Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Problem Now Appear to Be to Find
Room for Fruit.
Few Mlaor (ktmai Msvrl ay
I'rnirram ( ommlllri
how Werbtn Duwn
to Work.
Council bhics
Over Street Car
Line Resolution
Whole Matter Referred to Committee
of Whole, Which WiU Meet
Friday to Consider It.
With material enouich Already on hand
to fill every part of the exposition build
ing the work of Installing- the exhibit be
gan eter1ay. To find a place for the
exhibits yet to come la the problem that
has been put up to the exposition man
axeniftit. The exhibitors, however, are
not wnirylnic. for they tun find a readv
eale of all the fruit brought here, and will
have a trrmendoua reserve stock upon
whirl! to draw to supply the orders of
The last finishing- touches were being put
upon the Interior of the Auditorium yes
terday, and this morning all of the scaf
folding" will be out of the may and all of
the tables constructed for the fruit dis
plays. The whole area to be used Is more
than twip as large as that of last year
and the exposition will be proportionately
more beautiful.
The arrangement of the tables Is some
what different from last year. A line of
two-sided pyramid tables has been con
structed the full length of the Auditorium,
which will form a suitable flaming for the
hiiRe fruit mosaic that will be spread over
the central part of the floor. The center
of the room will be reserved for the pieced
insistence as In former years, but will be
surmounted by an Immense globe of green
sparkling with hundreds of eiectrio llKhts
of many colors. The globe Is suspended
from the celling by conoe&led wires and
appears to be floating In the air.
Hut few minor changes have been made
by the program committee. A telegram
was received late last evening from Gov
ernor Jared Y. Sanders stating that be
would be hera on "r-outhern day," accom
panied by the Louisiana delegation, and
deliver an address on "The New South."
Corn Ihsw Hri Busy.
Superintendent Reed yesterday moved his
offlc Into ths special apartments con
structed for him In the northwestern cor
ner of ths annex, and was busy yesterday
with his corps of stenographers and help
ers. The workers in the Corn 8how sec
tions were as busy as any of the others
and succeeded In constructing some singu
larly beautiful designs for the ornamenta
tion scheme.
Ths combined shows will be formally
(opened on Thursday afternoon at 1:30
The exercises will be held In the main
building. Governor Carroll will deliver the
address of welcome for the state of low
and Congressman Smith for Council Bluffs
and southwestern Iowa, Responses will be
lven by Sllaa Wilson of Idaho, Dean Cur
tis of Am, la., and Prof. Hutt of North
Carolina. ,
Several additional speotal program fea
ture were announoed yesterday. On Mon
day morning. November H, the farmers at
tending the Fruit and Corn Show will have
the opportunity of hearing two Interesting
addressee. Prof. Stevenson of Ames will
Teak cm 'Boll Improvements" and Prof.
Howmaa of the Iowa Corn Growers' asso
ciation ffl "Value j Good deed Corn."
anas men are experts In tnelr lines. The
program eommences at 10:80 a m.
Wednesday. November 18. baa been desig
nated "Dairy and Beef Cattle Day." A
tin program will be offered at the reerulej
hour, 1A:S0 a m., In the lecture room.
Prof. H. R. Bmlth of Nebraska university
win speak on "Feeding Beef Cattle." He
Is an authority on that subject. Prof. Van
Pelt of Waterloo wtu speak on "The Pos
sibilities of the Dairy Cow."
Thursday. November 17. is Southwestern
Iowa Day at the exposition. A profitable
program, Interesting to both the fruit rais
ers and the stock farmer, win be given.
in aaainon. I v. Oenung, from Olenwood
will speak en "Fruit and Fun." This pro
gram begins at 10: so a. m.
Mr. gnes Hcnury
Goes for Estate
Mcintosh Property in Scotland to Be
Divided Among" Number of
American Heirs.
Mrs. Ague C. Hendry, who has been a
resident of Council Bluffs for nearly half
a century, sailed from New York Saturday
for Glasgow, Scotland, where she goes to
look after her Interest as one of the heirs
of one of the oldest estates In Scotland.
