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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1910)
i - : j 0 1. a a i y e r s . .1 ; V- y o y s H e 9 y a i ii t y . r. r ii s (. r Nebraska Agricultural School Entertains Visiting Stockmen , ( a. YiEwmc Nebraska 3cuooi2 Enutir . rua. limstfAziQMAL Szxaw at. Chicago FOR SEVERAL yearn the boys attending the Nebraska State Agricultural school have been paying an annual visit to the South Omaha stock yards. They come In a group, some tlmo during the winter, and ntudy the tango cattle, the boss, sheep and horses in their mar ket condition. They alto become acquainted with tho way in which .very large numbers of animals arc han dled by the railroads and the stock yards company, ho.v they are. graded and sold and with the methods of killing and packing. Kver and always the stock yards managers, the packers and tho Individual commission men hare been glad to see the boys from the Etate Farm and to show them whatever courtesies they could. Thus a kind of long diBianco acquaintanceship has been cultivated and a sympathy has developed which makes tho' two groups the hard-headed, practical business bunch snd the enthusiastic, knowledge-seeking students fuel that they are kin; that their interests travel alon tho same lino. So it came about that, after long threatening, tbo South Omaha live stock Interest got up very early Sat urday morning, November 12, and bied itself away to Lincoln, where the Stale Agricultural school baa Its home. Not every unit of the "interest" went, but in he party were about 100 handsome, husky, intelligent and financially strong old and, young bucks from the stock yards corrals. A thousand could not have been more interested, or creatod more interest, perhaps. Delegation Went in Style, The herd leaders were Everett Buckingham and Jaiucs Martin, with A. F. Strykcr as active boss of the tound-up. In the case of tho two first named their tlrej parado cognonif ns ;aro always forgotten by the live stock sellers when vacations are on tjje card. They are then just "Buck" and "Jim." Stryker Is the sec retary of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange and bo knows every- mother's son of tho tribe by his first nauo; so he is the banker for the crowd on the occa sions when they venturo away from home In a bunch; fcr be it known, these chaps of tho sunny smile and the sweet dispositions have a notion they need a man ager to keep them from worry, when they quit man : giug for a few hours tbo things they know all about. H.x or eight of them even took their wives along, Just (o indicate they Lad full confidence In the high object of their mission to Lincoln and to prove to the dear wo in on that the pleasure trips of their lords and nias te: h ( ?) are about as Innocent and hlgh-tcncd as they well could be. ' All the way through every man was on bis good, behavior, even at th foot ball game, when the "mill ing" In the university yard was of a character to lift' a wooden man to his full height. Here "Jim" Martin was the king bee of tho stock yards crowd. He had bet hlacoln on Nebraska with a Bang frold which con vinced the most suspicious maverick that he knew all about the game. To every appeal for explanation' of plays and information about formations, Martin read ily and learnedly responded. His popularity aa a foot ball, authority was high until some man without the fear of God in bis heart tipped It off, on the way home, that Martin had keen compelled to ask, "Which side won?" when the game was over, in order to know w hether he was to collect or pay. " . Helped Nebraska Boys to Win. The more enthusiastic of the stockmen assert that they helped Nebraska win the game. "They needed us." said Billy Wood. "I know that for sure, else why bhould they send their band down town to meet us when we came In from the Farm? And just think of the reception the rooter gave us when we marched on the field behind the music! Why, they even sang a song which had bomethlng in it about South Omaha, and I knew then it was all off with Ames. ' Martin ought not to have taken his. friend's money after that game. The way the cornred young- sters with the backing of our crowd, ran over Ames was awful, nothing less." Every man Jack agreed that tho day waa one of the Very best he had ever spent. Leaving the South Omaha Burlington station at 8 o'clock, the crowd waa dressed decorously and with out the slightest hint of noise. When they piled out of the special train at Lincoln they were noisily dec orated with Nebraska color and stepped along, in a parade uptown, like prize exhibits at 'a fair. When they arrived on the gridiron side lines in the after noon their riotous appearance had been added to by aim ornaments and Immense chrysanthemums stuck in their buttonheles. with red carnations planted In tue center of each cauliflower. And the brave, voclfer- ous music Just ahead, made by a student band of fifty pieces, called the attention of the waiting thousands to about as befly a gang of male beauties as ever hove in sight on a foot ball field. The herd leaders wer holding the right of the line witn aignuy ana wiatn. 