i Till:. UVAl: OMAHA. TirKNDAV vnVFArnvi? c "10m " ? . , i t f Want - Ads u mAm .r ipil Hi an time, hut i in Itimrr proper elasslf lent Ion mut be prrifnlrit before I nVlwrlt tn.. for . - v .'in Ihr rtrnlnic rdlllan alia iri.r- , .l.,l, nrevlous rvrnlil for . . j-. ,,,.. Want ornlns and Sunday editions. nda rrrHrrd after e-o iio" .-- have their flrat Insertion under tua heading "Too Lata to Cloself y." Ha tea apply to elthar The Dally or (4nr Bea. Always coant aim ward lo a Hue. CASH IiATF.9 FOM WAWT ADS. RKIlll.AR tLASIFirATIO Oaa t ...!.. 1 1-3 eenta per word and rant per word for earn sonsaoneni Insertion. Each Inaertlon made on odd daye, I 1-a eenta pes word, fl.CO per line per month. Want ada for Tae Ileo mar be loft at aa T of the following dreg etoree oil a roar "corner drnat" they N all branch offices for The Baa aad roar ad will ba Inserted lost aa promptly and on the arnma ratee aa ui th. main office In The Be. bUdl-, I seventeenth Albach. W. and Farnam atreetai C. 40th and rarnam. M.,nlr ft A 1402 K. 10th St Peyton Pharmacy, 72tl 8. 18th Ht. llenson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmacy, Sid and turning Blake-Bradlah, 2S18 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Hti. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221J MlUtary Ave. Hlntarlong Drug Co.. 21st Ave. and rar oam Ht. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and L9 t'ooney Pharmacy. J223 8. 18th Bt. i5ermaW, Kmll. 124-8 8. 13th St. Bhlee. J'. II.. 2Mli Leavenworth. Foster A: Arnoldl. 213 N. Kth Bt. Freytag, J. J , 1U N. 24th 8t. Fresger Drug Co.. Wi N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb Green s Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pacinc Greenough, O. A., 105 8. Ntb. Greenough. O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William. 20 Farnam i ft Hanscom Park Pharmacy, l.'-ol 8. 28th at Hoist, John. 824 N. 10th Bt. Huff. A. ti.. 2'24 Leavenworth Bt. .lohanson Drut! Co., 24th and Spaldln. Patrick Frug Co., ICS N. Mth St. Iathrop, Charles E.. 1S24 N. 24th St. Golden Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven- WBaVatoga Drun Co.. 84th and Ames Ara Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago HU. Bchaefer. Aug., 23l N. lth. Schmidt, J. I!., 24th andi Walnut Hill Pharmacy. Mh and Cuming. BIRTHS AND DKATHS. Wlrtlia-J. T. AndeTion, I.WO Fort boy; M Jules Oreevy, 1&34 South Twenty-eighth, girl; Albert Mollner. 2715 South Twenty fnlrd. boy; Kdgar Norrls. boy; Fred Kvnar K12S South Thlrty-seoond. girl. George B?Welty, m Narth Thtrty-elgTuh. b' .v, Thnm.. icaltv. XH3 Grand avenue. .. "!17. . -,m 11M North Hlx- ! m Jr.- Charlee Laoidstedt, 2613 IT"" i ....... .Harriett A. Hougn iM MareV 67 yeari; Melford Rloh. North Loud. 20 years; Florlne Sxabo, U1 ror i,'"'..r.i.' J..-- Michael Teaarue, ."u':..' unit;. Loulavllle. Neb.. 1 y "r.-trii vi iii,.n U"Z South Elgb Mrv P.teraon. im Mukney. 78 yeara. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,T?. embalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. 16B. B-16W. PIANO FLAYERS repaired. Walker. D. 870 COAL At cut prices. ALL KINI8. We save you 60c to tl.60 a ton. Uuantity ana quality guaranteed. Hi SEN BLATTT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO., 122,1 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH PHON Eo, GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH JETKTS 1303 Douglas Street. 5c MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit, 810 Bee Bldg. Phone Doui. zuimL. UNION LOAN CO. Ladles' and gents' shlna parlors. 220 8. U. I'AM I T V Liquor House, full measure 4 and pura goods, our motto. Kmll Hansen, prop., mi Chicago St. I Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3911. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 844. REPAIR, blacking and setting up stones, Webster 413. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skins. By mall 60c and tl. Sherman & McCunnell Drug Co., Omaha. W. C. CATTIN. plumbing and heating; new and repair work. 110 N. 24th. D. Idol. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas senger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 H. lath. D. i7. FOR RENT Of flee room, 623. located on top floor, faring court, 370 square feet, in cluding vault; rents for t25 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY AUCTIONEERS BOTER at TULLY. 669 New Oro.Lt Nat. Bank Bldg., oldest In the middle west. We tun furnish you man adapted to your line. Correspond with us or call Tel. IHiuglaa &;i. JOHN E. HIMOE. shirts. 630 Paxton Blk PRACTICAL nursing, M0 N. list. D. 670. B. F. Wurn. Optician. 443 Brandeis Bldg. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. 