Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 14
THE OMAIfA SUNDAY BEK: XOVEM 'JO. 1010. OMAHA NATIONAL'S NEW SITE Opens for Business Tomorrow Finest Rooms in th West. in VAULTS REVEAL l).e I- in fuse ear Inform V en can lM an rn;ry which hows that Augustus! Kountjte then hnd h princely fortune oft H'i. Mr. Millard in d senvered to have had on dt"sit March 8. IsM. the sum of l.'.ivO. j 'I did nut know 1 Mfr hii l so m n'li money, asserted Mr. Millard. when n : n over the Item In the ledger of th ! HISTORY Montana bank, w ho an I H F Alien ran for some years, one ran find a P-, art ' c"ll dut ucr.iun. In November of Iv'm the account stood 4,rf7. ' The Omaha National bunk came Into! being In IMS. and i therefore non- forty- I four years old Uxra Millard, brother of I Joseph II. Millard, was the first president, and the caNhlerfhlp assumed for the i ft if-1 few months by Joseph N. Field, , ; brother f Marshall Field. Mr. Field is still anion: the livitm. Me makes IiIh home In Manchester. Fngland. and he Is Mill the i owner of the stock for w hich he ubst ribed ; when the bunk wh organised. In Janu ary, r, Joseph Millard became cashier In It tie unite enWou of the ! Mr. Fields p'ace. lie became president In! H"J and has been president continuously ' since. Circulation Deposits ... ;Ano ... 11. KV,. 1.(1 Mr of Ihe Carl Financial Ins of Ihe ta Are hnn fterord Heut In Indent tafr. 'l i e liniiha National bunk, n lib li pen for business tomorrow ninrntr will ; in its handsome new home, carr'cd thither yesterday other treasures than gold and silver and securit e of various miK, The other treasures are ohl books und ledgers of little Intrinsic value, hut of an historical Interest o genuine that th" Nebraska Ills torlcal society bank. Tin se books and ledgers are tlie records of the fiiat NVhravna bank, the State Dank of Nebraska, which waa founded In territorial day, the date being IsjU. Also the t iron ha National bank has custody of the books of the old Central National lank, anil still other dusty tomes contain th accounti) of a bank established by n. F. Allen and Joseph H. Mlllaid In Vir ginia City. Mont., Mr. Millard beinu the ncllve paitner. Furthermore the otn&ha National has in Its book vaulta In."1' worth of snip Issued by the city of Omaha In territorial da s. ' William Wallace was the first bookkeeper an Issua which It is sad to tehite was te- of the bank, Hiid the present first vie t udiated, the action constituting the only i president can look over the earliest records biot on the financial fame of this city, i of the bank and sen the entries made In Hut a this happened before the civil war I his own handwriting, a chlrography whlrh Omaha's credit w ill rot be Impaired by j jst us clear now as It was then, though Other Original stockholders. Other original stockholders were these: Smitli S. Caldwell, who was the father of Victor Caldwell, vice president of the United States National; J. J. Brown, father of liandall A. Hrown; A. J. Simpson. i)n eritl Urenvlllo M. Dodi;o. James H. Hur'ow, William Wallace and Charles M. Brown. Another wan Oliver Ames of Boston, w lio was the first president of the Union Pa cific railroad The Ames estate Is Hill a large stockholder In Ihe Omaha National. recalling: to mind the rcnudlatinn. It was not. by the way, the Oina.ia National whb h w8 thus Imposed upon with oilier holders Of the scrip, but the State bank, and the crip Is part of t lie remains of this ohl financial Institution. Hank's t.roivtk Oi'itaatc. The Hint. Hank of Nebraska Is related In an historical way to the Omaha Na tional bucaiiKS Joseph H. Millard und oth ers in the brink which went out of b isi licss long- afro. have been Identified with the Omaha National. Hut the Omaha Na tional li not an outgrowth of the Stat bank, or of any other bank. It has never absorbed any other fiduciary institution, and It growth has been organic as well a continuous- from the roots up. When In i elation with this fact la considered that the Omaha National is the largest In Omaha In point of deposits, the. necessary Inference la that the bunk hart been ably managed all Its existence to have effected thla large organic growth. The State Hank of Nebraska was the first Nebraska knew. B. F. Allen waa Its president, and the name of Mr. Allen will awaken many memories In western bunk ing clicks. He went ustnasli ut the end In Chicago, aad his magnificent residence in lies Moines, la., passed Into the hands of It. F, Hubhell. the richest man In the Hawk eye atutc. Samuel Moffat, brother of Oavld Moffat, was the first cashier of the State hunk. David Moffat Is now presi dent of the Hist National bank of Den r, was the builder of the Moffat road Hid Is una of the flirt flnaneluf namea in Colorado. At this time Jostph II. Millard conducted a land business, with Ida desk In the Htata bank, and he and David Moffat, a teller In the bank, bunked together on a 6h.uktQo.wn. In the bank room"" when night bad come. Since then Mr. Moffat hu riaen us high us indicated and Mr.