Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Grace Baptist Financial Record
, Remarkable Showing.
lalon priUn Will He Helrt 1-fcanka-gltlna
liar hr l.arae wmbr
of Kianaellral (mrtn-
At Hie annual meeting of Iliac Haptlat
ehurch reports were prenented from all
the department. The report of the treas
urer showed that the current expense of
the church an well an the missionary ap
portionment hail all been met la nil and
that there was a small balance on the rltTht
flJe of the ledger. For twelve uccelve
annual meetlnsa thla church has closed It
bunks with all current etpenaea paid, No
Indirect methods for raisin inouey are re
sorted to and the churrii la supported en
tirely by the direct contribution of the
ooiiKreitatlon. No pay suppers or fairs are
ever held by thla church.
The following office: a were elected:
Clerk. Krnet Herngren: ti er. W. A.
Klilera; trustees, W. W. lmieti and italph
Hecknutn; deet na. H. R Klrod and N. C
Chrtatenaen; superintendent nilmon school.
K. fl. Klrod.'
Thanksgiving night a literary and musi
cal program will b given by tile yumil
people of thla church, to which the public
la Invllad.
A union Thanksgiving serics eill be held
lu the Norwegian and lianlali Meihodist
Episcopal cliun ii next Thursday at 11 a. in.
Tba Calvai-y Iiaptlst. Feward Street Meiho
dlat, Flrat L'nlted Ki angelic!, t. Johti'a
English Lutheran and the Norwegian and
rvanialj Methodist churcbea will rninbln.
XT, I Oroh will preach. The church la at
Twenty-fifth and Deretur aUeeia.
George T McNutt, tbe "dinner pail
preacher, with hla mn, la now working In
the corn fields In the vicinity of Omaha
aid Catherine material for hla lecture sea
son, mhlcli begins November 21. He will
speak. In the flrat Congregational church
Sunday nlRht on "The Average Jlan." Thla
will be free to the public.
On request of many members of the con
gregation, the choir of the KounlKe Me
morial church will repeat Punday evening
the cantata, "The Harvest la Klpe," by
ktohnecker, rendered at the harvest home
service, Ootobar JO.
The regular meeting; of the Ministerial
union will be held Monday at the Y. M. C.
A. The program, la: 10.30, business session,
lection of offlcera; II, addresn on "Church
1'lnaJice," Itev. A. M. .Mdiarrali.
Protection of Mis f'e.p!e in That Great
I"ay '; evening suMert. 'Tralses and
Thenksaivlnn ; Punclay school at 12. F.. B.
t'ook. superintendent; young people's meet
ing at ( ...
Urace. South Twentv-slxlh Street, M
I: Mellck. Pastof fhurrh services at 11
and ?;J0: Sunria) school at V" and I. other
league at I prayer meeting on Wednes
day night. Tbe congregation will take part
In the union Thanksgiving services held in
Mansi'om Park MethodlM Koiscopal
church. The pastor Instructs a class of
liible catechumens eeery Fildav from 4 to
5 and another class in the same from 7:30
to a. 03 of the same day.
Kountse Memorial, Rev. John F. Hum
mon. Pastor Services at It. subject, "Our
National tiratitude the Secret of Our Na
tional tireatness": Sunday school at 10. O.
P. tioodinan. superintendent ; evening ser
vice at ; Itev. s. H. Yerlan will deliver a
brief address to the I.e'ltea' Missionary so
ciety and the choir will repeal the can
tata. "The Harvest Is Klpe." by Schnecker;
Christian Kndeavor devotional meeting at
B 46: Lutheran Senior Hrotherhood at h
Monday, Novemler 21; lr. V. .M. Pavld
won will speak.
Seward Street, William rioyets, pAstor
feiAl. es at h:S0 and 7:30; Sunday echcol at
11.46, Charles I,. Fritsclier In charge.
Trinity, Twenty-First and llltiney. s. W.
Ahholt, Pastor-. Morning subject. "How a
People, May Me lispiiy." A Thanksgiving
service, evening subject, "The Mun In the
Oak 'Street. South Twentieth Hible
school fninlav at 3, adult and other classes;
preaching Sunday evening at 7:W b' Hev.
T. C Webster; mid-rveek meeting Thurs
day evening a I 7 So.
Oerman, Klevetith and Center. Lev. (!. J.
Jalaer, Pastor Sundav School at 1').
Meyer, superintendent ; preaching at 11 and
itsO; Kpworth league meeting at 7; Thanks
giving service Thursday evening at S.
