GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Valuei Being Sent Down by Receipts. CORN MARKET ALSO HEAVY Flaormoaa Daantlo and Foreign Hornnf( ana Small Demand Kl peeled to Rrdaca Artlflolal Price la Bolh Market. OMAHA. Not. 18. 1910. Ths opinion In expressed by some of the beat traders that the wheat iltmtion 1 becoming heavier each day as export de mtnd iirnl domestic demand shows no lm- f movement. Values se4m artificial as these evel and without some unexpected In fluence lower prices are looked for. 1 ha corn market la heavy with the de cline In wheat and bearish crop figure re lei;!niilng to have their effect. Any signs of Increased country telling causes Ions to liquidate. 4 ash wheat ruled narrow and values were unchanged. Trade waa very moder ate, receipt being about normal for this season of the crop year. Outside market were weak and lower and It would not be surprising to see local value slump. Cash corn waa morn active today and Bale were reported VW-xO higher on Rood quality feeding corn. Receipts at primary points are increasing and are In exces of laat year at thla time. Should the move ment become heavy cash value will likely suffer. primary wheat receipt were 711.000 bu. and hlpmenta were frM.OHO bu., against receipt last year of 714.0U0 bu. and ship ments of 621,000 bu. Primary corn receipt wers 4S7,Ono bu. and shipments were .000 bu.. against re ceipt laat year of 216,0u0 bu. and shipments of i;9.flno bu. Clearance wers lrVO bu. of corn. 460 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 439.000 Liverpool closed 14 to Ud lower on wheat kvnd to Hd lower on corn. Omaha Cash rnm WHEAT No. 3 hard. WHSo; No. t hard, titytiWKW, No. 4 hard. 82U1; rejected hard, 73'H2c; No. 1 spring, 9oVi'39So; No. prlng. KaSiMrC. CORN No. 1 white, 4V7J4!14e: No. I white, r.V8ii4o; No. 4 white, 46ti'46'4o; No. 3 yeilow, 46V84ti',4e; No. 4 yellow, 46aVG'4ba4o; No. 2. 4u-4t'e; No. 1 4h4o; No. 4, 6V40,c; no grade. UQMo. OATS No. 2 white. vp.)0l4jo; tandard, S9V(JuV; No. 3 white. 2K''((30o; No. 4 white, 2yrf?30o; No. S yeilow, 2Kj'o; No. 4 yellow, nta-Sc BAHLKV-No. I. 70?7Je; No. 1 6MHv; No. 1 feed, bMic; rejected. (7fti3a RYlfi-No. a 71V72Wo. Cnrlot Receipts. Wheat Com. Oata is w 102 298 17 11 8a Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Jjuluth .... IUICAOO GHAI.t AND PROVISIONS tl 00 IM; extra fancy and straight, f3.tOtf4.30, hard winter clears, 83.3u3 90. CO ItNll K A L-82. R RAN Firm; sacked, east track. DIM. 11 A T Firm; timothy, tl4.0031t.00; prairie, 112 nrxa 16 on. PROVISIONS rork. Jobbing, $17 60. Lard, lower; prime eteam. 10.MKi 10 . 1 ry salt meat, lower; boxed extra shorts, 10"c; clear ribs, l"go; short clears, 10;c. Bacon, lower; boxed extra ehorts.t 2'e; clear ribs, 12'4c; short clear. 13VJ. l-ol'l.l RY Nieady; chickens, 9c; spring, 11c; turkeys, 17'4o; ducks, 13c; geese, 9o. RCTTKR Firm; creamery, 2tu.ilc IXJG3 Firm at 27 Ha Receipts. Flour, bhls .R"0 Wheat, bu. 44.0 Corn, bu . Oata, bu 71. Shipments. 8.100 41.0w ln.non 43.01 SEW YORK OKM1RAI, MARKET Qnotntlons on Varloa f the Day Com mod 'tie, NEW YORK. Nov. 18. FLOUR Pull; spring patents. IS.liVaS.40: winter straight. $4 10-i4 26; w inter patents. $4 4 H 4. 75 ; spring clears, 84 lr.-a4.40; winter extras No. 1, $140 til. 70; winter extras No. 3, fl.2Mii.10; Kan sas straights, $4.6034 76. Kecelpts, 26.417 Bhls. ; shipments. H,7R.'t bhls. live flour, firm; fair to good, 34 "J 4. 25; choice to fancy, t. ZTi'u 4. 40. buckwheat flour, steady! $1 s.f(i2 'io per It lbs. C'OliN.M KAL Steady: fine white and yel low. Il.15frl.20: coarse. Il.lOiiLlu; kiln dried. $2.HiV& 2 90. WHEAT Fnot market easy: No. a red. 9!4o, elevator, and 9fc, f. o. b. afloat; Jo. 1 northern Duluth, 31. W4. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market opened firm on the cables and prospects of smaller world' shipments, but declined sharply on weaker cash mar ket, predictions of larger receipt and foreign selling, closing ,ao net higher. December cloBed at 97c, May at $1.027i and July at $1.00. CORN Spot market easy; No. I, 674c, elevator, domesUo basis, to arrive c. 1. f.; new No. 2. 6140, f- o. b., forward shlpmenta. Future market waa without transactions, closing at HcSc net decline. December closed at 54c and May at 64c. OATS Spot market easy; standard white, !7c; No. 2, 37e; No. 3, 3ic; No. 4, 860. Fu ture market eaMer on prospect for larger receipt, closing at Vaiic net decline. No vember closed at S.'c, Decembtr at 87Wo, May at S!"4c and July at Wc. HAY Steady; prime, $l,12Vi; No. 1, $1,074 CI. 10; No. 2, Kicfj $1.00; No. 8, KKJUOc. HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice, lmo, lsjjiic; loffl-isc; Paclflo coast, liUO. 14i&lSc; IKiiS, l(jl4o. LEATHKR-Firm; hemlock first. 23Vf5 afHc; seconds, 21' 23c; thirds, 19((j20o; re Jeots. 1i'i4j17c. PROVISIONS Pork, eteady; mess, $1!.60; fenilly, $24 (I0(( 25.00; short clear, $21.00tf22.o0. Beef, steady; mess, $14.0ivlB.0l; faniilv. i.oa2D.V0; beef hams, $24.5O8'27.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, 12 to 14 pounds, $14.7518.75; pickled hams, $13..Wjl4O0. Lard, easy; middle west, prime. $lt.90rq ll.w; re- com- Amerlca, $12.75; prime city, hhds.. tc; feat area of the Trad Ins and Cloatns Price oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Corn sold today at the lowertt prices In several years and pulled down all the other leading staple on 'change. Net decline were; Wheat, Ho to c, corn, Mvo to HWc; oats, un changed to Ho; provision, nio to 12o. The weather was perfect for putting new Corn Into merchantable condition and there u plenty of evidence of an Increase In country sale. Sustaining and cribbing were reported to be la general far ad vanced. Many country dealers, it waa asserted, had made urgent requeata for car. Pri mary rwelpta were more then double those of a year ao. Faoed by uoh an array of bearish circumstances the market turned decisively downward right from the start and had but few and unimportant reac tions. Cash corn went Vulc lower here, especially for new. Boutli western markets meanwhile dropped off generally liaise. The decline resulted In export business of seventeen boat load of new corn, ocean freight rates being low. Nevertheless, the closing tone was weak and last prices within a shade of the lowest of the day. May ranged from 4So to 47He. finishing at 4iU4ta. a loss of rq'a compared with twenty-four hours previous. In the wheat trade less was beard of the Argentine situation, although rains were reported as having fallen there. Except for a short time at the start, the main In fluence was the weakness of coarse grain. On the resulting decline, however, there was no liquidation or stop-loss selling suf ficient to break the market below 90c for December. May fluctuated between 9614c and 97 He, closing Ho down, but steady, at WHo. Unloading by December longs sent down the price of oat. May ranged from $3c to and finished at Sttia, a net loss of Ho. Most of the weaknej was In the op tions nearer by. Export houses and corn traders were the chief sellers of provisions. Pork closed EHo to 12M.0 down, lard off 7Ho to 12V4o aJid ribs at a decline of 5417 Wo. The leading futures ranged as follows: fined, easv; South pound, $8.75((i9.0a TALLOW gulet; country, V'abc. POULTRY Alive, easier; western chick ens, 14a'15c; fowls, 14'a'lBc; turkeys, 14'ir20c; dressed, firm; western chickens, 13V4wlc; fowls, 1.1jpl7Wc; turkeys, 1724o. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, SJUJi 83c; extras, SlVtc; third to first, 2411290; creamery held, second to special, EfaV' 32c; state dairy, common to finest, 24J 31 e, procexs, second to special, Z4'y27c; Imi tation creamery, first, 24S4fn25'ie; factory. une make, first, 1:4 u 240; factory, current make, 23V4C CHEESDJ Steady; skims, full to speolal. 12o- W RATHER IS THE) GRAIN BELT ndlcatton for Contlnoed Fair la This Vicinity. OMAHA, Nov. IS, 1910. The weather continues srer.erallv cloudy In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys and light rains continue In the lower valleys and west gulf states. Fair catner now prevails In the eastern states and Ions cloudiness Is shown west of the Missouri river into the mountains. Un settled weather still prevails In the extreme northwest and rains and snows are a;aln reported falling In Washington and Idaho. slight, but general fall In temperature occurred In the upper Missouri valley last night and a slight rise occurred In the middle Mississippi, lower Missouri valleys nd on the southern Rocky mountain slope. but no important change is shown In any section since the last report. The weather in continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with but slight changes In temperature. l emperature and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. Lowest last night 26 16 47 32 Precipitation 00 .00 - .00 .00 Normal temperature for today. So degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 14.27 Inches. Excess corresponding period in 1909. 3 52 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908. 01 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Articles. Open.l Hlgh, Low. Cloae. Yes y. Wheat I Dec. 91 T4 tl 90 SOHtf'H May 96Ttfi7 7' 95'i t July 93 93H 92 2 93 Corn ' Deo. 4514 HS 44i 444 tf 45H May 47 8 s 47N, 4fi,48-ViiV 47H July 48 (iV 4V 47H 47Vi'48 r0V Oats . I Jec. 30 3074 3OHI30WH SOT, May 84 SSk 34 1KH 33 84 July 83-V 84 83S S3?, 83?4 fcrk Jan. 17 80 17 83 17 22 17 $5 17 87 May 16 26 1 27 16 20 16 22 It 25 Xrd Nov. 10 82 10 82 10 65 10 70 10 82 Jan. 10 07 10 10 97 10 00 10 10 Mar t 62 62 65 ( 66 9 66 St lbs Jan. 920 M 13 15 8 SO May 8 92 8 96 8 87 8 87 8 96 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 18 WHEAT De cember, $1.0K; May, ll.OtVffl.os. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.06; No. 1 northern, $1.04 l.OT.; No. a northern. IL00HI&1.03H: No. 3. BSc((($1.02. FLAX Closed at $2.64. CORN No. 3 yellow, 52e. OATS No. 8 white, 90i-831o. RYE No. 8, 7374c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $20O0T20.50. FLOUR First patents, $4.86'36.36; second patents, 4.7.rS6 25; first clear, $3.253.60; second clears, $2.6092.75. Philadelphia Prodmce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 18. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 84c; nearby prints, 85c. LOtlS 2c higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 86c, at mark: current receipts. In returnable cases, 33o; western firsts, free rases, 36c; current re ceipts, free cases, S3 a. I'tlKL'SK-Firm: New York, full creams. fancy, September, 15o; October, 14(al6o; fair to good, 1441 4c. No. a Cash quotations wero as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patent. 84.WKT0; winter straights, x3.7Mav4.3u; spring patent. 84-JK for best hard; spring straights, $42541 ao; oaaers, RYK 'n ZXU-n BARLEY Feed or mixing, 6OJ70c; fair to (jnoice malting, vxyszc. MEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. $2 5RV. TJo. 1 northwestern, $2.6S. Timothy, 8T7.504 Clover, 111,11. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. $17.50 Sii. ib. LAra, per uiu in., (10.70. Short ribs, aides, loose. $9.50(3 10.60. Short clear sides, boxed, $10.(Ki 10 25. Total clearances of wheat and Tour were equal to 448.UI0 bu. Exports for the week. aa shown by Itrudstreet s, were equal to B..29.UI0 bu. Primary receipts were 711.000 bu., compared with 714,000 the corresponding cay a year ago. Eatlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. Bl cars; corn, tH cars; oats, 118 cars; hogs. ai.ift" neao. HITTER Creameries, 24g30o; dairies. EOUS Firm; receipts, 1.669 rases; at Biark, cases included, l9S'Z2e; firsts, 29c; prime flrstr, 81c. CHEESE steady; daisies. 15515Hlc twins. 14Sifil4c; young Americas, 15-(J D(; luna lioriia. inv. POTA'lXJErt Firm; choice to fancy, 43f etc; lair 10 gooa, POULTRY steady ; turkeys, live, 16e; 0reed, 22c; hena, live, 10c; apiings, live. VEAL Steady ; 50 to SO-lb. wts., 8-flOo; 60 to fcVlb. wts., ll iillc: K6 to 110-lb. w ts., 12c 1 nicago eceipt wneat, 13 cars; corn 193 cars; oats, 1U2 cars. Estimated Tomor row Vt heat, 51 cars; corn, 2J4 can; oats. UJ cara Kaaaaa City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 18 WHEAT Fu ture closed as follow: Deoeuiber, so Jrtay, t-ic: juiy. m,u. lun, unchanged iso. 1 naia, i.c'i1.wj. iso. s, Jgc; No. red, 95o; No. 8, Kc COR-S December. 43'40-43Ho: May. 45c July, o. Caah, unchanged; No. 8 mixed. ?4juo; .. , wuwivau; io. j wnite, uutiuc Mo. S, 47 j 490. OATS I ru hanged; No. I white, $2J6o, o. ai'u.uo. R Y E No. 3. 70S5C tc. HAY Unchannd; choice timothy, $14.00 tiii 50; chuloe prairie. $11 iV,i 12 64. BUTTER Creamery. Sue; firata, Vc; sofl- pinls. 2t.o; pacaing stix-a. zivta. KGUS ExUaa, 3o; flrats, 80o tx&da. IsJC Receipts. Bhlpments. wheat, bu m ow is V Corn, bu 17. oo i0j LmU. bu 4,1AM 8.OU0 St. Loot Uonoral Market ST. LOUIS. Nov. W -WHEAT Futures, luAer: December, 9lo; alay, .c nun, lower; No. i red, j96o; No. 1..,i .. il .02. CORN-Vuturee, lower: Decern bar 44c May, in. t Hah. steady; track. No. k, .o- N. I whlta Uc. iiiTH-tliturm. weak: December. 81c Vy. i'o. Cal, lower; track. No. 8. tIJlo; No. 8 white, 4i34c H V F UtichaiiKed. 7v;. SEED Ttiuoihy, S7.0uu"9 25. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Shrinkage in Proportion of U. S. Steel and Union Pacific. GROWING EASE OF CASH MARKET Receipts of Correney kr Banks Have Ostrsa Shipments en Interior Movement by Thrro Mil lion Hollars. NEW TORl(, Nov. 18 There was a heavy shrinkage today In the proportion of the rtenllnps In United States Hteel and 1'nlon Pacific to the aesrregate volume of the market. These stocks, together with Reading, furnished the medium for con centrated speculative operations which had become so conspicuous as to arouse sus picion. Ttie discussion had become so In sistent as to come under official investiga tion today throuch the Initiative of the brokers concerned. The absence of any official censure had the effect of removing; some of the un easiness which had beKlin to be felt. The growing ease of the money market was an effective factor In favor of the advance In prices. The average of the day's call loan rate fell below 3 per cent. The reports from the banks today on the week s currency movement disclosed thst receipts have outrun shlpmenta on the Interior movement to the extent probably of $3,000,000, while the withdrawals on sub treasury operations amounted to only $1, 040.ono. There was a further decline today in the private d scount rate In London. Reported buying of copper In the do mestic market explained the strength of the copper industrials. The shifting of the principal speculative activity to Read ng and the revival In the Rock Island Issues was supposed to point to a shift In the personality of the lender ship. Renewed rumor of a coming Increase In the Lehlch Valley dividend figured In the movement. Ponds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $2.SM,0ii0. United States bonds were un changed on rail. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: tale. Hit. Law. Closs. noon ths market was steady with prices raiiKlng from V above to below yester day s New York closing conenli. money..., ! srocint , Amil fuptsr Annronrtt , Atrhlsnn o '. Psltlmnre St Ohio., ranailtan Pirlfle... t'hlrssn (I. V. ttil., VII. A St. r I IWr InTr Rio O... do pfd Erls j 1st rM. ....... do id pfd Orsnd Trunk , llllnnH Ontral HLVF.R Her. MONEY 43i& luilll N iw .. T, M.. K. T H .. 71S N. Y (Mtrtl 117 .. H Nnrfols A W 114 ..I""1 do pfd " ..l'MH Otitirto A W . 1104 pnnn Irants ..1U Kind Mnr ' 1 i;i'4 r.'S J "'4 0 !.' V ItNillni , . 114 Soutljrn ,.ir do r'd .. snlhftm Paclflo. .. SSS Vnlon Pmriric... ,. 7 do ptd .. HH C. 8. Steel ,. pfi do pfd .. WH Whh ,. 241 do pfd .17 Oranlah 4a steady at JoK-lbd per 01 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 7-104 per cent. REPORT OP THE CLEARING HOC9B Transaction of the Associated Banks for the Week. NEW TORK, Nov. 18. Pradstreefs bank clearlnfta report for the week endtng No vember 17 shows an aggregate of $.i..H,3!'0, as aualnst, $2,o73.7i'1.0tiO last week and $:i,ir7,779.0"0 In the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of the cities: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET, Cornfed Beeres Twenty-FiY" to Forty Lower Than Year Ayo. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Net Hecllno since Last Saturday Is Fifty to Sixty Cent Shorn Also Are Doll and Lower la Price. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 1$, 191 Csttle. II. 'gs. Sheep. .11.7KS 8.h3S 84.312 . 7.5,3 . 8.417 . l,4t.4 6.t.9 S.ivHl CITIES. Clearing. Inc. Dec. 84 1H M'i M 24 1H 13 inn SI1 l'W4 r 142 M ii vt iw 119 io;s 82', 77'i llN. 34 V4 106 47 1474 U4 S7 8 in 136 iii" 33 74 S4 4Si 7Ti 1M m4 6Vs 133 21 MVi 11 10 M4 4 1H 18 V ks 1;4 4714 141 1'I0'4 11 ims 32 '4 77 1WJ (4 vxn I2'4 234 4 147 U2 T 8474 59 4 1344 t . . Its 33 74 33 80 n v p i 13$ 24 113 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. IS. WHEAT Root. firm; No. 2 red western, winter, 7s Id; fu tures steady; December 7s d; March, 7s lhd; May, 7a !d. CORN Spot firm: American mixed. 8 d; futures steady; January, nominal; Feb ruary, is Ia. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Not. 18. FLOUR Steady. W HEAT No. 1 northern. tl.0Cai.07i No. 1 northern, $1.041.06; May, 96o. OATS XlCg 3.1c BARLEY Samples, 7g8!o. Allls-rlhalmeni pfd . AmslKsmsteil roppsr ,000 7OT4 s4 American Airrlculttir! Amertran llet Sugtu. ., American Can American (3. A P American ("VHton Oil... American 11. A L pf4. Am. Ice Bpruritlea American Linseed American LooomotlT , American 8. A R. Am. As R. pfd Am. Btiel Poundrlea. .. Am. Buftar Refining..., American T. ft T American Tnhaoco pfd. Amrlos.n Woolen AnacomU alining Co.., AtcMfton Atchlvnn pfd Atlantlo Uotuit Una..., naltimore ft Ohio....... Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr (.Canadian Paclflq Central Leather Ontral Leather pfd..., Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio 1.(00 (3 Chicago ft Alton Chicago o. W., new C. O W. pfd Chicago ft N. W , C, M. A 8t. P , e.. C, tt A St. L , Colorado F. ft I Colorado ft Southern... .. Consolidated Ga Com Producta Delaware A Hudson , Denrer ft Hlo turunda...., D. ft R. O. pfd rMstlllera aecurltlea .... Krle Erie 1st pfd Krle M pfd General Electrlo Great Northern pfd Ureal Northern Ore ctfl, Illinois Central Interhf-ougli Met. ....... Int. Met. pfd International Harreeter . Int. Marine pfd International Paper , International Pump .... Iowa Central Kansas City Bo K. C. Bo. pfd Laclede Oaa Loulavllle ft Xaahyllle... Minn. St. L - M., Bt. P. ft 8. B. M... . I0 M , K. ft T . 00 M , K. ft T. pfd Mlsaowli Paclflo tOt 81 Katlonal Biscuit , National Lead N. R. R. of M. 2d pfd. New York Central N. T., O. ft W .. Norfolk ft Western. North American ........ Northern Paclflo ...... Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa P., C, c. ft At. L Plttahurg Ooal Preeeed Steel Or Pullman Palace (ar Railway Steel Spring.... Reading Republlo Steel Kepubllo Steel pfd Rork Island Oo Hock Island Co, pfd.... St L. A B. F. M pfd.. St. Louis S. W St. L S. W. pfd 8loex-Sheffleld 8. ft 1..., Southern Paclflo Southern Railway ...... 80. Railway pfd , Tennessee Copper Texas ft Pacific T., Bt. L. ft W I , at, u ft w. pta t'nlnn Paclflo Union Paclflo pfd .. fulled State Realty United Slate Rubber United States Bteel V. S. Steel pfd Vtah Oopper Va. -Carolina Chemloal ... Wahuh Waoaah pfd Western Maryland Wenttnauouee hUeotrls .... Weetern Unloo ttM) T8 'heeling ft L. B. .......... ...... .... Kx -dividend. Total salae for the day, 8M,S0O Peoria Market. PKORIA. Nov. 18. CORN I.O wer: No. 8 or better. fiOc; new No. 8, 46c; new No. 4, m'VA ot; sample, iio. OATS Lower; No. 8 white. 82'ic: No. 8 white. 8IV0; NO. 4 white. 3XJVc: standard 2i tn 1,300 KK lfO tnn oo 4i0 8,0( mo 300 'Voio 1 " sno t.DOO 3o 100 , 100 (0 1.800 l.ero 1.000 100 wo 710 8,4m 300 8.0 400 J, WO "ioo lf0 6,s.l I.HOO Law 2.10 l'0 1,110 200 1"0 1.900 1.200 100 8,300 600 m i!w'io 800 200 4,7oO 200 100 J00 1,6"0 mo ICO $00 "'200 600 ...102,100 700 100 ... 81,100 . 4,000 100 too 8. 4oo LSOO 0 1,100 -0 800 H.SOO 400 ! ""ioo T8.100 , L1O0 , (.too , 8,400 400 , 700 SJO 374 70N, 4t4 3"4 104 M4 64 244 n 1214 3H 8114 10 47 UTS 142 4 34 14 42 10314 IOO '4 11H14 107 sa4 "I 19M4 U W.14 M 40 43 2li 3 144 iioii 34 1144 4:114 ts 63 114 , 1014 130 4 104, 'ii" S3 1M14 SS m 84 U S3 11"4 7 to i"iH M'4 'te" si IVTH SO 14 SH 17 4 7'4 42 MM 104 i, 145T4 lMi 34 'wii 8414 11 2. 43'4 S tin l!4i 80 12'4 106 13 1614 83 '4 714 84 414 11714 17 44 1744 n 14 '" T 117 44 24 174 lK 4Mi 'tiii New York ChlooKO Koston , Philadelphia HL Ixiuls Kansas City , I'ltU'hurK Psn tanclsco ...j.. Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans , Cleveland letroit OMAHA Los Anpreles Ixiuisvllle Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Ruffalo Ienver , Indianapolis Atlanta, Providence Portland, Ore Memphis Richmond .. Fort Worth Salt Lake City Washington, D. C St. Joseph Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane Toledo Rochester Nashville Hartford I9 Moines Peoria Norfolk .., New Haven Sioux City Wichita Grand Rapids Syracuse Auarusta, Ga 2.1 1 Birmingham 4714 ' Springfield, Mass.. Kvansvllle Dayton Oakland, Cal , Oklahoma City Jacksonville, Fla.., Portland, Me Worcester Little Rock Knoxvlllo Wheeling. W. Va., Charleston, 8. C. ,. ChattanooKa Uncoln Wilmington, Del... Mobile Topeka Davenport , Wllkesbarre , Kalamazoo Fall River , Cedar Rapids Sacramento New Red ford Springfield, III Macon Youngstown Fort Wayne Helena Fargo, N. D Columbia, 8. C... Akron Canton, O Lexington Krle, Pa Sioux Kails Rockford, 111....... guincy. 