16th and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths TONGE. first-class tailoring, cleanlnc. repairing for ladles and gentlemen. W0 Pacific. I KOKRECT PARLORS, expert cleaning, dyeing of plumes, fin laces to match owns; fancy dressmaking, ladles tailor ing; work guaranteed.. &'! Sprague. W. 6u2, S. II. Cole Sign Co.. D. 37ii&. 1118 Farnam. -I E. I. IOVEJOY repairs sewing machines and warranta them. l.t N. list. Web. bA. FRANK BARKER. AL BARKER. GEO. BARKER. JR. JOS. BARKER. HARK Ell BROS. PAINT CO., 1.W FARNAM ST, BOTH PHONES. SI ;r In-Williams paints and varnishes, white lead, Ke alone, glass mirrors, brass polishes, brushes lubricating oils, window snades, wall paper, glasing and framing. 50 SAVED OAS LAMP; 1 cent per hour; 500-uandle wer; no smoky ceilings. Johnson Lamp Co. 621 8. loth. Doualas 1700: A-1446. a-raa 1 "l 1 1 t' r XT 'Ml XT Vj A ". St ARK1NS. Hi d. lalll. UPSTAIR C. T Dickinson has moved his office room 4J1. Paxtsn block. Phone Doug. lso. COAL AND LUMBER OEARS. Let us snow ton the new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) LMk DJlTllL'lJV HchlitX No. Full I ii'.in;nn,iu H ,lf -or Bnd cigars. Cafe in connection 111 S. Hth St. I FIVE husketa irruirl ri.nl It Delivered any p. ace in city. Duuk. Z1U9. u-Iku;; - 'TWENTY per .-lit less than Omnlia prices ! H'lMK FTRS'lTl'ltK CO. Twenty - fou: th and L Sts., South Omaha ANCIH 'R FENCE CO. lion and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. I.asts a Lifetime JOT N. 17th St. 'Phone Red 814. YOUR magazine order will earn $5,000 for charity; every blessed order or renewal earn a for. Write for particular" end cata- ! logue. or use any. I duplicate any printed I offer: $200 oltendy earned: keep It going. Addreaa Gordon. The Magazine Man, I umini. onugias iju. RALPH'S MACHINE SHOE REPAIR ING Soles, dewed. 7.'c . nailed, c; heela. trc while you wait P) minutes; absolutely fine work, bid X. Itith St. MAHOAKIi Van Storage. Pack. at ore and ship H. H. goods. D. 1496. move. B-2428. NOTICE Is hereby given to all parties that I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by my wife. Mrs. Clara E. Van Alstlno. H. II. VanAlntine. . HRESSMAKING at rsuwibU ,lte MIjs Swanson. 2144 Templeton Ave. Tel. Web. 1210. TONOF First-class tailoring, ladles' and gents' repairing. louglas 45874. AUTOMOBILES "FmiBh up" your auto. 'SKII" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the beat plaoe In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Sta. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. SAVE TILE PIECES. We weld all broken metal part automobiles and machinery. BERTSCHX MOTOR COMPANT. Council Blufa, la. for NEW 50-horfe power four-passenger Moon car; will trade for S3.0U) city property. Wallace Auto Co., agents for Stearns cars. FOR SALE 1910 Gleaaon touring auto mobile, solid tire; completely equipped; at a bargain; run about l.boo miles and guar anteed to be In good condition as new. Address 0-36T. Bee. LIMOUSENE body for sale half prloe; Tory finely made and finished; trimming morocco leather, satin and broadcloth. D. A. Baum, Tel., Doug. 137. OMAHA HARNESS CO. Auto robes and supplies; manufacturing of harneas; dealers In saddles and horse furnishings; repairing a specialty. 81s S. 13th Ht. Tel. Red t03, Omaha, Neb. WRITE for list of autornobtls bargains, H. E. Frederickson Auto Co., Omaha. BARGAINS in Used Car (PtroT Council Bluffs Auto Co., 510 Pearl. Auto Painting "MURPHY DID IT." Get our prices now. ANDREW MURPHY A SON, 1412 Jackson. Auto Repairing K'S'a Tires. 2d-hand cars, storsge. The Paxton Mltchell Co.. 3010-2016 Uarney. D. 7284; A-201L AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works, 26th and Leavenworth. Motorcycles. for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full line of motor Write cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on G ANGST AD, 4(4 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 2367. Wanted 25 More Industries 25 1 Malleable Iron foundry. X Structural Iron and steel works. 3 Gray Iron foundry. 4 Plow works. 6 Gasoline engines. Motor cars. 7 Farm machinery. (Galvanising plant. Tank and alio faotory. 10 Metal stamping worka. 11 Enameling plant. 12 Plumbers' supplies. 13 Bolt and nut works. 14 Furnace and range works, lu Hay machinery. 16 Garment factory. 17 Bridge works. 18 Automobile accessories. 19 Street cars. 20 Furniture factory. 21 Graders and dump wagons. 22 Electrical apparatus. 23 Well drilling machinery. 24 Cream separators. 