i I N 1 -A N Among the Women's Clubs Bishop-Hi ect Beecher Speaks at Open Meeting of Omaha Woman's Club Monday Omaha Society of Fine Art riant a Picturt Exhibit Announcement! of Club Meeting and Gossip Among the Members. MB civil service reform depart ment of th Woman' club baa chare of the prof-am for th Monday meitllnf and I plan ning to mtkt It a larg- and Im portant mecUuc Dean Beeoher on th recant American Prison Laid In Washington. D. C. .Th T congress. commute Invite th cttjr official and th civil service employ, member of th Ne braska Btata Association of VUltln Nurses, the Mu t.ltma. th Woman' club of th railway mail service, th Century Literary club of South Omaha, th Benaon Woman' club, the Dunde Woman' club, th mayor, th clergy and local member of th Mis souri Medical association to attend and take part In th discussion of civil service reform law, which 1 to follow th talk. All of these organisations have already Indicated their Interest In th subject which will b discussed. Thl meeting was arranged by an ex chang with th currant topic department, which will bav eharg of th December 12 meeting, when Governor-elect Aldrlch will b the speaker. Th semiannual meeting of th Woman' auxiliary of th Episcopal church of Ne braska will b bald Wednesday, Novem ber It, in St. James' church, Fremont Mrs. A. K. Geult. president of th auxiliary; lira W. B. Millard, secretary; Mrs. Arthur L.. Williams, Mr. Van Nostrand and Mrs. P. IL Col f Omaha will attend th meet ing, th program of which la: Holy communion. t:4& a. m., Right Rev. Arthur 1 Williams, bishop of Nebraska, celebrant; assisted by Ksv. H. W. Frost; business meeting at 10:80 o'clock; report of th general convention at Cincinnati, Rev. T. C Taylor of Central City; report of Woman' auxiliary convention at Cincin nati. Mrs. W. B. Millard. Tb guest will b entertained at luncheon at the rectory and th meeting resumed at I o'clock. An addresa of welcome will be glvn by Rev. H. W. Frost. Paper, 'Life and Work of Mis. Llllis Crummer," Mrs. F. H. Cole; address, Bishop Williams. Under the patronage of th Omaha So ciety of th Fin Arts, Mrs. France Mumaugh of New York will glv an ex hibit of her water color picture at th Omaha publlo library, beginning Saturday, the 19th, and lastlug on week. Thcr ar forty pictures. They will be hung In th room directly opposite th stairway on th third floor, next to th leotur room. Mr. Mumaugh I a pupil of William A Chase, Robert Henri and Loul Mova. Sh ha won honor at th New Torte Sohool of Art and with the Cathertn Lorlllard Wolfe club, and ha exhibited successfully In th American art galleries (May. 1908) and in the new galleries on West Thirty first street (1007). Twlc sh ha mad painting tours abroad. Last summer sh spent along th New Kngland coast In quest of artlstio material. Th picture to be exhibited her ar largely th result of tola tour. Mrs. Mumaugh 1 vary charmingly 1 tr usted in Nw Turk. Hr acquaintance In artlstio circle 1 wld. It la hoped that on afternoon of the exhibit may be de voted ! to an informal studio talk. Report from th state conference re cently held at Bward and also an Interest log talk on th work which on of th Chicago chapter 1 doing mad th matt ing of the Omaha chapter of Daughter of American Revolution, held Monday at th horn of Mr a Charles Pickens, 111 North' Thirty-ninth street, on of unusual interest Mrs. Cop of Chicago was a guest of the chapter and spoke of tb work which her chapter 1 doing In th school of Chicago and among th foreign children to promote patrlotlo appreciation of our country' his tory. , Mis Fannt Adam gave a report of th ' business at the state conference and Mis. David Cole told of the social aid of the conference. Mrs. George Strain presided during the program, which Included interesting paper on "Karly Day of Oregon," Mrs. Edgar Allen;, "Kira Meeker and 111 Work," Mr. W. S. Heller; the reading of th poem, "To tb Men Who Mark th Trail." Mrs. A. C, Troup. Mrs. Garrett and Mis Alice 11 all gave Instrumental and vocal solo. As a member of th commute from th state charities and correctlona which has In charge the formulating of a bill to be proposed to th stats