Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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an mis.
Tare Boot Print It.
t. 3. Creadon ft Hons Coal.
a"ae Tout mutlna; to the Time.
On ristarea Barreee-Branden Co.
hip Trar Xlclea to Smith. Omaha.
Baet Dry Claantnf if garmenta. Twin
City Ijvo Works, 407 South Fifteenth.
Boat Dsntietry west of New York. nr.
Kirk-.. 724 City National Hank MiUdlne;.
Elka 0t Beturna Rperlnl returns on
the ele tlon will be received In the Elka'
club rnntn tills evening.
Idle aoaey earns no dividends. Invest
ments In the .(eb. SavlngC & Loan Aas'n
pay 1 per annum. 105 Fafnam Street,
Hoard of Trad building. Omaha,
runertl of Michael Beckley The fu
neral services for Michael Hecklry, 72 years
old, who died Monday afternoon at the
Methodist hofpltal, were held Tuesday
noon from Dodiler'a undertaking parlors.
The body Was sent to Phllllpsburn, Kan.,
for burial.
Dirt Carta on Laborer Ouldo Ppanettl,
an Italian laborer, was taught under a fall
ing mass of dirt while working on the ex
cavation for the Martin Hroa. building at
Klghteenth and Parnem streets Tuecday
morning, and u Injured so severely that
tic was taken to a hospital.
Bashing Tnlon Faclllo Work An ad
ditional force has been put to work on the
t'nlori Pacific headquarters building, Fif
teenth and lodire atroets, and 2.10 men are
now empioyed there In construction. The
teel frame work baa reach ad the atxth
story and the mixing of concrete la now
under way.
Kill Mas to Meet A general meeting of
all the field forces of the Burlington paa-
aenger service men la to be held December
h at the La Salle hotel In Chicago. The
meeting la an annual affair, over 100 of
the paaaonger man attending and discus
sing new methods of service and handling
of the public
Can Qooa Back to Idaho Edson K.
Carr, recently arrested by Captain Haxe
of the United States marshal's fore on
the "charge of unlng the United Btatoe
mails for fraudulent purposes, and who
is wanted in Idaho to answer that
charge, will be taken to Boise City
within a day or two, an order of court
to that effect having been issued. Cap
tain Haae will probably make the jour
ney aa officer In charge.
Speolal Milk Can Proof that Omaha Is
really the world's butter market, Is in the
fact cf the new cream car service that
was supplied by the Burlington railroad for
this kind of trade all summer for this city
only. Special cars were attached to the
reKular trains to carry the cream and milk
alone to the Omaha markets and this kept
up all summer In the rush season of carry
Ing milk. The Invention has proved a auo-
cesa and It Is announced will be uaed again
next summer.
Beal Batata Ken to Meet The Omaha
Real Estate exchange will hold Ita flrat
meeting under the new administration
Wednesday. The official order of bust
neas will Include announcement of com'
mltteea by the new prealdent The un
official order will be remarks, either
Jocular or congratulatory, directed to
ward former Prealdent Wead and B. O.
Hastings, who will then either be eleoted
senator and representative, respectively,
or 'who will not
Clement Chase Qos to Kansas
Clement Chase, proprietor of the Weatern
Banker and other publications, left Tues
day afternoon for Belleville, Kan., where
he will address the meeting of Group IV,
of the Kansaa Bankers' association. From
titer Mr. Chase goes to Hiawatha, Kan.,
with' ' number of Ketnaaa City bankers,
traveling in a special car, and will speak
at the banquet there of Group I, Kanaaa
Bankers association on Thursday even
"Infernal Machine" Causes Judge
More Than Hour's Delay.
J art Who Ordered Yotlna; Marhlnee
ls4 la .Not So Keen Ahoat
Them, Following Mora
l"a Ksiierleace.
Hoist with his own petard!
Alexander C. Troup. .Indffe of the district
court, la the man who made voting ma
chines necessary In this election. Judge
Alexander C. Troup does not now think so
highly of voting machines as he did when
he handed down his decree.
Jmlae Troup went to hi polling place,
the Third precinct of the Seventh ward, at
: in the morning. At :5 he resumed
his walk down town. He had not been
lingering around the lolling place for the
fun of the thing, but because he had to.
A few men stood In line ahead of JudKe
Troup when he reached the scene and he I
chuckled to himself. "Aha' I'll be through
In a minute or two. It'a ao much quicker
than marking a paper ballot."
