The Omaha Dailx Bee WEATHIR FORICAST. For Nebraska -GeneraliT fair. For lown Generally tnr. For went her report sot page 2. TIP- OMAHA DEE aorn to the Iioidm fa read by tb kjuib sella goods tor drertUerm. SlW.LK COPY TWO CKXTS. 'Oh. XI, -M. 1: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOKXIXO, NOVKMHKK !). I'HO-TWELYK IWdKN. MX IS ELECTED lUl NEW YOKE STATE Ecraocratic Nominee Gets Plurality of seventy Thousand All Over State, According to Early Retrf.. 1. ' T - ROOSEVILTS DISTRIa! '.OST President Tatt Casts His Vote in Cincinnati 'Chief Executive Takei Four Minutei j to Llark His Ticket Roosevelt Votes at Oyster Bay. Stim&on Says State' It Looks , Up Earlv in Even, -u ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND L GAUUOLL LEADING BY SMALL MARGIN Heavy Scratching Generally Expected to Cut Plurality to Five Thou sand Votes. PROUTY IS SAFE IN SEVENTH What Shall the Harvest Be? Efturns from the Latter Are tically All Reported. iac- MUCH REDUCED OUT IN THE STATE eenlecn Hundred and Ten lllatrlcta lint of Three- ThliDMnd On t aide f ork (llr Olive 22, OOO for KHmaon. XK YORK. Nov. 8. -At 9 20 o'clock Mr Stlmson sent the following teiegram to Mr. I 1 x : 'The present returns clearly Indicate i iir election. I congratulate you and end you mj good w ishes for auccesa of your administration." The returns from upstate rural sections Indicate ihat Stlmson's upstate pluarity ulll he ah, mt, as against Dix's plural It In New York City of aliout 103.000. mak ing a lift plurality of about W.000. Return from 60 per cent of city and 30 pi'i nt of the mat vote show mich & heavy Dlx plurality In the city and such a light Stlmson plurality in the state as to assure the election of Dlx for governor- NEW YHK. .Nov. s. Returns from 1.710 election cl ; i-it-ts out of 3.0G8 In New York state outside of thp city of New York for governor give: Stlmson 2611,162, Dlx 23H.940. Hopper I,';. Same districts in 19UG gave: uhri 330,002. f hauler 2tASI, Shearn 3.7M1. NKW YOKK, Nov. X. With only 210 out of I,7i0 election districts to be heard from. Dlx la maintaining a plurality In New York I'lty of approximately lt:t.700. lli'nry L. Stlmson tonlKht: "1 haven't but things look bad NKW VUKK, Nov. said at S JO o'clock given up hope yet. upstate." Conway, the democratic nominee for lieu tenant governor, is still running only slightly behind Dlx In New York City. With approximately two-third of the election districts In New York heard from, his plurality over S hoenerk la "i3.376. w hich. If maintained, will give him a plurality for the cntlie, 'My of INj.soO. NKW lOIlK. Nov. 8. -The Evening lost and the Evening World In extra editions announce the election of Dlx. NU)Y;jfOl,K. Nov. 8.rtTh UJ plurality ol "13.;ii "in New York City ia indicated, w!lh three-fourths of the vote In, and a S.imsou plurullty of 30,000 up atate, over two-thirds of the atate vote counted, Indicating a net Dlx plurality of about 74. in1. Thia will probably be aomewhat re duced by returns front up state rural dis trict. The following telogramwa received at Tammany hall tonight from a democrat in ''loml Roosevelt's own district In Oyster Hay: Roosevelt a own diatrlct: Dlx, 218; Stlmson, lis. Ileateti to a fraxxle." NEW YOIIK, Nov. 8. Returns from 1.199 election districts out of 3.068 in New York atate outside of the city of New York for governor give Stlmson (rep), 1!M,M3; Iix idem.), Kl.EOfi; Hopper, l.97. The KHine dlatrtots In 108 gave Hughea 21it.."l2: t'hanler. 204.104; Bhearn, 2.530. M.W YORK, Nov. 8 Dlx'a plurality in New York City I still approximately lOti.OOO, wtih two-thlrda of the total city vote heard fiom. NEW YORK. Nov. S Returna from ntna election d atrlcta outside of New Y'ork City slve Htlrnnnn a plurality of 1.121. If thla uttlo la maintained Ptltnaon will have a plurality of fHO) outaide of New Y'ork City. Hut returna from 4S0 election districts in New York City ahow a nix plurality of :'0.:47, which, if maintained!, will irlve Dlx n Plurality of 112.2i in New York City, which :a aufflclrnt to wipe out the Stlmson plurality up atate and give Dlx a plurality of the entire atate upwards of 100 000. