TIIH HKK: OMAHA. TTKSDAY. XOVKMHKIJ 8. IIUO. j ) OFFERED FOR RENT t'eralaaed Rsaas taatlaae. NKTLT fumlihed nwm, southern es- I".ure, private family; modern, new hniif; iiiw location 2K1 Mercy nrfU, on block eolith f.f ldVMiwoi1h. NKWLY furnished room, modern. Mot bath. 1H0T Cunilnn rU. Douglas 7M. FOUR furnished room, modern, except heat; reasonshl Phone U. 24U. KOR RKNT Nlf. If furnished room south room closet, good location. So Captiol A ve. $. Large, well furnished, southesst par lor with hay window, with or without piano; no objection to prsrtlrs, furnace neat, a a. Dire bath, plenty hot water, both phones; walking distance, Leavenworth car on block. HM 8L Alary a WAIIM and comfortable room, close In. Tel. Harney C. LAkijK front room, suitable for on o? two gentlemen. 201 8. 26'u Ave. STKA M heated room; breakfast If de Blred. Dodge. Harney i.il. LARGE) mom suitable for two; private; hath, steam heat. 2J Harney HI. r- SOUTHWEST room, strictly modern; pri vate family. 1M0 S. 19th tit. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms; good location. 2215 Karnam. TWO single rooms, separate; strictly modern, hot water heat, convenient to two car lines; private family; choice neighbor hood; breakfast If desired; electricity and gas. 241 Davenport. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished rooms, hot water. 2t.ll Dewey Ave. KOR RENT Two south rooms, modern, good location, ioutl Dodge tit. KOR RKNT Modern rooms, good loca tion. 1617 Cass Bt. FOR RENT Strictly modern room for gentlemen. 116 8. 2th. Doug. 5626. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri vate family, GI2 N. &th Ht. Red 631. l'OR RENT Four roonia nicely furnished. goon location. etH H. -Jith i. KOR RENT Furnished loomi, modern, On tar line. 2222 Vinton Ht., Red 63J0 FOR RFNT-Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 7ju U. )th. KOR RENT Nicely furnished room, fine location. 2572 Bt. Mary's' Ave. KOR RUNT Large south room modern. private family, breakfast If desired, 2220 Grace Ht. Web. 2J7&. EOlt RENT Three rooms for housekeep ing. 2218 Leavenworth Bt. KOR RENT South room doalrable for two. 2576 Harney St. KOR RENT Single room steam heat, pri vate family. 410 ti. 2Mh Ave. Doug. ufevO. KOR RENT Two furnished rooms, heat and hot water. 38 8. lth 8t. Doug. 1716. TOR RENT Room with bath for couple or two gentlemen, private raouly. 413 Corby. KOR RENT Nicely furnished room suita ble for. housekeeping. 22n Iavenworth. TOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms, good location. 2j23 N. 20th Ft. .''OR RENT Tjirge room for couple of genuenen. 1060 Georgia Ave. Harney 1767. KOP. RENT Nicely furnished room, steam heated. 2012 Famam St. Harney Toil RKNT Nleelv rttrniened room. sren. tlrmen preferred. 710 8. 17th 8t- tlrmen pr 1- Oil RENT Two modern rooms for liKht housekeeping. 2573 Karnam St. KOR RENT Nice room with steam heat, good local.on. 2240 Langdon Court. Doug. i57. TOR RENT Large room, good location, ir.iiu S. loth St. Ioug. i0. KOR RENT Steam heated Xurnlsbed rooms. 1204' Karnam. KOR RKNT Nicely furnished room, eult ahln for gentlemen; use of piano. SCJ Howard. i KOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, good location. 3602 N. 24th St. KOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. 1322 Capitol Ave rt) it RENT Two nice rooms, furnished. 2403 N. 20th KOR RENT Nicely furnished room, light housekeeping rooms, 631 S. lth St. KOR RENT Nicely furnished heated rooms. 2216 Karnam St. TOR RENT Nice parlor for four; heat. Lath, good location. 1K24 Douglas St. KOR RENT-Furnlahed room. close In, 2"-'22 Karnam Bt. TOR RENT Large front room, suitable for two gentlemen or couple. 410 N. 18th. KOR RENT Nicely furnished room for rouple gentlemen; board if desired. 2424 Jones St. WAKU. newly furnished rooms for sleen- Ing or housekeeping; modern; phone; walk ing distance. 2707 Dodge St. MODERN, In new house, near to splendid boarding houses. 107 8.. tn Ave. D. Witt, FUHN18HKD front room; private fam ily. 611 N. 2&th Ht. Tel. Red 6316. THREE furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 22U4 Pratt. Tel. Webster !. KINK large steam-heated rooms. W. M. Hotel. 41 a. J4(h Ave. A NICE room for two gentlemen. N lth. 211 FURNISHED room," with board; also LtrK room for tvyo. y& So. 21st St. Tel. Harney 1713. TWO furnished rooms. 271S Jackson fig Harney I'.iA. llutela aad Aaartneals. N1CELT FURNISHED ROOMS for csa tlciuon. THE CHATHAM, U0 S. 13th SL DOIK1E HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special raise by the week. STEAM heated rooms. W to $7 per week. Ogden hotel. Council mulls. SUITES to6 up; meal book. CSC. Gentle. men preisrreo, ll. liar. 6U. 104 Geo. Ave. ST. JAMES HOTEL. U week up; ujodurn. Awartassata FUti. THE Irvlnif. rooms and board. 2102 Leav enworth. , KLAT. fur rant, 2Su 3U Mary's Ave., Itt. Chris lioyer, tul and Cuauug. Douglas 2ihs or a HJ. J18U0 7-room modern flat, lo40 N. 16th St, ,iplaii. luviulie . 3. lwu St. Call Wab. The Colonial oSTlI AND FAKNAM STS. 1IK1II HVSvS APAHTMEXTS 1IKXTS T1LT A 1U-J KIQHT K1K ROOMS. 15 AND Steam lieat. saa "i... shades, curtain rwue. hut and ioid waifr and Janitor a-r- ice are fumlehed. Api tnwiils upen every tiay for inxiH-ctlon. 1'AVNH A SLATER CO., Sole AgelitM. Gth Kloor N. V. Life Illdg. liione Louglas Wit. KOR LEASE on the first day of Novem bev. the 10-rootu flat. ISIiS IHnlge street Ask K. 11. Kennard. IUU4 Dodge street. 7-liOM KLAT; 2S10 Karnam lniulre Karnam. TWO new destraola anai-tment mtih vrss ranges; sulking ihtHin. and I iu- '" Appiy jj N. tttli. Tel. a. j;L3. EI.KOANT. t rooms snd bath, lower St Iaiuis fut slklna elixlunr 311 .