The property Is chisfly located at Edin
burgh and vicinity and represents many
Uiouand dollars In value. The heirs are
scattered all over the world, and but one
eighth of It comes to this country. The
interest In the estate comes to Mrs. Hendry
through her grandmother, Mra Jane
Hetherlngton, who came to Council Bluffs
with the flret Mormon Immigrants and re
mained here. When she died, many years
ago. her property all went to her only sur
viving daughter. Mrs. Klppen. the mother
of Mrs. Hendry. Mrs. Klppen died two
years ago In Denver, leaving three other
daughters besides Mra Hendry, and two
sons. One of the daughters became the
adopted child of H. H. Field, and was a
beautiful and accomplished woman. Sh
was married to W. M. Geddes. and for
many' years resided at Washington, D. C,
h.r. ah. died in 1900. Mr. Ueuaes nas
whole matter by referring the petitions to K, chapg of tn ,ov.rnnnt exhibits in
the committee of the whole, which will meet I .. , ,h ., orid s fair enterprises.
Friday morning at o'clock for the pur- . .. known . council Bluffs. An-
pnae or eitner passina; ins street railway other of Mrg. Klppen' daughters Is Mrs,
company s measure or rejecting It. In the ThnmM viulaueen of Denver, a member
face of the opposition that has been aroui-ed of tha weU jm,-,, Mulqueen family of this
me council will probably reject It.
One of the monster petitions came from Th DrODert to be distributed Is the Mo-
tne newiy organized cmxens improvement into8a estate, one of the oldest in soot
club, asking for the amendment of the ianji an(i trie order for distribution fol
extension resolution to Include the F.ast
In the presence of an eudlrnoe that Tiled
every foot of sitting and standing room
In the council chamber, packed the ants
chamber and extended Into the hallway
hack to the head of the stairs, the city
coundl shied last night when the t!me
came for the consideration and passage of
the resolution presented more than a
month ago by the street railway company
granting permission to make some car line
extensions. If the presence of the unusual
and determined looking audience had been
Insufficient the presentation of two peti
tions, one bearing MO nnmes and the ether
more than X, would have added weliiht to
the popular demand for the rejection of a
resolution that has come to be looked upon
with the greatest suspicion all over town.
Tf these petitions had not been enough
there were still others that would have
been presented, together wtlh an amended
resolution to be offered as a substitute for
the pending measure wtlh safeguarding
clauses. But the council side-stepped the
Widow of Late Omaha Doctor on
Stand In Insurance Suit.
Pierce street and Walnut Hill line, and
the other was headed by H. O. McQee and
others. For the purpose of getting all of
the papers In the case before the committee
lowed the death of the last surviving mem
bcr a short time ago. The value of the
estate Is problematical. H. H. Field thinks
It will amount to about $2,500 for each of
the heirs in the United State. Attorney
of the whole Friday morning the original Thompson of Grand Island, Neb., ha been
resolution waa read again and referred for employed by Mr. Ueddes to represent the
the same meeting, ss was also a lenfrthy I interests of the local heirs, but Mrs
and most carefully written legal opinion by Hendry, who la the oldest In the family,
City Solicitor Kimball, pointing out the refused to Join the other heirs and decided
purpose of the resolution to be simply an to make the trip to Scotland and make her
attempt by the street railway company's settlement direct with the crown lawyers
lawyers to validate the purchased Fast
Omaha & Lake Manawa Interurhan fran
chise and fasten It upon the city for a
term of thirty-seven years. When the
crowd found there were to be no verbal
pyrotechnics It quickly melted away with
considerable noley confusion.
For the purpose of raising money to
y for the new aerial hook and ladder
truck and the remainder due the contrao
tors for the construction of the central fire
station, the
The ladlee of th First Presbyterian
chin nh utli aerve meals election night in
Hie parlors of the church on tne caieiena
li I an
Th. hnH nt Mrs. O O. Johnson, who
died Sunday In Denver, will arrive nere
i in n.oi iuiiK at o oiocg lor ounai. Aim
body will be taken to Cutlers pending ar
rangements for the funeral.
