Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, HALF-TONE, Page 2, Image 20

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    Subjects of Kaiser Wilhelm Have Captured Jerusalem
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(Copyright, 1910, by l'rauk (J. Carpenter.)
JERUSALEM The Germans are gobbling the Holy
Land. I uso the word "gobble-' advisedly. It
means "to swallow In large pieces, to swallow
hastily, to seize upon with greed and to appro
priate granpinsly." That Is what the Century
dictionary says, anc that is what the German
arc doing. They have established colonies In the rich
est parts of the country and are shipping in emigrants.
They own the best lands about Jaffa. Haifa and Mount
Carmel. and they have vineyards on the nhores of Gal
ilee. I shall describe some of their colonies before I
leave Palestine and shall show you bow they arc work
ing this land of the Lord for Germany's good. Tiiey
associate faith with their work and are laying up
treasures In heaven at the same time as on earth.
Built by the Empress.
Uight here in Jerusulem. under the very shadow
of the Holy Sepulehcr, a great German church has
been built. For the last eight or nine years the ma
sons have been working on another church situated ou
Mount Zlon beyond the tower of David; and across
too valley of Kedron. on the ridge known as the Mount
of Olives, a great limestone hoppice is going up over
w hlch the German flag floats.
This will be a resting place for such Germans as are
traveling through the holy land and want to stay a
week or so at Jerusalem. It Is being erected in honor
of the empress of Germany and is known as the Km
' press Augusta Sanitarium. Tho money with which
the site was bought and some of that used for the
building was a silver wedding present to the empress.
It was known that she greatly loved Palestine and her
friends planned this memorial as a silver wedding gift.
The nosplce will have a chapel connected with it,
and eminent Germans will preach there. It is beau
tifully located, being situated on Mount Scopus, which
is really a part of the Mount of Olives. It Is several
hundred feet above Jerusalem, and standing upon its
roof on a bright day one can look across the hills of
Judea and see the silvery thread of the Jordan and
the shining Dead sea, with the blue mountains of
Moab beyond.
He Took Our Cemetery.
The kaiser is no respecter of persons, either living
or dead. Tho spot on which ho is building bis big
church on Mount Zion was purchased by him of Sultan
Abdul Hamld when he visited him in Constantinople.
. He went there on his way to the Holy Land and while
hobnobbing with the sultan got him to sell him this
tract for $2 4,001). The land, however, was not large
enough and it adjoined the American cemetery. The
Germans bought this, the Americans here claim, in an
underhand way, at a cost of $10,000 additional. They
bad the bodies removed and when I visited the place
recently' I found the graveyard covered with building
materials. Thero were lime barrels in some of the
holes and the sites of many of the tombs were covered,
with bricks. In digging up the cemetery a bouse was
excavated which some say was used by the Virgin
Mary at the time of the crucifixion. The tomb of
Dartd is also supposed to be near there and the spot
Is considered especially holy. The kaiser has given
the land to the Roman Catholics of his country and
the church is to be under the order of the Benedic
tines. The German church Inside the city U owned by
'the Lutherans. There is a German colony outside
Jerusalem on the way to Bethlehem, the church of
which la said to stand on the site, of the house of Sim
eon, who recognized the infant Jesus as the Messiah.
A title further on is a leper hospital, also run by the
Germans. v
Kaiser Wilhelm at Jerusalem.
Ths emperor of Germany wheu be made bis trip
through the Holy Land created as great an excitement
as Theodore Koosevelt when he cavorted through Eu
rope. I have had a talk with the man w ho had charge
of the Imperial excursiou. He was connected with
Cook & Son and acted as its dragoman. He tells me
that Kaiser Wilhelm aud the empress slatted in at
Beirut and crossed the mountains of Lebanon to Baal
bec and Damascus. They then returned to Beirut and
took ship down the coast, past Tyro and Sldou, to the
Bay of Acre. Here horses were waiting for them and
they rode down around the slopes of Mount Carmel,
over the plains of Sharon to Jaffa and thence up the
hills of Judea to Jerusalem. There were about a
thousand in the party and it required 1,250 mules aud
horses to carry them and their baggage. The em
peror himself had a staff of 120, who ate at his own
tables, and there were in addition 140 naval and mili
tary officers outside. The empress had her laldes-in-w
ailing with her and there were 173 high Turks and
officials supplied by the sultan as a special escort. The
emperor's tour was so arranged that he had four
camps, and he slept in a different 'tamp every night
and had a new one for each meal.
