Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Motive of Suicide of Herman Busch
Etill a I.Iystcry.
Bortr la Fnnntl l.lnr In Ihr Wood
with Hfinhrr 4 lulrliel In III
niaht Hand and
Tin motive for the Mi i 1 t IleitnaM
TU!"rh, 1 1 1 rarpent'r in t'lt rnii'loj in'Tit f
6lfi. Is Mill a imwtory to liis frit-mla.
s a wnrklnKinnr: be a In a roseriMin
condition and whm he v ma eren at 11: (0
Tupuflay liii-'li lie wan apparently In tin
beat of eplrlt. IWore tliat lie had bwn
at the Eatrlea hall and Ifft Mine to ret tlio
latent Bins of the eliytlnn. The next kfi n
of him wan hlM diml body IxdiiK found by
farl IJnd, a eon of Captain l.lnd of the
fire departrntn'. Thl m at 7 ' a. m..
and llf'1 hud been rxilnri for HfV"ral hours.
The tody wan lying; In tii vmhmIh at 8ev
entrontli and I strtftn. altitfcthrr away
from the home of ne dec.a"d. The re
volver wan clutched In Ills right hand and
the Una were burm-J with thn powd-r.
Ilunrli Is aurvlved ny a v. Mow and (wo
daughter. The funeral will be held to
morrow from tha noiifin. mr North Twenty
flrat at 2 o'clock, and Iho Interment will
l9 In laurel mil cemetery.
Magic City Uoaalp.
Btorm Hash-Call llowland. 'l'hone So J
For rent. 6 room cottaqe. 19th bet. I and
3 ata., $14.00. l'hone bouth 7.
The tadiea' AM of the West Q Mleelon
Hill meet with Mre. W'ela at Thirty-i'lxtn
end W mreeta this afternoon.
The Presbyterian 'iVdleV Aid eoc-lety
will hold a ruinitiBKe sale at Twenty
fourth and I etrecta Saturday.
'Phone Boll Houlh Sis, Independent F-1S1S
for a caae of Jetter tiold Top. Prompt de
livery to any iart pf rUy. William Jetter.
Henry Ietftett, aged BO. did Tuesday
laht In the South Omaha hosnltal from
ahock to the system following- a street or
accident last Saturday. Ietgett. who was
a retired farmer living at Hellevue. at
tempted to ret off a car as It mi ap
proaching N stret-t from the south. He
fe. on the etreet and: fractured his left
Arc in the Same
Fix as Before
Situation in Cuitcr County is Un
changed. Proposition Being
Beaten Decisively.
WiOKKN HOW. Neb.. Nov. lfl.-i Jiperial
Telegram. t -Although fiercely f ninht at the
"ll In Tuesday's elertion. the Mt'iefl'in on
loutity dilsion remains niartieally the t
same as It did one um. llMum from I
aK ;a'tM of t'le eount" hltoR' no in;tteitul J
Kalii' for the tilvlslnntstr'whila In some of
the stronghold the vte has fallen off.
IJroken How polled tin' largest vote n the
history of the town, while the other antl
districts made a showing. County
dlvhlon Is def. ated by at least l.VO vote.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Police Find Deau
Man in Corn Field
Evidently Came to Hit Death by Sui
cide, But His Identity
is Mystery.
Minor Mention
Tha Council Blnffa off tea of Tha
Omaha la at 13 Boot Btraet.
Moth 'pboaaa 4J.
Trial of Ku.tin
Suit is Resumed
Deposition of Dr. William Lavender, i
Who Conducted Autopsy, Asserts
No Powder Grains Were Found.
Cored ' Scratched Until Fice was
Mass of Raw Fleshy Used Cu
ticura and had First Good
., Night's Sleep in 3 Months.
' Aa Itching raah broka out en my
faca and neok., so bad that I aoratched
It udlu my ioe waa a
niaaa at raw flash which
kept ma iwikt nil
night. Attar going to
nf family doctor, ho
not helping roe, I tried
another . rfeoter but
without success. After
dootora failing, a friend
recommondra tha Cu
ticura laaraedie. That
night,'- nftar washing
my faoo and toook with
Cut!nirn foaz. I ao-
pliwl aonaa Cutiourn 4
Ohttovsut, and had tha first good
ight't aleap in thiwo month. I uaed
tbout two lola of Cutkmr Sonp and
'intraaat whan ya oculd not aao
n nark on ny faoo or naok. I wnl
gladly rooomrcMmd the Cuticura Rera
adlea to anybody. Win. BilTar, 99
"VV eat B8th At., Nw Tork. Mar. 1, mo."
la another lot tar Mr. Bilrar aaya.