Mrs. J. hi. Youel and son left yesterday
m . i i i I n n i lm at T t ear ii
mayor we. authorised to ap- nrgtv,,lt at the' homeT'of Mr and Mrs
point a special committee to negotiate the
sale of a block of bonds running ten years.
drawing 4' 4 per cent interest and of suf
ficlent amount to pay the outstanding ob
llgatlona approximating somewhere be
tween 26.000 and 130,000.
Bids for the construction of 61.S50 square
feet of cement sidewalk were opened.
Bebee A Ferguson bid the lump sum of
$12,704.40 for th entire job. Pete Nelson
bid 12 cents per square foot for the walk
and BO oents per cublo yard for grading.
.v u Mrt'unnell In this citv ana ur. anu
Mra. Blephan Phelps at iieuevue, obo.
T-iie memhera of the order of the fcmtera
atar will give their regular monthly ken
iington on Thursday evening at the homo
of Mrs. Louie, WJl Myhster street- All of
the members or. tne oraer are imnou
Tha oDenlnc game of basket ball for the
- . . . . . i tr M i &
lonann win tiA DiaLvea ai me . .
vvmniuilum Krinav nlitht. 1 he contest wii
the Omaha University team
u.,h h rcniur twin of the local assouia-
lion. It is ex pec leu mai a
will oome acroas the river to encoumse nie
B. A. Wlckham Co.' bid was 124 cents omaiia team, and Ui game promises to be
per square foot for the walk and 49 cents notable one.
per yard for excavating and grading, n. L- &oSl Th? poMcT ia
uiv wwn rworreu wi irie cut euKiurer I niuhl that their norne ana OUEgy nau uctu
ror tabulation. These bids are all more
than I cents per ' foot higher than the
last batch of sidewalk bids submitted
under which the greater part of the work
was done this season.
The Imperial Milling company, a new n-
siolen from the corner of Broadway and
North Main street, 'iney naa mwneu
hUM while attMnrllnff a theater. vt i
they returned with their three young chll.
rir.n it wua mlsslnK. It was the second at
tempt to steal the ny, acooraing 10 wioir
William BtuiriDf. aged 60. was taken to
terprtse that is locating at First avenue tne police station yesterday afternoon suf
and Thirty-third street, establishing a flour
lng mill rnd grain elevator, waa granted
permission to use that part of Thirty-third
street extending from First avenue to the
alley for the necessary railway tracks con
neotlng with the combination railway tracks
on First avsnue. The vacation of the
street waa by ordinanoe, passed under
suspension of the rules as an emergency
Another ordinance, passed in
manner, regulate the building of retain
ferinic from a severe Injury occasioned by
stopping off a rapidly moving street car
&.11111 Main uireet and Fourteenth
avenue. He dropped his pocketbook while
mkinn out change to pay the conductor
o ,,,1 immeiiiAtelv Dlunsed after It. wiinou
...It tin fur the car lo BIOU. Its leu
huavllv on the pavement, striking on his
head. Dr. Mat Tlnley, who attended him
m the station, found that his skull was
Th onnntv court house will be deserted
lAdav tn imrm t i oi tne auacnes arm cm-
the same ploye to do their full duty at the polls.
noma oi iiiciii. nuHrvo, wun vu i
liceime-. the lttst tiling yesterday and con
lng walU, and abutments ard building I template hunting other klndn of game than
Ordered t MaJc Aoeewatlaa f Traat
Vaada la Hi Haasi a
cimer u. Fehr wa arrested yesterday
afternoon upon a bench warrant Issued by
Judge O. D. Wheeler eharglng him with
contempt of court in neglecting to turn
over trust funds after being removed as
guardian. Complaints were filed simul
taueously. each charging that Fehr had
neglected to obey the court's otdt-Ys fo
an accounting to the new guardian. On
affidavit was filed by ai. A. Jones of
omaha. alleging that on October IX, 1U08.