Pearl Memorial. T.vent v-Fourth and I.arl
more. Pari (S. Under. Pastor Ola. meet
ing, 10:16: morning worship, HM.". subject,
"find's tilft of Lavs:" Sunday school at 12;
Kpworth league at t:30; evening worship.
7:iW, subject. "('misi'lr nte or Christ."
Walnut Hill. Forty-First and Charles. K.
K. Hoaman. Pastor Morning service 10:HO,
theme, "The Consequences of Sin." Sun
ilae school at Yi. . T. Lindley, auperln.
tendent; Kpworth league. 6:Sn, It. M. V'.vans,
president; evening service, 7:', theme,
"Popular Sin No. 3."
Hanaoom Park. Twentv-Nlnl h and Wool
worth. Rev. K. R Crawford. Pastor
Morning service, 10:."X), theme, "The Power
of a Ureal Ideal;" evening service, 7:30.
theme. "The Great Feat;" the first of a
aeries of lour Sunday sermons on "After
iMath What I" The vested chorus choir
Will sing.
First. Twentieth and navenport. Rev.
Frank Lynch, Pastor Public worship and
aermon at 11, theme. "Our Inheritance;"
at 7:! the pastor will preach the first in
a aeries of sermons on "the Life of Christ,"
theme "The lncarnutlon:" Bible students'
Sunday school teachera. Chrlatlan workers
and the public generally Invited; music by
the vested 0 holr; Sabbath school at 9:40
a. m.; Voting People's meeting at ::.
McCabe, Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. John
Grant Shlck. Pastor Sunday school at 10,
Superintendent Charles H. Chase In charge;
preaching by the pastor at 11 and 7:. 40,
themes, morning, "The Church's Gift to
I he World;" evening, "Loyalty to Christ;"
Kpworth league at :; class meeting at
the close of the morning service; prayer
meeting on Wednesday night at 8. An In
vitation has been received to worship at the
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church at 10:30
TlianksgivinsT day.
day evenings; Thursday morning at 1" fJ,
Thanksgiving service, for one hour.
The iMuttlnas t'ountv Holiness assoi in- I
tlon will conduct services Sunday at !t )
at the First Lnlted Kvangehcal church,
20 Franklin.
Sunday evenlnif gospel meeting In the
Gospel hull, ) Cuming, at 8. Preaching
by Kvangellst 1 . It. Charles, No collec
tion will be taken.
Scandinavian Uranch of the Salvation
Army, ll?-. North Sixteenth Street, M.
Nelson, Captain Holiness meeting at 10:4.;
Free and Fasy," i; Salvation meeting.
Lillian Resler Harford Memorial Vnited
Prethreit. Nineteenth and Lothrop, M .
Mclaughlin. Pastor L Diversity services,
H' Wl, theme. "Christ HtraA ed In the
Twentieth Century"; evening service f'r
Hoy Scouts. 7::s; ail Hoy sioouta are In
vited to come and bring their parents and
friends; subject. "Roy Scouts of All Ages."
Workers' meeting. Wednesday, 8.
I'nity, Seventeenth and Cps. Itev. New
ton Munn. Minister Finerltits Service si
l"::f; Mr. Mnnn will speak on "SoolaMstn
as an Application of the Teachings of
Jesus"; Sunday school at noon.
People's Church. Churles W. Suvide,
Pastor Morning. "A Message From Mv
Mother's Life and !eth"; evening. "A
New Method in the People's Chutch";
Sunday school al noon; Young People's
Society Christian Kndeavor ut 1.
The Norwegian anil Hiinlsh Methodist.
North Twenly-liflh and Incatur Hlicots
J'.vangellstlc services conducted by the
pastor. It. P. Petersen. 11 and s. The re
vival meetings will continue next week
everv night at 8 except Saturday. Rev, O.
NVIhuii of Chicago, 111., will preach.
First F.vnngclbal. IM'JO Franklin, IV II.
Fiank ! Hlncs, Pastor Mornliifc- service at V)..:
Itev. ,lir. Divnci mil i 1 , .ii
school at noon; hrlstlau Kndeavor at
:; at 7:.W the Woman's Missionary so
ciety will hold 1l snnual public meeting,
for "which an Interesting program has been
Omaha New Thought Fellowship. Lyric
Theater Building. Nineteenth and Farnam
Sunday morning service St 10:C o'clock,
addresses Hy F,lir.ahetli Severn, theme,
"How Not to Worry "; evening at H o'clock,
theme, "Is Your Brain Your Caslle?"
First Reformed, Corner South Twenty
third Street ami Central Louie vard, Itev.
F. H. Zaugg. Pastor Sunday school at 9;
preaching eervlcem at 11 and S; Miss Ger
trude M. Coaan. field cecretary of the
denominational missionary work, will
speak both morning and evening; Christian
Kndeavor at 7.
