Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, WOMEN, Page 7, Image 38

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A New Airship Serial by
PVvL Herbert Quick
"feAffi. LANES
A murmur of vnicea urow from the court,
and hint, flashed out. Illuminating the
toof and 1 1 1 Klrl'a form and face, a rit
t nod lit tho window in flowing white robes
like an angel.
"I ran t go!" ald 'anion. "I must I Its leg
find pome person hurled hlnnc'f nsnlnet it
unavHlllngly. A flat rr.p appeared lnv
thf r""f; and as the man under It mounted
the Uil'lor. cirrylng a pistol, Craighead
in :.c an overturned ch.iir, and screwing
nto the and fare of the
(Copyright, 1S10, by I'obbs-Mernn co.
'llPTaKK XWI Innllnnril
Now that lie had found the Hold, Cur
'ion wan too much at a loss to rply. He
would not nsk admission und he had no
Idea that he would ho ndm'ttrd If. he did.
Hut he must aee Virginia. I'ttcrly
entranced na they were, th.a night voyage
had a reason tlie hope of "tceinij her. of
asking her forglvcne ih, of brlndlnj; her to
that v.he.n the dropped from tlie '
to his fe.-t. he had lovrrt her, that when
he hnd romo to Ilvo with tint itnrlo of
whom sha had heard so little, and had
found the last Car.on In him, tho tempta
tion waa o masked In duty that It was too
strong for him. And had he ever once In
that delicious, perilous time of acting
"t'nrlo Theodore," Inexcusably presumed
on the relationship, or failed In goodness!
True, hi had let her stay as his niece;
but had not his father always thought
himself of tho name blood? Virginia must
allow aome. weight to this tradition. Kho
niUKt see that, while too remotely relnted
to he objectionable In n nearer, dearer way,
h was too probably of kin to have turned
ber away. And, surely, when once ho
could look In her eyes, all the dear, dis
guised avowals and acceptances In the
mistaken past must make him something
better than a stranqrer. He would land In
Hhayne'a Hold, If It were the last act of
his life.
With the ancient Instinct of the stir
reptltlous lover, he made for the angle be-J
twecn two dark wings of the great houso.
Ollmmers of light from two windows were
their sole sign of occupancy; then center
of human concourse being about that core
of light In the court. The wings aeemed
like low adjuncts for conservatories or bll
I nrd rooms; and tho angle between, with
Its light mottlings, looked like a flower
sprinkled lawn, on which the Carson felt
confident of placing the Virginia gently,
and with no disturbance. Heyond this he
had been too much engrossed in the man
agement of the neronef to make plans.
With a slow soaring movement she' came
Into the angle like a steamer Into her slip
and found, instead of a lawn, a graveled
root cluttered with tables and chairs as if
for the serving of refreshments. Among
these the Virginia nosed In, dumping some
chulrs, a table and two potted palms Into
the court, and settled down amid crack
ling furniture and crushing pottery a
beautiful lunding, in a rather unsuitable
Craighead leaped out on the roof.
"Let's run!" said he. In a stage whisper.
"They must have heard that, and If they
catch us. we're In for It!"
"Stay here," said Carson. In a low tone.
"If we must, we can Jly In tho Virginia.
I'll see If anything' broken!"
The Hoo had reached Shayne'. Hold Just
In time to escape the storm, and the
wearied Virginia had retired, sick of the
harping of hex aunt upon the disgrace of
her sojourn with 'Tncle Theodore;", weary
of telling how Innocent It had been, how
gentle and considerate he was. how Idyllic
their life would always seem all In aplta
of her anger at Mr. Carson. She hnd
taken dinner on tho roof, watching the
march of the storm, wondering where that
airship was, in which she and some one
had so nearly met their deuth. Phe was
angry, and she despised Theodore, but she
hoped he was safe, that his campaign for
the control of the nlr against her uncle
might succeed-rthough that aeemed the
wildest of presumption. While her maid
prepared her for bed, she thought how
much happier she had been at Carson's
landing, with no attention save an ewer
of hot water brought tip by old, Chloe.
Her uncle had spoken of a wireless mes
sage from Wlsner at Mobile, relating no
doubt to Theodore and the . Virginia; and
she was horrified to think that he could
keep up communication with tho man who
had tried to murder both her and Theo
dore. With a book close to the light, she
waa composing- her mind to sleep, when
Into the dreamy quietude came a purring
that was bo unmistakably the voice of
the aeronef that Virginia rose, with her
band to her heart, In an amazement not all
unpleasant, wondering where her namesake
might alight, and what Shavne's hired con
stabulary might do with Theodore -when
from the roof came a scraping as If all the
furniture were being moved ut once; chairs
and tables went over the puinpet with a
crash and the voices of Craighead and
Carson came In at the window, low, hur
ried and agitated.