- TiK Ave. TrL D. 21M or II. a. Dr. Wahl. W l.oula flat east of Hanacom park. tin and I4th cara. Tel. Harney ls. STRICTLY mo-Urn 4 and & room flats i' . ami ja Per month; fine residence du ll let. Trlej.lioue Haiiiey c. OFFERED FOR SALE Apartmeats aa Flats Coatlaaed. ''KVT P A I 2 -V N. VA. stesm heated, S-room flat I THR MANTKUFour moms, heated, HO. I iin ana -iowsrd. FeraUhed Hoaaekeep lac Rssaa, i J6T home furnished complete for i.o.i-ienecping; four larse beautiful rooms, cms.i, pantry, electric lights. SI So. 40th L Leavenworth cr one and a half blocka. mr. a furnished hounekeeplng rooms. ;'.'""'"; imna.e neat, private entrance. Jntrany located. 21a North 23d St r-v'K 1!B.NT-Ti) nice hotifekeeplng ". location. 1700 Leavenworth t?t- TWO housekeeping rooms, 2011 Davenport FOR RENT Suit of rooms for house keeping, neatly furnished; gas for cooking; lucaiion. an s. iith Ave. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms; sou location. en s. igth St TOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms. ,-, mn mi. roil RENT Two rooms complete for uuuseseeping. a. 27th St. TOR RENT Four rooms for light house keeping, partly f urnislied; heal and gas range. 303 Meredith Ave KOR RENT LI if hi housekeeping rooms; i iouiion. w, . Bith Bt KOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, fins iuuuuii. iu ieavenwo'th St. FOR RENT-Two larae rooms for house- seeping. ir.'4 liarney St. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for iisiii nouHi Kf-eping. 7Ub S. 16th St 1st fist tim TIK 1 Three large rooms for housekeeping, piouml floor, two closetn, phone, city water; one block from car. 1710 FOR RENT One room and kitchen, light n-ew tuimnueu. UJ4 Zlfl bt. TOH RENT One large housekeeping room; steajn heated, one front parlor. TOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for liKht housokecplr.n; good location. Inquire .-v.,,, iiuiu iiour. it,io Howard St. KOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, for housekeeping. 2003 Burt St. r i wo modern furnished rooms, light housekeeping; strictly private family; walk- " "'""n't. n3 a. Ave. frion Hurney ,r.lll. FOR RENT-Two lnrge rooms for light ii"urunnTiNit. jij ieavenworin bt FOR RENT One single and two house keeping rooms. 213 N. 20th St FOR RENT-Two nice housekeeping ooma. 2Z.U Kifim 8t FOR RKNT Four rooms for light house keeping; parlor floor. KOI 8. 10th AC TOR RENT Two housekeeping, good lo cation. 422 N. 17th Bt FOR RENT Two nicely fumlsfaed house keeping rooms, 018 S. 16th Ht FOR RENT Parlor floor to couple of uuitciiicii. m a. im l. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping. 1618 Webster 8t FOR RENT Two rooms modem for housekeeping; references. 2607 Dewey Ave FOR RENT Parlor floor for houssksep lng. 1811 Chicago St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2404 Cuming St. FOR RENT Nleelv furnlaha rnnno youth front, for light housekeeping. XM4 '"OR RENT Largs room for housekeep ing. IU N. 2Hh Bt . TOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping., gas. phone, heat 2U Chicago FOR RENT-Two large rooms and al oove, for light housekeeping. 0 tt. 2th St. 'urnlshed housekeeping room; modern; furnace heBt; private entrance; centrally located. '215 N. 23d St. r THE MANUEL. Twentv-flrat snri How. ard; 2-room apartment; heated. (23.00. Unfurnished lloasekeeploar Raoams. FOR RENT Parlor floor, unfurnished for housekeeping, gas and water. 2603 Dodge St FOR RENT Nice, modern housekeeping rooms. 112 N. 2iitb. 1 FOR RENT Suite of three rooms, mod ern except heat. Dog S. 21st St. FOR RENT Two modern houseknln rouniH, good locaUon. 410 N. 23d St l'OR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, heated, gas for cooking. 2666 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Modern rooms for house keeping, gas range. 2UJ0 Burt 8t THREE modern fur. rooms for light housekeeping; furnace. 301H Webster. H. !3S. H-- THE HOWARD. 2 rooms aa aood mm A rooms. 40. 21s and Howard. Unfaralaaert Haoasa. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms with heat. 70 Wool worth Ave. Harney 270. FOR RENT Four basement rooms, mod ern except heat. XM Pierce St Inquire 1301 a 2i.th Ave. FOR RENT Ideal rooms for winter months: three neat, comfortable, sunny roonia. 97t N. 27lh Ave 4 KOR RENT Two nice south rooms; good location. 2u20 burdelle St KOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. 2&4O Junes St. SUITE of two or three rooms, gas, mod irn. 1022 N. 21st St. KOR RENT large unfurnished rooms, good location. l,16 Sherman Ave. KOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms en two car lines. 2425 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, good location. - Mutt N. 18th St. KOR RENT Three tmfurnlHhed rooms. UejiiraUe. Ut6 S. 20th St KOR RENT An unfurnished alcove suite, tood location. SI? S. '6th St KOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, al cove for housekeeping. 2i.y Davenport St. lllKEi; unfurnished rooms, private bath, small store room and outside porch all modern except heat; DO children. 2617 .V 1Mb St. THREE rooms, modern, complete, 23IS 8. I2tl St. Tel. Dounlas thriti. FaraUaeU Uvaaea AS TOU read t;. ad. so will thousands read your want eu. It It u In The Bee. T. W. HLACKHURN, lawyer. 409 Pakton block, has a furnished houne to rent for the winter. Iloaara and ottaaes. -ROOM house, modern escept heat WU South Sltt street. Tel. , Hal ney tfwi. VS 50Brand new. strictly modern. room house, two blo ks ra.nl. of Hansoora park; wilt decorate to sun tenant. Harney Jsv. 71 N ft d St.. ruutus. modern, and larg barn, $36. t-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Combination fixtures, east front. 