Fehr waa appointed guardian of Elma
lUafii June and on that day there was
Puid Into his hands the sum of $2,236 64 from
the sale of real eMate belonging to her,
und that Jones, as guardian of the same
minor in Kansas, paid an additional sum
of $i,l lo t-'ehr. Un October 12. l!lo, Fehr
was if moved from the guardianship and
Juhes appointed liibtead. The order of re
moval un luiled the command to pay
to Die new guardian all of tha money held
by Fehr belonging to his ward. The affi
davit ulU-Ken tlmt he has failed utterly to
do so dm.pitu Humorous demands.
The second affidavit Is made by Sarah
Jolic-s, the new guarditin of Irma Bishop,
whudu mono) retained by Fehr Is stated
to be the same as In the first case, $2.&S6.tU.
and the third Is from Mary A. Williams,
the new guardian of Willie Williams. She
allt-ges the amount still In the hands of
the foiinur guardian Is about $1'.000. Judge
W heeler fixed Fein's bond at $1.0u0, and
he wa under arrest but a few hours until
he scuuieU the required obligation. The
h-ariiit of the run was set for Novem
ber U.
Heal Instate Traasfers.
Tbeee trJiiir wtro leporled lo Th Bee,
November 7, by ths l'ottawattamte County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
William I. fuekiln and wife to James
it. l uiiimii, , iiu', and sw n W
i 11-.4 ii. w. 1 $14,400
Kara J l.iiulekiigel and husband to
l"rd W. 1'ieri e, n ' iu - and u
10 uues ne,, 14.5-41, . d.. i.M
I.iuei.t y. 10 Kamlina Iar-
e placed along the east side of against less than half a dozen tor U. en
,, I tire month of October. There were tw
all corridor, where Roy Green an fi yeterdav afternoon. Kparks from i
foundations along Indian creek, for the
purpose of preserving uniform construe
tlon. Permission to build such walls must
be granted by the council upon plans ap
proved by the city engineer and kept on
file In his offlca
Chief of Polio FToom asked to have a
steel plat
the city Jail
easily dug his way to liberty a few days
ago, and the request wa promptly granted
A requeat from Chief Nicholson of the fire
department for the purchase of a smoke
protector waa as willingly acceded to after
the fire chief stated that the use of such
a protector at the Peterson store fire on
Friday night would have prevented nearly
all of the loss incurred by smoke and
Alderman Tounkerman reported the offer
of $400 for the present police patrol horses.
which, he said, were unfit for their work
and he wa instructed to conclude the sale
and purchase a new team for the wagon
A request of property owners for the re
duction of the curb line on Bloomer street
from twenty-six to twenty-four feet was
the iirmiLtlBiactorv and stuoDorn voter,
Auditor lnne' office will have to remain
imen all dav on account of election sup-
nes. ana uoneKi joiui .iiaimr ,
enutv whose Dolltical fortunes are fully
made regardless of the result of the fight
today, will be on duty an aay
The fire department ha had twelve runs
In the first seven days of November, as
Aerldeat Compaatee ta l.oalsvill
Ceart Plea Defense Death Waa
Dae to CasplraT Maay
LOUISVILLE. Kr.. Nov. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) The case of Grace H. Rustln.
widow of Dr. Frederick Rustln of Omaha
against the Fidelity and Casualty com
pany of New York, the Aetna Insurance
company, the Casualty Company of Amer
ica, the Travelers' Insurance company and
he Employers' Liability company went to
trial yesterday In Judge Fields' court
The plaintiff Is suing fnr about $40.00
accident insurance carried by her husband
hen he was shot In Omaha and from
hlch wound he died September t, 1SXH.
Mrs. Rustln 1s now living in Haverhill,
The defendant Insurance, companies, the
cases having been consolidated, held that
Dr. Rustln' death was an accident, but
liege that It was the result of a con
spiracy. Mrs. Rustln, placed on the stand
at $ o'clock thla afternoon, related that her
husband was shot while sitting on his
front porch.
