Omaha D HE EDITORIAL PAGES 11 TO 20 AILY oEE VOL. XL-NO. :;:. OtyAIIA, NAI'UlilUY MOUN'INd, .OVI;V,l!KR l'J, 1!10. SINULK corv TWO CM NTS. m Vt A fcrasUwi-TT! ousts We bought the very Tpfi B. Lowenstein & Eros. $1,000,000 Wholesale Stock Sale begins Monday Watch Sunday's Papers nnesi n;ga graao . goods from OMAHA B EE (-BBBSMBBBS-aBsJLeSBB aSSS-a-SB-SBM -aMS-BalBBBR u fl SfltfirrlaV Mirffl.- frnm U 1A D T"T 3 Great v; iugui uum v IU 11 1 . i'l. Scccials 600 S SI!:! E?'"y A.!,:.GUnB: W,th. lJh 'or only. ., . .10 iKs poHiiivPiy the preati-st values -ver offered; these dolls are worth up to 50c and 9XC; special Saturday night only 8 to to p. ni. Only 2 to a customer I ;P.-IITMK.T Special for Saturday night, from S lo 10 p. m. great Haviland China Sale plates, lobster salad bowls, chop plates, scolioses, bakers, celery trays, cake plates actually worth up to $5.00 for on,y 40c ' m Afevi Corset Special (or Saturday We Just received 160 new 1 2.00 model", marie of coutll and batiste, exceptional quality of ma I dials, nnn-rustatile bnnelng, with extra pair of hone sup porter, long skirt effect, shirr string at bunt line, lace and embroidered fin ishings; specially priced r f -t n $1.19 $1.60 Models Saturday for 89o Tlies are extra well made of good coutll or batiste, non-rustable bonelng, ff heavy hne supporters; tiH f special for Saturuny JS, Underwear Ladles' heavy fleeced lined Union Suits special at 6O0, 79o ana $1.00 Forest Mill, Merino Union Bults 76 wool; special at. garment $160 ,7AV.:- .'.n.:h.,.u:.."k.j:,1','9 Handkerchiefs Women's Pure 'Linen Initial B0 rel"!!? "nen- han,! "hrold erea six for 60c; or, each loo Men's fine cambric, mercerized nrint handkerchiefs 10c kind ?! . M. P So Mrh PUr6 Unen' ,nltU1' handkerchiefs, . aao and 600 Mens Japonatte Initial, lOo grade.. 60 1 IU I'BIE One Ladles' Horns Journal Pattern witli j3 jU KJjr' I ?rw Winter Btyle Book 30c Jff Candy Department 600 pounds of Kluffentn ("hocolntc., fresh Satur dny, cut from C0o a pound t-':iturdny for 890 Assorted flavored h.ind dipped Chocolates, regu lar 40c a pound; Saturday sp-'clal, 99o Fresh Marnschlno Cherries, chocolate dlpp'1 rcgulnr "i0o a pound; Saturday only 390 Try our fresh chocolate dipped Caramels, they are made especially for us; reeular 40c 11 pound; Saturday 25o Order Your Flowers iow tor Thanksgiv ing Saturday's Special Prices 5000 Chrysntitheinunis, special priced for S.; urday. s n them. S0"0 freh cut. be.uitlful Roues, regular tl : doren kind, Sntitday for 31o lO'iO fresh Carnations, rcgulsr 7ti0 anil H mv Saturday, d'-rrn for only 3Sc Wo will take your ThrinVsplvlnp ord. r now. tin 1 delivc:- them fresh Tlmrs.i.iy morning Most S ensational Ladies mil Sale Ever EflOVil Any Wool Suit r in the House for One Price All our $35, $40 and $50 suits, including the famous Wooltex and other hand-tail ored garments. Every suit a this year's model not a single hold-over suit in our stock no restrictions made. Pick the suit you want, and, regardless of former price, it's yours for . . Never in the history $f Omaha has such an announcement been made right in the heart of suit is a bona fide bargain, all tarrs trip sam- that hve hppn on thr suit since thev were received. material? to choose from, including wide wale diagonals, tvvo-tonc worsteds, serges, chevits, broadcloths and Scotch mix tures, in plain black or fancy colors. Every suit is a scm-fitting or mannish tailored suit, lined with Persian silk or Skinner satin. Smc are trimmed with silk braid or card, others arc plain taiUrcd, the jackets are the 29 or 30-inch models, with velvet or self celors. The skirts are pleated, gored or flounced. the busy season. Every Hundreds of beautiful AH Alterations Free a- i - Daring This Great Sale This Sale Starts Saturday Horning at 8 O'clock Just pick your pattern and we'll fit your size, and make any alteration necessary. Don't miss this great oppor tunity to buy one of our high grade Hand Tailored