J '-' j i i in A 11 .V" m'X A i ; K i-V-. X ( i si i i , i PI' CI - .. - - ., , SAYS OMAHA SHOW WILL LEAD F. W. Wilsey Thinks Best Result Will Be Reached. TO EXCEED TWO BIGGER CITIES i ! ! t Snya Amrrlnni lime IWsi Il-erln for t antdii mill lcl-n Ton l.nnsi Hral Land to Hr Hail In the World I.Irs In AmrrU-n. start for home before Bundown. Their dreams ot U 1 j j 1 I I 0i?II???!5tw 5T 1 a day together had at last come true, and away A i : I J A&Z' d VlHW VSd they went. First they visited the barn, then the ' I f -.j Jy f 1 on hard, the fields and finally took to tho woods. 1 Jt" I ' xv Many were the pretty birds and flowers seen. Out , , . . I ! f I I yW in the woods they saw a bunch of turkeys, and I v.1; I Jr I I I II' to their surprise an old gobbler gave a "Gobble, ' ' "v B 'J?y 1 I l j t V Gobble," which scared the boys and away they I ' ".,. n SI I J l k Time to Go Home. j ' A I1 if V ft I I tf0 . I 1 Thn Wrntprn r.nnd-T'rmlurt eshihit will pindurp fur (trcater ir-sultx than rlthcr the IMItMiur "r Clili-aKu laml chows did." Fftld K. W. Wili"y. iTia n.iKT of the OowtlUa IrrlKatrd I-and company of Colorado. Sat urday afternoon. Mr. Wilsey stopped in the rlty for the day to attend to the de tails of arranging the largest Individual exhibit that Is to be on view at the forth roniinK land show here. 'The people of the Missouri valley are better Informed on the sreatnoss of the land went of here and will receive further Information more readily than will the people of the east." he said. "Therefore the show that is to be given in this city should vastly exceed in rvsults the Bhowa In tho biff cities eaM. "We Americana have rested passively and seen our countrymen leave America to nettle In Canada and Mexico too long. Jt is time we Rot together and stemmed the tide of emmlgratlon and diverted It In the direction in which it belongs. Aside from the idea that America is first for Americans our own land is the best In the world and its people ought to rcalizo it and enjoy the fact." Mr. Wllsey'a concern has the distinction of operating the lament private Irrigation engineering project In the United States. In the San I-uls valley of Colorado the company owns over MO.OOO square miles of land, with complete ownornhlp of all the streams and the water shed within Its borders. It is selling 100.000 uquare acres of the irrigable land. The irrigation Is carrlud out in Uie reaervoir system. A mountain range extend through the San Luis valley, tho pouks of which are anowcapped the year around. Sheep and rattle ranges are found around the moun tainous regions and all manner of agri cultural products are raised over tho arable portions of the territory. The irrigation system conaists principally of three great reservoirs, the largest of which, the Sanchea is nearlng completion and will contain 117.0U0 acres feet of water. There are a great Intake tower and an out let tunnel in the water distributing plan. The water Is taken from the Ctilehra Sanchez canal and from the Culcbra and Ilallcjos rivers. Mr. Wilsey had an exhibit from his ter ritory at the Pittsburg- and Chicago shows. He departed Saturday evening to direct the Khtpmcnt of the exhibit from Chicago to Omaha. Children Should Learn Literature for Its Own Sake Chicago Professor Advises Omaha Teachers to Give Children In Insight Into Beauty. "Unless the child feels the beauty of lit erature and tak?s pleasure In It, your teaching has been a failure." Bald Dr. S. C. Clark of the University of Chicago be fore Omaha school teachers Saturday Pr. Clark, who is an Instructor in public speak ing, gave an address on the "Elements of Heauty In Poetry" before the Palimpsest club. Dr. Clark emphasized the need of making even the youngest children feel the beauty of literature for Its own sake and decried the spirit that Insists upon a moral or In tellectual value in form that is worth while for the mere sake of npirltual Im port. "It's dreadfully sentimental," said Dr. Clark, "and useless, and you can't cash it in for a cent, but It feeds the soul, and It's what we need. Bo sure, of course, that the children know what the meaning is. but after they have learned It let them forget it in the joy of the music of the poetry. See the picture yourselves, then you can make them see them. You cannot teach literature It may be learned but not taught. All you enn do Is to give them a chance to learn It and keep them looking at It. until they get 'a pleasure in It that will lead