T. J. Maboney of Omaha and Marshall
Bulllt of Louisville represent the plain
tiff, while Fred Forcht, Colonel uennett
H. Toung, David Balrd and others repre
sent the defendants. Th case will be on
for several days, but court will not sit
tomorrow on account of election. The rest
th testimony will be by depositions
which were taken In Omaha and Denver
several weeks ago. Maps of streets and
nlcturei .re on exhibit In the case. The
opening statement for Mrs. Rusun wss
made by Mr. Mahoney and for the defend
ant by Fred Forcht.
Mr. Rustln a Stand.
Mrs. Rustin, on direct examination, said
sh did not know who shot her husband,
Sh submitted to a rigid cross-examina
tion by Dsvld Balrd. The witness de
clared that money matters were a eourc
of constant trouble between her husband
and herself. She admitted that her hus
band had borrowed money from his mother
and had failed to meet a note, for which
she upbraided him. She also admitted that
he and her husband had discussed the
matter of leaving Omaha, a he had made
a failure In the practice of medicine so far
as money matters were concerned.
When questioned as to the fact that her
husband had not spent a night with her
for two weeks before he was shot, she
said that be had spent a Sunday night at
homo with her during the period of time.
Mr. Balrd asked the witness If her hus
band had not taken typhoid fever germs
n milk with the Intention of committing
suicide. The witness said he had typhoid
fever and sh told a physician that she
thought he might have taken typhoid fever
germs, as he naa some in nis possession,
which came from Chicago. She said she
never aw blm take any germ, but saw
him throw some In the furnace. Bhe was
questioned strongly why she did not call
In the neighbors as soon a her husband
waa shot, but she said she called various
persons as soon as sh oould. Mr. Rustln
was on th stand over an hour.
The defense ha prepared to build up an
elaborate case upon the theory that Dr.
Rustln arranged with an acquaintance to
kill him so that the insurance might be
Rto torr, to Be Retold.
Evidence in support oX this theory will
be presented from Mra Abble Rice. The
testimony given by this woman at the
coroner s Inquest in umana, wmcn win
presumably be repeated In court in Louis
ville Is thought here one of the strangest
stories that ever came from a witness In
a trial in an American court house. The
Rloe woman alleges in the first place, that
Dr. Rustln tried once to kill himself ty
swallowing typhoid germs and did get
typhoid fever. Later she says Dr. Rustln
persuaded her to kill him, so that his
family might get the life insurance. She
agreed with the understanding that she
would then kill herself. They determined
thst the woman should shoot and kill
Rustln In his office, but she lost her nerve j
and failed to do It. Several nights later j
Rustln took her to the barn bark of hi j
residence and tried to get the woman to
kill htm there, saying that It would be !
believed that burglars hsd done It. but (
after promising to kill him she again
weakened and would not fire the shot. She
says Dr. Rutln would not kill himself be
cause he feared his family would not get ,
the Insurance. 1
The case will be resumed Wednesday.
Congress to Be
Asked for Aerial
Military Fleet
St Loui Aero Club Offer Free Use
of Aviation Field for Gov
ernment Tests.
'WASHINGTON, Nov. T.-Plans for an
aerial military squadron will be presented
to congress, the number of the air machines
to be provided being left by th War de
partment to the lawmakers.
Thl was announced today by Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the
army. Brigadier General James Allen, chief
of the signal corps, In his report to Gen
eral Wood, already has recommended that
twenty machines be purchased at once for
the army.
The necessity for more heavler-than-alr
machines Is held by army authorities to be
Imperative If the United States la to keep
abreast of other powers In the solence of
military aviation.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. T. Th board of
governors of the Aero Club of St. Louie
tonight authorised President A. B. Lam
bert to offer to Secretary of War Dickin
son the use of Kinloch aviation field for
government aeroplane tests, following the
announcement that the secretary had con
tracted for fifty machines for the use of
the United States signal corps. At the
same time Mr. Lambert was authorised to
offer $30,000 to any domestic or foreign
manufacturer of aeroplanes who will first
demonstrate the practicability of hi ma
chines to the satisfaction of the War de
partment. The use of the local aviation
field Is offered without cost to the govern
ment, and the further proposition is made
that the soldiers at Jefferson barracks,
who may be required during the test,
will be transported without expense to
the department. The Aero Club of St
Louis Is the only organisation In the United
States of a similar nature which own It
own aviation field.