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. -Fur lieutenant gov ernor: In New York City 220 election dla tr rn out of 1,700 give Kchoeneck J1.T76, Conway SS.173 and Hearst 5 491. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 In Manhattan and the Bronx 140 election dtatrlcts out of H30 :1v Bt:mson 12.010. Dlx tt.40 and Hopper 2.T74. NKW YORK, Nov. 8 Returns from over ro per cent of the entire vote of the city and atate of New York Indicate the elec tion of John A. Dlx liirra ) for governor. CINCINNATI, o.. Nov. 8. President Tail arrived here at 10:30 o'clock to caat lila vote In his old precelnct In the O'Hrlen uiairlct of Cincinnati. He went from the train to the home of his brother, Charles I'. Taft. and planned to go to tlio polls Inter His stay jiere will be limited to ul out five hours. immediately after arrival the president rent the following telegram to the republi can nominee for governor: Warren 5. Gardner, Marion. O. I congratulate you on your wonderful cniiiani No matter wnat tne result tooay, jiiu oave i-oiiiinenoed yourKcIf to your itnow cltlxens and have ettectively united itpublican tanks lor future contents. WILLIAM H. TAFT. I'rerldeiit Taft voti-d at 11:37 a. m. The polling place was In an empty store at 2'XII Madison road. The president ient four minutes in the booth marking his ballot, lie seemed to be examining every name on it. The president motored out to the voting place from his brother's residence. The distance was aUuit four mllea. There was a faint ripple of applause as the presl di'iit h car came to a i.tandstlll. Accompanied by three aecrt . service men the president climbed a short flight or Ktepa leading Into the store where the voting booths had been placed. Mr. Taft was voter No. In the precinct. With the official state ballot the prealdent waa alao handed amaller ballots on the iiuestiun of Isauing I1.IMI.0U0 in city bonds for play grounds and on the question, of holding a constitutional convention. The Inevitable photographers were on hand and at their requeBl the president posed for a minute with the Judges in the background. He wiahed every one good morning and left for a motor ride and to vlait several of Mrs. Taft'a relatlveo. iiovernor Juilson Harmon voted here to day a few hours after arriving on an early train from Toledo. He cast his ballot oil Walnut Hill and was enthusiastically greeted a he entered and left the polling place. After voting the governor went to Columbus. He would venture no prediction as to the outcome of his campaign for re-election, but declared It has been a pleasant ex perience. OYSTEK BAY, Nov. 8.-ln the old fam ily carriage Theodore Hooaevelt drove from Sagamore Hill at noon to the polling place In the fire company's house Oyster Bay, and caat his vote. Hermit Kooiteveit at the tame time caat bla first ballot. There were three othera in the carriage, Noah Seaman, who was In charge of Colonel Roosevelt's estate; "Bill" Halle, the col onel's farm hand, and James Ames, his negro butler. Colonel Roosevelt did not appear to be at all anxious over the outcome of the elec tion, although he had no prophecies to make, lie said he was sorry that the weatlirr JUit ao. rainy. asnlt-BllgUt atfeai the upstate vote. '"No. matter what tha result of the elec tion Ih," he continued, "the republican party will carry on the fight on the same lines." Grilk'i Opponent Running Two to One in the Second. G. 0. P. LOSES THREE DISTRICTS Republicans Claim All Except Second, Fourth and Sixth. CEDAR RAPIDS LOST TWO TO ONE Porter Carries City Ttto Tnonsaml Four II ami red to One Thnnaand Keren llondred l.eade In Dee Molnea. HI LI.KTIN. nna MOINES. I., Nov. . -The re-elec tion nf Congressman 'Wiiltcr I. ' Smith, a member of the Cannon rules committee. Is conceded by i.Vx) plurality over W. FY Cleveland. This Is a reduction of 2.000 In the Hmlth vote. