Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Hastings Claims Foot Ball Championship of Nebraska; Iowa Traning for Drake
Co-Eds and Women of Faculty Ban-
quet Foot Ball Victors.
naljala of tfce- eaenn'a Scorre am
Uhirh Itrnianit for Title Iteafa
Irani cnafata f f
HASTINGS'. Neb.. Nov. K.-i Spe lal.)-Tlie
victory of the Halting college foot lall
team at Hellevue Saturday a celrhiated
with a dinner, speech-making and a nen
eral Jollirii .itlnn at the college lant ntiiht.
The a'fait was aitaiigcd by the coeds anJ
the women of the faculty anil was a com
plete Hiirptl.e to lite member of the team,
who expected merely an informal demon
stration In tecoKi.ttion of their victory.
After the dinner, which wan served In
Alexander hall, there wax speaking by
Coach M'.lste. Captain Shcrricli, IHrector
Vaitulley. Rev c. W, We.wr and otherx.
I'olleae yells, and sonns were given with a
vim., arid then there was a reference to
what Hauling mio-t do to win the filial
tamp In the ufate scrleH. the one- at Peru
next Saturday. Following this part of the
celebration there was a ronvocation of stu
dents and a hlir bonflve on the campus.
No athletic triumph In a long time has
In ought . mora Joy, to the local Institution
and ItH friends than the one over the old
rival In the Oinulia suburb, for by It the
team took first place In the rank of the
Intercollegiate association and the atate
championship In as good as won for
I lasting.
flcllevue Claims Championship.
liy rrasm of pieious victories the cham
pionship race hail nan ow ed down practi
cally to Hellevue and Hastings. Hellevue
had defeated I'et u la to 0 and Wesleyan
8 to 0. '1'ei u In turn had held l'oane 0 to 0.
The Peru-l'oane game. In view of P.elle
vue's, Overwhelming defeat of Peru, com
pletely eliminated the Tigers. HaatinKS
had defeated Kearney Normal 21 to 5 and
tied (irand Island. Uoth Wesleyan and
1 inane refused to schedule games with
llastliics except for a date early In the
season, contrary to custom, so the only
comparison possible between llaalinga and
these .two teams la through the. scores of
Inane names with other teams. Hast Inns
Is the (inly team ttiat has crossed Belle
vue's goal line tlij season.
In the accounts of the Pellevue-H&stlngs
game published In Omaha and Lincoln It
was aswerted that !Iatinns waa not pen
allied. Members of tho local team wish
It to be understood that It was a penaliza
tion that brought forth their greatest and
most effective effort against Bellevae. By
the penalty Imposed the ball was put on
Huntings' three-yard line and Hellevue had
three downs In which to make goal. Hast
ings held Hellevue at this crisis, recovered
tho ball and advanced steadily to Bellevue s
twenty-yard line, where Sherred made, a
drop kick for goal. ''
Hastings Mti All IVw,
The victory of the IJastlngs team was
especially notuble because the line from
end to end, with the exception of one, was
composed of men who .had never played In
a college game before" this season and
Sinitlt, who played center, was new In that
position, having been shifted over to re
place, alms, w ho quit tli team earlier In
tho week. Hinltlj had1- only1 two or three
days' practice at center before the Helle
vue contest.
Couch Holste, the ex-Maroon wlto has
guided the foot ball men of Hastings col
lege In the last three, seasons, Is given
great credit here for tho dvelopment of the
team. The fact that his team won at
Hellevue after the opposing team had made
eleven points In the first three minutes of
play shows the resourcefulness of the ma
chine and emphasises Its ability to play
scientific, rather than' haphazard, foot
Stiff Practice
For Cornell
Coach Finger Trying to Get Team
Into Fine Shape for Grinnell
.' (Game.
MOt'NT VERNON, la., Nov. S 8pe
cial.) Coach Finger Is this week putting
the Cornell varsity through the stlffest
practice that they have gone through this
year. I'p till this time Cornell has not
lost a' game and has not been scored
upon." The work 'displayed by the team
In the' game, last Friday with Simpson
pleased Coaua linger the best of any game
vet and the game with Co, next Saturday,
will put the team in the best of trim for
the Urlnnell game on the following Sat
urday. 1
Coach Finger took his team from In
dlanola Friday evening, following the game
with Simpson, so that tuey might witness
the game on Saturday at lies Moines be
tween the Urlnnell and Disks teams. Un
less Urlnnell puts up a game that Is much
superior to the on they played with Drake
there Is absolutely no doubt but that Cor
nell will administer one of the most over
whelming defeats to Grinnell that they
liave had this year,
Captaia Cuppeaa featured In the Simpson
game by his long vunUng, and the con
sistent nagging- at the line by Coach dross
and Coach Fliigw for the last two or
three weeks lias had Its results, For the
first time during the tteason, the line das
shown Itself to be up to the standard of
Cornell's taat and heavy backfield. Quar
terback AYt played tli snappy game that
he usually plays and la living up to the
reoututlon that tie has Blade for himself.