MMy com waa of nbotrt two year
fajidlng. After using Cutiourn Boas
nd Ointmmt for about throa daya 1
aw a daoldd Improramant and waa
ontirely ourad In two months."
For tha promotion and treatment of
Itohing. burning, scaling oruptioa and
tho promotion of porruanont aaln and
hair naalth, Cutloura Soap and Cotiwira
Ointnoant aro abaohitaly unriTaiad in
purity, oflloaoy and oooDony. A aingio
Oako of Outtovira ooap and box of Culi
oura Ointment are ot ton sufficient.
Bttt nraaaa tta areatM wnrM. rattaf
n Ckni. Oar Beta re . Boaua, Xia,
aaMaw m utn oauwia ak a Oaaia as
. the tnuaart at tea (Uia.
1 I
LOL'ISCll.I.i;, hj., .Nov. 1U (fipocial Tel
egram.) The trial of Mm. Gruce Kustin'a
consoll(latel suit agalnat five itiHtirunce
comranlra on poI cics held by her husband.
Dr. Frederick Kustin, whose sensational
death in Umaha in tutcmher, tit
tracted national attention, was resumed
this moinint in JudK William Fields
court. Mrs. Kuslin wax asked rcj(urlinK
somo 'dctul of tlio occuriencoji at the
Kunlin iiome the mornlns Lt. ItuHt.ii sus
iHimcl a futal KunslioV wound.
The I'lmiitift B counsel contended in the
opening statement Monday that L'r. Kusttin
was murdered, and counsel for the defend
ants claimed proof gathered by the insur
ance companies was to the toffect that I'l.
Rustin's death waa the result of a suicide
compact. i-
Marshall Iiullitt. of counsel for the plain
tiff, read the deposition of an'Omuha detec
tive In which he stated he searched the
premises and vicinity of the Kustin home
and found no weapon of any kind.
Mr. Forchert, Jr., read for the defendant
the deposition of a member of the Umaha
police force. He deposed that he had seen
Dr. Kustin frequent certain saloons and
at times under the Influence of liquor.
Mr. bullltt read the deposition of Pr.
William Lavender, lie conducted an
autopsy in the case of Ir. Ituatln. ' Dr.
Lavender deposed that there waa an
abrasion on the temple an4 a slight bruise
on the arm. A careful examination,, wit
ness deposed, reveale4 'bullet wound in
the abdomen, and file course of the bullet
waa at an absolutely straight angle to the
body. . - :
The ' physlcian'a depoaltlon waa to the
effect that a microscopical examination of
the body . revealed also the absence of
powder grains or. other foreign matter
other than: the bullat. ., . i
i cedar-wood boxes.
pretty pictures, gold
bands and costly wotk
rn an ship made eood
cigars. Cobs wouldn't
be outselling all others.
, Be sure to get the
green package.
9 for 15c
la for scbat at S
Tka Lrt uipwiiit
CiU Factwr U kha wU
Allon Croo- Co.
The body of nn unidentified man. ai'pnr
ently about 4.; yeiirs old, was found yester
day afternoon partially concealed bv grass
and weeds In a cornfield near the I'nlon
Pacific dump In the vicinity of South Thir
tieth street and N nth avenue. Council
Uluffs. The body hud apparently lain
there for two or three months. The cloth
Inn was weatherbeaten and almost ready
to fnll apart.
1'nderneath the hodv la'' n coil of rote
and a M-callbrc Colts' revolver with part
of the chambers empty. The hair and
cnlp had fallen from the sliull and o:t the
upper rltht side a laree bullet hole showed
e cancc of d'ath. Not i" rai of wr't'ns
or otlier mean" of identlflcntlon wns found
!n the clotti ni;. The clothitip was thAt of a
laboring nun. The indications point to
suicide, but under the circumstances this
can only be a si.rnrse.
Tho cornfield Is in an isolated location.
southwest of the Herman greenhouses. It
's a small tract and has not been visited
by Its owner exrept for general purposes
of observation since the corn plowing
season ended. The body was found when
men were feathering the corn crop.