111 Illoomlngton, 111... Springfield, O Chester, Pa South Bend, Ind.. Ixiwell KlnKhamton Jackson, Miss 1&411 I'ecatur, 111 .1. 10.3! . 10.&I. 1.8,. IO.81. 9.4 . .... 'i'.ol. 2.2,.. 16. .. 9.4 11.6 6.2 12.4 1.7 2.1 21.0 tU.3 'ii'.i 8.01... 21.0... 6.2 , 19.1 .1 14714 7 8ft'4 6014 13ii lfi lt 33 7314 83 " 4 87 1S3 ra 0014 139 21 56 112 lf. 12 43 20 fc liif. 14 29 i?t i m 61 110 M 36 114 4.1 U to llf 30 130 l'K It.. 20 :a 1M 34 $l,74,W6.0no. 2T4.4.'0 . 1M.6.S3.0 0) . 164.3i)H.(io 8t.116.0i B7.4s7.000 62.3'.'G,00o B2,M2.tiO 87.M6.KXII 25.01 . 2.;i.l. 243.0io 22,Mfi,0"0 21.381.liO! 18,591,0001 is.a 14,ll.0"0 I 14.W.00"j 11.8 io,ia.(iu! 12.4tio.000 12,47.(lo' ll.fiSl.OOO 10,792.000 10.fsi2.OiOj 18.700,01 10J 10.0xo.0iK) i2,nr.s.tM 12.779.0HOi 7,KJ,0iiO, 9.321,000 8.349,000 7.600.001)1 7,705.000 8.3).0OO C,SoS.0il0 4.nllS,OIIO 7.439.0OO 6,246,000 6,022.000 4.M).O0O 4.264,0011 4 419 fluO 8.9f0,OiO. 8 412.0 0; 4.293.0001 8.2n0,0m 2,6i),O00 8,391,0o0 3,326,000 2,&92,mN) 4,42ii,O0O 2,89.0i ; Z.itiR.OIlO 2.7H6.00I) 2.23S.OHO 8,317,0001 2,893.0001 8,049,001) 2.217.OO0 2,723,ON) 2,9a.O(in 1,796,0001 1.929,0001 2.710,000 2.3r.000 1,6.2,000 S3.l 9.91 12.31 7.0 10.01 21.9! 19.61 11.3 7.8 25. 1 17.6! 4.3 '30! i iv 1 85. 2 24. (H 63.1 8.8 46.7' 34.9 6.4 1.4 22.6 63.8 13.2 17.3 26.6 2.8 3.6 1.721.000, 14.6 &44 I " 1. 11 ' , All ....... j4T4 . Mansfield, O ri!4 ; r reniont, ien 34 Vlcksburg, Miss . 1 Jacksonville, 111... J , Duluth I 1 ranton. Pa 6l"i ! "Houston 11 kJ ' aalveston 17 2 24 4C 178u M 71 86 so U7 60 3 17 87 4 to Tl 6 Dnlntn Grain Market. DULUTH. Nov. 18 WHEAT-December. $1.04; May, 8U08; No. 1 northern, 81o6; No. 8 northern, tL02'oil.0CV. OATS-31C, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18 COTTON-Soot. closed quiet: nilddllns: uplands, 1460c; mid dling- gulf, 14 .6c. Sules, l.loo bales. Fu tures closed steady. Clo.iing bids: Novem ber, 14 -Xc; l)e.-mber, 14.32c; January, 14 27c; February, 14 34c; March, 14.42a; May, 14 67c; June, 14.64c; July, 14.64o; Aug ust. 14.23c ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 18 COTTON Higher; middling, 14c. Sales, none; re ceipts, z.K bales; shipments. 2j6 bales: stock, 12,6uO bales. New York cotton market, as furnlsheo. by lgan As Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange.. 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Now York Money Market. NEW YORK, Nor. 18. MONEY On call, easier; 2ir21 per cent: ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing bid. X per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, dull and easy; sixty days snd ninety days. 4 per cent; six months, 4??4 per cent. PRIME) MERCANTILE PAPER 6U per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.824? 4.8210 for slxtv-day bills and st 84 S6 for de mand. Commercial bills, 4.1'S4.81. SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars. 44o. RON I 8 Government, steady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds were ss follows: U. S ret. Is, re....iw mt M. M, 4e... do coupon 1" Japan 4s V. 8. 3a. reg 141 do 4a do coupon lvm-K. u. bo let sm. V. 8. 4, reg 11S U ft. deb. 4s l3l do coupon 115 L. ft N. unl. 4s... Allla-T,1 let 6s.... 78 M K A T. 1st 4 Am. Ag. 6a. 1"2 do gen. 4a Am. T. T. er. 4a..l'S Ho. Paoiflo Month I High. I Open.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Dec. ... 14 S I 14 87 14 26 14 32 14 81 Jan. ... 14 26 I 14 88 14 14 27 14 26 Mar. .. 14 42 14 43 14 S3 14 43 14 88 May ... 14 68 I 14 oM 14 46 14 67 14 52 July ... 14 48 I 14 66 14 48 14 64 14 48 1 Lot U Dull, red winter patanta, U-3 J Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts NEW YORK, Nov. 18. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet, but steady, .lth small offerings on the snot. Fancy Quoted at llgllo, choice at t prune at I1flj0 ana common to lair at 6"j7o. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet and firm; quotations raime from 60 to liV.c for Cali fornia up to 3O-40S and at SVo to 9o for Oreifous from 60s to SOh. Apricots are In active, but steady; choice, 12al3c; extra cnoico, ucjijic; rancy. S(iRc; extr: iancy, Ralsliiii are quiet and un settled owing to conditions 011 the coast. Louse must-ate. s are uuoted at 6lft7V cht Ice to fancy seeded at bVu7c. selles ai uo ana xxinuon layers at 1 ivyl.ii. Tnryrntlne Market. SAVANNAH, Nor. 18.-TLIENT1NE firm; 76o. ROSIN-Flrmj typo F. 6.o.00; Q, I5.f.t 4 4 73 87 84 Waterloo, Is t- 1.61fi.4lOO 1.8M.0O0! 1.607,000 1.414,000 1,426.000 1.6K2.OO0 1,663,000 1,932,000 1,462,0001 930,0001 l,471.O0Oi 1,108,000 1.217,000 1,OR8,000 83,ono 1,332.000 1,131,00) 1,064,000 948.000 1.025,000' 1,801,000 835,000: 621,000! 60,000! 647,000 ord.oooi 671,OoOI 670.000 676,000) 604.000 424. OUO 711.000 237,000 4S0.000 260.OI0 4.812,000 2.812.000 86.648.000 20,982,000! 1,223,000 L142.0U 18.5 .3 12.2 82.3 4. 6.2 7.6 21.2 22.41 9.2 4S.4 2.3 25.6 23.6! 9.8 .9 7.9 14.6 32.6 13.6 1 20.7 16.6 13.0 5.6 li".9l 1.1 8.9 28.2 88.1 6.9 7.0 17.2 1.4 6.6 .6 Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday. Official Thursday.... Estimate Friday ... Five days this week.. 32. 634 Same days last week 20. 29 Same duys 2 weeks ago..3X.27 Same days 8 weeks ago. .87. 132 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 86. 137 Same days last year 2S,6.j2 The following table suows of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to date as compared witn last year: isio. 1909. Inc. Deo. Cattle 1,108,1125 9S7.097 117.828 Hobs l.7o3.9) LW0.41 Sheep 2,786, isiO l.DHb.lHl The following table shows prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: 30.4 i 29.6i8 8.943 3.661 26.M6 113.84 14.617 71, 14.715 12y.62l IS. 129 110, 4W 21.7'4 161, 7i 21.C.'3 37.419 the receipts 246,483 800,781 the average Dates. I 1810. 1908.1908.1907.1908.1905.1904. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 16... 16... 17... 18... 7 6 7 84 7 8K ss 7 74 7 664, 7 31 7 :, T 83 7 73 6 68 7 761 6 61 7 Ml 6 79 7 88 I 6 74 16 6), 7 971 7 9rti 5 69 7 931 6 64 7 93: & &i 83 I 6 07! 4 80 4 951 , 82 4 831 00 4 70 6 j 4 SSI 6 Bl 4 84 i 6 06 4 72 4 HO; 8 10, 4 66 6 06 14 Ml 14 68 4 80 4 73! 4 97 4 89 4 80 e 4 69 4 84 4 63 4 71 4 67 'Sunday. Rece.pts and disposition of live stock At the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, tor twenty-four hours ending at P. y terday ; RECEIPTS CAR3. Cattle. Hogs.Sh'p.H'r's. C, M. & St. P Missouri Pacific I num Pacillc C. At N. W., east C. A,N. W.. west C, SU P., M. ot O.... C, R. A Q., east C, R. At west C, R. 1. AV P., east.. C, R. I. & P.. west.. llllnolH Central Chicago Ureal West.. Total receipts... 