In the MotimouUl gain, In which Cornell
defeated Monmouth, 44 to t), all-western
end. HuHt.' luild. .''West handles the ball
neater than either ' Rckersall or Steffen."
West Is only five feet four Inches In height,
but he Is one of ihe most wonderful little
foot ball plavais that ever graced the
Cornell gridiron.
Omaha Girl
;w Rows in Race
Jlisi Corlnne Eeaxlt One of Junior
Eight Which Made Plucky Fight
Againit the Seniors.
BOSTON, Mass.. Nov. l.-ipeclal Tele-giain.I-Misa
Corlnne SaarU of Omaha,
lowed today In the picked Junior crew
wliloh raced the senior eight-oared crew at
YVellesley eollega The raoe waa pulled off
In connection with the annual field day
porta, and was one of the moat exciting
of the fay's events. The seniors woo the
ace by a small margin. It being nip and
tuck most all the way. whether the Juniors
might not actually beat the elder crew.
Weilesley alumnae, friends and under
graduates formed a cheering, enthusiastic
tuoau aloug Ui vouiae.
Aviators Brave
High Wind at
De Lesseps' Flight of One Lap in One
Minute and Seven Seconds
Best of Say.
HAI.TIMDKK. Nov. S. After a morning
of Ideal aviation weather conditions hlsh
winds began to blow today, and It looked
as though the largest audience that hus
thus far gathered at the Baltimore avia
tion field would be disuppointed. Through
out the afternoon, too, the wind whs also
variable, at times blowing twenty-seven
miles an
hour and at others dropping to
Nevertheless Latham. I 'e Lesseps, Hrexel
and Hoxsey braved the breeze, some of
them morn than once, and while they all
gave beautiful demonstrations bf their
command over their aeroplanes, none were i
able to accomplish anything remarkable
In altitude, speed nor sustained flight.
Hoxsey went up In a Wright biplane u
few minutes after 3 o'clock. He made five
circuits of the mile track, the best In
l:2j, and remained in the air nine min
utes twenty-two and four-fifths seconds.
Latham, In his Antoinette, left the ground
at 3.23. He made about five laps, landing
on the back stretch after being In the air
twelve minutes seven seconds. Count De
Lesseps In his Blerlot was the next tip, at
3.41. but ho landed soon after u single cir
cuit of the course. At the wind In the
meantime blowing hard. J. Armstrong
frexel In Ids Blerlot, went aloft in the
teeth of a fifteen-mile wind. He flew con
siderably higher than did any of the others,
remaining In the air six minutes. The wind
moderated to nine miles, when De Lesaeps
again took wing, making one lap In one
minute seven seconds, the fustest time of
thei day, and remained in the air four
minutes thirty-eight and three-fifths sec
onds. Another flight of four minutes and
fifty-five seconds duration by Latham
closed the flying for the day. It was an
nounced that all prizes will be awarded
at the close of the meet, Vhlch event will
not occur until Saturday night.
Creighton Has
No Game to Play
H ere This Week
Missouri Has Found Another Team
and the Creighton Men
Will Rest.
Missouri university will not be able to
Play Crelghton university here next Sat
urday, as it has another game, and In view
of the fact that no team which Crelghton
Is anxious to meet can be secured It has
been decided to give the wearers of the
blue and white a complete rest from games.
The second team of Crelghton will hold a
game with Denlson Normal school here
that day., however.
Coach Miller of Crelghton called off prac
tice last night because the squad was
Drettv badly bunged up after Saturday s
game, and only light signal practice will be
held tills week. Kyle and Cramer, the
two atari who were Injured Saturday are
progressing well and will be able to get
in the game again this season.
The next contest of the local college lads
will be with St. Thomas1 college in St.
Paul, to be played November IS. The St.