The remains were taken to the Cutler
morgue by order of Coroner Treynor and
fie police department asked to co-operate
In the effort to establish th" man's Identity.
Apparently the man had provided himself
wilh a coll of rope and a blir revolver,
bent on self-destruction either by hanging
or shooting, and the loneliness of the corn
field suaKcsted the latter.
The police have no reports of missing
men corresponding with the description of
the dead man. Only one thus reported is
still missing:, and he Is Andy Lorenzen. the
former patrol driver, who left the service
last sprlnn to beoome a rancher near Nor
folk, Neb., and disappeared after a visit
here about June 1. Thi description, how
ever. In no degree fits him. The dead man
was of small stature and had red hair.
A more careful examination of the cloth
ing of the dead man made last evening re
vealed some things that may lead to Iden
tification. In his pocket book that was
found In the partly decayed clothes was
found a package or baggage check issued
by Barkalow Bros.. Omaha and numbered
H 29.19. The black Stetson hat which he
wore bore the name of the Plymouth Cloth
ing store. Fort Dodge, la., and the mer
chant's mark on his coat showed that his
suft was sold by J. Capps & Son., Jack
sonville, 111. A filled gold case, open face
Walt ham watch and chain and AO cents In
cash were all that could be found In, hie
The weeds had grown up around the body
to a height of several feet.
Both Speedy ssl Effective.
This Indicate tha action of Foley Kid
ney rills, as 8.. Paraona, Battle Creek,
Mich., lllustratea "I have been afllcted
with a sev re caae f kidney, aud bladder
trouble, for. which I found no relief until
I uaed Foley Kidney Fills., These cured
me entirely of all my feilmenU. I waa
troubled with . backaches and severe
shooting paina with' annoying urinary Ir
r gularitlea. The steady use of! Foley Kid
ney Pills rid me ontirely ' of aU my
former troubles. They have my highest
recommendations.' Sold by aU druggists.
W ashington Affairs
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. IX ., Nov. 10.-(Spec;Al
Telegram.) The following" army ordc s
have been Issued: Hy direction of ti.e
president, oonKiesNionul medal of honor
was awarded to Flint lieutenant Gordon
Johnson, Seventh cavalry. October 16, for
moat distinguished gallantry In action at
Mount Bud-Dujo-Joto. Philippine Islands,
March 7, 1SH. 'S '
Captain Wilbur' 'willing - engineers, will
proueed to Vancouver 4.,.. cka for duty
with Company F, Peoond .battalion.
First Lieutenant Charles ' n. Fowlar, re
tired, is assigned to active duty and will
proceed to Kichmond, Va., for recruiting
duty relieving Major William A. Miller.
Captain David I Btone. quartermaster,
will proceed to Fort Crockett. Tex., tor
temporary duty,'
Major Jainea A.1 Bhipton,'' coast artillery
cor pa, la detailed for recruiting Bervlce and
will proceed to Bt. Louis for duty, relieving
Colonel William R. Hamilton, coast artil
lery corps.
Second Lleutenaat Lawnon Moore, first
cavalry, now at Boise barracks, will pro;
ceed to Presidio, ban Franciaco, for duty!
Captain Linil J. Huebsclicr,' Porto Kico
regiment of Infantry, now at Walter Hoed
hospital, Washington, will proceed to Hot
Springs, Ark., fur treatiuetit at Array and
Navy general hospital.
Captain Lxiwiii (). Davis is 'detailed for
duty with militia of Idaho and; will report
to governor at Uolfe.
Second - Lieutenant Manley Lawtoni
Philippine Scouts, will report to chief
Bureau of Insular Affairs. War Depart
ment, for duty.
Leaves or aneence: first Lieutenant
Richard C. Moore, corps of engineers, two
months; Captain TNman 'ainplHll. com
miHKary, fifteen days; Iental Surgeon
Julian ft. Bern helm, two months.
When your feet are wet and cold, and
your body oiitlled through and through
from exposure, take a big dose of Cham
berlain's CougiV Kemedy. bathe your feet
in hot water before going to bed, and you
are almost certain to ward off a severe
cold. For sale by all druggists.
To Vlralala and Other States. ,
Via Chicago and Pennsylvania Lines first
and third Tuesdays of each month. For
particulars, address W, II. Rowland, Trav
eling Paskenger Agent, 119 City National
Bank Building, Omaha.
