Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
TT1H OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: November no, imio. 5. ''MONDAY ONLY Mil A O'JE DAY SALE OF 250 EVENING, MATINEE & PARTY Dresses and Gowns at Saving of S10.25 to $22 50 In addition to these splen did price differences they arc the most recent handi work of New York City's most exclusive modistes arriving in Orruha by fast express only Friday morning- Many f them arc characteristic ef the forth coming styles for next sea son, and they all show marked superiority to any gowns yet shown in Omaha at even a great advance over the regular price of these. S23.03 Dresses & Gowns $14.75 $ r 7 Exquisite creations in mes I l saline, crepo do chine, mar I ii" quesitte, voile and novelty Louisenes and taffetas re seda, maize, helio, corn, sky blue, brown, tan, black, white and practically every correct new hade. Choice of nearly a hundred new styles 914.75. $39.75 & $47.50 Dresses & Gowns $25 The wonderful and beautiful colorlngB and stylea In this array of a hundred and fifty garments can not be told. Persian models with all the beauty and charm of Imported gowns, in marquisettes. hand painted chiffons, Crepe de Chines, Crepe de Metres, etc. No color Is forgotten In this showing. Choice of this large lot rMany of these gowns can now be seen in our south window where they have already attracted great attention. The genuineness of the values guarantees busy selling on Monday and we advise your at tendanco in the morning If possible. I - y APPLE CHOPS IN COURT CASE Asqulth, and Mr. Balfour has been detected whispering to Mr. Lloyd-George. "If lArd Cawdor would be good enouirli to pass the time of day with Mr. Churchill," says a London para&rapher, ' all mlcht be well," . Neither of the principal' British parties takes kindly to a solution of the problems of home-rule and a "privilege veto" by the creation of "DOS peers to vote the extinction of their own order." That n.nul mtmtwtvn. . A wkil. Am - pi re, according- to an Independent commen tator In summing up the case. Tariff reformers are determined not to allow their speciality to be lost sight of In the din of dispute over other Issues. Mr. Halfour a sudden seul-for colonial prefer ences gives them great encouragement. Mr. Littleton and Bonar Law, who expect to be In the next unionist movement. If there Is one to come, are also advertising "this superb policy." It Is their best rallying cry, though Sir Robertson Nlcoll, one of the most capable personalities of the liberal press, Implies that Joseph Chamberlain, by revtrlon of this old Idea of federation on the Canadian mod"), provides them with a bettor shibboleth. statement by harchlll. Colonial preferences Is treated by the liberal orators with hostile hilarity. Mr. Churchill declares that the cabinet la a unit In opposition' to any project which could not be canted out without a tax on food. The fiscal position of the Asquith government shows no signs of weakening. At the meeting of the labor party, mora numerous and more largely at tended tliun ever before, the Osborne Judgment which has all but paralysed the political activities of trade unionism, la a more permanent toplo than the veto, home rule or tariff change, John Keilmond has risen to the situa tion with promptness, dignity and tact, modifying his tone discreetly as condi tions have become move and more acute, hut not abating one Jot of his original demands. As during his absence in the t'nlted Ftates a mistaken version of his utterances there led to considerable er- ef the Irish leaders, "That they want, what "Ireland wants, he asserts, 'a not a parliament on col lege green, having soverei$u authority like the Ixndn parliament, but a par liament with at least a much authority ever local affairs aa la possessed by the parliament of the BouUi African com monwealth and by the legislature of very state in the German empire. tie admits that his demand I somewhat ltas sweeping than FarneH'a, but de nies that ha has yielded a foot of the ground occupied three years ago, when after full deliberation the people of Ire- lmrtA UtA (Via rtfill.'V i t revnluHtin. Thla definition of home rule by anal ogles accompanied aa It is by Red mond's promise that. If such a measure of Justice la given, there will be iu part of the empire more loyal thau Ireland to tit crown, the central authority and the imperial system, strikes th mind of Die ordinary britou favoiabl. row or next week, but It is bound to come. "I