Thomas college has a strong eleven, but
as It Is not reckoned better than the High
land park team the Crelghton warriors
think they can beat them. Thanksgiving,
Crelghton plays Des' Moines college, the
same team that beat Drake the first or the
season. This game, which will be played
here, la thought to be aa hard aa any the
team has had this year.
Iowa Coaches
Fear Drake Team
Practically Every Flayer is Heavier
Than His Opponent on State
Varsity Team.
IOWA CITY, la, Nov. 8.-(Speclal.)-lowa
coaches fear the Drake game to be played
on Iowa field next Saturday afternoon.
This developed today following the return
of assistant coaches from Des Moines,
w here they witnessed the gridiron struggle
between Drake university and Grinnell last
Saturday. Assistant Coach Llacomb Is
particularly pessimistic In his view of the
game of next Saturday and declare that
Iowa will have the hardest fight of the
season on her hands when she faces the
purple sad white eleven. The game Is for
the state title, Ames and Grinnell both
eiinunatea in' the games of
Drake will, be much heavier than Iowa
comes the report from the camp of the
blue and white team.' Practically everv
man on the team Is heavier than his op
position Iowa player, with the possible
exception of McCreight. who Is playing
right and and will have to face Hoerleln
of Jowa. Drake has shown no particularly
good development until the last half of the
game with Grinnell last Saturday, but
this, according to the Iowa coachea. If con
tlnued In the Jowa struggle will never give
lowe. a victory.
Attendance records for Iowa field promise
to he broken for this game. Alumni of
the slate university throughout Iowa have
been mailed announcements of the ap
proach of the big game and are be4ng
urged to attend, while Drake university
authorities have asked for a block of three
hundred seats.
U KR.SKA . fight HOYKMBBR 13
Met arr Will Fir from Deck ( Llaer
".a tarda r
r.w iukiv. isov. ..-The oversea flight
by aeroplane by J 1 . McCurdy from the
deck ot a trans-Atlantlo liner firty miles
out to Governor's Uland in New Vois
harbor, has again been changed. Originally
t for last ttatuiMay. It was postponed
until November 24 because of bad weather
It is now advanced to November 13 next
Saturday, to take place from the deck of
the Hamburg-American liner Pennsylvania
which will sail at noon. As In the first
announcement McCurdy plans to carry a
l'J,5.ofJn,a.',1- u","a H Curtiss, for whom
McCurdy flies, aas:
Nothing but a gale win prewent the
night, i have every confidence that Mc
Curdy will land the Limed biates malls
on Governor s Island "
Eaa t'oeae fa the Heeoaa
slewed af
the Beat.
flKbt elaimed to be for the welterweight
rhampluui-iilp of the world, Harry Lls
?. knocked out fighting Dick
Nelson here toniitht The end caniw in tne
aecuiid round or a scheduled ten-round bout
before the American athletlo olub. Lewis
a as about fifteen pounds heavier than Nel
son and was the master of the fight at
eveiy htaKe.
1 be fut rvund aveaed fast and then
I. puis landed the f,rM of n series of blows
to the face, which finally downed his op
ponent. Nelson went to the floor three
turns In the first round.
In the second round Nelson took the
count twice anil the third time, on a blow
to the face, was counted out.
Bowlers Have
Busy Evening
Upon the Alleys
Workmen No. 17 Capture Two from
Metropolitans Ruffners Make
Three Straight.
In the Mercantile league the A. . I'. V.
Xll 1? n,.n In... ..... ......... f. ...... II...
! Metropolitan. H.'.in.ll of the A. ( . I'. V.
got high totals with 4i and H Johnson
MiKh totals tor bis team with O'.
In the llooster league tin Vousem t'olts
won toree from the Mors .Malls. Felconer
got high totals for his team witn 5J-.
The Kuffneis made it three from lloye's
Pp rials, i anilo shot Mj lor his team and
f.uni ut r.... .1... I i ..
I 1st. 1. 'id Totnl.
K.'itek u 143 iii 177 3
Howeii so; i;;. i;; M
lianilo lii Wo
Kaetsi hel l.VS lcT 1 1
Melum 1HJ ID 1MJ inxl
Totals s.i6 XC M4 i!,i2
1st. id. 3d Total.
oitnger pr;, 2n
Nelson 15s 141 l.i 4is
Norg.iid, 1, I7t ; v; 4i4
;No:gard, K lsj ir M Ui
Hoye m l'i6 lt.6 'wri
Totals 853 but) JC1 2.474
1st. M. 3d. Total
Falconer p;a
Hice, C 171 175 &H
Ri: sslg U lsj 1,H 4"!