legislature aa an amendment of th present atat civil ser vice law, Mrs. Kredurlck 11. Col ha' been Invited to go to Lincoln to meet with thl committee aud also th general oonfrno of committee, which I to be beld at th Lindell hotel Wednesday. Thl civil ser vice reform bill la also on in which th Nebraska Federation of Women' Club Is much interested and for th promotion of which it ha a working committee. Th Omaha Woman' club waa on of tb first organisations to tak th aotlon of recom mendation for th civil service reform law. Mr. Arthur Bowman will b ' leader at tb meeting of th Omaha Society of Fine Arts, which will be held Thursday. Jean Francois Millet. UU-1&T5, "chief of the painters of rustio gunre," will b th sub ject of study. The Htory Teller' leagu will meet Thursday afternoon. Stories from "Uncle Tom's Cabin,'' Mrs. Qeurg M. Cooper, Mrs. C. W. Axtell; miscellaneous, Mrs. U. U. Rice. Th Dorcas fee wing club, am organisation of twelv women, who meet every two week to lew for th various charitable In stitutions, met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Jorgensen. At thl meeting thu tlm,' was spent In fashioning garments for jme needy children. Th next meeting wl.l be held Friday, November 25, with Mis. Jo seph Kelley, XUft Biunay street. Th literature department of th Woman's club will meet Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock with Mrs. A. B. bomar a lesder. Vhe subject. "Humorist as Historians," lil be oontlnued from last lesaon and two books by Mark Twain will be rvlwed "The Otldsn Age," by Mr. A. B. Bomar. and "llouglilng It." by Mra Lanakoy Smith. Plans for th annual donation day, al y an Important dsy in th calendar of th Old People's Home, will be completed at the meeting of the board of director w hich 1 to be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at th loung Women' Christian as sociation. Wednesday Is th donation day when th board keep opeu houa and th bag dis tributed for contribution ar returned by the contributor. At it tecosd program which waa gives Thursday, th rauelo department of the Woman elJb njoyd an afternoon of spe cial Interest. Th leader, Mia ' lllanch - r ... k - . ! 'j -s wiaugea a program or songs A which were given by Mrs. Frank U Wat V C son of Cedar Rapid, ia., who Is not only a I Vocahat. kut m. - . u. (w.v as well and her songs included several of her own composition. Current topic depsrtment of th Wman' club will glv th first kensington of the season Wednesday afternoon at 1 SO o'clock In th horn of Mrs. O. P. Moorhead. All th new member of th club ar specially Invited to share In the afternoon. Thar will be a program of music. Th hoateese for th attemoon are Mr. J. L. Adams, Mr. Issao Douglas. Mrs. Charles Hempl and Mrs. C. B. Coom. OMAHA MEN ON PROGRAM AT LINCOLN NEXT WEEK Mrrtlaa of tfc Lesgss ( Nebraska Maalclpalltle t Brlesr Forth Dlseeealeo. Th executive commute of the Leagu of Nebraska Municipalities ha issued a prospectus giving th detailed program of th convention which will be held in Lin coln. November 14, IT and IS. Two Omaha men. Councilman Berka and City Comp troller Lobecki ar listed to apeak. Judg Berka will take part In a general discussion on th need and problem of th Nebraska city governments, and Mr. Lobeck will be a member of a round tabl on lighting problems. Th League of Nebraska Municipalities Is on of th many state organizations that ar In a way subsidiary to the National League, and th work they do Is very similar to th work that I done by that body. The program Include addreme hy experts upon various olty problem nd dlausalona of all the phase of city gov ernment and administration. On of the plan at present under consideration I to establish for thl state a bureau of munici pal information that will be of benefit to officials and legislatures. City Clerk Dan Butler of Omaha I a member of th oom mltte that ha this matter under Investi gation. Judg Berka will attend this year's con vention with th intention of bringing It to thl city for next year If possible, it ha met her before. Personal Notes Mn. MoKim Oirei Emphatio Denial to Humor of Engagement to Al fred Owyona Vanderbilt Latter Preparing to Entertain Big Party Ewing-Fleitmann Wedding a Notable Affair Misi Bradley to Wed. BT MAROARKT WATTS DK PKTSTER. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. (Special to Th Be.) Mr. Alfrtd Owynn Vanderbllt ha moved into th house No. 11 East Sixty second street, which b leased from his cousin. Mr, and Mrs. Ernesto Q. Fabbi. Th latter ar at th Plasa pending their departure for Europ November IS, wher they will spend tb winter. Mr. Vandcrbilt will ntertaln a larg party at dinner by way of a houscwarmlag Wednesday next. Mrs. Smith Holllna McKlm raphab cally denied on Friday that h was mar ried to Alfred Owynn Vanderbllt, and with great as graat emphasis shs dnid sh was engaged to him. Th most recent story of a marrlag atarted In th HoUl Plaaa, New Tork, wher each Btayad. ' They gay up their respective apartments on Thursday and departed without announcing; destina tions. In th afternoon they wer seen together on th aviation field at Bel mont Park. Then, with th wing of a giant aeroplane, rumor soared up and down Fifth avnu spreading th tal that they were married. When Mr. MoKim said: 'I am not mar ried to Mr. Vanderbllt. and I ara not en gaged to him." her ys flashed. "I have no expectation of becoming en gaged to anybody." Colonel Isaao Emerson, her father, stood besld her a sh talked. H nodded confirmation to everything sh aid. Ambassador of Austria-Hungary and Baronss Hengelmuller hav gon to Washington from New Tork wher they wer in attendance at th aviation meet. Baron and Baroness Hengelmuller and their litt! daughter. Baroness Mllla Hen gelmuller. left Washington last spring to be In their own country at th tlm of former President and Mrs. Roosevelt' arrival ther on their tour of Europe. They returned to this country to spend th summer at Bar Harbor and th au tumn at Lenox. Miss Clara Fleitmann, daughter of Mr, and Mr. Ewald Fleitmann, of ii West Seventy-seventh street, and Jame O. Blaine Ewing, th youngest son of the lat General CharUa Swing of Ohio and Wash ington, D. C. wer marrieed at th horn of the bride's parent Thursday. Miss Fleitmann' attendant were her atster, Mlsa Paula Fleitmann. and her two little nieces, daughter of Mrs. Alexander Wat Jen of Bremen. Mr. Ewintr's brother, John 11. M. Ewing, was his brst man. Rela tives and intimate friends only attended the ceremony, which was followed by a reception. Mr. Ewing is a grandson of Gowns and Suits Bee Luilding Suite 320-323. $35.00 Suits at $20.00 Monday Women who appreciate well made suits, elegantly tailored, beautiful fabrics, will take advantage of this offer Monday. $35 Party Dresses $20.00 Monday We have had many calls for Party Dresses at the above price Therefore, w offer for Monday only our $35 00 Party Dresses for $20.00. If interested call early, as our sales are bonafied and quickly tmken advantage of. 1 We have severed our connection with the Douglas Street Shop. If fi Womerfs Suit That Were Sold All from Gotham Thomas lowing, United States senator from Ohio, and secretary of the treasury under President William H. Harrison in 1M1. On his mother's aid he is a grandson of John K. Miller of Ohio, member of congress for many years. H is also a nephew of the lat General W. T. Eherman. At th meeting of th Society of New Tork Ptat Women. - Mra Gerard Banker, president, held at th Waldorf-Astoria Thursday, Mrs. Walter B. Moor gav a talk on "The Literature of New Tork Stat," and Mr. Thomas Vivian, president of th California club: Mrs. John Fowler Trow, chairman of mualo, presented MU Brook, contralto, and Mrai Sweeney, soprano, tn a group of aongs, with Miss Crocker as accompanist. Mia Helen Tift will return to Washing ton Sunday, Mis Taft has been honored at several social functions during her visit to Nw Tork. On her return to Washing ton Monday, Mrs. Jams Piling will give a luncheon for her. On th following day sh wlill b th guest of Mrs. Wlckersham, wif of th attorney general. Mlsa Taft will go to Panama week after next with th president and Mr. Taft, and will assist in entertaining at th Whit Houa during th winter. ' Invitations will soon b Issued for th marrlag of Mis Gladys Virginia Brad ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Henderson Bradley, to William Thaw, son f Mra William Thaw, Jr., of Pitts burg. Th wedding will be celebrated at th St Regis on Thursday afternoon, De cember 1. Th ceremony will be per formed at 4 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Daniel Worcester, rector of Christ church of Pittsburg. Mr. Thaw will hav Frank Donnan of Pittsburg for hi best man. A list of entertainments to b given bv th Texas society of New Tork will begin with an entertainment at th Plaxa Thursday night. A business meeting of members of th society will b held next Tuesday. Th Lon Star ball will be given on Thursday, January t. also at th Plasa, and th San Jacinto dinner and cotillon on Friday, April 21. Lady Maxwell, who arrived in New Tork Friday from England, will remain In America until January. She waa ac companied by her father, John Bonyng Of San Francisco. Lady Maxwell is the wife of Major General Sir John Maxwell, commanding the British military force In Egypt. She will sail to rejoin her husband at Cairo the first of the year. Miss Dorothea F. Wardwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lansing Ward- !T ' at V J. cost. I In 8 C'dl i Season at 510.75 and On Sale Monday Only This is a Bona Fide Sacrifice Sale. We have' too many Women's Suits on hand and must reduce our stock at once, regardless of Thcso are not ordinary cheap garments, put together in any old way, but are striotly high class suits, made of excellent materials and beautifully tailored. Never before have the women of Omaha had an opportunity to seoure a suit of this kind at such a ridiculously low prioe. These suits sold regularly at $16.75 $18.75 and $22.50. Your Choice Monday Only (D) No Alterations Hade on These Suits i - i i w mw ii i . a rt r Pr. . . w i DIAMONDS Canary DiamonAs, Golden Brown Diamonds, Jaeger Diamonds and Pure White Diamonds In pear. Marquise, octagon and other un usual shapes. As perfect and rare aa can b found tn th best Fifth Avexsu stores. Set In th most axqulslt mounting of Platinum. An Omaha selection ha never been so cholc. varied andj large. Ton ar Invited to call and Inspect thl splendid array of Qualltaa Quam Quantitaa Jewels. Albert Edholm Gold and Silvers mi th. i - 16th and Harney. STUDIO GRAND 1406 FARNAM STREET ojrLT rntax oivasn btttdio ibt OMLaJCA making Sigh Crrad Cabinets for B3 pt desen. Opa Sunday. wll, will b married to Mr. Throop Mar tin Wilder, son of Colonel W. B. Wilder of Denver. Colo., and a nephew of Mr Edward 8. Martin of thl city. In th Church of th Holy Communion on No vember 22. Sh will b attended by her Inter, th Misses Allc. Florenc and Mener Wardwell: th Misses Sylvia and Cornelia Wilder, alsters of Mr. Wilder; Mis Mailt Martin and Mlsa Elsl Jen nings. Mr. Robert Brewster will b th beat man. and th usher will b Messrs. Donald Ryereon, William Wildr. Q. E. Hugh Gref, O. Brett Glaenser, George W. Martin and Montagu Geer, Jr. New Tork and Newport society is much interested In the bora abow which opens at Madison Bquare Garden next Friday. Two thousand children from charitable and publlo institutions ar to b th special guest of th directors of th National horse show th afternoon of th opening dy. Alfred a. Vanderbllt, president of the Na tional Horse Show association, announced the list of entries as' 1,710 horses after the tabulation of nominations wer completed and the figure submitted to him officially for the twenty-sixth annual show. 022.00 X V VfG0LPySlLVt1WMJTMS)r fy 1 oouot rg.lV e x!V ' R QJ-'jti Correct Footwear for Men Pay attention to your feet. No man can be wU dressed if h wear old style or Ul-flttlng shoes. Tou can't hid your feet But you can dres them well and In correct style, and at a Very mod erate coat if you come to the right place. $3.50, $4 to $5 Will do more for your feet at this atore than anywheir els. At ithr price you can get th most for your money tne maximum 01 style, quai lty and comfort. And the shoes you get here ar fit ted right by expert sho fitter. FRY SOOE CO. 16th and Douglas Street. From The Diary, of An Economical Man "I used to buy four business suite a year. Now I buy on each spring and autumn. To