NURSE KEEPS THE BIG N0TEw:v; l""", " ovpr " lor ""IZZ: :.
Rll K't "110 tie irws-1
a t at 1 1 1 to show the oilier
The petition aim asks f.'.onp daniages for aide."
trouble caused tlie plaintiff dy the defend-! "We don't neej to l.ave a luarli'g for
ant's previous refusal to deliver the nota to I that,'' said Judge Leslie,
the plaintiff as administrator of ths Pratt Mr. Cow in and his client left tha court.
i estate. 1 Tha attorney said Mrs. Itehn expect t j
Itefesed to ltellver Aote. leave for her home, Jollet, III., Nome time
The music at the First I'nlled Presby
terian, church, 21 at and Kininntt streets,
tiext Sabbu.Ui morning will be In charge
if Miss Selfkln. Pr. Hanna will preach
taorninK knd evening.
Tbe musical program Sunday evening at
rii. Alary a Avenue congregational church
will be as follows;
J'relude Iteverlo.
- Offertory Pastorals Guilmant
XJuet Vesper Hour Shelley
Miss Collala and Miss Weber.
Anthem Incline Thine Lar, Oh Lord
Refuses to Turn it Over on Writ of
J.l . (osln, Her A t turner. Ad lees ller
that Ike Note Itoea ot Belong; to
the Katate aad he Need
Nnt Tnrai It lltfr,
iMopplug hie proceeding hi the pro
bate division of the county court to com
pel Mrs. Clara Rehn to give up the 110.
OOtt or $12,000 "Buckingham note" given
her by the late Colonel Junn-s Ilervcy
Pratt, W115 land W. Mugce, special admin
istrator of the late colonel's estate, went
into district court and made a futile at
tempt to replevin fie note Saturday
morning. Sirs. Rphn and John C. Covin,
her attorney, flatly refused to give tip
the precious paper when a deputy sheriff
served the writ of replevin upon them.
In Ii is petition of replevin, filed by his
attorney, J. V. Woodrough, Wayland
Magee. gives the first description of the I could be granted by this court, since the'
"We lefuscd to deltver tip the poie
w hen the replevin w rit an served sim
ply because the noto does not belong to
the estate," said Mr. CowMv "It la the
property of Mrs. Rehn and no one else."
The first intimation of the taking of n
new tack by Magee was received by Mrs.
Rehn and her attorney before Judge Les
lie in the probate division of the count
court Saturday nt 10 a. in., when they
appeared to continue the hearing, an ad
journment until Saturday morning bavins
been taken Friday.
"Mr. oixl rough lina sent word lltul
he will not be hers this
fowln," anid Judge Leslie
j Mi. Rehn and her daughter left for
J Chicago shortly before noon Saturday.
1 From there Mis. Rehn (-aid they would go
j at once to Jollet.
Attorney Woodrough said that Mr. Ma
I gee at present ill make no further move
In the fight over the "thicklnuhnui note "
! "General I'ouln told us Mis. Rehn had
plvnn him the note." said Mr. Wooilrouth.
' ".-o they ste responsible for il."
To Grew Hair on a
Bald Head
By a Kpaelaliat.
hna sent word thutj ,' , . ' ........
his mottling. General'18 the '"'''''"" P"v. thin 1.
eslle. "As this 1,er.!!:,,''nlh'nl"'t k' '''V
4 Life Problem He
by that Ricat liealth tonic. Klecttlo Hitters
blood and
sale by
lug could not result In an order that the """"" 1,1 " "
note be given up 1 supone there Is no
neeu or going any lurtner with it. 1
"I to so on," Fald Mr. Cowln. 1
'They started this tlilnp. Now 1 want to Btral l abor l aloa Vara, ale I lnr.
show tliem lip.
'In view of the
fuel that tin . order
Ins V-Vfrr e.nt Start
flalldlaa; Proajresea.
note that Is anywhere nr-sr Oe'Inlte. It 1
leges that the note s given by one Ruck
Ingham, a Innrt dealer in Sun Antonio, Tex.
Originally the nolo was for J.'.SSO.OJ, but
paymentH have been made on It until its
present face value Is about $10,000 or
$U',000, according to Mr. Magee. V.
The lieiltion sets out that the note is
testimony is to the fact that Mrs Rehn
owns, the note, I can't ree unv good tea
son for going on." said tho court.
"You knew that 4efor the hearing be
gan and while they were eolng into all
this." said the attorney.