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 8-Governor Carroll (Rep.), was heavily scatched all over the statet. Porter (Dem ), for gover nor carried Cedar Rapids 2.4'JO to 1.7tt. Twenty-one precincts In Des Moines give Porter a lead of 471 votes. On the basis of meager early returns . Carroll should win by about 6.000. Republicans claim all congressional districts execept the Second, Fourth and sixth. Judge Prouty, republican, seems safe In the Seventh, the Des Moines district. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 8. Eleven out of thirty-one precincts of Davenport (Second district) show I. S. Pepper, dem ocrat, for congress running two to one over Charles Grllk, to speak for whom Colonel Roosevelt Interrupted his New York campaign. SIOUX CITY, Nov. 8. Early returna in Sioux City show Porter Is leading Carroll for governor hy nearly two to one. Murphy l,rsd llanRhrn. MASON CITY, la., Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) D. D. Murphy (dem.) carries Cerro- Gordo county over Haughen. by 200. Same rate of gain In other counties of the dis trict would give him district by 6.000. Arrest Election Ofuc.als' in Oklahoma OHIO CINCINNATI, Nov. 8. Twenty precincts In the city gave Harding (rep.) 2.922, Har mon (dem.), 1,703. . Same precincts in 1908 gave Harris (rep.) 3,32, Harmon (dem.) 2.460. , CLEVELAND. Nov. 8.-Flve scattered precincts In Franklin, Lucas and Scioto counties give Harmon (dem), for governor, 467 to 328 for Harding. The same precincts in I!i6 gave Harmon 629 and Harris (rep.) 467. COLTMHCW. O., Nov. 8-Early returns from Franklin county Indicate great gains In the socialist vote. In some precincts the socialists have doubled their strength, tak ing votes from both old parties. Ws&f ill IDAHLMAN SWEEPS I HIS HOMECOUNTY i (Piles Up Majority of Over Eighty- Five Hundred. CARRIES TICKET WITH HTM For Senator Hitchcock Runs a Littla Ahead of Jim. L0BECK WINS OVER SUTTON Democratic Candidate for Congress Has Two Thousand Majority. From the Winnr j.irjl.8 journal. RIOT CALL AT LINCOLN POLLS Squad of Police Drive Away Too Zealous Card Distributers. NEW WALKS AROUND CAPITOL Men Who Refuse to Permit Negroes to Vote Charged with Conspir acy and Intimidation. M'ALESTER, Okl . Nov. 8. -Charged with conspiracy to Injure, oppress, threaten and Intimidate certain negro citizens by refusing them the right to vote, half the election officials of M'Alester were ar rested by a deputy I'nlted States marshal iodav. taken before the I'nlted States commission and held on bonds of 12.00) each. AH the officials brought their ballot boxes to the commissioner when they gave ball, refusing to surrender their duties or leave the ballot boxes with any one else. MUSKOGEE. Okl., Nov. 8. Warrants were issued this afternoon (or the arrest of eight election officials in Muskogee and Wagoner counties. The warrants which were Issued by the federal authorities charge the officials with violation of sec tion 19 of the federal code, which has ref erence to conspiracy to prevent legal votera from exercising the right of suffrage. The arrests occurred when the officials denied negroes the right to vote. NEW YOKK Nov. 8 For lieutenant gov ernor: In New York City t."