23d and Welwter JWOO. 6- rooui all modern bt Louia flat 714 N. tl St., $jou0. 7- room all modern house TX3 Locust St o. k-room brick all modern house. 20 Wll llse Ave . r A (HI 4 rooms iu apartment f:at. 152$ N. lhth ! St., tUM. C. M BAC1IMANN, 4 Paxton hlotk. liffice. Red 2ui. Reaideiice Douglas 606. 8-R., modern residence, 41st and Cali fornia. Vt Jo Tel. 11. 4th. evenlnga T. W. PUCKHl liN, laer, Paxton IJijit. lies a five-room cottaKe on Half Cam stisct for nut at $12.jo per nioutu. OFFERED FOR RENT Heases aad t otlacea roallaaed. OROUND FtXHjrt PIACE There Is a large space Just off the court on ground floor thst will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant This location Is nesr Ksrnsm ft., convenient to main entrance of building. Look before renting Don t rent before looking. THE BEE HI ILDINO COM PA NT. R. W. Baker. Supt. 17th and Karnam. R-ROOM cottage; modern, escept furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2'.il South Sid Ave. Rent only Ui per mo. Telephone Douglas 4040. B-RtHlM ho;is. strictly modern; hot vater heat; newly papered. Tel. Red 2177. t.KiM r-ROOM house, strictly modern. In quire 'i4 Caldwell. TEN-ROOM modern house. 631 S. 22d St. inquire next floor south. H Cass. 8-r., flO-ft. lot. 4T. S N. 39th. -r. and hall, $40. 224 Ieavenworth. 8-r., all mod., $27 M 21 N. l!th. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $.lf. O'KKEFK REAL ESTATE CO. lvT-lt-17 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152. ROOM cotuure, 2M7 Bristol St.. will he rr-iiiiisnea ana paperea in nrst class shape nio.iern. except i urn are; nice front and hack yurd; building nearly new. Phone Har- into. r. ii,. jiuniiey, owner. W'eul Vrnmn mtf a ,, . f-m ' ' an modern. NOWATA LAND liOT CO 668 New York Life. Phones Red 1999. A-1T2L 7-room house, near park, $26. 1611 a 28th. S-ROOM modern bouse. 261$ Chicago. MODERN 7-roota house, $25. 1W7 s. 18th. Houses, flats. Garvin Pros., $d floor N.T.L 2568 Douglas fn.. rooms, $27.60. GOOD HOUSES Special Inducements for November. 2702 Central Boulevard, 8 rooms, modern nearly new, $.6. 4ll'i Farnani, i rooms, modern, $3160. 1.V7 S. 2M h, 7 rooms, modern, $:,6. 1611 8. 2hth, 8 rooms, modern. tJS 2:32 N. 2iith. 7 rooms, modern ex. furnace S2.i 00. ' 2MI5 Ohio. 7 rooms, modern f om. I21.W.. 8H28 N. 2M. rooms, modern, $J0. w xn . Ajtn, rooms, partly modern, $30. 61 N. 2d 6-rOum COttnfM mnilam furnace, $2u. .VMi IS. Ma. 6 rooms, modern er liirn.. $li Otl. 4140 Burdstte. 7 rooms, rltv ,l.r ... 118.00. 1 24il Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $18. ouo i-wr-r nv rooms, city water, 115 it in. za St.. 4 rooms, modern BUT, fJV. 623 S. 28tb. I rooms, modern m turn... 4119 N. i'lth Ave., 4 rooms, city water, $11 2X17 Dodge. 3 rooms, cltv water tn Look them over. If thev wuit von ,m n" uyrvitii rates mis monin. OARVIN BROS., S64 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Phone Doug. S63. tXJTTAGK for rent 4-room. all ir,1 1133 Georgia Ave. 21 8. M',U AVE. an -room, strictly modern, detached ovunc-, new iiaruwoou 1 onrl anrt newly decorated. Price $40. PAYNE. SLATER CO., soie Agents, Bth Kloor, N. Y. Life Bldar 'Dlvns.. ll1 S ' M IIVII43 LUUglHI IUID. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient m.. compact t-room brick; finished one vear V . """snoornooa. a and Pnp pletoo, $46, Includes water, care of lawn snow, etc. Peters Trust Co.. N. T. Life OMAHA Van A Btoraare Co.. nark store household goods; storehouse. 1130-24 N lth; office 80s a 17th Bt Tel. Douglas 16os. Houses In all parts of the city. Crelgh Bona Co.. Bee Bldg. a t unn . , - ....... located, $26. 7U S. 37th Bt Wen. $60. HOU8EHOI.r GOODS narkat (nnaM. cheap freight rates; moving and storing! expressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. KM. 10-ROOM modern house with nran la irrsv resiuance aisincx. bo. Keys at otuce. iu. owur vo., uo tie Bldg 1406 N. Kth St. I rooms. Phona Hiriui SOtrt. TWO eight-room brick anartxnent houaea all modern, north part of city; Just newly remodeled and will be ready In a few days; good location for rooming house. C. M. BACH MAN. 4M Paxton Blk. Office Phone Red HUB- Residence Phone Douglas 6068. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Two S-room modern flats: new hint. wood floors; on car line; only $J0. Wright Lasbury, 606 So. 16th St 'Phone Douglas FERRIN Exp. Btorage. 1611 Cap. D. U3 GOOD five-room cottaira Nn tni p.i,ii Ave., only $12.60. Omaha Mutual Realty w.. b.iuii ma. IN Florence, five-room cottatte. all mod ern; finished In oak; one block from car line. Tel. Florence let). HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit CM New York Life Bldg. Red 199. RENT REDUCED FOR WINTER. 1633 Bristol, ti-r miHrn itm i a. Chase Co.. 30 a 17th St. 'Both nhono. Ir7 FOR RENT $622 GRAND AVE.. $18 00 Nice six-room oottane. with u hmh and city water, cement cellar. C. L. Vance, n ine 1uuhim ww or iiarney ouju. NINE room, strictlv mexAnrn K ..... . MM S8th street near Kurnajn, $16 per month. Call Harney 6a)4. -ROOM, all fnodivrn hnuae ,ia va1 , .- one block from car. 2444 Spaulding St t'lione ebster 6407. f-ROOM modern house miii ). , tie r.,i 2S16 Blnney. Tel. Web. 1762. BEST located roomina- hoou. in ' U rooms. 2413 Dodge St., Nowata Land A R,di.V9,t,fndNeA-,rk Llf' 'i'hne- A I.L modern. 10 rooms, imviiani WIS S. 10th St. $38 per month. ' CONRAD YoUNU, 408 Brandele Theater Bldg. Doug 1370 tores nasi Offices. STOREROOM FOR RENT Southeast corner lfith room 2kx70 eet. Poaseasion art van abou! September 1, 1 CITY NATIONAL, BANK. NO equal in city; grocery and meat mar ket wltn flxtuie Aunlv 2M N f3d OFFERED FOR SALE faraltar. COOK Stove. CSS stove, hard rn.l hnnt couch, upholstered chair. 