am unable to say from where or by whom the independents are being directed. Neither do I know who is furnishing the money for arms and ammunition. It such things are beliif? bought outside the re public. At to Americans and other for eigners In the republic, they will not be molested by the Independents, since the revolution Is against the government and there Is not the least feeling against the foreigners." Mr. Madera says he may remain In San Antonio a month longer. Labor Federation Committees at Work No Session of the General Convention Before Monday Socialists Call Mass Meeting. ST, IOIJIS, Mo.. Nov. 19. Meetings of committees of the American Federation of Labor were held today. The annual con vention will not meet again until Monday noon. The most important meeting was that of the adjustment committee, which con tinued all day. Its deliberations were secret. None of the important questions before the convention has as yet been set tled, and it Is' predicted that the sessions of the first days of next week will be productive of results. The socialist delegates have called three mass meetings for today and tomorrow. At the meeting tonight Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee,, socialist congressman-elect, will be the principal speaker. INSANITY IS DEFENSE OF MRS. NELLIE M'MAHON testified that in their opinion at the time of the shooting the defendant was insane and Incapable of distinguishing right or wrong. Court adjourned until Monday morning, when the state will Introduce rebuttal testimony. HYMENEAL. Ilarrlaou-t larke. LONDON, Nov. 19. Mrs. Sumner Clarke of Peoria, 111., and Colonel J. J. Harrison, the explorer and discoverer of the pygmies In Belgian Congo, were married at ft. George's, in Hanover square, today. The bride was given away by William N. McMillan. Sniallpm Epidemic Kxnsjaerated. CIIEYKNNE. Wyo., Nov. 1!).-An official Investigation of the smallpox epidemic on the Arapahoe Indian reservation shows the scourge to be not vo bad as at flrnt re ported. There have been only thirteen deaths. Instead of ninety-throe, as re ported. The disease is in virulent form and much excitement prevails, as new ca-tes are appearing dally. The Key to the biiuation Bee Want Ada The Weather For Nebraska Rain.; colder. For Iowa Cloudy and colder. Shippers' Bulletin 1'repare thirty-six to forty-eight hour shipments in all directions from Omaha for fleecing temperatures. mmm KiriF.n in mm V ,1,1 A. W a . iiiv I W (Continued from First Page ) building a door was opened by a woman, wlio shot the chief. A fight then teian between the police and the occupants. A bomb was thrown from one of the windows In the midst of the policemen and ruralea, the latter havtna been called to assist the wffuers. The bomb exploded, killing many. 1 be other casualties occurred in the course of fighting which look place In the street. Ha far as known there were no Americans killed. H.rvUdoi ta Predicted. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 11 "A revo lution In Mexico Is Inevitable." said Kran clco I. Madera, antl-re-electlouist candi date for president of Mexico, now iu exile In Ban Antonio, when seen tonight retard ing the news from Mexico. " U luajr cot break looae today, touioi. Sister of Mayer of Attorney '1 nomas at Mortis, 8. I) Telia of Iter Krrmtto Actios. STVRGIS, S. D., Nov. 19. The defense In the case of the stata agwinst McMabon was outlined to the Jury tnjs morning, the defense being insanity The defendant's sis ter, Mrs. Brooks, narrated the life history of the defendant, showing that the defend ant had brain fever two years ago, result ing in the loss of the sight of one eye. She also testified to various erratic actions of the defendant for a number of years and her melancholy, nervous condition at the time of the tragedy. Evidence of various threats by Thomas were Introduced. De fendant may take the stand this after noon; The defense concluded the Introduction of testimony at S o'clock today when (he at torneys for the defendant announced that they rested. The afternoon was taken up lit the testimony of various wltneasea as to the action and stats of mind of the defendant. The defendant took the witness stand In her own behalf and related a iiiea of most harrowing experlsncea and li.Ulsnittei suffered by her at the bands of the deceased, David Thomas, the testi fied that Thomas frequented her borne un invited and In spite at lir protests, enter ing the home without invitation or knock ing at the door, coming frequently at night, and If the doors were locked, broke them cpeu. Khe testified the deceased made Im proper proposals to her and tried to Induce her to sell what property she could. Insure the balance and be would burn It and col lect the Insurance; that la thla manner they could clean up a large sura of money and leave tba country. She testified the de ceased threatened her life, accused her of poisoning br former husband and that be would retain posaeeaka of ber deceased husband's la office. Insure the law books In his own name and burn them and col lect the Insurance. The defense Introduced a number of wlt-ne.