26 Boot and shoe factory. Three going concerns Rogers Motor Car Co., Howard Stove Works and Brown Truck Mfg Co. Free factory alte for anv good Industry. Write for Illustrated book let of Ralston, the manufacturing suburb of Omaha. RALSTON TOWNSITE CO.. (Business Opportunities tn Ralston) Mi S. 17th at.. Omaha. Neb. An established factory producing standard! goods used by stores, banks farmers, and practically everyDody, is opening a dis tributing office for each unoccupied county and desires a resident manager with tJO to tl -u cash carrying stock to fill immedi ate orders. We allow tluo to I1J0 muntnly salary, extra commisions. office and otner expenses. Position permanent. References required. liberty Manufacturing Associa tion. 230 West Huron street, Chicago. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE General stock dry goods, ladies' and gents' fur nishings, shoes and groceries in good county seat town; Just on the market; llti.ouu. l uiueriauii rveajiy,- aioian, ;eb." 1 LET me Incorporate your bualneas; good ones eas.ly obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not you? proofs hat has been done. Promoter, kit) Paxton block. P-;I)Y Co.. real estate loans and 1 Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent, uulck returns. S. W. corner 14tli and Douglas. Tel. Doug. laJ. IF you have a bualneas, house and lots or farm for sale, sea A. B. Lalhrop, 421 Bee. ' 640- ACRE relinquishment, Loup Co., Neb., to I rude tor anything. 9ju acres valley. !alance araxing. Worm l.,,ui). Will takel" to'tl wO cash or uade. O 374, Bee I I FOR SALE one of the beet paying sa- bnina on Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Reason for veiling, til health. Address B, I Omaha lie. Council Bluifs. la. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WANT to buy a clean stock general mfr chamllsp. country town, cncap for Mull. Prefer dealing direct with owner. P 37. He". HOTEL FOR SAl.E-l.ease and rart of furniture in firm class hotel in eastern Nebr.iska Junction town. Kor further I'r ticulara address S. 1,. Snook, Tobias, Net).- FOR SAI.B-I4O00 purchase money farm mort;a;e; 5 per cent Interest. payable eeml-annuelly : principal due March 1, 1913. Security double. Mr. E. H. Ambler, the Barnard, Omaha. Neb. Mn.OOO feet new and old lumber from 110 to 124 per 1,00m; also all kinds rubber roof ing, cheap. Dworak Wrecking Co. I HAVE a small business for sale, re quires an Investment of $760; necessitates some traveling and office work; Just the thins, for a tnan and wife or two persons; profits are large; no losses; easily operated. Phone Douglas 7477 for Interview. O. I. C. CODDINGTON. 230 Hoard of Trade Bldg.. business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. WANTED A live, energetic, man with aoine capital to become a partner and manager C a rPan manufacturing- busi ness with a profit of from 100 to 500 per cent on everything bandied. Addreas K, 1007 Main St., Fremont, Neb. LARUE FJKE INSURANCE COM PANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for s;ile. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Cassady Co.. Fiscal Agents. S. W. Cor. Hth and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. D. IBaX ONE of the best located and best paying saloons In Omaha; other business requires owner's attention; might take some good property as part pay. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. 6 New York Life. Omaha, Neb. Phone, A-1721; Red 1909. A MONEY making hardware and imple ment business for sate for canh. The best opportunity In the state fur a man who really wants a location. Address, Box 727, Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE General stock of hardware, long established, good business. E. P. Fer ryman, care of Lee-Glass-Arsdreesen Hard ware Co. Hoomlnar Hoosea for Sale. Seven-roomed rooming house, good loca tion, two blocks of P. O. ; sell cheap for quick cash sale. George D. Coddlngton, 220 Board of Trade Bldg. ' A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new, 120. 1748 27th St. Harney 3&80. TWENTY-TWO rooms, modern close In, full of roomers. 1622-24 Burt St. SIX ROOMS, well furnished, Al bath, steam heat, first class fixaures, completely furnished for housekeeping. Will sell very reasonable. Phone Harney 2865. 2S12 Farnam St. ONE of the beat paying Inside rooming houses In the city. Small amount cash, bal ance easy payments. Nowata I.and A Lot Co., 668 New York Life Bldg. Phones Red 1SW. lnd. A-1721. ' ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house, full of roomers. Douglas 4SR0. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1&05 Farnam St. Douglas 64'J7. DANCING MORAND'S Dancing School. lEth and Harney. lessons Mnu. and Frl.. 8 p. m. 'Phone Doug. 2i64. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. BIT KARBACH BLK. Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc., tended. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319: lnd. A-1319. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work; prices reasonable. Miss Elisa beth O'Connor, .2012 N. 18th. Websler 1410. PARIS dresmaktng parlors, 326 Neville blk. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. -TYLER. 1414, 616 S. 22d. Mrs. Lowman, chll(lren'sdre.smak'g. R. 022. Dressmaking In family by day. Web. 3718 MRS. CLURE, 607 8. ?9th; lnd., A-2498. MISS STURDY. 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 2715 Dewey. MILLINERY and dressmaking. Ind. A2732. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACH, Sd floor. Paxton. D. 1035. EDUCATIONAL ' 1910 FALL TERM BOYLE3 COLLEGE now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Ctvll Servloe Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. ThS Year Book Is ready. Applv for It. H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Mosher-Lampman co'ldegk? Unexcelled courses In Business Short hand, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interest n catalogue published In Omaha. Send for one todav. MOSHER & IAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha, Neb. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept., F. Store entrance. A. DONAHUE, 16u7 Far. D. 1001; A. 100L HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouse In west: beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in U. S. BRANDEIS' cut flower dept. new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bldg. L. Henderson. 1619 Faraarn. Douglas 1218. J. H. BATH. 2 Harney. Douglas . FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12n6-um I ioukIhs St. Both 'phoni-a HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER to act as private sec retary $.6. CLERK, confectionary store, $26 STENOGRAPHER, Insurance, $45. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., iinn riour illy ,ai i nank Hidg. Faefory and Trades. WANTED A good masaeuse, must bs scientific. 31 Bee Bldg. Apply p. in. Learn, hail di4lu at Oppenuelm Parlors. HELP WANTED FEMALE i-( Factory and Tradri Continued. WANTKD- Experienced machine opera tor on overall and Jacket". Steady em ployment at aood pay. Will nay railroad fate to permanent employes. Apply Hicks-Fuller-Pteison Co., 1007 Fourth atreet, Sioux City. la. Houeebeepera and IJoroeatlca. WANTKD-Colored lady for housework, permanent position. Apply J. H. Hoicombe, Maxwell, Neb. WANTED Good cook and laundresa; must be neat and clean; no ether need apply. 421 N. 40th St.; phone Harney UPS. GOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street. Phone Webster 621. 1W4 WANTED A good, competent girl for general housework; family of three. Phone Harney 4ua. 2314 S. S.d WANTED Competent and experienced girl for general housework; family of four; no washing; good wages; permanent place for right pnrty. Call forenoons. U0 South 3Sd St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. 828 S. 2&th and Georgia Ave. WANTED An hotmework. 2702 South 876. experienced girl for D St., South Omaha. WANTED Experienced girl for general house work. 'Phone Harney 990. Uio4 Harney. SEWING and general work. Apply man ager General hospital. WANTED A cook. Phone Benson 178. Mrs. A. L. Reed. EXPERIENCED second girl, good wages. Mrs. D. O. Clark, 422 N. fist St. WANTKP A girl for general house work, small family, good wages. 606 Park Ave. WANTED A strong woman to assist with kitchen work. 620 S. lilth St. WANTF.lJWftshwomaa for Mondays. 2S10 F St., South Omaha. ' WANTED Girl for housework, must be cook; no laundry. Webster' Sa. 2010 Bln- ney 8t- WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; no laundry, good home, small family. References required. 2512 S. 10th St. Douglas 66S3. WANTED Two girls for housework; references. 224 N. 18th St. Douglas 62. WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry or cooking. 417 N. 23th St. WANTED An elderly lady keeper. 2123 Svward St. aa house- WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. 1210 F. St., South Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework, small fandly. 11 S. SSt.h-St. WANTED An experienced laundress. References. 4012 Farnam St. Harney 1336. WANTED A girl over 1 years to attend school and work for, board and room, small family. 1840 S. 3"ith Ave. blarney 847. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 3027 Chicago. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, email family. 1334 S. 30th Ave. Harney 6732. WANTED-Girl to care for children and help with housework. 1600 Park Ave. Har ney 2o.V. WANTED Girl for housework; good wages. 601 S. 22d St. WANTED An experienced cook, no laun dry work. 1038 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for housework, no laun dry. 4167 Davenport St. .Harney 1459. WANTED A girl to help with housework. 2D8Q Manderson St. WANTED Competent girl for housework; good cook, small family. . 