Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee. 1AT BIX. VAST SIX. WOMEN MOM OlfB TO riOHT. DRAMATIC FADES OITB TO XIOST. VOL. XL NO. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHN1NO. NOVKMDKII 1H 1010. srxoLK copy fivk cents. ib: TTTsTTlTA' mi nh lih fir T11RQT1P Frora the & Lowenstein Cciiros'. laLiDUL nigh Grade Stocks LINENS Very Best of D. Lowensteia & Ores', nigh Grade Stocks u; 'i 0 fluU 12',ic colored Outing flannel G?Oi M') Cotton Blanket, gray and tau, 8 t-iu unbleached Muslin, standard brands, aire, for only OS 70-lnch bleached all linen Table Damask, heavy, strong tested materials, good pat terns, o!)c value, for 454 18-lnch Moaclied all linen Napkins, ppot or floral designs, worth $1.33, at, dozen. .go? Huck Towels, first class goods, heavy, strong, good sizes, plain or colored borders, 15c and 19c values lOWf lied Spreads, full bed size, heavy Marseilles patterns, hemmed, $1.29 value for....f)3( at :...-5'i $G.oO Wool IilauUcts, Cull 11-4 lzo, each $1.48 m Tic bleached (.heels, 9-4 nize, tach . . . .5G? riCE One X-adiea' loni Journal Pattern wits J XTw Winter Style Book 3O0 j S ?TT 71 0-h Jf lis Eta eraalial Pwl in file Mfefiwy I Isretai&Si Thousands of dollars worth of B. Loweostein & Bros. Co., Memphis, Tenn., purchased last Monday by our large staff of buyers. We told you to wait for this sale. Monday you will have the greatest opportunity to purchase for little money the finest good dry goods. Every purchase we made we insisted upon getting the better grade of goods, and our cash orders looked far better than time notes, thus we secured for less money better and more of this wonderful stock. Just look at the prices we ask for these goods, they tell their own story. Don't wait any longer if you are looking for genuine, good bargains. Be here early Monday morning. 1. f? . Fine Dress Goods Priced at less than Half Manufacturers' Cost Hundreds. of the choicest patterns for which the ii. Lowenstein Compuny was noted tor handling, were bought by our buyers last Monday. This purchase was one of the few triumphs made this year by dress goods buyers. We purchased only the finer grades of this' great stock, for merely a fraction of its actual cost. At Monday's bale we will offer these goods at prices never before equaled by any firm. BOu anl SOc Wool Waist ins. 10c These arc fine walstlngs, come in light grounds with stripes; very mannish looking materials, especially deslrble for men's shirts, 23 inches wide, actually worth 39c to 60e, Monday's L'lg Sale 19 Grey Diagonal Suiting, 3l)c Of this pattern we bought all the JJ. Lowenstein stock. They conic in several shades, in light and dark diagonal patterns; they aro regular $1.00 and $1.50 values, Monday 3 t;l.."U and Ifci.OO Astraclian and Bearknit Coatings, l)Hc Fifteen pieces of the best all wool Astachan Coatings in SC-lnch widths. Pretty reds, gtecus, blues and greys. The liearskins are of the best quality In 62 inch widths. 'A wonderful bargain at 08i $1.50 Velvets for Dresses, 48c Wo only have 10 pieces of these fine fancy velvets. Come 'lh .soft, .beautiful shades, block effects. He early to. buy these velvets, Monday, at . . . 48f ig Cut Price Black Silk Sale Entire Stock of B. Lweasteia's Woalerlul Fiae Si k Stock. 