Good Results Always Follow
The use of Foley Kidney Pill. Thy
are upbuilding, strengthening and sooth
ing. Tonic in action, quick in results.
Sold by all druggist.
Cameron Deuu Defender Agala la Jail
Cbaraed with Saoottaa- la
K la eteea-Fssr,
HAYWAAD, Wis., Nov. a John F.
Diets. "The Cameron dam defender," today
wa released from jail on $40,000 bonds, but
immediately waa re-arrested on another
charge and tonight la again tn jail.
Diet wa charged with killing Oscar
Harp, a deputy in the recent siege of Diets'
oabln at Cameron dam. A soon a Diet
stepped out on to the porch of the jail
Sheriff Madden served a warrant for the
shooting of Patrick McGln on May (, 1K4.
Diets attorney asked tf that was the
last pf the charges against hi client, but
no Information wa given him.
Attorney Schults stated that the $10,900
ball for Leslie Diets would be available In
a day or two. Ball for Mrs. Diets Is
available at any time, but she refuses to
accept it until her husband Is liberated.
Clothes do not
make the man
But they im
prove him
Especially our kind of elothos. Thr
clothes without an equal. Possibly
jour political opinion was of a substan
tial nature Hnd may have ineJuded a suit
or an overcoat and well, we are al
ways "looking for more 1)01411103.' '
. H I
A Frlahtfol Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipation
Is quickly overoome by taking Dr. King's
New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
laroaaa Hi Effort Start Wu Made
In Flaht that tiav Hi
Member Freedom.
Congrrman Frank P. Woods, member
of com. res In th Tenth Iowa district, and
alao a member of the republican national
congressional committee, has written the
follomlng letter to Hmry 1'etersvo, chair-
man of the republican congressional com
mittee for this district:
"I understand that there are some parties
chlmnev set fire to the roof of the home
r,f a M HiimpI 17111 Third street, and a
small section of the roof wa burned off
before the department arrlvea. uurmng
papers In the alley caused a fire that crept
unobserved throuch the Brass and Into th
barn on the premises of G. A. Lowery,
Seventh avenue. The roof was partially
burned off and the Interior badly damaged,
Fire Chief Nicholson yesterday afternoon
filed an Information in police court charg
lna two teamuters. one driving a nuge
freighting van for the Welch Transfer com
pany, and the other a big freight trucx
for Mc.Mlllen. with driving over a section
of fire hose while the firemen were fight
ing a fire at 819 Seventh avenue. The tlre
men had 6U0 feet of hone stretched across
a street when tli teamsters came along.
Both. It Is aliened, drove across the line
after a few moment's delay. The McMillen
WHKon had a b.ouo pound load on, anri
passed over the hose within twenty feet of
liie hydrant. The hose waa carrying ninety
pounds of water pressure, and on account
of this and because It was a new section.
withstood the additional strain. The men
will have a hearing in police court this
"-u. w' P1-, cf lot Z. Ill Mock 1.
.n Hail, ad.lit.on tu Council Uiuifs.
U . w. u
K II. AiioVrou to tteila Anderson,
ml i ami i. of lot In block 4.
in lliii.-Kle) s eihiliion lo Walnut,
la. w. d
i.ih it H. Uohiv-r and huland to
l.uuls 1-:. Ore . ,i . hit h biuck 4, in
homer's I i:k In a,lditiou to Coun
cil liliif;. la, w. d...