Hut the line did not advance with any
startling celerity and the Judge did not
move toward the machine as fast as an
aeroplane goes. After standing for about
fifteen minutes, Judge Troup inquired of
the man ahead, "What'a the matter?"
"IVm't know," said the man; "ain't it the
deuce to have to wait here all morning. I
never did think much of these machines.
Do you?"
Judge Troup did not answer. A little
later word came down the line that the
machine was out of order.
'Are we going to be kept here all day?"
demanded Judge Troup with indignation.
"I've got some work to do In my office
down town."
- Wanted gome More.
Judge Troup then watted tome time.
Then he waited some mora time. Finally,
the expert who had been wrestling with
the machine stepped out of the booth and
the line moved forward. For several min
utes voter followed voter and Judge Troup
got "on deck." The frowning lines which
had wrinkled the judicial brow had by now
been Ironed out and his countenance again
wore that placid judicial air which so well
becomes him. Judge Troup stepped for
ward as the voter just ahead left the
"Hold on, there!" said this man, "there's
something the matter with this fool ma
chine. I never did think much of these
voting machines. What do you think about
'em. Judge?"
By a vlolen effort and after consider
able swallowing, the person thus inter
rogated restrained his feelings and no word
escaped his Hps. But the close obaervar
could have aeen a bright red color, algnl
ficant of heat, rlaing above the judicial
Enaued a little delay only thirty minutes
of ao and then Judge Troup voted. It is
declared that he yanked the lever over
ao viciously that it was almost snapped off,
The flrat line of this little but veracious
narrative Is "hoist with his own petard!"
The phrase has Its origin in warfare and
re f era to a miner or sapper who gets blown
up with the mechanism intended for some
one else. A petard la thug an Infernal
While waiting. Judge Troup was heard
to say something about "these Infernal
machines." But he did not refer to the
military kind.
Locul Railroad
Men Say There
Will Be No Strike
Think that the Matter Will Be Ad
justed Before Time for Calling-
Men Out.
Mothers of Members Will Hear Talks
Next Week to Be Prayer
On Tuesday afternoon, at 1:S0. In the
auditorium of the Toung Men's Christian
association building, a mothera meeting
for the mothers of the boys In the boys'
department, was held. The meeting was ad
dreaaed by E. F. Denlaon and William hi
Burton. Emphasis was laid by the speak
ers upon the Importance of surrounding
boys with wholesome influence.
Later the mothers were given an oppor
tunlty of seeing a gymnasium class of boys
in action in th gymnasium and in the
swimming pool, and then a general Inspec
tion of the Toung Men' Christian Asso
ciation building.
It la expected that theee meetings will
be held from time to time during the
Mr. W. W. Ickwood, the general secre
tary of the Shanghai, China, Young Men's
Christian association and the representa
tive of the Omaha association. Will be in
the city Friday, Saturday, Sunday and
Monday. On Friday evening he will be
present at a meeting of the Oriental club,
a club Interested In promoting the foreign
work of the association. On Sunday after
noon he will address a meeting of boys at
I o'clock and at 4 o'clock he will be the
speaker at a big meeting of men, beld In
the Youug Men's Christian association
gymnasium. All men are invited to be
present at that meeting, in the morning
he will speak at the regular church ser
vice at Calvary Baptist church and In
the evening will speak at the regular even
ing service at the First Methodist church,
Mr Lock wood was for several years the
assistant stcretary of the local asportation
when it was located in the old building on
Sixteenth and Douglaa streets. He ha
been In China for the last seven years.
On Friday evening at S o'clock there will
be aa Illustrated Utcture given In the Young
Men's Christian association auditorium,
the lecture boltig entitled "Along the Over
land Trail." It will be a vivid description
of the overland trail from Omaha to the
Golden Gate, including the cowboy country.
Great Salt Lake, Yellowstone National
park and other places of Interest. Mr.
J. W. Erwin Is the speaker. His lecture,
which la very Interesting, Is made much
more realistic by the aid of excellent col
ored atereoptlcou views and motion pic
tures. '
Voters Have to Walt Until Expert
Appears to Saw Off Look.
Sawing off of the register lever lock on
one of the machines In the First precinct
of the Twelfth ward was made necessary
early Tuesday morning by an error of an
election judge In attempting to open the
lock with the wrong key. Before the
machines can be used for voting several of
their parts must be unlocked. For each
lock there Is a separate and different key.