30l Mason St ' BIG SALE of stoves and furniture , h.r. selling out my business. I7l;i Cuming St! ROLL TOP DESK and chair 7is Ti. dels Bldg. DINING table, china, music and Lii..!,.. cabinets; sanitary couch and pad, etc.; BASE BURNER and sewing machine tan a Kith; back door. Maslcal laatraasea Is. KIMBALL upright piano. 7i. 1(4 McCague. MANDOLINS. Guitars and Ran Ins and up. (ol)son Mandolins and (lunar, sold on small payment. Erancls Potter barker block. Staves. STEEL RANGE, g-hoie. wood, heating Bluve; lion bed with springs. Cheaii fu. cash. G. 2tt, Bee. POUR soft coal heating stoves for sale chesp. Apply The KeJden. 41 So. 20tli. HARD coal stove Just as good as new tit 2US Burt. T rpe writ era. BY an L. C. Smith ic Bros, typewriter; B. K. Swanson Co., Distributers. 1316 Far asm St YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand. $1 monthly, from manufacturer most Interested lB satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., aemx OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters oatlnaed. PFfONP-hand typewriters sM. tepslrod Central Tvpewrlter Eichange. lil Karnam. Mlserllaaeoas. WR HA VP) en hand number of Ink hsrrels which we wli. sell for W cents each They are fine for rain water ir as'iea. call t press room. Pee Pubi.ehlng Co. WANTEI Good lde-aake traveling salesman to enter big sales- force of a re liable merchandise etoTe: big npportunlty to gootl. hard-working man. Addie.s 8 343. Bee. DRUGS at t tit TI H raknt frail arH eax I A a. 1 1 orders; catalogue free.. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE New and seer.a'Vhsnd ntl Mard and pool tables. We lead the world la eneep bar fixturea, eaav payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Colleoder. 407 a 10th St About 40 feet of 2-lnch diameter No. giiage. galvanised pipe, with four 46-Inch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe la In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co.. l?Ui and Farnam. SAFES Overstocked with second-hsnd safes, all sixes and makes; bargains American Supply Co.. Ulft Farnam St HORSK blankets, heavy white canvas Btorm blankets; $4 per pair, worth $6 60. Bennett's Harness Dept. basement COAL FuTBee lump a ton &-rt nn VVAOXl Harmon Weath. Web.848. O.UU $6.26 PER CORD. For maple and Cottonwood, delivered In Omaha; located H mile west of Millard; can ship In car lots. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 10T5-10-17 N. Y. Life. Omaha, Neb. KOR SALE Lady 'a fur coat. 11H4. Thone W KOR HALE A magnificent elk's head. In first-class condition, suitable for lodge or club rooms; photograph sent on applica tion. P. D., Box 136L L Mara. la. RANGE Also No. 1 blast heater, cheap, good condition. 241 S. 17th. KOR SALE Open gurry, worth St me Leaven- FOR BALE) 8-room house to be removed, til N. 8M Mske offer. Apply Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming St Doug, and B-2048. ONB butcher's Ice box, 8iJ. cheap. St. Marv's Ave. ims PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in U. 8. Pat office, 61i I'axton Blk. R. txty. D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OR PAIV PAY WHEN CURED. DR. W. C. MAXWELL. 624 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. 1KJUG. 141 SWITCLLESt,om "fl; - caw, uuv .1 . iim Bt, RATI IS RPr' alcohol and massage. V 1600 Dodge, 3d floor, opp. po"t offlce. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7665. PROF. DINJIAN-OrlenUI massage. 443 Brandaii Theater. "Phone D. 803. MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment atoinAi,. ii-nnki. t-.- Margaret Haiioran, 236 Neville Blk. D. 7761 MAGNETIC 'inent. Mme. Bmlth. A 62i 8. Wth. Third Floor. k.RIVATEHOMB during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE home for wron.n fluemer.t. Addresa Box 117. . Kloranoa. Nab. lei. Florence $112. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins Ramce Bldg. JOSIE WASHBURN'S kk "The itn... world Sewer," at aU book stores. Jiice, $L6t THE SALVATION AKUT anllntta clothing In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and -sell at 1H4 N. llth St, for coat of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglaa 4136 and wagons BATIIS ""tlflo muse age, Dodge Bt " uo Basement flat. B a. m. p. ra CHINA painting leaaona. firing r.. work, stendllna: firlna. nail .n,. Mrs. W. V. Irwin, 2616 Blondo. TaL w aioa MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN S. WIGS and toupes for men. Orlfflth 12 and it FKENZER BLOCat! STRICTLY private home for v,r,r., ments; excellent cara; babies for adoption. 26W Davenport St ' YOUNG WOMEN coming to Om.h. .. strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and St. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to sultabls warding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok lor our uavenrs am at tne Union elation. Sanitarv hairdressing parlor l axe alannello muiuu tn a gooa complexion, eui paxton Blk. D. t7L HINDOO TABLETS will build braiw strengthen. (Oo. BELL DRUQ CO. A HOME for women durlna rrnfinam.n, We find homes for babies whosa mothers cannot cars i or mem. xtables boardad. for terms address Mra Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft St. Omaha. Neb. 'Phona hnui. las 1S21. DR. 1CGGERS. private confinement home. 1616 Martha St. Omaha. Tel. Douglas. COOl Switches !Tom eomblngs, $1.60. Mra a owiittieo Mathews. 804 Neville blk. D2$ Ii4T)TF.Sk' oau relined. Miss Chase. w Blk Tyler 1 WE RENT and renal r all klnria Inif machines, lud. A-ltittl; Douulaa Iti61 NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 16th and Haruey Sts. