Tin: omaha srxoAT ni:r:: xovemkeii 13 into. A topics of thedat of rest i John W. Nichols Was a Most Intensely Patriotic Citizen .III! ilu m ni.' ii-ked tn t-ihd pull ot , sj"j Egyptian Collfe T:?cher Will Be Heard in Adrire. REW SE3M0X SERIES BEGINS t; ih': W. N ". . etej flli raster ef tsatellir l'r?l rerien Mill ll "lhr (.rest rte1lat"i Hrilrrln" Hrt, Modrfenl Here lm' ddre.. v a 1 ti. 1'- i i 11 1 1 :v lo. mil fm- ;.' I...'' An ndilrfx w,i: .'..in evening at tie Ccn:'! i '. ! ' ehiin h at a n'.o :: V" il teacher Ip Amyiu c-. -v.. K ; thle college which n -o irnl t x. ' of former Pr'd:iL Ujrweceit was In Africa ana to -. : 1 i I when he ntoU in I'mnoa ihi !' -d,,e .ilav .-.Miyu ran r-:ia H.i,. .hi ni.li : i.ui'in win Tl h; e ie?:ied ScplcmS-.T , i.n: !.M t as being one of t: e progress of l-Jgypt. Ml so Hok in tli. u and f!rt pi -.: .veil . u i now tie. o. th' the orient. .' .cm to hear tills auuns Tha Urt-at Li-li-sio ... til la of a io'f.ex M. of ten ermi,., or day evenlnK at i.e. Weshyterlan cnurch. to b handled on snore tags ara "God," "Soul," ,.ivalu.;l flur In the mi l Army of tunny yea t a a iinr. died Kri ' the I niiicl Plate-' t h i i si nt ! devotees ,r-"rt inn to ! viu.-i Intensely , mid Hint .'!' i 1' in!(l"valiof, ? a ". ;i I" a bo ..;.io:in'erl to n lioi-f I ." koi rnni'-ni 'i .inr-hi. A i': oiii.iii nf citizen of itinaiu -1 man of lit . 1 1 '!: 1 1 !i J 'n:o the lobh;' of the ! iv fn-il li'iil iitv-r r;.i- uii' la"t. spring when I ?'r. Ni oofs -..a1 nil iii;.v find lighted his !'-:'.'.-t.- :i; t'-r c v: h.-; I; apiK-ared' at a i'V oi l' i ' i 1 1 mm; si i'n I'-ii-d a mati i W u .is r: I I'-13hS II, " i i.i'n i.i ,i i ,! I : .1: i.it:- : c o: ship- ,.-r u, t i- II': . I i 'Vi ii. ,.h'i' k m! . i i he Krie"i WSI, i i oi. : ii I. i.i.l.'llH h'.i!:. M :fil. rs 'iii. lm. Ii r m if. . Xltluil ma '. v n!;i- I Fl' 1 Ml f fact, lu "lis iiflr.ilh th" nimi'i i' !lll ( ! ' U i- Lell 'i ! e mystorleg viva Si:i)duy even "Sln. ' "Henenera- . iii'i'.:inii of iiiilMinn "' in' i-i mm nt lii!ll- llea." "Inaiilrctlon," "Mlrncle," "Incarna tion." "Prayer," "Judunaent" and "Immor tality." The intent of thi irracher, I'.ev. Mr. Honaeman. la to empliaflre the prac tical bearlns of tlier- on llm life of man. Rv. W. U. St-Kldnrd. a lecturer of the National C'hrlsMnn e n lation. will Meak In Lutheran 7Ann chureh, Hoitth Umaha, Twanty-nlnth and s aireeln, at a o'clock, on Sunday evening and In flt. I rhI a, Twen-tr-alghth and i'arker, nt 11 p.'rn St. Mary'a Avenue Congrecallonal la launching a new evening aervlce. The fol lowing la the music for Hunday evenlnaj: Prelude Berctims Hi'lnney Anthem 1 leu .Vilvrcatur Buck Offertory -Melody Wely Solo Hold Ihou A.y Hand Brlggs iMlis Wetjer. Anthem Sa lor, S htn Night Involved tha Sky Hhelley Poatluda Mmclie Xlllltare Clark 'in mommy iiiuhi'.hi .-criic of the Wem mlrater I'reeLyicrmn ctiuix-ii 1 given Sunday evening at 7 : 3'J. Tl.a irogiam: i'RLUl'K. Chant Triumphal Gaul Aniieml ul.l itrcatiy rtejolct- Owt Violin Hoio Uuii.aiii i! .tanx. . l-uroles-Thome Minn ritcila Minw. Tanor Solo xttev iiuik, ui'ierd v mi ae Water Mr. f'harlcs (iardlner. Anthem Oi ur a c-'loafr vValk with God r'oatar Ccntralto &'.iu Krjin tne in'utiia.t'ainpauia M.'n. h rank Welly. Beading The ileal, hk of the Daughter of Jalru Willie illKB Julia Newconib. Violin Bolo Yi auir.rii Bchumann Mit.ii steila thaw. Antham Beneuiflue Gounod Poetlude Grand (Jl.oeur In ' Salome WUAKTKTTE. Mra. Harry 5'aui. Mr. John Hupklna, Mre. FranK We'.ly, Mr. K. K. Gay. Mian Alice i'rltc harl. Organist Mualo at the Dundee l'reebyterion church for Sunday, November 13: MOllNINQ. Organ voluntary Hesuonae Choir. Antbetn Gloria In h;xce).la... Choir. KV'KMNG. Now the Day Is Over t'holr. Anthem Abide With Me Arraiifftd irom Lyeherg by ttudd tjitoir. Quartet- Protect L'e 'i niough the Com- ing Iftht Sudds Aiisa ictfride. Mira Ilartlett, Mr. Andersop. Mr, Dodda. i: ) z . r"' " ' Us'ir.x.'