Good Automobile Tires
' v . at Reasonable Prices
Firm, durabU tire, otad hf an InoVpo-
d-'Ht rnbtwr iAnipii. tilt i Wlrot nri'
imH tiTe jroo t ut H'r n ut of tir rf.
: JuS IWa.-dj lif. At, 4 J1 .0.
,1 U'i i"-'i4 $.;;.!. :u4 7ft. K44
I i ivi4 o. i -V. i4H', 7l' eWl4'4
$ -'i, $l4a l'urilfi 1 vr cut
llf- thro prirftk VUm! tniier tr !H
rnt Vs ttia r ,nlir (nUrd lit.
tu iixtwlier W v. It., ailiBif iautiu.
trA-n. Ht iicg cnl ftttMuui If csh t-nn-nl'-f
itrdor. 11- umftfi orti rsi prompt if
6 IM - K dflnliwly i yle tevd tlM.ind.
Mw fir iv(i;ntr t U u'isatlhfM"tar 4jlT Ifetia
i 4 and jttti 11 sjcurr uiuo-e.
. The Ceyer Sales Company
61 Blrtim Building. Dayton, Ohio.
Special Announccr.ct
Illg manufacturer s stock, purchase
KuiU and Drraavs, 1.500 ol
thtiu male 10 sell to " tn ftf
Uv.UO ou Saturday 1? iH
till EECl.tS d ftnuprfup
O:30 A. M. iii .lba:iJ o
i I ... :
Gives tha deli"
catrcon , Icioo
o to'
obtain Q aoy r J .
other way. U VpA
ien a Mrtra sV Va ss 0 W tl toilet
cream ; fragrant, pkasant
and harmless. -
If you have a red, ilotch
eJ, pimply, coarse bl.u
?rly CcrKrrou5 coating
of it to-r-iiht, and notice
the effect to-morrow.
CW K ftt an A. D. ft.
tW It) SJCU. .
Congressman's Plorallty Will Reach
l.SOO la Ninth Iowa Dis
trict. wnrmiro oajtdisatxs.
BWpreeaatatlvss John t T, Hasan (dem.)
At Xenooksr (dem.)
Auditor J. 8. Xannan (dent.)
Treasnrer J. W. Kltehall (rep.)
Clerk Harry g. Brown (rep.)
heriff T. r. MoOaffery (rep.)
mecorder w. X. Bargnansen (dam.)
Attorney Frank J. OapeU (dem.)
Bnperlntendent of ehools T. f. Fnryear
arvsyor Erwln B. Bpetman (dena.) '
Coroner Ik X. Cutler (rep.)
npsrvlBore W. O. OhUdrea (rep.) Frank
M. True (dem.) D. A. Coo (dent, lsl
Jadge Bupertor Court a. B. Bnyder (rep.)
Justices J. K. Cooper (dem.) B. B.
Qardlner (rep.)
With two city precincts, the first of the
Sixth and second of the First wards, still
missing at 10 o'clock last night, the re
turns from Tuesday's election show that
Porter, democratic candidate for governor,
carried Pottawattamie county by a ma
jority of 15rt. The unofficial returns, how
ever, from the two missing precincts, re
duce this greatly, leaving It practically to
the official count to determine if Potta
wattamie county went democratic on the
head of the ticket.
Congressman Smith ca.Ties the Ninth
district by approximately 1.D00, but on the
face of the returns, mlnuo the two missing
precincts, only caTrriee Ms own county by
forty-four. The total vote for Smith In the
county waa 4,"MG, and for Cleveland, his
democratic opponent. 4.561. The unofficial
returns from Adair county give Smith 361
majority, Audubon county, I2S; Cass, HpO;
Uutherle, 400; Mills, ?. and Montgomery,
"SO. Cleveland, only carried two counties
In the dtstrlct. his own. Shelby, by a ma
jority of 7u0, and Harrison county by nine.
Despite the hard fight made upon J. W.
Mitchell, especially In the east end of the
county, he ran ahead of his ticket in the
preater number of the forty-four precincts
In the county. The next hardest tight was
made on ft. V. Innes. republican candidate
for re-election aa county auditor, and al
though admitted to be the best auditor the
county has ever had. he was defeated by
nearly 400.
In the city S. B. Snyder, republican can
didate for Judge of the superior court and
police Judge, was singled out for the con
centrated opposition of the democrats,
whose candidate. John P. Tinley, had the
advantage of having won over a large
number of republican votera. Snyder would
undoubtedly have been defeated if the ar
rangement of the ballots had not placed
Tinley's name at the very bottom of the
whole ticket with several blank spaces,
meant for township trustees, between his
name and the body of the ticket.
