Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15

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0$dinu - Utalhu Meeds Youn
Yom Bleed Ogd!esi9 Utah
OQDEN is a city about the same size as lincoln, Nebraska. The
thirty thousand jeople who make their homes here are prosperous, con
tented, well dressed, well to do folk, who york industriously, laugh heart
ily, think seriously and live well. Great 8alt Lake, the inland sea of this
continent, liea only an hour's ride away; Ogden Canyon, readied by the
most perfect mountain road in America, is a mountain gorge of suoh
extraordinary grandeur of wenery, that travelers of the world, globe
trotters, have said it excels anything in Europe. Hot Mineral Springs,
possessing medical and curative properties, abound in this valley. With
a climate not excelled on this continent; with work for everyone to do,
land to be acquired at a reasonable price, close cash markets where pro
duce may be quickly sold, Ogden believes you need the opportunity she
has to offer as much as she needs your effort towards the developing of
MONEY can be loaned in Ogden, Utah, upon absolutely safe secur
ity as high as H0 and 10 t . Make your money work for you. Great can
ning plants, cement grinding mills, the shops of the Union Pacific, rail
road, located here, make for Ogden a constant degree of improvement,
aud a reasonable hope that theambition of any man will meet full frui
tion in this city. Money is needed for the building of homes; for the pur
chase of trees, seeds, for investment in the development of new farming
properties, and for the hundred and one needs and necesities of a
NEW (country; needs and necessities which an older settled community'
no longer knows, because it has passed that stage in its development.
INVESTMENTS in Ogdsn, Utah, whether they be made in town lots,
office buildings, bonds, warrants or real estate mortgages, will prove
unbelievably profitable. The city is growing; its past is that of a con
servative increase in real values, of population and ot building activi
ties. Any banker in the city of Ogden will be glad to advise with refer
ence to any investment you may hope to make in the wet.
FARM LANDS about thi3 city are among th(J most fertile in the
Inter-Mountain West today. These lands may be purchased at a very
reasonable price, and the inevitable increase in their values would cer
tainly afford a fortune, whether the land was actually cultivated or not.
Facts which cannot be assailed, statistics governing every form of activ
ity in this, the second largest city in the Inter-Mountain West; th'1
entrepot to all the wealth of the historic northwest, will be furnished
absolutely free of cost.
THE WEBER CLUB of this city, an association of business men at
this time erecting a permanent home upon their own property, has cm
ployed a paid secretary, whose business it is to answer inquiries care
fully, conservatively, and with the utmost conservatiMii. If there is any
thing you wih to know about Ogden or about the different Inter-Mountain
We?t you are requested to wTite today. Write l ight now. Addros
vour letter this wav:
The Secretary,
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