Although the Journey was made in October, the
weather was hot and the chief trouble was to supply
the expedition with water. Some died of tbim. and
between Haifa and JaCa six horses dropped dead of
sunstroke. It was so hot that the trip to the Dead
sea and the Jordan was uot attempted, but the em
peror went to Bethlehem and other places near here
He remained seven days at Jerusalem and during (bat
time co.ifcummaied his purchases of Und.
Much tit ttiia Geruiau moveiucut u aL.i-i. K
includes churches, hospitals ana schools, many of
which are now run with Germau funds. At the same
time a great deal is commercial aud planned to give
Germany tho commerce and trade of the country. The
immigration is backed by bit; syndicates, including
financiers, military officers, manufacturers, princes
and even the kaiser himself. Every town has Its
German merchant, and the colonies arc t-o scattered
that in case the Turkish empire ever breaks up it wHl
not bo difficult for Germany to claim the Holy Land
as its ow n. '
One of the chief factors of the movement Just now
is a German tourist agency which' is contesting w ith
Thomas Cook & Sou for the travel which comes here
every year from all parts of the world. This tourist
agency has established Its own hotels at Jaffa, Jerusa
lem and Haifa, and has Its own guides, dragomen,
horses and carriages. Its men thoroughly understand
the country and they have established such relations
with the Bedouin tribes that they can take parties
anywhere. They are repairing the roads and are
makiug such arrangements that one can now go
through many hitherto Inaccessible parts of the coun
try by carriage. Indeed, the Germans have started
a new roads movement In the Holy Land. The first
attempt was made when the kaiser went from Jaffa to
Jerusalem. The sultan had the highway repaired aud
when the Germans traveled over It It was watered for
the first time in its history, being sprinkled from skin
bags carried on the shoulders of women and girls and
filled at the springs, wells and cisterns near by.
An even greater Invasion of the Holy Land than
that of the Germans Is that of the Rusians. This oc
curs every year, and It goes on all the time. It Is,
however, a spirtual invasion, and there is nothing
commercial about it. The Russians come here by the
50,000 and 60,000 a year. They are brought in by
the shipload at Easter time and during the whole
spring companies of pilgrims can be seen going about
on foot from shrine to shrine over Palestine.
The Russians of the Holy Land.
Many of the pilgrims land at Haifa, the most
northern port of the country. From there they make
their way on foot over the mountains of Galilee, stop
ping at Nazareth and then going on to Tiberius. They
stop and pray at every hoiy spot and often kiss the
ground where they think Jesus or the saints have trod.
From th Sea of Galileo they make their way back to
Nazareth, and thence go across the plain of Esdraelou
and through Samaria to Jerusalem. I have seen thou
sands of them at Bethlehem aud have met them
tramping the weary road to the Dead sea and the
These Russians belong to the Greek church, which
owus the most of the monasteries and convents of this
country, and which has, all told, property amounting
to millions, including some of the best real estate in
Jerusalem. The most of this property, however, be
longs to Greek Catholics, who are not Russians, and
the Russian church seems to be an institution of its
own kind. It has a great hospice outside the walls of
Jerusalem and also a magniflcient church on the top
of the Mount of Olives. It has similar Institutions
elsewhere and is a live factor in the religious condi
tion of the Holy Land.
A Hotel Which Sleeps Ten Thousand.
The Russians have here what is perhaps the largest
hotel of the world. It can bleep 10,000 at a time and
in additiou has buildings for families. It is known
as the Rusbian Hospice and It lies at the west outside
Jerusalem proper. It covers a space of ten acres or
more and has a high wall at'out it.
Entering tbe giuea of this bodice, one finds him
self surrounded by Russians and Russian scenes. It
is a slice of the land of the czar dropped down in
Judea and there is nothing Syrian in sight. The men
dress in caps, long coats and trousers, the last being
tucked into high boots. They are long-bearded, long
haired and fair-faced. There are many red beads
amoP'g them and none teems to know of the razor.
The women are clad in coarse gow ns w hich eud at six
inches or more from the ankle. They wear boots or
btrsw shot, and in tho latter cate their les ie
v lupiieU fci'uund wii'i i liih wl. leu the U.b of
tviktuc. 'i 1 l,jie tiaua,'i li i?l IUiJ alul tbeir
heat! 3 and their teatures are usually as hard aud
rough as those of tho men.