Illustrate: My last fall's auit was laid awy last spring. This fail I bought a new suit. Got out my old one, had it cleaned and preesedr-It looks good as new. Next year III dixcard th two-year-old enlt and repeat the process. By keeping one old suit each season, and buying one I always hav four good suits and my clothe bill la about half." No use to discard a suit after on season's wttarlng. A little money pent on the up-keep of a suit la th short cut to clothes-economy. Be sides it keeps a fellow looking splo and span every minute. If you haven't tried Th Pantorlum wy, start now, and It'll be mora difficult to atop the practise than it was to begin. It costs only $160 to hav a suit dry clwaned end preeeed and It add much more than that to th life of th suit. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and xyra." IBIS-IT one Street, nther aon There Is a Distinction and a very marked one between Sterling Sliver and Plated Table Ware. The woman of fauhion Is careful to have her table adorned with the finest linen, her silver and glassware of the best The social Importance of her Stationery Is as great and defines a social Intelligence which critical people are careful to noba. Letters, In vitations and Cards on paper of the CRANE manufacture are correct in quality, style and finish. No other paper so Ideally fulfills all the ex acting conditions demanded by discriminating users. Our line of these goods Is complete. ' M0YER STATIONERY CO., lOlOFarnam St. The Bee Prints the News KJuiLinLdFeoiG W Qmmeinr Coats on Sale Thcso Coats were bought at a big reduction and include all the latest up-to-dato models in tho most desirable new materials. This means a big saving on your Coat here Monday, Women's New Coats, 012.76 These hansome Coats are mad of all-wool broad cloths and mixtures. They are finely tailored and perfect-fitting Coats that would sell else where at $18. Special Q1 O 7C Monday tyld U Women's Stunning Coats, 31G.7G This is ono of the greatest Coat values of tho season. Materials are the very finost luster broadcloths, linings of guaranteed satin; beautifully tailored, worth Ql A P7PJ $25. Special Monday Vlvi U Women's Beautiful Coats, 022.60 These are exceptionally high-class Coats, made of the finest imported broadcloths and beautiful mixtures. Superbly tailored and absolutely per fect in every detail. A $30 Ortil 5f Special Monday You are requested to attend our Fall opening Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Satur day, November 16-17-18 and 19, Our Holiday stock of Rich Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Sil vert Crystal Glass, Leather Goods, etc. is complete. . Our new department of fine English and French China din nerware will attract you. Ryan Jewelry Co When you buy candies buy the best There la a certain satisfaction In eating good candles the bet ter the candy the greater the satisfaction. There is an added satisfaction In knowing that such candies are made from the purest Ingredients. Purity and deliclousness are what make Beaton's different from ordi nary candles. Park A Tilford's, Gulh A Hudson's ar the brands that set the standard for candy qual ity. We are exclusive sUlng agents for these celebrated brands la Omsba Better try them today. Beaten Drug Co. Fat Bam taJ 15th Street Moinwlay Ad A cheery disposition la often spoiled by tired, aching feet. There Is Heuer a Frovn With Our Foot Comfort Shoes Any woman who is spoiling her disposition needs not only to knw about these shoes, bat to wear them. The shoes are especially eoft gtructed and one 1m smaller in the insteo and two alsea wider la the sole, giving a snug tit over the instep and heel, allowing th foot to rest wholly on the ftol M It should. They are made of fine, soft kid, the soles are flexible and easy. We have them In button and lace. Turned soles. .... S3i 50 at ... . w.t!t.!?,.7:... 34,50 Drcxcl Shoe Co 1419 I" areata St. - r j. it' 9r V it mm I IK .: V at-- Miss Blanche Sorenson Teacher cf Itiki Residence 3338 Harney Street Tel. Harney 2C87. If you believe that the women of this community have self re spect and Intelligence you must bdmlt that most of them read The Omaha Bee.