"No, I did not," replied the court. 'It
was necessary that 1 go on as long as the
the proportv, of the. ratate of the late : plaintiff required it. He drops the pro
colonel and that Mrs. Jielm and Mr. ceedings now and is making no further
Cowln are w rongfully " holding it. The
petition makes Mr. Cowin co-defendant
for the rca-soii that Mrs. Jtelin Js supposed
effort td get the note here,
purpose of the hearing."
"They went Into this,"
That wa the
raid ths at-
Action a taken by the Cential Labor
union Friday evening toward making
construction work on skyscrapers safer
for the, w orkmen. The organisation passed
a motion asking that at least every sec
ond ftory of a skyscraper be floored as
soon as its framework Is completed, so
that the posslblo fall of a wotltniau would
not be for so long; a distance as is pos
sible In present methods of construction,
and therefore nouii not necessarily he
Thou-.. liO of pcot'le iMil-t c. I,.. I-
nes ami lulling heir v ho. t . ' " 1 1 ed
nearly vvei y dt ci 1 1 e.l 1 .i.r to c
hair k'"wer vvithont tin't. I1.1 e m
signed tlieuiseh 's to biililnc-.s und Its nt
leiidiint dlsc.iinl"! I. let liieir ca.e is not
boneless, liie f'dlov liij. initile 1 ouie pi
scilptlon has imide luilr (;row .iftei yi'M
of b.ildiiess, ami t. hIbo 11 1 e.iiii led for r -st
iriii'4 fciev 10 Its oillnal cold,
StnpluliK lull' 11(1111 l.illlllg out, lllld tie
strovlmr the dandruff fcerni. Ii v ill not
nnilte ilie hair aie'iv. end run he unl up
I I any 1 heimsi . li ly Rum ounces, l.i-
v nun de t oiupoHH,. oiiiu.c!"-, .vieoi ic'
Civstnl.- j If vi. 11 i:li II pe
fumed add IimII to one lent.p'ionl ul of T"
Kiibui Pel I' nine, ninrli unite pcilectU
wltli the olher Ingredient. Tula prepaid
tlon Is highly leciittiiiiei.dcd by p'nvsiciai's
mid siiechilist s. mid l'i absoluteh' huri"
leva, us It contain nmie 01 the poisonoiot
1VOOII aiCOIIll MO I I HU' -111 I lOllllll 111 nan
tonics. 1 o not apply 011 the or vvhcic
luiir is not ilesn I'd.
He sure to axk the druggist for all 1.
enchvui'-es In the Lsvona up Compose
piichMge. tme ot t lii-iik entitles j oil to .1
h.mdsnnie fno spilnkh i' top for your hair
tonic bottle and yon are iih-o entitled lo
receive tiie free advice of an expert on
tbe hair by simply willing to the uddie s
Jc.ll will lltul clu losed In the cm ton
j u
go n rt
I -In other ont.
I I X. .r yon onir pv
- .rill eref.-iilouil
fcSfrbeariiredasdastUflM. nana tiMt.
1 004 Uraiiil Ave., Kansas II T, Mil,
Calvaty bianch Sunday school. Thirty-1
fourth and sewara, at t.M 1. m.
frraliy terlaa.
Church ot t lie Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell. I. 1 Pastor
Services at 11 and 7::x): Subbath school at
:4fi; Voung- People's society at 7.
North. Nineteenth and Ohio. M. V. Hic-
I bee, L. V. Pastor I'ubllo worship at 1":.;0
and 7:W: Sabbath school at 11!; Christian
l.ndeavor at b::to; prayer meeting at 7:v
Wednesday evening.
Dundee. Fiftieth and Underwood, Grant
E. Fisher, Minister Morning service, IL
subject, "VVhy 1JO Men Not Find God?'-;
evening service, 7:30; Sunday school, :45;
Christian Kndeavor society, s:20.
Clifton Hill. Fortv-flfth e.nd Grand. Thos.
..rnmmellti Oreenlen. Pastor Public wo is m D. lu:o
I'ostludfv Martdi In U. Smart I Sunday school, noon; Junior Kndeavor. 3;
Ouartet Kdlth Rosslyn Collala. sourano: Senior F.ndeavor. fl:HO: Dubllu worshiD. 7:9:
Minna voeoer, contralto; vv. r. swarta, 1 mid-week service, Wednesday, .
ttinor; u, vv. niaucnester, nass ana utrec-1 .. n ... u. n.A.a. a
,i,vi-..w.c,j,., ,,.,.,,., I'astor Service ut 10. , a. 111.. subject,
"Thanks In Living": even ng service at
Musla In the Dundee Presbyterian church I 7:;W o'clock, subject, ' "A Great Question'
tor Htinday. November 2u: prayer meeting Thursday evening
Organ voluntary. Third, Twentletn ana L.eavenwonn. r-. r.