Toman 17s 184 lis 491
Vousem in ill
L'sem ;. 151 if; 15s.
Totals N74 sbs 7D3 S.uoi
1st. id. 3.1. Total.
McLean iw 11,4 134 431
Kastman 147 Ks 144 4;
Drummy 115 158 145 i'Ji
l'irkee ISO 151 153 4M
Lyons liC lo; 107 455
Totals 770 H07 G3 2,3bO
1st. id. 3d. Total.
Johnson, H IS! 143 150 420
Grossman 1(H 1.3 m 3M
Zechmelster 119 118 15 3W
Totals 354 3h3 447 1,184
A. O. U. W. NO. 17.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Hamlll u llitS 1'IS 4V
Schindler n 157 137 41.;
Lizzie lus lui 113 339
3H9 4J1
Last night on the MetropolltaN alleys wiu
the most interesting name of the season
between Pete Loch s and Sammy Boord's
Bicycle Indians. Loch's team won two out
of three games. Hlnrlcks was the real pin
artist, with a single game of 25 and a
crand total of 61B. Balzer was high for
the Lochs, with two 200 games and u total
of . Score:
1st. 2d.
ltil 196
170 M6
1S4 .
1 !)'.'
Thomas ...
M. Martin
Balzer . ...
W. Martin
.887 915 97R 2.778
' 208
' XA
Klauck ..
Hlnrlcks .
Goden ... ,
Zarp ......
875 1,008 876
In a special match on the Metropolitan
alleys between Hlsson and Martin and Hice
and Reynolds of the Daily News, Sisson
and Martin won by fifty-three pins. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Tot.
Elsson 161 187 183 151 1S2 844
Martin ....233 183 197 173 190 975
Totals 1.819
1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Tot.
Hice 148 138 170 159 210 825
Reynolds ..212 161 147 213 208 941
Totals 1.766
Tonight, Monte Chrlstos against Brode
gaard Crowns.
Maney's Sunklst took three Btralght from
Andy's Colts. Ortman had high game of
197 and Moran high total of 633 for the
Kunklst team, while McCormick had 194 and
Andy 477 for the Colls. Tonight's games
were postponed. The score:
1st. 2d. 8d. Total.
Ortman 172 1.12 197. 501
Laird 1M 156 141 . 481
Moran 176 189 169 633
Totals 611 477 ' 607 1,490
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Sessman 148 156 166 459
McCormick 194 133 114 471
Andy 167 172 138 477
Totals 609 461 437 1.407
The Hawkes took two out of three from
the Superbas. Glass had high game of 176
and 610 total for the Hawkes and Morton
had 177 and Harrier 469 for the Superbas.
The score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Glass ..: 172 1H2 176 610
Maine n l'l 119 111 421
Gallup 116 131 161 405
412 475 . 1,836
1st. 2d
Harrier ...
Morton ...
434 4i3 1,312
Gay Fisher Captures Lorain Hotel
Handicap at Norfolk.
NORFOLK, Nov. 8. Guy Fisher, prob
ably the best supported home of the meet
ing, captured the Loralne. Hotel handicap,
a mile event, at the Jamestown Jockey
club's track today. He trailed his field for
ihe first part and then easily disposed of
Practical and tandrian.
High Private, who was highly thought of,
ran a disappointing race and waa far back.
Klrst ract, seven furlongs: Horlcon (12 to
1) won. Hildas Sinter second, r'ear Naught
II third. Time: 1:27.
Second race, five furlongs: King Pin 'J4
to 11 won, Susan seoond. Trustee third.
Time: 1.02.
Third race, hurdles, mile and three
quarters: Nick Time (3 to 2) won, Essex
second. Gun Cotton third. Time: 3.44.
Fourth race, one mile: Ouy Fin her (even)
won, practical second. Dull Care third.
Tune: 1.4H-
Fifth race, one mile; Neoskaleeta (6 to 1)
won, French jlrl second. Aunt Kate third.
Tune: 1:42.
! Sixth race, one mile: Anna L. Daley
; (even) won, Harvey F. second. The Monk
. third. Time: 1 41.
I UTilMA, Nov. 8 A handicap at til
furlong today furnished one of the must
: exciting finishes of the Latonla meeting
I when Helmet and Magazine, running none
I and nose for the last sixteenth, finished
so close that It required the official eye of
the judges 10 decide the winner. Kxsults:
First race, five and a half fullonxs: I nlon
Jack istralght fl&SU) won, Outlaw (place,
field, 17 801 second. Hob Farley (show, field,
Id lui third. Time: 1:08.