- !; a. . v. '- . , . ' ' I ' f '. :. , " ?. ' . ' t V ' .' ' ': V J k i ' f-: v.- : . , ... " I ' , s ' . ....'-. , ". ' .w;' ' , : , ' - ' ' ' '1 -' ' " -- ; , , ' ..." . 1 hi-' ' r. ( ! : . " '' " " 4 f "r::i. i ; t ;.. . -: 1 -; . i i i - i : :; ::;.;,v r Danka . .Barnby On Wednoinlay evening on the occasion of the Installation services of the liev la-, u. k. Fislier, the choir will alng Shelley's Hark, Hark, My Soul, with con tralto aoloe, Miaa HbrtJett; soprano solos, Mlae Wentworth; nbllgato soprano, Mlsa McUrlde and full choir. i ' t 'i tl I t it(-f "I iji v. i'i ' :.iiv it i a ( i ilrtnc ;i n ernmcin .. ic. l-il. "V. I.o'o t.eiMcinc any so lnasC" the man retorted. , ' Von .ire, n'v." answered the watchman I l'i-u our' pardon, hut you are mis taken, end. brides, you do not know, per hup. lo whom you are lal'ilng. Why, I ain Mr. liianl;." the man of inriurnce seld. "It makrs no difference to me who you are, j oil arc coi.iltiK with me riKht up to the federal arnnd Jury it Is now In aes-(-inn, and we ll find out about this busl-nr.-a." The niHii didn't go bofoic the grand Jury, hut he wax eavwl from so dninK only by making a eatlsfuctoiy di miinnti alion of how he actually did lisht the match. There was a Htreak of nulphur on his trousers leg and a corresponding absence of a nrak on the Hall. It waa always a trait of the Nichols character to be fair, and when convinced that he bad made a mis take he begged pardon In a gentlemanly manner. It was evident, however, that the Influence of the man waa no factor In pacifying the watchman, the only consider ation with him being that If guilty the man must be putilahcd. If not guilty he should not be punlahed. And It happened that lie lug watchmen are faithful to their trust, Has not guilty. but John W. Nichols was exceedingly so. Aa a rule all Grand Army of the Repub- He had a reverence for the flag the like of lie veterans employed as government build- which in eeldom equalled. to the cause of home missions. Christian ! societies of the First and Central United Presbyterian churches. To ail these ser vices the public is cordially Invited. Castellar Street. Sixteenth and t'astellar, .Ralph II. Houseman, Minister 10:30, pub lic worship and sermon, "Will a Man Kob God?'' 12. noon, Hllile school; ;, young peoples meeting; 7:30. the first sermon of ten on the great mysteries. "God." A chorus choir leads the music Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Henry Graner, Zt2! South 24th, the woman's missionary so ciety will meet. Mrs. J. Frank Kelly of Hainan being the principal speaker. Mlacellaneoaa. Unitarian, Seventeeniu and I'hss Services at M:3u. Kev. Robert f. Doremus of Barn matile, Mass., will preach, sutiject, "cross 1'urposes."- Sunday scnool at 11:30. Scandinavian Branch of the Salvation Army, 117 vi Nortn blxteenth, M. Wolaon, Captain "Free ajid easy" meeting at 4; baivauon meeting at l:M. All buandina viana invited. ' D. R. Charles, an evangelist, will preach the gospel tTtmaay evening at 8 o'clock In the Uottuel imii, iwn cumm sneui. nus meeting la nuni-ectarian auu open to an. j.o collodion will bo luken. United Brethren, Nineteenth and Lothrop. Rev. M. .). McLaughlin, 1'astor University uervlce H IM, tneme, "iwo 1 rustworiny Sentinels;" evumng service at 7:is; work era' meeting W ednevday evening at H; Macedonian social '1 hursday evening at 8. People's, Charles W. Savidge, 1'astor Morning, "The Joy of the Lrd Restored; evening, "Can 1 Go so Far Away troin God that 1 Cannot Return?" Sunday achool, Lim.; Young Peoples Society of Christian Faideavor, 7 p. m. Prof. Mertcs lias charge of the mualo. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of I.aitei ; iay Salnls, 1818 North Twenty ill st. , tilder J. M. Baker. Pastor Sunday pchool at :4fi; Rally oay pioram at H; young people s meeting at :); prraclilna at 8; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at a, laxlles Aid 1 hursday at i. Omaha New Thought Fellowehlp, Room ll.,- ln,,Ti liiiur nt these selvlees. ;. !' tini-nn ttlll .vpeHK In Hie MIKH'llt" Ol Tel, exile Clilleire nn un-iii' eininn. ai ti e i ii -t Pr.' lt ti t-isn church of Pellevue. ' Ills Slllilei t nil! '.-OI-lMl Si I'MCC s a p ..fi sMli.n " stun M'1'iM.in Kaili have" for lnve j Mn ,.in .i't!inu, In Mtteiul a ineetiiK of tt.e we-tiu confeience conmvtttre ot the Sonne Mn. i'lir:iu:i HsFwintl'in. Thin ceiuiiiitt" is tn at tance the priiniam to . the Mi:il tit nlunterr rimfe'eiuv to he h id ;it 1st- I h ' I te i yen r. The l ,n' St ite i 'out "fence of Nclim-Aa ' wPI u. In-ill i" l-'rrtnunl for three dnvs. Iiei.-iiiiiirii; .N.i,,mlr J".. Prof. l'H!ds-n. lic. .M"l,niii:hlin anil Mate Secretary I. mil'. w'.U Minsk Ht thi ciiufererice. A ileie;.;i I inn f i mil the lm s" il epai'lnieti t of the omaha ussociatioii v lit e In attrnd- : itlli r Mi '. h ivh,...,f the International cim ' Milii-i', iio Is field sei ii'tary if the I'el- 'hv-hit citih. was in Omaha Wednesday I iiltl-t. I hi PtiMif Speaking cH:h. conipnse-1 of la.-t and procent menitters of the public Kakilit: clns of the Yoiiiik M. n' t'hi .s tlon us; nclatlon. will hold th!lr monthly ! ineeiln In the asemhly room on Monday e-enlnii. Addresses wi1! he mnile b.c V. A. ; Hrlpdley nnd I . I'. O Mrlen and W. It. ! Jutin. The first of n series of socials, with taiKs on practical subjects, was h?ld for the hots on s'nturrin evening. Inte'estlnt i motion pictures were flimvti. The Viiii'.k .Meti s Ciir! o.l:n nssocla t ion italrol of hoy ' scouts rnHile their weeltly hike to Chi'd's ! pii:it. Miuthrn-it if Albrlirht. nn S.TUird'W I sftrrnnof . All ni'-n desii-incr to receive inrt ructions In the art or switnmlnz should enroll In the siieelal elas-'. which receives instructions on Tuclnv c.tiinsss at See Mr. Max well, physical director. endeavor at 6:46 p. m., Allan Koch, leader: evening service. 7:45 p. m . auhlect. "The I f-nd of I,fe;" the oholr will render speolal miic at all the services. Grace. l.'(JZ-li2K Rmth n-u r,.-.v;ii, u t Mellck, Pastor Sunday will be observed as I i.uiner oay ; services at 11 a. in., and 7:: P. m. At the evening service th Sunday school will render a program. "Onward for God and Native Land.'r Sunday achool at :45; JLuther league at :30; prayer meeting nmnnnasy evening, ine pastor will or ganlae a catechetical class for Bible etudy Friday. November 18 at 4 p. m. Methodist. Free, 17S7 South Kleventh Sunday sohool 10; preaching U and 7:46. , v West Side, Flfly-Flrst end Hickory, Rev. T. C. Wenster, Pastor Morning at :; Sunday kciiool 11:46; Weat Side Young Peo ple a aootety 7:.H). . Trinity, Twenty-Flret and Blnney. Q. W. Abbott, Pastor-Short sermon In the morn ing, followed by administration of the sac rament; evening subject. "Our Moral Debts." Oak Street. 30U9 South Twentieth Bible school at it, adult and other Bible clasaes tor all; preacnlng In the evening at 7::) by Rev. T. C. Webster; mid-week meeting 'lliurtday evening at 7:30. Seward Street Morning worship and ser mon at W:, "The Relation of the Church to the Children;" evening at T:80. "Kieotion Returns"; Sunday achool at 11.46, Charles I Frltacher, Jr., In charge. Diets Memorial. Tenth and Pleroe, Rev. Joseph V. Guernsey, Pastor Sunday achool !:4f with olasxea for all grades; pastor's Bible class for adults: iflvlue worship with sermon 11 and 8; Kpworth league 7; expo sitory study of the Scriptures Wednesday at 8. MoCabe. Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. John Grant Slilck, Paator Sunday achool at 10, .Charles H. Chase in charge; Rev. Harry Farmer, missionary to the Philippine Is lands, will speak at II: the pastor will Owl Organizer is Taken as a Forger Police Get Evidence on F. L. Wheeler that He Made Out Many Bad Checks. About to register for the night at the Rome hotel, a man Riving ills name as F. J.. Wheeler of I.usk. Wyo., was arrested Friday night by Detective Devereesn, charged with passing bogus checks. He Is being held at the police station for In vestigation. It Is alleged that Wheeler, who came to Omaha 'two days ago, has botiRht large varieties of gooda from various Omaha atores. for which he paid in checks on the Extra Exchange bank of Extra. la., and a bank at'Lusk, Wyo. Telegrams from the banks to the Omaha police bear the In formation that Wheeler has no money on deposit tn them. Among other things which he la charped with buying and paying for In bogus checks are an automobile, which he purchased from the United Motor Car company, and piano from the Bennett store. When arrested, the man had In his pocket a check already made out on the Exlra Exchange bank for $110. It Is said that he bought from the Palace Clothing company Friday morning a fur overcoat and a pair of glovea, for which he wrote out a check for $27, The piano bought at Bennett's store waa being packed for shipment to the man's home In Dusk. Wyo., when notice came that the checks were no good. Wheeler declares he la a national organ- leer for the Owl. lodge. To substantiate his statement, he displayed a membership card in the local nest of Owls, No. 1.310, ot Lusk. During his short stay In Omaha Wheeler has advertised extensively a meeting and drawing contest for the bene fit of the Owls' lodge, to be held !n Cham bers' academy, December 14. Drawings were to be taken, Vhe advertisement read, on a 1100 silk flag, with two (60 silk flags as second and third prizes. Wheeler says he has two brothers living tn Exlra, la. Baptist. Calvary T?ptit Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward M.ble school at 3:'!0. First The Rev. John Matthews of Kan sas City, Mo., will occupy the pulpit of the church, Twent -ninth avenue and Harney streets. Morning service, lu.W; evnlng ser vice, 7:80. Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Grand Avenue. George MacDougall, Pastor Topic at 11 a. m., "My ileji.iic. ' at i:Jn p. ui., "a Pro gram lor a luHnu Christian.'' Sundav school at 1'.'. Muiloti Sunday school at t p. m. at lio.i.e oi Mrs. Woounard. Young People's meeting at 8:3(. lnimanut.l, Yw. nly-fourlh and Pinkney, Rev, J. Kcull tlnrsole. Pastor Sundav school at 4."t. Sermon theme at 11 a. m., "Conatra'nlng luve;" at i:W p. m, "The Question of Wages and Gifts." Young Peo ple s meeting at i..tt'. I'tie orchestra will assist th-j chorus choir In the evening. Revival nioetlnKS will continue this week. Calvary, Twenty -fifth and Hamilton, Rev. H. R. Curry, Pastor Sorvnu at lii.an and 7;0, Mr. W. W. l.ockwood. general score, tary of the You.jg .'Jon s Ci.r.stian associa tion at Shaiintiat. ( hi. it. wiil apeak in the morning. Kvf'i.ng rerl -e i-i.ndusted by the pastor Mthle peine i i-t r.