ItesDonse. Ramsay, I'll. v., t-ator s:jw, unuay
BntJieinWa Lift Our Thank. Aalifnii! Mchool, With adult Bible class; It):4fi. wor
Sourano au 11. Airs. Hancuck with emu wim bchuuii. j ho
CllOrUS Choir I .lesus ; 1 ;ov, oiniujf niui Bn iiiwii
Uffertory solo with uuartct. "A Safe fesslon.
Retreat' First. Seventeenth and oouge, bawin
Miss Rartlett and choir. I Hart Jenka. II. I).. l'ator Morning ser
Vesper Hymn Authem Relaslger I vice. 10:30. sublect. "Led by tha Spirit"
uum, Mlsa YVeuuvortli and Mr. evening service. 7::, subject. "Money
Anderson and choir. Values and Moral values' ; loung reo
u pie's Society Christian F.ndeavor, :lu; Sun
day school at noon
Westminster, Twenty-nlntn and Mason,
Rev. Thos. H. Mctonuell. Pastor 10:80,
u.pirlM rf woritliln with sermon nf "tiod'a
oraua view sunaay scuool, fourtn ana ,jttrden and Ours A Thanksgiving Medlta
Cedar streeta, at 3:o. R. U. Klrod. super- t(on"; A2. SRbbath school and Rlhle classes;
Uitendcnt. s.;l0 Westminster chanel. Sunday school;
First. Harney and Twenty-ninth Avenue J::. service o prslse with sermon on "The
Rev. James F. W ells, field secretary of the rMelody of tho Heart tflfteen minutes song
Kansas City llaptlst Theological seminary, service)
will preach both morn.iig and evening. Central T'niled. Twenfv-fburtb and
bernion theme at 10 :, "The Resurrection piodge Rev. W. L. '. Samson of Santa
ki our iira, ni i..i, iveiiiissiuii 01 I Am. Cal.. will preacn at ana ,:m.
ihrough the Shedding of LUood." The morning hour will be given to the an
Oraee. Tenth and Ai bur Rev. M. V. Fell- nual ThaiiUsglvlng services under the
man. Pastor Prayer and testimony meet- auspices of the omen s Missionari so
,.. . iH Ai K..-t.w.i. imi ui ni t-, -'iio-I rleiv and King's i'augliters of this con
wlvablo Rights and Attainable Rewards In gregstlon and the sermon will be suited to
the Christian Calling:" at s o. m.. "Re- the occasion.
llever's Baptism." Sunday school at noon. I Castellar Street. Sixteenth and Caatellar.
Kouun People's meeting at 7: u. 11). Raloh It. Houseman, Minister At lu::i0.
Calvary. Twtnty-flfth and Hamilton. Rev. P"bllo worship anu tains oy avmen. tne
EX 11. Curry. Paslon-Sei nion theme at 10: Ptor presiuuis. witin,
I. rn.. "lieautllled Sins," at i:.0 p. 111..
''Hardening the Heart." bible school at
aoon. Young People a service at ... le
votional service Wednesday evening at ft.
lhursday at 11 a. 111., Tl.aiikaKlving acrvice
It tba Oanlah, Methodist church, Twenty
fifth and Oecatur streets.
Inunanuel. Twentv-fourtli and Plnkuev.
Rev. J. 3. Lberaole, l'aalor Sunday school
at :45 Theme at 11 a. in.. "The A. B. C
M tha Ooapel;" at 7::i0 p. m., "The Con-
lerslon and Itaptlain of a Royal Treasurer.'
Voung People's meeting at 6:Jo. New con
verts will be baptised at the evening
lervlca. Wednesday evening devotional
Steeling at I o'clock. Union Thanksgiving
lervlca of neighboring churches at lui
aianual Thursday at 10:30 a. in.
. WASlllNU to, Nov. i. v-oionei noose
Varkvale, Thirty-first and Oold-Sundav vlt vlll8d 01 ' W1,lte llouls taay for.the
Khool at 10; K. C. W ilbur, superintendent, first time since lie left It u I president
L'brlstlun Kndeavor at H M. At 7:30 p. in. in 1!)9. He seemed to enjoy ills visit
Itev. John 1 Clyde will preach.. mh . ihe tomlsta who file in and out
First, Nineteenth snd Davenport. Rev. L. . 1,.. ,.rft,..a m dav The
e'r-tTo: "TheLov'orOod.1" At T t"T r"dent "V'd l" " bll6
(leorga U MoNutt will speak, on "The nd drove up the main entracs. He sprang
average Man." from the carriage, ran lightly up tbe steps
St. Mary's Avenue Thanksgiving sermon where a doorman, all smiles recognized
It 10 SO a. m.. "I he tripartita Republlo." .-ruiia the door ooen.
