Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1910, Image 7

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Have Root Prist It.
Virus a Co. J'i inters.
P. J. Cieedon at Bon Coal.
Bhls Tour Hides to timllu, Omaha.
On fixtures Burg-eee-aranden Co.
Bast Dry Cleaning- of garments. Twin
'ity Works, 407 Houth Fifteenth. 1
Beet Dentistry west of New Vork Pr.
l b ke. "M City National Hank l!Mg. I
Knli Douglas County rriends i;l--i-t P.
1. We a. I senator. 1! It Hh-.Ii-b- r--n. - .l
Pollen Iwnrn ki,-'Ih1 li.illr.-
,jm n ri d ill into t ,,. -i
mi ruuiic uii'i wrrfl v'iii in I I t ;i -i l in i j j
rl) xf-rvloe.
Kone Ownership i the (miuo uf every
family. ttrt a Having ai count at Neb.
leavings Si l.oan As'n iii1 lay Ilia founda
tion for tha future home. 16(iS Fat-nam.
Mucn' Discjust
Four Capitalists of Nebraska
Against Sentence.
With Lobcck
Turn Firemen
at Dairy Blaze
Beats County Out of Large Sum by
Smooth Work.
Men I barged iillh I. a nil KranJa la
'If Mml Smr Mulricfi In
llnnalaa Connty Jail and
Par Fines.
Claim He it Wet or Dry and For or!USES
Against Anything, as Oc
casion Demands.
William 1. ointoi k.
,'in.l A.-.inlln 'l"i it'l'-t t.
Ilartirtt Hii-hanls
i-'" Jameson
tln first tao being rated as millionaires,
must Ffne time In the loitslus county
Jall-nt hast, the rutted State? rouit of
apneals ha o ilei-reed In a mandate lileli
r-'arhed the Imiuha federal authorities Mou
Mat leu. an day morning.
Evangelist lalaa 1.
-v uugellrtt v.ill neiirli every i v I'lillif; this, Rhhards, I'omstoik and the others, ai
vi. ck, except Hatui-lay In I lie New ( !oMiet i ' , g''nei ally known, stand charged with
i-nll at 1!!) Ctuiilim t-treet. The public ii ! conspiracy in conniption with gigantic land
Invited. No eiillectlons will be taken Meals In w-Me.n Nebraska. The cases
were tiled In the federal court, this city.
Bara Bod a la In Town Sain Soda of
Tampa, f-'la., I el the llenshaw. Mr. 3oiu
in fiofVMi:ent In explaining the merlin
of a certain brand of cigars which come
out of Tampa for consumption In tha
northwest through which territory he
Baleen Qoaa e Colorado J. U. Baisrh,
u veteran attachi of the navy, and who
ban for Hume time been on duty In the
local recruiting atatlon, ha oen assigned
to duty aa stowarl In the Naval hospital
at l.a-si Animas, Colo. Me will leave for
bis new post within a few daya.
Wilson Talks to Land Man A. meeting
of the l'nl led Mate land and imitation
exposition U to be held In Chicago In No
vember, and James Wilson, secretary of
.tgrtcullura will address tho meeting. The
meeting will be hold at the Blackatone
hotel, and man from all over tha country,
chiefly prominent railroad men ate being
Invited to attend.
Preeoyterlan Clergymen Meet Presby
terian cletgyman of omajia met Monday at
tho 1'irnt I'reeb) terlHn church for their
icgular weekly meeting. A paper win read
by Hev. F. I. Ramsay, pastor of the Third
cliurch upon four verses of the epistle to
the llebrewa, chapter IX, the verses bolng
.' to 14, lncluaive. The paper was an ex
egetlraJ affair devoted to a atudy of the
Jielleniutlo Uieek which tlie apoatle etu
' ployed.
Haddlewoik Ouild Holds Meeting
Omaha branch of the Needlework Guild nf
America will hold Its annual distribution
of garments Wednesday and Thursday at
All Halnts oburoh. livery one la aked to
contribute the KarmentH, which the
Ktiild will distribute among tha various In
ntltutlonH. The parish house will be open
to receive all contributions all day, and
Thursday tha apportionment will be made. ,
Mrs. lCdward Itoscwaler in president of the )
i ; ui id.
away back in l!i, and conviction resulted.