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Illttenhouse. R. 20ft Old Hiuion uia.. bius., mi tiuor, elevator entrance, lsu S.16MK MAGNETIC flT"a,"len, Brott, 24 tu t. aVU. 40U9. Suggestive Therapeutics C. S. WeiHS. srsduata anh nrar-Htin.... from the Weltnwr Institute. Will treat or teach at your home. Address 704 S. 24th St 'Phone Red MoS or Duunlas S74&. SUPERKLl'Ol'S HAIR Mrm.n.ntl. moved, no pain, no loss of time, no Injury to the skin; all work guaranteed; lady at tendant. No. 310 Met 'ague Bldg., liLh and I MdKO Sts. WANTED TO know wheraahnufa f Charles West formerly of Cuba, Republlo Co., Katihas. Has stiff arm. Address Y 736, care bee. SHOPPING and errands promDtlv and correctly executed In New York City. E Keegan, East Ruckaway, N. Y DR. BUItKE PP'CH'st In dlseasea of women. N. E. Comer 16th and Douglas, Omaha. Call or write REFRESHMENTS and service by Alfred Jones, head waiter at Omaha Field club ;season. Tel. H. 1V.3. lnd. A-43VJ POULTRY BRADLEY'S Strain Barred Rocks. This year's breeders for sale. Cockerels, $2 10' puliets. $160. Vsrds, 46S6 Franklin. Phone Vvehster 6612 Call Sunday PRINTING 'PHONE 1ND. A-2i30 for good printing. Lugstsd Printing Co.. Itth ana Capitol av. MRg-HALL Pt. Co. V A. 14tn. Irid. A S14 REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS UK TITI.H. PETrfcR J ESSEN. jr .Co. Tel. Doug llL Mldlaad Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1714 I s mam t KCll i:TtlK ilKAI.KHS. BEN I AM IN R E. CO. 477 Brandels Bldg REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. and 1M1 City National Bank Bldg 1601 REED ABSTRACT CO . Let. l.s; prompt aervlve. get our price, ks) Bio.teii theater. I REAL ESTATE CITIT PIIOI'KHTV FtK IALR. FOR SALE-Fine building lot mih ef Hanscom park, on boulevard. Tel. liar. M. AT COST ()P lu il7l)lN(r A 6-room modern cottase, with boautiful reception hall, parlor and dlnlns; rxim fln Ishtxl In osk. kitchen flnihd In nist'lc; full cenn-nt hs'nent; three bedrooms and bath on second floor; built for a home with nothing hut the best of mater's! used. I'rlteU at $i.iX, part cash, and balance in easy payments. W. .!. Dennotly lnvostinont Co., Tel. D. 7 ioi4 cltv Nat l Hank Hid. 5 ACRES In the south part of Florence, a tivation. fc-room home, well and In rul- cistern, oarn, chicken house, one cow, two nous snd about fiftv chickens, tsood wauon. I'rice. $4.m; niortfiage $1 9m; will soli or exchange for a 6 or t;-room house In city. Stanley P. Bostwick, Tel Tyler l;06 1225 City Nat l Bank Bldg OWN YOUR OWN HOME 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat on paved street with cement walls; one oiock and a half to car line. $2.Wt. W. J. Dorraody Investment Co., Tel. D. 786. 1M4 City Nafl Rank Bldg KOR SALE New. 7-tooin. all modern house; 2 full stories and basement; oak floors, finished in golden oak; east front lot 4:;xlSu; number 714 South 2ith St. Must be y-rn to be apprecla'ed. Tel. Harney 168 or nai ney oa. call S137 Karnam. FOB SAT. IT ttn,,.. 1 - toilet, etc ; nice trees and shrubbery. Kll buuth ust St ON account of my transfer In business to the east, owner will eacnflce his new It- room, all modern home, close In. N-3."6, Bee. 90 M. sq. ft. $50,000 Cost of duplicate Bids"., $'0 M ; 1 piece of Belt Une trackage. Harrison Sl Morton, SIX ROOMS, 1100, $200 CASH Balance $16 ptr mouth. Let us show It to jou. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., CT New York Ufa Bldg. Phoi.ea Red WW; A-1721. Oinalia, Neb. 2H ACKJp-8 finely lmr,rove,t CSA1 room house nearly new, large barn. Fruit rear pavea street. linpi oveinents are worth price aked. Also J acres, 7-room house, barn and fcuit and the beat Im proved no-acres tract In Nebraska. Let us show them to you. Nowata Land A Lot Co., 66 N. Y. Ufe. Pnones Red ufy A-ii-i. NEW COTTAGE Five large rooms and bath, pedettal open ing betweem parlor and dining room; floored attic, cemented basement, furnace and launury sink, in tact, completely modern: paved street; four blocks north of Ames avenue car. llarxaln price on reasonable terms, i-none W-S1.1B. alls Fowler Ave. FOR SALE Two lots, 132x140, on south 16th St. near Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will sell as one piece or divide. Wllllns to sell at sacrifice. Apply at U6 bouia 21st St r- T. W. BLACKBURN, lawyer, 408 Paxton block, will sell part or all of acres in Solomon's addition at $C00 to H00 per acre Some lots In South Omaha and four acres near South Omaha Country club at bar gain iigurcs. I run SALE; Twenty-room house, 203 a 24th St, Omaha, making $50 g month clear, above expenses. C. A. Atkins, Council Bluffs, la. REAL ESTATE HEM AND RAJtCXI LAND WOH lALg Alabama. SOUTHERN colonization bargain; ( 000 acres; good land; 6 miles St Mary s liver frontage; Ideal climate; fine fishing and hunting; only $6 pur acre; worth $25. Wai ter E. Barnes, Avondale Station, Birming ham. Ala. California. A nNB 10-ACRB PEACH ORCHARD l Ontario, Cal., value $6,OUO, to trade for good Minnesota property about same value; con sider Dakota or Sioux Kalis. Sevsrai flue California orange groves, from H0am up. sale aod trades. Have one called the finest place In southern California, price liJO.uut Beautiful property will pay big returns also, if you have eastern property to trade lor southern California, send description. Trades e fleeted anywhere. Faithful oar. sonal attention given to your matters, in surance, sales, trades, rentals, investments eto. References furnished. James M. Van Dsusen, Dos Braley Bldg.. Pasadsna. Cal. 40 ACRES Finest Orange land Fresno. California, 11.900. ' , Baa. near Canada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOME8 