As a general thing the voters seldom
pay any attention to the names at the
tall of the ticket, and Tinley lost a large
number of votes for this reason. In five
of the precincts 160 democratic ballots were
noted that were not marksd for him or his
opponent. Snyder's name had the same
location on the republican ticket, but he
waa given a slight advantage by the town
ship blanks filled by printed namea
Minus the two missing precincts Snyder's
majority maa 2u2.
The defeat of Miss Charlotte Dryden for
county superintendent waa a very great
surpiike. Notwithstanding the popularity
of Mr. Puryear, who Is the head of a buai.
ncaa college, It was generally believed that
Miss Dryden would poll much more than
the full democratic vote.
I 'avis. drug.
Corr'gHii". ui.dertaUens. 'Phones ltf.
Majestic rangr, P. C. Ie Vol Ildw. Co.
lliture framing, .lensen. Masonic temple.
WoodrinK Undertaking eotnpuny. Tel. "39.
IrfWis Culler, f unt ral director, 'l'hone 97.
See Korwick first for painting, 211 S. Main.
Free things to eat at the Gas office. 28
Pearl street. Mep In.
Schuster's and Slurs' Mslt F.xtract for
sale hy J. J. Kline Co., 12 Broadway.
Have your glasses fitted or repaired by
J. W. Terry, optician. 4U Broadway, office
with (ieorce Oerner.
For nursing mothers drink Anheuser
Busch Malt 'Ionic, ltosenfeld Liquor Co.,
olS South .Main slrctt.
Free things to p.t cooked by the best
method In the world. See the Tilple
Trick demonstration at the Ciaa office. I
Pearl street.
Tiie Kowena c irrle rue. -in at the home of
Mrs. II. o. Maxwell, Ml! Commercial street,
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Yoeman
ladles are Invited.
rci.KCTliir LIGHT CO., 26 P1CARL ST.
A suit was heron in the district court
yesterday by New ton Pnteh to enforce pay
ment of a promt xm y note executed hy T.
J. Malch on April 27 last. The amount in
volved Is i0.
The infant dnighfer of Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. 'hnpmau died yesterday afternoon at
the family residence. ;71ii Avenue A. The
funi ral will tHlte plsce this afternoon at
1:M h: the residence. Burial will be in
Seeklnc a little relaxation from the stiain
incident to the election, a party of Co.inell
Hluffs men left yesterday morning for a
brief hunting trip In the vicinity of Onawa,
where tliey had been Invited to tramp
around the duck ponds and grain fields
on tli extensive farms of William Malone,
who ngreed to make it euy for the ex
haiiHted hunters, even if it required the
chasing out of some of his tame ducks to
be shot at. The party comprised W. li.
Thomas, P. J. McBrlde. Harry Brown,
Charles F. Paschel. George F. Hughes and
C. C. Ijarseu.
At the business meeting of the Danish
Baptist church on Tuesday evening, Miss
Ella Otsen, president of the Baptist Young
People's union, gave the church a fine new
piano which the members of the society had
bought from Sclimoller A Mueller, after
the latter had placed it In the church on
the occasion of the fiftieth wedding anni
versary of Dr. Reichenbach, pastor of the
church, and Mrs. Reichenbach. The young
people have Just finished paying for It and
they walled until It was clear of debt before
presenting It to the church to become a
part of its property. The Instrument Is a
handsome one. and the generous gift won
the members of the society hearty praise
from the congregation. At the close of the
business meeting the young people served
The sudden gale of cold wind created a
great deal of discomfort to people obliged
to be on the streets. . The street sprinkling
service waa reduced one-half at the be
ginning of the month, and although Mayor
Maloney has earned the gratitude of the
citizens by getting the streets In cleaner
and better condition than they have been
at corresponding periods for many years,
clouds of dust and some good sized missiles
were sent flying through the air. The
weather was something of a disappointment
to the Fruit and Corn show people, as it
was felt to presage not the best conditions
for the opening today. The main building
and the annexes were kept in a comfortable
condition and the doors closed tlghtlv
enough to shut out the products from the
dust stonr.
l.arae .Visihrr of People tttenri lie-j
I eenllo) Follonlns Katenslve I
j Repairs.
j Between S00 and 4nf men and women re-
I sponded to the Invitation ti attend the j
reception at the Elks' club Inst evenlmr In j
celebration of the reopening of the eluh
house since the completion of the extensive
repairs made necessary by the fire last
spring. Nearly $!Y'W has been expended
on the twilldlng In refurnishing throughout
and In Additions.