-0 election d.s tricM out of 1.7rt give Schoeneck 47.044. Conway 73.9h and Hearst 12..1S0. If this ratio !a ma .ntnlned Conway will have a I luratlM of KW K) In New York City, run riiik' only allKhtly behind the head of the i cr.rt. South Omaha Vote in Full COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 8 Adjutant Gen eral Weybrecht, after talking by telephone with friends In Cincinnati and Cleveland at 8:lj, Issued a statement predicting the re election of Governor Harmon by 7fi.O0O. CINCINNATI. Nov. 8. Two hourn after the polls closed Iewls Hernard, dernorcallc leader In Hamilton county, claimed that Governor Harmon had carried the county by a plurality of 15,000 over Warren (i. Harding, republican. Two years ago Har mon's plurality was approximately 19,000. newTersey TRENTON, Nov. 8. Returns from the seven districts of East Orange that have voting machines give Wilson a net plurality over Lewla of 414, a gain for Wilson over the Fort vote of three years ago of 1,308. It Is estimated that East Orange, which has eighteen districts in all, will give Wilson a plurality of 1.000. Fort carried it by 2.700. TRKNTON, Nov. 8. Three voting pre cincts la Passaic City in Passaic, Mr. Lewis' home county, give Mr. lewls a plurality of only 137. as against a plurality of 640 received by Fort three years ago. This Is a net loss for Lewis of 63. TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 8 Figures avail able here at this hour indicate that Wood row Wilson (dem.), has carried New Jer sey by about 15,000. Returns Indicate a plurality of between 10.000 and 12.000 for Wilton In Eaaex county. Hunterdon county is democratic by nearly 2,000 and Warren by 1.600. Secretary of State Jankla Realises Ambition He irea Many Ver i-tew; trm f tr "'"'- Gnnre). aid In every way to make this lasue of the new uniforms cover all demands. Hv order of the governor. JOHN C. II ARTIGAN, Official: Adjutant General. L. C. Kl'-STKRSON, Captain Second Infnntrv. N. N. G., As sistant Adjutant General. t hrdim Srndi II nit It llrlef. . O. 'Whedon has send to Washington a brief In support of the constltutlonalitv of the banking law declared void by the federal court here. Congressmen . "-"Now Elected South Omaha's total vote was divided a follow a: For Governor Aldrich 1.220 1 nlnnian 2. hoi For Senator Huikett 1.1 Hitchcock !.7:6 For Congressman Sutton 1.T9K Loheck 2.2J7 NEW HAMPSHIRE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 8. (Special.) While election day as a general proposition was rathet unlet here, at times there was some thing doing of an exciting nature. In precinct a of the First ward a riot call was sent In by the Judges In order to clear thu card distributers away from the polls. Y'ounK boys and men had been em ployed by various candidates to distribute cards, and In their xcal to earn their wages they sometimes followed the voters almost to the booth. When ordered to leave several objected and the police were called. The boya were chased 100 yards away. Whlk the police were at the polling place four men rolled up in an automobile, evidently of foreign birth. They started to leave the machine, but upon seeing the officers they crawled back and drove away. Whether they ever got to vote Is not known. Carriages and automobiles were thick on the streets all day. Some bore placards of candidates, but a lot of thi ni were nol designated as republican or democratic. Tho weather was ideal all day and the vote In the residence wards was heavy early In the morning. In several churches women congregated and pruned for the success of Senator Aid rich and the dry ticket, while the Mo Kinley chimes were played at Intervals. Nm Walks Around State llooar. Before he goes out of office next Janu ary Secretary of State George C. J'unkln will have realized one of the ambitions In; has nursed for many years. Back In UiuO Mr. Junkln, then a member of the house from Gosper county, endeavored to get an appropriation to put In walks around the state house and through the grounds, which would not become