Suits at such low prices. Second floor. Hosiery Women's Thread Silk Hose, ilisianU from $1.00 and $1.50 grades, Mack and colors Saturday, ()9C Women's Black Silk Hose, mer cerized solo and Eiirter Q0i tops, pair OJC Cojs' and girls' ribbed Hose, the 20c grade, pair 4 " 1.JV, Hobo, $1.00 Saturday Women'" silk lisle, fast black 50c grade, Saturday only, three pairs Gloves Our guaranteed ladles' Kid Oloves, In all colors, ritted to the hand, Satur day for... S1.00 $1.23 $1.75 One lot of ladles' second quality $1.00 nnd $1.50 gloves, not fitted or guar anteed, Saturday's fl(if sale DJt Men's fine Mocha Gloves, at $1.00 and $1.75 Special Tan Mocha Men's Glove Sale, 7 M to 8, second quality, Saturday only, to close out, pair 39 Neckwear B0 dozen fine Persian Auto Scarfs, "0 Inch, hemstitched, valueB QO to $2.00, for Women's Neckwear, Including Persian bows Jabots, lace stocks, Terslau Windsors, values up to 95( 50c, Saturday Big Specials in Boys1 Apparel Perfectly Tailored Boys' Suits In serges, worsteds and Cheviots; plain or fancy mixtures values up to $S.U0 SaturdaT'' only i cuues up $2.98 Suita Worth $6.00 In Tweeds, .Cheviots, "Wor steds, Serges; extra well made and no better suits sold for $6.00, Saturday special, only. . S3.9 FREE We give a 6-moTilha' subscription to. "The American Boy," the best boys' magazine, with every $5.00 purchase; full year's subscription with every $10.00 pur chase. Over 1,200 boys call every month for their maga zines. Come in Saturday and take advantage of the Free Offer. , Big Reduction Sale on Children's Coats After one of the biggest years in our children's departments we find that wc have many brkcn lines. For Saturday we have grouped all the dd sizes in 3 big lots and cut the prices to only a fraction of actual value All the Regular $7.00 Winter Coats for girls, ages from 6 t14.. ,$5.00 Girls', Sweater Coats Made of ;all, wool yarn, red and white; 2 to 5 years, Saturday $1.25 All the Regular $10.00 and $12.00 Winter Coats, broken sizes; ages from 6 to 14 years, Saturday. Girls' Wool Sweaters Red, white and gray, ages 7JJ 6 to 14 vears... OliO V $7.50 $10.00 All the Military Capes Regu- lar $12.00 and $15.00 values, Saturday, for only Velvet Coats Ages 2 to 5 year? Red, navy and brown, some blacks, (PC QC Saturday gJiJJ And many other rare bargains. Come in Saturday. All Our Foot Ball Pants at .Half. Price Hunting Coats, Foot Ball Shoes, Dog Cellars Biscotin v. Startling Cuts ia Men's Furnishings-Prices for Saturday New patterns In Men's Neckties beautiful, rich and plain shades, regular 50c ties; special for one day Saturday 35 or three for $1.00 Night Shirts Extra heavy outing flannel" night shirts, sixes up to 20, good and large; spe cially reduced, for only 50 75 and $1.00 Mso'a Vatorsl Wool Vndsrwaar A dandy, strictly high ' grade, well wearing garment, sold the city over for $1.60; Saturday special $1.00 Sweater Testa For men of all eises, in tan, gray, blue, red and white, double cuff, all wool sweaters; Saturday for fa.50 and 13.50 Our Men's Eat Department Just received 60 dozen new all this fall Croft and Knapp hats. In dlf ferent shades; on sale Saturday for ..13.00 We also carry a full line of Stetson Hats;, priced 'rom $3.80 o $70 Men's Caps, wide assortment of styles and cloths sell for special (Saturday, from 3So to $3.00 00 ' 620 Fine Men's Suits, Values up to $22.50, Chsice Saturday Regardless of SeasB, for Only $13.75 Never were such fine tailored men's suits cut so low, at this, right in the 111 P i 1 1 ' mi. -.11 . 1 ' I Ami mn1, .