75c Black Silk for 28c. 23 pieces of the best 2 4-lnch pure silk black Sural.' Looks llko a very' fine serge weave, extra good wearing goods for dresses or waists and kimonos; wonderful bargain at 28c I 45 and 36-Inch Silks, Worth $2.00, for 98c. 1 tU I 1 f. .. t .... 1 . , . i rr I i j lit-suits aro wonuenui disck siiks. ininK of buying 46-lnch black taffetas and 36 lnch Prau de Cygne, Messallnc and Peau do Soles, Biich very wide silks, In very best high grade $2.00 values for.... 98c Pictures for Xmas Gilts Our beautiful Xmas stocks are here now and ready for you. We never had so many different beau tiful Italian and Japan water color pictures, also a fine line of etch ings and carbons all nicely framed. Come in Monday and see them. (Second Floor.) We were heavy buyers of Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Ribbons, Gloves, Furnishings, Hose, Underwear, Art Goods and Notions. Note the prices all from B. Lowenstein high grade goods. 1 Hen's Underwear Shirts and Suspenders From the B. Lowenstein Stock. Men's fine all-wool fleeced Under wear, from tho Lowenstein stock garments that sell fftrni $1.00 to $1.60; Monday, this sale. Men's Flannel Shirt Cherry Val ley flannel, worth to $4.00; Mon day for f l.OO, $1.30, 2-0 nl $2.50 100 dozen. Full Dress Suspenders, worth 60c; Monday. . .20 Ladies1 Suits and Coats From the Lowenstein Stock I Lot of 50 Broadcloth and Fancy Scotch Mix ture suits, remarkably well made, regular $20.00 Suits; on Bale Monday at $7.93 See the window. 1 Lot of Tan Tweed Coats For ladr-s and Misses, velvet- trimmings, semi-fitting garments, full length, regular $12.00 value 97.93 See the window. One Lot of Long Black Capes Made of heavy all wool cloths, regular $15.00 value $7.93 Ladies' Long Broadcloth Coats In blacks, full lengths, Bcmi-flttlng models, $20.00 and $22.60 values, fine grade of suits for $15.00 About 50 Long Coats Made of dark mixtures and black Melton, seml-fittlng models, worth $10.00, Monday, for only $5.00 100 French Lynx Sets All from the big pur chase, In black or brown, shawl collar and rug muffs, a $12.00 value for , $7.05 Continuation of Our Great $25.00 Sale Monday Any wool Ladies' Suit in the house, values from $30, $33, $40 and $50, including all the wool Wooltex Suits all alterations free, during this sale. Yomen's and Children's Purchases 20O Very Fine Children's Coats In ages froni 6 to 1 4 . years; all shades and materials, exceptional values at $10.00 and $12.00, Monday only $7.50 100 Ladies' Sweaters With the new shawl collars, two pockets, different shades; can't bo made to sell for less than $3.00, your choice, Monday $1.95 130 floated Skirts For small women and misses, in black; navy, brown, grey worsteds, positively a $7.60 skirt, Monday, for only $3.95 30 Do.en Flannel Gowns For women, full length, good and wide, come in pink and blue stripes, worth 5e, Monday, for only 50 30 Doien Corset Covers A.nd Drawers, best values ever offered for 60c. We took them at this big purchase to pell for 2i 23 Dozen Women's House WrapiH-r Made of heavy percale, in navy, grey, cadet and black grounds with white figures, all sizes from 34 to 4 6, made to sell for $1.75, Monday, this great sale for only 95 HAXSXEBCXXErS. . 3,000 doiens sheer, hemstitched, at. . . . 