drainage ditches In time of rain. He discovered the cost would be In the neighborhood of (11,000 and figured that would be entirely too much money for the work, so nothing further was done. Mr. Junkin, however, after spending al most four years In the capltol building, was more and more Impressed with the necessity of decent walks, so he got busy BOSTON, Nov. 8. The democrats gained I and found the Hoard of public Lands and nine of the first forty-seven representatives Buildings had a little money on hand, reported elected tonight. This is a gain 'Then he got prices from contractors and of about 'M per cent and if maintained j the result was the contract was let. through the state would give the dem.i- At this time the walks on the south side ciats between eighty and eighty-five Beats of the building except on Fifteenth street, out of a total of 240 In the house, which have been completed and on the west side NEBRASKA RETURNS SLOW Reports from Election in State Come Meager and Scattered. NO BASIS FOR SAFE ESTIMATE Few Flan res to show .-V V- i ' Ihe at Hand No F.nouah ConrlaalTPlr What . j i Flnnl Reanlt M ill Te. MASSACHUSETTS vi.iv v.i. i.- v.... ,. r,., ?n' CONCORD. N. II., Nov. 8 -Out . . .Con dli.trt. ts out of S.0.-.N in New York J "'"" trict :, New llmphlre. re flate cut.-lde of the i-liv of New York, for '"" 115 fr,,m f,r "vf"r "lve L, civ Si I moon 13118: Dlx (dein.t. ,r'P- 1 rr J,"- ,UK 1 ' r: Hopper lnd I. 1 ST would not be enough to affect the election of United States senators. BOSTON, Nov. 8. Governor Fben 8. Draper gave out a statement tonight con- f 2j) cculn ,ne '"'ciKin or .ir. r oss tiy a sub stantial plurality and congratulating him. In l'."0 the fane ton and wards save Th same districts in I'JOH gave Hughea p., ...v.. varr.aem.. i.j... i. en. i v.4J4: t'hanler (dem), 14.023; Shearn ,f ,l,e ',"" r",l of republican gain Is in.l.l. 1 4.SI ' maintained In the rest of the atate a m- 1 .iorlty la indicated for Baas for governor of 141 WEST VIRGINIA all the work is done In front of the build ing. By Friday (he work will have been finished. It w ill be up to the next lefcla- lature to furnish the moiuy to fix the north side. The total cost will be leaa than f oOi. All the bi ('-s have been taken J up and cement blocks put down and tne walk nurroAeu. l:l I'FAI.o. N. Y. I. le returns: 1 lx. Nov. (.Buffalo com 32.73.'.; Stlmson, 2S.3si. ' tl'liniN, N. Y . Nov. 8-Sereno Payne.1 lather of the tariff law. loat his home city ' l.v 417. ' i NKW YORK, Nov. K - Returna from 4:' . 1 ill. ut illMrU out of 3.i.i in New York' late. .ui-;dc ,.f the city if New York, for ("'! il Stlinni .rep ) Dlx ..'.in i ;. .1, ii-r und I 772. 'He same di t. eta ,n 1 0 save lluklies i ii. p i ij'.liv i f .mw i lei.i i H".rj",. Shearn i '.''7. NKW YORK. Nov. - In the rity of New I Yoik I4i election districts out of 1 7ort give j bliauioo ltUi. Dlx, 23.00, Hopper. 2 733 CONCORD. Nov. . Ninety election dis trpta out of 2:) In New Hampshire for governor give: Rasa (rep.) .., Can I (dem.) 6.4(vS. In 1908 the aame diatricts gave: j guiiiby (rep.) S.172, Carr idem.) 7.613. 1 At tins ratio inrougnoni me state, a ma jority Is Indicated for Bass for governor of o.f.t.V WHEELING.- W. Vs., Nov. -The eleo tlon throughout was unusually cjulet In every section of the state and the vote waa lighter than expected. In Cabell county at the close of the polls the demo crats gain one member of the state legis lature. In Clay county the democrats alsu claim a gain of one member for the legislature. PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND I . Nov. 8. Returns tiun districts out of PROVIDENCE., R fi-in th'rty-two el. 1M In tlir .-tale glv Pothler (rep.), J.VSJ. Same distrU ta last year gave Pothler liepl. 5..il8. Arnold Idem.), KSi. Net demo i i alio g tin !.. Ti.rk-w, Waterman idem.). PHILADELPHIA. Nov. a.