Then came an appeal to the 1'nlted States
court of appeal. The mandate from that
tribunal affirms the indument nf the lower
court. Meanwhile the defendants are ai
liberty on bond, and are etiKsged In stock
raising and ranehlnK in western Nebraska.
Hy the terms of the mandate they stand
obligated to surrender themselves to the
1'nlted Plates marshal in Omaha within
the next thirty days.
Ready to Pay Fine.
It is said that Itlchards and i'omstock
have repeatedly declared they didn't object
to the fine In fact, they would gladly pay
a ten times as big, if they could only
l excape the Jail sentence. Now, however.
since the court of appeals has ruled against
the defendants, a term In Jail seems to be
Inevitable. According to the sentence of
the court. Klchards and Hartlett must
each pay a fine of Sl.uoO, and serve one
year In the Douglas county Jail. Jameson
and Triplett are each fined S.V with an
eight-months Jail sentence. '
It is expected that the defendants will
voluntarily surrender to Marshal Warner.
They are not the type of men, tho marshal
says, to become fugitives, so there is no
apprehension regarding their appearance
to pay the penalty that has been entered
aftalnkt them.
The raie of Comwtock. Richards. Ft nl,
was the most noted trial of Its kind In
the history of the federal court In Omaha.
Owing tu charges which resulted In the
I removal of federal office holders connected
with the cate, it took on importance that
was national in Its scope.
Much disgust iM expressed at the cam
paign methods of C. o. lj.l'e' k. democratic
candidate for congress, and be has lost
more votes thereby, if the talk heard
around the streets is any Indication.
As one of the leading citizens expressed
It, 'T have known Lobeck well for years.
It sounds nueer to me to bear him tulk
of standing for "cheaper bread, butter and
beef.' Jf he would pay some of the many
bills of long standing he owes around town
for groceries, fineral expenses and one
thing and another, many of our citizens
mould be better able to buy bread, butter
and beef.
"In all the years I have known lbeck 1
have nut been able to find out where he
stands on any question. He has no political
convictions and his only platform Is He s
sll rlKht.' and truly expresses where he
stands He's everything to everybody
during a campaign. In the campaign he is
wet and dry. prohibition and antl-prohlbl-tion.
for Dahlman and against Dahlman.
of Swedish descent or German descent, all
according to the person whose vote he
Is soliciting."
line toiupB owned by
arlf fnr P "" l",a 1nr
lairs Worked Many
COMPANY j seven Sheds, Machinery and Cow of
Jens P. Johnson's Dairy Are
1'rnnU l''.lllnaon Admits lie I sed Ten.
Ilollnr Hill "f "Wildcat"
Frank i;ilin;lon who is also known by
the alias of "UlB lAr.." was arrested Mon
day on the charge of passing a counter
felt $10 bill, Vera Chiistoi'hcrsen. Xi North
Twenty-third street accepted the bogus
currency and gave silver change for It.
Klllimlun will be arraigned before United
mates Commissioner Anderson Friday
niorniiiK- Meanwhile he Is in Jail. Captain
'llacn. vttcrun officer of the marshal's
force, made, the arrest. The money Filing
ton ih alleged 10 have paused was of the
1ST,?' Ph'tfnniiii' VfH.) Issue-wildcat money',
it is commonly called und it was banished
from legitimate circulation forty years or
so ano. There Is a vast array of this kind
of money circulating In and around Omaha,
the bills huvinK been '"doctored" to give
them the Kcneral appearance of a genuine
bill liiully crumpled and worn from long
use. Kllingtun hiivh he knew the money
win spurious.
iey in the Situation Hev Want Ads.
St. Louis Miss
Misses a Hubb
From St. Louis to Omaha in Vain is
Adventure of Miss Tina Meyers,
Who Misses Out.
City National
Moves Money
Funds Safe in the New Bank Books
Moved Saturday Reception
The City National bank has smuggled Its
currency and securities to Its new home,
having conducted the affair as unosten
tatiously as a "simple home wedding."