There waa a hustling In the lov. cr ball,
as people ran to the windows that cave
on the court, and rushed out to see whnt
had fallen. Virginia turned out the dim
light t wonder why?
"Well." he said, In answer to her maid's
tap, "what la It. Fanny?"
"I 'oared un awful nolso," said Fanny.
"It seemed to como from 'ere, miss."
"Some things fell 'nto the court." re
plied Virginia, "l'leaae tell the servants;
and say that thin, must not bo piled upon
the parapet. That's all. I'aiiny."
"Arc you quite sure, miss "
"ves, yes! Run at once and tell them. I
am quite in earntat. Fanny!''
Fanny's footni3 wort out of hearing;
and Virginia walked to the window. There
lay tho dear Utile a rhip. that ihe and
Theodore had planned ramiui?iu for, and
ruiiquercd the world with. This wing,
which had pok-d so nearly through her
window, was the very one upon which she
bad hung, to test the balancing and she
reached out ai.d putted It w.lh her hand.
Theodore was passing the other way, now,
moving Chans and tables peering into
i-vtry tearing anJ goirng for h.:ns of
damuge. Craighead wui sk rtlng the para
pet as if looking for u staircase.
lis a hilrarie." bald Theodore, at last.
' but xhe's all right and ready to rise at a
Thank God'" ; aid Virginia.
"I'ld voir fml a way down'.'" ashed ''ar
son, all i.ncoiiacioua of tho marines of
what he sought.
"only the old way by which I cme off
the I n b;iop cf the emporium" replied
CiHlrflier.d. "It's a Clatter of specific grav
ity. As in railing back, unle&j you brought
)our specific lev.ty wltii ou, I really don't
aeo. old chap, how It's s.ini to In man
Hl." "Uuce Uon I can force my wy up."
said Theodoie. raislr.g lii voice In his In
tensity. ' l'o you think 1 II go bark with
out Kciins her? No! You slay here,
".Mr. Craigio adi"
'i he Vu ui v-auso from the darknefj of the
tuLK, tool, caliu, si lf-:u.-iH.ded.
"f'resent!" answered Craighead. "Hut
don't shoot! I'm a starving man. In charge
of a maniac"
J'lcaxe come here, Mr. Craighead!" said
the ioft vole.
"Virginia!" cried Carson,
"f'lease tell your friend," said the voice,
'that if he presumes to address any per
son except yourrelf, this window will be
closed !"
"Got that"" akrrt Craighead. "r will
you have the message repented at your ex
pense, to avoid possihlo errors?"
Craighead approached the glimmer of
white drapery, and Virginia gave him her
hand, which he gallantly kissed.
"You may tell 'our friend," said Miss
Huari, "that his coming here Is a fool
bury thing, and quite uncalled for. No one
here can either see him, or would if she
"i'ou hear, old man?" queried Craig
head. "The Imprisoned damosel saith It's
all a mistake. Hhe don't want no knight!
This balcony business lacks appeal, being
hackneyed and overworked. Ho I correctly
Interpret the ppeech from the throne and
to the thrown?"
"You may tell him," went on Virginia,
"that his movements havo been reported,
and the Aerostatlo Power company Is
about taking legal steps I don't know
whaoto contest with him I don't know
"That's In my department," replied
Craighead. "I don't allow my friend to
mingle with it. And tell your friend to
coin an expression that we shall be with
him In the courts. iThe great Craig speak
eth of his specially."
"And now go!" said Virginia. "Your
coming here at all is porfectly shameless!"
prak! I ms siring not to till !ou of
your mistake: but I loved you frotn the
moment I picked you up front the sand
and carried you Into the cab n! I couldn't
say j on had no place to go! 1 wanted
you! And I didn't think of anything that
that could rrmlnd me t-or of your
"Mr. Craighead!"
"Adsum!" responded Craighead. "Hut
not prepared to recite. Iet's not relay
this talk any more. Ppeak to the villain
direct. The current Is burning out the
wire. Let h'm talk to you or Install a
transformer. Help! Help'" I
"Tell your friend," went on Virginia
and her voice now faltered "that I shall
consider what he says"
"I believe." cried Carson, "that I am the
last of the Carson family! My father al
ways taught me"
"and that I shall cctse to be angry by
censing to remember him. And now, go!
