual cost of the Raw Skins. If you believe in economy you will look fver our line. Electric Batteries We sell Electric Batterle of various styles, prices $2.50, 4.60 nd $8.00. THE KIND Tn.VT WORK. Write for catalogue of Rubber Goods and Hospital Supplies. S hernia a & McCoaae 11 Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge. OWL DRUG CO., Corner 10th and Harney. k tlaiisiMiiisn mm miri-MT'TTr-ri n --7- - - T , ..aT inmmmM ,mmiMlM BLI L , , ,,, ,.... , ,. Ij ipany s iianville Fruit Coi Exhibit Wins Silver Sweepstake's Trophy at Council Bluffs Horticultural Show The Manvllle Fruit Co.'a exhibit la attracting the most attention of any exhibit at the Horticultural Congress. It la considered the most artistic display In the building;, containing; as It does, the rreatest number of varieties of apples grown by any one lndlvdual. The pack Is considered to be the most perfect exhibit The orchard In which this fruit was grown Is considered all over the Northwest aa being the mftt perfectly cared for orchard In Boise Valley. Last year this same orchard furnished the apples at the Counotl Bluffs show, with which the Bain Commercial Club won the "Brother Jonathan Trophy" for the best three boxes of Jonathans grown In any state, aa well as the sweepstakes oup for best twenty-five boxejs grown In any state. It also won a larpe cup for the best commercial pack of apples, and another cup for the best county exhibit. The winning of the sweepstakes prize this year waa considerable In the nsture of a surprise, since the exhibition of this car of apples waa not contemplated until of this year's crop had been shipped. This orchard has never entered for sweepatakes on fruit at the Intermountaln State Fair of Idaho without winning- first premiums. There were forty carloads of apples packed and shipped this fall from this or chard of fifty-eight acres. There wan less than 6 per cent of culls and these were made Into older. This orchard la 16 years old and an apple tree 30 years old in the Boise Valley is aa productive as a tree In Its prime In this country. Russian Pony Goats Beautiful 52-inch modeh worth several times the price we ask. $22 Black Lynx Sets Beautiful long-haired lustrous furs,, with the large pillow muff and shawl collar to match. $250 MINK SETS GENUINE This is the finest grade of East ern Mink, made up in a large shapely collar and a beautiful pillow- bolster muff to match 1 ' " 1 " fr 11 iisilfcTiiriMaiinhiim-r-1 ir Hi- IT -inis-i- iinrir :rw ir! 1 'fcci (yv i awjiawji.iii-tN, :imm3. Brandeis Stores in ' rushed up to end the contest. At Instant the horse struggled to his feet again, and Schuyler saw that his oppor tunity had come; Ms foe was at his slds and he quickly thrust his rifle against the Indian's side and fired, blowing a hole through that s timed aa large as one's arm. The Indian shrieked, leaped out of his sad dle and fell to the ground on his face, dead. Fla for Their Lives. Looking about, Schuyler saw the re mainder of the band following at a prudent distance, (or by this time they began to t look upon him as a god. Invulnerable to all ! their weapons. When at last the poor Ivors Ivli prostrate and apparently dead. meutions a woman unknown to her. Bmlth denies this and sets up further a defense that he was never legally married to wife No. a. because wife No. 1 is still aUv and he has never been divorced from her. Chicago Inter Ocean. Kllla Aaat with Isotgss. TRENTON, K. Nov. 1 -As a sequel to a quarrel over ma oiviainn or an estate ilurna Hanka, JS years old. a member of a prominent ioaa county lainllv. shot hii.I killed his aunt. airs. Carney febree. while she was sluing in her buggy in front of the postorrir tier today, lie unci a dou ble barreled shotgun, firing both lu4s into the woman s Uxly. FOREMAST THE MAINE FOUND Part Wreck MImId Since the Ei plaaloH Fauad by the Divers. La Lurha of Havana, Cuba, report that on October 7 the divers engaged In ex amining the wreck of the battleship Maine, have finally discovered the mainmast of the battleship, which up to the present time has not been located. While Mr. Mo Mahon. the chief diver, waa walking around on ths bottom of th bay looking for anything he mieht come across, he found the mainmast, mor than 200 feet from the wreck, lying where It was blown, and. perhaps. In part tending to solve the mystery which attends the destruction of the battleship. This Is not the mast which has been sticking up from the wreck all the year sine the explosion. It is th mast that was on that part of th veartl which shows the force of the explosion a mass of bent tl plat au4 oraue wbich alias lad to Our Aim: Highest Qual ity at Lowest Price Ask to see our Ringlet Braid some thing new, at 97-00. $10-00 as tia.00. Have your hair dressed In th new Ringlet Braid In our parlor. F. IV1. fachadcll 1321 Dounlst fit. Latest Styles and Best Values in Human Hair Goods Scientific treatment of the hair, scajp and complexion; delicate manicuring; thorough shampooing, special coiffures designed and hair dyeing. Appointments made by 'phone. To appreciate theso wonderful bargains you must compare these sjoods with what which la offered you elaewhere. $100 Men's Fur Lined Goats A walking- weight coat, suitable for automobile use. The Madame JusnpliUiej ISoyd Clus- I ter I'uffs $19 values for $0 Cluster I'uffs Of finest quality hlr, fS values, at $4.ihS 24-lnch natural wavy switches, former price 7, special, J 1.98 Extra larg site Nets, i for. . .5 Extra large slie real hair Nets, 25c values, a for 25? 18-inch short stem, best quality Switches, former price Jl-50, special, at G9 20 and 22-lnch Hair Swltches-r-$2.60 and $3. SO values, $1.19 24-Inch Switchee, made of finest hair, 2V os., $8 values, $-1.93 22-lnoh natural wavy Switches former price $3. at 91.98 Other fur sots and coats at an average of ariout 2oo on the dol lar! Itemembor the sale of this $50,000 bankrupt stock will con tinue until every article is dis posed of. OPEN EVENINGS BRANDEIS STORES ALASKA FUR EVJFG. CO. 24 piii Ost, 1 i