-n. Vonr.g Peo ple a servlc; ii (,::. Ml.lweeU devotional servloe Wednesday uveu.r.g at 8. Christian. First, ' Tent; -s'.m'i Nr,u Harney, J. M. Kersey, Pastor Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30. iHible school at noon. omit.' Peoiile'a meet- lug at S:Sn Hiulvt rl.'tus 'luesOay evening at I o'oiuck. North Side. il. .1. Klrscl-.s'.q'n. Minister Meets hn Piyiiiutuh Congrei.Mt.onal church, Twentieth and Sptnccr streeta. Bible sohool, .!W . ni.; C' rij-tin Kudearor. f,:M p. m. J evening worship, 7:) p. m., sermon theme, " After tho kjlectfon What T"; mid week meeting at the homo of Mr. K. C. W'lUlaius, IHl Pratt street. Christian V'leace. First. Tweiit " h avd Farnam Cham bers Hulld.ng .-' j:,,u- school at l.li. Serv ices at II a. in. ar-.ti j -. m. Subleci of Uaaon aern or.. "Mortais and Immortals." Second, NliuLeeiul, and l-'criiaiu, I.yrlc Theater Sunda a h.iol a-. K 4... service at 11 a. tn. Subject ot lesion sermon, "Mortals and Immortals." on (-reus t tun a I. preach at 7:; Kpworth league at 8:30; i 3. L.yrlc Theater nineteenth and ! arnain- DllllUH j , ftl J-t, uiiino uj .iiAauriu hcvbiii, prayer meeting Wednesday. Norwegian and Danish Methodist, North Twenty-fifth and Decatur Services at 11 and 8: young people's meeting at 7. Rev. Gideon Olsen of Forest City, la., will preach at both rertices, also during the week at the evangelistic services, 8 o clock, except Saturday. 1 he meetings will con tinue until December 1. Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and Larl mnre. Earl !. Bader. Pastor Class meeting 10:115; morning worship 10:45 celebrating flttli annl ver.-aiy of organization of church, charter members especially urged to be present; Sunday school at noon; Kpworth league at ti:2o. leader. Mrs. E. M. Abbott; evening worship nt 7:30. First. Twentieth and Davenport. Rev. Frank I nch. D. D., Pastor Public worship and sermon at 11, sermon subject, "Signifi cant Slgsjs of the Times;" at 7:30 regular evening services: sddresa by Mr. Dock wood, representing the Young Men's Christ ian a-aoolatln work In Shanghai, China; music by the vested choir; Sunday, achool at :4u; toung People's meeting at 8:30. Hanscom Park. Twenty-Ninth and Wool worth. Rev. E. B. Crawford, Pastor Morn ing 10:SO. "Do We Need a New Religion?" evening T:: the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. Harry Farmer, missionary to the Philippine. Mr. Farmer Is returning to his larlsh after a furlough at home and this Will be the last opportunity of hearing him. Walnut Hill. Forty-Fintt and Charles, K. F. Hosman. Paator Morning set cice at 10 SO; "What Constitutes a True Sense of Sin'; Sunday achool 12 noon, G. T. Undley. super intendent: Kpworth league. :S. R. M. Evans, president; Evening service T:S0, "Popular Sin Number Two." Men's brother hood meets Monday evening with supper at 7 o'clock. . Presby terlasu Church of the Covenant. Twenty-seventh snd Pratt, Rev. R. T. Uell, D. D., Pastor Services, 11 a. m. and 7::i0 p. m.: Sabbath school, :4i a. in 7 t. m. theme. "Do You ljke louroelf? at o'clock Olive A. Klllln of Denver will speak on "New Thought What It Is and what It Teaches; " Wednesday evening meeting tor teaching and healing, conducted by Dr. Severn Y. W. C. A. Notes. Sunday s'.cclal vesper service at 4:iJ. Ad dress uy .!, Liny M. Strong. Special music, stereopucon pictures of China. Thursday at 8:30 will be the meeting of the employment and travelers aid com mittee. At 7:M, play hour in toe gym nasium. Monday at 7:30 Dr. Kersev's Bible class, Instead of on Thursday evening at tiie tame nour. At lo a. in. win be the meeting ot me devotional committee. November 13 to 18 Is the week of prayer for the Young Women s Christian asocia liens of mo world, lutormai services will Oe held every oay of tula week from to i:oo in the covenant room on- tne tnira floor. All Interested friends are