4933 Davenport St. Harney 3961. WANTED A middle-aged woman for housework, good home. 3306 Ltneuln boule vard. Harney 914. ' WANTED A girl to assist with house work, can go home nights. 208 Bristol St. " WANTED A competent cook, no laundry; $30 per month. 2118 S. S2d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, small futnlly; good wages. 422 N. 31st St. WANTED A girl to care for child and do upstairs work. 126 N. 82d Ava. WANT E D A girt for general housework, 3620 Burt St. Harney 584. WANTED A girl for second work, small family. 629 8. 29th St. WANTED A competent girl for general houaework. 2202 F. St., South Omaha. ' COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2216 Sherman Ava. WANTED A good cook. Mrs. C. W, Hamilton, 1112 Park Ave. Harney 289L WANTED Girl for renaral housework, Mrs. F. D. Wead. 5o3 So. 40lh St. Phone Harney 171. WANTED Maid for general housework; small family; good wages. Apply Mrs. John Bubb, Tel. Douglas 7of. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. D. Sturtevant, 112 8. !Wth St. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 8J15 Burt St. Tel. Harney lOLti. SHORT term course tn cooking; four les oiis for 11.60, in soups. Wednesdays, 8 p. l., beginning November 9. Y. W. C. A. son in GOOD girl for general house work; small family. No washing. 2414 C St., South Omaha. 'Phone South a4. LADIES wanted to take home work, steady, reliable, 816 Bran finis Theater Bldg.; also branch. Council Bluffs, Wtckham Blk., room 23. Triebers. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no children, must know how to cook, good wages. Apply 436 Paxton Blk. WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three. 210 S. Mth St Harney 700 i-JTRT tnr 1 Uiuivork' I htvt a GIRL tor general bouaawora, i nave a laundresa for 1 day. Harney 8o31. MUcrlsiton. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omshs as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chr.stlan Association building at St. Mary's Ave. snd 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otlieiwlse ass sled Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Baleaaaea and Sollrltors- WANTED A salesman to take charge of cloth. ng department, ami also must lie able to sell ladies' reudv-niade weer; one who .nlv aoulv: ti. ....I H-cker A Co.. Albion, lse- HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen Continued. WANTED An experienced fire Insurance solicitor: salary and commission. Address ; L 8:7. Bee. ! WANTED Man. SI lo 30 vears of ne tu make good on a specialty proposition In low. i ten itoi y. i is an exceptional money making opportunity fur tne ngiit man. State ace and p;ist eperteiu;e. Ad dress C-3 live. AGENTS The smallest Bible In the j II world, whirlwind seller; eamplo 10 cents; U doxen. 76 certs; gross, J7.&0. Swift Supply I M Co.. 227 E. 82d St.. Chicago, 111. l WANTED Good, wide awake Jewelry ! salesman to enter big rales force of a re- I M liable merchant store. Bin opimitunlty for 1 It good, hard working man. Address S-312, Bee. " ft SOLICITORS Two wel! dressed, tu at ap- : ft rearing salesmen for the circulation dc- i II partment or t oilier a weekly. iscw premiums, good territory, city anil road positions. See Mr. King. 226 I'axton BKIk. DRESS LINENS AND WASH FABRIC? Prominent firm, with headquarters in New York, handling large line of linens for dress purposes, and .specialties in wash fabrics, desires representation by high class salesmen for North and South Dakotn, Nebraska and Kansas. Address Y-748, care Bee. Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys West ern Union Telegraph Co., 212 S. 13th St. Clerical aad Office. IF YOlT don't like to look for a position, or haven't the time, let us do It for you. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (Inc.). uniana K-sta.ni.snea 3 years ivansas cuy. 762-75;i-7M-76o N. Y. Life Bldg. I I- AN YON E who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Help Supply Co., Room 15, over as a. 16th BU WANTED Bookkeeper for retail store, young man preferred. Give rererence ana full particulars In application. Address B-3ti2 Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. GORDON Tress feeders wanted at Kaber's Bee Bldg., boys or girls. FIRST class coat makef at once. Stevens ft Co.. tailors, 316 S. 16th St.; Elks' Bldg. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY MAD CLERKS wanted. Averace salary, $1.1 00. Examinations la Omaha November 12. Common education sufficient. Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 166 Y. Rochester. N. Y. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs, repair men earn t-i to $60 a week; for thorough, com plete, practical course call National Auto Training Assn., 028 Brandeis Theater. 