-B.-s who testified that when the defend ant i .-.,! tneia cn the street after tho shcoilng a': exclaimed: "I shot him, but did Aot Intnd to." Two phytlclana on behalf of the defense Hours. Deg. 6 a. m 24 6 a. m 23 7 a. in 'ii a. m .3 9 a. in 25 10 a. in 29 1! a. m 36 12 m S9 1 P. m 43 2 u. m 46 3d. m 47 4 p. m 4 R p. m 49 P. m 48 7 it. m iG United States Challenges Quality of Food rroduct. ALLEGATION BOUGHT BY SAMPLE Flossie Khook IMeeharaed from Mltrk ollvllle Reformatory aoal Imme diately Married Framrhtsa Cose Near Settlement. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOlNKH, Nov. 19. (Special Telo grsm.) The canes of the United Btatua against 1U0 bags of apple chops, claimed to have been In such a condition as to vio late the pure food laws, was begun In United States court today. The ault Is one In which the apple chops were sent by a Chicago concern to A. Delser & Son of this city, apple butter manufacturers. The stuff was seised by the government offi cers. The defense of the company Is that the consignment of goods was purchased on samples shown and that the samples were all' right. Flossie Urtm Ifosbaod. Two minutes after Flossie Shook was dis charged from the reformatory at Mltchell vllle by the action of district court, fol lowing a hearing on petition for a writ of habeas corpus, she secured a license and was married to Max Koch of Runnella. A' battered family Bible served as a mute witness In her behalf and the testimony of three women, who remembered when she was born, served to relsaso Flosslo from the stata institution where aho haa been confined. Franchise Matter Up, John J. Hamll'on, formerly a newspaper man, today coi. dieted arrangements with the Des Moines City Railway company to assist the company n bringing about a settlement of street car franchise nego tiations. Ha will handle the publicity campaign whioh the company Intends to institute. The company also made a pro posal today to the employes which will probably avert a strike because of the dis charge of a motorman. UoT-rnor'i Son to Marry. The engagement of Paul W. Carroll, elder son of Governor Carroll, to Miss Heese Llllie of Platnvlew, Minn., was an nounced today. The wedding will take place November 90 at the home of the bride's parents in Plalnvlew. Mr. Carroll is connected with the Kqultable Life Insur ance association. Candidates' F.xpense Aceoants. Running for governor In Iowa is not as expensive as It has been advertised. It cost Carroll Just S287.W to get elected and It cost Claude Porter $m26 to scare the governor badly in the game. The national republican committee in vested $1,000 In Walter I. Smith, according to bis statement filed, and he spent In all $2,676.34 in getting his majority. Judge Towner reports that he spent 11,160.93 in the Eighth district, James Good used 133.41 in the Fifth and Charles Pickett $1.2111 In the Third district. I. 8. Pepper broke into the game In the Second by using $1,844. Frank Stuart expended $348 la his cam paign in the Eighth and M. M. White used $373.90 in going against Congressman Hub bard. The prohibition state committee made use of $2,193.36 in getting out the vote. The democratic congressional committee in the Seventh used $590.73 and has a deficit of $2S6.73. The republican committee In the Third used $388. B. W. Garrett spent $10.83 running for clerk of the supreme court. Other reports were: John W. make, state auditor, $:, Carl Keuhnle, state senator, $116 9(1; J. T. Mulvaney. Jung. $n 46; C. E. Walters, attorney general, $4K9.7; Hugh Hrennen, judge, $M). atato Finances ho. The biennial report of Stata Treasurer Morrow was Issued todsy. In this report there Is a very complete showing aa to the finances of the state. The report shows warrants redeemable by payment out of the general fund during the biennial period amounting to $4.07,P, and the receipt of taxes under