You are Imperiling your precious Interests
and risking arrest."
"Of that," said Theodore, "we are not at
all afraid!"
"S!cak for yourself." quavered Crnlg
li,rad.'aa the cries below redoubled. "I'm
scared stiff."
"We are here for no bad purpose," said
Theodore firmly, "and we shall not fly"
"Foolish boy!" cried Virginia. "They will
confine you during pleasure, through offi
cers that can act legally, and study the
airship, and steal your creation! Go, 1
beg of you, go!"
There was a knocking at the door, and
loud voices demanding admission. Virginia
extended her hands imploringly as she
spoke; snd Theodore seised them.
"I will go," said be, "when you tell me
when I may seek you and make my ex
planations! I have the right. Virginia!"
"Oh, oh," rhe cried. "You ore cruel!
You are putting the blame of your ruin on
me! Go! Go!"
"When may I see you again?'
"When you have won your fight for the
Virginia," answered she. "When the fruits
of your genius are saved to you if you
will go at once! Or when you are com
pletely ruined maybe!"
"Hurry, old man!" cried Craighead.
"They're putting up ladders. Hurry! I'll
go ball you see her again some time. When
you're ruined, will be the soonest If you
don't come. Fly with me! Fly!"
Shayne's voice was , heard outside the
door, giving orders that It be broken in,
seller, dumped bin n it'y Into ti e arms
of three or four servants Iti the court
after which he examined the chair leg.
shouted. "No meat on It; I tdiall .tarve!"
and threw the chair down after the man.
Leaping into tho car he shouted to Carson
to come, or ho would ha' e to walk.
Theodore clung to Virginia's hands. Ills
fighting blood was up. and he hated to
miss seeing the dear faces of his foes. The
discharge of the pistol, however, admon
ished him of the seriousness of his situa
tion, and emphasized Virginia's pleading.
He clasped her In his arms; she feebly
pushed hlisi off, but yielded to overpower
ing force.
"Within a few weeks." said he, "I shall
be ruined, or successful. And I sha'l
come for your love!"
"I promise nothing." she whispered, "ex
cept to consldi Oh, Theodore, go, go!
Flease, for my sake, go!"
Her face was upturned in pleading, and
he kissed her mouth once, twice; and as
her door crashed In he gently released her,
leaped Into the car, and threw on the
clutches. The aeronef, rising, soared above
the great house, and sped off Into the
night, amid the whirring of bullets and the
crackling of firearms. The attack on
Shayne's Hold was repulsed but Its leader
was Jubilant.
"What Is the business. Mr. Craighead,
of the l"niver"l Nitrates and Air I'roducts
company ?"
Mr. Craighead, looking down into Broad
way from the window of his office, ceased
his mysterious counting and tallying,
snapped a stop watch and turned to the
group of reporters. His look was reproach
ful. "Gentlemen." raid he. "you are crass
Roman soldiery. 1 am Archimedes making
calculations; and, instead of allowing him
to equate his equations, you Javelin him
with questions. Tell the Journalistic Mar
celll who sent you that Ark won't be dis
turbed!" "Tell us about these abtruse studies of
middle Broadway," said a young mun with
u snub nose.
"I am determining," said Mr. Craighead,
"the ratio of out-of-town visitors to cliff
dwellers, by observing the number who
try to see the cornices. Tho Carson-Craighead
company must know this. Then my
plan for aiding the Society for the Pre
vention of Noise by thi way, there's a
story In that!"
"What Is If''" asked a tall, vonns man
who wore a bored look and classes.
"A law." FSid Mr. CraU'lusd. "to comjcil
cabmi n to take out licenses"
"They l.nve to now!" snapped n young
woman In a sailor hat. "You're stalling us
"It hurts me." sid he. "to be accused
of deceit, by one so fair. In turnis which
make it a cinch that she's wise to sll the
Hash patter nlong the pike of ."UuiRi"
"Rut about this noise story," said the
"My bill," resumed Mr. Craighead, "will
compel cabmen to be so trained In good
vocal schools, that their cry, or hay, or
yowl will resound through the streets emo
dlously, surpassing tho douiile tongulng f
hounds, when the horn of the hunter Is
heard on the hill. Each will bo given a
pitch for his 'Keb! Ken!1 Minor effects
may be Introduced through accidentals or
accidents. Full choruses will swell to the
blue dome In blockades. This rsw material
for music far more vital than Wagner's or
Strauss', will be written down by the tonic
sol-fa system, and Music, gentle maid, will
be young again. At the ferries and sta
tions serried columns of cabmen will com
pete In antlphonal chant, doep. musical,
elevating like a Greek chorus. Art, In that
'This reform. Mr. Craighead," said the
slangy young lady, "will come with your
plan of teaching burglary and housebreak
ing In the publlo schools?"