-P oil 4' ' miaaie 01 me season time, xnese are an wns seasou s gauucuio, iunuo ux an- wool Scotch, tweeds, cheviots, thibets and worsteds, in this season's styles and l j snaaes. livery garment is guaranteea. ve Dougni uiem irom au ovenuauu manufacturer at a bare fraction of their actual value, Saturday Take Year Pick All sizes, All Colors, Best Hakes Remarkable Values Saturday Only Don't miss this opportunity for. We carry a beautiful line of men's over- 75 coats, including the famous "Presto" collar bands priced at from $15.00 to $25.00 See Our Men's Bath Robes and Jackets, Our new Xmas stock is here in very attractive assortments from $3.00 to $10.00 If; 1 , Mjk A Drug Specials for Saturday dor. Quinine Pills, Z-ar lOo f 1.00 I'liikliani's Veueluble Compound for eo Scott's Emulsion 4fic and 89o 16o Anttchap luo 11.00 Hwajnp Root 8JO 1-lb. Peroxide 85o U-lb. l'eroxlds Bo Sao Celluloid Tooth' Brush, 1 for. .SSo 2So White Mm Cough Byrup Sue Ho 1-lb. pkg. Ilorux so 160 Laxative Cold Tablets ISO TOILET AmTICLES lOo Palm olive 8up 7o 60c Mrne, lselili's Face Powder, 390 I6o WiUUtn's Violet Talcum ISO J5o Pray s Hosullne 170 Sto Hanitol IJld ISO lOo Violet Talcum so 60c Carmen Cream 4M 60c Pulm Olive Cream .....40e 6c Brown Windsor Soap, 8 bars..86o lOo Tetlow's Talcum o DOc Egyptian Face 1'owder 380 Dorothy Vernon Vanishing Cream for soo Orangewond Sticks, each lo rnoTOs Brownie Cainerus, capable of doing excellent work, upeclally priced for Haturduy: No. t, for pictures J'-xJ'i.. No. 2A. -for pictures 2x4 No. 3, for pictures SVixlVi.. Candle Uuhy Lamps 4x6 Fixing Box 4x5 Printing Frame 7 tubes M. O. Iieveloper ... 1 box Ideal M. O. Tubes 1 lb. Hypo $3.00 J Od 4.0J . .aso . . 6oo . . 160 . .850 . .3 5C . . .60 A most decisive reduction in Millinery 500 Trimmed Hats Cut (or Saturday at Less Thau Halt Price We have chosen from our magnificent assortment of fine trimmed hats at $5.00. Very charming, very fashionable models that sell regularly as high as $10 and f 12. Saturday Only -One Price (ED 03) Don't Let Saturday Pass Without Se;ia$ Them The Swell New Velvet and Suede Shoes, $3.50 $3.50 We are showing a beaatiful line of these swell Velvet Shoes In the Button style with high heel and plain toe. Every size and width Is here. . Nowhere will you find such at-, tractive, well made shoes as these. Others price them at $5.00. Saturday at Ben nett's, per pair ; Nowhere Dan They Beat Our Men's $2.B0 Shoes They are made for us especially In all -sizes, and style that will keep their shape and give excellent service. W)e urge that you try a pair. They're better than ordinary 3 and $3.60 noes $2.50 Half Prioe Bale 100 pairs of Ldles' extra - well made shoes; $4.00 value Saturday for ia. oo -We carry a wonderful stock of these shoes $3.60 to $3.60 Oar Ladles $$.60 Shoe Are the very best values In Omaha. They're found In the new styles, dull leathers, patent colt, cloth top, leather top, button or lace, for... $2.60 auu rears ox haaieer buou smaii sizes, made by the Dorothy lodd hhoe Com pany; dull leathers, patent, tan, Hus sian calf, button or lace, reg ular I a. 60 value. From 8 to It a. m, for only $1.48 High Top Boots for Misses and Children in different leathers, priced from,... Strong Derrloeable Shoes for Boys With good s vi ear, j rum tylish flnlah, made to stand rough $1.60 to $3.60 Rogers fhaakgivia; Silverware Sale begins Saturday. This means that all oar reg ular stock of high grade silverware will be old at prices far beiow their regular value In many eases as low as a half or one-third their actual value. Beautiful Urape Carnation and the new Oraylock patterns. Kogers 26-plece solid oak chest, any pattern: regular $12. 60 value, for $8.60 26-plece Moire chest, any pattern, sil ver $8.60 S Knives and 6 Forks, ary pattern, In white leatherette box; regular $r"0 ver $8-60 Rogers TA Spoons, set of six, regu lar soc; naturaay i Bogors $2.00 Table Spoons; Saturday, set of six $1.69 Rogers $1.76 Dessert Spoons; Satur day, set of six $1.83 Rogers 60o Sugar Spoons; Saturday , for only 390 Rogers 60c Butter Knives; ;;S;a;tu;r day 390 Rogers 60c Butter Knives; Katur for 490 Rogers $1.00 Oravy Ladles; Saturday for 90 Rogers $2.00 Medium Ladles; Satur day $1.69 Rogers $2.00 Oyster Ladle; Saturday for $1-4$ Rogera $2.60 Punch Ladles; Saturday for $.2.69 lyi'li "Hmw i.i I,,, yc4.r,;'-5?'