-v.nFh,.h.. ''r rphH r: cou....i ie 1.1. c,d fr Mr,
uon of America." Taft. who Is In New Tork. News of bis
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8. Hamn- presence spread through tbe houaa quickly
ton, l'aalor Services at 10 30 a. in. and I and before ha could get away he had to
I.JO p. m. Sunday school at noon. Junior Lhak hajids with many of the house
fc.ic.ra.ivji . p. in, uiiiia J trviic a so- I lm
Urll at I 11 II. in mhuiip,
1'lvmouth Twentieth .r,H Sn.n-r t.,t,n t-Olonei Kooeereii men v.wieu .... erne
f. Clyde, Minister Thciua at lu.SO, "Beek- cuUve offices and was qulug to bote ths
tig tbe Lost.'' Suuuny school at noon, addltloos and cliaugea which have been
Lhristlau bndeavor at .. Services at made since lis left. Assistant Secretary
.jv in vi.svia ui 111 iiuo v uriaiian
1 . W. . A. Nlea
Sunday Building open from 2 to 7. Regu
lar vesper service at 4:.1u. Addresn by Rev.
J. M. Lynch on "The NevvF.ra of Mis
sions." M tisia by Miss Josephine Lynch
and the Central United Presbyterian quar
tet. Monday Dr. Kersey's Bible class at 7:1J.
Thursday Dinner served at 1 o'clock for
young women who are away from home.
Ticket for this dinner must be obtained In
the office before Wednesday noon. Play
hour In the evening and a basket ball game
at 7:.'W.
Friday Regular meeting of ths B. 11. B.s
at 7:li. All former members of the ciud
are Invited to be present. Miss Paddock,
national Voung Woman's Christian associa
tion secretary for China; Miss Ruth Pnx
son, who Is to be the secretary In China
for the Omaha association, and Mrs. llyers,
who was formerly general secretary of the
local association and Is now socretary of
the north central territory, will all be at
this meeting.
Saturday A conference of committee and
board members to meet Miss Paddock. Mlas
Paxson and Mrs. livers will be held in the
For What
Should Castellar's People Be Thankful?'
Noon, Bible school, 6:!W, young people's
meeting; 7:;. service, led In Its Hinging by
a large chorus cnoir; sermon inenie,
'Soul, being the secona 01 me great mys
teries being discussed on consecutive Sun-
V. M . ,'. . flutes.
Rev. K. B. Crawford will address the
men's meeting in the association building
at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Physical Director Maxwell left Frlday
nlght for St. Joseph, Mo., where he will
officiate at the omaba-St. Joseph toot ball
Rev. M. O. McLaughlin will talk to the
boys of the T. M. C. A. at o'clock. Mr.
McLaughlin Is the original Scout Master of
the Boy Scouts In Omaha, having organ
ized the first patrol.
Mr. McNutt, commonly known as the
"IHnner Pall Man," will address men of
Omaha a week from Sunday afternoon at
4 o'clock. Mr. McNutt talked at the Lin
coln association last Sunday.
The noondav uraver meetings, which
have been held each noon from ISiJii to
12 :W during the last week, will be con
tinued for one more week. Interest in
these meetings Is growing and more men
each day stop fdr the short service.
State Secretary Bailey returned Thursday,
from Denver. He announces thst the asso
ciation work at Kates Park, Colo., will be
open for association people from July 1 to
September 1, 1H1L The western conference
of the Y. M. C. A. will be held July li to
HO at Kstes 1'ark. On bis return Mr. Ralley
visited the associations at Hastings, Grand
Island, Central City and Columbus.
The weekly Bible class supper will be
held Monday evening at 6:lf. followed by
the class work and Ulble study. The boys
board will meet for supper on Monday
evening to get acquainted with Mr. K. S.
Flower, who has come recently to take
charge of the boys' work. Mr. Flower
takes Mr. W. M. Burton's place, as Mr.
Burton leaves the association work In De
cember to become private secretary to Sen
ator llurtoii at Washington.