But suppose we go into the woman's quartos of
this mighty hotel. Tho building is cut tip into eave-
liko vaults, which run from one sldo of It to the other.
These vaults are lighted at the ends and, standing in
a central hall, it seems as though the windows were at
least 200 feet distant. Each vault is eight feet wide
and fifteen feet high and it is filled from end to end
with rough beds of pine boards. Upon the boards is
straw matting,' and a space six feet square forms the
bed and home of each woman. At the buck of this
she piles up her 'bread, tea and other . belongings,
which she has brought with her from Russia. Sho
sleeps stretched out on the boards on the front In the
clothing she wears in the daytime. . '
The quarters devoted to the men are of similar na
ture and those to the families differ only in that the
Bpace for each holding is larger.
Bring Bread From Russia.
These pilgrims bring their bread and tea with
them from Russia. In addition to this they have a
few vegetables which they buy of the natives. They
cook with"bll stoves. When on the march each car
ries some bread along with her and a pan out of
which she thinks and in which she makes tea.
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In pome parts or the inclosure we can see families
at their meals. Tbe men, women and children sit on
the ground around a pot of soup. Each has his own
piece of bread and a spoon which ho uses to dip up the
soup and carry it to his mouth. They wash their own
clothes, using dislipans as tubs. The tubs are as big
as a bicycle wheel und four inches deep. The wash
ing is done with cold water, which is free in the hos
pice, but which outside would cost 2 cents a gallon.
Pious People.
These Russian pilgrims are very religious. ' They
are mostly poor and many have been saving a lifetime
In order that they might make this tour to the Holy
Land. They undergo all sorts of hardships and spend
their time In fasting and prayer. They have a church
Inside the hospice and services are held there twice a
day. I have attended the church several times, it is
always full of people standing or kneeling. They
cross themselvea again and again as the service goes
on, and now and then get down and bow their heads
to the floor. There are similar services in the other
Henry H. Rogers Financed Mark Twain-
In addition to other things far more precious, in
cluding the world-wide bequest of his writings, Mark
Twain left a personal fortune of $000,000 and some
loose change. How he managed to do it is a problem
concerning which some Interesting surmises have been
The early struggles of the great humorist, his rise,
to affluence and the total loss of all that he had in the
failure of a book concern In which ho was a partner
is a well known story, as is also the brave renewal of
the fight and Iho lifting of the enormous debt which
lay upon him and which he could have legally evaded.
In this latter circumstance there is a close parallel be
tween his experiences and those of Sir Walter Scott,
who, also, through tho genius of his untiring hand,
overcame a great financial obligation.
That Mark Twain should have tbuu succeeded in
meeting his liabilities, and afterward have made large
earnings, is a matter about which there is no dispute,
since no American writer was more highly paid than
he; but that he should have been able to keep it is the
surprising fact. Finance was confessedly his weak
point. Ho was usually too busy shining in more con
genial haunts to trouble himself .about electrifying
"Wall street. Even had his desires turned in that di
rection, It is hardly probable that one who never knew
exactly wheu to put his overcoat on or take his over
shoes off could recognize the critical moment for pull
ing off a great financial coup. ' All of which gives
force to the general belief that Henry II. Rogers, an
unequaled financial genius and bis personal friend,
looked after Mark's material welfare and conserved
tho fortune which he was capable of making but not
of keeping.
Tho fondness of these two for each other spoke
well for both. It would have been Impossible for
Mark Twain to love any man, unless, first of all, ho
was a man; after that, nothing else mattered much.
And that Rogers should have returned the affection
in full shows that his soul was not to be found only
where his money lay. The ont with his gloriously
whimsical outlook upon life, the other with his un
equaled practicality of vision. Twain and Rogers
were apparently as far removed as the poles. Yet
there must have been a common plane of thought and
perception that they reached together.
In this day, when tbe whole trend is toward the
formation of specialized groups and classes, each view
ing the other with suspicion and even with contempt,
it is pleasant to reflect upon this bond of a common
fellowship binding together as man !.nd brother two
characters remarkably diverse in so many features
of their calling and nature. Washington Time;,.
Story of Christopher and Rosa
We invite you to turn for a moment you enjoy
stories from the 350-page $1.50 novel which "turns
out badly" or which carries you to a happy termina
tion only after you have pursued a breathless course
with floods and panics and runaways in the air, and a
heroine with a "shell-like ear" and a hero "with a
face suggesting the features of an ancient coin" as
your constant companions.