600 men. 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for steam railway firemen and biake men and electric railway motormen and conductors: $W to 1100 a month; no experi ence necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank, stating age, position deslied and enclosing stamp. Address Y 737. care of Omaha Bee. 4 YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; email security required; give address and phone. Address A-18S, Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, practice furnished by free work; careful Instructions by experts; few weeks com pletes; tools given, board secured; expe rience In shops before completing. Cata logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St. SALESPEOPLE WANTED Inquire at Picture dept.. 3d floor. Hayden Bros. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Twenty clgarmakera on cleaf Havana nork; steady work and union prices. Western Cigar Factory, 1108 Far nam St., second floor. WANTED At once chicken pickers good wages. Roundy ft MeMurray Co., Wood bine, la. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horsea and Wagoas, MUST SELL HARNESS 11,600 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from regular price; $1,000 worth of single harness to close out at one-half renulur price. Harneas shipped subject to inspection. If not satis fied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON-DA N FORTH CO., 8. W. corner 10th and Jones Sts. HORSE FOR SALE Fine family driving horse, harness and buggy for $160. Charles Isard, 1511 Davenport St. Tel. Doug. 642. LOST AND FOUND STOLEN Bay horse. 1.000 or 1.100 pounds; a little piece out of the right eyelid; wire cut on the left front knee. Frank Spinard, R. F. D. No. 3, South Omaha. Reward. LOST Boston terrier: female: brtndle. white markings; antwers to name of Kink; i reward. Mr. Ttckett, Harney 0b; 63W So 27th St. A LIBERAL reward to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call Douglas 2o59. BOSTON bull terrier pup, whits face and breast; has collar. Anyone seeing this dog call Doug. 20W8. Reward. I ftST A I, , i ,i i-V. r t Iravi Kont foil. wali, ' ago. Call Douglaa 6547. BROWN brlndle Boston terrier; bobbed tall, half grown. F. D. Wead, 6o2 S. 40. SORREL horse, Jamea A. Aull. Twenty seventh and County line. ONE ladles' watch, solid gold case. U jeweled; Elgin. 6 size: little fob attached, reward offered. A. Mark, 875 Brandeis Bldg., Douglas 2'.K. IX) ST Between 22d and Cass and Hran dela theater, ladles gold watch and chain; I run name ana ul oil limtio . mril I i,,iu,i,.: finder return to ,! N. M land receite reward. Doug. 4fc.".4. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF FILE CONES Best rm edv for Hclilng. bleeding or protruding PILES; fcoc poktpaid: bamplts free, r'hei man 4t M (.-Council Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Med cal college, I4r h and Daven port tits.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college prufi-KDor. 'Phone Douglas lib, Calls answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man Gray's Nerve Food Pills, tl a box. puMpaid Sner man & McCoiinell Drug Co.. o-uane.. Bigger, Better. Busier That is v. hat ad- ! vert Isl ng In The Bee UI do fur our buslnsaa, MONEY TO LOAN I.Uti AMI t M A I "I I'.l.. J ' Jj " ii'i.:." ..; ,ww.-'ifi''' i-;.;i: Mll'', T TliK PUBLIC HELP Uo.v.N ".Ml-: LOAN IKi'ST DO YOU KNOW that there Is a irut tu maintain lilxh rates among the loan coinpanlea of tin city? DO YOU KNOW that ve aie a .K CONCERN, or ro.ilzfil to FIGHT THE TRUST and to IIFI.P THE WORK I SUM A N when fjiancially embarrassed Ws loan tu any wurtnv wurklnt,'man ownlnn HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. E'lC ur HOLDING A SAlA RIF.D POSITION, any sum from I0 to 1600 at tlio rate of 10 per year .ll.'ST 1II1NK YOU TAY I 1 '10 Interest for 10 for a year I f 60 Interest for 26 for a yesr I h 00 Interest for M for a year. llO.tiO Interest for tl"0 for a year All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION I t$ ! II ! $j i H l U !1 1$ II (I , H ' tl ' 1 1 I tl i H ft tl II f! V IJ fl M U tl II It II II We can loan foi tl.es low ra'e because we have. Interested MEN OF LARGE MEANS. n Hie catisfied with a REASONABLE RETURN on their investment IWabonuMe ap praisement charge. CALL AMI BE CONVINCED EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPF.. LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., ROOM 204 WITH NELL BLDO !! i Phone Doug 5H4."i 16th and Harney. !tsn;tsJJtiJ$t$t.?tlS!tJH.v.f$j, , i Could You use $00 to a Good Advantage f Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you but row money you want the lowest i tate. and we aive It. We will loan you 'from l:. Oil to IPIO.OO On furniture. rin,w. hi- teams, without removal; uniall and easy payments. $l.2il Is the weekly payment on a !'