"Po not sneer," protested Mr. Craig
head. "Until we do that, the yeggmen
have us faded. Aad sneering distorts the
features. Relay sneering!"
"But about the Universal Nitrates and
Air Products company," said a fat man
with perpetually poised pencil, "and Its
connection with the aeronef company?"
"Merely fortuitous," replied Craighead.
"Tho aeronef company Is an ephemeral
agency for pro and I scorn It'."
"But you are a director?"
"Oh, yes! Oh, yes!" replied Craighead.
"Hut the greater things had not occurred
to me when I went into It. I was ill. I
was under a claim. I was chemicalizing
In that ractlon which results In the product
known as tungstate of alcoholism, or mi
galo conversation. A natural monopolist,
General Theodo' Cahson, M. A., took ad
vantage of my weakness and got me Into
It. Honor rooted In dishonor atartds. and
faith unfaithful keeps me falsely true; and
I stay with him In his fight with Aeros
tatic Power. Then I shall give my whole
attention to the Universal Nitrates and Air
Products company, which Is to the Carson
Craighead Aeronef as tha rings of Saturn
to those of Tammany Hall. And. to orlcl
"You're really good, Mr. Craighead." said
she of the sailor hat. "and If the tuncstate
of your alcoholic days was worse than
this, yon ought to hA e taken something
for It-"
"I tried to." confessed Craighead, "but
lr. Witherscin exprlh-d me"
"Rut here's the situation as we get It.
If we're wrong, we'll stay wrong, unless
you set us light"
" 'O cursed spite!" " rented Craighead.
"No mire tungstate. If you please." said
the young woman. "The Air Products
company was wild-cut looking West Vir
gin a formation to" hero she read from a
clipping" to extract free nitrogen from
the air by the Craighead method or other
wise, for the purpose of obtaining fertiliz
ers to thereby Increase the capacity of the
earth for supporting population'"
"Is that." cried he frantically, "In our
articles Then all is lost! Let me take
His tragic expression seemed so Indic
ative of something sensational that she
gavo him the paier. Wltii shaking hand
ho took down the telephone and asked for
Mr. Fllley.
"Th you, Fllley?" ho queried. "Here's
something that ruins us. A split
Infinite In the articles. Won't hurt
anything? Won't have to be done over?
And we call ourselves etvUlred!
Craighead handed the paper back.
"You have shocked me." said he. "Rut
never mind, dearie! I know not whether
to rejoice for the Air Products company,
or weep for Institutions that allow such a
solecism to be legal as "to thereby In
crease.' Really now, wouldn't It cork a
purist like myself"
"Well," said the reporter, '.it goes on to
say 'and for securing all rights in the
atmosphere necessary for its complete re
duction to possession for the production of
nitrates, oiones and all other atmospheric
derivatives; and for tho securing of ex
clusive rights In the nlr over land for all
purposes whatsoever.' Now that," said
she, " 'for all purposes whatsoever:' Isn't
that pretty broad?"
"A broad Intellect composed It," said
Craighead. "I done wrote that, mahse'f.
"And under this clause," said the girl,
"you have acquired from land owners over
the continent, all their rights in the air
over their lands, subject to their use for
tillage and building?"
"Oh, do not exaggerate!" cried Craig
head. "A symmetrical character requires
moderation of statement. We've got these
rights from some land owners. We hope"
CPnuij"oo eq oj,)
Could Hardly Sleep at Night for
About 11 Months. Used Cuti
tura Soap and Ointment and
was Completely Cured.
right band which liegan to jraw worse
raputiy. i no neign
bora frai.l it wai' a
tetter, sho got soma
medicine from a dot
tor, but It dnl not r9
anv gool. In al-oul
a week the tetter !
fan to brak out on
ier arm too. Sh
lined five or six differ
rnt kinds of liniments
and threo different
liiniis of salvos. Net
one of Ihes" did her a
nartirl of rood. Her hand and arm
would I: urn and itch so much that she)
could lwrilly sleep at night. Her hand
waii that wav for about oleven months.