85o a dossn I.udie' purr linen, ilnltlal handkerchief. .So each 6U0 box s flno InltlM Handkerchiefs, box of 6, 390 Ladles' alt linen Handkerchiefs, worth $2 a box, In box Sl.00 Men pure linen l&c eKb OZ.OVEB. " ', Over U.O00 pairs of Ijidlfw' Kid and Cap Gloves. Including gauntlet effects, value up to SI. GO. for 69o VI and IS-butlon Kid' doves, values uo to IS ', for MO , XECKWBAJ. Irish Crochet Jabot. ' ,0a value 2 So Princess l.acp Jaholn, -Do value 10t PUk Hemstitched Hearts. Sl.&O value 80 Persian )iow. 50o value .....864 Tinselled Scarf, ft value 9 - AST OOODB. 'Hand Drawn Jap Hquaren end Scarfs, lr!nh Km broldered Squares and Hrtrf, valuea to 6frc, 30 KOTIOWa. 50 nroa Imported Jeweled Hat Plna In '.! bin lot. values tip to 75c, at 15c, lOe and 80 Human Hair Kwitclles. the 2'grade. for 98o eacH SOBS. Ture Silk Hose, with mercerized garter top and foot. i)c value, for 390 Pure i . k Hose, heavy thread, Including black, ll.no values . Kite 36 dozen sample of Hoae, slightly mussed, valuea up to 5c, tut,- : 190 UKDESVSAS. Tte Children's Veata and Pant, also union suits, abaolutely worth ?6c, sale price ...ISO Woman's fine Merino Veata and Pants, fl value, for .890 Women's heavy fleeced Union Suits, worth $2 and $1.50. for 9Se tad 444 Pure Italian Hllk Kmbroldcred Undervesis, vulue, for $1.T9 , ' SXaVBOSB.' Mori" Ribbons, all Mlk. Satin Ribbons, all sLlk; Taffeta Ribbons, all silk; Measallne Klbbons, all Silk, & to 7 Inches wide; valuea to 45c, for.;ifto Tsnncxsoi. 600 yards of Net Band Dree Trimming, In most anv shade, unit Persian embroidery, two differ ent lots: valuua up to 11.26, at. .600 tad it rard, 42-Inch all silk dress nets. In 10 different color. 1.00 Values, for,... 490 a yard Ihis Week Will be.ths Biggeit Stove bale In Years The Famous Peninsular Hot Blast Heater llegular $22.50 value, with smoke consumer;, fitted with Duplex trrute so as to burn any eoal, beautifully $i;.nri Peninsular planished, steel Range, a wonderfully good stove, regular $50.00 value. This week' cut to $41.00 Some Spscial Hardware Prices .50 500 pain of $4 50 and $5 ladies' 5 Tclret and sued; shoes, at ..... .;. To be dressed perfectly, with every detail well cared for and up to the minute in fashion's latest dictate, velvej or suede shoes to match the dress or street suit is the vogue. "We made a" great purchase ' -of these : ver) swell bhoes, in - every s?ie ami almost evuV shade. These bhoes are elcep tionally well made and finished to give lasting satisfaction. These shoes are absolutely worth $4.50 and $5.00; Monday,, as long tfrt CA as they last, for only $JaVV It would pay you to wear Bennett's Special Ladies' or Men's Shoes. Sold for only. . .. . . .. $2.50 3U Wfa it JVanned Coal Hods, any size 25 $8.00 Stag Horn Carving Seta $J.5U $3.00 Slag Horn Carving Sets SJ.75 $2.75 Stag. Horn Carving Setu f)8 $1.35 CarviiiR Sets. Monday 9M? U5c Carving Sets, Monday 59 Lisk Roasters, 16-lb. sie, regular $2.73 value, for . . . . $2.25 Llsk Roasters, 12-lb. size, regular $2.35 value, for 81.89 I $2.25 Savory Roasters for $1.89 $1.15 Savory Roasters for 118 Our Chiaa Departaeat is Breaking ail Records for giving good values. Have you been to the Big $100 Sale Well. If not. then don't mis It, novor wero such bargains offered. . Viiri, Plates. Jiifr Itrlc-a-brac, Kern Dishes, Jardiniere, Celery Tiuys, Punch bowls, Hugar and Creamers, Tankards, CuHldors, Fancy Trays; positively worth up to )10.00, Monday's one price tl.OJ The early shoppers get the best bargains. Fri day a mall man got the $J5 vuso for $1.00. Come and see the new pieces. r. 1 JT Cheapest Rug Sale Ever Held in Omaha Look at .Jhese Prices $16.00 Heavy Brussels Rugs, 9x12, at $8.25 $22.50 Smith Axminster fimple Rugs, 9x12, . . ..... $X2.25 $20.50 Smith best-duality' Axminster Rugs, 8.3x10.6 ....... $14.48 $25.00 Smith Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12 ..; $14.98 $25.00 Smith heavy Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ...$15.48 $32.50 Hartford body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ..$22.75 $40.00 Royal Wilton (very heavy grade) Rugs, 9x12 $27.25 $44.00 Hartford Wilton (best grade) Rugs, 9x12 $29.98 $44.00 Celebrated .Bagdad "AVilton Rugs, 9x12 $29.98 $57.50 Hartford Saxony Rugs, 9x12, at $39.98 $60.00 Whettall Anglo Persian Wilton Rugs, 9x12 $44.98 $4.50 Royal Wilton, very heavy grade, 27x54 $2.58 GROCERIES Ffom 0mattlari?st Ilarket Bennet'a Kxcelslor Flour, sack (100 stamps) 91.75 Bennet's Breakfast Coffee, 2 ll. can (free bread and butter plate) 4BO Bennet's Golden Coffee makes a delicious drink Usual prices 26c, Special Monday for. . . 880 Tea-s assorted, pound (free bread and butter plate) &Bc M. c. Baking Powder, 4 lb. can ( 15 at amps) 13o Bennet's Capitol Mine Meat, 2 packages (10 Htatnps) 830 Seed Halxlns, pound package (10 stamps) 13HO Candled Citron. oratiKO and lem on peel, lb. 110 stamps I ... .AM Bennett's Capitol oats, 2-lb. package (10 stamps) lie For Monday Only Diamond crj'stai Tabie Malt, two sacks (10 stamps) 100 California Kvapuratcd Peaches, lb. (10 Mumps) laVfcO Double Stamp oh Granulated . Sugar. Uatlard's Pure Olive. Oil. quart can (20 stamps) BOo U. C. Pure Maple fcyrup, quart can 30O Monarch Cut Asparagus, laigu can (10 stamps) 85o Hulled Beans with Chicken, cmi ( 10 stamps ) ISO Lima Deans with Chicken, emi (10 stamp) SCO 20c Pint Can Franco American Soup 13c Safety Matches, dos. boxes ... to Mulder's Kalad lreslng, bottle 10 stumps) 8o fcluider's pork and Beans, 2-lh. can (15 stamps) loo Macaroni, Htar and ("resent. 3 packages (10 stamps) 8SO AdTABAOUS SAXB. CCO. braud Asparagus, worth 8Co a can, speolal offer, lSe m can or two can Bio C;u f Brand Bonod Jura Swanbilown Codfish special, (10 stamps). Tea .Slftlnxs, ago lb. pack- II ISO It shHuBH3EH2223 Herring. Z 95o 3 packages , . .880 llTVIfTP I ITT0T III inMnrtM!""" 'ier' Bhe utler,y declines to follow AWKLMS LAltiOl - in LUriUUn j Ihe whims of fashion. For Instance, neither I queen has ever len seen In the horrible hu.lgpir that su mill women are adopt- Hndome Oinaments for the Swagger i iK at the pieneut timo, and they tiu re- Women Shown in Shops. SHORT DRESSES THE REASON (urra Mmrf r.lfertsiallr Kills Hukblej klrt ! Knglaed Inleruatlonal , t:arbaue ( kllare lU-lns Roosted. ftt LADY MAB.Y M A N WAKIXO. LONDON, Nov. l!).-(r!e-lal toThe'Beel Uf the rmJlng of strange fashions there i"n6 end. Tie hobble hklit seemed to be me limit, but now tho t F.nd U taking tj the anklet a a means of personal Idouiment. Very hamhiomc anklets are ...1. i r..i ule mi collie of tiie swac- , The anklet Idea U the o.itcou ! '" "r.t. re l leree or if the present fashion of very aiiort dres.