state levy for th same period was $4.Sil,K7S, which Is the largest amount of state taxe- ever received. The tables also show that the state will collect on this year's levy a larger amount of state taxes thsn ever before. The state has had no debt of any kind slnoa 1X93. May Recommend Heaahmtaalon. There Is a rumor current that Governor Carroll will recommend In his message the resubmission of tho prohibitory amendment to the constitution and ak that it be In corporated in the constitution. The tem perance people insist that he owes his elec tion entirely to them and that especially he was nominated through their Influence. It Is not known what recommendation the governor will make, but two years ago ha was opposed to rssubmlsslon and it was un derstood he would again oppose It, Plana for More Road. A meeting of a number of persons Inter ested In agitating for a different method of building roads in Iowa was held here to day to plan for the legislation that la to be asked next winter. It Is expected that some drastlo legislation will be enacted and that the funds available for road building will be greatly Increased. Job for Parole Roord. Charles Davenport, colored, who got a life sentsnce for committing burglary In Earl Graham's house nearly two years ago. In Des Moines, gets no relief from the supreme court. He was fully Identified by Mrs. Graham, whom he assaulted and removed a ring from her hand, and toward whom he later burled a heavy poker with Intent to kill her. The supreme court in passing on the case stated that Judge Miller went wrong in giving him a life sentence contrary to the present laws of tho state, but statea that the parole board Is the proper tribunal for fixing a limit to the term of commitment. Rank Robbers Make Uelaway, GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 19. (Special Telegram.) Edward Peterson of Cushlng, owner of the team stolen by parties who blew the bank In that village and escaped with It to this city, arrived today. The recognition by the dog that followed the team of his master was only part of the Identification, and Peterson left late this afternoon for his homeward drive. A bloodhound brought from Lincoln was put on tho trail, but followed that of the offi cials made yesterday. There Is no definite clue. Attempted M order at Meeteelse. MEETEETSE, Wyo., Nov. J9. (Special.) Unknown persons attempted to assas sinate Charles Manning while he was at work In a local saloon at an early hour yesterday morning. Three rifle shots were fired through a window, but Manning escaped lnury. Immediately after the shooting a man was seen running away from the building. Mlastnar Best Fast In loo. SEUKIRK. Man., Nov. 19. Part of the crew of the Northern Fish company's steamer, Wolverine, who have been missing In lUe Winnipeg for three weeks, arrived In Helkirk today. Tho boat la safe at Swampy Harbor, surrounded by ice. Twenty passengers and the balance of the crew remain aboard. They have an abundance of provialons. Moiilieit Importer's XL , Buys Stock Solo of Fashion able Hair Goods Starts Tomorrow Stock Of Switobss, clns tsre, pnffs and novelties, bought a 40 oents oa the dollar, trill be closed ont bargain prices. The most annsnal sale of Us kind that baa ever oome within nettoe of well-dressed women.. A Mew Tork Importer, one of the biggest and best In the business, deolded to qnlt. We bougnt his entire stock. If ever before haa there been snob a large, high olass stock of mtatr Ooods la Omaha. Every color and shade Imaginable. The eats yon have triad so hard to find and couldn't. We have now on sale all uext week, begin ning tomorrow, at lass than wholesale price. We list a few of the many bargains. ruff. Cluster of 1 5 TufTa fl.OO Large Cruater of 24 Puffa. .1.7B Large Cluster of 34 Puffs 3.ft0 Large Cluster of 40 Puffs f 4.00 Puffs In all shade of gray, 7.tM) to B3.0O . Natural Wavy Switches. 20-lnrh fl.OO S 2-inch ta.oo 24-Inch ftiMX) 28-inch 4.fH 80-Inch a, fA.OO Gray WaTjr Switches. 18-inch, in all shades, from $A.OO to 98.00 WTien ordering by mail Beijd some of hair and address Dept' 13. mi MAXM SKXata. With every purchase amount ing to 8 00 or over we will dress the hair In the latest I'arlalan style, without cost to you. Y do Manicuring, Massago, Chiropody, Make Toupcea. I'hon) Douglas SA9B8, for appointment. 