1 our men In the rank behind did not occupy auy more ground than "Buck" and "Jim." It waa lucky for t!em the rooters didn't know their pt names. . Warmly Received at State Farm. The serious business of the trip waa transacted at the Farm, where the stockmen were taken- on special ktreet cara. Dean Burnett was assisted in receiving the guests by Regents Whltmore. Haller and Coupland and Prof. II.. R. Smith, the animal expert. They were taken through the dairy building and shown its equip ment and methods. Then, .io a lecture room, I v , is 1, , :, . ,H ' rx v i A.uV -.iu A ; V' w ' -v 'H- - ' w. . v vr- -..M0)ti. .fthy ::t.k, :';: ";,' ..." fT- nlw .-. :i V , - -r.- 'T r' xl ;tr ft' '.r x x . v:: ..'V r t . i ,ii--k1 W '. 1 v i'M h . til 1 L'-wX f U. tr r ";: n - I - . i - I . - . .1-; JK f T ? ' -'T I i i r- fefe 1 ' !7 - ! I xVrK z- f-i'-V' V , Jf Omaha Dezecatiott mLrrz: HI VmVZKSm BEGEMS AW ZEAPER& OTHELECATIOT -Let? A Sight -CEO. COUELAND.Xegent ; WWWmOKEJrgent FJ.AISeS'r; JASmr Tmt &U2&VETT. EVERETT 23UVE2BGHAM jfirsjdejif Union ShxlijaTds Co.,T.U2CES&XditorTnhfth Centuxy Tarmr : W.S. HSL-L OJc. Dean Burnett went briefly ' into . various details touching the regular and special courses of study, em phasizing the thought that the practical part of agri culture Is always kept uppermost, while the school work is all directed to fittfng the students by a broad, generous education, to most profitably apply them selves to the development of scientific farming and stock raising. It was a decided pleasure to be able to say that over 90 per cent of the students taking the courses go back to the farm. The dean told the stockmen of the short course that is given every winter to those farmers and their sons who cannot attend tho institution regularly and made them understand that the Nebraska Agricultural school, while handicapped for lack of funds and ac commodations sufficient to realize its possibilities, is still not by any means lagging. Prof, llaecker, in charge of dairying, followed the dean in a concise account of the plan on which his de partment Is conducted, and the visitors were then es corted through the dairy barns. Here they saw, lined up in sanitary stalls, the different breeds of dairy cows with which the department is working. Over the head of every stall was a card giving age and milk ing record of each cow. Viewing the figures, the visi tors could see that Trof. Haecker was w lthln the mark when he said the State farm herd of milkers is making an average of four times the ordinary dairy animal on the Nebraska farms In the production of butter fat. While the average farm cow produces about 125 pounds of butter fat a year, the state herd shows an average of better than 400 pounds, and some extra good members of the herd run over COO pounds. From the dairy barns the visitors were taken through the farm machinery section, where the stu- dents are taught the use of machinery, how to care for It properly, how to assemble machines and the making of repairs. In an adjoining room a class of studenta was seen at work at the forges and benches, learning practical work by trial and experience. Watched the Students at Work. lu the stock pavilion the visitors were seated, while students went on with their regular work of judging animals. Under the questioning of instruc tors they pointed out what they considered the good and bad points of the subjects and entered into de- tail as to the reasons on which they baaed their Judg- ment. Thia feature was interesting to the stockmen; but they became even more interested when Prof, Smith had brought Into the ring the animals the Ne- braska school will send to the International Live Stock show to be held shortly in Chicago. The pro- feasor showed especially two calves of about the same age of Polled Angus breed. One had taken second prize asaliut a great field at the last International, while the other had been entirely outside the money. This latter calf Was purchased for the Nebraska school and after being fed and fitted is an animal of very high class. Prof. Smith picked him to beat the second priie winner of last year, but some of the stockmen judged the other animal to be the best. Then Prof. Smith went carefully over every point of the two n-.agnlfict nt beasts. Indicating their strong and weak points In a most enlightening fashion. Animals of every breed kept, and of all age?, were brought to the ring, and the visitors could not refrain from expressing their admiration