Second race, six furlongs: Stars (straight,
$6 90) won, Loween (plaoe, $5 901 second,
Mary Day (show. third. Time: 1 14.
Third race, six furlongs: Jeanne D Arc
(straight, f 18 80i won, F.thelda (place. 14 uui
second, Woodianet. show, f5.oui third. Time:
Fourth 1 rare. . six furlongs: Helmet
istiaiKht. Moo) won, Magaslne 1 place,
second. Oreen heal (show, )3) third.
Time: 1:12.
Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Con
sole (stralKht. S--5 10) won, Camel (place,
lit 101 second. Dad News (show, $MJI third
Time: 1:4J.
Sixth race, mile end threo-aixit.enths:
Question Mark tatrancht. 14 101 won. Ctn
trella 1 place, t i) aecunii. Charles F.
(jiauigftr (show V) Uurd. Time: .uo.
Eighty-Five Hundred Dollar Machine
Wrecked by Fire.
Making linn In from Klkhorn When
Suddenly II rat a lalu Flames
and (lerapants Jump
for Safety.
While speeding alons the Dodge street
road at the rate of about forty miles an
hour yesterday afternoon, the monster Fal
con touring car. beloiiKlnx to T. J. O'Brien
of the HeiiBhaw hotel, suddenly and with
out any warning, burst Into flames. The
machine was In a procession ol automo
biles, and was stopped barely In time to
allow its occupants to make a hasty exit
over the sides and back Into the road.
A spot about seven miles out. In the
nejyhboihoud of Bridge's ranch, had been
reached and there was a well within a few
hundred yards, but the buckets of water
which were thrown upon the biasing ma
chine only seemed to add to the fire, the
costly car becoming a mass of worthless
junk within an Incredibly short space of
The car, which Is said to have been the
largest In the city, was made by special
order in Chicago, for Mr. O'Brien, costing
him the mat sum of JS.500. It had two
tanks of oil, which carried altogether fifty
five gallons, and was of M0 horsepower.
Mr. O'P.iien had an insurance of S5.000 on
the car. but Is now lamenting the fact that
only about thirty days ago he took off
2,5nn of the $7,500 which he then had it in
sured for. The fire Is supposed to have
started from a gasoline leakage.
In the car ai the time were, Mr. O'Brien,
Dun ltutlor, Charley Little and a number
of others, in addition to the chauffeur.
The party was returning with a number of
other automobiles from a political meeting
at Elkhorn.
"One hundred and twenty horsepower
automobiles are all right," said Mr. O'Brien
last night, "hut after this the two horse
power one, which I have up In the barn,
will do me.
Our Letter Box
Contribution oa Timely Bubjeote
Wot Exceeding Two Hundred Words
Are Invited from Our Readers.
More Straps Wanted.
OMAHA, Nov. 7. To the Editor of The
Bee: If the street railway company could
see their way clear to put a few more
straps In the old. made-over, horse cars
which leave Benson during the quiet morn
ing hours when everyone Is going peace
fully 40 work It would make life easier for
the sixty-three . to seventy-five people In
each car who have to stand up for three
or four miles. The other twenty-two peo
ple who happen' to secure the seats are
not so Interested.
For about seventy-five people to hang
on to sixteen straps makes It rather awk
ward, and to 'have, ft the same way night
and morning ceases to be a pleasure. Of
course we realise the street railway com
pany canrtot a'ffbrclo 'ruh any extra cars
out to Benson' durtfig ' the busy hours, ' as
Benson Is growing and It pushes the street
railway ' company pretty hard, but a few
more straps would really be a great help.
State Flaa;s.
VALLET TALLS, R. I., Nov. 1. To the
Editor of The Bee: Will you kindly help,
by the publication of this letter, a national
movement to rescue state flags from the
obscurity In which they art now unwisely
allowed to rest.
It would be no exaggeration to say that
half of the children of any commonwealth
do not recognize the state flag when, they
see It. Now that the national flag floats
over every school house in the land and the
flag salute Is taught to every child It Is
time for each stata to call attention to
lta own banner.,
State sovereignty went out with the civil
war, but stata loyalty Is too precious ever
to lose. It la the little leaven which shall
Inspire society to bring state citizenship to
the highest point.
We have all heard that a chain Is no
stronger than Its weakest link and It fol
lows that the stronger the good citizenship
of any state the stronger the good citizen
ship of the nation.