The judge Inserted the wrong key In the
lever lock. It refused to work and efforts
of the judge to withdraw it resulted In
failure. E. E. E. Rldgway, custodian of
the voting machines, was called to the
scene. He filed off the lock and furnished
a duplicate. On account of the heavy reg
istration the precinct had been provided
with two machines. The other machine
was In good working order and Us ute
overcame a part of the delay, although
several electors went away without voting,
saying that they would return later.
Failure of election judgea and clerks to
thoroughly understand the work of unlock
ing the machines and preparing them for
use delayed the beginning of actual voting
In many precincts. In the Fourth pre
clnct of the Eleventh ward the machine
was not yet ready for use at S:tf. Several
K'oters went away, saying they were unable
to wait and would return and vote at noon.
In the Fourth of the Eighth the judges'
and clerks' unfamiUartty with the machines
delayed the beginning of the voting.
When the start finally waa made, how
ever, the voting was done rapidly, nyat of
the voters of the flrat half hour canting
straight party votes, in the first twenty
two minutes twenty-five voters registered
their prtferences.
"There will be no strike of the engi
neers," Is the opinion given out by the
railroad i.ien of Omaha In regard to the
reports that all the western train engineers
a.e to vote on a strike. :'o one could give
out officially tliat there would be no strike
declared, but in all the operating depart
ments of the road which have offices in
Omaha It was declared mat the matter
wouid be settled Uctore the Mine set by
tiie union for their ultimatum.
There are I'M railroad engineers who re
side In Omaha and belong to the Omaha
branch of the union, but no orders or In
formation of any kind from the head of
the union In Chicago has in en received in
Omaha. Charles lloilgson, head of the
)ocal order, stated that lie hud received no
communications and the most he knew of
the situation had been print, d In the morn-
ing. Neither he nor any of the union men
In Omaha would venture any opinion aa to
whether the strike would be declared and
refused to state bow the Omaha englneera
felt in regard to the declaring of the strike.
The Burlington has 6io men on Its lines
west of the Missouri and who are paid
from the Omaha headquarters. The Union
Pacific hue nearly euO who come In con
tact with the Omaha trade and the North
western 3M. Other roads have from twenty
to fifty and sixty, who run trains with
Omaha goods and products for this city.
Omaha National
Soon to Move
In Two Weeks Will Be Honied in Iti
New Booms on Farnam
Two weeks from Monday the Omaha Na
tional bank will be conducting bualnesa in
Ita new home on the first floor of the new
Omaha National bank building, formerly
the New York Life building.
November 11 has been set as the date
for beginning business in the new quarters,
and removal will occur Thursday and
Friday of the preceding week, though re
moval will take place out of banking hours
and with little or no Interruption of busi
ness. The Omaha National bank has 11,800,000
in currency and $10,000,000 or $11,000,000
worth of securities to send up the street.
and just when this little shipment will take
place is not announced, nor will it be
announced. As In the case of the City
National bank, officials seem to think that
to call attention to this money enroute
might be considered a gross and sordid dis
play of vulgar opulence, and accordingly In
bad taste. This Is the semi-official ver
sion. It Is whispered that the real reason
for the exoJuslveness of the removal party
Is a fear that some unwelooraa guests
might break In and take too close a look
at the millions.
Work of remodeling and redecorating the
lower floor of the new Omaha National
bank building Is nearly completed and
will be done In plenty of time for the an
nounced change of location.
Stronar High School Team la Beaten
by a Close Score at Hyde
Omaha's chance of seeing the beat of the
Chicago High school teams play here
Thanksgiving day was lost Saturday when
Wendell Phillips High school was defeated
by Hyde Park school. 6-0. The strength
shown throughout the year up to this game
by the Wendell Phillips' team had led the
Omaha enthusiasts to hope that Chicago's
beet would come here November 26, when
Wendell Phillips Is to play Omaha high
However, aa the Hyde Park eleven only
won Ita six points by the two goals booted
from the field by Marsh Smith, the half
back of the winning eleven. It Is evident
that the Omaha boys are not to meet a
weak team by any means. The two teams,
Wendell Phillips and Hyde Park, have been
considered the strongest of the Chicago and
Cook County league, and it will be as
strong as the Hyde Park one that will meet
Omaha here for the closing contest of the
year. The lineup of the Wendell Phillips
squad up to date and which will be almost
the same an the one that comes here la
K. E., Brethed, Stein; R. T.. Corey; R. Q.(
Albert; C, Des Jardlens; L. O., Levitt; L.