No invitations, to watch the money go over
were passed out and not even all the bank
employes knew that, save for a few thous
and dollars, all Die money had been slipped
Into the new- vaults. iSeveial hundred
thousand dollars in currency and cnnslder
ahlo more valuables In form of stocks and
bonds were ut Into an express company's
wagon and driven south on Sixteenth street.
No pedestrian guessed what was astir.
The bank will move Into Its new quarters
Saturday between the hours of Vi and 2
p. m. Moving will he a comparatively
simple affair. None of the old furniture
goes over and only books and papers will
have to be transferred. Stationery and sup
plies are waiting in the new building and
the two-hour allowance will probably be
ample. Following removal a reception to
the public will be held In the beautiful new
homo uf the bank In the City National
Bank building.
How Many Women
Destroy Their Hair?
Miss Tina Meyers bus gone back to ."t
Loiils still a sad, but single woman. Sue
came to Omaha tu find a man and a home.
She found neither. Omaha was barjen of
husbands and ail of Its homes were full
so she asked the Associated Charities for
transportation and went back to Missouri.
Miss Meiers met a friend in St. I-ouis
named Ada Martin, who persuaded her
that nothing In the world was so near
paradise as married life. Since Ada was
not married herself, the evidence might
have been iiuestloned by a sophisticated
person, but Tins' was trusting. Ada of
fered not only advice, but help. Some
where In the cornfields uf Nebraska she
had - a "nen tie man friend"- named Leo
Slew sky. She wanted to see Iieo hooked
up In some likely tandem harnees too, so
she promised to bring him to Omaha and
give Mm to Tina.
Tina came to Omaha and for one long
agonized morning strolled up and down
the 1'itlon station platform. She will never
know whether Ada married Leo herself
before they came to Omaha, or whether
be was lallblul until he got here and then
dared to reconnolter before be made bis
advances, but she does know that her
friends were full bless and she Is a dis
appointed would-be bride. Having been
shown she wi nt back to St. l.ouls.
n ait Clad Man
Eludes Sleuths
i From the London Saturday ltevlevv)
One of the best known hairdressers In
London much patronlsel by royalty
has the following to say: "Fieuuent
washing uf vhe luad with soap and water
or prepared shampoo muses hair brittle
and caiif'es It to lose lis. color and split
st Hie eiols
"Any person desiring abundant, Ins- j .
trou.- hull' should ue a dry shampoo!
fieunently. Mix I ounces uf orris root! Hemmed in by i-eiccliv e. King and Mi
with I ounces of therov. Sprinkle .Honey. Hoy Green, an escaped prisoner
...i ... .ii- ...... i.. from Council Bluffs Jumped from a aeeond-
IHOiepooili in oi mm iuiaiiiic ciiij -
upon the head: then brush the powder
YVacjon Overturns
a Touring Car
Farmer Jensen Upsets All Traditions
When Vehicle Runs Down
Helpless Auto.
Traditions were overturned when a farmer
named Jensen driving a wagon on the
I'oni a road, run over and ruined the huge
touring car of Jules Althaus Sunday night.
Jensen passed clear over tho touring car
with his destroying wagon and later turned
back to help Ids victim and the car. The
farmer drove to Florence towing the crip
pled machine behind.
Althaus. who Is a denier in horses, was
out for his first trial ride with Ids new ma
chine when calamity In the form of Jen
sen bore down on him suddenly. The
helpless autoist was moving along slowly
and endeavored to turn aside for the farm
wagon. With apparent contempt the wreck
less farmer plunged head-on into the ma
Saving of several thousand dullars
was effected by tS. M Hitchcock, demo
cratic candidate for 1'nlted Mates senator,
with bis Hitchcock I.t and Investment com
pany, anil the Keserve Realty company,
also controlled by nim, by clever opeia
tlons In connection with the scavenger tax
sales In 1K04 and li-OB. acco'rding to the rec
ords In the scavenger ta department In
the city hall.
The records show that while Hitchcoi 'i
and his lot and Investment company con
trived to save several thousand dollars,
the city and county lost money as a result
of the operations and the total sum lost
by the connty would almost equal the sum
gained by Hitchcock and the Hitchcock Lot
and Investment company.