But to Inculcate loyalty to a faraway na
tional government we need to make gov
ernment and loyalty concrete oonceptlona
Patriotism, like charity, begins at home
and sacrifices for town and state must pre
cede sacrifices for the nation.
We are told many times In the year that
the hope ot the nation Is In the publlo
schools. Let's begin ther., then. In the mat
ter of national flags. Let every state en
courage every school within lta border to
own and fly a stata. flag aide by side with
the Stars and Stiipea The stata flag
Is the concrete symbol of state pride. As
It files It will excite first curiosity, then
Interest. It will suggest state anniver
saries; state history and tradition wilt crop
out, and our boy and girls will grow up
with a lively conception of the past glories
and eminent clt.zenshlp of their common
wealth. On such a foundation It will be
easy to build efficient patriotism. Sincerely
yours. KTTA V. L.IGHTON,
Principal Valley Falls School.
Hitchcock ! Old toldlere.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. (.Mr. a. M.
Hitchcock: In viow of the fact that
though you have made several vicious at
tacks on others you should take it home.
In view Uiat you did not treat me fair In
Washington, in 19U8, In May of that year I
was turned down by you and If you think
that you can Influence me In any kind of
soft-soap manner tike this you are left.
aa I am not like Mr. Bartley, easily In
fiuenced. Although you may have lived
In Omaha all of your life, I went to the
war In 1K98 and thereby received the para
lyllo stroke while. In the Philippines serv
ing Old Glory. I was not In the war for
my health. If so 1 would still be there, but
I received this misfortune to get thli
stroke of paralysU, while In the Philip
pines In 1994. Let this be a warning
and do for thobo whose life and limb
were risked in the service of ihe coun
try. L. C. .WRIGHT.
Ida Grove HlaU School Barred.
DEa MOINES. Nov. T. (Special.) Ida
Grove, for elKht years a contestant lor Ine
data hlgli school champlunahip in foot ball
In Ions, lias been barred from playing until
the school auihoiitles at that place can
prove that three ineligible players were not
played in the gams with Cherokee llixn
school one week. ago. The action of the
state Interscbolaatio board was taken at
the stats teachers meeting In Dea Moines
this week.
Holler l.oaea -Hatrh.
BOSTON, Nov. I-Dr Benjamin F. Rol
ler of Seattle lent a handicap wrestling
match to Hjalmar Lundln of Worcester
at the Boston arena tutu lit
Dr. Holier had cni'iacte 1 t thr"- ' -
din twice In ni. Inn
tu secure one fall in 44 mJnute V seconds.
Are Doincr
"There never has been a time when
vice Was such a studied art as It la to
day," was the declaration of Charles K.
Fordyce, dean of the Teachers' college Of
the University of Nebraska, who gave an
address yesterday afternoon at the open
meeting of the social science department,
held at the First Congregational church.
Dean Fordyce. who was c pea king on "The
Boy Problem of Today." made the above
statement In a plea to the mothers and
teachers In Ms audience that they give
careful study to the boy and especially to
try to understand him and meet his need
for sympathy when he reaches that period
of great emotional development, when he
leaves boyhood and enters manhood.
His talk was a study of the three stages
of boy's development: First, the activity
and restlessness of childhood; second, the
reign of the group law and the outcrop
ping of ancestral savagery In the boyhood
reriod; and third, the youth and the time
of great emotional dovelopment and the
great danger period.
In treating of the youth the speaker
noted the tendency to delight In the fop
peries. He did not decry a fondness for
fine linen, but Instead thought the atten
tion to appearance had Its value from Its
effect upon the Inner consciousness. He
declared that the youth is easily discour
aged, needs encouragement, sympathy and
quite like the child in his activities, needs
Intelligent direction. "And the parent or
the teacher who loses patience with the boy
during any of the three stages Is the one
who fails."
Of the boy, Dean Fordyce expressed a
decided preference for the boy of energy,
and declared that the "girlish boy" might
be predicted to become the "sissy man
and not a man at all."
W. H. Davidson, superintendent of the
Omaha schools. Introduced the dean and
spoke eulogistlcally of the university of
which the teachers' college Is a part.
Mrs. F. J. Blrss, new leader of the de
partment, presided at the meeting. Teach
ers, mothers and members of the depart
ment were present In large numbers, quite
filling the auditorium ot the church.