T., Johnson; L. E., Captain Cahn; Q. B.,
Cole; n. H., Campioche; L. H., Wawman;
F,. Moulton. Bubs, Emerson, Richards,
Pathedrldge, Sherman.
Beautiful Younaf Diver Tells Women
How to Improve.
Mlaa Kellermaa l.ertarea to racked
Aadlenre of Women at Orpheam
Theater, Illustrating Eser
clava Tneadny Morning.
"That's perfectly so, I know, and I'll
tell yon why," and the fair priestess of
health. Miss Annette Kellerman, Immedi
ately did tell the crowd of women who
filled the Orphetim theater Tuesday morn
ing and listened eagerly to her girlish talk,
why exercise, fresh air and some Judgment
In the matter of eatln were the only
sources of health and beauty.
If there Is not Immediately a marked Im
provement In the appearance of the women
of Omaha; If they do not walk with heads
erect, chests high and steps assured and
definite; If they do not all acquire bloom
ing cheeks of health, bright eyes and a
lest in living. It will be because their at
tention at the lecture belled their interest
and simulated a purpose stronger than they
felt. Each of the young priestess' admoni
tions was listened to very Intently and her
wise and rebuking ehalft of the head and
the finger as she said: "Oh, I know how
women do. You will go home and try
those exercises a few times, three days,
maybe, when you should try them three
months, and longer And then you will
say, 'It's' no use; exercises don't help me,'
and then you 11 give them up. Now, you
know that's no way to do." The voice waa
gentle, but sad in Its grief at the unruly
way of human folk. "You must keep at
things. You must make up your mind to
do things and stick to them. Why, any
body can do anything he makes up his
mind to do, but he must will to do It,
there's the trouble, the willing. That's per
fectly true, and I know." Then there was
another wise little shake of the head, an
admiring wave of determination, reflected,
swept through the audience, and everything
seemed possible to everyone there.
Stoat Dream of Sllraness.
The stout dreamed of pohaesslng the little
symmetry of the charming person on the
platform; the thin imagined themselves the
possessors of the well developed muscles,
the perfectly controlled body. And every
body felt nothing Is really Impossible if you
will work hard enough. Of course, there
were no suffragists at the lecture they
were too busy at the polls encouraging the
women to use the suffrage right which Is
theirs but If there had been any present
they, too, would have realized that the
secret of all success Is "faith and deter
mination," for the young authority de
clared In no uncertain tones, "That's so, I
know, and I know what I'm-talking about,
and I'll tell you why." And she did
Mlas Kellerman Clad la Tlahte.
Miss Kellerman began her lecture clad
In a cloae fitting black satin gown of
knee length, but discarded this gown for
her swimming costume to Illustrate the
exercises which she gave In response to
the questions from the audience questions
of how to reduce or Increase weight, over
come nervousness and kindred queries. She
stated emphatically that she was not, how
ever, a beauty doctor not at all but was
an advocate of good health as the source
of all beauty and she advocated "plenty
of fresh air all the time, plenty of exercise
the right kind of exercise and the right
kind of food," aa tha,laredienU of health.
She has a youthful and charming way of
stressing Important words and it was not
unusual for listeners to sigh, "Isn't she
cuteT Awfully dear." -
Fal Pacpb Xhn kst
Overfat men and women long for rest
from many thlnga: from the burden of
their flesh, from dieting, from exercise,
from curious giancea, from fear of death
by auftocatlori from that feeling of any
liesa that obraity brins. Tliev are deadly
tired of the weaxv, unsocial life they are
forced to lead. Many have found allin
iims by moans of ma famous Marmola
Prescription. Many more 111 find that by
v taking after each meal and at berttlme
a plaajtauit Utile Marmola Prescription
Tablet the exceaa fat will be consumed
;nd the general health vaatly Improved,
hose tableta are aa ahaolutely harmless
as the original Marmola Prescription
because they contain emactly the same
lngrJMnU In th aame proportions,
therefor no dieting or ' exeivlue are
peceaaary. A rtuciion of a pound a day
U nut too much to expect from them,
end you will not develop wrinkles or
flabblnaaa with the Ion of flesh. The
oonoiny of I his method of harmless re
duction Is apparent when you learn that
a aonemua supply of Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets mav be obtained for a little
money. These llile fat reducers are soli
tr all drusKlats. or miii poa'pald by the
Alat-iuole Co., kZi Monro Ave.. Ixtroll.
iMi.ii.. awl tke prti for a laig cje
ia iyti.4,
J. M. Tobias, Itewalarly Apolnted He
aiobllrasi Clerk, Meets Isarper.