The operations really were nuite simple.
The Hitchcock Lot and Investment com
pany dealt In lots In Hitchcock s Firet
addition to the city of Omaha, Failure of
the company to pay taxes on the properly
It held resulted In IU being offered for sale
by the county treasurer to pay the taxes
on It. The taxes were dellniiuent fur from
eight to ten years when lots were oriereu
for sale In 1W4 and 1W3. Then came the
Keserve Realty company, a "holding com
pany" for the HHchoock Lot and Invest
ment company, and secured tax deeds to
the lots by "bidding them in," that Is.
paying the taxes on them.
When property Is sold for taxes it Is sold
to the highest bidder, regardless of whether
or no his bid Is sufficient to pay tho ac
crued taxes.
Acted for Ilitrheork.
The records show that 1'. c. l'atterson
acting as trustee for the Reserve Realty
company, or O. M. Hitchcock, bid on the
Hitchcock company lots offered for sale
and In every case secured tho tax deeds
upon payment of a sum much less than
that of the accrued taxes. The deeds were
made to the Reserve Realty company In
each case.
Mr. Patterson, a broker, when asked
about the matter Mommy, said that the
Reserve company was a holding company
for Hitchcock. He refused to say what ar
rangement be had with Hitchcock regard
ing his compensation for acting as trustee.
The deal, stripped of its legal garments,
simply amounted to Hitchcock's evading
payment of a part of his taxes by falling to
pay them and then taking on another per
sonality, but really retaining hie own
identity securing title to his property by
paying a small percentage of the taxes
originally due.
The records show that this plan of tax
dodging through purchase of lax titles by
a "holding company" was worked In 204
instances. The total of taxes due and
unpaid was SH.MI. The total of the sums
paid for the tax titles which ultimately
were given to the "holding company" $1,841.
The city and county lost the difference
It, 819. The Hitchcock lxit and Investment
company made this difference, less what
it paid D. C. Patterson for his services or
During a fire in which seven dairy build
ings were destrojed and a cow was burned
to death two foot ball teams ceased playing
and dismantled the bouse of Jens V. John
son at Fifty-third street and Military ave
nue yesterday afternoon. The fire resulted
In a complete destruction of the Johnson
dairy outbuildings which stood near the
house and threatened to destroy the resi
dence. It was estimated the loss would be
about f!.,"oo.
Starting from a spark In the w ater-lxiil-
ing room the blase got under headway at
about 3 .30 o'clock. U spread from that
building to the oiners in a few minutes
and was past control when three fire com
panlea under Chief Oeneen arrived on the
I'pon the discovery of the fire the Non
pareil and Ilanscom Park foot ball teams,
who were playing on the Uenson Eagle
gridiron, a short distance away, quit the
contest and ran to the blazing buildings.
The players and rooters then entered lustil)
Into the work of removing furniture from
the endangered residence of Mr. Johnson.
So zealous was the amateur salvage crew
that the members tore out one uf the front
windows In removing a piano.
The firemen stretched a hose from Krug
park, a distance of five blocks, and ex
tinguished the flames before they reached
the house. A barn, cowshed. Ice house,
milking room, tool shed, chicken house and
coal shed comprised the buildings burned.
An American Kins
is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
cold remedy. MK and fl. 00. For sale by
Beaton Drug To1.''
Mraw Ballots
Favor Sutton
Two Juries and Non-Political Club,
in Tests, Give Big Majority
to Judge.
Straw ballots are not always proof posi
tive of the way an election la going, but
when they show overwhelmingly for one
candidate and against another considerable
significance must be attached.
Three test votes of this sort show Judge
A. L. Sutton so far ahead of C. O. Lobeclt
that the democratic candidate will fuel
excessively doleful when he hears the word.
A Jury silting under Judge Redlck In the
district court went out to consider Its
verdict and after reaching this and while
waiting for the bailiff to unlock the door
amused Itself by taking a test vote on
Sutton and Loheck. The former received
eleven votes and Loheck one.
The same day a Jury In Judge Kennedy's
court, also acting on Its own Initiative,
look a straw vote. This stood twelve to
none In favor of Sutton.