-R, publican State Chairman Walton claims Ihe election i of Congressman John K. Tener I rt-p ) for governor by a large plurality. Berry, his Ke stone party opponent, does not appear to have been as strong as Ids fruud.s ;iad expected, while Grim, tin- democratic i au dldate is running :ai behind. I 'lily scattering returns hae Ih--ii re ceived up to &...0 p. m , but they all fav.u I iilforiiia tar tinnrd. iieiai iiamgan has Issued Adjutant the lo.ioAitiK t.en-ial orders. tUaic of .StlnaMia, adjutant general' of- ; 1 1. e. Llli'-oln. .s jv duller ?. l.ilo, geueiali older ao. . 1. (line urah uniforms will be issued to I tlie Nebraska National viuard on reu.ui.-i-Hon j Companv commanders will make; reoo.sttion loi olive drab uniforms, con- ' sittin g of coat, breeches, cap, cap dcvicis, collar ornaments and chevrons. 3. The exact size, of each man will be ascertained alal leuuisition made for otil.s such uuil.iiuin as s:t are turuislied. and the leuuisttioii limited to the iron actually -pai'lu'ipalnig in company dnli and a.- tendance. I 4. i i.e number of these uniforms will be t limited to 1..J. so tl at the issue to com- pan'.es must I.e limited to lluise ui-tiially J used Wlun a coiuiiarM cotiimandcr findn on aim m ii.tuui to . i-it ii i .imi'ii ie .iseu, lie i llllnoln. ROCKFOP.l), III., Nov. 8 In the Twelfth Illinois congressional district Charles E. Fuller (rep ). Incumbent, was re-elocted. DANVILLE, Nov. 8. Early returns Indi cate the re-election of Speaker Cannon In the Eighteenth district by a reduced plural ity over William L. Oundlff, a democrat. AURORA, 111., Nov. 8. Ira C. Copley (rep.). Eleventh Illinois district Is elected. Nineteenth Illinois congressional district. W. H. McKinley (rep ), re-elected. Fourteenth Illinois congressional district. Ji.mes McKlnney (rep.), elected. CAIRO, Nov. 8. N. B. Thistlewood (rep.), Twenty-fifth Illinois district, elected. CONGRESSM EN M INNESOTA Kansas. TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 8 K. H. Madison (rep.) elected In the Seventh district. TOPEKA, Nov. 8. Congressman elected. Eighth district. Victor Murdock (rep.). CONGRESSM KN ILLI NOIS Kentucky. IXH'ISVILLE. Ky., Nov. 8. Congressmen elected. First district, Ollia M. James (dem.) Second, A. O. Stanley (dem.) Fourth. Benjamin Johnson (dem.) Fifth, Swagar Sherley (dem.) Sixth, Arthur B. Rouse (dem.) Seventh. J. Campbell Cantrill (dem.) Eighth, Harvey Helm (dem ) Eleventh, Caleb Powers (rep.) Massachusetts, First district, George P. Lawrence (rep.) elected. Third district, Charles G. Washburn (rep.) elected. Twelfth district. John W. Weeks (rep.) elected. New York. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Thomas W. Brad ley (rep.) elected In the Twentieth con gressional district. Daniel Itiordan (dem.). Eighth New York congressional district, elected. Jefferson M. Levy (dem.), Thirteenth congressional district, elected. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Daniel A. Drtscoll (dem.), Thirty-fifth New Y'ork congressional district, elected. D. S. Alexander (rep), THrty-sixth New York congressional dls- l'eaaa 1 van la. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8 .-Congressmen trict, elected, elected : First district. Henry II. Bingham (rep.) Second. Joel Cool (rep. I Third. J. Hampton Moore (rep.) I Fourth. Reutan O Moon (rep.) I Fifth. William W. Foulkrod (rep ) Sith. George D. M.