.) loan for ,o weeks, other amounts in the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all leans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Blk., I.M14 Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 24;6-A-2465. CHEAP LOANS. en Furniture. Pianos or Salary. AT 6 PER CENT A YEAH? Can You Beat These Rates? f 10 for 3 months 15o I 26 for 8 months 76c t 60 for li months $160 t 75 for 6 months $2.26 f li)0 for 6 months $3.00 Small charge for appraising. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Room 310 Brown Blk.. 207 S. 10th St. opposite Brandeis. DiUg. 2036. A-2036, 4 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1366. Ind. A-1356. 230 Bee Bldg. MONEYS. TO LOAN. Come In d let us explain low rates to vou. Reliable Credit Co.. 308 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglass 1411. A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W H PLATAIX. ,KU Dodga. C19S U3H I.L MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE! WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments, offices in 66 principal cities. Tolman. room 503 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. 4 MONEY to loan to salaried people and on household goods by private party. Ad dress Lock Box 2C9. Omaha. WILL loan money, $10 and up; plain note, no delay. Tel. Doug. 3360, Ind. A-8J77. 329 Board of Trade Bldg. ' CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 659 New York Life Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMHA VAN ft 8TORAOE CO. cleans carpets on your lloor. Electric vacuum system. S09 8: 17th. Tel. D. 1569. EXP. Delivery Co., offices lth and Dav enport Sts. Warehouse 2307-09 Izard St. C. M. COLE, Express and Storage Co., fine storage for automobiles. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. A 3'.7. Doug. 670. MUSIC. ART AND LANGUAGES Francis Potter, teacher mandolin, banjo, guitar. Studio Barker Blk. Tel. Doug, 3fca3. TEACHER of piano wishes beginner stu dents. 218 No. 22d. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 3o6-S Brandeis Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandeis Theater. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Itoonis. NICE single room with board: also large front room for two; walking distance. l'.dS Cass St. Tel. Douxlas 1476. SOUTH-FRONT room, newly papered; large closet; Modern house; furnace heat; bath and 'phone. Man and wife wanted to take room and board: terms reasonable; private family of four, no children; pleas ant home for the winter; good neighbor hood, Kountxa Place, on North 24th St car Hne; 3-nnntite service downtown. Sy North 24th St. Bell 'phone Webster 99i. MODERN room with board; near car line, for two gentlemen. 1724 Spring St. FOR KENT NIC, cozy room. well healed, board. U"7 S. 2yth St. FOR board. RENT Nlcelv furnished lsi4 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nice room for two gentle men, private family. 316 N. 2td St. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen; week or uny boaid. M3 Pierce St. R 4H31. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms pood locat.on, home cooking. f,40 S 24tb St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, good board 2il0 Harney. Harney 247. FOR RENT Large room, auitable for two; private family. 114 S. 19th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms for four gentlemen, steam heated, wnh or without board. 1716 Nicholas, 2d floor FOR RENT Neatly furnished room and alcove, private family; f. ne board. S. 2th SI- GOOD table board. 108 N. 20th. FIRST CLASS home cooking meals, ISo 111 S. 17th St. FOR RENT Bright, nice room for two, home cooking. 2222 Howard St. FOR RENT Furnished room and board; private family. IU4 'lay lor bi. OFFERED FOR RENT II in I'd I ii a mi i ; minis Cotiilnneri. F(i: R i :NT - N for two ladlcc. I 1H iA RI and e rr I hm:, moii i I " room In modern home a ri; Wc'os'.it ;J73 M'111-.inK s. ."Hi. 1. stance, FOR KENT and up. io s " TWO 1arrn No e ) . . r i nun with board. $4.2i fionl rooms with Howard. board; i struts.' modern 21.". It ' ;j Roo.M and board for one or two gentle II i men In strictly private family; new home; II I no children or other boarders, no siyn on II hio.se; references exchanged. Phone Web u i ster 2440. ROOMS in strlctlv if desired. VIJi Jone modern home; board EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished warm Soiitii rooms to two coiipic. n"inc cookuiK. plcntv f liot water. Ilamicuu I'aik di--I'l'i. .Mis. FVbiIv, l.;is h. l.-;.' I'lione 11. 