A third straw vote was taken by a non-
polltlcal club of Jewish members In South
Omaha. Seventy voted and, sixty-nine were
for Sutton and one for Lobeclt.
Judge Sutton will address two meetings
in South Omaha this evening and thus
conclude his campaign. He has covered
the whole congressional district and feels
extremely confident of winning by a large
Marring Licenses.
The following marriage licenses
been Issued:
Name and Residence.
Naton Zavatsky, Chicago
Viva Cavad, Omaha.
Kverett T. DeVul. Omaha
Anna Jackson, Omaha
Oliver W. Kldrldge. Omaha ..,
Hazel C. Smith, Omaha
Morris S. Reflow, Denver
Yetia Reuben. Omaha
Herbert J. Talbot. Omaha
Augustine C. Carville, Omaha
I Escaped Prisoner Jumps from Second
I Story Window of Vacant House
and is Lost.
thoroughly through the hulr.
"Therox and unis toot keep the hair
light and fluffy, and beautifully lustrous
it heightens, but does not change, the
natural color of the hair. Therox Is the
only thing I know that will produce a
growth of hair." Adv
Mj gum mm' Wl wiwwiis S
V-' - a .-. i i
story window leaving nis trousers ukiiiiiu.
.n a vucant bouse at Fourteenth and Call
lornia streets Monday afternoon. Ureen
escaped from the city jail of Council bluffs
last Thursday.
He was reported as being In this city
Monday morning, and the two detectives
were sent out to get him. While they were
going through from the front and rear of
the building, the iiuiM-ry leaped from an
upper window. Apparently he had been
interrupted while sleeping. All trace ol
the unclad fugitive was lost at that point.
Pearl Cosnd, Sixteen Tears Old. Telia
of llelna Forced In Work and
(live I u r.ariilnits.
Charged with forcing his child wife lo
work and give all she earned to him, Jeff
Cozad of Council Hluffs was sentenced to
ninety days by Judge Crawford Monday
morning. Sergeant Madsen arrested the
man Sunday night following a report con
cerning the mistreatment of Pearl Cozad.
his l-year-old wife.
Mas that People Cannot He I. rais
in led Into llelna t.uod
t Itlseua.
BUY a Winter under
wear of comfort as
well as of warmth.
Ribbed -Heece Underwear
is lighter than tlio ordinary
heavy fleeced underwears, hut
equally svs warm. Ribbed for
strength and elasticity, l-'leece-lined
(or cumfurt and wanutl:.
And so woven l' tbe fleece
will nut wash out, knut or mat.
For Men, Women
and Children
Separate Garments and I'nioa Suits.
h i.i.Ai i h m one or ir.e
tstuous HodMfrd Under
weur. At yi.ur tleuler's.
Look fur tie Hodygsrd
Sim lil. If It your Saie-
Ifuard. Write tvt tivUy
Cozad brought her to Omaha several
months ago and sent her lo a disreputable
address to earn what money she could by
whatever means she could. Since then he
had been extorting from her -every cent
she made.
The girl was taken In charge by the
Juvenile court authorities and wan turned
over to her father, whose home is In
Council Hluffs.
a ' oi ii(i
UlU. n ins ivi - vvtj - .
ri Hook.
INQC0., UTICA, W. Y. r7
(,il ' ,, i.r. .:- H-I...L , j
Rlgnt Rev. Richard Scannell, bishop of
the diocese of Omaha, preached Sunday at
St Cecelia's church with reference to pro
hibition and political reform. Hlshop Scan
ned argued ssalnat those who think that
! pie ran be legislated lino being good,
saying :
"The legislation tiial penalises actions or
methods which are not' morally wrong In
themselves, eolely because they serve as
opportunities for wrung doing to the evil
disposed, cannot be regarded as an ef
ficient method of bettering the world. A
mere efficient means would he lo punish
the man wno abuses his opportunities and
commits oveit acta which are injurious lo .
I ll-.e public welfare.''
I In this Connection Hlshop Si-anuell dis- j
fussed the problem of good and evil and
I declared free will man's greatest blessing -
The prelate aigued that but for freedom'
lor the will man would s'.nk as low a the
Lrute iseatlui aid that though by exercise,
of f'ee mil nun sometimes sin. el tiie ;
1-eay preferred that this should be iu '
'miner ihan iliai iuen rtou.d e automata
'and Incapable of mural choice.