- Mil lard besides becoming piesldent of the Omaha National has been a senator of the I'nltcd Hiatus. looking ovtr.tha book of the 8tute hunk this waa rorty-four years ago. These old stock subscriptions ure part of til historical deposit of which the Omuha National la Justly proud. Another Item of Interest Is the first note Issued by the bunk. This records that Joseph ltedmun borrowed of the bunk on ninety nay time. This note. No. 1. was paid promptly by the borrower, who Is one of Omaha's most familiar and well liked figures. t Iret 4uHr-rl Hepurl. Th.! first (luarterly report of the Omaha National Is still another record. This shows rourcen as follows: I.oana and discounts 4j,mji 'iovernment securities Furniture anil fixture 'v;, l-and warrants 241 F.xpense f 7; haiililng house Overdrafts j Iue from bunks and bunkers Cash Items l!t3u Cash on hand 7o!712 Total L abilities were: Capital stock Circulation Due bunks and bankers... Deposits l'rotlt und loss .IJ19.SW .$ cO.Oiin . tt.OU) i"io4 . 120.115 4. 241 Total tUSVt.O! Peimslis hae lncrcad the trlfiing sum of no or.-... The Present Offlrr. Heide Joseph H. Millard and Wl'llam Wallace, Whose conncct on with the hank have been from Ita 'ncei'tlon. the other officer Include another vice president, W". II. Huci ohi. Mr. Huclioll has been with the Omaha National five year. He cann rr to be cashier from Norfolk, where he was president of tha Norfolk National, and previous to that he a vice breWdfnt of th Central bank of Oakland, Cal. He hecamo . president of the Omaha Na tional on January 1 this year. That the Omaha .National Is now Installed In th handsomoat banking room west of Chic to ia In part, ut leas', due to him. for the act vt' work on the part of tho bunk In this connection ha fallen on hi shoulders. Ward M. llurgesa, another vice president. U vice praaidrnt of M. K. Smith i Co. and Ills snviita to the bunk are chiefly as a very tciiva One. lor. The cashkr, J. DeFonat Ulchard. was unt'l comparatively recent time preident of tho Wat National buiiU of Douglas, Vo. Th three aasietant cashier are Fiaii's Hoyd. B. A. Wilcox and Kirtt Mil lard. These thrt-e have grown up with the bank. Th las', named ia the aon of its fnt president aad thu nephuw of tt secoml President. Th directors of the banU. beaidaa the president, vice president tind cahler. are the well known Omaha capitalists and business mn: K. T Barton. J. K. P.aum, Charle II. Hrown. Isaac W. Carpenter. B. A. CuUahy, I.oula C. Naali andArthur C. Smith. More OI4 Heord. Besides the old bank records told of th Omaha National also haa th book of the Central National bank, which w ' organised In on off-hoot of First National j atock'holders. the president being John j McCormlck und the cashier J. M. Watson. ! W. A. Paxton was also In'erested In this I hank. It dlssolvd and went out of bus!- ! neea after a few years of life. The repudiated scrip of the city of Omaha j bear the signatures of Mayor Jesso Lot . and Hecorder II. J. C Anderson. Of this lloOWo was Issued by Omuha In 1&7 to build the old territorial oupitol, und the I Herndon house, now the old Vnlon Pacific I headquarters, was financed by thin Issue, i These old records have been stored In the original safe of the State bunk, also u telle tn itself. Thin little safe was deemed a fairly considerable affaJr in Ita day and It seema pitifully amall now compared to the great modern time locked ateel walled vault of the Omaha National In the new quarters. Cornhuskers' Club at University of Michigan i. ,1,., IMs'ier Omaha: l.ouis Omaha. Carl tjoehrltig. Oianl Island I. I tlrss Albion: Doalie Krllev, nuuilia. Il.irix Koikofsk. On-aha; W. Mrl '"n.ilil. o-ns a Arthur ) tinnhi: Mt Meirt II I IHIV It. .lt 17.. lOCHM'l. IMi llsli.T ' I. vj r', r,- .V) 1 ' ! 1 ! ! ; f it r'i f r; 1 ( 1 rsiMHiiv: . ik. n 1. vttle omuha: 15. .1 Rosen I'evi:. it i . ..-..I... I'. If, 1 i'n'mei Senl Fait bury ; rf Stmai-nsr omnia ink Webster. Omaha:.!. K Wootlwoith imi,.m. It. U. AlMon. Pointed I'sragrsphi. Tlie rac" for wealth ends at . 1 -i -tct y. Oct aslo ially a man breaks I iom' ao I gets tltiht. Main 11 h t time b en st.irte.l I t a edd b.-ttle. Some people try to substitute a plcs ant imillc f.r honesty. Work Is nbout the best rest 1 mo thu' has : et been dUcovered. It's nbout lime to count up the Cnnc yo.i Iicve to be thanl'ful T -r. Make n noise like remlv motie iv .1 your friends will nl forsake 011 1 cslnil st s are perins who eoul'lii 1 find happiness with a finn-tooth fundi Man'- a brave man never nets a eii.