1318. TWO finely funilshiil iooiiim with boarl in prixate In, me; stnct:y inotl"rn; con . fn I n 1 1 located. Mr, rxiiK Van Brunt.. K,4 So. J.'tli M. Tclcpuonc Hntncy 2t"'' HEFINKD GENTLEMAN can find pi. a room nitu ip'snable maid at l N. 21st SL New. strictly modern fiat. Reasonable. I nrnlslieil llnouia, j FOR RENT Nicely furinslifMl front room. , 217 S. 2fdli St. Crry convcnP tit to business. I YoUNG man to share comfortable room. I Harney 2673. NEWLY reasonable furnished rooms, steam heated, prices. 623 N. 16th. COMFORTABLE housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 71o S. loin St. STRICTLY MODERN rooms; hot water heat. Tel. Doug. 0001. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. All modern. 2'i24 Cass St. FURNISHED room near depot, block from street car. 809 Pacific. LARGE front room, suitable for two; walking distance; also other rooms. 403 is. 25th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms; good light and heat, lo a week. 61.S S. ltitli. 3d floor. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also room and board; one-half block from street car line. 1012 Pacific St. Douglat 7033. MODERN furnished rooms for light, housekeeping. 611 So. 26tii Ave. r- NICELY furnished room in private fam ily. 1317 William St. Call Red 47L9. r- NICELY furnished rooms. 633 S. 22d St. I GOOD furnished room In modern house; reasonable. 7X S. 18th St. MODERN, steam heated rooms, 220 N. 28d St. NICELY furnished room In new, modern home, private family; for gentleman. 131 N. 31st Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking distance; con venient to three car lines. 101 S. 26th, NICELY furnished room, with furnace heat and telephone, to one or two gentle men, reasonable. 422 N. 19th. WARM rooms, single or double, close In; business people preferred. 608 S. 2d. LARGE ROOM, suitable for two young men, 624 North loth street. FURNISHED Casa. room, all modern, 2211 TWO elegantly furnished rooms, suitable for two or three gentlemen (business men preferred): modern, steam-heated home; close In. Phone Tyler 1309. t- LARGE furnished, steam-heated, modem rooms. Delone Hotel, tlO N. 17th. THREE elegant rooms, strictly modern, easy walking distance. 216 No. 21d BU DEWEY European Hotel. 13th ft Far- nam. CHOICB front room, suitable for two; arm; strictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone: walking distance; also convenient to good car line; reasonable. 810 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen, south room steam heated. 2" Farnam St. TWO warm rooms; $10.00 and $9.00; nicely furnished; modern house; private family; breakfast If desired; walking distance. 2004 Douglas. Phone Harney 1567. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished; lunoh served If desired. 1606 Leavenworth. NICELY furnished front rooms; mod ern; close In. 2665 St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. St.: walking distance. (09 8. 20th LARGE room suitable for two; private; bath, ateani heaL 20v8 Harney 8L EXCELLENT furnished. In private family ; clase In. modern ' room Tel. Doug. 687'i. $18 Large, well furnished, southeast parlor wltli bay w indow, w ith or without piano; no objection to Practice; furnace heat, gas. nice bath, plenty hot water; botli phones; walKlng distance; Leaven worth cur one uiooK. 266.t St. Mary's. WARM too.-.. a. aniKla or double, close Ibi business people preferred. 6u3 S. 22d. STRICTLY modern, walking distance; private family. 2320 Dewey Ave. NICELY furnished front room, with bath and beat, suitable for one or two young ladles; brcakiast and supper If deslreil 3315 Myrtle Ave. THE BACHEIX1RS, 20TH AND FARNAM FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms for llKht housekeeping. 22ti0 I-avn worth St. MODERN furnished room, new flat. 82s 8. 24th. Douglas 6. Ml. DEWEY Euiopean Hotel. 18th A Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping or sleeping. 2013 Cass. NICELY furnished rooms In private home, near 'llarny and 241 h sts." car; phone; close in; young men pieferred. Mi . Capitol Ave. Sblrta. 6c: collara. 2r: cuffs. 4c f Ain.-tr Hotel and Iaundry. lath and Howard ONE large, two medium, first-class mod ern rooms, reasonable: breakfast if i sired; no siau on huuae; conveniently lo cated. 122 .. 2r;th ht. Reddish. SOUTHWEST room, strictly modern7 private family. 1.:j20 S. 10th St. TWO basement rooms, all modern, partly furniahed. reasonable price. Red 6i;71. NICE room for gentlemen. 124 S. 2bfh Si. EXCELLENT furnished modern room Tn private family; close in. Tel. Doug. 674 N CICELY furnished front room, hot watr d bath. 2221 Webster. and i-Kooai iiunisnea nouse; all modern: fine location; easy lerms to middle aged couple F. D. Wead, lsoi Farnam bt. ' UKDK front room for ern; private. Mi) N. isth gentleman; St. mod- FURNISHED houaekeei'lng room fur lii ladle euivlojed -fxa Ml ku,'i Ave. T i