them to Beck it for its own sake." Before Dr. Clark's address. W. A. Camp bell of the Commercial club made a brief talk to the teachers to get them Interested In having tho state teachers' convention meet In Omaha in lsill. Mr. Campbell said that the Commercial club, In extending an Invitation to the teachers, wants the co operation and help of all the Omaha pedagogues. Pearnie was a ooy of eleven summers. This was the name given him by his mother who loved him dearly. One evening after dinner had been eaten and the dishes were cleared away, Peachie's mother said to him : "Sttppo&e we get up real early in the morning and drive over to Aunt Jane's house and stay all day." Peachie jumped up and gave a j'ell ot delight, turned a somersault, chased the cat around the house and showed his willingness to go by being very handy around the house. At last Peachio was asleep and In dreamland. The night soon passed away. Only once did Peaehie wake up, to find that the clock had truck two. Very early the next morning his mother was up and prepared breakfast and called for Peaehie to get up. Now Peaehie was used to hearing his mother call, and would often fall asleep ere she had left the room, but when his mother said: "If you don't get up I will go to Aunt Jane's without you," ho was up and dressed in a minute. Soon On the Way. i He often wondered why he could not keop up this record. Peaehie ate a small breakfast, such was his haste' to be on his way. At last his big brother hitched old Bess to the family buggy, and Peaehie and his mother got in and were soon on the way. The sun shone brightly that morning. The birds of many kinds sang sweet songs. The dew on the grass was sparkling, the air was fresh and it was grand to be out away from tho farm for a day. Near the roadBide a squirrel looked down from a tree and seemed to inquire why his morn ing play was disturbed. In the stream close by were ducks taking their morning swim, and all the world seemed very happy. Peachie's mother for got she had a family to care for and that there was a thousand and one things to do at home, but for the present life was very sweet. , The trees had put on their spring suits of green, here and there were seen flowers which were glad to be in tho sunshine, after being shut up all winter in their houses under the snow. In the Long Ago. in the long ago Peachie's mother had attended school in the old log school house, and there, came to her memory the following verse, long forgotten, yet ever beautiful, and very appropriate at this time: Great, wide, beautiful,' wonderful world. With the wonderful waters around you curled; The wonderful grass U upon your breast. World you are beautifully dressed. While they were reveling in the delights of the Journey, they were nearlng their destination, and over the hill in the distance they saw the house, from which a blue line of smoke curled upwards and was wafted away by the morning breeze. They found Aunt Jane and Cousin Jim wait ing for them. After-the usual greeting the women went into the house, Old Bess was turned Into the pasture, and the boys were told to go where they pleased, so they returned in time to After they were out of nearing of the big tur key, which, by the way, was the largest one they had ever seen, they climbed upon a log to rest. How long they stayed there wo do not know, but at last they came to the conclusion It was time to go home, and away they started. While climbing over the fences they discovered a nest of eggs, and to get revenge on the big turkey they filled thslr hats with the eggs which they took to the house. Now It happened that among the eggs there was one that was much larger than the rest, and so Cousin Jim told Peaehie to take it home and raise a turkey and on the next Thanksgiving day his mother and he would come over and help eat him. Peaehie followed the advice of his cousin and upon reaching home placed his egg under an old hen, for the days of Incubators were then un known. Peachio then made frequent trips, and like Jack and his bean stalk, at last found his labor rewarded with a fine young turkey. He was very happy and of course told his mother all about this wonderful bird. The Old Hen Surprised. The old hen was very much surprised to find such a baby in her nest, but she said it was hers and she would care for it. So each night the lit tle fellow was taken under her wing, there to find a warm covering for the night. The turkey grew and grew as