From this the clergyman drew the in- '
S feience that irgtslatlve restrictions .vine'
: attempt ; deprive people uf chance i f
doing along tend tu destroy tr lo resiri. l.
- the moral forces. "Reformers, some of
thrill," said i lie bishop, 'seek la make
. dishonest men iintient and Intemperate '
men temperate by making It Impossible for
tiietn to be eiihtr dishonest or iiilcin
peiai. They would accomplish toe end by i
. a foi in of coercion, that Is. hy removing '
I all occasion of uiuiig doing."
Three Travelers from Western Points
Report Wonderful llronth of
Thnl Country.
According to three traveler who arrived
in Omaha from various western points,
that country Is growing with a speed sec
ond only to the growth Omaha is having
at this time.
R. S. Ruble, assistant general passenger
anent of the I'nlon Pacific, returned from
a two weeks' trip there, reporting great
growth In San Francisco and Ios Angeles
and fine conditions In ail California. The
outlook Is for a bumper crop of manges
also, he declares, most of the trees having
to be propped up with poles, the fruit is
so heavy. He says there are &) tourists
out there now, and the winter season hardly
.V H. Jackson, general agent of the
Hi rllngton at Spokane, and S. R. Drury,
general agent at Denver, were also In
On aha Monday with reports of fine con
ditions In the west.
Mothers Should Realize What
Neglect of Skin Troubles
May Mean to Children.
A lifetime of disfigurement and suf
fering; often results from the neglect,
In infancy or childhood, of minor affec-
m police court the girl testified that i Hons of the akin and scalp. A mother
overlooks a little rash or attempts
some simple treatment and In a day
perhaps, the little one Is covered with
severe eczema or other distressing
eruption. Then the struggle for a cure
A multitude of remedies are tried,
doctor after doctor consulted and hos
pitals visited, but too often the suf
ferlng extends without substantial re
lief, from days to weeks, weeks to
months and months to years. Added to
this is the ever present fear that the
itching, burning and disfiguration will
become chronic, marring future wel
fare and making life roiferable.
In (he prevention of the simple skin
affections from which all this suffering
so often arises, and in establishing a
condition of skin health, mothers are
assured thai nothing is purer, sweeter
or more effective than Cuticura soap,
assisted by Cuticura ointment. And
greater still, if po.islble, is the success
of thepi simple household remedies in
the treatment of the severer skin
troubles themselves. With the first
warm bath with Cuticura soap and
gentle application of Gutleura oint
ment, the Itching and burning usually
cease, the child falis Into a refreshing
fcleep, Ihe mother rests for the first
time, possibly, in many weeks, peace
falls on the distracted household. Fre
quently a single cake of Cuticura soap
and box of Cuticura ointment are guf
j fllient.
For the mother la tho home to be
strong and well, able to devote her
time and iUeug-.h to the rearing of
rhiMrAn 4a An , f 11 f.
a ek .-i n ,. - v-l s. . .. t , -
v S "k' C' nW --f C' "" Bearing CI
JL - O I Tj ft I -Tj children injures the mother's health,
J W'V r.L Jl-v V" i If she has not prepared her system
iu iHitauiv tui iug iiupunaut evenc
Women who use Mother'g Friend are saved much of the discomfort and sulTerlng
so common with expectant mothers. It Is a penetrating oil that thoroughly lubri
cates erery muscle, nerye and tendon Involved at such times, and thus promotes
physical comfort. It aid nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per
fectly prepares the system for the
a f - - - - J . r v.
We'd Like to Show Our
518 Suits and Overcoats
to every Omaha man who r.alii tha
valua of food clothes
For you will then realize as have hun
dreds of other men in the past week that
the $20, $22.60 or $25 you might pay els
where w ill not give you one single point of
superiority to make up for the difference
in price. Karly this season we saw that
ihe $18 garment was the mopt popular
priced garment with the average man.