-i'ite to pun It. bkM Is lust as well satisfied It's the natural hracty of a widow that mi'lteii her want to take another ChSTiC. Something should be done to pre.-iit hens from lnlne so ninny eold-stoi aae eggs. Nlure Pi-' I'le would taUe t'lances it'tliev could t.trtn ha ,i in ills- thev rtldn I turn s.'- 1 ' ' 'hiciiKO News. 1 t r NB RKASKA STLDF.NT3 AT SCHOOU AT ANN ARBOlt. Total UIU.SH) Now contrast thla with tho statement made to the comptroller of the currency on November 10, WIO. These figure are us follows: HESOI.'KCKK I.oatiH and discounts b,ati2,77j Overdrafts 8.rttl I'nlted States bonds, for circulation TsO.W.ff Stocks und bonds a7,01tl Vault, furniture and fixtures IUOO11O I'nlted States bonds for deposits 418,237 Due from hanks and ap proved reserve agent... 2 i15.4oo Cash on hand 1.515.060 Due from I'nlted States treasurer 34.600 4,8S5.3'8 Total $13,389,038 LIABIUTIKS. Capital 1 $ 1,000,000 Surplus fund 200,000 Undivided profits 8S3,608 Bachelor' Kefleetlon. The funniest Joke sounds flat when a nan you hate tella It. The man of the houa has to have the bulhroom flrat, even if he's going to use it lust. Women have a keen Intuition about most everything; except the kind of man to marry. A little money tries to aing high; big money low, for fear somebody will try to borrow It. Babies deserve a lot of credit for re fusing to kiss rich relativea I ha rest of the family don't dare not to. A woman can be proud of her curly hair even when it's all wig. Kiss a girl one to get her angry and than again to get her over It. lotu of men act aa If breakfast with the family wa the tall end of the night mare thev had. A man thinks he's a devil of a fellow If he knows, from reading It in the news papers, an actress' favorite flower. New York Press. To th average Omahan a tiny piece of gold modeled Into tho semblance of an cur of corn and bearing upon Its face the let ter "M" with a "C" on either side of It would convey but llttlo meaning. The aame symbol, however, when worn upon the coat lapel of soinu thirty of the young Omahans and other Nebraskans who are enrolled In the University of Michigan mean to him who see It, that Its wearer Is a member of the Cornhusker club, one of the llvest of the many clubs and societies which flourish In the Wolverlna institution. The idea of a club among the Nebraska student of the university is by no means a new on, but Ilk other Ideas of the sort It waa agitated for years before it became a reality. Students of the older duys dreamed of a closer bond among Nebraska men which would result In great good, both to their native state and to their adopted university, but there dreams had their f'rst tangible result only last year, when a meet ing was held and the Cornhusker club was born. The organization has a dual mission. It wa the hop of thoaa who founded it that, above every other result. It might bring tho Nebraska men who hud journeyed so far in guest of an education to become better aug,ua!ntd with each other. Then men remtmbered their own first homesick days, when even th sight of one from home u halm to a suffering heart, und thty foresaw that smokers and soe, al meet ing where Nebraska nien might nil) el bows would serve to do way with much of this lonesome feeling attendant upon starting life in so large a school. It was also felt that meeting together throughout the year would bring the men into clover relationship and bring them a part of the advantage of acquaintance in Nebraska which they hud largely loat by seeking edu cation In a school other than their own state university. Th good of the university was by no means In the background In tho mind of tlie club's founder, und its second object wus to boost the I'nlvers ty of Michigan In Nebraska and to attempt to turn the faces of more younR NcbrHskuns Ann Arhor ward. How well this purpose has been accomplished is witnessed by the fact that the enrollment from Nebraska for th" pres ent year has Increased about 30 per cent over that of last your and by the other slgnif.cnnt fact thut, next to the University of Nebraska Itself, tho maize and blue school draws the largest number of tudenl from Omaha. Mar Have ehmsVn Club Hon. The club was launched so lat last year thut it was Impossible to secure a suitable olubhouse for tho present vear, but al ready committees are hard at work on plans for another year, and It Is distinctly within the bounds of probability that when the school year 1911-12 opens it will find a goodly number of th Nebraska contingent living In a house of their own. with par lors, dining hall, smoking rooms and all the comforts of home