Invited. V. M. C. A. Nates. The Look wood mass meeting will be held In the Young Men s Christian association t-vninaxiuin ttunuay afternoon at i o ciock lor thirty ininutea an Interesting series ot moving pictures and stereopnoou views on China and Its people will be shown, fol lowing which Air. W. W. Lock wood, gen eral secretary of the Shaiixuat. China Young Men's Christian association, will de liver one of his Intel cstuig addresses to the men of Omaha. Mr. Lock wood will talk to the boya ut 3 o'clock, before addressing the men's meeting. Dr. W. O. Henry's class In Life Problems was organized last Sunda, with a mem bership of twenty-six. The class meets each Sunday at 3 p. m. The Young Men a Christian association week of prayer will be observed by the Young People's society, i Omaha association, for eight days, begin ning Sunday, November 13. It has been the COUNCIL COMMITTEE TO TALK SMOKE CONSUMER Scientists of the City Hall to Con- alder Several Different Schemes. The council committee that has been conferring upon the question of smoke consumers has decided upon the report which It will make next year and the plan that was given up this fall because of short funds- will be undertaken again as soon as the new levy Is made In Jan uary. The city electrician, the gas commis sioner and the other scientists in the city hall will be allowed an appropriation of $1,000 with which to try out various schemes of complete combustion that will use up the heavy carbon smoke, and the best one that is found wilt be recommended to business men In Omaha, If they accept the scheme on. recommendation, that will end the matter; If not, some compulsory measures wilt be adopted. The complete combustion systems are said to be a sav ing to the consumer as well as a help to the appearance of the city. Bigger, Better, Bur-,ei -I'hat is what ad- vertlslng In Th Bee wilt do for your business. First United. Twenty-first and Emmet- custom for the association over the coun try to observe this veek for many years. M. oil .M, iTro Koil.".; ."aTntiT.1; tiona will unite in these services. Noon-day devotional services will be held on the third floor of the Association building, com mencing at 12:-u. and lasting for about twenty-five minutes. All men who can Fidelity and Reward." North. Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Hlg bee. li. D.. Pa.- tor Public worship at lo.;) and 7:.V: Sunday school at 1- m.; Young Iark Va'e. Thirty-first and Gold-Sunday ! People's Society of Christian Endeavor at school at 10, K. C. Wilbur :. i;icnntemlent. People s meeting w eanesnay evening. Christian ijidVo vo.' at li : . Evening wor- Ixwe Avenue. Fortieth and Nicholas, I Ship at J:3o. 1;." . J. p. i lv.1,. W)n peach. Rev. Nathaniel McGiiffln. D. D.. Minister First. Nlnrtcentu t:,.i Da-. . np.irt Kre4- ' Morning worship at U:30; Sunday school rick T. Ro ie. i..ej-Moinl'ig st 10 jo ; and Hlble class at 1J m.; Christian Kn- I sorinon by tl'- fa--t-r en t oir eliowsiilp ' avor at fi.:J: eenlng worship at 7.30. A' ta with the 1 hi. nr." ! .tnuig woi.hlp at I welcome to all. 7:45. "Tim ii.oi:, o SUf.' Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth. F. V. , gl. Mary'a Avenue. James Alexander ' Ramsay. Ph. ! . Pastor-Sunday scnool J. .ii. . . ... i . -I,-.- - jioi i,ng woisiilp w.th adult P..lilc das. 1M a. m. ; worship i mini Miti-iii:. st ' T-i '14-it. mi ir Miih n,.,, m,1 urn -nil -li.iis S ii I li i smI nn t.i Author.' Footmen." fAenlr.g ber.'ice at '. :.".0. "A I it VI 4-i a. in.; worshp with Hrnun, "He- breaking off and lualng color, follow lllblc Story of 1 ruij I'. e.' Mmlc by the j penianc ." .':.