Julia K Mia lo li IS. McUee, lot
U. 'In block 1. lu Wright's addition
to touiiiii iUufu. la. w. d
'."I.nilacli -t at. to Frank Pari, .to.
loi i mid . in block U. in t'raw
toida ainlitioii to Council Ulutin.
i . . i ;
Jioik W. (.ii and wife lo James 11.
HhiiIi. lot J. in b;wk J. Iii Haiiroa.1
add Hon to fount 11 luutN. la., w. d
Friend U ll.ivta to Maggie A. llaes
lots ( aoU 7. In hioi a I, iu liiirh
l.iinl t'Uce a .d.ljoii u Council
Kiiilfs. la., w. ii
Delayed Action I sed as Pretense to
Affect Election Against Can
didate for Senator.
DENI3GN, la.. Nov. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) A last attempt waa made today
to defeat C. F. Kuehnle for state senator
In this district, composed of Monona
Harrison and Crawford counties by send
ing broadcast a copy of an original notice
filed recently In district court.
charging the law firm with which Mr.
Kuehnle Is a member, with defrauding a
German farmer of his land. The petition
wss drawn by a local attorney named
Harding, who has recently been before the
court under dishonest proceedings. The
transaction In which It is complained Mr.
Kuehnle had a wrong part Is said to have
taken place In 1S97 und no suit haa been
brought before. It la clear that It whs
brought now and the notice mailed out
In the Ninth district who are making ths n a case
statement that Congressman Smlh has al
ways been opposed to any revision of the
rules governing transaction of business by
the houe of representatives.
mis is not the fact. During the lust
few weeks of congress preceding the pres
ent congress It was through the influence
of Congressman Smith that rules were
amended which gave us calendar Wednes
day. It was through the Influence of Con
gressman Smith In fact. '1 understand he
personally asslslsd in drawing the amend- y the thousands at thl time to affect the
ment that the rule were amended during
the latter part of the last session of con
gress which enables the majority of the
member to get bills out of committees
There is no question but Congressman
Smith is one of the ablest member of the
bouse of representative). I think this will
be conceded by practically every member
of congresa I am sure that it will be very
gratifying to the Iowa delegation If Con
gressmen Smith I ra-eleoted by a very
large majority."
I election and Senator Kuehnle's friends here
are most Indignant.
Tulal, nice Hauf or
MarrtaaO l.lreaeea.
Marriage lie. nse were issued yesterday
to tlie following persons:
Nsjn and Heilvlence.
Fnseibert Nelson, founcll Dluffs
Kate Miller, Council HiuTfi
I,iim.iiI M A,-Ieaworth 4liiiAltH .
V. l'lumbiu- Co. Tel. 2ju. Night, L-17uL j Mabel U. Anderou. Council bluff.
Iowa News ots.
CRE8TOX The new Font entile depot was
formally upened bunday for traiflc and
the trains will now stop In the village.
Heretofore, tor ears. tlie depot has been
located a mile from the village, and the
residents of that piace are now piepsrlng
to assume metropolitan airs, beraue they
can lake the train within a few minute
walk from their homes.
CKKKTON In the foot ball same here
Saturday between Greenfield and Creston
HiKh t liools, the result was a lie, neither
side scoring. The tireenfleld team Is com
posed of great liunky fellows, much heavier
and ohier tlsn tlie l al team, and they
i came with tne anticipation or an eay vc
Age. j tory. The plu. ky ho-ne team not only
.- he.d then own Hi a great Kme. with tlie
... l,odd ail efc'Hjiifct tl.cin, hut made their
. .. -1 opponents mut to the utmost to prevent
... Is j thorn scoring.
Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We can
furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable
cures after all other means had failed.
Women who are suffering with some form of female
illness should consider this.
As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonies
letters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state
ments of facts.
Cresson, Ta. "Five years ago I tad a bad fall, and hurt
myself Inwardly. I was under a doctor's care for nine weeks,
od when 1 "topped I grew worse again. I sent for a bottle of
Sdto ll PlnlSrt Vegetable Compound took : It "l
and now I am a stout, hearty woman." Mrs. IJla E. Alkey,
treason, la.