3 3 2 4 12 2 6 16 4 1 11 42 16 1 7 1 3 2 65 78 10 17 1V2 1.092 215 1.2iJ 40 475 794 622 13S 1,497 93 27 36 4 14 3 8 141 S.632 7.7 83.0 'Not Included In totals because compari sons are incomplete. "Not Included in totals because contain ing other items than clearings. Local teearltin. Quotations furnlsbea by Burns, Brinks ft Co.. 448 New Omaha Nat'l bank building: ma. askea Boyd Co,, Neb., warrants, 6 par oent.. City ot Oniaha 4s, 1IU City of Omaha 4a, lull City of Omaba 4a, U2t CUy National Hank Uldg. ta, 1M0 Colorado TeL Oo. t rT eeou ColumDus. Nob., E. U be. 1M4 Cudahr Facklng Co. 6s, lWtt Detroit Edieun 8a, 1W8. Fairmont Uroairery 1st g. 6 for oent.. Hardy, Neb. (Municipal) lo Kansas City It. ft L. tie, notes, ItlJ.. Ksnaaa O. ft B. 1 per ot. ptd, Wlotuta lues Portland Cement 1st 4a, Llncolo Tel. ta, ltil bong Bell Lum, ea, 1H Nruraaka (Nance Co.) w. per eeat.. fcllcblgan Slate Tel. f. 1M Uuialia Water 8a, l4t , Omaba ft C. B. St. Kr. pfd 8 per soot Omaba ft a B. St. Ky. U, UA Immh ias is, lull Omaha Oaa ta. 114 Fabel Brewing Co. com Union Block Yexdo, a Lock St. Ixmla. cltr, 4a 8tsio Jrlro insurance s los 18 0 M 101 M 8t M 111 M M 1W 1st 109 lu . M lot 104 10 100 104 M 101) 100 10 m t7 104 n m Am. Tobacco 4a M N. R. K. of M. 4s 4 do OJ N. T. 11 g. ! Armour ft Co, 4a.. 1 do deb, 4s 3 H. ft N. .. N. ..V ct. e ,.1' N, ft W. let a .. 4 do or. 4a .... .. N. l-acltlo 4e. .. i'4 dO SB , O. 8. le rfg. 4s. At"htaon gen. do ct. 4e do ce. 6a A- tt U lrt 4. Bal ft Ohio 4... "do 8a do a. w is... Brook. Tr. ot. 4s.... 83 penn. or, la 1318 Wen. ot Os, to 10 a ooo. 4s Ten. Leather to IS Reading gen. 4a... .' of N. J. g. ta...V8t. U ft 8. F. tt, ( dies, ft Ohio 4s.. .101 do gen to do ret b 4 U s. w. o. 4s, ttiloago ft A. .. t 'do 1st gold 4a.... C. B. ft J. 4.... MS. A. U. 4s do gen. 4e ' 8o. Tao. coL 4s..., M f. g IS do CT. 4s C. R. I. ft P. e. 4s. 74 do let ret. 4s do rfg. 4a Bo Railway to...... X'olo. Ind. to 77 'do geo. 4s , v'olo. Uid. 4a 70 Union Psoitis 4b..., C ft A r. ft . 4a ' do ct. 4s , I), ft H. ct. 4o ft do 1st ft ret 4s.., 1 ft H (). 4m. 44 r. B, Rubber ta... do rsf. to to V. 8. Rt Id to... Pli.ttllera' to 77 eva -Car. rtiem. in Ki le p. L 4a 83 Hibuo 1st toe Jo gen. 4a 7". do let ft ei. 4s.., do ot. 4o. ser. A... '4 Weetern Md. s do eertea B 7 West, ..lee. or. to. Oeu Blec. CT. to 14T Wta. Central .... III. On. lt ret. 4s.. v Mo. Pao. ct. to.... Int. Met 4a ... M UI1. OUered, H ...1M 1... K ...100 ... ... 7 ... St . .1W . S 81 . " . 7S . " . . 1 . 4 .l'W . 74 .11 .1 . ' .1UI .ll! .l .HO . .'. . St . H . J . 1 Nrw York Mfnlnsr Storks. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Closing quota tions on mining et'Jces ere v Alios t) i'm. Tunnel stock. 23 do londi in Coo. Cs.1. Va S Hra SllTor ) Iron Silver le& eiedville Cos. 10 uttered. Little OUef IdeilcaA ..... Ontario Ovhir ....... hiuiitlard 10 ...UK) ,...U ... 4 Boston Mining- Stocks. BOSTON, Nov. 18. Closing quotations on stocks wers as follows: 43 Mohawk 41 To Nevada Oon 80 &; Nlpleslng Mine, .... o 17 Nortb butts 7 North Lake 1 Old Dominion 4J su Osceola Ho 44 Parrott A A C 111 w0 Wulncy 7e It Shannon U , 70 Buperlur 41 , llSurlor A B. M 7 , 11 Superior ft P. 0 14 , 1 Tamarack i ,44 U. B. B H. ft M... 87 , 8 do pM 4; , rtab Con, 84 . 1 t'tah Copper Co o , 87 Wiuone Atloues Amal. Copper a. z. u . a Artiona Com. Atlantlo B. ft U C ft . M. Butts Coalition .... Cal. ft Arisen. Cul. ft Heuia. Centanolal Ctlper Kango O. C. Rant Bull C M.., Krenklln ............ Oirnus Clon. Urunbr C'on. Oreene Cananee .., lele Koyale Copper.. Kerr Lko Lake Copper ........ m. Balle Copper Jdlvul Copper ..... DISPOSITION-HEAD, Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company..,, cudahy Packing Co... Armour At Co Cudnhy, from Denver, W. Is. Van bant & Co. Hill & Hon F. B, Dewlls , J. R. Root At Co , J. 11. Bulla Kline & C Other buyers Totals 1.921 4,673 ,602 CATTLE Ao usual on a Friday supplies were comparatively light and the market presented few new features In any depart ment. Only a few bunches of cornfed beeves were included in the offerings and these were not of a particularly desirable character. On the other hand there were several loads of very desirable range beeves and dressed beef men all seemed to take a little more Interest In them and cleaned up the supply at steady to a little stroner prices all around. In general the market for cornfed beeves Is anywhere from 240o lower than a week ago. while western range beeves are selling at prices ranging from nearly steady to 15B2oo lower than the close of last week. The general tone to the market Is somewhat better at the close than it was at the beginning of the There was not much life to the trade in butcher stock, but for the most part prices were substantially In the sanio notches as on yesterday and the meager offerings changed hands In good season. Choice cows and heifers as well as the common and canning grades have found a fair outlet all week, with little change in values, while on the ordinary run of butcher and beef stock the market Is anywhere from 102o lower than a week ago. At this time of the year retail markets are slutted witn poultry and the demand for beef Is some what restricted, so that the outlet for cheaper stock has not been as broad as It was two or three weeks ago. Veal calves, bulls, stags, etc., are selling at prices Just about a shade lower than last week. Business continues very dull In stockers and feeders and the little trading that was done today was on ths basis of prices fully 20C30c lower than a weak ago. Owing to the depression in tho market for corn fed cattle the demand for feeders has been very disappointing all week and the move ment sluggish. Choice light stuff has met with some favor, but the fleshier and hlghert priced grades have been hard to move even at the decline above noted. quotations on native cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, $6.00i3'6.76; fair to good beef steers, 86.006.76; common to fair beef steers, I4.00&6.00, good to choice cows and heifers, $4.004.90; fair to good cows and heifers, 83.403 86; common to fair cows and heifers, 82.6otQ3.26; good to choice Block ers and feeders, $4 60(g6 26; fair to good stockers and feeders, 83.90(4.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, 88.00ib3.76; stock heifers, 83.100j4.25; veal calves, 13.260 7.26; bulls, stags, etc., 83.00iQ4.60. . quotations on ran re cattle: Choice to prime beeves, 85.6Oe6.00; good to choice beeves, Jo.omji6.fru; fair to good beeves, 84.40 65.00; common to fair beeves, 83.7Oij4.40; good to choice heifers, 14.0O7j4.70; good to choloe cows, 84.004.60; fair to good cows, I3.60jj4.00; canners, J2.7W3.60; choice to prime feeders, 4.80fi6.26; good to choloe feeders, 84 2.'.'a4.75; fair to good feeders. 83.764.26; common to fair feeders, (8.00 8.76; stock heifers, 83.004.00. Representative sales: BKLf B r Kims. Me. At. lt.....4o ... t U... S-17 4... 7S 6 K I 10 8 U 18 818 1.. .lOW I.-. TM 8.. 818 8 843 8 . 104 - 440 If. eeoeoooeoo s stlS 7 M Pf No. 8 80 40... COWS. Ar. ...118 T Wolverine Sv New York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members Boston block exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Bar Bute Oes Button Oon. Butte Coalition.... (actus Chmo Cbief ?ons. Frantic Darla-Ualf ........ EIt t Antral. M ...... Ely Cons Ely Wiluh Franklin Glroux Oolmield Florence. Quldlleid UeUf 88 Inspiration ... , 4 Laroao , , 1 NoTada Cons. , 87 Nevad-l'UU , , S Oblo Copper. 1 Rawhide Coalition.. . 87 Rar Central .. 1 Swift Pkg. Co .. 1 Seara-Ruebaok Co... .. 81 eiler Pick .. 11 Superior ft Pitta.. ., 11 Tonupab Mining.... ,. 7 Trinity Cupper .. 8 Nortb Lake .. 7 Bobamls ....... 4 - 1 1 . .lu ,17 , 8 , 14 , , 8 . M , 4 Yellow Jacket 44 00. London Stork srktt. LONDON. Nov. 18. American securities ojned above parity and continued to ad vance from the first hour, when most of the list declined on ught realising. At Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18.-CATTLJ-1-Re-ceipts. ,,700 head. Market steady to 10c hlKher. Dressed beef and export steers, 8j.7wu7.25; fair to good, 84.7Vuu 76; western steers, 84.0o"i560; mockers and feeders. 8-1.76 fro.2D; southern steers, 3.7i(i6 6o; southern cow a, 82.76n4.00; native cows. 2 76 i4 7r; native hellers 83 boy 6.76; bulls, U.Uj4.25, calves. 34.0irj8.0a HOGS Receipts, 72O0 head Market 10c lower. Bulk of sales. I7.3iy7.45. Packers and butchers, $7 364(7 46; liKht. 3r.3697.42W. SMbJEl' AND LAM US Receipts, 1,300 head Market weak. Lambs, 47S',67S; yeai llntfs. 33.6034.uo; wethers 33 00 3 75; etaes. 83.764366; stackers and feeders, 82-60 Hi.iA. No. 14 COWS...- 973 J. 14 cows 752 18 feeders.. 747 10 calves... 163 F. M 27 cows. 17 cows. 30 II.. I 04 3.. 1 14 8.. 3 14 1.. 3 tt T.. 3 40 3.. I 44) 3.. 3 (0 HEIFERS. 1 26 4 I 60 It CALVKS. (V) w . oe eooo e es 4 io 8!"!""! 4 74 8 4 75 8 WESTERNS. William Lefler Neb. A v. Pr. No. 3 60 6 cows.... H. Cook Neb. 3 16 31 cows.... 4 00 82 feeders. 7 00 Helnrloh Mont. .14 t'4 104 Una l 4 l ...Uv te7 887 400 140 191 lit Pr, 3 e 8 80 74 3 18 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 1 3 81 4 10 3 0 8 00 I 00 1 24 t 948 918 977 Pr. 8 26 3 78 4 63 22 cows 1010 t 84 (4 feeders.. 46 steers. 14 cows.., 914 9M 894 798 4 If 4 0 4 II 4 00 4 n I 40 4 90 47 1! t0 t ? 44 - H". T '" ill 411 ... 7 V : Wi 110 7 34 47 IU ... 7 tn 7i IM4 ... 7 ir M t l 9rw 1 yi m ;-. ... 7 M J 3 SO T " s lt t . ? 40 7 S St js SO 7 4 o 1.4 ... T i : 4 40 7 ;a 11 4-T ... 7 m 47 4 ... IS M M 1) 7 22 41 1 7 f T " T4 17 7 ... 7 3 S3 I'll I 41 nt 1K 7 !W M Ill 1" 1 ? 3 2J7 40 7 M M W 40 7 PA to k ... Tie M lit lei 7 s m 40 1 11 2tM U I 41 44 ... 7 TO 64 t4 0 7 ti M ... t Ml ? t 7 ti 71 J.!40 7 40 11 ft W T 8 II ... T 40 1 7 In 4.1 S40 ... 7 4(1 M S'.t no 1 M Jl ... 1 f, 41 814 U t 38 8. le ... 7 48 S7 J'l ... 1 1 TS 40 1 4S 83 30 ... t 38 ll IM ... 7 44 S?4 18 111 70 1'4 40 t M 20 en ... 7 r rsi ... in 8 1J0 1 r 47 1M 40 T Ml H) IS7 120 7 27 K7 J.'4 ... 7 ) 41 tft 40 7 17 4 ... IM 71 SM 40 1 t1 fi 14 ... 7 M 41 ft 40 7 SO 4(1 14f. ... 7 M el JTJ ... t SO M m ... 7 W. 8 41 !40 7 m ts 177 ... 1 Se M .131 ... 7 JO 71 S1H ... 1 8 81 131 ... 7 80 41 VI ... 7 ff. 40 JS1 SO 7 .tO 44 1S ... 7 84 H lit 40 7 10 74 1U ... 7 88 C4 173 110 7 30 4 IM ... T 40 PIUS. 1 184 ... 7 40 STAGS. 1 480 in 7 80 1 IPO 80 7 80 1 ISO 80 7 60 DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Volume of Trade Still Below High Water Mark. SHEEP Today's trade In the stieep burn was only snother chapter of the week s gloomy serial. Supplies were light, cons. st ing largely of feeders fresh from the range, but no one seemed very anxious for mat erial and clearance was made under pres- ( euie. ;o cnange in prices was ni'i'eipi. the uneven condition of the market nnd light receipts of poor ssslrtment making any quotable development difficult. Feeder yearlings sold up as high as 33.90 early, this figure crowding the high quotation on choice fat handy-weights. From the start this week, business In all of its branches has been badly demoral ised. Panlckv feeling reached Its snlih on Wednesday and little or no Improve ment hns taken place since. Declines In values hove bren very severe at all points and have carried figures to levels that will hardly admit to further reductions. In fat sheep and lambs, a seasonable demand for ioultry has had a weighty bearish Influence with buyers, as mutton Is always slow sale on a retail nnwket loaded down with a big crop of domestic fowl. Liberal offerings of fat, fed nnd native stock, especially In the east, have aggravated this condition and all kinds of killing sheep and lambs are now selling 60i"uS6o lower than they were a week ago. Lambs have suffered the long end of the break, good ones moving around 36 W. Strictly choice grades are not quotable over 36.76 at most. Wethers have dropped to 33 6"fi3.S0, as compared an extreme price of 34.00 at last week's close. Fat ewes have been selling at 33.00 and less, can ners bringing "freight-rate" returns. Feeder trade has been a sickly affair throughout. Inquiry from the corn-belt has been dormant and the cheapest prices of the season were necessary to attract any kind of a demand. Clearances were made, but only otii76o lower than those of last Friday, the market closing at these declines. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: flood to choice lambs. 36.6ixa6.75; fair to good lambs, 36.26Cn6.5u; feeding lamhs 83.40fto.oo; handy weight yearlliiKS. 34.00M.15; heavy year lings, .1.6or3.00; feeder yearllnirs. 33.WVa4.00; good to choloe wvthers, 33.26ff3.80; fair to good wethers. 33. 011)3.26; feeding wethers. 33.0MT3.26; breeding ewes, 3S.504.26; fat ewes, 32.7Rr310; feeding ewes, 3A26ff2.76; canners, 31.50fM.H5. Representative sales: No. Av. 160 Wyoming wethers, feeders.... 91 191 Wyoming ewes, feeders R2 1W Wyoming ewes, feeders 97 121 Wyoming lambs, culls 48 200 Wyoming ewes, culls 82 271 fed ewes , 113 153 fed wethers, culls, feeders.... 81 933 S 26 1060 4 16 Fuller & Adamson 9. D, 909 4 16 10 feeders., Kdgar Bolce Wyo. . S00 4 36 20 feeders., K. A. Scott Wyo. . 700 3 60 26 feeders., W. H. tiotUche-Wyo. 10 steers.. ..1040 4 26 9 steers... 8 steers.... M0 3 70 George Lamb Wyo. steers.. ..1133 4 75 82 steers.... 1149 10 steers.. ..loati 4 16 D. Wlnslau Wyo. 10 steers. 875 4 80 10 cows 944 John Wents Wyo. 60 feeders.. 830 4 80 14 feeders.. 1064 12 cow s 906 4 06 HOG8-Bearish sentiment pervsded buy ing circles in the hog yards this morning and the market was one ot cheaper prices in both divisions. buppnes were easily normal with weight plentlfu. and bacon quality still limited to a doxen loads, more or less. Packers bought the big end of re ceipts, paying flguies just about k3l6o lower than those in force yesterday. Trade was fairly active during early rounds but after the more urgent orders were filled, movement lost much of its action with the result that late business was dull at the full decline. Heavy hogs bad to sell around 37. 20 7 30. as compared with yesterday's spread nt 17in,i7.4o on the same class of stock Mixed grades of inr-dium weight brought t7 and belter. Lin lit offerings are hold Iiik at the usual premiums, good bacon animals selling as high us 37.60, a dime less tliun veHtenii. v'a lirice. Trade during the wek has been decid edly lower owing to heavy receipts and the alumpy condition of. markets tn the east. Current sales are J not right ..round 6kuO0c lower than those of last Saturday, all weights snowing mexe rtuuiuuni. No. M... ft.. U . LI.. A. Stl. Pr. No. At. Oh, Pr. .144 120 7 !'