Basket ball practice, for tbe purpose of
choosing a representative association team,
is held each Tuesday evening. (A schedule
of good games Is planned for, to begin
about December 1. The Basket Ball league
of the association Is now playing schedule
games. The results lsst week were as fol
lows: Team No. 1. Captain Wendell, de
feated team No. 8. Captain Robinson, by a
acore of 8 to 6; team No. 2, Captain Par
rlsh, defeated team No. 6. Captain Welgel,
by a ticore of 12 to 2; team No. 4, Captain
Bolt, defeated team No. 6. Captain Grif
fith, by a score of 8 to 2. The above teams
are all composed of men in the 8 o'clock
gymnasium class.
The Key to the Situation Be Want Ads.
Colonel Roosevelt Makes
First Visit to White House
' First, Twenty-sixth and Harney, J. M
Ksraey. Pastor Preaching at lo jo and 7:nu
bible achool at 12: yoium people's meeting
it; iuuie clasa luesuay evening at
North Side Christian church meets In the
ri) mouth Congregational, Twentieth and
Sptiicer. 11. J KlrchatQin. Minister Bible
school at S 30; evening at 7.30. sermon
them. "Men or Metlioda W hloht" The
Hrotherhoud Bible class for men meets st
I W a. m. The anthem by the choir will
be, "Jesus Said I nto the People." by John
btalnrr. inn male qua net win sing. Morn
lug service In charge of tbe Plymouth Cvn-
girgatioiial at JU.Jc.
t hriatlaa lelewe.
, Second Church Christ. Nineteenth and
(arnam. Lyric Theater Sunday school,
I : aa-rvice. 11, suoiect leaaou sermon
kSoul and Body.
Second Church of Christ. Twenty-fifth
and Fainaiu Streets, t l.aiubvrs Building
kunday achool. suuday services. 11
Mid 3. subject of sermon, "Soul and Body."
St. Mark's English. Twentieth and Bur
letle. 1 Oroh, Pastor 10 4u. "Imparling In
Pemce. Kud of Church Year"; 11, esem-
Dlea. bv anecdotfa: funday school at 12
Xouug People's Christian Ludeavor at
St. Pauls German. Twenty-eighth and
Parker. K. T. Otto. Pastor Service at W
veiling v endup at 7.46, subject. "Flush";
uridav school at 11 :. Services in Lnallsh
in the first and fourth Sundays ut the
in. nth at 7.4,1.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Caatellar Streeta.
.ev. U. W ,-Mivder, Pastor Servleea at
S.a f 4 ; uiuruiu subjalt "God a
Forester guided hliu through the new por
tion which stands on tbe side of the
famous tennis court and then Into the
office where President Taft does his work.
The former president stood there for a
moment looking through the south win
dows out Into the White House grounds,
then he turned and walked out Into the
main waiting room, where lie shook hands
with all the clerks and other attaches.
He drove away again after having spent
perhaps twenty minutes at the place where
he put In the seven most active years of
his life.
Colonel Roosevelt this morning viewed In
the National Museum building the speci
mens which be and his companions ob
tained on their expedition through Fast
"lent that a flue specimen?" and "by
George I'm glad we were able to secure
a complete aeries of these," frequent com
ments which he made. He was accom
panied by C. Hart Men lam, chief of the
biological survey; Major Meatus, DC Hel
ler and J. Allien Luring, the latter three
of whom were with him on the trip. The
specimens he found In all stages of 00m'
pletion, some In the taxidermist's shop.
others still being tanned, but only a few
mounted for eahllbtien.
Woman s Power
Weaaaa's aaoet (lorioua adewaseot is the) power
M awake aad hold the pure and boneet love st
worthy ease. Wheat she lose it aad still loves ea,
ts ane ia tha wide world can know the heart agony
she eaduree. The) woaaaa who Suffers from weak
steea aavd daraajanwal at her special womanly er
(eoiaas aooat loess) the) pew to sway tho heart of
a . Her geaaaral heal A seflert aad aha loeee
her good ksaks, her sttrmotivee aa, her amiability
4 be power awe prestige as e woaaaa. Dr. R. V. Picree, of Buffalo, N.Y., with
tho aaawtaooe of hla etaf of able pbyaiuiauM, has preacn best for and ottred aaany
rhsaeaaaa of woeuca. He has oeraaod uoeeestul reaaedr tor weaaaa'a cil
aaoats. It la aavowa ae Dr. Pierce's Fevorito PreeerieUoA. It is positive
spenae for tho woahasaas aad disorders peculiar to wosaeo. It porifiee, regu
lates, streaxjtboas sad heals. Medicine dealers sell k. No ktmnt dealer wJI
advise yea to aoospt sahatitoto ia order to make Lttie larger pront.