The clerk oi tne district court waa
startled Tuesday morning by the report of
J. M. Toblaa of South Oinaha that he had
been uaurped of his position as election
clerk in the Second precinct of the Second
ward In South Omaha. Mr. Toblaa ap
peared in the clerk's office and declared
that when he had appeared at the polling
place where he had been appointed to
serve, he found a man named Frank Kegan
serving In the capacity of clerk. He de
clared Kegan put up a contention that he
had been appointed In the place of Tobias
and the latter had no light to serve.
Rather than to create a disturbance, To
bias abandoned all effort to serve and
made for the clerk's office. Tobias, who
Is a republican, was found to have been
duly appointed, but no trace of Kegan's
alleged appointment could be found.
J. L. Hraaelels Store to Watch Birth
Llat aa4 Glvo Preaeale for
l.lltl Ml tea.
Catch 'em and train 'era in the way they
ahould go. Thia Is the revised or peda
gogic application of the old proverb ar.d It
la now becoming an advertising or com
mercial proposition.
The J. L. Biandela aV Bona company has
a man detailed to take The Bee every
evening and cut out the list of births. Then
every new baby sent, with the compli
ments of the company, a soft little blanket
Of the kind ia whick babies are wrapped
Immediately after baby's ablutions have
been performed by nurse.
A Hooaeholel xtealrla
To be really valuable must show equally
good results from each member of the
family uaing it. Foley's Honey and Tar
does just thia Whether for children or
grown persona Foley's I.oney and Tar Is
beat and safest for all aeufhg ui cold.
Brannele Storea Booabt All Sample
Clare of Fifth Avenue, N. X.,
t ost am MaasfsetareiwOa
Sale Saturday.
W'e announce a most extraordinary event
which will take place next Saturday at
Brandels Htorea. Our resident New York
buyer secured from a famous Fifth avenue
maker of exqulslie costumes his entire
sample Unas at a most wonderful reduc
tion In price. These lines Include rich and
beautiful gowns, costumes, dinner and
street frocks, clever dancing dresses, etc.,
every one a stunning and exclusive new
style, artistically made of expensive ma
terials. These costumes are actually worth as
high aa $100 each. Saturday we offer the
choice of the entire purchase at $25 each.
Hoy Greeo, Who Joaaped from Wti
dove Hans Clothes Is Caoght
on Car.
After having borrowed or atolen a pair
or trousers ana coat, lloy Ureen the es
caped Council Bluffs prisoner, who jumped
from a second story window In fleeina
from the police Monday, was arrested
several hours later. The fugitive waa
boarding a car at Seventeenth and Call
fomla street when Detectives Maloney and
Fleming recognised and arrested him.
Births and Deaths.
Blnhn Joe Salutotchk.r. tm Draee, girl
Albert Koknsvh, girl; Frank Hoyer, 4 Kit
Burdelta, boy; C. Westgaie. aoi'i Capitol
avenue, girl; Charles N. Morey. MCt lv.
enwonh, boy; John Ritynnkl, 3711 Caatellar
boy; Joseph F. I'rib.l, Kus South Eighth!
wj, ari ripiwu, iiw onurio, girl; l
llama McWilliama. 4134 Hamilton, irtri
John Kusler, lii0 Iorcaa, boy; C. E. Kings
bury. taXi North Twentieth, boy; Alva E
Champlin, SoJ3 Boyd, girl; lloy Crager, Hot
South Fifteenth, girl.
Ixraths Iavul N. MlUlgan, 1415 Hamil
ton, ai years; ianiei (sherry, ij4 North
Twenty-second. 4& years; Florence Wilson.
Fortieth and Poppleton avenue, 39 years:
Michael Buckley, phlllipsburg, Kan., 7J
years; Mary Peterson. IMS Plnknev. 7t
years; j una a. tierner. ixintrton. Neh.,
f' years; .Nettle Campled. Went Side, p .