for the results at tained by those having the stock In charge. They agreed unanimously that Nebraska will have no cause to be ashamed of the representation it will have In the prize ring at the great Chicago show, where the whole world competes. After the inspection in tho ring most of the stock on the farm was marshaled before the pavilion, with the crowd grouped about and Tho Hee photographer made a picture. Posing for pictures seems to come as naturally to the stockmen when they take a day off as It does to stage folks. They are as tractable as tame stock and consent to be ordered about by a pic ture man without a hint of kicking. Girl Students Won Their Heart3. The school of household economics was thrown open to the visitors, and Miss Rosa Lion ton and her assistants took much joy in explaining everything to the enthusiastic men and the observant women. After ward the whole crowd was seated in the dining room of the Home Economics building and was permitted to test the quality of the cooking done by the girls. A course dinner was served, ranging from consomme to floating island, and it was pronounced considerably better than good. Some hot biscuits especially caught the fancy of the hungry ones, while the real table con noisseurs gave ecstatic praise to a fruit salad which was really calculated to tempt even a surfeited appe tite. The wise editor of The Twentieth Century Fanner left the table after the salad had been served with the remark that he did not wish to lose the tase thereof by attempting anything further. At the close of the dinner Dean Burnett called on Regent Coupland of the university, who has a long standing friendship with most of the stockmen. Mr. Coupland expressed the pleasure of himself and his fellow regents and of all connected with the university and tho Agricultural school, over the visit of the Omaha business men. He pointed out that personal inspection by leadjng and influential business men of the work being done is not as frequent as it ought to be, and he assured them that a most hearty welcome would always be given to similar parties. "We want the business men, as well as the farm ers, to know what is being done in every department of the university," said Mr. Coupland. "It is the peo-' pie's institution, and the more widely the knowledge of its work is disseminated the better we will like it. "Some one has said the man is lacking in imagina tion who cannot look ahead for at least fifty years, and the thought is right. Thia work is not for today or tomorrow only, but Is for the ages; and as ita power for good is encouraged and developed, so will be its accomplishments. We are delighted to have such a delegation of keen, intelligent and influential bubiucsu men come and view for themselves what we have, what we are doing and hear of our plans. The Ne braska State university is capable of great things if the people of the Btate will give it the right kind of support and encouragement, and we hope that visits like this will become a regular thing, because we know they will result In immeasurable good to all con cerned. The demands on this institution by students cannot be adequately met with the present facilities. We are always behind the demand, and every year the number of students Is Increasing. We feel that the work and the influence of the graduates who go out from here is of most vital importance to the future of the state. In an agricultural way no less than in the general advancement of higher and better education; and we must depend on the business interests to create the sentiment that will enlarge our facilities and make of the state university and the agricultural school really great influences in the general life of our people." Editor McCulloch Responds. Bruce McCulloch, editor of the Daily Drovers' Journal-Stockman, responded for the delegation In felicitous style. He assured the regents and the pro fessors of the pleasure and profit they bad all Vecelved from the inspection of the plant and the classes and exhibits they bad seen, and paid an especially graceful tribute to the young women who had prepared and served the dinner Just disposed of. "You can rest assured of the sympathy and active co-operation of the stockmen in your efforts and plans to broaden the scope of your work and influence," said Mr. McCulloch. "Our interest iu this school Is par ticularly keen, and we see the results of Its work probably more practically than any other one element of the community. We see your young men putting their education to the test on their yearly trips to the stock yard plants, and we know the immense benefit to the state of the very practical work being done here. I feel that I can speak not only for this delegation, but for all the business Interests of Oinuha and the state, when I say that