-' p. in. the lead of the many w ho have abandoned uuuiut. I First Seventeentu and iKxIuc. Fdwinjthe use of soup and water and taken up P.1'1.- JX-?, i 'JL K. ..1;0!1:' H. new ...etUoa t dry mtMW said etening service. :. "I V lendshlp." Sun day sclHfil st noon. Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeaor. :li p. in l-'H-st of Florence, Neb.. l:e. Genrae S Sloan, pastor Rev. W. Ainoa will preach in the moinng on ' 1 he I; suit ot I'.emi; KISTOKT OT TAT BBDUOTIOW. Here is a bit of history published for the' benefit of the overfat. For many years there has been published In the dally press throughout the country a home-prepared recipe for overfatneas the now famous Marmola Prescription of an eminent physician. No doubt you have seen it, noticed it casually and decided that when you had the time you would try for yourself the merits of this mix ture. Manv have successfully used this harmless remedy to their everlasting Joy an. I benefit to health. The same great physician has condensed bis famous Pre scription Into convenient -tablet form, so that you have only to take after meals and at bedtime a remarkably pleasant little tablet containing all the effective, pure, harmless Ingredients of the original prescription. The pound-a-day reduction to your normal aelf cornea without diet ing, self-denial or exercise, and leaves no wrinkles or flabblness. Maj-mola Pre scription Tablets are sold by all druggists or sent postpaid by the Marmola Co., 6if3 Monroe Ave., Ietrolt. Mich. The price Is 78c for a large case a generous supply. (Adv.) oo Much Water on the Jaiiflistake From Toilettes of Today, Paris.) "If your hair Is becoming dry and h-lt- J0:l, theme .i I l.'s Siun l ,,innie- nsy senuoi at i i tirt.-iian l-.t.de&vor ai ' 1 SO. h-veunff no'.;u : t 'targe ot No:t: fciu Ciulatlai cii'.iicii at 7: I at heraw. Pi. Mark's i nllh. 'i ftitieth and Bur dens. 1. Groh. Pastor-St rmon by Re,-. W. T. Bahse. ri re-. nln t MMiand college. 1":46 a. m ; "A ll. m M toe So bv fkwi Ilia Deeds." 7 30 r. ui : Sunday school, 13 m ; Young l'eot,le's Chrlsliau 1. li.lt avor, 6 C, Right w th God," in the even, rig the pastor will speak on "Be Not Deocnetl;" Snmiay school, lu Ml s. m.; young peoples nuetini;. 7 p. m ; preyer meeting 'l'nursuav e ruing st 8. Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant, i t illion Mill. rurij-iiiui aim "itni, I " Paul a, T-aenty-lagtith and Iaxker. t Thoinaa B tireenlee. Minister piihllo wor- I l.alr aa blight tnd tluff?' as evej did eggs. b. rn. tit. IX T. Otto. Pastor -r vices at 10 a. m.:!nlo at 10 30. At this, service the newly Sunday e iiovl at I! a. ni.: at $ p. m., eiecte.1 eiders of the Pairvicw Presbyterian Mr. W. M. bloddard of Chtcugo an exoeri- j churt 1'. will be advanced and InMaheU. ence.1 lecturer ol' n.e National fhruiiaa an- Sands y school at 1! m ; Junior Endeavor, eucatlon will airk on ' i'i.e Lodge" Kverv-' J P r.i .; Si!o PnJeavor. li-so; public txnlv welisime. 4.t 1 p m. , , lecture w ill I -ortup. :-V m! l-wee service Wednesday, be rit-d In 7. - a c'.iurcit, Twenty-Ninth I Centtal t r. t-d. Tw ent v-foui th and and S streets. is,iuili Otuana. I iMtge Services at 10 M a. in. and 7 JO p. m. Koiiiitte Menurtal Kv. John E. Hum- ! by Dr. Ijivhii- of li e Omaha Theological mon, I'htuf -etinl- w, 11 a. lu.. sermon snj- I a. Miir.afy ; Sabt-aih si-tiool et noon. Je.-t "Who Is Martin Lather?' Sundav I Wednesdav r.tiiin; st M o i iocs Miss R.