-Creary (rep.) I Seenth. Thomas S Butler ireo.) Elshth. Irving P. Wanper (rep.) j Ninih, William W. Orient (rep. i Thirteenth, John K. Rothermel dem.) Sixteeriili. John G. M.Henry idem.) Seventeenth, Benjamin K Focht (rep.) j E ghtcenth, .Marin E. Olmsted (rep. I Nineteenth, Jesse I. llartinun (rep) Twenty-first. Oharlea K. Patton rep) Twenty-sixth, A. Mitchell Palmer Idem ) I Mllineautn. PAUI4. Nov. 8 Minnesota congress- Sixtk district. C. A. Lind- 1 Seventh district, A. J. Vol- j Thin district. C. II. Davl, Nebraska Is repeating Its history as" re gards delay In reporting the result of the election. At the hour The Bee goes to press the returns from the state are meager and scattered, so much so as to prevent an ac curate guess at the outcome. The only certain indication Is that the vote Is lighter than it was two years ago. Aldrich Is show ing a gain over the Sheldon vote outside of Douglas county, which Is a favorable I sign for hlH election. The few figures re ceived up to 9 o'clock, when the edition 1 of Tho Bee Is sent to press show nothing conclusive either way. Here they are: 1010 . iwkc Aid- Dahl- Shel- Shal'- rich. man. don. b'ger. 121 iBERWERS TURN THE TRICK X nl Inn Machines Work for Mrniaht ticket nnd Ilia (ianar of Paid Monalera Corral the HerA ami Drive Them In. Douglas county has given Dahlman democrat, for governor, a maturity of Burnetii mr like K.siiO over Aldrich, repub lican, and the Dahlman waMon luia carried I all his aanoclati-s on the democratic ticket lover the safely line with him. I For United Slatea senator IlltchcncV, deriiocrnt, oti the prei'erent (at voln eeoms lo haw- fallen behind Dahlman In tho lower wards and to have forged ahead of 111 til n tho upper wards. For eongresH, wlh Incomplete figures, I.olMxk. democtat, will ho nearly 2.IV0 ahead of Sutton, republican. This outcome of the election In oDnglaa county was produced by the combined ef forts of the democrats and liberals of nil parti.'H, supplemented with the unlimited financial backing of the brewers' combine. Election day weather was Ideal and vot ing began early and kept tip fast. The vot ing machines apparontly did the work they were intended to do, namely, to forca straight party voting, although Sutton for cortr!n, Lynch for county commissioner and Wead and Hastings for legislature on the republican ticket had special workers who brought out for them more than the average vote. At the hour of going to press the returns have not been completely footed and It la possible, but not prohable, that a few re publicans may have pulled !n. All the scenery was set for a bin splurge for "Jim." Dozens of automobiles running around the streets brailng democratlo ban ners und offering free rides to anyone who would promise to vote for the mayor. This was true of Kouth Omaha as well as Omahn. yet "Jim" fell short of his esti mated vote down there. - In fact, notwith standing tho big majorities he polled In Douglas county, he disappointed many of his ardent admirers, who had been betting on him securing all tho way up to 15,0Ot) over hla opponent. The detailed vote on governor in Doug las county, with orrly few.Tmoorjtsnt pre cincts missing, follows:'" " Danglai County Vote on Governor. FIRST WARD OMAHA. l'Jio i!ns Diihl- Shel-Shu Hen man, don. bergor. District. Aid-rich. & 14 7'1 ... Hi Total 2.11 1X1 M H.. 1,111 OH 12t IHIj 40 41H County. Sarpv, 2 of 22 Kurt, 2 of 22 Hall. 4 of 21 Platte. 4 of 23 Keith. 3 of 9 Washington. 1 of 11 Dodge. 3 of 20 Custer, 1 of 3" Valley, 2 of 16 Merrick, 1 of 13 Colfax, 4 of 14 Nemaha, 1 of 19 Furnas, t of 20 Cass, 1 of 2fi Butler. 1 of 20 Saline, 1 of 22 Clay. 2 uf 20 2.:) 2yi 144 117 tM 2"9 f42 21 lttS 124 ::-l 4: 2!K P'.ii PG B-.2 21 1.17 pl'.l 21U -; ;!',3 120 '2 101 2:::i 215 PV1 17 21.1 427 I?) 117 7-17 lid 292 2T:i :-o 211 pit) 14) 71 92 275 liVi lii'i c,:, Sll 142 178 rrto ir,l 17'" 342 i;.' 191 IIS 17.1 49 Hill SECOND WARD OMAHA. 69 Totals. , 110 70 32 . 33 - 1 Ti.'i .'