36 years: Mrs. B. A. Connell. Hurt, W
ars: Hersohel Jackaon, Rosalie. Neb.. W
years; Mr. A. M. Kieice, tel North To-ty-iuth,
' year,
Dreaaed tm "Black ana Yellow"
Not "foot ball colors," but the color of
the carton containing Foley's Honey and
Tar, the best and safest cough remedy
for all coughs and colds. Do not accept
substitute, but see that you get the
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yel
low carton with black letters.
Marriage License.
The following marriage licenses
been Issued:
Name and Residence.
Benjamin H. Mailer. Fremont. Neb...
Olga F. Ksaach, Fremont, Neb ,
Charlea Prultt Young, Louisiana, Mo
Mabel Opal Whlttlngton, Bedford. Ia
Charlea Johnson, Omaha 27
Mary Nelson, Omaha 22
Lewis L. Lyon, Omaha. t. tS
Jessie MoCabe, Omaha 23
Henry H. Larson, Omaha 3
Anna M. Rosenbaum, Omaha 21
.... 22
.... 2
.... 22
.... 19
Thirty-Five Automobiles Burned.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. 8 Thirty
five automobiles, valued at I1U0.000. were
destroyed in a fire today which burned the
fuuman Automobile garage in this city,
Household Economy
How to Have the Tie&t Cough
Syrup and Have $2, by
Making It at Home
'--- - -- - -- - ,-ir-ii-iiirinnnjtj'LiU'j
Coush medicines aa a rule wintaln
large quantity of plain eyrup. If you
take one pint of granulated sugar, add
H pint of warm water, and atlr about
2 minutes, you have as good syrup aa
money could buy.
If you will then put 24 ounces of
rinei irirty cents' worm) in a pint bot
tle and fill It up with Sugar Syrup, you
will have aa much couch avrun a vnu
could buy ready-made for $3.60. It keepa
pel leciiy.
And you will find it the beat roua-h
syrup you ever used even in whooping
couxh. You can feel It take hold us
ually stops the most severe cough In 24
hours. It Is Jiiat laxative enourh. hux
a good tonic effect and taste is pleasant.
Take a teaspoonful every one, two or
three houra.
It Is a splendid remedy, too, for
hoarseness, asthma, chest pains, etc.
Plnex la the most valuable concen
trated compound of Norway white pine
extract, rich in gulalcnl and atl the heal
ing pine elementa. No other prepara
tion will work In this formula.
Thia recipe for making cough rem
edy with Plnex and Sugar Syrup Is now
used and prized In thousands of home
In the United States and Canada. The
plan has often been Imitated but never
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goo with
thia recipe. Your drurgtat ha Plnex or
will get It for you. If not, aend to The
Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Adv.
Relatives Arc
Found Through
Notice in Bee
Beneficiary of Will Lives in South
Omaha and Reads the
Bv the aid of The Hee relatives of 31. Q
llalrv. formerly of Omaha, who died sud
denly In Denver Saturday, have been
brouKht Into communication with A. F.
Clark, secretary Vnlon rclflc lodge. No.
17. Ancient Order of United Workmen.
lleafey & Heafey, an Oinaha undertaking
firm, waa notified of Haley's death and
carried the word to Mr. Clark, papers
found among Haley's effects Indicating
that he held membership in the lodge.
Haley's Insurance policy for $1,000 named a
niece. Miss Nona lMggln, beneficiary, but
Mr. Clark could not find her address. He
asked The Bee to help him find her or
other relatives and a story of Haley's
death was ptibli.nhd In The Bee of Tuesday
morning. At 10 a. in. Tuesday, Michael
I'UEin. ,Ti Q street. South Omaha,
called at Mr. Clark's office with the story
clipped from The Bee. He said his daughter
la Miss Nona Diggln. Mr. Plggln said he
did not know where Mr. Haley's brother
could be found. He said the dead man
was of a roving disposition and has been
known to go away without saylny a word
to any relative and to remain absent sev
eral years. Mr. Haley waa employed In
the Union Paclflo ahops juat before he left
Omaha two weeks ago.
Mr. Dlggln will take charge of the body,
which will he sent to Omaha at once.