1411 FARM AM CTREET. YJ ONE-. El TO Save 2S Per Cent on No safer Investment than Diamonds. No more profitable one, wither, when you can buy them for 25 under price, which we guar antee. No better thins for gift giving and it would be well to shop now, while line is complete. Make a selection, a small payment down will do. Diamond Gold Brooches f. 914, 9 18, 92.1, 940. Diamond Stick Pins 912, 9 IS, 920, 2ft. Diamond Ear Muds 910, 920, 923. 938, Diamond Culf Links, Solid Gold . -93.50 to 930. A few more of those Ladles' Diamond lUngs for 9A3, Fritz Sandwall Jewelry Co., THIRD FLOOR PAX f ON BK0CK-16t1i to. Firum Street THE DEE LEADS ALL OTHERS I.ochI Vtecord. OFFICE OF TUG WKATHKR RUREAU, OMAHA, Nov. 19.-Orrelal record of tem perature am! prt-clpnaticin compared with the corresponding peiiod of the last three years: lsrtO. two. IDOT Higheat today 4! f Ul 4H lowest today it . "4 41 III Mean temperature :W 4.1 to 40 ITetipitatiun (W .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precioitatlon departures from the normal at Oinahu since Murch 1, and compared with the lattt two years: Normal temperature W Total excess since March 1 741 Normal precipitation 03 inch Deficiency fur the day 03 inch Toial rainfall sine March 1 IS. ',8 inches Ieficiency since March 1 14 33 Inches Kxcevs fur cor. period In 1H09 t.4 Inches I UelKiency for cor. period In 1 1.07 Inches ..A,;.;,;;f.,ir..-;i -n,:, -;,m ,i I- Good Points of Frm Loans Price does not fluent uute. Ku-si.d-S'j much Is p;iid in. t)(-aiid-so much lau l.e drawn out. 1.' fluctuations in liontjM and Hlocl.s liivdi, liiunce, of pruflr, it nui nec fMuily mean tho fc'uno chance ot ioss. 1100 loan Imnd vl.-ld i per cent and per rent Intereau to 110.000 aiwuys on at piicofl to 6 per c"tit. C&TASLIStltD I 8 V esTeiismD li'Sk t-VtlllAJ LA lV07 Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street. Dining Room Furniture for Thanksgiving. The dining room furniture department contributes hun dreds of remarkable ojferings for Thanksgiving purchasers and in this department, as in the others, the sale array is noteworthy by reason of the wonderful variety. There are complete dining equipments of practically every desirable grade, and in a wide range of weods and styles of design, at .moderate prices, the foremost makers are represented; the qualities are sucli as to make every item a good value at the regular price. W mention below a few of the many opportunities. t (ioldeii Oak G-foot Extension Table, non-dividing pedestal. . . ,$9.75 (Jolden Oak, claw foot, 8-foot Ex tension Table, duo style lock, at $14.50 Quarter-sawed and polished table, 6-foot extension, non-dividing pedestal 17-50 Quarter-sawed and polished oak Extension Table, heavy claw loot . '$31.50 Other tables in mahogany, old oak, fumed oak and wax golden oak at moderate prices. Box Seat Dinei-s, leather uphol stered, up from.. $2.50 1 ,f- J . . We offer all our MOnClay remnants of Draper' Silks and Upholstery goods for sale at less than half price. The slcK:k consists of more than 200 pieces suitable for covering odd pieces of furniture, window or door drapery cushions, table covers and fancy work. Don't miss this chance. : in nil Solid quarter-sawed oak Buffet, silver drawer lined, largo linen drawer, double cupboard, price. ...$15.75 Solid quarter-sawed oak Buffet, silver drawer lined, large linen drawer, mirror top $21.00 Quarter-sawed and polished end Buf fet, claw foot, largo shape mirror, sih'er drawer lined, price $30.00 Finely polished quarter-sawed oak Buffet, pilaster front $35.00 Other Buffets in mahogany, old Eng lish onk, fumed oak and wax golden oak at moderate prices. Special Sale of Ruga Monday. rolisbed aud quartcr-aawed oak China Cabinet, bent glasa and 812.50 Full swell front China Cabinet, polish! oak $19.00 Triple swell China Cabinet, with mirror In top ihelf 920.00 Full bnt glass front China Cabinet witli cut glass compartment at top. .$21.50 Other China Cabinets in mahogany, old English oak, Fumed oak, and Was Golden oak at moderate prices. Oriental Rugs. We hav Just received another large shipment of ORIENTAL RUGS In the popu lar weaves, in small and medium, on sale in Oriental Rug department, fifth floor. Cedar Chests and Com modity Boxes. Have you ever visited our Cedar Chest and Commodity Box Section on the &tb floor? You will find lha most complete assortment to select from. Matting Covered Commodity Box, sUe 27 Inches long, 15 Inches wide, 14 inches high, each $2.50 Others in larger aizes, $5.25 $5.&0 tfG.OO. SO. 75 anl 8.H). w Cedar Cheat. sUa S3 Inches long, 16 inches wide and 13 inches high, price. .-88.50 Others in larger sites, 815.00 810.5.0 and 822.00. f