I-ast evening every part of the beautiful
structure was thrown open to the Inspee
tif n of the visitors, all of whom were In
full evening dress. The new billiard hall,
finished In mission style, with four tables
of design to match, waa greatly admired.
It was declared to be one of the hand
somest and best equipped bllllnrd halls In
the west.
All parts of the building were lighted by
softlv shnded lamps. Flowers and bloom
ing plants bestowed with quiet taste added
much to the beauty of the scene. Mmv
of the guests were from Omaha. Refresh
ments were served later In the evening
and the punch bowl was uncovered when
the reception began.
At the close of te reception at 10 o'clock
dancing began In the lodge room on the
second floor.
Qnly the Pianola Piano
Contains the PIANOLA
If you think - That ali Piano Players are
PIANOLAS, and That any Piano with
a Piano Player inside, is a PIANOLA
Piano, you are ver? much mistaken.
playing of
Is the name of 'a' German chemical, one
of the most valuable ingredients of
Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylene
tetramlne Is recognised by medical text
books and authorities aa a uric acid sol
vent and antlseptlo for tha urine. Take
Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at tho
first sign of kidney trouble and avoid
a serious mafaly.
loajopll Jtlnffs Man Sara Socialist
Member Will Toll tor Peo
ple's Good.
The election of Victor L. Berger of Mil
waukee to congress Is particularly pleasing
to several Council Bluffs men, who know
him personally and esteem blm most highly.
Among them is J. W. Fancha of the
Monarch Printing company, whose attach
ment to Berger in founded upon something
more enduring than sentimental friendship.
It la a knowledge of the exalted Ideals of
the man and his deep planted purpose to
do something worth while In the great
field of human economics.
"Not only the to'lers of the land may
look to Bierger with confident expectation.
but the people of the whole country may
depend upon him as a man Imbued, with
the highest form of patriotism, with Idenls
that represent the very ieat there Is In
our humanity," said Mr. Sancha. ".lust
watch Victor Bergers work in congress,
work that will be accomplished under the
greatest dlfflcultlea. handicapped by oppor
tunities purposely withheld, but neverthe
less watch him. He represents a new, ideal
In American politics, and he begins his
work equipped by native abilities equalled
by few men."
THE PIANOLA, which is
made only by tho Aeolian
company. Is absolutely dis
tinct from all other Piano-players.
The difference Is funda
mental. Involving a quest Ion of
both patents anil construction.
It is principally observable In
the playing of the PIANOLA,
compared with the
other instru
ments. The dis
tinction here Is
one of k I n il
rather than of de
gree. So radical
is this difference,
that, the PIAN
OLA may be said
to represent an
entirely separate
"srliool" of play.
I nit.
m . I ! 5
It la only when you walla
how great a difference evlsia
that you are In position to make
an Intclllcent selection of a
Piano-player or Player-piano.
In this connection it will In
terest you to know that In over
90 per rent of tho educational
institutions whore such Instru
ments are used, the PIANOLA
Tlano have ben
selected. And
that practically
every eminent
musician of the
present day tag
indoraed tho PI-ANOl-A,
4 t Drawing tue nne
r"' , S sharply at other
piano-playing devices.
The IMAXOUV ana PIAXOKA Piano are. obtainable In
Omr.'ut only at The Kchmoller A Mueller Vlano tW.
PIANOLAS) SliftO to 'lr0. PIANOLA Pianos from .VM)
to $t,a.'0. moderate Monthly Payment, UN-rat Allow.
Bnee on Old Pliinos.
Sets and Hear the Stoinway Pianola Plaitos -Kren Stolnway & Sons
have rvcoKiil.ed the merils of the P1nola Tlano
The Schmoller 8c Mueller Piano Co,
Oldest hi Liresv nam House ia (he West.
1311-1313Farnam Street
Man Tramples oa Floral Decoration
placed oa Altar for BnrklMham
Marahall Wedslsg.