-c, ilgh-hecled patent leather shoes and bill iiantl coiored stockings, which in Itself Is main dovoled to the toque. This lead 1 now being very generaJly followed by the I real heads of society. Kicbaage ef I hllilresu Aniongfjt tho many good-ork under taken by .a certain band of great women throughout Kuro(e, one that Is knoisn us "The International F.xehangj of Child ren." This Wdi oiiiiinally founded tome eight )eais ago by the Dowager luches d'l'nes and numerout other great women of the Faubourg ht. (Jernialn in Paris. The so ciety deals chiefly with children of the tipper clafche.-. tuil huu for ili object the promotlfiu, not merely the acquaintance of foreign Ltnguagex, but likewise tlie creation of a U'.ur tinilcrstamiitig among fureiga nat!u:i. Thu xchangn piovldca for u full yrar bettvecii i.MMrtu In lauitlim liing as far aart . let many. France, ltuly, Auntrla and Ki.glund. The Idea of tne system, which wcrks remnikably f I, is il at cnls 1WJ and la one of the most sumptuous ships afloat. The cost of Its building and equip ment nearly reached that of the baltlethlp King Kdward Vlf. King Manuel cnJoed on board the Vic toria and Albert all the comforts' obtain able In a palace ashore. The royal apart ments aro high and r.paclous. with large plate glass windows, and are as little like cabins and as much like bouse rooms as possible. The decorations and furniture arc gorge ous and luxurious. Hvery royul room hue i a bath room adjoining. The bed in w hlch I King Manuel slept la of wood, and la e)uug ion pota like a cot. A wide, lofty hall way ruiifl along the whole length of the ; etate deck. The special apartment allotted I (o (he royal e.vllo comprised a pavilion, deck house, tt writing room tind a recep- llou rwiui and there r.aj ulao a special DO IT EARLY, NOW THE WORD ChristmM Shoppers Already on Job Others Urgred. PROSPECT IS FOR BIG SALES Me.lorltr nt Tsirrhaaers Are Oat-.f-Tast I'ersoBs l.sM-at People Bo liiK All lllghl, bat ot B Insr tbrlstnLSiS Presenls. the patience of shoppers so that they are sometimes. It is rad to say, not alwaya courteous to the clerks. Therefore by Kolng now and buying prewnta anyone will help to relieve tho Christmas congestion. Io it early! It has been eaid before that better selec tion la now available, that belter bargains can bo obtained and thrift as well a decent consideration for others prompts speedy purchasing. The argument Is trite, but It Is also true and Is particularly true of the 1910 season, when the shopping tea son will be an unpreeedentedly heavy one. Io It earl ! KEEP THE OLD LOVE TOKENS hi Io It early! Some will wait until the iay before Christmas l:i plte of all the hortatory re marks which nay be addictmcd to them. Horn ai already at It. Between the earlj and tiie dilatory shoppers there la all the mneieiiee oeiwen encia. luivmiiti u i - ... ... . . . .... . . The king and hi. siuto v.c.o attended by ! d ... ,.p lmm, and lethargy and' Host even thing is being sacrif ccd now- o.iiecrs ... JUag ,.,., n. mu.nS u ... aoiuo fortv of Kin Georac'., -rvants and i f "iT. ' adav. to th, M.l.it of practicability, ob- , -'.U mlnMclM .ttiesll-ms l.M th., U.' ' j iiiufrfisiuu un inu uuin.. i t of the Means of Sweetening Ike Tempers und Tronble of life. suite for (juetii Amell:t. POWER BEHIND THE THRONE Queen . Mary of Knglaod am Active Koree In the- Affslrs of the limplre. When King (ieorgc V ascended the throne of Great Britain followlng-the death of his father. King Kdward VII, there was much doleful shaking of heads. Oeorge will never make tho king his father did. He will never rule as did Ma firm, Just grand mother, Victoria. He U weak, lie Is not