Finally friend of ours reivnimendod
Ciitiourii Soap and Ointment, to us.
Hho bought some inimodiatelT and
beran to ufo it. She washed her hand
ami ant with Cuttoura Soap and
warm water. Then she applied tha
Cuticiira Ointment and bandaged her
hand up. Tho next morning we all
notlcwd great Improvement . Before)
he had used a hRlf of a box of Ointment
and a rery ittlt Soap her hand waa
completely cured. Now her hand is as
well as ever. 1 think Cuticura iSoap anil
Ointment is tho preat't skin reined?
evcr discovered. C. E. Canady, San,
Leandro, Cal., Mar. 7. 1910."
Oitwura Remedies sfforil th mnst economical
treiomfnt fur sffeetlom ot the sum elp ol
mlnl rhlldrrn sod duln A rk ol Ciillrura
Bp liiir ( snd box "f Cutlriira ointment Oe )
re ntten iiimdent. Snld itimuinnut ihc world.
pottr nru ( hem. orp . N.ilc rrepn , PoMon.
-Miilrd tree, latest 3?-pre hrek. n Authority
ea ln Treatment ol Skin sod Scalp ABccllon.
-j i
itKlr ll'i' m an uari
the bnrti, The anlr J
Mlaiarr hanwa. l.ariir tmtlle fl.0t
saaaatle le. stead fr booklet rr.
Madame Josephine Le Fevre, .
laws hralaut at.. raJlarfa., ra I
Sold t Mrare-Diiloo im -o.. Bin Unit Co..
thi Ball Drug Co.. Halns uru Co.. OtOAHaj
Clark brut Co., Council ulurfa, Iowa.
One Hollar er ear.
u n
9 P
2Q Per Cent Clipped From What You Pay in Uinahn"
t "
mm a
1 XT- . xyM
Hie largo trade we have built up since telling the public just where and, and why they can buy furniture and carpets cheapest has made hundtda
in Oiualia, South Omaha and in the country have good cause for Thanksgiving. We Iiave saved many young couples Just starting to hounekeepiug as
high as $150 and $200 on their outfits. And it has been appreciated too- they have been our best advertisers. They had forethought enough to
come down here and investigate after hearing Omaha prices. Even if you buy only $5 or $10 worth you can save a couple of dollars
liow rent and operating expenses enable us to sell merchandise 20 cheaper than the houses that have wealthy eastern landlords to support
with their enormous rents. Still while we sell so much cheaper, we give you Identically the same merchandise, from the same factories. ?t on a car
and ride down here. All Houth Omaha cars pass our door. Just transfer from any other car to any Houth Omaha car and get off at our door.
sr Vv'
One IVcdIc Safe on Carpets and Rugs.
Prices to Finish ths Season s
The force of this sale will be felt wherever thrifty people gather. If you have a rug to
buy this season you cannot afford not to visit this store. Unquestionably the most remark
able Rug Offering on record.
Choice of largest room size (9x12 ft.) Rugs; largo
variety of patterns, Including floral, medallion, con-
ventlonal and Oriental designs, in colorings or red,
blue, green, tan, rose and yellow. Rugs suitable for
parlor, library, office, dining or bod room use. You
will pay $30 to $35 in Omaha for dupli
cates of this quality. Out price only. .
9x12 largest room size Wilton Velvet Rugs, made in
one piece. Heavy hemmed ends. Splendid assort
ment of conventional, medallion and floral designs,
in reds, greens, tan and rose combinations. Usual
prices are $30.00 and $35.00; "JF
our price
9x12 largest room size Brussels Rugs, la handsome
floral and conventional designs. In rich color com
binations to suit any room decoration. All wool 9
wlre grade. Others chargo $20; $19 sft
our prjco $laJa9v
Large room size (7x66-9 ft.) Brussels Rugs, made in
one piece no seams. Heavy 3-inch hemmed ends.
Choice of floral, conventional and medallion designs.
In colorings of green, red, blue, tan and
rose a usual $14.00 value, our price. .
Small room size (6x9 ft) Brussels Rugs, the 9-wlre
grade. Made in one piece. Choice of floral and
medallion designs, in color combinations that will
harmonize with any room decoration. "ft
Regular $10 value anywhere; our price
An elegant pleco of furniture ami a subdtantlul one,
too. You will net a (treat deal of comfort from tlilx
tfi.mnh and it u.111 rrtaitilv ln hji ornament tn any
room. It has solll oak carved and polished frame and huso us ihown.