During the business session the new
leader gave an interesting resume of the
work which has been done by the depart
ment and outlined plans for this year's
siuay. miss Ida V. Jontz, secretary of
the Associated Charities, read a report of
the lat year's work of the association,
giving a splendid Idea of the way In which
this organization Is mooting the demands
of the city.
The Omaha branch of the Needlework
Guild of America will hold Its annual dis
tribution of garments Wednesday and
Thursday at All Saints' church. Tha work
of the guild la one of the best known and
most Important charities of tha city, aa It
distributes among the various charitable
institutions about 1,000 new garments each
The annual meeting; and election of offi
cers will be held In All Salnta' churoh
Wednesday morning and the parish house
will be open all day to receive the gar
ments. Thursday morning the assortment
will be made and In the afternoon tho
publlo Is Invited to inspect the contribu
tions. The women of All Balnts church
will serve refreshments and the usual re
ception will be held from 1 to 6 o'clock
The contributions of two new garments
each year Is the only fee and the only obli
gation that membership n the guild entails
and every man, woman and child of the
city Is eligible. It Is hoped that consider
ably more than 8,000 garments may be col
lected this year, as the need Is great and
the distribution impartial. Mrs. Edward
Rosewater Is president of the guild this
Dundee Woman' club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. 8. R. Elaon. The
subject of study will be Nathaniel Haw
thorne; leader, ,Mr. J. E. Dodd; current
events. Mrs. XV. W. Johnston: "Haw.
thorne s Life and Peculiar Genius," Mrs. D.
L. Johnson.
When you are contemplating papering
painting and decorating call on H. Borwlck,
zu south Main street. Ton will find there a
full Una of up-to-date wall paper and
strictly up-to-date workmen. Prices are
made to draw trade and work Is guaran
teed. Ttu will find a few used and slightly
shopworn planoa that can be bought cheap
at A. Uospa Co., Pearl St. and 28 8.
Main St, If you ant quickly, as they must
r scats building about November 10,
and stylish
1 Since each Cob is sep
arately wrapped in wax
paper there is no danger
about their becoming dry
or breaking in your pock
et This is merely an
other feature that makes
Cobs preferable.
9 for 15c
6s far packet ai S
I LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO, M.kaa. Nawatk, N. J.
Tke Larsael Indapaadaat
Cisar frsctary tke werta
Allon Bros- Co.
If A
I lie each. for Kc
Clustt, reakoey & Ca. An-erar Cuffa. JW
Judjje Sutton Greeted Enthuiiastieally
at Two Meetings.
raiiroast and Heat re Oppnaed to
loamy Option, but Do Mot ton
alder This Pnrnmoonl Issue
In t'nmpitlan.
Judge Sutton wound up his campa'gn for
congressman by two big meetings In South
Omaha last nigKt and the reception with
which he waa greeted allowed that the
foreign colony in the city appreciate the
past record for fairness In the Interpreta
tion of the law by the "Teople's Judge."
Judge Sutton, who was accompanied by
Arthur C. Pancoaxt, candidate for stat
senator; F. C. Heat and Kdward In-eder,
candidates for state representative, and
John o. Trouton, candidate for county
commissioner, addressed meetings at
Kosciusko hall. Twenty-seventh and J
streets and the Bohemian hall at Twenty
first and U streeta and In each Instance the
building was crowded.
All Well Received.
All the other candidates got a fine hear
ing and especially the two local men, John
Trouton and Arthur Pancoast, but the ap
pearance of the Judge aroused the real
enthiiBiasin of the audience. The warmth
of his greeting Indicated that both, among
the Poles and the ltohemlaiis he Is m wel
come us In other parts of the city. Hie
reception wan a repetition of that extended
a week ago when lie accompanied Chester
Aldrlch, candidate for governor, through
the packing house district. Judge Sutton
and all the other speakers emphasised the
fact that whether In national or state poll-
tics, they belong to the party that does
I'ancoast and Best plainly mated that
they were opposed to" county option. They
did not consider this a paramount Isnue
In the campaign, they declared, but they
wished their ' views to be unmlstakeably
known. There were other and more im
portant questions, they said, for the con
sideration of the state legislature and both
announced their determination to have cer
tain laws Introduced and other laws
amended that at the present time worked
injustice to the working classes or do not
protect them from injury and death.
One of these lawa that Mr. I'ancoast said
he would like to have enacted Is a statute
requiring the provision of wire netting as
in other states to protect workers on
"Tills Is done In other states," said the
speaker, "and I do not see why it cannot
be carried, out In ours."