prepared for the responsibility. These statements and many others of like nature were made concerning the prince before he was proclaimed head of Kngland'a de: tlnk-n. miicc his accession to tne throuo there has boon a cessation of this criticism. Tne v. I. c decisions madn by the new ruler a::Luundcd and forced Into .Mi!jncr; all his critics. Ills choice In naming diplomatic ten cooks. U le tho ve; e cariitd nllo- Do it ear'y! I I bad enough without the addition of l " -.., . I , ,, ., ul, ti. bar the el 'f the journey of their clii.'vl- f r uangle to further atliact alleiitlou. 1 .ie , . ,' , ' "fashion,- It gK-a u.tho.it sayinst. com.s.n. be, hat fro,., the moment o- t , I f.om Pari... whete It has been taken up to J 0'mst. -. a.rh al until th.. hour of de- 111.) A Itll-llna'J lU I V 1 vul v IIV-WLSU llUlui.l, gfitur nearly im) oXtl-'crs, crew and iittiui- , t hj l.sf uiuh itlit Di.svl aora are even now trs are de.tro el beca'inw il-sk roora ) Ail lent. but only by . enti-Ktly In Urca. Hut, after all, the wearing cf aiikicis , would be merely the relval ot an old wlbMm IMiree v enera t Wilis aco tt nuli Hot raj,,,,,! ,o a bangle round the ank... j ,;, cucm t iees cf i r i ;.el o;nen hate uad Uamus ea,vr of this ornuuuMt ! fl,,,"-' l'"----t of t'.e a in- ..... , , ,-ie. u.i.i 'to racy in Or:.. an.'. iaiii, lclgiuu!, l.ol- old du-l'.e.-,S Who. died 1.1 U Vi a, t!. it f H. Site had ei y s:nai! (ctt. .imi, ,j display t.itui, would of to - t 'i ' il'e and let he. anklet lall Jo.vi, o.ir lie, tt-ot. " Itiiurii Uir) Ksok Hubble. vpeal,lig of t.ie freak fa.MiiMii. it is tti.l f lug l- la. o ii.at the lioiilder A.nrl lv out j! tne running in KhKi's i aocirU, duf to J .he action of VJueeu Mary. A Blio, I li.i.e ' io t .e qjeeu exp.--MKl he. d.-sfivi.r of Tl.c toyri :acl,t Victoria and A'i.ert Us form of dies in e.y strong teu.i. lnch U us . eo.se dispatched to C.ibralt ir ..I it Is uoicnouhy t'iat ...i.e of tne iv. l . 4.e.-l ,,(.' tho. e ..boul ll.U u..."l i.4l (,.,' i I...' tin enacgeigirj foi of it j.i. ; i.-cn Mi j -lil.e qi. ii .vi; ,..,. a --.ins . I denails ,v a U ,:o 4 :. Jt I a mcmUis of the family i,h Hl.Kti tliey are" !li,i.i. Aheuiij i.c,dl l'1.eu.-a:tii of l-'.i c- ciaiiites l ave s ic. e.i.-f.i:;;,' (aVe. p't. e. Iat.,1, Seai.dii.aeia, P.us Ij al.,1 .ut.;ji v.l.o eiiueituUc tile !e;a!l Cjn.iejud wtii. tiie piue.ual wo, king of t in schenii. 1 U ;i iiclj.s to I'.'o'.i.o'.e U.e mi-t.ia! und.-r.ai.uli.s betv.etn fo"e,Ai, iialUatt, und dees !,iu. l, to de-tru:' racial prejudiees Lus"l u, up Ku'il J.:ie. it I' u It jgetiie." a vn ..utiul lfo.l I. mil ioiue to t.ie n.alnleiiei.ve f tee a.e of the v.oiid. Maauel'a acht im (.oraettua. lo In in . tnn flannel to lin:'s:id ri.ist not le c. i!.u --d Willi :e:n Vic as Vi.'lur j f lid .-'.led-; llkl ..sel i.-ij l.ioeii i. ;j in l!" 'ir ji c.i -e.-r of fiitv Tiie Iff.-.;.; V.uur'a und Aileu Vaa buiit l:i ant:i. . ' . , ,,, i ,,e.i,it.,B In n.iiHha's rotall shoo ' needed. The spread. ns ou '. tn:ii msrheu j A recent addition to the vucht's cqtiljs- j and store.i, and though In the big depart-) for decades the tuin of the loud Is I'acn ' meal is a submarlno' slbn&lling apparatus i ment stores t)ie majoi ity of Clirlstmaa pies- 1 f eed to icUe room to a n.odn :i elecinc j wh.eh warn pu:iiui xcsseli by means of j cut ouye.s are out-of-town people, lu a few sign that telly the arr.e story, 'i h.e bi'i.y's ; a sul'ii.ensed iiileiophoi.c and carrlts a f ir other siiopa uaialmu have ben cti.r.l.ig to first pulr of shoes, f w, I'aint and soft I jrtutir distance than a sj .tn. Th-j Vlo I the front. Not thul many local people are . as ll.ey a'c, .e thrown l.i ttu t;ah plic 1 lorla nr.d Albert can steam -.