Ttaird. 'Wash. 44 A year ago I was sick with kidney and
bladder troubles and female weakness. The doctors gave me
ud All they could do was to Just let me go as easily as possible.
? was aav?sed by friends to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my
JlKd l an. nearly sixty years old."-Mrs. Sarah Leighton,
Balrd, Wash.
Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the
derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds
of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not
cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after
reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged
to try this wonderfully heiptui remeay.
For SO years Tydla T rinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No skk woman does Justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, ana
has thousands of cures to its credit.
- Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
f u-t-Wa hr for advice, bhe has
- - - -JiX-V jTVLA
's-Ika r.haai)
t uided thousands to henlth free of charge.
Addreas Mrs, Ptukham, Lynn, Mas.
u ArmanxTa Personal
This Is th model for the com
ing season that M. Armand
tingles out from all the exclusive
creations in Martial et Annand't
lovely Place Vendotne palace.
The foundation of Ibis (Egyp
tian red) broche crepe de Chine,
printed with t etihmere
border, H veiled with pru-
neDe chiffon that hi deep
hem mm paoier of prunelle
velvet. Chemisette of
the charming prune-
tin ted chifibn. Lce
em placement of vient
arfest end acier (old silver and
Lum is tha hia motif f the
new style.
Therefore, the fashion ibl a sil
houette demands good figure
under the gown. A good figure
Ii merely t matter of the right
training. Figure are made, not
Flnre buDitflt as4 flgurs Ovinias.
ftulrin both sit an leiancs) art
fscullsrly tht sssvinc f CB canst
makan. Their dlantt art th best
4rm women, et aD countries. If you
art wauinf CB A La Spirits const,
atk t r tbs now models scatfne for
yrrar flfnrs. If Ton srs not wearing
lUani yvt ds not ret knew kow mask
jrsar (bur can k hnseovf. Far tab
Weekly Ctrl caolss from CB Fnhioa
Bares u bi Psri, en at least i days ahead
f ererytMnt cite. Thaw tables srs ps
tbhad In fullsn th first f each month
la afre booklet entitled " CB Style
CaMea" AskrWIt Msheeemt eeuate,.
Tn'an I r A lMaiaTsstfss
r 1:- v
r m
Prices $1.00 up to $5.00
Hayden Bros.
J i A . i ' A - if1
v. A-""
,1 ..'.WWi,
: ' 1
a. -l'
: - : ' ..'i --..:-r-.-?. ;
room on a pared street, bath, furnace, hot water beat, el o trio lisht
and rat honae 383. q,oartr-sawsd oak Ilnish downstair bassmnt tuli
sis of bouse with full wjuippsd laundry, wlilcn oost over Sa.OOO) will ssli
lsss tbaa balf price. Oarag- 18E20, lot 60186. located at 803J Wirt SC. two
blook from S4tb St. oar line. Owner com; to California and must sell at ono.
A fnU set of new bonsebold furniture for sal alao. .A fonr-eyllnaer
OrerUnd 4-passenfer aatomobU. full 7 equipped, at a bargain. Call or addia
OB. S. T. lLODOETT, 303o Wirt Street.
Ka.TjTM fcS'TOM i,',rav:'j m.,!,. Mzuan taxaea wctscjxsx.
I Buy Less-
Clean Oftener
Don't rush to a store ths moment your
(own. your coat, or your walit become
soil! and eppareutly old.
Tt at "bid lock," In most cases. Is
niostly jii tlie surface, and WIS can make
Tlie garment look ax crlsu. as frnsh avnd
atyiisii, as tha Nfc.W icatrrent you are,
about to buy, now, a we ar telling you
thla. It cajst LESH to "f'lean" than to
'Bur." and you cun l'b; th uiuney
saved, can t you?
Teleuhon Tyler 1300. or Auto A-1JJ5.
aril wasun ohIIs. r.'ipreas paid one
aay on shipment of ii or over.
Droshor Bros.
2211-13 Far nam St.
p ' TO r"m. m man ) rE a. -mm