.."I 117 l.V 1 810 THIRD WARD -OMAHA, 3.6."7 3.970 Ji,72:l 8. The vote In Thirty precincts 3.701 Majority. LINCOLN. Neb., Nov Lincoln and Ijincaster county is as heavy as a presidential year. Indications are that Aldrich, republican candidate for gov ernor, will carry the city and county by a nearly normal plurality, probably from 1,400 to 1.700. The republican slump to Dahl man. democrat, for governor Is offset by the democritlc and populist support of Aldrich. There was less scratching than expected. Four country nnd one Lincoln city pre cinct In this, Lancaster county, show a net democratic loss of 94. WILDER, Neb., Nov. 8 The town of Wll ber, Saline county, F1rt ward gives Dahl man, 216; Aldrich 49, a democratic gain of J4. Majority In ( olumboi. OOLUMI-il S, Neb., Nov. 8 -(Special Telegram.)-Columbus complete, four waids, give the following maprltlcs, Dalilman, 293; Hitcho.-k. 2n. BEAVER CITY, Neb, Nov. 8.-(Speclal Telegram. ) Beaver City precincts com plete: Aldrich, 19X; Dahlman, 92. FRKMoNT, Neb.. Nov. K (Special Tele gram il' Irst, Second and third wards Fremont, give: A I.I 1 1 li fi 1. Dahlman 57Y Hurkett 591. Hitchcock TuTi. ' EDGAR, Neb.. Nov. S.-(SeclaI Tele-1 3 gram.) Edgar precinct gives: Aldrich 17, ? Dahlman 71, Hurkett IV'.. IIHcheoi k 93. ! 3 4 f. Pi 47 65 iSV) t.Vt .l-'O :n2 Totals. 1 :'i 172 11 144 FOURTH WARD OMAHA. 1... 2... 3... 4... 6... Total.. 94 92 KH 211 f.73 194 IM IM ha 2:'K 9:ir. 1l2 l:'l I' 1'.' :'i 973 FIFTH WARD-OMAHA. 1 Totala. 2!ri 264 P2 12" T'i 7 2" 210 21 292 P..I 1.161 21.1 'ht id 211 m l.4'l SIXTH WARD 129 2 PI'I 117 "1 -OMAHA. !. 228 194 162 7 li' :i SS9 Totala. 197 18-1 4i'3 ps too l !(" so i, L4iil 1?!i 1 . 7 1 ; rs 1.727 2'5 1.15 191 161 263 91:3 2IB 2-.61 2"f 277 H7 1.101 2 t 2ir IM) 211 Hi a I TENNESSEE MEMPHIS. Tenn., Nov k .--Marly returna I from country districts in Tennessee show la surpriOnely light vote to.lav. Taylor I dm.) Is liaihn: lloopir (fus.-rep) by a ! u.ivjII mul..rltr in ll.u . . . .... . . I'm. ui irie state. I retuin same at once for exclianse. Tl ii of Miipius stock tiuiiiot be per-1 1 milled. ' 1 il off c. es of Ihe Nebraska National 1 ! Guard will be reiini.i1 to .iiily them-: T.ner. and It is claimed he will have HWtM) :"w"i w"" -K"'""n ('ie onto urn- 1 piuiaiity. J Couiyaiij' cwuiuiauUra aaa ured to ST. men elected: hergh dep.); stiad dep.); tr p.). Ml in. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 8. Conrresim. 11 elect, d : I'r 1 district Henry A I'uopi r. di tn. t. Ji h"i M N -isjn, re-e!e. i o Tl.lril dstiut. Arthur W. Kopp. Fever.ih district. John .1. K-i.-li. I'K'iitli ilistrlct. Janus II Davidson N nt ii d strict. Gusiav Kasteriuann. Tenm .1 sunt Minor A. Morse. lileMuth district, Irvine L, Ienrout. ARKANSAS SEVENTH WARD OMAHA. 147 218 241 M 14.1 kj 2; i: -f, i'l i :r7 1...1 v.n 2:17 1..7 if.j Totala 732 Sso 972 "7'JO EIGHTH WARD-OMAHA. I'.M 4 -V 271 90 2-0 lv4 2.14 S 2.! I.V, 213 l'if. 2".". 191 2M Totals 409 3,8 71:7 g.4 NINTH WARD-OMAHA 113 30 Jit T'i 10 l::t 2.6 1 IX 111 174 111 177 Km 2-a 1-8 l"7 ;8 i. 7Vtal f-.H 10 LPS 9M TENTH WARD-OMAHA. H 118 p:7 4i L'6ti 1 Ih J77 79 :-'. 173 i.'"7 ... 42 J..J r7 r.;'. 9? .'i TotM- ... 2-'4 1.413 ELEVENTH WARD -OMAHA. 213 i-7 ;;: 1'4 : '( .H .' ..I 11 : 79 71 l 77 ,;j ; s "ii 2 .2 Total 7'7 XM 7I4 TWELFTH WARD-OMAHA. 2 IX 2-7 's v.- I'J 'J'6 19.1 ! PiO 176 I't I"! l'.h LITTLE ROCK. Nov. S-D' 111.H-r.1ts male a cltan sweep In todiu's n .1 e .sjoiu I I elections, el.iir.g all iiomi nces. A fair 1 , vole w as pop. I.ITTLi: Itoi ocratss niude u'onal cl.-ctloii. (lectin A fu ir ote a s pol I. d. Totals. l.i;;: SOI TH OMAHA. 190 K. Ark . Now y--Tl,e d. ni clean suc.-p In today's cu ll nominees. FLOHIHA JACKm i.WII.LE. Nov. X - E.i!v i. turii how lcia.1 opllolilsta Hie in tie lead. All ileUl.lciatic culldldale.-i weia -lee(ei1. 1 : !; 1.1 2 --' j". 2-1 2.1 10! 2i0 2- 2 i-'t 27 !',! .V) 3- 1 :: lit 3 7 ."-2 4'" Pi.'. 1 II 6C1 1-1 126 .L'4 IW ,4 4 2 '-e -(7 " 6 1 67 17.' 72 1-- 6 -2 :i 221 XI ,;.,4 ''. i I'.'t PI U 221 ii 2 !' 'i.: 1x9 2.1 7-1 ' 7-2 ::i 1 .4 Totala ... 1 2j) J.y.t l,.4 23.1 -l