In the glor ious fruit district of southern British Columbia for $10 cash and $10 monthly without Interest. Annual profits, $600 to $1,000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delight ful, warm climate; church, school, post office, store, big sawmill, dally trains, close to market, unlimited demand for froducts. Write quick for maps, photos, lee Information. WestKootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept D, Drawer lusi. Nelson, brltisa Columbia. Caloratfo. COLORADO LAND. I have $,000 acres of Improved and unim proved land- for sale at from $10 to $26 an acre, within from one to ten miles of town; all good tillage; write me for particulara D. O. BEAN, BOVi.NA. COLrfJ. FOR RE LIABLE, BEST located fruit tracts In Colorado, on easy terms, lowest prices, write Rev. W. II. Collins, lout Aw 13th Ave., Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND B A RG A I N-17 OOt acres, finest of farming land; two crops yearly; deep water laidaigs; two railroads $4 W per acre. Walter E. Barnes, Avon dale. Ala. FLORIDA We have millions of acres ot Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Estats Journal. Big bargains nice homes; we can suit you. National Realty Agency, Jacksonville. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property in Klor.da. 't sire sure of quick and substantial proms. w have many good properties for colonisation fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farms. Pope A North. tH Atlantlo Na tional Bank Bldg., Jacksonville. Kla. Oaorarlsu GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BY THE ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the wtdnat range of crops; all the money crops of the South Plentifully produced. Kor literature r...- Ing with this corning country. Its soil, cli mate, cnurcn ana school advantages, writs W, H. LEAHY. Gen'l Paasenger A at. Dept. K. Atlanta. Ga Araaaaaa. ARKANSAS FARMS R!g list: an.etal baraaiiia: s. nt free. Writs today. Captain Riksx. Kayettavllle. Ark. BARGAIN 80-scre farm, near Wainrn fcott county, Arkansas; 40 acres til lot . n,i In meaJow. balance timber, good housea barn, excellent water. Price, $1,000. o Cox. Waldrou. Ark. Iowa. TWO M acre, two i2o acie. two lin) acre farms in xoiithwest Iowa, will take well located residence up to $l.0ii0. Omaha r i Kansas City a part payment on eithei one. Ad.lieas owner, K O. Hunt.r. Box Ci. Omaha KOR SALKTS acrea. well lmproved.at $'i7 60 per acre for ahort lime only; ' no acres all valley land, improvements cost sbout $4,000. A bargain at $.0 per acre, lernw W. H KENNEDY. CASTA N A, La. REAL ESTATE AM ttwtlt I.AU KOR Ml K far n Ian a t nn tin ard. FAKM J.AJiGAlN Xt'nr City Schools. . ! seres. miles from Conn, i! Ulnffs ritr limits Kle. ti I,- line ststimi t mile, level rosd to tily. S. hool House on tarni. Tan good houses, laigu new bain, new enclosed coin cribs, cow soil liok staolws, S"Vnui, chicken houses, tool houi-n, windmill ".lin water 1ed to house and barn, good or chard and vineyard and, In fact, every thing that goes with a lilah-grsile farm. All now in cultivation except 1,,-arre pas ture. Price $110 per acre on unusuallv easy terms. March settlement If too I.ik. neighbor would buy 4 a.-ri . Sun oundmg farms all valued at $12j per acre, but not one in the neighborhood for sale at any price. Just the piacs for a man who does not want to spend naif his time on Uia road, wishes to have his famllv to nave the benefit of almost city conditions and to educats his children in the city schools. Land nesr the cliy and car line will go to $.M0 per acre yuli kly. Send for desct Iptlon. N ill K. Slcdentopf, 33 Baldwin Hlk., Coun cil Bluffs, la. Bell phone Blk. ;. In dependent Si Blk. KW-ACRK Improved farm, northwest Iowa; three-quarters mile from town; KVi acres tillable; M per acre, clear. Owner will trade for good business, take balancs back on land. JONES LAND CO. Peterson, la. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated Bst of Msdlson county farms, from 0 acres up to C40 acres, all rrlrss; good liberal terms. Sea Madison county before buying. Best all- around county In the state. Adress J. G. tilllin EH. W interest, la. ;H-ACRB IOWA FARM. miles of Council Bluffs, all fine land but I or 4 acres, which Is seeded to alfalfa La rite house, good barn and all kinds ot outbuildings. Fins orchard and vineyard With a little rare the fruit will more than pay Interest on entire cost of ths placa Good spring and one at best meadows In the state; waa green all through this dry Bummer. Farms no better hsve sold for $1M per acre. We offer this for tllo. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. t ACRES, 6 blocks of Omsha car line. In Council Bluffs, and walking distance of Omaha The very finest of xarden anj ,nj ,.an he cut Into city lots and sold any time; $2,J0 buys It. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. ALFALFA land; farm lands In western IM:L,!,uo," uWwt to previous sale, shallow water alfalfa land, f. t,S,P"r "0r: n,11!s trom McCue. N. E. u-ii-32. good wheat or broom corn land, $11 per acre; miles from Manning, on Ma Pao. G. D. Card. Soott City. Kan. , BARGAINS. It acres choice land; 1,000 acres of It in wheat; well located, well Improved; $2.M Per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly 2,Cmo acres, well located and well Improved; Louisiana: $26 per acre; trade. Modern WO-barrel flour mill and elevator, doing good business; central Kansas; $J6. wxi, and cash for ranch. 