-?!'M A. "V:;, i;-TV .SL. J.-.-i'T'.,';'- V Rogers $2.00 Orange Spoons, six In set $1.49 Rogers $1.00 Sugar Tongs; Saturday for ao Rogers Pie Forks, six In set $1.98 Rogers $2.86 Bouillon Spoons; Satur day, six In set $1.69 Come early all these Hems como n three patterns. r r Turkey Roasters at Cut Prices Saturday 16-lb. slxe Llsk Roaster, regular $2.76 kind for $2.39 1 2-1 b. slxe Link Roaster, regular $2.26 kind for $1.93 Savory Roasters, usual $2.00 kind for 9ao TbukTin. Carrinl Sets at Greatly Fe- 4ueed Pike StuidT $8.00 Carving Seta, three pieces; each $0.50 $4.50 Carving Sets, three pieces; each $3.98 $2.50 Carving Sets, each, 81.08 Grand Xnas Openkg in Our Ocok and Statisaary Depirtment By Friday evening the last bit of trimming and decorating will be finished. We have everything In readiness for the Early Xmas Shopping. Our tables and Bhelves are piled full of Xmas Gifts. Never has there been such a showing of Xmas Books, Calendars, Cards, Seals, Children's Books, etc., as you will find at this grand opening. Three Big Saturday Specials Beautiful Post Card Albums, bound In linen, will hold 200 and 300 cards specially priced for opening day; only...l90 A Xrga Table Piled Tull of Xmas Picture Books at lOo One J,o of Sew Testaments Bound In the very best leathers, flexible pocket, size : also specially priced Saturday . .360 Roy Scout Books specially priced B6o Meat Prices Greatly Reduced The drop in the wholesale market, the large output of our market allows us to keep a clean stock dally, thus selling meats at a different price each day, regulated by the wholesale markets. Big drop In prices today. Kotloe our Saturday specials. Presh Dressed Spring- Chickens, psr lb, oaly la1,, -3 Presh Leaf X.aru nine pounds for $1.00 1'lg pork t-riouiaer Koast, ID. ...lo4o ( Choice Pot Roast So and T'io Full Lamb I-t-gs, lb. 9o Vea.1 Hhou dur Roast.... So and 7ie Roiled Rib Roust, all bones out, p r pound 13x0 and lOo Tig pork Chops, per lb 120 Loin Larnb I'hopu, per lb 18Vao Veal Chops, per lb 12 0 6,0o0 lie cudahy's Kex Racfii, u j.. .r cured 6 to 7 lbs. average, lo.,c 2,000 lbs. Armour's hklnned llam kin and fat reruovtd. luce and, Vr lb 130 Fruits Specially Priced for Saturday First Navel Oranges this year very Juicy; per dozen 23 30 33 45- A 50 8 pes-tula in f ancy Apples. King, bushel 81.50 Rhode Island, bushel $1.05 Northern Spy, bushel $1.G5 Ertra fancy Jonathan, bu. $1.85 Nuts Specially Priced. Extra large soft shell English Walnute, lb , . 22 H c Choice soft shell English Walnuts, Per lb. 17 He New Brazils, lb 15 Soft shell Almonds 2( Fancy Burbank Potatoes, bu.5 Jersey Sweet Potatoes, pk.,300 Bennett's Excelsior Flour . Hr sack $1.88 And 100 stamps Bennett's Btst Coffee, three pounds for $1.0 J Pree Large salad bowl or cup and saucer wltn above I tern. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. I'-lb. can for 430 Pree Bread and butter p'.Htu witli each irder ol trie ai-ov'e item. 6o grade Assorted Teas specUl, lb 4UO Bennett's Malting Some Big Grxery Cots for Sat ur Jay Teas, assorted, lb. $8o Pree Large sa'.ad bowl or cup and saucer with the above Item. Tea Slftlngs. lb. pkg 120 SOUP I1LI Franco-American. Mock Turtle, Oxtail, Tomato, Freah Houllon Chicken; our regular 20c quality; special lur ratur- d.y 16o Call for ul a Evaporated Peaches, per lb 12VjO And 20 stamps Hartley's Orange Marmalade Jelly, per jar 20o Double stamps o.i Granu lated Sugar. Qalllard'a Pure Olive O l, at, per quart too And 20 stajnps B C. Pure Map.e byrup, per quart 360 York Violet Toilet 8o.4. J cakes for 86o n1 10 stamps Peanut Butter, '1 Jars....aOO And 10 stamps Hulled Beans with chicken. 'or i6o And 10 stamps Lima Beans with chicken, per can 2'Ju And 10 stamps Eafety Matches, Uozeu boxei for 3o C. C. C. brand Aparagxs, ai. per c;ui i5o Llauioii.l Cry.tal Tabl Sail, t s..cks for l oo And 6 tetanias B. C. Haklng Powder. &-lh. can for $1.03 Ai.d 140 stamps t t i . i- i . I-M 41 r I