boys do, and was soon as large as his mother. He was very lonesome, for none of tho other fowls could talk with him, and his language to them was very dutchy. This made him mad and Instead of being pleasant, he became known as the fighting turkey. Woe betide the fowl that crossed his path, for he could put to flight any thing in the barnyard. Along late in the fall he made up his mind to leave home, and without giving notice to anyone he quietly slipped away. He was soon In the woods and out of sight of Peaehie and the play- mates of his youth. He loved his new field very much. The leaves were turning gold, the nuta from the trees were beginning to fall and he had plenty to eat and life to him was more than a dream. After the day was over Mr. Turkey be gan to look for a place to roost for the night. Ho flew up into the top of an old oak tree and was soon asleep. He dreamed ot Peaehie that night, and wondered if Peaehie was thinking of him. Along about midnight an old owl flew by and gave a loud: ' "Who, Who." This woke Mr. Turkey, who said: "I don't have to tell you who I am." The owl lit in the top of a tree close by and , again said: "Who. Who." This made Mr. Turkey very mad and he de cided he would find another place to roost. Ho was awake and looking down to the ground ho saw au o'possum, but as it did not bother him ho was soon asleep. When he awoko the sun was shining and he flew to the ground and began to look for his breakfast. He had a fine time that day, and at night he found a 'better place to sleep. Only once was he bothered, this time by tho scream of a night hawk. He was frightened and wished he was home in the old apple tree when; Peaehie had seen him many a time. He could no go to sleep for a long time, and when he did it was to dream of Peaehie and the old farm and the places he knew so well. Peachie's Great Disappointment. After staying in the woods about twenty days he was missed, and great was the disappointment of Peaehie, for had he not planned a fine Thanks giving dinner for Cousin Jim? Something must bo done, for the great holiday would soon be there. All work was stopped on the farm and the father and his three sons started out to hunt the famous turkey. After hunting until they were very tired their efforts were rewarded by finding their tur key away out In the woods, and although they did not like to do it, they were obliged to shoot him, for Mr. Turkey had said he would not go back to the farm ai,iii. He was a big load for them all, as each in turn carried him upon his shoulder and by the time they reached home they were weary but very happy. ( To make a long story short, Cousin Jim and Aunt Jane were invited to come over and spend Thanksgiving. The most important part of tha dinner was the turkey and great were the stories told of this bird. . They all agreed it was the best turkey they had ever eaten. Long years after ward, when Peaehie had a family of his own, he would tell them of this at Thanksgiving time and the story never grew old. Out Sale of Tab cholc ones ALABAMA'S "LAKE OF DEATH" Bottomless Reservoir of Water Whlcb Destroys Vegetation and l.llo, There is a lake In Calhoun county. Ala bama, which Is a remarkable natural curi osity. It 's oval In shape and covers four . "tea of ground. No vegetation grows on Its banks, noth ing lives In Its waters, and even snakes and terrapin shun It. The water lias a peculiar taste and neither horses nor cows will drink It, no mutter how thirsty they may be. Deep down can be seen what look to bet the charred trunks of large trees, without root or branch. They stand uptight In the water and never rise to the surface or sink to tho bottom. The lake has no apparent outlet, but water always remain at the same level. Soundings to the depth of 700 feet have been taken, without bottom being found, and the people in the neighborhood say that the lake U bottomless. At one time bovs used to gather at the Inks on Sunday s and swim In It. but they i never go near it now. Fifteen boys have been drowned In It, and, although some of the bodies were recovered, those who were drowned any distance from the banks tank to the bottom and were never seen again. Here Is the India.) legend of the origin j of the lake. Many moons before the white mull came to this country two tribes of I Indian w, one large and powerful, the other! miall and weak, lived near the spot where j the lake is. They went to war with each other and' the small tribe was nearly