So we immediately bought large quanti
ties of high grade woolens and had them
made by our own New York tailors tail
ors who have made "Nebraska" garments
for nearly a quarter century, and attained
a degree of skill in the designing, the cut
ting and the smaller details of making
which is found only in the $2S to $:
garments of other stores.
We've a style, a shade, a pattern and a
perfect fitting size for you any day you're
ready for one of these
pW-v ."3TV -nJ ' ' ''vfii'J
Rigger, Better, Busier That Is what ad
vertising In The Uee will do for your
ir-rr ' 1 .i' vmrnvji
A Hotel ofrcfmecl el
egance, located ia
Newark's social centre
Easily accessible to
theatre and slrcrMncL
fir dl Pm with Rarh .'2-!2 ro5?9
OoubU Bees, wrrfa hmh J ifi r9
Wetherbee tfWood
Fifth FifyvfiYtli St.
new YORK, cry
I Guarantee To Cur all Rectal Pisceses
ThlB nmumient in peuli eut fan kl v rnt .1, e l vclli-ely
itMoiwI to lov-tui I ii, lir rure it quick, ! snd harmie-a
fur ! oft-tiniM !!
tfl !DL fnurr.ihr.tnii ralee a curs, ri n tlltn. t'oulri
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rcnasntHTLT lUStl) Wlinuui Ke.-tal lilf. and glrea HemaU from man. Ifyeuaroa
OPERATION. CHLOROFORM. ETHER nilrnrer and rrCt will, write r, e t"Ha . a tn e-tition u i inv book.
OR ANY GENERAL ANAESTHETiO "nuiisiitM. Or E. R. TARRY, Suite 274 fee Bld(.. Ornish, Neb.
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coming of baby. Mother 'a Friend
assures a ulck. and natural recovery
for every woman who uses it. It Is
for sale at drug stores. Write for
free hook for expectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
: il - I ?S
It requires no tracks to run on it doesn't have to atop at ercry eoraer It keeps yea in the freah air.
More Than a Mere Machine
There is a fascination about an automobile that
never wears off a sort of ever-thrilling mystery.
While the modern motor car is a machine, every
part of which is perfectly easy to understand, yet
every motorist will tell you his car is something
more than a machine a half-human thing.
We grow attached to the thing that serves us
well the horseman loves his horse, the engineer
loves his engine; the motorist loves his good car,
because it is always ready, willing, anxious to do
his bidding.
There is something about the purr of the motor
that suggests willingness, and there is something
about the chug, .chug, as it climbs a hill that sug
gests determination.
The automobile is a man's toy as well as his
servant a toy that is worth a man's time and at
tention. The driving of one calls forth the finest
faculties a man has. It requires concentration, fore
sight, judgment, courage, initiative and sometimes
endurance. The man who drives his own car can
not possibly put a price on the good it does him
in the development of these qualities.
The motor car "is the most wonderful mechanical
thing that man has yet perfected it is the joy of
all who own one, the envy of all who do not.
It is the man who does not own a car that does most alt
the talking about upkeep expense. After he ia an automo
bile owner you never hear another word he is getting
more than his money's worth in service, pleasure end health.
We want more people to buy motor cars. We would
like to sell you a Chalmers, of course, but if. after inves
tigation, you decide against us. we shall still say, "buy
a car it is a good investment."
What We Are Trying
To Do
The desire of the Chalmers
Motor Company is to supply
genuine motor cars to sell at
medium prices to build cars
which will give all the serv
ice anyone could ask and tell
them at prices within the reach
of every prospective buyer
It has been the aim to build
cars that could go as far in a
day and get back as surely and
safely as any other cars no
matter what they cost to build
cars that would be economical
and durable through a long
period of time.
These aims have been real
ized to liieir fullest extent in
the Chalmers "Forty" at
$2750. There is not a car on
the market at any price that
enjoys a better reputation in
the motoring world than tins
wonderful car.
Ve do not ask ycu to take
these statements on faith. All
we ask is the benefit of. an im
partial comparison with other
cars. Oil at our showrooms and
let us demonstrate to you all the
sterling qualities of the Chal
mers "Forty."
il. E. Froiirickscn Auto Co., Omaha, !!sb.
.'nuti ni-'rr telJen Patent
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