Our Dining Room Furniture Includes the Most Reasonable as Vell
as ihe Riches. Designs,
i i lift 1 U' i 1 fi n ill II If J 1 i w!
Satin Finish
Brass Bed
Heavy two-Inch posts, most artistically and sub
stantially made. A very beautiful piece of furni
ture and an article that would cost you $8 or $10
more in Omaha.
T a al
Solid Oak Six
Foot Extension
Solid Oak Lea
ther Uphol
stered Chair
I i'ftla4t M'i3vV
V 9
For This
This la tna very
latent. improved
drophead model,
with full quarter
ed oak raae, auto
matic tension In
dicator and atitcli
reKUlator and full
ball bearing. It,
makea either long
tlteh or short
tltch aa deiret.
Kul I Bet of attach
ment ko wltu
each machine.
We count. ourselves fortunate
to obtain this splendid Buffet
to sell at such a price. It is
newest pattern, made of oak,
with large French bevel-plate
mirror and excellent finish.
1 " iWfoli ' jfftf
!i 1
If 3 I
Solid Golden Oak Dining Tables, like this Illustration. The
top. are 42 lncheu In diameter and extend to Klx. feet in
lentth. They have thrija leavea, heavy round turned pedes
tal, and are, highly pulialied.
Strong constructed
aolld oak chair,
lilshly polished
and upholHtered,
with genuine
fieat, eet
of , only.
Solid Quartered Oak CI A 00
China Closet, only. . . vlv,v"
Highly polished quartered oak China Closet, like
this illustration, perfectly matching the accom
panying Buffet. Has glass ends, glass door, four
shelves and full quartered oak back.
All South
Cars Pass
"4-inch top, made entirely of solid oa'u
and attractively finished. A very good
1 pa?pr
Chase Leather
V ij.u.1 llxux wta iwuii uweuu
If VOU wul compare cuiins, un ki vo' k. inn rutirgs or. an
tha Jolntii, iloira. reKister, etc., in our line or motea ami rantse.
with olner liiHkea r bl ivea una riiiue. you win appreciate their
Ki,prri-r yuautv. They hae many ffatureu in their conalruclion aie ixt n'aile in other Htovea and rangea.
'II 1 1 range I of U'li. plvin clin. free from carving. Thi
ii a auperlor rui.iEe, uml could not te Improved In any detail of
ita drat(ii and c ual ucliun. The oven Ik arched. It 1. guar
anteed to tiak eteuly ic.p and Iruttoiu. W'e have not room ti
fully desirtl it, hecuiise there ia over fifty ear. of practical
experience '" rnnife-innKiiig ouiu 11110 it.
1 ,.ur Imi1. bteel 0a t PA hole Rterl
l:anga with wauu- J II I ltannwnri warm
ing i luHi-t, on!. I ing closet, onlv. . . .
Prompt .
Tola Ulegant Dnmr I. very
t'euuiitnl Mild hai a pluto lull -rur.
Kinest guarieied while
oak. Willi full swell li'int, two
Hinall t! uraurrs and two
l.ii'Ke drawers. The flnlnh In
the kind that cunicH unlv
f Uiewl
IIire. i a genu
ine chase leather
iurkiMU itocker,
witn tempered
FprlUKH. T h e
eaidtft chair you
ever lounged in.
and a moat ac
froiu tin
shop in
Itapide . . . .
Hare', the Chiffonier
luiitchlnir tho dreH.ser. It
h.i.s a plulc mirror and
full swell front. 6 lajge
ilrauera-. The wood la
the finest quality unal
tered vi hlte (uiai
en.l th finish.
hand ruhbed.
.Y1 U
j i
i s
Door. OOO
I J- Sr. -rt ,
H th , ''.'',, ': V
Handsome Base Burner
II u
24fh and L Sts.,
south or.iAin
great aaier on
Powerful heater, w-U h
cowl. There la no other I :it-e Ijiii nr like it, and
the featured that make it burli a wmitlcrfui l.CKt
ei , and bo economical in thH ukc ol' fuel, are
patented. All (hmia. Joints and iuich fiaincH are
air and uufct light inaj. mi on H.e'iHl iiiarhli.e"
(leMigned Knd iiVi neil ly the innkerH und
patenlMl. It im abMulniely UHranU-ed to he u. per
fect heater, nlve good n r ice and unite lie.
ful thun any heater hold fur ax Intl.: money.