Fair Cottaaes Burn.
Four cottages were burned to the ground
at Twenty-sixth and Polk streets In South
Omaha today. Three of the buildings had
V "".ia. I 1 in 11 .. a.i . imi I. 1 ill. 1. 1..1 1
:'' '; vijv.a'1:- 'ft- f
j ; j
" "' 1 ma f Mm ma 1 1 1 111 rim nasi 1 m n 1 1 I
Brandeis Theater Iov.11
SWT T Ill llllTlaasia -
Coiiuilltnentary Tickets Mar Be Sec'urwl of AH Auto Ii1tk.
Ton are cordially Lnrited to attend a norel and Interesting- entertain
ment consisting of a series of motion pictures Tlrldly protrsylng those
soeasa la the great rubber forests of BrasU tbat have to do with the gather
ing of crude rubber by the satire South Amerloan Indian. Also motion
lews of the operations neosssary to build an automobile tire, starting
with tha crude material and working" up to tha finished product.
There is not a doll moment from the start to the finish of this en
tertainment, which takes about an hour to present. It does not con
stantly flaunt before yon tha name of any particular tire maker and can be
appreciated and enjoyed by all. Doubly interesting, of eourse, to the user
of automobile tires.
Akron, Otilo.
Manufacturer of GOODRICH TIRES
JMaMsUit, ssmmMI M-i s. i
hrcn condemned by the IcilUlina inspci
and tt'n were occupied A r.mi'-l f.min
named White had Ju.-t moved In one of tne
building several d.i s
M aa lc ( 1 1 1 taoaal u.
Storm Snxh-Call Mowlam!. 'l'liono So J
l'ir r,nl 1', mom rntl.iui'. lihll het. 1 and
'J t.. ii HI. Phono ."ninth 1.
At the dani'f o the Shnmrni k AthU tio
cluh ill KiiKhlnK hall t 1 1 1 m I . t tne clei Hon
rcMilts will be annouiucd.
' IhoneJVU South ' Independent K-In
for a case of Jett r (ion! Top Prompt de
livery to any pint of city. W illiam Jetter
The l.eiler Memoial South Sil All
society will meet at the home of Mit..
llaihawav, Thtrteciiih utreit an. I lloule
vnrd. Wrdne.-Hlay afternoon at - o'clock.
The Women's Chi l.-tl.m remperanc '
union will hold a pi aver me Uhm Horn ! to
1 Vt his mormtiK ut the inucd P. esby tcriun
church. All Interested In the ontconid of
the election ate Invited to be ptcsent.
Talt Secures New
House at Beverly
President Signs I wo Years' Lease
Goes to Cincinnati to Vote and
Will Return Wednesday.
HAIUMPIHIu:. Pa. Nov. K. -President
Taft. on his wav to Cincinnati to vole,
pnsned through here tonleht Me iinnnunceil
he had decided to Kpend two more humnwrs
at Heverly, Mass . and that he had mcn.J
n two years' lenxo on the Peahodv hou"
ut that place. This house about two
miles from the Heverly depot. Mr. Taft
decldi-d some t ine axo to make Masnolia
the summer capital, but li"i;oti at.'nna there
fell through.
Secretary Norton, who accompanied the
president from Washington, left the purlv
here and boarded the elhtecn-hour flier
for his home at Chlcasjo. where he will
vote tomorrow. Me expects to re loin the
president at Pittsburg tomorrow nluht.
After votlnK in Cincinnati the president
will leave there tomorrow afternoon and
be back In WashlnKton W ednesday morn
ing. The president leaves Wednesday after
noon for the Isthmus of Pnnuma. hoardlni?
the armored cruiser Tenni s-ee at Charles
ton. S. C, Thursday nt noon.
The plans for the Panama trip were com
pleted today. Mrs. Taft will not go, the
president's Immediate party being limited
to himself. Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati,
his brother, and Secretary Norton. A
stenographer will also be taken nlcing and
the president expects to complete the
major portion of his message to congress
while at sea.
Buy yourself a violin, banjo, guitar, man
dolin or accordeon at what dealers pay for
them. We will make easy payments. We
vacate building about November 10. A.
Hospe Co., 29 Pearl St. and 3 S. Main St.
If you eat come In and see the Triple
Trick demonstration at the Has office, i6
Pear! street.
' : T
sfl - sffai - .a --I' '-listriil hi T WHTrW T "1 11 T' lift"1
B.1U1. gwVaft xstt