. 7i :e 40 7 JO t'4 ... 7 ' 47 ' mo 40 1 i 1j 21 10 7 to SOI 8u 7 ' (7 275 ... 7 80 .87 ... t S) T 81 44 7 M IRON AND STEEL ARE IMPROVING rroaress Note In Special Mara of Cotton Goods Offorrel for "prloa Actlee Demand for Men's OTercootlnsr. NEW TORK, Nov. 18 -R. O. Don Co.'a weekly review of trade tomorrow will say. The volume of trsde Is still below high water mark, but a fair demand of activity existed throughout the country and this Is reflected In the reports from the principal Industries and the leading cities. Definite slcns of Improvement appear In Iron and steel, although business from the railroads has not developed as quickly as usual at this season of the year. Further rail pui chases Involving a substantial ton nage, have been made for 1911 delivery, however, and other announcements are ex pected. Uetter reports are received from lending pig Iron centers. Production of wire goods this year Is expected to equal pre vious records. Pi ogress is noted In special lines of cotton goods offered for spring and two or three Instances are cited of full offerings being sold up and withdrawn, on the oilier hand the demand for print cloths and con vertibles hss fallen off. Export trade Is quiet. In mens wear there is an active demand for overcoalSes for Immediate de livery. I'nderwrgr an., hosiery lines are In moderately better request. A slightly Im proving demand Is noted in yarns. Advances are announced on silk ribbons and silk piece goods for future delivery. New business In footwear Is limited. Sole leather sells In a steady way. IIRADSTREKT'S Rl S1MCSS REVIEW 23 fed wethers . 118 fed ewes, feeders , 2n6 fed lombs, feeders 118 fed yearlings, wethers, f'drs. 439 fed ewes, culls , 687 fed lambs, feeders., 164 fed lambs, feeders 666 fed lambs, feeders 313 fed lambs, feeders 92 60 04 87 51 60 49 41 Pr. 3 so 2 25 2 75 8 75 1 65 t 40 8 OO 8 25 2 40 5 On S 75 1 90 4 25 4 25 4 2) 8 60 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle nnd Hoars Stead Sheep Weak, rmPAdO. Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady; beeves. 34,407.40; Texas steers. 84.00W6.25: western steers. 14.10 4i6 60; stockers and feeders. 33.30'fi6.fiO; cows and heifers, 32.206.20; calves, 37.60ilO.OO. HOas Receipts, 19.000 bend; market steady; light, 38.9tvg7.40; mixed, $7.107.50; heavy. 87.oo7.6o; rougn, rf.vurr i.zu; gooa to choice, heavy, 7.V(!r.S0; Pie". t-6O'li'T.40; bulk of sales, 37.8007.46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head; market weak; native, t'2.2ft'(i3.96; west ern, t2.6nra4.00; yearlings, t4. 00ft 5.00; native lambs, 34.00f610; western, 84 2&.00. St. I.ools I, I re Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 2.200 head. Including 1.600 head Texans; market strong to 100 higher; native ship ping and export steers, t8 50(jr7.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, 3rt.25t77.00; steers under 1,000 pounds, t6.00ig)6.60; stockers snd feeders, 33.5035.26; cows and heifers, 33.7541 6.26; canners, 32.7&93.25; bulls, 33.26ca6.O0; calves, 35.259.00; Texas and Indian steers, 34 6ty(r8.50; cows and heifers. 33 0034.60. HOU8- Receipts. 8,300 head; market steady to 60 lower: pigs and lights. 17.2uie 7.46; packers, 37. 8037.46; butchers and best heavy, 37.867.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head; market steady; native muttons. 88 2.'.( 3 60; Jambs, 35.50&. 26 ; culls and bucks, 82.26 62.76; stockers, 32.26(3:3.26. St. Joseph Mr Stoefc Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, LO00 head; market steady; steers, 84.6oiSPS.60; cows and belfers. t3.00rfle.6C; calves, 33.76Sa.25. HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head; market 10c lower; top, 37.4K; bulk of sales, 37.2lj7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head; market steady; lambs, 36. 606.76. Stock la Slant. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterdsy: cattle, nogs, oneep. 1,400 6,000 3,6u0 1,0"0 4.010 811O 3.700 7, DO L300 , 2,0ii0 8,3uO 3o0 1.600 19.000 8,000 South Omaha , St. Joseph Kansas City ... St. Louis Chicago ........ Totals .9.800 46,600 13,600 Metal Market. vri,mr VAQV W. . f CTi T D u, - -. aid copper, dul; spot, 313.4cHtfl3.iio; Novem ber, 81i-bOal.i t;; Deoember, 12.K'a 12 ; January, H2.tKgf 12 70; February. 12 6i(j 11.75; March, 312.70U12 .80. December spot, ;;7 12s bd; futures, 68 lis 3d. Arrivals re ported at New York today, 466 tons. Cus tom house returns show exports of 17,416 tons so far this month. Lake copper, JUI.oO (OIS.25; electrolytlo, 312.87 Vy 13.01); easting, 312.604(12.76. Tin, easy; spot, t'i-25'a'36.35; November and December, 83t.30if36 30; Jan uary, 336.20ru36.26; February, 3 iti.2'Ki3ti M. London market firm; spot, 166; futures, 166. Lead, firm; 34.4tVU4.60, New York; 34. 7H&4.32'4, Ilit St- Louis. Sales, 6O.O0O pounds November at 14.42V, and lOO.ouO pounds November at 34.45, New York; 60.U"0 pounds December at 34 30 and 60,000 pounds January at 34.30. VLt HI. Louis. The lead ing producers nave advanced their price of lead from 34 40 to 34 60, In fifty-ton lota. London spot, 13 3s 9d. Spelter, nominal, 35. (HV(i6.96 New York; 85.n5.90, East St. Louis. London spot, 24 2s 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 49s 4'4d tn London. Ixically Iron was steady; No 1 foundry, northern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, 316 TtVn 10.26; No. 3 foundry, northern, iib.M tjlsuO. ST. LOCIS, Nor. 18 METALS Lead, quiet at 34 ir7'i34.3o. Spelter, firm at 36.8i'tt 66.90. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. XFFKB Fu tures opened firm at an advance of iu6 points on renewed covering and bull sup port, Inspired by further advances abroad and the continued strength of the spot sit uation In both primary and consuming cir cles. Reports that one of the leading roasting Interests had purchased not less than hO.OuO bogs of spot coffee yeaterduy and that they were buyers of December contracts this morning Imparted a rela tively firm tone to near positions, and all the active months made new high records for the movement during the middle of the day, when prices at one time snowed net gains of from lCtfaO points. Later there was selling for a reaction and heavier realizing, as a result of which prices eased off from the best, with the close barely steady, net 4 points lower to 20 points higher. Sales, 120,350 bags; November, December and January, 9 uc; February, 9MKc; March, Hsc; April, 10.00c; May and June. 1002c; July, 10.03c; August, lOuuo; September, 10.01c; October. 9 Duo. Havre closed net unchanged to lower. Ham burg was Ha1 lower. Rio 826 rels hUher at 7 3276. Santos 100 rels higher, 4s 6 $. 7s 6 34iO. Rrazlltan exchange on London Vd lower at li 16-lvl. Receipts at the two Hraxlllan ports, 4. 000 bags, against K. 1") bags last year. Jundlahy receipts, 40, 6k) bags, agalntit 4.5o0 baas last year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday, 15. H'.ti bays, against 10.244 bags last year. Spot coffee, firm; Rio No. 7, 124c; Santos No. 4. Uc; nuld coffee, firm; Cordova, 12 "4 if ICo. Work's Developments Shoer Serrral Kn vore hie Itetnll Features. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Brsdstreet s to morrow will say: Favorable central features In this week's trado report better distribution at retail due to cool weather, somewhat larger fllllng-ln orders, the realisation of cheaper meat sup plies at least regards prices, firmer feel ing In pig iron and Increased business In holiday goods. Groceries, seasonable lines of hardware and winter wearing apparel show most activity. - However, there Is con siderable room for improvement in retail distribution. There Is more doing on spring account, but buyers in many Instances seem disposed to hold off because prices are not to their liking. First hands display no particular anxiety to book heavily ahead because of the high level of raw materials. Salutary changes in the situation are reflected In the quieting down of speculation and In the tendency of many commodity prices to recede. Col lections range from fair to good. Kuxiness failures In the I'nited States fo rthe week ending November 17 were 248 SKainst 2o7 last week, $23 In the like week of 19(i9. 273 In l'.KW, 2f,5 In 1907 and 213 In 1906. Business failures In Canada for the week number 16, against 81 last week and 26 In the like week of 1909. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending November lr, aggregate 8.729.4MI bushels, against 3.0HI.123 last week and 6.1(16,698 this week last year. For the twenty weeks ending November 17 exports are 42.116,329 bushels, against 64,434.706 bush els in corresponding period laBt year. Corn exports for the week are 3M.7K2 bushels, against 363.6S0 bushels last week and 140. 41 '7 bushels in 1909. For the twenty weeks end ing November 17, corn exports are 7,429,876 bushels, against 8,434,815 last year. CM A II .4 "44 t-HICK. BUTTER Creamery, No. S. delivered to the retail trade In l ib cartons, 83c; No. 2 In SO-lb. tubs, 32c; No. 3. In 1-lb. cartons, 81c; packing stock, solid pack, 20c; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, UQ'lio. Market changes everv Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 17tyi7ttc; Toung Amer icas, UVsc; daisies, INc; triplets, 18c; Urn burger. 18c; No. 1 brick, l'4c; Imported Swiss, 82o; domestlo Swiss, 84c; block Swiss, 22c. POULTRY Dressed broners, under I lbs.. 36.00 dos. ; over 3 lbs.. 14c; hens, 14 "441 to; cocks, 10 Wo; duoks, 18c; geese. 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dos., 3180; homer squabs, per dos., 34 00; fancy squabs, per dos., 38.60, No. 1, per dos., 33.00. Alive: Broilers. 14c; over 8 lba, 9Vfco; hens, lOo; old roosters, 7c: old ducks, full feathered, lsc; geese, full feathered, 9o; turkeys, ltiil8c; guinea low Is. 60 each; pigeons, per dos., 80c; homers, per dos., 33.00; squabs. No. 1. per doz.. 3160; No. 2. per doz., 60c. FISH (all frozenV-Plckerel, I2o; white fish. 18c; pike, 16c; trout, 14o; large crap ples, ZOc; Spanish mackerel, 16c; eel, Dc; haddock. 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, Hlc; roe shad, 31.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 66c; frog legs, per dos.. 60c; salmon, Uc; halibut. 11c. BEEF CUTS Ribs, loins and chucks. Just same. No. . round, 9c: No. 3 round, c; No. 8 round, 7 Ho. No. 1 plats. 7c; No. 3 plate, Bo: No. V plate. lUe, FRUITS Oranges California Narele. 96-126 sizes, per bog, 88.26; small sizes, per box, 33 603.76; Call fornia Valenclaa, good sizes, per box, 85 60; 96 size, per box, 83.00, Lemons Whlttler brand, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, tt 60; 860 size, per box, 38 60; choice, 300 sWe, per box, 36.00; 240 size, too per bog toss. Bananas Fancy select, per bunch. 32.26 W J 60; Jumbo, per bunch, 82. 76 3 76. Pears New York Kelfer, per bbl., 34.60; Califor nia, Winter Nellie, per box, 83 85. Apples Home-grown cooking, per bbl., 88 604 4 00; Missouri Jonathan, pee bbl., 34 76; Missouri Pen Davla 0mr bbl., 33 60; Mis souri Wlnesaps, per bbl., 34.00; Mlssourt Uano, per bbl., $3.76; other varieties, per bbl., t4 00; New York Greening and Bald win, per bbl., $4.60; Colorado Jonathan; per box. 31 75: California Oravenstoln, per box. $2.10; California Belleflower, per box, $1.60: Washington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, 88 to 126 sizes, per box, $3 26. Ore pes California Lmperor, per crate, $1.60; New York Catawba, par l-lb. basket, 10c; Malaga. - f m .v. . , U 60te6 lbs., gross, per kecr. 86.60 iu 4 (11) Cranberries per box, $2 60; per bbl.. 86.75; Jersey, per bbl., $4.16; Wisconsin Be tw, fimvj, n " -,, merDnun 11 and Bugle brand, per bbl.. 67.88. Dates Anchor brand, new, 10 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk In 70-10. boxes, per Id., 7c. Figs New California, 12 12 -ox. pkgs., 86c; 34 13-os. pkgs., $3.40: 60 6-01. pkgs., 32.00. Figs Turkish, 7 crown, per lb.. 16a; 6-rowa, per lb, 14c; 4-crown. oer lb. 1 80. VEGETABLES Potatoes Early Ohio. In sacks, per bu., 80c: Iowa and Wiscon sin, white stock, per bu., 76&86a Sweet Potatoes Virginia. per bbl., $1.60. Onions lows, red and yellow, per h.. 2c; Indiana While, per lb.. 80, fancy, white, per lb.. 16c; red. par lb 16c. i-.hg Plant Fancy Florida, per dos., $1.00. Celery Michigan, per dozen bunches, 85c. RutabaijM Pe lb., 1 Ac. Cucum bers Hot bouse, 1V4 snd 8 dos., per box., $2.00. Tomatoes California, psr 4-bsk. crate, $1.76. 1IUMU-UROWM VEGETABLES Cab bage New. per lb, IVsc String and Wax Beans Per market basket. $1.2i. Lettuce Kxtra fancy leaf, per dos., 46c, paraley iancy home-grown, per dos., bunches, 80c. Turnips Per market basket, 860. Carrots Per market basket. 40c. Beets Per market basket, 16c. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts Black. . per lb., 2c; California No. 1, per lb., Ike; California. No. 3, per lb., 16c. Hlckorynuto l-aiga. per lb., 4c; small per lb., 60. Cocoanuta Per sack, $6.89. per dos., 66c. Honey New, 84 frames 83 66. Cider New York Molt a, per m bbl., $3.76; per bbl.. 64.76. Dry Goods ftlarbet. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. DRY OOOD8 The dry goods markets are quiet and steady. Gray goods are easy and quiet, with mills declining to sell ahead at ourrent prices. Yarns are steady. The local wool market Is firm, with some slight advances. snaavr Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-SUOAR Raw steady; Muscovado, 89 teat, 340c; centrifu gal. 96 test, 3 90c; molasses, b test, .li. . Refined, quiet. Wool Market. BTl LOUIS, Nov. . WOOL Stnady; territory and western mediums. 241 ic, fine mediums, 2u21c; fine, 12413c. Rank 4'lenrtnas. OMAHA, Nov. 18 Rank clearings for to day were $2,844,781.23 and for the correspond ing date last year 32.129,390.64. Girl Hralded to Death. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Not. 18Speclal ) Literally cooked to death was the fate ot the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. IL Penno. prominent residents of Iro quis. Ths little girl Is dead as the result of injuries received when she lost her bal ance and fall Into a kettis of boiling water. Bigger, Better, Busier Thst is what ad. rertlslng In The Bos will da for your puslness- 1