("m ,', lr- in ! not to be found In ti.e ileparimeni ttores. j that there may be room In the top drawer i fourteen knots t lthout recoHlin;;. Its s ' Tliey a;e. but thoy rte buti,s ordinary thln,f! aud not presents. Do It cailj ! Li i ry tiling poi.its to tu biggest i ol.Jay snlcs lo.al rlore ha bolng qual'tied are. Indeed, euperii; in the j won's of a Plymouth salt. She'll v all:, through ii tpl.i,on llhe a lady ot a b:,:i." i NICE QUESTION IN HERALDRY 9oute tfueetlos, a to 11 lab I of biltlrrw mt kisa tlewrae ! Willis Aran. lb for the powdtr bo:.. All of th s destruction of "auid l.itii; :ynt" senliintiit and the bafis of rniin'se ei.ee in chuck f ull of wrong. "I he mort ever k.iown mi'l i i.ure.t n l iaci in or ne:.r Wi's.iimt'.on ti un.cnuous Mocks hac been laid i l to City Is A'ount Verno... lle. Iuj.:' h: " ! aiitUipau- ti.i. l'ornial opec.lng.i hy t.ie lllll0(nl ,qLir.i v .n il.!gao:ih is l'. h M-nd-M - tons will Uft cone uiull abojc t.e p lftoel aiu..lm ,.i,t I. Iwt.ayliij; no Jt..a3 js i,i .Miimo at Nan An'on'.e. Sucn places a tlie-e conta'n the r-tory r.f i LGXlxN, ij. IS). (jjyt. iai to Tiie live j i . '1 i;e mai sl.c.iiiiK of ti.e arms of ti.e pei ne ' u? W'ule.-, wi.lch V.i hat e to be under- 1 i tt:i at Carnarvon, Va,:e. hi view of his; : i uu.ig iuve-iliure, will raise a , lejilu-.i, i i t.a.neiy, wlietl.rr Ids 1 ijimess and t.is brotn 1 e. i.ave eny ttht to call theiuii ?h cs, like i ll.t r IbtlKi' i.nl g, eal-uncie, dukes o,' .a .oiiy. and Ui c.-.uiv.e l,.e!r ei t-ar.ii ji lal , wlt.i tne r'.ne.d .f p:v: ue. beailr. tne iiowu o ta on a oa:,y it t:.i. r. nieii avo J um 1-Jio.i ' a . ..-!. 1st u. lcecinler, bui it la confidence to sty thi If a ahoi per will go now and maUa liU scicjli.ns he will be atiio to isrry off the dcsl.ed art.c'.es 1 he or she has the money or thu c.eil't to settle for these. Ilub seasoa, Close. Io It i x:j '. Tl'.o reas .1, la ciose at l.ai.d a.'tn snop girlR must work u.a.y eiua injurs a day.! i when pu&tai and ejpreks clerks and hu.i diccis cf ot.:ei musl s if fcr the suain o," tlie holiday rjsh. i.e.i beet. rut of r;elf..i ro.e's oeiay t.ie iaM wee!, te.'ore Ciir... mii bee me n time of . ui and bod -r. -k- i-ia i w htu Jt-a..l.ia Lrowds wear uu. :t lui i American history, ar.d ll e. c ti:n who views, ai.d tl mus v.'l.llo .ew nig find no on CJii view 'without ti.lnhlni i-li.couies :i..-tanile a p::tn.i; l.kev. i.;a. a be'.ter hus bm.d and a better father. Keep tlie old love toi.ei.s. Iioii't Oeatru" the "oid gray bonnet?." TreaFure the I ttle snoe .ave youth's lot e letters. And tte may not have at much room, but we vli. have luur sweetineri. nd t .cre will he mole h".t lu tie .'lid. 1 c:i f e:a Aut i rtiiis.g Is the H'.ad lo llig been all luat et't'i t.-to iiiij.t exacting of ins subject could CeHlre. r'oiiie one clos.ly -.ur.i.crted w Uh court civic , u ius:K.it a st ry the other day, however, tuut takes iru.'i, o H e credit of vlrij i.ei.r-.'s ilititratlo:. atvny frm.i H v.ai sii.u e mil Jtui, any to sum i vi. e and t.ir. j. ssld sou:e one said i: coil i.deti.iaily l . yi.un one cli-e. thai Britain's 1 n-:il ru xr is tne iru.ia and bcauilfal wife of tne Mnr,, ijncen ji'iry. 