320 acres good wheat etc.. Innd, central Kansas; $20 per acre; for rental. I have some choice farms and rsnrhea in eastern Kansas and western Missouri, any sixe and price you want; some will ex change. When you want to buy, sell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else of value. X would like to nt-ar from you. FRANK GEE, Lawrence. Kan. ISO ACRE in Anderson, county, Kan.; Ml acres pasture, balance new land; price, $11 Par acre. Neai-Bowman Laud Co.. Gar rett. Kan. Mexleo. LAN PI. MEXICO I have for sale several fine tracts of tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and stock rais ing. Cheap on quick sale. Live correspond ents wanted. None but responsible firms or parties need answer. References given and required. Address J. Parrln Kent Tlacontaipam, Ver Mexico. Bllssoart. BARGAIN 80-acra farm-, 4 miles from Warsaw, M?.; li acres cultivated, balane, Pasture; near sckool and era ch; prtea tl.ouO; terms eaay. Address T. G. Oweu Warsaw, Mo. 10 ACRES miles to town; good, level well drained land: on mail mot. ., school house on one corner of the farm' I-room house, new; barn JOxtiO; hog and cow house, windmill, plenty water . K,,.,, $ acres Umber. This Is a good place priced at $06 per acre. D. 1. CRUTCH ER, Drexel, Mo. MISSOURI LAND for aal. DO sc.. . 1.000 acres', terms and nrlces tn auir .... chaser. Write for particulars. W. VL Stevens. Clinton, 11 eery Co., Mo. IMPROVED farms. Central Missouri. $10 to $-0 acre; easy terms; mild, beautiful climate, farm, fruit, graalng lands; circular from G. R. Bakenian. RiuMaad Mo. - HALF INTEREST. 40-acra farm i,.h... laid with Blno and lead. T. Chaoma.n Webb City, Mo. $ ACRES AND 409 ACRES IN nnnn Id Cass county; 60 miles from Kansas City both well Improved; fine black llineatons tana; ukiswiu, cnoice 'xi per acre; good terms. E. V. Burdett Garden City, Mo. A SNAP If taken In 60 daysFin. .n.-" 40 acres, Improved, In the heart of Casi county, Missouri; I miles from oounty seat deal with owner; save commission. Addraaa Box 78, It. F. D. No. 6, HarrlsonvlUer Call county ia. Mtaaesota. FOR Rata Chaan llvru1 fans, im all under cultivation; small buildings- i miles west of Hawley, Clay county. Minn. Address Box 4, Muskoda. Minn. THREE high Class Imnrnvad . Missouri farms for sale; corn, clover and isiiu, yaw cnoice, xib per acre Write for particulars. Basel J Meek' owner. P. O. box 07. Chllllcutna. Mo. $20 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, wltn hard wood; located near this city; a big bargain. Price, $15 per acre. P. R. Thlel" man. St Cloud. Minn CHOICE FARM LANDS In Rock and Pipestone counties, Minnesota, loo to loo per acre: easy terms. Ad.lr.-ss ENGEBRETSON LAND CO.. Jasper. Minn Nebraska. IMPROVED farm of about 200 acres In Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, do acres In wheat lays close to town. U. P. R. R. runs through the farm. Illce, r"0 per acre, would take some city property. I. n' Hammond, 332 Board of Trade. CHEAP LAND For a quick hale 1 offer two nice quart ers in I 'heyeune county, Neb., near Bhlnev, at $17.60 per acre on easy t-rms. K. C. bluckdli k, Sidney, Neb. T, W. RLACKIU RN, lawyer. 4ii Paxton block, offers section 13-K1-3S. Keith county, at $7. DO per acre for quick deal. 100 acres two miles from iielvi.lere, Thayer Co.; all bottom land; well Improved, $76 per acre; 1J0 acres, York Co.. three miles fiom town, Improved, UK) per acre; 3J0 actus. Garden Co., near Oshkoah. well im proved, 150 acres, under cultivation, price. I". HoO: only $2 0"0 caah required. Address H. Huhenbecker, Aurora, Neh. lout naksls. PECTION of Gregory county (South Da kota) land for aale. Thle section has tim ber, running water fed by aprliiKs, lots of bay; oo acres broken: 1M) acres can b plowed, all fenced; one-half mile from school, three miles from one re'lrwnd town snd six miles from another; sood soil and the very best all-around farming and stock raising section In Gregory county. South Dakota. Call ou or wrile to Charles -M.tr.e.- wnir, Fairfax. oW U. "T-ll W 1 Ti I.' 1 T I1AUV-. rf-.fi, . situated In the Big Sioux valley, four miles ! south of- Castlewuod. the county aeat of Haiulin county, bouth Dakota; 440 acres of eep black l-jui. under yearly cultivation Iim acres in pasture and !) in the beautl- ui aiiins-iru a rioience. with its sylvan sc.i snd sparkling waters deei" and pure and filled wun fish and came In seasun. and nearby Is the home, a 14 room bouse, largs barn, two gr.murles. chicken hoube. hog l.ouns and wwon-wire pantuis "f alio, naciiine nouae, small barn and Bumeiuus small buiidinKa. all in good con dition, witli windmill, three wells and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove I'rice. $2i.. on good twins, by M. J im.1 BcU, Casilewtsv-d. b. D. REAL ESTATE Ft it vi imi it t ii i mi inn at.K ool DnUota 4 ontlnueH. IH1UHI.E VOI R MONET P.? you want to h.iy a Kuml towns!tef Wi lse It Jiii fM"h nun the :ovot ntnent. lth perteot title Uii lots now sui vcyed snj sIhiuI 30 of them sold w th about M bulld Ii.ks now conilrtcd in t ie town on a rall lvil that la.