exterminated. Then Its chiefs ailed for peace and a coun- i cil was called to decide upon tho terms, j The chlefj and old men of the two tribes 1 met in a pine forest one day at noon, an agreement was reached and the pipe of : peace was filled. j While It was being pasel around a rig- I nal was given, the chiefs of the strong tribe sprang up and with their tomahawks killed the chiefs of the smaller tribe. A few moons after this a fire broke out In the foivet at the (.pot where the council bad been held. It burred constantly for eight moons and then the giound sank out of sight, the file iii. appeared and in Its stead was the lake. Tlie Indians gave the lake a name, which uieuus "1-ake of lth." Philadelphia In-u,auer. I Close At 1as than Q II wholesale prices ''CN. VI. ! T amps that whoh- Mahe it 1 I -"saledat $9 each lviaKU jt I j ' are to go at 4 It SEP Minis III 118 r,stmas . 7 n Lanmps77 as or electric They're odd lamps accumulated from our wholesah stock. The quantities of each are too small to allow listinj in our sample lines, but the designs are exquisite and any lamp in the lot would make an ideal Christmas gift a gift of "class," Each lamp In this special lot Is "practically" drslgned; the llplit 1 cam where It la NKEDKD, and the finishes are decidedly PKOPKl!; exnuisite brush brasses: Pompeian verde greens; art glass effects; dull coppers; hammered brasses, and others equally smart. Those living In the city would better see the lamps early: they'll not remain unsold very long at I,KSS than WHOLES AI,fc3 prices, and, In order that OUT-UK-TOWN patrons may also take advantage of the selling, we offer to send a lump out on approval If an Idea of price and finish la sent us. .tLamp may be returned if it does not suit.) , , The Easy, Reasonable, Quick, Pleasant Way To Secure a Piano AND SAVE MUCH MONEY You will find your neighbors and friends are Joining autl talking about the player. Any of These Famous Makes Will Prove a Happy Christmas Maker. Chickering & Sons, Packard, Kurtz man, Ivons & Pond, H. & S. G., Lindman, Harvard, Sterling, Hunt ington, Kohlcr & Campbell, Wal worth, Weaver, York, The Auto Piano, Krell Auto-Grand Player. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN The loielS Ca iipaiy Easy payment terms will be arranged for responsible parties, and, taken all in all, it's the greatest "lamp chance" of 1910. T amp that whole saled at 912 each are to o at M22 T amps that whole- T amps that whole saled at $15 each J sale J at $30 each ara to o at ara to go at SH (TtxOO rgess-Granden Co. 1511 Howard Street, Omaha. Neb Hue wagons USlllill plant usual DBBB n Mondry, as usual, for our is im shape again to give our service. By Saturday night all of the week's work was cleaned up and the drivers worked late to get it delivered. I Our Christmas Stock Is now in and complete in every department of our store. Our stock of Diamonds, i'earls and Precious Stouts is large and most attractive. Oar old novelties for men and women will delight you.. Our splendid stock of tho famous "Meylan" Watches, Howard Watches, tlgin Watches. Our stock of Gorhatn Sterling Silverware and Toiletware. Gorham Leather Goods, Valises, Hill Books, Cigar Cases, Hand Bags, Silver Mesh Bags, 1'mbrellas and Canes, Silver Novelties. Chelsea Clocks, made like a watch, the ones used in the battleships. Crown Hall Clocks. Karnak Brass Desk Sets, elegant and new. Pickard'a Hand Painted China. In every department our stock is very much larger and more varied than last year. Look early and let us lay it aside. r T V aiaa.iTH M ' C. B. BROWN & CO. Jewelers and Silversmiths 10th and Farnam ii Stars and Stripes Bottled Beer The only beer brewed from pure spring water on the market. Order a ease for your home and get the best. A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for the connoisseur. Uave a Case Delivered to Your Heme jr. s. cross RETAIL DEALER, 1402 Douglas Street Telephones Douglas, 1390; Independent, A-1303 WILLOW SPRINGS BREWING CO. have been completed of all the work in the house at the time of the fire. Some bundles have been sent out short the damaged linen. The insurance com panies require us to present your claim showing the articles damaged and their value at the time of tho fire. L"3 23 I I A is the filial limit when these claims will be accepted. Kindly mail your claim or call at our office immedi ately as we are anxious to adjust all lusses promptly. a p n n lADIfifDOlQUII a i l 1 I -4 K2 24 J