-na k ii. s.l at lu in In lecognitton of Hogg of rt;vpt wilt gl e an address under "Luther I -ay" au odeilog will be received 1 lue ausplcra of tne Women a Missionary Clarlhel Montague In her leiiure on "Beauty" at the Tliealer Monet, Thursday. "It hus been proven beyond question thst too freiuent wetting uinl the siipllcatlun of alkaline substances to the hair I a mistake. "Even those who formerly were devote1 to shampooing with eggs how use therok and orris root, and they unhesitatingly declare that this dry rnampoo makes the "To make the dry shampoo mix four iiuncta of powdered orris root with four ounces of tin rux. Sprinkle a tableepoon ful i f the mixture on the I es.1 an, I brush It well through the hair. Do tills otnaori twice a week if the lialr Is thi.i and scanty j aitd you will soot, notice a new growth of j hair. Nothing will make the hair so beau-j tlfully fine and lustrous as this dry sham-! poo," (Adv.) . . I wssjwsiswsssseBsi""""s"sswsss""' - li as m i : - .... 4 j ,.'..'.'-. i I I i; i 1x11 VI 1 I 1 i W 91 : 5 z-i J Choose one now for CHRISTMAS! Get a $275.00 piano for $198.00 get it for $175.60 if you take advantage of all privileges. $1.36 per. week for 140 weeks and the piano i3 yours. Special exchange feature allows you to trade any time with in 140 weeks. 16c ca3h rebate for every payment made in advance. Get another member for us and we credit you with seven pay ments amounting to $9.52, The eiraett Company 16th and Harney Sts. OMAHA E Ladies' Perfect Tailor-made Suits lade-to Your Order This Week for T? SSI Iff is Why buy a chance fitting, ready-made suit when you can have one tailored to your order, made in the style, YOU want, in the materials YOU want, made with every little feature brought out just exactly as YOU want them, and the cost is much less than you have to pay for a change fit ting, ready made suit of inferior quality. Every garment is made right here in our own building by competent master tailors, and fitted to you by exjxrt fitters. A most beautiful stock of imported and domestic materials for your selection chiffon broadcloths, serges, wide wale diagonals, two-tone mixtures, mannish mixtures, and many other exquisite materials in this season's leading shades. Every suit lined with the best guaranteed Skinner satin and GUARANTEED TO BE PER FECT IN FIT, QUALITY and WORKMANSHIP. THIS SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK gQ Extra sizes 10 extra. Suits ready for delivery one week after order is taken. The Novelty Skirt Company 214-16 No. 16th St. Opp. Hotel Loyal. One Week Less in Vhich to Avail Yourself of Our VI onderf ul Removal Bargains Our new retail store at 1513-15 Harney street will soon be ready for occupancy. Our stock is daily becoming smaller. We are placing new articles on sale each week. Read the specials for this week: Stoves Ruby Oak No. 11 For "oft coaJ, neat, nickel trimmed, gale price, at $5.05 IJubr Oak No. 18 Same as above, only $7.75 FUiliant Home Oak High grade, gugranteed, for hard or aoft coaJ, reduced to $17.00 uick Meal RteH llange All steel, polished top, delivered and ' get complete, for $37.50 lUdlaJit Home Hteel lUiiKe Com- plete, with high clonet, six holes and large oven, for one wet'li nn ly $30.50 Free Demonstration Commencing Friday, Nov. IStli, we will have an expert demon strator from Kansas City, lo glv free demons'! ration of the Jewel lirclc Cooker, the best and only allumlnum lined flrelesg cooker gold In Omaha. You are cordially invited to at tend and ee for yourself the mar velous work accomplished with thia useful household article. House furnishings lKiuble Ivoastera Oval, seamless and self-basttrig, only .... 08 Oral Hod -Oikmi, Japanned, for soft coal, any size 19 Coal Hods With hood for hard coI, any size 20t? Trouser Hanger Nickel plated, regular 25c value, only.. l'ZC Coat II an gem, all wire and good form, Monday, 2 for , 5 Crewm or Kg Whip Beat yet, regular 46c. sale price.. 29? 8c bONS CO. e0GEK 14th and Farnam