life. At present the Keystone club, composed of PennsTtvanla students, und the New York club are the only state clubs so situated, and the suc cess which these boys of other states have met In their undertakings has led the pro moters of the Cornhusker clubhouse pro ject to expect big things. The constitution of the club provides that any male student, of the university is cli giblo to active membership und the full privileges of the club. At present over thirty of the forty-odd NebruskuiiH in the university are members, and each meeting, of which three have been held already this full, brings forth a bevy of new Cornhusk ers who have been drugged from their hid ing places and who aro taken Into the club membership. Lost year the absence of fair Nebraskans from the university was not able, but the arrival of two "co-eds" this fall has raised a new problem for the busy club, and It is now a matter of consider able discussion as to whether tho club, hitherto exclusively masculine, will admit these "co-eds" to Its membership. Any person with Nebraska affiliation who has the purposes of the dub at bean is eligible for honorary membership. Kariy this year the entire Nebraska membership of tho Missouri Valley Alumni association i of the university bus brum taken Into hon- orury membership, and these men huve slg- Ml fled their pleasure at the action of th j club by expressing their deslr to help In 1 every possible way Its advancement. The club has found considerable favor with tho university faculty, who, realizing the worthiness of Its objects, have been i ready to help It In every way. Tho most f nthusHstlc members of the club are sev 1 eral of the university professors who have j been Nebraskans. 1 Among the faculty men who have lent their support to the club are Victor It. Mcl.ucaa, who has only this year given up his law practice in Omaha to accept an asslntant professorship in the law depart ment;' Dean T. Smith, professor of surgery In the Homeopathic college and formerly conected with the University of Nebraska; Arthur S. Pearse, instructor In itoology, formerly of Omaha High school, and Wal ter li. Plllsbury, director of the pshycho logical laboratory. John W. Chapman of Kearney Is the club's president, C. J. Abbott of Hyanms is vice president, Max Merrell of Falrbury is treasurer and W. L. Campbell of Belden Is treasurer. The list of members and it includes the names of many of the men who aro doing most for the success of the various activi ties which go to make up the life of the gieut university follows: C. J. Abbott, Hyannls; Q. H. Barnes, Omaha; Imvld Brodkev, Omaha: Carl Bum stead, Lincoln ; S. C Buresli. Omaha; V. I. Campbell, Bidden; J. v. Chapman. m YOU DHIE1K? TI10 IMiu'kitout Tliirc-!a.v Cure 1 tln" Trrattiirnf Without Had Alter Kf. f--ts t'osts Xotlilng in Coin pai istin. to OtUoi's Satis faction or No Vny. I know thnt It la practically uncles foi me to tell men I can cure their uppetiu and craving for Ihiuor In three davs - use less because the average drinking mat. ! does not w ish to be cured. I, "'hoi has so I weak":.! the "!! of most dr'okera that tiny do not realize the dunser thev are I In. But. I caii talk .o :he wives, innth lets, fathers, relative., rrleu.'s ami employ- dm? '4ai .'l.... ... V A Kearney; K. M. Oros.sinun, Omaha; C. S. Clark, Falrbury; K. K. Dugdale, Shelton; crs of men who are wasting their llvs and lmpovrlsh Ing themselves and fami lies through drink. 1 Invite everyone Interested In th curs of a drunkard to call upon or write to m that I may give them full particulars or the Blackstone Cure, which Is th latest and most improved treatment for alcohol ism, curing any case In three day. It la not now necessary to confine your patient in an Institution and pay an enor mous fee for treatment. The Blackstone Cur Is a slmpl. safe, non-poisonous treatment to b taken In the privacy of the home and costs about ONE-TKNTH as much as institute treatment. It 1 the most reliable and positive treatment known, and is sold by tho Blackstone company under un Iron-clad contract to cure In any cane or the small tee paid will b immediately refunded. Arthur U. Mor gan, manuK!' Black-stone Company, 307 to Sll Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Take elevator to third flour. it i I I The Officers and Directors of THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK announce the opening of their new banking rooms in the Omaha National Bank Building, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, on Monday, the twenty -first of November, nineteen hundred and ten, and cordially invite you to inspect their new quarters on and after Wednesday, November tiventy -third. 1TC m i it- 1 1 3 Wlr" m 'VS 1 WnHVy