'No declrfiui. i of any I.. Is n.adc I y the U.ug witnoul ' first coribUlt,n.i his tvlff," ald the Inform ant. '...ft H..-J.I Bl.ii Hy,1, il .S lOlll'.IOl. tail, nil over the .i'.uuo.ii. "0 mcisi erk Maiy," Is hecomi'.g a h' word. Tills is tne ansver tuai u.vai iaoiy .o.ioWs any (UJi. tioi. .Jl to t.ie l.iiii. t.tese ;das. It ii.a,.es no !if i.e. cm e w.ictticr t:ie eeistlcn be relative t) limb uctlons concern ing a shcotin-tiiHtc.i ir tuc tell.e.iicnl ot j a .oll ileal nffslrj. Queen Mmi y'm f U n v. II and sober b'Mist i of what Is right tun farther tiian the advislnii ol her hustand on stale mallei . In household matters her ciilcf caie Is , eeonon.y. he h?s tarried Into effect sr- ieial pin ii of rc t rcuc h men t in the pi.vate i xpei'ultures of the royal family thai have v on l oth t..e lespc: ! ar.d adn.l.t.o.i of I.e. et l jecie. Sue sets an exan.plu by her ov n I : :..,nleiiy aa lesaidi t.. ioal ii-ej. c.iold that It would bo well Tor officials of the court to follow. In using her personal Influonco to ad vantage Queen Mary but following an example set by the lale Queen Victoria. Therein lay the -secret of that wise ruler's, power. The example of Que-., Victoria molded the life of her people. - Queen Mary Is punctilious and careful In all money matters. Hhe Is a shrewd Judge of men, but careful In the expression of nei ..pinion. Mhe has yet to make an In- discreet comment on any affair of impoi I tai-ce. Jt Is thought by many that alio I carries this reticence too far. The queen j Is generous to a point of considerable per sonal liicurivclilai.ee. I The king ami queen are on Strom; terms ; of peculiarly .-lone affection. I Partly bei-ause of Klg K1 ward's strong peiscnallty, partly owing to his own dlo I like to push hlmseir forward, King Ueorg-j j when prince ,.f Wnlen was little lu tiie pcblic , ye. Kt tn now be would be In pub- He life no more titan he could help If It were pot for Ids wife's urging. Quean Mary rr-nllces what Is expec ted of her hus band more U.an the king himself. Queen Mary U Intensely patriotic, fcna v. i!l wear no clothes mado outside of Great Britain. H r force-ul r-haraei, r on6 cf gitatest assets t!.at King George 1 tv a.' 1.1 nat on Stur. the ha. Mliril Modtea. Wlill.-iiii Jay s'chiefftlln, vice president of the Men a league for woman suffrage, said at one ol Ids -striking suffrage meetings In Bar I!, roor: "If v. htuilied uue-itiuns villi the uo! desire of Keuuia; at the truth, then, no doubt, we snould nil be suff raulsts. But we can never uppioach a luotlon, It seems, tvlihout taking sldi s, w ithout becoming Partisan.:-, and us partisans, In ou hoi wish to lunqulsh the other party, trul.i becomes a. little. bit ob.su. ed. "Few Motive. In tli.i world csu be puie Tl al is our i.i.'Ct troul.le." Jlr. Scliietfeiln '.i.illel and re.umed: "A cleik wept bitterly on tho beach on. fcloin.y day while out on tne holrltig sea tossed - it cocklci-heil of a fishing boat wneniii sa, i.is eiiiploter. As- the cle.k wati-hed with tvild eyes ll.c little boa"., now l.t. led unu-r i.ii... fuf-iii. iii.i- snooting forward gallHiiliy. tioi.- burled upalii. he elas;ied I.is hands ami cried in great aii,:ii-!i' '1. li.al l..si sinks. 1 luce my Jub.' " ew VurW Time.