- six lilv trams, with si rtllent servi. e. '1 hi luwnsite lnclu.lt a In4 a.irs of the very best of second Kittora BI..1 with tuts tmilicr ft'i pa Ms end also a fine stream of w.tter ruhtrntf throtiith It Kme op. nlnss I r almost all kinds of husl nes. -r tally a li k. hotel and e.evator. A gian.l baiitain if sold In unity days. Ad dirss Powell 1 iiul & Loan Co. l'owell. btanly county. O. WHY PAT IUGH RENTT Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stop raying high nnts, own vour own farm; spend the money for your Improvements that ou are paying In Iowa In high rent We own twenty uunrtrrs of und here that e can sell you ,'or J'.'i to $.'ii ter aore on tcru.s you can't beat; $1 Oi to Jl.Ki down, balance on payments at 6 per cent. Come here before the snaps sre all Bone. For full Infoi ins Hon wr.te Pixon iiros. or Bank of Senoca. Faulk county, S. D. Texas. WELT. IMPROVED tanrh f seven see- tions for aie by owner; n center of Gray eouniy, Texas; well watered, priced right. Apply to I I, iAivett, l'ai)ia, Tsx. JXYESTOlfS Uig lfotunis on Vour ioney 100 acres "f the. tli li- 'i ami most fertile laud in Texas withm tt.ui six to twelve miles of Houston, the greatest commercial city of Tevas Tins land is admlrtiKy adopted for fruit and trui k gaideiiliiK. ; ll viilim one and a half to throe mil,-, t rinlHay stations Hig money can l, nm le on this if sold In fn e ami trti-iu n- u a. i . ThlH land can be hoiil.t very cheap and will net a laive prol.t on the Investment. I liaxe riot enoUKh tuoin-y to handle this proposition; but can l an-He the soiling end to your positive ailviirilane within one year. J. A. WILLIAMS, -n i ce uiilg. Tel. 181J. laconslu. sfi ACRES L ,.l. l.ANfV ! eilltlvalaA talsnre pusture. i-iooui iimise, Isrss barn. chicken house. sprlnir Bid trout brook o tmiu. 2 n.iles froii siatu.n. tcliool on land, $l,soo, easy terms, 'loin n. .Mason, lslaal voj eiain liar. a, t uri.oer..trni Wis HARDWOOD timbered laks frontage farm at a bargain, ion in i'olk county Vls., U) nillea frdni twin cities; heavy clay loam soli; lia f mile lake frontags, lots of hsrilwooj ss tinihcr. Mnall cleat ing. old buidings; kood neitthborhood; only I .200. on easv terms If taken at one. Owner N. S . Box A. St Cioix Kaila Wia Mlacellaaeoaa. s-f?A,VJ?. TOlT A FAl'M SA LB OR' TKADET Or do you want to buv onef Make your wants hnown tliroiiKh THU DES MOlNFd CAPITAL, the want me dium of Iowa. Rates: 1 cent a word for tach insertion, 6 cents a line, V0 cent an Inch. Circulation. 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally. Give us a trial. Address The Capital, Land Dep t. Des Moines. Ia. REAL ESTATE LOANS $500 to 15.000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefe WANTEU-Clty loans. i'etcrs Trust Ca. li'SiVi)HAT1Ei3- BKM'-C4RLBERO CO. 110-312 Brandels Theater Bids. GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N Y Ufa feol to $100.000 on improved property. No delay. LOANS to home owners and home build, era, with privilege of making partial iiav. meuta seine-annually. v W. H THOMAS. W3 First National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO IXIAN-Tayne Investment Co. $100 to $JO,000 made promptly! F. ix" vead. Weed Bldg.. Wth and Knrnanj. WANTED City lians and warrants w. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1.120 Karnam bt ; REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to buy, only from owner, good farm land In west part Iowa, east part Nebraska or southeast corner South Da kota. If suits mo w,ll pay $1,000 quick and more oiarcn 4. it not cheap and rrlcn, numbers and good description not given, do not answer shout It. Will not listen to agents. Swan Rusiiiuasen, Honey Creek, SWAP3 FOR TRADE Wo have an equity i.f In a fine half-section, ti'-i miles from Lodge Pole, Neb., 3 miles from Sunul, on the U. P. R. R., that we will trade for either a hardware or general stock of merchandise nothing but first-claaa stock will be accepted. TATE & BARLOW. LODGE POLE. NEB. IF ,YOU have stocks of merchandise. nouses or lots. ises or lots, or farms to sell or trade' A. B. I-athrop, 421 Bee. ; sea ROOMING HOUSE blocks of lfith and Farnani, paying big Income. Will take one-half luud, small amount cash, balance eaay payments. Nowata Land & It Co 5S New York Life Bldg. Phones Red lm. Ind. A-1721. IF YOU have anything to trade or sell see A. B. LAT1IROP. 421 Bee. WK exebsnge properties of merit H. faL rnlvet in N y .f . 7su4 WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for td-band furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. rt eecond-hand clothing; partv rifiernooa oresiis... John Feldinan. V. ;US: A-ebj. THE best prices paid for broken watches and old gold. Nathan. lu H. 13th. WANTED A firxt class moving picture machine. Box W. Correclionvllle. la. WANT to buy a good first-class restsu rant. In Oinalia or autnn good Nebraska town; price up to U.iio. Andreas K a70, ilee. A CONKKCTIONAKY store, range from $..uo to l,ouo McKini & Co., 4J2 Paxton WANTED TO RENT WANTED SITUATIONS - BLACKSMITH and all round workman wants steudy einplo merit. Ani no boozer. City preferred. I '. o. Morris, lToi H. lh St.. Council liluffs. la. . j YOUNG MAN of 25 desires position as conf.dentlal secretary cither In or out of city; at present employed in similar capac ity. Address Y "47, Bee OCEAN STEAMSHIPS THE ROYAL MAIL uu$?m? cruises de Lui to ruba -West Indlrt Pbdbirs Bernuda aVEHTY YiiaKS' Kxpeiiem-R m the West Indies Passenger Trade R.M.S.P. J-e-w "AVON'' lky Jan. 81 (a7 days) 8140 and up. Psb. 18 (33 days) lbO and up. March 86 (1 days) feus and up. lit oi.ly HttaiiH'r ITulklls lu 111. Weal in. than iiis. tally noiiitt u. ii ior aarvlia to tli Ti.. pi.-. Weekly yailliiKs from New l'ler 42. N It.. N. Y. BrmodCuka-Jimaici ,'""S?r. jt Altstrtiatt SfurJa Ly W$t In-liaa Mi Mr Ji.rt B' lilt r iipr Kiurhtv hv 111 lm?$?m "TREN i " 6T0: 3andarson si Son 31-24 Stats St. St. T. 144 La balls bt. Chicago. AROUND THE WORLD CRUISES I 1 M II ,II4NU I lltlkr.s I .if ai ...it il. m aal a La I f I ii.miiiIik' d.imli.n l.y it, laig l t raii-.-tlii.il-- aifam-r f'l.F.VE , I SI. Ural n,iu ta leave w lark av. I, mill '"1 t" Salt lum., Irh. IT. I WIS. Alio ,-rulara lu II. r Orleul, Weat ladies, a.i4 oalk Aa.,...M C.l In '-I il1 n s all tiMi-naNrr ni-nw, a t.RO Mn tllWHtKU.iWtmCA'l Lle. U ttraala.y, H . Or Local A, tuts.