anything we can do to aid your very laudable plans will be done." Captured the "Rooters." Dinner over, street cars took the delegation to Twelfth and O streets, where the university band was linod up to greet the Omaha party, now exuberant and in a shouting mood over the most hospitable treatment given them. The whole hundred, women included, fell in behind the band and marched to the scene of the foot ball battle, where they were greeted with an enthusiastic welcome. Seats had been reserved together In one section, and duricg the game the Omaha folks were heard from many ya time. They had brought onto the gridiron a pig to be owned by anybody that could catch it in the race the stockmen thought was sure to ensue when the pig was released. The gargantuan growls of the rooters got on the nerves of Mr. Pig to such an extent that he abso lutely refused to run. He had to be driven off the field In disgrace, at a funeral gait. "If that pig had to root he would surely die," was the sage observation of Regent Whltmore. When the Omaha party bad rooted the Cornhusk er to a signal victory they spread out over Lincoln to visit their friends for an hour or two, for every Omaha citizen has a good many friends in Lincoln, contrary to the intimation of the standing joke. Dined and Yarned. At ti:2U the party assembled again at the Lincoln hotel, where a four-course dinner was served. Gov ernor Shallenberger was to have been present at din ner, but was detained elsewhere. Formal speeches were taboo, but some good stories were told. "Fit,," otherwise John Fitz Roberts, told one yarn that will make him famous forevermore among those who heard It. He asserted that on a certain train coming to Omaha were, among others, former Mayor "Tom Hoctor and Carrie Nation of Kansas. No seats being available in the Pullman, Hoctor had gouo to tbo smoking car; and for the same reason, "or because of a streak of contrariness," as Fitz Roberts put it, Mrs. Nation also proceeded to ensconce herself In the smoker, on a seat opposite the South Omaha politician. "No gentleman would smoko in tho presence of a lady!" was the acid opening remark of tho Kansas crusader. "I was here first, and this is the smoking car," re torted Hoctor. ' "Well, you shan't smoke," said Mrs. Nation, as she grabbed Hoctor'a pipe and throw it out tho window. Mrs. Nation had with her a small dog, a tho story lias It, and Hoctor threw the dog after the pipe. Then there was a merry war of words, with the other pas sengers acting ns rooters. This continued until Blair was reached, when Mrs. Nation Insisted the marshal put Hoctor in durance vile. "And while the argument was proceeding," sol emnly concluded Fits, "that. dog camo walking up the track with Doctor's pipe in his mouth, and, of course, the arrest was called off." Some designing person put Bruce McCulloch up to recite the glories achieved by Everett Buckingham on tho golf links. "The president of the Union Stock Yards company has great confidence in one caddy," said McCulloch. "He relies on the caddy's judgment as to what club to use for each particular emergency, and Is in the habit of asking, 'What shall I take now?' One day when things were not breaking right the question had been asked so otten and with such poor results the caddy lost his usual courteous bearing and, when the question came at a point where an impossi ble shot was lu view, he retorted, 'You better take the next car for home, air!' But Mr. Buckingham is a prize golfer, Ju6t the same," asserted McCulloch, and Buckingham smilingly agreed with the conclusion. Keep the Boys On the Farm. Like every other person In the party, ..Mr. Buck ingham took occasion to express earnest approval of the visit and wished there may be more of tho aame kind. "The talk of 'back to the farm' la all right as far as It goes," he said, "but it is decidedly better, la my opinion, to kep the farm boys on the farm, where they belong and where they can be of most value to their communities, tho state and tho nation. This is especially true of the boys educated at the agricul tural school, and every man at all Interested in the future development of the agricultural resourcea of oar state should give every encouragement lu his power to secure the necessary appropriations and facilities at the farm to bring about tho very desirable end of having a few thoroughly educated farmers in every precinct of every county iu Nebraska." President Buckingham but expressed the thought of all who heard his utterance, and they agreed most heartily with his conclusion. The regents were greatly pleaded with the commendations showered on the Agricultural school by the Omaha people, and when they get ready to present their plans for a greater Stale university in a more desirable location tbey will have strong backing to start with. I