Wat 'e Wnma Mmi regiiase awe- sireegnVae Tiuwa a. Lrew tm4
rrr3 n 71
aasT U
All Interest is now centered on the dining room for feast day is near. We've prepared a number of special offerings in
Dining Room Furniture that will make many people really thankful that the Hartman store ia located in Omaha. In addi
tion to these very special offerings in Dining Room Furniture, you'll find some really extraordinary values in many other
lines Heating Stoves especially. Study these reduced-in-pric specials. They're exceptional values every one of them.
You can't duplicate them anywhere we positively know that they can't even be equaled anywhere in Omaha. And credit
is cheerfully extended with terms of payment arranged to suit your convenience.
The Greatest of All
Birain Offerings
Solid Oik
Early English
Aid Six Upholsterta Chairs
Just what you need,
now that Thanksgiving
Is less tlian one week
off. This handwomei table
Is made of solid oak, ex
fiulM to six feet Binl
fitted with easy running
Hlliles: large pillow peilt.
tal with carved claw
feet. The chairs are
larne and of graceful ai-liearanc-e.
Nicely polish
ed. The seats are up
holstered in genuine Im
perial leather. You may
have sen wonderful
values offered hereto
fore, but notliiug that
could measure up to thin
one. Price of Table.
11.30. Price of set of
six chairs, tll.10. Price
of each chair, S2.00.
wi Til C tatosue IfiI 7H T?
11 1T1 I", IA I ".a II . . II f EI Ml f I ff
i-A I li Wi h T0 o-Ho ' ) if H t X 1
Every Article
li This
Sold ea Oor
Our wonderfully gen
erous Credit Sygiem
baa no equal anywhere
in tbe conntry. IV
strictly confidential In
every respect. Small
payments can alws
be arranged to suit
your conTenlerre, and
we will be (lad to ei-
tend you tbts liberal
service on any good
purchased during
either of these, two
great sale. Goods are
delivered In plain un
lettered wagons, safe
from tha scrutiny of
prying eyes.
Solid Oak 4-Piece ilission Library Set
This entire pet of four pieces almost a roomful of furniture at a price
that is little short of sensational. b.acti piece is mane or ae-i
I '. ? will lH'JIUI.iykLV lb 1
I tit Prr .' 1. Ill I rt;
I! v
lected solid oak. flnlbhed lu Karlv f:nBlili or Weathered finish
The bak snd seat of the divan and chair are upholstered In
Imitation Spanish leather. The seat of chair, rocker and
divan are set with boat oil-tempered steel uprlngs. Can you
duplicate this set for lei than $!li In any other store? Look
and be convinced tiiat HarUniin'a Sale .specials aie Wonderful
C!..,ic la ...
This 4-piece Early English
Solid Oak Library f? I 3 50
II Set
ITlces '. f.
Marked , 7 --
I'laiu rV
figures. . - f
I ..,. lllliiMllllliliid -ill Ml Hunt Kti!tv-i. -mill: B: -
w- m "t ,i.-i,1iu.
H aPfl I I
IP iFfafP
il .V 1
Have jMi ever sea a Bolld Oak
Net of 4 lec offered uijrwhr
near this price? Hot (kfC9
complete, ivur
pieces, for
udb or
n7 . CLX'
g. t. .- r -
Cola's Ilot Blast Heaters,
Prices Up From
We are ezolnslTe areata ef Cola's OrlflnaJ
Set Bias BaaHn la Omana and violnitr The
booiea of c'olea Hot blast Heaters are of
tieavy (auae steel. They hate double cast
flrepot. ornamental base, and are beantlfullv
lili-kel trimmed. Patent screw dainpera auid
swlnsing tope, guaranteed to I, old fire for 4
" rV 1 T ('i
n.n n
This cabinet stands 67
Inches high and 31 Inches
wide. Has full paneled
back, carvad claw feet ami
highly puliahed. The bent
end design and glass dour
Is of double strength; dust
proof In every particular,
bhelves are adjustable ami
grooved for standing plates.
CIOT5 For His Rts.
Olae give Sideboard1
The entire case Is made of
solid oak, large flaky grain,
which adds to Its beauty.
Has French plate beveled
due mirror, two small
drawers, one lined for sil
verware, large dish com
partmnnt and linen draaer.
'- - .:jt?t 1
Credit to
1414-10-18 DOUGLAS STREET,
50 Elegant Base Burners,
Well Worth $40, on Bale..
Taeae Baas araare are aaeolately one ef the
greatest bargalna la aajf Oaaatoa Papas toAar.
Tsar are ot large proportions an elaaerately
trtmaaea la alcksl tbrougrhemt. '1 hey are io.
ei rul healara sad have larae ra.latm aurfai-a;
aeit remiers arnj uiureuuiy guarauieeq.