We wish to repeat hue the btoiy of Chrisiopher
Rust and Rosa Kuhu, as it has been related in the
news columns, says the St. Louis Times.
Christopher is OS and Roa i 02. but they have
just been married, and the prospect for their happi
ness is bright.
They have known each other half a century, dur
ing which lime they have lived in southern Iliinolj.
lu their youth they were married -each to another
But iu the course of time Christopher's wife died
and Ro.-a's buabawd died. too. Christopher's chil
tjieu maiiltd Ld had tuildieu ui ili-ii- ov.u. and so
they could not be expected to take the liveliest kind
of an Interest in their father, when lie was left a
So were Rosa's children married, aud they, too.
had children; and they had many interests In their
lives when Rosa longed for companionship.
And so Christopher aud Rosa, both of whom were
lonely, decided to be. married.
Here is where the story becomes strikingly novel.
The children we have mentioned did not'rubh into
court to prove tlut their parents were of unsound
mind. They smiled happily at the culmination of a
proper and suitable romance, and attended the wed
ding they and their children and offered congratu
lations, and we have no doubt brought love and
We confide this story of great Improvement on
I he Invented kind: and if the reader complains that
i; iii uot exciting we can only juote an old poem in
defeuae of the prosaic:
We can t all lie- and Heal, and get druuW
And run off with other men's wives.
Greek churches. I attended one on the Mount of
Olives,' where the reading of the Scriptures and tho
singing were done by Russian i.uns dressed in black
with stovepipe hats without brims crowning their
heads. The hats end in a capo or veil which falls
down the back. The faces of tho nuns were bare aud
spiritual-looking. Their singing was exceedingly
sweet and the service impressive. The pilgrims who
listened now and then knelt and kissed the bare floor.
The American Colony.
There have been several American colonics in the
Holy Land, but the only one that has made any Im
pression or lasted for any length of time is that known
as the Spaffordite. This was founded about thirty
years ago by Dr. and Mrs. Spafford, who belonged to
a Presbyterian church in Chicago. They left th
church and came to Jerusalem, saying they Intended
to devote their wealth and their lives in working for
Christ in the Holy Land. They persuaded fourteen
adults and five children to come with them, and to
gether founded a colony which has lasted until now.
That was in 1881. Today the colony has U0
members,' brought hero from all parts 'of the union.
There are a number from New England, some from
the south, several from Kansas and Nebraska and
quite a delegation from Philadelphia and Chicago. I
have talked with them about their beliefs. They say
they are Christians and that they believe In tbe Bible
as It is written. They take the Golden Rule as their
motto and try to live up to it. They have no bobbles
and their Christianity is a practical working one.
I asked as to the charge that they do not believe
in the marriage tie and waj told that this la not so.
They do believe in marriages when both husband and
wife are believers. I find the community is made up
of families and am told its social morality Is high. Ths
Bociety has had numerous deaths since Its organiza
tion, but it has been Increased from time to time by
people who have come here to study the Bible and to
lead holy lives among the holy places.
An American Store.
This colony lives together as a community and its
members hold all things in common.l At first they
threw their money into a common fund and lived with
out working. They found, however, that this was
soon spent and of late years they havo established a
business of their own and are now self-supporting.
They have their own house outside tho walls, where
they live very comfortably, eating at a common table
with worship morning and evening. They frequently
take Americans in as paying guests, charging them
less tham they w ould have to pay at the hotel for much
better quarters. They also havo a bakery from which
they sell bread and cake; a shoe shop and an art
school, where girls are taught paintlug and drawing.
They have factories in which they make desks, boxes
and other beautiful things of olive wood, and a weav
ing establishment where cloths of wool and linen are
It is now about ten years since they t stablinhed
what is known as the American store. This 1.4 near
the Jaffa gate inside Jerusalem and right on tbe way
from that gate to the Church of the Holy1 Sepukher.
Jt Is under the New Hotel.
This store is about the only one-price establish
ment in (he Holy Land. In all other places three
times what is expected Is asked and one has to dicker
and bargain and In-at down the merchants. In the
Ameiirau store one can buy photograph and slide of
the Holy Land, brass work from Damascus, rugs from
Persia and Turkey and anything of a curio nature
made lu the country.
During my stay in J rusalem I have several times
visited the colony and have been delighted with th
peace, quiet and brotherly love which stem to prevail.
Its membeia are veil LVed and intelligent; and as far
as I can they believe what they profess. An ln feature is their grace before meals. This is
always sung at the table, the members and strangers