Haley and a brother of hla roomed at
1916 Cuming street until laat spring, when
the brother went to South Dakota to take
a homestead. Mr. Haley left the rooming
house two weeks ago without saying a
word about his plans. Last Saturday his
brother returned and made Inquiry for
him. Apparently he did not know of his
death nor even of his whereabouts. He
went away without giving his address.
2 ATM JM.tfAl
The Collar that htg doe and
Suyi put." It ii a
Corliss -Coon
M.dJ Collar
2 fir 25c.
Corfi'st-Coon tc Co., Makers
Chamberlaln'a Stomacn and Liver Tab
lets do not sicken or gripe, and may b
taken with perfect safety by the moat deli
cate woman or the youngeat child. The old
and feeble will also find them a moat suit
able remedy for aiding and atrengthenlng
their weakened digestion and for regulat
ing the bowels. For sale by all druggists.
Where Formerly It Took Wroks It
now Requires Only Itoyg to Cure.
In the treatment of alcoholism, the
remarkable reaulta obtained by the ad
ministration of the NeaJ Three-Dav
Liquor Cure have long been recognised.
The old custom of placing alcoholic pa
tients under from four to six weeks'
treatment, with the necessary loss of
time and money, Is a thing of the past
Three days are all that are required
to cure drunkenness, either periodical
or habitual at the Neal Institute In
Omaha, 1602 South 10th St, and the
cure Is efected without the use of dan
gerous hypodermics injections or Injur
ious drugs.
Another desirable action of the treat
ment is the rapidity with which the
general system is restored to a normal
condition. From the very first dose all
craving for alcoholic stimulants la de
stroyed and a perfect cure is effected In
only three days' time. It liaa been
demonstrated that there is no such thing
as a "secret cure" for drunkenness, and
you are taking a great risk In adminis
tering these remedies.
The Institute in this city has been
taxed to Its full capacity during recent
months, and to take care of its Increas
ing number of patients, a branch Neal
Institute has been established at Grand
Island, Nebraska, In charge of Dr. Wm.
F. Pugan, who Is recognised as one of the
leading physicians of the state, where
the same treatment and accommodations
can be secured as at the parent or head
institute in this city. Adv.
Pots, Kettles, Pans and Tins
can be easily cleansed and scoured
Swift's Pride Cleanser
rci y.
Can xv
I-- - -1
r J 1: , ,
A J "
The housewife's greatest aid since
brooms were invented
A pure, natural cleaning powder
which ma ke the home
clean and bright
At your grocer's
Try it
Swift ft Company
u.a a,
In cx Hurry Telephone
Emergency situations demonstrate the value of
the Bell Telephone. "When you want to get some
thing done in a hurry, you want service that is in
stantaneous, reliable and universal; and that is Bell
A centralization of capital, years of exper
ience, and able management back of the Bell
System has made Its service the best In the world.
Behind every associated Bell Company stauds
the strength of the policy, one system and univer
sal service.
A. F. MoAdani, Local Manager.
H Gives that deli-
f '
cate complexion
so difficult to
ktain ia an
other way.
H A.D.S5
9 is a pare, (reaseless toilet
cream ; tracraot, pleasant
and harmless.
If you have a red, blotch
ed, pimply, coarse skin,
apply a generous coating
of it to-night, and notice
the effect to-morrow.
CM it at aa A.D. a.
Dro Brtere.
Los asr Uie ssjra.
By, KATE and
THE last struggle of the Sioux for the lands
granted them in the Laramie Treaty of
1868 forms the background for this love story of un
usual power. During this struggle the daughter of the
Indian A rrnf la Vnanv1 trrVnl k.- tm 1
jail convicted of murder. . His escape through the f
aid of a frontier missionary, and his rescue of the
girl furnishes enough excitement for the most
captious fiction reader.' It is the best Indian
story of many years and the illustrations in
color by Maynard Dixon are in every way
worthy of the text. IL"
A. C McCLURQ & CO., Publishers
$1.50 .
Thursday is Home Day.
Dealers have prepared a list for home
They will be real bargains.
Watch the Bee.
Tou will have a whole lot to be thankful for In the future If you will
buy a home of your own from the many advertised for sale on the easy pay
ment in Thursday's Bee.
Homes of all sizes and descriptions. In all localities and at varylns
prices will be advertised. The choice Is largo but the prices may raise in a
short time. 80 make your selections and buy now.
i J