Vic McDonald, who Js said to have been
drinking, entered Trinity cathedral yester
day afternoon and proceeded to wreak
havoc with the beautiful floral decora
tions, which had been placed there In readi
ness for the Buckingham-Marshall wed
ding. McDonald had snatched the flowers
from tho altar and waa trampling them
under his feet when he waa stopped. The
timely arrival of Sexton Gearon prevented
mora serious damage. He was arrested
and booked on the charge of malicious de
struction of property. Gearon will appear
against him this morning. McDonald gave
his residence as Dixon county.
A Sudden
will to your weak and defec
tive eyes with the adoption of
glaaaes ground to fit the particu
lar and peculiar need of your eyes.
If you knew what amount of
pleasure such glasses would .bring
you. you would not be without
them another day. Come and let
us examine your eyes with the
latest scientific Instruments en
abling us to bo absolutely certain
of our results. No charge for
this examination.
Hstesta Optical Co., lac
tia gouta lota Street.
Ribbed Fleece-Lined Underwear
Vellastic Underwear is just what the name
implies soft like velvet, and elastic. It is made
of a patented ribbed fleece. Ribbed for elasticity and smooth,
easynt. Fleece-lined forluxuriouswarmth and delightful comfort.
Because of the peculiar weave of the VELLASTIC fabric, the fleece
cin never wssh away, wear off, knot or grow damp and soggy. Thus
VELLASTIC is healthful and sanitary. . .
For Men, Women and Children 50c and up
Though medium weight. It possesses the warmth of the heavy, bulky undar-
wears. It is made In separate garments and union suits at Mc aad up.
Oa Lookforthe Hodygard shield. Itlsyoursafeguard. Most dealers can
TJ -jl supply you. It yours canaot write for Bodycard Uoderwear Book.
KP Utica Knitting Co., Utica, N. Y. '
Maker l of Body sard I'nderwear intituling Ltmbidown. Twolayr and SpringUx,
Msrrlstt Licensee.
Marriage licenses were granted yesterday
to the following:
Name and Address. Age
John tluNtus, Yahoo, Neb $7
Vary N. Blgt-low, rmron Springs. Kani! i
H O. F. I'eterson. Council Bluffs..
Olive May Tracey, Council liluffs....
C O. Kuller. Lincoln. Neh
lima V. WiliUninou. Unroln, Neb....
liarry N. Halleck. folk. Neb
Mary Llud, Clarke. Nt-b
Harrv W. Cailaen. Omaha
An eiia Auaiua, oiiiaha .
11 I
Ctircd by LydlaE-Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Galena, Kana. "A year ago last
March I fell, and a few daya aftr
there was soreness In my right side.
In a short time a bunch came and it
bothered me so much at night I could
not sleep. It kept
srrowlnsf larger ana
by fall it was as
Urge as a hen's egg.
I could not go to
bed without a hot
water bottle applied
to that side. 1 had
one of the best doc
tors in Kansas and
ha told my husband
that I would have to
be operated on as t
was something like
a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote)
to you for adyice and you told me not
to get discouraged but to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
1 did take it and aoon the lump iu my
aide broke and passed away." Mrs.
It. It llukT.113 Mineral Ae., Galena,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
has proyed to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-iug-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trine to try it, and the result
has been worth millions to many
au&ering women.
If you want special advice write
f or it to M r. li n Wha in, Ly n n.Mtut,
ltta free MUtl j1wi htlvf ui.
mimM I
A vivid description of the Overland Trail from Omaha to
the Golden Gate, including the cowboy country, Great Salt Lake,
Yellowstone National Park, and other places of interest.
11 h. A. Ariran
Member 11, 1910,
J. ;W. Errin
'V'H' .
Mr. Erwin is a speaker of extraordinary ability and ha
drawn large audiences in' of the important cities of tho
United States and has, recently completed an extended lectura
engagement in London, England. - ,
Ills lecture is made much more realistic by the aid of ex
cellent colored Btereopticon views and motion pictures. -
Come and Brliifi Your Friends
The Thing
To Do
It yea loee your pocaetbook. mmbralla,
watch r some ether article of value, the thing
to as te foJWw the example ef many ether
people and advertise without delay U the Loet
and Tound eolumB et The Bee.
That is what moat people do whea they lose
arttolae of value. Telephone us and tell your
toae to all Omaha In a alnfla afternoon.
Put It In
The Bee
till iiTTTTrr-jr T-rsrHmi-Tvtwjasa
ft I IlllaW-sllllilWlllllllll